yeah yeah you could put it over the owl before we stand up that would be good good evening this is a meeting of the hamon board of selectman the Board of Health being held in the townhouse on May 6 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the pledge of allegiance algi to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God invisible liy justice for all thank you is anyone else recording the meeting other than ourselves I'm guessing Dalton dton you on there nope well we just assumed that he is you got him in the waiting room man okay wait for him recording Dalton yeah we are okay any minutes no there's not no minutes okay make a note of that what no minutes it's 5 after did you ask how many minutes it [Music] was be one of those meetings huh High waight we do have the annual Town report I'd like to thank you yes we do have the annual Town report superintendent of Highways hello we have highways or I thought we just had streets highways byways sidewalks cross dishes little bit of everything all right have a question okay what do you got so I uh so there's couple things on the on mhm the agenda for me tonight award uh award first okay sure so uh put out uh an a request for quotation for pickup at the plant for just um for just fob pickup at the plant for hot mix asphalt um uh we had three companies respond um and quite honestly I I was uh kind of surprised on on the outcome um we have a CLA there's a clause both in our invitation a bid and then also and we had it kept it for the RFQ and it's a clause and it's a you know um other towns use it it's you know it's a calculation um if their hot mix plant is so far away you tack on so many cents per mile per ton and most of the time that kind of deters you know like a a a company maybe from Connecticut or wherever anywhere further away um from bidding I mean they're still welcome to to bid or or send in a quote or whatever but so this time around we had a last minute submitt from Northeast Paving mhm uh and their plant is in grany now on uh we haven't drove it yet um but on Google Maps it's about 33 minutes away 18 mil um and even with the calculation they still came in way lower than the next lowest bid um I feel the town has two options uh we could either re bid it or sign a contract for one year try it out um I'm told that they have the hottest mix in town and I said I hope so or around and I said I hope so because we're going to be driving for it um but it's a one-year uh deal with the option to renew two more consecutive years if both parties agree but with the price change You' hold the price for two additional years they would have yeah they would have to me otherwise if we did it right now it' be at this price for three years you know correct I mean that I mean that price is just kind it's unheard of right that's why we think we need a guarantee that if we give you know we need the option to renew at the same price oh you want to have them agree to that well I mean otherwise you're giving we're giving away two potential I mean if we give them a oneyear thing they'd come back next year at 88 or something like that without a I see yeah you know I mean normally it'd be a three-year contract twoe well one year and then what I'll usually matters yes right yeah um who got it last year Palmer Palmer they're not they didn't B they didn't even bit uh which was another surprise Lane so Northeast is the old Lane okay mhm yes so um I mean they did Main Street a few years back they yeah and I mean yeah like I said we can we can try him out and uh well I mean they're the old Lane so they're reputable I mean Lane oh yeah they're a big player the concern is that the distance and that's yeah that's my only concern and it's it's a big concern couple reasons um you know uh you know at the opening uh the gentleman from Northeast asked you know how much do you usually get and I said well we usually get anywhere from 2 ton to 7 or 8 ton of full load you know when it's colder out you want to get maybe another ton or two extra to keep the middle see we don't have heated bodies in our trucks or anything so usually you'll get a little extra to keep some of it warm um for the ride back and then working with it throughout the morning or or whatever so there's that then the other concern that was brought up too was if you know we get all the way out to cuz this happens but we get all the way out to grandby and the plant is closed or there's MH a line out the door whatever um in the past we've been able to you know hop over it's not that far away between um you know Palmer Paving in a uh agam um Palmer Paving in Springfield and then cut back through over here to um Palmer Paving or we'd shoot over to uh gleon in the past which is right around the corner on B bir gleon by the way is now Warner Brothers okay Warner Brothers who a they used to make movies now they're into now they're into Asal yeah yeah how many projects of your project list would use this I mean you go the bigger ones the bigger ones have their own contract and you're giving them a contract correct this is for a very small type of it is so it's you know with with a project list we may we may use that service for touching up driveways or whatever the piping work if you had to cover over the piping work or something like that sure yeah um mainly you know we we use that service mainly in the spring we're filling in washs Pooles MH things of that nature so um so that's what temperature does it have to be at oh um I don't know off the top of my head um it's got to be pretty hot okay then yeah pretty hot I'll say that for now and then I can I can actually look that up but off the top of my head I don't know c a big potato in it yeah all right well I think with the low usage uh I don't think we're really taking a flyer out at this point it's really not going to impact any real projects looking for a motion to uh award a one-year contract to Northeast Paving or the pinus concrete fob I was giving you a motion but that's fine second then that was your motion and my motion you said I'm looking for a motion I just asked him if he was looking for a motion oh sure good yes second all in favor I okay so I will so we're going to do Northeast Paving and hopefully with option to okay I'll reach out to them tomorrow actually I'll reach out to all all of the um I am surprised about P I ask you one question what's the difference what is the difference between driveway mix and base mix really the difference between all of these mixes is is the size of the stone oh I see the coess and the fine B burm mix is Real Fine Stone uh driveway mix same thing then you start working your way up top mix or I'm sorry working your way down top mix and then base mix are densed it's the stones are a little bit um bigger no on Kibby Lane time was that rough yeah it says per ton don't a whole T can you last they did yes you have renamed or yeah it's owned by a company in Albany this where you the checks down oh yeah they were bought out as well so uh next was my first draft on um this year's road projects um are these in priority order Mark or what' you say well this one down again is that the third time in five years yeah well he has to keep he has to keep filling in that pond so no they're in no particular order uh to answer your question um I just had some of the the bigger projects on on the first page uh the page before I just want to bring attention to um the total State funding for this year is actually quite a bit yeah um what's happening I you know I so the state's getting a lot better with with pushing the paperwork through getting the reimbursements out what's happening though is they're you know so they're giving out more money mhm there's only so paving companies and they are like busy so you know like what happened last year or for the last two years we get started and then do as much as we can do and then we have to finish in the spring and so that's can you carry it over the state funding can you carry it over if you don't if you've if you've already made a project request then you then you can't how however if I didn't make a project request you can accumulate then we can accumulate for 10 years oh okay yeah it's a 10 year contract so that would give us well just with the chapter 90 2.5 million after 10 years if we wanted to go that rout would save up for a big project and then that's not to mention so good after that my that be like a yeah you know and then you add in the the fair share tax allotment and this new uh rural roadways funding which I you know I don't know that's going to be an an Ann annual MH uh I'm assuming it is they put that in they put that into your chapter 90 they put on the same account both of those they did yes yep y still pretty good number for this year 200 plus and new funding basic sure so the first couple projects um I figure would be uh state state funded for the milling and Paving um CU it's a it's quite a bit um got a section of Allen Street and then all of m road so that's where we had Dana had tried that new type of thing on milroad years ago the crumb rubber Crum rubber thing seal thing yeah yeah so that's coming out and this is a real standard pave basically would be a mill in and pave um not only that uh the gas company will have finished their projects they still have they've ran they've run their main line and now they still have their um service lines to run so um now about the gas company um I can I can talk to them and whatever money they were going to spend in in their um restoration right I can opt to have that check come to me and use that towards towards it yeah um and the only thing on here you had the repair on the bridge that was done a while back right that's be redone hole on the bridge on M Road yes y y um and then I was looking to do um oakn and Fernwood now both both roads are in are in rough shape now we've put off Fernwood for a number years um because of the drainage I you know I still don't know where we're going to go with that drainage or you know what what we can do with it um I think we we missed our OPP opportunity um to uh acquire that piece of property um in the back um that's since been sold oh it has it has yeah so um that doesn't leave us with much option option however I will say you know with the amount of rain that we've had the last couple years I mean it's draining off it drains off slow it's very flat um that Waterway kind of meanders through the back there crosses under sessions drive and goes into wilam that's also very flat but it does drain and I haven't had a lot of a lot of calls about I thought you had that big pipe through Vinnie's property right wasn't it that uh well that's one of the service one of the out back to the back into the swamp right yeah yeah there's three of them each each set of basins has its own outlet and uh we just haven't been able to come up with a you know I know Dana tried like crazy with different engineering firms I think even maybe like the AR the Army Corps of Engineers came out to look at it um I think I know Tom coocher looked at it one time and like you said it's virtually flat so short of digging a big hole in the middle of swamp forcing at the drain you weren't going to get anywhere um you know and that was a thought if we were able to acquire that property um maybe file you know file go through the steps and and give it a its own retention area like you know we do with the new developments don't know if that could even be done but it's a thought but anyways um so the drainage is working but I would like to address the surface of those two roads um a gutter Mill would give us uh it would actually accomplish a couple things it would rofile the road to give it a a a good a good Crown in the middle and uh lower the gutters a little bit um to allow the water to drain off off the middle of the road and also it would save us a lot of money in uh matching up the driveways as we go through not we um the company that goes through so basic Ally they they will Mill the gutter they set their machine at zero up towards the middle of the road to an inch and a half rofile the road and then match the driveways um and then another thought I had there was uh Riverside Drive it's a it's a small D It's a small job uh but um we've got a I've got a resident there that's um he's taking a lot of water um um so I want to try to rofile that road a little bit maybe add some burm and um and in the so but I mean if you take that burm down there and you're directing the water to flow around the corner sure and not into his property are you then dropping it and letting it go right into the river then at that point are you putting another Basin there that just put a pipe to a river we might we might try to aim it towards some other basins that better in the area would go right to the river I'm I'm not quite sure yet but they could they could I'm surprised you need traffic control on that road so you might put cones at one end cones at the other end the only reason is um yeah coming out of Main Street in chapen road that I mean then that number is is uh it's your standard number yeah [Music] and then there's alternate projects I like to try to include just if you know if there's any anything extra and we can well your first two pages come up to what I mean it's I don't get your alternates but you're saying with all the alternates that comes up oh no no no I'm sorry uh the alternates are not included in the total um total cost so these five these five they come to 781 246 okay so it's a couple thousand over the over but I can cover that out of uh my highway highway maintenance m a couple thousand I have to say and this is just back to history The Transfer Station Road overlay just historically that was what the Enterprise fund was supposed to accumulate money for oh okay you know I don't think they have it 17 grand I'm sure they don't have it but technically that money that they get was supposed to to take care of the oh maintenance Etc that place I can come up with I can come up with a a few more yeah um how we garage oh the road going up mhm or the driveway and then there's still a center section um but again this these are just the PIP and all that uh no uh just right the PIP come up the center of you're right y the the water yes and then I've got I've got a list of all different projects various numbers that I can I can plug in in the event we do have extra money um I can plug in some other some other projects the only one I might suggest and probably Craig was going to mention the same thing the Glendale Road because potentially that might be affected by if the water district gets expanded so rather than you don't do any work there they have on there had Main Street to Bennett and if it turns AC Crossroad coming down okay yeah cross that I did have I did have two different sections of Glendale another one was uh from north mson um around the corner there by Ridge and then part of Ames going up the hill but I I didn't include that in this one but fact that a transfer Road thing and I think um if you think the roads deteriorating mhm I think it might be a question we might want to have with amarco and see if all the construction they've done has impacted the road quality and it might be something we might want to go back and say look this is the type of operation where you go in and Do no harm mhm and just talk to them maybe you should take care of it maybe you should give us something towards it and have that conversation with them' been good to work with yeah but I don't think it's unreasonable for us to bring it up no I don't either um I'm currently working on a punch list with um Rob no with uh Tom Spate from DP right that bu spelled to me with Rob Keever and take a overview of the whole thing sure right uh he's making his own punch list uh from the eyes of the DP and um I'm making one from the eyes of town of Hampton okay and but we've met up there and compared notes and yeah I know I talked to Steve mcdonal okay and so we need to have another recap meeting at some point in the next couple weeks sure when they going to fire that thing up if that's the connection they're doing from eversource all that wiring down street yeah yeah I will say Verizon that huge money remember they said the interconnect cost was going to be that's of it Verizon what Verizon was in town today doing uh removing removing poles up on South Road some of the double po so hopefully they stay in in town and and keep going so they on your list your list there was several we had tell them what numbers he wants to cross them off he's got sell we can get the system they were moving right along I can say that um and we started today uh with our spring Paving on on a few side streets to finish up from from last year's um starting to prep up for Memorial Day and things and we're and we're starting to prep up for more more up there yeah absolutely on the double poles we have to have double Flags I don't know well we've got to get those holders switched over before they exactly they take the pole on take your holder with them yeah want to and that's all I have for uh equipment still on track for the uh tractor Sometime Late summer I'm hoping early to Midsummer yeah um so that's yep that's that's on track uh I have a call into um marot Ford just to see if if just to make sure that there's no uh price adjustments for the the truck I'm um asking for for town meeting um he when the last time I talked to him he didn't believe there would be but I I just want to make sure there's no surprises sure um and uh is that with the trade in I mean decent no I didn't I didn't get a trade in value uh yet but I but I willon so right now the number you're carrying is hopefully a purchase out and you could knock a little off with Absolut absolutely good yeah even if there's a slight increase maybe the trade would offset it yes oh yeah okay for sure yeah what about the lawnmower you're looking into so I decided to put that on on hold uh maybe till Balltown meeting or next maybe next year uh with all the talk of the potential of uh the town possibly taking over thoron Burgess or whatever um I wanted to let that kind of play out before I made a decision on a on a mower cuz I might that might affect I might want to try to get a bigger one it's some acreage over there I don't know how things would work as far as splitting up cutting with the ball fields you know with the park and wreck department um we we'd figure it out but but um just kind of waiting to see how that that plays out and I think we could we could get another year out of what we have yeah okay you're coming down to crunch time on Lauren any advertising out there for new person I plan to get the advertising out this week um I didn't get any calls or emails or anything on the last advertisement I put out which worsome was surprising uh or maybe not I don't know um don't take it personal no I not talking about you no uh so going to try again mhm I was going to look into you know somebody had mentioned indeed that they're using that I don't know I've never used it I was going to look into it see if that could help a little bit I used it before why don't you send it over and we can talk okay sure I mean it's just another um so we we see what happens well if you need extra help you need a guy with a tractor I know a guy has got a tractor I [Music] know so my daughter's got the Sheep wow thought we were putting those at the trans station exactly you're billing us that's F great sounds busy let the paving begin okay so I'm I'm good with this this L then okay yeah thank you very much I'll get started on that great thank you all right only 12 minutes over so far we're doing good all right vade our discussion how we doing on that I I'm not discussing anything yet I'm not sure what you mean how we doing on that well let's see what we could agree on okay okay okay now you don't want Vadar and the cloud correct okay so would you agree that the servers the computers are the property of the town I think having it isolated is the safest thing I don't the question is do you think the servers in the computers are property of the town oh I don't I'm not disagreeing with that at all okay you think the town's responsible for paying the maintenance for the computers servers absolutely because my my item is on item okay do you think the information on the data the computers is the proper the town I don't have any problem with the information on the data do you think it's the property of the Town absolutely okay do you think the town taxpayers pay for the computers servers and security absolutely okay and that the taxpayers records are public information they are public information and that the town has a contract with entree to service and maintain the computers they do okay and that both entree and Vader have advised the town of the potential server failure they always advise us of that that's that's been an ongoing thing since I can remember okay and that is public officials taxpayers pay our salaries I'm not disagreeing with anything I'm not sure where you're going with this where I'm going with this is this I respect that you're an independent elected official all right and I know you believe that we're trying to interfere with you doing your job and it it's not our intention Our intention is is to make the other people's job productive productive and easier to do in a collaborative Manner and the equipment the server the information all belongs to the town and it would behoove the town to have it a safe secure place that people who have to do their job takes can get access to it now you don't want to tell anybody to tell you how to you do your job but you have no problem telling other people how to do their job so they're trying to well I'm sorry how am I doing that by telling the assessors they have to do it this way or you're not going to play ball I I not I have not told them that I have never told them how they can do things or what they can do well they want to put it on the cloud but it's not their system it's the system itself is under the administration of the collector's office not the not the assessor and it's owned by the and it's owned by the town I don't disagree with that okay it's the data that you said you wanted access to and that's not a problem well they have to go to your office to get it and their server is going to fail and they don't come into our office to get it they have a computer in their office that they've been using and they can't and they have connectivity problems they have not recently not that I've been made aware of they did have before but I think that has all been resolved I don't believe so what well I have not been made aware of me in several weeks so you're adamant that they can't access that data they can access the data but only the way way you want it to be accessed I'm not sure what you mean by only the way I want it to be accessed well the town feel we at least I feel I don't know how the other MERS feel is that it should be in a cloud-based system like so many other things are so they can access it from home if they need to or if they can access it from their office or if they come in on the weekend or something else they can access it if they come in anytime 24/7 accessing it remotely that's I don't see the need for that it's not the program that they use they use their own programs and they access those remotely that's up to them okay but you know we have a contract with Vadar to do this we have a contract we have and we have a contract with Vadar to do this we have a contract with Vadar to maintain the system and to move it move it to the cloud no that was never in agreement with with Vadar well it is that was when I spoke to last time that we the last time that that contract was renewed that was not an option Frank M Hy agreed that it would be done the way it's been done he did he did say that to you he did say that and I'm I'm not sure what your ultimate goal is the ultimate goal is to put this the stuff on the cloud where it's secured and backed up every single day and then the assessor or the treasurer the accountant whoever needs to access it can access it it's as simple as that we don't care how you keep your records we don't care what paper you keep in your office or anything else the thing is to have a productive system to kind of bring us into the 21st century and have a safety and don't start with I know you're all techies because I'm not a techie I can barely use a cell phone I was not going to say that and and and and Have and Have A A system that everyone can use because it's about a collaborative effort and hundreds of towns are moving towards it as as the simplest safest way to do it currently so that's all we're trying to do we're trying to do it on a congenial way and and trying to get it to work that's all that's all we're A system that they can use 247 as long as they're here in the office or in the townhouse I should say having it remote for them when it's access maybe twice a year it doesn't make sense like that to put it on the cloud and I think the security of the system is actually better when it is not on the CL jum in for a second do you think it's you think the secur yeah go ahead the the thing that concerned me is Bim was here a couple months ago and he was showing me some of the issues um I know some people call the server but it's actually a raid drive it's two Merit hard drives right um Rim was concerned because one of the hard drives is in fail State there's no reason that can't be a replaced okay but then the thing that was concerning too was the inter departments that are connected through this it's an intranet because there's three computers connected Hardline they have to use Microsoft Access 03 which is an unsupported software now the system is on I'll let you have second okay the the programs that be able to access this data from what I was told by multiple people was it runs off access3 which is at a date by numerous Generations it's no longer supported so that was the concern too one was the the failure of the hard drive going losing the data permanently and then the other thing was the the systems needed to access the data were no longer supported by Microsoft and the way that was set up they couldn't upgrade for some reason I don't know the details behind it I'm just going off of what our it vendor was telling us there's no reason that the service in the office can't be upgraded and the access as you said is an internet there's no reason to upgrade those programs sure there is there they're not going online if they're unsupported if there's ever a problem with the software the computer and the assessor's office us if it's used for anything it's use only for V there's no reason to up update that sure I mean programs when you get new Compu sometimes they they're not for compatible because systems change and then now that's that software then becomes Obsolete and at some point it becomes so obsolete that it won't run if it's running currently on a Vadar system and that computer is only used for radar there's no reason to update it unless radar chooses to upgrade so but don't don't those computers sometimes go online to pull data ever the only time anything goes online is when we have an occasional so they do go online one time a year so Point Vadar if there's something that's going to get in it's going to get in there if it's going to go we're going right to the Vadar system and we go to our server when we do there's a problem the point that it's it's secure because it's offline is obsolete because it does go online at certain points okay so you're saying that going through the server for the townhouse is not secure that's what you're com there because we go through the town server well yeah we're going online we go right to Vadar to their program sure and so Vadar is not secure either no that is you're you're not understand what I'm saying I am understanding you're saying we go on one time a year we're not your point is that it's secure because it's not online no no you're saying we go on one time a year and we are not secure because we go on that one time a year that's I said you're mening words and I missed that I'm sorry you're you're telling me that you want to keep it offline because it's secure correct my point is if there's a need for somebody to get in anybody can get into anything online no matter who it is right you know there there there's really good people that can hack into that stuff I my my point is if you're going online one time a year you're still connected to that ethernet cable and if somebody's waiting for that system to come online they're getting into it right then and there okay so the the point about it staying offline because it's secure is obsolete in my opinion because you're still connecting at how how does that how does that computer go online you you one that told me it went online okay and it does and how does that happen we connect it to the town's internet service right so by that you're saying the town's internet service is not secure no that's not what I'm saying at all I'm saying if somebody wants to to no you're you're not understand you've opened the gate to the highway you're opening the gate you're connecting in I'm not saying that they compromised I'm saying but any get potential is there I understand that but I just find it the town system isn't secure no it's not obviously because that's no system is secure that's the police chief right thank you that's true to the point no system is secure but we have the firewalls we have our data redundancy and we have our it vendor who runs malicious wear program every day looking for data my point when we go online we go through the town server and you're saying we're not secure when we go online so by going through the town server we're not secure you don't go through the town server when we go online no you go you connect into the network and the network has a connection to so our network is not secure no any network is not secure you have but here's the thing and if I can jump in Craig I agree with Craig to me the number one priority is the failing of the backup so we that's the first thing getting that fixed you have a drobo system maybe Al put it in 20 years ago no it's not that old but we can get another backup that I'm having a server what number one you have data like anybody else here should be backed up and secured it is it can be backed up to the town server that's not a problem well I think you get your raid thing fixed number one when you go on but that also means probably you don't have any antivirus software that's current on those computers cor it's easy enough to put that on there but they're also not serviced remotely by the it vendor we pay for that remotely takes care of every computer we have here again it can be put on there I'm just curious again when anyone in the townhouse goes online they don't go through the town server through the town's firewalls they do that's a firewall that's not a server okay oh Sor the we have a sonic wall that protects right okay so when I go online I don't go through that time system so you probably do you probably do but nothing's 100% they have teams out there looking to break every firewall yes they do and that's my big concern that's why we're only on it once a year right but my point is when you go on it once a year if there's if and I'm not saying it is if somebody is sitting there waiting to run a program they're waiting for that static IP to come in and like oh it's on and it's already in before you even know it so by you're saying that everybody here is vulnerable every day everybody in the whole world is vulnerable everying day so I I will take that chance with one day a year but I tell you right now I'm connected to our town Network here I understand first message that comes up on my computer is you're connected to an unsecure Wi-Fi network with weak password protection thank you yep so makes me feel good about it yeah I can see that obviously something our it vendor is going to work on I'd like to focus I understand your point I understand Don's point we all have good points here but the overriding thing you have no reliable backup on this data software right now we we have we it's back no it's not working and my point is it's it's on it's in danger of failing I think both Bim said that again that can be Remedy by replacing whatever he call that it's not a server obviously it's not it's well I put that i' put that at the top of my list it's just a seconding up and backing up the thumb drive backing up the the data to the town that's not SEC that's not that's not secure that's not great backing up to the town server is not secure no no backing up to a thumb drive is not secure it's not a well no no but I mean to put it onto the town server backing up the information to the town server secure obviously well how are you backing it up to the town server you put it on thumb drive you put the thumb drive in the town admin excuse me tax admin and you can back it up to the server so how is that you're walking it over to another computer no you're sitting right there and moving it from one side to the other but okay you're rolling over to the other computer so if you're putting that data from one computer onto another one that's on our server what's the difference with them going to the cloud because the other server can go on the cloud I know care about that when it doesn't maintain the system but taking the the information from one computer on a thumb drive and putting it into the other computer is very different than putting that both of them on the cloud or on the internet not following why is why is there why are there different things if this one not softline all the time and you're only accessing the information the data right so then you put that data on a thumb drive you're not doing anything to that computer now you're just putting that thumb drive in a different computer okay which which has the data right I have a question that might clarify are you worried about someone stealing the data are you someone about somebody altering or corrupting the data corrupting the data I'm not worried about the data is just that's the difference she's describing so the data corruption I think has more of a chance to be corrupted from going from a thumb drive to a computer to computer because if you don't eject the thumb drive right or if the thumb drive fails or you you put it down on a magnet it's done or you know get left out in a car it's one quick process it tells you when you're done with the download I think there's less chance of corruption on the data if it's on the the Vadar system how often do you back up to the local server weekly sorry local server to to a thumb drive to something else that's that's the local I mean how often do you do the thumb drive thing weekly and that can move right over to the town server and there there won't be any magnets or anything else involved from we move to the the other that town server must be filling up pretty fast no I'm saying we had the same problem like I think we heard that from other departments that these images just keep building up on the town server and until we got server the cloud right we were running out that's why we had to do the upgrade they weren't overriding they weren't overriding they backup after back in not even incremental they were full wipes right so if I can just ask Don I think your concern is you think that people working from home they should be able to access it is that your main concern my concern is I don't think the information you have is secure I think it's probably corrupted or corruptible and that people should be able to work tandemly together at their you know when they can do okay so and we do have a contract with Vadar I which was signed which was which was signed in March for the cloud but really the only thing that putting on the cloud would be would to make it more accessible to other people to everybody yeah those people have access those people who need access have that now only in the town hall building want cross the in the town hall building that's the I have access if I can get you step aside so I can never get that one to work I'm serious I can never get that it's the remote people who can't get into the assessors have well the assessors have a hard wire to a computer in their office yeah but they can't VPN well I I think it was an old computer too I think it's an old computer too and this gets back to here they running acc3 not even 7 that's what that that's that sounds more like it's a Vader issue than a uh Microsoft issue yeah I think it's more of a Vadar issue I mean if she's running well what was the last time you upgraded your Vadar software I think I don't think it can be upgraded because of access has to be upgraded the last time upgraded information for us was saying you can't upgrade it because it's and they have to have B explain it cuz I'm doing a poor job right now BM the last time BM upgraded our computers with whatever program he was on access need um sorry V needed 32bit access and his was different so we needed most stuff down 64bit access update can we buy more we ask I thought we did annually so would be about the first of the year the first of you think when they do the bridge they do an update I think that's what they do if they're going to do any updates at all they don't have that many of them on the system they're not supporting well I'm also concerned sound like here and may been part of his report that some of the computers that are operating the we call the The Collector nwork Vadar Network are older computerss that need an upgrade as well and that be a problem that shouldn't be a problem maybe in the list we already talked about there was an issue too with Corruption of the data we Hadar had to rebuild right mhm and when was that might happened a year might happened a year ago or something why was I never made and they did it for free they should have charged us they said there was a again why was I not aware of that I thought you were aware of it I don't know that's I'm being told from the assessor said that there was a corruption issue with the data and Vadar had to go back and rebuild everything yeah but their data I mean assessors it was a problem with the whatever data that was pulling off of our servers went onto theirs and it was corrupted I think that might have been a patriot problem I think that does sound I think Kelly did refer to Patriot P Patriots said some Patriot changed their program Norm said they're not able to audit it well so some bad information was sent to Vadar okay now it was a this was this was not badar's problem Patriots thank you not that I remember and that was December right yeah excuse me I'm not sure the issue he wants be on the cloud so do I you on the cloud word yeah I know why would I worry about being on the cloud I've been on the cloud now with them for 5 years and I've never had an in he wants the the tax colle program on the on the cloud and I don't because I don't feel it secure it is secure I understand because you think it's security but come on I understand what you're saying but I don't feel it's I feel it's more susceptible I know but I think it's time that we have to live with that I again I think it's more susceptible and I think the program itself is functioning well and the only issue would be for other people who access it remotely as he said okay and one of these days we're going to be faced with that problem any what's that going on the cloud for everybody to these days yeah and I'm hoping I won't be here by then not not with respect to the collector's office I get the feeling that read the case any house man I appreciate you and I appreciate the work that you do I really you know that I and I understand where you're coming but I just don't understand your concern it does seem to be over the top as to what the exposure is well they say mother bear I I just feel like it's my responsibility to protect the system and I feel it's better protected when it's not accessible through the internet that I I can agree that you feel responsible but I think it's irresponsible not to be frank with you disagree I know and I'm you know I'd love for the to go on there no inconvenience for me to come in here and go I mean anything I would be able to access at home would be read only you know so I would never be able to change anything I couldn't go in and pay my own taxes you know or something like that you never know a lot of people figure out yeah well I can't so um but I think I mean yes it would be very convenient for me to access it from home depending on a time of night that I can't sleep um but I don't mind coming in and getting what I need here so it's not not a critical thing for me but I think it's a very critical thing for the town in general and what is it what the assessors that they're objecting to are they not able to flow their stuff over because they want to work remotely from home if they' had connectivity issues they're worry about corrupted data they want to be able to access it the corrupt the data was on their end as dick explained possibly remote remote was one thing you know they're working from home remot was only one part of it I'm saying was one thing little that they do from home on with regard to the tax program there's there's twice a year when we do the conversions excuse me when we do the uh tax Bridge that's twice a year and don't they check rebates and stuff like that they can do that from their office if they want to do that not no they don't do that for home they can't do it for home not rebates they really can't do that from home everything is here yeah I think the selectman are just going to have to make a decision I don't think it's up to the S if you they own the system I thought we made a decision already agree with that the system is under the administration of the you might be administering the data but they're they own the systems that your un the system is under the administration of I don't I do well there that's there's an issue regarding that too right if that's the case or not I'm looking at these emails here because if SE chapter 60 Section 8 says all books kept by The Collector uh are the property of the town all books and again the data is not a problem I don't have a problem with making sure that you have the data the question isn't whose property is it the question is what department has jurisdiction over it has nothing to do with the ownership of what the town owns it towns owns everything in this building yeah exactly exactly so so and as good managers we would like to see us go to the cloud so we can everyone can manage their Affairs better I don't disagree with that I don't either I I either I don't think people disappoint I I I think we're increasing productivity amongst apartments and cross issues with it at that time and again because our office uses it all the time and that assessors again Richard uses it all the time he's on the cloud I use it all the time I'm on the cloud and we were having issues and I just haded do you remember what the issue was Eva I don't there were all kinds of issues so it was it was 20 2018 or 19 20 2018 201 the whole thing went to the cloud and we were having um we were having problems where we were dropping signals we were also having some of problems with the accounting program but I was also having serious problems with the bank programs um remote scanning where you know you've got to have a you got to have a good Shi is that what it was but this is when the um service that was even wait was it yes well we were doing Vadar in the banking this was all happening at the same time we were on Copper at the same time we were on copper internet right then and we we struggled with that you went back to the to the localized uh Vadar system and we kept struggling with this and then when they put the fiber in all those problems we both the Vadar accounting and the banking program went away that's so I don't appreciate those comment that was nice that they went away so the problem that you had when you were Vadar online I think could be easily attributed to the pro the reason the fact that we had copper internet back because you were having problems with it as well yeah all of your programs with the with the um the RDC with monthly savings bank and with the betar accounting and a little bit with check writers you know so and those were all web based program programs that all went away when they dropped the fiber line everything got better I think it's a reasonable assumption that the problems that we were having with Vadar we're right we we our connection we we were losing signal in the middle of a transaction we'd be uploading a batch and the damn thing would crash it was ugly no question about it yes it was but I think we solved the problem when we went fiber what can I say well you're going to have to say it one way or the other I I well backing up what you already seem to want to do again it's not under the administration of those SL men the program is under the administration of the collector's office yeah I understand the program and I'm just asking you to be a team player and and you say no fine this all discussion is over thank you okay well if we have to go if we have to go to legal council to do this we will the next item on the agenda what's the next item on the agenda next item of the agenda is the H and Regional budget discussion which I need you here too for this for a minute really just from you want B the bab schedule no no never mind the payment is good I want to know so you you have some expertise on this I'm sure as the moderate as the moderator so the town of Wilbraham is having a different number the assment so what if they so the N then we have if if they come up with a lower number than us if we do we go to the recommended they come up with a lower number the school committee will now have a choice it can either do a joint town meeting and try to get the budget through that way or which if wam is against it that's a loser or they can just cut our assessment which I think we need an article in the fall to accept their lower we did in the past really yeah okay well basic yeah well that's fine but they would you know they would just lower the assessment level or they would fight and it's not our problem it's a win-win either they take either so we're going first we're going first they're not till June they're not till June 3rd if you do anything other than vote that number that's a rejection of the budget then you're you're playing into wber Ham's politics right and you're your influence what they do I'd say we're going to win either way all right see you later I just I just wonder because then they have to do if they have a special if they have to do is I guess they I guess what I read is let see if I got this right that you go back to the they can go back to low they can agree to it and come back with a new number they have to go back to town meeting to do that if the town meeting rejects that then they can go to the two town meeting you're saying IFR votes a lower number they have to come back to hamon for a special meeting I don't I don't know it's it's I don't think so you know I I don't think there's any law that says you can that we're not allowed to spend less than we appropriate because they're running because they're so late June 3 yeah but it gets into that joint town meeting that's required when you have two offsetting votes and that's what I'm wondering about right and then you get into if you don't get it done in time you get into the 112 budget you got to get done by July 1st and their their T meeting is so late right June 3rd M school's going to Cave you if we have votes know they're going to deal with it I guess the other question was can wlam lower the assessment number they can vote a lower number they can vote a lower number they can vote a lower number it doesn't you know but does that reject the is that a no vote then no on the assessment that's a no in the assessment right it's not a no it is um it is um voting an alternate number I don't know if they can do that I didn't think you can do that and I don't understand why the selectman allowed the finance committee to put that out when the selectman set the warrant right well would if the finance committee came to you and said we want you to put an article on you would do it you do it for any committee it's not an article not a budget budget it's a budget well it's a all they're doing is the recommended number I mean that's the finance committee's job isn't it yeah but but there there waren AR something different about Reg the warrant article doesn't say the warrant article doesn't say this the assessment is 8 million and we're recommending 7,900 th 900,000 they're changing the number they're changing the number so the only thing that people are going to be voting on is the lower number from the finance committee they don't see both numbers they don't see both numbers it's not an article two budget like ours no no well that's why I told Michelle what they have to do to amend it if they go the lower number then somebody with standing you know for the on the school committee is going to have to get up and amend it so at least there's a discussion right they also have this article 17 and we talked about that in their thing where they it's a parliamentary procedure for financial matters and apparently they have it every year according to Nick where all motions to appropriate funds not recommended by the finance committee and must be accompanied by an offset decrease something like like that yeah if they can get the town meeting to vote for that no you have to say where the money is going to come from every year every year no I mean so this has been passed every year in there yeah there are some lionhearted moderators who have tried to do that on their own without the town meeting support but they're they're right up against their Levy limit so this is the tool that they have to keep themselves from um finding themselves in override situation by getting the town meeting to but if the town meeting doesn't buy into it it's not binding but again they do they do have a complet one warrant article that is their entire budget Article 19 which is inclusive of the school budget right and they make a explanation point that's the only one they disagreed with in the entire budget requested and recommended was the extra even though out of their $30 million request for the school budget they're arguing about 67,000 which Don spends on coffee in a week you know cookies cookies too thank you local locally sourced so I don't think we need to get ,000 pickleball courts in I don't think you have to do anything at all no no but I do think I do go back and I not going do any I just was wondering what the process is going to be I also I think there's some validity to the point where I don't think you're allowed to argue with the requested number no I think you have to upload it up something in 70 or 71 that's about that request CU we've had this Happ vely it's been 30 years you know since I've had to do this but I vaguely do remember that yeah you might be right it might be a yes or no there something about right yeah yeah something is ringing a bell somewhere deep in there it's deep all those car you off the cobwebs that's right so again we can sit back as you know next week yeah just sit in the back row with popcorn are we invited to go over in June they didn't say I didn't get an invitation we'll let there get them come over I'm sure you got there's a non voter section that can you can sit in we PID for high school we can go right yeah all right thank you Richard for your input anything else want to stay for government study that was my question what was that going to be about I don't know M oh that the government study was just going to be about they had just going to go over the non-w warrant recommendations like they talked a lot about uh you know improving the website that you know doing okay so they're coming in to meet with you about that then no they're not they have their own meeting they have their own meeting oh that's great good just to say and I asked not if we could actually push this off because we got other things and we've lost the schedule but I did ask one recommendation that was in there was moving town meeting to a weekend like waham did we've had the concern in the past that some younger people with you know issues uh scheduling things at night can't come to the Monday night meeting and I do think that's a decent thing to look at in the future he I would have put it in my top five for addressing it this year mhm maybe even ahead of changing the name of War selectum I would have put that first at everything right so I think because we've heard it for a number of years it's a concern last fall there's a lot of people that wanted that so when you talk about the the list of the I don't want to say phase B right but the the question is how many people are be inconvenience by a Saturday that aren't complaining now the only people you hear from are the people who don't like the Monday night meeting you know the people who like it aren't aren't talking to you if it was a Saturday meeting I don't know how to get good data on that decision I mean you know I'm more likely to be unavailable on a Saturday than on a Monday night but I'm not normal I get that in any way it might be you have just and I talked about uh you know Craig is probably our best source on something like that you got no this my point you have activities on Saturday as well Hockey baseball hockey whatever you might have as many conflicts but I think you're not going to have the school conflict on a Saturday so the the potential for more people to come on a Saturday is greater right now it's also the out of work thing there's some people out of work babysitter you know stuff like that yeah I don't know I I would to me to me it would have been the top five to explore for this this to meeting I would make it change without doing a serious survey mhm yeah that could be a referendum question could be non-binding question maybe they should put it in their report when they do the report thing hey we're going to bring this up with a fall for a because it would require a question General bylaw change you're going to get the people who can make the Monday night beating voting on it that's right that's right well information only straw straw pole basically yeah I I don't know I'd find some way to do an Outreach on that to really get that information okay and last question for you did Craig not get our paperwork done well Craig did okay just checking I know I gave you mine direct deposit yeah I got a login thing and everything you did okay all right all right didn't remember that his in cash your in cash you don't need it I thought I fill one of those other long time ago direct I think Sophie changed it though she yeah offshore I just you know I should know for the record that Don was the first one to comply with that rule he's retired he cell phone he's got direct deposit he know well he knows where his checks are a lot of young people don't have any idea where their checkbook is they got the starter checks in the bottom of a dra anyway sorry than for thank you take a cookie so okay to push off the GSC stuff yeah sure no one cares uh let's see the okay so we got the Board of Health coordinator it position field facilities management is it one position two positions three positions I thought we didn't endorse the retirement thing no we're just no we're just going to add these St well we got to get I mean I think Facilities Management definitely needs to be its own thing right and I think we need somebody to be able to go to all buildings and give us accountability and you know anything that needs to be fixed like a boiler or furnace or the toilet not flushing first thing I I would asking Mark you know does he have somebody capable of doing it we already got on staff basically or yeah and that would be part of their duties to their highway department or I we expand on but at least we don't have to hire another person just you know just to get that done well if if there's a person available find out first if there's somebody or even if there's somebody that's part-time that wants extra hours I think there's a person who could right maybe one of the transfer station people could be right so so basically we're saying internal posting is what we're talking about right yeah but we need a good description Brian I don't know if you have a thought on that or it's got to be done right yeah a lot of it's here right the facilities part okay what about the it cuz we got to get this transferred to the cloud I think we have a good service with our current already although I'd like the onsite maybe to be more than once a month um so maybe does do we need to change the contract to give more time what exactly would we want more IT services for I mean I I thought we were talking well the web thing or is it more you're talking like or is that responsibility for like doing the town web page it CU I thought our only it discussion was in the police right where we were talking about whether we were going to we had the service which we have our it vendor for I mean there's there's little things here like you know the YouTube stuff the Social Media stuff that we do but I think you know that's pretty encompassed under this department mhm right but you don't think we need someone here all the time no I think we just make sure that we have that channel open to and the way they have it now where they can do the remote login remote in on off days right good anybody's connected to network true anybody's the network can be all right let it go all right I'm not letting it go you think uh Board of Health part I think we've got that list pretty well did we post down to three pages yeah yeah we did we did not post that just waiting for the go ahead do we bother internally posting it or put it out there I mean do you think there's anybody looking for that type of upgrade in their position Etc internally I can't think of anyone but we got so many how many people we got left we got we got somebody's mother we got uh we got uh the no one for the cemetery advisor's looking for someone we've got uhst we got what else we got something you think we could have ready still got isn't the the the Conservation Commission need some they need a agent I think it'd be you know imperative that we get that out there sooner than later just so we can get cross train MH we have we should have we have enough money in temp help to cover any cross training right what was next steps with Facilities Management we going to talk to Mark is that how we going get a good description first and then internally post it again like I say you've got capable people up at the transfer station Highway Department could be the fire department who's to say I mean you got some pretty good tech people and you know especially if you know we're looking at tww twb for options too then you know it's going to be a building we want to make sure that doesn't need $7 million worth the repairs responsible for any you bring that up say guy like herb or Daryl wouldn't want the job I mean they're both very capable you know we're not talking a huge amount of ours yeah that's true does a great job over there as is darl should be practic lives in Green Meadows yeah so yeah yeah he's always right here right so not a bad idea I think we might have a good pool right inside our room all right uh the next thing is I want to I just want to ask permission to uh speak to the town attorney and also speak to Senator aliver and Brian Ash about clarifying that because it's a real it's a real issue I mean we've had we've had questions on our ballot that under fif under what they were talking about last week wouldn't shouldn't have been on the ballot and other towns have and there's dozens of towns that have done it the way we tried to do it so I'm just going to want to talk and get some clarification because we're going to be there's going to be lots of changes coming up you know well I think it's one of those things you talk about do you ask for forgiveness afterwards towns do it because nobody complains I know exactly I know but now we need clarification if we're going to have someone's going to complain every time they don't like the particular question that's on the ballot so I'm okay with it and uh plus it seems kind of I don't want say use the term but it seems kind of ridiculous to me that they would you would expect a town to vote at a town meeting to do something and then wait a whole year to bring it to the town election that's what they're saying yeah or your or your yeah your meeting needs to be 35 36 Days from your 36 days before you have to have a special election right but I can see but there I don't understand what you're saying but if they're saying the ballot needs to be set 35 days but you actually don't have the authority to put it on the ballot the clarity needs to be there yeah exactly exactly I mean how can you do it yeah right what are we going to make sure our elections yeah 5 Weeks Later every time so and what do you do in a case like wilam where they're having their election before their town meeting yeah exactly TOS do that too other towns do that too all right uh selectman reports uh we had a meeting of the building committee this morning obviously going yeah uh obviously gearing up for senior Cent building committee gearing up for the town meeting obviously and the election following you probably seen the signs around town and to be clear those were from the friends of the hon seniors um they're all out at this point and they looking should they get more they are checking with Brian and I believe and Rita sorry Rita Eva for Clarity on what they can hand out or have for display at the uh at the town meeting the information well that's if you're taking a position if it's informational only such as the flyer they used which had no position here's a picture of the building that can typically be as a handout prior again I cannot take a position yeah or name um planning board has a meeting on Wednesday one thing that's being addressed right now is the potential for Kibby Lane to come forward for acceptance uh unfortunately it's been 20 years since I signed it when I was chair of the planning board and some of the documentation has to be does it need a a sistern you know which was a question some of the research we're doing talks about an option to put a dry hydrant into the Kibby Pond which is you know to us north of it um this is the only subdivision that was put in after that was added into the bylaw so we haven't had a new road since kiban 04 she that so I know so um that's the biggest thing happening in and of course master plan you're you're part of that done yes and they're motoring along motoring along they're going to have the um master plan the consultant wants to have six U meetings based on specific topics like Public educ Public Safety or facilities or something like that and for just the people who work in in a committee then they're going to have two larger meetings in June for the public okay I want to ask you about that cuz I saw the thing you know they're talking afternoon now the majority of people who are elected to boards afternoon meetings are probably not good for that there's some flexibility they said there's some flexibility we're going going to trade so what do you got uh I have nothing to report other than don't make your meeting on I think it's June 12th that it don't make your meeting I think it's June 12th that we're having the fiber meeting oh June 12th I think that's June 12th double check that date okay T administrator report uh just quickly um uh the chair signed a landowner concurrence form for aabon to submit the application to manage the Pitch Pine force that the board had talked about prev previously I'm trying to get the credit card straightened out uh with the business form that donhead side um cuz we don't have any authorized officers anymore since the former Town Administrator left I met with Rick green today at uh pwb to go over the uh town meeting layout and saw the new uh sound system so we'll have that new sound system yeah we've asked uh her to get everything set up and we'll probably head over there Monday around noon time to make sure everything's now will that sound system roll into our Zoom though last time we had a lot of problems with the display and that's what we'll have to you know cuz we didn't I like where the other towns have kind of like the owl does with a bit a split screens type thing with you know a bit of the audience and projection yeah those are typically manned right or M push a button staff I should say switch cameraa camera a which we don't have that Public Access thing yeah um so no resolution at that at this point no resolution on that we have an operator for exp um no but I think we can handle that internally I would think last time the operator had to be down by the projector we don't have a zoom operator either right right so I don't think you'd be able to be down there you Ted sat down there last couple times we have some equipment ideas we can talk about cable down put a projector we launch uh well we hopefully get it one um I sent the email from Senator Al's office about project requests that they're asking for if anybody if you want to give me suggestions as to what ask that that sidewalk M he is still around oh Transportation B yeah yeah the windows in this building sure the governor has a nice sidewalk in front of her apartment but she's um real quick at uh tell me new presentations um water Senior Center fire presentations yeah that people might want to give a informational presentation during the meeting you got government study fiber study um well that's a lot now govern study water you say fiber or fire fiber okay fiber the fiber the fire is not really a present it's asking for 50 for the RFQ correct right okay so not that not a presentation it's just a water Center government study so down htic it's not really a presentation for the seniors either it's a there's a motion and there'll be a short and it made the point there in the meeting this isn't like giving the recap what's happening this is we're asking for this it should be a f minute presentation and then questions I I would probably recommend no presentation and take F questions before because I'm sure there's going be questions yeah what about water is going to be one from water no presentation I think it's just you know the the question or the question on the on the warrant and then you know answer questions probably be some discussion R I thought you doing a you were doing a presentation on phase B you're doing you were going to tell them where we're going I I think we tell them where're going I don't think it's going to be an in-depth presentation and just kind of say Hey you know couple minutes here we are maybe 30 seconds well I mean that might be the the thing for the the uh phase be map up on the screen or something yeah we could do that and then fiber would be a couple minutes most this probably maybe that's probably to be like 30 seconds too oh and that technically government study is supposed to give a a report right we got to vote and give the report right you can vote y or no to hear it or accept it and then we have hanging out there the website upgrades that we need to figure out how to pay the remaining of the the remaining portion of that bill and then that will that sort of tied into a discussion we didn't have about the government study recommendations in terms of upgrading the website and trying to get a uh a better presence on social media I think part of the thing with the government with the website upgrade we paid for the better one or we're going to whatever whether it comes out of the reserve account long claim s expense we have some well funded accounts I think we need to hear from them I think we had a brief thing from Bob but not really a full depth what does when you get Civic plus plus what do you get what do you get I think W wam has Civic plus plus and they have qu of information what they don't have I was looking for their warrant and I couldn't find it on there I had to get it's very difficult to find right so it looks busy but I don't think navigation is 100% there they do have all their contracts on their website too that's nice I they it's hard to find on the school website man are you're searching for an agenda click click click click maybe there's some Latin stuff used the Latin Pages the Laur ipsum whatever oh are they still there a couple of them yeah and then the agendas still don't sort recent to old it's old well it's just they need IDE fire the intern send them back send them back to the pre Middle School do you want a demo yes I think that would be key or they can send four or five of their best okay who builds it out do we do we take it on in in our department or you know are they going to go through and build it out you to like I think they're going to build it out yeah last time what they did was they showed us three M and then they took everything that was on ours and migrated it on their own so right all right I'll we talk one thing we have the ability on the current one is a slideshow which you know that opening on the thing could be four or five of pictures around town like this fine Town report let's just put it to sleep and then we can work with a new one and then we'll figure out the funding after we get the like you say what were the ones you had questions on you had the 14th or whatever in time bond for the water the the application to one stop for the water district funding decide where we're getting it from select expense SEL expense yeah again I think we don't touch arpa for anything else right now right like we got the um the rough or fre the 80% numbers from Jen from time Bond so I think you know what 1.4 1.5 is the total cost so we're we're probably looking at 1 one then if we only have good thing is it was pretty good contingency in there it's just surprising I did talk to Jen and I guess it's that one house that really represents 60% of the piping mhm so far back from the road might it be cheaper to move move the house towards the road well no she did say it might be you hate to say it you might be cheaper to put filtering in on that one person you know and maybe you connect it in Phase B when you have a bigger number to work with anyhow okay M all set y uh I'll entertain a motion to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining um the open meeting L A detrimental effect on their bargaining position with the police patrolman's Union not to return to a public session so mov second John thank you