I would like to call the February 20th 2024 Hamilton council meeting to order uh this meeting is being held with the benefit of public notice as required by the open public meetings act uh Madam clerk will you please call the role Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips here Mr wh here Mr TI here Mr harell here pres ladies and Gentlemen please rise and join us in the salute to the flag and please remain standing for the invocation pled Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy andice for all dear Lord may we follow your many examples of selflessness and compassion and we may we offer our services and talents to those in need let us pray as well for those suffering with loss of life or illness as always continue to bless our country and Township and may we as as government officials represent the best interest of our community we ask all these things in your name amen amen amen before I get into uh tonight's agenda I just want to mention a few items that have been removed or updated uh on our agenda this evening resolution that has been removed is resolution 12479 this was a resolution authorizing the issuance of a one-year Class 2 manufacturing license to mule extracts LLC we also have a resolution title update this is on ordinance number three 24-11 this is an ordinance adopting the municipal building Redevelopment plan for an area in need of Redevelopment P persuaded to njsa 482 A-1 at C and then also the resolution ution 24-13 this is the resolution referring the municipal building Redevelopment plan for an area in need of Redevelopment to the planning board for its review recommendations and to confirm consistency with our master plan um can I please have a motion on the amendments to our agenda this evening so moved SEC mam cler roll call Mr Papo yes M Phillips yes Mr yes Mr Ty yes Mr Val first up tonight we have communication C1 this is the Hamilton Girls Softball Association requesting permission to to conduct tag day solicitations at VAR various approved locations and dates through March April and May of 2024 can I have a motion motion to move communication C1 second roll call Mr paparo yes M Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Ty yes Mr Carabelli yes yes pass is 5 Z the next for your consideration we have the consent agenda items ca1 through C I'm sorry through ca24 so we before we um bring that up for Council comments and open it up to the public I just want to give a quick summary um of some of the and highlights of the consent agenda items um my I'm EXC me my apologies ca23 23 ca1 through ca23 I'm sorry just to confirm that okay so um we have the township uh some highlights we have the township and Sewer temporary budgets that are part of this agenda we have additional Green Acres funding that the township is pursuing in the amount of a little over 2 million we have resolutions in addition to the uh to the monies that we were going after uh at our previous council meeting we have a resolution for saan Park restoration project uh which is for the pond there in the amount of 350,000 there's an online auction for disposal uh disposal or removal of Township property we have two Caterers that are going to um be a part of our Nottingham Ballroom two road paving projects one for Marshall Avenue East and the other one for Hoffman Avenue um and one of the things I wanted to just mention um we are we are seeing uh and Township Administration has relayed this to us uh we are seeing better pricing uh below the engineers estimate just because we're going out earlier in the year so uh they they see that as a positive and um that we know what's on our agenda for that given year so we're pursuing some of these row projects earlier uh rather than later um we're reaping the benefit of that Hamilton um also we have the Hamilton based uh uh Community Development uh organization is who's also on the agenda they're seeking to become our affordable housing rehabilitation program administrator um we have Fred Dumont I believe uh director Dumont May uh say a few comments regarding that uh resolution we also have a 90 uh foot aerial lift vehicle with a trailer uh taking this from the tree es escrow account uh that's a larger ticket item but that's coming from our escrow account um and a big thank you and I know Pat Uh you worked on this and councilman perero um thank you to bag of bones Bakery for our K9 uh who's part of our K9 unit um and then finally there are a variety of refunds that are also on the agenda uh uh this evening um so I'm going to first open it up uh to council my Council colleagues any any comments on uh this evening's um consent agenda down here Mr President always glad to see more Green Acres funding on the agenda preserving more open space for our residents I concur with Council M Tha and also good to see we're moving forward with the saying Gardens improvements as well it's is the saying G is this additional funding because didn't we approve funding already for the palms and just want to clarify it so this is talking about the grant piece of it because we got over $300,000 awarded in the Grant so that's what this is speaking to and we also have a matching portion of that of up to 350,000 so it's actually quite a large project over 600,000 that we are going to be doing as a complete redo of uh the ponds there at s s and I think I remember when I initially came on Council uh councilman Ty you may have recall this this came up a few times for our consideration when it was a budget item for a capital request but I I don't think it was to the extent of this Project's taking on now and and obviously we we approved the funding for this out of the capital um but the timing I think was right cuz there happened to be this grant funding that we could go after for uh a larger type of project that had that match to really do it right and really do the complete overhaul of of the pond then we uh we wouldn't be able to do it without the grants right it too cost prohibitive so um this is really great timing for it and it's perfect project thank you Kathy excellent um seeing no other comments from uh Council I'd like to open it up to the public regarding the consent agenda items ca1 through ca23 you have a hand yes okay yes goic jic 432 have no cornnell Heights how many K9 dogs do we have is this just for one dog or we have a whole unit of them we working on purchasing our first one this week oh really oh that's pretty cool cuz I was going to say I didn't think we had any but now so we're purchasing one now and it's going to be uh drug drug uh my understanding is it's it's going to be a drug uh sniffing dog narcotics narcotics dog um so it's going to be for that specific purpose uh there are W wide range of purposes that dogs could be used for in this case is going to be to help uncover illegal narcotics y oh okay that's good all right thank you councilman pep was instrumental so kudos to you thank you for pushing that yep anyone else seeing no members of uh the public wishing to uh comment our consent agenda I didn't know if we wanted to if Fred was uh available to speak on the one item but out in the hall all I I think wanted to get across was on item uh ca5 um which is the the new program that he's doing with it through affordable housing for the rehab rehabilitation and so this is in agreement with Isles to actually do the program they do it from start to finish they'll qualify folks and do all of that however their plan that they put together still needs uh the last piece that we need is approval we've approved it um at least from Administration standpoint and is has created the plan they have to get fair share Housing Commission to give their okay so they're still waiting on that so I would say if you if you want to award this tonight to do it contingent Upon Us receiving the approved plan from um from miles that's okay should we uh table it we can I don't know it I don't know if that's necessary I I just think maybe we put that contingency contingency on there on on on the docket tonight come at any at any time they they put the request in already to to fair share housing and so they're they're really just waiting on on that uh and they're ready to go with the program and so is the township as soon as you know that comes through and and but it's it's up to you whatever you you feel comfortable with but well I appreciate that uh we couldn't go through with the program or even execute the agreement unless we get that so so if you make it contingent it might just be Council you can um when you're accepting the consent agenda you can say with respect to uh ca15 at contingent upon fair share housing Corporation FSH hc's approv approval and uh and then you can vote do a motion for that and then you can um move for the full consent agenda to be adopted thank you both for that clarification and and you know just taking a look at the uh memo that the internal memo this really looks like a great program and uh getting out to the communities and the you know the dis utilizing the affordable trust funds so it's it's coming from our developers funds this is not uh an operating budget are coming from uh um uh taxpayer dollar this is actually coming from the affordable and it's going to be proactive The Entity is is going to organization Isles has done this with other communities and is going to be active in our community um pursuing this uh benefit to our residents um and ham Isles is is a Hamilton based organization we've already seen uh that they've done a lot of great work uh in the community as well we're all familiar with okay uh thank you for that Kathy and Alysa uh seeing no further comments uh from the public I'd like to um call the consent agenda up for a vote and have a motion council president I move that uh seeing no members of the public wishing to comment that we close the public comment portion and move consent agenda items ca1 through ca23 um with ca5 contingent on approval from the fair share housing Corporation I'll second the motion full call Madam cler Mr yes M Phillips Mr whan yes Mr Ty yes Mr carabell yes 5 Z next item is ordinance 1 24-44 an ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles and traffic Article 2 parking 485 19 handicap parking establishing a space at 235 East Street this is second reading in public he any comments from councel no sir no sir any comments from the public regarding ordinance 24-4 seeing done I'll make the motion to close the public um public um uh comment portion and move on uh second reading uh ordinance number 24- 04 I'll second the motion roll call Madam cler Mr pero yes M Phillips Mr wh Mr Ty yes Mr carabell yes pass 5 ordinance 2 24005 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles and traffic Article 2 parking section 48519 handicap parking this is repealing spaces established at 29 Adella Avenue by ordinance 17 020 645 Berg Avenue by ordinance 20- 046 816 South alen Avenue by ordinance 14-33 and 833 William Street by ordinance 10- 033 second reading and public hearing any comments from Council no no sir from the public seeing done I'll make a motion to close the public comment and move on ordinance 224005 I'll second that sorry sorry about that Mr PaPeRo yes M Phillips Mr wh Mr Ty yes Mr caravelli yes yes is 5 Z ordinance 3 24-6 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey part two general legislation chapter 153 cannabis and medical cannabis Article 1 purpose def definitions section 1532 definitions second reading and public hearing any comments from my Council colleagues Alison I'm going to abstain on this yes sir any uh comments from the public seeing none Mr President I'll um I'll make the motion to close the public comment portion and move ordinance number 3 2406 on second reading and adoption I'll second the motion on the motion Mr paparo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr by I'm going to abstain Mr Carabelli yes passes 401 ordinance 4 24-7 is an ordinance authorizing the change in name of that certain roadway in the township of Hamilton where is presently known as Olivia Avenue which shall Hereafter be named Brian Su way second reading the public and this U basically changing of the name just for some background is a firefighter who had um who had perished is commemorating the 30th anniversary since it's passing from when he was in the line of duty um so uh any comments from my Council colleagues from the public seeing none council president I move ordinance 24-7 on second reading I'll second it on the motion Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr wh Mr Ty yes Mr Carell yes yes 5 5 24 8 is an ordinance authorizing the township of Hamilton to purchase real property located at 1770 eastate Street and designated as block 1637 lot 5 Hamilton New Jersey purchase price 150,000 estimated closing cost 10,000 with the total amount of funding being $160,000 this is second reading in public hearing any comments from uh Council no sir glad to see the uh continued progress on the Bramley fire property any comments from the public seeing none council president I'll make a motion to close the public comment and move on ordinance 54-8 can I have a second I'll second it roll call Madam clerk Mr paparo yes M Phillips Mr wh yes Mr Ty yes Mr carabell yes 5 ordinance 1249 is an ordinance amending supplementing the code of the C of New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles and traffic Article 2 parking section 48519 this is repealing handicap parking space established at 225 Park Lane by ordinance 14- 003 council president I moove ordinance 24-9 on first reading second roll call Mr paparo yes M Phillips yes Mr wh yes Mr Ty yes Mr caravell yes this is 5 ordinance 2 24-10 is an ordinance off authorizing the acquisition of certain real property located at 76 1766 and 1768 E State Street in the township of Hamilton designated as as block 1637 Lots 7 and six of the Hamilton Township T tax map for the public purpose of affordable housing and the protection of public health and safety first first reading and introduction make a motion on ordinance to 24-1 Z can a second I'll second on the motion Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr ran yes Ty yes Mr Carabelli yes pass is 5 ordinance 3 24-11 is an ordinance adopting the municipal building Redevelopment plan for an area in need of Redevelopment pursuant to njsa 40a col 12 A-1 Block 1922 Lots 5 and 7 on first reading and introduction council president I'll move on first reading in deduction of ordinance number 324-0124 d103 is a resolution referring the the municipal building Redevelopment plan for an area in need of Redevelopment block 1922 Bo 5 and 7 to the planning board for its review recommendations and to confirm consistency with the master plan so I I I believe we have someone here this Micah is it Micah Karen Karen oh director Speak oh you can speak first director and um you're going way too fast so I'm going to really mess up your night so you don't go home and eat dinner too soon um tonight we have one of our finest uh Consultants C here to make a presentation to council why this area should be an area in need of Redevelopment it's going to assist us in the financing and ultimately save the taxpayers of the Town a considerable amount of money so it's all yours thank you director thank you for allowing me to speak uh CM has been working with the architectural team to really take a look at this site and figure out how we can redevelop it uh we've put put together a Redevelopment plan we've which we've shared with the township um on how we can you know re Revitalize this underutilized area um and I think some of you were at the public meeting we've really developed a great plan recreating this whole almost 9 Acre Site um for the municipal building and for the Board of Education in addition to just enhancing all and modernizing a lot of the facilities that are housed here um so as you know I mean it's all impervious dilapitated buildings um so we're looking at just like a really new fresh site the demo has happened um we're working with all the utility companies as far as how we utilize um a lot of green infrastructure as well with storm water management so we're really looking at a nice Redevelopment uh to really kind of enhance the area so that's just my little elevator pitch but um happy to answer any questions about uh anything we've done so far to really work on this thing no I think I think it goes without saying that we're all excited about you know what lies in store for that property and um we thought it was a very informative public hearing um and uh continue the good work and I know director dumat and the May and the administration keep us posted on on the uh progress um at that site but we're excited great so talking about the followup what happens on Thursday night then yes it this so we'll meet with the planning board on Thursday um and go through you know we have some uh visuals to show them and just kind of walk through how like our plan meets with the master plan of uh and how we're enhancing some of that with some of the sustainable measures and things like that so that that's the next steps we're going to work with them uh and make sure that uh everything's on board we've also met with the county Engineers because obviously White Horse mer ofs County so we're definitely reaching out to all the all the parties involved you know in the utilities as well so how long does it take for uh the planning board to then bring it back for uh you know review and then vote final vote how long does that you know it's on your agenda for the next meeting yes that quickly oh wow by Statute I believe it's 45 days but okay all right excellent everyone's really you know everyone's on board with okay thank you so we might see a shov on the ground this year um I'm not answer that Director D okay thank you so much K all right um anyone else from the public wishing uh to speak on this resolution council president seeing no members of the public wishing to comment I move that we uh close the com public comment portion and move resolution 24-13 I'll second the motion roll call Madam clerk Mr paparo yes M Phillips yes Mr wh yes Mr Ty yes Mr yes is 5 that brings us to comments from the public there's nobody on here hi Deacon TP yeah I just want to commend the Council on passing the resolution renaming Olivia Avenue to Brian Sutton senior wife I think it's an honor that is long over do but better late than never um as we get closer to November I will make sure that all of the council members get an invitation uh to attend that day and I'm hoping as and I'll talk to you uh as we progress forward that we can get a a res or a proclamation I've written up to give to his uh wife definitely defin and I thank you for all your effort definitely thank you thank you I appreciate it can you put the renaming of the street on your website like what dat will be so if you you mind just come to the microphone I'm I'm here for another I know that's you I come from a firefighter family no can you just that's that's perfectly fine just just state your name if you would have mind okay thank you no so I was just asking if you guys can put the renaming of the the street on your website so some of the residents could go and definitely definitely but yeah I'm here for another reason okay um you know what you can stay up because you know one else uh signed the signing sheet so we can have go ahead and Deacon th we let's communicate uh as the time gets closer and we can get that out there to the public as well thank you go ahead Colleen so I'm Colleen drowsky um I'm From Hell her St and some of my neighbors are with me yes oh sorry some of my neighbors are with me communicated right yes yes we did I'm not mean I my emails come off a little sturdy and strong I'm sorry no um I'm disappointed I didn't get any I I was a little I was a little rough in my email feel like that because I'm just I moved to Hamilton three years ago our first year here um we moved in October and we almost witnessed a family getting hit on the street with their children walking trick-or-treating a fight insinuated in front of my house so me and my husband walked outside the driver was yelling at the family the family's yelling at them blah blah blah so be it um the fight you know broke up everybody went their separate ways um about in November or December my vehicle was parked out in front of my house it was struck um pretty hard my Jeep went you know a few inches um the guy tried to leave but his axle broke he told the cops I didn't hit your car I have security cameras all over my house we had it you heard it and everything um about 3 weeks ago another driver hit my other vehicle in front of my house went up on my lawn and almost went through my house where my son plays and took off couldn't get him like by the time the police came he was long gone um I come to find out that five other of my neighbors Vehicles were struck out in front of their house um people took off I found out another neighbor was T-boned when he was driving down our street because we don't have stop signs I think on V we don't have a yield or stop sign you got Step Up you see you name my name is Bud Livingston I reside at 86 Hillhurst I'm on the point of Hillhurst and Vincent so Hillhurst is here and here comes Vincent there is no yield or stop sign there traffic and I've witnessed it comes out and I've almost you know seen several accidents and the next street over is Stafford and that runs right onto HSE there's no stop sign there as well so speeding is really a problem on Hillhurst as Colleen has mentioned but we also have those two problems and the last one I'm going to add on Vincent on the corner of Nottingham in Vincent there's a doctor's office and there's a what would we call it a u not transition transition house okay okay they Park all the way to and it's not just once they Park all the way to the corner of Nottingham so if you come down Vincent to turn on to naughtingham that's a cut through street that people will take on the East State and there's been a few times where they've turned and luckily I was able to back up but that needs to be addressed too and I would think that would be you know the police department Nottingham and Vincent not Nottingham and Vincent is where the their parking problem you're taking care of more okay and then like Colleen said you know speeding is definitely a problem on Hillhurst in addition to the couple that I added to that can I just add if if you go to Google Maps if you Google the address and you look at at the intersection there's a car parked on the stop line on the stop line in the picture you can't you can't make up there's literally a car parked where he's complaining about so that's well I I I know I I took a look at the the video that you had shared with me and and I don't I don't know if you shared it with everyone I forget if you did that no I didn't I just was so that was the night after the incident happened so I was seeing red and I just copied in the president and I think the mayor and I don't know who else I copied but I was just seeing red when it happened so um when the officer came he just couldn't really tell me what to do um so and it wasn't allow he just didn't know that our street was a cut through and we had to tell him uh 295s on that side and 295s on that side and 33 and East State Street are major roads right right um I know like I was gungho trying to come up here and plead for speeding speed humps but after talking to um Frank Fred um he did say that you know the neighbors I started a petition everybody signed like most of everybody signed it I started to give up when I got to a certain point because every neighbor I spoke to said that it's not going to happen they don't care what happens and I said well what's going to happen is a child's going to get hit and then they'll care because a child was hit and it's just I mean Vehicles can be replaced we can fix Cloud trucks I understand with First Responders I don't want to cut through that because I have family en First Responders so I understand their response time but I don't want to see it come to a point where a child is hurt because there's so many on the street there's so many children and a few parents are like we don't let our kids go outside they have to stay in the backyard what kid wants to go in the backyard in the summer time because I know my neighbor two house down their kids are playing soccer in the Front Street and I yelled at my one neighbor whose son's out there I said Your son's going to get killed tell them to stay in the backyard and you know I just so what's creating just to take a step back what's creating the safety haard um the people are speeding constantly too much speeding and illegal parking Hillhurst is just speeding Hillhurst is straight speeding Hillhurst is a it's a very it's so if you look at it it's a very narrow street so car on both side of the road you only have one lane to go down so you have to alternate and problem it's twoway gentleman was telling me before what was happening is it's two-way people are parked on both sides he's coming out of his driveway and cars are they're cutting in between the cars and he's getting you know people are getting hit I see a basketball net on that street has there been any activity since uh the mayor and I corresponded with you uh so they do have the sensors up that's not stopping people because the young kids that come down the street they see like let's see how fast I can go cuz I was sitting on my porch okay and a reved up Mustang came flying down my road to see how high he can get the speed detector to go and they're doing it from both sides like one neighbor said she was out by 3:00 in the morning and heard it okay so we can talk to the police again and have them do um you know some directed attention there maybe doing some ticketing if yeah that's what I mean that's translation we're yeah we're pleading for help because we just don't want so they probably did that as a as a first try right to so they've had the speeding s sorry I didn't mean to to you um so they've had the the big speeding ones out in front of people's houses who complain that I mean when I see them I tend to break so when I spoke to somebody in the engineering department I said please do not put that in front of my house because I'll put it in my backyard for 2 weeks I was like we need something discreet and she said we're going to put it on the utility poll okay so I think one of my neighbors actually want to talk him sorry okay no that's fine thank you Colleen I appreciate you bringing that to our attention um do I have to give this guy like I know it's a petition for Speed humps the neighbors signed it I don't know if you guys give it to us yeah please do I didn't find it oh okay it's really come to me since counc meeting I'll give you oh my Fred uh Fred don't go away I was GNA I was hoping to hear your thoughts after the residents have their say all right sorry with Alis all right all Al your name please Lai mury I live at 50 Hillhurst Avenue I've been there for over 20 years I've seen the same thing as my neighbor the speeding is atrocious and I've also thought the same thing about the children and there's more children on the street now than there ever has been and I've been waiting for one of them to get hit I hope to God it never happens semis that use the road as a cut through to East State Street people that work and drop their kids off at the Catholic School use the street as a cut off and they speed I I've I've wanted speed bumps on this road since I've been there they I've seen the cops out there in their cars maybe twice in these 20 years with radar and that's it all right well we're going to address that um really I mean I heard a comment tonight that it wouldn't pass cars are going to get hit whether there's speed bumps or not on the road and let me just say this Lori as someone who has a 13 and 11 year old in my street is is probably not as narrow um and not used as a cut through I get worried cuz I have a basketball in net that I put up that they're shooting oops on you know in the street so I have a fear and I'm not living with this situation that you're dealing with right now so um we we're going to take a closer look at this maybe we can get some more attention there and uh please yeah definitely all right keep me posted please Cen all right director Alison will let you speak you have two minutes if you behave so uh thank you very much council president so um unfortunately this is the first time I heard of this problem uh tomorrow morning we have the residents uh phone numbers and contact information our Township engineer will contact them we have a meeting on site to walk the neighborhood and see what we could do I I would love to tell you speed bumps are the answer I can't say that today there's a lot of concerns with speed bumps um First Responders are going to be there late uh C did Burning house or somebody in a tragic situation we don't want to affect that either so we're going to take some pre uh preventive measures as the business administrator said and uh we'll do some things and then eventually if the only answer is speed bumps that's what we're going to do but trust me when I say this that 50% of your residents are going to say I went over the speed bump it threw up my alignment it this and everything we have to come up with a decision that works for everybody and um the the comment that uh they don't care uh does not pertain to the people in this room because uh um Lissa shreer Kathy mono and I we got off work at 4:30 we're still here all right that's cuz we do care and we'll make sure we'll take the measures that will address this issue but personal responsibility cannot be ignored you know somebody should not say oh there's a speed sensor I'm going to go as fast as I can so we have to do things to prevent that too but you have my word that your phon going ring off all right thank direct yes better turn off my block them now your car's in a lot of trouble hey direct director Dumont yes um also aside from the speed bumps um the signage issue can you just take a look at that if there's no signs I don't know if you guys know but Bud woodston is a Hall of Fame basketball coach for the women's program at merer County College name Bell yeah so uh we'll walk the area and look at everything all right all right thank you anything else even if Bud Livingston didn't live in the neighborhood I know you would walk the neighborhood still walk in the neighborhood even though Carell Sons team cheated my grandson to beat him on Sunday I'll forgive that all right all right anything else no thank you thank you director appreciate it just just a quick comment because uh and I understand your concerns and I think I'm speaking for everybody I mean we all have kids right grandkids you know whether we got adult kids or grandkids I know director dumont's got a heard of grandkids themselves and that's the last thing we want to ever see happen in our town is that you know some child whether they were playing in the street where they shouldn't maybe or they just happen to come off the curb and walk behind a car and and somebody's coming down that street and hits a child or it could be anybody could be one of our senior it could be it could be it could be a person maybe working on their car somebody coming down that street and somebody gets hurt so that's the last thing any of us want want to see and and I feel confident that director Dumont will be out there with the appropriate people to to see what we have to do to address that problem yeah and I I just wanted to say the reason why I'm so headstrong about this is because oh Colleen jarowski I'm sorry I didn't know I had to say it every time I'm sorry um it happened to um my nephew's best friend somebody was feeding he came out DED through cars he was killed on impact he was only 12 so that's what I don't want to see and that's why I'm so headstrong on this because it's just like oh and you guys have a public school bus stop on that road too just let you know about that as well so you know it's just and then you know again I'm I'm home all day I work from home and I just see it constantly so anybody tells you we don't care you let them know we don't appreciate that I I know it's like a lot of us up here all of us up here take that person yeah I I understand that but like when you meet your so I've only been a resident there for 3 years and I'm just getting to know my neighbors um nobody really comes out anymore it's not like when we grew up so they're just they feel defeated you know what I mean and I don't know if anybody took the steps that I did because I walked around the neighborhood with flyers and having them sign stuff and I'm like no like this has like it's just it's very difficult with the town with as many square miles as we have as densely populated as it is for to think that we see or hear everything even the people that work in the town fulltime even the cops that work in the town full-time are the 500s don't see everything unless somebody brings it to our attention to say we don't care is disheartening for us because we do a good job and I know we all actually care well that's why I was trying to get everybody to come out tonight I don't know what everybody was doing but I know some of my residents showed up I don't know if anybody ever took that extra apprciate you guys car was just like I was like the next step is you got to go to a council meeting like and this is the place to have that discussion and and we appreciate you coming out and making us aware of it but more importantly like I said earlier I feel very confident KN that director Dumont was here to listen to some of your concerns and knowing that when he tells you he's going to be out there to look at this he's going to be out there to look at it and and I appreciate that the the um director Dumont and his team that they're going to they're going to look into this to see if we come up with a solution to make that area safe for everyone yeah okay thank you can you let us know what time you're going now you still have 30 seconds left under your t what time go but we'll talk do I'm done you're done yeah and and just for the resident you know um I appreciate you um being active on this and talking to your neighbors um director dumont's going to get out to your neighborhood before I'll have the opportunity to get out to your neighborhood but I'd be happy to come out uh you know at some point in the future and meet some of your neighbors you know if you want to introduce me to some of those folks or any of us up here probably would also be happy to do that um you know I know there's a lot of negativity out there right and it's kind of sometimes that can be the default uh you know I know uh these folks on council with me take that notion of Public Service very seriously uh that's what we're here for um so you know I know I'd like to come out and meet some of your neighbors uh some sometimes so um you know maybe we can follow up and and set something up in that regard too when it's right exactly exactly thank you all for uh coming out this evening bringing this to uh and Colleen for spearheading this and bringing this uh to the Forefront tonight um any other comments from the public thank you you thank seeing none open up to council thank the residents for uh coming out thank you to everybody please get home safe I like how you did that p no uh again like councilman Pap said we appreciate you coming out especially you know seeing new face this year unfortunately it's it's for a problem that's in your area um we have some of our regular attendees here tonight tonight which is always good to see new people here um just a point of interest and I I I I'd seen this on the mayor had posted it um about a recent um um member of our police force that recently retired um passed away he had retired he was the first person of color on our police force back in 1960 let me see take I put in my notes 1966 if I'm not mistaken um Mr um Donald patrolman Donald kinslow recently passed away so if we could all keep him keep them in our you know our thoughts and prayers to him and his family um I'm sure um um he'll be missed by by many so with that uh I have nothing else and pass it along everybody drive safe it it is Lenton season and the St Patrick's Day parade is coming up also on um March 9th U you know participation from our residents is always greatly appre appreciate and for those who celebrate Lenton Easter there's uh a fist fry that's open every Friday night to the residents uh at the Hibernian Club it's open to the public so it's a nice night you could hear some Irish music and get in the spirit so and celebrate L at the same time that's all I have council president councilman oh councilman Phillips I'm councilwoman Phillips okay um I just want to say thank you also again for coming out tonight I live off of Five Points so I very much know what it feels like to be a cut through um not knowing that when I bought my house so I I feel you I don't have as much as the speeding so we will definitely I too will definitely make it out to visit and and meet your neighbors and again have full confidence in in Mr GRE taking care of the problem um on a lighter note I was just going to remind everybody that theater season that our middle schools and high schools so we have Reynolds has descendants for those who don't have little ones you might not know that one but High School Musical at Grace Into the Woods at Crockett we have Adams Family at Hamilton West March 7th through 9th Mean Girls um at Steiner from February 22nd to 24th and at naughtingham will be Chicago from February 29th to March 2nd it's a great way to support our kids and parents and all of our community members and teachers who work hard for many many months to put on these shows and I've always just been blown away by the talent that we have here in town so end with that and other than that have a good night C been time thanks everybody for joining us have a good night I just uh I'm just going to really close quickly and just mentioned um I know uh councilman wh mentioned the St Patrick's state parade um we had the luncheon recently I was with uh councilman whan um and in honoring um two of our grand Marshals um Kevin and MaryAnn Mera Uh Kevin really Spearhead a great organization the City of Angels and all their work they do with individuals who are fighting addiction um veterans too who are fighting addiction um and just a tremendous uh tremendous work that they did he really gave a touching speech and presentation at the lunch in looking forward to that parade on on the night um and uh there's one other thing I wanted to mention it Escapes Me Now oh if you get a chance go out to see it's inexpensive with your kids or you know you got can attend it's the Mercer County tournament takes place uh took place now there's the state tournament for the men's and women's uh great basketball action uh got to catch a few nauy hams games over the last few weeks but uh great meeting I appreciate you guys bringing this to our attention again uh in person it was nice to uh put a face to the email thanks so much and uh uh look forward to seeing you on March 5th thank you meeting a jerk meeting a jerk thank you