good evening everyone I would like to call the April 16th 2024 Hamilton Township council meeting to order this meeting is being held with the benefit of public notice as required by the open public meetings act Madam clerk will you please call the role Mr Papo M Phillips here Mr whing here Mr Carabelli here Mr ta abson ladies and Gentlemen let's please rise for the uh salute to the flag and pleasee remain standing for the invocation plge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all dear God our world is torn with war and violence pray that you provide this world with a peace that is only found in you we pray also for those who are suffering from the results of this war and violence may you provide them both physical and mental healing as always continue to bless our country and our Township and may we as Government Representatives take on the best interests of our community we ask all these things in your name amen amen amen so before we get into the agenda this uh this evening I just want to be um bring to uh bring to the table that there is an update to the agenda um that is different from the agenda that was posted posted on our website um addition number one is communication this would be communication to I'm assuming uh Council uh Madam clerk it's communication one oh it is communication one we're just okay we only have one okay this is a receipt of documentation to aend Alcohol Beverage Control license 13-33 d010 Ronnie Hospitality LLC to add the trade name of Ronnie restaurant lounge and bar and also to active V said license and then there's amending language of resolutions ca10 which is 24- 173 this is a resolution authorizing the submission of a Grant application acceptance of a grant award and the execution of a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the purchase of one electric vehicle and the purchase and installation of electric charging station electric infrastructure and resending resolution number 24109 Grant identifier DC 24-31 Grant award amount $117,000 and then there's ca18 which is 24-1 181 this is a resolution to authorize the Historical Society of Hamilton Township to apply jointly with the township of Hamilton for a 137 170,000 preserved New Jersey historic preservation fund Capital level one Grant from the New Jersey historic trust with a match of 500 $4,888 from the township of Hamilton to be used for improvements to the historic I Isaac Pearson house can I please have a motion on the amendment to the agenda shall move Mr President second roll call Madam clerk Mr yes M phlips yes Mr yes Carell yes 4 Z okay that brings us to discussion um can I have a motion to recess us as the township of uh Council and convenience as the Board of Health motion second roll call yes yes yes yes two days in a row director fish darald good even how are you doing Kathy great thank you for having us it's it's with great pleasure and pride that we come before you this evening to present to you our report um to our Board of Health the Hamilton Township division of health is dedicated to the maintaining of health and well-being of our residents and Visitors by means of prevention health promotion and education to keep up to date on the accomplishments of the division of Health we invite members of the board as well as our residents to take a moment to visit our Township website and read the division of Health's annual report our health officer has provided you each with a hard copy this evening in addition our animal shelter and Adoption Center posts monthly updates and statistics on our shelter web page for your review this evening we will provide you on an update on public health goals and objectives progress on our journey towards national accreditation and more detailed information on our environmental section as well as the accomplishments of the department most recently we have been awarded the New Jersey healthy Care Quality Institute um and the New Jersey League of municipalities the healthy town Gold level designation for the second year in a row which basically tells our residents that we go above and beyond and trying to make sure that all of their health carees are met so we're very proud of that our health department staff continues to provide State mandated services and our animal shelter staff continues to provide the best quality of care to the animals in our shelter and again I know I say this but I am proud to say without a doubt that our health department is truly one of the best we have proven repetitively uh especially during the last years of during the pandemic of our commitment in providing the 10 essential public health services including protecting and promoting the health of all of our residents our health department staff are true leaders in their areas of expertise and we can be confident that they will continue to protect and promote the health of all people in our community I met with them this afternoon again we went through some of our accreditation journey and I am always amazed at the professionalism and the accomplishments that they each contribute towards that so I think that we have great things to look forward to in the future as well at this time I'm going to present our health officer Chris to give you his update thank you thank you Kathy good evening Board of Health members and residents under the direction of C uh director Fitz derald the division of Health continues to promote healthful behaviors to protect the well-being of all those who live work and play in Hamilton in accordance with the public health practice standards of performance for local Boards of Health this includes our animal shelter where our number one priority Remains the care and safety of the animals at the shelter I'm happy to report to the board the division continues to meet its ongoing Public Health obligations tonight I'm pleased to present and answer any questions regarding the division's 2023 annual report we have continued to see a rebound and in many cases an increase in the services provided following the pandemic some examples of those are we've seen an 18% increase in the number of patients seen in our child health clinic a 19% increase in the number of patients seen in our SD clinics a 10% increase in the the total number of childhood immunizations uh administered 14% increased the total number of free rabies vaccines administered a 7% increase in dog licensees issued and an 11% increase in the number of volunteer hours at the shelter on the flip side of that we have seen a reduction in marriage licenses where we saw 11% reduction of marriage licenses issued a 19% reduction in the number of flu vaccines administered and an 8% reduction in the number of dogs have been adopted these figures are not surprising and are in line with what our sister agencies are also seeing uh both here in New Jersey and across the country as we look ahead to 2024 the division will continue to direct its resources towards accreditation our deadline for document submission is October 25th 2024 and the division's internal working groups and staff continue to meet on a regular basis to ensure that we meet this deadline an additional goal for the years is to make sure Hamilton is recognized as a healthy town just like uh director Fritz derald had mentioned for mayor's Wellness campaign for a third year in a row Hamilton was awarded this gold level distinction in 2022 and in 2023 by the New Jersey Healthcare quality Institute I encourage all residents to take advantage of our free wellness programs this includes our monthly Wellness walks the next one is actually this Monday April 22nd at 12:00 p.m. at vets Park South entrance it will be a mile walk and I actually actually am hoping that we are done with our vet appointment that day so I will bring my dogs with us uh on the walk and I'm sure he will enjoy it very very much um our mayor's Wellness campaign also recently sponsored Community CPR classes for Township employees and all of our sports leagues in partnership with pen medicine Princeton more programmatic information can be found on the Township's website Hamilton mwc for mayor's Wellness campaign the division has also continued to roll out and tweak our online request systems requests for service complaints can be placed through the township C click fixed module this allows residents to submit requests at their own convenience and follow along on the progress as it's being addressed requests for certified copies of idal Records dog licenses retail food licenses and mobile food licenses can all now be processed and paid through paid for online through our go pilot modules our latest edition is the ability for residents to make secure monetary donations online um through our uh our web portal the funds that we received through donations are used to offset the cost of expensive Veterinary procedures um for animals at the in the shelter's care tonight I have with me the division's chief rhs or registered environmental health specialist who is the supervisor of the environmental health section Lisa CZ and one of our inspectors Eric Cooper which Mr Cooper witch also as an FYI holds his health officer's license and acts as the reliefed health officer whenever um I'm out of state or um unavailable um just as a reminder for the board State Statute requires 24/7 health health officer coverage so whenever I'm on vacation I do have to notify the State Health Department of my absence and Eric thankfully fills in uh mrz and Mr Cooper Rich will provide of the board and res with an overview of the environmental health section's duties and a deeper dive into our childhood L program thank you Chris hi Lisa how are you Hi how are you good good good evening everyone um as you probably know a lot of us a lot of people think that the only thing that inspectors do are retail food inspections there's many other um things that we do in the department that are probably not what everybody would think so along with all of our retail food inspections um which we have upped the game on um so to say our schools and our risk levels three and four are now being inspected twice a year um all risk levels one two and three are inspected one time a year or more if deemed necessary like by complaints um right now we have a total of 535 retail food licenses um another thing we also do is public recreational bathing facility inspections we have 31 of those in the town um and thanks to uh the board passing ordinance number 2412 for reinspection fees for uh public recreational bathing facilities and also the passing of ordinance 2414 on restrictions for renting of private pools and spas at residential dwellings it's also a simply ordinance um we also have youth camps that we go out to which is coming up um along with our pools we have 13 youth camps that we go out and inspect prior to the children going there to make sure everything's up and running correctly um currently we have three body Ard establishments in Hamilton Township six animal facilities um approximately about 544 septic systems uh we're also involved in that with plan review and if a septic fails or a new home goes in and they on sep no public sewer available um we also look over um private well testing act the water results um for when someone is selling their home and the new buyers are coming in just to make sure that their well water is within standards um we also do massage inspections um that's under our Hamilton Township ordinance we have 10 of those currently right now we have a approximately 26 um mobile food units that have been licensed and already 20 uh temporary events um and this is just the beginning of the season so we'll get plenty more of that we also do have to make Court appearances um for establishments that are in compliance with the state and local ordinances we also get dispatched at 24/7 any time of the day or night um by police or the fire department for either an incident in a restaurant a fire power outage whatever they deem necessary and would like a health inspector um we also do Public Health nuisance complaints such as a big one we seem to have is um rodents and insect complaints poison ivy complaints bee complaints sewage on the ground BR improper disposal waste um also um Eric is going to be talking about um environmental investigations at residents property when their child um has an elevated blood lead level um also we kind of do a little bit of everything we do what's necessary and as needed so we also help support the public health nurses during flu clinics or any kind of Public Health Emergency such as Co H1N1 Anthrax hepatitis A outbreak and we provide support for the Hamilton Township Animal Shelter at rabies clinic I'm sorry to interrupt you um I'm sorry sir did you get prior permission to record tonight's meeting oh maybe he was oh you I'm sorry okay I apologize no that's apologize he thought maybe you were recording he thought that's all okay okay I couldn't see him either okay thank you Lisa continue sure and um also we do also during Public Health emergencies like Co H1N1 we also coordinate with other municipalities to to support um Provide support at Mass vaccination pods okay thank you thank you Lisa 544 seconds good evening everyone um I'm Eric as you know Eric you mind just speaking into the microphone a little bit thank you better perfect yes yes that um as alluded to one of the other things that we do that's um by law requireed every town is conducting environmental interventions on residential dwellings where there's a childly tests for elevated blood levels by law children need to get tested once through at the age of 12 months and another time at the age of 24 months by their doctor physician for blood in their for blood in their blood I apologize um and what that typically involves is they go to the doctors they get their blood drawn intravenously and then they get sent out through the communicable disease Reporting System that's kind of used for other things that the nurses may follow up on as well when there's notification that a child does have elevated levels of blood elevated levels of lead in their blood I do apologize it prompts a response from us um and the temp response varies on the levels New Jersey standards require that we at least do an educational visit by our Public Health nursing staff um when they have five micrograms per deciliter to 9 microG deiler of lead in their blood and it does require retest anything above that so 10 or above requires us to go out there immediately and follow up so what we do is we work as I mentioned with the public health nurses to try and figure out where the lead in The Dwelling is coming from whether it's lead based paint maybe it's a consumer product um whether it's lead based dust um or because typically a lot of times for children if they're crawling on their hands and knees and there's dust on the floor they're putting fingers in their mouth through ingestion is the number one way to do it so part of that is education so making sure the parents are well you know proper cleaning where they can maybe find Le in their home certain other hazards such as imported food or spices or along those lines and then we also try and talk to the parents about maybe they're bringing home from their occupation so let's say guys ask a quick question how are um are you knocking on doors no um through I apologize through the um we get notified whenever the child goes to doctor they get their blood drawn the laboratory submits to the state through the um cdrss that's okay yeah and then we get it so kind of like if there was a a foodborn illness or something like that for someone maybe has someone El the Nur would get notified and prompt that response okay um so we do adequate followup within the state Bas within the timelines issued by the state um so we discuss these things with the parents as much education with maybe something they can do if there's an occupation for example let's say they're an aut mechanic and it's on their clothing they may not realize hey they have lead dust on their clothing they give their kid you know a hug when they come to their door it's ingestion through that way but the other big portion that we do like I said is testing of a home so we have devices that we are trained in using um called XR um xrf you know analyzers where basically it determines how much lead is in the paint in your walls floors ceilings certain components of the homes and like I mentioned also two we do dust wipe sampling so we'll take your horizontal surfaces such as your floors window sills areas where a child can very easily reach and maybe get ingest dust through that way and then we send it off to a certified Laboratory um a big part of that too is kind of following up with the parent or Guardian to making sure that their child is one getting adequately tested two removing those hazards from the home where we also kind of come into play is making sure that the homeowner of the dwelling gets those violations abated so if we know that there's a lead based paint hazard in a home the owner gets a notification of it advising that they have to have a someone who is recognized by the NCA to conduct that work you just can't hire a construction worker or someone who's a barebone handyman to do that because you may inadvertently cause more of a lead based paint hazard in a home by doing that in accordance to State guidance we also oversee somewhat the a batement process so when they fix it so they submit to us basically a planner outline how they're going to take care of that and we review it send it over to our Construction office to make sure that they get the proper permitting and make sure they also get the notification sent out to the DCA as well that they're going to be doing that work there we do multiple basically inspections on site during that process to make sure that they're applying to the um appropriate codes through construction as well as um njac 851 which is basically our code saying we have to go out and investigate these upon those abatements we review the results of all the cleaning and everything along those lines that they send to the lab to make sure that everything is squared away and that the child can safely continue to reside in that residence some of the other things that we do and some of the things that you may have seen in the news the wabana applesauce recall because they found elevated levels of lead in that the New Jersey Department of HTH of issue guidance saying that we have to go out to certain stores where the that applesauce has been identified we basically make sure that it's been recalled and pulled off the shelf so it's no longer available we also make sure we disperse any other education material that is required NG dooh pertaining to elevated blood Le levels and reaching out to Guardians who may have had children who have been impacted in the past by elevated blood levels or maybe in risk of doing so in the future um part of this too is continuing ongoing education with this so Lisa C is our chief rhs myself the senior rhs Kelly Thomas and our other RS Randy Donan all have to be certified Le inspector risk assessors through the state which means that we go we take the necessary requirements and take multiple rounds of testing to ensure that we are knowledgeable of the code prior to going out onsite and conducting these investigations every 2 years we are required to renew these licenses through refresher course which we actually are due up for this upcoming year which multiple us are going out the end of April to make sure we take that refresher course to maintain our license so we can continue to provide these Services um down the road there may be a chance that the New Jersey Department of Health adops newer CDC guidances as that comes alongs the way and we make sure that we will properly enforce those regul ations and follow up appropriately as required Eric how many cases are uh do we usually experience in a given year for I mean do we have any ballpark figure on what that would look like between 12 and 20 while it isn't in overabundance it is you know frequent enough where we do have to make sure we make ourselves readily available for those okay thank you Eric when you find a case at a home you know has has a a lead problem is there a time frame when the homeowner has to respond as far as um what course of action they going to take to remediate it yes there is so within 30 days the homeowner needs to submit What's called the scope of work so basically plan of action how they're going to tackle it um and then they have within 45 days to secure funding now sometimes these homeowners they do need to secure extra funding because unfortunately let B work is very expensive um even you know pre-inflation and all that it's very expensive to properly do because you also need to make sure that people you're doing it are certified and let abatement work and that licensing causes if I'm not mistaken simar things where you have to make sure you keep up with it and proper certification through the state um and then we follow up to make sure all that has been addressed um and during the abatement process as well depending on the to the extensive nature of it they may the family may need to be temporar temporarily relocated which is upon the homeowner to make those adjustments corly is there are there programs out there for assistance with with a family that might lower incomes right assistance as far as financial assistance through the state that they can apply for there are one or two one of them I'm aware of is through Isles that's the one that primarily when people do need some sort of economic assistance they do file it through Isles and they have to submit the paperwork and get approved and everything along those lines and a lot of times when that does happen Isles will reach out to me directly and they will say hey we're going to this address we'll kind of keep we'll touch base let you know how it goes that kind of thing so it's all on the same page we do keep in touch with the letter bment contractors throughout the process as well like okay you know what's intensive start date there's any changes there's any issues with the scope of work let us know to make sure we're going to get start coord is is Le abatement um um testing done on every sale of a home or purchase of a home by law there is a 10day disclosure which the homeowner can basically it's in the law saying hey you can either one test for lead if like I'm buying a property I can either make sure one I test for lead within 10 day or get you know signed up or two if the home owners aware of it they should make the new seller aware of it um but it's more so right now enforced in multif family dwellings but that's through the Department of Community Affairs okay isn't there like a like late 70s early 80s when they you know let P you know I might be off on that date but I'm just thinking I I thought I heard that date before pretty close actually 1978 1978 was when the use of Li based pace and residential dwellings was completely outla um so there's a lot of homes prior to that that have that also too according to the code if a home is built after 1978 the environmental intervention would basically uh consist of a lead hazard assessment which basically asking questions about maybe it's a consumer product maybe it's um a spice that a family brought home from another country that is lined with letter or maybe it's like a ceramic pot that's lined with a certain glaze and we have a consumer product analyzer that can check all those things as well if it's something like a food or a spice we do send it off to a lab just to kind of double check to make sure yes it does no it doesn't but we can at least do some of those preliminary testings you know on site or even back to help AP far we can collect samples thank you thank you Eric you all very much for the report and we all do and one thing with the the lead program is we do have our um Chad lead Grant from the State Health Department which offsets a lot of SL actually all the costs associated with um childhood Le program and we are actually able to kind of help neighboring municipalities as well so that's one of the we have two xrfs one that was privately bought with Township dollars and then another one that we bought through the grant so we're able to loan that out to other municipalities when they have uh letter interventions that they have to do and then we also help them with uh uh when they have to do dust wipe samples and stuff we just they give them to us and then we send them off to the lab and we charge the grant that way as well which is a nice um benefit to have for the neighboring municipalities all right so on to the animal shelter um at the shelter our staff are busy ensuring that all animals at the in the Township's care have a healthy and safe living environment each month we post an update on the year-to-date statistics for the shelter on our website Hamilton animal shelter it's important to remember that 7 days a week including holidays staff for the shelter making sure that the animals have water food a clean habitat and medication as needed just the bare minimum amount of care for each animal takes about 15 minutes per animal continues to be a very challenging environment not only for Hamilton to of animal shelter but also shelters and rescue organizations across the country who have consistently been over capacity for weeks and or months and struggle to find homes for animals in their care even in this difficult environment we've been able to maintain a our no kill shelter status and have a li release rate of 92.8% so far in 2024 we have had a total of five medical euthanasias one dog four cats and one uh Behavior related euthanasia in one dog the shelter continues to surpass The Benchmark of 90% live release and is still considered a no kill shelter where no animal is euthanized for space or time limits but the shelter desperately needs more dogs to see successful outcomes whether to their forever home or to another organization we have been consistently overcapacity for an extended period of time which limits what we can do for the animals and creates a stressful work stressful environment not only for the animals but also for the staff we have many great animals at the shelter who would love who would be lovely companions but we also have many challenging animals who have bite histories people histories whether that can't you know they can't be you know introduced to strangers tooo quickly or they can't be with children dog aggression medical issues or they just need somebody who uh who is an experienced dog owner we need more Partners who are willing to assist us in finding alternative homes for the animals in our care without that we're stuck in limbo at this point because we are not seeing adoption applications um and we're not really adopting out dogs at this point um as I mentioned earlier we continue to see and increase the number of dog licenses issued today we've issued over 3,100 licenses and I encourage all unlicensed dog owners to not wait and to apply for their license this month we will begin issuing for formal notices of violation and summonses in May this is consistent with also our retail food licenses so we give the grace period of the first few months and then we start legal action in May and our summonses do require a court appearance thank you again for allowing me to give you an overview of the hard workor and dead uh the dedicated team at the division has completed since the last board meeting and I'm available to answer any questions you might have had one question Chris know we've been talking about and hearing about it that we have an abundance of uh animals at the shelter currently are we planning uh I know in the past haven't we done like a like a day of action type of thing where people come in where we're pushing um not pushing but trying to promote adoptions I know we do it on a regular basis but I know we've had some different events in the past so we have been um partnering with um the wbcb the radio station just to do kind of it seems about quarterly we've done it twice so far but I think it'll be kind of quarterly moving forward um where they do a live recording uh at the station just to kind of highlight what's going on and we bring out adoptable animals that's something that's both on air and then also they uh they live stream it as well video uh videotaping uh it we had just did our in the fall our fall in love with the animal shelter event uh where we kind of have an open house um and then usually in the summer we also partner with the greater clear the shelters event um and highlight along with everybody else the kind of you know the animals in the shelter we have been doing more advertising we're trying to keep up more with making sure that the animals posted on the website have up-to-date photos we're working with the mayor's office to make sure that those photos are taken on a more regular basis more routine basis and and and updated um but I we're open to other ideas as well uh we haven't really done any offsite events one of the things that I've talked with um the staff at the shelter is now that we're doing these Wellness walks especially if it vet park or other parks where it might be um the weather's nice and we have dogs that are available that can go out is bringing dogs to those events as well well to just kind of a get the dogs out of the shelter for a little bit but also to hopefully introduce them to other folks whether they be in the park walking with us um and that' also be a great opportunity for volunteers too um if they wanted to kind of foster for a day which is a program that we have and and take one of the dogs for a walk one other question I have and I'll leave it you know some of our colleagues up here might have some too but uh what's the condition how's the camels themselves I know we've recently seal um uh the floorings of the cels a couple years ago you know how's the paint I mean are we in need of up upgrades to the the ks themselves so it's funny actually we just met with uh the second contractor today uh Lisa and I did um and I do have to thank Lisa because she's been helping spearhead this um you know they they've been breaking down um and they do need to be resealed I mean there's there's no way fanss about it um the new side of the kennel is in decent shape but the old side is is deteriorating pretty quickly but we have two quotes now so we are hoping uh within the next couple months to get that project started but that will be a bigger you know we have to do logistically we have to move and find a house for all 20 animals to move because they do need that whole section emptied out all at once so that is something that we're going to have to work with one of our um uh the private uh CLE facilities to see if they can hold the dogs for um for a couple days while they do the work sand it gets sealed cures and then the dogs can go back in and then we would do the other side as well thank you Chris that's a capital that's something that we had in capital two years ago we have remaining money and then the balance will be paid with Grant doll okay that was my question good something else that was um something else that I think was on Capital last year was the generator is that has that been we get that yet so that is public works but they have started that they've cleared out um behind where the the cooler is that's kind of at the end of the driveway right there behind it and kind of to the left they've started clearing out the and prepping the work so that will be something um I guess imminent that they'll be starting installing that project did they give you a timeline on that or no but they've already started the the clearing and they brought down the but obviously they have the generator so it's C in the p and all that okay good good you okay if I keep going yeah just goad I have a couple easy questions um you mentioned the adoptions I know we're trying to clear the shelter right I know we're overpopulated it's a problem I think everywhere you mentioned that we're reaching out like do we send out like weekly emails do we send out all the dogs do are we getting enough traction that way or is there something that we can help with or so I mean we I will take any help possible so if there's any leads that anybody has as far as open space and another rescue or there's another rescue partner that we're not Linked In with I would encourage you know to reach out to our shelter manager to make that connection or to me or Kathy and then we can follow up on it um we have been pushing a little bit more I can't say that it's been a more as frequently as I would like um just due to time constraints but we have been posting kind of more indepth kind of uh information on like certain dogs like each week so we kind of highlighting one specific and doing kind of a deeper dive uh on social media of that dog just to kind of bring kind of more attention to that uh for the for the week and hopefully it gains traction we've had some a few that have gotten you know a number of you know or a fair amount of kind of likes and and and interactive interactions from from those social media posts but we do need to follow up and continue more with the push to rescue organizations is doing this social media or the email stuff something that we can use volunteers for or is that beyond their scope I I would prefer that that would stay in house Pat um can I I just want to ask to follow up on your question real fast is the new uh the employee that we're bringing on this uh year or have have brought on is could that individual serve to assist some of the um that administrative um function uh right now I mean I need attendance to to be attendance and and an officers they do fill in so I will say I have a couple attendants who they they do well with the kind of interaction and working with the public and I'm not going to stop that as long as you know the the basics are being taken care of and but that's part of their job is also to show the animals and working with the public and calling potential adopters and we do have the attendance to do that as well go ahead coun sorry so I know there was um you know I get emails a lot frequently um people know I'm a dog person and they like to send me stuff yeah there was a dog that was injured because of a latch on a gate was that gate fixed uh it should be yes um I will have to double check but I'm pretty sure that was that was fixed I don't dog was injured maybe a lat the latch wasn't working properly there's a the dogs are you know they're constantly pushing up and against the kennel and what happens is sometimes they the actual and I not you know I don't know the specific words but the latch will actually just bend it's not like it breaks it just comes loose and they're able to push the actual gate open and and that's what some of those dogs I can imagine are pretty strong and that's what happened and the one dog did escape and they fought through the fence there was I mean other than superficial injuries there was um as to to my knowledge there was no uh permanent injuries in regards to that anything else that we can help with the adoptions I know I know it's a problem and I know I keep asking but yeah I mean we I mean it's I we have a a number of like really really nice dogs that would be even if they found another organization to to go to I mean I know everyone's struggling but um you know it's I mean I think just getting the word out and getting people in or getting other organizations to to to assist uh that's the the biggest ask right now because we can't just we have no we literally have no space I mean if you guys and I encourage you stop by and see we have dogs in the hallways um they in crates and crated dogs have to be walked multiple times a day obviously but by law and also just you know for welfare reasons as well so um you know it's it's not sustainable so there needs to be outcomes period somehow are we still using like the Pet Finder and yeah I think it got bought out I mean it's going by a different name but yeah we're still using um the op system and everything's being posted people got dogs during Co and turned them in becauseit this is still like sort of the remnants of Co you yeah I mean I think it's it's co I mean it's inflation I mean you know it's expensive to own a pet right now I mean it's expensive for everything um but vet costs have and have gone up and just food and everything has gone up so if you're struggling unfortunately it's you know I think a lot of our Strays are kind of our reality just owner surrenders and you know if we we try our best to do due diligence and if it really is someone's animal we have to say no but then sometimes we end up you know an hour later we get a call that there's a loose dog and then now we're chasing trying to find that person or the dog just ends up with us in general um dogs that are found in another municipality and they end up at our shelter we try to work with them as much as possible to get those dogs back into the proper uh shelter that they belong to but sometimes that also doesn't happen CU they're facing the same situation as well but for the most part you know we have their Hamilton dogs how many volunteers do we actually have that act that are partip I have it in rough estimate it's not I don't need an exact so I have 68 as uh right now and how many how many of those are on like a regular basis or is it not I would say I mean from what I see I mean probably 20 I mean and a Steve you know to put you on spot have a better Steve can you I mean I can I always see what's in the dog walking when I'm there the same and then we also have like cat volunteers and and everything too but yeah somewhere 10 20 or something like that yeah obviously there we have more frequent flyers who are there much more often but it's usually the same folks that I see when I'm over there gotta thank you um so I mean Foster would be another so if there are um you know if somebody has room they don't want to make the permanent you know uh commitment then you know that's also another option where you know we would provide the food cover the medical costs they just you know would have to provide the home and and loving environment and that's also something that uh we would uh greatly appreciate not to L is our our bunny Whisperer and she has uh two of our bunnies in Foster right now one is spends part time with the the health department we're we're we're a fan letter trained oh it's it's it is actually L box he's he's a really boy too if we were trying to do a big social media push is there a way I know that sometimes the um the advertisements you have to pay for but even if there's a fee is there a way that we can schedule them because you also could Target certain certain groups certain distances are we allowed to do that um we have been we've we've done a little bit of advertising with like Facebook it's probably something that we need to explore a little bit more um I know the township does itself does some advertising through like Facebook and everything else like that we've been hitting mostly um like Community News and the newspapers and in the community um the community papers mostly it's what we've been targeting but it's something um we have in the budget that we'll we just have to uh work to get more kind of the online advertising going yeah we can work with the mayor's office on that think that's a good suggestion oh yeah and then we also got stickers U made and and working with uh Kate Kane uh to go out uh to kind of you know that way they can put stickers on on the different to go and delivery boxes delivery bags just kind of like just something else just to get you know more eyes that you know on the fact that the Shel yeah thank you Chris is this the um with the as it pertains to the accreditation uh is this the last step we're we're in the home run so then um so right now we're all I mean it's it's pretty it's across the board and which is great because we have we have buying from the staff is really just finalizing all the documents going through the different um deliverables and trying to find what best example um because and then what Veronica is doing right now is then we you know we have the example so maybe and you know the annual report is is one thing that that we'd have to do and then she'd have to find the specific let's say it's you know page 23 highlight that then put it in a form and you know write how that meets the measure and it's also found on page the example is page 23 it's highlighted and that we have to do for all 144 different documentation that we have to do that way when the reviewers come they look at the form they can know that all right this is what I need to look for and then move on to the next one does it meet it does it not meet it and go so is it 2025 would be our goal uh it's uh it's October 25th this year this year this year yes okay so uh our our plan hopefully is by the end of September to have everything submitted and and done with but our absolute deadline is October 20 That'll be amazing all right any other questions um I just had a quick question I know um we got a little more information about the delay between the time that someone applies for dog license and then is I guess like filled for it yeah is that characteristic of the like the computer program or is it that we have to review the information on the license first before we can charge yeah it's it's it's bold so um so we take um just to kind of you know backtrack for everyone we have to we take both in person mail and online applications for dog licensing uh the priority ends up being in person because the person's obviously there and we work and we process everything right there on the spot and then mail because we really need to turn over those cash funds the checks and the cash that comes in on the mail so it's not just sitting there so they tend to take priority so then it kind of pushes back the online module and I only have one full-time person that's dedicated to it and we had some staff turnover at the end of the year so the other clerical staff that were more familiar with it weren't there and we had to train some new people so that kind of slow us down a lot but um we're trying to get better and making sure that they're working from the bottom up and not necessarily from the top down which I think unfortunately was also happening in the system so it was just kind of flipping the sort button um and working from the top down so that way to hopefully kind of reduce that lag time between time process to submit payment but if they're also missing stuff um if they're missing the rabies or the rabies that's expired that will also push out that um that request for payment because everything has to be um correct and valid for us to then move forward for payment so that's why you can't just apply P yes you can't just apply and pay because otherwise we' be chasing people for documentation and that's the same process that we use for our business our retail food as well we review everything approve the application then submit for payment but then the people that also need to actually pay cuz we also have a lot of people who we submit for payment and then they just sit on the payment and they don't whether they miss it they forget about it so it takes a couple reminders for them people to then click the link okay thanks that's good information any other questions no good thank you well Chris thank you uh thank you and your team Lisa thank you for being here Eric it helped us understand a little bit more of the ongoing daily activities of the environmental health um office um and Kathy as always thank you for being so thorough in your report I appreciate all of you being here okay thank you thank you thank you you were free to go no so um can I have a motion to adjourn as the Board of Health and reconvene as our Council body I'll make a motion okay yeah I'll second W call Mr yes yes yes yes okay that brings us to Communications communication one is a receive documentation to amend ABC license 33310 for rainy Hospitality LLC adding their trade name is rainy restaurant lounge and bar and also to activate said license have a motion motion second call Mr yes M Phillips yes Mr wh yes Mr car yes thank you we havea item ca1 to ca8 so before we get into the um consent agenda I just want to give a u brief overview we have our annual cash uh cash management plan for 2024 that's uh on as a resolution this would um we also have a resolution that increases to 60% our line items in the temporary budget uh we have for consideration the appointment of Anthony rtis as our alternate public defender we have a slight 10% uh $10,000 increase for the examination skill of work involved with the potential Redevelopment area um in Hamilton from the Alo group uh there is supplemental uh Green Acres funding of over $1 million that we um for previous open space purchases that uh we have been successful in obtaining that's also a resolution on for this evening um in addition I'm happy to see the purchase of a generator for the senior center uh which is included this evening um which will be covered through a grant um via the county of Mercer Community investment initiative which was originally uh ARP funding American Rescue plan funding um there are also refunds tax over payments on our agenda and finally we have the Isaac Pearson house an application that's going going forward um hopefully we're successful that would make some um important improvements to that that home historical home um so any questions from my Council colleagues regarding the consent agenda no questions no questions okay any questions from the public regarding the consent agenda yes Janice JN GL 432 Avenue Cornell Heights uh ca6 what are you doing with the firefighters what's the agreement between the township and the firefighters I thought that was all settled or whatever so there's ongoing negotiations that are currently happening for a longer term agreement but this is necessary language that needed to be added for um the current Arrangement that we have and going forward correct correct so right now we're in the status of an expired contract so we've been negotiating with them because it expired at the end of um 2023 so we'll continue negotiating with them we're making good progress but there there was one operational issue that we really felt like we had to address now while we're when you're in between contracts you sort of act on you you keep acting on what the other Provisions in the contract were in the expired contract um not every item but most items in there um so this is basically doing a little bit of a reorganization for uh two of the captains to um to be able to assist in the operations and hopefully reduce some overtime there so and they've all agreed to it and there's we bring it to the council so that they can do a separate agreement outside of the collective bargaining agreement that'll be part of that collective bargaining agreement when we agree on everything else once we finalize still all unified everybody approved that's done forever the promotion coming out of it'll be they'll be okay okay yeah and overall I think it saves us well we have how many captains do we have oh boy can't think of captains like a police department it's different the ranks are different my pen just popped theart a flying object almost got you I have to think of a different they're um their titles are different so you would think of a captain as a higher position in the police in the police department and the fire department it's only the second level oh really it's a supervisory position right so and they're on each platoon and each shift so yeah oh wow yeah we have quite a few cuz it used to be just a captain in each you know house and then that would they were the boss yeah I don't know not anymore okay no thank you thanks J thank you Jon you any anyone else from the public wishing to comment almost took out an I seeing no further comments from the public and I have a motion to close it council president I'll make a motion to close the public comment on consent agenda and move on uh consent agenda items ta1 through CA 18 I'll second a motion roll call Mam yes yes yes yes ordance amlod pamilton New Jersey part two general legislation CH 362 Property Maintenance section 36210 abatement of violations regarding grass brush or other de recovery of second reading the way I read this just uh so everyone's aware is that this just shortens the time frame for I believe solely commercial properties correct uh from 10 days to 5 days after they' receive a notice of the violation to respond that's that was the one change that I noticed on that ordinance anyone from Council wishing the comment I just quick question am I eligible to vote on that I wasn't at the I think this came up on the first reading of the last meeting was it I'm still able to votee on it I just want to make sure before you call a roll yes okay anyone from the public wishing to comment on this ordinance seeing none I'll make a motion to close the public comment portion and uh move ordinance 1 24017 on second reading I'll second roll call Madam clerk yes yes yes yes 12418 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles in traffic Article 2 parking section 48519 handicap parking this is establishing spaces for 29 mlen Avenue and 110 tle AC first reading intruction council president I'll move ordinance number one on uh 24-18 on first reading and introduction second motion roll call Madam clerk Mr paparo yes M PHS yes Mr yes yes okay that brings us to comments from the public okay we have Roco Roco sh sh Shara uh evening um my name is Roco shupa I live at 12 Christopher Drive in yville um uh was here at the last meeting on April 2nd about um um my neighbor uh rainwater is going into my yard uh he recently put a pull in and he put in um the grading is too high and the concrete's too high and um all his rainwater goes into my yard since then I put a drain in which takes my water from my down spouts and there's a drain by his fence and my yard still gets full of water I brought some pictures if anybody wants to sure see thank you thank you um I was just wonder last time I was here they said that U someone would be looking into it maybe getting back to me and I was just wondering uh you know where we stand right now KY uh is this the back of yard by Broad Street or the front that's inside my yard is that the back by BR Street yes so BR streets on the other side of that fence yes so when we spoke to the professionals right in front of where that mulches the professionals did tell us well they told me I'm not sure who else spoke to them but I was very proactive actually came out to your house the next day did you look and see the the problem with this picture is um you see a little bit of the M the molds and everything that's holding everything in right but it's not really holding anything in because the I actually have a drain out there with a popup now and it's still coming in it's back pitching because all his water his has a drain from where he had his down spout moved into his yard that the little draam that's there for P Water can't handle the the rain water so that washes back into my yard and then all the way down he has where that pipe comes and ends it doesn't go all the way to Broad Street so where that ends it runs into my yard through the fence and then he actually even has a piece of metal on the side of his fence to block to block the water from coming into his yard so um that's been that way pretty much ever since I lived there I mean it's probably a little bit higher but that Flik path is actually higher because when he built the yard up in that corner it should go to his through underneath the fence and out the backyard and he was supposed to grade that down the township told me the engineering said they were going to have grad it down he never did it they gave him like months to do it and he put it shed there in the meantime and he just took a little bit of soil away from the fence I have soil this high or better on my fence plus the concrete so there's no place for the water to go even I mean you would have to have a pump or something back there to pump it out and if you watch it it just flows in the yard and then it actually goes out and comes back in and uh the landscaper that's there right now that did the work he doesn't know how to fix it unless they do something inside his okay so just a couple things I mean I'm not trying to Downy I I I feel fre you because I'm I'm a big proponent and being a good neighbor um can we find out from our professionals can we get inv writing to all Council um maybe as to what the what the situation is and um maybe if we have to get some something from planning as far as what the pitch is supposed to be did the pool next door follow the guidelines I think that's a fair request for all of us just understand it um again the back that backyard where all that water is I've never had water in my yard before well I didn't have water like that okay I'm sorry I have I I've never had water in my yard before this past what month we we've had some crazy days I mean days so I'm going to kind of give it a pass because in the back part where all the water's supposed to be going some of it is being stopped by your mulch well what's this before your time is up that's the gra the drain that I had for in the front of the yard in the front part of the yard what's the pit where where is that going to that's going to out to Broad Street so that's going from the front of the house all the way to the back yeah it's not really the front it's the back of my back it's the front of your backyard yeah exactly so what's the what was the P the rate of pitch that you did from there to there cuz that's a long distance because it's not if it's not if it's not the right pitch the water's not going to go anywhere either right it's going to sit yeah but why should I put had to put that in my yard before he had his pull put in not saying you should the Cur the he built his yard is this much higher than my yard that's a problem that's a problem it wouldn't even look for my fence wasn't there plus the concrete's under my fence and all his soil is Up and Under the fence I couldn't even replace my fence properly the only way I could see that being fixed is if I put a retaining wall up something to block the water to keep it in his yard so I don't understand I I understand the way it looks with the mulch but that's been that way I've been in the house almost 30 years I always had a little bit of vol back there I had a swing set back there when I was at I would get a little bit of water but this is like a a pond it's like a water retention I mean it's ridicul I can't live this way and I already have I would like to hear from 30 I got $3,100 invested that I shouldn't had to pay for using it on my house no I I I hear you and I think I think I think I I agree with you and I think Council pero makes a good suggestion let's get uh uh advice from our for from our professionals on you know what got you say one more thing can just to of this you uh have two more minutes we'll give you at the end I just want to let someone else just just give me give me a second to get some some of our other public to come up and speak and then I'll call you back up in when everyone goes through for their second time thank you brco I'll have the township engineer send something to all of council and you know and I'll talk to to the director of of Community Development too to see cuz somebody should have reached out to Mr sharaa and I thought that they had but okay um because I knew that some had gone out to the property and looked at that yeah because if he put a pool if the neighbor put a built pool in his yard obviously there must be plans right he took out permits for it there must be plans let's see if he altered the plans at all too right so yes and actually Township officials have been out to the property a number of times and what I was told verbally but I will get in writing from you all more specific details that they've complied with everything that was asked of them to do so um you know but again I don't I I know some of the details but I'm not going to go over them all with you all then they'll do that the professionals will do that it's not our specialty that's why I correct yeah mine either so okay okay thank you yes just your name and uh yes no your name CH English I live on 697 clock in the road um so my I park uh I have to park in an alley or we have an Alleyway off of Smith Street which is past blizz Tavern that's where I have to park there's no parking off Street or on street for me so and that's a Township alley um it's it's owned by the township okay and I've lived there it's going to be 9 years in June and I've been trying like crazy me and my neighbor debie here to do something and somebody uh you know to try to get a hold of somebody to try to do something for it because what happens is so the alleyway isn't paved it's dirt it's gravel it's some grass and when it snows I got to shovel it uh and it's pretty long I used to have a uh used to have the guy who owned blizz is he used to he used to plow it uh before he passed away nobody else really wants to do it because they afraid to you know do damage or blades and I've called the township a couple of times for that and nobody nobody seemed to care I've called the town I've called the township a couple of times I put in the request you know how you have put in the work request in uh for the township I've done that a few times um my neighbor has done it too she's called she even went to the township building you know people I guess say everything is fine but it's not and even the the last uh the last regime before Jeff Martin uh I was on supposably I don't even know if this is true or not but I guess when when when somebody goes out from being the mayor or whatever they have do they have jobs that they put on the docket to that are not finished or never got completed supposedly I was on that but I don't I don't know if that's true or not but you know I'm just I'm like so Chris um just just for clarity sake this is on clner and right so I live on 697 clner okay but where I park is if you go down Smith Street there's an Alleyway right behind the bar right behind bz's Tavern and that's where I park um that's my parking spot but the alleyway itself is Township owned it's not I don't own it or nobody else owns it and we've really it's you know I know Hamilton's big I've lived in Hamilton most of my life and I understand it's big and everything else but you know and I guess there there might have been a few people that have come out there and maybe just take a quick look at it's okay but here's the thing it's not I feel like it really should be paved because if it was paved then I could just take my snowblower and then I could when it snows I don't have to bust my butt and shovel the whole thing out I mean it's pretty it's pretty long so and it's accessed off of Smith yeah access off of Smith right his house yeah I see it so and then the other thing is so even if you didn't pave it nobody takes care of it so you get potholes my neighbor has to put you know rocks and stuff to fill out in there is the parts of the grass she's either mows the lawn or I mow the lawn or like it just you know for the last 8 nine years and it's like even I'm not saying it's like got the biggest like the biggest priority but like even if like somebody Hamilton had like a bigger job and maybe had like black top left over to do it maybe that would be a possibility cuz it's not like a big big job it's a job it's definitely you know it's definitely a job definitely it's not a huge job but I don't feel like it's like unfair I mean I've lived it's just like I feel like Chris is this um this is owned by the township yeah so Township owned alleys we are supposed to maintain so obviously it sounds like we haven't been doing a great job about maintaining it that happens with some of the alleys especially if they're a little more remote or as you say a lot of times other things push the priorities down so um but we've done that before so I'll make sure that they go out and do a check on that alley um and get it on their list as soon as possible so that they can you know fix it up fill in some of the the holes that there might be there and and do all of that um like your idea of leftover black top but I have no idea what the the size of that job is so I'll I'll suggest that to them I don't think there are any plans to pave it at this time and I don't believe the township plows any alleys either right throughout the township when but at a minimum if they were to pave it at least allows allows me to do or least I'm like you I bust my bust my butt all the time and it's like I pay taxes that ain't it ain't my alley if it was my alley understood underst my neighbor's alley which just like I feel like you know what I mean well taken um we'll take a look at Chris's contact information can we I don't but you can you give that I have your address down but I the right place Chris yeah you want to just just provide her with your you are you through I I think your time's up we'll get you back up if you needed to speak a little bit more Chris but okay um anyone else wishing to speak from the public Lisa I got you next I got you I'm not recording I have almost four minute so my stopwatch will keep okay before you're like am I recording no um no it wasn't you okay no I know but it could be I'm playing with my phone what am I doing it for almost four minutes to read what I have so I have to be quick we won't thank youan um I'd like to start with thanking the health officer and shelter manager sorry they're not here right now but for taking the time to talk with me last week about the animal control procedures and how they related to a January incident my dog and I were subjected to on January 12th there was an incident where a very large dog we have history with popped open the gate came after me and my dog the offending owners were not home and a door was open resulting in the dog getting into the yard and house at animal control and then police dispatch were called to contact animal control because I got voicemail shelter as of last week the shelter phone has still not been updated um Animal Control responded closed the gate upon arrival spoke with the owner through the ring doorbell camera and obtained owner's approval to go in the yard and see how the dog was getting out of the house and put the dog in the house I was present on the sidewalk during this and informed the Animal control officer that I would be filing dog running at large charges and I had video this is documented on the daily field activities report I open the animal control investigation report and received the daily field activities report an animal control investigation report was not prepared for this incident I offered the 2024 dog license to see if the dog had a valid rabies vaccine because I knew from a 2023 dog license that the vaccine expired in 2023 dog licenses weren't due until February 29th so I wasn't able to get the license I did get it on April 9th and learned that the dog's rabies vaccine had lapsed for 3 months and the dog had an expired rabies vaccine on the day of the incident and the ACO didn't check the status of the rabies vaccine on January AR the 12th so I had an unvaccinated dog running at me this info should have been available to me when I went to court in February if I had known the dog had an expired rabies vaccine I would have filed the charges for failure to vaccin a dog for rabies if my dog or I got bit we would have had to get rabies vaccines my dog an additional boomster and me the series of rabies vaccines because that dog's vaccine expired if someone got bit by that dog between January 13th and February 29th in my opinion the township is exposed from a liability standpoint because it should have been known that the offending dog had an expired Rus vaccine on January 12th what I learned last week is an investigation report was not prepared because the offending dog didn't make contact with me thank you to the driver of the car that blew its horn in an attempt to not hit the dog and the Amazon driver for helping to give me and my dog time to get away so we didn't make contact with the dog I also learned that the rabies vaccine status wasn't checked because we didn't get bit a check of a dog license system would have shown a 2023 expiration date and followup would have found that the vaccine had expired you shouldn't have to get hurt for this to be checked and reports to be documented I've received various Animal Control incident reports because people have sent them to me on other scenarios there is an incident report from May of 23 where a small Unleashed dog grabed the pant leg of someone walking a small dog person was not hurt that got a police response and followed by Animal Control the next day there are police and Animal Control incident reports for that there is an incident from March 1st where animal control and police responded to a potential neglect situation ACO her investigation report confirmed the dog was up to date on shots this report does not indicate that the dog made contact with or bit anyone but there is a report in vaccine shots were confirmed I'm asking that the ACO procedures be modified to require Animal Control investigation reports and confirmation of rabies vaccine status for all dog running at large incidents reported to animal control where animal control can identify the owner of the dog including following up on stray reclaims from the shelters for licenses in Hamilton and Ries vaccines for all 3 minutes 58 seconds thank you so much thank you yeah good so we can we investigate some of yeah so did you and you said you met with um talk to them oh you talked to them and so did they answer some of these questions for you and at this point you just want our procedures to be looked at follow up so okay I asked why was there not an animal control investigation report right and I gave the example of the me scenario and I was told because the dog in January did not make contact with you okay we got lucky I saw it coming I yelled for the owners I yelled stop I knew the dog's name because I've been in court with these people before so now I know the dog's name um car coming down the street blew a horn which startled the dog the Amazon guy helped I continue I have on video I you know it's a video make you sick cuz it's moving there a lot of stuff going on when you're being charged by a dog um I yelled for the dog to stop dog's name go home go home my dog knows go home the dog's all confused it went to its front yard look confused you know poor things I don't feel sorry for it but I don't want it to get hurt it's confused it shouldn't have been able to get out we shouldn't have been put at risk it shouldn't have had an expired rabies vaccine there was a reason for animal control to come out they came out they should have checked Chris said they can't Target somebody to check a rabies vaccine I equate this to if I run a red light and I get pulled over by the police officer for running a red light he asked for license registration insurance if I can't produce those documents I get a summons how is a dog coming after a human you go out you put the dog back in the yard you you put actually close the egg you put the dog in the house you close the door I have video you didn't ask to see it I would have shared it I'll share it with anybody who wants to see it I was prepared for court they took a plea bargain I should have known in court the judge should have known this do had no rapist vaccine even on the day of court February 2 3 months last R was this dog ever licensed it was last year because my property three times and I followed that line and has it been uh renewed this year license license the email that you were also copyed on was issued on February 9th I to follow up again what happened is it was applied for on February 29th the dog was vaccinated for rabies on February 29th expired November 28th um now has a threee agus vaccine that's a whole other question I don't understand um they paid for it on April 9th so the license was issued April 9th I have the license I have both of them it is now license but my point is somebody should have checked I should have been known because I did everybody tells me file the complain yourself so and and you were told that that it was not checked or did somebody check it and see that it's it's in January we're renewing licenses right and so so some of them are in process I remember one that you inquired about it was in process they had the application but it hadn't finished the whole process yet cuz that is the one and what's not email got and I have considered responding to it as in writing in case that is ever over right is that that the day of the incident the dog life the Rab's vaccine was expired the one you're referring to in process is okay so incident occurred January 12 Rus vaccine expired November 23rd 2023 right no one checked it and I asked why because I didn't get bit if I got bit they would have checked it Le you know I'm sorry I just want to be fair I've been talking at what I was trying to avoid is have being exposed to a dog that is not vaccinated for R so I have she makes a valid point right um use an airport as an example right there's two planes or two vehicles on an air on an Airfield it's called an incursion right you may not have hit the plane but you drove in front of the plane you made the plane turn they made her alter her path because the dog charged at her yeah when the dog charged at her why did they not investigate and ask is the dog licensed a red flag was thrown up the dog charged out of the house with nobody home they should have at least investigated and said is the dog licensed that's not targeting they put the Bulls on their back by letting the dog out of the house and that one popped open a date there was one early March popped open the door came yeah it doesn't take much just to run and see if it has a license but I thought and I was under the impression that they had checked and we were in the licensing process and so because it was in the process but again talk after if you want me to explain yeah I do I do they were in the 2024 licensing process on the email your account right this is 2020 and the the vaccine expired November 28 sorry the vaccine expired November 28th of 2023 and they did not revaccinate their dogs till February 29th of 2024 right they applied for a dog license on February 29th of 2024 and had a vaccine that day but they did not have a valid vaccine between November and February and February February 29th of 2024 the incident occurred on on January 12th of 2024 so I'm just trying to see what's in our processes to compel somebody to renew their rabies vaccination on their animal and that's through the licensing process for us because when the license came up right we wouldn't have taken the application had they not gotten a renewal so problem is there was an incident incursion to use thear there was an that caused Animal Control to respond they didn't check on the status if I got fit they would have checked the I agree with your analogy and and like Pat said easy to just run a Check like like they would run a check if we're registered insured ask the question we had a rabus clinic the very next day yeah I'm trying no I totally agree with your analogy that if you were to get pulled over if something were to draw attention to you they can easily run that through the system and see are you registered are you insured do you have a license and this this kind of follows up with what we've been me and Well's not here but me and Rick have been asking right for a couple years why can't you just issue a three-year license three-year RAB right then there's no more questions and I I'm I understand oh the computer system doesn't support it this doesn't support it and we have a lot of automated things we have a lot of Technology if you're telling me we can't figure out how to make a rabies license and a dog license coincide coincide we have a problem okay this scenario wouldn't fit that cuz the dog as of today is only two years old so fall in that because last year it only had a oneyear vaccine and I have questions about a 90day laps but um then the second vaccine would be for three years so you couldn't license it you could do a one year and then a threee right which is what we as scenario I think that's what we've been talking about for a while so yeah all right no you're fine we need to look into this a little more rock up okay any I want to say was was that um if if I uh if my neighbor puts uh changes in his yard or pool or something like that why do I have to make changes in my yard like and that's what happened I never I had a little bit of water wi like normal people but this is it's like uh ret uh water tension Pond everything's running into my yard as far as that mulch goes the pictures everything way was more deceiving but that's the way it was we set up and yeah maybe from years you would get a little but it's not it's still at my fence level if you look at his yard there's no fence level mine my property you know my se's here his is up this high so it's definitely all his water are just running into my yard bottom line is prior to him having the pool stored in his yard did you have those problems no okay so we need to look we need to look into it in fair I I could sympathize with you too if if there was it's not it's a health problem sure you got standing water standing water never dri mosquito [Music] big Rocco do you we have your contact information right yeah I came down here I got my dog license and P all Bo Thro already thank thank you thank you want your picture thank you yeah do you want oh yeah thank you thank you you next time no further comments from the public 3D Janice oh Janice yes I know it's not for debate can yeah we can 4 32 Trinity Avenue Cornell height give you A+ Mr Anthony my girlfriend got her Hamilton po yes all right good good came through all right excellent and then somebody told me that that the house that where the municipal building SE they took down all the trees I would have never into my wildest dreams let that house look like that I mean it looked so much smaller and then I'm think oh my goodness gracious cuz a a friend of B says you want to go see that house you were complaining about you know I said okay oh my God that's unbelievable is the house demoed yet did the house come down yet I I have to drive by it was still there on okay I have to look at it and now that's going to be like the entrance to the just additional space I think we're yes we don't additional space and actually the entrance will be where you see the current entrance right now there's an in you know an Ingress right there but the main one will be off of uh there's going to be one off of clockner yes and then one off off yes the main one is off of White Horse though yes just corre it just kind of makes the geographical area landscape a little more you know you know you still have the Exon station on the corner yeah but it kind of makes it more rectangular right you got it gets rid of an is so to speak that would be right next to the new Municipal Building gives this additional space too but I was just astounded that's the is the size of the thing but uh then the other thing was last year he last summer I had called the township that uh the drain on my street was loose and so they came and they replaced it which was really good but it's bright orange I mean you go down the street and all the drains kind of blend in with the road this one is orange I mean it sticks out like I come down every morning to get my newspaper and go oh my God you know I storm drain on the curb storm drain on the curb on the curb is it rusted yeah painted a painted orange like it was it is it one of those covers on it to keep the no it has all the holes in it you know for the water to drain down and then it has the you know it's on top like this and then there's the opening and then there's all the little slots the water is orange the whole thing the going the whole thing it's just the top especially cuz that's the part you see you don't see the bottom all out everywhere you go that should be I just wonder is there could they like paint it or something what are you doing this weekend P it's seen anything us you don't even notice the drains but this one yeah so okay something interesting for Hamil I'm going to ride by I'm going to say I always see it all right it's an angle across from my house it's right next to White out if it's orange I ain't going to miss it yeah exactly you really can't you God that's right thank you Jess okay Council comments what do we got go ahead ladies first no no we're together 3 days in a row I'm going to keep this real short and say thank you to our health department for showing up thank you to our residents uh especially our loyal three uh for not only showing up but um for your participation in the meeting we can't see everything we can't hear everything and we appreciate you being our ears and eyes and to the uh rest of our staff here uh it's good to see everybody and um see you soon more night see you in a couple hours see you in a couple hours um yeah just uh off of what Pat just said I mean I as always our uh Health um officials did a great job uh with their presentation tonight I I you know we appreciate their preparedness and keeping us informed uh along with our our professionals that are here every meeting um and like Pat said about our residents keeping us informed we appreciate it because like you said we we can't see everything going on but uh we rely on on our Dynamic three to keep us uh a breast of what might be happening throughout the township so with that um I'll see you Tom more night good N I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said so I'm going to say ditto um no in all seriousness the health department did a great presentation they do great work and we're lucky to have every one of them um so I look forward to our new accreditation coming hopefully at the end of this process um obviously they're working very hard for that and thank you again to all to you guys for coming each time and we'll be here tomorrow night if you're not busy we have one more budget hearing and uh other than that oh I want oh the aelia festival is coming up on May 11th and we haven't had very good luck with that so let's cross our fingers and yeah we'll probably do some rain anyway right I mean we haven't had much rain lately yeah not much no no with that though uh have a good night I think tomorrow is supposed to thank you so our um our next council meeting is May 7th uh which is Tuesday evening at 6:30 we also have um our meeting tomorrow night is our last budget Workshop uh with um Economic Development and um which which is director Dumont and then we also have Public Works uh which is uh Chuck Thomas um and then we have Council right uh tomorrow evening um so thank you for your participation once again uh did over to what uh councilman pero uh mentioned and uh it's been a long week is our third row but we're going to make it through so uh thank you all for coming out this evening we'll see uh See You in May thank you meeting you Journey