##VIDEO ID:y## I'd like to bring to order the committee meeting of Township of Hamilton for Monday August 5th 2024 please rise for the flag suit Carl you like to lead us I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and Justice adequate notice of this meeting has been provided Pur seu to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January the 6th 2024 Mr Chief here Mr lws here Mr patali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here could we get a moment of silence for private reflection uh additions and deletions of late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have 8j resolution to terminate the employment of Nicole I'm not even going to try sh feter is that right Pro Day manager um I believe that we are changing it we're just switching it to another resolution also and 12 injour to Executive session we are removing Personnel attorney client privilege update on suspended officers Personnel attorney client privilege replacement of day Cove manager so moved excuse me I'm sorry additions AJ myad yeah no no no kind of left you hanging there uh AJ resolution to hire Jacob benowitz as day manager for the remainder of the Cove 2024 season at $18 an hour effective 81 2024 do we need to do this one two the changes to the public hearing ordinance yeah I just the the the agenda states that the ordinances if introduced the public hearing is set for August 19th we're moving that till September 3rd 20 24 also changing is the public hearing on ordinance 2081 to 2024 2082 20 24 2083 2024 change public hearing dates to August from august 19 2024 to September 3rd 2024 Carl so moved thank you second we have a motion we have a second there any questions or concerns I'm really shocked but all in favor saying by by saying I I I all those opposed guys have it uh let's see early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings Brett do we have anybody signed up we have no one signed up mayor thank you um discussions formal action may be taken uh presentation Columbia care also known as the cannabis for for a medical marijuana facility within a class five retail cannabis use at block 1134 lot 14 at 4476 Black Horse Pike Mr Mayor I'd like to recuse myself you can sit stand however you want to do it I sit for a living so I'll stand for for a little while than good evening ladies and gentlemen Richard Wells from Archer and Griner here on behalf of Columbia Care New Jersey doing business as or also known as the Cannabis company uh as was stated we're here seeking this body's consideration uh to be named as redeveloper for the property located as 4476 Black Horse Pike unit 2 uh the applicant or the conditional redeveloper was here recently in front of you uh to seek your consideration for a conditional redevelopers agreement that allowed us to explore this location and negotiate a full Redevelopment agreement with the township as well as uh prepare plans that we would then present to the planning board for approval uh we have since done that and reached what we believe to be a Redevelopment agreement with the township uh so one of the things we're asking your consideration for this evening is adoption of that Redevelopment agreement uh the second thing we're doing is presenting our site plans this evening that would be presented to the planning board for formal approval now this body of course does not give uh zoning and land use approvals this is more of an informational overview of how the operation would function uh so with respect to the Redevelopment first and foremost uh really this this is a a dispensary location out of an existing building so there's nothing really being constructed uh Redevelopment agreements normally detail a lot of you know construction and have to do with how that project will come to fruition uh here we are largely limited to Interior Renovations so um our project schedule is a bridged we have an anticipated uh opening date for medical operations of 160 days uh from the time that we receive if we receive planning board approval and an anticipated opening time of 190 days for adult use operations uh again largely due to the fact that these are just interior renovations to the building uh with respect to the site plan itself what you see up on the screen is the site plan of the existing and proposed conditions uh this is 4476 Black Horse Pike which you probably know as the lmax shopping center uh the area highlighted in blue is where Columbia care where the Cannabis proposes to do their interior Renovations and operate their dispensary uh you can see in the parking field below that there's a small blue Square High ated that represents what the town would otherwise require for parking spaces uh 50 spaces would be required here and we have 62 available uh plus the rest of the parking field so the Cannabis again proposes to do interior Renovations of the building as well as uh seal and stripe the parking lot to make sure that their section of the shopping center is refreshed and updated prior to opening and what I'll do is I'll move to the next tab here this shows what the proposed interior of the dispensary would look like and as we mentioned earlier this is both a medical and adult use facility so Columbia care has the unique ability to serve adult use patients and the areas that you see highlighted in red are what the Cannabis would be required to effectively set aside for medical patients so you see four point of sale systems highlighted that would be uh access for medical patients only you see one of the lines would be also available for medical patients only as well as a consult area in the top right to the extent anybody needs assistance uh with their prescription or orders uh again reserved for medical patients only the Cannabis is also required to have medical only hours uh that's a state mandate for all of their locations and uh those which they're operating at their other facilities would also line up with this as well um so their medical only hours would be 9 through 11:00 a.m. Monday through Wednesday uh 8: to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday 9: to 11:00 a.m. Thursday and Friday and 99 to 10: a.m. on Saturdays um the rest of their operating hours within the confines of the township ordinance would be for both medical and adult use patients um again we have our loading facility to the back right which is in existing condition that works well with this and allows us to have a van uh privately held in the back there and sectioned off by a gate as well well um so the the renovations here allow us to use the existing shell of the shopping center space in order to retrofit a dispensary that fits all the state and local requirements and we'd be happy to discuss any questions that this body has but we we thank you for your consideration anyone have any questions done thank you very much thank you a couple times now appreciate you coming back absolutely my pleasure um we have a resolution authorizing the ex execution of the Redevelopment agreement and authorizing the mayor to sign the same so moved we have a motion second we have a second are there any questions or concerns you why don't we do a roll call on this one please Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes for yes and Carrie thank you so much uh for public hearing and Adoption of ordinances um should I get rich now oh yeah got to get a light installed out there [Music] welome back rich thank you all right let's try this again public hearing and Adoption of ordinances ordinance 2080 d224 an ordinance authorizing the sale of block 11 excuse me lot 11 and block 3 642 Maryland Avenue as shown on the tax map at the township of Hamilton and granting the owner or owners of said real property contiguous to the same the right of Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic in the state of New Jersey this is a public hearing anybody from the public would like to speak motion to close second motion to close the public portion second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it CH will take an adoption a motion for adoption motion I'll second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions concerns read can we do a roll call vot please Mr Chief yes Mr lws yes T yes Dr Withers yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and adopted number the five introduction of ordinances public hearing will be held August 19th 2024 September 3rd September that's what I said heard you September 3rd 2024 didn't we just go over this we did September 3rd 2024 uh a ordinance 2081 2024 in ordinance of the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic the state of New Jersey amending chapter 203 article 12 section 121 establishing designed standards for major subdivisions this is would you like to give us a brief overview of this please yes thank you mayor mayor this ordinance stems from a recommendation from the planning board uh in reviewing the code they had concerns regarding the design standards for major subdivisions in a potentially dangerous circumstance where a street uh based on the way that the code is written now could uh lead up or allow driveways to enter uh major highways they believe that these modifications would prevent that dangerous circumstance from happening uh we motion to ince introduce so Mo second motion second any questions or concerns none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed I uh B ordinance 20 or 2082 d224 an ordinance in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic state of New Jersey amending chapter 203 article 7 section 44 to allow agricultural use in a regional growth District ga1 again Mr solicitor thank you mayor this is a an ordinance that was written based on a correspondence that we received if the committee remembers uh the support for the preservation of the Pleasant Valley Farms it went up to the state Agricultural Development Committee uh and the regional coordinator indicated that it would have to come back down to the municipality to amend uh their zoning in the G uh District that would allow for agriculture be a permitted use uh in those correspondents uh the state agricultural committee indicated they didn't believe the pine lands commission would have any issues with that they've seen it done before in the regional growth uh so the townships uh zoning would have to be amended and then it would go up the county if the committee chooses to do so more of a form formality yes correct yes very good all motion you have a motion second we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it C ordinance 283 2024 an ordinance of Township of Hamilton County of Atlantic and the state of New Jersey amending ordinance number 1674 2010 an official zoning map to delete and remove recreational overlay district and Outdoor Storage overlay District within the Hamilton Township industrial Business Park Mr solicitor thank you mayor again this is a recommendation that the planning board uh discussed there were two overlay areas in the industrial park that were created I believe back in 2010 uh they indicated there was no development based on those overlays those overlays do restrict the use in the industrial park it was there recommendation that uh essentially repeal or get rid of those ordinances uh and the overlays to be able to allow more expanded use in the industrial park any questions and the purpose of this because there's been no action or correct in approximately 15 years the planning board indicated they didn't see any development and that the overlays do restricted uses in those specific zones so that has been any development based on those overlays it was initially I believe based on the planet boards review uh placed to kind of encourage that specific development in those overol districts but there hasn't been approximately 15 years Mr solic it doesn't conclude Recreation going there just just broadens it so that anything else the over overlays have limitations to so get those are limitations thank you all the other zoning regulations would stay intact okay committee I'll make the motion we have a motion we have a second second motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have six Award of bids contracts and change orders a resolution authorizing acceptance of The Proposal from Remington veric Engineers for environmental Grant application services for 7432 smth Avenue in the amount of $7500 would you like to give a little brief on this yes this is a uh contract to Remington and verick to apply for a grant on our behalf for a cleanup out at 7432 Smith Avenue this is in the whth section this if we uh were successful in getting the grant would pay for the engineering and the design for the cleanup okay you have any questions well I had one earlier I understand why you put this on it was because you wanted to make the township aware that if this grant came you know where the money was coming from but it's under the the threshold you know and so in the future do we have to always do it this way or can you just act upon it and let us know um well we we have a we have a contract with Remington and Vernick for the same property um to look into the open environmental claims um so the that contract and this contract the aggregate is um close to the threshold so we're we're real close so I thought ER on the side of caution on this one um plus if we do get the grant it'll be back here as a chapter 159 so I you know the governing body will be aware what these funds are for when that comes hopefully it does so it just cleans it up okay thank you pleasure committee I'll make the motion second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor sign you want to do a roll call please I'm sorry Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers spin Shanker yes yes and car agenda we have items a to G motion second have a motion we have a second any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it move on to Personnel a resolution to appoint Rachel ha as a full-time police officer for the Hamilton Township Police Department at step two of the CBA with a salary of $583 63 start date to be determined contingent on successful completion of employment physical and a background check so MO second motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns can we do a roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Pali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry uh I was fortunate enough to have the pleasure to interview interview this young lady and I think she's going to be a great addition uh to our Police Department so B resolution to appoint Steven Adair as director of manag Information Services at an annual salary of $95,500 effective 86 2024 so move second motion we have a second or any questions so everyone knows this position has been left empty since Steve roberie has retired so we are moving forward and filling it up um and Steve does a great job for us Rita Mr Chek yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry resolution to appoint Eliza waron as Financial assistant at an annual salary of $51,000 with a $2,000 increase upon receipt of qualified purchasing agent certific certification effective 8624 contingent upon successful completion of employment physical and background check I moved okay we have a motion and second are there any questions or concerns no concerns I'm just happy that we getting someone in the finance office yes long overdue um Mr Chief yes Mr lws yes Mr patali Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes oh yes M excuse me resolution to appoint Jordan Brooks say full fulltime truck driver labor basee salary $41,600 effective 8624 contingent on successful completion and employment of physical and background check so Mo second Motion in the second I any questions or concerns hearing none Rita Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes I'm Terry e resolution to appoint Heather Jin jigan jenan say jenan Pusher people's names as a clerk in an office of construction fire prevention and code enforcement at an annual salary of 46,000 effective 8624 ConEd upon a successful completion of employment physical and background check so Mo second a motion we have a second or any questions or concerns hearing none Rita can we do it again Mr Mr L yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes oh yes and carry F resolution to appoint Amanda a as clerk in the office of Planning and Zoning at an annual salary of 42,000 with a $2,000 increase upon SE successful completion of the Planning and Zoning Board secretary certificate certification program and receipt of certification effective date 816 2024 contingent upon successful completion of employment physical and background check so move second motion a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none Rita Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes the yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes I'm Parry G motion to accept the resignation of Mary Joe CS member of the Hamilton Township municipal Authority motion 5year term expiring February 1st 27 effective 81424 now on motion thank you we have a motion second we have second any questions or concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it h motion to accept the resignation of Bob fing as an alternate 2 member of the Hamilton Township planning board in two years term expiring 12 3125 effective 7242 24 motion second motion we have a second or any questions or comments all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have uh Lake lenpy Dam advisory appointments we have the down administrator that goes on there member of Township committee and a member of Hamilton Township citizen at large I'd like to nominate art Cher well first Township administrator I didn't think i' have to nominate him since you don't have to nominate I just need a motion in a second and a vote for Brett motion second okay all any questions concerns yeah um all those in favor by saying those opposed thank you all right now for Township Committee Member I nominate AR Shanker how's that so that's what we're doing we had to do Bret first so is there a all right is there a um spot for the mayor automatically and then a Township Committee Member or is it just one get a second on your motion no second you motion a second any questions or concerns how did we pick the citizen at large member we nominate somebody or appoint we appoint somebody okay we going to appoint someone tonight yes yes um all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have't Council of Hamilton citizen at large term expiring 12 3124 I'd like to nominate Christopher Dean rap we have a nomination we have a second second are there any questions or concerns is um I don't have no questions and no I mean the only thing I would I would just like to know the people you know have some background on person because if you're from the township and lived here all your life you know everybody and you know I'm new I mean I've been living here but I'm new on the township so it's not that I'm against the people but I don't even know know I want to know him excuse [Laughter] me that's all I'm saying I'm I'm sure that if Carl I mean committeeman you call me Carl that's just don't call me late for dinner that if he nominated him that he knew something about the person and the person is a good person it's just that with me being new I would just like to have information on moving forward on somebody that's going to be nominated at least you can read something about them it doesn't look like I'm just rubber stamping okay can we table this and um you don't have to table it you know I'm just saying moving forward let me say this before used to wasn't it someone that lived on the lake was part of this I don't know if uh I don't think that was one of the wasn't the criteria criteria was it that wasn't one of the criteria no I don't believe it was written in there I think it was still citizen at large previously okay so Mr rap does live on the lake so he's very aware of uh the situation and the concerns of the dam retired state trooper currently works for balini used to work for JPC construction um I don't know what else to say about him I mean at least I got something I got some type of information I appreciate it thank you so much okay and I'm sure he'll do a great job just he's a good guy you like to we have you do we do okay any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I almost opposed i s it that was almost painful uh just a question before we move further um mayor um how does like how does this work does the first person that blurred out a nominee is that how we is that how this is time no oh okay I just thought maybe there was an order or something that generally the first person gets voted on no I mean like how do we um I think we have a great candidate I'm not worried about that right I'm just saying how how generally when when you nominate somebody the first person that's nominated we vote on okay if that fails then we go to someone else okay gotcha generally how it's done um J resolution to terminate employment that's dead oh that's dead that's right yes we haven't took that off okay nine approvals minutes regular oh no we got a we got a vote for you have another one there was a replacement for AJ resolution to appoint uh Jacob Benoit oh okay I'm sorry previously approved day manager no longer improved of the Cod Okay resolution to hire Jacob benowitz is day manager for the remainder of the Cove 2024 season $18 an hour effective 81 2024 move second motion we have a second Rita can we do a roll call please Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes M carry nine approvals minutes of the regular meeting minutes of July 15 2024 motion second we have a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it B bills bill list total 5,615 4534 so moved a motion second we have a second can we do a roll call vote Please Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and carry thank you we will move on to reports Mr administrator I just want to congratulate Steve Adair for his promotion in the uh it Department he's been an excellent employee over the last 15 15 years he's going to do a great job as director so congratulations Steve that's all I have nothing to reported this time mayor thank you engineer uh just three quick updates on the projects uh right now leapy uh concessions stay in the water has been uh turned on and we have water inside the building and irrigation is functioning as well with uh fix a couple heads but we have water uh final punch list items are being worked on this week and hopefully everything's cleaned inside by the end of the week starting next week um Underhill fencing is progressing nicely um the fencing itself should be finished in the next two weeks around the entire complex uh concrete and uh will be following and working at the same time and then probably Paving to follow shortly after and we are accepting uh Malaga Road bids uh this Thursday uh August 8th and hope to award the project uh August 19th anybody have any questions just one question when will there be a ribbon cutting for the Le that I didn't decide on that's I don't know when committee or we were going to disc do that we have a recreation uh not a subcommittee but uh we have a meeting set on Thursday we were going to talk about that but we're looking at the uh week of August 12th right now so we're not sure yet depends on people's schedules there you go thank you counc committee Dr withone yes I I have a a little report um I'm learning a lot about the township every day you know just because something has a maze Landing address doesn't mean it's actually in Hampton Township and um I was invited to the uh new Mexican restaurant it's very the food is delicious and I went to the ribbon cutting but as soon as I turned left and went a half a block I was in [Music] way so then I realized that okay said May Landing on it but it wasn't really Maz Landing but I still because I showed up I still you know I prom promis him I was coming I I just showed up so I was there and and along with the wouth mayor and committee man from wayth and so that's why you saw me in the picture because I thought it was ma Landing but it was not ma Landing but the food is delicious and um it was very good I was very um happy today to be a part of the press conference with um a congressman uh Jeff Andrew and that was my first time at the damn I mean I wrode around it uh last week and looked at it from afar uh but actually being that close upon on on it was good and you know I like what he had said they didn't quote it in the Press but he was responsible for making sure that we got this money here in the township but it was done through a bipartisan effort and he made sure that he said that because he couldn't have done it if he didn't have a b Artisan effort to bring the money to the township so I really thought that that was really really great and it was hot but um to see that the progress is going on and this really started prior to me even being on this committee but I'm happy that it's happening while I am on the committee and I think uh uh committee man patali had started this and um he done a great job and I just had to say that and um so to see it going on and I can't believe that for 50 years that they were manually turning that I just can't imagine that I I I really couldn't I tried to imagine it and it was very difficult for me to imagine but I'm glad that something is being done because it would have been catastrophic uh in our community if that dam was not fixed you know so I'm really happy what's going on here in Hamilton Township and lastly there are so many new businesses popping up everywhere in Hamilton Township and I'm happy about it Jersey miks is coming you know and there's just so many different businesses every time I ride down the street I see something new so I'm excited about that because that happs our tax ratables you know and it's a lot to say we we are the largest geographical municipality in the state but when things are coming to they're not going to be just bunched up on each other you know so I really really am excited about what's going on and what's happening in um our Township and I'm also happy the way the project is going with the um construction with the concession stand I'm very happy about that uh I do want to go back and look at it again I know I probably have to make an appointment but I want to go back and look at to see where you actually are with it you know from the time that I went there and last but not least we had in Hamilton Night Naomi she did make it to the finals of the Olympics but she done doing well and I was very surp I was following this the whole time and she was uh won in semifinals and then wonn like the 200 meters and the different things we have a lot of great kids and a lot of great people in Hamilton Township so when something is being uh done here I like to highlight it and that is my my report thank you commital uh first I want to say thank you to to MJ and uh Bob fin for uh for their work on the boards that there on mua and the and the planning board um always got to have those volunteers and we thank them for that for their time that they gave us uh congratulations to all the new hires uh I'm not going to go through and try to name everybody but congratulations to them happy to see uh some holes getting filled um take some pressure off of uh those different departments that have been really struggling to keep up and and still getting things done so this will help out with them and uh like Dr Witherspoon said we're out at the dam today with um Congressman vandrew uh mayor was out there there were some people out there from the county county uh the County engineer was there um the engineers from wsp that designed it um the call for dam was I would say 3/4 complete um so things are moving on really well uh a little bit quicker than what was in what what what they said earlier uh sounds like the Coffer Dam on the Riverside is going to be done this year which we didn't think was going to happen and would have slowed the project down immensely um I did ask them since this is all happening are we going to get done sooner and of course I got laugh that but you know did ask we'll see what happens but uh just happy that this is moving on and uh it's a long time coming and and a big thank you to to Jeff Andrew and what he did and like Dr Witherspoon said the bipartisanship how everybody jumped in and did what had to be done to get that Grant and to get this project moving on so that was really really good very happy about that uh go to my little notes Here National Night Out tomorrow night Chief promised me it's not going to rain it's 6 to9 um rain or shine unless it gets really bad then we're going to pull the plug so no pressure buddy because milville bailed out already violin bailed out already not I'm not afraid I'm not afraid will you be giving out rain parkus big metal pole wow that's justful so please hope let's everybody cross your fingers we have good weather fireworks is going to be a good time um Midsummer Night Main Street Market is Thursday night August 8th from 6:00 to 9:00 on Main Street um vendors out on the streets and then all the uh businesses will be open m uh the pub of course is open get out there get something to eat take a walk down Main Street hopefully we have good weather for that uh Maz Landing Yacht Club is having a clan bake now it's not in our town it's over there in wouth it's at Marill but it is trying to get money together for the night of lights that does happen in our town so that is Sunday August 11th uh it's out at marls I believe it starts at noon uh go out there for a clam bake be a good time and then of course the Night of Light Saturday August 17th at 8:30 at the bulkhead hopefully we have good weather for that we have some uh boats to finally you putting lights on your boat mayor I don't know ah all right I'd help you but and then uh the 34th annual Maryanne and Daniel J Murphy Jr memorial Riata uh power boat racing out on the lake lake lenp September 7th and 8th and that's from noon to 400 p.m so looking forward to that and then uh after that I believe we have um we got art the park what else we got anything else going on September 11th we have the ceremony for that um Christmas Christmas is coming yeah yeah I got I'm I'm running out of steam so uh Reagan I'll see you later Maddie I miss you love you and I hope to see you soon thank you comme yes in July I attended the wakeup wakeboard contest for suicide prevention at Lake lenpy that was very very nice it was the first time I was ever there and I was very surprised with the amount of people and the quality that it was it was very nice uh as Carl stated tomorrow night's National Night Out And as also Carl stated I'd like to thank MJ and Bob Fink for their volunteer service August 11th at 6 o'l we have a commemoration for the 1880 train accident on the Trussell very important it's something that I spearheaded for the trussle new trussle bridge it starts at 600 at the Presbyterian church and then goes to the site of the trussle where the accident occurred so hopefully people can attend that and then on a personal note my daughters came over our house about a week and a half ago smelled gas where my wife and I didn't smell it called 911 we had a great experience with the maze land and Fire Company laurale fire Fire Company myself and my daughters had to leave for an appointment but according to the wife it was just done so professional and so great and I have to give a thanks to all our volunteers throughout the entire Township how they represented themselves and that's all I have thank you law thank you um yeah uh ditto to uh uh Bob Fink and Mary Jo thank you so much um for your service and uh I know you put a lot of years in there uh Mary Joe we we're grateful um Naomi uh did uh compete at Junior Olympics last week uh we reported on her uh attending the national championships but this week along with the Olympics they have a Junior Olympics and she did uh compete she competed well um she was winning the 100 MERS and and fell 10 MERS before the finish line it was uh amazing but uh she came right back she was injur but she came right back and finished third in the 200 so uh she's the officially the the third fastest 200 meter runner in the country so that's a big deal um coming from ma Landing you know and so we're proud of her so shout out to you Naomi laws hopefully we'll get her in and some of her teammates in to uh you know extend some type of proclamation to us those uh young ladies and young men they did an outstanding job also um I did a uh attend the awake uh event uh for suicide prevention um and uh great it was a great event it was really really nice event they wakeboarding up and down the uh the lake uh a lot of people had a lot of fun I can't swim so I didn't wakeboard um but it was a great time it was definitely a great time um and there was a lot of information shared um and finally uh to Richie's Point uh the um uh train uh uh crashed that they had the Great train crash that they had there um uh shout out to uh Mari Doo who actually put together a really really good um documentary and you can find that video actually on YouTube um uh for you know Maz Landing train train um uh wreck it's a really really well done piece and uh you know she just did a great job she she was uh she worked tirelessly on that along with her daughters to uh bring that with with our group at the Historic Society so thank you very much thank you uh I'm going to start off by thanking uh Bob F personally um for all our volunteers you know all things committees that we have cannot be what they are without our volunteers so we appreciate that Bob has done his service and and all people who serve I want to give a special shout out to Mary Joe C who's been been on for 15 years many of those years you were the chair and we appreciate all that you've done uh to keep our mua anybody who is a customer of the M knows how hard they work to keep our rates down to keep them where they need to be you go to neighboring communities they are probably triple of what we pay here so it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to to do that and keep that in check so my hats off thank you so much and I wish you luck with your new Endeavor I even realize you were here I'm sorry I would have looked at you when I said your name it's not us need to be thing um as Mr P said I was at the the dam today and um uh there's a lot of credit that has to be put around here but most of the Credit in my opinion goes to the man sitting to my left um he pushed for this he got the attention of the congressman's office and it it turned into a a two $4.6 million uh Grant from the federal government and I I don't know the last time we've seen any money from the federal government of that kind of magnitude so you know coming in when you do budgets and stuff you you plan for stuff like this this this is something that was a big ticket item and we knew it was going to be and to have a federal government step in like that having Congressman vandrew steep in uh was was big um the nice part about today is when we actually went up there towards the uh site to see how much they have gotten accomplished because these types of jobs are very much affected by the time of year because you can't go in the water after a certain amount of time so they had to get so far to get actually make this work and I think you know we asked if they were ahead of schedule and they don't want to say that because once you say that usually that's right but I from what from what we saw they were ahead of schedule they're doing a great job the site was extremely clean um so I I expect it to be on time uh which is a good thing um what else National Night Out I only have one thing to say you are a very stubborn person cuz you're going to push we're going to have this thing and you're going to will this rain away are you not okay that's something I do not want to see on on YouTube I do not want to see that dance on Tik Tok okay I do uh that's all I have I'd like to open this to the public for public comment anybody in the public like to speak I'll make Pro I want to tell you that the schools uh our school district has wrapped up our summer programs we had two of them one was esy extended school year summer school and the other one was for kids that needed kind of some leadership and better or different role models in their life and um both those programs are wrapped up additionally I want to thank uh Mr Chek and Mr laws for coming out and continue to support us in our endeavors of expanding our schools without uh asking you to put the bill so we're continuing to go down multiple uh paths there and U they spent their time took us out to vinand to see a project of another company that we're seriously looking at to try to come in here and help us with uh establishing a net new school um to add capacity um also we are getting ready to publish our school routes this is the first year that we're doing it ourselves with some of our own buses with that we'll be coming uh some financial decisions that um some parents may not like and that is moving some school bus stops um and then on top of that we're going to ask the township maybe uh the public uh your Public Works to help us create what we call gang stops and that's this uh where we're stopping somewhere where it's not necessarily out in front of the child's house but the children come together to you know for a bus stop um yeah there's continue concern about it being safe especially on some of the major roads like 50 and that kind of stuff so we're trying to take those off the main road the problem with that is some of these spots where we'd like to stop say 12T back from 50 they're grass and uh become muddy and that kind of stuff so we're looking to uh work with the homeowners and uh Public Works maybe they help us throw down like 3/4 inch Stone on on a little small plot put up with some sign with a high visibility that says this is a the Township school bus stop so the kids will stand there not on the main road uh I've seen coming down 50s uh some kids dancing in the middle of 50 you know they're high schoolers not our kids but you know uh it only takes one bad accent then we wish we uh did something so we want to uh maybe be proactive with that work with you guys uh it's going to go into our vote at the this month to enter into a or draft a letter of agreement to work with guys we will putli the bill we just may need the assistance of Public Works to actually help put in the signs and some thoughts about getting the signs created it's something we don't do maybe Public Works can give us some pointers um and then additionally We'll be asking the police department if they can we could borrow or have them put out the um speed boards along 50 for the first couple weeks of school to say you know slow down our kids are here something like that just again more visibility to slow the traffic down and uh get a through the first couple weeks of uh the change in traffic patterns due to school bus stops and schools uh the school buses being on the road okay nothing else thanks thank you Dr Nelson appreciate it when you come in here and update there anybody else great um yeah ladies and gentlemen I just want to say thank you thank you for the opportunity to serve on the MUA the years that I have uh it's with great tation that I have to resign due to the calling as a job but um aside from the honor and the privilege it's been a learning experience from the from day one um I feel I feel honored to have served with the board members that I've served with and as my parents said whether it be in sports or life you're you're only as good as the people that you hang out with or you surround yourself with and the boards that I've sat on um I've learned nothing but great things so you guys are the board's in great shape and I just wanted to personally come and say thank you for the opportunity to do it I enjoyed every minute of it so of it was a little tougher than others at times uh depending on the you know climate but um it's been a great great experience and I'm going to miss I'm going to miss everybody but I will keep in touch and anybody needs any help they have my number thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you anyone else in the public like to comment speak no motion to close motion to close we have a second second have a second any questions comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed ni have it uh we are going to adjourn to Executive session um for the reasons I read earlier um we have contract negotiations with the teamsters Communications officers we also have uh um attorney client privilege pending anticipated litigation code violations at cottonall so I need a motion to go to Executive session so moveed second second are there any questions comments all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it we will be coming back out there may be formal action right possibly possibly for possibly may be coming back out for any of those of you that are interested okay from executive session chair will entertain a motion for adjournment I'll make a motion toj second a motion to Second any questions concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I all those oppos the eyes have