##VIDEO ID:rb-JVI7tDX4## all right our first order of business is public hearing case 2024 I yes I'm making sure it was no one yes um this is being recorded uh introduction of the planning board members Madison pix Pixley chair chrisa broor pat coin David deers and John Matthews our statement of authority the planning board is established under chapter 48 of the general laws of Massachusetts and acts in compliance with chapter 48 a under the zoning bylaws of the town of hamen chapter 41 governing the submission and approval of plots of proposed subdivisions and the rules regulations governing the subdivision of land in hamton Massachusetts our legal notice the hamton planning board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday December 11th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the townhouse 625 Main Street hamton Mass on the application of fuor gretti for a special permit under Section 6.1 6111 of the hamon zoning bylaw to allow the construction of a detached 30t X 40t metal building and the construction of a 22t x 21t metal carport with three inclosed sides with which both exceed an agria area a square footage which is more than one half the ground floor area of the main dwelling including any attached garage at the gretti residence located at 115 Stafford Road information related to this application is on file in the town clerk's office and is available for review by the public during normal business hours for the board Madison Pixley chair of the pl hamen planning board published in the Wilbur ham hamen times on November 21st and November 28th 2024 are reports received from other Town departments and agencies the Conservation Commission the applicant will need to come before the Conservation Commission before proceeding as the entire property except for the house is under nhes which is the National Heritage and and endangered species program the middle area is mapped to include a wooded Marsh as well as its 100t buffer commission also has a 25t undisturbed around the marsh the town clerk reported all taxes are paid the building inspector has no issues with Mr gret's Project and the Board of Health state of the new garage cannot be connected to the subject system and must meet all Title Five setbacks and requirements oh you want to present yeah I didn't I didn't know exactly how we're doing this just tell us what you're here to do yeah can I actually get a copy of something what you just read off later cuz I did not know I have to proceed to other after this we'll that all so basically we just moved in uh probably within the last two months if I were to guess and my intent is to put a free-standing garage up uh because of the delay in the building permitting uh getting on the schedule um I can't put this garage up in the middle of the winter now so we're going to have to put it off to the side so be 22 by 21 uh uh uh carport um is to house the vehicles to for the winter uh and then that will be dragged off to uh different part of the property where I will eventually close in in since it's was quite expensive and then use that to house um my trailers uh other things that would be inside of there um then the intent is to build this 40 by3 uh free metal building um uh to the back and right side of the property okay we have Acres plenty of Frontage plenty of side land for um you know the the setbacks all that nature so again I'm not sure what else you would like me to present but any questions I'll be more than happy to answer for you guys so just for the board's reference um the square footage is more than half of the ground floor area so they're half of the ground floor to of the main dwelling according to the accessories information is 468 square feet and they already have a 140 square foot shed so their proposed building is 1,200 square ft² plus a metal carport 462 squet which equals 1662 square feet so that's exceeding the by loss basically what it is a very small cabin 950 square feet roughly on the first floor there is a uh um second floor to it it is unfinished at this time I believe the house does have a three-bedroom septic system there is allowance for expansion up stairs at some point uh nothing that we're going to rush into but there is um again more livable space in the house at this time it's just not finished yet like I said the people that lived there had no intent of finishing the second floor yeah we came from a house in Springfield right by Allen Street McDonald's had a four car garage my backyard this is on a 100 by 150t lot with three sheds in the back of the yard uh I'm one of them people that does not like leaving expensive things outside I just bought a tractor the other day my understanding one was recently stolen in town so that is not going to be sitting ins side uh nor the vehicles so we want I'm just like putting stuff away so it's not nice SW not you can even see my house from the street but the way the way uh you know we we like things and way Mr said are these representative pictures of what you so that is the free standing carport eventually that will be closed in I did order the kit for the back wall but again because I have to drag this thing later on we're just going to keep the cars uh the snow off the cars for the for the winter yeah and so those are actual um that is the actual building or freestanding carport that will be going up but the sing going that way and the other thing is a real structural steel building but it's not an oversiz not an isore it's only going to have um 10 foot walls foot walls yeah 10 foot walls and it has a 12ft peak uh so it's it's going to have two overhead doors with a side door um all colors is have a concrete is on a concrete pad or the intent is to pour a full perimeter Foundation um Frost wall with a concrete pad uh we haven't gotten nire because as you know hand that his Boulders so it's going to be interesting when we start to that right okay with the frost we decided to wait until the spring uh because we we had nice weather up until about a week ago sure so okay will the carport go on a pad also or on carport um is going where the garage is going to go um that is just going to be on uh Timbers so that be anchored to the Timbers and then the Timbers can be anchored to the uh to the um into the ground so that way the thing doesn't take up that's Clos in the sides to be honest with you as an added layer protection just so that uh because I I don't want to put the back on because when you go to drag it that'll be an obstacle but with the sides on I still should be okay but I'm planning on putting it on Timbers so that it's elevated and can anchor it both both of those can be anchored can it withstand s so I ordered um I had it designed lost a lot of I mean extra money to have it designed for uh being a two-car garage it is designed for New England engineered I should say and designed for uh snow loads and M it has trusses so I spent the extra money to get the go yeah my dad had Li got from his parents I just had one in New Hampshire that is not a snow load and I we had that bad storm at the end of the year and it almost collapsed so this year I had to brace up the whole Center and put new believe me my mom's car and my brother's car which that's the first thing I thought about like you know what it's worth the extra money absolutely so if I can you said that this building the 30X 40 correct it going to be 30 foot across the front with the two overhead doors and 40 foot long you said that it would be placed to the rear of the property it's going to be um no to the to the rear of the house so basically it's going to be offset on the right um what H what's happening is we have a uh well head that is um the modifi approach so we have a well head here's my house here hous is there and then there's a well head basically about seven eight behind like in a diagonal to the house that well head is down in the corner of the House s fet right at the right at the basement floor so for me to put the garage any closer to the house I'm going to have to bury that wine which may not be a good thing to do I don't mind ripping up a driveway later but it's going to be freestanding so if you were to just if you don't mind here is the location of the house the uh well head is about like here um and there's not enough distance from the well head uh there's only about 28 ft from the well head to here so my intent is to start at the well head um so that I can put in you know the so basically what we're looking at is going to be I'm looking at this y here's your house correct well head here yep and then and then the garage is to here now off of this garage you're proposing to do a carport no so the carport is only going to be temporarily here for now and then my intent is my leech field they just put a new leech field room and my tank is on the front of the house so I'm actually going to put the uh carport up in the front uh there is a little square I think here yeah I'm going to put the carport in the front uh of the house off to the side like here y yeah I've got about 400 fo of Frontage 200 on each Road and that's this I didn't know question so it's more than 75 ft then it's like the house is probably at least 200 feet off the road so yeah we're 150 uh easily each way probably 125 125 each way off I thought I had wrote down rough dimension of where that would go uh with some um Frontage I mean the uh what's that word space between the property line and the and the building St step step back yeah yeah unfortunately yes it and it can be moved anywhere at that point but my intent is to put it over there I can drag it to the back of the property to be honest with you but I think it's going to do well up in the front because that way I'm not dragging trailers uh the tractor trailer an 18f footer so that's uh it's a pretty good size trailer to be really ripped around we are so that's why I want to put it out towards the front of house see got the jungle oh basically you're going to vehicles in it in the four car garage yes I'm sure I'll probably make some type of a little you know area for working on stuff uh yeah table saw things of that nature probably corner off a small section at some point bless you I mean be honest with you we stole the just the fact that we we weren't going to have a garage so would we replace the convertible hard to say but no that's that's for Workshop this is garage any other questions so you're going to keep the rest the buildings that are on the property yeah right now there is a uh just a shed y uh and a metal carport the tractor is going in the metal carport and that is the lawnmower equipments so in the the new carport would more than likely be the two trailers um I have a standard homeowner trailer I have the trailer for The Tractor and then I have an ATV now I'm not even considering bringing home my or my side by side but yeah so I mean I've got a little bit of toys so I would want to put that stuff away and what I have here should be a sufficient to move things around and put whatever I want to put in it so um you'll have a total of two carports a shed and then eventually the 30X 40 cor structure y yeah and they space out on the property they're all on top of each other I I know my neighbor just put up a uh Butler Building on top of the barn as well as his good Size Shed next door that was just put in two weeks ago but his size house didn't all for any type of variance or anything of that nature so you have electricity on your 30 by 40 structure you'll have it yeah we more than likely uh put in a separate service panel um uh we're going to be upgrading the house to a 200 amp service at some point too okay I think I well so you guys have to go see conservation question um do is conservation in this place I mean in this building show you where it is when you come in okay and that is for uh so basically where this is going is pretty much on the open section of my property so we're not really I mean I'll deal with conservation at that point but the uh we're pretty much staying within the open area that's already been cleared in the property and when you look at the town map um even my neighbors have lines going across the driveway my driveway is clear and my clearing is clear of lines so that's why we're staying within the realm of uh um the the the the open property of the house okay yeah that's just we got from them so definitely uh fill be there tomorrow morning and take care of that okay one upd so [Music] um all right I move uh that we approve the application for special permit case 2024 I um dated November 12th 2024 at 115 Stafford Road yes that it's all with conservation yeah yeah contingent that the applicant goes in front of the Conservation Commission second that all in favor thank you wonderful evening everyone I have to I have to type up the decision okay 14 days I'll probably do it faster probably by next week yes and then I file it with the town clerk then there's a 20-day appeal period by law you have to have a 20-day Appeal on the 21st day you pick up the certified decis decision from the town Clerk and you file it go to you can go to conservation tomorrow start process I'll send I think I have to resubmit a building from that because they never took remember just so you know send you a copy of the decision with the letter okay I and I don't really need that copy I just didn't comprehend that I had to go to conservation and I just we don't know until I send it out to the Departments I don't know that until they tell us that's fine thanks thank you every good night oh I move that we close the public hearing December 11th 2024 6:30 p.m. 650m Sor 650m all in favor by by all right now we'll open our regular planning board meeting uh December 11th 2024 at 6:50 p.m. our first order of business is 2 Summers Road hon Veterinary Clinic hello how are you good how are you I'm Dr peek don't know most of you probably know me I was just in your office last week yeah and um this is my attorney NES corain and this is um um Rebecca with our LEC Associates the civil engineering firm um project 40 School Street in Westfield Massachusetts for the record um so we're here tonight to just open a discussion with the planning board regarding um what permitting process looks like for um the proposed parking lot that will be basically an extension of the existing parking lot for the hampen veterinary clinic at 28 Summers Road so we're proposing a parking lot um on the abing property um and it will have an additional 20 parking spaces there'll be some light Pooles associated with the parking to promote um safety invisibility and then um based on the storm storm water requirements there will also be a infiltration Basin towards the the rear of the proposed parcel to mitigate runoff um so just to provide brief history um the Veterinary Clinic um was granted a special permit with the the zoning board of appeals back in 2014 um to demolish a pre-existing nonconforming building and rebuild basically in its place um since then you know businesses booming um they need more parking spaces um that's evident and this is just a solution in order to provide adequate parking for um patients and customers um so it's our understanding that we would require a special permit um through the planning board however we are seeking your guidance on that this no no I have an 11 by 17 if you wanted to pass it around and we are prepared to submit a full site plan set and St Water Report we're just trying to figure out what we're buing exactly thank you so that's layout land and I'm also open to input because you know nothing's set in stone here in terms of I don't know if everybody can see try to move it over so turn it around it shows here the um the parking lots um attached but that actually wasn't my original idea my original idea is to leave the entire tree line and make a walkway I thought it might actually be safer to have a walkway and not driving through that area because people are going to be walking with pets I I thought have um a walkway there it'll be have a ramp because it's handy got to be hand accessible and it can easily attach the existing sidewalk there um and not driving through there and then we'd be leaving the tree line we'd be having the same you know how there's like mulch out front so that would be the same in the front so it'll all be like even so it'll look nice the signage would be like a a wooden sign not as big as the sign that's there now and just a wooden sign that was the same as similar to the sign that's there now but smaller just going to say ham and DEC parking it might have a light on the sign but it's not going to be a lighted sign or anything like that it's just G to be the same as the sign that they're now just a smaller version of it and then I'm open to fencing like wherever there's a Butters like if they want a fence I'll put up a fence I didn't really want to put a fence here like between the parking lot and whatever's left of the property because I figured somebody's going to develop that and they're probably G to our parking lots may be contiguous so I don't want to put a fence there but I'm willing to fence and then in terms of ab Butters in terms of lighting I'm willing to take the town suggestions on lighting so that the abutters are not disturbed by the lighting yet it's still safe we're not really open at night like we're usually out of there I thought so seven o'clock but um you know there there does have to be some lighting associated with it and then I don't know what you guys want for lighting in terms of like what's safe to have so there's no crime back there versus the abutters you know yeah we can that through the I didn't really want to put I think I don't think it's a great idea they showed it as driving but I don't think that's the greatest idea I think a walkway is a better idea could you just outline the actual parcel for me beyond the parking lot itself there it's the entire acre I'm purchasing the entire acre yeah um so this is all going to be um it's going to be uh mode and um it'll be like a place where people can walk their dog okay and then obviously the drainage Pond there's going to be a um fence around the drainage area of course a chain link fence and then I don't know where my my Butters are um like yeah so there's a fence as you know there's a fence right here and then there's a tree line here so if they want a fence going up there and I don't know if there's any anybody back here are there people back here yeah so if they want a fence like here it's a wooded area there's nobody back there there's nobody back there so all that tree you know all that tree line will be left there and then I'm going to try to leave this tree line but I could put a fence you know if it contiguous my fence you you've all seen my fence the same fence at the back you know so they're not Disturbed go ahead and you're going to you'll keep the uh current parking Arrangement that you have and this will be a separate entrance yeah the current parking Arrangement so there'll be a separate entrance here and then you know I'm sure there there's are regulations that they followed in developing this but I think it's safer to just drive in park and walk through rather than D I think driving through is a bad idea I agree yeah the question I have is what's the frontage of the new parcel that we're speaking about so that will be incorporated into the existing like an anr will once once the applicant has acquired the property um an an anr will be submitted and it will be one contiguous lot it'll be one contiguous lot and what would be the frontage B for the both um uh I don't have the number there's no there's none required in business B but I can grab that I think I have a scale that's it would obviously be increased from whatever is there okay so another so the parking will be in front of the the building that you are adjoining the two pieces should that be on the side yeah there par parking will be in front of the front line there's already parking in front of it right there that that already exists Y and that was and the other one there's like two spaces on this side I guess there is there one two three four maybe five spaces that's for the front entrance there's one two three four five sixes these would of course be handicapped so the problem that I foresee okay with the planning board is that our regulations say that in the district that all parking areas and traffic circulation within the parking areas in the districts except for residential shall be located to the rear of the required building setback lines so your approval came through for the which I have no problem with right so the approval really for this would probably have to go through zba that's my feeling but I'm not speaking for the complete board if you understand the original hpo right because there's six spaces that are behind the edge of that building or before of the edge of that building correct yeah yeah and that that was approved previously it was a if you will previously it was a um non-conforming lot anyway right so what that planning referred it to um zba and zba handled the approval um I'm not sure like I said because of that I would believe I can I have no problem with what you're trying to do you know the the layout and everything but zba would probably be the one that would have to approve this because of that one thing can I ask a clarifying question so if all of the parking was beyond the front yard setback of 50 ft I think it is well so this it said behind be behind the front of the building so thought it was the front yard soep back no here I'll show if you'd like I can give you this okay good that's great of the required building setback line all parking traffic it says step back 7.54 but I guess just asking clarification so required building setback line versus so the building the front of the building is whatever it is right now because it probably I don't know if it made the 50 Foot that did yeah a frontage the front did yeah okay the side yard was where it was nonconforming when you say the sidey yard yeah which which sidey the right let her speak you talking about the original the original yeah the original was set back more than 50 fet so that original is 50 feet Yes okay yes so what they granted you I'm going to say was the parking okay okay because that that better so if any parking any new proposed parking is within that 50 feet that would require an amendment to the original special permit with the zba that is my that is my belief now Council may have another opinion on that is there any way to reconfigure it so that the spaces were that's beond that back yeah I think that's probably what we're going to visit to to try to yeah so clarifying question if that was the case if all of the parking was beyond the required building setback then what would be the process for would it be special permits planning Bo through site plan approval because one you're combining you're GNA do a an anr comb and then I would believe that you would then push that back a little bit okay so the parking is then back I know it sounds a little odd but that would I that brings us into compliance with this understood with this okay um that the thing about it though um I guess yeah it screws up the walkway idea a little bit yeah um well the walkway is separate from the parking space right it's just the parking that would yeah the spaces would have to move back you'd still have the walkway so we could keep the walkway within that is there a regulation of how close the handicapped access has to be to a walkway no idea that's not we would we would work I believe you have two um you know parking spaces as is that satisfies the requirement for the overall hand FR yeah that's say so maybe it doesn't yeah I think we were just trying to maximize open space right I understand it's understood yeah okay um it may mess up your little area for where you're walking your dogs but it'll give it a little step back also from the road to so ask question hold on go ahead your name name South Ro about the building setback you know it's a SE partial can she be a building setback since the other buildings are on the road are closer to the does the parking have to be herb building set back or can it be like the B look back the road the bagel no and the bagel no building and my building are almost EX in fact the bagel look set back farther than my building so those those when they were built um you know they're preexisting pre-existing non-conforming we we understand that yeah so Bagel Nooks ENT The Bagel Nooks here and my building's out here yes so yeah um good try though yeah yeah no and I understand I mean I have no problem if you went if you wanted to go to zba with that that's just the process that you're yeah yes understood yeah and I'm looking to my associates on the B board if they're in agreement with me or not that's my opinion only my opinion fores of action both require a little more revision and if we did hypothetically go with this plan we would seek for the special permit Amendment with zba first and then come to planning or we got to put them together first so you're gonna do an an anr first so you're gonna comine so so the applicant doesn't own that parcel yet so so you have to wait until the they own it but if they can't can't do it then that might we're catch don't want buy it can't build what you want right I I agree this is it's right you don't own the property yet um you want to combine the properties okay once everything yeah exactly so I'm trying to give you the what I feel the easiest way would be for you to come forward with us and again this is this is my my opinion I'm not speaking for the rest of the board the rest of the board have some other you know changes revisions some I'm just I'm reading this and I'm saying I can't do this um because of past history that was approved by zba you want to go to zba because you want to keep the parking and I understand fully um you want to roll the dice that way you know that's that's up to you guys just trying to determine what the the order of conditions are so to speak yes so does that sound correct to everybody y yeah okay so just to kind of put a bow on it if parking is shown within the front yard setback within the 50 y foot required front yard setback per the zoning ORD or the regulations we would need to go and amend the special permit with zba if the stays like that you'd have to go to Z after the two the anr yeah after the anr if you move the parking lot back to that 50 foot then you come but why can I just ask why does anr have to be done prior to it could be conjunction with all in one and I understand um the problem some it may be um you know you don't want to you're you're gambling so the question is you're here before us and I'm giving you the straight scoop saying that if you push that back y I would have no problem with that okay um you know again I'm not speaking for my other board members okay but you you can go forward with some Assurance saying that right if you bought the property yeah and you move that back I would be in favor of it which would at that point just be an anr it would be the anr and the approval for the parking yeah yeah yep and then like the lighting um from past I would do something that's reflective to the actual parking lot and maybe do go see your neighbors and talk to them and say hey we're we're going to put a park we want to put a parking lot here we want to direct the lights this way what do you think for like a a soft you can do like soft glows so they're not super bright stuff like that we do have a photometric plan already in place it demonstrates that there's zero flip candles past the prop the proposed property line right um and it would all be dark sky compant so um that's pretty much what we would look for okay right um now just can I ask for a clarifying question so um if we come to the planning board to seek a special permit for parking lot where parkings outside you know within regulations um could the anr be condition of approval or would that need to be solidified prior to seeking approval from the planning board the conjunction with um what she means is could we issue the permit right on the condition that the anr is approved that way they don't have to yeah purchase first endorsed not um yeah I I don't I don't foresee a problem okay right off the top of my head I'm trying to run say that one again can you run that by me again sure so my question is if we come in front of the planning board for a special permit for a parking lot on this proposed parcel that is in compliance with the regulations may we request that the an anr be a condition of the approval so that the applicant isn't buying a lot that you know doesn't end up ultimately getting approved you know what I'm trying to is not endorsed the special permit would be revoked it's a little it's a little different but the condition would be listed um saying that um the plan approval is um for the parking lot is conditional upon the um successful purchase and sale yes and approval yes by the planning board for the an anr yeah yeah yeah okay okay something to that effect Supply because if they don't purchase it you're not going to build the parking lot so right right exactly right if you can't come to terms you know I yes it's on plan yeah okay okay very good and then what about the subdivision of the of the property yeah so we would just have to submit a that's anr plan that's the anr yeah we have to anr plan that just shows the remaining land I don't know if you have to show all the remaining Landings is a rather large lot but no we wouldn't be you we'd be interested in showing just what your so gonna show basically this right I forgot you already have that on the plan your existing buildings yeah so that's there yeah not too much did you have any other questions no that that's what I wanted to know now I think we can go ahead with that okay clarify everything it does rest the board in agreement yes like that approach a lot fantastic well we look for to seeing you very shortly very soon I justest to the neighbors yeah no worries you're good with your lighting just follow the byla okay thanks much thank you bye thresher Road Paul Martins on down is juice hi what are we doing obviously um we're picking up where the Builder we have bought the stand we're picking up where the Builder um got pretty far you know as in developing four Lots okay we're looking to do three lots in family count so what this is same property you had but it's split into three lots two conforming one non-conforming okay um and a private drive that's going to come up sh you know entrance for all common driveway common driveway yeah um so kind of next time here I'm hoping I got everything that's needed and so forth um because I think he went pretty far but Builder being [Music] uh Rose the Builder but I think the beacon is the investment Bedrock yeah confused can you that show me what your well this is I I kind of manipulated this for the three lots this is more or less where it's going to be originally there was um actually let me show you should be what it was originally so before what he did and uh no this one is not quite the thing but it's this is for the storm Jones you see how the Lots two the Lots were non-conforming because of a frontage and then so I basically just took the same thing if anybody wants to see that a before lot and then took everything the same and just kind of just took the last lower two lots merged them together moved everything up a little bit so it's about 10 acres you know between each lot so it help me out here I'm getting a little old sorry Lot C um what's the frontage on Lot C so Lot C is a non-conforming one that's the one non-conforming it looks like the other two the other two are 225 and uh yeah that 225 we could probably you know TW because obviously this is going to still need more you know adjusted properly better yeah um but that we can give some at 225 to lat SE I think L SE was one 150 give or take you know and then other two lots lot A and B are conforming [Music] 156 so I think and help me out um I believe that um that they did a storm water plan on this think that's what he has right there or Sor this one right here this but this was based on the four lot but the driveway is the same the driveway is the same same yeah except for one obviously one part of the driveway that would go to that fourth house that's not going to be there okay that goes away so this so I take it really that house the house that's proposed here on Lot B would not be there correct corre so Lot B is out lot a got pushed down more because I think lot a was only like uh Seven Acres total you know a lot a were seven acres so those two got merged together just to evenly divide 30 you know yeah L A was 2.55 was 5.69 okay and those were two those two were conforming and you had two nonconforming which we only one non-conforming so everything was merched and split so we didn't have to think would be perfect we're going to be okay so no you understand that won't be a public road common driveway correct so respon B's so kep this one this one and this one basically was saying what we've done in days this one only this one doesn't have 200 I'm going to say lot see does not have 200 feet of front but it's 10 [Music] acres finished but he pulled out um special permit for that it's a special permit for this I'm sorry yes there'll be a special permit also for the so he's going to do this Comm D is here except for this that went away this and he's moved these lock lines to make them all and these not his okay this is Neighbors down the street I believe am I understanding too the that se house is set back so far because that's one of the requ because it's nonperforming um yeah yeah without without getting into it yeah 150 ft back has to have so many square feet corre that's why I try to like mess with the A and B which work conforming because those were cut and dry and I don't want to touch that lot lower Lot C because that one was not and the other nonconforming got eliminated soing keep as simple as possible so you know kind of like all the leg work he did I'm hoping that you know carries a little further than and what my I'm not 100% on the what he did where he was and if anybody can help me out what I'm go ahead sorry you're asking about Al or the previous applicant what Al did we had we' gotten through everything what we're were waiting on was a storm water okay so that's what you're waiting on that's what we were waiting on so that's kind of what I thought I'm kind of of the opinion that we're somewhat pretty good yes storm is that what that is right there I have that from him but what is that and that's looks like it's a title of el Drive water run off or something know I think after the last meeting with then carried on come back I need to follow up it took how long was this no went on for 23 this property down 23 yeah I think he it was yeah this one and it carried into if you will so instead of getting four Lots he's going to have three um two of them two I think we have to get the storm water John we have to get a storm water report and then it has to be get a peer review is that yeah yeah so get the response from tyin Bond or did tyin Bond did he in other words I think we had the initial what's that I think we had the initial report um indicating what they required from tyan Bond yeah and I I think we needed the drainage calculations okay and that's what we never ended up getting I believe okay so okay he he didn't finish the Peri the per review at all I think he only did like a third of it meaning meaning he got back two-thirds of his funds so okay so I think what we were what we were looking for was the drainage calculations um that would suffice for and I'm I'm talking because I don't have what's in front of me from tyan Bond yeah yeah um so what Ty and bond was looking for drainage calculations um not sure exactly why I haven't okay um what's what's Ty and bond I'm sorry Ty and bond is our when I say our the town's engineering firm okay okay so they would take whoever did this engineering yeah they would review it for the town okay okay to make sure that it's in compliance with if any questions arose okay um so um Al I guess he was going to do four Lots you're going to do three so there would be some possibly changes not a lot because the the surface I'm going to ask you is the surface of the driveway going to be so those are yeah I don't I don't I don't think so I mean you know I'd like it not to be you know I mean not granted the cost for Factor because that's a lot of uh drive we that come and we're trying to keep it little B on a rural size yeah so some of it is and it's a steep slope if you understand you've been there obviously you're looking at probably purchasing it and I've been by it a bunch of times and it's steep so I think one of the concerns was and and again I'm going from memory here which is not an elephant's memory anymore so the question is um I think that the highway superintendent had a little question about because that is I'm going to call it country drainage and that R was one scanic Road he was worried about any wash out that may occur okay that was I believe his his concern okay how do we alleviate those concerns okay um that's a question there is that is a question and it doesn't need an answer right away my uh yeah I don't I'm not looking to get the answer yeah so I mean by less one less driveway and there's a common driveway but then there's a off driveway to go into the fourth house it's not going to be the house itself is not going to be there so there's none of that catch you know running out of that so I'm hoping that will you know alleviate some of that and then um I guess we'd have to go back to time Bond and or who do I need to go to to kind of I guess I would where we stepped where he left off where we got to pick up and ask you're in contact with them the owner oh we already purchased and now we're looking to divide it three ways okay so have to do that WR what you want to do go back through your realtor ask them for any information if you got all of this information he said we had it all yeah we everything we got C files we got everything now it's just should I reach out to that that engineer if that did that so I think I think you need so this is updated that is my update you engineer that originally designed that part he's retired now we're kind of like um but the engineer that did the storm I think that's a storm runoff he that's somewhere out of AEL that's a totally different engineer so assuming um sted engineer yeah so I I he's obviously if I hopefully he hasn't retired and get to redesign that to conform with the three lots supposed to four correct so I think that's what has to happen and then we would send that for the peer review right when he applies for the special when you apply for your special permit okay yeah so contact stod ask him to remove you know yeah update that update that show them what you're going to do and uh if there's any recalculation there might be um because it's just one less and I don't know like I said I don't know if he was doing pavement or if he was doing I'm assuming he was going to do pavement because he was going to you know they're going to do three four individual Lots per se you know we're not looking to sell off the lots and build you know whatever independent you know Ian they are going to be independent houses but not going to be sold out to Independent you know Unknown People you know they're going to stay with them so okay so not speaking for the engineering firm if it's um if you're going with pay yeah the the flows are going to be different yeah absolutely so they would be able to advise you on that okay did we confuse you or help you oh no I get it I was the hous is going to stay within the family that's we usually don't get three family no no cheering your cheering their home depends on this what it's worth my family is trying to do the same thing but in Wyoming so oh wow oh wow yeah but it's it's not as easy as no no it's just you got to get the right lots and the right everything that's going to line up yeah all the stars after to yeah everybody's got to be non-retired so uh they really put a Nick and I mean I literally have to do this myself as best as I could to three lots and I got it as close as I could but obviously they're gonna have someone other engineer is going to have to in you know make these more officially real as what I kind of just and you know I it and split it it's pretty close but it's not it's not there's measurements that are supposed to be here I think from the corner point to the back which yeah that's all yeah so the site plan require it's all in here so yeah yeah so but this was more so you can see what we're trying to do and you know kind to see where he left off and and hopefully the next visit is um yeah whatever bring everything that's need for application I mean what you're proposing is not out of the question it's yeah I'll go back and try to look at yeah I was trying to pull it up but I can't get I'll go back and look at what we did with how we left it with Al and if there's anything that stands out we'll let you know yeah yeah that's it was pretty pretty thorough like all the stuff I got from him but they're they're only good if I can you know the firm itself is that um then special permits back here after and um that after that step is if that gets all done and good does it is that when the Lots get split or do we have to come to another meeting for the lot split no or is that something we going be a meeting for so you're G to basically once you get it all divided up split up okay um you're going to do I'm going to say two an anrs okay okay because the two lots are conforming yep you're taking piece of property and dividing it up y the two lots are going to be basically conforming Lots correct and one is going to require um special permit for um n not a building not a building l substandard Frontage until it's that's in section six I believe so and then the other one would be common driveway would be a special permit for the common drive that verbage come in that about the maintenance of is that with the division because I think that has to be filed somewhere about you are correct there has to be a maintenance agreement that's filed with the title uh you know with the de if you will for the properties okay um because yeah if the family leaves there has to be it has to be an agreement of who's going to maintain the driveways who's going to you know so is that together with the anr whatever we're just trying to see because we have to obviously have somebody draw that up and I just want to make sure that you know it gets you know done in timely fashion so everything is in the past we've seen that and alls we ask for is that it goes on record with with the deed or the Deeds the three Deeds yeah okay okay that's it does that help you well it does it does like just trying to see like I said just where where to step in and where to go for so what you first well I'm not a board member I no for the the special permit is that something I can do on no that you can come to see me is he going to sub the land first do an an anr showing that's two conforming and one non-conforming not a buildable lot yep that would be the an anr first right because you say you going to try to them to get them all conforming there's not there's not enough pun yeah I mean the adjustment is going to be more for actual measurements that's that's part you know that's um you know you're going to keep like it says here basically Lot C is your nonconform corre so you're going to can do it all one then you'll need the special permit for a common driveway that doesn't yeah so the anr should really kind of hold off the do this all in one night all one night yeah okay yeah so we'll do like you'll be we'll do your anr first and we'll do the site plan special permit with the site plan approval for the non-conforming light lot and then we'll do the common driveway yeah so the common driveway may have some issues with the drainage that the only thing and that's what I want to address prior to that you I got to go to this engineer and then he should have whatever he has and then hopefully time Bond might have to get involved and see what you know what what they um yes it's just a peer review so they look at our bylaws they look at whatever he produces and make sure everything align okay yeah you can ask the uh starded engineering if he has any uh drainage calculations okay yeah I got to see what you know like I said I have this and I this this is yeah I know it's drainage but I don't know about it so okay perfect okay thank you good night good thank you his name yeah dail yeah come on down sorry I'm just writing notes I don't forget just telling you I left the L off the end of your name so I didn't want her to say it wrong jez okay my wife should be uh coming through the doors at any point um moral support moral support and uh she was getting babysitters uh situated well we get it you may want to read it she'll come right in at some point you want to if she can find it I know she she was said she was stuck next I don't know some door on the side I said we gotta keep going around yeah yeah so wait a minute is it past 730 yes yeah the door's probably locked maybe she'll get them when they go out that's two all right the door's locked at 7:30 so get in okay she is okay we waited for you sorry there's the boss not really the boss yeah so um I gave you a little pamphlet about myself um so my name is jez Gonzalez I have a doctor in physical therapy this is my wife Jessica um we've been in business for five years now and essentially um looking for a owner occupy and um I've there's a little bit more information about myself there um we have four children uh I'm in all western Mass kind of guy I we both went to Central High almost high school sweetharts so we were friends then um and went for UMass ammer then I got my doctorate at AIC um after a few years of practice decided to open up my own business um my own practice so um yeah so the the I know it's not as elaborate as the the vet um at 28 Summers um you know this is mostly a preliminary um and it's a big ask it's a b it's a big question I know that the property at six and Summers is zoned as a business um but the real question for you folks tonight is can I operate my practice there um so I know of the you I didn't mention but we werham residents um we're very familiar with handon um we attended Bethlehem uh Baptist for a bit and we still do some aana Friday nights if you're familiar um so we we know hamen pretty well uh at the moment our practice is in Springfield 3500 Main Street which is chicke Springfield line it's it's a good Hall it's a good Hall um so I've been doing that for five years now it's on a good day it's 25 minutes um from home to here you know it's a lot shorter yeah um and so you know Community yeah so there's there's not many pts around here um there's not much competition um you know that I know of there's another alation PT at the restorative Wellness which is like across the street y to the left there's a nursing home off to the right um but that's you you it's nursing home so it's out of Hospital skill Nursing Facility so you don't have an outpatient PT um or too many you know Outpatient physical therapists so so that's pretty much it that's you know this is a preliminary ask I know if you guys Grant it that I'd have to get a special permit I believe um so I'm all ears um right now um you know I'm looking at rehabbing the place I'm not looking at making any new existing buildings I'm not you know there's the driveways are what they are I see a client per 45 minutes so there's not going to be a whole lot of traffic in and out um I don't think um you know I have three part-time employees at the moment which one of them lives in Westfield and we've had a a good talk you know it is what it is um yeah U so we'll see maybe she'll she'll she'll continue to stay with us um so three-part time employees there's not many many vehicles you know um I don't see any changes with the driveways and I'm not I'm basically just cleaning up putting some paint taking care of the landscape you know try to beautify it a bit and uh um you know um that's pretty much it yeah 16 Summers road yeah 16 Road um so you'll keep the existing home or building I'm going to say okay it was a home at one time a long time ago um and what you're thinking of doing is because you said you had other employ had three other employees so those I'm going to ask one as a receptionist and maybe two other physical therapists or help me out with that yeah yeah so uh two of them are so one is a receptionist and two of them are texts okay one text is a sports biologist U Springfield grad so he does some training he's actually a powerlifter too and then the receptionist is also a personal trainer okay um so you know they kind of help me out throughout the day you know trying to figure it all out you know yeah um I'm trying to visualize sure you know it's got the Horseshoe if you will driveway around I'm okay yeah spin around SP for a long time that that property um I used to work there when I was first came to town I I worked at the nursery that was there so I'm very familiar with it oh okay I have a lot of questions and afterwards I don't time so one of one of my sorry to interrup you of um I won't go into too much detail but um I love I'd love to keep it um original to hamon you know um and take advice from you know everybody in town you know I I love the idea that it's that Farmhouse has been there and it's got the Circa you know 1800 on it and um so yeah um so would you park how would you do the parking would you keep the Barn yes sir okay so you're the barn paring all structures are stay all the structures are going to stay as long as they can as long as they can yeah so John it's already a business in a business district so it's just a change of use exactly right yeah it's a business Zone yeah okay so there's really no issue the only issue you may have coming forward to us is you know where's your employee parking where's the um uh station parking something you know a little site plan yeah site plan sure um but otherwise you know I don't I don't foresee a problem with that like you said yeah it's just a change of use um what you do in the inside of the building doesn't matter to us even the outside you know you can paint it and make it nice whatever you want to do okay um but yeah no I I welcome you you know to be honest with you yeah thank defitely that there's like there's room for employee parking there's some side Lots on either side of those Barns and then there's that the Horseshoe drive-thru through yeah and there's like a nice space we talked about that a little bit when we walk through the Seer she she's GNA take go ahead I'm sorry yeah if you're looking at that whole property the vet is going to take to the acre she's going to be your your neighbor neighbor parking lot will be there and then um you're you're basically to the right yeah yeah I have it up on the map before see it yeah I'm pretty familiar with it you know a little thing about that property I spent a lot of time there trust me a lot of time um but I don't foresee a problem with that okay great great it's awesome news is see something in there yeah definitely ex all right good luck so they would come to us yeah so what's the next steps site plan so you just come for the change of use and site plan once you have your parking figured out um we would just check that out just present that piece for it and then the permit we just be in parking just yeah a layout of the a layout of the parking not engineered huh engineered not engineered no okay it would be like your business plan I'll give you the information I have a checklist but it's a it's not a special permit hold process it's a one night come here present to the board what you're doing okay um simple application provide the information and that's okay that might be the easiest part of this project yes yeah then then go for all your permitting whatever you got to do that good awesome thank you guys you're welcome thank you have a great huh yeah wait thank you guys nice meeting and I hope that would be nice to have that there great I did it from my shoulder already all right I know a lot of people H [Music] oh yeah how are you good are good Mark a lot of dumpsters over there still thrown out hey wagon white r i don't know [Music] I don't know all right Clark what are we doing so we're moving off of wilam Road huh yeah we got our own place now that's right I haven't been by but Patrick said that you're building a new building D next door that's next door next door you're going to use the existing Barn yep that's right along the road yeah you move into the house too yes I have oh you have y how about the field you're going to keep the field the way it is all mow and everything or you what are you planning on if I can ask you yeah yeah I'm going to continue as hey currently and uh try to get a grasp on the 40 acres is pretty much Clear property yeah and um work towards that and then um I also Le some land in mson I have a stand there and I plan to put a stand in the front of the house I mean in front of the barn yeah and um then plant some vegetables and maybe put up a greenhouse and stuff like that okay I know you would you know you were planting vegetables on WAM and little bigger scale maybe yes okay um you're going to utilize the barn for your little farm stand or are you GNA like you did Upham road with the little wagon with a rout FR uh so it'll uh first thing will be um a wagon yeah and then I'd like to eventually build something inside the corner okay yeah gotcha um and just think differentiating between Farm Stand and farm business [Music] s business is on five acres and more five you are going with business okay read further down that's okay and that has to I think that in is in alignment with the uh the state require ments for agriculture believe chapter says something about 5 Acres um so yeah that's why I was asking you're going to do the haying you're going to do um some vegetables basically yeah and U maybe down the road a greenhouse yeah um Greenhouse for vegetables or uh like to start plants yeah okay yeah to yeah not flowers or anything like that um um I still yeah I don't know keep the options open but uh right now it's probably vegetable plants and then a nursery star I started to getting into that and yes yeah yeah yeah whether it be ARB or something like yes don't know if this is the same board for the address where's that I the building department I think was going to be dealing with that if you want to explain to them your house is sub uh subdivided off from the remainder of the land and he wants a separate address for the land and the business so I believe he'd go through building inspector to get an address right so it is it is already pre-divided yeah it's already so the barn is separate the barn is uh with uh along here there's a map um your copy might not is it in color that's our color printer well color red line around it which is actually this property is in APR and that's the differentiation between the two lots and the okay know here's your barn and here's the house basically armed and what you want to do the house is here the house is the address for the house already 87 okay and so you're going to do 89 probably here whatever yeah whatever he says that's yeah yeah the next house is 123 okay um that would be the building you guys the red line is the yeah this is the barn in the houses here I'm familiar with that she doesn't need to see anything unless you want to gave back the pamphlet bye no that's a dream okay that's when the hate production ramps up and I don't have help from the neighbors yeah that is a lot of lot of field that is actually unit that they say 50 stink yes it's not inage that that starts to be it's going to come back that unit it you pull behind the tractor and it puts four bales in it a row okay and it drops four bailes at a time and then you have another tractor with a loader that picks up with the hooks you seen yeah and it picks up the first four and you go to the next set on FL and you lock on eight and then you put all on that trailer and there're square B you know what I'm saying are they the big Square bail regular normal Square bail so an afternoon picking up he is you know guy bailing a guy picking it up oh yeah throwing it onto the trailer um so looks like what you want to do is permitted so I think you're yeah I think the biggest thing was he was concerned about getting a separate address yeah yeah but that we don't give addresses out that's building so so I go and U see Wendell okay and tell you're all you're really all set because you're you're you know you're a farm business obviously this you know package that you provided if I want to then uh do something in the barn for uh do I have to come back to this or Greenhouse or is that still building that would be building okay um green houses no problem because it's agricultural okay um the same thing in the barn depending on what what were your thinking about building a little a little uh store yeah in the barn have you been there I've been B I've been yes okay like up the ramp and then like off to the left and making like a man door yeah inside one of the doors and then people can walk freely into it yeah I don't foresee a problem with that okay either way um you're well within your restriction the agricultural yeah right the farm the right to farm absolutely and you're well within the boundaries of the bylaw okay more than five acres and it's a yes so you're good yeah and then uh are there do I then fall under um commercial sign restrictions so that would be up to building inspectors yeah the building inspector sure of what you're allowed okay okay and again I I would hope leeway as opposed to uh you know because it is agricultural yeah you want something a little bigger than yes yeah because it is a farm business or yeah yep more than good yeah any other questions no oh thank you good Clark yeah good luck let us know when you get those Abes buy some got some already he does yeah take care now last but not least on down thanks for your patience process of elimination yes I'm Justin that's not Tracy that's not Tracy Chris quacken oh Chris Quackenbush was your father on our board yes he was he was on I think the zoning board years ago no planning board I work okay yeah remember joh where John were you on it then I think black and Bush yeah Jim James yeah James Bush yeah they live sou South Road yeah they soon as I bought a house in hampon they moved the they want my kids getting off the bus at their house yes so Tracy is uh under the weather and we also have a 10-month-old so we couldn't find any care so she's at home uh the whole this is Chris uh he has done building for us and we plan on using him for this project although we don't have a plan yet we're still trying to sus out what the rules will be for this because it's an Adu and we're not going to present it until after February when thank you yes so the question I have um 2783 there's already a a dwelling there correct it's a pre-existing non-conforming I would think only based on it's a little offset on the property it's 150 feet Frontage but it's to the left um I didn't have any way to print anything off today that's okay I'm GNA go with but um if you go to like 273 if you pull up Google Maps you're going to get the old house yeah but they rebuilt it on the same foundation so it's in the same place um but on one side looking at the front of the house on the left side it's 23 ft from the property line and on the right side it's about 65 and we'd be working off the right side going directly back from the from the garage so that we're not actually making it any more non-conforming but's parents move to South Carolina uh we had a baby um and now they want to come back uh for better Healthcare um and to be with the kid all about the kids y we're 45 brand new BR and her parents are they're mid 70s so it's it's the right thing to do really I guess what we're here for is just trying to figure out what the requirements are what's going to be allowed right um right now the plan is to do we're looking at probably 800 square feet um at the max allowed is 900 right um based on the half of theow square foot of the house which is 2200 square feet so half of that the smaller is 900 I would be doing uh we' be doing a bathroom and kitchen and living and probably working off the mud room which is just to the left of the garage on the house and going straight back so it's it's going to be a standalone it's going to be attached attach to the house but with a separate entrance on the back okay on the back on the backside um there's got to be a little Corridor or you know corre hallway Corridor I'm telling you what okay right now what we're talking about okay um so that'll be separate entrance Corridor walkway and I'm going to propose I'm going to give evence up I'm proposing that you have to have totally separate parking also you can't share parking with primary residents okay okay and this is why we're here because we have an architect lined up we we all know what all the architect so the other go ahead sorry yeah technically this isn't Adu because it's a c it is still an Adu but the definition of an Adu is a self-contained housing unit it's an addition or something we changed so just the house you just put an addition on well it would be an addition but with a whole separate um because our stairs are very steep um so yeah we want to give them living space on the first floor so my thought utilities yes oh separate utilities separate utilities uh we have a generator we're going to have to do a switch for them as well so they're gonna have their own meter I think so unless I don't know what the requirement are is with the February change it seems that the mar I guess it's not Mar it was Baker who's put this in motion maybe both um but it sounds like uh they want you to have separate utilities right but that's I think that's if it's a standalone okay building if this is attached to your house you can share it you can share utilities unless goes up here if you want to share utilities have to make sure septic septic would have to go we verified I believe your SE four yeah and we have a three bed house yeah so be add one so an Adu it maintains a separate entrance what you're saying right either directly from the outside or through an entry hall or Corridor shared with the principal dwelling sufficient to meet the requirements of the State Building Code for safe EB correct and what so sorry go ahead what our plan is actually well I guess the law is meant to to create extra housing in the state we'd never do that it's more along the lines we're going to use it for our parents and we're going to take it over as part of our house living space when that is no longer needed but we're that's why we're talking about doing interior access as well as exterior for their own needs because interior to your house or to the garage interior we were initially talking to the garage but the garage is attached to our mudro and the mud room is very small so we're going to attach to the mud room okay sounds like it's just an addition to your house that's what I'm getting it it is but if we put something that's like an apartment on then we're risking going through the DBA to get make it into family I guess um which is not our intent the the issue becomes when you go to sell your home M the bank is going to ask if you've gotten an approval now right now because you're going to have separate living you're going to have separate kitchen right separate bathroom correct so those are some of the elements that um become part of the Adu now not fully understanding you're saying you want it for your parents right which is one of the reasons you know provide homeowners with means of obtaining through tenants in an Adu rental income companionship security and services and thereby enable them to stay more in homes and neighborhoods they might otherwise be for so um you would fall under this it is it is set up the Adu is set up for family but able to rent and it could be our forever house and we could use it forever as additional space but if we sell it we want to be able to sell it as having an Adu or as they could rent it or it's it's a beautiful place we're looking out at the what is it H dey's Farm parent yes yes so it's it's beautiful and it could be a side out after her little apartment as well but our intent is just using it for our family up front and okay I don't know whether when you go to sell it whether having it as an Adu versus having it as additional living space on the first floor makes a difference especially because you're going to have two kitchens within a stone more like an in-law apartment correct well that's pretty much what it is it it is which would be right well right now it's legal to do right right yes I mean you you could do it under the bylaw right now right right the current bylaw I think would be limiting us to 500 square feet where is the 900 no it's the current bylaw is 900 half of the first floor square footage and he's got like 1100 on his first floor or I thought it said or or it said whatever is but we can't but according to the state lie believe we can't um he he can fall into the square footage of the new state law right we can't um unreasonably regulate the size of it I think it still falls under the new law for Adu square footage wise but it's called an accessory apartment until 21 I believe and our B has all say is no greater than 800 square feet our bylaw is 800 and shall occupy no more than one third of the total finished floor our bylaw right now the accessory apartment shall be clearly subordinate to the single family dwelling shall be no greater than 800 square feet and shall have no more than two bedrooms shall occupy no more than oneir of the total finished floor space of the principal family total floor space so still be about 800 for us yeah yeah I mean under you could actually do it right now under this bylaw right that's you could start tomorrow as long you know it's under this this bylaw is in in is in effect yes and U it was approved yeah it's all approved and everything so and if you design the structure to this bylaw it's then than is a uh approved and do you anticipate any changes once the state law comes in your own the only difference that right now which one now currently You' have sorry yes with this you'd have to do a special permit February 1 you do not have to do a special permit well doesn't make a difference because we don't have a design yet so we're talking about any AR that's like what entrances so if we wait till February which is pretty much guaranteed at this point because we don't have any designs yet and we haven't even paid the architect yet although we haven't picked out um the one who actually designed the house in the first place which is kind of nice yeah um but if we go after February the process is come here or submit a plan for building and you don't have to come see us right well we were requesting a site plan review in our new bylaw sorry that won't be approved until May correct down meeting so so there's a little there is from February to May it's it's what we Lio kind of call the wild blest okay so it's a it's a period of time where we have no no Town bylaw the only guidance you really have is is the state guidance and Joanne had said when we went over and stopped up by her office a couple weeks ago that nobody's really come to this board yet about 80 years right so I figured might as well okay at least push the discussion yeah um and I I I mean I think uh you know the some of the differentiation between the bylaw now and in the future is you're going to get an additional 100 square feet um but then if you're going to attach you're going to have to have a a very separate from the house entry um generally it's to the rear side the entry um there'll have to be one parking space allowed for the Adu and again that was can't share it with the primary that was my thing I don't want I want to ask the question that email that we can ask questions what's that I want to ask about the parking that email you sent earlier oh yeah good so um that's some of the differentiation I'm going to say the setbacks will probably still say the same yes and and the setback requirement is 35 correct side set back is going to be 35 the other thing is the setback with the new Adu bylaw will be it has to be behind the front line I think the front line of the house right so and that's what was thinking anyway yeah yeah so essentially we could go either way with an addition versus an Adu um depends on what we call it um depends on it could depend on how we pay for it based on their their retirement planning um as well whether there are any implications so we'll have to talk I guess further with financial people yeah you know you'll have to again um yeah so I believe you're going to gain a little bit when you go to an Adu okay right um it depends on how you how you want to set it up right and it also depends I guess Adu whether could be attractive to somebody else down the road or could be a detriment of course anything is it right it depends on how you want to stay your property up in other words you sell your home that person if you have an Adu that's unattached okay that gives some people an advantage that they say oh it's that are already you uh so I've got some rental income somebody else may say that's a detriment because I don't want to rent it I have no family and they may not beur but they like primary residents and they can always bulldo the ad house then now you're increasing your spare for right well at least I have some ideas here I'm you I hope we didn't confuse you more than probably did I'm can can it be attached and still be an Adu that's the only thing I'm yes yes okay yeah so it can be attached you but it has to have a separate entrance in other words a hall or a corridor or something to that so it says maintains a separate entrance either directly from the outside or through an entry Haller quarter shed with right delling sufficient requirements yeah I'd assume two two means of eress anyway so you need at least yeah that's a fire right a window I have some pleases to start and you did clarify I appreciate if you have more questions feel free to come back okay hope we'll put you at the top of the agenda but Tracy is the one who I wish he was here but okay yeah I mean we're always open second and fourth Friday I mean third Wednesdays but building you will have to see him regardless he's pretty Co okay cool good yes thank you thank you so much you very much thanks for sing around we'll see you back you will yeah probably table up front too for people take fer oh yeah I'm gonna go to him yeah I got it I'm gonna meet killing um I kind of just read through the accessory dwelling unit bya which was helpful okay one yes y so you said there was an email or a question so there email executive housing of Lille communities said that you can ask post questions between or invites comments on draft regulations for to use I kind of wanted to ask about uh the parking okay because I think it's a little gray it is so um we'll put a can ask between December 20th and January 10th okay so so I guess the question would be you know it's got to have a separate I believe separate parking right right but we were like we were saying if you've got like a driveway that's big enough and there's space for a spot does that count as your spot right and and I'm saying from my point okay I'd like to see it separate in other words in the reason being is that family I'm going to say family okay yeah you know you got to get out in the middle of the winter move a car this that you gotta move your car but then once you start if the possibility is that the family passes or goes away now I start to rent a long-term rental you don't want to share a driveway with a long I don't want to I don't want to have to go talk to the person I don't want to yeah okay so that's why I said it my comment was the ad parking space not be um used with in an existing primary residence space it can't use a I can park eight cars in my driveway and they can all get out it doesn't matter you got to have a separate parking p as far as I'm concerned that's me so okay yeah I mean and well depent parking space doesn't have to be paved or can it just be can be gravel that was my just in the future I'm trying to think of the future wendle just gave me this and it's like more clarification of it okay I just happen to see it minimum parking requirement a requirement of as applicable one more than one additional on street or off street parking space for each protected protected use Adu on a lot if all portions of the lot are located outside .5 radius of the transit station oh that's that was in there yeah that's an additional on street or off street parking space for each protected on a lot if the portion of the lot is located within so it makes it sound like it does need its own no that's that's if it's that's just saying if you're far A M over half a mile over half a mile from a Transit parking for it there's no buses in hand no I know that but I'm just saying we so we have to have a parking space that's trying to say can it be shared with the primary resid I don't think so I think it has to separate what I want to find out yeah I don't think so my my comment is we can we can go a little bit they know you know they may say it has to be one parking space okay but it doesn't Define it and I'm saying I further definition is that it cannot yeah it has to be its own but it could share so then do we have can it share a driveway it can share a driveway but it's not going to be a common driveway well so that's it just gets funky what's that it just gets a little well share driveway would be between separate lots of land Comm a common would be corre common driveway would be between lots of land this is on one lot one lot and that's it has the primary residence driveway and you can spur off of that or you can even make a spot designated for the Adu res I say leave it vague and no I say no say they need a parking spot leave it vague and then just have when they do their plan say this is where they're going to park no it's but if we leave it vague we can't tell them where to if we leave the bylaw vague we can't have them come in here and say you need to have a separate but the ad the thing for the Adu is it going to require special permit no no that's right so that's you need to Define it that's why you need to Define saying is it a site we're requesting site plan approval right no I thought we were review site plan review I think we put that in yeah we did did subject to site plan approval so that we could see the parking I think I think we could see all of it approv just have idea that's how at least one off street parking space must be provided for all ads access by the existing driveway parking may be in a driveway or garage that's what we garage would require a special permit right yeah to build one yeah yeah unless they already have a garage and they say that's that's the designate spot I would say then that the ad would need to be attached to the garage if they want to use their primary residence garage as parking for the Adu but John's well but John's right like what happens in 20 years when the people sell the house and then right that's your spot it's I don't know yeah what if the garage is detached but doesn't make a difference I'm just saying they say that's the spot right there my my my thing is is that my reasoning is is that in the future yeah um when it becomes a rental and even in the beginning of um you want to be able to find say that here's your spot for parkings yeah to avoid as much conflict got it exactly Bess in these bylaws that was my only yeah yeah the existing what we had what you gave us Jo I had a question just spoke about so we in here we have a relationship to non-conformities if an Adu is proposed for a pre-existing non-conforming primary residence which I think is what we just had in front of it the requirements of section four of this zoning bylaw shall apply provided that no special permit may consider the Adu use or impose conditions on such use and I was trying to understand what is that mean practically no special per so now you've got you know you got an Adu associated with the non-com primary residence we're saying that the permit because we can't because section is making something more non-conforming add an section four means you're making something more nonconforming so if you add an ad to something that's non-conforming you are making it more non-conforming so that's why it's saying you can't require a special permit for an Adu if you're even if you're making it more non-conforming I think it's saying that the special per and you can't requ require a special permit Oh I thought it was saying that you can require a permit but that permit cannot consider the Adu use or impose conditions Beyond what's here so I think it's it's non-conforming you have to come for a special permit but these rules still apply we can't right right I can't limit the use or the conditions of that Adu with that permit it's just a permit saying allowing you to make it more non-conforming yeah go ahead you're it's just a permit saying you're making it more non-conforming and you came to the it's a review by a board that says that we recognize this is a non-conforming and that we are not going to impose any additional requirements beyond what our right reading this might confuse people but it will explain it it will Patrick definitely because when I first read it yeah that no special permit it's a yeah now can we make it um go ahead can we make it something understandable reward it to say provided that no special permit may consider the use or impose additional conditions on such use or the Adu I think having the word the Adu use is a little clunky can't consider the Ada use or imposed conditions on such use there's should be a comma in there you know what I mean it's it's not it's not provided that no special one may consider the adaus or semicolon or impose conditions on such use I just say that ad application has no relationship to nonconforming USIS yeah to existing non-conforming right that's that's what it is it is it is just tell me how you want a word and I'll change it oh and the sentence after legal's got to review this anyway yeah I would almost like no special permit May restrict the Adu use or impose conditions on its use right separate it's saying I would put a period after apply yeah and then um no special provided that and just no special permit may consider May restrict or something to the you or they consider the use or imposed conditions on such use okay of the Adu yeah that's better yeah so period after apply and then you're saying scratch provide that yeah and then no special permit may consider the use wri it down I'm not getting I've got it all right the use or imposed conditions on such use of the Adu application ad that make it a little bit more clear it's helps makes it more clear I think application what only change what did you see where I put red down on the bottom yeah because I don't know the construction of new garage to serve as an ad will require special permit from the planning board under Section where do we require is that the accessory building yeah so section I don't have my book with me yeah garages or build six 6.11 40 oh I'm thinking I know I think it's 61 page 40 I don't know the page sounds familiar that's where I was what page 40 6.1 yes well it says it say garages or access private GES yeah shall be limited toall we're putting this we're putting this as 6.11 bullet number three so we're referring this should we just take huh gonna go right here the whole bylaw is yeah but then we're referencing same section that's fine under Section six 6.1 so it just be under six section 6.1 so 6113 well that's oh the construction of a new garage service require special per planning under Section 6.1 because it is it isn't it just bullet one and two yeah 6.1 6.11 one and then two one two yeah so so it'll be three just how no three is where we're putting the new accessory apartment bylaw yes it's going to be 6.1 6113 but this is referencing letter e is saying the construction of a new garage to serve as an Adu shall require to serve an Adu that would be under section one this section one and bullet two right yeah one one yeah because the other one's for animal so that's all we have to do is reference 6.1 6.11 bullet one right I I don't think so yeah I do no because it says here private garages shall be limited to as many stalls plus one so we were just doing 6.1 right yeah so if you did 6.11 one right that's what we said that's what I wrote but but it says it gets no um let me you get into you get into in addition all accessory buildings shall not exceed I I think if you're going to do that either one you're going to have to modify this private garage thing for Adu because you're you're not going to let an a you have toall are you oh so if we put something about a garage in this Adu bylaw as opposed to referencing yeah the existing bylaw I like that I would do that yeah yeah parking may be in a driveway or garage the and um I would say the construction of the garage ser you shall require a special permit from the planning board you need so got it rather than trying should ruction y does that sound reasonable you did yeah yeah that sounds reasonable yeah half the ground floor area of the main dwelling yeah that's a lot for an Adu for garage a garage serving an Adu right so you could have a 400 foot I mean a 400 50 foot square foot garage yeah so that's why I'm saying there's no other sections in our bylaw that deals a garage that's what I I think so okay my garage the main so weed here my is 21 420 yeah that' be S yeah and 11 foot garage for 900 okay yeah I just leave it as a special permit y yeah what's our next upep for this should we have Town Council review this now yes send it to Town Council with these changes yeah I'd send it to Town Council and have her do a quick review and when we finalize what she comes back with pardon me we have a public hearing um we may want to yeah we may want to add some stuff subtract some stuff don't have much time though and yeah is problem um you have an updated schedule yet no they're just Monday night they had their meeting they're gonna come up with a schedule soonish right John no I talk it for us next year you mean I have it H half done I I didn't finish it for tonight you'll have it next meet uh January which is the second second second Wednesday is it the I don't know what is to my head I started it but I didn't finish it first Wednesday the eth yeah so that'll be the first one I'll give it to you at that one all right let's just do meeting minutes really quick um I'm gonna ask that everybody reads through battery energy storage for our next meeting stay read through read through what Joan sent around for battery energy storage for the next meeting like actually print it and have it marked up marked up so then we'll be a little bit faster than us all reading it here yeah there was quite a few bump yeah exactly that's why I don't want to sitting here reading 900 Pages do your homework I'm unless stay here work that's what I do go January yes well I drive in circles so you what's your you goe oh that's what I I have my schedule I want to tell you yes of the days I was taking off minimum just email me I don't have to say in here okay good I'll leave um Joanne oh the 18th you know what I'm gonna ask you hang on one second the 18th I have to go to Boston so I'm taking that off yes John sorry you're good yeah I had to tell her I'm have to take off the 18th for a doctor's appointment okay fourth huh did we get fourth no I don't have I know I knew that's what you're gonna ask me no I can shoot her an email and ask her but I I did say to her that um they were looking at getting it for um Springtown meeting so maybe that's set her schedule okay hopefully we'll see just so you know I um sent article one and article 18 I got the packets prepared to send to give to Eva that go to the attorney general tomorrow I'll finalize that they're all ready I'm just going to review them one last time for attorney general approval whenever something's approved at town meeting I have this process I have to do on a form that the Attorney General gives us it's quite a process copies of everything label attachment label the article in the ass but I got them ready I'll give those to her okay I'm good with this we don't have anything trying to think of anything else for the end of the year because I don't come back to the six so I don't even know what we'll have on the agenda by the 8th but because I'd have to post it on that day yeah well we know we won't have a public hearing thank god oh on the 6 we can't have a public hearing probably until February I have to post it people haven't gotten to you by now no right right won't be a public hearing as of now the only thing we could possibly have would be the review of town council's comments if she has them I doubt it but oh maybe she will maybe maybe she's got the other thing too on my minutes because that's like my bottom priority I didn't and Christina my main thing now is to make sure I spell spell your name right I did that already you make the motion move that we approve the regular meeting minutes of the hand planning board board November 13 2024 I second all in favor I motion to adjourn I move we adjourn second that hi you know he has that whatever you want