##VIDEO ID:zyCOifVpVts## why not I'd like to open the meeting for the township of Hamilton for Monday August 19th 2024 would you please stand for the flag salute mayor laws to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January the 6 2024 Mr Chek Mr laws here Mr patali hello I'm here W here sorry here can we have a moment of silence for private reflection please thank you move on addition and deletions of late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight excuse me 7A business registration renewal for Anderson Renewal by Anderson three canvasing permits from o from August 20th 24 to November 19th 2024 also a business registration for Jack lion Transit vendier Li vendor license Atlantic City Race Course September 21st to October 14 20124 deletions on the agenda is 3D fees for developer escrow like to make the motion a motion we have a second or there any questions or complaints hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings Brett is anybody signed up we have no one signed up all right thank you discussion formal action may be taken discussion Patriot equities 4501 Blackhorse Pike block 135.0 [Music] 10.01 presentation of Redevelopment plan we have somebody here from Patriot equities or we presenting that this is us okay so we have um a plan that is intended to re repeal the existing Atlantic City Race Course Redevelopment plan and replace it um the there are not a lot of differences between the existing Redevelopment plan and the plan that's being proposed MH however um certain definitions are are changed we're adding permitted uses one is a fulfillment Distribution Center um and that will allow for um the receip storage assembly packaging shipment sortation fulfillment distribution or delivery of merchandise so that one added in um to the existing uses the Redevelopment subcommittee has met and reviewed this draft Redevelopment plan and um it has been reviewed by our planner Mr patina as well as our engineer Mr Watkins um and the bulk standards are found to be appropriate for the proposed uses um if committee and the public will recall the escrow agreement with the conditional redeveloper Patriot equities was U approved um a few months ago and we were uh advised that we or I it was approved that we work on development of a Redevelopment plan for the project um what you see up on the screen is um the entire area and there are two separate sections um and I don't know if you can see um but the recreational commercial industrial zone is the green zone and the Planned Village Development recreational commercial industrial zone is in the purple so um all three uses in the purple and strictly the um recreational commercial industrial in the green now this plan does not approve any applications for development it provides the framework the Zoning for any application for development before an application for development could proceed um any potential redeveloper would have to enter into a Redevelopment agreement with committee and those terms would have to be worked out um none of that has happened this is the the Second Step based off of entering into the escro agreement now we're here at the plan introduction and it has to be via ordinance and we also have a resolution referring this plan to the planning board for it to do its statutory review to confirm consistency with your Township's master plan okay thank you anybody have any questions just one question do you say the recreational commercial what do you me there so the uses that are permitted in that zone um all of the uses that are listed in the Redevelopment plan um they are in section 24556 and C lists all of the recreational commercial industrial area uses permitted uses are we on b or a they are if you look in ABC under 24556 I'm sorry um which resolution 3A 3A I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah 3A I'm not I wasn't looking at the agenda I was looking at the plan I apolog guys so 3A and in the plan if you look at section 24556 under c number one then you have to flip the page and there's a through y z I'm sorry A through Z there are all the different uses that are permitted under that particular category of zoning recreational commercial industrial so an application could come forward with any of those as permitted uses okay in that space yes as that while we just approved for someone to get a license and we haven't even well we didn't approve it but it's on the so that is not for this location okay we're not approving any uses or any license or any agreement with this particular property okay this is just strictly introduction of this ordinance and the resolution referring it to the planning board for a master plan consistency review thank you you're welcome anyone else so this is an introduction of ordinance 20842 24 an ordinance repealing Redevelopment plan for the Atlantic City Race Corps Redevelopment area as set forth in article 4 section 245-5344 69 adopting the 2024 Atlantic City Race Course Redevelopment plan block 13 1135 d-01 lot 10-01 also known as Atlantic City Race Course Redevelopment area within the Township of Hamilton Public hearing will be held September 16th 2024 any motion motion please second we have a motion and second are there any questions concerns R can we do a roll call on this please Mr laws yes Mr patali another step forward yes director Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and introduced okay um the next step in this process is a resolution authorizing the township of Hamilton planning board to review a proposed Redevelopment plan for the Atlantic City Racecourse Redevelopment area within H Township of Hamilton a designated Redevelopment area also known as block I'll make the motion we have a motion second we have a second are there any questions or concerns we're on 3B right pardon me we on 3B a so still on 3 a 3 a okay D two no no questions okay uh hearing no questions uh Rita let's do a roll call on this please Mr law yes Mr patali yes Dr withp yes mayor Shanker yes all yes standing thank you thank you let's uh move on to item 3B discussion on Green Acres LLC 2877 lwood road block 237 Lots one and two site specific Redevelopment plan okay um Committee in July authorized um Mr Watkins Mr patina myself to draft a site specific Redevelopment plan for this property this is the um class one cultivation um the definition of processing agricultural processing that is already within the Township Code needed to be added in order for the Pinel lands to be able to certify this ordinance because part of cultivation includes that processing and uh it was at their suggestion that we amend or do site specific Redevelopment plan for this site because it is a fully built out site that is perfect for redevelopment um and committee agreed with that and directed us to draft this plan uh and and that's really what this plan does there is one other change in this plan um with regard to distances from um facilities I I don't want anyone to be misled so I I wanted to point this out okay um the distances to parks and recreational areas has been removed because of the location of this particular facility and um its proximity to a County gun range and so because it is a gun range that can only be um utilized by people with a license and over the age of 21 um the decision was made to exclude that so that this facility could in fact be redeveloped and put back into productive use uh for the township okay anyone have any questions questions one question I'm looking at this what is the community benefit to this particular well getting again the a site that has been already um built and is in need of either demolition or repurposing uh in a sensitive area back into productive use without having to damage any other sensitive areas within the township um it is something that the Pinelands has um advised me personally that they are in favor of because it will not be damaging anything and they can make sure that the site is being utilized appropriately um and the community benefit will be that once the cultivation is in progress uh the township does have a tax ordinance whereby um revenues are taxed with regard to uh the Cannabis operation so you will see an increase in tax revenue um hopefully based off of the production and I see here that um the affordable housing this is a nice section it wouldn't be no um removal well so there's no housing in the area it's it's industrial at the moment um and in addition there is the Statewide non-residential development fee that has to get paid for um it's the increase in assessed value uh so it won't be on the 100% of the value of the property because it's it's already taxed um but you will see um an amount that's paid into based off of you know Mr Johnson will do his assessment and then that that month that amount will get calculated and then we'll get into your trust fund your affordable housing trust fund so you have those funds available as well thank you this is also uh the company that's doing this is looking not looking to go outside of the footprint that they have right now that's correct that was very important to what we heard at least to me that is taking care of a building that is in basically ruin and they're going to bring it back to life and make it a viable part of uh the businesses so it's to me it's a win-win correct and again this will require a Redevelopment agreement um and that is not what's being approved and will require a site plan submission to the planning board um once this is adopted uh and that is not being approved this evening it's just an introduction of the zoning with a referral to the plan it's nice to see Pine lands on board with something for a change they were in favor they still have to do their certification once it's adopted yeah but um I'm it come from their suggestion so that's a good thing all right uh so we need to introduce this ordinance 2020 excuse me 2085 d224 in or ordinance adopting a sites a specific Redevelopment plan for Block two 237 lot one and two in the township of Hamilton Public hearing will be held September 16 2024 I'll make that motion we have a motion second a second any questions or comments hearing none Rita will do a roll call on this to please Mr La yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker absolutely all yes and introduce uh B2 resolution authorizing the township of Hamilton planning board to review proposed spe specific Redevelopment plan for Block 237 Lot 1 and two a designated Rehabilitation area within the township of Hamilton so moved second a motion we have a second any questions or comments just one question go ahead they we at the agreement portion right we are not no we're not presentation of redevelop that's the next one oh that's C on C are we not on C no okay it's the same process we followed for the um first Redevelopment plan for the race course okay I see still on the got you okay Rita can we do a roll call please Mr LW yes Mr fatali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes well yes I'm Carri okay um 3C discussion fresh fresh cut cannabis block 994 Lots 35 and 36 presentation of Redevelopment agreement so this has been uh a long time coming we've been negotiating with the um redeveloper for quite some time they were named conditional redeveloper um last year I believe and um the the unique situation is that they we have one entity as the construction redeveloper who will uh build the building to suit and then we have another entity that is going to be the operator redeveloper uh the fresh cut um and we have gentlemen from fresh cut here who can will give you uh an overview of their company their operations um and then I can go into a little detail for you with regard to the terms of the Redevelopment agreement that are um they're all important but that are most important for um the the committee to understand and and make a decision on this evening okay thank you just so everyone's clear this is in the industrial park yes that's correct you want to speak into the microphone okay good evening everybody good evening committee my name is Jordan law I'm one of the owners of FR cannabis Inc I'm here with my partner matowski we're missing the third partner he's actually in Italy um so what we wanted to do is just kind of give you an overview as Emily said we've been negotiating this Redevelopment agreement for going only nine months I think um I think we've covered everything in there um I know the town had some concerns so today we just wanted to give you a brief overview of kind of where we are in the process and um hopefully get our Redevelopment agreement approved today um so we're um fresh cut cannabis Inc we're class one uh Canabis cultivator and a Class 2 uh cannabis manufacturer we're currently proposing a 47,6 630 ft facility in the industrial Business Park um Qui little aerial phot photo we have um as mayor mentioned we have uh Lots 35 and 36 um we just have a just kind of give you an idea of what we're going to do with that property and we more will be revealed when we get to the planning board process we have other vending Andes to show you um that's just kind of an idea of what it might look like when everything is all said and done so as of right now um kind of here's everything that that we've completed so far so we are licensed by the state can of this Regulatory Commission um we have a resolution of local support we submitted and went through the whole RFQ process um quite some time ago actually we have a certificate of filing with no conditions from the timelines commission got an approval from the htmua we have go serve from the Hua and we've completed um the remaining balance of our design and so what's still remaining is obviously this Redevelopment agreement um needs to get approved as why we're here tonight um we've submitted and we're awaiting a hearing for the planning board the Redevelopment agreement was a mandatory precedent to uh be heard at a hearing for the planning board um we've submitted to the Atlanta County planning board and anticipate a response back by the end of this month same thing with this loyal Conservation District we should um hear back from them by the end of this month and then just going through with the whole process once the planning board um approves our plans we can go back through get that final review from the planning uh from the Pelin commission and um we'd be all set for construction at that point and we can and it's not up to us it's our partners who is the actual construction redeveloper they'll be submitting for the construction permit so we can initiate uh the construction phase of our project um we know that there are some concerns that we're going to address probably um in the planning board in depth and that's going to be around security and odor mitigation so just a quick overview of our security we have um our security plan which was submitted as an exhibit um with the planning board application we're working with a a security consultant there are growth uh Security Solutions um and our so when you go through the the licensing process with the state they have to approve your security plan so first and foremost our security plan was approved by the CRC and it is compliant with all state regulations um we've coordinated with the local police department um and will continue to coordinate with the local police department as needed anything that's going to happen with our security plan or any suggestions that need to get made um just to give you an idea and again this was um submitted under a confidentiality cover um we also submitted a redacted copy with the planning board submission but we have over 90 cameras in different locations 90° 180 Dee 270 degree 360 degree cameras um is a very well secured facility um just to give you an idea and again I'm sure there'll be questions and we'll dive more into that into the planning board process then as far as the odor mitigation I know that this has been another um concern of the township and we want to make sure that we address this accordingly and again again this um our mitigation plan was submitted in depth in our planning board application but we've engaged with a company their name is bioscientific they're a renowned odor mitigation um air quality technology company especially in cannabis on the west coast many municipalities adopted their technology as sort of like the best practices um we've customized because this is a groundup bill we've customized that odor mitigation uh system specifically for our facility um and it you know it's anticipating the volume of products that will'll push out so it will be a powerful enough system to to mitigate the odor that'll be coming from our facility um this company you can look them up um we can provide any information there but they utilize some of the most advanced molecular uh filtration and ative mitigation Technologies in any industry this is specifically in cannabis but they do other Industries outside of cannabis as well and then of course um the township has um you know other mitigation requirements in the ordinance that will have to abide by with the oldometer readings and all those things we're well aware of and they're part of our standard operating procedures um in our OD mitigation plan so just a quick timeline um this is actually the timeline that we put that's going to be an exhibit in the Redevelopment agreement um it kind of just outlines sort of the things that need to take place here but our goals here are to finalize all of our um unfillable permits by November so that means going through the planning board and getting that final uh uh review done by the Pinelands um construction redeveloper as we said she she'll dive into um sort of the details of how the deal is structured but our partner the construction redeveloper will acquire the property sometime early next year is the goal um commencing on construction just pretty much right after that and then we'll have about 12 months of construction assuming no delays or anything like that looking to um get a a certificate ofing and operations in quarter 1 2026 um one other quick thing that I know that that I didn't have in this um in this slideshow here but I know that the township is you know not not really concerned but I know that they um Community outreaching is really important so in the RFQ also we've stated a lot of things that we're really interested in doing we understand that um building a relationship with the township is extremely important and gaining the support of of all of its population is really important too so uh we uh have looked into multiple different things adopt the road the Waterway clean up Lake L Association um different things like that that we're absolutely intending to be a part of as well as um so it's time it's a time and funds commitment so time incentivizing our employees to get involved as well and then funds too so we'll also incentivize employees to if they donate their time um will match with some dollar amount to any organization locally that that um they're interested in in donating so just wanted to touch on that even though I didn't put it in there that was important to the township and it's important to us okay thank you very good and um if you'd like I can go through just uh briefly um some of the Salient points of the the actual Redevelopment agreement okay um as uh s mentioned this is uh Redevelopment agreement that authorizes construction of the class one cannabis operation Class 2 manufacturing facility um G Cedarwood LLC is the construction redeveloper and fresh cut cannabis Inc is the operator redeveloper so we have those two distinct entities but they are working in conjunction with each other um and all as built um once it's constructed um the asilt plans have to get submitted to the township for compliance and that'll be checked before any cosos are issued uh before operations can begin um the Redevelopment agreement is intended to stay in place um for at least one year or two full growing cycles and the reason for that is so that the odor can be monitored and if there are any um glitches with the odor mitigation system they can be addressed without penalty to the redeveloper because they are um intending to work with the township as you heard uh and we want to make sure that the Township the committee has the ability uh to enforce the terms of the Redevelopment agreement until such time that you're comfortable that they are in compliance with that odor mitigation requirement those systems um you listening to the the the presentation with regard to the the systems that they and the company that they're working with um you know I'm comfortable that they are engaging the appropriate professionals to assist them and make sure that they are moving forward in the right direction with odor mitigation uh they have also contributed via the Redevelopment agreement um to purchase of an oldometer by the township um so that Township can go out and monitor and check um on there there are Milestones timelines um where they can go and a Township can go and conduct odor testing uh they will themselves have to do odor testing and and keep track of all of their their own internal testing that they would share with the township um any violations that don't get abated uh would be a cause for default of the Redevelopment agreement and I am certain that how hard they've worked to get to this point that they're not going to to happen um and in addition all the the state and local cannabis licenses have to be up to date all the time you have to make sure that they are renewing at the appropriate times and uh with the township and with the CRC um they went through the timing of the project that design phase when they anticipate construction to begin and complete um security plan is really important as they said it is uh proprietary it's really important for everyone to understand that it can't be shared with the public um but it is being completely vetted by not only our police department but also by the CRC so we have two layers of oversight of that um there are transfer restrictions well the these gentlemen can't transfer ownership of the entity until the Redevelopment agreement is terminated without approval from you so if they were to transfer ownership they'd have to come back to you with the new owners um so that you have the ability to go through this process with the new owners and feel comfortable with them as you are with with um the three gentlemen that we're working with today okay um in addition any of the um plans that go to the planning board they have to comply with the industrial Business Park standards so the submission that they made to the planning board um only the use is uh governed by the Redevelopment plan the industrial Business Park standards are what apply to the the planning Board review and um the resolution that you have in front of you for authorization of execution of the Redevelopment agreement also authorizes the submission of their site plan application to the planning board lets the planning board have jurisdiction to hear the application um they did submit their application quite some time ago so that professionals if they had uh and they submitted an escrow to with the planning board um so that if the the professionals had the um the time to start their review they were able to do that but the planning board will not hear it until the Redevelopment agreement is approved and you authorize that submission to the planning board okay thank you anybody have any questions none so we have a re a resolution authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement for fresh cut cannabis so moved second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions concerns read can we do a roll call vote Please Mr L yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes be Shanker yes yes and carry congratulations guys good luck uh let's move on to 3E this is an amendment to chapter 225 parks and beaches and 235 processions parades public Assemblies of the Township Code Mr solicitor could you uh give us some background on this so everyone knows what we're talking about this is on the agenda for discussion because there was a question that was posed regarding the two hockey Courts at the leapy fields um and as committee knows those two fields of those two hockey courts are governed under the Green Acres regulations um and working with Chief Sam brone and Mr null uh it's Min understanding that the hockey courts as of right now one is remains open to the public for use within the hours and one remains closed but available by permit uh because there's been a history of either vandalism or non-conforming use uh and the purpose of doing it that way was to make sure there's always one court that is a good condition for especially the youth organizations to use or other organizations um there was a question of whether they both had to remain open uh we reached out to the compliance officers from D um and posed that question we got an advisory opinion that it was allowable uh under the Green Acres regulation to keep one Court closed while one remain open as long as the court that was closed uh was readily accessible to the public through either a permit or a uh reservation system um and looking at code 225 and 235 although it does allow for special permit applications it doesn't quite fit the standards on our Green Acres for a reservation system so if the committee wishes to continue doing that where we keep one open to the public the second by permit and reservation use we'd have to update code 225 and 235 based on the Green Acres reservation so that's what's on uh for discussion for the night before committee we want to keep that process and doing one open one closed and authorizing me to draft an amendment for the ordinance for 225 and 235 thank you anyone have any questions is everyone all right with this yes yes we need a motion or you just uh motion directing uh me to submit a amended order ordance for 225 and 235 and I present that for introduction hopefully by the next meeting thank you second we have a motion we have a second any questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it thank you uh public hearings we have none introduction to ordinances we have none let's go to Awards bids contracts and change orders a resolution to award board bid 2024 d06 for 2024 Municipal a reconstruction of malago Road Phase 1 to arak Paving Company Incorporated for the amount not to exceed $228,700 moved I'll second motion we have a second are there any questions concerns we're all ready to go go perfect good um Rita could we do a roll call please Mr laws yes Mr patal yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and Carri B resolution to approve the increase in not to exceed amount for electrical repair Maintenance and Service contract bid 2022-23 of $5,000 so moved I'll second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or comments R can we do a roll call vote Please Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and carry see a resolution to award professional service contract for an affordable housing COA special litigation Council effective 9 excuse me 819 20 24 to 88 2025 not to exceed $155,000 make that motion can you give us a quick just let everybody know what this is for yes uh there's going to be a lot of changes coming down the pike involving COA and the affordable housing including the process being transferred from Co over to VCA coming in the next couple months and early next year so it's a process that all municipalities across the state are going to have to go through uh and as I mentioned a specialized area so a lot of towns like Hamilton Township are reaching out to hire specialized Council to be able to guide you through that process and the requirements moving forward okay and this Council will work with our tax assessor and our Township planner correct yes correct we have a motion we have a second okay we have a second we make excuse me I'm sorry we have to um pick the uh attorne The Firm I'll nominate SB and N LLC because I'm not going to try to pronounce that first name okay is that a motion Nom okay we have a second second we have a second any questions or concerns hearing none Rita can we do a roll call vote Please Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carrie uh D resolution authorizing purchase of three 2025 Dodge Durango Police all-wheel drive vehicles through the Cranford police Cooperative pricing system contract number 47 CP CPS in the amount of $24,300 through Heritage Fleet Services in Milford Delaware we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none Rita can we do a roll call vote Please Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry we have the consent agenda a through e including three and four on under 7A the ones we read previously make a motion of the consent agenda we have a motion second may have motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it I guess we should kind of say a little should say something um this is giving Renewal by Anderson canvasing permits mhm so that means that they can go knock on doors yes they can uh number eight Personnel a a resolution to appoint Robert Goodman as director of community and economic development at the annual rate of $110,000 effective 82124 employment contingent on a successful completion of employment physical and background check still moov we have motion second second uh let's do a roll call vote Rita Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes I'm cared thank you B resolution to ex extend the appointment of Bonnie Sherry on an as needed barly basis to assist the finance department with payroll at the rate of $75 per hour effective August 17 2024 through the end of this year process December 31st 2022 so moved second we have motion we have a second are there any questions or comments read a roll call please Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and carry thank you we have approvals minutes of the regular meeting minutes of August 5th 2024 so second we have a motion and we have a second all those in favor signify by saying I I those opposed the eyes hav't B minutes of the executive session meeting minutes of August 5th 2024 sove second we have a motion we have a second R could we have a roll call Vote for This Please Mr lws yes Mr Bali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry thank you C Minutes special executive session meeting minutes of August 12th 2024 we have a motion make a motion we have a motion we have a second we make that a second it this okay make it a second okay thank you R could we do a roll call vote Please Mr laws yes Mr Pali obain Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes four yes one exstension motion carries thank you D bills bill list total 5,5 925 87 you guys got to make these numbers easier to read or I'm not reading them next time all right round up yeah Round Up do something here down come on bro what um do we have a motion to accept the bills we have a motion we have a second any questions or concerns hearing none read a roll call vote Please Mr laws yes Mr patal Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes oh yes we're going to move on to reports Mr administrator real quick I just wanted to make a comment about 6A I just wanted to note that the road work on malago road is 100% grandf funded Township's budget's not going to be affected by that I think that's noteworthy also on um 6B we're increasing the bid on the electrical services we had a lightning strike out at leapy took out a bunch of our lights and uh server box out there uh we got a quote from our uh contractors it's going to be around $10,000 to repair uh what needs to be done out there uh this is going to go through insurance so uh yes it's going to be an increase but we're going to get the money back through the insurance minus are deductible so just wanted to make those clarifications may may I ask where that strike happened uh we're not we know it happened out there but it it took out the pump and it took the took out the variable speed pump and it took out the uh the brain for the irrigation system I think and then also the right right wow but you know gotcha the strobe lights for the airport and right they got they got the red Beacon lights at the top of the poles got taken out so just wanted to you know note that it was yes it's an increase but we'll get it back okay thank you you that's all I have thanks Mr solicitor nothing reported this time mayor thank you thank you Mr engineer I know Mrs Witherspoon wants to know when leapy Fields ribbon cutting is um it's 100% complete now uh we did have one issue with uh an air release valve that we had to add on uh from our building code official and I believe that's it so we're looking for our final Co this week so whenever the township would like to have a ribbon cutting you can schedule it I do not want to schedule it so you guys pick a date and it'll be good um we will try to make the contractor uh clean up any little debris if there's anything out there but uh overall it's uh it's pretty much ready okay thank you yep that's it Township committee members Dr Withers yes thank you for talking about the ribbon cutting you knew I was going to so just waiting to hear you know when we're going to do it I'm all excited that we're um going to do that uh I attended this the sustainable Green Team uh done an outstanding job for the third Memorial um tragedy train wreck that was in 1880 August 11 1880 I attended that and um we met at the church and they showed us a film on on um what happened back then and then I that day was my first time seeing The Trestle bridge I had never seen that so to walk across well I had on the wrong shoe but I know now to wear sneaker but um I um walked across and then got a little ride but um the seed of trestle bridge and the um how the township went out for the $1.5 million that's a big deal and to my surprise probably not everyone else's surprise there were people out there fishing kids and everything you know and it's to me it's dangerous you know so I will be glad when um they didn't have any fear I was more nervous than they were um but they were just out there fishing um I understand it's not a liability if something was to happen because we don't own it the county owns it so it wouldn't be a liability on Hamilton Township that's what I understand that's my understanding but it was a nice ceremony um to remember those um people who died tragically on August 11 1880 and I will be glad when um hopefully we we we will be able to get all the money to complete that project you know so that's going to take a little time but I did attend that and I just wanted everyone along with commit in cheeks he was there also and I just wanted um everyone to know that the real IDs are going to be effective May of 2025 you can no longer use your regular driver's license if you're going to travel now if you're not going anywhere you don't have to worry about it but if you intend to travel you need to change your driver's license it's not that much money it's $11 more um was $35 I just got my real idea I really excited about that and uh you when you go to the motor vehicle um they're not going to give it to you right the away they're going to mail it but if you intend to travel anywhere domestically you have to have a real ID so I'm sure that mostly everybody knows that but just in case people did not know that and they're looking at us on is that channel to uh whatever the TV channel is they will know to get a real ID and it must be it's it will be effective May 2025 so that is my report thank you committeeman Carl patali um Night of Lights uh last Saturday night was it was a success I believe about 20 boats um I know only two houses were involved hopefully next year we get that get those numbers back up but the uh the one that won was pretty impressive um Baywatch it was uh back to old times but no it was it was neat it was great to see all those boats out there um and bringing a lot of people down to the park um National Night Out um big success good job Chief good job to everybody um to see all those people there was was amazing uh I guess with a couple of different towns that that cancelled but our chief the weatherman he called it he said it will not rain and it did not rain I know the pressure was on you buddy but you you did it man you did it I'm impressed uh but no that was great what's that the dance yes it did um but everybody who did work on that I mean thank you so much because uh it really brought a lot of people together it was a great time and uh fireworks were great everybody was raving uh with the exception of the normal people that complain about traffic and you know and whatnot one night here all right two nights the Halloween parade I'm sorry two nights I I I don't know what to tell you deal with it um yeah don't be such a crin be happy like me um let's see what else is going on um 34th annual um Daniel Murphy and MaryAnn uh Murphy rata on the lake September 7th and 8th uh please come down the boat races it's a good time uh there'll be a food truck at the Cove you can watch from The Cove you can watch from over at uh Atlanta County Park lenpy Park West um and then there's a couple spots along I guess lenpy Avenue and Main Street there you could you could watch from there please come out enjoy the races it's a good time hopefully we have some good weather uh water levels are fine everything's good uh the dam is moving along that's another thing Dam's moving along uh call for Dam on the upper side is done I see they move the crane today I don't know what their plan is I guess the crane now comes off and they'll start on the cord Dam on the on the Riverside and hopefully they get that done uh before the water restriction start so that's that's moving along very well very happy with that uh September 11th um I'm not sure of the time are we doing that at at the park Chris okay next meeting I'll know more information on that but shot that down um and arttin the park will be coming up also once again I didn't write the date down on that I'm just I'm a failure I'm sorry um but the next meeting we'll know more about that so just keep that's those things in mind and that's that's all I have uh Reagan I'll see you later and Maddie miss you love you I hope to see you soon can I just say on your report I heard that Hamilton Township had the best National Night Out oh no doubt oh yeah no doubt I me no doubt no doubt the chief left I know he's not here going to have to watch it did other towns have it I don't remember I don't even know if they had it I don't think they did they don't what they did was they were the [Laughter] best Mayor Bob laws again they stole my thunder just going last it's just I'll let you go next just just no but absolutely National ey out was Sensational um uh by the time I got there it was packed you know it was just a lot of kids then you know when you're when you're a coach in this town and you see the kids that you coached years ago when they were like six seven years old and now they're like in college and they're coming back and they're hanging out at National light out and man and they're like twice your size and in shape you it's impressive no it's just it was it was an impressive event um down to the fireworks I mean everything was outstanding so yeah and we showed up every other town that was uh and all of Southern New Jersey from what I understand was a great job so um thanks for all who are involved in putting that together and kudos to the chief for for uh holding off the rain uh I don't know what kind of rain dance that was but uh it was impressive um secondly uh just like to uh thank you guys uh Bob and you know all the hard work that everybody put in to uh get the uh the bathrooms and stuff out at leafy it's uh over 16 years since uh we've been able to see those you know happen out there so this is huge and was not a light undertaking so I understand you know all the challenges that you guys had to overcome but you you've done it and it just lets you know that anything's possible right you can make anything happen I can tell you this about five years ago maybe six years ago uh maybe you know somewhere in in in that window I was told by someone who no longer works here that uh it would never happen so to to see that building there every time I drive by man it just brings tears to my eyes and I'm just super super happy and super super thankful for the kids in this community to have that um so there's that and then uh you know staying in the um vein of our children in Hamilton Township there's a couple of um back to school events uh one I think if I'm not mistaken uh Jerry and you can speak to this for me uh the 27th is that the correct day uh they're doing free haircuts and hook bags and pencils and pens and all the great stuff that you need um please get your kids at Davies is it is it is it at Davies and what time okay all right so if anybody uh needs to know that you know you know Cherry's got us covered uh with the school board we got some great stuff happening there so that's pretty exciting and then there's another one that's happening on the 29th that's actually happen Happ in at uh oakrest uh for people who just couldn't make it over or whatever so there there there's a second one happening there too so uh our kids will all be able to go back to school with something you know we definitely are leaving no child behind here in Hamilton Township so that's outstanding so thank you very much and that those are my comments for you yeah I just wanted to add to that to your report I thought it was um great that the school board decided or the school district District to buy all of the school supplies that was huge yep every little bit helps you know so I thought that was really really nice of them to do that and I'm going to plan to come to the 27th once I get the time August 27th yeah so I can at least show up for a school event thank you okay thank you thank you appreciate it um I would like to congratulate Robert Goodman um he's our new economic development director it's a position we've tried to fill for a long time um even after Phil left we actually brought him back for a short period of time um people who can fulfill this position are uh few and far between and we took our time uh to make sure that we got it right to make sure that we bring somebody in here who can handle all the facets of that job and understands what we are looking for and I think uh Robert Phils that role and I wish him luck and we will be here to help him along the way because what he does is very very important um for the future and development of this Township I'd also like to thank Brett null who's been doing those jobs for the in the meantime so Brett you get a break now job br [Music] till the 21st yeah not till the 21st so don't slack off we're watching uh nights and lights the maon yacht club did a fantastic job it was uh I was asked to be the lead boat uh and act as the Marshall which was a lot of fun um the people who decorate their boats were having a really good time um but it really it you know and I don't know who planned the fireworks I don't want to know who planned the fireworks but there were fireworks and um they were wonderful um but uh another uh event that has been brought back and again these are the events that that make it worth living here that makes this a good town to be to be involved with and that brings me to National Night Out what can you say I mean they killed it Chief can you leave the room because I'm going to be talking about you and I really I really don't want to listen the rain held off but a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while all right so that's all I'm going to say about that but our National Night Out was was unbelievable and I can't tell you the compliments that I got from citizens that were so happy about the fact that they could come out on one night and see friends and and neighbors that they haven't seen in such a long time and it's become an annual thing uh along with a lot of the kids who come back back and they get to see their friends and their coaches and families and people that they grew up with and it really really has captured excuse me has captured what um actually brought me to this town which is the Halloween parade it's that closeness it's that small town feeling in a big town so uh again kudos to everybody involved Public Works the police department all the First Responders um I hope I'm not missing anybody but couldn't have been better absolutely couldn't been better also I want to say uh thank you for the leapy field project coming to a close um I I am a plumber pipe fitter by trade and as far as I'm concerned no field no public field should be without bathrooms and that this this has been coming way too long and should have happened a long time ago but it didn't uh when I first moved here I got involved with putting bathrooms and the same basically the same facility at the Hamilton soccer fields and I felt the same way then I feel the same way now that these types of things have to be and whatever it takes to do it I'm glad committee and and our engineer and our administrator made it our number one priority to make that happen so um other than that thank you everyone we're going to open up to public comment anybody in the audience have uh comments Dr Nelson I have my calendars 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. I don't know if it goes actually that long but some 27th on the 27th so must be true and uh yeah they're doing haircuts and backpacks and all the other supplies will be provided to the students I believe they given it to them in their home rooms so very nice and distributed by the teachers that way that's most efficient way of doing that and then also greater egg went around and did the Welcome Wagon today so I don't know if you guys heard it or saw it it was pretty impressive the band Che leaders I think football team and then um something else I remember what it was so all right very nice thank you anyone else from the public would like to speak here's your chance motion to close public second we have motion to Second any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed I believe we have no executive session so a motion for adjournment is in order motion to adjourn we have a second second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it thank you for everybody yay