##VIDEO ID:lEd9wlvExrE## e e e e e e e e okay as meeting come to order welcome and good evening everyone this is the August 8th it's okay this is the August 8th 2024 meeting of the hand Board of Education I'm going to read the open public meetings statement the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of to attend any meetings of public bodies that were their interest may be discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Hampton board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time purpose and place thereof published in the Hamilton Gazette PR City and posted on authorized premises we'll have a roll call here Mr here Mr berado Mrs FS here Mr K here Mrs donio here Mrs Fallon here Mrs Hunter here Mr paa here Mr chipon here Mr Thomas EXC Mr Lions here s a flag salute flag United States of America stand na this evening we're going to have a presentation by assistant superintendent letter she'll be coming up to talk a little bit about some of our state testing and some of the reports so come on up to the V good evening uh I'm here tonight to share with you some uh mandatory reporting for our uh some assessment results and also our ssds which is our uh reporting for um student discipline so we're very pleased with our NJ GPA results this year the NJ GPA is the graduation proficiency assessment it's administered to all 11th grade students and it's designed to measure graduation Readiness in ela and Mathematics the ELA uh component is aligned to the grade 10 Ela standards and the math component is aligned to the algebra 1 and geometry standards s so it is a graduation proficiency assessment but there are alternative Pathways if a student does not pass the NJ GPA the first time that they take it the minimum passing score is 725 for ELA and for Math and students uh can pass one or both uh and if in either case they have the opportunity to retake the ELA or mathematics components in the fall of their senior year they can also meet a designated cut score from the menu of substitute competency tests that include the PSAT the SAT act or the accuplacer so students are provided with opportunities to take those alternate assessments uh we're very proud that for the class of 2024 all of our students were able to meet their graduation proficiency assessment requirement uh either by taking passing the ngpa or by taking one of those alternative assessment so uh we did not have to have any portfolio appeals created so that was wonderful and a testimony to our high school staff uh looking at the average score for the NJ GPA um in ela we were so excited to see our results Hamilton's average scale score uh was a 782 this is on an 800 point scale and our the state uh average scale score was 767 when we look at graduation Readiness the school the state likes to see what percentage of our students are graduation ready so for ELA our students this year 89.8% of our students were graduation ready in comparison with the state which was at 81.6% looking at year-over-year results this is a 10o increase from last year which is incredible we also look at our subgroups New Jersey measures the performance of schools not just by the student body as a whole but they also look at our subgroups based on uh certain programs so in this case it's free and reduced lunch those are students who are economically disadvantaged uh students with IEPs and uh students with 504s and we we are evaluated based on how all of our students are doing similarly we look at our subgroups by ethnicity or race um any group with less than 10 students we do not report because we need to protect student privacy uh when we look at math the scores are um not as high in number but when we compare our average to the state average our score we're still just ahead of that state average and this is also an improvement of about three points from the prior year so that's this is comparing 2023 and 2024 um so 54.4% of our students 54.7% of the state so we're right at the state average that's a a statistically significant difference um we look at the percent of our students by program again for mathematics we do see that the graphs are similar but again um math is a little bit lower than the ELA Statewide and also by ethnicity and race we're so pleased to see the Improvement and we know that it's the result of our intervention strategies that we have in place the district gives Lincoln Ela and math benchmarks assessments three times a year and that allows teachers to monitor student progress towards graduation Readiness this gives teachers detailed information about exactly what skills students need help with and they can utilize that Benchmark data to plan lessons that are going to Target those specific student skill gaps we use programs such ASL in math and Ela to help students master the skills measured by the NJ GPA so teachers have a lot of tools and resources here in hamon to help them Target those skills our district curriculum has been revised to improve alignment uh with the most recent New Jersey student learning standards for Math and Ela so we have to stay current um a slightly different test this is access for our English language Learners this test measures English language proficiency and it's administered to all students who are English language Learners it measures oral language literacy and comprehension there are six levels of access proficiency and students receive a score for each one of those components of English language proficiency it's difficult to compare one student to another because students arrive in the district whether they're coming into our high school or they're coming in at the ecec with differing levels of uh English language proficiency so it's not unusual for us to see students entering at the high school ninth grade um at that entering level so I'm going to show you a graph um students do exit once they get to a 4.5 so you're going to notice as you look at this graph that there aren't a lot of students at those top levels but that's because they no longer participate in Access testing once they get to the level that they are testing out so that's a 4.5 so between between expanding and bridging so looking at this uh chart what this is best used for is to give you an idea of the profile of our English language program so the light blue color all the way to the left for each of the buildings so those are the four buildings there ecec West Middle School and High School and what you'll notice is those students in the blue are the entering students these are students that have the lowest level of English language proficiency they're probably able to understand some verbal in instruction they're better with pictures if there are pictures to go along with the text but notice that at every level we have seen increases in the number of students that are coming in at that entering um or you know level one or level two for proficiency and at the ECE all students are coming in learning how to read and the students that they're in class with are learning how to read and at the high school it's a much more challenging task to be able to provide that and we've had huge increases in the number of students that are coming in at that entering level and many of them have limited or interrupted formal education so uh we have added in hamton this year four new ESL bilingual positions in the district and that's going to be just one ful for helping those students to continue to make progress all right I have one more this one's really quick all right um the student safety data system this is the platform where we report all incidents of uh anything involving violence which includes anything a fight assault a threat um uh alleged or confirmed harassment intimidation or bullying vandalism this includes things like trespassing or damage to property of weapons substances whether it's possession or use of alcohol or drugs so schools must report any Al must also report any other incident resulting in a half day or more of in school suspension and these are really minor offenses but they are things that result in some level of discipline and the state requires us to report those as well and this information must be reported to the Board of Education in a public hearing two times each year so this is the second reporting period for the 2324 school year so this is from January to June last year so the incident total reflects those things like violence vandalism substances weapons and Hib confirmed um hip alleged is not included in that incident count on the far left and then other in leading to removal are those minor infractions so I'm not going to read you all of these totals but this shows you all of the um and this is for the second half of the Year by school okay all right um thank you very much and question sure um said I wasow to ask any questions ask I'm I'm a former teacher I love questions going back to the math and um preparedness do we ever look at these numbers on a five year or a little bit longer scale I realize it's a little hard since we had well the ngj GPA is a new test that has been given twice so we we can't look back five years because it's a different test so it's been given twice so I have the two data points there um that we can see and then prior to co we had two years where we didn't have any testing because of covid so we have a little bit of a of an empty spot there but we are absolutely looking at that and um our test scores all go to the linkit company and they do tremendous reports for us that will show us five years so I do have more information I can send you well it just made me think of it also you were talking about the isls and I feel like as parents we hear a lot from other people about the stress around the ISL I mean I do think that there I know that there's significant information that shows how important it is and how easily the staff and the teachers can pull that information even though sometimes as aent you're like my gosh stress when these kids are doing these but it would be interesting to see you know a longer term because I don't remember I don't know what year we started the pro um we started both of those um I believe it was it was during covid was where we started that like coming back from Co and we started that because um in part because we had the funds to be able to do that through the covid relief Grant um but we knew that students had missed missed time in school and we knew that they had each had different experiences during that whether they were fully remote partially remote and so we knew that we needed to have some way to drill down and see where the skill gaps were and uh I think the results that we're seeing are are showing that we are we're on the right track with doing that and um so I'm I'm grateful for that and it's not not they're not tools I would want to to see the district give up you thank you thank you for the detailed report certainly appreciate all the work that goes into presenting the complexities of it uh my two takeaways one is our schools are safe I know that this board knows that but it's just a reassurance for the public that our schools your sa we have lots of students we have the same challenges a lot of other school districts have but we also have caring staff and SRO and the policies that we need to keep our kids safe so I feel great about that um I'm also you look at this the numbers you know I I I think about you mentioned that the one test it's only the second year they've done it right and this is true to form the state of New Jersey you get a new commissioner of the Department of Education they decide a new way to measure student performance which is frustrating for me as a lay person has to be extremely frustrating for you and the rest of the team um but that said we're doing well uh I'm looking forward particularly uh to hearing what more we can do about over and above the link it the ISL for right we want to be we're doing you want to be better we can always be better and I know everybody's focused on the goals so I'm looking forward to hear more about what we're going to do there but thank you thanks for coming out right next we'll go to uh Mr rsey and his thank you uh president Lions um our teachers supervisors and administrators have been working very hard preparing for the start of the 2024 25 school year as many of you already know School officially Begins for our students on Thursday August 29th it's rapidly approaching with that being said finishing touches are being made to the teacher and student schedules as we speak and our buildings and grounds Department are doing a wonderful job getting all four of our schools ready for student arrival the parent portal will officially open on Friday August 16th that's next Friday at 300 p.m. student schedules will be able to be viewed at that time and if anyone needs assistance with the parent portal please contact the guidance department at your child's School some other very important dates include our student orientations at each school for the high school we have our ninth grade and new student orientation on Tuesday August 20th at 9:00 a.m. at the Hamington Middle School we have our sixth grade student orientation on Wednesday August 21st at 9:00 a.m. and at 12:00 p.m. on August 21st there will be the seventh grade orientation at the wary soy Elementary School the second grade and new student orientation will take place on Thursday August 22nd at 10:00 a.m. and last but certainly not not least uh the ECC they have the prek orientation on Wednesday August 28th at 300 p.m. and they have the kindergarten orientation at 400 p.m. on that same Daye on August 28th back to school nights for parents and Guardians will be as followed uh Hamington Middle School's back to school night is September 18th Hamington high schools back to school night is September 19th did I say August 18th it's September 18th is the Middle School uh the high school is September 19th the ECC back to school night September 25th and the war soy Elementary School back to school night will be September 26th and as your new superintendent of schools I will be at each and every orientation I will be at each and every back to school night and I cannot wait to meet our students when they show up on the 29th of August and I cannot wait to talk to our parents at back to school night thank you very much thank you Mr Ramsey next we'll go to board member uh commentor committee reports I'll start to my right with uh well we had several committee meetings this week and I think overall I'm just really excited there's a lot of positive things happening in our district I'll let you guys announce many of those things but I think overall um I was really pleased that we had so much discussion about possibilities to improve Communications with parents and family members and um I hope that many of those ideas come into fruition because I think that there's a lot of great ways that we can continue to spread the word and just keep our families informed about all the many things that are happening in our schools and um in our district as a mom of three children I'm very very excited for the school year to start soon and we're getting into the frenzy of back to school and all of those things so you know happy uh that school is almost here and I'm very very uh looking forward to working with all the new staff members um and Professionals in all the vills thank you Mr sh yes uh community relations um the ECC renovation and addition is ready for the opening of School uh was on time and on budget we will have a ribbon cutting which will be held on August 28th at 2:30 uh we have also resurfaced the Hamilton High School track and the tennis courts which were in dire need of resurfacing um we also would like to welcome uh we have new Administration this year obviously with our our new superintendent new high School principal Mr matina Wes assistant principal Mr Morel and we will also be hiring um an assistant superintendent and and teachers as well we are also continuing our community outreach with our superintendent board President and Vice President going to visit um uh flag the flag football the Hamington Swim Club Mount carel Society uh sons of Italy the fire departments they'll also be at National Night Out which I'll speak about in a little bit and also our our youth soccer program and and they're going to continue uh throughout the year uh to visit more clubs uh National Night Out like I mentioned will be August 16th they say From Dusk Dusk Till Dawn 6: to 900 p.m. with uh fireworks after 9:00 our superintendent board members and principes and supervisors will all be there uh to meet parents and students our fall sports are starting uh on August 12th is the start date for football tennis and cheer and with the rest of the Fall sports starting on August 19th and again as Mr Ramsey stated opening of school will be August Thursday August 29th that's my report thank you Mr I have a brief Waterford report um actually my phone of course not let me open what I wanted to read uh Gracie Raven Camp was honored uh back in June U for the banner and everything and she did send me on her behalf a thank you letter for the board for the district that's what let me open um should have printed it lesson learned um but she did want toess her and you know for for being honored and for her time here Aton so that concludes my report right nothing okay so uh first with Miss donio mentioned a lot of new things that we're doing um one of them is which I don't think she talked about is the parent portal which is like frustrating for everybody as a parent I think because we try to figure out how to get on there and whatnot uh I do believe we discussed Mr Ramsey trying to put some directions on our website there will be there will be so for most of you parents that have difficulty there will be a little YouTube or tutorial tab on our website that'll kind of walk you through the uh Parent Portal and how that works so I just wanted to touch base on that now for the buildings grounds transportation and Safety Committee um as Ray said the there's a lot of projects going on around the district right now uh I'll try to touch on a little bit with all of them like Ray said the ecec uh expansion the new wing it is ahead of schedule it's under budget we currently have our staff members in the wing right now they're final cleaning they're waxing the floors they're installing our projectors uh the blinds on the windows and the doors and the furniture uh we have teachers coming in to prepare their rooms so like I said the addition is pretty much 99% complete um we have we have our staff in there now like I said as far as the renovations to the main office uh they're well underway and we will be definitely ready ahead of schedule with that project we also have a middle school fire alarm project that we're in the middle of which I'm happy to say is also so ahead of schedule uh there's some 390 devices I believe throughout the whole building plus p Electric panels located in different areas every single device has already been replaced within the last I think two weeks it's incredible how fast they did this um so they're all in place and every single device is being tested and programmed as we speak so that will also be complete in the next I would say one week over at the west building you also see a lot of work going on there um for our grounds we're removing all of the uh old wood Timber guide rail that's been around the district for as long as I can remember um a lot of it is unnecessary with today's standards um the areas that are necessary for safety of our students we'll be uh replacing those areas with some uh ballards it will look a lot better and uh be more pleasing when you pull in there I also would like to thank Mr kaery speaking of projects going around uh on the district property Mr kaery is very generous to us and we all appreciate everything he does here I I gave him a call I would say two or three weeks ago because we had a little area over the ecec that we need paved in order to uh better have have a better traffic plan to accommodate the extra 158 extra students or so coming in maybe 200 extra students going to that building so there's going to be a lot more traffic uh we're rearranging the traffic pattern we're adding about five different drop offs for the EC EC alone Mr cairy without even asking a question he came right over I'll do this this and this he drove around and found other areas that can use Paving he's Paving them uh and of course for no cost to the district he's doing a uh yeah correct sound system in the pack he paid for for us uh 100% out of his pocket they're almost done that I believe if not already done they they they should be really close uh what am I missing here uh he's also doing a handicap Paving area over at capella field for us uh we're going to be ping behaving a small section I think it's about a th000 square ft uh for handicap parking only uh he's going to do that for us as well free of charge to the district so again we just like to thank Mr captain Perry for his generosity uh in closing I just want to wish all the students and staff members the best of luck coming into the new uh school year and let you guys know that we'll be open and ready for business for August 29th that's all I have to report thank you thank you John I forgot something in my reports what's that can I forgot something in my reports next you have to wait till next month you just like to go fast cuz you forgot you got to wait two months it's a two month uh okay I promise I'll go fast briefly yeah briefly I just wanted to bring up um the idea of doing a payment option or a payment plan app I don't know um I know a lot of other schools use something called my school buxs and that's where you can pay for things like The Color Run or you know different things that you have to pay for I'm not sure which committee you would recommend that that go to um let's start at Finance because there's some stuff with the audit and a couple other things because we looked at when we first implemented like credit card payments for school lunch we started there right but yeah we'll we'll start there okay I'd be really interested in helping with that so yeah yeah we'll get together on it yeah if you have like a like another product as I see stuff too that other schol use like let's start an email chck let's look at it the staff can start we can see kind of how that goes yeah I'd love to make it easier I just feel like in this day and age we need to have something a little bit easier especially since so many parents and family members do everything on venmo and you know PayPal or um okay yeah we do it yeah speaking of the technology and stuff like that one other thing I did forget cuz gets a little confusing up here when you're under pressure but anyhow uh we did for all the staff members we we upgraded our um time system so instead of signing in now on a on a piece of paper what have you uh you'll be able to scan your ID badge when you walk into the building uh there will be a laptop at in every building with two scanners I believe and you'll simply just walk up and it'll be a scanner placed on the counter you scan your badge you're clocked in on the way out you scan your badge you're clocked out very simple so hopefully that technology will help out as well okay M thank you foring thank you good evening um I wanted to say that at the uh Hamilton Middle School uh West and EC we're going to be adding an ESL representative to some of the commit uh teams that we have there like cic because of the growth of our Hispanic students also um professional development for personal care aids will be attending a two-hour training on suicide prevention which is uh prob maybe five years I believe the um we were looking into a self-contained special Edge class uh we do have a volunteer to teach that particular class but some extra certification that is needed but I'm sure that could be pending uh have excuse me there's no revision I believe to the dress code all of the Sumer programs were a great success and I'm so happy about that I mentioned at our last regular meeting about the lateness policy and tardy and how we're trying to alleviate a lot of that um you have to be in school four hours other than in kindergarten you have to be in school two hours to be counted as a whole day so you shouldn't have to worry about if you're late you're going to be marked absent for the entire day four hours um to be in attendance at school 2.5 hours in kindergarten so I think that's going to U help with consistency and continuity the other thing I wanted to mention Jean Miller I'm sure we all remember Jean Miller well he wrote a book um and it's it's about uh middle school and U I tried to go online to purchase the book I didn't have your own purchasing so I think he either Lawrence or no or there's a but I think we should get the book for the middle school you know I think that would be a good thing and maybe display it for him I did read it because I I had trouble um getting it online but we are good to go uh teachers don't want to hear it but it's August um and uh they're looking forward to it everybody's anxious about open school the new the new uh building and what's going on there and I I had to laugh because you were talking about par portal August 16th I'm dating myself but maybe some of you remember the hamon news news used to come out on Wednesday night and people would just bombard whatever St sold to have how you do remember haveit the news because they listed every class who was in the every student that was in the class who the teacher was I I need just be ripping through that paper your kids would be staying up at night trying to figure out who their teacher was but I thought G par for Will has to be some easier anyway here's to a very successful year and I know it will be thank you no report usually my next start ring off off um I too have no report however I do want to extend a congratulations to Mrs Lorie shabila who um we're looking to approve tonight as an assistant superintendent I think she's going to be of great value and a great assistance to Mrs Leonard and to Mr Ramsey so I think that's been a great selection and last but not least I happened to bump into Mr Kappa fery the other day and um I took the time out to thank him for everything he has done for this school district over the years and as typical Mr cap Fair fashion he blows it off and acts like it's nothing so I know Luke you mentioned it tonight I know Ray a million times who've done it um I don't know what we would do this District would do without Bob and I just wanted to just get on record and just say thanks again for all that he's done especially when it snows yeah I don't have any committee reports and Tommy beat me to it but I wanted to congratulate Lori as our next assistant superintendent and I know you'll do an outstanding job because you have two outstanding role models that have set the bar for you good luck to you all right thank you Mrs uh yes next we'll go to Mrs Fryman and then I promise I'll have something to say very short um I want to recognize our director of facilities m Sharon Murray for her dedication to this District it has been a very very challenging summer all of these projects that all of these board members have talked about kind of fall under her purview she she is here and um we very much appreciate everything you have done these buildings will be ready because of your dedication to the district so thank you she's the best Plus for the record I'm pretty persistent individual so miss miss Murray has to deal with my phone calls about 15 to 20 times per day as well she does a pretty good job of it so thank you again uh M Murray for all you do so excellent I'll echo my thoughts a couple things uh Mr Sho mentioned uh August 16th National Night Out right here at Hamington High School uh be there it's going to be a great event we're going to have lots of representation from the school district as a number of people said school is opening on time full stop so school is opening on time across the district uh I know there's some questions about that but rest assured schools open a little bit about some of the work we're doing in the community um obviously you know in his role Mr Ramsey now as our superintendent is really making an effort to get out there and be in the community in hamton Waterford fsam especially with Civic groups and Sport groups so if anybody wants to have the Board of Education come out and and attend your meeting talk about some of the the great things that are happening here just please reach out and let us know and we will make that happen one note about Parent Portal and I love that we're making it easier I love that we're doing some videos um you know a lot of us here are parents myself included uh I do want to touch about kids who want to play sports and the medical release and some of that that's a difficult process not everybody has access to a primary care physician but we want we want every kid who can play we want them to play so if you miss the window or you don't have your work be patient but reach out and we can try to see if we can work it out for you but we absolutely want every kid to play athletics as an important part of the work we're doing here and we have to acknowledge that not everybody in the community has access to the same resources uh to get those things done I also want to thank the stingray organization they sent a lovely note uh to the entire board Thanking us for supporting their program at high school level as well as uh finding them a facility to use wary soy school um they kind enough to us out at their event it was great it was a couple hundred parents there they had Awards and a great dinner and it was a really really nice event so certainly want to just acknowledge that they wrote us a nice letter of thanks um I'll acknowledge our Council representative Mr Marino he's here appreciate him being out at the board meetings to take uh take in what we're talk doing and talk about it a little bit for mayor and councel um the last thing I'll say is I'll Echo some of what Mrs pman said both for Mrs Murray and our building principles and our supervisors you know this is crunch time for them so if you see one of them in town or if you see one of them around the district just thank them uh they are under a tremendous amount of pressure to get everything ready for when the switch flips and our teachers come back and that's not easy schedule's not easy the student placements are not easy hiring is not easy uh this board knows that so I I'll give my thanks and encourage the community at large to thank those folks when you see them that concludes my report now we're going to go to public comment this is the first of two opportunities for anybody wishing to be heard come up to the mic phone state your name and address and we can have a chat see none we'll close the first public portion and we'll go to the agenda finally uh first we're going to take Finance items 1 through 27 I'll take a motion motion Mr anthonie second Mrs [Music] bernado call Mr yes M Bern Mrs Burns yes Mr Kya yes uh yes but aren't we going to change number number 17 indeed we are number 17 should be amended to read result that the hamton Board of Education approved the usage of the St Augustine prep pool for the swim team at a cost not to exceed $55,000 so first we have to see if who's motion Mr Anthony you agree to amend yes okay and okay so we're good thank you for catching that yes and everyone's vote stands thank you M Hunter yes and M for items 1 through 17 thank you Mr paa yes Mr Shion yes Mr Lions yes motion carried next we'll entertain a motion Personnel items 28 through 51 second Mrs berado Mr roll call Mr yes abstain on item number 37 M berado yes7 Mrs Burns yes Mr C yes exstension on number 32 37 38 please Mrs donio yes Mrs Fallon yes Mrs Hunter yes to W for items 35 through 51 Mr P yes Mr chapion yes Mr Lions yes and an exstension on 37 motion Carri next we'll do program students in miscellaneous item 52- 60 motion Mr Co second M berado yes Mr President I could be heard on uh item 60 number three high school media center I want to thank the board for once again waving the application and insurance requirements for us to hold the ca found Nation for Education the word ceremony um it's hard for me to believe that this was our year holding that um we gave out 16 scholarships a total of $50,000 um I would be remiss by didn't M Murray M pres and Mr Ramsey for uh letting us get access providing The Bu the room as we need it we had close to 60 people here for it we get a chance to meet the kids uh from give nine to Hamilton three to St Joe's Academy two to acit and two to St prep and um we had just some great Scholars the families come to get to meet the kids and it's really special to be able to do it in a room that word was you know family so tremendously honored that they named a library after my father with his you know unexpected passing so it really makes the event very special uh very um cordial and and accommodating to us and on a personal level both to be here uh as Z's son also solicor uh it's one of the best things I get to do it's one of the best things I get to do because I get to see kids you know normally as a school attorney you don't really get to see people in very good situations right you're you're dealing in situations where maybe people aren't at their best so as the school attorney to see uh the tremendous uh students uh the things that they're doing and the support that they get from the staff and administration it was really a wonderful night so I want to thank you again thank you uh all right roll call Mr yes Mado Mrs Burns yes Mr yes yes Mrs Mrs Hunter Mr Mr shio yes Mr Lions yes motion carried we'll go to the addendum Finance items 61 through 66 I'll take a motion motion Mr anything ask second Mr burs Mr yes I'm sorry Mrs ferns yes Mr Kya yes Mrs donio yes Mrs Fallon yes Mrs Hunter yes wford items number 61 through 63 Mr FIA yes Mr sh yes Mr Lions yes motion carried next we'll entertain a motion on Personnel items 67 through 77 motion Mr Co second Mr SPS call Mr ad Mrs berado yes Mrs burs yes Mr pya yes Mrs Don yes Mrs F yes Mrs Hunter yes to wford items 71 through 78 Mr yes Mr Chon yes Mr Lions yes next we'll take a motion on program students in miscellaneous item number 78 so moved Mr Co first Mr Shion second roll call Mr yes Mrs bernado Mrs Burns yes Mr Co yes Mrs yes Mrs Hunter Mr yes yes Mr Li yes motion carried this takes us to the second public comment uh portion of the meeting anybody who wishes to address the board come on up to the microphone and be heard good evening my name is Lori shilia I'm a proud lifelong resent of Hamilton as well as a product of the Hamilton School District I have had distinct pleasure of working in our schools with our children for the past 25 years in various roles mainly as an elementary school teacher and supervisor of curriculum instruction this experience has provided me with an in-depth understanding of the town of Hamilton and its educational landscape I'm honored to be your assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction I'm fully invested in the education of the children hamon falam and wford thank you to the administration and to the board of education for this wonderful opportunity I'm eager to begin this new role and contribute to the advancement of our students education thank you thank you congratulations thank you [Applause] congratulations here's a little bit of Hamington trivia Hamington Public Schools trivia uh Mrs shabila as she mentioned spent her entire career here with us in Hamilton uh her mom and dad Mr and Mrs soy who are here in the audience tonight also spent their entire career with us teaching in Hamington so she is a second generation educator uh her grandfather Warren soy is the Warren soy that we have named the the uh wary soy Elementary School act so certainly a long Heritage in education uh for Mrs sh and her family we welcome her to the administra team and look forward to seeing all the good work that she does with the rest of the folks here so thank you other from the public anybody wanted to come up and be heard see none we'll close the second public portion board members anyone have anything else I'll take a motion to adjourn motion second Hunter all in favor we're adjourned thank you everybody all right guys