##VIDEO ID:LSFERy2YYrQ## good evening this is a meeting of the hand the board of Select and Board of Health being held in the townhouse on September 16th 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the pledge States of America the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivis Justice is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves Kristen good evening thank you uh no minutes this evening no okay first order of business is an appointment to the Conservation Commission up you the big table we have Tom Paige here from Tom PA from the Conservation Commission so I've seen you like some Conservation Commission meetings I have been to a few yes and I and I understand Bonnie is giving you cases of paperwork yes yes it's all good so your interest I am I am I want to up town so what are your past experiences none no I mean you never you never worked for living room I never I just embryo no I was a I'm a computer network engineer I work for wild computer um I design computer networks Andor all kind of stuff um I just moved in town about a year ago and um I work from home so I have some free time free time unofficially and um I love this town really good and I want help town ation commission is such a key key committee very important to time uh what area town do you live in are you near any Wetlands is there um I live on Echo Valley Drive I don't there is a stream on the side but they the back end of the property backs up to the that hand the woods 2 project from way back yeah so hey nice neighborhood like it thank you for volunteering really don't mind the other guys just chart your own path that would be fine um Scott's also on the fiber optic committee he's a valued member of the the team there he's um put on a lot of hard work and he brings a lot of good ideas to the table so I no problem um you know with his interest in joining the conservation committee I think be the valuable as of the Town excellent CH I'd like to make a motion to appoint Scott Thomas to the Conservation Commission any further discussion last chance oh I'm in all in favor congratulations thank you thank you for volunteering and for the term if we could get maybe recommendations from the who's chairman of your committee now uh Wenda oh the new person well she didn't show up and you made her chair you got get you got to get a so we need to pick dates we need to work on dates perhaps with the committee all the resignations who's got the twoe who's got the three year when you you know you're till such and such lifetime all right great we'll figure it out thank you be down there nowes for see if she's here do get theer thank you is the fire chief out there yes he is new probation firefighter seats up there seat there's one over here what you got so this evening thank you for accommodating us we have a probationary firefighter application and then secondly a Cadet um program first our first first Cadet application um first probationary firefighter Ryan Le Fountain who lives in town right off Allen Street he's interested in becoming um a full-time firefighter and he's pursuing you know a call firefighter through ham in to get eligible for the academy and with them staying good standing with the fire department and coming to our calls and training if we choose to sponsor him be a to go to the caby okay question R what's your your interest in joining said you wanted to be fulltime firefighter but what I mainly want to do it sometimes younger and uh just like helping people I'm always always to get a helping hand and Lear the train and everything so I'm kind of just getting in the call to put my foot through the door and get it wrong what do you do when when you're not I mean this is not a full-time thing so what do you do I work at serpro right now it's a bio remediation company M and uh just going after like SE spells and uh chemical spells and clean up right are you mostly out of town where that work it's uh it did say Sero Hampshire County so are you line okay but your home to be available for calls and stuff like that at night nights and weekends never happens question I did the last one the last one I moveed to appoint uh ryanman to the role of prary firefighter subject to Chief one and all cations second any further discussion all in favor conratulations board thank you Ryan now for the D what's the deal there um this is Josh Ren he's from wam he's our first Cadet program berran is the um leader in that program so I'm G to let him handle this one so sort like we did was our call member we interviewed Josh last week um comes from the long line of First Responders families law enforcement and such as an interest of getting his foot in the door in the First Responders program as well that we're offering through a Cadet program he's currently at minog um so he has a couple years left there um it's our first one to get through the program weling forward to get him started and works at a right races outside so so what year unit M Soph s and what's going to be the um process getting on the cadet what what are you what training are you doing um similar to a probation obviously not in the Life Safety standpoint obviously more um under the safety officer scope so you could help out with some stuff but can't climb like up to a roof where there's a height restriction and that stuff um I know I looked at some of the oosha stuff yeah I'm KN our equipment how to put the gear on and then once they turn 18 then they can start doing that regular training which will help them get into the call Academy let got here what's the status of your equipment pest uniforms um we purchase new every year through the budget and we don't have seem don't have a problem with the be there they don't have it know there's just legislation passed it yeah um our our salesman I could you know double check I don't see any labels on it but it doesn't mean it doesn't mean that you know it's like they don't SP Us in this you know I'm talking on the Shelf you have to i' have to ask and see to make sure I've asked before I'm going to ask again after tonight Josh you can tell all your friends and try to get more CET in the the goal okay all right does I need a motion actually he's this is under the toage of Nick here at this point really well that that's yeah that's what I was asking Brian about so we thought we'd come down here and see just progress you've got somebody that's yeah so so was discussing with Nick earlier that you know he does have to have good grades through school so after first semester we'll check with the school um to make sure he's tone his his in there um it's May it too always that option okay I have another question for you what's the status of the this dry weather what's where are we on the fire scale it's things are definitely starting to dry out I can see the ponds um the water levels of the the ponds going down it's it's definitely getting dry we we need rain yeah are we at Red Flag state or not not not yet we still have good canopy and getting you know plenty of Dew at at night on the cool nights um once the leaves fall and they're dry and if it's still dry then then we get the windy conditions and the dry humidity then then we'll I expect to see some red flags but that's long ways I yeah um with the pond know as you know we don't have hydrant in the town I did have our day crew last week at the end of last week check all the water sources in town and as of right now we're s po there's a couple we're going to check this week just to make sure we can still get the water but it's not to the point where it was like three years ago where the we had that drought where the actual um strainers are out of the water so that's the chief said I'm going to get probably concern if out your all right Josh that's it good we see you thank you so I have one question in the future do you still want us to bring the cadet if you have any additional you still want to meet maybe check with Brian and see how we can fit them in Mr chair since we have guests here do we want to just jump that ahead and it doesn't matter I find the process is fascinating come back again it'll it'll wear on your shirt I watched I watched last week you can re-watch it we recorded So pay-per-view soon really fine review where are we so we have a uh meeting with the first meeting with the time Bond uh staff person Muhammad I forget his last name John you're on all the emails um he's going to start this is the this is the first meeting where we're going to discuss the scope of the spatial planning analysis that we're about to undertake at the building you know they've done the physical conditions assessment of the building and they're wrapping that up um so we'll have this initial meeting to kind of scope out how that space can be used and who we want to bring in to that you know for further discussions and I think quite honestly the library will be a big part of that now we we paid for that other study a few years back where you remember the 27 bathrooms and all that for this building here but that had a spatial analysis of the needs of the different departments it seems like it would be good to incorporate that data when whoever went through the building said oh my gosh planning is going to need 500 square feet and stuff like that that was also the remodel they were counting spatial needs based on a remodel right but they also saw function need so maybe just using some of that I just want to make sure we don't send them down that path that they were looking to fully renovate twb cuz I mean we saw heck the only way they made at work was by yeah getting rid of the library in this building so they knew there was a spatial problem I don't I don't I agree with that I think there's enough rooms down there that can be divided up in the offices without tearing down walls and mhm but yeah staircases and I think with the different size rooms it's more a question what department would benefit from bigger than a smaller classrooms are pretty big I mean had 30 desks and they were kids so yeah you got those nice rooms on the East wall that have the partitions and I see those for needs like when you have public meetings for planning Etc they can open the partition and then have a group thing yeah yeah I thought Brian had a pretty good layout too that he good start the the um i' be interested to see the gry in Southampton what they do their schools over there so high right well I think in gry I think the Grammy one was they did a they put in a whole new uh air conditioning system for the whole building and theous removal remediation that drive right so they did a pretty extensive renovation 5.3 million M I don't know about some yeah that sounds like remediation money so can I ask a question so where does the library fit into all of this and where do you have any thoughts about where it would be located within Thorton Burgess I would assume in the current Library I mean you have if you me if you look at the and having gone there like you did as well yes um talking about that they still had books back then stop didn't have any computers but you have that big Library you also have accessory there's the one room towards the soccer field that's right connected to the library you have another room over connected as well with a door you have at least three accessory rooms outside but connected by doors to the library space and I think if you total total all that square footage you'd find it's bigger than what you currently have upstairs and with better separation you know we have you've done a great job with different areas inside the main library part the teen center Etc but now you could have them in their own physical space maybe not being I want to say influenced but bothered by an adjacent thing going here you could have more sectionalized programs going on we're fortunate that we have the beautiful R room we are very fortunate you did mention something about having um a tour through do you have any like ideas of when that would be or would you do it during the day or after a spal understanding we have time yeah got that time I think we were thinking sometime so this is the the very first meeting that we'll have with time bond is really just a kickoff meeting to to Really scope out what they're actually going to do and that's going to happen on this Thursday and then at that point um that'll that'll help us figure out who we want to bring in for additional conversations the library is an easy one that we need to have conversations about cuz it's it's it's really the biggest department in here right um so I'll definitely reach out to find out when we can have those conversations and we we'll gather that information do you want me to show that layout Craig yeah I I think it presents a rough idea I would love to see I mean this was just a very preliminary rumors I've heard a rumor that we weren't moving try to put on the screen I think back behind you you want that one yeah that's very very preliminary but it accounts for a lot of the buildings and spatial needs and you know you can see that you know based on what you were looking at Brian the G the library like his own Wing almost and Kathy you see it's like the room in the upper upper left okay you know a separate room a room to the right of the library space as well another room up there above it as well you know so you have plus the office space right next to it that of course was always there I mean you have if you take that whole block not the not the yellow down the side there I think you have all these individual spaces here that give you more square footage than you have now and and easy access the bathrooms too no we'll find that up I'm just saying and the potential for growth I mean that's the key part here is that I think it's bad to think that we're going to just go ahead and cookie cut or what we have here over there that's why I keep getting in my head what it's like inside I know what it's like inside there you know the big thing we're forgetting too is it's going to be ADA Compliant more so yes the stairs here bother me the bathrooms haven't done there's only one person that's I'm told has already put an a a claim to a room I'm told mrey wants his classroom back for his office science room is there a separate entrance or the library Saturdays were open well you haveing well there is you iall the door I mean the door to the all the way to the right under orange you know bottom right yeah okay so that could be exteror and the rest the building could be secure well it's really be open we did that before and you may recall back with all the conversation about basketball time when Dave was coaching andc how we were able to keep the building isolated from the gym area Etc but they have no they've upgraded those doors inside so they can be individually controlled right so the gym still remain as a gym for like kids for Town Sports and stuff like that yeah I mean all the money we put into that oh my gosh yeah in our yoga Y and there'd be a large area like we have for the auditorium for some of our bigger programs well I think the talk was that was more the community area right for programs right so where would that this is the cafeteria and Stage right there large meeting room okay that's where we hold the town meeting okay just right down the hallway and boom you're right there yeah Brian is there a need do you see a need in the current program for the kitchen as a kitchen or is that a possibility that that's a pretty good chunk of space that could be renovated besides it does have the pair of bathrooms there as well yeah I it is one of the conversations that that Dan had from Parks and wreck was if if the kitchen facilities were to remain or or part of the kitchen facilities would remain to have cooking classes and things like that as part of their offering or the probably the the commerci the larger commercial kitchen I don't know that we would need that unless this is going to unless it's going to serve as a shelter facility yeah the only thing I would think about is that with the current standards some of that stuff was there when we were there and you might be getting into especially if it's I don't know if it's gas run or whatever there's a lot of requirements for upgrades and safety on I think I think they've changed that because I think the the the students that are in there now do cooking and stuff is that really there's like a cooking class the thing I want to be careful of too is if this is listed on our simp plan as an emergency shelter you know this is the largest building we have in town if there was ever a need to shelter we'd want to have that kitchen there it's part of emergency preparedness and where was it on the list though I know we have in different orders it doesn't matter just there as a facility there's there's no primary alternate contingency plan for shelters MH there's we have these buildings to use as we need to see it okay there not a first second like we okay we're going to use green medals first and then overflow at darn burges or no I I think the thought always is you know well whatever we do with the senior center if you know it's anything larger scale then we obviously want to use twb space size I know there was talk of there's also minog is on the list as well as a multi- toown shelter right that's not and in specific yeah what are your plans going to be for this building not discuss at this point we haven't gotten to that piece of the yet I mean I have a vis we got to take one step at a time I I have a vision I know yes I I think a lot of towns have turned Town Halls like this into educational and cultural centers or or spaces and so they have their Artisans have little boots they can do the things here you can have educ different classes in here and some have turned them into entrepreneurial shared workspace you know so you have you know two or three businesses and they share one you know Administrative Assistant they did that with the mills in East Long in East Hampton and blood L you know coing space that's you know 5 years businesses come in and rent run well you got to up in a time and well it also things anything the town does under the town umbrella however if this building wasn't good enough to be the town hall does it need to be improved before we put our stamp on it for something else and if it doesn't have Ada is going to need something so any plan we do has to say what's the cost for bringing it forward do we sell to somebody for apartments and it's their number it's their money to pay I do have a question though um with regard to the other towns that you have experienced with um moving the town hall libraries were included in in those moves yes because I'd be very interested in understanding even reaching out to them and getting a better understanding in gry the library moved over there in Southampton it was not and I like Brian's timeline when he didn't try and do it all at once he said count all first and then the libraryies separate oh I no but I mean you understand the focus you know we cannot be confused at the same time which is good there are professional moving yep companies for libraries which I know will be quite an expense but um it's what we would need um to have professionals move us but I think the big thing like we've talked about the accessibility for every town office would be so much better like up% yeah we're not saying we don't want to move we're just saying we just didn't have any information we're not picking up three books at a time and bringing them over no information timeline was what about a year process right did Brian's timeline that we came up with last week Ling out all you know strategically all about a year process I think the board's plan is that all the stakeholders are going to be involved in this right right so right we're not handing you a map and like here's your new office thank you okay yeah it's it's not going to be inexpensive to do but I think in the long run it will be a real benefit well it's a great building the grounds are great yeah and it's been kept I think pretty much in good shape Kathy I've heard about a fundraiser and the fundraiser is going to be that the former students can bid on their old lockers and take them with them should do that n answer keep this in the loop yeah absolutely yes please we'll do thank you thank you thank you for your time I would expect an email either the end of this week or early next week after we meet with time Bond on Thursday okay awesome thank you great yeah in terms of a in terms of like a tour probably sometime in October middle of maybe the end of October at night or during the day I work H you can do remote selections meeting over there and then right do that to probably have to be in the evening because the students will still be there right it may be better to be yeah later evening later afternoon right this Thursday the uh school committee has their meeting there so oh interesting around they want wandering it's not exactly the Pentagon we'll find it awesome okay thank you for your time thank you thank you for what you do okay special T meeting warant see you Wednesday yeah I'll see you Wednesday all right what you so I move the items around one on the item should the two CPA things be next to each other just which ones are those you got the North Road thing plus the uh actual CPA request for the scoreboards the North Road is that is the second half of what we did last year right so the the first article need a 2/3 who's going to make the motion it shouldn't be us I just like we did at the town meeting where they they picked over Keith or was it are are they willing to do that now I ask them and I know the last time that they that was it that was their they were no longer there were no longer a group no all right uh so change town clerk from elected to appoint are we going to have an explanation of what that means yeah I think these these should have explanations because I mean it's going to go to a ballot so essentially if you vote if you vote for this at this point it's really only putting it on the ballot for for the town to vote yeah TR that process and then if the town votes to do that and the people are reelected I think they're up at that time what happens then um they'll serve until the until the board makes an appointment till the board selectman make an appointment statute's very specific at that if if it's on if the if the election the person filling the position is elected on the same ballot as the question and it passes they will fulfill till the till the board appoints so it could be as short as a week could as long as the term three years five years whatever the term is three years in this case I think yeah that's the same thing with article three right then we have order select 3 to 5 that doesn't go to the ballot correct and then we have the revolving account for the EV charging station although can I just can I just go back to that one for one second so we change it from 3 to 5 but nobody's fills those positions until the next election next election I guess yeah right yeah next and then we we have to set staggered rates and then it' have to be one year one for one year one for two years one for three years right it's like par where they have 3 three sorry a 221 221 because of threee turn so we got to figure that out right uh revolving f for electric vehicles that's standard yeah but I get back into I saw they put the uh the bushes up so it's moving right along um really need to figure out how to rate I know I can't I'll follow up with that guy again Jerry again yeah that thing could be live in under a month or so it's just waiting for the National Grid to hook it up I think I think they're waiting to hear from National Grid when yeah when they're going to turn it on but I think to your point and I agree that we can we can establish this stuff now we don't have to wait for National Grid to hook up for us to have these discussions so for the pricing yeah we already established the revolving fund on our own so that's why right yeah we actually don't need to codify the revolving fund until the annual town meeting because we're allowed to put one in place until the annual but I think getting the I talked to some people and I think it is going to be pretty popular people want that level three like you've said Fork C is very enticing you until they start putting more in my son's right down the street and they said no we want to go for a ride we'll take that make sure we put that credit card on a higher rate yours here that's spending limit spending limit yeah I like the I like the uh titles there the categories you got there yeah ni streamlines it do we have a number there yet additional funding for insurance account benefits we don't know because we're going to have to vote on the insurance first right life insurance life insurance yep all right Police Department grants 7500 know Cemetery what I don't understand that one yet what's the maintenance thing they need to do they got 20 ,000 yeah I I'll follow back up with the cemetery Commissioners I had asked for folks to get back to me with the limits and I haven't heard back from them so i' like them to come in you know now I've always said we're allow departments to put on the warrant I'd like some background before for next week it may be such a small amount that we just say that's what I mean yeah but you go back to like Frank said you got potential care Jack it's such they can't take care of from some of those or is it something are they trying to do restoration fa enough then that's a project that's okay right but that should be CPC and also I've also said about timeline if this is stuff that not doing to next summer then this goes on annual warrant when are you doing this work is it an emergency did you invite them for the 23rd yep all right senior citizen expansion C expansion uh we do have another meeting tomorrow at 11: that'll be zoomed if anybody wants to zip in or come and enjoy the uh we'll find out Wednesday what's going on with no with spectum water district expansion phase two kind waiting on grant information of this yes we are what do you think when are they going to announce those uh One Stop was supposed to be September and then the other one was that million dollar uh emerging contaminator grant that we're submitting the the second part of the application now so uh last one uh time Bond had told us I think the turn around was about a month from when they sub the last town that they worked with that submitted it and found out so one stop is how much first one they have to to the end of the month and the one stop 2 four 2.5 that's what that's what the request was our request was IOP is 25 yeah that would be very nice I think it was 2.5 does that sound right okay uh fire he doesn't have a number I think around 10 I heard around 10 but nothing final generator installation we were doing the in kind work we brought it down to the 30 or something wasn't it yeah yeah and he's going to be getting some quotes from electricians electronic voting system how did that go uh that um it's reserved and it's rented that we have a call Thursday at noon right noon time bonds at 10 and this calls at at noon mhm with Meridia talk about uh everything about it pretty much how we going to educate the people have a new system and I've noticed the other meetings I watch the moderator will typically have a couple of I w't say fake questions but yes or no do you like pizza a or chicken WIS B and like just to show how the timing works and St we can't do that here because they think they're going to get it if will the Red Sox win the series yes or no I I do I agree I think there needs to be a demo three question demo even before it starts we can get information out there's Flyers there's these little video tutorial videos we put it on the P Channel we can stream every can watch the infom Marshal at 2 o'clock in the morning um when are we getting I think the demo is the important part because that's when we're going to get the most people when are we getting them um we asked for delivery by mid October um so I can I'll follow up with a guy on Thursday select being think we should here if we V vote do make a motion with it right exactly all in favor right there you go who voted now yeah still a place at this point U I'll check back with Aaron and see what's happening with that maybe we'll ask make a note that we ask him on Thursday are we going Thursday night Michelle she seems surprised I I might go just list I suspect they probably won't be ready for any so so so I believe that we've sent our ideas to them in the form of lease Amendment and it sounds like their attorney had sent them a draft agreement back I don't think the school committee's uh they haven't posted their agenda for Thursday yet so my sense is they won't be ready to take any action on Thursday okay although that was your push though at that last meeting yeah we're asking for since you're in a building if we could have the keys right now un right B School planning and improvements we going to talk to Ty bom and see all that stuff right y that 20,000 bucks for the scoreboards at this point that's a we have a CPC meeting tomorrow night and at this point that's the only request there was some Roofing talk from housing but probably not for this funding what are the three criteria for CPC uh historical open space and affordable housing would and they've allowed limited recreation in the past 10 years traffic control fall under open space see how I don't think so I'm thinking more about these lights out here that we were talking about well that's that was going to be my question tonight is you know with all the social media talking about you know the extra one out here and we've been kicking around we I thought we were getting that other setup for I know we were too you know we lost money on the casino I don't say lost money by using that consultant on the first one it took away our ability to get the third one because I think the charge on that guy was 20 plus and designing how went in designing whatever we didn't design the second one didn't have to CU here it is thank you um I think I'd like to move forward with it somehow I just thought maybe if we can under some type of well let me ask you this you're more un touch of what's happening with the grand thing and stuff like that we have the pile do you think do you feel safe and say you know what let's take 25,000 arpa money and put that other one in here at North Main Street CU we feeling decent about these grants coming in I don't want to keep touching the AR you have to talk to the water commissioner chair no you don't want to give it up yet no I think have a better idea at the end of the month okay but I'm One Stop better that out there you start feeling good about that Grant you're feeling good and we'll touch our for the last time we got to spend we got to have it committed by the end of the year any right yeah right okay e for National Grid this is the this is the Ed thing right yep connected Chargers Bridge layout rocket that's going to come out I haven't seen anything on that I have Med with 35 more people I know they canel the one can they all come to the meeting and make a presentation it is a team screen like you've never seen seriously everybody works for the state must on that meeting purchase of property North Road so according to Doug and Jennifer there is a purchasing sale now for the property and they're getting ready to fild the division Etc my only concern was that was that division price was off like felt why are we paying a majority of the money for the smaller chunk of parel that they're going to sell the other chunk make money off off the town yeah I don't know what the PN number was I don't know what the pns number was I just felt and I think I shared at the meeting as well I had no problem with the concept I just felt the money was a little more than the value right I I thought what they were selling it to us for was more than what they were paying for no I don't think that was it but I think they were making a lot they should be doing a lot better that number here to us 110 iel should have been down in the 40 to 50 range the 111's high right but then they were going to subdivide two acres of the town and sell the remainder or close to what they bought it for right so that means we're we're paying a lot of money for no reason right and that's why was happy less them is there a way we can keep this number out of it that we're voting the concept forward and then once you're that said and done and the accounts are done with their stuff here come back and see what you need to make your whole 20,000 25,000 what's it going to what's going to cost us to get a 2 acre parking lot basically it should be price per acre should be a little different right so is this but it is that's where it's the second half I thought we already paid for this the CPA money had already been been appropriated but they didn't explain to it at that meeting that they were going to sell part of the land off yeah they did I don't think so I don't think they a very clear explanation this is CPA body yes yes that's already been approved already been approved appr there like the paperwork we did on what wal two meetings okay this is the conservation restriction for that other part then the mar battery eny stor system and again these are Standalone not like the B batteries that are at the at the land own facil not fa uh then they got mended zoning map for the the great horse Chang it from 4 six to go Recreation to see what happens at the planing board with mhm this a petition I haven't got we haven't received any this just space there we need it right Y and then the traditional Financial transfers I add cash to reduce the tax rate stabilization to reduce the tax R and and transfer from Free Cash General oh yeah might be inless to drop a couple um I did talk to the I see the assess pretty early from them they're nowhere near their numbers and we did get the news that are the Chapo's been managing the amp account of do is retiring and unfortunately before the town meeting it be nice to be like took us all the way home rather than bring breaking in a rookie before the person coming in to replace him is in right not going to be the permanent person so you kind of like that really invested in learning what's going on here we've had a great relationship between and many years just that oh the other guy is also changing places D Hall has been moved oh really yeah Bo yeah no kidding yeah again Fair person with a lot of experience for town so it's always been good to work with three Cash update we got Brian got cash yeah thank you 921,000 $283 no pennies though I thought that was huge back at last year it's only a few thousand over last year yeah yeah talk to the treasur and everybody see what they want to do with that what do we're going to do September 30th and the capital projects overview fire station where are we with the fire station project so we're appropriating money we have money already for the yep that part then there's a number for if it goes to the next station which could be up to 300 or so for for final design yeah right ,000 the project Pro right 50,000 will get us concept concept level plans um um so we have the fee letter back from the architect and Rose is drafting up a uh contract for the 50,000 okay now the other capital and I I'm sorry to keep beating the the bridge drum who's coning The Bridge Project The Laughing B Bridge Project is it still Howard Stein are we we paying well there was the other one then we actually ran short that was that new that's right new but we ran short and that we actually had to kick some money in we had something kind had to put in 30 20 or 30,000 yeah I guess my question is where are we going with this I still go back to the point that after spending in between the three grants done we're approaching a million dollars and we don't stay in the ground we getting there the MVP that's the MVP pipe yet right we haven't found the pipe yet right got the guy out there where's the guy with the St thank you dowser is that the money we got to pay extra for him right yeah but but again it goes back to I'm sorry the we have this the reason we're putting a new bridge a new bridge rather than fixing the bridge is because they're talking about flood mitigation and I think we've heard before if you want to mitigate the problem in the scantic fix the scantic not the water going into it and they don't know how to get to the next step from that sure of like going back the a GOI or somebody saying look we need to redirect the funds we're talking about to the flooding problem and the silting problem in the scantic if you're wor about people getting flooded I'm not worried about Laughing Brook flooding once every 60 years as much as I am the backyard's flooding every year in the scand because the level's gotten so low it's spreading and I just get back into when was that 05 05 and the one before that was 1955 how far up did it come um so we had to close the road because it flooded over the bridge and if you the house like Main Street here flooded too or just no uh flooded at the Harare store but the reason there was because the covert had broken they fixed the covert actually they use that system where they just reine the inside so that covered from the park the river has been F uh River Park was very bad and that gets back into the silting thing Don Dorne George Stone all those people had the backyards just we had to take people out the homes with the Michigan loader because they couldn't get close enough home you know put the bucket down they climbed in and brought them back out that's the problem with that type of problem with the river losing its basically capacity inside about the sting ex that's where a flooding problem happen you got get the Army Corp engineer on that's a permanent I mean art was able to do it 40 years ago I don't know but to me that would have been the direction of that type of Grant looking at the overall thing this focus on and the rain Garden rain Garden infiltration things is nice that's okay but the focus on replacing that bridge and they still go back where the state has been beating us with money fix two other Bridges and they don't do it for this one which is on the Travel Lane on a main road and they don't think it needs to be fixed or replaced they're happy with us just hey fix the two outside gers I just want to keep it on our radar so we don't get trapped into hey look next spring we got to put in $4 million for New Bridge CU oops we signed something I would concern with the last right yeah right T be a Board of Health we got some food permits we do as you know the Fall Fest is coming up in uh October fth Fifth and it's going to be very similar to last year where you're going to see these food permits showing up you can be meeting on a daily basis because some people don't get their stuff together in a timely manner last year it was pretty yeah before yeah so I think uh n you enjoyed some of the names last time so we have yos Big Y almost b y m o s almost B what yo what it sell uh baked stuff yes baked stuff but they've been certified okay right and we have a permit also for the same day for East Village Tavern I don't 53 North Main Street I know is that where the old B&B marker was yes okay wasn't it craft 32 or something okay John John is it okay all right so they're both asking for a one-day food permit for the Fall Festival hamburgers they do they're kind of a food yeah what they fries food you know you don't wear Ed yeah to the car place yeah so one day food per for both on the Fall Festival day of October 5th approval of Yos and East Village Tavern for October 5th all in favor I thank you we have no one day permits to that slow they actually just canell one of their events license for should we them just to keep it in their pocket time they had an event coming up on believe it's the 28 they cancel for some reason so she just let me know they won't be using was that like one of those Insurance ones or something I wonder say was dinner dance oh really it did go to the dinner dance the halfway to St Patrick yesterday picked up the corn beef and cabbage meals yesterday that was pretty good turnout never it I dropped it off my son's one quick point so um and actually was babysitting Friday done and brought my granddaughter from we road down to snappies we need a sidewalk I just want to put that out there been saying that for three years okay what else we got we got uh selectman's reports so the uh we do have sayway board meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00 plus the building committee at 11:00 we have the CPC committee at 6: tomorrow night which should not be car to long we have Park and rck request and money to replace two score boards at the park and I will tell you that they have been there 25 years those two boards at the softball field in the upper field and the price they're looking for I went back to my records it hasn't gone up but 5% over 25 years pretty good so American made and we have uh where they m joh h where are they M John I I think Pennsylvania oh sorry I thought they were no no we rep we don't anything else I'm sorry have nothing the planning committee for the wilham ham Regional School it be meeting again resume meeting tomorrow your posted I appreciate that posted uh the in the in the master plan committee the consultant will have a table at the October Fest at the the Fall Fest uh and they'll have U bulletin bulletin boards pamphlets to hand out uh questionnaires for people ask questions uh they've also analyzed the town meeting warrants over the last 10 years to see what kind of Trends the towns are in terms of cap spending and types and things like that uh they're appearing they're preparing an analysis and recommendation of the town-owned real estate they're getting all all the town owned real estate together they you look at that for their land chapter Ed chapter and they've been informed that the town hall may move to Thorton burges so they're including that and looking at other public facilities and uh they're work and then what's going to happen is the next they're planning uh there' be another public forum and then uh right then on the 23rd I think they're going to present chapters to the uh master plan committee which we'll look at and then we'll give to the different departments to look out and see if there's anything when's the next form they they thought it might be the middle of October but now they said maybe the first of November now the last one they had they invited some of the businesses a lot of people said that was a little early in the day for people to try to make I know that was tough they didn't this this will be an evening one for the for the whole public but you know the problem is it's for the business people it's really tough right they're working at it so everybody's working anything else minist I'm sorry you mentioned having a table so you mentioned the fall want to like do that now Brian did he was available for the Fall Festival I'm planning on going here maybe we can have some clicker things or something show too just I have prior commitments in the fall yeah we were talking about that earlier are you in costume uh yeah we're doing the trun or treat and hand out quick that hand out quickers did you do it for fall last year bring this to Tommy same thing same that was double we did it the year before too okay um this week I mentioned meetings on Thursday twb the the planning spal analysis kickoff meeting uh Thursday at noon is the meeting with meria to talk more about the electronic voting and then Craig and I have a call at 11: on Wednesday with Charter to hear about their Network enhancements I mentioned before in terms of the fire station expansion U Town Council is working on the contract with uh skio Associates yeah so um we had our first we website design meeting and we have a a a color scheme and layout proposal that we need to get back to them on um and just um next meetings are we need to deal with the uh the IMA for the the regional health uh group that we're in we have that IMA that we need to consider and also we we have the uh $20,000 benefit life insurance proposal that we need to talk about uh the next time as well soon anything else to come before the board nothing almost said thank you second allv