uh good evening this is a call the meeting to order this is a meeting of the hamon board of Selectmen and the Board of Health being held in the townhouse on April 8th 2024 6: p.m. this meeting is being conducted in person remotely please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance flag the United States of America the repblic it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for okay and there's we we appreciate all the we appreciate all the letters and cards we got for the selectman for bringing the sun back one of our many duties is anyone recording this meeting other than ourselves Kristen thank you from the wilham hamen times uh first item on the agenda is minutes from March 11th 2024 okay Junior firefighter program Junior firefighter program we had the scandin associates um uh audit review the uh water district commissioner was here to talk about the extension of the water district uh P we discussed briefly the pilot agreement for uh mil road that the laws change so we have to do a different pilot that'll be on the town meeting warrant uh Board of Health coordinator position we'll have a vacancy there soon we voted on some food permits took a look at the budget uh what at the draft warrant and uh that's it motion to approve second all in favor it was also Brian's first meeting it was also Brian's first meeting and he's still here all right what do we got on the warrant here again another warrant review I have a question on the on the questions y to go on the ballot what's the difference between an exclusion and an override override stays on the over it stays on the tax weby do we have to put that in the wording then if it's an all right or we just put do we have to put it as an exclusion I think exempting from the provision 2 and A2 is the is a exemption from from the levy limit basically right yeah okay and we're going to put both the uh Senior Center and the water district do we have to have the dollar amount in that and not not in the question I guess not in the ballot question I don't believe so uh Rose looked at these four questions and she didn't I looked at old ones we did for the school and for the uh senior for for the police station they didn't have the dollar amount on the one for the override right for the overall questions but we're going to have it available for Brian are you getting ready to do like an explanation thing like we used to do in the past we would have like a little summary thing at the bottom of every question and that's where you throw the amount in and we're looking for 60,000 for a highway Truck those were typically in the green sheets too right the explanations sometimes they're down time yeah yeah where where would you like those bot question okay like you said the first 10 are boiler play point okay what what about the community preservation thing at this point we have one application uh the placeholder which was going to be for the windows we took care of at our last meeting so I but isn't there a question about the amount that's the amount they asked for and that's the amount the committee voted okay now we have advice from Our Town Administrator that that if that expenditure is felt to be over the amount needed uh the CPA can come back and ask for that to be reduced in a further article correct yeah that money can be returned to where where it came from right sen Cent expansion payment the thing scantic Val water we need a map for that okay so who would would we ask time bond for that is that somebody reach out for time bond for the maap the maap and I don't think they've been doing we paid them a lot of money so I think why not ask them I think Jen can hand I think we got a swap 14 and 13 though I think we going have to vote for the um the expansion in the doll first and then the district expansion size second okay that's the way it was in 2001 when we expanded the district which we don't need to if if it doesn't pass the first one there's no chance of the map size yeah I really thought we needed three questions for what for the water district I thought we needed a question for the map and then a question for phase a and a question for phase B Because if phase if if this 14 fails you can't do the pump house and you can't even connect the ones on Main Street on ES scanic Road and I thought we'd have a question first for the phase a which is I'm thinking and you threw around some numbers I think you know I thought we're still waiting for the final on arpa say arpa has 400 worst case at this point you're going to need approximately 600 to finish phase a pump house work and connect the current houses throwing around a number 1.2 1.3 that much more that's what you said the last time yeah okay with the contingency and stuff like that yeah for for just doing the pump house but right um I mean I mean I guess if you want to break it into phases I mean we're still asking for the full amount right well it's a you know then you can revise the motion if the first thing passes which does not require an override for the town Treasurer because he can fit that into borrowing over 3 years because you're only at that point borrowing 700 well inside the levy limit over a three-year note then we would revise the amount asked for for the full expansion down by the 1.2 and now you're asking for 1.6 for the phase B something like that I think we're probably Clos to two Okay but I mean then that number would change if the first article passes which does not need a a ballot question why would the second number change I I'm I'm confused I'm saying well right now we're looking for 2 point something or 3 million to do project 3 four maybe something like total right so I'm saying that would be the number we're working with yeah but if you get the funding for the first phase yeah the funding the article for the second one is that less or you pass the first one the amount you're borrowing you know yeah with the exclusion is less so just if if we do it in two phases like that having both items do they does the second one trigger the override yes it does that dollar that's why if you if you've already passed the other one you're only asking for an override of 2 million 2 million at that point yeah um only sorry only no yeah only but I mean you yeah SC of things John we can get a hard number from time and bond on the total project cost but in two incrementals I can ask Jennifer away I mean we're going to look to do the whole project yes I understand but if we you know if we if we need to do this and then this for funding purposes I guess lock it down I thought that was in their presentation last time but again change all the time that that was if we did it two phases but separately right right so this this would be two phases but at the same time so you get the advantage of like discounts the job discount yeah you keep one off the override basically and use the arpa money towards it yeah yeah so so that would need to reopen for that extra article then yeah so we do water district improvements and then water district expansion exactly right improvements yeah okay could I mean the bulk of it is the pump house so water are your stick prove it pro it your stick expan one District here cuz actually the bulk of the money you're spending is for Pump House improvements the connection part we're talking about which could be as much as 120 you said it could be we could be paying that out of our B so basically the money you're approving on the warrant is for the pump house expansion and whatever's left from arpa to go bring that number down so if you're labeling it you are labeling it as pump house right pump house expion and improvements yeah exactly yeah and then and then District expansion wasn't the original one was replace the pump house M and connect people on scantic road the phase two would be people up South mson Road and around Glendale M and which requires which requires the map expansion yes yeah y right now do Brian do we there were some emails about grants are we in the fight there are we in the yeah so that's what uh was being discussed earlier about uh it was time Bond who submitted it right submitt correct you signed the the one and submitted it but they came back that we our paperworkers accepted now it's just a waiting game mhm they had over 100 people requesting so is that Federal is that federal or state State St and that was something that was $30 million is where what they had to work with yeah they said they had 100 communities though right yes inquire about funds that was something that I think Bob had submitted previous or get they couldn't find it could something so we resigned it and submitted it and the one they were going to was was was the Clean Water trust the state uh revolving fund for drinking water that's that's one that might be an option yeah they might be zero interest and possibly loan forgiveness there usually a sliding scale for principal forgiveness based on a community's financial need so it would depend on where handing falls on their scale right so we need to reopen the warrant to add an article actually I looked at the video last time I don't think we actually took we looted to open it we never Clos was still open yes so can you just list those again what we want so I have so the first article would be the scanic Valley water district Pump House Improvement improvements the second article would be scanic Valley water district expansion that's the map no no no no just the bo that's theor right now yeah okay and then the third one would be the geographical map of the district so 13 moves the 15 and you add in 13 which is Pump House improvements you might want to change at the pump station Pump House okay okay The Pump Station includes everything that structure yeah yeah yeah Pump Station Pump Station improvements and scantic Road hookups yeah cuz we're going to do scantic Road hookups in that in that first phase well like I said once you improve the pump house you can pay the expand the scanic road improvements out of arpa without being part of the article if we want to focus the article on just the fact the pump house Pump Station needs improvements yeah we should focus that arle on that yeah yeah cuz Okay then and then now say we're going to say we're going to hold 120 aside out of ARA so therefore and this is where we're looking for you really to tie that number down with Cliff say you had 43 left in it so we have 300 towards the pump station improvements and your number is now 900 to borrow right all right yeah okay I got you I'll send an email tomorrow try to get hard hard numbers it was two hard numbers right and look at the fact that back when we did the highway expansion which was a total of 600 dick basically just paid to 302 consecutive years you know inside normal normal budget it's like paying for the truck now we don't bother going on the warrant for an exclusion like when we were younger you know buying a dump truck back then was a huge thing angry things sometimes sometimes yeah they not plowing my street I'm not paying for that truck you tell Homer to get over here this warrant keeps growing uh AR have we done with that one yeah okay Article 15 uh the that's just going to be an informational article but I I spoke to the Town Council today and she spoke to the Attorney General's office and they're loath to uh approve any kind of moratoriums but they did say that many towns are actively getting laws pass for battery energy storage systems and they would suggest that we do that quickly and they will send us some examples of ones that passed good so look if you ever want to call special time meeting you know before the O maybe we need to set up a committee at some point to look at that bog okay and they uh they several one of them was just recently was I want to say hubberston and it was pretty extensive they had there there's situation there is pretty similar to why there a lot of aquafers and stuff like that so what I don't understand is what if if they're for taking energy from the high tension wires storing it put it back at night why don't they put them why don't they build them on the on the uh what they call it the right away the power lines underneath the power lines I couldn't really tell from the map where it was going I thought it was near Joe's Place but I assume it's in the RightWay but why aren't they building it at their place where the two lines cross yeah I mean that tons of property right right because they probably don't get the agricultural grants for using they don't get they probably don't get the whatever we whole reason they're putting them in I wonder if they have to be a certain distance away from the hi line just maybe two maybe maybe two lfi Tower laces all right so Point that's uh presentation basically the 15 Article 19 that's not going to be a request for funding so okay can we just uh drop back then um so 16 is just the present basically oh sorry same as before 17 do we have any number from the committee yet yes okay I sent that to um advisory the rough number and then um it's going to be roughly around 50,000 same as the senor that's what they came back at then um Doug suggested just keep an eye out sometimes they they'll charge mileage for travel after that so make sure the number's good yeah and the 150 we're going to ask for 10 again yeah F what you say 19 19 is just going to be informational so it's not going to be for funding so we don't want to we're not going to be asking for money so we reword that so it doesn't say funding um just fiber optic program Maybe information I don't know it's just going to be informational the committee is going to stand up and let them know that the the initiative is not dead and that they're still looking into Solutions and Alternatives okay pick up truck you a number around 60th that you mentioned I think 60 what was the number for the capital was that 40 for our part or something 40 45 that was like 45 something yeah they were at two something for the whole thing I 47 but I noticed in the accountants report for March they haven't spent any of that money from the special town meeting for those capital projects is that maybe that's because schools open they're just not doing them right I know they talk about doing the boiler when school was out yeah you just recently processed an invoice in 177,000 one might not be the last one I think this was 45,00 000 something all right and then we got the uh government study committee yeah do 23 and 24 need to say subject to uh positive vote a town meeting Town election because they are warrant they are ballot questions as well I don't think it would hurt to say it right I don't know I can check a grow yeah can we go back for one second mhm article 18 the funding for the 150 mhm I know I was big on you know we we doing this last couple years but do we want to pull that just because there's so many other dollar amount things under I know it's a low amount but just to try to save some costs well worst case can we just maybe we take no action but do a little Speed Line it at least maybe you know we've only gotten 10 so far that's for once right so yeah I just just nervous with all the stuff that's on here you know know it's a small amount but you know they do our diligence system you could always vote to uh donate our salary for could do that well actually don't our salaries come under prior year bills didn't they didn't they sure us 115 bucks last year um 25 and 26 are those informational at this point or we can do 25 but we can't do 26 without a public hearing or without I think you can't do 26 without a public hear so you can do 25 which you can't do 26 should we just make mention them both and say we plan on having these in the fall and do them at the same time I would say why confuse people and do them both at the same time you know why why do half and then you know it's confusing then what if one fails it's confusing the way if you only can do one because you need a a hearing and we're not have hearing obviously yeah I'd say maybe pull them both off then just so there's less less on the warrant and then the government study committee can still talk about all their findings I mean do they have a spot in here no they don't cuz they have plenty more things to talk about other than what's on the the warrant I know they had we should put that in there we have time for a 15 minute report yeah maybe I think you're going to eliminate an hour worth of discussion on those two articles with just them giving their presentation oh yeah I agree just wonder who's going to be left this time if they made if they made their presentation like 22 and pushed everything down you know what I mean do the presentation first and then then I'll say we uh 22 will be give report of the government study committee right 23 be increased 24 would then be uh 24 and 25 be the two appointed elect to appoint subject to whatever and as part of the report they can talk about in the fall they're coming forward with the change to select board yeah right oh sorry and then uh add the uh oh yeah and then vote right voting El so you're inserting a new article 22 and then taking out 25 26 right current 2526 and again we're only doing that because 26 needs a hearing so why people by having both on there right [Music] right and then I wonder Don I think I saw it before can we make that in the fall one motion so like I said you don't want one to pass and one not to pass yeah I think it's got to be you got to vot to do vote when does the term end for the government study committee will they be serving in the fall just lucky you you've been extended yeah we can both we can move that right now and not tell extend to another year the last four boiler play at this point I think CU they have to the whole thing is there has to be a hearing with the planning board right so that's what Rose was saying yeah we I did appreciate the fact we don't to go of a state that's good yeah we don't have to go par State and then the last two do we fixed the wording from Fall time meeting no dick was saying there was an issue with not being able to transfer back there's no article missing article missing missing right raise an up rate or we say I think his his point was that it really is missing in the special time meeting cuz 30 and 31 are really never used at the annual cuz we don't have the numbers yet right and I think it's important to have that there um I was surprised that the the inclusion of transferal unappropriate available funds for the annual town meeting typically we don't have any didn't think we usually left those words in there to pretty much rais an appropriate for the annual go to transfer 31 any of those okay we have it in this one reducing the tax rate General stabilization which one is that this is uh the 2021 regular regular time meeting I don't see what the verbiage is this is just the minutes here one other thing is uh going back to the assessors thing it might be just something to mention Don in the past uh we've asked them if they want to contribute from overlay Reserve towards some of these you know release some of that money and wouldn't hurt to maybe get a uh a statement from them do they have any money they want to CU they right about this time of the year they're looking okay we've gone for most of the tax abatements Etc we have this much that can be kicked back in I think what was the number they're asking for was it in the 20s 28 is typical 28 I think I didn't ask for a bement did you huh I didn't ask for an aat no I didn't ask I don't even I don't even see that she rates all the checks for everything a good man I don't even know who knows where the money goes with her so 30 and 31 stay is that they do yes yeah like I say but we had 30 basically we had a choice that you can take out of stabilization in the yeah fall yeah so with those changes I'll make a motion to close the warrant for the annual Tom me 24 me second all in favor now the question advisory committee would appreciate a final do we have do we have to vote the questions we have to vote on the questions right we have to prove the election ballot yeah bot all right is that on it's on the war y shall the T of H be allowed to exempt from the provision of proposition 2 and A2 soal the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to ex expand the Town Senior Center located 104 Street uh I might change the wording it's expand and renovate I would say span and renovate yeah the committee has been very clear that Renovations are part of the project okay all right yes or no shall the town of handon be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition 2 and A2 socalled the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to expand the SC the grle water district that's right are we going to say improve and expand the improvements are in the improvements will be in the the pump the pump station right the arrested as just expand the expansion is going to be the the new homes mhm so I think that's that sounds accurate okay just your judgment question three shall the town vote to have its Ed town clerk become an appointed town clerk of the Town that's stra from the that's from the right from the general laws right yeah that's counc he's next door right from the general law okay question four shall the town vote to have its elected Treasurer and elected collector of taxes become an appointed treasur collector of the Town that's right from the who writes the explanations of a vote Yes and a vote no I don't think we typically have them still yeah I just go question one and question two I worry that people are going to get lost in the the legal phrasing of it and not understand what their vote's going to do we can do something I know gosh John go back way back when we did those John and you or you know an art would draft something up and send out yeah something typically is there ever usually anything in say a bot says you voting yes we'll do this voting no we'll do this no it's not like not on the ballot I I know what you're thinking about when the secretary when you have questions with the state the Secretary of State sends out that booklet right you know we don't haven't done that I me I suppose we could do it's not the yeah these are kind of important things that you know people like what was this even mean you know shall be exempt from the provisions of proposition 2 and A2 well just like the question D this is not adding to the levy limit this is a onetime exclusion like minog like Green Meadows like the police station maybe came up some wording Brian has you know like a as frequently asked questions thing or something put Mee put on the website or something all right so we need to sign this cuz we're at the date today right the date will be before your next meeting so yeah so we need so we need to sign we need to make a motion on approving the four questions second all in favor all right all right so I'm we're going to sign this here yeah page one need to be revised sign page one we can sign page two and then you can just [Music] exactly all right back to the budget so that in the number four what what are we going to do with the um the dispatch I don't know if that should be under police or under Public Safety as a whole thing because it covers fire as well so we just create another new line item and under the public safety under Public Safety I think that' be appropriate okay that's 62,500 MH claim vet I guess we pretty much beat this to death right yeah one one second please the only one I still have a question about is that gas pump maintenance only because Mark talk to us about that and Lauren either the UI could reach out to Mark and just ask about that number because he talked about there was a change remember something about the other Dr and being just want to check that 10,000 is still good for that what you going to say Connie I'm I'm wondering and I I haven't seen the the draft warrant but on the question with a Treasurer tax collector because those are sort of becoming combined now do you do you need somehow to put those separately to combine them because the voters are being asked to make those appointed positions right and and you're not appointing them in exactly the same way that they were elected before so does that have to be made no that no that that the general laws allow you to combine and that's the exact wording they say in the general laws to use just we are making two changes at once yes taking elector appointed then merging two jobs that's the way they said to write the question I I was just wondering whether the warning in the warrant was correct and and you've answered my question thank you you know Brian on the ambulance you s over the the wording there so we just need to put that more formal MH to sign it m the ambulance agreement ambulance agreement yeah yeah for the next meeting yeah it'll be fine I mean there are no hurry B they're onee extension yeah the onee extension it's nice to have that number locked in so for meeting yeah yeah he sent he sent that that's fine with them so I see we got a pay raise in here we did yeah if we get it done right we get the last time we never got it which is the prior year bill I us hate to bring it up again again I pass on from Mrs dport wasn't all right let's see we got here yeah we did see ad ministra of assistant for health agents oh did we put the so this says the new number where's that short ball amount on these shared services is that in there yeah new line it on page four page four under shared services Shar 25,000 put in right okay all right this is for the advisory committee next week right 16th everything is going up I said inflation was taking back up a little bit too reminds me we got the highways all right I never actually formally did that didn't no right uh let's see Conservation Commission membership so we had a resignation so now the quum is a little easier now the quum is a little easier MH and we really got to beat the bushes and get some new people new people I know that Judy has talked about stepping down I know how good a person she is she won't leave I'm sure until Glendale is done she's not going to walk away no no Ted two I think right H Ted to yeah but again they need to you know be able to train some people um also you want to mention that we do have an opening on Cemetery Worth oh yeah we have an opening on Cemetery another basically looking for people to are papers still available no no only caucus papers only caucus nominations okay but you can write it at the caucus right so the two caucuses are being held Republican caucuses this Thursday from 4: to 6 at the Town Hall stay for yoga right after and then uh the Democratic caucus is 4 to 6 on [Music] Friday anything else on it I think it only requires five signatures to get out five signatures to get out police Chiefs contract many people show up so what typically that's so do we have the new copy of the contract yeah I printed two do we need more than that no that one okay so we have a uh we've discussed the Poli we've negotiated the police chief's contract a three-year contract um and by law we have to vote in public session regarding your contract all right 3 years and I'd like I I think I think it's only fair to say that we I think we all agree that Chief has done a good job particularly during bringing us through the pandemic and and going through the the whole bridging process and the post thing and those type of thing so in dispatch to thank you well we appreciate that so uh you have any questions I do not okay a motion for approval of the chief contract so much second all in favor I thank you welcome back welcome aboard aboard signing ceremony have new pens did you bring the extra pens for one pen for everybody I know I can use the official pen off the I'm going to put in the date you I'm put in the witness day witness thereof right today is the what eth day of 8th day of April 2024 so we're going to just keep this go right around and yeah you want to sign or you want to not sign it and then we'll just say you never signed I'm sorry you're out of here oh early retirement I guess e8th day of April what did they decid to do with the cruiser I have not said no one's said anything to me I'm still waiting but you still have it in there right yes till it holds elsewise maybe I'll get it maybe maybe Oh I thought we took it out no seriously seriously I would said to take it out think is still in there W you got all three I got all three how many copies you have I have just one copy oh 36 y don't lose this laminated SK into the fish into the laser fish thank you sir thank you evening all right you also for coming you're welcome any public comment no [Music] good was that too obious I wasn't told to stay I have no problem saying you don't want to um selectman's reports well we have uh meetings coming up for both planning tomorrow um building committee again we're working on obviously organizing for the second Senior Center building Forum to provide some of the answers that were brought up last time and again we're the committee is looking at putting up yard signs around town I believe the friends of the seniors are looking to fund those terribly we appreciate their help on that that's what that is you know while we're talking about the advisory commit hearing Lauren could you have someone change the thing and put the advisory committee hearing up there in the work anything else from you sorry um the fiber optic committee is meeting on Wednesday day at 6 um they're having representatives from Shield um South Aly electric light department com just to give a presentation um just looking into all options and looking under all stones at the moment okay uh and Brian and I are meeting tomorrow was it 11:00 Brian 11 o' with National Grid regarding double polls my favorite subject double polls there's some ugly ones out there there's some ugly ones out there so we'll see what we can do don't expect him to be gone tomorrow afternoon I think we still waiting for that Drone footage of all Town administrative report yeah um just one thing to touch on get a hold of those guys and tell them to get ready to Comm in yeah um uh Mark and I met with um um I forget the guy's name some time Bond and uh we were talking about um conceptual uh schematic design report and traffic study for the intersection that we had talked about to pursue the casino mitigation funding so they're going to get a proposal back to us which guy was it Peter or uh it wasn't Peter it was Dan Holmes and Alex oti with um so we had a discussion about what what the it was mostly what what Mark was hoping to get from that report um and then we talked whether it made sense to extend that analysis down to um Summers Road and uh yeah and it probably does m um seeing as would probably follow them the funding that we have available to reallocate uh from the gaming commission so it seem like you're doing a traffic study it's not much more to just put a few more strips on there right cuz the concern is is that we do something at that the the intersection and it it makes other one worse so we need to look at it holistically because we're so close together and so interconnected so that makes sense and then marks gave me the quotes for the uh the crossing and then I we we know what we're doing with the other 50k request so we'll send that in probably this week and the fire station generator fire station generator we reached out to the engineer to figure out where that was at and uh it's it's where it was before um but we were told that it's that it's the town needs to choose a little basically that's that's what I was told it's kind of predicated on what the expansion is you don't want to have to move it after okay all of a sudden they do it here my question was okay why want you look at your worst case and put it out from there okay so it's an extra 30 ft that's why you have wire and yeah go from there my suggestion in the email was was that it be set back further back towards the highway department right exactly for a number of reasons because it allows room for expansion it also sort of centers it I think there's house is on in either location so when it when it kicks on the test every whatever 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday people don't have to hear it so less right and you can program that to a different time to you make a 1:00 if you want yeah so if we can have to push that along a bit and kind I don't know if you've been thinking about that at all all I know all I know is we have a $35,000 generator sitting in the back of the fire station for 6 months and it's still not installed and and I had the by justest in the pool when I said of the over under be done in a month I had the over so I think I'm going to be okay I don't know we'll go back in the minutes for that so I I don't I don't understand I don't I'm sorry I I don't understand why the consultant waited till today when you called them to say oh we need to have a location don't you think you get your ass out here and take a look at it and say before we do anything we need a location W you give us a quote based on the location you knew yeah right a long way across the river it was dark today you couldn't make it it's partial there okay anything else all right I uh entertain a motion to go on Executive session to discuss uh to do collective bargaining with the police patrolman Union uh and we will not return to regular session thank you ladies and gentlemen for attending second John Donald this isn't actual arle is it what that's not an article right