##VIDEO ID:O9KpkCYaT2M## good evening this is a meeting of the hamon board of select the hamon Board of Health being held in the town house Auditorium on September 30th 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance Pledge of aliance the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy thank you is anyone recording recording the meeting rather Kristen from the wilam hamon times is recorded reading good evening Kristen uh first item we have on our agenda is the minutes for September 16th 2024 we had an appointment to the Conservation Commission uh we had a appointment to a call prary firefighter uh we're just giving our jobs here it's a we had a review of the twb uh lease we talked about the special town meeting warrant we had a free cash update uh we talked briefly about some capital projects the fire station extension and some we issued some food permits motion to approve second all in favor hi hi okay Health IMA hi what's up good to be back we have Finn M Finn M thanks um so before tonight is a updated version of the IMA that we've been working on for a while now um it's actually very much updated it's changed um a bit um I was ready to present the original document to you all uh um beginning of June and then the state wanted another look at it they took a look they recommended some some changes um went through made everything the state recommended so that we're in compliance to receive um continual funding um so in front of you there's the updated document um really just spells out what the this collaborative is it's um it's a shared services between the town of Long Meadow wilham Hampton and mson um where we provide all of your health department needs and wants um and as of right now it's funded completely through well most of the way through uh by the state and the public health Excellence Grant um so that includes paying for the salaries and indirect costs for the most part of the staff which is myself the director health inspector a public health nurse and a public health coordinator um Long Meadow is the lead Community um the next part in there kind of just spells out um I guess the most important thing is the this Advisory Board which uh we didn't really have been there before to this extent um just another you know oversight of the shared services um regular meetings to make sure that we're in compliance we're fulfilling their duties to you all um and if there needs to be any changes or um you know if there's a collaborative wide agreement that a regulation or uh something like that wants to be adopted you can do it do it through that as well so really it's the original just updated with um The Advisory Board and then cutting out a lot of the the I guess you can call fat in there that was there before um we kind of were going over and over that for the past couple of years and it went through so many different attorneys um that I think stuff just kept getting added in and taken out and it kind of become became a jumbled mess so you really cut it way down um and just spelled out exactly what the services um are supposed to entail one question I would have we talk about in here there's a three-year Grant well we're already into that Grant yeah I mean so so and I believe we're up until the third year because we've had so what's the plan going forward and how's that reflect on the IMA yeah so it was originally 3 years um they renewed our contract um I'm not sure if you have in front of you now but I I did send in a contract late this afternoon um but we got renewed for another 3 years um which is 1.5 close to 1.5 million but we saw a shortfall before and there wasn't an increase right do you anticipate that we're first off in the current fiscal year do you believe we're all set 1.5 this is current fiscal year there I I don't have all the numbers ready for you tonight but I I will have them hopefully this month so that can start you know being prepared but it's looks like it won't be like it was last year which is a good news but it would still be some is there potential for a shortfall yeah but not due one year was because of the the wage uh basically survey you didn't want metal yeah it's uh really the same reason that it was overall was those indirect costs added up for the force for um employees uh that being said Staffing did change a little bit um we lost the staff happy report we got a new staff member a couple months in now um but yeah with uh with that some of those indirects have changed a little bit but it's ideally going to be less than we do have an amount appropriated under that question is and I think it was a little higher than we 25,000 or something right so would we have enough to cover what you anticipated for a shortfall I don't know if we need an warant article we just say look we'll go to reserve for a couple thousand sh comes wait and see yeah like I said I should have some more concrete numbers for you shortly I just don't have them just yet the new staff member coming on kind of early into the into the year but then future years future years uh the state has promised funding through 2033 um but they the good news is they've extended it because it was actually it was a one-year contract each year and they were renewing it so this is the first time they renewed and they changed it to three years so I mean we are funded through the next three years um at that at the new base uh level funding but the Bas does the base keep Pace with I mean you're going up four minimum 4% a year so the new base great for year one no good for two and three right um as far as I know it's that that base funding no no escalator no escalator like I mentioned you know between years uh one and two two and three I was able to get an additional um supplement from the state and for that Grant um that really helped bring down that first or that second year sorry um short call so I'm always on the lookout for additional funding for um our opportunities so make sure that we can you know afford to keep doing this um and the idea is over all these years that we slowly start building up and being ready for when there is no grant funding L that be able to keep funding hopefully the services that it seems to be working well I think it's work been great so I think it's compliment those staff and the leadership of Finn I agree with your point point about The Advisory Board Etc so you would be looking for a recommendation from each Town's Board of Health for basically representative to that exactly yeah yeah when do you anticipate like forming that if you will your first meeting um ideally I have this new IMA signed off this in October as soon as that's done it's we're going to jump right into it get get get it started okay put that on the agenda for sometime I'll Point somebody officially tell are we voting on this tonight I don't see reason why not so the other two towns still have to look at it and it might be some changes long hasn't RW it yet I don't anticipate changes at this point um one town already did sign off on it so so I I got approval it from our Town Council which is also sorry long Meadows Town Council which is also wilham and Munson's um so mson signed off on it um next week I'm going to wilham and the following week to La Meadow for the final hopefully final someh but if you need more time um I guess technically they got a couple weeks to go we could actually bounce this off our rows and bring it up next week Don yeah okay all right Rose needs the money oh that's very kind of people all right we're we're going to send this over to Rose to take a look at it we'll put it on the agenda for next week yep you'll hear back next month see what you did there thank thanks thank you next item on the agenda is the closing of the special town meeting warrant closing a warrant so we've eliminated be out before 11 my gosh we we we've removed the fiber optic m one we've removed the Rock and Dundee placeold placeholder we removed the North Road Purchase article two of those we removed two of those and we removed the Green Meadows Capital Place holder because we have great greig the uh I know you talk about having a committee meeting and to talk about how the effect would be of the company that's talking about putting an upgrade in town There's not even you know want do two minutes on that how would affect the committee or we're not at that place yet I think the committee is going to go a different route okay so um there may be more of a public announcement rather than rather than wasting time of the town meeting okay and so that leaves us with with a decision on Article 19 the draft Article 19 amending the zoning map before we begin that discussion I guess there'll be a discussion about that a discussion about that the LA uh in a previous meeting I had uh abstained from voting on anything to do with that article because of where I lived I've checked with the state of Ethics Commission uh and I've got an opinion from them that I can vote on it for first of all I don't live close enough I'm not an exact butter and secondly of all there's so little known about what would happen there that there's no way that anyone can make a reasonable determination if there's any positive or negative Financial you know effect on me and uh that was the ruling and I filed a disclosure today and I didn't have to but I did today M so I'll be voting on anything we do and these are signatures you have here is that that the deal yes if I could address the board yes um so again the farm gr hor is the applicant um we sorry um we have submitted an application uh we believe that under chapter 4A section five once has been referred by the select board to the planning board planning board has closed that um public hearing that it's required by operation La under chapter 48 Section 5 to go before town meeting um we've submitted uh our position on that directly through the Town Administrator through Count Council um come to our attention that there's uh a position that signatures are required um and there was some potential conflict between um chapter 48 Section 5 and chapter 39 section 10 and abundance of caution we have collected and submitted this evening to the select board uh 100 signatures requesting that the application of the farmer trade horse be put on the town Mark um again we believe that's no suspenders are not necessary because it's required under chapter 49 let let me interrupt right there it's not required under chapter 48 chapter 48 does not say that chapter 48 doesn't even mention the town a warrant what chapter 48 says as you well know is that once a hearing is held the the planning board has 21 days to make a decision they can make a recommendation no recommendation or thing it doesn't say it has to go to the town meeting matter of fact it says it doesn't have to go to a town meeting for six months and if it doesn't do that it has to have another hearing so I would respectfully say that's not uh there's no case law there's no statute that says that a case that we submitted yeah I know but he didn't say that you know it it didn't it didn't go to that point about if a hearing is held it must go to the town meeting so I I would say that that's not the case um as far as the signatures Let me Give a Little Bit Of History here on October 26 you came in and you asked us to you you you gave your proposal and you asked us to put it on the town meeting warrant at that time uh at the same time you told us that you had already met talked to the planning board and had scheduled a hearing as you know the elect when are supposed to send it to the planning board but we we we let that go we send it to them because you the hearing was scheduled the 25th of September and we complied with their request to get it over them to the 28th so they could have a 14-day notice to hold their hearing which we did they held their hearing even though they had 65 days to hold a hearing the consequence of the hearing is they didn't have enough information they couldn't fulfill their mandate that they have on their uh website which says is to review to review and make decisions based on the the what the effect it would have on the town so they had made no decision now you're coming in at well past the 11th Hour matter of fact 15 minutes before he Clos the motion with signatures that aren't certified that need to be certified so basically what you're asking us is to keep the warrant open for a week or so which compresses the time for everyone else I just don't get it what's what's the rush are you trying to avoid the master plan that may say something in it is there I just don't get it I mean we're talking about putting a moving a storage shed in in in resoning 300 acres of land of residential land you know you ever been to the Vatican the vatican's 121 Acres the if you took the Rose Bowl and the University of Michigan Stadium and the vaan in you're still would needle 300 acres so this is a big piece of business for the town and we're rushing it through and I don't think it's I don't think it's beneficial to Great horse and I don't think it's beneficial to the town to do that so if I were to cast a vote tonight I would remove that from the warrant and en close the warrant in response resp some of the findings you mentioned that the planning board found I was at the meeting I didn't hear them make those findings um they made no findings right but you were talking about that it didn't allow them to satisfy well it it there their mandate is the primary responsibility is to review the resources and needs of the town with a focus on conditions affecting the public welfare and safety of the Town it was clear by the planning board members that they did not have the time or the information regarding the request to Res Zone to 300 acres of the you you know to golf Recreation to fill their mandate so they adjourned the meeting without making a decision and now you're saying you're now you're saying you're saying two things number one that we're required to put it on a town meeting War which no one agrees with our Town Council does it and Our Town Administrator does it and or you will presented signatures with 15 minutes before we close the warrant that need to be certified that aren't certified so we're ask you're ask essentially asking us to keep the to the warrant open compress the time for our staff members so that you could move forward with the project that you want and you know I told you before that everyone's treated the same back in 2023 a selectman came before us with the same situation he wanted to put W an article on the thing he didn't have the signatures and uh at the same and at same he only needed 10 signatures he had the signatures they weren't certified and I voted no because the Warr was closed the board voted to allow it to keep the warrant open which is their prerogative and it went on the ballot but you know tonight I would vote to close the warrant and remove that so I'm just that's my position I don't I want to be clear for the record a former select former s former I'm looking at Craig Craig's looking at me like for if I could Mr chairman what we did is exact I believe exactly what I at the first meeting indicated that we would try to do so that you first meeting you you you indicate you would prefer not to do that which is fine and you did but I did nothing other than what I said we were right no but my point is here we are the day of the closing you had 20 you had at least a month to do that and here we are you know 15 minutes to go and you've got them but they're not certified so now you're asking us to keep the warant open have the town clerk you know certify them as quickly as they can other register our voters and and at some other and put it on warrant you know I understand if you have 100 certified signatures we're compelled to put it on the warrant but we're not compelled to keep the warrant open because someone comes in with 15 minutes to go and the planning board meeting was late last week which is part of I understand you the planning board meeting could have planning board meeting could be held the night of town meeting if they wanted to yes so Mr chair you bring up some good points and the last the 11th Hour thing is bit disturbing but we're not posting for at least another week we could and we've done this before we could offer the signatures for validation have to and if they and if they come back we can open and close the war because we're not posting we're just closing the warant next we can say we've got a report back from the bo registers town clerk whoever it is that only 97 could be sworn to Craig makes a motion I motion to remove Article 19 I second it and we go forward from there can we motion to close the warrant pending certification of the signatures or does it have to be well I think we'd want a form I think right now it's technically on there so we close the war if we hear back that hey they didn't pass we open next week and pull it off before we post it regardless of how I feel you know the hour thing like that just reading chapter 39 section 10 I mean they submitted the 100 signatures before the close of the warrant does it say that it says they must it does if you read further it says they must submit 100 signatures to the board of Selectmen who shall at that point check forth with the certifi with the board of registers yeah so now that we have the signatures which are submitted before the close of the warrant and my point is they had a month to do it and here they are 15 minutes before the close the warrant asking us to keep the warrant open which means I don't disagree with you I I I think you know it could have been timed better but um yeah they could have done it if I could adjust the timing piece because we did um start collecting these signatures yeah and you started collect them electronically you need to W signatures we had based on dialogue with Council we were in for and some lack of clarity on the process we came to believe based on conversations with Council for town that um that the petition process was not the proper process and to focus on 4A um apparently that is not the position being taken now it is what it is we've we've proceeded under both statutes uh and believe that we've satisfied um both statutes chapter 48 and chapter 10 sorry chapter 39 and I apologize for the timing it was it's a compressed period answer question as to why it's a seasonal business and um the off seon is the appropriate time for construction and that's why we're pressing Brian you have an opinion Brian yeah do you have an opinion uh specifically what what you well I mean you're town ministrator you have a law background just like do you think the course of action like I presented the board look let's say there if we hear back from the town clerk they don't pass we open next week and take it off I think that's I think that's legal yes it's prudent to cover our base just either way so they've gone through the 48 session by process right M um they submitted zoning petition to the board it was referred to the planning board as is required by 48 Section 5 planning board held the the public hearing and elected to let the 21 days run out so they've satisfied that portion of 4day Section 5 for zoning amendments now the question before the board is whether it should be put on this warrant um and if the board decides that it does not want to put on this warrant then there's a process in 39 section 10 which which allows an individual collect 100 signatures of of registered voters in town to compel the board put the article on the toting warrant but not if the Tom meting warrant is closed it doesn't I don't I don't it about it do about about the timing in 39 section 10 oh really so almost compelled to reopen basically they ambiguous about it I don't think so if you look at most towns they say if you don't do it on time but the mgl a little ambiguous on it it doesn't say no or yay if it's called it doesn't no because it because it gives the as you know 3910 gives the board of selectman as you recognize as well sole authority to put whatever put on the warrant unless people get petitions and you know that stuff or they could they could get 200 and have a special time meeting Christmas Eve or something like there's going to be snow yeah there is no stipulation just just 100 in terms of the petition process it it the statute does say that it's submitted to the the board of selectman then the board of selectman refer to the board of registrars who then that's all we have to do who then would certify the signatures if there's 100 if there's not 100 then it's not a valid if it takes what if it takes them two weeks to certify because somebody's sick or that's what happened with Jim someone was sick and they couldn't certify him and it at some point there's then now we're pressed up against we have to post it days town meeting be the 15th which is the day after Columbus Day I believe so you're saying it's ambiguous that if the board of registar certify the signatures and report it back to our board it's ambiguous as to whether or not it would force us to reopen and put it in because it doesn't really mention the closed part in the mgl it does not talk about the closing of the war other town have that stipulation though you look at other towns websites but it's not in our you are you are going to be constrained on on the back end from the from the only the posting thing would like post it the for thing would be the posting time the 14 days this board could vote to put it on irrespective of the signatures that's well with the authority yes but we could also as I said we could put it on and with an eye towards look if we hear back from the board of registers we then have a decision to say look we put it on in good faith that 100 certified people B it and now do we want to reopen and take it off which we could do because we're still well outside the 14-day posting right Brian if we did this next week yes so we could kick it and say board regist we need an answer which is typically the people downstairs doing the work or we could close the warrant and take it up okay right now it's on the warrant a draft warant right and I would say I would close the I would close the warrant I would direct the Town Administrator to get an answer from the board of registers prior to the next select meeting and let us analyze the result of what came back to us and see if what we want to do with that can I ask a question for clarification is there is is that a motion well I'm saying the reason I would close the warrant is that we keep our option open with the certification I would close the warrant I would take it off and close the warant I'll make a motion to close the warrant and take Article 19 off any second you guys second maybe next maybe next year maybe next year my neighborhood is directly affected by what they're trying to do I'll second for discussion okay he's seconding you for discussion and the only reason I want to discuss is because I'm looking straight at the law that says they have two ability to submit 100 signatures they do and black and white that's the only reason why I would say leaveing on pending the certification of the hunter signatures right leave our options open yeah okay regardless of how I feel about the situation I just letter of the law is what I'm reading right now but I would argue that the law is intended to have those signatures well before the town meeting warrant is closed you know or about to be closed I think that's open to interpretation it's ambiguous we're talking 15 minutes and as you know when Mr Smith who I respect dearly did that I voted no as well so I'm trying to be consistent in my stance proud you with that is is there any further discussion on my motion all in favor of my motion I all opposed we're all in favor is there another motion a motion to close the warrant as in the draft form it is right now and I would also ask the chair to put the warrant on the agenda for next meeting again with a potential for opening so we could if some news comes to us as part of the discussion for my motion basically my motion would be that next week if we get other news we have the opportunity to address it second that for discussion second so basically the motion is close the warrant as presented in his draft one so and your motion is to have the the the Article 19 the zone change on the warrant at this point yeah at this point Y and if signatures come in that are valid to keep it on there at that point I think yeah but I think we heard we would have another Choice before us next week if we heard back from the registrars that say X Y andz is no good right yeah um before we vote on that did we set the time cuz I'm hearing from people that the time at 6:30 might be a little tricky to get to and I'm wondering if we want to reconsider 7:00 now that you stripped out six motions yeah I I I really like the 6:30 thing just because I thought you know especially since we have a warrant that doesn't have if we no if we close though let me let me if this was the annual town meeting and we're going to the consent thing because we're talking about streamlining the first 20 minutes done or so like that I'd be okay with that but the special town meeting none of those ones at the beginning are one minute articles I think you know especially when we talk about the changes to the uh appointed elected positions things like that we're looking at 5 10 minutes each you know I don't want to be there till 10:00 and I've been in I agree I just you know I've heard from some parents that are concerned about making it there for the start of the meeting do do you think the we talked about this before would the babysitting help them or I think that would be tremendous step forward that we should definitely look into yeah okay maybe open the gym up allow allow child care or something maybe Parks if they want to run a couple programs or something absolutely I think get Dan out there to sign the kids up at the same time right yeah there you go two birds balances budget okay can we have a um we have a motion in a second I thought we I thought quickly though that's a because we had already voted the date and time of the town meeting before technically we haven't closed so we can s at right now we haven't posted yet just telling you word the SC from let's let's put that in a and let's askask our department to getting the child care thing looked at this week okay because again that's something that could be modified all right thanks for bringing it up though I think we talked about it we really didn't put the impetus on the child care part correct okay all right where were we I dozed off uh your motion wasn't going to repeat my motion was to accept the draft warrant and close the warrant as as uh drafted by the Town Administrator contingent upon receiving well and then employer the chair to uh keep it on the agenda for next week uh with a anticipating reply to the to minist from the board of registers so we make sure it's on the agenda for next week right do we want to discuss it again no okay all in favor I I all oppose thank you thank you very much so we're going to send these to the regist the register for certification want to run downstairs he's probably still uh and we'll see what happens yeah basically see you next week all right quick quick straw pole how does everyone feel about 6:30 versus 7 start of the I'm re tired so run tired I'm care i'mtired think no it's easy for us 630 630 is probably better I think what's this about babysitting well we want more families to come to town meeting more the young you know to decide and if they have child care there like a program in the gym or something there's a better chance that we'll get a better group then youd have to go 6:30 because a lot of the kids go to bed early right hey some of us adults go to bed early too but they got to put them in B I would push back on that though cuz a lot of the parents I've talked to within the school said it's tough getting out eating dinner and getting kids out the door for 6:30 that 7:00 is even though it's a half an hour it's easier for them to get Unwound from work school and get out the door well I'm a parent and I have a small child at home and I know that I get him in bed at a certain time and there's a routine and if you go to 7 then the meeting's 8 then it's now it's too late yeah I mean we're we're all parents so yeah it's always going to be some is not going to be for we want more people to come to town meeting and what's you're not seeing a lot of young people at town meeting we think that's why I me wam doesn't on Saturday yeah right we talked about that too that was a straw poll we thank you there's a gift on the way out for thank part participation right thank you uh hamton wilam Regional School District letter yep they want they want what do they want they want a rep oh no we're sending that this is sending this is that one okay to capture what haded about at the meeting in response to the changes to the Le amendment that we had sent to District um we were looking to strike the third fourth and fth as Clauses talked about this went back and forth this is well drafted I'm sure it's like the sixth draft you did that took out some of the thing like are you you out of your mind I did out parts of it yeah yeah okay I think the summarizes basically your part number three is the biggest part right you know what you talk about is not acceptable we cannot have it open that you might take the school back because that just constrains us so badly so I mean the other two parts I like the fact that one number one why you bringing that up it's like I'm build the building was built in 67 thank you you want bring you want to bring up ancient history we got a few things say move on so I endorse this letter just I think with this do we need to sign or can you just sign it like that this is hon Board of select um I can send it if you um I would just change the back uh signature and just say Don de chair for the h the board select B I'll sign it tomorrow tomorrow sign it to motion to endorse the letter is drafted I second all in favor okay one of the interesting things we did find was a letter from the District to the mass School building authority in 2018 saying that they were taking the building out of educational use out of service in 2018 probably at that point sure yeah there was so much going on that per menion licenses as you know there's an event happening on no October 5th um this is the Apple the Apple place would like to come to the Fall Fest and also the night out so it's a dual thing uh clean up for a cure that's the that's the way the pat patty cakes yeah what what is Patty Cakes what's the menu John I thought they supposed to start bringing samples really hey you got talk to Jane she got the samples she just didn't drop them off make Patty Cakes Don Patty Cakes it's like a there's a Nursery Rhyme or something okay and the salty Baker oh also at clean up for a cure and that's the event at the Commercial Drive really okay so I'd ask for endorsement for Patty Cakes the Apple place in Rice's fruit farm for co-owners now and the salty Baker motion to approve as presented second all in favor I thank you here's their phone number if you want to call them later is at twb right yeah next weekend or this week I'm sure that's the fifth ambulance oversight committee potential appointment do we have ambulance oversight committee people can you come up here please so he can be heard is there liqu LIC in there for the ambulance committee no in there I know yak yak oh Don Don's folder okay I just have food Don's got the liquor all right how I may help you well Diane would like to be on the ambulance committee and she wrote a letter to the selectman and okay I think it's a fine idea we talked about it the night we counted ballots and here we are okay so moved so you were you were talking about it while you were counting ballot I we I we to assume that the count accurate and complete okay sorry so move all in favor hi thank you for coming by thank you that was it that was it congratul by the way I filed a disclosure for that yeah oh okay who that who okay now correspondent no you have liquor permits oh liquor permits in your fold a pot okay I have oldies I have problem I have liquor permits one day one day permit uh for the cleaner for the Cure from the mineral Hills Winery and I also have a one-day uh liquor permit for the clean this cleanup for the Cure is going to be a pretty good event from the field Crest Brewing Company so moved second all in favor no Craig didn't ask for samples now we're on the job right now all right the letter correspondence letter from the uh wilam Regional School District and from Nick bro regarding uh a committee to uh select a candidate to fill I was surprised I was surprised when you said they came from Nick well I guess he's put together on it no no he sent a email today saying he's put he's putting together Committee of 12 why is he putting it together why isn't the school no nick nick was asking for clarification yeah that's what I thought so this is pretty typical um I've served on the contract committee Don for the past two iterations for the town when they do the contract for the how many different I think there's five different unions in the school district probably more we split representation every time waham sends a selectman then hamon Etc so I've done that Don you've done strategic planning for it seems like a lifetime still on that thank you and I would like to see uh Craig a kid in the school system our school system not Brian saying oh yeah I think I don't think it you know they're talking 12 people I don't think it's going to be a huge amount of time they're going to do probably get a firm to bring some candidates look them over and I I think the way the way it worked the last time with the superintendent we had nine on the committee and it was very pretty good they had the they had a consultant come in narrowed it down we interview the you know kind like I with the TA us with the TA sure sign me up sign you up okay he just wants to ask about the stiping first oh there's stip do samples a motion to appoint uh Craig rivest as the whatever it is the uh P the assistant superintendent for finance search committee representative okay I get a second no second I'll second all in favor I select I've seen just want select reports uh so going forward on the building committee looking forward to a presentation at the Fall Fest and again just appreciative uh the chair mentioned hopefully the numb going to change I mean we saw a nice drop in the interest rate and maybe that'll bring the cost of materials down which will help and again I think just everybody with their feedback has been very helpful to the committee so we're looking forward to that um John just mentioned Fall Fest that's coming this weekend uh Saturday twb trunk Retreat 12 to two um we're still looking for trunks for people to display and give out candy there is uh prizes for first second and third place for best trunk so there's some incentive there m uh fiber optic committee I mentioned last week met last week um to talk about the the futures of the fiber optic program at hamon we learned that spectrum is going to be coming in within the next month or so to install a full fi hybrid system throughout Town um so it kind of puts a a pause on whatever plans the fiber optic committee had so they've decided to stop and wait and see how this uh new Venture from Spectrum plans out but regardless of the fact you know we're getting fiber in town so that's a plus one quick thing back to my uh Highway Department as you noce they repaved Allen Street think they did a nice job quicker very quick um they're going to be starting as you may have seen up social media starting M Road they won't be doing lines until both roads are done because the company comes in at one time and puts the lines down and then they go back and do the the back filling the driveway stuff they're hoping to get most of oakn except Don's part done in M no he's he's getting gold that's why it's special order um I'm getting those nice Pavements all the stone FL like Philadelphia yeah really um that may be by the end there it may not it's all about the they are so booked out at the asphalt plants but the money is there if it doesn't happen before the end of the year it happens next year um nothing new on the tractor yet they're still manufacturing our little tiny parts and hopefully it'll be here sometime next year but the the cost didn't go up the money's appropriated so that didn't affect us at all and and on the Canon we should bring up the Canon what do you have to report on the Canon it's over there right Canon is over there no one of the highway one of our Highway employees was at a museum and showed them a picture of the canyon they got very excited about it they want to come up and take a look at it and they even want it they said can we can we have it so we'll see what happens oh I praise it nice um I did mention marked that and he unfortunately didn't catch it in time but it did say the board did say any expense we going to get it bill it against the 150 account he didn't but we may look at a chance to reimburse that okay Town Administrator report uh EV chargers at the senior center still waiting on National Grid to make the connection um um I meant to mention this last time the 16 Summers Road lawsuit uh the plan if had filed a motion for reconsideration which and that was denied by the court so that's back to no decision at this point so we'll see what happens with that uh cable license speaking of spectrum um the attorney owes us some can we can we yep can we go back to the and on the other case we filed the motion for clarification and the attorney for the applicant file a motion opposition for clarification uh yeah a motion in in partial opposition do our request for Clear what's a partial opposition so they wanted I don't want to get too down in the weeds but they they're actually asking for a different decision um now they changed it right so they're waiting for a hearing date their request was that that the decision uh that the judge uh requireed the issuance of the permit subject to the 21 conditions previously approved whereas the judge ordered um appointed board to to issue the special permit uh to include any reasonable conditions including but not limited to the 21 conditions and that's so their position is that no matter who's on the board just issued the permit they the part we look for clarification about the Personnel the procedural part yeah yeah but now they but the judge originally said and any reason and any reasonable any other reasonable conditions the board can now they've changed it to say we just want the 21 conditions well that's why lawyers make money right which is a different judgment that's not a for clarification that's a that's something you would appeal that is appeal isal so I don't think that'll be successful okay uh so cable license with with Charter um we should expect a a second draft back from the attorney probably within the week and then we could start negotiations with that um there was a lingering unemployment claim that was appealed um and that has been denied by the uh Department of Unemployment assistance in the town's favor so that's good um MVP kickoff meeting for the the upcoming Grant I have that scheduled for uh this upcoming Thursday we're going to have the open enrollment for life insurance we're have a meeting October 8th M with the Open Enrollment to follow shortly thereafter that's about it can I ask a question yes this charging station you got it's a senior Sen mhm is the town paying for people to use that or no no they pay us they pay us because the reason I brought this up is because I was watching the news in Northampton was actually paying the people or paying that bill for the citizens and now they're discontinuing it right I'm watching the news I say boy I sure hope H is no no no we're Char we're charging you got that EV C you find your own way to pay just no it's convenient for you I mean it's I'm not don't don't be bringing your toaster down there cuz it's not that let me see I love my senior I I don't know why they got eight of them though it's four four two doubles oh two doubles but it's keep mind type three and my son lives on Weir Road oh they have a ionic something like that so they do the house charging but with a type three you're looking at 15 20 minutes tops and they can go to B so you're going to find people in town like oh I don't know to plug in town the cost is going to be the same as if they went to hoo Mall what they have some Library the library so what do they do use the credit card to pay for it at the is it or there if you have a different car the app I guess charges Tesla automatically charge I think charge I mean there's going to be a convenience for people that live in town that say oh my gosh I was going to Boston like it didn't plug over charge overnight but I can go there for 15 minutes and I can head there because the type three is very attractive then once they get on the turnpike and the car dies because of traff that's a great question do they charging stations on they do huh what do cost to fill a car with electricity that's a great question well the average I I got a for I don't know the average Kow the average kilowatt hour the average kilowatt hour charge for charging in Massachusetts is 52 cents K hour some some like the ones in Long East Long Meadow charge uh by the hour by the hour they try think a buck 50 an hour or something like that cuz it takes a long time to charge probably charge by the kilowatt hour cuz it'll only take 20 minutes so however many you use it you know so you fill up you fill it up at one of these charging stations or you just pull it up enough to get to a well I think with the fast charge people are going to want that fill up yeah it depends on travel too A lot of people when they plan their trips will plan it around these this one's a considered a Supercharger so they'll plan their trip around where they can go in and if it's a long trip the the GPS calculates how long they have to stay at each station for so if it's a supercharger say okay when to get to the next one you need to stay here for 20 minutes and then you go on to the next one down the road we will make some money I mean there's a cost we have to pay back for electricity but there is you know say it cost us 35 cents a kilowatt hour we're going to charge 50 so we'll make a little something putting those in that was a grant or yes they cost the town nothing for Town nothing for all that can I bring my computer and charge it it would have charged smoke well there's a very large charging station over by the big white in Palmer yeah if you're headed to the Mass Pike yeah yeah they're in that back open now because I've seen cars in there are they twos or threes that I don't know I know that there wasn't many threes in this area to begin with but then they'll probably start off the pike like you said GPS right here yep like I say the app shows you where they are anything else to come before the board motion to adjourn can I ask you a question before you go away those signatures that this guy's got on there that 10 and something are they all Town residents they have they have to be registered voters in town okay so I'm sorry I wasn't here last week but my husband I both were very sick with coals and stuff or else better I'm all set now Co but this is going to affect our neighborhood and I am going to get with somebody and see if we can't get a petition because they want to come through sessions drive to Baldwin to build that Maintenance building or whatever they're doing and then that I don't know if you guys ever been in out there those roads are very narrow we have a lot of traffic with children on bikes carriages people walking from that housing across the street on ston Hill Road they come out their neck of the woods and they come over into our neighborhood and walk there a great neighborhood where the tall pin it's great I right but again as it was said before they have to go for they can't just do that they have to go to I saw the plan somebody posted and sended it to sent it to me where they're trying to reone in session the two streets that were right but anything they need to do they still have to get permission to do it just resoning does Li what they're doing from what I first they have they get permission I think they're going to come in there and put one of them little Sunny's place in that neck of the woods hear them over there all the time working wherever they're working first of all first of all they have to get permission from the town meeting which is August which is October 29th so okay I'll definitely get I don't care if I'm sick I'll just put a mask all right can we have vote all in favor I thank you thank you all for your own vote thank you