##VIDEO ID:VTpkSGun688## good evening is the H is the meeting of the hon select board and Board of Health being held at the townhouse auditor November 25th 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves oh I see no one must be taking a Thanksgiving holiday Christ all right any minutes unfortunately no okay uh the first item on our agenda is a continuation of a petition by national grid for pole positions on chapen road so where did we leave off is someone on there from grid Lisa Lisa's on there UNM her all right hi folks Hi how are you fine thanks how are you I believe R is raren also on the call no no no okay he was planning to join um just getting back you know just getting back to the double polls I did send in the list that we had to kind of compare for I know that I've had a lot of um information from you folks at they were sporadic places as well um and also I spoke to niani a couple times she said she's been trying to reach out to have conversation with you about that but she has not heard back um in regards to that but would like to um you know continue to try to you know reach out and talk to you about double pull is the double pole issue well you you sent us like five or six of them but they weren't the Allen Street ones so I don't know what's going on there I mean Street okay Allan Street was not on that list I'm sorry no he sent us five I think yeah well actually there were just there were five that were under National Grids name and uh when I looked when I looked into that when I spoke with a foran he went out to take a look at them a couple of those polls had not been um they I think that they were incorrect the ones that were under National Grid um I I say five because I know that five were under were kind of like balling court for us and our foreman did go out and take a look at them but either the PS had not been replaced or there wasn't anything for us to do with them they were they were it sounds to me like they were incorrect um but the other ones were either in Charter or Verizon and so and there there was a bit of a list it was longer than that I don't know if I can look it up right now probably close to a 100 you think that there's close to 100 oh yeah yeah I got just 42 on Allen Street alone okay that were done in in March so the the 90 days has long gone by sure so 90 90 uh 90 days that that's just alen Street yeah and you said there you think that there's close to 100 polls it was 42 on Allen Street alone 42 there's three on the street where I live and there's 10 on chapen 10 on chapen three on North 10 10 on chapen yeah three on North Road anybody else want to weigh in I guess I guess the issue with this is don't misunderstand I know this is a Statewide issue it's a real problem across the state and uh the ones on Allen Street and chapen Road are really dangerous and they need to be taken care of and I know that Verizon has a piece of it I know that Charter has a piece of it and uh you know the engines the engin with is system uh we need to at least know that you according to the letter sent by Mark Marini uh by excuse me by Ashley berer who was with the attorneys of law from Rich and may say as a joint poll owner National groy remains party responsible for creating the double pole tickets and transfer notifications in the engines so we need you to make sure that Verizon in Char have been notified that those polls are ready to have their wires moved yeah okay and in in in in the 198 I think it's a 2003 dpu agreement it was agreed that Verizon that in joint ownership agreement between national g and Verizon one party would take care of the poll replacement the other party would remove the poll correct so correct that's where we are so we at least need to know that you've notified Verizon and Charter and then we can go after Verizon and Charter okay okay all right that fair enough I I don't think that I left the meeting last week knowing those exact numbers I know that they we talked about number of them here and a number of them there and that all I gathered was that list and I think if niani was able to kind of reach you it that I might have been able to you know look further into those specific ones but she will continue to and I will I will kind of send this out to the line Department themselves and say they show 42 on Allen 10 on chapen and three on North yeah I've got a well I can't bring up on my screen but they sent an Excel spreadsheet with a lot more on it I can have I can have Brian send it to you okay that ex that that spreadsheet is from whom um nan oh it is yeah okay okay all right I thought that ours might have been similar but that I'd like to see that just so we can really compare and make sure that we have them all noted okay so on to the poll positions do we have the map here you have map yeah I can bring it up for one [Music] this is the right one she [Music] right share and and you talking about vol Vol the last time well I think part of the reason they were talking about the long span runs lead to a a thinner wire they can upgrade the wire for a better basically delivery system going to either a a normal house 240 non- Delta system but they need to do it with poles that are closer together to support the heavier wire so we're in a situation here and Don I know you made a good point before this is our chance kind of hold their feet to a fire but we have the balance that against the needs of the people on the road to have a more stable service to their house especially going into winter I mean I appreciate I think what we're seeing here from the grid this is the best interaction I think Don and I you've seen in a while you know back and forth an acknowledgement I'm just a I am afraid that if we go ahead and Grant this we're going to lose that going forward but again I think we have an overriding need to take care of the people on chapen road this Craig brought this up I'm going to say two years two three years ago Craig with the voltage drop Yep this is our chance to take care of it so is that what this poll these new polls are going to do they're going to allow you to hang heavier gauge wire to supply the property that's correct what what what's really driving it was the um was the reliability on chapen road and and to order to uh increase the reliability out there is they really need to have a beefed up system out there yeah I know I've been in contact with residents at the very end of chapen you know for the last two years they've had on and off off issues you know round outs and losing appliances due to loow stuff so if this is a way to remedy that then it's a step in the right direction right all right any questions anybody got questions no sir I'll make a motion to Grant the poll permit for the replacement polls on chapen road I'm subject to the highway super attendance requirements which he listed in his email okay second any further discussion I'm uh I'm not gonna let this go I just want to let you know that no I wouldn't expect you to he's like a dog on a bone seriously this is or or or on a cookie 2 in the morning he'll be emailing you from the treadmill so don't worry do that um I appreciate moving forward with getting this project done but I also think it's extremely important to follow up on double pools and the safety issues B so iate you being diligent about that all right any further discussion all in favor I reluctantly oh hey well team player you know good job thank you question you're welcome I just I just want to I just want to clarify you will be sending will you be sending me the email with with um the information that information yes yes okay thank you very much you're my new Target that's okay okay all right take care fire department call firefighter evening good evening how's it going um Kowski from Raymond drive tonight well I know what Raymond Drive is for jogs it every day be a call provisionary call fire fighter with hand fire department F all minimum requirements required for the position last thing is to bring them in front of the board um you can ask any questions before approval he is interested in becoming a career firefighter at some point in his life so this is for probationary firefighters yeah why uh couple reasons definitely want to be a good role model for my family members that look up to me uh definitely want to help out the community give back I've lived here for a while and been treated well all my life so I want to give back to the community definitely want to learn some life-saving capabilities that will come in handy one day in my life um those are a couple just very rewarding job to have um feel like you're you're providing for people and yeah those are a couple reasons what do you do during the day do I do during my day right uh you're 20 you must have I have a full-time job I work at a factory uh it's just like machines that make boxes uh I work out M time huh Mount time no M try trying to think no mountt boxing trying to think oh boxing no I train at uh fighting Arts Academy Springfield mhm yeah um and then I train at Snap Fitness um play guitar mhm walk my dogs so you're pretty available for yes definitely you can do some boxing with the chief but he's little ring out there Chief still got his old moves oh [Music] yeah I have no questions think I hate to beat you up so much but I think we're going to pass you on okay I make a motion to make a motion to approve uh Tyler galski gregowski yeah call firefighter on a probationary basis subject to all regulations second any further discussion all in favor I okay thank you guys thank you chief I'm just saying while the chief is here do you want to take the generator thing along steer or you don't care no okay you don't tax workof program hello hello how are you good I'm here to ask for your approval of the tax workof program for the 2025 calendar year keeping it at 14 positions with a $2,000 abatement as recommended by the assessors as recommended by the assessors you have a lot of any new roles or just same um I don't think we have had any requests from departments for new roles um I can put out the zoom operator again if you're okay Brian says yes to that um the police department Senior Center Library are all pretty standard um but the town hall Zoom operator was on there last year we just didn't find someone who could meet the qualifications qualifications are pretty minimal do were all of them filled last time were all the 14 filled the last this year yes mhm yes they were that's pretty good yeah tell Laura left and how many how many hours are normally they do uh so it's 112 what if we pay him a dollar an hour I believe a dollar an hour y wow you're going back in your date yeah 2,000 hours I think it's about 110 or 112 this year maybe 105 we go on the minimum wage yeah yeah of course all right make a motion to approve the request for tax workout program second any further discussion all in favor I I I I thank you so much don't go away you have to get your liquor license too thank you so they're doing postcards for two hours or something that's what they do they're doing holiday they're doing holiday postcards while drinking for two hours okay we do see some some entertain making postcards you know you need permission for that good times make a motion to approve the request for a one-day liquor license for the scanic River Art Artisans on December 12th from 6 to8 second any further discussion all in favor okay sign that select board nice yeah got select board out there really it's the first license on the website already even though it's technically not official okay part of it that's the you're getting the first license from that's right this is like frame right this is like yes the frame this is this is like 100 years so now like the declaration independence same thing I'll keep it I'll laminate it you keep a copy of this or should I just give it to her I usually make a copy but you can give it to her I I can give you a copy of it's historic thank you so much that's only good on that day you can't like just use it any time because you got the permit now on this I got 70th one the year but got to tra Bud okay okay here's the financial team look at these guys look at these guys uh let's do the financial review first come on up everybody's favorite subject taxes taes taxes what else we got here how you want me to go over the information I sent out or do we we have it here it sent out emails last Thursday let's just do for public in the back so to give an idea where we were for where we are for 25 as far as the tax Bas go with all the Appropriations we made minus the estimated Revenue amount we need to raise in taxes um what we need to raise in taxes went from 13,743 38924 to 14 4,451 60625 or an increase in spending of $ 78,2 fortunately we have um income from New Growth for 202 five of $469 $469,990 if we did nothing else after applying the free cash we did at town meeting we'd be looking at a 1.68% tax increase we did however authorized $35 million for the water project in order for to pay for the Water Project we also transferred $650,000 from stabilization we anticipate a grant of a million I know if this name got it update we got the documentation okay I'm just Contracting now so that leaves a balance of 1.85 million that we can use a combination of borrowing and uh raising on the tax rate if we were to borrow [Music] 1.375 and put $475,000 on this the FY 25 tax rate we'd be looking at a tax increase between 5.02 and 5 9% if we were to borrow 1.4 million and put 450,000 on the FY tax rate we'd be looking at increase in taxes of 4.84 to 5% couple of notes I understand there's $275,000 in arpa money but that really doesn't affect this part of the discussion the total project cost according to Brian's earlier spreadsheets is actually about $91,000 more than we voted and the arpa money get will get spent first um the the the real amount we actually borrow depends on how much we spend as we get towards the end of the year so if the project comes in under obviously we'd be borrowing less also these are these are estimates and my understanding is that the residential values Rose more than commercial and per personal property taxes this means that there will be a tax burden shift slightly more to residents I think Kelly said that we're talking like about a 10% increase on Residential Properties you know and all those agreements we have like the solar on PP they're only two or two and a half% increases every year so we get a little bit more shift toward residential now the borrowing we're talking about 1375 or to4 I think you're were saying there was that a short term just to satisfy the as are going on yeah I'm yes exactly there what they call State House notes uh they're guaranteed by the state so they're bid so um you know the banks will bid on them I can usually get three or four people to bid on them and they're less than a year or a year or less I should say uh I've been told by the the financial advisers that I've been talking to that I had to wait as late in the year as possible that the rates will probably be going down so I'd be probably looking to shop this in May okay you know and buy something in June to just buy exact exactly what we need and they're renewable every year it's possible if we're you know if things continue to go well that we could get this taken care of in you know three years maybe it would be nice get because I know we have a lot of large Capital stuff coming down the road I'd like to get this out of the way and clean our shortterm you think we'd be free and clear in 3 years from it show me what the free C grow will be and yeah that's aggressive yeah you know that's talking about putting half a million a year on we also want to get away from the the testing costs exactly right yeah we're going to which are going to go up anyway we're saving at least 100 Grand a year there yeah I mean that's going to pay the interest on this at least if not allow the principle so the thinking was to be fairly aggressive with this construction and try to expedited as as best as can be um the cost isn't going down the M right the burden isn't isn't not going to be lessened matter of fact I hope it stays the way it is frankly um and we know that we've got these other big projects coming so let's get this one in the shoot and out done off the books as quickly as possible yeah okay and what are your scenarios there why $25,000 difference what's what's was that really going to make a break Anan no it's not exactly not and so my original one was the more aggressive one okay and but I know that there was conversations M that I guess we could handle 5% okay and when I when I started looking at you know the the numbers that are a little bit loose if I came up with 5.2 John Don would yell at me so I wanted to give an alternative okay I got you I got you so the function here so we're actually doing allthough the purpose is the tax rate the function is because the borrowing was approved by the town meeting it gives the treasure Treasurer authorization to borrow with cooperation of the selectman so the four of us are the ones that get to decide how much we borrow right so when you mentioned about the arpa money being like I want to say your contingency fee if you will yeah you know you're 91 over but there are there is 200 plus in our purpose I can take care of that Craig had meeting today and there's a danger that because there's certain code changes from the state maybe the bid might be a little higher than we had hoped for or something like that so maybe that'll factor in but does need to be committed by December 31st I understand that I understand that you know but so like yes you we end up with $125,000 or something like that contingency and I'm hoping that we'll come in nice and low because people need work maybe maybe maybe we got real lucky the last Water Project we had a very efficient um I will Echo we I would like to see it under five thing we've obviously the percent that values have changed this doesn't reflect what the tax bill is going to be per se but we've seen say minimal income increase but certainly nothing like a 5% increase in the past couple years so and that's not because we haven't been spending the money I know that it's because we've been I see the checks I mean we order new checks for you every week it's it's because of the new growth numbers ironically a lot of that is the solar stuff when I run the top 10 taxpayers five of them are solar farms and three more are other utility companies well you're going to see an increase from ameresco they're going to flip the switch which will trigger the second another 50 50 $70,000 a year yeah so um you know like I said we've been I I realize that that the solar thing is controversial but right now it's it's helping us pay for water you so um so if if that if the consensus if the other two of you agree that you'd like to not go over that 5% number then um should the consensus be that we should be borrowing 1.4 million yeah I think I'm good with that yeah there's a possibility things could be done in the future years to help you with that when do you think uh the assessors are going to be close to have they gotten backwards the la1 gets tax classification hearing is next right but I mean are close to their final numbers they think yes sir yeah okay they should have that that's we kind of she kind of needed to know this before she finished that up so this is the last piece of the puzzle I saw Phil in today it seemed like they were massaging a little bit if we do the one point4 does that put us in line with where you're you're hoping yeah got there it's it's it's close enough like I said we you know it might take three more years and maybe we'll get lucky and we'll find a winfall who knows big keep asking for Grants okay cost of a stamp that's all is this is this commitment we have on the the million is is that a we have the contract right you have the contract on the million uh it's not signed but I have it yeah we have the award letter yes we have the award letter you wrote it down wrote it down they would never no of course not cherry sheet going down never happens and um just because John always wants to know this stuff because the valuations also went up I'm going to guess for a 1524 tax rate but that's I guess you can take the over under see if see how I do so the rate goes down at least m i mean compared to a lot of other communities we rate goes down but of course because the evaluation evaluations go up absolutely but in terms of the overall the state cap on the rate we are so far under the state cap as opposed to like wver La Meadow we have all the capacity in the world yeah not that we want to get there oh you don't want to get the 25 there's a reason why we have that capacity right and you know even even with this um I expect you know yeah I expect the XF we have a levy capacity of still over 1.1 mil right so how much 1.1 mil so we're in pretty nice shape right and the transfer brought the stabilization down to uh we were we just hit about to hit 1.9 and we took out 6 and A2 213 okay yeah yeah yeah so well that'll keep us at cookies let no don't be saying that let's be clear the board does the town does not pay for the cookies Don for crying out loud he does are they like looking over a book $99 right there me the gift limit great anything else that's it we're good thank you gentlemen for coming in thank you are you coming next week for the uh hearing or no I don't think so they're pretty boring all right uh the other part of this is a town meeting uh recap yeah I mentioned to rec yeah and um just I just want to start the discussion about this uh a couple of things I I I I heard back is that people were interested in in uh well I'm interested in having setting up a a process for opening and closing the town meeting warrant when it comes to Citizens petition a lot of towns have have a drop dead date that they have to get in and uh what and they have instructions I made some copies of it I'll give it to um Lauren to have something to you guys take a look at it from you know next time or meeting after uh getting a warrant you know I recall I might be wrong but I recall we used to get the green sheets in advance in the in the mail or in in the reminder they used to come in the in the times in the times right I'd like to go back to that if we could if we can it's like getting the town report done back in January instead of like I don't want I don't Don if it's we're trying to be too nice to give too much latitude to people maybe we need to be enforcing a little more hard hard but it also gets back to right now's the time you know we haven't scheduled we haven't scheduled the state union so that be the week after uh tax rate yeah I heard green sheets yeah yeah we yeah what's up with your clerical staff you seriously yeah I'll speak with them as soon as we're done here I was we used to get get them in the times and that stuff did we stop that because of expense be ma yeah yeah did we stop that because of expense or well then we went to the times last this sheets for the annual meeting right and they were in the times for this past annual meeting oh okay there were yeah we we've never done green sheets for special Town meetings I just wonder if maybe we need to now because we we have so many items on there all the time well the the the issue with the green sheet is the the timing now you know our our public hearing can be no no sooner than seven days before the town meeting right so we don't V our recommendations the earliest is right after public hearing we very often defer until immediately before town meeting because some of the issues are still evolving between the public hearing and the town meeting so you know to get anything out you know produce something and have it distributed whether it's in the times or mailed or whatever you know it just isn't feasible because of that because of the windows that we're working with so now we're relying more maybe on digital and maybe in the post office or here one of the Fe I got back is that people would have liked to seen the explanation and seen the recommendations prior to the the town meeting you know so well that's why we have the advisory hearing but right I mean ideally that that would be the case but um well it's a combination of the the timing that we have to work with and the fact that the big issues are still evolving um you know and it's been that way for long as I've been involved I mean I don't I don't remember you know a town meeting that we didn't have some last minute adjustments at least couple of the Articles well that's the whole reason why we pushed the town meeting over 3 weeks so we'd have more of a chance to get the school number to be more accurate School District had asked us to push back our our town meeting so that would give them more time because they have the requirement to have their assessment 45 days see the State House Budget prior to and so you know we were trying to buy them time course our our time back which was fine I mean it doesn't affect you know our governance um but it's the crunch it's that that crunch um as it guess to be time for for public Hearing in meeting and we've tried in past years to to put a you know a firm close date on the on the any of the changes just is just doesn't work Brian did have it on the website this year available to anybody which was good for the special for the special so I we continue doing that and just maybe make it known that that's the the catch all right I I think online is is is the best option for dis dissemination of all this information I mean even putting it in the times I mean there's people who still say well I didn't see it gets delivered to every postal address in town sometimes and the other thing is tell you it doesn't come to every address every time and we got to figure a way to be prepared for large unexpected turnouts I will say the what Brian did for the AV part best town meeting I've ever seen in terms of The Cutting cameras back and forth the expense certainly was something and I can't recall $7 $8,000 but if we could find a cheaper way to do the same quality thing that was the best the best participation by the public I think they've ever seen in terms of like ready nice it was nice to not be distracted by the audio issues I think maybe we should just budget for that every year because of how how Flawless it went took a lot of our off our plates right you know and it gave everybody a chance to come in view it and hear it so I mean $88,000 for that type of quality for the residents I think it might be worth it every year that letes go kind of back into your your court I think that it is important also to broadcast the advisory hearing because that might take some of the questions away before they get there because they've heard the explanation beforehand so it's something to consider yeah I my hesitation is the fact that the advisory hearing gets advertised you know every time we have one it's on the board out in front the same 15 people show up the same 50 people 15 people that show up so I'm not opposed to it but I don't want to you know have the false sense that it's going to increase participation well I'm not saying I'm not saying interactive but I'm saying these are allow people to view it a lot of people go back and watch our old meetings on YouTube so just a have it there as a the money we make from the clicks you know all the money we make from clicks it's incredible oh yeah yeah but to Don's point of you know how do you prepare for you know an unanticipated you know overflow I think we're going to I I I think it worked out well the way I think it did but we weren't ready the first time no no but you know so we got to be ready and and I think the the turnout of the special town meeting was very encouraging because there was a lot of I mean there's been Town meetings that I could sit up at the stage and write the names of the people who are going to be there before they came in the door and the time they come in you go back to the days when my dad used to have to send people down to the ham house and bring people to done that too I've gone to the VFW and gotten some support I have been saying the last two years though that fall town meeting is turning into another another session where we need there a lot of young people so the child care piece I think is is Big we got to continue that I think the start time worked out well start time was pretty good too I think yeah I think 630 good I think that's helpful to people any electronic voting I think we need to get the electronic voting inic voting I'm still I'm still out on that one I think the letter that you had sent out Don about what was in a reminder from the administrator in Long Meadow it's home here yeah in this community and you know the struggles that every Community has yeah we all have them we do St and it's been building all along so the way government works and how you have move quickly and everything else you know we call it a special town meeting but may more appropriate to call here they go right anything else on that no that's a good good work everybody I thought I thought the meeting went very well considering we have a lot of big issues a lot of participation yeah just one more thing is that I think everybody worked very hard to try and finalize the numbers okay and before you know it was uh I think the goal that we all had to try and get square way we got to do is just pay the bill it's on my desk 5% 5% got it down to 5% that's was what you wanted right I came around to 5% I started lower than after after the discussions and looking at the numbers I ended up at 5% % as well okay the only way you change that is by stretching out the water thing but I think deck's point about what's coming down the road that just hamstrings you with your future stuff it cost us money to stretch the project out y all right thank you than um papers out here oh can't believe we're that far ahead of schedule 15 minutes ahead of schedule 15 minutes ahead of schedule all right uh we have Mrs Mr Mrs [Music] gretti before before we begin this discussion I I want to say that uh I received a copy of an email today that was sent to Mrs gretti from attorney pill because he was forwarded an email that I that Mrs gretti had sent to me apparently someone in town official forwarded to to Mr pill attorney pill his response I thought was inappropriate uh here of citizen has a right to come before the board and discuss anything they want at any time that they want U his and his also his lecturing of Our Town Council of how cases should be handled and it should be handled was inappropriate and this is not the first time someone has intervened on Mr samino on Mr garvey's behalf regarding this case and it's troubling and it's inappropriate and uh I just find it uh I'll just say inappropriate again but uh his comments to Mrs uh gretti were were were inappropriate at uncalled for and uh I'm very disturbed that someone is forwarding emails to someone who is an applicant and a plaintive in a case regarding the town so that said I see attorney Wilson is it corre okay and attorney Timmy belter is here Mr Mr cretti um thank you so um and I'm Mary cretti and um I followed the procedures I spoke with Brian first and he told me what the next thing to do would be to speak with the select board um and what we're here tonight to discuss is some inconsistencies that um I found when I reviewed both cases and how the planning board submitted their decision um I read through everything on both cases and the inconsist consistency is into Summers Road the pelino case which you know was approved and the judge stayed with the planning board's approval um a detailed record review was submitted in that case as to why this case was approved by the planning board Heather bey's detailed exp explanation as to why she believed it didn't belong on the um aquafer and also her detailed explanation as to why it didn't fit the character of the town she went into Aesthetics she went into ex she went into extensive reasons why um in the uh case 2021b which is the Garvey simino case all that the planning board submitted to the court when they remanded them now a second time and said give us the reasons you're denying this for Heather Bey they submitted one par graph and Heather Bey at the end of a 3our meeting was told you have to give your reason right now we have to have it this minute she asked if she could go back and type up retype up her notes so she could hand a hard copy like she did in the pelo case and it was a decision that no you have to give it right now after a three-hour meeting so Heather Begins by saying um based on everything I have argued here today and to summarize very briefly and she summarized it very briefly but she said based on everything I argued here today I am not a lawyer but that tells me there's information in the record that you have to look at um and I've got a copy for each of you to look at this is a Verbatim transcript that um that I um created with Microsoft Word I just played the video and it gave me the transcript and if you turn to the second page you'll see where had the first of all I'd like you to I'd like to note for this before you turn to the second page on the first page Heather Begins by saying she wants to set the record straight for the first decision that was submitted to the courts when the planning board just checked a box that said denied Heather wanted to correct the record to say I asked to be part of that decision and I was told by the chair of the planning board you may not be involved in writing this decision and then that decision was moved forward to the court with just a check mark denied both courts sent it back and said you have to give us reasons you just can't check that box so on page two of this forbent transcript you see where it says water Heather starts her reasoning there as to why she believes being on top of the aquifer is a danger to the community and then and you'll see there's two pages of that and then if you go to the page that says 3619 that's in the uh that's 36 minutes into the record all of that is her detailed reasoning as to why this does not belong in the center of hamen why is addressing she is addressing the rural character of the town the Aesthetics of the Town what it looks like from steeple view um what it looks like in the four corners people coming from Summers Road East Long Meadow Wilbraham and if you look at this side by side with what was submitted for the pelino case it is almost verbatim and it never got into the ision for the Garvey Cino case and also if you look um there's no page numbers here but if you go past all of uh you get to the page where it says um this is three hours and one minute into the video um discussion on how Heather and Christina's comments will be in the record they had a lengthy discussion as to what we're saying here everything we're saying here must get into the record submitted to the judge and at one point uh I'm not sure I think it was um Madison says well we'll do a Verbatim transcript none of that was submitted so um that's an inconsistency and I think it's uh does not look well on the planning board that in one case they submit a detailed overview as to why this does not belong and in a second case that's AB budding that property they give a paragraph and the judge threw it back and said you didn't even give a hint as to why this does not belong and that's it for me if I could just expand a little bit my name is Seth Wilson I'm Council for the gretes and I was the attorney of record on the initial hearings if you may recall or may not um and I I spoken with attorney belri Timmy and I understand that these are these were in different procedural postures meaning the two different cases were addressed in different courts one was in land Court one was in Superior Court and so there there are procedural differences but at its base our primary concern before the board tonight is making sure that the planning board understands that they need to make sure that the decisions that they issue have all of the findings by each of the individual planning board members included in the record not just in the record but in the actual written decision and the concern is that in some of these scenarios the only document the only information that the court may look at is that actual written decision as opposed to in other contexts the court gets a certified copy of the record which includes or should include the video any Communications and any other aspects associated with what the town has received as part of that proceeding and so it is absolutely imperative that the planning board and any other board frankly in town that's making any decisions and attorney Bel Timmy can advise the town more succinctly because he would be counsel to the town and I'm not pretending to be counsel to the town I'm just saying that on the on behalf of very concerned residents who spent an awful lot of money and effort fighting these as they are entitled to do fighting these projects and then to have planning board members or any other Town decision maker make a decision and clearly enunciate the reasons for that decision the jusic if ification for that decision which a judge at some point is going to be reviewing needs to find its way into the actual decision the four corners of the paper document that gets filed it can't be just a paragraph or two that in no way reflects the completeness of the thought that went into this decision by board members because they put their heart as you know you put your heart in Souls into the decisions you take them very seriously and it's important that your decisions be counted and that every board members decision gets fully recorded and fully reflected in the decision again this has been a very tumultuous and polarizing decision in this town my clients I know have significant concerns about the fact that this decision was issued and that Heather batty was told in the initial decision that it was just going to be a check mark and she was not allowed to reflect her decisions and the reasons for her decisions and the reason that the judge ordered the planning board to issue the permit that was only recently granted was specifically because the judge found that there was not any reasoning at all all because the only thing that he looked at was that paragraph referencing Heather Batty's purported reasoning that did not reflect what her reasoning was and didn't reflect the decision and the reasons that she announced publicly for what that decision was and that is a travesty because these folks as well as the board members all of them every single board member and I know that there are some here tonight their decisions count just as much as everybody else's their reasoning counts just as much as everybody else's and any judge reviewing those decisions needs to be able to look at that record and needs to be able to look at that decision and know exactly why they made their decisions because that's the only way this town is going to be able to either uphold its approvals or its denials you folks put way too much of your time and heart and energy and soul and there's way too much emotion tied to all these things to waste all of those resources on not clearly annunciating why things happen so that the proper authorities can review it and decide whether it was proper or improper so I'm not sure if attorney Bel Timmy has something to add but Jess see I mean I'm happy to answer any questions that the board has I mean basically what attorney Wilson said is correct I mean in these 4A Appeals the decision for the judge is based solely on the decision that that the plan court issues they issue that decision with whatever they put in it um I will say I think there I mean there were there are a lot of differences between the two cases and how they ended up in front of the judge and also how they both got remanded back to the planning board um in the case of the lancor case the the Garvey one the the original decision by the planning board was nullified it was set back issue of completely new decision starting from scratch in the superior court case it was remanded just to offer a supplemental decision about why each member voted their the way they did um which sort of changes the dynamic a little bit um all I I think that probably the difference in venue picking Lan Court versus Superior Court impacted the result a lot but also you know and I'm going to try to be convinent of the fact that one of these cases is still an active case and is there's an appeal pending so I don't want to speak too much about it but in the Garvey case in the Lan Court the judge also B his Denial on the aesthetic issue on his own site visit and review of the neighborhood so um you know it might have been a tougher call if he had had say the 16 Summers um decision planning board decision there with it but a lot of that is it's a very subjective standard and so a lot of that is based on their own site visit and what they see with their own eyes so in the case of the suprior Court one that was on summary judgment so there was no trial that judge literally just had planing board decision and application materials and felt that there was a compelling reason in the decision and you're not sure how judge Smith would have handled that if he had had a more thorough decision but also had his own view of the property in the neighborhood there's a lot of variables Mary you had a question well I have a question as to um why and and this would be a question that I hope someone's going to raise with the planning board how is it that they give such a detailed decision for one property and they give basically nothing for the other I want to know what's I want to know what's going on there because something just doesn't it doesn't seem right they clearly know what to do because they did it for one case why would they not do it for the second case that to me is a real concern well and and to some extent and this is again just conversation but to some extent I think they're also you're talking about a Al and attorney Bel Timmy correct me if I'm wrong you're talking about a supplemental response that was prepared by the planning board after remand from a superior court judge requiring they provide their supplemental reasoning and so it's after the fact and they have been given a separate opportunity to come through and provide the written decisions granted in this case it the Garvey decision was remanded back from the land court and there was an opportunity I believe that was perhaps missed to ensure that the second decision in the land court case did include a more fullsome summary as part of that written Four Corners decision um attorney but can you correct me if I'm wrong I I just I want to try to help my client understand the distinction because I think my client's concern is that it appears to my clients as if there was a a different rationale or a different approach for two different proceedings in terms of the way it was handled in the course of the proceedings and my sense is that we're actually talking apples and oranges but I think that it's important that the planning board going forward be consistent in their decision at the initial stage right I can understand that there are differences here or there may be differences here in the record and the level of detail because it because there were different stages that ended up taking place in these two different cases i'llbe it dealing with essentially the same property it's a very unique circumstance and so there there really is I think a distinction here but it's I think an important distinction for the town going forward is to look and perhaps have the boards get counsel in particularly difficult cases have Town Council at least provide them with guidance about what what requirements there are for their decisions and for their written product to be at the end of the process so that they make sure that they include the information that they're required to have for the judges to be able to make their decisions is that a so I mean I can tell you that I G in both cases we gave guidance to the board I mean my guidance would be to list all the reasons that you want and it I'm not sure what the process was for drafting either decision after the hearings um I I noticed just today actually When I Was preparing it that um Miss broer who also voted no she's got a Verbatim it's identical from one decision to the other so I'm not sure how you know where that you know and that's where my client's concern is coming from because there's a significant distinction that is is material and potentially resulted I understand that the land Court was able to make uh its own View and make its own independent determination but we have a very discrepant difference between the written product in one and the written product in the other and again because it's a very acrimonious it was a very acrimonious process that raises questions in my clients minds and raise raises concerns in the residents's minds and our goal is to avoid that yeah I think I think really the different footing that they both came back on is probably the reason for the different length in the decision I suspect that's correct so I mean the the the instructions in the superior court is your votes have not changed provide an explanation for why you voted the way you did before paraphrasing in the land Court it was go back and vote on this again and so going into it either as counselor as any of the board members you don't really know how that vote's going to shake out the second time right I mean there's there's always this live vote component and so I think that may have also shaped some of this but this is all sort of internal right but except Heather BTY we know from the transcript we know from the video that she was very very explicit about providing a much more extensive rationale and reasoning behind her decision than what ended up a Ur or appearing in the decision and that's that's where my clients watch the video in a while of hearing but I will take your word for it I do recall that she gave a similarly eloquent verbal description that she did it was ver it was basically the same she gave the same reasoning you could have just oh yeah that that I remember why did that not get into and the concern is and I I'm not sure if I don't know why that wouldn't have gotten in there I'm not sure if you it's a big m I think we I think we talked about this for a minute outside but it was literally essentially a par a single paragraph As opposed to three pages three pages it's definitely it's definitely a briefer explanation than the other one and yeah can I just say and you know again not being a lawyer but if I read someone's statement that says based on all of the arguments I have made here today that tells me I've got to go back into the record to see what are the arguments that the person made here so whose job is it to go back into the record who who should have gone back and said well what did she say let let's let's we got to beef up this this your response here well and if I if I understand Bel attorney belter Timmy's point from earlier in our discussion his his point is that that was that that doesn't in this context that doesn't integrate the language from the hearing itself into the record and that's that's the lesson that the town needs to understand here is that that reference doesn't integrate the rationale and the reason behind her decision the way it might in a different procedural context right if we were dealing with the Superior Court context where there was a certified record that was submitted no no certified record no no transcript in either one it's just the decision that makes it in there so once I get a signed decision from a planning board that's the only thing that the planet is going to attach to their complaint that's the only part of the planning board proceeding that has any relevance to the judge on review so it's it's a very strange it's Unique to basically every other judicial review in the Commonwealth in that way and so there there may be a way in the process of drafting the decision where that could be included and and I I I don't even want to speak to what that process may have been or how this decision was made um I mean I can tell you boards all govern themselves in this respect very differently from one another I chair my planning board in eastampton um you know rather than Town Council being involved typically what we do avoid this kind of thing is after we draft a decision we'll come back to the meeting and vote on it at the meeting so that gives you a chance in this case you know perhaps Miss spey would have said I would like more information included and we could amend it or something to that effect but um you know there's different ways around all this but it's really it's internal government governance of the board itself so it's I think they're like important things to make sure the board members understand um and I think this was an educational experience for members of the board in this case but it's it's it was an educational experience for the board I I don't believe it was because I think the board knows exactly what they're doing and it's a very detrimental experience for the people that AB but this property that this kind of information that was in the record that the person stating it was emphatic that this must get into the decision and this person was also denied the opportunity the first time by the chair of our planning board to be a part of that decision so these are not unfortunate circumstances this is big I in my opinion this is big and yeah am I am I an butter I absolutely am so yes do I have a state this but I also know people from a road from Raymond drive from we have over 500 signatures of people that said this does not belong in this space someplace else yes but not right here and there was a lack of respect for the residents of this town and the way this decision was handed in our planning board knows exactly what needs to get in because they did it for one case and they did not do it for another so I guess what I'm asking I'm asking you to to um to look into this what's happening with our planning board that two decisions like this would come out now I'm not saying that the land Court wouldn't have still overruled the planning board's decision but I wanted that person to have the facts and he didn't have the facts and that's on our planning board and I'm not going to say our planning board didn't know what to do because they absolutely did know what to do they did it for one and they didn't doing it for another and and that as a resident of this town should not should not happen in hamton or any town that our elected officials are actually against their residents is there training for planning board members do there look yes they're offered the citizen training planning citizen planning training collaborative offers those our office offers trainings I mean they you know AG's office will come to that sometime there's definitely options for that and and can I also ask I have read about a motion 60b that if new evidence comes to light you can file for Relief under Federal motion 60b um pelino actually use 60b in one of his appeals this is new evidence that has come to light this is facts that the L the judge did not see I would I would like the town to look into motion 60b and see if we can file we have one year to file the motion 60b so rule 60b um and the one when that uh Rafer office filed was denied by the Superior Court um I don't think this falls under any of that I don't think it it's it first of all it's got to be something that would be newly discovered and relevant evidence so the fact that the planning board maybe could have written a more thorough decision is not the kind of thing that would rise to that level um so I I don't think there's I don't think there's any procedural options left as far as the Lan cour case goes um but I from my perspective respectfully I I might disagree I mean it seems fairly clear to me that there was evidence and a very clear decision and actually a very formal request within the hearing transcript that you have in front of you of the video and I would encourage you all to read the video and compare it to the decision that actually was written um in this case and there there are a number of grounds under Mass rule civil procedure 60b for asking for a judgment to be set aside the Judgment in this case was the one asserting and directing and ordering the planning board to Grant the permit and that was based on from my perspective a a decision that missed signifant and not not from a discretionary stand Point can be viewed as perhaps having missed respectfully perhaps having missed reasoning or perhaps having left stuff out but actually demonstrably did not include the reasoning from a planning board member for her decision that she specifically requested be included in the decision in a written transcript of those reason that did not find its way in here and if that was influenced at some level there's grounds in 60b for that being addressed if there if it was inadvertence that that was not included that's also covered by 60b so again with all due respect to attorney Bel Timmy's opinion and advice and he's Town Council and so you have to decide how you how you weigh that from my perspective and again I'm here because I was called this afternoon in a panic by my client saying look we've just discovered that the decision didn't include this information that it demonstrably should have not because somebody's opinion is oh well we think that they should have been more descriptive it was actually in the hearing she saying these are my reasons and they were not included and that's the concern that my clients have is that reasons were not included and not because it was just somebody's decision of oh or the board's decision of oh we're just not going to include that who knows what the reason behind it was but there are some other things that are again calling this into question and causing a different additional One More Mr zilia yeah I'm curious about the policy of the select board that will seek advice in this case from the council that the case on whether there's an appeal or not it seems counterintuitive that we would ask the council that lost the case no offense to the present Council but as a m matter of of of protocol for us to seek counsel from someone who lost the case and now you're asking whether or not the 60b would qualify it raise this up the standard to to uh to appeal it on those grounds from the same Council that lost the case in the first place it's just let C do and I I want to be I want to be very clear that I'm in no way critiquing attorney Bel Timmy's I apologize fair enough right then then I want to make another comment regarding that this that this was a uh the word that Seth used was a contentious or another word to use maon huh acrimonious acmon that was one word there was another word but that really wasn't the case the case was that there was an overwhelming opposition to this special permit from thousand people there was not the only acrimony was the the the malons in my mind the malens of the chairman of the planning board we're going we we have a lot to consider here the board has a lot to consider we're not going to make a decision this evening we're going to consult with our our probably an executive session at some point here and make a decision we appreciate you bringing to attention if I could just make one more point I want to make it very clear for the record that I am not casting dispersions attorney belter timy's professionalism or his correctness in terms of his perspective on the approach here I'm just offering a slightly different perspective from clients who are in a slightly different position so I just want to make sure that's very clear because I do respect attorney bu Timmy and we've all been in a position where somebody you know has a different perspective and we respect that um and that that's the only thing I wanted to clarify so that it not left unclear that there's no I I don't think I think I don't think anything you said let us let us down that path I'm an adult it's okay I just want to say again that whoever sent the email to attorney pill was inappropriate an attorney pills writing to a client who has an attorney without writing to the attorney was inappropriate and I also think it was inappropriate for him to lecture Our Town attorney on how to practice law when he's done a pretty damn good job of it as best he can so I'll make that clear all right we'll have to think about this we'll get back to you sometime all right thank you for coming in can I get it kind of a sensus to when you might get that or will I send an email yeah send send an email right yeah cuz we'll have we'll have to meet again probably in executive session cuz then we'll be talking about pending litigation right right you know pretend pretending litigation so can I just add one thing I don't want you to think that we're on a witch on here to find out who didn't perform their job and why maybe this didn't get handed off but we would like to know why it didn't go forward and I know that that people do clerical jobs they do all kinds of jobs but this thing didn't get handed off the correct way and it was all there and then and then later it comes out that oh jeez you know understand so it just doesn't fly because there's a rule here and that 60b rule is for this and we want you to consider that and I want we want you to consider that your town voted to deny this and now there's a reason to uphold that denial thank you all right thank you thanks for coming in thank you thank you thank you very much uh Casino mitigation funds of know she reached out to me she reached out to you Maring girl then she finally got Brian start of calling Bob like everybody else does I gu what what what's the what's the criteria for this there are four categories so so so they've changed the grant program now it's a municipal uh block grant program so we're eligible to receive up to $75,000 categories are Community planning Transportation Planning um what was the other one Public Safety uh gambling harm reduction and something called other community impacts um applications are due to the gaming commission by January 31st of 2025 so we have until then to formulate projects that we want to submit for couple ideas that came to mind when I was sitting in the master plan meeting there was talk about about implementation and are there things that could be implemented under the Community planning part of this up to 75,000 currently we have a public safety a small Public Safety grant that allows uh 4-Hour patrols of the streets um when I last talked with uh the folks from the gaming commission they were they were less enthusiastic about Transportation projects because in their in their opinion um the casinos contribute a very a very small percentage of the traffic here um if you recall we submitted a supplemental uh Grant application last year to try to reuse those funds and they they were not very keen on that so wouldn't traffic be more impactful to a community versus other things that's are on that grant for like Community planning or stuff like that um like they're going to give us money for Community planning but they won't help us mitigate traffic concerns how how does correct the casino I guess I I fail to see the connection um when we initially did the thing and uh we went down and presented in front of the casino the gambling board if you will we had data at that point showing okay this percentage of traffic would come through llo and they were looking at the adjacent towns like spokes on a wheel if you will and we showed data that I think came from them of the traffic Corridor coming from Summers from Connecticut and then the mson traffic coming through Lendale down Main all the way feeding Allen Street which goes to the heart of Springfield how they can say that traffic now isn't part of the impact I don't understand but Community part of that hearing we had back in I'm going to say was 14 maybe 15 at that point do you recall what percentage of traffic townwide would that would constitute cuz that's essentially what they were saying percentage traffic of townwide or percentage of traffic that goes to the casino no percentage of traffic that drives on that road is what they told me so they're like well you have this bridge so you know Casino traffic is maybe 8% of that so we'll pay 8% of your Bridge costs now see that wasn't the focus there they're looking at okay if you take the 100% of traffic that comes to the casino what percentage of that is going through hamon not so much what percentage of Camp than traffic is Casino traffic right they they were looking at so they changed their definition if they will yes if that's true yes then they did um in terms of community planning their idea is that the casino the the the casino is drawing so look at it from an economic development standpoint that that the casino is drawing people out of hamon businesses ham in restaurants those types of things that people are attracted to the casino and who otherwise would have spent money at the Hampton restaurants or Hampton shops and instead they're spending money at the casinos so we need a casino in Hampton then so well the answer but I think that's Indian Land I think we can look into that's the focus that's the that's the rationale for Community planning is that they're trying to remedy those um those impacts we might be able to do something around that yeah the parks or the hiking trails you were saying yeah I yeah I would think either hiking or there's there was talk about um further planning studies in you know different areas of town um could we use it to help with the land trust acquisition of that North Road property where they want to develop that a little bit for parking because that's Community planning right money is pretty well set from CPA at this point I think uh but to that point I think I think you could if there were or something similar upgrades you know if there were things that we could contribute to that parking area maybe it's sign you know they talk about way finding signs they talk about maybe there's kiosks or things like that maybe there's other parking areas maybe we look at cber farms and see what we can do with that um yeah okay where we have two traffic concerns in town we have the intersection at the flag pole and to me the bigger problem is the intersection at the gas station that's I think that's a worse intersection than the other one because turning left there it's a nice nightmare can we use that money for study of solutions for that we only Bob investigated the one at the flag pole right but he never really looked at the other one for a solution our proposal our last proposal our repr proposal to them was to was to pay for a traffic study in design it included both those intersections because they really are connected from a traffic standpoint and they said no and that Connecticut traffic that shoots through there like you say it's both you know so we don't need to make decisions tonight but it's out um okay when is it got to be there uh January 31st okay all and there's a webinar tomorrow actually that I'm going to okay all right good Canon the Canon right at the intersection right at the intersection so you'll recall that we received an email a long time ago about a a Canon that was thought to be from the town of hampon um and I went up and visited it and thought that it would be a good idea to bring it back to town well the board did actually just depending on one member everybody decided to bring it back to town um and um there was an effort to try to find the the rightful owner of the cannon um and there's also uh research that was sent to us from um folks from West Winds of Vermont that detailed what they thought was the the origins of the cannon and um when it was when it was made manufactured and whether it had um any direct historical relevance to to the town and um is turns out it was it was I think late 1600s 1700s I think right Canon Swedish Cannon um commercially available in the sense that they actually had commercial available canons um so it seems like it's not uh it's not something that was organically from Hamed in um so um um it was brought to our attention that there was that there was a uh residents in town that that were missing a cannon um and um I talked with with with Don and and uh Chief Trombley to see if if if we could reach out to find you know the rightful owner of the cannon and wrote a letter and then they responded thinking that that this wasn't the the Canon they they could describe it to the extent that they could in the the circumstances surrounding um what we know of of how the Canon was obtained matched what um you know this individual was saying so um I I think it's more likely than not that that that is the Canon um that was taken from that property so um I'm fairly confident that if if the board want wanted to vote to return it I think it's it's I make a motion to return the Canon to Mr canode sorry I'm still reading his letter well no ammunition because we don't want to no block second any further discussion all in favor the r return the Canon too much time already give it a trip down all right return the cannon uh generator the case on for free cuz we didn't make it no no the case we didn't make the he gets the case on you want to fire at once I mean he must take I can't believe the guy was shooting that I took a look at I thought Rusty yeah he standing his distance maybe he was just getting some firecrackers and put it in there to break generator contract oh this is awesome that's good yeah um we received bids end of last week and the low bidder is kaco Electric Incorporated 56 South Road Hampton in the amount of 2,485 there was a discrepancy in the bid where the written amount didn't match the numerical amount but it's it's been confirmed with the uh the bidder that that was uh the amount that they had intended and the bid documents also say that the written amount controls over the numerical amount so I would recommend that the board vote to award the contract huh less than 50 ton now we have cost we have other cost material costs and things like that we'll have but we're going to dig the whole the trench right conduit so those labor costs will be absorbed by by the highway High Department yeah and then obviously material costs will will factor into this as well I can't believe it I'll be able to sleep knowing that the generator is going to be installed yes sir um do you have the other two you said three pids were submitted we got uh five bits five six six the high if I just the high was 67,5 so higher than the 50 that we yeah okay they r that was the only one over the 50s also it range from from 20,000 uh 24 41 33 6 but you make a point that the extra money you're going to need for pipe C you know stuff like that so yeah the other bids weren't bad either 246 239 20,000 pretty close I mean and place probably doesn't need to work no no probably does I'll try it I'll get it okay do we do we have a motion motion to award the bid to K Sao in the amount of $20,485 second all in favor I all right and one day food Liv in town can we do that as tax WR off instead one of the 14 20,000 of it all right uh food permits Don your favor so that event that's happening up at Great horse again there are two more oh we have a Shakur Place shur fed by Folly where's they come up with these it's a Roger Federer company um and patty cakes Cupcakes again no samples I'm sorry any other looking for uh we're looking for approval for the event that's happening I believe it's a babes for cause again up at greaty horse on November 30th so mov any discussion all in favor I okay are we French okay now we have last all right all right what else we got this is on everyone that right yeah Greg you know this problem word word doesn't spell truck all caps no okay I signed that one already amazingly enough yeah I don't know why you didn't like the other one here the permits got some ones I have those I oh yeah okay we have the 2025 liquor licenses a review of the liquor license holders has been conducted by the hamton police department the 30 304c inspection have also been done with no issues building and fire and so the motion is going to be Mr chair yes Mr good yes Mr oh yes Mr Flynn thank you for acknowledgement I acknowledge selectman Flynn for 30 seconds I'm sure you acknowledge who select select board member Flynn thank you for 30 seconds I move that the liquor license for 2025 be approved as presented for the following locations contingent upon all necessary approvals having been granted Latina to hamon House Mountain View Drive-In hamon Discount Liquors hamon Grog Shop great horse gos Pizzeria laasa Bell uh five Allen Street Corp aka the black sheep Village Food Mark also known as the good people and the BFW I would like a second from select board member rivest rivest R select board member second thank you for your second I return the uh I return the motion to the chair okay your time is your time is up any any further discussion yeah yeah what I don't know I just want to prolong it like you guys were doing all in favor calling for the vote Yes I'm calling for the vote I respond yay yay yay okay fine all right what else we got on here so we're going to see just to so the only thing we have left then is entertainment right and Ed cars what and cars okay let's work backwards here on this one department head meetings we're going to do those that's the State of the Union State of the Union you want what's your ballpark the eth or the uh ninth we got ninth second we got the hearing 9 and then you got you got Christmas 9623 want to do Christmas week okay nine I like nine because you want to you want to any boards that are going to meet in December they'll be able to give that information to their board you know some only meet once a month okay all right your speech from last year are we are we are we going to have Mal one that one day yeah don't that's the big circle thing we go around oh yeah okay okay all right nice nth for them how about the how about the town report when are we going to get that do when's that going to be do no fooling around what did we do last year the end of February I think i' have to check I think we were closing on March wasn't it well everybody ignored it yeah everybody IGN so we hopefully get it you know end of January I mean there's no reason that should be yeah it takes a they have their first meeting meeting in January to review the report and turn it in I to give them February 1st so they close the books January oh you said January sorry I misunderstood so they have their meeting in January the review the report that the clerk wrote or whatever they you're going to get 80% of them right there yeah yeah okay and the ones you won't get will be Clips the school department stuff like you the big on actually good with s board Jesus yeah how you going to title that this year Well title select m board chairman men board board of Select you're a chairman so chairman no he's chairperson chair person but but I I was see in other towns they they go by select board but the individual members are select women select men right the motion yeah changed that too all right making those changes anyway yeah and we want to talk about setting dates for the select board meetings um I don't know we would I'm interested in going every other week but we did make that motion back at the beginning of the the fall that after fall town meeting that we would adopt the every other week schedule no but we're no we would discuss it after the we would discuss it after the fall down meeting the problem the problem we're having here is that I think we got this whole we got this whole building issue that we got to we going to be on top we can't keep kicking stuff down the road yeah I'm fine with the other thing we've done on in the past Craig or select board member Craig um that we schedule and if the chair determines you know we have two things on let's kick those next week and just yeah I I still think it's important you know Brian and Lauren have a lot on their plate you know there's there's a lot going on where I think giving them that that guaranteed week off to finalize things look through the agenda schedule appointments schedule people in and then we have everything squared away not just rushing around either on a Monday for a Monday meeting or Thursday for a Monday meeting which you may not get all the answers for um I think there's a lot going on there um what do you guys feel about it be honest they want to go to a Fed day week that's what they're saying I prefer bi-weekly personally I'm getting behind a minutes there's a lot going on right now town meeting pushed back that didn't help I don't know H um there's there's pluses and minuses to it um there's a certain amount of time that that we both put in getting ready for meetings um and really what that amount of time it doesn't change very much based on on how much content is in each meeting um because we still have to go through that process Lauren still us to do the minutes still get them set up so there's a certain amount of time that that that takes up out of our week um on the other hand um there's a lot going on um right there's a lot there's a lot that's going to happen this upcoming this upcoming couple weeks right we're going to have to have some executive sessions deal with some issues and those aren't necessarily going to be part of a regular meeting it's something that we would want separate into part from from a regular meeting cuz it's it might take some time um I think overall I I would probably favor every other week with the caveat that it's probably going to be not every other week um because these issues are coming up fast um and there are meetings we're talking about buildings and capital plan capital projects things like that but that that's something that's separate and apart from a regular meeting where where we transact the business so I could argue both ways yeah I think it'd be easier I mean Brian you're a TA not a TM and that's kind of the difference if you were a TM you'd be making all the calls on your own anyhow so that would make more sense for every other but I like to be involved I think like the every week thing especially as Don said sorry part number we have so much on our plate going forward we got to get on top of this building usage and stuff like that so we have meetings already for 2 and N right we got what in the fth you have set a date for the uh the general discussion on buildings either fifth I'm sorry fifth I thought I saw responses the that wasn't good for some people okay we're going to keep it the fifth uh the the U and then we got we're going to have to have an executive session right so at some point yeah so so when we stack these meetings with week with the regular meetings then it then it's becoming a lot especially Warren extra sets of minutes and stuff like that so it's well then we'll take a big [Music] world so we got two we got two in um excuse me two 2 and N right yep and then we got the fifth and we' got something was it 7 7 day notice for that other the other things had the last thing we had was in the labor agreement something like that so when they no on the other thing yeah I've I've inquired of our labor Council it is 7 Day uh I was referred to I asked Town Council I was referred to labor Council let's let's do let's how's the 23rd that's two days before Christmas is that good or bad you know Skip the 16th and see what happens do the 23rd then you have and skip the 30th yeah skip the 30th and skip this and keep the 23rd so we're not off a lot yeah okay yeah yeah all right are you traveling or r or yeah I'm Gone the second second second the regular meeting on second meeting y that will not be here what do we have on the classification oh it's the tax classification thing the tax classifications we'll just raise your taxes while you're going the first time it's done by Road I disagree with that got a nice view I need you here Craig you cra no no just that section no I don't think so we're talking the West part of town this time all right so what are the all right so right now we're looking at 29 and 23 yeah okay and then the special ones as need they are they are five the seventh day they what they are the seventh now the fifth you said is going to be the general discussion of buildings is that that's going to be during the day though you're not available on Thursday though right no on what not not in the afternoons so we could do like 10 to 12 right so we said 10 to 12 yeah 10 to 12 and that it give you right you're you're good after that and well it depends on which day it is Thursday Thursday yeah all right okay so the fifth not at 10 [Music] yeah what that's the um building the round table the round table type of thing just to get the discussion going what we're going to do with these doesn't come up anymore now I got to type select Bo the first time doesn't recognize it oh Town Administrator report select reports I think we cover well you you have something to report yeah the um the assistant superintendent search committee met last week while I wasn't here so that was the reason why I was absent um we selected two out of seven candidates to present to the school committee U for nominations one of them U withdrew his um nomination the day before and the the number one choice that we had was interviewed and offered a position and I believe they came to terms with them last week Co I watched it online looked like good good candidate yeah he he had a lot of great experience um a lot of good Financial stuff and uh you know he said a lot of good things Town Administrator report all right I'll I'll I'll bring the bad news then okay so Mark and I went to a training last week on what What's called the carb act which is really two different regulations state regulations one is the um acct which is Advanced Clean truck regulations and the other one is heavy duty omnibus regul regulations the the HDO portion of that limits the uh it essentially regulates tailpipe emissions from diesel vehicles and according to um one of the dealers who spoke at the training um only one engine that is currently in production can meet that and it's has very limited availability in Massachusetts um D has delayed those regulations for model year 25 vehicles um but as of today it's still it's still in play for model year 26 so does that limit us from purchasing within the state or are purchasing for the town as a in general like can we purchase from out of state no still catch us at registration that that question was so no no vehicles can be registered in the state of Massachusetts that that is not so it's it's going to so where it's where where we're going to where it's going to be figured out is you know how it'll essentially have a sticker it'll come with a sticker that'll say HD Cal it'll say HD whatever California compain cuz Mass adopted California standards 1996 stands yeah so um that's yeah that's where it would be caught most likely but my my question is you know down the road when these go into effect the state of Massachusetts will not register any vehicles that don't meet these Staters if they're bought out of state that's my understanding yeah I guess we'll be registering all our vehicles in Connecticut rning the we could garage them somewhere else let garage them somewhere else I mean can we just say tell them no we're just not fall on suit and see how many other towns and municipalities follow suit you could see what happens I think we should take a stand and see if anybody backs us because it's just ridiculous to come up with these standards and then we have new vehicles we're going to buy that good money on and now we're going to have to adopt all these things that you can't get the engine in Massachusetts so they're going to force us to go electric and at that point those costs are going to be astronomical then the longevity of the lifespan they're not even proven yet and my next question is are they forcing you to turn over your Fleet or we have trucks that are good for 20 years some we just bought we can't register them or this goes into effect with any new vehicle bought after model year model B model so quickly we buy a couple of uh 2021 put them in stock hanging over our heads are I don't remember the exact title of it but something about clean Fleet requirements which they're not implementing but it would affect existing Vehicles it would yeah but that's that's not in play currently the other thing is called the Advanced Clean trucks Advanced Clean trucks regulation that's a requirement on dealers that they sell a certain percentage an increasing percentage each year of uh non uh zero non zero emission zero Z emission Vehicles compared to um essentially those are all the ones that are currently sitting on dealer dealer showrooms that always buying though so what so so essentially this requires for every for the initial year for every whatever it is for every one diesel vehicle that a dealer sells they need to sell right um I think what were the first percentages I think 7% they're going to start 7% um it depends on a certain class of vehicle but I think the first year is 7% they need to sell 7 % of all of their annual sales need to be 7% 7% need to be zero emission Vehicles that's a big that's a big number um and the again the issue is these are not Market these are not widely available um one of the dealers I think was from I don't remember what he was from uh Western Stars I don't remember what what BR was from but he said they have the only the only commercially available vehicle they have is a box truck essentially um they have no electric engines that have that have PTO um the other thing is too A lot of these dealers I mean just the add onto the fire there's so many recalls on electric batteries in these vehicles right now for Ford for instance has tons of recalls and Replacements M yeah and you know the other thing is where are we getting the energy from to power of these electric vehicles the grid you we know where our grid is it's mostly natural gas so seriously how could the charge we plow half a road stop and charge six hours like you know right you can't fight a storm with you know the fleet we have for a small town MH worrying about oh hey you know we have a long you know nor Easter coming we need to go out there three four five six times you so anyway so for the so for the Advanced Clean trucks portion of this massp has has said that they are going to they are going to exercise their enforcement discretion which as we know is as good as the next yeah uh Administration that comes in right um for model year 25 and 26 vehicles for snow plowing um they're going to enforce it they're not going to enforce they not going to enforce it uh so for two years but how that exemption works there there's no process so at this point the dealers are they're not going to do it and then the other part the the other part of this is okay that's great there's exemption from municipalities but there's a big concern about private contractors who need to upgrade your and instead of instead of us paying I don't know how much $100 a mile to PVE a road now it's going to be four times at a m because they've had to upgrade all their trucks um so it long story short or long story long it's it's a mess we just need to start keeping the VIN numbers off our old trucks exactly change out the b CH out the bodies yeah right um so uh just a couple other quick things um South Road Bridge uh VHB is VHB is the the bridge designer that mot has hired they're going to file an noi in early December for those Bridge repairs on South Road um water Dr expansion we had a pre-bid meeting today um sub bids are due on December 4th with general contractor bids due the 12th um one of the things that that the water Commissioners need that that they need to do next is to figure out how will how many of those initial 19 customers are willing and ready to hook up cuz that's going to impact what what what the cost of the total how hooked up though hand currently yeah currently like a dozen 14 someone asked me today I thought was 10 plus we just added the guy I had it written down we added that that person at the end with the um hand yeah they had the what the seven locations just on this extension here M oh right you counting the town all these yeah I'm talk about the landfill people I think it's seven or eight oh down there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah seven I have a we have the the murf contract extension that I think we should the board should consider probably at the next meeting right um that's another I think is another 5 year extension the the existing one expires at the end of June so they're asking for extensions to be signed by the 31st you and I went out to the EV thing you and I at the EV station oh yeah yeah yeah we went out watch the tree get taken down um other than that uh we have we ordered some signs to hopefully attract people to use the Chargers uh the information is being pushed out to all the major apps to we have the account set up yep and then we need to do some striping on the parking lot to maintain uh to provide for accessibility so Mark land that out and do some striping so they're doing the um the pad over here too right for the crosswalk oh yep yeah uh they're also uh finishing up the accessibility things for that that cross all right anything else laen H yes you guys talked about this earlier but I wanted to say as a resident that the board and your team did a nice job on the the town meeting I was at the meeting down south downstairs in the melow when you identified lights in the parking lot the visuals in both rooms the sound and it seems like it all went off without a h Rick does a real good job there's a couple couple spots where that could have got you know off on a tangent the only thing I would say is when you go up and talk you know your your back was your back was to the to the group if if you were off to the side if you guys are on the stage and maybe you have the speaker here you're kind of you can still talk to you guys but you're facing the crowd maybe off the I mean technically you're supposed to always speak to the moderator so that's you know it's for you're right you could almost do a sideways thing Mr moderator and still back isn't to the group that that's a minor complaint the rest of it went real went off well with as many people and as many issues there were yeah thank you anything else to C before the board the board select board okay the Common Board I'd like the board to entertain a motion to adjourn I'll second for discussion any discussion I have no discussion I'm disgusted of course you are all in favor hi I I all right you see the picture I pulled up halfway through the meeting so