##VIDEO ID:jTK-q_U77ns## done these F good evening this is a meeting of the hamon board of Select hamon Board of Health being held in the townhouse Auditorium on January 6 2025 this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the pledge allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh we is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves Krist there Christ happy New Year Kristen um from the wilham hman time recording I have my attorney supposed to be here waiting for him and you are Antonio okay uh is he coming Anthony supposed to be okay well we'll we'll just move on to y think until it comes okay uh which is a discussion of filling retirement positions I don't believe that's going to happen so know the retirement is not happening what doesn't seem that certain so it's likely that we'll have two one is the uh Board of Health coordinator position and the other one will be the uh Town accountant um the board Health coordinator I believe is retiring in April um in in uh the accountant hasn't set a date yet but I I suspect it's probably wouldn't want to go past the the fiscal year um so is it your thought that we can get a for the accountant first yeah can we share with another municipality or are companies that do this based you know hire out to to municipalities rather than getting a person yeah there there's certainly companies that that do this that do this type of work um and then I suspect there's Al also existing Town accountants that work for other towns that may want to take on you know if there's a remote component to the position I think that makes it more attractive and with everything online through Vadar I don't see why not we have our uh the individual who does the the data input on Fridays already so um that position is going to it's going to be busier at at different times of year and it's going to be slow at different times of year um but it's it's certainly not full-time um so I I think it'll be more attractive if there's a remote component to it for sure how do we approach the remote component with current employees who are encouraged to be in building good question because I don't know how if our employee handbook has a designation for those types of roles like that yeah we have that's one thing we'll have to look at yeah and that's the case is what Susie's doing some of the work now yeah is she interested in taking on more hours in an accountant role or is she limited um I don't know I don't think she's I don't think she we'll have to double check I don't know if she has the the qualification certifications she's the data entry right yeah y okay do you think that if we go with one option which is the remote type person um in our current budget structure do you think it'd be a heck of an increase or no sense I know before we talked about this was a couple years ago that a full-time accountant at other towns can go like 70 $880,000 that's I think that'll be on the gowind if we try to hire fulltime right there's a there's a shortage of Municipal Finance people in this area so it makes it difficult that's why I think it'd be more attractive if we can find somebody who's looking at ours and I I think John mentioned earlier is there a type of um Municipal agreement between other towns where we can can do a shared Service uh that's one option one option would be a a shared services agreement especially if you say and I know CCT you've made a good point about the remote part but especially if there's allowed to be a remote component the proximity to the other Town may not matter as much correct you know we're 5,000 people and Wales has 5,000 people but we both need 20 hours of account service my my my my thought is if we do a shared agreement with somebody it would allow for the remote component of it because the person's technically not an in-house employee at that point who covers the health insurance right yeah we would probably share we would have if I was writing the share Services agreement it would and it was one of our employees I would want the the the employee benefits to be shared whereas if we can hire somebody you know outright then we less than 20 then maybe there's not but what if we just contracted with some some firm that does it then we don't own the employee we don't know the benefits we don't you know Y is there firms that you can contract I mean there must be right yeah there are imag small town small smaller towns than us like pelum and shsb and those places yeah this is a like you said before this is an opportunity at the trade show to look for that type of thing right oh yeah exactly no oh no they do MMA thing going so you know this is the opportunity I would think three nights probably maybe Boston Harbor yeah yeah definitely Don you should go as chair as well I ask what type of service would you get like you said ping remote or farming it out where would they have interest in if they weren't a town employee versus it's it's account it's accounting work I understand it's just yeah but I don't think I mean it's just moving it's just doing the number it's not like the treasurer I think might have more of a a Buy in because they're Town resident account it's just making sure one number adds up to the other but I think C other jobs you're right it's better to have a town person because they're more they're more invest remote all right know one to talk to if you're really ran you had some ideas too about um Board of Health and Facilities too didn't you yeah so the Board of Health coordinator does a lot right now um I don't know who that is but uh they do a lot they do a lot of different things in town um so there's they oversee the transfer station uh the uh customer service for the for the Board of Health you know that's a busy office um you know a lot of people come in for septic plans um and that type of information facilities operations um we had talked in the past about separating out the facilities part especially um if when the uh operations are moved to twb that it's a much larger building than this one is um so it's likely that um we'll need somebody with with more hours to focus on I think all of our facilities doesn't need to just be limited to tww being the townhouse could blend uh bleed over into the other ones as well um and then obviously the the transfer station sort of this uh entity in of it itself um that's more of like a scheduling supervisor role uh if I can if I see that if I understand that correctly um so I'm not sure we're going to get one person that's going to fit all those so right um I I think they might need some of those are responsibilities might need to be split off and we also have that this underlying need for more uh administrative assistance to some of these boards that have become busier over the years so I think you had mentioned in one of the emails um pulling one of a transfer station employee and making them the lead person in charge of that is that how you envision that um I'm not sure it's just that we're going to need we're going to need somebody to coordinate that overall operation um when the Board of Health coordinator goes away and I I don't maybe we'll be luy we we'll have somebody with that experience that can come in but it's going to I think it's going to depend on who we can find well if we moveed I was in recently I was in several different city halls around here and uh when you go into a lot of them they have a receptionist M you know they say can I help you I want to go to the collector here or there they send the first like we had here during the Pand lady was that lady I don't know yeah during the pandemic and and uh that person could might be able to fill some of the clerical positions too you know do stuff envelopes or check whatever they do you know so that might be something we need to look at as well yeah so we have to we need I guess we need some kind of organization new organization type thing I think as you as Brian was alluding to you know difficult to look at in this footprint when you may have a totally different footprint in the future yeah you know and I think we saw we have money in the budget currently for facilities manag we did saw 10,000 I saw that yeah so just like you talked about I don't know where that came from but it's but you look what happened today all of a sudden oh the SE needs to be done I me is that truly the role of the Health coordinator is because we happen to have an excellent person doing that job that oversees it as well you know we may not be able to be so lucky in the future but I think Brian's point is we've kicked around this before much like we're doing this overall thing for municipal building use right now we have to look we have the person for right okay well it's on our radar so that's the important thing we're going have to make a decision sooner or later sooner than sooner than Su then later yeah we'll want some overlap better yeah we'll definitely want some overlap when is the uh when is the annual conference right is it got to be pretty close they kick it back this year a little bit or in January sometime right usually yeah January yeah 20 20 is the 20 seems to ring a bell push back okay yeah it's late later in January well I think it'd be valuable definitely going on there like just the trade show itself yeah yeah yeah yeah there's a couple firms out here that right I can't remember their names but they work with some towns around here yeah this is your attorney yes yes I'll turn the meeting over to the chairman of the board of health Mr fln health for no we haven't done health for yet no thank you I'd like to call so we have a public hearing scheduled for theh the Board of Health we have before us this is uh for the partial violation at scanic Road parcel 09- 46002 we send notice to Mr pil pil right corre okay and the attorney and I'm sorry I forget your name Charles Charles sfani sfani thank we also have before us uh finin mcol the head of the shared health department and wend Halbert The Building Commissioner for the town of hon Finn uh you notified them of a violation happening at their property and can you walk us through the timeline there please um so on October 30th I was notified um that there's possibly someone living at the parcel in a trailer um and the uh B really the port that's there to it um between October 30th um December 2nd um we kind of uh documented the ongoing violations and then on December 3rd the violation letter was issued um it was a formal notice and order to correct the owner with the list of violations it was then on December 11th that we were notified by USPS that they um the owner had picked up the the letter um I been proceeded to go over to check the property again I had ran into the owner we had chatted about what's going on there um he did at that time confirm that he's living in it part time um since that he does some kind of Contracting work outside of the state so when he's not um contracted out to these projects um and then that led us to the December 23rd meeting when had discussed this issue um and the board voted to agree with um findings um and then schedule this this meeting tonight can I can I just jump in for a minute let me let me keep let me just let me just keep laying the foundation if you will specifically Finn what is the violation we're talking about here so um let me see here so the couple of things the lack of heat um especially in the severe weather meaning that's freezing out um no running water um which leads to the inadequate um sanitary conditions and the the use of the the porta potty um as the main bathroom um those are those are really like the the major violations um that was cited under the Wendell if I quickly ask you is there a zoning violation as well several several and they've been documented does Mr is Mr basil aware of those I know you I notified Mr basil in the beginning of October after the trailer storage trailer showed up that that wasn't allowed he had comeing my office I also put a copy of the trailer bylaw on his trailer would know to call me so we could talk about it and we did speak about it um basically told me his property was posed it stay off of it um and so he was kind of ir the next time we spoke I just tried to basically calm the situation and say we're going to be building a house there we're going to need to work together I don't feel like this is the way we should start but getting no result results from that a letter went out the end of October his wife picked it up at the post office certified mail on November 1st at40 I believe um and it basically outlined the violations of having a storage Trail around the property without a permit having a camper on the property without permission and also living in the camper and also expressing my concerns about sleeping in there without Life Safety carbon monoxide smoke detection whatever but there are violations to the stand building code zoning bylaws there correct okay correct you're not allowed to live in a trailer unless your home for some reason has been burnt down or destroyed by according to chapter 48 um the storage trailer would be considered a structure and that's there without a permit we're not we don't allow those as a general r hand in unless for some reason like there is a building permit constructions ongoing they want to store material there but again the first thing you would do would be get the required permits before any of these would be moved on to the site okay is there I'm sorry is there a building permit for this site already there's no permits so right now it's a vacant lot pardon me it's a vacant lot right the he had purchased it from a a couple that was going going to build a house there and they had started going through the process with conservation uh a driveway curb cut was acquired by them through my department I believe uh they had um worked with the board Health to get a perk test and a setic designed but all that paperwork has the wrong name on it and so I had given Mr basil a list of the requirements that he would need to acquire a permit the standard checklist right well it was one that I made up for him especially where it was you know get a storm water permit that's the first permit that you have to get um a curb cut needs to be in place with the bond the building permit you know and also satisfy the Board of Health with regards to their paperwork requirements which are updated signatures updated plans Etc but it was a valid building one from the Geto Frontage and all that that was correct okay correct I mean there's conservation there's conservation issues with it as well it's a small building envelope okay all right but I think that they've been working through that as well okay all right we'll open up to other members of the board they have questions for Finn or Wendell Wendell um I don't know if you know this um so I'm I'm just asking in general um on the documentation it's listed as a partial number currently correct how does somebody obtain a residential address after a building permit is issued I give them a street number okay so then nothing has happened as far as that it's concerned correct okay thank you the prior owners had not applied for a building permit either no okay Don but you have appealed this before the zoning board of appeals right yes okay so we're talking about Board of Health now yes okay so no running water no proper sanitation facilities and we don't living in the trailer okay all right so that's the background for what we're doing here understood mrani I don't know if you want to speak or Mr B you want I mean he's he's like thousands an hour I'm sure you want to charged by the cookie have one would it were that easy right ton if you work for a cookie right uh my understanding is that nobody's living there he's not living that seems to be a point of disagreement he's not living in the trailer um so that seems to be a factual to scren se my client tells me he's not living there so he's just using it because he's trying to work on getting the necessary permits to start building on the bacon parcel and that was the whole idea of purchasing this um so under the zoning say since that came up under the bylaws 7.11 uh no trailer a mobile home shall be permitted in any District except a travel or camping trailer owned or rented by the owner or res owner or resident of the property may be stored in the premises so travel or camping trailer shall not be used for living purposes except as was stated when a residence was destroyed as described under the under the chapter 40 a so he has a right to have those um those uh trailers on the property but he's not living in them that's my understanding he can speak more on that um and that was I think that was the misunderstanding of what was going on here but the trailers on that property is a zoning thing right so I know zoning was mentioned right okay so are you living in the property what what's what's what's with the Porta poot Porta poot is we come when I come back in town and I meet with my wife and I want to spend some time with my wife I'm living with my mother gentlemen if I want to excuse me ladies if I want to spend some time with my wife I might go back there and she has a bathroom to use okay I bought this property sold my house things happen real quick we're homeless period but I'm not looking for no sympathy bouncing around place to place okay cuz the house sold quick and they handed me a check byy this property talking to miss CLA O'Brien it's all ready to build and bl okay so I come into town never apply for building permits I'm in a construction trades they do all that Union Roofing we just go to work come in talked to wendo a couple times Clash of personalities I come off the wrong way don't know the process first started with changing the name took me four weeks to track the gentleman down to change the name for me septic to approve the building the plot plan not changing a footprint the well is in wanted submit plans with the paperwork didn't know how to go about this maybe should have came and sat down and can you help me out in the process so I do it correctly I did it incorrectly still conservation had to give me an extension didn't understand the process now I I bring my stuff to my property figure it's it's my property didn't check the God's honest truth and now I'm dealing with the violations I work out of town a lot do come in from time to time my have other vehicles that are there the the storage container with my personal property move the house got to put it somewhere it happened like a twoe period but you're not living in the trailer no you're living at your your mother around but I do come back you don't want to check on the property I have stuff there may I may probably an appropriate question may I ask where your wife is living with me at your mother's yes can I ask you where your mother lives in Springfield so you come out to this property to do what join the sunset sitting I can't come and sit on my property is that no I didn't know if you were working on that's what I do take a walk in the woods I got 12 acres I haven't even been to the back yet visit with the neighbor I'm asking because I don't know if you if you're there working on it you know I can't I can't until I get a permit I can't I'm you know the well is in the well is you have a permit for the well excuse me you have a permit for the well the well was in when I bought the when I bought the piece okay complet and the septic system is septic design is done but the septic system isn't in yet she just storing those the trailer there I work out of town a lot bounce around you know I don't know I could be in in town this week you it could change get a phone call now you're going to main or we need you in New York or wherever wherever the work is so looks like there's a lot of local work so what's your response to the representation that you admitted you were living there I heard that I told him that he said I was I admitted to living there I said we do come back time to time but I'm not I'm not living there like it's my residence I have a PO box and do you spend overnights there I have okay that's I think it's a definition thing maybe it's semantics but it's a definition thing so living whether you say it's like days at a time or one night staying there I think the rule is that no overnights I mean that's living there so I think he understands he can't do that and that wasn't ever his intention and that's why his mindset is he was never living there MH he's not using cu no running water there something and I know Mr pil and you were saying I don't want to get into it at times you guys want some privacy is what I'm taking from what you were saying before correct correct okay so but I don't think we can allow that to be overnight but I also get into you do have the overarch as Mr Davenport said the board of appeals thing handles the other part separately than what we're talking about here thenn in terms of the health violations y if there is no overnight and perhaps the Porta was removed is there still a violation um I guess there's there's no violation if that's not going to be where he's staying at overnight um and if the pter PO was um not the permanent B there most assume you come during the day you doing some paperwork and most Trail have a small facility inside I don't use it at all doesn't have one yeah I don't use it I do not use it that's why I put the pter party outside well that's unfortunately where I think might be do you need to store the pter party there do you need to leave it there I no I can get it out looking for a resolution right okay we are as well this does not take care of anything going on with the building start but that was background to where we are here Don your thoughts do you need a permit for Porta partty um we don't have any any Porta partty permits no um some towns have their own what are they do on construction sites um like I said uh some towns might have a a permit like I know mson does they'll have to let us know where the port pities are going to be I'm not sure what they might do at a at a construction site I think Mr Sani that the big thing here is the overnight part in my mind right I think it's clear that you you can easily assure them that's not going to happen right okay if I can be BL on my we may not we appreciate your comment if it happens to not hold up in the future I think we'll be back for this you understand what I'm saying but you know if we take you at your word and we trust you on this it has to be a two-way street y understood I'm talking then to the health department what do we need to remove the V what does he need to do to get out of the violation not stay there overnight that's the main thing right P body removed um yeah that's really really the main the main items um I would be somewhat concerned of the trailer bathroom potentially still being used used um and if that's not I mean if it was just you know going out yeah can't I'm a camper can I just let explain I'm a camper for a long time you can't just do that right it's it's a holding tank you dump it you know I've had it in campgrounds it's it's well that would be my concern is if the holding tank be you can't do that you know you can't there hold water it's it's going to freeze you can't right it's just that's why I had a can put there so I understanding I think it's clear he wasn't using that that's why that Port was there the limitation but yeah need to have running water I got it but I'm just saying the pie wouldn't be my choice at 7:00 a.m. in the morning either but but you got to understand I'm telling you what's in there and there's no water in the tanks at all it's been winterized before I brought it there and there's it it's down it's so you're using this more as an office at some time but that's still going to be an issue no I it was my camper that I brought there that's a place to store it to put it which is a different and we likely appeals handle that do you have a time frame that you are looking to build a residence there I would like to apply get my permit and this paperwork in as soon as I can you know I great weather I i' like to get it up as soon as I can you know right but I'm just asking do you have a realistic timeline like are you looking like in the spring you're looking to start breaking ground as soon as yeah sooner the better cuz you purchase it in August right I have plans I want to complete the paperwork to get my application in um thoughts Brian you want anything to chip in no I think as far as the the health violations is if he like you said take him at his word he's not staying there and the Porta body is removed then violations on our concerns there are no viol at that point at that point I me asking go Ahad I was going to say if it becomes apparent that he is staying there overnight um then that's when you know it could be these these violations are enough to essentially condemn a property so it could be you know locked up and posted on there that if any he re-enters that it's you know that's after if if there was a case where he was standing overnight then it would be posted as condemned um because you're in these major violations at that point again but if you're not living there then we not so you see what he's saying there that that is our recourse if the I want say agreement or whatever if our understanding is not lived up to that's our recourse is to padlock and condemn which is Harsh so really puts the it's incumbent upon you to basically it's an easy solution for you don't stay overnight I think makes everything very clear makes everything very clear right everybody stands right I guess a motion to uh instruct the Violator to remove the part of Body by the end of this week okay and no overnight accommodation no overnight staying in the trailer this has no bearing on any zoning board of appeals or housing violation at this V our action correct correct so move second watch it I can go visit my property and spend time on it sure yeah just be home by 12 just like Mom would have told you anything home in the street lights on that's fine yeah what's the definition of overnight that's one of my well I don't think I don't think free light so if he's there at 1 in the morning and then leaves is that different than he leaves at two in the morning I think at that point you're what following State sound levels so some noise I don't think we want to leave any ambiguity I think we all want to be walk away with this with the solution so let's not push let's not push anything I think got to be around for a while I want to pay my tax in hand for a while so the sooner I get a house we appreciate that taxes will go up as well all right be sure will so we have a motion a second all those in favor all thank you thank you for your patience thank you thank you thank you gentl Charles you who's getting cook a program trying to lose weight never I've been on that I one free day a week have to come and see yeah that's the cheat day it was yesterday have you saved them from fire years this is our third one this week those are easy yeah I'm the I'm one of the attorneys for the town of agam so I do I deal with a lot of light properties deal with Wetlands deal I'm usually on the other side I'm usually I'm usually f for white property those kind of issues prop changes we all think different things you know we're solution based here I appreciate apprciate because longm relationship you know and will you also be there for the zba when that happen [Music] treat everybody the same okay okay the state police I believe have been there so yeah but you know me and her went by at night her got in the house filling the dumpster we'll send we'll send we'll send we'll send the hand coyotes over there okay I think we close the hearing unless any has we'll move closing the hearing second all in favor I I thank you uh next item on the agenda is the hamon wilham Regional School District proposed Regional agreement and the chairman of the board chairperson of the board Mich was kind enough to come in Ando give us a brief rundown okay so I'm just to speak on the proposed the major changes that we are talking about so the first is the location of schools and assignment of students um so here we're um since the district is currently regionalized pre to 12 um the updated language would give the committee authority to designate which schools residents of me member towns will attend within the district for G for grades 6 to 12 so um students in their will um attend school in their Town um pre to and then 6 to 12 um it would be at The District's discretion so that's the first um the second is the school Committee Member terms so the term language for the school committee members has been revised to clarify that the terms begin on July first of the election year and they will continue until the successors are elected qualified and seated and so the ballots will now state that that the start date will be July 1st because as you know most elections they're elected they they the actual ballot is going to say that yes it's going to state that their term does not begin until July 1st so full school year correct that makes a lot of sense school year Well the reason it came about I don't know if you recall this you had a couple members on the school committee that felt bad about leaving the committee before graduation yeah because they'd been there and they wanted to sit at the graduation ceremony that was the only reason it was changed to July 1st well if you're working throughout projects and you want to make sure they're wrapped up before well they felt the continuity they wanted to be there for that so many of the Year events that celebrate the students and so it's really would be a shame to not be able to participate um in those events so I want to make sure so the committee is still in favor of continuing that correct okay because I've seen some com I've seen some comment where people say oh that's silly why do we do that there's a valid reason for it yes and to be honest the school committee people and Don you were on the school committee forever okay see that way yeah look you're 112 now but and you're on like five committees that work you may not agree what the school committee does or a member but you have to acknowledge the effort they put in you know and to like deny them this makes no sense at all um and the superintendent did check in with um both Town clerks and they said that it wouldn't be an issue and that is our practice today so it just would be updating the regional agreement but on the ballot you would see that the school committee that um cycle does not begin until July one um um the next one is the compliance with the one person one vote requirement so this updated language would ensure compliance with the US constitutional requirement um so this would be specifying that the number of voting members and the voting weight of each member will be reviewed every 5 years so this will be this review will be based on the town census which would be certified by um each Town's Town each Town's town clerk would it ever drop below one yes yeah the way to vote Yes so could hamon have less than two votes two full votes yes could they have less than two full votes yes good but that's a Department of Education that's a desie thing right we have to do it that way we have to follow that standard is the way it is I thought but I thought we were limited by what was it 71 about the three different choices we had to make up the school committee you know in terms of like the enforcement part or the districtwide election which would be nothing foolish for him then that's why we stayed with the 52 and the weighted vote thing I thought had to do with internal no the weighted vote thing is a lot of other region many regions do it that way no and especially the ones that have like seven seven different towns or they have a way to vote based on population you still have you still have two hamon voices MERS yes but your total vote may only be one and a half and it's Town population not school student population in a in a school voter population voter population okay I make sure it's not like sensus so Brian this must been what happened up with you you had a four member district correct or yeah was it weighted up there are you Hampshire were you Hampshire uh that's that's for that's the district my kids go to school in um but where I worked um yeah was I believe it was weighted voting in the Regional School District really Deerfield South deer yeah it was Frontier yeah I know it just doesn't seem like spend half the meeting doing math they do what Aon one said that he was up in the burkers there they did they spent half the meeting doing the math on every vote and then when there was a two when you needed a two3 vote he said we actually had a chart vot but if two wam vot conf just for clarification now that's mandated not something we're looking to just change right the other option so there were two options the other option that we were looking at was um you can do it two ways right each member would shall be entitled to one vote at all committee meetings in order to ensure compliance with one person one vote us constitutional requirement the voting weight of each member will be reviewed every 5 years oh that's what we're doing the review will compare to the voting ratio to each Town census as certified by the town clerk in each member town the other option would be each member shall be entitled to one vote at all committee meetings in order to ensure compliance with the one person one vote us constitutional requirement the number of voting members and voting weight of each member will will be reviewed every 5 years the review will compare the voting ratio to each Town census as certified by the town CL town so we could lose a whole we could lose a whole person all play but play this out for Mee right now we have five Oram members and two hman members and you're also saying that not only are they five to two but the two hman votes actually count less than two yes yes so we're even worse off and the but the five the five werham votes would be less as well right but in the other situation there you could be in a position where they we add more members but we're just adding more wlam members they would have more members well the other two way the other two ways go District wide voting with they yeah it' be hard to Wi as a hand in person right get a calculator was that in the budget is there an Excel she for this unfortunately it's one of those state things I don't think we have any say in another mandate that I know I agree I'm just saying that if this has been around for a while I do not recall really this happening much at school committee meetings where you figure out oh the vote was four to three let's see but that was a hamon one maybe it was three and a half to age so yes and if we didn't change that part would we be in violation um what's what's Jesse wouldn't approve the right so in order for Des to approve the change this has to be re this is one of the ones they threw at us saying okay if you go to all prop agreement you better fix this and if we hadn't we wouldn't right okay and there were two options for each you know many options and then the school committee voted at our last this is des's recommendation for what you just said but like I said they yeah because we're said if you open up the Regal agreement you got to do this one of these other gotcha you shouldn't have sent them the whole thing page one that's all we wanted um the next is the assessing cost for vocational education so the revised language would just specify that um the TU the tuition for transportation costs the tuition for this for the program will be included included in the district's operational costs so um these costs will be assessed to the member towns using the agreed formula replacing the prior method of directly billing the town the students town of residents um but we've been operating this way anyway anyway right so we're just going to keep it and we're going to be including it in the operating budget which will now be in compliance with what they suggested f um the next is the student transfer requests so um the school committee actually they voted that no changes will be made to the current policy so transfer requests will remain at the discretion of the school committee so the planning committee did um um recommend that it be at the um sole discretion of the superintendent for educational purposes only um and the school committee was it was a 4-3 vote um to keep it at the discretion of the school committee was that a weighted vote no um the next is the assessment method so this is um operating cost will be calculated using a three-year rolling average of foundation and rollment for grades prek through 12 across the member towns um so this method requires annual approval by both member towns can you repeat that one more time yes um operating cost will be calculated using a three-year rolling average of the foundation enrollment so that's the October 1st yeah enrollment for grades prek to 12 across member towns um but this method requires annual approval by member towns otherwise the statutory method will apply by default how does that change when if the regional agreements change at the beginning for grade level so there's a second component to that which is um the status of werham Middle School um so the school committee is currently seeking legal opinion from Council as to um you know if we chose to move forward with or if the decision is made that we'd like to make um wad Middle School a Regional building similar to men so it would change the assessment slightly no no the first thing the assessment the assessment is the budget the the operating budget right so could be threeyear rolling average or the statutory method which is if you have 100 kids in wilam they pay X of the 50 kids at hand them pay X right but you have to vote on the rolling method every single year if the town votes no no no on that then you go to the regular assessment so so we have to explain that at the town meeting the RO yeah Michelle has to yeah and then the other thing is is for Capital expenses right correct right and I know this wasn't the purpose of this but the conversation about the wam Middle School are they also talking about changing the land to be the same as minog or just the building just the building so so the property itself would still belong to wam well that it's I think it's all I don't think that I don't know that the town of waham has has thoroughly vetted this or actually even um received an opinion from their legal council but just it sounds like there are only a few options in order to move forward with this so we can you know do you know amend the lease agreement between the district and wolverham middle school or there could be a real estate real estate transaction um or keep it the same as is and maybe just charge un charge tuition but um we we don't know there's been no conversation about Char well no I'm just saying that we're either going to lease amend the lease you know between the district and the town um or you know if the town decided that they would want to sell the building to the district just for clarification you didn't mean to say charge tuition correct no what I mean what I'm saying's on so I make sure charge tuition but just figure something else out keep it keep it as is and how that how you would determine whatever it is so it's just a matter of it's just we're trying to get clarification on you know the exposure the district has and and how that would work because obviously we have all of our students in the district located located at wber ham middle school right now um there are capital needs um and it's just determining there space needs to I understand but it seems like you know call it what it is but if there are capital needs and you're talking about making a Regional School is the purpose solely to make sure that hamon pays part of the cost of any upgrades if we make it a regional school and Don you've been part of this a bit right now as a build as a waram building wam is responsible for the capital costs and it seems like the only purpose of a change like this would be allowing them to then Bill the percentage back to him for Capital needs yes correct right go sounds like okay which is why I still think we need TB for that aspect middle school next to Min we have not had zero disc question about um building a new Middle School not anymore you want to put those rumors up but we have not they have not been happening that can't be true I saw on Facebook you have anyway the original premise of all this was to do son to resolve the overcrowding in several of the schools mostly in the in the middle school and the answer to that clearly was to transfer the eighth grade to the high school which is done regions all over the state they can't do that because the agreement says they have to go there and that's you know so so is there part of this that allows that as well if yes if you make school a regional school then you can put any grade at any Regional School you don't need to call out eth specifically for the high school right well this this um the first portion is just allowing allowing the district to determine where students in grades 6 to 12 attend school right what I'm saying in any Regional building Heck if with this language you could put sixth grade over there if you wanted to which nobody would do I don't think it's limit Regional building now I think it's it's limited where they could go to any it's about the placement of the student but it's what what this is doing it's saying that students in grades prek to 5 will be well as Don said that eighth grade shift takes care of well helps with the overcrowding part but this other thing does potentially bring a bill to the town of hon yes right if they do that if but that's that's really not part of the regional agreement right that's something outside the regional agreement I mean if they yes if they say that they could move the thing you know that's something that wilam and and and the region are going to have to work out and that's a whole that's going to create a whole different the where it does fall into is the assessment right right okay but here's the thing I think this also was a conversation between the select Board of him than select Board of wam right you know where you have this building that has Capital needs and I think this was actually touched on in terms of percentage but the last time we talked about a thing where okay you will help you but not the roof and not the parking cuz you let that go down and that's just cuz we're moving in all a sudden we get roof brand new this was like three or four years ago so so I think there still needs is the roof bonded still you still is there a bond on the roof um I don't think so on that really yeah I think they I think well not that kind of bond you mean I Bond like bond for the life to pay for it no the bond that makes it good like you have a bond like we had a bond on um th verges for 25 years lifetime warranty warrant warant the roof is paid off correct yeah okay so I still think that kind of conversation depending on what the potential is the select conversation okay so we will at our meeting on Thursday we will be hopefully we will have some sort of opinion from our attorney that there will be a discussion okay great great anything else what is your plan to present this to the public we have a planning meeting next Tuesday okay and we will discuss that okay good because that's going to be key correct yes so the thing that we had gone through is the school committee hadn't deed the first Forum went so well yeah the wam Forum works so well well now that we decided we voted on you know how the school would like to move forward I mean that was the first step we hadn't made those decisions so but we you know um time is not on our side so we do have to get moving yeah and I sent I sent to Michelle and the superintendent uh that March 1st was the deadline but you know at least let us know draft placeholder placeholder and they you're going to do it one one warant article right correct correct okay we're starting at 6:30 again yes thank you thank you very would you like to cookie oh no thank you come on look at all of them do you want to take the bag home for the kids no okay it's so hard to get lunch tomorrow so they could take it with them you probably B all the time yourself all right that ought to go well all right 50th Anniversary I just wanted to bring it up because um we got to think about do we want to just for begin thinking about do we want a big Gaya thing they did a great thing in the hund I know when I brought that a coup years ago when I asked about the putting I think it's good to think ahead of it I think though talking we haven't specifically said but I would think he'd be talking late summer fall of 2028 right if we were looking for committee now may be a three plus year term and honestly I don't know if we get anybody to commit like that I think the first year should be our board and that Town Administrator guy to do some research find a cake guy get the cake going the big cakes no I tell you trailer cakes I think we should shut down Main Street and have a big block party the thing that you need to do early is locking up people something like that we're going to ask for is a new governor by then possibly when is the governator election um I don't know not soon enough about don't print that Christmas we still want our state 2024 right I think it's 26 26 okay we have like a note out to just say we'd like to lock in the governor whoever but Richie Neil should probably still be in office right they have term limits yet what they don't have termin limits yet no and what about Brian 501c we got that yeah in in when they did celebrated the 250 in weighty they had a a friends of the 250 yeah we would aot lot easier yeah actually we should I'll going to pull up the town report I wonder if we had a separate committee you know almost like now I they must have because they raised money they sold 501c3 there's less rules for a 501c3 for fundraising oh God I'm sorry you know who I'm thinking about that's already a 501 c well we could create our own technically well we' be reaching out to them anyhow of course and all the members of the historical commission it still just your I think it's just Connie now no the historical commissioner right I thought was your wife I ran into Betty and she said she thought it was just your wife left on I thought it was just Connie cuz CHR yeah did she leavea she never re up I thought was appointed three years we didn't app Point sure we did you weren't there nope we pointed him too didn't we I think so no I had a COR but you know we can get some you know old track or some Dave and Dave e yeah yeah okay I just wanted to put on BR it okay we'll put it in the newsletter contracts we got um High superintendent and Highway contract Union contract so administrator needs to negotiate those that's why as negotiation the question about the uh the yeah rer thing I don't think that goes this is a whole new contract though yeah no I know that but I thought in the current one don't we have the discussion in February and that's why I asked them for the number I don't think we have which contract we talking about right now I don't think it's high enough to public the highway oh the highway but I don't right it has to be above the above CPI what you said it was but it's not I don't think it's above what we gave like 3.1 or something like that and what was their number for this year four right so I just want to make sure we're covered yeah Y and we got the ambulance which is a whole new contract which is a whole new contract for them so mhm we actually might be at the point where we've extended I believe the contract for m might be the maximum amount of times done really we might be looking at that again maybe so I guess on the on the highway and Highway superintendent you just need to get a hold of them and say when do they want to meet and start talking about this in the ambulance start with sending it out to action saying what's your best deal what do you want to do yeah right valuation now all the contracts that we have police and Town Ministry and Highway superintendent that we have to do an annual evaluation so we can get standard forms and probably a lot of times when they do evaluations the first thing they do is you know have the person do a self evaluation then maybe we have a score thing that says you know leadership uh goals communication we I think we so we once I think Mar Mary Ellen had to do once the pop one time remember so may if I dig that stuff out I'll send it along and we can work usually it's done with a retreat down I'm thinking down in Port Lucy or maybe four corners Port Lucy down in Florida very nice Retreat we're in a pble or whatever you call it well on the on the 20th of of January everyone at Mar Lago is going to be in Washington so maybe we can make a call and who know you use their place that's fly my drone down there fly your drone down there you go through all the other ones so we I'll get something for that there haven't been any reported over hamon right I cannot conf just the master plan one in Craigs right uh members reports uh we have meetings this week There's a planning board meeting this week nothing terribly urgent on it U building committee meeting next Monday and something I don't know we're hanging around in the town hall tomorrow morning for something I think oh yeah we got Municipal Building talking meeting great save the uh you you brought up the point that 16 Summers R there was someone here at the planning board for correct so uh the this couple came in they're putting in gosh I think was a uh physical therapy massage type thing and they're also selling the property to Penny peek for increasing our parking so I think that effectively takes the that was the pelo property out of I know the question was was there going to be an appeal and I don't see now it could be now if they if they're sell right yeah is it in uh is it in negotiations or is it done they sounded pretty firm they were more the anr need to be done because they need to cut that off I I didn't rewatch the meeting but are they reusing the building or are they going to they're staying the white building the white build they're planning keeping the red building up as well can planning board meeting possibly consider using Zoom this week they do whenever it's a public hearing and they did last week because I was there for that it was not it's it was zoomed the last two meetings have been zoomed yeah we can ask oh really yes yes they were they were they really wish all the me were well you're not you're not wrong can only recommend to board right all right are we zooming well let me ask you Don are we zooming tomorrow morning yes we are aren we yes do we have a are you doing it Brian or we have a person uh I'll do it or Dan I'll do it our new assum operator I'll do it or Dan will do it Don administrator report um so for the wrapping up the EV project the uh signage in the parking uh parking all lines have been done so that effectively wraps up that project um still waiting on National Grid to set up the meter so we can get a bill or maybe not I shouldn't have called them but uh so the first month we netted uh uh $227 I shouldn't say netted because we didn't pay the electricity for it but that's what that's what came back the gross revenue yeah not bad for no advertising the gross revenue right so that was really just the I will say my daughter-in-law keeps checking for me and it still does not show up on the is a red Z Ready red e does not show up on their app yet yeah they oh I think you're on those emails where he said he's going to manually update it so I don't know we can look into that again um we had the uh open enrollment for the life Insurance um so we added uh 22 new enroles for the basic life insurance policy um so that went from 9 to 31 wow um when does is there a component that the Tom pays for that uh for the basic it's it's 5050 all right and that's the current Year's budget or that starts July first it started January so so we'll have we'll we'll calculate the new cost C for the do you think the increase in sign up was because of our changing what we're coverage was yeah I think it was both of it I I don't think it was offered in the past and I think there was a I think there was a a need for it Greater exposure plus the increase okay yeah yeah um so uh pvpc had solicited projects for something called the the the rip the resilience Improvement plan um and so that was it's somewhere along the lines of MVP um I should say Mass d uh Mass DOT solicited projects through PPC and I work together with Mark and we submitted the three Bridge projects for funding to be included on that on that plan I don't know if they'll be included or not it's up to the the N at this point um but it was just it was a quick spreadsheet um so Mark uh Mark and I filled that out and we submitted that to the pvpc it was due on the third um the Casino Grant from the with the gaming commission um those are due at the end of this month when I had uh a conversation with the staff there they like the idea of hik hampen um they like that idea from a from a tourism generator stamp Point um so I guess I'm trying to figure out exactly what a project like that would look like um they're really uh focused on marketing um it somehow to get people into hampen okay um I got ideas on that I'll send okay that's to the 31st and then website training um with the new website that's going to be take part uh take place next week mostly uh Tuesday through Thursday with um three-hour sessions basic users attending the first ones and then module specific training so we'll have to pull staff during those periods to to get the training but um the end product I think will be worth it so that's about it oh I forgot um we had or I had submitted for the empg grant all right um back for the deadline for new CO detectors for the the fire department and we just got back a contract that Brian's going to authorize for the gr so you got the grant yeah until the contract signed we don't have it but yeah but yeah it's very good okay anything else to come before the board um only question I have is are we continuing on with our by bi-weekly meetings what we got next week well we know we got something next week I I have nothing special with 1 well we're not having the other thing what date what date did we get for that 16 the 16 morning well suppose if anything comes up we can always like something for right after the two meetings right yep yeah okay so no meeting the 13th okay motion to a Jour no meeting in 13th no meeting 13th oh let's take a little more time this meeting then okay second all in favor I I get paid either way yeah