##VIDEO ID:2HhlRgsr19M## good evening like to call the meeting to order this is a meeting of the hamon board of selectman of the Board of Health being held in the townhouse of aarum October 7th 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the pledge of allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance flag United States of America and the repic for it stands one nation justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves Kristen rivers from the wilham hamon times is recording good evening Kristen uh before we begin I'd like to uh thank all those who participated in the Fall Fest the volunteers who put it together the vendors uh the people who came was really was a great event a lot of people there and it's a testament to what a town can do if we all work together which brings me to the next topic of we're always looking for volunteers for our boards and commissions so feel free to sign up on the left here we Lauren will take your name so but again it was a great event and we we appreciate it this Thursday this Friday is uh Public Safety night out uh sponsored by the fire department police department action ambulance and there'll be fireworks afterwards at 7 o'cl I think following on what Don said about the Fall Fest uh don was very concerned about it I mean every time we came forth with a food permit Don was very attentive saying he would be there to verify that everything they had in a permit was actually presented in Don your report was that uh everything was good and uh Mrs Davenport didn't notice that I you know had to wipe my mouth before I got home no receipts to be submitted though no no so it was a good EV it um the first item on our agenda is the minutes from SE member 23rd 2024 uh we had the cemetery Commission in to discuss the warrant article that they funding they needed for maintenance we discussed the employee benefits uh increasing the life insurance I was talking about the special town meeting uh we had a little update on Thorton Burgess uh we'll be meeting with the school committee on uh Thursday night this week um building use policy was approved and we again we issued some fmit for the for the for the Fall Fest and uh went through some correspondence motion to approve second all in favor I heart Spring contract renewal how's it going good want me to stand no hi he for those of that you that don't know me I'm Joan Shay I'm vice president of the friends of the Hampton senior citizens uh Claudia capino is here tonight with me she's president um I'm here because our contract is up once again but before we go into renewals I wanted to give you some totals um for year 2023 we earned $2,775 um year to dat this year we have taken in 2,735 I still don't have third quarter checkins due the end of this month um and again um the total for the two years is $ 5,510 doing very well I had a truck event Saturday and it was very successful he brought in his biggest truck from heart Springs Foundation which had the drop Li on it which was perfect for the big huge bags literally the people brought in that were heavy and that truck the driver told me hold a total of 7,000 PBS and we build it to the door from the bottom to the top nice and so and that check will be in the next quarter which will be January because it ends in December so we won't at that till next year but it goes along with my bin uh the purple bin is in the parking lot at the senior center um I maintain it with help from everybody in the group um the office staff will let me know if somebody has something if there's anything outside I go up someone in my family sees it they pick it up sometimes I have my garage fall literally um but it's very successful and in talking Becky um we would like to renew maybe Becky has something to say for the renewal hi hi so the contract has been a year-to-year contract and it's been very successful so um every year you authorize me to sign that contract with heart Springs and I'm wondering if you would allow me to sign a two-year contract with heart Springs this year instead of just one year um so we don't waste your time next fall coming back in and doing the same thing um we could go on a two-year cycle if that's something and obviously if there are any issues or any problems that come up within that 2-year cycle we would certainly come in and we can address those but we haven't had any problems to date and so if if you would allow a two-year contract then we would is there an opportunity for an escalator in the second year or to roll it over well I mean if they're going to offer do they offer more is there a chance price per pound go up for them did they give back well their contract is annual with us but we're asking two year from you so that G Becky authorization for two years exactly authorized I have to excuse j i I have to say that often times you see those bins the clothes and everything are all over the place and that's consistently maintained it's there never anything outside and that I think that's really a good really nice to see it's I know it's your hard work and other people too so I want to thank you for that I think go toan's garage going to see something different there do we need a second bin you think I mean would that help alleviate space in your garage we talked about it one bin I think is plenty it's enough to maintain yeah and you're still able you're able to keep up with that yeah okay and you're on you're on a first name basis with every driver already aren't you think come yeah so any I'll make a motion to authorize the uh Senior Center Director to sign a two-year contract any second is it two oneyear contracts cuz they do one mhm you said two-year contracts twoyear contracts two yearly contract two yearly contracts okay second comma thank you are you second second oh yeah all in favor I all right thank you good luck John um okay what we have here we next item on the agenda is the to finalize the warrant uh so I'll make a quick comment Don yeah so last week uh we were talking about Article 19 and I think I made a motion to close the warrant leaving that in basically contingent on 100 signatures being validated by the uh the board of registrars and I believe we've received information that was not that did not happen so I think it would be appropriate for the board then to say that the warrant is complete minus which does not require opening of the warrant basically modifying the warrant as stands without Article 19 and ruming everything that follows correig would you agree with that was our substance yeah we agreed to close the warrant pending certification of the signatures for the petition which was not certified so removal of the article the warrant does not include that and should be renumbered correct so do we so Brian do we need a motion to remove Article 19 from the draft warrant yeah I think you I think you need a motion to to finalize the warrant without Article 19 because you want to that's that that's what your intention is it does not require opening because the closing require means no new articles correct I'll make a motion to finalize the warrant without Article 19 and renumbering off following articles any second second any further discussion all in favor all right okay all right so we have sign up sheet is still over there you don't have so we have the article on the so we for the warrant now we have uh name change for the board of Selectmen uh change town clerk from elected to appointed uh combin elected treasur and elected collector of taxes those two go actually go on the ballot if the town meeting votes in favor those that'll go on the ballot in may increase the B selectro from 3 to 5 establish revolving fund for the electric vehicle charging and establish a limit on the the expenses expenditures from that account and there's additional funding from the insurance account for employee benefits do we have a number for that yet um it's going to be it's going to be close around 90,000 and that's mostly related to health insurance current enrollment we got we got to get that nailed down going back to six though again I'm thinking from what I'm hearing that this is going to be sooner rather than later it's hooked up so we really need to get a number in place for what we're going to be charging so they can program their software so I think I know Brian you've done some scoping around other towns we saw the Northampton thing which I think was an outlier I don't get it agrees what we're talking I thought we were in the 50 to 60 range was 48 to 50 something something like that yeah yeah I think this needs to be unfortunate because if they hook up we need to be able to go and we already have a revolving count we authorize it on our own yes which is good uh uh additional funding for the police department account career C that's $7,500 right additional funding for the cemetery commission they asked for $7,500 right 7500 Senior Center expansion well they'll come out with a number for that water district expansion phase two I'm thinking we might have to put that off just based done take no action not hearing back yeah no Grant yeah yeah no action so can we even start on phase one you got the survey done of plants and stuff like that and that money is appropriate can we start putting that out as an RFQ or I think the the thought was though that we can't start the project until we hear back about the grant funding because if we start it without accepting the grant we could lose the grant yeah some minutia with the state what about the the arpa money don't we have to encumber that by December 31st we have to obligate that by December 31st just oblig so if we don't hear in the next couple weeks from the the one stop for growth Grant we may want to consider putting out put out the bid documents with a with an alternate and the alternate would be essentially phase two so that if we did get um The One Stop Grant which would pay for the entire project then that we that could go forward at the same time we were trying to hold off cuz we were initially promised Decisions by September it's now October October 7th so we can't wait much longer because of that deadline no it does sound like if the potential is the One Stop comes through we need a fallback plan for the rest of the arpa money by the 31st like if you're saying that one stop could pay for the entire thing yep we would have 300 plus I'm sorry it would not pay for the entire thing it will pay for all horizontal construction so there is the engineering cost would still be on us yeah okay there's still a portion that that that could pay for the I forgot about that yeah um fire depart fire station hazardous materials of batement that's as bestus we want to get out of there about 10 they were talking about 10 10,000 and the fire station generator installation there's some problems with I think Brian needs to check with the heard there's Maybe a thing with there's a request to have stamp drawings that may increase the cost things like that so I think Brian needs to with I mean I I I think yeah it had some informal quotes and it's not going to be far off from the original bid price that we got so I I think it's going to be 40,000 we should go up yeah somewhere in the ballpark of probably 50,000 just to be safe maybe we should just uh dig a trench to the uh one we have out back here and just run another line extension for put a breaker on it extension I'm you can run that down what are we going to do with that one electronic voting system purchase got to figure that out thoron Burgess School planning and improvements we got to come up with the number there CPA that's going to be the scoreboard that's 20,000 but that's CPA money money right okay and then the National Grid easement that's for the EV station yes and uh moratorium for battery energy storage system that's a 2third vote on that is that much put an explanation I think Don or yeah is planning given up is this general or zoning zoning so this is zoning and planning had a positive recommendation planning had a positive recommendation right so uh Article 19 is off then transfer for free cash the the usual housekeeping ones transfer from free cash to tax rate transfer from General stabilization to reduce the tax rate and transfer from free cash to General stabilization okay I don't think that what we need coordinate with the assessor I don't think we have any idea from them right now they're still going through the thing yeah um so we're going to sign seven of these yes so they can sign the back page only back page only just so people know we have I believe just over 900,000 in certified free cash and I think the Articles we saw at this point were under 200 which some question marks after that so the balance will be used to reduce the tax rate go stabilization like that like you've seen years p um yes the we had one to meeting in the spring and then uh in the fall it was sort of a record keeping kind of just get things going we're going to change the two Town meetings may we can change our um our guiding principles so people know there were going to be two two Town meetings um or we should go back to one town meeting and the second time meeting just a claric you know correcting Financial issues and stuff like that because these issues that are being brought up now um the number of people that attend this to meting is much smaller in the spring we get a couple hundred people and in this one we probably get so I would like to suggest that either we switch to two and make everybody aware that there will be two every year or we go back to one which second well we we've actually taken the calling calling this one the fall Town town meeting rather than special town meeting I can't remember a year we didn't have yeah and and the running town government has get increasingly grunning town government is getting increasingly complicated and you know these things go up like for instance an example is with the with the water district expansion we had they had told us that we'd get an answer in September and here we are in October so these things drag out for a period of time to get it but uh I I think you'll see in the future that we will be having two bring in a fall town meeting to just maybe we should tell the public that we prepared for two Town meetings and the one in the fall is just as exp just as important as the one in the spring so they don't just go to the one in the spring that takes care of the whole town you sign that next thing we have on our agenda is uh Allen and Main Street passing zones talk going to Mark about that he's he asked if I she bring it to the board and I suggest that he does um I think we got rid of we got rid of a traffic Zone a passing zone under Jeff a while back and I think this is an agreement Scott would like to see them going there more work for him so looking for validation from the board to go ahead so what what he's asking is uh converting the passing zone on Allen Street by the by the police department the senior CER into a no pass Zone with solid double lines and uh also convert the passing zone in Main Street from Fisher Lane to Laughing Brook for no pass Zone as well he says I think there many advant is doing this on both occasions and this that's the we did on Stony Hill years the police chief supports that right which I think the only one left would be Main Street a little bit main main street that's it yeah is there a little on eastl medal still used to be I don't think there is now I don't think it matters they pass anyhow anyhow we have back to the highway department thing somebody asked me why we didn't take this opportunity when doing mil road to straighten out the little bridge and my answer was you know what would happen it would turn into a 70 M hour throughway if that bridge wasn't there to slow people down honestly it would we've seen it on every road when we repave scanic Road people loved it for a week and a week later was like oh my gosh you won't believe how fast they go down that road you could say there that little curve there with that bridge is the cheapest speed bump we have in town yeah so I guess question authorize the the highway superintendent to convert the passing zones to non-passing zones forers request second any further discussion all in favor all right okay all right we got uh bill house 4885 this is yours you have something to yeah I I asked to have this on 4,000 bills this year already what's that they've done 4,000 bills already they just keep renumbering all the old bills so people get confused and stop following them but um so I kind of wrote a prepared statement so if you indulge me to go ahead and read it go ahead all right so on October 2nd our governor Mora Hil signed an emergency Preamble on House Bill 4885 and act modernizing firearm laws putting it into effect immediately essentially making constitutionally protected law- abiding citizens criminals and at the same already some of the strictest fire control laws we have in the country Bill H 4885 was originally signed by the governor on July 25th and at that time was not deemed an emergency by the legislature who passed the bill by State Statute the bill would have officially become law 90 days later which would have been October 23rd 2024 unless petitioned by the citizens of the Commonwealth since the time of the original Jal Bill signing a Grassroots campaign was formed to legally and constitutionally petition the legislature getting the required 50,000 plus registered voter signatures to put a pause on the bill amending it to stop and becoming law until voted on by the people of the Commonwealth at the next state election on 2026 by the signing of this bill as an emergency Preamble Governor Healey has taken away the Democratic process from the citizens of the Commonwealth who were petitioning enforcing a law into effect both unconstitutionally and now skirting the rights of democracy via loophole Bill H 4885 is Ambiguously vague and is full of regulations that must be followed yet no guidelines exist and in some cases won't be available for another 18 months while commissions are formed to review the procedures within Bill H 4885 there's a list of prohibited places of which our local municipal buildings its grounds and parking areas preventing individuals who have been fully vetted locally and had extensive federal background checks already performed are now barred from exercising their constitutional rights however within section 124 there is a provision that allows municipalities to opt out of the restricted places list given the rural nature of Hamden and the rights of the citizens who live here I do not want to infringe on their rights as they go about their jily businesses in this small rural town so therefore I would move the town of hamen opt out of the restricted places list per section 12 4 in chapter 135 of the acts of 2024 that's a motion that's a motion I haven't read the act so I don't know what we're opting out of per se I appreciate Craig's comments and if the chair would put it on for the future next agenda so I can read what you're referring to no I mean it was on the agenda to go over it so I mean that's kind of where I kind of want to stand with it right now is the what's the other areas that we would if we opt out what are the other areas that's the only area we're opting out of there's the whole bill stays in but that's the only Clause given to municipalities to govern you know currently I understand what you're saying I'm saying I haven't read the bill I know was on the agenda we had other things the agenda was published on Thursday M and you're asking us to make a stand on this I'm asked to up uphold the constitutional rights of the citizens of this town I understand that I'd like to see what the bill says don't agree with I don't think that's asking a lot too you're asking us to sign on to something can you read the list of municipal buildings any municipal building can you read the list of municipal buildings Town Hall no from from the governor's Bill like does that include school buildings school buildings are already a different statute so it's not part of the list and the grounds the grounds are already part of the different statute because they're considered yeah and has nothing to do with this stopped out so school zones are nothing are completely different this is just municipal buildings where Municipal business is taken care of so not including the that's a federal statute which is completely different so it's Academy Hall town hall and pretty much fire police Highway Department Highway Department yeah Senior Center okay so more or less my thoughts are people come through the town we live in a rural area people are exercising their constit rights you know they'll be breaking the law by coming in here to go to the clerk's office to get paperwork or do whatever with a firearm M even if they have a permit for it doesn't seem right anybody hear Ken should check I mean what you say pardon me correct what you say makes 100 the most sense in the world that's what I just wanted to like no no I understand your concept you know but it's it's it's not in the books now now and it hasn't been we already have some of the strictest fire laws in the country so it's just more of an infringement on the people's rights symbolic gesture but I agree what you're saying okay excuse me Jack I agree I said it it may be just a symbolic gesture because it's very limited what you're proposing but it also lets people know that this is what we as a rural Town believe that there's got to be some reasonability to this right and it all starts with small rural towns like us that help shape the rest of the uh rest of the state it doesn't negate as I understand what you're saying it doesn't negate the bill as far and that we can't going to have even more limitations in terms of our Second Amendment correct that bill was changed three times before she signed it so you're telling me now it's back to the 4885 4885 yeah that's the one that that's the bill it's actually chapter 135 the acts of 2024 is what it's called now by law and then you know you know it was political all it was about political they SW it in there at night when we were all sleeping she did whatever she wanted that's oura um the only thing I would mention to you to take into consideration John is a you knew that this meeting had to be posted should have come prepared by reading that because a lot of us did that prior meeting but we also have the option of if you guys opt now to It's not taking a stance but thinking about the community and what maybe the community might want you can go back and make that change because once you vote for it you have the right to go back bring it back to your group to then make that to recall it and change that vote I just think you should take that into consideration though because all right well on the face of it I think you know Craig there's a powerful argument here I think the rights of the people are pretty Paramount go ahead and second his motion okay any further discussion seeing none all in favor than you all right there you go I just curiosity is that why most of you are here tonight or is for other topics okay yeah well War you haven't been here forever it's the health IMA that want to know about you're here for the show we have uh the health IMA we're putting off they don't it is not wait for Town Council Y and then we have the signing of the 2024 state election warrant we have to sign seven copies of we have a we have a food permit M for the not not left over from somebody didn't like this is retroactive this for tomorrow for Friday for Friday are we doing the U the warrant first or just just get that the way with theing this right so this is uh if you remember last year they had that event uh the fundraiser up at the Starting Gate you're going to see a number of these coming forward and it was called that I believe the bab spur cause shop for a reason so that's going to be on November 30th and this is the first many to come I'm sure the Stout pigeon coffin company so you love their stuff the Stu pigeon what Coffee Company come on Don second I make a motion you permit for the Stout pigeon Coffee Company I already did it oh you already did it second yeah all in favor I well you want to require samples first right a little skeptical of the pigeon thing oh where they get the pigeon all this Jesus all right you anything else over there they they had they had a I mean many last year up there right say 35 all right we have the warrant we be signing the warrant for the state election and we'll be voting for as we know electors for President and Vice President senator in Congress representative in Congress governor counselor Senator and general court representative in general court clerk of courts register of deeds and there's four five questions five questions on the ballot so it'll be a a lengthy process I encourage you to vote take take advantage of early voting um because it'll it'll you know be a big turnout so all right we got to sign seven of these is this just a signature sheet here okay we have to vote just sign it right I think you should take a vote to approve the you make a motion to authorize the bo elction warrant for 2024 second all in favor you make sure there going to be voting sck huh you make sure there going to be voting is Eva still down there little stick oh how come there's six lines or oh because some they have okay city councils right seven total seven total our copy copy yeah while we're doing this we have do we have a selectman's reports looking for we had a building committee meeting this morning uh we have at the senior center building we have a forum on Wednesday night encourage as many people as possible to attend that's at the Senior Center uh Wednesday night also busy night in town we have a planning board meeting and let see COA board meeting is tomorrow morning that's pretty much it okay the master plan uh committee has received the first draft of the master plan chapter by chapter which will be going over on uh Wednesday morning and the the select will be meeting with the hamon wilham Regional School District on Thursday th Thursday evening that further discuss the lease at the Thon Brig school will that be at the IRC or the library down that's at the it's at the IRC what do you got I have nothing to report T administrative report hey Don one quick thing so as everyone knows we have a looking at a process to take back thoron Burgess and potentially turn it into the new town hall or New Town Hall I was talking to people about potential fundraiser for that and seeing a certain age here I would like to buy your locker back what do you think if it happens I think we should offer the lockers to I want 578 so TR remember your number I'm giving you plenty of time so what if there's two that want that's a great question Jacker I like that there you go t administrator report uh you mentioned 10 uh 10:15 having the joint Finance meeting that'll be the the next we right we may change that to 10:16 1016 10:15 is Tuesday Tuesday the 15th right can't make it I'm not available to okay never mind about that visory hearing for uh special town meeting is going to be the 21st um and uh continuing on the Thor and Burgess uh theme I'm going to be uh walk through the building with parks and W and library look at those those unique spaces within the building to see if they what day to see how that might uh fit in with everybody's plans so out the 16th 16th um later this week I'll uh the casino mitigation Grant Program start revamping their reporting system so I'm going to attend a webinar for that and I'm working on the two- Factor authentication for the email to make sure that our emails are the most secure possible for a reasonable price that's about it and we'll finalize the get the warrant posted as far as that casino mitigation can we try to reapply for those traffic lights on Main Street we talked about or are they still going to demount that um so in in my conversations with them they would pay a percentage of it equal to what they feel like is their impact on traffic which was uh oh well my opinion but I don't remember that being part of the agreement oh the original agreement what they feel is appropriate yeah um well that's what they told me so and every year the grant comes around again they suggested that we look at Economic Development tourism based stuff um but that'll come up in January we still have a shortfall on the other signs already right from the casino thing we were short 13 14,000 yeah M last mitigation payment yeah because there was some engineering work that was done on on for that crossing right yeah maybe maybe to clean that up we should just want ra the money out of our but just to clean that account up it was mentioned that and I think clip brought this up because we're talking about fundraising for the senior center project and just a report the uh friends of seniors have authorized six figures number towards the project from their Reserve good um but clip did mention there's money left over from the police station project that hasn't been swept by the town yet really so I think maybe during our meeting next week Don there might be a question hey can we go over any old accounts that we need to take care of oh um on one thing um do you want to mention electronic voting at Tom meeting yes while we have a group here yes the biggest well we have half the town meeting here right now so right um the board has agreed to uh try out electronic voting at town meeting um through an electronic clicker system so the setup will be that there'll be as the qu as the motion's made the motion will appear on the screen the moderator will open I don't know what the period of time will be 30 seconds 20 seconds and then there's these uh small clicker things that look like uh I don't know like the a small remote really and it has yes no abstain on it and then if you click during the uh voting period you click yes no we're OB say you can change your vote anytime that the vote is open your clicker will read okay um then once it's closed the votes will display um up on the screen so uh we're going to try that out for this upcoming town meeting and see how it goes somebody asked me if there was going to be a an example beforehand I said no but I believe we'll be doing a couple of test questions at the beginning of to meeting yeah will the Red Sox ever win again yes no that what about what about the Patriots huh what about the Patriots it's hockey season right now the ones that are out of jail yeah it's hockey season it's hockey season anything else to come before the board yes I have a question so in terms of when can they bring that back to the selectman again their their next thing that they could possibly do is obtain 200 signatures to and that would force us to a special town meeting for that and what time frame do they have any time frame they want so how do we get notified of that cuz for me being at the last few meetings I'm a little concerned now I don't see the attorney here 90 days they 90 days from when they file if one from the time from the time they get if they get the signatures they have to be certify and then the the select would have to call a special town meeting within 45 days of that Qui which anybody can do which anyone can do that any I mean any anyone can petition for a special town meeting for anything under that thing so so like the last time when he brought the signatures and didn't have them certified and we allowed him to get them certified after does this time he has to have them certified before he brings them to the select no he brings them to the selectman the selectman have to give them to the town clerk y because as a as a citizen I'm a little concerned that he's a lawyer he gave these he didn't know that he was going to have a 100 certified signatures and I think that's for me that's the concern I feel like this is really shady and he's trying they're trying to undermine us again they're not here tonight why they were on Zoom they were oh they are on Zoom they on zo was they were so he was on Zoom yeah correct so that that's the first option the 200 the the the opt the options people have the selectman set to warrant but but but as a balance you know if you had a board of Select me you just aren't going to put anything on the warrant that you want you have three options if you go to a regular town meeting you have to get 10 signatures a special town meeting you have to get a 100 or you can force a special town meeting by getting 200 registered voters with for that specific item on there and once if they get 200 signatures then within 45 days we have to call it we have to call a special time May so those signatures of 200 there's no time frame he could he can come at any time yes anytime great yeah anybody yes I'm I'm just not knowledgeable stuff he needs 200 they need 200 signatures from people who reside here in this towns registers from hamon from H how many probably don't know but how many people in town belong to Great horse doesn't I have no idea reasonably regulate you can't you can't force them on they're reasonably regulated so they're following the mass laws I'm not say AG it I'm just saying do I know my shows up onist if you're registered to vote as a town clerk would have your name wa how do I know if my name shows up on their petition like they faked your signature you mean your public record you're welcome to request it they public record you can come in and check the petition is public record yeah you can look at it yeah but but they're certifying it after they brought it to so it comes to us first we give it to the town if they has 200 signatures we give it to the town clerk the town clerk certifies the person's registered voter no final decision is made until it's been certified correct right if it's if they get 200 signatures we have no decision to make by law we have to put it on but you have the decision to make we have to call the town meeting days to call the meeting so we know yeah right we have 45 days Days 45 days right so that way it gets on a ballot it gets on a town meeting a town meeting first and then the town meeting does what the town meeting so so if it's the zone change then the then the town meeting votes on the zone change whether they approve the zone change or not and the zone for the zone change to pass it has to have 2/3 votes he's got to keep pushing and pushing years he's push and push he get what he wants he does know anyhow that's the that's the rule actually down two different things the 200 signatures calls the town meeting would they still need 100 signatures to put an article on no no the 200 that's what I'm saying no it's 200 200 for both for both both things I see what you're saying you put out a notice once he gets 20 200 and it goes to be verified so we can check and make sure our names aren't on there I don't know I've never heard that question to call it you're going to pass the zone change if they have the 200 then he's going to verify it it just seems the 200 just calls it town meeting that's all the 200 calls a town meeting then we have then you all come to the town meeting you all come to the town meeting and vote and vote no Don I thought this was a done deal seven years ago so I'm really surprised that this is up again so say if the great horse say if the um the zoning doesn't change right because of an election or you know right so does that mean that in seven years they can try it again or like how often can they try to do this if they look they can if it all depends all right okay so if the if the planning board issues a negative report negative says we don't agree with the zone change and they recommend it to the town meeting and it doesn't pass town meeting then they can't come back for two years if the planning board doesn't issue a negative report does nothing or issues a fail report and it passes and it doesn't pass a town meeting they can come back at the next town meeting or the next special town meeting or you know so the only stipulation is that if if the planning board recommends a negative action then and it doesn't pass it tell me then they have to wait two years how often can they petition with the 200 signatures they have to wait the two years that two years what if I get 200 votes against it 200 signatures against it well no but if you get 200 people show up at the town meeting I think that's much better yeah better all right Mo to we how can we stay on top of if they make a presentation back to the planning board you have to look at the agendas public be public knowledge public record yeah it has to be it has to be has to be they have to post the meeting and all that stuff you know well I will say one other thing the town website has the E subscriber function so whenever an agenda is published on the town website you'll get notified of that agenda you sign up for that so you sign up for that you'll you make it more emails than you want maybe you don't care about the cemetery commission but you know sometimes there's a sale about the oh you heard about the [Laughter] sale what about changing the bylaws to make it for you st State Statute state law St law that's 48 we could potentially look at talking to the planning board about with you guys and changing and putting um filing a bill in place to to to end the special tax exemption to recreational land they did it in Belmont they did it one other community pass in St Massachusetts it's just trying to understand what that recreational point is yeah don't we have we have the ability to that when we could may come back down to you guys is the select board planing board but there been law that's Chang Mass yeah Brooklyn did that didn't Brooklyn pass that i49 passed I don't know if I don't think there is a that we see there's 61a 61 B 61a I think he said [Music] 61 right motion to Second all in favor I we're out of here no more question