##VIDEO ID:oHVQj9TBzKg## go good evening everyone I I'd like to call the December 3rd 2024 um Hamilton Township council meeting to order this meeting is being held with the benefit of public notice uh as required by the open public meetings act Madam clerk will you please call the rule Mr PaPeRo here miss Phillips here Mr whan present Mr Ty here Mr Carabelli here okay all present ladies and Gentlemen let's please rise and join in this salute to the flag and please remain standing for the invocation pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all dear God we give thanks for the many blessings you have given us this year as we approach the holiday season please help us to focus on the things that truly matter and to let go of any worries or concerns help help us to enjoy this time with our loved ones and to make lasting memories as always bless this Township and may we as a government represent the best interest of our community we ask all these things in your name amen amen amen before we get into uh this evening's agenda I just wanted to um make note on um several amendments to the agenda since it was posted on the website first up we have an AM Amendment to resolution 4 which is uh on your um hopefully on your agenda packets 244-4468 of New Jersey supporting natural Apothecary llc's application to the Cannabis Regulatory Commission for a class 2 cannabis manufacturer license ca1 24- 416 this is a resolution authorizing transfers in the the year 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of 1.4 1, 145,000 removed from the agenda this evening is ca30 which is 24-44 this is a resolution authorizing the personto person transfer of ABC Alcohol Beverage Control license 13-33 d030 from GP ATT restaurant uh spula to PJ Hospitality LLC spula and there's also one additional item to this evening's uh agenda ca33 24449 this is a resolution authorizing transfers in the calendar year 2024 sewer budget in the total amount of $500,000 can I please have a motion on the amendments to the agenda this evening so move can I have a second second roll call madam work Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes and Mr Carabelli yes yes is 5 Z Madam clerk that brings us to Communications all Communications we have C1 receipt of documentation for the corporate structure change to alcoholic beverage license 1103 44- 0166 bavina and Jill Incorporated trading as green wood wine and liquor and they're replacing one officer for another any comments questions can I get a motion council president I move communication C1 Kev a second second roll call Madam clerk Mr pepo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes and Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 Z next up is resolutions Okay resolution one is 24 - 413 resolution naming Britney RIS calron is acting Deputy municipal clerk for the meetings of the Hamilton Township Council on December 3rd 2024 and December 17th 2024 any Council comments Noone motion motion second roll call Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes open Mr whan yes Mr Ty yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 resolution number two 24414 normally do oh yeah don't we normally I'm sorry yeah so we need to back up should we back it back up to that resolution yeah any comments from the public on resolution 4 uh 24- 413 now that we approved it [Laughter] do the vote again just to make all right council president seeing no members of the public wishing to comment I move that we close the public comment portion and move resolution 24- 413 second roll call Mr paparo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Ty yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 okay now on to resolution 24- 414 resolution of ham Township County of Mercer state of New Jersey supporting cultural Hamilton llc's application to the Cannabis Regulatory Commission for a class one cannabis cultivator license and or a Class 2 manufacturer license any comments or questions regarding this uh particular resolution is there anybody here yeah anyone here from from this is 24- 414 this is for culture yeah just your name and uh sure would be helpful first name is Adia last name is btha and my family's actually been property owners in this town since 2016 okay uh my brother owns the uh Cedar Gardens uh facility along with the bght Liquors uh my family also owns the birite liquor franchise for the whole state my father's the owner and then we also own a property with the quick check over on um uh what Ro is that brid but no not on saloan sorry uh my memory but with the marber and curtains uh shop and um Broad Street broad oh Broad Street yeah yeah yeah Broad Street sorry yeah 3695 Broad Street uh my brother owns that property as well and then my father bought this property 369 Quaker Bridge two years ago basically to retrofit the old Japanese restaurant that was there and we were actually working on Renovations for that uh trying to find a tenant and then um you know a lot of cannabis users started you know coming up and looking at our property and thought it was an ideal use and uh we're also you know we're looking at that use as well because I'm an investor up in planfield with culture culture planfield we actually got a resolution up there in October uh the township actually picked us as the redevelopers up there me and my partner John who couldn't make it today towards hamstring over the weekend so unfortunately he couldn't be here but uh and also we've teamed up with citizen common citizen which is one of the largest uh operators out of Michigan they've got 86 locations in Michigan so they're going to be the operators uh I'm going to be more involved with more management of the property and things like that uh but we've already secured financing from the bank as well Manasquan Savings Bank uh they currently hold the loan for the current property but we're going to basically pay it off and they're going to give us a fresh loan along with construction financing as well for the building fit out not for the operation of the dispensary but for the building itself uh cuz obviously Banks can't get involved with that you know um yeah so um both 24- 414 which we're on right now but also 415 um so we separated we had to separate out uh we discussed this the um cultivation and the manufacturing license along with the uh support for that along with the retail license um I I want to compliment you on your presentation that was given CU I thought it was very transparent on the you know the you know Staffing that is going to be done at the location so now the next step tell me a little bit about what what the what the plan is going forward sure so there's already existing building on site it's about roughly 6,000 square ft on each level there's also a basement level as well because you used to have dining on both floors so the initial plan is just to occupy only the first floor that'll be the retail dispensary that'll be kind of phase one and then the property has four acres so we've got a lot of land there available for increased parking we think we have enough land there to build another facility for cultivation whether it's an indoor outdoor Greenhouse we can work with the township on that along with manufacturing as well Indo indoor so yeah indoor I think I didn't know it went back that far I'm surprised was 4 Acres four acres and and if you look at the map we're really surrounded by I think it's like a pet spa on one side some kind of a Electronic Supply on one side and then the back is totally industrial so what's nice about this property is there's no homes around so I think very little disturbance and to me it makes perfect sense cuz it's in a commercial area uh which makes sense cuz you know you're traveling on that road and I think very little disturbance to the community mhm and and residents mostly yeah ABC any questions for my Council uh colleagues on this property is it there's no houses uh in the area that's nothing else uh in the ordinance that were going to violate I believe um our zoning folks already checked it out and make sure that's what they usually do before it comes comes to you yeah I just didn't see anything in the backup material first that said that um let me just pull up the m i drive past every day so I'm I'm happy to see that there's Redevelopment going in there too been waiting for it's been sitting there for a while but I don't I don't that is that is that Highway quicker quick across the street is it um is it chy is that zone uh Highway commercial yeah yeah thinkk I think we just we we just yeah oh no that's so Young's road is is I guess to the east right the intersection of Y road is to the east um so there are housing on the south side of Quakerbridge Road young but it's across the street and behind commercial so remember there's a bank Corner bridge and then there's a whole commercial building with like a den distance and so forth um so there's housing behind it but they're pretty far away and then the only other thing I know that there behind it remember we were looking from it for another another applicant off of Thomas rhs industrial and there was a daycare but that's back far enough away too so um I don't think that from from a zoning point of view there's much of a problem at all I think that's the only question we have yeah yeah my family obviously has the background of working a very regulated industry so you know we've been doing it for over 30 years now mhm they just trying to make sure there's no houses or anything that violate you know cuz we had one property that was close by uh that we had to do a deter we we tabled it because of the concern of being close proximity to uh potentially an um preschool of some sort which makes sense yeah cuz it didn't it was just outside that um area parameters yep yeah those on a Nami yeah yeah no there I mean again any housing that exists would be on a de and drive which is behind the commercial commercial so if you're going if you're going down Quaker Bridge and his property is to the right mhm on the left there's Commercial University Office Plaza too right behind them there's there is a there is a residential Road univ it's University but that's the other side of Quaker Bridge from the street yeah behind us is industrial property yes probably a good 100 yards yeah away at least yeah all right sure first name is Adia a as an apple d as in David I TS and Tom h y a last name is baa like bath b a t h and then e n thank you you're welcome um I have no further questions anyone else from I'm just going to open it up to the public and see if there's any questions thank you for your uh quick presentation I I appreciate it yeah any other questions from the public regarding this uh resolution okay okay see no comment from the public I move the close of public portion and move on resolution number two 24-44 can I have a second second roll call Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Ty I'm going to abstain doing my work with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority Mr belly yes Okay resolution 4 24415 resolution of Hamilton Township County of Mercer state of New Jersey supporting cultural Hamilton LC's application to the Cannabis Regulatory Commission for a class five retail license no any questions from my Council this is just the res retail portion any question building you going to utilize for retail the front section I gu I think the first four you said it's not going to be the entire thing the 6,000 ft is a large space so we're probably going to use the front portion of it yeah okay yeah any questions from the public seeing none Mr PaPeRo sorry we didn't get the motion I'll second the motion make the motion to close the public comment portion and move uh resolution 24415 okay I was second 415 I'm sorry I'll second roll call Madam clerk Mr PaPeRo yes Mrs Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Ty abstain abin and Mr carabell yes okay passes 41 resolution 24446 resolution of Hamilton Township County of Mercer state of New Jersey supporting natural apothe carry LLC you down sorry application to the Cannabis Regulatory Commission for Class 2 cannabis manufacturer's license now this is just this resolution is just a change to the name correct uh to Natural uh natural Apothecary LLC from um K KLA 6638 so that's all that's happening here any questions from my Council colleagues no sir from the public on resolution 4 seeing none seeing no further or any public comment um I'll move to close public comment and move on resolution 424-4460 one okay on to consent agenda so Madam clerk I just had a quick question so this is now we've removed ca30 which was the ABC license um transfer yes and we have added ca33 uh which was the sewer budget transfers yes uh so we're up to 30 30 a total of 32 total of 33 right okay um just to give a quick summary regarding this evening's consent agenda we have some um well you heard about the one transfer which is the latest addition to the um the consent agenda but there also ca1 talks about transfer in the um in the calendar budget uh on the municipal side of things um we also have a couple grants uh one for municipal Alliance Grant one was another one was driver um drive sober get pulled over Grant uh those amounts are there as well uh we have uh added a vend uh a vendor to our software uh provider list um through our state list uh property plot uh or pilot uh we also have uh several sculpture loan agreements with grounds for sculpture um we also have several items that you'll notice ca7 I believe through CA 15 which are um Health Services agreements with various municipalities we have you and Princeton Lawrence East Windsor heightstown West Windsor Hopewell um and the fee schedule is also listed with those uh in the backup material we have uh van CLE engineer who is completing some work uh for the Y Yardville groveville Force main rehab project uh that's up to $66,000 roughly uh we have um some recreation equipment over 200,000 that we're purchasing uh with pacero jordano uh construction at the homevale building site uh this is funded through Grant monies uh the American Rescue plan act dollars um and hopefully some additional grant funding for this project we have several we're being a little bit more proactive this year we're putting some uh Professional Service agreements that you'll notice in place uh before the next calendar year we have PSAs for special project Architects uh which set to uh some you know thresholds on the amounts we also have PE um Professional Service agreements with special project engineering firms we have one for CM CME for licensed tree expert and Supply cloney who will conduct our auditing services for 2025 uh there's also the purchase of a Chevy Tahoe from the capital budget of 2021 uh for the fire division in then roughly a little less than 880,000 uh we have several um several refunds on the consent agenda this evening um refunds for ABC license for 202 for taxes for various locations throughout the facilities throughout the township um we also have release of performance grantee bonds performance Bonds on various projects throughout the town um that gives everyone a good summary of what that doesn't uh you know put in consideration of all the items that are on the agenda but I just wanted to give that quick overview of what we have our uh on our consent agenda this evening any questions from my uh Council colleagues regarding the consent agenda good reval thank you I just had one the um the cargo van for animal transport is that to add or is that replacing do you know uh it's 32 oh 32 yeah I see hold on according I'm going to be abstaining on ca22 hold on one moment sorry no I I should had in my notes replace one of the Aging ACO trucks so this this is a replacement and is coming from the 2020 capital and dog trust thank you most of it is funded 75,000 is funded through the capital and $2 28,41 is funded through the trust account great thank you anyone else with questions good question anyone else uh from anyone from the public wishing to comment or uh have a question regarding this evening's consent agenda yes Janice John's GL 432 chity Avenue Corel Heights okay um we have a lot of health things with eight different townships now is that because we're the head honchos or they all depend on us or we sharing things with them and go to them or everybody come into us it's if if individuals from other those Towns come into our facility we we we set up a schedule a fee schedule for those those individuals and and so these this happens on an annual basis that we um put these agreements in place with the various municipalities um we just did a little earlier than when we I from what I remember doing we usually start you know the beginning of the year we'll have these agreements in place but yes uh it's them coming to us from my understand right good yeah and then we charge them then we charge them OHS they make good on whatever business comes from their town oh and it's because we have a full L working very wellworking health department and some of the other towns don't have the same Staffing and aren't able to meet all of the needs specifically for some of the like very specific clinics that they do and that type of thing oh wow most impressive STD so you have like yeah you have hepatitis B vaccines you have um St STD Clinical Services you have flu and uh pneumonia you have blood Le investigations child health conferences um health education services assessment planning and implementation so all these different different services that we have um allocated in a we have we have um described in a fee schedule for certain Clinical Services um for each of these municipalities oh wow very impressive do we have the air conditioning on I looked at that it it's probably my fault yes it's a method to our Madness we have some hot councilmen let me tell you hey you know it's how often I hear that the back one's on it's the back one that's on yeah want to turn it off turn it off want to turn it off no it's the one in the back oh okay I'm sorry there you blowing okay anyone else wishing uh to comment from the public that you've been frozen out no I'm joking can I have um can I have a motion please all right let's see if we get this right close the public ver and move uh on the consent agend the items ca1 through C 33 have a second second roll call Madam clerk Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Ty abstaining on C 22 and yes on everything else from CA 1 to ca33 and Mr carelly yes okay all passing 51 but ca22 41 with the exstension of Mr Tai now we are on to Second reading and public hearing ordinances ordinance number 24- 046 ordinance amending and supplementing the ordinance fixing the salaries and other compensation of officials and employees of the township of Hamilton in the county of Mercer and the state of New Jersey so just a little bit of background on this uh this is a this is an ordinance on second reading uh regarding specific titles uh specific unclassified Civil Service titles um we are decreasing the range on certain positions uh one is the municipal clerk um title the other one is the tax assessor the other one is the tax collector um so these are have specific ranges allotted to them uh this the bottom number is getting reduced um for those three categories so it went from 110 to 95,000 so that's basically the resolution and the ordinance in a nutshell so anyone else wishing to comment anyone from the okay okay anyone from the public wishing to comment on this excuse me God bless thank you bless you seeing no comment from the public Mr Papo wait sorry council president seeing no members of the no members of the public wishing to comment I I move that we close the public comment portion and move ordinance 23- 048 on second reading second motion 46 46 we're on the first one excuse me yeah 0 46 46 thank you want to make I'm looking atoll call Madam clerk okay Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan Mr Ty yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 ordinance number two 24- 047 ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey chapter 228 fire prevention this is second reading in public hearing you want to give a little bit of a background on this one sure um Scott mcari our inspector asked us came to us and asked to add some of these um changes um a lot of it is about the fire lanes and how how they need to be uh designed so that our operatus can actually access the buildings um it's signage it's St in uh on the on the roads so again it just it uh it clarifies and and further details responsibilities of of property owners of um so that it expands it Beyond shopping centers yes so that we can have fire Lanes at commercial properties other than just shopping centers so at the at the fire Marshall's discretion and also a lock box talk about a lock box so again it's um makes it safer for everyone MH okay he what else wishing to comment thank you L anyone from the public wishing to comment on this ordinance on second reading seeing none seeing no public comment I move to close the public comment and move on ordinance 2 24- 047 second that thank you roll call Madam clerk Mr Papo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 ordinance number three 24- 048 ordinance amending and supplementing the code of ordinances Hamilton Township New Jersey chapter 215 fees municipal clerk this is second reading in public hearing and uh so this this ordinance on second re uh reading is for the commercial filming and or still photography permits uh that we never had really a process in place uh or a you know fee structure in place uh for things like this but you know New Jersey has we've had SE we've seen films we've seen Motion Pictures we've seen um documentaries all done here in New Jersey so we wanted to get ahead of that so this is an ordinance that uh allows us to do that we are now a Township that is designated as film ready um so this this spefic specific ordinance sets up the fee schedule for daily filming fees um and uh other fee schedules that I'm looking at right now so uh any questions for my colleagues here on the Das no any uh questions from the public seeing none council president I move that we close the public portion and move on ordinance number 3 24-48 second motion roll call Madam clerk Mr paparo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes and Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 ordinance number four 24- 049 ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey part three land use legislation chapter 550 Land Development article 3 District regulations uh rrc rural resource conservation and r25 single family residential districts and R15 r10 R7 and R5 single family residential districts this is second reading in public hearing this basically is adding uh to the residential districts that were mentioned by ma uh Madam clerk um Cottage food operators which is the ability to produce food in your home and then sell it at various fairs PTA events things like that um so this just gives us uh allows that under this particular uh code of the township of Hamilton so any questions from my colleagues on this Sor ordinance no the one one thing um I think is important to note about the uh New Jersey Cottage food laws that it limits uh the amount of food that can be sold through this to 50,000 per year so this is really for those small business operators lot brownies that's a lot of brownies yeah good point thank you yeah anyone else from the public seeing done council president I make the motion uh to close uh public the public comment portion and move ordinance 2449 on second reading I'll second that roll call Madam clerk Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes and Mr carelly yes passes 5 on to ordinance number five 24-50 ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey part two general legislation chapter 485 vehicles in traffic article 3 traffic regulations speed limits um Alyssa tell me if I'm wrong or or Kathy but this was a a small change to Old York Road correct on this on this ordinance changing it to 40 uh miles hour I guess it was at 50 before I think it was at 50 50 I think it was so this it was as fast as people drove there was no they were trying to bring bring the speed down yes so this is from Church Street to extonville Road um along Old J uh that's basically what this is um amending in this ordinance so any questions anyone from the public question to comment I have a question okay council president seeing no members of the public wishing to comment I move that we close the public comment portion and move ordinance 24-50 on second reading I'll second up roll call Madam clerk Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 now we're on to First reading and introduction ordinance number one 24- 051 ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles in traffic Article 2 parking handicap parking this is repealing spaces established at 84 Marshall Avenue West by ordinance number 15-10 council president I move ordinance 24- 051 on first reading have a second I'll second roll call Madam cler Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 ordinance number two 24- 052 ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles in traffic Article 2 parking hand handicap parking this is establishing spaces for 36 Annabelle Avenue 19 Fitz Randolph Avenue 105 Francis Avenue 70 Reed Avenue 339 Schiller Avenue and 1854 South Broad Street Council president I move ordinance 2 24052 on the first reading on second it roll call Madam clerk Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tai yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 ordinance number three 24053 ordinance accepting a deed of Public Access easement a deed of site triangle easement number one and a deed of site triangle easement number two for 2144 East State Road industrial LLC 2144 East State Street block 1588 a portion of four formally lot three and four have a motion I'll make a motion on 2453 on first reading and introduction I'll second roll call Mr PaPeRo yes Miss Phillips yes Mr whan yes Mr Tha yes Mr Carabelli yes passes 5 on to comments from the public thank you we're going to have a good clip yeah um Bob naggie is up first thank you Mr naggie I'm going to thank everybody being so kind to at least listen to my story already you're probably going to hear for the second time if not more from Mr Peto who I when I walked in um my name is Robert naggie and I live at 70 Reed Avenue uh I'm a 75-year-old young uh individual um and I've been on read Avenue since uh the 1980 um as time has passed um I've done pretty well physically but I do have COPD which limits me uh from walking more than about a half a block without having to stop catch my breath or hope that a very attractive young lady comes and gives me mouth to mouth because it it has become some of an issue uh throwing in all those little goodies that come along with old age and you know when I greet people now as they ask me you know you know this is the time that supposedly your golden age and I said it's not gold it's rust um it's the little things that start nibbling um I have a neck problem where I can't turn my head etc etc so now I've given you the background and the reason I do that is when I moved down to Reed Avenue um it is a one-way Street um it intersects actually ler Street which is very busy and then bill um the second part of Reed on the other side of Bill is a two way street so what has begun to happen is a couple of things have changed including myself one is that we now have a couple of school buses okay um people I guess pick up their young you know they're working for the bus company so they park on the street uh on the corner what used to be uh Nate's Pub and closed down for a number of years now has and I don't know what you would actually call it um it has reopen but it's people standing out on the street selling different products and produce and things of that nature um so the street has become very very you know very very busy my biggest concern is that I have tried to be a good neighbor to my my neighbor he runs his business and I can't say he runs it out of his house now we have two adjoining driveways um but he has a number of vehicles they're all oversized okay cuz he does Roofing and we've had everything from 18 wheelers literally pulled down his driveway um to on a constant basis okay his pickup trucks and they're all oversized pickups so he'll pull down his driveway and there may be three or four vehicles in his driveway um when I submitted my application for handicap parking which is the reason what I'm requesting um is that I have tried uh first I did it the incorrect way I put a little cone outside which my neighbors managed to call The Hamilton police and they were very nice and told me that was illegal and I said yes I understand that but they also recommended that what I might try and do is to put a little sign up okay in front of my house so that and I I've spoken to all my neighbors and I've asked them listen if you park halfway I can park halfway I'll be a little across my driveway but I can always get into my house with all of the traffic this on the street um that lasted a little while sometimes not a little while at all people Park dead center so that whole parking space gets taken away so I'm kind of left with having to go the legal e way which is requesting a handicapped parking in front of my house um so that I can come home and not have to worry about whether there's five vehicles parked on my neighbor's driveway I I've been told I should go to zoning but I don't want to do that he's my neighbor he's not violating anything in the respect that you know he's taking my property what has happened though is that when I drive down my driveway uh most of the way I can't open my door if I drive down forward and I open my door I'm hitting the side of my house uh I submitted a whole portfolio of pictures and I actually let Mr perero take a look at them when we came in you know came in and you can't open a door and step out without hitting the you know the side of the house if I try and back down the driveway um I save my house but I smash into my neighbor's uh vehicles that are parked there and again I have pictures that show you know um he's parked there he's got his door open now he also uses his house obviously for a residence so what he'll end up doing you know what I'm I'm sorry to cut you off I I have to give someone else another chance to come up for four minutes I got a question you okay go ahead so so for instance sir and it sounds to me right so you applied for handicapped spot correct which tonight we just approved on the first reading correct right so at the next meeting uh the 17th will be the final approval if it's if it's voted in you'll have your handicap spot basically you're surrendering your driveway almost right uh yes but you'll have so I I think you were you under the assumption that you're going to have a problem getting the handicap spot I was told that the ordinance tonight was read it was approved on the first reading I was told that it might be a problem because um I I have a driveway and that it's frequently not it's not approved hang on the patrolman told me K who came out and and the people down at the Hamilton Police said that you know you're you're asking for some extenda circumstances so the best thing you can do is to talk to folks rather than just handing in an application and you know hoping for the best and that's why I put together that portfolio with the pictures and the doctor notes and things of that nature and since I haven't had to do this before again I where do we stand yeah so that's not written in any rule of that but I know in the past when there's been uh some applications that have come in for this type of thing there was consideration that if they had a driveway it wasn't always approved now again there there could be extenda circumstances for any application I think that's why they leave it pretty well up to you know Council to decide we tonight we voted to move on first reading to establish the parking space correct nothing changes between this meeting and the next meeting correct correct correct unless but you have have a fre decid because he has a driveway that we did which obviously we passed it on their first reading tonight right I'm just trying to save the gentleman time from going back and forth um and normally done a good presentation yeah he did Mr nag I do appreciate it cuz this is the highlight of my social Sor no my my question to you is if we were to approve this space in front of your property would that be what you're looking for that's what I'm looking for sir yes okay that's all I wanted to ask go ahead councilman Tha I'm okay the floor is yours I'm okay all right I have another question you sure you don't want to go so Jes that's that's that's great that's um you know what hope it works out in your favor my issue is the uh commercial vehicles in the driveway they go to zoning or to the police because I understand it's his neighbor and he doesn't want to complain however it is creating a difficulty in the neighborhood yep and he's losing the use of his driveway that he pays for and that he owns So if it needs to go somewhere can we complaint doesn't have to come from anybody but now we know so I've already written it down and have the address so we're good you right though I thank you but you get along with your neighbor I'm sorry you get along with along with your neighbor much better now he when he moved in he was a younger gentleman and um we didn't get it along so well cuz as a older homeowner well I don't have to go into detail you you could probably understand I get it okay now should I come this is my last question I'm sorry to tie up your time do I can I do I come to the next meeting or you're you're welcome to come to our next meeting but um you know well especially since it's on your social calendar Mr yeah right well it used to say party now it says a Dr B Dr C yeah there's no you probably don't have to yeah there's no okay and and two readings and three readings before final and then it takes some time for us to pass and then that's fine and then ultimately it goes to if it's passed it goes back to the police and the the permit is well I'm still seeing the green side of the grass I'm very thankful for your time and I'm sorry no take it up thank you yeah and typically the the police it reaches our agenda because the police have looked at it and recommended it yes correct and just so you know I've I've never voted against a handicap parking spot that the police have recommended that we pass so I think you're you're safe at the next the only one on there yes anyone else wishing to speak thank you Mr naggie anyone else Lisa yeah good evening Lisa Williams Brer Lane um we're approaching the time period when the kennels are going to be recoded at the shelter and according to the website we're up to at least 40 dogs do we have placement for all of the dogs that need to get out of the kennels that we're going to to recat so yes it's still ongoing that they're doing that but I think that they have accommodations for for all of the animals that need to be um displaced for I think it's two weeks it's yeah they they said two weeks one week but in addition to that we tried to do a special drive for Fosters even just for the twoe time period so that we didn't have to find you know other institutionalized homes for um the animals that need to be displaced and so um I don't know I haven't gotten an update today is to if they had any Foster takers um but but again and the number may change between now and when they actually have to move them yeah but it won't change you're still going to need to find placement for 20 cuz you're at 40 right now that's correct there's 20 kennels you're redoing so those are probably I just want to make sure we don't have any dogs at risk because we are doing kennels and there is no place for the dog to go that's the reason I asked that's correct and this will bring the kennels up to to co to regulation because with the peeling paint they are not in within regulation so I just want to make sure that everyone is safe and not at risk because we're we got a report today that that was has been being worked on and they have enough space for all of the animals that need to be displaced okay thank you that's all Thank you Lisa yes Jens good thank you thank you JN clanic 432 Trinity Avenue Corell Heights uh in regard to this gentleman's problem when they had the handicap part since the street seems to be so loaded is it marked off so that people just don't just because it's there they say well I can park a little further into there I mean he'll still have room it's partition so that they know it's just for him just for him it'll be in front of his house and clearly designated that it says handicap parking and they do designate an area specifically for that and I think they put up a sign as well eventually so they put up the sign just like if where you would go anywhere else that had designated handicapped parking um and you can only park there if you have that designation and in this case you can only park there if you live there so oh okay I mean he's going through all this trouble I and they have that problem okay um I I've seen quite a bit of it and I assume it's illegal but I don't know people blow their leaves into the street just blow them across the street that's not legal is it no cuz I mean I was coming down East State Street Extension Nottingham where a lady s his church was making a left and there was a guy in his three houses blowing his leaves across the street AC to the businesses that are on the other side and then today when I was going to school somebody on 33 was blowing their leaves across this you know across all three lanes and all the I'm thinking that's not supposed to be proper is it no no it shouldn't happen that way that's why we have Leaf pick up in front of your home in front of your home yeah so so that's basically illegal for people to do that kind of stuff right yes yep okay just I thought you know it's not very nice that the guy across the streets now getting all the leaves and plus all the leaves in the street look so attractive okay just curious okay thank you thank you now I can't say how how much it's in that's enforc because it doesn't happen frequently but yeah you're not going to enforce that but um unless around looking for that yes yes hey well ordinance for 20-28 if anyone's really curious 42048 28 28 okay anyone else seeing no further comments my Council colleagues I'll start off with councilman paparo oh do we have to give a second chance Mr n oh I think Mr n are you you're good right yes sir okay thank you C welcome welcome everybody back from uh Thanksgiving and uh holiday seasons are coming up so I just want to wish everybody happy and healthy thank you one more meeting until the end of the year and say thank you to you for your leadership this year I know it's not easy but uh we appreciate the work you put in thank you thank you K everybody have a good night thank you thanks I like to say ditto but I can't so no but I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving you know it's that time of year where you spend a lot of time with your family your friends and uh you know be safe while you're doing it and enjoy it and like uh Council M peraro said uh next meeting will be our our president's last meeting at the helm and thank you for your leadership this year Anthony um as always you're always well prepared and appreciate everything you do thank you thank you um yeah thank you Anthony for your leadership this year uh I hope to see everybody on this Friday yeah for the Christmas tree lighting and otherwise happy holidays everybody um I would like to say didto no I'm no I really want to say thank you for your leadership this year and all the hard work you put into to explain everything so detailed to the public and to us and help us out um and I also just hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving and to me that's my favorite holiday because there's no gifting stress it's just about being with my friends and family so it's I hope everyone had a good one um and I'm really excited for the treeing on Friday and then we have winter wonderland um Friday and Saturday and then I'll be driveth through until the end of the year I believe yes yes so I just invite you out to see winter wonderland it's definitely one of my favorite events and I hope you have a good night wow Mar getting uh some thanks for this year and I still got one more left um popular um no I just want to just compliment I want to thank though the um Public Works employees um Chuck's team did a really Chuck Thomas's team did a really nice job regarding leaf pickup but also decorating the you know decorating the municipal building in the town uh I'm sure they're doing a phenomenal job I haven't gone past c um the park but I'm sure it's going to look beautiful for winter wonderland but um thank you all of you uh look forward to our next meeting which is December 17th uh Tuesdays December 17th um and hopefully we uh cannot get too stressed about the holiday season just focus on what's uh what's most important that's uh uh to be with family and friends so thank you all for coming out this evening and I appreciate your involvement in our government thank you job job