##VIDEO ID:w6K7LbZjfr8## good evening this is a meeting of the hamen board select board and the Board of Health being held in the townhouse Auditorium November 18th 2024 at 6 pm. this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting Kristen rivers from the wilham hamton times is recording uh any minutes no okay the first item we have on our agenda is a public hearing is National Grid Lisa okay she's muted hi folks hi hi hi this is a public hearing uh for Massachusetts electric company doing business as National Grid and Verizon New England incorporating requesting permission to locate poles wires and fixtures including necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures along across the following public Way chapen Road it's going to National grd to install 17 jointly owned poles on chapen road beginning at a point approximately 3,621 ft southeast of the center line of the intersection of chapen Road and North View Terrace and continuing approximately 6,000 ft in a Southeast Direction uh I won't read each of the 17 polls numbers uh this is file number 30 91776 so I would ask the National Grid person to what's up hi Lisa jinsky with National Grid I really just want to first of all ask if Alex moots is I believe that's his how you pronounce his last name he's the contractor for the company who actually wrote the job and I'd like to give him the opportunity to speak first I didn't see the list okay people in attendance hi sorry Alex is not able to attend but rean Hoffman uh I'm able to fill in for him thank you Reen go ahead uh would you like me to explain the project or uh what are we looking for an explanation explain the project please yep so we're just doing a reconductoring of a few different areas of uh we call it the Monson stepdown bank so we had some work on South Washington Street and then this area of chapen road was just another area that was on a step down bank so the National Grid intent is to remove the step down Banks and uh and then do the associated upgrades to allow for single phase y to continue down chapen Road well what's a step down Bank the step down Bank uh currently I think what you guys had out in the field was it was converting the three-phase Y power down to Delta and that's typic for some older systems so now what the process is moving forward is we like to remove those step down Banks and remove the Delta circuits from the feeder and just convert everything to a singlephase y or a three-phase y is there any real need for three-phase or you're just going to run 240 up the street basically yeah so with that this street is set up for single phase as a single phase tap but we like to upgrade the system based on current standards and allow for expansion to three phase so with the approval of these new pole locations this chapen road would be ready for any future expansion if three-phase was needed down that road all right well this also we have a a documented problem with voltage drop we've been talking to go Pam and who was the other one uh Pam at National Grid yeah say will this do something to fix that problem Lisa looks like she's not oh sorry I thought you were asking me that sorry I was but it looks like Lisa has an answer there she's nodding in the screen yeah no I'm helping I'm just happy to jump in whenever whenever you're through so we have a problem we have a documented problem with voltage drop going up the road that that's that I believe is the really the driving force for the job it's to it's to give it's to give reliability back to that area so heavier wire changing to the changing out of the Delta to the single phase 240 going up will provide a stronger Source Ren you can go ahead and take that I didn't mean to interrupt I just want them to know that if um if you want me to I will jump in no that's fine yep um so yeah it's it at the end of the day it's to increase reliability so um if there was issues with voltage drop on Chap and Road these ches that we're making to the line are just going to ensure that the voltage drop is minimized moving forward and that everyone's pulling reliable power consistent level power and not having any flickering lights or anything like that all right but the time frame would be what for instance you're talking about looking for additional polls to go in you put them in what time frame when would new wire be run things like that uh National Grid tends to be pretty quick when Once the poll petitions have been passed or so if there's any outcome of this meeting where we need to change any of the design we can but um once we get the poll petition approval I would say this work would most likely go within the next six months are these all new polls are these all new polls yeah majority of the yeah a majority of the polls are being replaced they're being upgraded from 40 tall 40 foot tall poles to 45 foot tall poles how many new ones are going in uh it looks like every single pole is being replaced and that's 17 new locations are being added is that for to drop the the span on some of them because you're going to a different wire structure yeah so since uh we'll be replacing I think uh given the current standards for National Grid whenever we're in an area that we're going to be working in replacing conductor we try to bring the span lengths up to standard so I think some of these span lengths were going on like 250 fet and typically National Grid likes to see 150 to 175 so that's the range we're trying to average it out to okay we have we have a few of Butters here that have questions and I would ask them to just State their name for the record cuz it's a public hearing go ahead David Bova what type of wire are you running you running tree wire up the streets because we've got a lot of outages with the trees coming down yep so we'd be replacing the be I think it's bare aluminum right now and it' be going to one tree wire okay sure my name is Edward Plum and uh my question is probably more to Verizon you guys but I presently there's 10 double poles on the road is this mess going to be cleaned up yeah so part of the initiative when we were going through the this this area of the project in South Washington Street we were doing a running tally of any what we call half polls that were supposed to be already removed so now we're trying to get let let me jump in R what is South Washington Street I'm sorry that's just another phase of this project but it's not in your town I just I reference it because it's this is going on throughout this feeder we're trying to do the upgrade so part of the direction that we got from National Grid was to take latitude and longitude of any half PS and provide that to the overhead supervisor so they could start pressuring to get those removed by the telecom companies let let me let me you have those slides well let me address the double the double pole issue okay last March they replaced 42 polls on Allen Street in our town can you bring up the first slide yeah one sec let me just clear this clean this up a little bit all right that's one of them that's one being held together with wires you do the other one yeah that's two this one here is being held as you can see they just put some boards underneath it and by the way those boards have fallen out of there now I just was down there this morning go next one that's three this one here you can see is being held in midair you can see underneath the street that one there is by the senior center go ahead that's by the bank that's a quite quite a craftsmanship there you can see it's like like a half a pole stuck on the ground go ahead this as you know the I don't know if you can see you see the arrow pointing down I'm sure you know that that means that's rotting at the base and guess what guess where it is now go ahead lying dead in the street it lucky didn't fall on someone or some kid riding a bicycle so my inclination is to vote no uh until you clean up the mess that you left from the last time it's dangerous this winter when they go down Allen Street and the plow start pushing ice and snow up against those things that are hanging in the air and half and I don't know half what what what the hell you to call it they're on a a slab uh it it's very dangerous and uh as you know the law requires you to remove them within 90 days although National Grid and Verizon never uh go that law because they don't have a fine but I have asked the assessors to look at all the double polls and make sure they're exess for taxes because everything you own in town is assessed and I want to make sure that every one of those double polls out there is assessed for his taxes as well because what happens is you give it the same number the old poll and the new poll get the same number so I want to make sure that all those double polls are assessed and there's probably over 120 of them in town so that's a real issue I understand your concern uh based on the joint pole ownership agreement that National Grid has with the telecom companies in Massachusetts National Grid owns the responsibility of installing the polls and maintaining them but when we replace or when we replace or remove any polls uh that falls on the responsibility of the telecom companies we can pressure them to remove them but don't you have is isn't there a group called engines nju NS that keeps track of all these yes yes there is and what do they do they've done nothing I've talked to them several times and they just keep sending me spreadsheets of what was completed some of them I have over a hundred of them that haven't even been put in for an order to be replaced and they've been up there for at least a year ke Keith what's his name Keith amalan back in June 24 2024 said that you were hiring a a task manager to oversee this has that person been hired could I have his name or her name I I I have a question I'm sorry to answer that with a question but did we not connect you with somebody from National gr there was a woman I thought that you guys yes she did you did and she was very nice and very cooperative and I was just looking for her I was just looking for an email from her because I I did ask about this before coming on to this meeting tonight we've s talked to her several times and she's very helpful and she sent us very nice spreadsheets and guess what all those polls are there still not even one's been removed well I sure hope that one in the road has been removed um yeah it has been we had to have a police officer out there for four hours over time thank you very much well I I I would I would hope that that was covered by the utility itself but um those pictures I like I I believe that we have emailed before and I'm happy to take those pictures I don't know that I have those in an email and say this this these polls need to be removed and I need a more specific um answer to every poll on that list I would say because I thought that you were on a on a track talking to the right people that or the people that were in charge of the program I should say to make sure that it is engines it's njuns and it does it is from one company to another saying it's time to get off the poles and get these removed and I thought that that was on a better track than it sounds like it is and all I can do is follow back up with that and and take these pictures and ask specifically for them to even report it to me so I can get back to you because I'm sorry I'm sorry to hear that they're not getting removed yes I have a question my name is Celeste Drake um I was under this understanding that those pictures were on Allen yes so I think we're want I'm specifically wanting to address the double poles on shapen yeah they're all over town dealing with those ones with the pictures yeah they need to do that but we also need to address ones specifically un shap yeah yeah no absolutely I don't have that information I'm sorry in front of me but I was like trying to look through uh an email while you folks were talking to see who this person was because I don't remember the name off the top but it is it's another department but I think that I'd like to reach out myself because um I mean the re the reliability of of the people on on tapen street is is really what's you know what's driving this you know the power reliability for them is what's driving it um do understand but you but you hear them say they understand the reliability but they're also saying we've got all these polls on our street that we'd like to have removed yeah we don't need 17 more dou yeah and I think it's I think it's a hard thing to come back to this meeting and hearing that all these pools are still not getting removed I would like to uh get that information to me and says say I I would really like to have this before anybody else goes into this town to say let's do this let's get this cleaned up and what's the hold up on it I me just it's not just the cleanup part as Don said we have an existing problem and we don't want to exacerbate it by all of a sudden going up Chap and Road and all 12 new double polls have been created because just like you did on all Street we put a new pole in we moved our wires over but oh my gosh you know the cable company or the phone company didn't show up to move there so now you have a double pole and they're going up in a narrow Street with the snow cloud now everything is lined with double poles yeah I actually know the road very well I used to cover that town for about six years so I know chapen Road off of South Street that whole area pretty well well we know you do CU you're the first one to say it right sorry so but any but anyway get getting back to that when I said cleaning up I don't mean about cleaning up and making the power better I'm talking about cleaning up those double poles I'm a little disappointed to hear that this is an ongoing problem when I thought you were connected to the correct people that move this along I would like to uh have probably get more involved in that because it does need and I and I would also I'd also like to get back to you like to understand is there anyone else is it a cable company that's holding up the phone company because they're jointly owned by telephone and National Grid but if cable's not getting out there to move theirs over phone can't move theirs over but I'd like to really understand where this uh you know where the lag is here I have another question from the butter so Chad B um was anyone from the phone or cable company notified about this meeting that we were having about their part of it they wouldn't be that's that's a question for Weir and I I don't recall they might be solely own pools going in because phone is not attaching to new polls for for very often so re might be able to answer that one better than these are all joint owned polls and the respective telecom companies were notified that they're called out for replacement so they should be uh properly notified that they have not only remaining work in your town but they're going to have new work where they're gonna have more poles to remove so if there's an effort that needs to be yep okay so but there's no show up but there's no say it wrong gun to their head to move the wire because they're in charge of taking the old pole down so there's really no I want to say confidence well the confidence but there's really no goal for them to do it look they're leaving the old pole up I got a crew going to reading instead and they'll get the H and when they get the H because there's no it's not like the grid is saying hey we're taking that pole down you better move your wire or it's that Pole's leaving on Tuesday if you had in charge of that they'd be out there Johnny on the spot but when it's their responsibility you're you're between a rock and a hard place the people want better power right and the plan to put new poles up is a great plan because you run better wire right but we don't want a problem like Don has talked about Allen Street exhibiting right now going up Chap and Road and all of a sudden we see like that that tree that that pole fell down was that Bennett Road Road you know all of a sudden that would close that road down in the middle of the winter assuming that's when you're going to do it you know pretty much a pole coming across a road that's 22 ft wide at best you know they'd be done they' be you know you'd be traveling through Stafford for the rest of the week sir Antonio Bazil can I ask a question how long has this work been going on in the polls left like this on this road nothing Allen Street and all the other roads how long have these double PS and those look like safety concerns to me no matter what the weather March the the Allen Street ones I know were from March um other ones in town are older than that so throughout the year throughout the year throughout the year it sounds probably years some of them all those issues should be taken care of the mess that everything left behind and there's a big safety concern with all the poles that are Don't Rock the pole snapping we got you know is an issue as well um and if they're talking 6 months down the road to work on this how long is it going to take them to address cleaning up the poles if it's so many months right but my concern just to share with your part there the 6 months is if it gets proven now I don't want the concern we're balancing here is that if we say we're not going ahead with this it kicks the can down the road you may not get a solution for a year and now you're into that you know right how do you hold their feet to the fire so in prove it conditionally that they agree to remove the other polls double po but it's not there they can only put so much pressure on the charter or Verizon you know they're in charge of getting moving the wire on the other hand if you all agree to you know drop cable we can get that done right away go ahead um Kelly Brown uh just if we were to approve it and if we were to go forward would there be any interruptions in power throughout the process um I work from home so it's a concern yeah so the goal is to with these uh Replacements if especially if we're replacing a majority of the poles on the street the plan is to overbuild so that we would set either behind or next to the existing poles during conductor so that the only outage window would be for ideally 30 minutes while they're disconnecting the Transformers that feed the street and then from there it's the power live so it should be minor outages as they are replacing the Transformers in terms of duration thank you but as you as you heard getting the new pole next to the old pole so yep there you go all right and how long do you expect this project to last when you start when you start construction itself if it's replacement of all the these guys that go out in the field they can replace a good amount of pulls per day and then they there can be a truck the next day that's stringing equipment so I don't think construction duration would be anything more than possibly three weeks four weeks but they'd be working in segments of the street I thought Allen Street took less than that it seems like how many interruptions would happen during those four weeks the interruptions would only be based on the Transformer locations and they'd be minimized by how quickly they could just connect the other Transformers so we're talking about a m matter of minutes for an outage so you run the new wire now you got them both there let me move from one to boom boom and then you take the old wire they're replacing you said Dave they're taking the aluminum down putting the new wire up they have them running in parallel let me change them at the terminals right but they are changing all the Transformers all the cutouts and all that which is good cuz a few of those are the old ones are probably contaminated too all right L I want to I want to suggest the following that because we're short one board member tonight I still going to vote no and I don't want to have to schedule another hearing you know then you'd have to notify the abutters again all that so would you be able to continueing this hearing until next week and you can get me some get Brian's Our Town Administrator some information about the double polls and what their plan is I will get you that information I don't know that it will be me because we kind of go through a list yeah so I don't know if if it's a continuance if I'm the one that comes back it might be somebody else but whoever it is I will make sure that they have information for you if uh if they need to come back okay I make a motion to continue the hearing till next week second all in favor I all right so we're going to continue to next week and that way you won't have to notify the butters again and all that stuff I'm sorry sorry I'll continue it to 6 o'clock sorry next uh Monday the 25th okay okay yeah that that's fine my question my question to you is so chapen Road there's a number of them are there really big hot spots that have like a multiple um doubles alen Street Allan still does there's like 42 of them there2 P still are there 10 on chap 10 on chapen yeah I count them every night on my way home like like sheep like I count them every day they're still the same 42 uh they they're a couple a couple on North Road too North Ro yeah there's some on North Road going down and there's then there's what you looking at here this is we do have a comprehensive list we can you know forward back so folks I am for some reason losing battery I hope I don't all right lose my battery here I I'll have Brian forward you this list okay that's terrific I think you should have my email from the last time we did this um and yeah if you could have him do that that would be terrific if not I will send my email to you folks all right all right thank you have a good evening thank you very much and let me ask you let me ask just for ween do you have any other questions for him while you're here the chap and Road Project or are you guys pretty settled on that you just like this double poll question I have another question okay let me say let me just make a point then from electrical background I think the project on itself is fine it's a great plan what they're talking about changing Delta last time I saw a Delta run from new was the job we did down in Louisiana so that's the way to go yeah it is this is a solution to the problems you're see electrically right we're talking about safety here I hear but in your point is it electrical or no it was it was just the 17 new uh po do do we have locations yeah we have a map of all of them and stuff like that I'd be surprised if there you don't see something on the ground already or on the road pointing they're pretty good at that type of thing you know if you want to stop down and get a copy of them we can do that too all right thank you we could probably email next week okay motion all right so we don't need to close it because we continue toite right first motion of the select board Don select board write that down make a note make a note noted all right and you're all set with us yes thank you go charge up that battery yeah we set we're good actually yeah this is Brian Drake I I thought he said that the polls were going to change their location because the span is Chang he's adding some poles and then a couple with for instance you might have a span a 250 between two poles either you're going in a couple 250s so those three poles might become four poles two on the ends would stay the same but instead of that one in the middle there might be two here to break up the span okay those locations will be marked I see them marked on the map like I suggested we could probably scan that and email that to you so you see where it is projected to bigs cuz I we've seen like you say they've marked on street and one's in front of our Frontage so they could be adding a pole could be location yeah they've been pretty good in the past I've done a number of these when said look I've got a sprinkler over here can we shift at 5 ft don't do yeah they're good that way yeah and they are the GU right they are darn quick they come in yeah they do you know you probably saw they had the lineup holes dropped the week before on Allen Street and just bang B bang B bang B bang if they taken the old ones out we wouldn't be here okay fire department no no do you want to talk about the open committees why we have all these people I know that's right we always looking for volunteers chief chief hello hi do the C first welcome to the select board excellent I was waiting patiently to get up here um tonight we're going to talk we have a couple new Cadets I think we discussed last time we had a Cadet that you preferred to meet them get introduced to him so um than you want to BR up Nick as you know Lieutenant berran is in charge of Cadet program so I'm going to let him tell you about the so to immediately to my left we have Logan um Junior at minach he actually currently is in a Cadet program in Three Rivers but he lives right off Oakland Street in wlam which is obviously closer to us he didn't know that we had a Cadet program or we were getting one so he'd like to come over to this program it's coaching a Cadet might so three might be losing one and then to his left is d sophore at minog um interested in the fire service lives locally in town on session Drive um want to get feel for it so both of them seem like good kids they got the okay from the school their grades and guides counselors everything's in good standing now that we almost through the first semester looking for you guys you have any questions or to go forward with that I see a downside most Three Rivers comes after us have maybe a player to be named later or something you know other than you know thank you for stepping forward and taking an interest in this it's important to the town and it'll be good for you professionally in your careers too if you decide to go no matter what you do so it's great to get that kind of all right need something formal welcome aboard you need something formal I'm not the cadet thing no no I you discussed that you just want to be introduce to the cadets um I do have a probationary firefighter next week to come in and then I can have questions okay great thank you I see Pat in the back did we do a formal congratulations to him we sent him a letter didn't we send you a letter did you get it oh yeah okay you're done postage do but again Pat faroh and back hom native and recent promotion to captain captain of the wilham fire department thank appreciate that now drop the keys to the trucks off with ad so in case we need that safe Grant sure so um safe Grant I'm sure you did some research or looked it up or familiar I can give you a brief synopsis we got a crowd here tonight hello everyone uh Deputy Patrick far here so the safe Grant is a um a grant that's awarded through emergency Office of Public Safety and then backed up by the department of fire services so they allow grant funding for fire departments to teach fire safety in the schools and then additionally our senior safe which is uh senior awareness of fire education to our senior citizens teach them the the concept of fire safety so to stop drop and roll get out stay out home escape plans um kind of all the things we all learned and some additional ones teaching them hot versus not hot firefighters community helpers and then provide funding for programs such as the file life um teaching hands only CPR stop the bleed there's a whole magnitude of programs that this grant supports um there is an option to regionalize it um so I'm here tonight to kind of pitch a regionalization proposal between us and wilam I currently run the Grant for both departments so over the past three years or so I've been writing two of the same grants for for both departments um what this regionalization will do um it will increase our Educators um to be an educator you attend a course at the mass fire academy it's called fire Life Safety educator and then that gives you the credential to go out and teach these courses so that would put us at 12 Educators between the two departments and ultimately what that cans to do is just enhance and increase our Educators to town lines um I've spoken to the superintendent he is on board Chief Andrews is on board uh the union of wilham firefighters is on board and both uh Council on Aging directors are in favor um there we really no change how it would have to be managed is that the funds would have to go to one town and wam currently is set up as they've received another Regional Grant through frema in the past so in the event we do something uh we would just invoice um wlam and then wlam would then pay pay whatever it is whether it was salary for training or um and then bulk order plastic helmets and all the the giveaways for fire education so really um not much of a change just a strong um you know an opportunity for us to work you know my other colleagues in wam to work over here and really maybe show a newer educator the ropes that you know we have and I think it'll just Empower everyone and create a really uh High product producing between the schools do we have to have an intermunicipal agreement for that or can we just do the grant together probably you can do the grant together yeah excellent thank you for doing a work on both both towns so I would just say if there is a motion do uh the chief asked me to add in waham wants to you know do their official vote as well so pending appr approval of them would be I guess the official it's it is only for one year it's not continuous year after year things so we do this one year if it doesn't work out then we don't have to do it next year okay make a motion to my gosh was there specific wording you need Mo you said a motion to regionalize the safe Grant between ham and wam pending approval of wam sard contingent okay motion to uh regionalize the safe Grant between ham and wilham contingent upon the approval of the wilham select Board second all in favor I all right all right we'll do good things thank you I I how's our truck com it's truck hasn't been delivered to the factory yet chass ambulance Old One's holding up barely after mons um the ambulance we have a town that's interested in purchasing our ambulance um we purchased it from Westampton for $2,500 we did put some money into it Palmer is the other towns interested they're starting an EMS program they have one now they're in dire need of a second ambulance um so I'm looking to see if we get permission from the board to and that amance was purchased out of the funds of the fire department corre it was it was purchased um by gift funds from the fire department and then you did some upgrading from operating expenses or yeah we had some things that fix starter batteries Transmissions but I mean the initial cost didn't come out so to speak the town Appropriations it was the your gift fund correct how much do you think the talent has in it at this point um it would be whatever the insurance what it was to insure it for two years um it's state state insured by um the state it could go out the door we are still BLS provider um that was the Ambiance we had that we could use just was voted on to be used is that didn't isn't there a was that the striker the that's the most expensive part of it right Miss yes the stretcher in the back it came Westampton um had the striker stretcher in the back of it that they were awarded from a grant and they passed it along to us because we were trying to get started so I would share the same courtesy to Palmer and um let them let them receive that as well with the ambulance okay what kind of number do you think you're looking at 3500 3,500 and Don where do you think that would go into seems like it should somehow Target towards the fire department they need the money for the call because they're going to be they've been hit hard in the call number right safe well I I think you know I would I could make um a request that goes back to our gift fund because that's where the money came from you could you could make that request right how about we just start with we're in agreement with them offering it first s Mo to sale we got approve we got motion to approve sale right right basically and then we'll figure out we'll figure out the money later on make that motion be like my wife we'll figure it out the money later [Music] on motion motion second all in favor I all right that's it sure see you next week see you next week thank you for your time thank you thank you put your name on the chairs EV charging station yes is that [Music] what's so the EV charging stations are active and going and they're currently set at a fee of 45 cents per kilowatt hour that was the default fee that was set by the vendor so um I have the login information I can get into to the the enter Enterprise platform that allows us to set different pre uh different prices and fees for the Chargers so they're currently set at 45 cents per kilowatt hour so we have the opportunity to change that we have the opportunities to impose additional fees um something called a session fee which is that's kind of the that's the fee where once it's done charging if your car is just sitting there for the rest of the day obviously you're taking a spot we could charge your Fe for that um we could charge uh something SAR parking fee um and then it said there different rates based on if it was a town vehicle it could be a lower rate Etc but I guess my first question is we got a letter I want to know why about this what we just did yes we just did yeah this is just the uh uh noticed to the abutters that there was a hearing this evening and it's been we we uh not postponed it but we continued it to next week right and about putting new poles on Javen Road and replacing some replacing them come back Monday same time B Channel and I don't think so you know what why we're nice people we have how about that thank you ma'am um I'm just being honest oh wow well I hope you I hope you change your mind I don't think so thank you Brian I guess my first question is we don't have a sense of the cost so we're saying 45 cents we don't know if the chart if we're paying 32 cents 39 cents 22 cents for electricity right I don't know what that is yeah um I was under the impression that in our conversations with rise engineering that they were going to come back and give us all the information and all this other stuff um so you talked about having a recap meeting out there this week yep Ry got a grant there was nothing for we had to sign off I mean to say we agree I mean somebody had to sign off on the grant okay to authorize okay rise you're getting paid because yes you did everything you were supped to do right was it us was it Bob was it somebody else I mean the state's not going to hand out money without right so they have the National Grid utility rebate the the the incentive which is what's paying for the well at at this point what we discovered is paying for the entire project right okay good um so um yeah that's why I wanted to have that have a time where we could we could go go out there and and put together a punch list of things that that need to be done and Jerry is supposed to be there um that that that's my hope um but I think it would be good if if we can meet out there prior to that and sort of put together a punch list and of things that we want completed um I did send an email out to so red e red space e is the is the the company that runs the software um we are getting that set up I sent an email to them today about into Jerry about specifics about warranties maintenance repairs sort of all these questions that we still have remaining in terms of yeah it's great they're active and people can plug in but what then well yeah like I think people asked the question who owns the Transformer are we putting this are we calling Barry and putting this on our insurance you know list of assets and things like that the charging stations are are insured so um and clear with Jerry that people are using them right now that money is being accumulated and once the software is running it's not like okay now you start we get you know by the time we kick the software and gear we're going to show a balance of X number of dollars already accumulated right that's that's that's what I would anticipate so you can see real time you can you can see real time usage and obviously past usage on the software and there really hasn't been any other than that initial um you know that initial time one of my questions to them was how do people know that these are there m obviously we talked about signage at the road and also it it's the job of of red e to push out the locations to all the different electronic EV apps and things like that um and they've done that it's gone to some of them I was able to check the ones that that they said and it does show up uh but on some of them it's it it's not hasn't shown up yet they said it depends on the the refresh cycle of the maps or the apps um so yes they're active um and they're default 45 cents um but there's still a lot of questions out there remaining um so I guess the question tonight we could change 45 cents but I mean to your point um there's still questions about about about I mean I haven't seen an electric bill at this point I don't know where that's going if it's going to the senior center it's I don't know um but they are at and if we wanted to change that default pricing tonight we could I did look around on on charge app to see what some of the other prices are and it it 45 cents is in line with with the level three fast Chargers okay so I we can really do it until we know we'll just leave it like that for now and then yeah all right Charter cable no new chart contract until they take their polls yeah I'm for that I say that so I so we I did send out um a draft of the Charter Cable license with our uh attorney the part the parts that I wanted to look at are the money Parts um and what's called Peg access so the uh public education and government um access so that is a component of the cable contract that would require Charter to make um two Public Access channels available just on their cable network um and the town would have uh the right to put on um programming either public program educational programming or government programming um and it's it's common in other towns that you see government meetings are are broadcast on these channels or it's a it's a informational slides shell that circulates or it's a replay of of past meetings that happens on these channels I think the benefit um one of the benefits to having that is that um we're allowed to ask for Peg access operation fees and uh Capital fees within the uh the agreement so I had conversations with our cable Council and at the starting at the bottom of page 15 he suggested what we should ask for in terms of um the first one here 15 is is um Peg access support so that's the operational um money that would be uh paid to the town each year for the benefit of Charter having the license so he's suggesting that um license year one would be 0% of gross revenue two and three would be 2 and 1 half% of gross revenue year four would be 3% year five 3 and 1.2% license years 6 to 10 4% of the license he gross revenue um the the reason behind asking for zero in the first year comes back to um the next paragraph at the bottom of 16 because in year one we're asking for an upfront Capital payment MH as it's written now $55,000 in year one and then another $47,500 in year two so the initial part would help us with basically Capital so it would help us things like that so it would help us to purchase equipment it would help us to to purchase you know cameras microphones speakers um with the idea that we would focus mostly on a broadcasting governmental uh government meetings um so it would help us in in larger towns they they'll put together an entire Studio similar to kind of what you saw at the town meeting they have you know they have this whole control booth and all these cameras and microphones and they have this huge thing um it's something that I I don't know we need something that extensive but um something similar would certainly help um because right now we really don't have any money for right you know I mean we have our limited it budget but that's really not a lot how would we broadcast though um so I don't know I know the the Layman's explanation for it is um we would have um in in other towns where I was we would have something called a black magic box I don't know the technical term but we would it would uh be coax on the back we would plug it into the the the cable connection and that we would send a signal out um through the black magic box to what's called a head ends for the cable company and they would broadcast it out um onto those two channels and at the same time we also live streamed um either on Zoom or on on YouTube well the the broadcasting out it seems like where who's setting the broadcast schedule oh I mean so you know all a sudden we want to broadcast here but you know is it only so the way that I'm used to it being set is depending on the input on that on that box you're you're always broadcasting you're always broadcasting something to to the channel so whether it's a PowerPoint slide that you know gives updates like could be a stored and Y you look at the three and D know if you have cable I think it was was it 191 192 193 yeah some you just go on there just a an announcement that selectman's meeting is next Monday and sits there all day long shoot they had the Federated Church on there to services and stuff like that do we have enough content actually for nobody wants to see the town meeting and repeat 247 we don't that's for sure right I I think the advantage here for me the advantage is The Upfront Capital payments and then the operational payments but in the future we could build the library could do things and the advantage is like a you know talk about room being dedicated to it hate to say it you know with the move to Thorn purchas and now you have an audio room that like you said the library has input too and just you know yeah I I I think it lines UPS right there um but but to me I I think the advantage is is having the the funds to make those Capital purchases of AV Equipment that we sorely need especially even for regular meetings we do we do okay but especially for town meeting to start making some of those purchases where M it's not going to cost as much to okay so this is a draft and we'll see what they say right the draft so I'm just looking for for uh your agreement with with these figures in terms of the I think it's the direction they go 0 to 4% and then the capital cost and it'll be initial draft to Charter and they'll respond us so if you're okay with this I'll I'll I'll give our attorney the green light to send this over Char we have yearly permits and licenses uh there are 7200 permits right here uh the chair has asked me to read for them however uh going through the Board of Health regulations that's not permitted that was just prated this morning wasn't really sorry there was a meeting you missed it um but uh any um I'm looking for if I I can sent for the issuing of these permits for this we have first off let me just put the septic one inside these are the easy ones we have the oh my go oh this is the one day food I have a request for a one day food permit for an event happening at the uh Starting Gate I believe it was the is this the babes For A Cause thing again Lauren that U they're having up there um November 8 actually have a Time expires November 30th I think it's that event they had up they had last year so move second in favor wicked good treats good treats another one day permit same event for Ericson farm so moved second on in favor 30th power tribe power bites any thought what that is what are they serving power bites tribe power bites out of an I don't know so moved second in favor I all in favor thank you I have a list of common bit licenses you like how I shorten that very good thank you I move approval by consent to the list Pro provided from Lauren and Jan it favor I they have a general license for the VFW General being the operative word so so move all favor hi all right I have a frozen dessert license three of them no it says three on the top but there's only two listed no that means all three of you need to sign all three needs to sign some only you need to sign some have to be by two or okay uh Mountain View in fandino so move second all favor I we have septic over here okay swimming pool there's only one left some all favor I we have food establishment ones it looks like there's a total uh 30 these all but again all these are subject to all forms regulations permits being filed and approved y so move second all in favor we have that's your fold well that's your fold that's my fold then we have the two sep ones uh basically it's a list of septic haulers many of them are duplicated from year to year and this year there are 14 of them again these are uh ones vetted by Jane past looking for uh approval by consent so move second favor we have the other half of the work the disposal disposal and there are a total of 27 of them tough job somebody's going to do it advice approval by consent so move second all in [Music] favor got a pen you want to take them home no come tomorrow you can know I'm on the treadmill Don I could do that I got a little St you have a thing that like tomorrow's not treadmill tomorrow's rowing rowing machine well hard to do one handed both hands threee uh do we have any any what we got here selectman members reports um I had a meeting uh this morning with the senior center building committee I did send an email to the board they're looking for direction and I think the chair responded we that it needs to be a more Omnibus approach going forward they're looking to see if uh we're if they're needed to come in next week Don I didn't know if you had a sense of when you want to have we're thinking the first week of December because next week yeah was Thanksgiving next week and all that stuff okay one thing and just I'm going to throw it out there just because you know you sent that email and it got me thinking about a situation that happened back in the 990s and then in 200000 and the question is what happened with the senior center and you bring up the point that we have other projects going forward you probably recall this in in '95 my dad said we need to start working on the roads let's I think maybe R was on the board what let's throw 100,000 on the thing every year work on some roads and we're just keep going the first two years no problem the third year failed why because the people who got the roads paved the first two years weren't going to vote for the third year fast forward to 200 I think it was 13 we did The Five-Year Plan instead did an approval for $2 million over five years everybody supported because you didn't know when your roow was going to be done this goes back to your email I think that approach may be the right way to go when we talk about what we have here for buildings we have people who believe in the thoron Burgess upgrade move whatever people passionate about the fire station needs to be touched on people passionate about the senior center as well maybe we should be looking at an Omnibus and a mountain a big mountain basically which could then be 20 years who's to say it's not a number like $15 million but over 20 years it's a million dollars a year or less I that's what I I think that's that's kind of where I want to go with something like that you know and this gets into they use a clo little expression everybody's got skin in the game right you know so we're all going to vote for this together because you see the how everything grows the town so that's thought I bring that up with think based on prior principle p practice it happened before other than that it's the only meeting one I don't I don't have anything Town Administrator report got a whole list for you oh boy um FY 24 ambulance rebate has been received by the town in the amount of $ 51,8 12.7 so that's rebate from fiscal year 24 you remember in fiscal year 25 that was uh uh calculated into and then the difference will be um dealt with at the end of the fiscal year um two projects are currently out to bid one is a generator project at the fire station and the other one is the water project uh bids due for the on it Don don't worry I think I can do it bits are due for the generator uh Thursday 1122 at 2 2:00 Water Project out to bid uh sub bids for electrical and HVAC are due on December 4th with uh GC bids due on December 12th um looking down looking forward Casino Grant uh we we received the notice that it's it's shifting to a uh block grant style um grant program so the town has been allocated $75,000 that we need to apply for and to use forties you but part of that thing they said we had a respond to him by November 30th that we received it yep I I responded to Mary and then I talked to her on the phone later that day okay um so have to than about um what to use that money for well we still never able to fund the crosswalk out here at the which was going to be out of Casino money but then we didn't whatever overallocated so that's out there yeah they were they were not very positive about funding Transportation oriented projects remember remember their argument was oh well the casinos are only responsible for you know 7% of traffic in Hampton so we only gave you 7% of the project that was essentially the so but we have that money so why can't we use it for we could we would just have to we would have to apply we would have to apply for that project okay we need 4 million for that bridge yeah tell them that all those y drive over and I did and they said well that bridge was here long before the casinos that was a quote really yeah I said okay that's true thanks um Charter build out with the the high fiber COA um which we thought was the start was fairly imminent um I asked for an update and they said Not until after the first of the year um so it's tentatively around January 27th is when it's programmed now um so we'll keep an eye on that because we don't want to we want to make sure it's not a bait and switch to you know cool off the fiber project you know by promising stuff and is it similar time frame what they're talking come out in wlam I thought they were I mean I'm not I I I lost track of of what they were what they were doing wilham I I think the excuse was something on the lines of we're still testing the equipment um I don't oh yeah cuz it's so new yeah fiber's only been around 20 years yep um the two uh email two-factor authentication um we're going to start those who are going to use the Google Authenticator on Wednesday or Google or Microsoft authenticator on Wednesday um you got the emails yeah okay no I didn't get an email about it I mean are you sure yeah I'll double check okay Don did you get one oh yeah I got one I've been complaining about it ever since yes well I got to go I got to I don't know we do it once though I mean I have I have to thr I have the authenticator on my phone for yeah it the process is it's it's fairly easy I don't understand I was using it for basically VPN before but okay yeah we'll explain it on we'll explain it to you on Wednesday what time on Wednesday um I believe we're saying 10 10 o' 9:00 o' um was 9 I don't know if it changed me here how long are they going to be here nine how long are they going to be here um they'll be here for a couple hours probably I know how to do it Jay knows how to do it um okay is that they trained the train if you want to do that rise thing I think Wednesday because supped be rain on Thursday afternoon be better yeah so anyways for for those who don't want to do it then we then we have to move forward getting a a physical token that will give you the six digit code that you need to do that but we'll need to order that um some uh two other things um one of the things that that came up with the parks and wreck use of twb and the district pulling out their resources from that building is that we're not going to have custodial coverage of those of of of really the gymnasium or the restrooms yeah basically they ran they ran the machine December they were saying basketball floor yeah cuz in December they're or January whatever that was they're they're pulling all their maintenance stuff out of that building because it's essentially going to be vacant so it's a conversation that just needs to happen with uh with the district okay yes because this goes back like I say I was part of the team that got that new floor in there yeah and Ed Sendel actually got a floor cleaner and left it at Thor bur because it didn't need to go anywhere else so every gym has their own cleaner yeah this it sounds but you need a cleaner operator that's fine you need someone to clean clean the restrooms and it's basketball season so they're going to get heavy use on the weekend understand the rest is labor the key part is having that machine there to do right I was told that there's two machines there and uh they were trying to leave the smaller one if that makes any sense yeah um but it's also the the restrooms and if we if we need to hire maintenance the maintenance person from Parks and Rec to do it then it's it's just it's really just a money a budget issue we need to be cognizant of um and Dan's got a pretty big staff I don't know why Dan and the new guy can't get it you know you could ask him Don you're the actually is on you should no maybe it's corre corre okay uh just one other uh we'll call it a public service announcement from the state they have found uh the invasive insect the spotted Lantern fly in hampon um so and they want it back yeah they want they want all of them back yeah they want them dead probably um so that's uh we'll put more info on the website and there'll be uh handouts and things like that that that they're going to mail to us that can leave at the library but but it can do damage to uh trees and crops and things like that so um there'll be more information on the website so if you go the go to the website or pick up some of the handouts and if you see these things um they'll want you to report them to the state so that they can try to handle on it that's it okay one thing I forgot to mention is I told Bri about this I reached out to amesco to find out where we are we're turning on the landfill and they had basically had a bad battery system com in um replacement arrived last week in Jersey uh they were testing it hope their hope is to flip the switch by the end of the year the point that comes to us is that there's a second payment that's triggered when it's active right now we've been getting basically just the lease payment so that might be a number and I mentioned it to Kelly that they haven't figured in this year's revenues which should only be I think it's maybe 60 but that'd be pro rated but I anticipate done that we're going to have a bit of a recap financially maybe next week maybe before the tax rate thing because I'm and Dr to Brian about this I'm having a hard time reconciling the information we're given about proposed jump the percentage jump I just looking at what we trans and the new growth the accessories came up with it just seems a little bit off more than it should be I thought we did so much I mean at the to meeting we got $1.3 million right against it every you know so we spent nothing new because that was taken care of free cash and then took 1.3 against the tax rate I understand the Water Project is something but there's also 250 coming from arpa towards that first year payment I just I'm not I just don't say I bring out the app we're good December 2nd tax right hearing yeah we go that yeah okay a day after the tree lighting it'll be next here anything else pick up before the board n somebody asked me uh we brought that or someone brought up before about the potential bi-weekly meeting or whatever oh yeah again I feel the same way I think you know we move pretty quickly here I'm happy with shorter meetings every week rather than a longer meeting every two weeks and I think it gives T administrator he needs guidance yeah I put it on next week we can decide okay all right I'll make a motion to adjourn second fa can we do it by consent consent I like consent consent signing off from the select board is a select board member Flynn select board member d