##VIDEO ID:8_jHazcFf28## good morning this is a meeting of the hamon select board uh being conducted in the townhouse Auditorium this meeting is being conducted in person remotely using video conferencing technology we have a quum because selectman f is on on Zoom please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance the flag United States of America and to the Republic which stands under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you is anyone else recording the meeting other than us Kristen Rivers for the wilham hen times say good morning Kristen good morning every uh so let's let's begin the first thing I want to do is is uh start with some updates uh one of the questions that was asked at one of the meetings was uh the documents regarding townhouse and um what the stipulations were if there was any stipulations on the gift that Miss session generously gave to the town so we dug out the warrant that's the warrant from August 7th 1931 I remember it well article four is to see what action the town will take uh with with regard to proposed gift from Miss Elizabeth sessions of a building to be used for uh consolidated school gymnasium Library town offices and Community uh purposes and the town voted unanimously to accept that and then we have the deed which is filed with the registry of deeds in Springfield we dug that out and that to that that simply says that uh it describes the property and it says um being being consideration or paid Grant the inheritance of town the inhabitance of town of h a municipal Corporation duy existing in this County and said calth to certain real estate with buildings thereupon situated on the North it just describes it but there's no um uh stipulations how what could be used later on or if you know terrible things so is it something that if we move over to Thorton Burg just we'll we'll we can do or can't do it that so okay the other question that was raised question that was asked about was uh regarding the use of thoron burges for town offes because it was taken by eminent domain for for um School purposes so twb right huh twb twb yeah okay so uh that in 1997 so we we asked our um attorney what needed to be done and and the attorney said that we needed to um the select board had to affirm give give affirm that that that two steps need to be taken first the select board had affirmed by vote to acknowledged that the ham the wilham Regional School District determined that thonberg is no longer needed for school purposes the will the hamton wilham school district has sent two letters to the mass building Mass Department of Education and the mass building in 20 2017 in one this year saying that this that building would be no longer used as a school they have no use to use it as a school uh and then uh we we would need a 2third town meeting vote to change the purpose of the the the purpose of it so that was in 1997 when they did the senior center they had to do a portion of that change they changed that and that's what the vote looks like there um arle 10 years yeah there there see that's the article from 1997 Town will change the use of part of the Parc of land owned by the town located on Allen Street and it was two3 vote was was passed and then they it's interesting they appropriated $200,000 uh for the senior center uh contingent upon grants from the state and and raising other money and the other thing we needed to do was to to ensure that it fits in with the town zoning code and we checked that out and uh that's a that land is zoned residence 4 and under our zoning code 6.2.2 John you might probably know this better than me that that's allowed the town offices are allowed except for fire station and uh uh Town Public Works garage so that's where we so what we need to do there is have a warrant article asking for 2third vote to change the the purpose of that land for uh specific purposes or for for the town meeting and as far as the town hall the town offices all the other the the other thing is with the um with with the I want to go back to the town hall is that we recently just as an update we had a septic tank issue uh it was backing up coming up through the sink so we did they've taken care of that yesterday they going to a septic tank today to do that today so uh we on the Thorton Burgess we have a bid we we got proposal to do a Title 5 inspections about $2,500 we've authorized that to be done Brian is going to sign that today um the also we have a shared Grant with the uh Piner Valley planning in some other towns that we have $45,000 for an energy manager to take a look and we're going to use that president to take a look at what needs to be done with lighting and that to save energy and and so burges and also to look at the possibility of solar on the roof at some point okay and then see that's takes care of thoron bur this energy manager of the bid title five uh fire station you got that the generator oh yeah we have a hole for the generator oh what's this here okay and the fire station I asked back in 2000 when we got the initial report assessment from the Consultants I asked the Chie we did some work on it I asked the chief back in 2023 what was what had been completed we've upgraded the electrical service uh We've we've taken care of the exhaust ventilation got fire stingers and sign is done in there they have an IM mounted wall uh a wallmounted eyewash system and one bathroom does have a shower for for decontamination plus the fire engines do have a decontamination buckets on the fire trucks that they use at the scene before they come back and the chief also they purchased a washing machine decontamination wash machine so they have that in there and go ahead down just that second email right and so I asked about um I asked about the three most important things they needed for that building and of course was more space on the apparatus Bay for uh just for turnout gear and water filled trucks uh there's a need for office space and Ada restrooms better decontamination and then the hav system the existing furnace has crossair contamination via duck work and the return air comes from apparatus Bay in meeting room so that would that needs to be done there and it's all and some W existing wooden door and things that need to replace uh we've received word from their architect that they have working in their group there is that uh they'll be sending over I got it here someplace here it is uh so update for the previous email we heard from the architect they're sending us over a summary or kickoff meeting last month's review and and I'm scheduling a meeting of the building committee for next week to discuss and get back to them with any changes they're targeting the 20th of this month January to have a preliminary design work for them to review for the U fire station that's that one and Generator we dug a hole for the generator kind we got that done but it's not plugged in yet my favorite topic Senior Center uh any update from your December 5th meeting no we have a meeting uh next Monday and at that point I think the committee is going to decide what they want to do okay what's next Monday next Monday 13 okay all right uh so let's move on to you want to put your we we talked about John and made a good suggestion the last time and someone else did too that we try to put the names into the rooms so we've done a preliminary Brian's done a preliminary thing of that so yeah so so the background on on this is that um I did an original uh layout um probably about two months ago and then I met with uh uh time uh an architect from time Bond who gave us uh and I didn't share what I had done with them and they gave us their iteration of how they would do it based on a a spreadsheet that we had completed like a space needs spreadsheet and they had given us you know their version of it so right now where we are is I've sent I've uh marked up theirs that they have done um and I've sent it back to them and we're waiting to set up a meeting and that's what uh we can look at now once I can share it there he's just building suspense I know yeah yeah we'll get there someday make it bigger so we'll start from sort of the the two bigger uh departments that that have space allocated to them and so we'll start with parks and W and that's um what you see in the the green there obviously the gymnasium the locker rooms there's storage and there's op office is uh the locker rooms are are uh separated by gender and um you know eventually that's something that we we'll probably well we'll talk about that longer term about how we can better utilize that space there's been a request from Parks and Rec to have additional uh classroom space that's what's shown right here so that they can expand programming that doesn't need the gymnasium and I think Dan can talk about their desires in a little bit whenever you want go ahead let him do you want to finish Brian or do you want me it just doesn't matter to me um let me just run through it quick and then and then then you can take a look um so there's also the existing library in the school um and uh we did have a I did have a site visit with uh some of the library trustees the library director Library staff and uh at the same time we met Dan was with us with from Parks and W um and they had um obviously the existing libraries here and they had a request for additional class classroom space in the front of the building that could likely become uh more of like and correct me if I'm wrong any of the library trustees here um this would be more of the the general Library adult library and then this would be more of the kids and teen section down here um to try to keep those spaces separate um but still within uh within viewing distance there's a good line of sight from the main library into this area if there were um uh adults who also had their children at the Library um so those are the two main ones obviously there's existing maintenance there's garage here this is the building Mechanicals you know so that would stay maintenance um town meeting Auditorium would obviously remain here um and then it was just trying to plug in uh different groups of offices really based on on their function and convenience to people who are who are coming into the building uh building planning zone and conservation tend to have a a synergy between them when people come uh in to talk or to pull permits and things like that um we also have a financial uh folks that also there's some synergies there there's the existing Board of Health uh there's the existing nurse's office and some rooms here so that's where the uh time Bond suggested Board of Health coordinator public health nurse those types of things um uh Town Administrator office select board in the main Corridor and then two dedicated meeting rooms here and then a third meeting room here is what was suggested um we do have a lot of permanent documents in in the the townhouse currently um so this would dedicate uh two full classrooms to uh modifying those for that an obligation to the district with our with our lease agreement that we would provide we would continue to provide space till 2035 I think for the for a community food pantry that's currently operated um for families in the the district um and this there would be a a meeting room here more of like a i Envision is more of like a a community meeting space um it can have a separate uh Access Control here it can have a separate access point so you can get into this meeting room without having access the rest of the building um time Bond did suggest Access Control you can see it here I don't know if you can see it yeah okay um access control points new access control points to be able to separate off the build based on usage so being able to isolate this area for parks and W um and isolate somewhat of the library when it's open but obviously that wouldn't be 100% um so that's sort of our initial sketch or initial uh thoughts as to how these might lay out um we tried for the most part to um stay within the existing layout so we didn't have to uh invest a lot of money in modification up front so we will have the space will be large for offices right there will be a a lot of space in these offices cuz I um these are about classrooms are about 900 square ft um there's an occasional double uh a few of these classrooms I think here maybe here and this one I think are have a retractable wall that can uh be pulled away so it it it doubles the size of that space um yeah so that's that's where we're at with with that we're waiting for a followup meeting with Ty bond to discuss this there's no expansion of the building is there lines going out give the illusion especially down here that you're actually adding balls oh no I was just trying to make it clear to time because this was my not the time Bond I was trying to make it clear to them there's no expansion there's no no possibly internal wall here there yeah yeah internal wall here or there and and I mean the importance of it is is that we own the building we have this huge building the region is not going to use it for a school anymore and uh it's an opportunity to resolve a lot of issues with you know there'll be some expense to it but uh it's there's no expansion and there's plenty of room for LS Dan you want to you want to do sure give you some example what parks and wreck would like to do I'm I think I requested sharing Bri did I uh yeah you should be [Music] go what is this doing am I up there yeah your browser is don't don't show your vacation pictures what vacation um so John just asked me to put together a quick five minute high level uh kind of parks and wck plan for if the town offices were to move over to Thornton Burgess um and so you know kind of in short it would be amazing from a parks and perspective um you know it's really a tremendous opportunity for our um office to increase programming and such for the residents so um really it comes down to the biggest benefit for us to move over there is would be able to really exponentially increase the programming um that we can offer for the residents of the Town um and that is done through flexibility with dedicated spaces um and some other benefits include the possibility of new courts over there and having sort of a a what I'll call a master wreck facility next to the town offices because we are kind of spread out all over the place as it sits right now um and for us to be on site at our facilities and at our programs that we're running will increase our efficiency quite a bit um so again the main benefit is expanding and diversifying the program for all ages for everybody in the town um since about the fall of 2023 Parks and Rec has offered 30 new programs to Residents uh pretty much still of all ages um and we look we we're trying to increase that um as well so that we've had a lot of positive feedback from the residents about the new programs that we've offered they've been I would say very successful um so we'd like to keep that momentum running and and a move over there for us would would be huge um like I said it's for we could if we get over there we could in increase preschool programming um we could have access to a facility for our programs during school hours with hwrsd having the building over there and students in it we were not allowed access over there obviously Green Meadows has students in it so we don't have access to these facilities during uh school hours and you ask well you probably don't need those but we do for adults for preschool kids uh and even seniors as well so um if we were to move the offices over there um we could also after offer a lot of a lot more after school enrichment programs uh and summer and school vacation programming which is a very high demand thing for recreation departments that we really haven't been able to offer because of our lack of facilities um using hwrsd you know I inquired a lot and I did I used those buildings Green Meadows and dwb as much as I could but um using the hwrsd these schools has been difficult there's custodial issues there's um security issues so it's not a very efficient way uh for us to offer programs um we can with the with having access to DB we can also increase adult programmingsoftware offering programming all the way from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at night which would increase like that's like 8 hours a day um so that's something that we're looking at if the senior center ended up having a presence over at twb um you know parks and wreck offers a lot of programs that seniors can take advantage of we have a CPR course coming up that they could be interested in uh a flower arranging course we did a succulents Arrangement course um there's also an idea to offer like a firsttime grandparents safety SL how to take care of your grandchild which sounds a little crazy but it seems to be pretty popular so um anyway so and it would be amazing if we had all of these people Under One Roof as well mentoring programs between different intergenerational um ages uh you know we can have you know professional seniors mentoring young adults on Career advice school advice we can have young adults who are more techsavvy um working with seniors as far as cell phones technology and all of that stuff um so a move over there increases for us accessibility and efficiency um office organization and storage is a big one for us being here we don't really have any of that all of our supplies equipment um are offsite in many locations we have some closets now in twb we have sheds at Green Meadows sheds at twb there's a few small storage things here so uh for us to manage inventory for each Sports season and each class that we do it's a bit of a headache we're driving all over the place we're not we have to close this office to go take inventory at another place so we're not here for the public um so being on site would really increase efficiency there um having dedicated access to a secure building for after hours programming again would allow us to be able to offer programs during school hours or even preschool hours from 7:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at night which again is an increase of about 8 hours a day um increased parking we all know how fun parking can be at the townhouse on Election Day and when other big things are going on so um that would be nice as well Ada accessibility while it's not perfect at twb either it's certainly better than it is here in the townhouse um Sports field maintenance hwrsd had been managing the mowing of the sports Fields over there for us um as they were leasing the building and it was not always easy to have the fields mode on our scheduled or the maintenance um done to those fields you know per what the schedule the parks and recck would like to do we were sort of beholden to when the staff the custodial staff there at twb could mow the fields and you know I'd like to have those looking good before weekends for the game so we could set our own maintenance schedule for the fields and also our own mowing schedule for the fields as well uh so all of these things are like to improve parks and wreck and the things that we can offer the town um and then just the last Quick One is being on site we could handle program issues or sports issues that arise because we are there on site instead of being here in the office Sports programs going on at the gym over there twb again we're leaving this office uh to go over there and rectify things it's time it's um inefficient and so just having us all having parks and wreck Under One Roof with for all of our main facilities would really be pretty amazing from my point of view um and then so just in conclusion you know the main benefit to a move over for parks and rec is to really exponentially expand and diversify programming uh to benefit residents of all ages there seems to be an appetite for it in the town uh I've received a lot of positive feedback like I said about the new programming and things that they've been seeing coming out of parks and wreck so um and it's been very successful we filled or overfilled a lot of the things that we've been running um also again increase Parks and Rec efficiency by being on site with our equipment with our programs uh being able to deal with headaches as they arise and being right there on site in order to uh keep those things running smoothly inventory uh again inventory storage is a big one for us um and then so for me from a parks and wreck perspective uh a move over there would not just benefit the parks and wreck office and employees but also the community with um expanded programming um being on site and um and you know having a positive impact on on on the residents through parks and wreck so thanks J yeah want to go back to the I'll stop the share right what do you want the St layout um selectman Flynn is on do you have any comments on well one thing I mean looking at the proposed lay off from Tian Bond the one part that concerns me is building planning zoning conservation is so active but that area there is going to need so much renovation I know it's located there because the access but I think some of the larger classrooms might be better for it because they need the right there you're going to be taking a lot of renovation walls Etc and that does have one bathroom there that might be uh better for Access for the TA and select board as well so that might be something to look at anybody any questions comments John who um manages the Community Food Pantry the the Wilber hamon wilham Regional School District yeah the district district employee yeah the district employee District employee yeah yeah so our only commitment to that is the space to operate the space operate that's our only commitment to that where where did you have that situated um that that's the one that I struggled with the most it's it's right here right where right on the side over [Music] here I mean you know this is all just preliminary so yeah I ideally what I struggled with was uh if it if it could have its own access it would be good um you know but it was sort of competing with the this this idea of this in my mind it was competing with this sort of community meeting room here that had you know separate access um do we um is the area for plan zoning conservation of building incorporate all our files too yeah within that area um that's what we'll have to figure out there's a lot of storage areas within the building um so this envisions permanent document storage in the upper right but so there's storage here um storage here storage here storage here um there's a lot of space within here that you could also find uh find place for with file cemas as well um storage here there's um once in the idea for first staff is that we that we will go out and visit visit the building um either in one or two trips um and get a sense of um that so next steps in terms of the layout um I'm going to be sending up a meeting with tyan Bond and talk with them about my comments to them um and then they'll provide me with with a second layout and that's when I think we would schedule um site visits with the staff to get feed back um I was just thinking because I know buildings got quite a few files they use on a daily basis and I know I have quite a few files that I would want within the area not yeah I appla this is a good first stab at it there's no questions about it I'm sure it's wrong oh definitely or the third it gives us a good working okay now what can we improve upon so yeah I appreciate this a lot the fact that we got some permanent meeting rooms we can have the freaking Zoom set up all the time right yeah and that okay that part okay there that big area there that's the chairman Suite one right here you do realize it's a longterm project and then we have obviously in the back here we have the existing commercial gr kitchen which we'll need to make decisions about um a lot of the equipments at the end of its useful life I believe or at least some of it would need to be um replaced I don't know if um yeah I have I have different thoughts about that is maybe we don't need it um if it's going to be used as for Sheltering you know maybe it's something that we we try to keep in somewhat working order um or um this this would be way longterm way Pie in the Sky I know some commercial kitchens have like incubator space for for communities uh you know Community businesses that are trying to get started that need commercial kitchen space anyways those are those are long-term ideas but um it certainly gives us space um that's for sure now in the library it so there's going to there's space we could possibly have space there for the blue is for adult I mean teens a teen a teen yeah we talked about that would be that this would be I think the kids kids uh Library area what's the white next to it um well they have that would be an additional Library space okay um not sure time Bond was suggest in the water department there but um yeah this would be the existing Block in here would somewhere open to the ceiling isn't there an open floor area yeah like the atrium yeah yeah that's to the left of the pink there's two of them so the to the left of the pink and then four yards here yeah four yards there Courtyard andan one of the food yeah it seem to me that that would do well over by the kitchen because there's an entrance there there would be Refrigeration there's a lot of storage for food yeah right now it's just dry goods okay it's just it's essentially leftovers from Amazon uh I'm I'm not I'm not I'm not joking if Amazon has leftover food okay that's not uh they just drop it off there uh the district goes through it takes out all the inappropriate stuff that gets brought there and then they make it available to families within the district the U the rooms on the south side where you gotor a treas and c I haven't been in those in 50 years those used to be like shop spaces at one point do they have direct outside access I don't believe so the treasur one does not no I think the wood shop did or the they do that one does the mechanical building in the back does right this one has the garage here yeah yeah I can't tell all the way another one on the back though Brian to on the back of the building there's a there's another access well said we had a little refined we made we do some walk throughs that's where herb keeps them lower yeah two fronts are much larger than the rest yes good good aside from aside from Parks wck budget neutral operating expenses well I I think they'll increase there'll be incre you know we got insurance we got heat and light different yeah yeah I it won't be neutral but it won't be excessive any other programs that were talking about for parks and rec which all find great do you have people who currently do all that sort of stuff in the current budget so I do have I have um as the Director I have a recreation coordinator who helps me with running programs and everything because I you can't I can't touch all 30 programs every time so I do have staff for that there would be a need for us to increase probably maintenance staff because we'll have to have a mower over there and that's I mean hwd has mowers over there we haven't worked anything out with them yet but uh we will need to mow the fields and have some maintenance for parks and wreck there maybe some increased hours for parks and wreck maintenance going to need a custodian a custodian yeah yeah it's going to need more than one custodian for building that size that's big no 40 hours well yeah I guess you set it up right it works fine much bigger facilities than that with one person um there is another office I'd like to suggest that hand in historical commission we've been approved by Tom meeting since 1999 we still don't have our own office yeah we can fit one in and I was thinking with the Veteran's Office that's 900 square that could be you know a wall between we certainly historical commission doesn't need 900 well and the things with some of these rooms is that also gives us an opportunity to expand when we start off it may you know someone may have a big room like this and then you can divide it into two or three you know office spaces if we need to expand so yeah in in one other version I sort of had a I had a uh uh a sort of a generic boards and committees room I mean we have um we have historic we have advisory we have we have uh CPC Community preservation committee um I'm sure I'm missing some of them but um there's definitely the opportunity for for uh folks to have office space here uh there not here um there so in a sense it's uh if if may maybe having an office space will will attract more volunteers is what I'm trying to get at um because we have you know we have trouble filling all of our boards and committees and maybe if there's a an office space to do work in that people could come to it it it might encourage volunte additional Vol no promises but it it's a shot well I I think that a building if if we use the correctly and it's used a lot by the public you're going to get more public more people interested in volunteering because everything's going to be at one place there are going to be multiple people in the building all all the time and it'll be a more social thing for people to do volunteer I mean nobody wants to volunteer and set alone in a in an office doing something by themselves I'm coming late to to this discussion but once all of this has worked out then does it go to town meeting and town meeting votes on it or is it just the prerogative of the board of select the town meeting would have to go two things number one they'd have to vote to uh change the purpose of the of the eminent domain taking 2/3 vote and then they would have to vote for any monies that we would need to you know move move move and run it and the money just have to be majority yeah majority majority V and that would be that you what you envision that that would be at the Springtown meeting your Envision I I would Envision that the spring town meeting we would we would have the ask the 2/3 vote to you know you know change the am domain and then ask for some monies to to Contin the pro they voted $100,000 at the last town meeting for us to do a lot of this preliminary work and then we would we would ask for the other money if if we're ready to for the move or to you know anything any other things we need to have done then of course after we determin what we would like the future of this building to be I'm sure there'll be some Associated votes with that exactly lots of votes I'm sure and then we and then we also need to I want to address also that we still have needs at the senior center and we have to figure out where how that fits in and what we want to get done over there too so some of that function could be moved I mean some you talked about the the health area that's got existing space where we don't have to have the guy sitting in the closet having his toenails clip they s over there we you don't want a Don it I'm just kidding 142 any thoughts of my proposal last time on this last meeting on putting the entire senior center in half of the Town Hall in torton Burgess in a library in a senior center it would solve everybody's space issues no one wants to talk about that one because it makes sense that's not to you say what you said again please put the senior center in the Town Hall in thoron Burg put the library in the senior center everybody has ample space for all their activities they want to do room for expansion Etc this is a dated proposal right here Brian is showing us now but there should be another scenario on this map for that purpose and you considered that and decide we have not considered that that was brought up to the last meeting we haven't considered that yet I I I have trouble keeping two thoughts at one time but you plan to consider that or we we could obviously do a scenario but I I think that the I mean my personal view is that the the senior center is you know pretty efficient for what they're doing now and U if they're pretty officient what you're doing now why they come to town for more money to expand just like a kid give him a piece of candy and he wants more candy no that's that's really not necessary I I think I think there was there was first of all there was some definite maintenance needs to have to be done because the building is 25 years old and there was there's there was some need for some expanded space for some additional programming at the senior center that's that is a little cynical I you but every Department in this town wants to do a better job and in order to do a better job they want more resources Dan is excited as hell that he's got a potential over here to be able to do this massive Improvement in park and wreck the only limiting fact is how much money we're going to give to do it I make I make I make a lot of money the facil from the program the facilities over are be are going to be a winner for him every department is in that same boat where they'd like the resources to do a better job it's human nature it's the town meetings decision to make priorities and where to spend that money I won't criticize anybody for wanting to be more effective well also with the fact that you got a library scenario Ator bur is current there's a library there now yeah there's a library there now and to move the library into the senior center if you think the $1.72 million maintenance cost that that Center requires now it's public building we're going we always maintain our buildings we're going to continue to do that that would that's the basic number you try to move the library into the senior center then you are going to be spending a lot more money maybe even closer to the four to5 million in order to accommodate the library I think you to move a shelves at books it's going to cost Millions say it again okay if you're saying that the senior center needs a couple million in repairs um but how much you're saying now you're 45 million run the library over there how are you coming up with those numers I don't know Peter what I'm saying is that you have you have you've got a baseline cost at that build building needs whether it's a library or it's not but the minute you start talking about the library then you're talking about renovating beyond the basic needs so if we're at 1.7 to2 add keep adding it up because you're going to have to pay money into moving walls and making it actually work whereas you've got the library scenario here I I'm just having a real problem here that people seem to feel that the senior center uh is not a community aome that the the way that that building operates I would suggest all of you go in on a day-to-day basis I'm sorry I didn't make that point clear you need to see what happens in there with the older people in their their own space and so to move them into Thornton BD quite frankly they become part of the community and that's a great thing but they also lose something in that they work and respond by age in that building and you know to turn it into the library and move them here I think really is a disservice to um the community the senior community that we have um certainly we want the to spend our money wisely moving into Thorn burges to me is not going to do that and in the senior community that uses that building now will be at a disservice quite frankly John personally my personal opinion I'm not cutting up the senior center whatsoever it's a great place obviously it's very successful I'm just thinking in a Town's future it would be great to put it in the school not in the present location all right well I'm not going tode that today so John if I could just suggest um maybe we can just do a square footage of what the library existing here okay and what the square footage is off the senior center right now and see who's going to gain or lose just just a square footage I don't need to know anything else and I believe it can be done relatively easily I think numbers last time we were here I don't think we had them because we didn't have this layout yeah can I can I just ask is the senior center opposed to having a presence over at Thorton Burgess like you stay at the senior center but having a presence with with some program we can't decide that yet we've got the senior center um director is here okay she's listening and we're on the committee so we're we hear what you're saying yeah I just think it's a great way to to bring all ages of the community together understand there some there's some you that go on with that we'll meet on Monday you're they're going to have the same argument you just had about having everything on one site allows them to keep better control and be more efficient but they have a hub though they do have a hub right so well now you're asking them to have remote Staffing if you split the functions into different places than con Gary just said if you have places in two places and and that's why we can't speak yeah they can't decide that now could I could I just um ask one other question again coming late to the party but um if this whole thing passes then what happens to this building do you have to have another committee to decide what you're going to use this building for and go through this whole process again for this building yes and throughout the whole process do you share with taxpayers what this will do to their tax bills yes okay that's all I want to know in my opinion politically you can't you're not going to be able to ask for any significant amount of money from the town unless you have a thorough plan on what's going to happen in this building what's going to happen in that build and what it's going to cost that's the whole purpose of these meetings I think and you know so it has to be T together I mean this building it's going to be almost impossible to keep it so it's a matter of whether we're selling it or tearing it down in my opinion I agree well that's another whole issue but but it's part of it's the issue it's another whole discussion I can exactly but without that piece of discussion it's going to be very hard to move the rest of this forward that's what I that's my point I agree with that okay okay John Flynn you have anything to add he's asleep I think uh this is a good discussion but as I said to Brian before I think it's important that we focus on where we're going with this Peter I appreciate your comments but honestly it distracts from where we're going we need to settle on moving the town hall to thoron Burgess utilizing the space there and as we said from the beginning the reason we're doing this because we're out of room as Don said before we need to be planning out for 25 years so if there's 30% extra space at Thon Burgess that's what's needed for growth for Town operations we as Gary said we can't be talked about splitting operations again we're Consolidated we're utilizing the space we have there to make better use of just if you will operations in the town hall that are scattered among the building there I think some of the comments here really focus on that Mari Ellen you're right we need to have a clear Financial Outlook as dick said you need to present a plan that shows the cost to the TA taxpayers and the potential for improved operations I would say one more thing and then I'll be just for a clear Outlook I I I think we also should be aware that wam is concerned that th that their middle school is overcrowded yes and under the table discussions are going for are regular about building a new a new Middle School in werham should that happen uh it would be100 million I don't know how much a new school cost but we would be responsible for 20 % of that or 20 20 to 25% of that which is a whole another bill that will be coming forward if that all comes to pass if Thorton burges is no longer can be used as a school so just so we know that if that's a piece of the tion [Music] okay I forgot your name and who are you can we Circle back to the title five for yeah a couple minutes um my understand is that they're going to do the title five but they added into the potential contract pumping of those tanks is that correct and and I think from what I understand they asked if we wanted it pumped correct or and a and or a water cost which probably will drive the initial cost of another $6 to 8,000 to pump the tank my point being that's system is six almost 60 years old and it is a pressure system and so the way it operates is there's two pumps tank fills up to a certain level and they pump to the Le Fields if they don't pump the tanks that those are suction pumps they're not going to be able to see the suction lines that go to the bottom of the tanks and those suction lines are probably cast iron so over the last 50 years there's been probably been some deterioration unless something has happened in the last 50 years one to change the pumps or two to do an inspection of those lines if you don't pump the tanks you're only getting a partial inspection that's my point okay so we should pump the tanks I believe you should okay I this or do nothing or do or do nothing Wayne said last meeting they were pumped annually by the school department that that's correct but when they pump they don't inspect all of the the details all they do is they fump the crap out and they look to see whether there's flow back I understand your thought scary but over the period of 60 years or any records that they had to have been failed at one point or time or another was it repaired I I don't know Peter you're right but but I caveat it that if they haven't if they haven't I understand I understand your thoughts but I just try to save a few dollars if they got reports paperwork say there they pull a permit we have a record I I do know this for a fact the HPS themselves have been replaced in recent years but I don't know the exact details and I don't know how extensive that was I would hope then that the title five inspectors would do their due diligence and go to wilam who's doing it who's the what's the company thanks J what's the company Slims and barol out of Shrewsberry Char Char um what I what I personally would like to do Dwayne had mentioned that they get pumped every year to the school the school still owns the building correct uhuh releas the building we own the building okay they still lease the building what I'd like to do is maybe work with the school since it's theirs anyway not you know not turned over to us yet to have them P just before the title 5 comes in that would be my thought might be a little cheaper than having these guys committ absolutely but that's what I would like to do is work with the school on this but that's just my thoughts the school won't evene us from some yeah I'm onlyc that they're not going to get if they don't see the bottom of the tank they're not going to get a 100% agree with you Gary okay I think we're in luig yeah I agree you got the right we're into the septic tank here so all right uh so I guess the next next steps next meeting is we should have something from the fire department by the 20th to see what where they go with that you folks are meeting on the 13th so you might give us help some direction there we'll continue looking at the the spatial thing get the septic thing squared away maybe get the energy guy in in the meantime so so date of next meeting February something you want to have these on a on a monthly basis well I think we can go monthly for now cuz we need work to do in the in the intro I mean then and then we have you know we're going to we're be bumping up against Town H town meeting so we're have to make some decisions I just ask one other question sorry before is there has the date of a potential move been pushed back because originally it was like as soon as we can get in are we like looking at or are we still trying to do like fall of 25 what year are we in Fall 25 or or like or do we not know it doesn't matter I want to go in yesterday I know that's why I'm asking um yeah I think it it that would be at the soonest at the earliest yeah February 4th done you want to do that work fourth that's that's the first Tuesday oh yeah we're in 2025 and you're looking for any draft warrn articles by when any draft warant articles by March 1st okay so fourth same time same place sameel same back Chanel anything else to add Mr Flynn no I think it was a great and I thank everybody for attending today g a motion to adjourn second all in favor I keep mebody