I'd like to open up the meeting of the township of Hamilton for Monday Mar May 6th uh 2024 please stand for the flag salute Carl you like to it I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided so into the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of atlanic city and Star Ledger on January the 6 2024 Mr Chek here Mr lws here Mr Batali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here can we have a moment of silence for private reflection thank you uh we have a guest presentation today uh Armed Forces Day ree Across America good evening mayor Shanker Deputy of Mayor R and committee members Chek patali Witherspoon good evening uh I'm Peter esbach I'm a member of VFW Post 220 here in MA landing and I'm also heading up our our local wreaths Across America program I wanted to give you a a quick update on kind of where it is and where it's going okay uh and also ask for your support uh when it comes probably more a little bit later down the road when we really get cranking last year several Community groups participated in getting wreath sponsored with a target of 500 wreaths to be placed on veteran Graves at Holy Cross Cemetery off of Route 40 in De member we held a ceremony in which about 200 local uh folks including Carl showed up uh it was truly a local event it had Scouts from the Presbyterian Church students from St vitcon Paul school Cadets from the Civil Air Patrol a color guard and contingent of cadets from ait's uh Air Force jrc unit and a a bugler and a singer from oakrest high school band and choir and and of course the BFW rifle salute what all in all great experience for everyone who attended um I should point out that I was sort of surprised because it so many people were there it took like 20 minutes to put out 500 wreaths uh we chose 500 wreaths as a Target last year because the actual number of veterans buried in Holy Cross is not known there are no records uh at the cemetery which is part of the dasis of uh Camden there's they don't have it and there we know that there are Graves of veterans that go back as far as the Spanish American War which was 1898 um so reach Across America at least I think Carl would would EO this was such a a good experience people were coming up saying we we need to do this again let's make it better let's make it bigger uh and it's kind of hard to make it bigger if you don't know how many veterans are buried there uh and and we are making it big we already have three churches uh have committed uh to being involved uh one of the churches has already committed a 100 wreaths being sponsored uh and we've also got one of the local gyms is committed to being a sponsoring organization this year as well uh so we really want to get our our Target up over 500 but not knowing how many veterans are buried at Holy Cross what should that Target be uh we need to find out what that number is and so what we're doing is May 18th is as you mentioned May Armed Forces Day it's a Saturday it's about two weeks before Memorial Day normally what happens is a handful of VFW guys and our our our families will go out there a week before Memorial Day and we'll go out and put the flags in and it can take us you know 4 hours or so to to cover everything what we're doing is is asking the community to come out and join us uh on on Saturday May 18th 10:00 uh over at Holy Cross actually we're going to meet there in this in the parking lot next to Holy Holy Cross St pH of Paul and place the flags we will know how many flags we have uh so it's you know kind of simple math but however we get back when we get back we just subtract that then we'll know how many our veterans are buried there and we can set up a reasonable Target from that uh with a new Target we plan on starting a sponsorship drive then uh in July it will be Christmas in July basically uh and this year's ceremony which will take place on December 14th should be even bigger and more more patriotic event so from a a committee standpoint which is I say Carl came out in last December uh we'd love to have you and your families and for that matter anybody here uh to join us out there on on May 18th to help get those flags in that's all I have okay thank you very much thank you very much we'll move on to additions deletions late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have a business registration for Maze Landing Auto Repair LLC 5803 Main Street so moved second a motion and second any questions or concern concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes is hav um Mr Meer I'd like to make a request here sure I'd like to move item 7h up to now okay um and we can uh go over it um and open it up to public comment just for 7h okay is that okay sure so just so everyone knows 7h is a resolution supporting Senate Bill S1 63 assembly Bill 2521 to establish the presumption of joint and legal and physical custody in a child custody matters thank you sure so um there's two bills uh one it's in the New Jersey Senate s163 and one it's in the assembly uh Bill 25 a 2521 uh they're both basically the same and um the the main gist of this bill is the presumption of 50/50 joint and legal custody uh when a marriage falls apart or if um the parents are are are breaking up and what it does is it it'll make it so that it's um automatically 50/50 um and then of course obviously if one of the parents is unfit they have to be it has to be proven that a parent is unfit for this um and what this will do is uh uh it we hope that it will I hope I say we because there's there's several of people here that that uh are behind this bill we hope that it stops the the arguing and the bickering that goes through court and trying to um figure out custody of your children um children need both parents they need them they need their dads just as much as they need their moms and uh it's if unless unless there's a reason unless a parent doesn't want that 50/50 custody this will just make it be a it'll automatically go to 50/50 um it'll save a lot of money it'll save a lot of time money that can be spent you know towards the children um helping them with college whatever instead of sorry Ken instead of going to lawyers um so that's just something that uh that I would like to see um these bills have been languishing uh up in the State House year after year after year and uh in in talking with um the Senate Bill s163 163 was introduced by uh Senator Palestina our Senator and um talking with with him and uh and Joe Berg in his office they feel that doing something like this may help move this uh move it forward get things moving instead of the wheel is just spinning up there so that's why I would like to see this move forward I would like to see us um approve this resolution and um I'll move I will move 7 each a second did you have anyone here that wanted to speak on behalf I was going to say if this yeah if this if this goes ahead and passes I know there's a couple people that signed up for early comment but I'd like to see it open up to them now just for 7h go if you want to get up and speak about it vote on it first yeah okay all right so we have a motion in a second are there any questions or concerns I I have a question sure where is this bill when does this bill go before the Senate and the assembly it has to move out of um whatever committee it's in where it's at so like I said year after year it hasn't moved I I mean I'm not against this I just wanted to know are we doing a resolution in support of the bill cuz it doesn't say that I know why I mean what is for I read it it's for the custody joint custody and child but it doesn't say that Hamilton Township is in support of resolution supporting Senate Bill resolution supporting Bill 163 I mean not that this is not important because it is and a lot of people deal with this but why these bills the reason why I'm asking the question is because there's a lot of bills in the Senate and the assembly this is just something that means a lot to me it means a lot to me too so I went ahead I went ahead and when I saw that Senator uh Palestina was the um sponsor of the bill that kind of made me move a little quicker I mean I've been up here on the Das now for four years so I probably should have done it sooner to be honest so this is in support of the bills it still has to get out of the oh yeah committee so has to get out of committees it's in so it's in committee yep okay so is all of the municipalities doing this oh I I don't know oh okay any other questions is this essential to the bill moving forward it'll help okay that's okay any others all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed I have we have one abstention Rita did you get that four yes one abstention motion carries okay um would anybody like to speak just ask you state your name for the record hi my name is Jeff Golden and uh I'm from an organization called fathers and children's equality and uh we we have uh been interested in this bill and its predecessor for a very long time and um uh first you you ask will will this resolution do anything to move the bill forward um you know as uh longtime Speaker of the House tip O'Neal used to say all politics is local so everything starts at this level and um I think that uh uh the township of Hamilton expressing its its support for this bill might be something that can get other other co-sponsors on onto the bill and to get it moving forward as for what the bill would do it it really it it makes only three changes to the current law number one is it establishes a re rebuttable presumption of joint legal and equal shared physical custody immediately following the the separation of the parents and uh right now um uh joint pH shared physical custody is not something that is in the law that a judge can order the only way to get it is if the parents agree to it next thing it does is um if if the judge has to make a decision rather than than than using uh the the parents agreement on on uh on custody uh it lists a lot of things that uh that the judge has to consider and the first one on that list right now is the ability of the parents to agree well these people are getting divorced they don't agree about anything so why is that even in the law that has to come out of the law and the third thing is I told you it's a presumption of uh joint legal custody and equal shared physical custody if if one of the parties claims that the other party is not fit to be app parent then they have to prove that to overcome that presumption and the the bill would say that um that has to be by clear and convincing evidence which is a higher uh uh burden of proof than than is in in most things in family court right now and as for why do we want this you know the the divorce industry is about a $50 billion industry Nationwide and why should ordinary people have to spend their children's uh college funds to get divorced when when all they're really doing is transferring those college funds so that they'll pay for some lawyers kid to go to college this is something that'll just help everybody it's a it's a no-brainer and I don't see why it's not already in the law thank you thank you anybody else I was going to speak but I'm not follow understood I will um thank you Jeff thank you Council people for taking this up just state your name for the I'm sorry David Kalin k a len um we've been working on legislation like this for a long time we look at this as a way to empower a two parent solution rather than fostering an environment where children can be used as Weapons they can be used to gather some momentum for one side over the other and using the love of a child as leverage to accomplish that we would like both parents to be empowered when they decide to separate and have those children get grow up in an environment where love is the predominant factor and not distrust not acrimony and unfortunately too often in the court system the conflict is what drives the process and we would like to see that changed this bill is one small step towards a better family court system so I'd like to thank uh the entire Council for taking that up and hopefully we can use this as a springboard to other um other towns throughout the state thank you very much thank you uh Les nerdlinger and uh I also uh uh am a part of the the father's and children equality uh but so I'm a dad and I ended up U eventually with custody of my children it took me four years and um my life savings every penny that I earned uh fighting to to see my children they moved to another state and um which also means my parents my children's grandparents also didn't get to see my children and uh uh I commuted to see my kids every other weekend for four years I missed one parenting time uh cuz I just didn't have the money to go but um it it also affects um grandparents as well so uh I'm back on my feet um I ended up with custody and um it it was groing and and I really appreciate you guys considering this to take this up and uh like Jeff said it could maybe snowball and other uh townships you know will pick this up and uh help move this thing forward it's it's unbelievable I know I put my attorneys kids into college and and my kids will not be going to college you know but um you know I thank you for taking this up thank you you're welcome you're welcome thank you anybody else if anybody else wants to support this all you have to do is get a list of your assemblymen or anybody in congress and put in please support bill number s163 and they'll you know it'll add to it it'll make more of an effort for them to actually take you more seriously but you know anybody in the uh anybody can do it and a 25 version and just anybody can just just put that but put your name and sign it because it could be you know just scammers writing stuff in just to fill the you know pack the ballot but put the stuff in anybody else thank you very much I really appreciate it thank you um it's it's a shame that we have to have bills like these but here we are here we are yeah um early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings Brett did anyone sign up we have no one else that signed up for any other agenda items um Mr Ron Welsh signed up but I that's it okay all right thank you uh we have no oh excuse me um discussions formal action must be may be may be taken uh discussion of salary ordinance amendments will be ordinance 2075 2024 if introduced excuse me so I gave committee a synopsis of the amendments to the 2024 salary ordinance yes um you want me to go through them or do you have any questions please go through them is your microphone on I it's not picking me up I don't think there first the first amendment we are proposing to increase the maximum salary for the GIF fund commissioner up to $4,000 um the current uh salary is approaching $4,000 and if there's a call increase uh next year we'll surpass it so this is just some housekeeping um the second amendment that we're proposing here is in public works we would like to delete the current Public Works clal position um that the person that holds that position right now is making around $50,000 and we want to re replace that position with a recycling coordinator at the same sour the reason we want to do this is because we can fund the uh recycling coordinator title with different pieces of our budget that uh wouldn't impact the taxpayers we have um the ability to use clean communities Grant funds and recycling trust money to fund 75% of the existing salary so if we were to fund 75% of the $50,000 it comes out to roughly $37,000 uh so that would only impact our budget about 122,500 with those savings we we could hire a parttime Public Works clerk uh to help out in public works at uh you know up to 20 up to $20 per hour uh 24 hours per week and the uh position would hit our budget for roughly $225,000 so if you add the difference in the recycling coordinator salary and the proposed clerk salary it becomes a wash for the 2024 budget so are questions about that cuz it's kind of complex um I did go through that with the Personnel committee but basically we're going to pick up an additional part-time clerk in public works and come out even by changing the title of our existing clerical position um So within a within the clean communities recycling trust is going to be the person who handles the uh recycling bins that we're purchasing for the entire Township right absolutely okay and that's quite a task how many houses do we think we have uh we we project out about 8 8,200 okay households that we're going to have to include in that uh the next the next change is the uh proposed uh dual position we're titling this Municipal housing leaz on this is something that the community development director used to do I propose to separate that out there's drastic changes coming in 25 we do not have a community development director right now I want to set this maximum salary at 15,000 and this is already budgeted yes this is in 2024's budget we're just we're just pulling that money away from the community development director salary uh the other thing that we're looking to do is create three part-time positions uh for the Cove these are seasonal positions uh this gives us the ability to hire three additional people in May to fill in later on in August and for time off that needs to be taken throughout the season to cover right A lot of times um if somebody calls out if we have more than one person call out we have to close the Cove in August kids start going back to college we have to close the Cove because we don't have enough Staffing uh the existing Staffing levels at The Cove will not change we're only going to have so many people at a the same that we had last year at at the same time working it's just gives us the ability to um fill the fill in when there's call outs or time off things like that the other thing we want to do due to the um minimum wage increase we want to raise the salaries up 50 cents this year for the code that's pretty much it that's that sums up this what's the minimum age for the cve minimum age H it's a good question what's the minimum age no age age age Beach badge te Checker their lifeguards have to be 16 and Beach badge Checkers have to be 15 and that's it okay so this um item is up for discussion it is also later on at 5A it's a ordinance to be announced so um we don't have to take action at this time but if anybody would like to to discuss it um any comments concerns I thought was pretty clear what we're trying to do here all right so hearing none we're going to move on um to item four we have some public hearings and adoption potential adoption of ordinances a ordinance 2072 2024 an ordinance at the township of Hamilton regard regarding privately owned salt storage mayor we we briefly discussed these ordinances uh at the last committee meeting uh these are DP mandated ordinances coming down so that the township can receive their uh ms4 uh tier permit tier a permit uh the first one is under ordinance a for the salt storage and then we will get the the ordinance under C uh regarding tree removal as well okay uh this is a public hearing anybody in the public like to speak on this motion to close public we have a motion we have a second somebody anybody we have a motion we have a second are there any questions hearing none all those in favor by signify by saying I I all those opposed guys hav it um the chair will entertain a motion to adopt so moved we have a motion to uh adopt ordinance 2072 2024 you have a second second a motion and second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed I have it uh public hearing on ordinance 2073 2024 this is an ordinance adopting site specific Redevelopment plan for Block 13 1134 lot 14 in the township of Hamilton Atlantic County state of New Jersey Mr Mayor I'd like to recuse myself okay thank you right or uh either one of us can give us A Brief Review what what this is so that anybody who wasn't here will be up to speed this a site specific Redevelopment plan for the uh former Office Depot location next to LX um this reest lishes uh reestablishes the zoning out there to allow for a medical marijuana and a a um recreational um use at that same okay anybody didn't hear him that's the Office Depot building um next to what is now lowmax anyone in the public like to speak motion to close a motion to close close public portion second second second um all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed no we'll entertain a motion for adoption of ordinances adoption of ordinance 2073 2024 so move move okay second we have a motion in second uh any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I can I can I ask for a roll call vote it's adoption of an ordinance I'm sorry can we get a roll call vote Please Mr cheek is recused Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and adopted uh ordinance 72 2074 2024 this is an ordinance amending chapter 282 of the code of Township of Hamilton regarding tree removal I'm sorry um oh I'm sorry we need to get Richie back forgot I'm sorry I I meant to change my vote to no but 273- 2024 back in well hang on a second not yet now not yet yeah I won't forget don't make that promise all right I apologize I I wanted my vote to be no for 2073 d224 well did you get that well based on the fact that no other action has been taken and it was right back to back on that uh action uh it doesn't toally change the overall passing of the ordinance I don't see an issue with it can you tap that microphone I'm not picking you guys up at all you hear me still not we can hear are you hearing him okay good just as long as I have it it's not it's not registering over here do you want me to call the role again or no if it no I think we can just adjust um we're going to change the vote to 3 yes one person is recused one no and one no correct the ordinance is adopted okay okay I I'll go get rich yeah I'm not going to forget him this [Music] time better not be eating out there he is he's getting a snack you having a snack yeah ah welcome back okay we're going to move on to public hearing C ordinance 20174 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 282 of the code of Township of Hamilton regarding tree removal mayor again this is a similar to the prior ordinance under 4A this is another uh D mandated ms4 tier a permit uh the municipality had a prior tree removal ordinance this replaces and updates that make sure everybody heard that this is a d mandated ordinance our favorite anybody in the public like to speak is this a public hearing seeing no one motion to close public we have a motion we have a second second we have a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed chair will recognize and AD option so moved second a motion is second to adopt 2074 2024 Rita can we do a roll call vote please yes Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr Pali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and adopted so I want to back up here because I don't think I did a roll call on a did I or did I not you didn't but I I didn't get a feeling anybody wanted to vot now on that one but can we do a roll call now just so we could be you know squeaky clean I would appreciate that that would be great all right let's do that is everybody all with that yes yes okay here we go this ordinance 2072 2024 Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes that was easy all right let's move on to introduction of ordinances public hearing will be held May 20th 2024 we are going to start with five a which is ordinance 275-2252 chapter 66 of the code of Hamilton Township providing for the maximum number of employees uh if everybody's remembers we discussed this under 3A so moved we have a motion do we have a second second we have a motion and second to introduce ordinance 2075 2024 Rita why don't we do a roll call just for fun this Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Pali yes Dr Witherspoon May Shanker yes all yes and introduce thank you B ordinance 2076 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 163 excavations and chapter 203 land use and development code of the township of Hamilton atantic County of Atlantic the state of New Jersey mayor for the record uh as Mr patal or committee man patal pointed now these are uh mandated DP and this one is also Pine lands update to the storm water uh storm water management uh regulations uh this updates two of the chapters already in the code uh for Hamilton Township uh most of the changes are procedural they do not substantially uh change or alter the existing uh ordinance that's in place okay everybody hear that we're hearing from the DP a lot aren't we the time of year yep that's great good times um uh the chair will accept an introduction if uh you want to move this ordinance along second we have motion and second for 2076 2024 we have any questions or concerns R could we have a roll call please Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes all yes introduced thank you um six Awards bids contract change orders resolution authorizing the acceptance of a proposal from Mt Watkins and Associates for design permitting and Construction Services for the Reconstruction of malago Road Phase 1 Municipal Aid uh fiscal year 2024 contract number 20246 amount not to to exceed $31,000 motion second we have motion to Second are there questions or concerns seeing none Rita can we get a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr LS yes Mr Bal yes Dr Witherspoon May Shanker yes all yes and car thank you B resolution authorizing the AC acceptance of proposal from Mt Watkins and Associates for design permitting construction inspection and Architectural service for fiscal year 2023 Safe Streets Transit program uh La 2023 SST Park Road sidewalk project contract number 20 23-10 the amount not to exceed $41,000 so moved second we have a motion and a second are there any questions concerns just so if I'm I am correct I just want to state that this is grant money that we are using here so that's always a good thing we got a grant for Brett you got to we got to get you guys two microphones do we have it in the budget to get them another microphone we actually do we have microphones right here we have extras we received the grant last it last year for uh year before the end of 22 for $341,000 for uh Safe Streets to Transit um to design uh sidewalks from uh Tanglewood drive out to L Avenue so we you have a grant for the whole project or just the engineering part of it for the construction we have it for all of it okay for the construction very good okay hey um go ahead for the construction come on Bob it was way over there I had to reach I'd like to take my motion back because I'm going to abstain from this because I have a family member that lives on road on motion I'll second it we have a motion in a second um any any other questions concerns hearing none Rita let's do a roll call Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali abstain Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes four yes one exstension motion carries thank you uh let's move on to C resolution awarding a contract for the Community Development block grant Underhill Park improvements 2024-25 LLC for the amount not to exceed $592 I wish right 59 good try 59 $592,500 [Music] and the base bid includes the uh site clearing con stand bathroom Renovations uh fencing for the baseball fields sidewalks and asphalt walkway paths uh to the bridge on Third Avenue and also uh redoing one of the dugouts and then we are awarding uh supplemental one which is the road improvements to Old harber Road we're going to be repaving the roadway in the front front of the project from 40 now 40 no probably from where the fencing um begins begins to Where the Sidewalk Ends and um new crosswalks with lighting um lit up crosswalk signs that are illuminated MH so it at night time uh you'll be able to see them better and um yeah so the bids came in very favorable just so you know that we do have a grant award from uh community community development block grant for $632 $2,444 um that will be used for this project so there will be um you know a little bit left over but I think this is a great project uh to be used for all this funding good very good okay do we have a motion so moved second second the motion is second are there any questions concerns hearing heing none Rita can we have a roll call please Mr Chief yes Mr LS abstain Mr Pali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes four yes one abstention motion carries good D resolution approving 2024 use of facilities agreement between the township of Hamilton and the H and the Hamilton Youth Athletic Association choose Thank you committee men laws has left the room he's recused himself okay um we have a motion to move this so moved second second do we have any questions or concerns um there was a we received something additional did we revised or something 16 mhm yes you have a question or well uh my my question was I don't have a problem or issue with the um use of the facilities agreement but we did approve mlaa with a facility agreement so does does that become number to replace this does this replace both may may answer that you can in reviewing the uh user facility agreement this facility agreement uh reflects specifically the leapy field football uh facilities the prior agreement did not apply to those specific football fields so this one goes to the football fields what was the other agreement for MLA from my I don't have it in front of me but I believe it was uh for example the softball fields the baseball fields um the lacrosse field there were other fields but the leapy football field was not a named uh field in that prior user agreement so from my review this agreement in accordance with the chapter 235 does in conflict with the prior agreement because mlaa encapsulates football baseball am I correct in that the the prior facility used the prior facility users agreement with MLA did not Encompass the football fields uh so is my understanding that there would be an agreement with that but that prior one that was issued earlier in the year doesn't Encompass the leapy football field specifically it included other fields in that agreement but it didn't pertain to the leapy football field that's for the mlaa correct okay so just so we're clear here because I know this is a this has been um a thing um and I I don't want it to be a thing because there's nothing uh nefarious here the simple facts are that this this use agreement speaks to um a yaa uh and mlaa utilizing the leapy track football field there's a reason for that and the simple reason is that in the leagues that that both the knights and the Lakers play in require a fence around a football field this is a law that changed a few years back it was it wasn't really addressed um the football field at um Underhill does not comply um we are struggling with that simply because if we put fent fencing around that field we lose our baseball fields so for at least this year and maybe going forward we're going to have to have both teams utilize this field we so the township committee generally doesn't get involved with this kind of stuff we just vote and say yeah you're both allowed to use the field we are going to leave this up to both organizations to work together to make sure that the all the games can be played there along with the leagues that you play in um we didn't see this coming maybe we should have I don't know we didn't see this coming uh we didn't know the Lakers League was going to be defunct we didn't know if they moved where they were going but this rule change has been there for quite a few years now so um we're going to take this u under advisement and see what we can do about the facilities moving forward that is our best football field um but we are not going to have uh one team not be able to play both teams will play that that is a fact um we are not going to uh this is not a favoritism thing or thereof this is a simple fact that we have a rule that we have to deal with and we can't just snap our fingers and change that so we'd like to see this work out and then we can move forward with other projects as far as where are our permanent baseball fields going to be how are we going to address this situation with football um I think that our chief and Carol have agreed to reach out to the the leagues to ask them for help from us because they don't have to do anything we all know that so uh we will we will use our um our folks to try and make this thing right and make sure everybody has a field to play on and again I I want to ask that both teams both leagues try and get along and work together because at the end of the day this is about kids and we need to make sure all these kids are playing this is why the township has always supported the Lakers and the township has always supported hyaa because it's about the kids so we're going to do the best we can to work on future projects coming up um hopefully our budgets are looking better and we can we can make some definite plans on what what's going to happen in future years um and that's all I have to say about that I I really look to the leadership of both organizations to make this work I appreciate your help with this so we have a motion in a second am I correct on on the Revis 6D yes now I don't know I'm not a lawyer I did watch a law show last night um if there are any future agreements that we must do to make this solid yes I know this kind of covers it but I know you just talked about the agreement with mlaa and if we have to change adjust create another one whatever we have to do to um make this legally and you know how much I love that um right okay but for right now that basically says that both teams will play at that field that's the the understanding of the user facility agreement as reference correct yes every kid that wants to play will play we have a a motion in a second have a motion in a second thank you um all the any more questions comments are you sneaking up here you have a gun so you make me nervous okay wor all those in favor signify by saying I I all those o opposed I have it thank you very much we're going to move on to the consent agenda we get commit LW oh Bobby man I'm horrible at this the guy sits right next to me and I don't even know he's gone [Music] [Music] you didn't forget me did you I didn't but you wanted to go get yeah I would have come got you trying to get them if forg me listen just to be fair I forgot about you just like I forgot about there you go so ready to go to get out of here thanks for coming okay uh consent agenda so right now we have a consent agenda that is a through uh I with h being removed I'll accept the motion motion for that with h being removed I'll second that we have a motion in a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it Personnel resolution resending res resolution 2024 0157 resolution to appoint Mary Kelly as inter term executive assistant to the administrator of the GIF fund commissioner effective 48 2024 so this this is to resend this resolution yeah I didn't oh I have to wait till you do a motion a motion your a motion second any questions I don't have a question I just needed an explanation because I I was trying to compare um both and I didn't know why it was being resed R we we're backing off the maximum number of hours that Mary can work in a week so or it was 35 and we're backing it down to 24th okay I got it thank you okay we have a motion a second there any questions concerns um we don't we we can just do a Voice vote so all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes hav it so now we have a resolution uh appointing Mary Kelly as interim executive assistant effective 482 four at $45 an hour not to exceed 24 hours a week so move second a motion in second are there any questions or concerns we need a roll call for this yes let's do a roll call let's do a roll call Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Mr Pali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carri resolution appointing Brett null as the additional authorized telephone contact for the Atlanta County Municipal joint Insurance Fund EPL attorney consult consult yeah never mind consult consultation service oh my God so move thank you second uh we have a motion in second this question sure this seems administrative so I didn't understand why we had to do a resolution for to be a telephone contact they require it they require resolution to that all right that's it okay we need a roll call yes Rita Mr CH yes Mr LS yes Mr Pali yes Dr Withers SP yes may Shanker yes all yes I'm adoped resolution appointing Shawn mcdevit as a part-time certified fire prevention inspector the hourly rate of $21 an hour not to exceed 25 hours per week effective 5724 employment contingent upon successful completion of the employment physical and background check so mve second we have motion is second or any questions or concerns hearing none Rita let's do a roll call Mr Chief yes Mr lws yes Mr Batali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes yes and caring approvals minutes regular meeting minutes of April 15 2024 so move second we're have motion and second any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it Minutes special executive session meeting minutes April 15 2024 Mo second we have Motion in a second are there any questions or concern hearing none read it can we have a roll call vote please Mr CH Mr laws yes Mr Vali Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes yes car bills bill list total 10,676 76810 61 it's getting broken out just one second um oh yeah I'm sorry that's okay committee M patali has asked for four of the purchase orders to be removed so that he can abstain from voting um those four amount to $15,246.86 will $195,000 $247 4 so that would be one vote and then the balance after that would be 10,481 563 and 57 cents that would be a second vote okay so [Applause] uh let's do a motion on 10 10,481 56357 okay have a motion please I'll make the motion second second okay uh any questions concerns I don't have a problem with that issue with it I just wanted to know which one should we be checking off so we could you okay um number 22-00 399 to Atlanta County d399 right I don't know how your records are does It Go by alphabetical order or purchase order it do goes by alphabetical the three of them for are payable to Atlanta County okay one is 22399 $129524 MHM the next one 24- 00527 $1 164,384 and the third 24- 0529 17,00 89958 and then there's a fourth to Richard E Pearson TW uh number 24- 0052 62702 those four total the $15,246.86 which one the 17,000 yeah the third one 24- 0529 thank you okay so we have motion and second on uh a bill list totaling 10 mil 48156 357 any other questions read it can we get a roll call vote please yes Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor shacker yes all yes and carry now we have a b bill yeah Bill list total of 95,200 roll call please Mr Chek Mr laws yes Mr patali obain Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes or yes one exstension motion carries thank you we'll go move on to reports Mr administrator I wasn't at the green event on Saturday but I did go by and um noticed about 35 or 40 people picking trash up on Babcock Road and um it's doesn't go unnoticed it's something that always was um kind of a bothered me a lot when when I was in public works the amount of trash that we and and all the roads look like Babcock Road so the people that were out cleaning up on Babcock Road all of our roads look like that it's a shame so hopefully the addition of these recycling carts will help to minimize that but it's it's a big problem in this town is littering and you need more volunteers to help and adopt roads and we've done a good job um I I think we have how many adop the road groups we've added about 10 since Luan 10 or 15 since Lan took over but we need at least 10 or 15 more so I just want to thanks everyone that volunteered on Saturday that's all I have very good so solic nothing to add mayor at this time thank you thank you Mr engineer um just a quick update on uh leapy field concession stand uh they should be uh wrapping up the drywall enclosure uh this week and then start painting inside and outside and um if you've driven by the steel steps are in and look great uh for the second floor uh we're anticipating everything um wrapping up by the end of the month um so everything goes well okay awesome very good excellent uh Township committee members Dr Witherspoon yes I did attend the Atlanta County League of municipality meeting at the atan country club uh that was the last meeting up until until August uh so there will be no more meetings until August and the president of Stockton was the guest speaker on that night um also I did attend the um sustainable green Fair it was very nice was well organized and although it was the weather was um we were unsure of the weather you know but I did go by and there were people out there when I went I went earlier and I think it's just something very nice to talk about the environment and um they do an excellent job every year and I'm going to say kudos to them and last but not least I want to thank Brett I had a student I work at a school asked me about the carax project and the student goes on Google Maps and looks at all the projects that we're doing and wanted an answer when it was going to be completed and um so I was able to give the student that uh answer it'll be finished in the summer and they'll going to be opening in September but I was it was very refreshing to to see someone a young person he's 14 his name is Daniel I said he's going to go far uh but he was really questioning um what we were doing and he goes on Google Maps and he started asking me about Jersey the Jersey Subs and this and that and I was very surprised that he was just that intrigued in that so he was just so ecstatic that I was able to give him the answer so I want to say thank you that's it a young entrepreneur Carl yeah I got out there uh late on Saturday um so when I went out to catch up with the group um they were almost done there so many was 35 or so and I went down what road did I go down right I think it's a county road yeah the county road so I I went to make a U-turn and I saw wow look at all this trash here I I stayed there and started picking up the trash come to find out it was a county road so whatever but uh there was it's the road that goes back to the uh to the courthouse and uh apparently it's also a road where young parents pull over and change diapers um because I've never picked up so many I don't even think I picked up that many diapers when I had kids um so it's disgusting it's really bad it's it's horrible um but I'd like to thank everybody who came out and did that and then the went went out to the green Fair well attended as always weather was a little iffy uh it seems like it's one extreme to the other it's 95° or it's 55 and raining um but anyway um kind of coming off of of what Dr Witherspoon said about the businesses that are popping up jersey mics but on Main Street I don't know if anybody's noticing but somebody's in the old buds golf um I think we approved their business license tonight MH um it's going to be a mechanic shop so um nice to see that back getting cleaned up and uh a business getting in there there's another um somebody bought the Wells Fargo Building um I've heard many rumors I'm not going to repeat anything I heard because they are rumors not really sure what's going on um so hopefully at some point they make an announcement on what they're doing in there um there's going to be another business popping up on Main Street um Busy Bees honey should be popping up next to the bra brour so that's a good thing and then and you go down you also go down Main Street and you see um shout out to Donny's they did some work on their on their property you know the grass looks great the sidewalk looks great they put some fencing up um so it's really nice to see some of the businesses on Main Street um thriving I think they're thriving um not all of them I know some of them are um Anytime Fitness he did a lot of work there um I haven't stopped in to see what exactly he did but changed him things around there so it's just nice to see things going on on Main Street and hopefully you know with business comes more business hopefully um Hometown celebration June 20 22nd Saturday and it will be at War Memorial Park so look for more information about that coming out and um I do believe I saw in the report that the um W's on at woyal Park Chris I didn't drive by W's up and flowing nice good job thank you so all you had some more repairs you had to do but we're figuring out on our own huh oh come on very good thank you we appreciate that 29th 29th June 29th Hometown celebration and that's really all for me Reagan I'll see you soon Maddie miss you love you I hope to see you soon thank you Carl Mr cheek I was one of the 35 that was on Babcock Road and it was the first time I ever done it and I must say I was amazed at the amount of trash I don't throw anything out my window and I couldn't believe how much we collected that day in an hour unbelievable and what a great job you felt good after you were done doing that I also went to the green Fair event and that was very very nice and impressive as well and I have to thank the h Township sustainability team for doing a very very good job and also for everyone applies H happy Mother's Day this Sunday wish you all a Happy Mother's Day that's it for me okay yes um I like to uh well I spent uh last weekend at uh pen relays um probably the biggest track track of field event on the East Coast well probably the biggest in the country um teams from all over the world um and uh want to shout out to my little brother uh Allan walls who was inducted into the pen Rel Hall of Fame this weekend um such a feat um he and his Relay Team uh won the championship of America in 1983 that's long time ago uh but no one's done it since from United States it's always been like Jamaica or one of the other uh countries that won it but they were the last team to actually do it so Allan being a long time pleas I me um sorry he coaches at pleas but he's been a longtime resident of maze Landing uh since uh 83 in fact 8384 um it chains a lot of kids gets a lot of kids in in shape he has uh couple us Olympians uh ni Ali and and um I forget the other kid's name but uh fantastic job he's done and and I'm just super proud of also wanted to say to Mr Isaac Kane super happy to see you there young man and uh he played football for both programs in in town and uh just he's in college now and he's slinging the football around like uh like Tom Brady so look for this guy on Sundays that that that's all for me thank you thank you so I uh I also participated in the trash pickup and and um for my first time when I ran last year it was uh the first time that I ever put out political signs myself always had other people that would do it for us but this year I I hopped in a truck and we went around and we put up those lovely political signs that you guys love so much that's why we do it every year but the thing that I noticed and and as we went along we we made an effort to pick up the trash that surrounded the areas where we were putting the signs and I had no idea that there was that much trash on the side of the road it's it's it it's remarkable um so this year when when this trash pickup came about I couldn't wait to do it because I know now and the worst part of it is I can't drive down a road now without looking to the side and seeing the trash it's like I'm fixated on it now and it drives me a little crazy but I do agree with Brett that we need to do this more than just once a year we need we need to try and get groups together during the course of the Year pick and we had 30 plus people there we could have done a longer or went the other way on Babcock but you know you you just don't know how many people you're going to get but from what I understand it's growing every year and that's a good thing and I I just think it's important that you know we as Township committee we we applaud this and and we appreciate um what it does for our town uh I know we do have sometimes we have Public Works guys doing it too but um it's an unbelievable task all the roads just take a minute when you're driving down the road look to the left not too long or look to the right um because you know you been coming back and the mayor had told me I to crash my car and that's not the case I just want you to take notice to the trash that's on the side of the road and I I wasn't my parent if I did that my parents would have beat me um but that's that's really not you know I don't know why people feel as though the window on their driver's side or their passenger side is a trash receptacle I don't under I don't follow that thought process but as you walk down that road and you pick up stuff like diapers that had to be wonderful um and other things you know from stuff from WWA to you know soda bottles water bottles uh liquor bottles everything um I probably can understand why I throw the liquor bottles out because you know guys like him over there but nonetheless it's it's it's it's really if you get involved with this you're going to appreciate this more I I promise you that you you will see a difference and you will notice this stuff around your community and trust me you won't like it uh also like to take a minute to thank all the sustainability team what a great job they did not just with the trash pickup but the this green Fair gets bigger every year and I have have been to that multiple times and I couldn't be more proud of what they do and how they do it and bringing people educating people on the world we live in because I think sometimes we all move so fast we don't notice it so thank you all for that uh I would also like to wish all the mothers a Happy Mother's Day um and I hope you enjoy your your day and I hope your families spoil you to death um with that I will open it up to public comment anybody in the public like speaky thank you birthday Brett do we sing now Mo close I don't do that Mo close Denise appet 283 Road just thank you thank you thank you so much for what all of you said about the green fair and the road cleanup I wasn't there but and I think the reason I'm here and none of the rest of them are CU they're probably all exhausted they're probably all taking the night off so but just I just want to Echo again what you said art is exactly what we're trying to achieve if we can get more people to come out and volunteer once or twice for a road cleanup they will look at it with a whole new perspective because once you've been the one out there picking up somebody else's garbage it becomes a see something say something and you you have zero to no tolerance for anybody that's going to litter so that that's the impact we're trying to have that's what we're trying to do you know we get we get teased quite a bit for being the you know the ones who go out and pick up everybody body else is trash and why would anybody want to do that but it there is a definite halo effect that happens if we can get more people to do it just a little bit so that's why we're trying to get the sports clubs the scouts the youth groups whatever um come and do it one time and you will definitely think about it differently and and hold people accountable so thank you for all the kind words I I will say on behalf of the rest of the sustainability team it is a tremendous amount of work it does get bigger and better every year if we could eventually get a year where the weather is in our favor um I think it would be it would be off the charts but I've only heard good things since I got back and I was sorry to have missed it but truly truly truly appreciate everybody's support thank you so much it is a huge Endeavor that we do so thank you it's our town it's that simple it's our town anybody else from the public seeing no one motion to close my motion to close second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed eyes have it uh I will accept a motion to adjourn motion second we have motion a second all those in favor signify by saying I all those opposed eyes have it not too bad