i' like to bring to order Township committee meeting Township of Hamilton Tuesday January 16 2024 please rise for the flag [Music] salute I pledge to flag of the United States of America to the repic for which stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all of this meeting has been provided puru to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the Bolton board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and the Star Ledger on January 6th and January 7th 2024 Mr cheek here Mr lws here Mr patali Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here we have a a moment of silence private reflection [Music] uh we have no guest presentations tonight additions deletions late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have two additions uh 7 a.2 business registration for crumble ma Ling for 4300 Black Horse Pike 7h is a resolution authorizing the applicant for 2024 New Jersey do local Freight Grant on gal Avenue deletions 3B discussion regarding regulation construction sites and the requirements to contain the spread of contaminants the environment 3C Green Acres group cannabis Plan update resolution of the township of Hamilton authorizing execution of escrow account Esco agreement with Green Acres group LTS conditional development pleasure committee move second second motion and second all uh any questions no questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings anybody sign up right we have no one signed up that's discussions formal action may be taken a is Township Sol solicitor appointments for the year of 2024 uh last meeting we tabled this to uh or put it off till this meeting to uh find a appropriate solicitor to fill that spot uh does anybody have a nomination I'd like to uh nominate the uh Warren Leonard what from we have a second sorry we have a motion a second or any question questions read can we do a roll call vote for that please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry congratulations I don't know which seat it is but you can have one of them welcome to the team welcome thank you thank you for having uh number two resolution resending the resolution 24001 appointing alternate conflict solicitor so just so everybody knows what's going on here Leonard Warren and Leonard was was voted in to be the conflict solicitor and we decided to move them up to solicitor so now we have to uh resend that resolution motion second second I can do that with a Voice vote Rita yes yes the attorney Voice vote Yes all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh we also have a resolution now that we have an empty spot at the alternate conflict solicitor um or there any nominations for alternate solicitor I like to nominate uh blany the group that we had I'll second we have a motion in second to uh bring in Bill blay as our conflict attorne um are there any questions hearing no questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed three yes one exstension motion carries uh public hearing adoption of ordinances ordinance 2063 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 258 of local Township code of Township of Hamilton penalties for illegal dumping so this is a um public hearing anybody in the public like to speak yes sir come on up good evening uh my name is Fred akres I'm from the gr Harbor River Council and I just want to thank Hamilton Township for taking up this ordinance uh I think it's a real breakthrough in uh deterring dumping to increase the fine and have a reward uh I I think it's just a huge it's going to be a huge benefit uh I I do have a question you don't have to answer that now but will this apply on private property so if I own a piece of property and some third party comes and dumps on my property can I make a complaint and have this I would think yes yeah Brett I'm not sure if this would apply on private property um but I I'd have to get back to it on the if it applies and if somebody could get a reward if they report somebody dumping on private prop I know the rules are different for us when um somebody dumps on our property versus private property so I'd have to get clarification on that yeah the re reason I brought that up is because I I went to the Pine commission meeting on Friday and and I'm pitching this ordinance the river Council wants all of the river Council towns to adopt a similar ordinance and I told the Pineland commission there's a new ordinance in town that's got a $10,000 fine for dumping which is I think is pretty pretty hot and that was a question they asked so I'm I'm searching for the answer to that but uh it doesn't matter I just wanted to come and thank you and appreciate uh Brett's work on this he picked it up right away and saw the the benefit of it and then you guys did too so thank you much thank you yeah we're all hoping that this has an impact I think the fact that there's a reward out there somebody sees somebody dumping you know nobody wants that so thank you again anybody else in the public like to speak motion to close second a motion in second to close the public portion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed chair will accept a motion for adoption of this ordinance motion second a motion is second to adopt ordinance 2063 2024 uh Rita can we do a roll call vote for this please yes Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Dr Withers yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and adopted okay we'll move on to introduction of ordinances ordinance 2064 2024 an ordinance authorizing the sale of lots 1123 in Block 308 as shown on the tax map of the township of Hamilton and granting the owner or owners of said Real Property contiguous to the same right to Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic and the state of New Jersey motion a second we have a motion and a second to introduce this ordinance uh do we any roll call for this Ken or can we just Voice vote these roll call pardon me voice okay all and um are there any questions or comments excuse me all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it B ordinance 2065 2024 an ordinance authorizing the sale of lots 19 through 29 in Block 312 is shown on the tax map of the township of Hamilton and granting the owner or owners of said Real Property continuous to the same right to Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic state of New Jersey second a motion and a second are there any questions comments hearing none all those favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes hav ordinance 2066 2024 an ordinance authorizing the sale of lots SE 7 through 25 in Block 313 as shown on the tax map of Township of Hamilton and granting to the owner or owners of said Real Property contiguous to the same right to the prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic state of New Jersey so move we have a motion we have a second a second we have a motion and a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes is having D ordinance 2067 2024 an Ord ordinance authorizing the sale of lots 27 through 34 in Block 313 as shown on the tax map of the township of Hamilton and granting the owner or owners of said Real Property contiguous to the same right to Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic state of New Jersey second we have a motion in second are there any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it move on to Awards of bids contracts and change orders a is a resolution awarding a contract for intensive level survey of historic resources phase three to Richard grub and Associates as recommended by the historic preservation Comm committee chair the amount is not to exceed $49,999 so second have a motion in a second are there any questions or comments hearing none Rita can we have a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry okay consent agenda we have a through 7h anybody want to pull anything out discuss separately or we good to forward with a motion forward a motion I'll second that we have a motion and second 4 7 a through H are there any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it number eight Personnel a resolution confirming the appointment of Gregory shamron as Emergency Management coordinator for the township of ham Hamilton for three-year term effective 1124 to 12312 so second we have a motion in a second are there any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh this is also a hold over from last uh meeting veterans advisory AO appointments we have three um opening member three-year term from 11124 to 12 3126 uh do anybody want to make a motion you can motion all three if you'd like at at one time so move all three all right so we have to say the names if you wouldn't mind or I can it's up to you Albert um Davin Port Peter esot and Jonathan King all right okay we have a motion a second we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed guys have it C historic preservation commission appointment alternate one 2-year term 1124 to 12 3125 um make a motion please I'd like to make a motion to select Carol I can't say Young young MH we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it D accept resignation of Darlene Tupper senior citizens citizens advisory commission so move second we have a motion a second are there any questions concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the I having e resolution appointing Robert Watkins to the of the firm M Watkins Associates LLC as flood plane administrator effective 1124 to 12312 second a motion and second any questions or concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it approval minutes excuse me reorganization and regular meeting minutes of January 2nd 2024 so move second we have a motion in a second any questions having having he no questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it bills bill list total 6,153 3388 cents motion second we have motion a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none Rita could we get a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes yes move to reports Mr administrator I just want to thank Public Works and OEM for their work during the last storm that we had last week with the rain last building got opened on time roads were clear when I came to work so good job thanks Mr solicitor you've been here all of 15 minutes all of 15 minutes thank you mayor thank you Comm I look forward to being on the team thank you we look forward to it too Mr engineer uh just a few uh really hasn't been much going on in the last couple weeks um leapy field the concession stand the second floor will be going up starting the walls will be up next tomorrow and hopefully the um roof will be going up shortly after in trusses uh so they're they're pretty much on schedule uh I haven't heard anything that they're running behind or anything like that so um second we're going to be meeting with um the Park Road subcommittee uh meeting next week and discuss some uh the design for that and uh we'll be able to present something um hopefully in February sometime and the same is underhell Park uh subcommittee meeting will be meeting and going over that uh development as well and uh lastly is the 2024 Road program we're going to be meeting as well and going over the road list so more to come in the next month very good y anyone have any questions for our engineer all right thank you yep um the township committee members Dr with yes I would like to report I will be attending the atany County Economic Alliance annual meeting on tomorrow night that's going to be held at Smithville Inn at from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. so I will be there on tomorrow night um on Friday I was scheduled to go to the Atlanta County legue of municipalities um dinner but due to anticipated in clate weather they have moved that meeting until March the 22nd but they will have a scheduled meeting on um February 16th I just don't know where that is and I have been RSVP to go to the new business crumble VIP house opening which will be on Wednesday the 24th at 4:00 p.m. and I'm glad that we have a new business coming into Hamilton Township I never heard of these people but I heard the cookies are excellent even although they expensive but I heard that they're really good so I'm looking forward to um attending that on next week that's my report hi may or may not have checked them out on the internet today not going to confirm my son uh yeah looks looks very good Mr cheek I Echo this the comments of Brett for our Public Works we had a pretty easy cruise for a while and in the last couple of weeks we've been getting nailed with rain and whatnot and doing a heck of a job and it's well appreciated and that's all I have very good thank you Mr loss yeah to the same um you know we we're you know owe you guys a dead of gratitude for uh you know standing up for us in those times uh also like to thank uh you guys for the job that you've done with uh leapy field that's come along you know nicely Greg and I had a lot of phone calls in that process and uh I just want to say thanks for staying informative and keeping us in the loop and uh it was great it's great I dve past it every day you looking for the next you know they're going to do um also uh to uh uh Dr with withers's Point um really happy to see a new business opening up in Hamilton Township uh believe me that's going to be our goal to to help develop business in Hamilton Township and lessen the tax burden on our on our residents and uh we look to do some great things I hope everybody's ready to roll your sleeve work together and get stuff done I'm super excited about the team that we've built and I'm looking forward to uh knocking 2024 out of AP very nice thank you um quick question do we have a guesstimated a completion date for leapy uh it's anticipated the end of April is substantially complete obviously this weather's not helping things yeah there there shouldn't be too much delayed with any material as of right now um we do need to get the water tested for the well MH and then that will be a a water maybe uh filtration system may have to be incorporated but okay you know that shouldn't delay anything all right very good very good uh I'd also like to uh tip my hat to the public works um but you know we've come to expect this type of service because you guys do a great job every storm no matter what the problem is um you know I almost there's sometimes when I see a fallen tree that's come into the road and I want to call but in not too long after that it's already gone so I don't I really don't have to get to that point um but we we nonetheless Le we feel we should recognize what you guys do um it's not an easy job I'm looking at our Public Works director right over there and his eyes are down to here right now because he hasn't slept because of the snow that we got so we appreciate your efforts um other than that we uh I I just like to to mention that we lost uh bill gado this past week who was Amy G our uh commissioner and um was a longtime uh committee person here in amton Township her father had passed what a great man and and this town has lost a uh a good person so um unfortunately um it happens uh that's all I have I'd like to open it up to the public for public comment is there anybody like to speak evening um I wanted to let you you guys know the school board passed a resolution that we be presenting to this uh body along with the township I'm sorry the the county Atlanta County the state and to do um Dr Drew's office vandrew sorry Dr Van Drew's office uh in in uh for duerson um one of our board members had brought up the idea to Andrew that uh we are seeking Monies to potentially fix up duerson that was uh in the excess of $15 million or so and he would uh said that he would try to find us money um but he wanted U the Buy in from the township the county the state and also from the school board so our resolution passed uh on the third that we will bring a wet copy present it to you guys so you guys can do the same um and showing support for those type of activities uh in the name of duerson and and um fixing it up versus the alternate of uh knocking it down so um and then the other thing is we as you guys know we had a 2hour delay yesterday for school opening we have another one tomorrow so they then um I think the phone calls already went out I'm not sure but it will be delayed um and it's the first time we've done any delays in the last uh I know six eight years I don't know forever uh because the Consortium always told us no um but we've since then started moving away from the Consortium and putting own um pressure on it so it's a good thing because before we only had choice of open or closed uh where the 2-hour delay is a little bit more beneficial to allow Public Works to do their thing in the morning and make it safer for our children so that's uh why it seemed yesterday to be a little bit more on the chaotic side or this today because nobody knew what it meant to be two-hour delay believe it or not um but uh now that we've set that precedence we'll trably continue to use that as a tool have question yeah on the grant for the dubon resolution for the township are you looking for money or just for us just to support support yeah that you agree that if we do get monies that regardless of where the property lands because I know we've been trying to work with the township to find suitable projects that if money is uh allocated towards it that U any one of the bodies would continue to use that money as as it would be appropriated for but no not looking for any money from you guys right other than support and maybe if you guys knew of a grant that was out there to to help push that kind of thing so thank you thank you thanks it's awesome stuff thank you Dr Nelson we appreciate you coming in here and giving us reports from time to time anyone else public yes sir uh Fred Acres um Hamilton Township is a member of the Grady Harbor River Council that was created because of the wild and Scenic designation of a number of tributaries in the main stem in Hamilton so that's kind of who I am and I don't know if it's my old age or not but the lights in here are brighter really bright so is that something new y yeah I like it it was for me I'm getting older and I don't see as well so I asked them to brighten it up I wanted to to because the meeting especially it was so short tonight I thought i' I'm here I talk about Municipal open space and some of you may know that I work with Hamilton Watershed Association work with Hamilton in the county and d and preserve one acre at the end of Second Street it it took three years to do that and you know that's a piece that Hamilton Township owns the end of Second Street and it doesn't need anything it's just there it's a cool natural piece of land it's a peninsula in batot Creek so uh the Hamilton Township has some pretty interesting open space and I sent a a communication out to to you all last year about the Kaplan preserve and who's heard of the Kaplan preserve all right well there's there's a development I forget the name of it but it's behind Clover Leaf Lakes it was a big development and they put a road out into the middle of the woods W of wetlands a cult of sack and they developed there and it was a cluster develop uh so the pine lands has mandatory clustering and what that means is if you have 500 acres and you want to build 100 houses you can put them on 100 acres and you have to put them on on one acre lods and then preserve what's what's not developed at 400 Acres so what happened at this development behind Clover Leaf Lakes is evidently a felony of Kaplan uh went to the town and Phil satoro I think I learned this from him so he came to Hamilton he said I want to donate the open space which is a few hundred acres to Hamilton Township and I want you to preserve it as open space I don't want you to name it after me so it's it's attractive land that goes up to uh the pike you know down from the 50 when you go down is's that long stretch there's D land on on the left and there Cap B on the right and also part of watering race Branch up here is the Kap berserk so Hamilton Township said okay we'll we'll accept the property so that they got the de transferred in their name and so now Hamilton Township owns this land and it's just there being being natural it's it's a fine you know uh we like that because it's it's good for habitat and pl so in in other future cluster developments we would rather see Hamilton Township be the owner of the set aside as opposed to a homeowners association because homeowners associations don't want to be bothered with um doing anything it might need to be done and and really maybe nothing needs to be done but there's been some history around where after about 20 years everybody forgets that it was open space and somebody wants to build on it or do something with it so the homeowners association isn't really Geared for protecting open space whereas the township of Hamilton has open space that they protect they know how to do do it and they do a good job with it so I'm just advocating that in the future if that occurs uh we'll be hoping that Hamilton Township will want to become the owner and you don't have to do anything you don't have to invest any money into it probably it's already sitting there now doing nothing and we can find uh that way so give you that pitch okay thanks a lot thank you so much you appreciate it anyone else in public comment anyone from the public want to speak motion to close second motion to close and second to close public comment all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed uh we don't have executive session tonight so I'll accept the motion to adjourn second we have a motion a second to adjourn all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it