good evening this is I'm calling the meeting to order this is a meeting of the hamton board of selectman and the H Board of Health being held in the townhouse Auditorium uh I just like to say before anyone sends anything through the chat yes we are meeting the selectman our meeting on April Fool's Day and yes it's appropriate at 6 p.m. please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America for stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all uh this meeting is being recorded and I would ask if anyone else is recording the meeting dton yes okay all right thank you uh the first item on the agenda is minutes so March 4th 2024 executive session this again was a collective bargaining session motion to approve March 4th executive with out release second all in favor and the other one is the minutes of the March 14th 2024 regular meeting meeting was not the uh quick Cable ONE yeah yeah 9:00 a.m. what is this oh this excuse me this is the uh what is this one 9 a.m. cable TV contract on meeting okay the attorney Sol I'm sorry previous okay we we discussed the cable contract with our consultant motion to approve second all in favor uh the next item is the government study committee are they here yet no not going to do the variant oh oh excuse me I'm all confused with this new setup oh uh public hearing for septic variance I'll turn the meeting over to the chairman of the board of health with this one well thank you Mr Davenport thank you for your service uh basically we have a a variance in I think you have the folder actually I don't have the information here I didn't have information on it should put it in there I the engineer here what he wants here well we want the right answer I think Finn m is the man to give it those I'm going to turn this over to our uh Health agent Finn M with your permission y thank you hi so uh the uh property question is 405 Main Street and with us is Neo looks like he's connecting to the audio but um the request is a reduction um to the Wells of three of the abing properties to 405's um Beach Field um you want to get 100 ft um with this property it's so small and tight it's basically putting the um he's requesting to put the leech field essentially back into the same spot um which is really the only feasible location on the water but because it encroaches on the neighboring Wells has to go with the public hearing before you guys to uh give the final sign off um we have the boat now how many variances because of the distances will be required I mean how many Wells are inside the 100 ft um three of them okay so three three buding properties right around that property pretty tight I think we're all realistic of that now are any of them under 50 ft um I thought you might have had the paperwork but it lists them right there I don't have it either and Jane told me today she was pretty sure none were under the closest was 62 ft maybe M but ideally um P 5 wants you to have 100 ft but it allows for the variances in situations like this um it's not very often we've come across three properties um all needing a reduction to their Wells but uh like I mentioned this is system's going right back into the same spot they're going to have to dig out the whole system house be costly the house is pretty old too it's been there for quite a long time so I think everything was built around it yeah yeah exactly this is the first one I can recall where they've actually talked about digging it out in the same spot they haven't been able to find another spot but I think as more and more systems fails they get older you're going to see more of this impact I think especially in like sessions area down there so and the abutters have all been notified again there's no change in Impact because it's going right into the same spot right um we're all familiar with the house it's Peter's house on Main Street right the you said the engineer was on yeah it looks like he was having some technical problems but um he probably would have said the same thing the only FAL location to keep this house essentially not having bom he's no longer on he's [Music] G motion to approved variance as presented do we have to do three separate ones we have three separate ones yes so I wish need addresses then you don't even have if this guy was on here he would have the the relevant information bring my office keys yeah might you have his number yeah why don't you call him and put him on speaker so least because I'd like to like he would have been here I just know that um he's at another meeting that's why he's not here give Eric a little more time to wait for his crew I guess you're it I no Michelle's on Michelle's on Cut the cards and you lost yeah short stick really have much luck here but hey here we go hey Neil I'm going to put you on spe if that's all right um I just need the addresses of the abing properties the all right I'm going to put you on speaker here with the for it this not I don't know can you hear him um this is Neil Jackson he's the designer of the septic system Neil I already explained to them uh the reason uh for the variants um we're just looking for the uh property numbers and the distance uh setbacks for each of the properties okay so um for for uh 405 Main Street this for Peter lorf so the offset to his well would be 52 feet and um the offset to um Stevens and maste Resident at 4113 Main Street would be 60 ft and the offset to uh McCarthy's at 406 Main Street would be 90 ft all the other Wells uh surrounding Wells are over 100 ft I did design an Innovative technology system which gives a 40% reduction in footprint so um which is allowable and and I I didn't ask for any reduction and offset to groundwater wanted to get the maximum offset to ground water and and uh the well onsite um Mr lindor's well was buried it's right up right basically the cover is right at the burm of the street so it was buried so we dug that up and we put risers on it um you know so was obviously so to keep any anything from getting into the well it was it was not a very good situation when when we started but we get that all raised up as to cover the grade and tested the water we we chlorinated the water tested it and it came back fine so we did everything we possibly could you know maximum feasibility okay Neil Neil this is John Flynn from the Board of Health so the distances the distances you list here are the same as basically current or if you actually reduce the footprint of the septic system might need be a little better so yeah oh yeah we're definitely further away than than U the current system absolutely okay because you reduce the foot on the current system made it a more compact system right so which is good means 50 so I'd be asking for three variances uh one for 40 the well at 405 Main Street uh to allow the reduction from 100 to 52 so move second all in favor a variance for the well at 413 Main Street a reduction from 100 to 60 ft so mov second all in favor I and the well at 406 Main Street the reduction from 100 to 90 ft so move second all in favor I thank you uh Neil were there any other issues or no I no I think we we did all we could possibly do do to to to uh you know the best we can do to get it compliance so right you know so yeah we we did the best we could it's a tough site I'm sure you with the site there's just nowhere work there so and some great parking too oh yeah yeah get the up there they could be able to get the equipment up there without blocking the road I even come down from the Neighbors come down to it seriously around from you know come all right Neil thank you very much thank you well thank you I appreciate your time thank you very much thank thank you Ben when we got hear anything uh new or we're all good uh nothing strange since uh no you get more money yet more money we're actually a little concerned about some of the things we're seeing from the state yeah you know yeah um no changes as of yet as of yet hear anything if anything sure let you know okay cuz we amended our budget based on numbers you gave us for next year yes to cover the shortfall projected shortfall for the FY we put in a little extra right down yeah we put a few thousand extra but doesn't mean you get to spend it right y all right thank you jeez Gramps thanks thanks thank you um oh no Keith it's the front row yeah he was been respectful want to want to unmute Michelle she's on the [Music] zoom yeah all right the government study committee ladies and gentlemen here we are hi so what would you like to know I'd like to know about your warn articles so you want to walk through them or [Applause] yeah I I before we start I would point out that there are only warrant articles when you make the warrant articles they're just proposals at this point yeah so they're part of your report a suggestion that warrant article should be generated what we were charged with was a report with recommendations mhm so in effect the warrant articles are proposed but there are recommendations too which is the first opportunity you've had to bring it to us bring it to although you brought to Bob weeks ago we started March 6 of 23 and we finished no I meant about the warrant articles you you brought to the Town Administrator and said we want these in the warrant but didn't have an opportunity to come to the selectman and bring that report back yeah meet every week there was plenty of opportunities well we were running out of time I mean I think I have to say your schedule has been great I mean you guys have been working every week on this right yeah and lately I mean it was every other week for the majority of the last year but over the last two two months it's been almost every week yeah so um I think we kind of got a little surprised by the by how quickly the end came so when we found out that the warrant was closing we had to really that's why we started meeting every week basically to try to get this done so that we could put something forward um so it wasn't that we didn't meet with people because we chose not to it was just we were running out of time we basically ran out of time and but we did get it done so yeah the the Warren articles will response to Bob's email saying hey call for Warren articles due March 15 so we ran him by Rose and submitted him on March 6 well I have to say I read your report I thought it was pretty comprehensive and and great interest and a lot of interesting things in there so so the first one is is the first proposal that you're making as for a warrant article is the uh elected Town yeah elected Town change elected town clerk to appointed Town cler that's article 22 oh I'm looking at oh we don't know your order we haven't number one is increase select board from uh s from 3 to five okay pleas 3 to five background well as the report notes um we spent a lot of time discussing this and throughout most of the year we were really on the fence about which way to go but as we came into the end of the year and we were discussing the um you know switching from elected to Ed we felt like the report says concentrating more power and authority with the board of three um we felt that a board of five would be better aligned with moving towards [Music] appointing like town clerk Treasurer etc etc how many communities our size are three versus five DLS report I think it's a 50/50 split at our size under 10,000 well we didn't because I can't think of any around here I mean I know L I'm familiar with llo and La Meadow but they're quite large doesy have I a spreadsheet but it's in another do your thoughts were if we go from three to five when we if the the town chooses to go appointed versus elected you thought it' be a greater voice for candidates yeah yeah the other thing that was a concern to some of us is that the uh the workload seems fairly fairly large and dividing it among five people less in the workload for each of you plus the obvious that uh the open meeting law would allow two people to actually talk not that I'm sure you guys occasionally run into each other in a grocery store and it seems stupid that you're not allowed to talk to each other I mean obviously you do but well I think the point having having served a while I think the key thing is not to make decisions without being in an open meeting sure if I bumped into Craig or Don and say hey next week can we talk about mil Pond sure and Don would say you know good idea let's put it on the agenda in my mind that's not a violation open meeting maybe it is strictly but I don't in any sense it is Eric I think your point is well taken maybe years ago but I think the action that the town meet took five years ago by getting a full-time Town Administrator has lessened the load on the board slman and allowed us to basically allow day-to-day operations and bringing the board back into I don't want to say the or directors something like that but allow us to concentrate workload on the more important things and I want to say what Brian does is the mundane stuff you know but he does run the day-to-day operations yeah that's right and then the timing of a couple of these if I can make a point is that you reference if we change to an appointed official and the selectman would have more to do therefore with that the problem here is that what if this passes and the other one fails then you've increased the board so maybe it should be staggered and I.E doesn't make that much of a difference if it's 6 months off because it's going to take time per your proposal to do the appointed thing anyhow absolutely true so it seems like the appointed thing is part of your I want to say rationale but part of the the impetus to get the numbers up so I would suggest that maybe that might be a two-step approach because in my mind there doesn't need to be five because we have a Town Administrator and if you don't change the more people under the selectman there doesn't seem to be a reason for that either so it seems like maybe you put the foundation in first before we put the second floor on just a thought can I play devil's advocate for one second um your your comment I I think it was valid about being able to not violate open meeting law with having selectman talk do you think though I'm not saying I think this or not that it has the opportunity for people to create more of an alliance against other people in that situation with five versus I I personally think it's the exact opposite you do I was just wondering because now you're people if if you're you have to have three in agreement to do anything now that could be also looked at as a negative because to have more people in agreement might be harder to do but um I think all of our articles some of them work with each other but they all stand on their own independently also so it's not necessarily that if this one doesn't pass then this one's not necessary I think we all thought independently each of them made sense on their own some of them do Dove tail with each other better um but um with a with a three versus five for me I mean just from doing just from this committee let alone the responsibilities that you all have I know that if we were to do this again and they said it's going to be a committee of three I wouldn't be interested that's just it would be too much we needed all of us to pick up loose ends and you you can handle this you can handle that we could communicate in between meetings um because we weren't violating open meeting law with the five of us um and how this went and working on a committee really led me to believe that five would be better for the future when you're looking at people joining potentially looking to run or get on the board if there's five and you're sharing the workload with four other people um if you have to miss a meeting you can still it's not as much of an impact if you have if you're missing 33% right if one of you can't come versus having one person up because we weren't all able to come to every meeting and not having one of us there didn't derail everything um so I mean and again this is my first experience volunteering or being put on any kind of committee or anything it was a good experience but it was good because we had in part because we had so many people that were sharing the the load so um I know we've had three forever um and it's not necessarily I think a lot of our recommendations and I don't want to speak for everybody but a lot of our recommendations it's not that it's referendum on how things have gone or or or you know that we're trying to say that we need to change because this has been a problem it's what's going to be best going forward in the future so I I don't when I'm reading through some of these things I I don't want people to take it as we need to change because this has been bad that's not in my mind that's not why we recommended things it's not because there was a problem and we need to fix it so much as things are changing and what's going to put the town in the best spot 5 years from now 10 years from now you want to Future proof it right so um because there's going to be some natural changes that going to happen regardless but let me make this point again you talk about if your committee was three versus five how much the workflow would be but if you had had this full-time person doing the work would that have changed your mind you're just coming B back in and okay here's everything and you had Donna acting is that quite a bit too done but so again I make the point that I think that has been addressed some of the points you made anything about the increased workload by the town taking the action as many other towns have done by getting a full-time Town Administrator you worry about the Selman three part-time people not being able to handle the day-to-day and that is a good concern but the town did address that before and they're paying six figures for somebody to do that job and I worried that it might be perceived that well we need to get more Selectmen because this full-time guy can't handle it we don't think that's the case at all we're not saying that so I didn't say you did okay but one thing when we met with the with the former government yeah Ma people um one of the things that they told us this was early on that really stuck in my mind was they one of the things that they had said was a town the best way to function for a town with a strong Town Administrator was with a board of five M and I was already thinking that anyway um and there was some reasons why they why why I think there reasons why for that but um what you're saying ties into what they said which was to have a full-time strong Town Administrator it's actually works better when there's a five person board so um that was another I mean there was a lot of different it wasn't one specific thing that we said this we this is why it was a bunch of different reasons and when we we went we went back and forth on it a bunch but in the end when we had all of our information and we looked at it as a whole our feeling was that it would be better with that it could be better with with a five person board for a variety of different reasons maybe I mean if the town doesn't want that then they don't want it is I want you but you can't serve no that's right I'm I'm U ambivalent about whether it's three to five because it's not the it's not so much the workload it's the decision load MH you know to have the time to really you know Town Administrator gives us you know we get packets and stuff like that you know the time to read it and think about it and maybe do a little research on the site it's the decision lo as opposed to the the workload that I you know so all right let's move on town clerk from elected to appointed my view I I think that my view is I I think I I would agree with that uh I think all those position we had people who've served many years that have done excellent jobs and are great at it and know and all that stuff but again we're talking about the future and who knows what the future brings and uh I I think if you the board I'm appointing someone uh uh gives us more flexibility and to get a professional in there and and it's the same thing with the the treasurer collector I think they've all done great jobs they've been here and done it and they put in the extra time and everything else but U and if it was 10 years ago maybe it wouldn't be part of any discussion yeah I know you know things things have changed the the the clerk's job has changed so much in the with the state laws and it's just oh yeah well this is something overwhelming it's something my dad brought up 20 years ago but again we've been very for you said fortunate people in these jobs do a great job and I think somebody else mentioned might even been Donna mentioned that nothing prevents the board from reappointing the same people that now as the appointed people so this would be effective 2025 if if those positions now still want to be in those positions they reint them but should they choose not to the biggest gain for the town is that by going to appointed you are no longer limited to someone who lives in hamen right you can you know like Don to Don's point about you know the skill set and the training and and all of that experience that goes with it the town would therefore be able to choose from a wider candidate have you looked at any provide a job description have you looked at any of the budgeting process if we expand that to non residents does that change the criteria for the wage scale we specifically avoided talking about effects on the town budget okay I think it's decided the that wasn't it shouldn't be part of your Charter but I think we did hear also from the town accountant as a when he retires he told us be expected that you're going to get a huge competitive salary to qualifi current accountant for 40,000 yeah and when I look around other towns 80 was the going rate right I think that's certainly a valid concern to Craigs that if we go this that would be true almost no matter what I mean even even if you got a another person to run in town they're not going to do it for Dick's salary not you're not no you won't do I mean I'm not qualified and again that goes back to my point we've been very lucky the people running are qualified absolutely and they've grown with the position too so you know finding somebody that can just come in and do the job requires quite a skill set and with skill set the salary so these two articles really uh 25 and 22 really Tad's got a question go together yeah and I'd be in favor of those two is okay Tad's got a question Tad you can't be going that and T yeah if you go to appointed is there a specific language as to what what the candidate require his requirements for the job would be so we don't get I know there's other times other scenarios where we've had a guy's cousin's daughter got put in as a certain job I'm just saying going to do appointments yeah we' create a job description you know we'd look at other towns create a job description probably have it now with the cols report there's there's a background there's a requirement like nepotism all of that stuff is an issue and the right I don't think so I mean it's like anything else like the assessor the whatever you have certain requirements Heck if you're some of these you require bonding for some of these jobs too you're still you me you're still on the running don't don't I don't know that I that but anyway I asked the question I'm I'm satisfied thank all right so that's the and we same thing with the treasur collector all that old position two separ articles combin I said 2225 yeah can't see what you're looking at we haven't seen we haven't I was going in order of your report but no but it seems like they're tied together really the rationale for 25 is the same as the rationale for 22 you know what is 25 and 22 25 one's the Town Clerk and the other's the combined Treasurer I don't have a warrant in front of me to see that I'm looking well I do have the warrant but I'm looking at the report and in most towns I I believe that most towns have collector treasure collector treasure that's like 300 of the 351 have clerk Treasurer collector hoo I learned over the weekend might go to treasure collector yeah right and then these well can we go to 26 that 26 yeah okay electronic voting so what this is it basically is a by what we're proposing is a change to the bylaw that enables another method of voting other than a show of hands then the next step would be for you guys to decide you know if it's appropriate to move to electronic voting this is just the first steping no it only allows for it to it doesn't require it yeah so but in order to get to that process we need to have it voted right because right now we don't have the option it's only a show of hands so this opens it up to POS or secret B but that's part um so in the future if the town decided to procure the ability to do it that way and the moderator decides to do it that way you could do electronic voting there was a problem the show of hands is still in the bylaw so you can still go back to raising a card if if that's what and it would still be in person though right oh yeah it's all attending the meeting it's just a method of collecting the votes at the meeting does anybody else do that yes a lot of people I was talking to Donna and Bob about that and like said a lot of YouTube Tom meetings you see people with that the one thing I did mention if there was a way that we could share the cost with some other communities because we're using them two or three times a year and you can't tell me that tburg and whatever not the save because you talked about you know how to make sure they're charged things like that you know I don't want to get into a lease program but on the other hand if three towns share them for the total of 15 times a year it seems like we're saving some money well maybe there's a company that rents them kind of likeing orens the renting for like one for like the way like when we talked it was buy or rent but rent came with someone coming from Pennsylvania setting up the whole thing and running it when the end result really was if there was an issue it was like the cable wasn't in the right place there's a market for it around what you're saying I've used those things in Industry they're not cheap you're talking about 30 bucks a piece and you're going to need one for every registered voters that's 150 Grand technically yeah I mean you could we could take a shot and say look we've never seen more that's why you're almost into rental thing you know right but I mean a rental thing like the regular town meeting has 150 people put we're doing a school thing we better call and tell them we need 500 right almost th and there are places that do relas them but you're get into some appears to be big bucks but you could probably lease something like that for about 10 grand instead of 150 Grand but again maybe this is the second floor thing let's just get the foundation laid right now and give us the ability to look into it the ability right now to use paper ballots correct right secret ballots yeah right so does that not answer the question or the problem well then you have to have somebody sit there because of recount I think the efficiency wise well I no I make your point like technically could you define these as a secret ballot that these are technically secret you could well it would be easier almost to change it and put it in there yeah the wording of the bylaw is it's pretty specific um show of hand and well yeah but the and the secret ballot part talks about the Town Clerk and a paper and the whole and then you have a yes or no whatever yeah it's this is one of the ones where there's no harm to putting it in it expands our abilities so exactly and the and the and the voting by show of hands doesn't come out so if the town got 300 units and 700 people show up to a town meeting you don't use them you can do a show you still do a show at hand so um you know if we figured out how many people average come to the town meeting and increase the number we have by X number percent or whatnot then we could use it for probably most meetings and if but again the question only opens to make it a possibility you do that okay so whether or not we should do it is kind of The Next Step but well that's what the seven member board will decide the all right so select man to select board honestly at the onset of our time together this seemed to us to be a no-brainer it seems like it's got a lot of heartburn for people but um you know to us it's it's like we're trying to move the town forward and if you look around at other cities and towns it's it's quite often my my question is though does this do it well this came from Rose what ask question saying it needs to be two separate things because it's zoning in general right yeah for my understand I what I read about from other towns is there's only two ways you can do it and then you go to state one is you have a warrant article that gives this tells the selectman to petition the state to change the name home rulle typ thing right and then they have a legislation they change it then you go back and change all the things or the other way is you the town meeting votes for it and then there's a town election to conf confirm the vote so I don't I I just don't know if this does it the lad of what you said was basic like Rose said you know you have to do the planning public hearing and then um yeah but the say the other any towns that I've seen do it go do it they do they they they go to the town meeting the town meeting votes for it they petition the legislature it's really just proor takes a couple of months to get it through and then the next town meeting they say okay it's select boards now so now all the wording has to change in our in our general bylaws and in our zoning bylaws so you think the article should be to petition the state legislature for the authority to make the change basically yes I think the article you guys check with rose on that however you you know it needs to be changed that that's fine but I think what Don saying is 23 24 would be on the 25 if we did the worst case would be on the 25 bet warrant you will if we got back from the St early enough it could be in the fall it could be in the fall yeah like I I just said Medway just did theirs and they did they did the town meeting to petition and now it's going to be on their fall town meeting to change the the wording and all the all the documents that would wilham did too I think it do wilham did they had to position this in a lot of towns say it takes a couple years to change all the wordings and all the different I mean the whole thing about the zoning stuff they picked all that up that it's in the zoning it could be in the subdivision rules and rigs it could you know show up in a ton of places right so I guess I I'll throw it to the board are we interested in then just amending this basically one article to get the sense of the town to petition this basically that type of wording which we can probably get from five other towns warrants in two seconds in two seconds mway waham north B just did there's too so so are you guys good if we do one article for that part yeah stay on the committee until next year when we actually bring the other articles in I know double your pay all right anything else that that was the five right huh that was the five there was additional things that you thought should be looked at down the road right right there's a bunch of other things you yeah there's a lot of other yeah things that we couldn't get to but we sort of picked up along the way in interviews and conversations yeah things we left to so what are some of those things that you think that should be addressed you know down the road that didn't make it into this round by you their well it's in the report like appoint it and Facilities managers nonpartisan ballots cross training of personnel was one that came up repeatedly um and then you know in the end we felt strongly that if we were going to stay with elected given the new management you know land landscape that a recall election methodology should be put in place because I you can talk to Cliff he will tell you about his experience and you know if we're going to be hiring people that are unknown to the town and it doesn't work out what are you going to do let him Rec hav it for three years you know like if it's a financial position or whatever and so what sorry back I didn't understand Cliff was at one point talking about a position that was filled with someone that couldn't do the job right but you were talking about the financial thing if we're moving to the financial ones to appointed and the recall wouldn't make a and that's the big that's you're going to stay with elected so we think you should go to appointed but if that doesn't work protect the town backup okay which would be the recall mechanism okay lot of if thens right sure and maybe you need both if you know there's I mean well that's you've got a few on phase B basically is what you're thinking about and then um a standing or recurring government study committee because we had a year to do all this and it really was a short timeline uh looking at other cities and towns they've had uh government study committee Boards of 10 where they've had time to break up into sub committees and go off like in groups of three or whatever and do more indepth studies and they've had longer periods of time three years five years and they're still asking for extensions we also talked to Bob Markle about it quite a bit and he recommended that we just basically every five years impl a new study committee if for no other reason than just kind of to audit how well how well we're doing that's too long I mean there's a lot of recommendations that you know could be looked at in the next couple years you know 5 years seems like a long time to revisit those things yeah I think in July you should appoint another one like Why Stop Now so does anybody want to stay on just volunteered Michelle Michelle are you there you want to stay on you're not talking and then uh one of the other things that's in the report is um communication in the website really needs an upgrade and which we've done way to we we do have that outward we do have a new website and they do a lot of the work now that we've enabl it they will do more we do have a contract for a new website so they're going to update we need to increase resident engagement that's always that's the talking how do we do that I things you been touch on tonight seem to be some misunderstanding as to who does what I think it was referring a lot between the three or five people on the select board and the Town Administrator that you know the current select board don't give the top administrator any Authority which I don't really see that but that might be the case but they were getting feedback that there was HR function that was Miss and this and that and everything else did the town the government study group come across an organization chart that shows all the positions in the town all the Departments and how all the Departments interact with each other I would think that would be probably the number one thing that I can see in the report that really if there is an issue like combining these jobs how they might put more load on a SEL less load on a s this and this how is the actual work flow through the town and how do all the departments in the town interact with each other because I've I've in the past have brought questions about say the fire department or the police department or this and that and it's kind of like I was asking questions about the computers and it was like well that's hands off they have their own thing going that's what I was curious to see in the government study but I don't know if that was looked at or if that was something wasn't even consider I think one answer to that if I could jump in is that I think Bob was constrained by being part-time I think he did a great job I think great job for the 24 hours he had but I think a lot of that is saved by the fact look if you're not working Thursday things don't happen Thursday and who do people turn to when look we're all in jobs and you want your supervisor you want to turn to him and say what do I do and if he's that person is missing one day a week right it doesn't help the organization run well and your new administrator works as all time right so but I think that's one of the solutions that helps that that issue you know you need like I said we all in business or have been in business you need your manager there to answer questions the other thing is we're not proposing that there needs to be a dedicated HR person just that somebody needs to take on that responsibility for the entire organization and logically that is either the Town Administrator or I think we suggested at some point we probably will need an assistant Town Town manager and maybe that's the appropriate person that was something we had explored last year when Bob was transitioning out that the position that is currently admin assistant their select board you got me doing it would transition into assistant ta and I think something the board was kicking around when we were looking at the job description at that point but I think we felt that maybe that was a little too much with all the Personnel issues that were happening with changes maybe too much to take on but it is on our agenda our radar if you will correct me if wrong that that is something that we are looking to always just like your committee we're always looking to make things work better that's and just to be clear too regarding this topic it was more than just Bob we met with a long list of people um who work in the town and pretty much the message was clear that the the job positions are siloed like you know like this person's responsible for this that's it like I think that also goes back to your point of having elected people that can't you know they only answer to say you know the the residents people so cross training of you know administrative assistance and you know so that should somebody be out for an extended period things don't come to a screeching Hall it was a message that h r that came through pretty loud and clear in the interviews okay all right anything else thank you and April 4th 6:30 forum for the public right here yes April 4th 6:30 on that topic of town meeting do you have a pres presentation so you you're probably going to get a lot of questions on the warrant you know I just are you guys ready for Q&A time these are yeah so we're going to be uh we just didn't know what to prepare we didn't know how many if any we're going to be presented to the town at the well that's what I wanted to just quickly bring up so what's our decision so we have at this point five on our five five on our so we're looking at if you get your copy here we're looking to leave on what we've called article 21 21 is what we've looked at leave on article 21 which is increasing the number of Select right we're looking to look at 22 and 25 next but I would make them concurrent to each other because if there's an explanation it's easier to say the next two articles be like 22 and 23 exactly right is the town clerk treas so you can make the conversation generic both basically and then I think we're looking at the and 24 be authorizing the board selectman to the legisl however they wording can you guys just you know check with rose on that I don't discount what you're saying but given well I think the two you have here would represent the next step after we get back this the next step I think we have to do the correct the first step is that's okay I'm just trying but there a future town meeting we'll check I'll check with the RO we have six on here though and then the last one was be the uh replacement electronic thing what number is that at that point it be 25 I no 22 and is a 21 2225 of the combo 21st that be 23 no so 2225 is now 2223 because we want them to next to each other okay 24 would be petition the state yeah and 25 would be the electronic device basically the two that talked about amending select board kind of go away cuz we need to petition the state first and we save those for after the state come back said sure you can do it okay now those two go on the next time meeting because the state said yes you can do it procedural question sure do we talk to the advisory committee yes April 16th yes April 16th right so they're going to defer to you to talk to the crowd that are going to be here right and the over under is 10 or 15 this year a few last year we go to bring your family you've been enough you know what I me yeah that thank you thank you for your work on this tool by the way does that fall in with what you guys want you all want to do yeah okay your appointments end when 26 or 27 I think so who's reappointing especially the new guy Louis has this been fun what do you think wonderful a lot from these guys and then as I just moved into town two years ago I went to the meeting I got selected to be part of this and the people that are I've been working with just they love the town and I hear it every meeting and they really put their best foot forward on this to me know make things better for the future well great that's good to hear thank you Keith came in from a different place he's used to Growing Up and here those darn Luckman when his dad came home all right hey I just have a a different question Brian did the rooc call go out yeah I got the text but no call got the text in the email but no call I'll investigated y yeah so I did get the results and all three of those went out but our personal experience has been that some of the calls didn't go out so we'll have to check yes so not we'll send out a second time waiting for the rates to go down a little later at night we'll send out a second time 3: a.m. yeah hello that that'll make it go good all right so where's thanks so and you're zooming this one and I did volunteer to be your Zoom operator we don't have anybody yet it's not interactive but we figured people could join well we should be broadcasting it any all right have a next next item on the agenda is the trans change of light manager the liquor license great horse Brian are you there did we need to vote to reopen the warrant yes sir I'm here we can do that next because we still have the war hi sorry to keep you waiting and and about the confusion last week so changing manager got do anything pretty clear we're stra away or just uh we sign it what we require a motion a motion we got do we got a sign all we authorize uh the change of general manager for the great Horse Country second all in favor all right that's it we're going to sign this and send it off tomorrow thank you Mr Davenport sorry sorry to keep you waiting in confusion last week thanks that's okay thank you so much yeah I know byee maybe you could deliver it up there during lunch or something Don well I think they have to we have to send it to the abcc SL down the bottom there all right next item on the agenda is reopen the warrant zoning articles move to reopen the warrant second all in favor I Patrick you have something no I was just going to say that uh the language that I had looked at for the bridgeline of hillsite had not made it through the Massachusetts legislature it's still being proposed so it's really nothing that we would add at this point um and we could do it at the fall meeting and it also wouldn't impact anything on our current agenda so okay so I reached out to the representative Walsh from to see what it do it wasn't clear where it was in the process uh it's been kicking around at the mass house for a couple years now so oh boy so we'll see where we it'll probably KCK ground for another couple years right right yeah so so we'll do a little scrubing on that and come back for the fall meeting if there's something okay U and I had a I had a proposal for a moratorium on the battery operat battery energy storage systems a one-year moratorium and there are some uh discussion with the planning board whether they can get whether they can have a hearing in time and all that kind of stuff but I'd like to leave it on the warrant as a no matter what happens as a informational as an informational thing if if we don't take any action we can take no AC it'll be on the warrant to let people know what's going on that may be a good time to solicit people for the add that to it where are we on here Warr so we're going to do some changing on these articles right what else we have there's another one there although the the mini mini the high school warrant for the amendment is not going to be but I don't have they the capital I thought when they stepped into our meeting they told us and they actually had they actually gave us a paper showing how much our part was going to be wireless access points but we haven't seen anything no they handed to us at that that was an official Communications no it wasn't but they gave us a number I'm going to say it was like 40 forart maybe I don't remember was pretty expensive so basically they're looking for a capital yeah but they haven't given us any those no we need the line I guess we'll hold the placeholder for that so put place all these see we got the the we got we have one in there article 20 Capital Improvements right so just leave it like that basically that's what it is because that's part of the agreement Don you said it's there's a number in there too right in the number they have a number no percentage or whatever percentage do you think 18 will be informational at this point F yeah yeah okay 100% commissional the other thing is typically and just need to be that way 19 the number is typically in the explanation part not in the the B not not in the 2C part right not in the article I me okay yeah but we do like to put a little explanation thing also we anticipate this will be and then how about the elected we got that SP away one semetary commissioner for a year yeah one for two years anybody running for these or from three years those two new select on there did we move the uh water district one down in the list where is it 16 16 water district to see if the to vot are rate appropriate yeah that was up pretty high before the first 10 are pretty much boiler plate cuz it's the and I think you may want to check on the two North Road things I thought one of them was dropping I'd like to move the water district in front of the uh Land Trust ones I'm fine with that cuz I got there's some we had a CPN well I don't know if they do now or doing a select report it is relevant to the warrant um at the CPA meeting there was a pretty good discussion about this and I thought Jennifer and Sherry did a great job of presenting the need for this work I think the biggest issue was a this is a parcel that's not created yet they need to buy the property they need to subdivide and this is an amount based to recoup the differential between what they paid and what they can sell the subdivided other partial for and just in my opinion which may be totally uneducated for that part I think this number is way too high if you look at what we spent for Mount vision and even Westbrook was peanuts compared to what this Price is Right so I'm concerned about the price as well I'm I'm okay with the proposal and its overview type thing it's a nice idea gets parking I feel they're paying way too much and then there's um there's land transfers between a resident too that need to happen you know they're going to take a sliver here and res give there which they have an agreement on that's fine but the it's just so what are you suggesting there was some conversation and Brian may be aware of this that they're one of these was coming off 13 yeah and they're just leaving the CPA authorization which again so they get a gauge if they can right right but it doesn't promote the town to require the town to do any action I think that at some point it may be a no action on 13 but I'm happy to go with Craig suggestion that uh move the water the water up to basically we have two two large numbers on here uh Senior Center and water district yeah and I I also was questioning should we go for full funding for the water district rather than going back for it twice rather than and then we're actually paying more if we do it in two sections and then then we just say hey take care of the project get it fixed for the residents as fast as possible oh it does give you Authority maybe we'll get a better deal if we're doing the whole thing at that was my thought rather than hiring two different Contracting phases we do it all at once and then you know you said we're not we're not going back out for bidding for a second contract I say we go I say we go for the whole nine yards 10,000 yards you're so um at that point you need more more M oh no I'm sorry is everything in phase two or three whatever it is intill inside the map it wasn't because did you decide are we coming down Glendale in full loop or not I think it depends on which way the engineers decided there there was two options one they go around to loop back down and then that's not in the map I don't think that not we'd have to rezone it right another article right so for expanding the district size so I would just say I agree with Craig to move 16 down to 13 and put a potential 14 in there for possible modification to the map yeah but even if we didn't even if we didn't get modification we could still do the money and then yeah we couldn't do the full project we would start the project until the map is right we need we need the map to be able to do the geographical area and I think didn't the map thing require State approval too correct I don't remember I'm trying to remember when we did Main Street here because we had to change the map for Main Street we had to change the map but yeah I I don't remember how the process was where's joh when you need them yeah well do we have legislation for that I think so yeah yeah the original thing was signed up that could POS a problem too then yeah no it only just you know we get done quickly it's fine well you can still do the parts that are inside right if we had the map we had if you did the map then it would go to the legislature but we could still allocate the money for the whole project we get the pump house upgraded we can get the Main Street ones we could still do phase one but still still have the money to complete phase two we need it right if we don't spend it then dick just well the problem is you know like Craig said maybe there's some savings by Contracting one guy and it might and we all know prices aren't going to go down in it next year no so and I think it it sets us up for success to get it done sooner than later and then we're saving that money on testing oh definitely with the state too they're going to look very favorable the fact we took positive action all right so we're going to so with that being said I would make a motion to close the warrant again and allow the Town Administrator to do the readjustments authorized by the board but we're going to go for the full amount correct 3.2 million but again that's the language here but add a second article for for theop copy it from three years ago two years ago need the final price though too I think I don't remember what it was off hand but no but that's not the we don't need it we don't need we don't need the article oh well I'm sorry I'll take that back with that number there that may require an override question yes so we may need to copy the same language as the senior center add another question to the ballot right CU if you're at the 2 point something that's definitely outside definitely outside well he could service it inside the levy limit but I don't think he can borrow anticipation without authorization right only problem is the DP mandate what happens if it gets voted down and then what do we tell the DP you said it has to be an override question right funding what if the town votes it down then how do we fund that project for the DP to satisfy their requirements can we have a special town meeting for lower okay yeah we can call a special anytime we want right can I just um I had an email from the Town Clerk and said that we're missing a one-year Board of assessors appointment on the election oh really I thought Jason wasn't the guy up this year no okay so I know they have somebody interested in running for the open spot so I guess that's one year left on that term right and I think is it Bob up this year I think it's Bob Bob was up running again all right then we looking for Cemetery Commissioners anybody interested je if we didn't have that do it darn right Dad three right here yeah just three every day seriously all right all right your motion is to close the war commiss what you're going to start appointing people why won you just start appointing because we have you say because they need to say yes yeah you know how well that works P all right second change the name change the title that's it we're got a motion to close we're going a motion to going to close the warrant all in favor all right all right budget review uh I think we just a couple small changes here so we put the actual fin number in for next year you put that was under Health shared expenses wasn't it I note for that change to be made shared services 25 under shared services all right here Services selecting salar Craig are you comfortable with the uh the transportation testing number for 120 are you feeling that something look it's in there now and if we need to change that's what the fall is for yeah okay ride ride with it for now got wildlife control all right you want to do U ambulance right look in your folder here I gave you one of I think you should have one of these in your folder I'm not if you back here I'm just not comfortable with that number don't know why we're at you know it no I think it rounded I mean it you know you never know what we're throwing there you know something go that what do you want to change that to 50 huh 50 50 yeah know hard drive cost more next year where we here where's this probably in the back probably in the back you know back back your oh there it is right here no no no it's not it back of the fold all right so I I have so we have one year that we can extend the the U action ambulance all right and so the number that they have is 374 794 that's the top number is the annual right and then it's they predict a 6,876 rebate and which would bring our net cost to$ 313 which is $20,000 less than our original day one these rebates come inside our fiscal year what did the rebates come inside their fiscal year no this is what I asked them so I asked them is there some way you could work in the anticipated rebate and they said yes what we can do is and that's what you see the bottom number it says the net annual subsidy all right so that's working in the re so they said okay if if if it's 3% increase which is 374 and we predict your subsid is going to be your rebate is going to be 61,000 basically we'll we can apply 75% of that to your thing and we'll keep us somehow just in case it goes up or down and that would that would lower your your budget your what you would put in the taxes to 329,000 actually lower than what we appropriate year which is lower we appropriated the first year okay and then it'd be a 15 like 15 or 16,000 left over just in case it didn't make that or he said it could even go more I don't know it's going to happen to the year right and FY 26 and then he then he also showed it if we if we went for a threeyear if we wanted to re you know start a new contract for three years what it would look like in both the budgeted and in the net numbers so I I'm thinking the way to do it is to appropriate to 3:30 instead do the do the have them do the rebate right rebate fold it into the yeah and then they left a little bit of room there too in case if we right do 75% of the rebate and then if it's more you'll get we'll take it out the end of the year if not we'll you'll have the money there to offset it so do we leave the uh the current budget at 374 or do you want to lower it down so we would lower that to 329 33 137 3:30 probably just 3:30 even yeah and then I don't know if you want to consider doing a whole new three-year contract um I think we should have a greater discussion around that all right maybe invite Mike in discuss all right so I'll tell Mike to think about this that weer that guy M waranka yeah yeah I think we should exercise the one-year contract okay and 3:30 yes okay so and that'll that'll that because we don't get it we don't you know we don't we don't get it till October right we make sure can we make sure we get that in writing though just so we're not short falling off case something happens okay all right so that's that issue all right what else we got here in this so that's the budget anything else in the budget um it website yeah um were we comfortable with that number Brian for the website um I think so and as far as what we owe currently are we able to cover that so so that's the question um John and I would this money so that that will cover the that will cover the annual operated cost of the website okay it won't cover the additional 14 $15,000 to complete the upgrade right but we all that inside the current fiscal year and I think we talked about taking out along claims when we can do Line to Line transfers after May 1st okay I think Brian has talked to them okay we acknowledge we owe it but we're not going to be paying you for a month or so okay yeah I think the question was where that was coming from me no long claims we anticipate this that's going to happen so we got wait till May 1st though for that to to cover both those right and then we're cover we're good going forward then right I'd like to see a plan from them though on like we talked about what they're going to do for this money yeah I want to see maybe examples of three other towns I don't want to see just it's just a switch of of a switch you know and now you have the new website bang done yeah it's not $14,000 worth of work right but i' like couple give us a name of a couple two or three other towns we can look at and say this is $15,000 website instead of the $5,000 Great Bay for the bck that's anything else what else we got on there tons of stuff I thought the description was pretty good if we're going to accept their resignation but I mean I don't boards decided that yet I just keep pushing it back no sign no one signed it yeah all right well you shred right but on the on the description the job description for the are we going to figure way to take out the facilities things I mean what are we going to do about that then you know I mean government study committee says we need an IT facilities person I don't disagree with them I a couple names currently working for the town that are interested in doing that type of thing Let Brian explore if that can happen can they can they get to paychecks go there are people in town that do already at different rates yeah yeah yeah I think that would be a smart thing to venture into what does bring up the next question then if we're going to do that should we quickly throw something in this budget for or E associ man person take that 30,000 you just saved on the ambulance and put uh I don't think we're talking no it's $40,000 job either no it's not a fulltime job no 10 to 15 or something like that just for maintaining buildings well then but the other question is you know are we doing it in facilities management or is it just could P Facilities Management unfortunately I think what we got here it's two sep things you know if you looking for somebody who can go through the hardware of the Town Hall the toilets whatever that's not the guy resetting the router I mean the facilities guy would look at not just Town Hall but yeah so I think there should be like a line in him for throw 10 in there for now and if it's got to be fixed during the year or whatever but oh for facilities right yeah 10 well I think we could fix it later in the year or something like that but I think you need to but maybe we got to wait for that we need at least put the line item here for that I agree with that right you know under facilities Jane's got you know camera oversight door locking schedule and stuff like that would that still be facilities or would that be you know administrative I actually don't see why that can't come under taaa oversight administrative right as long as we have good communication from every Department that they need this thing and that again gets back into Lauren does a lot of stuff now with you know calendar scheduling and stuff like that and there might be something I want to put more on your work plate Lauren no but there gets back into isn't this Wednesday your first thing Ryan you said it was going to this Wednesday what's that your first uh staff meeting yeah so I think we they there's an ongoing situation where information and scheduling is not making it to the Town Administrator Administrative Assistant office and I think that needs to be clarified perhaps in your staff meeting that look you guys want to schedule thing that's fine but we have to know just like some that happen happens with different rooms here this isn't the Pentagon we don't have 100 rooms so and we're not buying the robin software to do scheduling or something like that you haven't seen the Fallout sh underneath that's a great point the rifle range we covered that up that wasn't back in Don's day we had it here yep yeah seriously back when you could take a rifle the school for La for practice after anyhow so if we could I would suggest we add a line item maybe under the first part there for facilities right facilities put 10,000 for now yeah okay so that yeah if I could just jump in for a second so in terms of in terms of advertising for the replacement of the Board of Health coordinator what do you think the timeline of that's going to be got to get another year and a half I think what was what's the official date in her her name her letter there July July 1 July July 3rd or something like that 30th June 30th no it's July yeah so yeah we should probably really consider about posting that soon so we get some cross training and you know set a salary where it's going to fall in the Colin scale now are we are we going experience are we going straight well I think that's I mean if you look at the current number we have there and the fact that pretty much at the top at the step scale were more than covered because the grade is already set and it's already at the top of the steps so worst case you'd match it and best case you come in a few steps lower got that get that done tomorrow why not uh huh why not tonight you're softy got to figure out why you get a I I want to break him I want to break them in slowly I'll I'll text them around you'll break them I'll break I'll text them around 3:00 okay are you awake taking the puppy out foring break my my secretary used to Just sh all unplug her phone and everything Vadar okay anybody on anybody on Vader what do we got nobody here for it nobody okay okay all right well Steve Tyler poor guys's waiting on there um this I just tell you where I am on this okay the computer the server is owned by the town m not by the department the data is owned by the town not by the department the contract with Vader is signed for the town with the is with the municipality not with the department and so it's just got to happen we've got a contract with these guys they're sitting out there waiting to do it and it's the right thing to do and I appreciate everything he's doing it's all that but look we got to move past it and just security is it's not there we already authorized it right so it's we just just need to tell them implement it right so let's move okay who's going to authorize it to implement it now though that would be Brian sorry Brian you don't live in town can we jump let's Jump Ahead to MVP yeah Stevie on there Steve Tyler MVP Grant I'm here thank you right okay what's the deal this Bri um so just jump I met with um stepen Mary last week stay Monday last week um they brought me up to speed on on the MVP project um and they took me through what would be the end of uh this first phase which would be I believe in Steve correct me if I'm wrong it's 100% design for the bridge um remaining there's still remaining tasks before we could get the the bridge uh shovel ready the biggest one being getting through the chapter 85 Bridge review process but the the current MVP Grant does not cover that so there's probably maybe between 100 it's probably around $150 $175,000 left in work that would need to get done um so their suggestion was that uh the town would apply for a second MVP action Grant but those are due April 24th um so there's a proposal from hsh um for I believe it was $6,000 for them to prepare that Grant um on behalf of town submited and I hopefully receive funding to get that Bri design to to a point where it would be shovel ready Steve what's the over under on this if you apply I feel like your chances are pretty good because I don't think they're going to leave you hanging in the Lurch gotten as far as you are and not carrying it to the finish line and I'm really kind of surprised we have to do it this way because we included it last year in our application where it was a two-year Grant but the MVP just just wanted to do one year at a time um we missed the opportunity to ask them directly but my sense is is that the over under is good it'll get approved we can spend it out long claims to be appropriate for this type of thing right we have a motion move to appropriate up to $6,000 for the purpose of Grant uh application second any further discussion all in favor I I thank you for hanging on Steve thank you Steve best Mary uh you're welcome good luck with your town meeting check check with Brian tomorrow get it whatever you need all right uh conso mitigation relo reallocation so do we actually have money or this is the money that we would be getting we had talked about doing sidewalk design and we're already approved for this money but we have to tell them what we're going to use for instead yeah they I mean they have a yes so there was an original Award of $223,000 mhm and for the sidewalk design Apparently that is not going forward so they asked for they provided the town with the opportunity to reallocate to apply to reallocate those funds which we had already said we would allocate 50,000 towards the bridge bridge the in kind contribution which we could make that and then we have a question of 160 150 153 towards something else we've talked about an intersection study for East Meadow Allen whichever I believe Bob looked into that before I thought it was Ty bom but it was probably pvpc he worked with I think that makes sense so there might be some documentation if he reach if BR reach back out to them and find out how far that how far they went we also talked about doing a study over at the other intersection too combining them two the one on summers in Maine M and then East Long Meadow in Allen so I I you know we had a resident come in before and we I thought at that time we were entertaining the option to look into doing the studies of those two intersections I thought so too and that's where was it so I would move that we uh reallocate the funds for the bridge match the traffic study at those two intersections and I still to put a light or a crosswalk light here at the front of Main Street um and then see where you're standing I I don't know how much the stud is going to cost I'm sure they I think I saw in the breakdown from you on the first 100,000 he already had money in there allocated for this other one because he mentioned three crosswalks and we've only done two so far we did the senior and we did the uh uh Parker mhm and he show in his chart there there was a third one allocated so maybe any shortfall can go off against the third one but I think you already had another 14,000 listed for the third crosswalk it's possible yeah we're playing catchup right now yeah what would you what would be your order of priority if these exceed 203 we got to take care of the bridge first first yeah and then a study on both intersection right yeah than you than aut review where are we got the books balanced yet on that one no that was a quick answer and I think it's I think it's accurate honest yeah so this originally came up because I wanted the board to know that about the looming deadline to obligate the fund right which is December 31st 2024 and obligate means that there either um obligate means that there's a there's really a contract for services or supplies on the book so it's not just the uh it's not just the board saying we're going to use it for this amount of money and then this came up in the context when when the was talking about a funding part of it with the water uh faring um um using some of the water district using some of the oper funds to for the water district um so I wanted to see how much was left and so I went back through the the documents that that I could find on laser Fe and there's between um you know depending on on which estiment we want to look at um you know somewhere around 400,000 to 440,000 um but there's some discrepancies in the account that I when I went back through it and pulled the reports there seemed to be additional Revenue that was added above and beyond the oper award to the town and so um I I reached out to to clip to try to clear that off and um we stop by today dropped off another document and it it actually went the opposite way that I thought it would and which is there was actually a correction that actually put a $60,000 of additional expenses into the account which would drop which would drop the remaining by 60,000 obviously um and then there's also questions around um I I think you might have seen a spreadsheet there was there was some some uh look would had preserved some of the money for for costs that had have not been spent yet so I mean it could be anywhere from 300,000 available remaining so that still needs to be cleared up for sure um I I need to ask some very specific questions about certain entries that that happen so you still need some more time to follow through on that yeah okay I would say the critical on this would be to have number prior to either well advisory hearing so we could say you know this is how much we're applying from arpa towards water district I saw a couple things and I could pick your brains the covid salary thing I find I we didn't authorize that we talked about it and I found different things but I found no vote we didn't vote we did not so um couple things the zoom licenses I know it's a minor amount but that should be out of it it should not have been an ARP of funding the original ones were covid funded that made sense right but then it's an ongoing expense it's an ongoing expense not our F no why and why it would it come out of there right and in the bridging appr we approve that yeah but that money when I check with the chief and he and he got $3,000 per uh officer back from the state on another Grant so that should go back in there oh did he oh really yeah oh I didn't know that yeah so yeah that should come and reimburse well come back and already wash into the general fund you think yeah it depends how they how they accounted for it right yeah but it had to go back to our brother possibly or or could have went or could have lost through the general fund we need to yeah but that goes back into our authorization we authorized the basically the bottom line expense to the town if some came back the bottom line expense was this not that right so not basically not to exceeded right supposed it's probably better if it wases to the general fund because there's no expiration to spend it went back if you if you took the expenses out of but I thought there were several things that we voted on that we said we'll take it out of ARA in anticipation of getting a grant or being reimbursed or and then would go back into the Aira tasers I think the Tas Tas another one and I just see the final there's the final amount but I thought to get them right right away okay we'll do it but when you get your Grant right we get the money back right I think a specific question is did we get that Grant so we got a few questions there y actually we bought those but we were also getting money from the old ones we donated them we didate we could sell them we donated them to North brooki something you kept one for yourself though right you you missed the tasing session they had I I got one for myself to keep the for the doctor your the coyotes and the Bobcats out of the yard uh the ambulance extension we're going we already took care of that right okay so Town Administrator report hold on that the select report select report okay okay so meetings this week I went to the CPA meeting one thing that came up was a request from the library for money from CPA to replace two windows upstairs couple of concerns that I raised was a why didn't this come to our board first if there's a problem with the physical facility of the Town Hall uh point was made well this has been coming up for years yes we we know that Bob applied for a grant the state turned it down but you're only asking for two windows right now for6 ,000 I'm sure we can find that money and the other point I made was that if you're going to town meeting for CPA money that's July at the earliest right if the board votes to appropriate 6,000 out of townhouse maintenance which is appropriate the windows are over next week right so I thought there was a bit of a the process didn't seem to go the way I would have expected um that's and I also and I think Brian brought this point up the new windows that are being proposed have nothing to do with historical they're not even one was B in yeah composite yeah um I would hate to put the CPA Committee in a position that maybe something right so I think I did email a copy of the quote and like the propos to the board that we authorize money out of townhouse maintenance basically to fix these two windows per the request of the library committee and then at some point we get into communication now was it the request of the Board of Trustees or is it the request of individual I I assume of course for the town buildings right right right I guess it comes down to the org chart who responsible for the buildings right there is the point that you know well there are many needs in the town hall we're all aware of that I believe tyan Bond told us there were $4 million worth of needs I think it was $7 million worth of needs up to S so but right now we can take care of 600 6,000 I'd like the board to consider that was that the official motion I guess I'll make a motion to uh authorize time ministrator order two new windows up to $6,200 per the quote I emailed for the worker St on the second floor let's get done we got it second all in favor itively okay all right the only report I oh uh building committee we're having a second Forum I believe it's the 25th or right have that date I know it's in the 2 um oh sorry the 30th so April 30 will be the second senior center form thank uh we're also in receipt of uh Rita veale has steep down from the building committee and we'd like to obviously thank her for her service on that Rita has been a person that's always stepped up to fill a need and she's still of course a member of the friends of the hmond seniors um I don't think at this point we need to fill that spot a lot of pick up at this point yeah my turn we could I'm sorry if the chair could do a letter yeah please for the board uh fiber optic committee met last week um they everybody met last week everybody met last week they're um they they came up with the idea to not bring anything forward at the town meeting but other than make it an informational session let them know that the committee is still gr they're looking into options and doing a lot of uh Rock kicking right now so more information coming the town meeting but no no requests I have to say we are fortunate to have seriously when you have a couple like Greg and his wife Madison and Keith you know was last week when both of them were here meeting I was here was that Wednesday night Thursday night both of you guys were here meeting we're lucky that people like you all really are need more people more people Brian and I I saw those kids running around but you know that's fine running loose in town but that's uh Brian and I uh had a lengthy conversation with the William Solomon our personent who's negotiating the the uh cable contract and we he talked a lot about issues and basically we're going forward with seeking some kind of was it what would you call it some kind of payment for Road that what he talked about Ro he talked about yeah the access the but poting it towards and one of the things that he came up with is that uh in other towns they've actually paid for like a zoom operator so we'll see what happens with that right so on the zoom operator Steve Hail I bumped into him and he's looking for a little more definition of what it needs to be I'm like look any kid in high school can just drop no problem uh so they have a couple of candidates that were looking that are interested in doing it but I don't know if we'll be able to get them on board before Thursday's public for is Solomon looking into options or is this strictly renewal with Spectrum strictly renewal okay cuz he said basically you said there really are no options because no one's no one's building out you know cuz they're all going to fiber I watched the YouTube video today we're talking about 10 gig internet being the standard yeah 10 gig all right uh one more thing I was informed today that there is a Earth Day Eco Expo on Saturday April 20th here at the Town Hall uh the Board of Health is participating which was a surprise to the Board of Health uh matter of fact we were shown where our table is and everything so the communication is you know going good great who's who's organizing that you Library gotcha so um as I'm busy that day the other two members of the Board of Health I hope are uh what day is the week is it what day is it day we're doing the road cleaner oh oh oh yeah well thank you for that that information from the Board of Health appreciate your communica well I was happy to uh be a opportunity to bring it to you thank you don't worry Don will have we have uh shirts I believe new shirts this year there's a new color Heather Jer is transfer station yellow transfer b yellow did I think we did that yellow already last year yeah it's kind of a we just cut up the old transfer station bags and put them over your head it's nice ra that will be by the way um in terms of the and I will have the exact members next week um I know we do have the Enterprise article on the warrant already but I think we are going to be looking Forest tax because we're buying the bag getting so expensive bag oh and the U the uh master plan committees they having the community immersion group is coming on April 3rd so uh this week Wednesday wday yeah they're going to be traveling this it's it's the consultant no no it's the consultant traveling to town looking at the buildings and the sites of the land all kind stuff snappies is open already make sure you take them there okay all right anything else to come you oh I would entertain a motion no oh yeah ta report almost for stop here really no um last week uh Charter provided the senior center with 15 tablets and $5,000 in Grant to approve senior uh technology learning at the senior center um just um a couple of dates to keep in mind so in for the debt exclusions we need to the the Board needs to inform provide written notice to the clerk 35 days in advance of the Town election um so that would be um at the next meeting April 8th the the board would want to vote on whatever Deb exclusion articles are going to be on there and provide WR notice to town those can make the bot so it looks like there might be two after tonight's discussion right um one stop for growth that's the grant program uh that that we would apply for the roal development funding of the stretches of Interest are due April 30th so uh the two ideas that that I've heard one would be the the the twb assessment could be the twb assessment that that the board I talked about earlier and then there was also talk I believe with about the water district expansion trying to access some real development funds the engineer talked about that so those expressions of Interest are to April 30th just to keep that in mind and then sort of what's driving this arpa thing is that there's an annual report that I need to submit for arpa um by the end of the month so it would be great if I could get those things straightened out before that I think you key thing is that One-Stop growth thing we need any funding source we can um what was the number high in bond for the school also Bob was talking about the tip stuff too you know I know the state said they were going to use a they were going to apply for tip on our behalf for Rocka dundy but they assured us that not impct any other time you ask like yeah until it does exactly follow I'm contact pvpc anyways about the they wrot me ask about any projects sure yep you want to motion to exec I got to go Motion to go into executive session to disc discuss collective bargaining with the police Union uh we will not return to a regular session so moved second John thank you all April we kidding about all that money it was a joke are we off yet bye Thad good to see you