##VIDEO ID:kUxV-_FKVCw## there that works good evening this is a meeting of the hamon board of select in the Bo he being held in the townhouse on September 23rd 2024 at 6: p.m. this meeting is being conducted in person remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the pledge the flag the United States of America to the repic it stands na go invisible with liberty and justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves see Kristen rivers from the wilham hon timeses thank you Kristen good evening uh the first item of the agenda is minutes of the September 9th 2024 meeting uh we had uh representatives of greyhorse to come and speak to us about placing a zone change on the special town meeting warrant fire department was here uh was a public to point to call probationary firefighter the Senor Cent building committee was here to discuss their project we discussed the increased employee benefits uh due to more people taking the healthcare plan plus Health life insurance which we discuss also tonight and we talk about what's going to be on special town meeting warrant uh we the our attorney on the cable TV franchise sent us a draft proposal we've talked about a timeline for the Thon Burgess school we we me the town offices there talk about select's upcoming meetings and correspondents of from the board some some uh permits for the uh F Fest in for the we head those waste or waste disposal there motion to approve all in favor the next item we have is we have our Cemetary commission here part out 2/3 on up okay so basically uh we have a warrant article War article for money for bat that's corre kind of wondering we're trying to put the warrant together so we're wondering how much and what it for and we are the dollar amount that I'd like for for to be is $7,500 and the purpose of the additional money is for removing trees and also to do some um W care such as winter izing the the grass putting some fertilizer down in alignment and then in the spring to start giving and this is just a portion of a Prospect Hill but we're want to start that because basically the erosion is quite significant there and want to see what we can salvage and then what we're going to have to do to improve those grave sites um so that's what did out of mind is that's the purpose and we've done quite a bit already and one of the reasons that we're asking for the money now is when we came in for the the 24 25 budget we just brought forward the previous budget not knowing what we might be doing or needing to do and the budget is for the maintenance presently covers the Mowing and anything we do outside of that takes us over in to the old draft section why wouldn't you look into CPA money like I think the the cemetery has gotten it three times in the past for different projects Community preservation money um first of all new to the job no that could be you know that's certainly valid answer I know we did the fencing with it we did uh some work on the gravestones as well I believe so what what we've done so far this year let me get my list in front of me if I me but we've done at Old Cemetery we've had we cut a few trees and we moved the brush at the entry gate and it all was triggered by a lawsuit that we or not a lawsuit a just gruntled burial I guess it would be a better way to turn it and um then we have had erosion in ponding at the surf um f where the fight pole is and um so we've dealt with that type of drainage and then we've had in terms of our software we've had to do some make some changes make a lot of changes um because of either omissions or the way it was set up that's an old cemetery and Prospect Hill you've almost duplicated the same again significant amount of road paving erosion uh repair um we've done the M fence with the um Bittersweet and the U um sumac we we cut that back so we now can see a fence and we can find one of the graves that was in that area plus we've had some of the folks that own the graves in that area asking that to be cleared back so that they could find your sites um how about the you mention the erosion I know that several years back we had a problem with erosion on the west side going to Dalton's house if you will has that abated somewhat I want some of this fertilizer and rhy and things to find out where the grass is and where it isn't because we're going to have to follow up with bringing in some room and uh some extensive rework we've got some on that slope going into the that whole hill just and see we've also have accomplished a significant amount of mapping which we couldn't do in the past and I brought this along to you folks if you want it or want to see it and this is the entry the main gate this is prospect prospect Hill yes did you see a lot of maintenance and erosion is just from years of neglect yeah was going to say neglect but since you said it you took that down a while ago put a there to that was one thing they I think they curtain we're sorry we're discussing you know Dalton had that second house there which really kind of held a bit in the garage I think Philpot when he took that down that really exacerbated that that drainage problem on that slope I think at one time Mark was talking about putting some curtain drains or some type of some system in TR to shuttle the water way down to the back um because of the way the the sale of the Watson has occurred MH that's really not realistic unless we start moving a lot of people and um what we did here is the roads alongside the roads the soil was washing out and we've had that chip sealed or whatever you call it to filter and really a good job so the water will shed across it rather than a it out but is it shedding down the slope or should it be brought back to the road to the road drainage no let's leave it alone okay what's the what's the buildout now so big just the what if you want to call that number I mean of the projected number of lots how many are left hundreds 100 total no hundreds hundreds hundreds okay and how about that old Cemetery much less um hundreds you got the new portion that's only got a few bodies in it the part over towards Fair Manor me or to the left that whole side there is probably only got in there handles I'm I don't have the numbers in front of me there was a he asked me a couple three months ago I could told um I think Dwayne's telling us about that BOGO thing he's got coming up soon buy one get one we're not ping we're not really pishing the sale of them um I think that um the cemetery commission as a whole M has um in end of this fiscal year a significant amount of money went back to the town from that was swept from our um um revolving revolving account and also the fact that we did not use up one of the other accounts uh so I bet if you look at the close numbers I would the numbers I would like to believe is around 30,000 so anyway um we're doing okay if you proba folks would like that you can keep it um let's see is there any chance that your database maybe it already is do PE do some tows have their Cemetery database searchable online this probably has to do with more Staffing you know other if you go to Hill crust I'm sure you can probably I think there's actually companies that go and do that like find myg grave.com and stuff like that they there's whole registry is already online but do we have to like make ours available I don't think so I think I was able to find certain individuals you know historic individuals in our old handed Cemetery that's what I'm saying so how is our datab has already been integrated into that I I think people are just going there and doing it on their own on their own yeah you can do some of that now but to get into the more detailed information I've received some emails from Sims Sims was a very tough program starting for us because it's a very sophisticated program does a lot and it's only as good as how well it was created and implemented and we have put many many many many many hours into it mhm we created this book with the map with very um if I may I just show you one one section but what it does is here I get a section that doesn't have any names in um we just completed one section where about four families had lots of 12 fo 12 grve sites M they weren't even there but they had bodies in in the cemetery and then we had another section where um there were three of these um individuals in the ground and no no nothing in in the software so we've been doing a lot of updating and what you'll see here is the lots and the lot numbers and then in each one of these depending on the color in that there'll be a name that goes with it not necessarily on these but just because it created I don't remember how it works I have to say Dwayne I think you were on the board with Jim when we talk about getting that software originally way back when um I don't ever remember talking about it but I know that 20 something years ago yeah Jim was involved with it in his brother there this is what I was looking you can see the the names some of the symbols shows whether they were buried or if they're cremations um it'll show the families that own it and things of that nature so this is on the Sims system and what we did is created our and a lot of work went into this and a lot of work is going into bringing this thing to the Integrity of of it up and I'm just going to say I'm proud of it it may not be perfect but can you want go back to your funding request the work you're looking to do is this work that you're going to be doing in I mean this fall or this spring some of it the minute we go out of this meeting I'm going to call the guy and he's going to put us on the schedule to do a Winter Rising well that's not the money you're asking for at the town meeting because but you don't have that money huh you don't have that money that's right that's why I say the minute I go to town meeting and oh yeah they see coming out of this meeting you said okay yeah okay but and and that way we're we're going to and we're we're trying rather than doing the whole thing we're trying to pick the area that needs it most and that is Prospect Hill and the left hand side that's this fall but then in the spring the complete uh grounds we go into a program of treating the grass there just to bring that to a more healthy sit situation which your budget does not have money for wi Rising now that's correct it does not it has it we believe it has enough to do the mowings that's it that's what it ended up this past year and that's what we're even new at MH and we've done some tree cutting that was we ran over on the end of the year and we had to get money from other sources so um we're trying to be one step ahead in what was the amount you're looking for 7,500 I was going to go for 10 but I'm cut down to what I'm going to do this fall M yeah I just wish we had gone the CPA for it's all well maybe on the other on the other hand CPA is more for Capital type things cuz it does sound like this is something you're going to want to annually increase your budget by this amount absolutely right the other thing about CPA money I know we've talked with Connie about it in the past remember when we went to that um Robert sessions ceremony there was a bunch of old old headstones that were broken fallen down I mean maybe it's something to think about in the future trying to repair some of those VA funds we had that information from them and at that time it was passed on to us that they do have some money and I has that information in her possession is beginning to do the research on that Grant if it's possible okay especially if it was a matching Grant and we came up with they'll give you 10,000 if the town gives you five and CPA could give that five TS or whatever who is it that doing a good job you see him is it Dave bourier doing a great job on those snow Restorations you know but you know we came into this m completely naive I didn't think this was going to be I thought Brian was doing a 4-day training session with you for Cemetery what happened speaking speak of Brian speaking of Jane speaking of w and speaking of Eva Eva is huge dick Cliff mark from the highway Rose she spent a couple days with me over a situation and um Tim Connors was very very helpful you know he was and he did a lot and we had some excellent vendors you know whether it be Carl or Billy or or Dana or Jerry and our Brian from the landscape the mowing company and the monument and the funeral homes they've all they've all been on board to do whatever they can to make our job better and we're from we're working to change that image that we were n that people were complaining about when we first came on board and I think we're making some Headway and we're proud of it you're going to make you're going to make the motion at town meeting you'll make the motion myself I one of us one last question I would have and I think we shared it before is that the board several years ago made a thing that minutes agendas would would be on the town website okay and we haven't seen shoot there isn't a minute from the cemetery commission ever there were some back from 23 but there's been nothing since the new board came out I assume you're meeting oh we meeting okay and I assume somebody's taking minutes the agendas are on but the the minutes are and the agendas could be the last one was an Excel spreadsheet what's that the last minute the last agenda was an Excel spreadsheet um I think Eva has an official heading for no it's on there but it's not it's an Excel saying it's but I think people would appreciate the minutes thing you know just to know and I hate to say it it's good for you because it shows just like you talking you spend 15 minutes telling us what you do the minutes would reflect to people that the cemetery commission is there working hard you guys a meeting almost every week and you're doing something and I think the minutes would do that we've also that the cemetery rules and have recreated new and they saw you posted them online that was great yeah and um we've also um this one here is kind of dear to me this is the format that again Al doing such a phenomenal job she used to be a paralal someplace and what she puts together and this is a draft if you were to um purchase a want to purchase the gaves not only do you get get the a letter telling you what's happening but then you get a a deed and by the way we do have a stamp um but there's our updated deed and then following that right now if you Don bought a lot and it was for eight Graves and you passed and your heirs come in and they can't get together we've got this right now they can't the three of them can't get together and they're all saying I want this I want this so this is a chain of command tells who goes away they want it and then in addition to that your erors when you purchase the lot may say I want to be buried here here and here this is a a layout of what is Christmas dinner I'm not sitting next to him basically and um get this separated um and again it has our rules what's expected and then it's a copy of where their plot might be so um that's why I say I'm read proud of this we are also looking at our fees but this gets back in what I'm saying you guys are doing great and I think this has been extremely valuable cuz we didn't understand but people need to know that get your minutes on let people know the great work you're doing really fact as when I first Mar the grave the maps were all wrong and Dwayne did this yeah and now it's like unbelievable I'm going up there they're making sense now exactly before I scratched my head up there for hours looking around I actually have to say a prayer to find someone I did I found her you were in the same areas the sunshine on it's true story I said thank you God say and and what's really great right now is darl and I and myself we all enjoy each other we all come to the table with great things done um we have some other community openings if you have free time pardon we have some other community openings if you have free time Dar you like Wetlands don't you um you don't all right thank you meeting all right and I want to thank everybody that has helped us you know that's really been what made this possible it'd be nice if you guys just gave me 500 give you a check right now than so now you see how cleverly we've done this we had the sary commission now we're going to talk about life insurance see we're working our way up backwards what's the deal you know I I've been worked in municipal government like this for 30 some OD years I'm still always amazed that no matter what size the town is everything is the same just numbers are different whether I'm in I was in Richmond massachus this morning I'm in Far C it's it's the same just numbers are different people are the same and you're surprised they still get volunteers for these jobs to I'm sure yeah I was on our partk recommission in W for 10 years and um I I got a whole new perspective of government being on that side of it what are we doing here what's the so so we're looking at 20,000 that's what the request was to have a price proposal for 20,000 yeah so so you figured if if all the employees took it right the monthly premium would be 728 for the to that was the town pay the town pays 50% right yeah so whatever that number is 50% of that would be the town 50% would be contribution right but at our current enrollment level how much more we need if we if we increase to 20 how much more do we need on a monthly basis yeah um at our current enrollment level and then it could be like the health insurance where all of a sudden people say oh 20 I'm going to sign up for that you might need a little extra what we P now only 10 right is it 126 month now I think it would looked like 170 so it really doesn't go up that much because right see right now you're saying if we did it right now it' be 9,000 at the for the 49 people at 20,000 right but it's not 9,000 because right now we're paying 6,000 based on it so it's an extra three right so yeah it's actually $50 a month more more right so it sounds like it's a minimal increase for doubling the coverage yeah exactly and I know from business whatever like you said 20,000 10,000 is not you can't get a burial rent for 10,000 right and that's just nothing left for whatever that's just bearing the first even 20 right you so it seems to me it's the right thing to do you it's definitely the right thing to do it's always a budget issue in this case I don't think the budget is I just trying to look for that differential part it's not not we're not adding 9,000 to the budget we're adding three three or three three and a half maybe right and and when we go through the town and do the re enrollment you might get you know half more more people that come on board um and and hopefully in the future as you get new hires that we'll have somebody from b m to reach out to those people to make sure they know that it's available and what what it is how it works and all that kind of stuff be a communication process then also if you remember from the last meeting that we're going to uh offer them some additional insurance if they want to pick up more than ,000 they'll be able to do that on their own payroll but it's it's their 100% cost almost like a 401k where they can do an additional thing but the company doesn't have to right yeah exactly I don't want to beat this to death but going to make a motion to uh increase the life insurance benefit of 20,000 second any further discussion all in favor I thank you thank you Mark what's the next step next step is I will bring the enrollment manager meet with Brian and laen and um have some meetings throughout the town and process and then perhaps Brian we could actually get that differential number when deck is available to see what we're actually increasing that surve to because if we're at 49 now send that out or anybody else want toage of that so we're going to go through the whole town through the department right but the new people would impact us the fall s 28 right yes so now three new people pick it up it's 2,000 as opposed to do right I thing 49 wonder how many employees do we have how many employ do we have we have nine current enroles the maximum we could have is 399 and if BOS mut got see the 49 they like Town's growing how many employees do we have I mean you count the police bar we have 39 benut got that maybe they're thinking you guys going to be throwing we and box that would be would be something all right all right so so I'll be in touch Brian Warren and I appreciate eligible employee e eligible employ 39 yes okay great great thank thank you Brian thank you thank you all right uh special come meeting warrant you have anything new to add to that t out this week or just legal edits with rose yeah so I have some Redline and it's from Rose that she provided me it my guess is the uh the North Road conservation articles are not going to be ready um the Rocka dundy Bridge layout is not going to be ready um depending on what happens with the fiber committee not right there uh depending what the fiber committee talk about that may or may not uh uh be on there so minut recap type thing yeah with what's going on who knows right we yeah and we could talk a little bit more about that so we'll have more next week hopefully we know we got $7,500 for the cemetery commission right yep we're working on the I talked with cheap ping this afternoon he's working on numbers for the generator mhm and the uh the flooring the has basement then we need for a number for employee benefit right the potentially sure yep um Green Meadows Elementary School Capital item probably probably not I would guess I on that there and I know I brought that forward and that was something Brian and I talked about with Aaron and then when the current news on Aaron I really have to think I hate to say it I don't think it's at the top of their agenda to get it done so I think it is there is a need for it so I think it's just only pencil in for the spring and get it done that point another one yeah yeah jeez I'm sorry much brother that contract thing just keep ripping off all right all right it yep those are are the only changes that I have okay almost gets us under 20 close to 20 what close to 20 okay get there uh twb update we have we have there suggested so the discussion around this was oh I'm sorry this is this there school committee one or the meeting with time Bond at the time you can talk about that oh yeah yeah I was saing for you which one t yeah just so we met Mohammad exactly with johnon we met with Muhammad um and uh we talked about the layouts we talked about um just the the the spatial planning process uh two sort of unique inputs we need our our library in parks and rec because they sort of have unique operational needs um and I need to get back with them back uh to muham with some of the the our informal spacings analysis in terms of number of employees offices those types of things but I think he gave us a good recap he was looking at the bones of it basically and said overall the building's in good shape he made us aware that in his opinion there would be a need for sprinklers because of the size of the building and whatever I know there's some uh discussion of what a ballpark would that would be if we were looking at phases of improvement that would be a phase a roof and parking lot phase B phase C whatever in his opinion in terms of the structure sprinklers were going to be required probably involve a well in the tank because the current well would not be able to supply The Continuous demand be required because of the building use the building use and the size of the building anything over 7,000 square ft and there was nothing in there out and then then they're going into a spatial thing and think that's Craig's job right is it Craig and somebody else Muhammad was more the bones of the building yeah um yeah they have a fire protection engineer and it's it's something we'll have to explore with the building commercial when we get back question is there any exemption to it or whatever that's my question if it if it was being used as a school it doesn't need sprinklers but since we're using it as a town government building it now requires sprinklers or is this only we remodeling in between yeah there may be uh a renovation uh a threshold trigger on on Renovations that would require sprinkling and who's to say they weren't there shouldn't have been sprinkl ahead of time before any right I'm just curious you know it's an added expense that yeah probably the biggest expense in the whole thing I mean it could be ballpark anywhere one1 to $2 million to put in a 70,000 ft structure with the apperances needed outside like Supply and storage honestly can look at it probably the biggest part of any move over there so take a pond still there's no Pond we should still 2 million is cheaper than million yeah yeah and said put that we'd needers here if you did that well over be well over the limit of addition I always it always sticks in my head about the seven or eight million they said but you wouldn't gain any more space out and a lot of Eda issues so yeah it doesn't make the building any better and that whole plan that that special analysis that um that lady did move the library out know where to put right there you go oh well thanks for the extra space all right so now we have the done on that yep now we got the regional agreement okay so the the discussion there on the regional agreement with the school with the school committee was that their concern or their lawyer concern is that at some point because of the because of the regional agreement which says that students have to be educated in their town at some point we may need to reuse the building school and one of the examples I think one of the school committee members said what if all the people all the parents of hand said they want theid to be educated School except the superintendent said well that would be three years out of the DAT anyhow well that all kind resolved six years ago well going to kick a can backwards right right so I don't have a problem with that putting that in there because I don't I don't see it happening well what happens in three years they said oh we need TB back and we're in there we have nowhere to go and we're going to we're going to move yeah well that's the that's an issue it's a major issue if we spend $2 million or spring quitters just throw numbers out there we move all our x amount of dollars to move there who knows what happens with this building in that short period of time you know and we're there and then we agreed to this and they come back and say Hey you know we have a we have a new you know idea of how we want to operate the district and it doesn't involve you having a town hall well they're going they're coming to town meeting in the spring to change the region as to change a regional agreement to regionalize 6 through2 okay so that's that's new within your last yeah yeah that's what it sits in here too right and uh I would make the argument that they've they're already passed a fiveyear deadline because brought that desie thing even though that class was in there I don't think that constitutes a education St because those students are technically graduated from the high school 18 to 22 18 to 25 guys right there was a plan done remember back in the Middle School pass for thing just speak to your point that if there was a need for that it was a I'm going to say it was almost a four modular POD at the end of the fourth the sixth grade Wing sixth grade Wing pretty much to the ball field so there was an option for expanding basically green medal in K through a program by adding four classrooms in a little pod thing just outside which wasn't technically connected so it didn't trigger something right but it was uh basically this four pod area that was good enough for seven and eight basically B was said three Metals was size for another addition the only limiting factor is probably cafeteria you know that's the biggest drawback You' be into launch of 10:30 what I hate to say if they do that at the high school now they do it at the middle school right now too and at the high school they you know each grade has split lunches so you know they get 15 minutes for lunch and then 15 minutes for recess so they can swap that was one thing about the old miniature my gosh that cafeteria was three of them basically two big one two CES and then the other one any any that's good to know so what in this thing here okay so let's go down the list let's go down the right so the first paragraph is f that's just the date you know entered into a DAT second one the town of hampon owns the Borton Burg school okay third one the town of hon leases to the bham Regional School District and the Regional School dist Lees from the town is St okay then they go into whereas all this the blue stuff is new yeah the blue stuff is then I go into uh the regional committee this was interesting because they they put in there that the regional committee after discussing the so-called H WL Regional School District Rec by the reation plan voted to accept the 5year plan with the closure of Thor barriers and returning the property of to of H back in 2018 they talking about they sent a letter to the board of Select in uh saying that they wanted to return the building to th and burges and in this next paragraph what whereas on July 17 2018 The Bard of selectman declined the school C's request of termin Poli I think we should add something that because there was ongoing litigation I I don't see a need for those paragraphs period neither do neither I me why are we putting that in there why are we putting that in there and this the bottom line you're on you you said it's so beautifully we want to keep this in our pocket that we could use a school bill then why are we talking about spending money moving over there I'm going to redo this house but you can move back in anytime and kick me out no nonstarter so I don't know why those have to be right they don't need to be in there yeah muddy the whole thing no okay mentioned the time you were on the maybe we could go back to other things that they violated in the right just we're trying to move forward so the next thing is the district contemplates amending the regional agreement order to regionalize grades 6 through 12 M based on the current numbers and H then the District Acting by through the school Comm detered that the third ver is not presently needed for educational purposes and that's best cent of the district to uh amend the lease so it's fine the town select agree why does that first line need to be in there about the contemplates a regional agreement regionalization rates it has nothing to do with the release agreement because because they're saying is what they're saying is that the the regional agreement says that the kids have to be educated in each of their school each of their towns correct up to yeah up to grade eight up to grade eight so they're saying they might change it but that that has nothing to do with any lease agreement with the building though this this proposed change oh I see wor the paper isn't worth the paper it's printed on I see what you're said it's I don't talk at least one building we're not talking about Green Meadows or anything else so so you just just the letters in black The District Acting by through a school a term this the building is not presently need for Education correct yeah the first line in the half also I'm just saying the bottom line the last paragraph they shall be able to take it back at any time we're getting to that yeah I'm not even the stuff leading up to it then means nothing if they're leading that in there it should be I'm sorry it's four paragraphs the lease agreement for twb ends at this date the lease agreement for green medals stays in effect correct that's that's it what are we I mean what else is there correctly I mean maybe some little loyer stuff but that's the B line there there's no need to rehash old here there's no need to let's go back the building Regal we're just talking about a lease of a building to the Regional School I mean maybe we might get into you shall leave it in this shape uh Bill shall turn over to the town at such and such date that would be about it that's like a I don't know dismissal pendency whatever you might want to call it something like that but this here I'm sure he build for it but the district is not able to paying 20% of pay 20% of that Bill thank you you heard what I told the superintend you made a big mistake by to the Lord because the funny part about it is they were willing to just give it up in 2018 yeah right so we're going to delete all that stuff I'll sit with Brian we'll delete all that stuff and just get back the bottom exactly yeah none of this makes sense especially one page one page one page Sig ourselves yeah building use policy we have a building new policy then couple options there yeah did you print out the one I sent over from Becky okay so well we've got this one yeah I think that incorporate a lot of I think what the scor yeah and then correct I mean the uh the check off list simar the school that's why I had to fill rented it for fiber optic sent that to Lauren I think she went through it a little bit and just kind of rephrase it for our yeah the only thing is I mean I think the this is good and the background stuff this is not allowed this is not allowed there stuff like that sign off on that turn service right yeah so you want to go with Community use Town Hall facilities procedure yeah and then I think we also need somebody in charge of to facilitate availability and legalities behind right but you know nobody can use a building without checking through moreing yeah having having a form and filled out and should we include Academy Hall into this I think it's time for another get together with talk about their plans they're going into the winter season any there pretty much that close we talk about keeping the heat Bel down we saw get out of control maybe pencil that in this will still be good when we take over Thorton burges was there we want to do a fee too then depending on the level of group different obiously we waited for you know Department Yeah Boy Scouts that yeah we're about renting the hallway here that's been suggested I've seen that yeah that free anything else on that there I think we going with this one we have uh some license permits the Board of Health I believe has One MH some of the ones and I I know you enjoy seeing these done because uh this is the joy cup bubble tea from right down the road from my office Shaker Road and they'd like to have a a table at the Fall Fest on October 5th now what what is bubble tea I'll defer to Craig I have no clue okay I'll defer to Brian don't drink tea no idea I mean is boba tea bubble bubble bubble I think it has like it's it's a sweet tea that has like tapioca really tiny like sugar things in it I think I will say I see it at Blossom at the different I have great well they do well soent a motion to Grant a one day permit for Joy cup bubble tea at the Fall Fest soov it's not b a little pause there favor thank you baa tea or bubble tea bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble I've heard of boba bubble bubble toil and trouble boba tea is made of tea milk water sugar and tapioca pearls got the go that's just the name Jo do they sell Baba te this going to be good these are going to be good minutes Laren these are Babble Baba Bubba here you go bubble te also known as going down that rabbit hole and you crank all is known as stop Pearl milk tea I want to know too well it is it's tapioca milk tea right that's your tapioca you would know that coming from Hampshire County marble siiz tapioca which of I think you gracefully ignored that I'm from a different part it feels like a diabetics nightmare sounds like all right I have a an entertainment permit an entertainment request for entertainment license for 11: to 300 p.m. on October 12th at the cleanup for cure charitable event uh that'll be held at uh at the Commercial Drive in Hampton and this is a a the berm Bermudas Triangle band that'll play triangles acoustic singing guitar B them they can't find them oh nice motion approve nobody ever comes back from their cont couldn't go any further can't compete with a bubble selectman's report I thought you want to do your thingy correspondence oh correspondence yeah hold on let me sign this so we got what do we got on correspondence we have a letter from we're wayo all right right we have we have a uh are they here yeah we have an email a letter from Gina Stabilo uh regarding Wetland violations that she also sent the Conservation Commission and I don't know they acted on that to know um I bani I didn't I couldn't I don't even know if she was in today when I went down the the office was dark but I emailed her and asked her if they had taken any action on it it's in their purview so we'll just keep track of that we have an email from Nikki Le regarding a zoning violation of a home occupancy and I think she was referred to file a compain building commission vacation okay and then there's a letter to the Governor from the Hampton wilham Regional School District regarding the the bus situation that sometimes they're late sometimes they're early sometimes they don't show up at all and from the discussion at the school committee meeting is just a mess throughout the entire lawyer ler P Valley and they're asking for some because they can't get people to drive the buses so so the Regional School Comm s a letter off to that um a letter of in prer Valley planning council is asking for a letter of support for for I think it's a HUD uh it's a housing Grant it is a HUD Pro housing Grant who provide pvpc with 5 years of funding to update its Regional land use plan and housing plans and they askue for all the towns in the Pion Valley to support it and as a former you know Planning Commission person yourself BR is fairly wrote yeah getting support from your member communities y yeah especially for the regional land use and housing plans is typically something they want to keep updated so we agree to support okay y can do that and the last thing is a letter from Anthony zba who is the uh teacher for the transitional students asking if there space in town uh unfortunately don't have it we don't have space for ourselves and we don't situation over there accessibility needs accessibility needs here so challenging if you can draft something up to you know we should spontan all right that's that uh select those reports the big thing coming up well obviously my senior C building committee is uh getting ready for a multimedia four table presentation of the Fall Fest um thank you for agreeing to be in the dunk tank um and we have planning coming up on Wednesday we encourage everybody who has questions about anything on their agenda to come to the meeting live it's the easiest way to hear things so I did mention and there has been a concern from the board have we done anything improving the audio and some meetings um I I have some ideas we're going to try out tomorrow okay the problem is even even at the meeting the Acoustics our time are very bad even at the meetings you can't hear it's got to be something we're doing because that's the same setup we bought that wam had their in their training room was incredible you think it's the way theor away the bricks are falling off the wall in the wrong position all right so you you got some ideas of how to improve that that's going to be critical um fiber optic committee is going to meet briefly on Wednesday and then some of them are going to attend the board meeting but um they were going to discuss the conversation that Brian and I had with um Spectrum last week about their Endeavors to bring fiber optics into hant um the game plan I guess from them is probably within the next month or two probably definitely by the end of end of this year that they will have upgraded their infrastructure to support symmetrical internet speeds throughout hampon um it'll be a hybrid fiber optic setup so they are looking to coordinate with the safety officials of when they're going to come in with their 20 to 30 Crews he said 30 to 40 30 to 40 Crews we're going to be working overnight hours to install that infrastructure just opportunity for detail work for you Don I think just for for a point of reference though I mean you know when we started this fiber optic initiative in hamen three plus years ago it was to bring Fiber Optic internet into Hampton um obviously it didn't work out in the municipal level but you know I think some of our pushing and proding was able to facilitate this faster to get it into handon so we can classify it as a win-win if that's the actual case the master plan committee met this morning with VHB the consultant and they're working on wrapping up the elements of the master plan on next Monday they will forward to us the first draft of all the chapters and all the backup materials that they have for review and the plan would be for the committee to review it first then the second draft would go to uh departments to look at you know that they can make their input on that and then the third draft would be sometime in January so U also though that this end of this week or the middle of next week their drone operators will be intitled to take pictures of the town uh structures and things like that so they can put all put the report make make sense on the report and uh they're going to be at the October 5th Fall Fest they're going to have a table there and they'll have two Representatives that can answer questions and have plantlets and brochures to talk to you about what the master plan is and what the master plan isn't M the school planning committee the Regal planning committee met last screw up here last Tuesday and uh there's a new member Mark duy who represents wilam the selectman and the the he expressed uh concerns that the funding formula isn't adequate to support the that that wilham pays too much of a share of the of the fund of the regional agreement and that it uh it is going to to affect uh schools you know because they're going to have to make Cuts someplace the funny things to say so uh the superintendent pointed out that statutorily that's the deal right the way I I listened into that meeting the way I understood his concerns was his he made it sound like wam was in a financial situation situation where they were having a tough time meaning their obligations yes that's what it sounded like in the the meeting the superintendent it's been there right and the superintendent pointed out that well that's statar that's the deal for Regional Schools you got five students we got one you're paying five to one and uh what else oh they and they'll we're going to meet again they're they're trying they want to come to the town meeting in May to change the regional agreement as I said before to to 6 to 12 will that be a uh a well presented plan ahead of time just so people have the idea yeah talking about they're talking about having the plan ready like January 1st so we can have months to talk about it all right anything else to come before the committee uh just a reminder to the hundreds of people watching that they are uh working on Allen Street and that'll be a little bit and uh we appreciate people's patience and we're going to see a much improved Road both that and no Road as well um quick question for you Craig I haven't seen it how has the line situation green medals been this year similar I feel like it's moving a lot faster this year is it better yeah I just haven't heard about it and I haven't seen really it out there yeah maybe people are coming closer not waiting got double duty now going between two schools so I get here I'm still still getting through the line pretty quick it seems faster this year I think I think parents are following in line with the 240 up and getting there at 240 and to bad we have a chance for That Snack Shack to be put up the help of the budget get one of those popcorn peanuts thing I saw one for sale recently oh speaking of that I mean just we are looking at the Crossing thing I did suggest that a board you know I know people are concerned with a turn from chapen I did mention a mark maybe if it went the crossing was at Academy Hall it wouldn't interfere with the the turn where people think it's just a thought yeah but but didn't you get your cross intersection 200 ft later you get yeah it's it's a you know I think that's more of a no I'm saying we don't put the official like at the intersection we move it down to Academy Hall so what I'm saying so you're coming you're going through the you get to the intersection and there's car is coming in or out or whatever and then you got the cross right it's almost like a double ha I don't know so the driver the drivers focus on the vehicles insection cross and see all the complaints people saying yeah but I'm already turning out of shape and I can't be looking for the those are people those people to look left right left again yeah I remember that I don't you know what you just I remember that look left rights motion to ad all right this is nope you w to say something push the red button oh I got to end it on this one you record on