what the dog good evening this is a call the meeting to order this is a meeting of the hamton board of Selectmen and the Board of Health being held in the townhous selectman's office March 26 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves Kristen Rivers is from the wilham Hampton times okay um before we get started I want to make two two brief announcements number one the uh government study committee has completed their report that's available in the town hall and they're having an open Forum on April 4th for anyone who wants to ask questions or learn more and the other thing is that the this is directed to people who have Spectrum cable does not does not affect internet or or affect uh phone or anything else you have but the Spectrum television cable the license expired on March 17th people have asked about that the board has signed a 90-day extension uh and we've hired an attorney to negotiate with Spectrum uh the only thing that's to hold up right now is Spectrum has yet to file an applications for a license renewal so we'll see how that progresses we have any minutes yes tons of minutes five in there five of them well executive session okay executive session of January 2nd 2024 that was one from last week we we revise that one motion to Second all in favor right great executive session of February 20th 2024 this is also an executive session with negotiated for the Police contract second without release sorry motion to approve without release yes sorry we you want to do the the last one Craig you should have amended to without release without release you want you amend the first one please without release without release so on we have a motion for February 20th 2024 without release right second all in favor okay February 26 2024 uh this is police chief's contract we completed it that night uh we completed but we didn't vote on it yet well no we haven't I believe it's completed and but we didn't vote on it so what are we going to vote on we're going to vote on it once we get the both contracts done want to do at the same time yeah I think that's the way to do it right all right motion to approve without release two pages hold on well that over we to say paper Warren nice job duplex printing second uh all in favor I February 26 2024 this is the police officer contract m negotiations um I do note that on the ear some of the other ones you mentioned the board's position and then we get down to Quinn and I thought we had a position that's just not articulated there IE we weren't in agreement well that that's what we but that's that's it should say the board's position is they talked about in the we were against that we against that right right so I think you had that kind of mhm okay so under you just put that the the board is not in agreement with this actually yeah under Quinn I'll make the motion to approve with that adjustment and without release without release thank you second all in favor and this is the minutes for the meeting last night I saw you scribbling away it was great job thank you I think when I lean over said hey you take minutes abbreviate they're abbreviated yeah well tyos in you're done really no I wouldn't be surprised it's you know mhm most second all in favor okay here we go we have the mass Autobon Society on are they on Zoom yes yes I'm here on Zoom how are you I'm well thank you what can we do for you well yeah first just wanted to um introduce myself to the I I know I know John since I've been coming to the select board meetings um prior to covid with some frequency to to update the town on what was happening at at La Laughing Brook W life Sanctuary uh but just want to introduce myself to the two of you who I haven't met um here watching uh that I am uh the point person from as aabon for Laughing Brook um and we really you know we want to be connected we kind of got we got a little disconnected during covid our main interaction with the town over the last few years has been with the MVP project um so we have been involved and working with the town on on that um but I just wanted to come back and and one give you a few updates and also talk to you about a couple projects that we're thinking about at Laughing Brook that um uh could could involve the town um so the the the first update is a a few years ago Laughing Brook uh got hit pretty hard by what's now called spongy moths they used to be called Gypsy Moths um and they killed many hundreds of trees at Laughing Brook mostly oak trees that are now standing dead oak trees uh and so we've been assessing as they've been you know uh rotting a bit over the last few years and getting less stable we've been assessing the safety hazard and we were out there a few weeks ago and have decided that we're going to need to be closing the sanctuary with a little more frequency um based on wind speeds um or heavy snow or heavy rain so you will notice that the gate will be closed with a sign out front that says due to hazardous conditions we're we're keeping it closed we're just we're concerned about you know the wind normally winds in the woods there's hazards with that but we're we're just especially concerned because of just the large number of dead trees that are along the trail system currently that's really far more than you would normally see and we don't want anybody to get hurt out there on the trails so welcome input um on that as you see that we're closing it and if you feel like it's if we're being overly cautious or if you have any input we we welcome that as time goes on we're just starting just trying to figure out our protocols now and when when's the best time to close so uh that's the one update wanted to pass along uh and then the other uh the other we have a couple projects that we're starting to plan there some uh ecological management projects our our goals with these projects are usually around wildlife habitat particularly around rare species and trying to improve habitat for those species um and also trying to manage our forests for the changing climate and make them more resilient to the changeing climate so we are we're looking at a project and we're really just wanting to present this idea as uh just kind of planting some seeds we're we're not we're not Full Speed Ahead on it yet uh but we're looking at a project uh that's on the west side of the sanctuary um if you were if you're at the school the elementary school and you and you head back towards the brook and cross the brook there's a parcel there that the town owns that is AB budded to the north east and south by mass aabon property kind of juts into the sanctuary a bit uh and the the project that we're looking at is on that slope that West foot facing slope and the project area is both on Mass aabon Land and if possible would extend onto Town land uh so one idea that we're floating out there that we're interested in if the town is interested in creating a potentially a management easement or a management uh agreement with mass aabon that we could do some habitat management extending onto Town land and we're not yet at the point we're not officially requesting this we don't need to uh we don't need to move it forward I don't think it's more just a time to discuss it and think about if this is something that we should even consider uh we're not far enough along in our project yet to actually um be implementing anything U so that the management and just one last thing I that what the management would look like is it would involve some cutting of trees so uh we have there's area up there that has some large pitch Pines and it's just a little bit of a a has potential there to create an e ecosystem a Pitch Pine ecosystem with with dense blueberries in the under story something that you might see more in eastern Mass but is a pretty rare habitat here in this part of the State uh and it seems like an opportunity for us to to create that here uh and it's valuable to a number of uh bird and other species that would take advantage of that so that's why we're interested it feels like that's a particularly good site due to the existing pitch Pines and site condition that are there on that West slope so uh yeah we just wanted to propose that as just an idea float it out see if the town uh you know would would consider something that would that would be a a partnership in that project and allowing us to manage land they owned by the town when you say rare are you saying rare to this area meaning it's not normally here or rare that it should be protected yeah so not um well both so when we when we protect rare species we're often looking at stat listed rare species so those are often times species that are not federally listed as endangered or threatened uh so they may have larger populations elsewhere in the country uh but in the state they're listed as either endangered or threatened and we work to protect them in the state because of their small numbers occasionally there are some federally listed species but that's not what we're um talking about here like for the balle of course was you know classic example of a federally listed endangered species that a lot of effort in Massachusetts went into restoring them here uh primarily were were focused on state state listed species so they're they are rare in the state I don't know if that really answers my question about what we're doing in there you know oh sorry sorry I misunderstood you said that the the the pines and then the blueberries or whatever were rare so I was just wondering is it rare to this area because it's not abundant or is it rare that we should be worrying about protecting it I'm sorry as far as the natural Comm yeah so the community or the ecosystem there is rare to this area right it's more common in in eastern Mass or on the cape you would see like a lot of Pitch Pine stands with blueberries uh but it's not is common in this part of the state and so that that diversity here uh really would create some habitat that uh we don't have a lot of in this area so you don't you don't have a plan yet right I mean you're just thinking about it exactly it's just so we're you know it's something we're hoping to do and obviously we could just do it on mass aon's part of this but that particular area that West slope is shared the ownership is shared with mass automon in the town um so we thought the best potential of it would would be to include the town as a partner that project so as we get more information and more detail we can definitely share share that is what the plan more specifically would look like but just wanting to plant the seeds now okay well I I mean I can't speak for the board and there's really no plan for us to to decide on but I think it's fair to say that the uh town and and mass oton has have a long and friendly and helpful relationship on a number of topics and uh I'm sure we can work something if you need to use our land great well that's great yeah look forward to being in touch more about that and as as it develops will share there's funding is you know funding is always the question with these projects so there's some funding available through the through the state um and through federal agencies that we're looking at um and so if you know once we get a little bit further along and start to apply for those we'll we'll get you into the into the process any other questions all right thank you very much thank you for updating us have a good evening thank you you too you Jonah uh shared health services update you want to come up sure sure careful probably feel the power remating it's the first time having a meeting in here all right what do we got here usually it's virtual we're we're very person all right what are we doing so so so for the crowd though you are hi I'm the public health director for the Eastern HED shared Public Health Services uh covering Long Meadow wilham hon and mson and uh with me I have ly Lyn Simmons My Town manager for long meow the power behind the throne well ly ly s my colleagues in the hamton County Retirement Board deple yep spent a lot of time on that still want to know how they got such a good price at the school when we saw that budget last night they went up 4% but how we go up nine every time I'm not following we were looking over the uh the regional school budget last night and their County Retirement contribution went up like 4 point something per like how usually it's the max every time yeah we're we certainly are go ahead yeah so just um some quick updates to kind of recap this last year um I think it was just over a year ago uh when I was before you kind of discussing the uh FY 23 budget um and the Grant and what it was covering um so after that happened um the state did a actually they did a full audit or assessment of all the shared services um throughout the state um that included us submitting hundreds of documents of everything we did the past year uh tons of meetings um questioners and surveys um the state contracted out to a third party consulting company uh to do this and um that was between July and August um what we got back was that the state was really satisfied with the work that we were doing with such a low budget um for the area and the population that we covered so they amended our contract and added um 160 ,000 um for a total of $393,000 for fy4 um so that increases our now our new Baseline budget um and the contract is uh extended to 2033 um I provided you with a document of the projected um shortfall for this year um along with the FY 25 proposed budget [Music] um as you can see we're still short um again the state reassured us that they're going to do this audit again um and I my coordinator with the state has been pushing to get us additional funding again for hopefully September to make another amend Amendment um so ideally this number would hopefully come down again for F4 25 but that's a projected and um you can see this year's um overage then the breakdown uh based on the population um for each Town um so by shortfall you mean the difference between what your budget is and what they G gave yeah yeah so on that spreadsheet you can it basically just shows how much it takes to really run this department and then at the bottom is the total costs that it takes to run it what the grant covers and you can see the difference in um the Grant from 23 to 24 what did we vote last year it was like were we 11 short I mean the number came back different different but but but I guess what I'm asking is didn't didn't we put money in our budget last year no okay no all right we're going to wait to see see the biggest difference seems to be the ad support did we add another person look at it basically that's actually um a line item that the state gives us um so with that admin support um we can add in up to 15% of the grant um and we can basically use that to put into any other um expenses they give us a list and it basically covers everything under um our day-to-day expenses and even salaries what are other expenses [Music] um I have to double check that but these are again online items that the state has outlined on what we can use um they have literally other expenses and has a list of right I from0 to 5,000 8,000 you 6% increase this year yeah I mean and I see what you're saying the admin support could be kind of a catch-all is there a chance that you wouldn't expend every dollar at the end of the year um I no um the main reason is the salaries um no no I mean some of these other like Craig just said the other expenses yeah you know you got 5,000 for whatever you might spend four right sure yeah and again that doesn't really make up for what how no it doesn't but I mean should we it's a valid question yeah right I mean so you're proposing this and what happens if at the end you close your books and we've overpaid a projected shortfall yeah will you just apply the next year would you be able to do that yeah we would need to come up with some calculation that benefits all the communities here based on the same percentage Yeah these are things we just give us a credit toward next year absolutely we haven't I don't think been faced with that yet just because it's been growing so quickly uh we haven't kept up with um we've spent every budgeted dollar that uh has come in so but that's a valid valid point um and I think the breakdown of other expenses is something that also can be provided my guess is it includes a lot of your printing costs and things of that nature because I don't see anything in here that would cover that I think it's pretty clear that 80% of your cost is personal right you know so the rest is go what you want to call a support to run the department basically and I think I can speak for the board we think the department is running great we do you know the interaction between our people and fin have been terrific we have no complaints great so thank you I think it's been a huge benefit I mean certainly for Long Meadow before we started this we had 1.25 people um and now we've grown it actually into a professional health department and we you know we started these conversations in the middle of a pandemic and we were all feeling the fact that we didn't have health staff we were all wearing dual hats uh so I don't ever want to be in that position again and just the immunizations that the health nurse has been able to put together has been tremendous so I mean look The Long Meadow number here to pay for a full functioning Health Department for $33,000 and that's the best deal right what's with the what's with the intermunicipal agreement so um got to sign that again yes up right 3 years is that um is it 3 years 3 years was well 3 years was supposed to be covered yeah three years um we're still actually working through the the actual final draft of the document um and surprisingly we're still ahead of the game of a lot of share Services um but so uh all the town administrators and managers met um about a month ago um basically there was some conflict between the IMA and the bylaws that we have um after some feedback from Town Council um they basically recom mended to kind of combine the two um just because there was some conflicting language and it was just two documents yeah yeah so we have one single document now um I will say I think the biggest change um is that there's going to they're going to we're going to eliminate the idea of the governing board and it's going to be a governing body and that would consist of the Town administrators and managers um who will meet on as if they were the board but um those are really the two main changes um the goal is to wrap up that IMA discussion before the end of this fiscal year so we're doing nothing with this tonight is this a draft draft just a dra and you mentioned a month ago so really was Brian in that Loop or was that still Bob at that time that was [Music] the um so you said board members it says here to select Bo of each member of town will appoint two Representatives right so yeah would be more than just a to say Town Administrator so maybe a chair of the board and is it's going to work out I I believe we that's we're proposing to get rid of that oh you're proposing to get rid of that yeah we had some conversations about how that actually logistically would work we felt like it was another layer that would just add confusion so we the working group has been doing a great job communicating we thought you could just keep that going MH is there any chance I know we talk about the expansion of it is there any chance of expanding the district that's what in here says a I know there is that say no no I'm saying do you have any yeah I I no community's approached me I don't know if anyone's approached Finn yet I don't think we'd say no we'd entertain that conversation and to see um how we could grow without impacting the existing communities we talked about it I know we're going through the same thing with the regional dispatch would there be I mean is that something the state is pushing for they like bigger Regional work in that would they increase the grant more than the actual cost per se because they like the fact that you're doing more for that type of thing is that an avid that might drop our cost because the state is going to throw money at you to make the system bigger on the other hand you don't want to make it so big you can't for exactly right um yeah like like I mentioned we we cover like area wise it's um like almost 100 square miles so it's that's a lot of ground to cover um I think right now it's you know 43,000 people total um but yeah if we were able to get another community on board that already has you know a staff member like an inspector or a part-time public health nurse that the grant could you're not picking up Sanders because you're going to drive you 40 miles right right right thanks for thank you for coming over yeah thank good to see you in person yeah this incredible office thank you look at that TV it's about the same as mine we're all in the same uh tyin Bond water district presentation Brian out here first or should be the water thing is going to take a while good Wow Wow have a cookie over there wow cookies that's not very nice no it wasn't intended to be yeah I see that I don't even know you you will oh we don't get better you grandfather once you know him you want to do Brian next cuz obviously he's he's well fig he's got to be Quicken that way you can really concentrate I mean John's got to go okay one question I have Brian he got two different addresses here tan Bon hold on we're going to do this change of managers here come on come on up come on up come on don't be afraid oh trust me I'm not afraid the only the only you got on the your resident is it Talen yes sir T yes sir and and I just wondered because of the receipt it says Enfield was that an old address or something Enfield I've never lived in Enfield Brian Southwick 55 Taylor Road Enfield 5555 Taylor Road that is the corporate office for uh USA but oh okay all right all right they got you they got you payment on behalf of you a payment on behalf of so they made the payment of the fee to the abcc yes sir all right where's your address my address is in talin Connecticut okay I thought they had to reside in the same state I thought something came up with I thought we went through that with they the person didn't live in in right they had to change managers because the first person they brought lived in Connecticut that I'm not sure of yeah we can we find it who is the current person and I got surpr I tomm I always thought it was you yeah Tommy fromit yeah Tommy frit is the one that's not here yes sir I don't I don't think I ever saw that guy no I don't I don't know where he lives Mr BL unfortunately because I only mentioned that because it came up right with the they had to change we we hading off for Village because of that it was going to be one of the two owners and they lived in steeld right they need actually lived in state yeah gotcha okay I don't remember how it went down but I I remember that from license [Music] transfer is it critical do you mind if we look into that no God please never we want to do we don't want you to have to send that off the Boston then you know yeah whatever you guys need to do no worries we're going to put it off we put it okay just so we can figure it out all right we we'll let you know Brian you let him would you try to straighten it out tomorrow or something then let them know one way or the other sounds good look forward to seeing you next time okay all right take [Music] care gosh told you that'd be easy Don I have to recuse myself see I'm on the butter okay let's see are you really well they they have a little stretch of you know I thought it was not at the end of uh Farm the name Yeah by um we bought that land over yeah we bought that but I don't I don't think I think he still owns I think he's in between us and them yeah yeah the swamp is where the swamp is we own all the swamp do you wow it must be great land raising alligator alligator meat for sale okay tyan Bond are you there come in tyan bond I'm here Pete felinski um I'm here as well there you go all right good is he going to give a is he give it a presentation I thought so yeah I don't think it's a formal presentation but Jen General will lead uh in the discussion of the of the 90% submission yes okay there she is okay yep yep so we submitted to you on the 15 to 90% drawings and um cost estimate and um after that I heard from uh John plaster that the town had submitted onto the uh mtown meeting instead of doing the whole project as we currently present in the 90% um it's just the pump station and then um connecting services to the existing system um so our 90% reflect the whole project and its entirety including our Amendment work so um I think that's one thing at us meeting knowing you know if that's how we want to proceed to final um bid documents is to just proceed with that just getting confirmation and it would be a six homes is our understanding that are connect that would be connected to the existing main that's a one thing we'd like to discuss and then um we also had provided some information um to John plaster and other people um members of the commission um just to give them an idea of a recent Plumbing CL code uh change currently our um project doesn't include a bathroom um but there's currently a change in the plumbing code requiring a single unisex bathroom um the local pluming inspector can make a determination to deem it unnecessary and um but they could ask the you know the district the water district to um seek a variance from the state um I think we would be well positioned um saying that we don't have really any area down there um to do a septic system um and the town doesn't have existing um sewage um so we would be in a good good uh position to get granted the variants um but uh something that we just would like to see if you could speak with your puming inspector I think it'd be best if it came from you guys um and let us know um I'm more happy to sit in on that conversation and I'm even happy to reach out to uh uh to uh Dennis yeah Dennis JPY uh directly but I I sort of figure I'd start with you anyways uh you probably have the best relationship with the with your plumbing inspector and if you don't then I'm I'm more than happy to to to be that person that who gives him a call at the at the station New to have at the transfer station too yeah it's it's got the whole industry by surprise but uh but it's really hitting the water industry uh because they are specific identified as uh as of December of 2023 basically you know a couple months ago uh the plumbing code was changed and uh it's just come to everyone's attention and I'm telling you everybody I mean water the mass Waterworks is just putting out a uh an announcement uh this week relative to that putting everybody sort of on notice and and going to to state to get a variance is not desirable I mean because you I've seen it I've seen things go both ways with with those folks out there in eastern Mass thinks it's a straightforward just to throw a bathroom in there we're in a well field I mean I think as far as H as a determination you don't want to put a bathroom in a septic system in a wellfield nor are you allowed to U but but you could uh you know you know they could save that uh maybe you put in something with a tight tank or or yeah that's really your option or or maybe some but there's no there's no employees there there's no employees there but that's that that's the that's the plumbing code change John it basically said unocc it now it actually specifies unoccupied buildings as requiring at least a single unisex bathroom we agree I mean that's uh you know this is certainly something that uh doesn't make any sense um particularly since uh hampen and most of these communities out here in Western M don't have the outside their these pump stations um so you don't really have a place to go to with it um we we'd like to start with with Dennis and before we make it an isue is I worry about the bars up on the farm now are they goingon to require I approached the uh our Building Commissioner commission Building Commissioner a week ago show gave him a print out of what was sent to me and he said he was going to follow through with that okay so that's where we are right now so it's been a week so the costs here for the 90% construction that you have was that the initial project or was this the expanded project with the additional homes the expanded including the amendment one yep so the full build out it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be I mean it's still expensive but it's not expensive like I thought we looking at yep yeah so uh if you're just talking construction cost for the pump station and the distribution system it's about $2 million when you put in um General conditions for general contractor in sub bid um you get close to 2.5 million and then if you include all of the um additional fees so our design that we've already um been conducting construction feas service is contingency um you know you're at the 3.6 million or so yeah I think it's realistic to say that the construction is 2.5 million I wouldn't call it two I because those General conditions they're a part of the estimate contingencies of course are not but you you I've actually experienced a little bit of both in in recent bids they're they're not they're not you know a year ago we would have said hey they're coming in very very high uh now we're getting some realistic numbers on particular work uh waterm work was one of them that we got recent bids on that was pleasantly surprised that they weren't as elevated as as we've seen in the past um but that said um yeah it's it's it's a number that's been increasing as we keep adding services on there uh there Jen probably should point out that there are a couple of services there in particular that alone are are almost projects um I think there were two addresses that yeah 30 35 scantic and 29 scantic are excessively long Services the houses are quite set back from the road and in particular 129 um they have two um covert Crossing stream Crossings so you know that adds to prices those two in particular you you know we did some back of the napkin um calculations um just to try to well not mking we used our actual 90% numbers but yeah the 35 yeah 35 scantic was on the order magnitude of like 60 Grand and one um 129 scantic is on the order of magnitude of 75 grand just due to its length restation driveway the HDD drill that you probably have to go underneath those streams with for um 129 so those we would recommend um looking into an inhouse treat we talked about we talked about the pH a and the phase B are those homes inside the phase a that is the pipe the ones that the pipe runs in front of now um only 35 is that one is lengthy um but not as bad as 129 because 129 would be on the new main so here's my question 129 scanic yep or correct yep scanic we went that far out sto at 104 uh no the last house is 130 and 129 and then 140 is the last one by the Brook wasn't mandated that's down by the Brook yeah oh no so here's my question is it phase a is still going to cost like 2 and a half million right well I thought we re redefined phase a to be Pump House upgrade and the ones on the line already corre that was going to be the so so the pump house number is the pump house number no matter which way you go right yes the pump house into what Peter had spoken to those the 20% sub bid in general conditions um so on just the pump station alone it's just under about $900,000 for the pump station alone and then um I did pull together um a cost estimate for the um the six services that are adjacent to the existing Main and that's about 150 Grand we're still looking at like a 1.1 maybe well I think yeah the numbers jumped up a little bit we were kicking it around before you know we thought the Pump Station John correct me if I'm wrong I thought we were in the 75 7 Pump Station was 6 yeah 650,000 right so now you're saying the pump station's around 900 yes with with General conditions so think sections now we have multiple contingencies well that's the probably the engineering fees were probably on top of that so well yeah those ones are at the bottom that's un included in that okay if we were talking phase a to be Pump Station upgrade and the houses that are along the current piping system what's without the expansion part which obviously yeah without contingency or our expenses or anything like that it's about 1.1 all right and then add on contingency and Engineering heing on top and that's phase a without technical so speak expanding the system correct without pipeline additional pipeline or the additional Services adjacent to the new all right we talked that we felt we had the 450 range left over and we were kicking around if we're going to go out for a bond for this what number do we need and we were thinking it was in the four range and now we're thinking it's in the seven well depends on how we want to present this now I mean we're going to obviously have to do it in pieces you know when we going to do the next phase B in the fall or next year well no no sooner than the fall but at that point maybe we can apply free cash to it as well and maybe a transfer from but I think this is going to impact if we get this done over the summer we save on testing phase and the pump's house has to be done anyhow I mean 80% of the cost is the pump house upgrade which has to be done I just consider we're be spending more money in the long run by doing in phases I don't by doing multiple steps I don't know do you Peter do you think that um I mean ex extending the system later should that be done now or is it as easy as just basically here's the end of the thing we're going to be adding more pipe and just like we did when we brought it down to the townhouse I I think if you have a contractor come in they're going to be a bulk discount to do it all rather than having two separate two separate projects yeah except the the what we're talking about here is contractor wise coming off the road the worst ones they have are the ones across the road and most of the ones that are down by the side all they're doing is whatever valving off and going to the house there's going to be some cost impact to breaking it up uh you know there always is going with two contracts instead of one um so but but I don't think it' be it's huge it's probably a 10% type number on on that uh that particular portion so if if you break out a million dollars worth you're probably gonna it's probably going to cost $100,000 extra in that in that neighborhood just because you broke it up into another contract and you're paying another person's overhead profits and all that stuff that that are built into it um I did want to add and and maybe this Strays a little bit from it but uh I do want to put in an expression of Interest with uh the the community uh One-Stop program um you're probably going to be at least eligible for a rural uh development Grant which up out $500,000 and I think I think we can make a good case relative to that but it's just one I don't think it changes your decisions but I think we put in for for some monies anyways relative to the Rural Development Fund I don't think uh it would qualify for Mass Works Grant which would be more money but uh but the Rural Development Fund is is a little bit more wide open because you're expanding the system and enlarging some portion of it and it's provide some Comm Community Development uh you know basically adding people to the system uh it'll it'll be eligible and it's if there's a certain need to it so what about well Peter what about the point that we're also addressing as D has said their past concerns does that make us a little more does that help our case with that funding always always does emergency anything that falls into the emerging contaminants category that would be that one uh it's certainly uh when do you think we might when do you think we might know about something like that if we applied uh these these applications the expression of interest is due by the end of April uh the full applications are doe the first week in June and we don't find out till September so these are things that also be uh applied to monies that are spent so again if you move forward with projects uh they we could reimburse so we could do not almost a state house note saying that what if it came through we didn't have to borrow the full plan Bay yeah you you know I think we apply for anything we can you know Brian Brian would uh work with him on uh on pulling together the application stuff the expression of interest is writing up a a pre paragraph but the the application proc process we'll take a little bit more effort but but I think we apply for things that we're eligible for so kind of the question that I think n is before the board is a we have if we decide on a funding number B is this going to be something as dick has talked about he doesn't want to go out to bond yet until we find out what our fault you know okay we apply 450 from the remaining arpa money we're going to need let's be ser and say a million dollars you know and we might be able to get half of that back from one stop you're saying I'm saying we're we're gonna go after the full $500,000 in the onstop program fine we're not counting on it but we we are going to go after it I think dick would say that for 500 you don't bond for that just you know take it out a couple payments like a truck basically years pH one phase a and then when you get the phase two which I think I mean that's his basically his distribution system number there I think is all the the bulk of that is the new construction down the roads and stuff and you're probably into shoot C what do you think a full 2 million by the time you're done with engineering and stuff at that point right more than that well we already knocked off one and a half I mean you're probably looking at two and a half I guess CU you are reapplying some of the engineering things like that and you know now if we did this in two phases uh Pete would we be able to apply twice on the One Stop even though it says one stop it's one stop only is is is a an annual uh program so you could be applying next year as well okay you know we would certainly look at applying next year as well if if the Project's still around yeah absolutely throwing on some of the terms that Bob used to use uh tip type thing is this anything to do with tip or no tip is for roadway type projects way only okay yeah uh unfortunately it's not on a casino route so we can't really use any no Glend GL Glendale is and that's a casino route Glend you got funding for Main Street and it com straight through Main Street we already finished the water water anyhow so again I think we need a harder number and we need to figure out if we're going to be adding another election question or not why would we add an electric question if we're not sure of the then we' be borrowing the full million which would require an override but if we're going to say we just authorize the treasurer to borrow an anticipation of we can let it roll because you know we won't know from the thing until potentially the fall and then if say we got 500 back he's only borrowing 500 he would say I'll just do a couple band notes on that and we'll keep it inside the levy that's assuming September it would be favorable right assuming but point is if it's not if we're not going to assume that then it's a million dollar number that's out that's over the L limit and we'd have to come up with a funding source I'm saying we can kick that to the fall and just do government notes until at that time until we get a decision from the state it doesn't affect us because we're not setting the tax rate till then anyhow you know by the time we hear back on this crant thing we'll have a decision to make so where we thinking like 1.4 is what we were at I think so so I think if we're talking I think we throw you we figure a million so basically I think that the article is to complete pump house restoration in Phase a of the district so at this point we don't need to put a geographical change coming down Road no cuz all these ones are inside the current map yeah right Paul right let's go forward with that yeah yeah all right a motion so would you say what we're talking about here the pump house plus the uh just treating the six homes seven homes I believe it's seven seven that go for you think uh we're going to throw a number of 1.5 out there here I'm hearing you I'm kind of hoping that Jen's gonna step in and tell me if the numbers work out yeah here let me just check the with contingency while she's doing that uh a question that came up about the the what your plans are for the existing building on that site is the tend to demolish that as soon as this project is over or is it going to stay there and I I the impact is just on on how it's reported to the Conservation Commission and such if we need it whatever you think we need it for if we don't need it you know we don't need it well it just becomes another maintenance item for you you know I mean yeah you say I can store something in there but it's a small shed um yeah so incl well that's where the sun and bathroom go right yeah yeah so the uh including um contingency our um Engineering Services um construction phase services and you know contingency I said would be 1.6 that's I mean obviously you're not using the numbers in your thing here because we're not doing the lar percentage of this right yeah so that that was the whole system so this would be just for a portion of it you're still down to 1.6 H Brian did you get a hard number on the arpa was in the 5 45475 something like that range um I have to double check okay well either way we got to make that happen we we got to go high than low right so 1.1 as the borrowing number well we probably 1.15 we have 450 yeah yeah do you have to yeah do you have to change the referendum question I think at this point we don't bre to a vote and we we when we sit down with advisory and Dick Etc we say look is this the type of number I mean Senior Center 6 million obviously it's a referendum vote I hate to say it we're at such a budget thing right now 1 million isn't what it used to be my a question is if this is a vote people don't understand what they're they're voting we're clean drinking water for these people over here you know this kind of a safety thing we have to do it it's not only that we're pretty much under we're mandated to do it DP whether whether you know they're funding it or not or we're just raising taxes now they foresting but you're talking about a vote to put the what number to put in no I'm I'm talking I don't think we need the second vote at the we're not asking for override we need an election vote right I don't think that yeah um and Don you've been doing some research on this what other funding sources for p of batement everybody's got it right now believe and they got they got a suit infastructure there's infrastructure mondy but I mean your family's paying for the recap or Dupont right they're paying for yes but I mean is there some of that mean is that or is that going to be like the opioid thing where everyone gets $5 yeah I yeah so we're not really expecting a lot when they divide it all down I wouldn't expect a lot no okay all right we all set this we're going to go for 1.1 million I think so we'll get a firm figure on what's left in ARA from from Brian Us in there advisory we're penciling 1.1 right now okay done with these guys we have that article already in the we have it in I think so thank you there is only one other question if I could catch up before we go um was the noi um notice of intent for the w um pering um currently we have that in draft form to be able to submit it um this week to you guys to review and get signatur so that we could be at um present at the comcom meeting on the 17th of April um we could um pull out you know and just do phase a but I suggest we do it all as one project it's when you get approved for the permit it's active for three years you can always extend it I think it's better to leave it as is apply for the whole thing so I just wanted to confirm that before I sent it over to John to get signatures yeah yeah it really has no effect it's better to keep it all in there okay all right before you leave Peter um is it Yvonne and Craig are working on the uh review of the school it is correct that is correct and you need do you need me to step in on anything there no no we're just getting a sense of that's coming back to us shortly or something all right is that coming back shortly you think that's that's the question I will I I have to check in with with okay great all right thank you thank you okay good night right casino funding reallocation y um the original grant for 23,100 that could be reallocated with uh application to the gaming commission that was originally for sidewalk design along Main Street I thought we' already planned to use 50,000 was it towards the MVP and then it's 30,000 of so to speak to work for the full 82 basically our part of it was 82 of which some was going to be credited work by you all and you have to track hours Etc and they were going to come up with 50 out of the Cino money to pay that yeah 50,000 is the MS the cash Ms for that gr right now the one else want to get back to I asked the question a couple weeks ago and looking for the answer on the first Casino money that we spent the 400,000 no we have not been reimbursed the 400,000 well I want to know if we spent the 400,000 CU I couldn't come up with 100,000 that we authorized we had the rolling sign we had a couple of crosswalks we had have we not been reimbursed because of the extension that we got in for the second fing stream from the casino mitigation or they just behind on reimbursing I mean I think they were approved if I remember correctly we were approved for 100 I'd like to know a I don't know if you know that off hand Brian or not yeah I'd like to know a what we're crediting against the 100 and B is there some money left that hey maybe we use some of that money towards this right because this is upfront funding on our portion right and then we we reimbursed yeah and they've not been very good at right we're already be other MVP money that we pay well I'm just curious if you know like you're saying if if Brian just said we haven't been reimbursed the full 100 what have we been reimbursed like you were saying and what have we spend why have why haven't we been reimbursed are they waiting for approvals for something else on our end was it tied into the second allocation of money do the anticipate will spend the whole hundred first before right we only write you one chapter right for I hate to say they're not going to volunteer the information they don't want to send the money out for the 100,000 the the the 2021 mhm Traffic Safety Grant we have we got reimbursed 22319 and then 6547 so 87 okay $888,000 the last reimbursement we submitted was about a year ago 425 23 BR much so we got 87 total back from that yep is that so might be right in line with what we pay expens that makes sense yeah sounds like can still get the other 13,000 from that if we come up hey let's go back to the crosswalk you talked about out here that's about the right kind of money well that's there's a second portion there right how much was the allocated in the second allotment no this is the first one for 100 he only spent 87 right right but he's looking for a vote tonight on what to do with that second a 203 right right but if you didn't want that we could also take the 13 left over and added to you know and leave more in the pot for later but I think they need direction from us that we want to spend it on something and where it's going to go for them to approve that that's Source right so we were to do the match at what 50 mhm we talked about doing a a crosswalk out here for 20 maybe that's probably on the high end think was that's I don't see why we can't do the cross rock with the leftover 13 if that's still ask the question is that 2021 money if you authorize the 100 for us is it still still available right if not then we can come back and say okay we're going to add it out of the 24 money 23 money but that still we still need to vote on something tonight I agree so I'd make a motion to authorize redirecting 50,000 of the 2023 Casino match money towards the matching funds required for MVP program but we then we still need 150,000 we got to think of something else but right now we got to get that 50 over to it they're not going to approve the whole 203 without everything under is that true or they need just something I think they'll prove I think they'll prove smaller amounts okay okay so then we come up with a plan for the extra you know talk about doing the tourism underneath you know Community planning and there's tourism projects and then there's a bunch of different things that we well I don't remember they were off the top of my head but you know pres yeah all right let's put let's put the let's vote on this tonight and then we'll put the second phase on for next week to talk about it again you flat with them yeah tell you we got just want to check on some other things so like Craigs idea the tourism okay that'll cost this it'll also be in the quter right it's not like unfortunately we can't do like we have money required to do those two CRS up on chapen yeah it's going to but we can't spend the money there because it's not nobody's driving there do we remember offand what that cost was to do the the design study for the sidewalk the one that we didn't think was complete is I don't think it really touched on think about getting reimbursed for that just yeah get reimbursed for that yeah did we actually pay that no cuz it was 1.1 I think was their project engineering no I think we did we decided not to vote that because we knew the check wasn't coming from the top we had a quote from time Bond and I said until we see the other money right right we' be sitting on yeah let's let's let's let's go with your your motion there for the 50,000 so I'll second that and then next week we it come up with the plan for 103 roughly no 153 153 maybe maybe plus the extra 13 too okay all in favor all uh review the Tom meeting we're going to go through the warrant I want to I want to request that we open the the uh reopen the warrant either this week or next week week to place a uh warrant article on there for battery storage system moratorium battery energy store system moreor you want to be a little more open just in case Pat comes back with something else uh put on the agenda next week a vote to reopen the warrant potential inclusion of zoning zoning articles now gives Pat a chance to maybe all right I'll put that on for next week both we reop next week okay what we going the warrant now hey Don yes it's Maddie from planning board hey um I just want to make a note that if we do move forward with the battery storage moratorium yeah the I understand that there's been some I saw the emails the past few days about the Blue Wave um but just to be clear like the Glendale Road Project won't have to follow that moratorium because it's already been open and I don't I don't think MD I don't think it could follow it anyhow because it's not a standalone you know what I mean it's a it's technically attached to the solar field but they're talking about Standalone and looking at the past um your your your meetings there he's talking about not even involving solar he's talking about drawing from the high high tension wires down storing it during the day and dumping it at night so yep I didn't want to get anybody's hopes up about Glend that this have on it so and I want you know I know it's going to put you guys on the on the spot to have a have to have a public hearing and all that and squeeze it in your time frame but I'd appreciate it yeah we'll have to look at the dates and figure out if we are if it's uh doable by town meeting because we still have to we'd have to publish in the newspaper we'd have to have our public hearing we'd have to have it presented to you guys um and I think we have to go to Town Council too before go it's a pretty aggressive schedule for us and we have quite a few public hearings coming up in April so I know you can do it though I have all the confence did you find did you find a reference from some other Town though that was I did I did I I I I took a reference from uh West Brookfield I believe in Medway yes yeah I was looking at that a little bit a little while ago but I mean still this is a pretty big thing so all right got it thank you all right sorry my kids are in the background very excited to see the screen thanks for tuning in than Keith is down here at the other meeting she's on just by you guys everybody's involved tonight thank you hi all right time reports annual Budget prior bills spending limits Enterprise a couple ones got filled in obviously since the cola got done you see the nurse number came in now so you know the budget yeah the last page there public health nurse you know now we know what the coil is let's see what did you oh my gosh Don look at that that's like an extra $100 for each of us look at the T I don't know here okay and I think the other thing we talked about although it wasn't really official um the Board of Health coordinator I think that number will be lower you know obviously somebody new coming in it's not going to be at at that but it does get a little flexibility and we certainly saw that when we for this position so do you think we should put in should we put in the shortfill that the projected short it's got to come from somewhere mhm do we have a line no we did put it in last year so we got to figure it out I think we should I think just funded basically it's like funding Regional dispatch this year now we know our number Border Health expense I don't think so I think we should put it down shared services oh okay yeah Adine was it 11 10 this guy I think it's going to show up every year so yeah so that's how much was it oh go for next year 12,000 something I think 12,000 I don't want to say we have a hard number from the ambulance for there no they got to send they're going to they're supposed they were supposed to send something so I haven't seen we haven't seen it yet so we've seen a little things change and whatever done I don't know if I'd hold that 12 number hard and just I hate to round up but I throw all in there yeah yeah and who knows that uh retirement change something like that yeah so you a new line atem yeah yeah so like 13 we'll put 13 511 51113 shared services after a coordinator basically it's all Health stuff yeah we've taken out of other account so it's not really changing in much we dropped our legal La claim more than that so the liability that that is number is just getting crazy to employes benefits unemployment long claim we dropped that what we want to do with information technology in the website that datle storage added 20,000 to the it was that much C for what that datle storage added 20 grand to the account for our survery yeah that's what he's showing here went from 30 to 50 and it says it in increased due the amount of data storage at the bottom that wasn't the only reason for that jump was it don't remember I don't remember what the cost was for that new server I remember being like that's like 1,500 a month remember being expensive and we were like whoa [Music] yeah so we have two problems with the website thing a we got to find way to fund what Bob signed and then B going forward a paying for it and who's doing it if we pay if we pay the 14 then that pays for the redesign right they do the work yeah okay and they upgrade to the central platform mhm um or we could say no thanks give us our money back we can try I don't know if they're going to do it or not but we would still be left with need to upgrade the website at some point so I think the upgrade the website needs to be upgraded it's horrible I think you got to do it yeah if they're doing it I mean I have seen some of their upgraded ones and other Town looks a lot nicer yeah so and maybe the back end will be a lot easier to use they'll take care of all the upgrades the all the stuff on their end will yeah we don't need to hire an IT person to come in and web designer no and I think the advantage is they already have all of our information get more get more documents from the town on the site too as well we don't have to migrate it to a different company I don't see any other issues with the budget at this point I think so so underneath website do we need to account for that extra extra unfortunately that bills inside this year so we may have to go to reserve for it later in the year find a transfer okay but I think we'll have quite a bit left that's a one time cost though right after that yeah then it's then it's the annual recurring of about 5400 5600 yeah well plus the audio eye so it's yeah that's so our 10 grand budget is okay then our 10 grand budget is good for recurrent costs yeah yeah and in may we can touch one claim for the one time charge maintenance gasoline lighting Animal Control emergency management just got to get that ambulance number I think that's going to be the number but we still have to say that then we're going to exercise our one yeah you know proba get that rolling in the next week or two just so we have an idea it anything else on that one day liquor license where you th that try to food you paper you back of your folder come three cookies the to the board I have another application for another liquor license at the senior center those people control this is a recurring on every I know Tad's been here like every meeting every we they have a one day permit got why you think why you think Tad's here he's going to the senior he wants the dates that's ex right this is getting a little suspicious yeah so anyhow Thursday May 2nd from 5:30 to 9:30 they don't run it too late yeah yeah what's it for it's a paint sip fundraiser you an artist Tad little bit all right then there we go there you go you're in so for a motion to see how those paintings come up so moved second all in favor all all right okay look at those what was Bob Ross happy tree is thaty all right what do you got for selectman reports uh we met the building committee met again this week obviously the focus on is recapping what happened at the Forum they had last week uh that was Thursday and then planning the next forum so and they were very appreciative about the report uh Brian is able to get reports of Robo calls you know see how they're received how many are actually listened to and that was good information it does show that we need to I think do a better Outreach on getting people changing their numbers a lot of the numbers are still landlines people don't have anymore is it still on our website I remember Bob was trying to get it on the website and then it disappeared for a while the sign up I thought it was but I think it's getting you know putting a notice on the Scribe putting a notice having Christen put something out there or whatever you know so that was the big thing uh planning meets tomorrow night right Pat that's correct CPA meets tomorrow night as well we have a couple proposals to to consider and I'd like to formally mention the newest member of the CPA board colleague of yours at uh the company yeah Bill Schnider oh really another Big W vet Big Y retiree there's no such thing as retiring that's right I he'll be serving uh as at large appointment from the moderator uh fiber optic committee is meeting tomorrow night at 6 as well no room at the end I think we're meeting in here got a key no Laur let us in Le negotiations we went to the round table and uh what else we got and there planning thing is just wait for a while plan on on Hiatus the planning on Hiatus it's an island in the Pacific yeah they wanted to be a hyenas but the budget was I thought it was hyenas but it turned to be a hus like what trick me uh yes the town administrative report uh fire department received this $7,700 fire safety grant for uh C monoxide detector hoses and nozzles um we received two applications for Zoom operators we will reach out to those applicants from uh minuk who uh reached out to us oh about it website we talked about that right PS lights okay I brought it for a couple weeks ago that we talked about Illuminating the flag poles oh yeah parre was concerned about the ones that are at the park they were going to go to CPA basically for $200 to get things I mentioned before that I found them online through the flag pole companies whatever and they're in the $100 range of the worst we have approximately I think N9 or 10 polls in town that currently have a flag on them maybe less I'd like the board to authorize up to $1,000 out of the selectman expense account to get these solar powered light units for the town Flags basically they clip on roughly um about 10 ft below the flag solar power during the day and Shine the light up at the flag at night so Craig is actually brought this up in the past about getting something like that done they've looked at the ones that come at the top and come down or whichever but we have plenty of money expense there's no reason to go tap the CPA fund for $200 second all in favor thank you thank you so you and I can okay uh we set up our ladder wow attach oh we use the Drone we'll P them up there with the Drone something yeah as Don knows so next Wednesday we have a community immersion day with our Consultants on the master plan from 10:00 to 3 so we'll have a van uh that will be driving six of you know the planning board team plus VHB and then we'll be here for lunch I'm a working lunch so we with Tad's help and Joe cilia's help we're all set with the logistics so looking forward to that I'll entertain a motion to go on Executive session to discuss uh collective bargaining relating to the police patrolman's Union um they determined that the public section would be detrimental to our position without we without return to regular session so second John down thank you night bye guys