##VIDEO ID:M53glegY1T4## good evening this is a meeting of the hamon board of Select and the Board of Health being held in the town house October 21st 2024 uh this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the pledge ofg FL United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves Kristen rivers from the wlam Hampton times thank you Kristen um so this evening it's going to be a little bit different we have some items on the selectman's agenda but at 7:00 we'll be uh moving through the advisory committee public hearing from which we'll adjourn uh unfortunately that hearing is not being zoomed so you can come on down by 7:00 you can participate any minutes uh B building assessment what words of wisdom do you have how do we want to do this so it's a big uh big nut crack so we print so it's still in draft form we haven't had the final version yet but we're we're told that it's prettyy much just a quality control quality assurance review that's going to take place so we don't anticipate that there'll be many changes so what's printed out in your packet is appendix a which is a table showing the different recommended uh improvements that are needed and it also has a what they what they call a recommended action category or the immediacy of of the repair or Improvement that would be needed MH um appendix a or k uh it's appendix K in the report y k um so there's uh so they rank things as immediate a so immediate means 0 to one years a is 1 to 5 years B is 6 to 10 years there's there's not that many immediate items that they that they mention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 sure not very expensive probably around 20 um items that list as immediate but a lot of them are are minor in the sense that you know a couple of them there was uh utility guy wires were anchored into the the veneer the brick veneer wall so it's pulling it out um so that needs to be addressed um in some of them are minor it talks about they couldn't verify that the the the door the door to the mechanical room was fire rated cuz it was painted over and the tag probably came off um they talked about fire rated caulking around any of the penetrations into the mechanical room couple items uh talk about the the kitchen so the kitchen exhaust the kitchen uh Mau uh the makeup air unit which I don't know if we need to replace if we're not going to use it I mean that was a big ticket item $80,000 um some miscellaneous electrical and plumbing items um emergency exit um emergency exit and lights are one of the things that they mentioned as an immediate need smaller Plumbing things um some accessibility things so handicap accessibility outside of the building they were suggesting that we have some handicap ramps to the sidewalks so there's an accessible pathway obviously there would need to be some restriping in the parking lot they mentioned restriping and Paving in the parking lot for the diff for the number of Van units and handicap accessible parking lot spaces that would be needed based on the usage having walked through the building um there are a number of ceiling tiles um that that have water stains on them really throughout um and I don't know what is above those um I mean it's probably needs a good coat of paint um are we concerned about when you say water in the ceilings and obviously a recent topic are we concerned about any mold and have they done analysis for that um I I I can't I can't say with confidence I I don't know um especially in light of right the experience that was just had um it didn't seem to be any active leaks that that that when I talked with the facilities director about didn't think there was any active leaks in the roof seemed to be in Fairly good shape based on the report um you know one of the things that that's obvious when you walk in there's the old fluorescent light fixtures all throughout the building I think they said there's around 131 of those I know there's uh there utility rebates available for those as well um and so right now they they have a in terms of the hva system in terms in terms of heat and air exchange it's a little bit of a I think they have natural gas there um it doesn't have any um there's a small number of of heat pumps of Min splits that are in there that provide cooling I think to the offices and the handful of classrooms that are currently being used so that would be a topic for discussion as well um you mentioned the ceiling tiles with the water STS I know the roof they had listed as a and b not immediate does that have anything to do with the water steing um I I think it's part of a larger discussion with with the facilities director there uh but yeah he when I when I when we talked about it he didn't seem to think there was anything that was active Okay um or at least not anything major that was active um but overall it seemed to be in Fairly good shape do you think these prices are accurate though I mean I'm just looking at for instance on page U is that the way you still architectural no they forgot an ie like okay um on page three I guess when they talk about replacing the windows is that an area of it cuz it doesn't say how many windows numbers right but how many and Don you may recall this a few years back they were talking about doing windows at maybe Stony Hill or Su road and it was a huge number and look at 130 for Windows here and they what the two windows upstairs 6,000 yeah I just maybe they're just talking about small group that's what I'm trying to get a sense of but it doesn't really say here if if this is a limited the group I would have to think that if they're concerned about one outside window know they're compare concerned about all of them yeah on the other hand it could be like you remember the walkth through of Green Meadows and Daryl was showing just two classrooms that really had a vent problem maybe there's a subset and really the windows are just because they're not thermally efficient Windows there nothing wrong with it oh no but I go I just go back to when we had that thing several years back at SCH Road it was they were talking going to msba for the number was so big the roofing here looks really cheap too that did look cheap but Brian has talked about the fact there are some options out there if you want to put it out to some of the mass solar groups you can offset the cost that roof quite substantially hard believe the windows cost less than the ceiling tiles the fire supression I saw that yeah that mhm but again this gets back into the square foot thing like I was saying to done how much is square footage of where you have people working all the time where you have a crowd and are different different ways you do fire suppression what is that what was the kitchen Mau the the makeup air unit so I think that provides fresh air um through the hood into the kitchen I think it replaces the I think that's how they work okay the makeup air units as as the as the Air's getting sucked up from the stove and pushed outside it's it's sucking in a so I think it's part of the ventilation system okay so that would that be a decision by our board do we still want a kitchen I would I would think so which say we're not going to use it that mean that's something we have to talk about but if it's Al but if it's a shelter what type of kitchen I mean is it just something to prepare basic things we don't need the stove we don't need the big whatever but yeah I mean if we're going to renovate that part and I'm sure parks and wck would have their eye on it you know yeah I mean I mean it's a massive kitchen that served the the middle school right to cook for hundreds of stud students it doesn't seem that we would need something of that scale and pretty out of date too yeah yeah employee break room well they had one next to it already oh is there one already there yeah between that and the hallway leading out okay so let's let's let's say it's July 1st what are we going to get done I the mo talk about these things here yeah have to right so I mean my first recommendation is we need to we need a decision we we need an initial decision about the fire suppression units and maybe that's a letter from the board to the the building commer and the fire chief saying we need a decision on this and we can say if the board has a position that it's not not required we can tell them why and they need to decide because that's that's going to take the longest and be the most expensive by far out of all these other things that were listed I mean if we're not doing the roof we're not doing the parking lot that's your big number right there yeah and would you then say there's quite a bit of this that needs to be accomplished prior to moving in because you can't be doing this work while people are there so of these things here it's foolish talk about fixing the ceilings and stuff while Lauren is working in her office or whatever you need there's a certain amount of prep work prior to bringing the operation over it's I think it's more efficient to to do it that way right um I mean emergency exits and lighting I think would be something that's required that's that's a life safety issue right as to as the people being able to get out of the building um you know some of the uh some of the plumbing items um I think need to get done I well I'll I'll I'll come back to this comment about the library um and then there's the there's a couple other of these items that are that are code issues and I was I was thinking today may I mean if we could further refine these into a project a lot of these different smaller things into a project where we could get a contractor in um it it seems to make sense um I guess what I'm wondering is if there's offices in there now and there's a transitional class in there yeah now and I don't know how many offices four or five offices in there there but pretty much everything is down to the left right yeah so I guess I guess wonder what what would need to be done I know we have to do these things in the long run but I'm just thinking come July 1st do you move a portion of the offices in there and the offices that are already being used and you don't have to do anything there and they can work in the other part I don't you know yeah I think the other thing we need to figure about is it too right that's that's going to be a big thing for day one yeah I'd like to get a it assessment of that building I also like to know what they're leaving are they leaving their Wi-Fi infrastructure or they taking it out as part of theirs right or did we pay for it because it was on the tax rate yeah I I think that that's part of a discussion that needs to happen with the school for a lot of the stuff just the it stuff and also all the all the other stuff that's what we consider personal property couple things do bother me about you know you talk about the emergency lights and stuff like that like you still have been operating even though it wasn't a full School you had the transition there why weren't you taking care of that why wasn't this coming up for to bring it in Co keep it in code and stuff like that under the yearly maintenance thing that they do basically yeah KCK the can down the road and turn we've done that here a little bit but yeah and also is that because they didn't have to I think so you know well like guess the next question is they didn't have to and honestly this is where I don't you it's not to me under remediate it's been fine for them the lights do work it shows exit out here this goes into your a category and to replace a light that says Exit in the hallway doesn't disturb the working environment this is something you accomplish me there's things we can do it you know if we hire a person that's what they do during the day so I think what we've done here what they've done here we need to refine it a little bit but doesn't that get into also we got to finish the floor plan cuz we don't know what we're fixing until we know where people are going yeah and I mean in a lot of for a lot of the building we have 30 by 35 30 by3 classrooms M that are big large rooms empty spaces how big is less than that yeah it's definitely less than that um and there's no there's no separation to speak of between uh there's no service area for with members of the public coming in MH so um I think we need to figure out you know within those classrooms how's that going to happen talking about having to buy those modular you know half walls or you know they have Cub things but me and you also mentioned do we need some desks at the entrance like you they have in the assessor's office for example or the town clerk or some of them have just C it's it's pretty much cabinets or or shelving with one side is a counter with a with a half wall and then the top is the service counter and there's there's different ADA requirements in terms of height and clearance that that need to be done with those but you're also leading into another topic of what's publicly accessible and what's considered workspace and private doesn't make that too we got to go we have to go out to grabby and look at what they did with that little middle school over there they change their to was it a one FL m Flor M yep I mean the one thing about Thor bir is doors there must be 16 outside doors there at least no if you want to sectionalize off okay to get the library like we talked before you can create a separate exactly you know if you are keeping some offices open late you don't need the middle open or something like that and Brian and I talked about there might be one point we have to add a couple of control doors in inside and I think that's going to be important to make sure these are Under electronic control you know what I mean Craig where somebody what about security we have cameras here and you know the target access we're going to need something there too especially if you're talking about segregating it out into separate wings and if you were out around at back night and there's no lights or cameras you know security reasons you might want to look into that especially we can move the server over but we got most of these cameras and toning certainly not enough for what's over there I I probably wouldn't want to go with that system again it's the one we're using now it's slow when you try to remote use the remote functions of it or anything like that are they using a different one for other buildings or yeah um when this is the agilon or something like that they one there now they have one there now no uh they have very few there now they have one I think one in the in the the front lobby and I think they have a couple on the exterior but that's about it um I think that's what they showed us last I know when we were talking about doing cameras here Mike minia talked about one the wired in through the police station and he could have monitor different there so be an so so so we had a they monitor but they're not there don't we want them to go to dispatch for they're 24/7 well it can still go you know but you have a central location and then pretty the Between Us Del town of wand must be flipping 300 images through 17 screens basically look it worked well that one time here I heard so but again not the set of thing but I really we have to figure out who's going where and best use their space Brian you had a good layout I like that Excel sheet you had too which talked about hours spaces needed stuff like that yeah and I did have a visit obviously toward the building with with the library the other last week and um it was a good visit but it really drove home to me that the library moving the library is is really I mean it's related but it's almost its own it's its own thing m um in terms of layout in terms of terms of moving I I mean I don't know that tyan bond has the expertise to maybe they do it's not a conversation we have but to to move a library and and what are the needs of the library I think is something that they don't have a very good it there too I have to tell you I think the library has enough things going on in the state they probably have more access to people to do that type of thing like you said CW Mars handles the it I bet they could reach out and find so to speak the people they pay money to that give them things that provide get funding for that could be to redesign or and they do have some funds too available to them to started fund things like that so so I think in terms of that it's it it's important that you know reasonably soon we can identify the space that might be available for them and say you this is this is what's what's the possibility what did they think about your layout did show them yeah I think they were term they were okay in terms of of the size of what was suggested but they they had a suggestion that moved the closer to the front so that there was um what they would maybe do as like the the children's Library area which would be who would join in classrooms it would be right across from the main library so parents could see um inside they they had a lot of good discussions about what they thought but that is in a row of four classrooms where if they go to the back of the library it's only two across the way and basically now they have that whole Square going back and we're not putting them to but then to business offices next to them which would be if they came out the front because it's a balance for everybody Brian had a good point too about the that front entrance there are using it as after hours meeting rooms for boards and committees go in and then there's just a couple rooms available right I mean not to put the library in a bad spot but if they had the back to of the library there if they're doing I mean you've got the back entrance light it well whatever and straight sidewalk down the side exactly right no there's actually a couple doors on that side to I believe as well so look that the whole little big in the side am I understanding everything's on the table right now there's only one room that's spoken for right clerks no I'm told Mr Gray wants his classroom back oh I did hear that M gray which you know it's understandable he's got he's got a pay she's still got the key told she's got a Pap for the roof I think I think my kids still Lo up a couple of papers so there are a number of items here that that once the once the the district moves out you know we could start working on going to ask for $100,000 yeah you know what can we do with that before we have for the big money yeah I think we have to pick out start with what needs to be renovated inside the building and like you said we don't technically have it until this date they're out on that date you know whatever we can do in the Sparks we have if you need to are we looking to go back in spring for more money too yes you if you want to do the ceilings right now I get a mold assessment replace the ceilings stuff like that's what got to be done before people go in I don't think 100's enough I want to go back and say it that's going to be probably more expensive than you think M probably so it's day one thing that's got to be done it's also the items that will will take a longer period of time too CU I mean we could ask for money at the annual town meeting so may I when would that be available if it was available funds well we wouldn't have available funds at that meeting unless we use stabilization funds right well that's it but Craig brings up a point we do have some equipment here when you talk about it then you go back to Entre and said okay we're moving from 5,000 square ft to that obviously the the Wi-Fi is going to change but what do we have here that's going to Overlay back over there even though it's spread out more now you're into yeah but you're into backbone wiring you're not pulling the wires out of the wall here no right right hopefully they're not doing newes too or whatever you look look what we've gotten from The District in two years they had to upgrade all their switches right it's and you said that's just how it is right it's across the business my question is are they leaving them if they're leaving them and we can reuse them you know did they re- upgrade that school I don't know well there's the thing I mean our use for the switches they have I mean they had a you look at minog they've got every kid with a they needed much a level of integration with the switches that we're not going to have or need last year's model may be fine for what we're doing we don't need next year's model until we can afford to do next year's in a couple of years I think we need to really have Brian reach out to the school district to see what are they leaving because we can't say you know for infrastructure wise for it then we don't know you know if they're if they're leaving good stuff or if it's outdated you know there's two things there too yeah I the Sal here do you want do you want a working group to help you I go back to when we did the renovation here at Bob burger and stuff like that we you know kick around some people that just I throw it to you it's a lot on you in this a small one yeah yeah three or four people to you could delegate different things I think it it can get unwieldy quickly I I'm not talking nine I'm saying three or two three four or something like that usually three is a good number I think okay of knowledgeable people who right who can do the work cheaper the current uh custodial stuff over there he'd be interested to get herbs input right he knows every time every you know maybe there's things he know he's been trying to get done and have been budget constraints to stop they said look you give me 50,000 I get that throws three quarters done pick his brain and he may even want the job after so the working group I'm just thinking how loud you know maybe Herb's one of the people on it sure you know the facilities manager MH yeah and then um maybe mark Cuz Mark might you doing some stuff Mark go you know mechanical wise you know Park lot about the building I was thinking heav but I was also thinking he's also going to be making decisions that's true yeah wend might be making decisions on the building we still have the date with Jan too but I mean she certainly has a pretty good working know of you know how things operate put it out there I mean I would just say put it out to the staff a small group if you if you allow the Town Administrator to appoint them then the open meeting law wouldn't well meetings would be open it wouldn't we wouldn't have to be uh would be subject to meeting law but so an ad hoc or yeah yeah the report to him right we don't have to do the me they can meet anytime someone asked me are we renaming the building we areport well we have a donation account so well we want to sell the naming rights right we do we have a name for our library this Library yes that's a good question I know the other library has there a thing outside with five plaque at the school library um I don't know the public free public library so I couldn't read name it the thoron burgus library H Thon w burgus library and Freetown Hall free oh just something I thought of that too you know yeah so um and then of course people ask what are you doing with this building my suggestion also of uh people like the idea getting their old Locker so thrown away they their locker there's a lot there's a lot we need to do on this we really need to focus on it every meeting right but just like you know cuz it's got to be done right and it's going to be it's going to be costly in the long run but in the end it's going to be much better for the it's a big project that's why you know just like having the water Commissioners helping Brian with the water thing you know it's and then we got to pay attention to the the one year 5 year 10 year stuff keep up on it even if we have to allocate money each town meeting for you know put Bank any and Any Grant out there you talk about the IT thing you recall that Grant Bob got one time for it compact comp I mean is that type of thing available you say it's more than 25 yeah but it'll be 25 less than what we have to pay if we I think that was 250 I think the it grants are 250 right I think we were looking at those but that wasn't coming out until a few months from now right January I think it's released in January so if we do the it assessment we do the it assessment between now and then put it in I don't know what Entre would want for the it assessment but but that's part of what this that's part of what this money if we get this money then we can pay for the it assessment and we can you know we can start pay for that now the it budget right pretty tight yeah um you know in a lot of the talk you know a lot of that cost is HVAC stuff because the building is just so large that in the systems are just natural gas you know natural gas and individual exhaust condition no I said they Min splits now but now you need an assessment like do we stay with the Mini Splits or do we go ahead and buy you know we got splits lining up and down here because the building's inefficient putting and venting in but if that's got a system that can be vented then what's going to take the central air down again though you're back to what's the layout you know right in the the library at least talk they talked a lot about the need to have more environment uh uh humidity control and temperature control for their collection so I mean that it's just different needs than a typical office upstairs there I think I think they control humidity with the AC the AC units yeah so uh there's a lot of work to do the building's in very good shape um my goal was to try to work within the existing layout so that there's so that we can save cost that way by not having to divide and subdivide spaces um what the bottom line is if anybody questions it we're Resolute we're moving forward we've done the work with the school committee they turn it back and we're committed to proceeding forward with moving the town hall operation to the building on wam Road we'd like to get it done by this time but we're not going to put it under our heads to get it done without doing it right if it takes a little longer to get it right we're going to get it right right CU it's hard to fix things when you got people working in the middle of it right and we're looking for people that would like to volunteer bring their name to Brian with a certain skill set and see if they can be of help industrial HVAC people M commercial yeah let us know right and if they have painters commercial painters and if they want to donate and take a little tax rate off that's even better right electricians yeah we could name that h AC unit after them cut the Smith AC the Davenport AC dport light switch both of them it doesn't work all right uh we got any other discussion about the further discussion funding articles special meeting yes yes okay so what's our number four the are St with 100 I mean I have to say from this report here like okay what door are you spending 100 on I mean should it be Brian this is the money you have until July 1st could you could use all the we could probably use it I mean it just to do the lights we could would spend everything to do the lights well you don't know that I think you're right there are good programs out there that are there 82,000 yeah I me 50% or whatever ,000 IA we could spend half of that on lights and then so painting I mean what's painting per square foot now commercially oh that's Vol that's volunteer volunteer work can we do that with the Department of Corrections it's possible I mean they did a great job at the park yeah NOC people that work maybe painting whatever um you want to up that we were clear that it was just a wild ass guest that begin yeah and now you got some facts behind you we will yeah we will spend more than that we could spend more than that 15 I think after our discussion last week we understand we're in good shape the financial team has said look there's a consequence the voting thing we're appreciative of the tax bills stuff like that but we're save money by moving over there this is if you do if you do 200 if you do 200 and you only spend 150 it goes CU it's a warrant article stay stay so we can still spend it come July M and go back to and go back to Cliff was talking about there are still accounts there that haven't been fully swept you know we talks about the police station account things like that and we men there as much as 48 ,000 left than that you know well we'll ask for 200 I'll be a little surprised the advis by the way no you guys misunderstood yeah all right anything want anything else want to subtract anything can't afford those two new SEL we have the we're sticking with the generator number I I I don't think we'll spend all that but I that's the bid we got the first time I'd like to think we could save 10 grand off that by doing the excavated and Excavating and pad from Highway but we don't so that's where we could sweep it after it's done and just whatever's left over take it back whatever whatever's not spent can go back to free cash the 20 for the uh voting thing is that that's hard number the was like 18 and some change I believe 4 yeah that was for the 400 was they going to apply the 45 the rental yeah he yeah he said he would um yeah they would apply it to everything but the labor yes I'm trying to remember back to the email yeah was that the not the sending the people out but the cost of the rental would be applied that still still was 18 I think I think 18 was the number without that okay so it'll come off a little bit but and again it's it's a purchase over 10,000 so MH we're going to have to think about how we write that uh request request for quotes because I I got to tell you I think that has changed quite a bit I don't think 10,000 is your quoting thing 10,000 is the attempt maybe or making phone calls those numbers have shifted a lot if it's less than 10 it's it's Sound business practices if it's 10 to 50 it's still it's not it's not a formal request for quote or 10 it's not a seal bid no I'm telling you you could do three phone calls over 10 up to right but there's still an ad but you still have to advertise in those three different ways and and the rule of award is still the same yeah but I mean it's not like a formal going off to uh combes or something like that for it anymore although if you can find the people on combes you can do it without that right are these people on comos I if there is a Statewide contract then you follow the the the rule of or the procedure listed in that contract sometimes it's an outright purchase sometimes it's like get three quotes from people listed on the you know participating on the contract sometimes yeah it's something different so if there is a uh Statewide contract then then we could follow that if not then we'll have to we'll follow the the the 30b process for10 to $50,000 which requires advertising in the does require advertising the central register advertising on comis in the website um but the rule of award is still the same it needs to be the it's the lowest responsible and responsive uh responder bidder whatever we want to call it depending how you write it yes so how you write your specifications matter it's critical yeah so you leave yourself some latitude and how you evaluate the bids right so we really don't have a sense of the last three or four articles at this point you have motions for us for next week oh yeah yeah go those now assigning them no I mean assigning them yeah so the first four are government study people we know who's doing that is that sure next time you see Michelle in the office I guess ask her stay if they're meeting if they're turning you know they they they consider themselves disbanded guess we don't make those motions then is that what they think that was my understanding I thought um I Heard pixe present thought I heard fine fine all right so I don't know if that's so just government study right roling for electric charity station whole time I guess I'll do and six I can do five and six yeah about the same F Insurance count well that's the second biggest amount that should be done second all right additional funding for the police department account career that's correct and then we got additional funding for the cemetery commission do that senior CER Gary water district expansion phase two we done John or PA John Pauling paing John Paul ring who's doing it I did the last one so people are Peter hatch will give more he's got the most expensive Lanes furthest off the street fire station hazardous Trails batement will they do their own or well if you if you three don't do it someone's got Chief can do the generator too or Mark bar maybe yeah yeah want me to do it probably not no you want to make sure they know that they're going to do it Brian all right electronic voting system oh it can't be r so I guess one of us I'll do that I'll take a beating for that planning improvements you're always articulate on these yeah I mean I've been living that dream forever so preservation will be D no no it's not or one of the park people I'm thinking yeah I mean them yeah okay real property acquisition H real property acquisition disposition oh that's the category oh that's the EV he's doing categories that's the g e gr of e National grd that's your EV again never surv and then you got you're doing 18 or EV thing you're like the Elon Musk of hamon so me that's it do taking your ha back taking your ha back and then I guess this will be last for your adviser yeah now we have electronic voting where are we on that I think we should we expect to get the clickers by the end of the week the government study committee perfect um downloaded the software to a laptop started familiarizing myself with it hopefully get the clickers I think they were going to try to get them to us by Thursday I think you said no later than Thursday yeah um it's it seems pretty doable pretty easy to use um if once I do the Motions document he he offered if I could send out the Motions document he'll upload everything into the all the Motions into the uh into a whatever they call Jan file or Json file or something then um you should be good to go I know the town clerk met with the board of regist uh Board of registrars um and talked about um the check-in checkout process um I was watching another town they talk about having a help desk if you had a uh a broken one inside the auditorium yeah I think it was part of your comments there what happens at one break where they go Etc yeah what do you what do what do you what's your feeling about the the select if we do a secret voting should vote to we should vote to should we be anonymous voting well I mean how is it different than anybody else voted how do you track that you know I mean I know you can track by teanger number itself but right where's it going to displayed after that am counted for later so I mean when they hand a page rout they like you know look at your voter name and okay I gave yeah Flynn voter pager number 521 yep and if that one doesn't return they know whose door to knock on okay um okay so therefore they are tracking that that's tracking unless unless you turn it off corre and typically Town meetings in this town are are open voting Town meetings so if someone were to make a a motion for a secret ballot we would go in we would click Anonymous voting for that article and you would call the vote and as you recall it shows up in that report as instead of yes or no it just shows Anonymous for all those people default is regular open town meeting default is that we will regular open to everything's recorded unless somebody requests a secret ballot right that that was record by number number correct but the town clerk is going to have a list with the name in the pager number who has what right so those two documents are public record so in theory somebody could request requests this document and this document and do their homework and seriously um it could so um it's it's just than than normal cuz normally you can look across the the aisle and are we going to have ours labeled if anybody so if anybody requests the documentation of what how to select and voted well they'll be you won't see they'll be identified as a register voter as any registered voter you can look up by name and I'll have pag number five right but that's not again is that going to be available to everything it would be a public record so anybody who requested it right could could get that list of Don Davenport 5 and then they they could get the results from clicker five right for each question but is the whole population going to have that same type of tracking yep they could have or someone says I want to secet bot Y and the moderator for that part can even say you could even send certain items we're not going to use the clickers can you do that separately yeah what happens if somebody challenges a vote for a recount it's it's the normal procedure that that would happen within a I think raise your hand he could do do a recount or I would duplicate the that would duplicate the motion right because it would be a it would be a second vote and we could they could run the vote again um electronically he could yeah I would just add an item we be doing out cards still right cards um I would I would think so um case something happens in the whole system you never know right then then you have nobody with cards in right but the key is going to be keeping track of the quickers because one of the things they when they did the kind of the training he said that you know if someone leaves the room you have to get their clicker back they have to go to the men's room L have a somebody each door now monitoring yeah right because they don't want you they say someone could leave their clicker with somebody else and say vote for me on right oh then they then they could just leave right yeah they could leave right yep they could just leave leave and not not be voting out you're counting these votes that person came in checked in and went home yeah that's a problem well anything I mean every possibility could happen but but but but the point is it works in so many towns the other towns have all figured out how to do it so not we're not telling new ground here you know long matter does has been doing it for years oh shining shining example shining example I don't know how they get it through a town meeting in time a town with 500 lawyers you'd be thinking everybody oh excuse me right no appeals all right you meet this week or sometime or just I don't to moderat yeah I suggest well you yeah we had suggested the 23rd or the 24th to meet um and then I think the moderator and I will meet over at twb once he's back you want to do some of these uh licenses we will we will uh leave anything else select's reports um I heard from our Valiant administrator assistant that we have a new date for the tree lighting no for now but hey next week is another week right now this is it not changing it again okay going back to the Back to December December 1st okay 5:00 to the parade 6 o00 to the tree okay and Lauren is in charge of music and Mr M will be there they will Brian ran yeah the Town Administrator has always led us in song during these events oh good you going to call Bob yeah I was thinking about it we had a building Senior Center building committee meeting today uh trying to you know go over what we learned at The Forum what needs to be expressed to people at the town meeting and go from there uh let's see planning board as you know uh voted to issue the special permit and that's it for me master planning committee is meeting Wednesday morning and we're just plowing through the draft chapters of the appr two chapters a week for the next three weeks good times good the assistant superintendent search committee is meeting tonight however since I'm here I'm meeting with district office tomorrow I'll just to go over what was recap and then there's a schedule coming forward and the selectman excuse me the select will be meeting with the school committee on the 24th Thursday night to sign the new lease agreement for thoron bges because we're moving forward it'll signing will be at TH bges and I'd like to thank uh Jose's daughter for mailing back a copy of the 1968 Town report Don remembers that well it's the year I was married the year after The Impossible Dream for those who remember the Red Sox car shy and all so we thank Mrs Z her dad served on the board my dad and uh both both good men love hand but thank you we're not adjourning we're moving oh administrative uh just quick Don had mentioned I sent the final lease amendments to the district for C on Thursday um I have a draft version of the cable license agreement from our attorney that um we'll hopefully pick up after the after the town meeting and we'll hopefully get that finalized in short order it IT addresses a lot of the things that we discussed in terms of what to request for payment uh from Charter um I haven't heard anything more about about those upgrades that they had talked about I was going to ask you about that um so it's kind of reach back out and say I will I will reach back out it's kind of been radio Silence from them but those I thought it was in short short order they were going to do it that's what it sounds like so make sure they're still following through yeah and then there's there's an invitation from East Meadow to do a joint household hazardous waste I think Jane forwarded the email we'll have to figure that out because obviously it's they're looking to split the setup fee and then have a some like a per car charge next July July 19th so we got a little bit of time to figure it out but I think they yeah we're not going to have a person here at that point so I think that's uh it won't be Jane you say that now so oh come on we heard that before um but yeah did something we have we need to get uh an answer back to them about that and obviously something we could budget in f26 so but I think they need to answer the next couple weeks probably I'm anything else okay we'll move to the auditorium for the advisory committee here so we'll be shutting off the zoom shutting off the zoom but we'll go there and we from there thank you have a good week