##VIDEO ID:sTkv-UXL9mU## you can always turn all right so we're going to call to order our regular board meeting uh 6 PM September 25th 2024 um our first order well first things first um we've got a few things on our agenda and anybody from the audience that's speaking tonight we ask that you go to the table and use a microphone so that people online can hear you and all board members try to speak loudly and clearly so everybody can hear us is anybody else recording yes we are recording so our first order of business is in anr um rear Mill Road Russell Morton and I just got a call from him that they can't make it they're stuck in traffic so and if we have questions we don't have to end it okay make door you see yeah a so he's subdividing the Lots on the right into a and b lied and it's a limited Industrial Area SE and they both said not a building lost yeah um in your folders yeah you got the map right industrial towards Summer e me what is not telling youfor he uses have to come backing therefore for come back and no we're just I'm just discussing it I don't know if you want to discuss it or not the applicant here so I think the way that we approach is that if we have concerns we're not going to endorse it since he's not here but if we think it's fine and meets the bylaws then we can endorse it okay so um he has no Frontage On Any Road in Hampton so it's not a building lot which he's spiked out right okay um so the only question I would have is what's he doing it for but it's his prerogative to be able to do it right agreed can you figure out where Russ's house is on this there is but go ahead that I'm thinking so his property he goes into in Meadow yeah and he's also into Summers here yeah so where he has go ahead his house I know where his house is yeah but that's okay so that okay okay so it doesn't ABD it at all he actually um there's really I don't believe anything that ABS to this okay this here in East Long Meadow ABS a piece of property that used to be Forbes Garden Center and they're now clearing that okay for some type of development in Islam met okay so what the plan is don't know okay with with Russ you know with this any concerns no right question um I'm that we endorsed the anr for Mr Russell Morton on rear m road I'll second that all in favor I I nothing PR all right our next order of business uh 5:30 Glendale Road discussion with Rory Walker there is a microphone if you feel you want to use it they can hear you if you don't mind just just turn it on Just for people that are online just in case please again good evening um my remember chairman my name is Walker thank you very much for taking the time to meet you today the reason for why I'm this meeting this evening is to uh listen feedback and comments from yourselves on a new system design um before I go into the new system parameters I want go over uh a history of the project and what has occurred to dat um this started back in 2021 when I went in front of the uh planning board select board and Conservation Commission to introduce this project at a high level to get overall feedbacks that was inv followed with an anr submitt sorry an anrad submitt to the kcom in March of 2022 um shortly after that we fil an an anr with the planning board itself which was endorsed September of 2022 um the anat approval was g into November 2022 uh last November we submitted our formal notice of intent to the Conservation Commission which was then unfortunately denied in July of 2024 shortly after we I requested to to uh revoke the application without prejudice um which us to today so again um understanding the concerns of the Conservation Commission as well as the members of the um I have uh come up with a new design I like com that as an overview the system size been reduced from what was a 4.92 megaw system to 2.66 54% reduction um I have removed array to in its entirety uh which included the access road the area of disturbance excuse me which is previously 21 acres is now reduced to just 12 acres of disturbance the tree clearing which was 12 acres is now 3 acres um I removed 12200 plus linear feet of Access Road this new application would not require any waiver setbacks from the board or from the Conservation Commission itself um I have removed the aspect of the uh dual use whereby agricultural Services would be utilized inside the F area was there concerns about that understood um this new design would allow for wildlife access to the site which the previous design did not allow for um with regard to Conservation Commission I still intend to redo the riverfront restoration plan that was previously submitted I will include that in the new design and uh lastly the uh as I understand there is currently a part in town with regard to energy storage um and the intent is to comply with body what I add to here again it's a little see as again an overall rendering of what the system would look like as it is proposed new clearing would occur in in this area which I'm indicating with mouse on the upper uh right hand side as long as with the area to the right of the track that's three areas um again with the intent of with showing you these images it's just the get feedback about any comments or questions that you may have Pro before final engineering morees you going to bring it up yes just Rory just to uh get you current with information from our perspective uh we received a confirmation from the Town Council that the uh bridg line in Hillside sections of the town's bylaws would apply so that's section six so um the connection there would be you know looking at your earlier plans which of course I've had you know the threshold being you're over 600 feet those are the one of the criteria for that uh rule to to uh require Su review so 600 ft uh there's also a slope designation I think at the time the slope also applied so I don't know in this in this uh new revise view if you're still at that 600 plus feet of elevation without seeing the detail the elevation I did not change right so so the arrays are still in a okay so that's something that um you know the ridg line and Hillside committee which is myself and Christina as a subcommittee of the planning board would go through the process of doing that review uh I would also think as part of that there there's three or four pages of content in the bylaws that I would think likely we we would want time bond to take a look at it's probably very I would think similar to what work they've already done um and the first step is in that process is you as the applicant would file an applic to have the review done and upon receiving the application Christina and I have 35 days to complete the review and um that's broadly the the process that we would we would go through when you're at that stage in the project so so we there is a you know history of course in town of doing the Ridgeline Hillside reviews but I'm going to gather some of that information it's possible we might also uh have someone else join us rather than just the two of us who might have maybe another board member join us so that's I guess new information to you as part of the process we didn't get confirmation of that until late July that that rule would apply since it's not within what you looked at which was you kind of the solar bylaw section so understood sir I was actually Adam attorney did make me aware that I would have to go through the r line oh okay yes the intend to do that prior to going back to okay all right we'll have to uh think about timing and as a as a Next Step based on what what you're looking at moving forward with and where there's kind of where this review best fits in kind of our overall you know review of the project but that's the that's the uh the criteria I'd say and it does have that 35 day I have issue with any review that the okay well that's I appreciate that so we'll look we'll look at this and as you go forward we'll we'll kind of think more closely about timing and how to how to make it happen I would say okay thank you so if you if I can worry um in regards to Patrick's comment about R and Hillside um page 51 so if you want that's where it is so that I would suggest that as you design this you review those okay this is in the town bylaws it is in the zoning bylaw not the general bylaws but in the zoning okay so basically it falls within the original District um but there is some specifics for the design that you would have to follow um and then then you would actually have to we would I'm saying we would um members of the riggen hillside go out and review what what you're proposing before you actually do go and put a shovel in the ground got okay you said there would be no fa no fence around that so wildf could go through sir there would be let me go back in the previous design we had a fence on the entire system the way that is shown right now I would just have a fence around array the top array and the fence around the bottom array for security managers the road will be open and any in that so they will do Wildlife but just the arrays for security and finance purposes would be enclosed with the security do you have an idea of what type of fence you would have I could give you specification sir it's like an OT chain link fence that would be a standard um with they again whatever specifications the board would require that I believe there's a requirement in the bylaw okay so in the zoning bylaw there will be a requirement for solar okay which is Page 114 um that's where it starts for the specifically no for the whole bot for the whole so you you you're your site needs to comply with these that is the intent with every single bylaw that is noted condition noted in the conditions exactly 100 foot setbacks I'm going to tell you right from the get-go with me going to be sacct and not violate that okay if you decide to um ask for additional cutting okay then I would like to see a plan for the cutting um it has there's even a size of a tree 10in caliber or bigger okay um trees that should be left um so that plan should show what what if you will what trees are larger than 10 in um also the other thing is um I'm going to say the battery storage concerns me right now um we don't have a bylaw for it that's a that's that's a a big concern with me okay we don't have granted you did drop the size down from 4.92 to 2.66 Meg um so I would need to really review that and see how big of a battery storage you're looking to put in there um so those are some of the things that that that do concern me joh on that note sir as I understand the more depart is done sometime in February early March I don't see myself being done by that time I will probably after the moratoriums in effect therefore we comply with the bylaw that's the intent all right okay yeah so this this committee has work to do on that um regarding the Ridgeline Hillside Rory why don't we agree that um we communicate to you that we've got our our uh members all set to do the review so the 35-day clock doesn't start clicking and so you can send in your application and we'll be ready to go if you would let me know that okay yeah there no other comments I thank the board very much I just the intent was to come I not had a chance to speak with you uh during the initial process except the first meeting so any comments or questions or like John said thank you very much for those review and I comply with the bylaw prior toiss again we'll go to the RG line Hill district prior to our formal submission board and and and I'm going to make a comment you're asking what you're asking is for a solar energy system that's been situated in a area that I think you've heard from previous meetings that is a very sensitive area I think sitting here in front of you is your neighbors okay um and one of the things is is that they're made they made their comments okay I think additionally because it is a sensitive area we're going to look I I'm I'm going to say I would look for some type of monitoring that goes on in case of heavy metals Metals that'll be you know I don't know I don't know how much deterioration of the panel will occur over years I can't answer that I don't think anybody can um but there will be some deterioration we know that there's Metals being used at on the framework aluminum they might be anodized but the anod anodized aluminum will eventually start to break down and there may be the contamination issue so we may ask for ongoing monitoring of the water sir and on that add you are very well put that there's this a sensitive area so in addition to going for the rich line is my intent to meet with any and all individuals that have address concerns I have lists and so because I don't want to come from the board and have individuals that are just angry with me uh it does do anybody beneficial so my intent just please know that I will meet these individuals at their convenience and discuss their concerns I may not be able to solve them but I will have heard them out in a manner that is they're able to articulate Pryer coming back to you of that is what thank you that's all I really have again thank you John can you share this slideshow with us Ma just we have thank you any other comments from the board thank you very much for your time we hear a motion to close our Reg board meeting I move that we close the regular board meeting I'll second that huh not h he four person that they want to Res just all right I didn't know sorry what I give got order we got one minute right we're going to call to order our public hearing case 2024 H September 25th 2024 um introduction of the planning board members Madison Pixley chair Christina bror Pat coin David Demers and John Matthews our statement of authority the planning board is established under chapter 4A of the general laws of Massachusetts and acts in compliance with chapter 40a under the zoning bylaws of the town of hamon chapter 41 governing the submission and approval of plots proposed subdivisions and the rules and regulations governing the subdivision of land and Hampton Massachusetts our legal notice hamon planning board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday September 25th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the townhouse 625 Main Street hamon M for all persons interested in propose amendments to the hamon zoning map Great horse requests a zone change from the residential or residential 6 to golf recreational for par 22 17700 38.6 Acres parcel 17 120 00 236.14 point5 acres and parcel 17 11600 12.25 Acres all Parcels owned by the farm at Great horse LLC information related to this application is on file in the town clerk's office and is available for review by the public during normal business hours for the board Madison Pixley chair of the hamon planning board published in The Wil Bram hamon times on September 5th and September 12 2024 reports received from other Town departments and agencies the Conservation Commission stated they will need to be informed before any work takes place on any of the parcels as they contain resource areas town clerk reported all taxes are paid once we open up um for public comment we ask that every all person speaking identify themselves and for now we'll have the applicants presentation please use this probably got to turn it on yeah I don't you thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen planic my name is St I'm an attorney with the me here on behal of far greator hell with me my colle Rachel fancy and representative of the African K of great we're here for a public hearing this evening on our request for a favorable report to the handed time meeting on a request for zone change thank you madam chair forly describing the details of his own Chang save me some time here but it is you've identified the parcels we're looking forun from um R4 and R six to golf Recreation location is the old Cy Farm on the Westerly side of um the I think the main question um by Bo and others maybe why we requesting zone change uh primary reason for the zone change is to enable us to locate relocate uh the GF Course Maintenance sh that current currently resides right on wilham road as you're driving toward wam on wilham road on the right side very visible it's in the middle of the golf course and despite um Mr Anon and um maintenance shed overall the golf course uh they would prefer to move it to uh the Farm property uh accade hor F there's plenty of available space it's more consistent with the current use of the property uh however because it is uh deemed an accessory use to a golf force and the property is currently zon residential uh we would be unable to engage in that use on great our Farm property um unless fre Zone with all Recreation um one important P you mentioned Conservation Commission being consulted any use after the resoning any use um whether it be the relocation of the maintenance shed or any other use would have to come for this forward again either on site plan Amendment or special permit Gulf Recreation district is a fairly restrictive district and virtually any use requires further review by this board but would we giving up by um changing the Zone from residential to golf Recreation we would be giving up an as of right residential use um the ability to subdivide and develop the residential on that property um right without further permit um one question that I've heard anecdotally which I'd be happy to address is with respect to what use certain uses what uses are not permitted I believe if you review that bylaw on the use chart an amusement use is not permitted in the golf Recreation District there's no desire to engage an amusement use but um it is not permitted should it be reasoned about Recreation uh again the request um due to time issues uh with respect to fall town meeting we are respectfully requesting that you hearing from the public that you Clos the hearing this evening and issue a favorable report to our meeting as expeditiously as possible preferably this evening uh we thank you for your time and we're happy to answer any questions [Music] okay go ahead thank you um the for all of the residents that are here um wondering this meeting here tonight is just about the rezoning from the R4 R6 to golf recreational that's what we are limiting the scope of this meeting to okay we're not going to pontificate we're not going to think about if they're going to put another Sunny's there okay if you're interested did that comes at a later date when they ask to do something okay in other words to develop the property that will come at a later date whether it's an amendment to a special permit that they have already been issued or they decide to have a new special permit okay for this particular property is that clear and if if I could if I could comment just um on that comment we're also seeking a recommendation this ultimately is decided at time meeting correct and we are seeking we would like a recommendation favorable to the planning board that recommend be a positive negative or no recommendation does not necessarily prevent it from going to town meeting and the citizens are hand to decide on the request but we obviously um Val this board's commun seeking a favorable recommendation to [Music] T are there options to relocate that maintenance facility within the existing uh acreage that the golf course uses is replac it that's an alternative to this if this were not to work out maybe you've looked at those in the past uh yes they've looked at the best location and haven't been able to find a s location on the existing property and um given the nature of the it's there is a significant amount of property um on the farm it's used as I believe many aware both for agricultural purposes um horses and and um farming um a Shad of this size C we're talking about is um would be work better with the Aesthetics of the existing Farm than it would the call course right hopefully that's responsible and will the will the new shed be much larger than the existing shed or is it sort of the same footprint is is it much different uh we we don't have the specifics it we imag would be similar but again will be before this board with the specific we plans for that shed con with any review for us to talk about the shed where it's placed all you want is favorable recommendation or unfavorable or no recommendation from the planning board tonight to for a reone that's all you're looking for you like favorable I understand yeah and not to not to circumvent anybody's questions or anything but the I'm going to explain this the real meat and potatoes comes down to the next step if they get the approval at T here and then at town meeting to rezone this piece of property the real meet and potatoes comes to where that building the size of the building how it's going to be situated they have to do the traffic patterns in and out so that's when the real de the hard decisions become really hard okay and that's when the public comment will start to take effect I don't want to circumvent anybody thinking that we're going to just ramrod this through your real decision comes if it's approved as a zone change then when they come back and they ask for for a placement of a building that's when the planning board would really have to say yes no or whatever the chairperson has to recognize I'm sorry any other questions from the board before we open to the public pardon me any other questions from the board no no I'd like to just make sure we limit it to the scope because we can go off the road and start to really get into some comments discussions that really don't pertain to this right now great yep okay can you just stand up and state your name and address and actually just come up to the microphone please drive Madam microphone on if you would please it's okay don't worry we're goingon to make a star AUD you tonight hi my name's Laura White I live at 76 o drive and I'm wondering if the zone changes for the entire piece of property or just what's needed for the new shed and maintenance areas and as it's been proposed to us okay it appears to be almost the complete property but just not the maintenance shed a section of it it's going to be the complete prop everything that they own that they they own they own many Parcels if you will okay um you know so it will be all of them than you yep [Music] please CH 75 Drive um I'd like a definition your definition of go Recreation okay so my definition my definition comes right out y comes right out of comes right out of the bwalk okay do you you want me to read it okay so basically uh page 42 um the golf recreational district is intended for commercial golf course and normal and un and usual accessory uses as permitted according to the table of use regulations 6.0 so then I would go to table 6.0 which is on page 26 okay and I would look down through the column of golf recreational and see what is an allowed use using this paper that that okay there okay um yeah recognize sorry I couldn't see you now you're going to move sh the main road par there was no access from the golf course without Crossing R Drive unless they're planning on trail r register Vehicles how was all that equipment get we the golf right now we can't answer that that will come that'll come at a later date understand has to do with zoning this is the decision you're making no no that doesn't right now okay that's fine name is Jack 91 old drive with all due respect Mr Matthews it has everything to do with deciding whether to Grant the change or not we've been told by the attorney that this is going to be because they need a shed I don't think the Astrodome uses 292 acres for a shed now what I would like to say just so that cuz I walked into this room and I ended up having PTSD from what we went through before to say that these people are a bad actor and to sit there and I agree let's do things according to your Bible according to your Bible this board here has to decide and we don't have the information we don't know anything if I was sitting on the board I I you'll be able to speak when I'm go ahead yeah if we had the information why do you need 292 Acres I can't what's the location oh well because we have 292 Acres they're going to put it down at the Coler saac on o Drive they can to put it over on Raymond Road there's all those I understand are going to be after fact but they have stated here that they are doing this solely to relocate a shed I heard each and every one of you to determine is 292 acres do we Grant a favorable or Would we not be better served just to table it like you did with the the B that reeded us that you had questions he went back and send them back to show us a plan a location what it is and then we can make a good decision our now okay your pen stuck in there I'd like to give you this just for those of you that don't know the history these people are Bad actors that's a breakdown of what I went through why I said I suffer from PTSD back in 2007 17 so if you all would like to read that I think it would help educate you on how some of us feel here um what are they going to do about all the noise the dropping of the trash p and the diesel back and forth I mean when he came here he bought that property he knew it was a farm now we're going to turn it into a bunch of noise and traffic uh I've been over to Sunny's place I've heard them drop those trash BS I hear them now and there's only one what are we going to do and there's more just bring it to everybody else's attention what you have a do you want to make maybe make a comment about why all the parts need to be why you're looking to reone all of them sure um so as noted before we we haven't determined location the setbacks the design for the storage because until we go through this process right and have it not it's not doesn't make sense to determine the location um and you can't you can't do spot please hold it down please go ahead they're large parcels and you you generally can't reone a particular area of one parcel um so the other thing is and we did the intent for the zone change um is to relocate the storage shed there was a comment that um we represented that that's solely the use solely the purpose we don't the we don't know what the future of that partial holds but we know what it does not hold which is um Amusement uh it also um if we decide to relocate some of the farming aspects currently the only a of Right Use is subdivision and residential development and um reor is in the business of VL course not necessarily in the business of residential Redevelopment so in connection with um the relocation of theed it makes sense to have the two large Parcels neighboring one another zoned with the con same consistent use which will allow flexibility around the operation of the calll course uh and then will um preclude the um residential as right residential Redevelopment thank you 275 wam Road my property of BU the largest parcel of Ken land grow up in that house um I agree with the sentiment that was echoed here tonight that a smaller resoning of uh the parcels that would designate an area for maintenance would be more appropriate and I offer just that because um for several years now probably since 2018 everybody that a bus on waham road have had the newer aisles we've had massive massive piles of soil which were recently moved uh We've dealt with flies um and aesthetically their building is not attractive on wro but we blame them for wanting to move it but I certainly wouldn't want to look out my back of my home which is a substantial home that I've spent many many years developing and I don't think others would to just uh view a maintenance building now I understand that that's for a future discussion however you know understand all the uses for hundreds of acres of land I think they could designate more specifically something that was closer the Norman keny's original property which already has a barn on it setb um that probably doesn't affect people on Oak no Raymond drive and those of us that live on wam Road aesthetically the maintenance building to be CID I'd much rather see myself a nice development back there than the maintenance building so I just asked the board to maybe have them scale specifically something that was more appropriate before we rezoned all that land thank you any questions or comments from the board just no any other questions from the crowd comments any want to make a motion actually let take a vote oh excuse me just a vote just a vote all you need is a vote to um Advance this to recommend recommendation to the um for to put on the U warrant fall town meeting or special town meeting however it's want to be addressed onto the warrant huh chance more comment what was that makes a quick comment um I sat on the planning board for a number of years as John did and we had I can recall two resoning proposals Mike sabaly came before us after his father and uncle died to reone Hampton Nursery business and then some of the land owners around mini mall came to reone to actually codify what they did but all that required further action I think John was 100% right before you're going to have a chance to speak at the town meeting this doesn't make it happen right this just advances town meeting when you can sit much more comfortable chairs the old blue plastic ones at Thon Burgess and get up and speak and hopefully have a bigger proposal and more neighbors can come then and then if it passes a town meeting there's another meeting when any proposal comes back and you as neighbors speak either for or against it then and get more information the process doesn't end here everybody stays involved all this does is this doesn't approve it this says go to the town meeting and let 200 people speak about it a better bigger form to talk about it that's all it is this is a recommendation to come to the board select then we have a decision to make on the 30th if we're going to put it on the town meeting warrant that has not been decided yet we were waiting for the outcome of this hearing this grants nothing except the next step it doesn't make it happen tonight it doesn't guarantee it's going on the town meeting warrant that's still something for our board to decide Monday night and then at the town meeting on the 29th on yes October 29th the town will vote whether or not to agree to it you're not giving any rights tonight making your voice heard John what we are furthering is I think the people here have expressed concerns and a lot of negativity and the board has three choices they can pass a favorable on the action or they can pass unfavorable and I'm urging you not to take any action you joh said what you said is there's a lot of questions that have to be answered I will never understand what the rush is at the last minute because we have Town meetings all the time if that I think all of us would be in agreement and urge you quite simply you voted to take no action that's it we can go home and be happy and live to ask the questions and get more get more specifics I didn't hear anything here specific other than a c we need 292 Acres because we don't know where we're going to put it but twoe Point what's the rush and Jack that is let me comment on that if you don't mind Madison Jack it's a valid point it is but like any land owner in town if I decide to to purchase the property next to me and my brother would give up a Hayfield I would have the opportunity to come and ask hey this is what I want to do with it and I'd have that right just like any of you do to bring it to the board oh I'm not I'm not disputing that with all du respect yeah they absolutely have the right but based upon what we as a Butters as as members of the community what we know right now and what we had the opportunity to hear we didn't hear anything so rather than put it on you to have us leave here pissed off because John Mr Matthews you said it correctly we'll live to fight another day you got to have two3 majority in the town meeting all I'm saying is the appropriate thing for that your board to do is to take no action just you don't have need more take no action they can go and get 100 signatures and they can still you know bypass our warrant system they can do all that and we'll all go to the town meeting but why why what right does any property owner here have to to tell tell you when everybody here I I only I haven't heard anybody speak in favor of it which kind of says to me I don't know there's probably 40 of us here back you're on to page two and we're all speaking against it but we're not saying don't do it we're saying what's the rush why 292 Acres where is it going to be located how are you going to have access to it how is how is our fire department and how is our ambulance if there's a problem what are all those well you have to wait you have to pass the bill to know what's in the bill so all I'm asking you to do is don't take any action that's all I think is would everybody agree these taxpayers yeah so so you say take no action don't do anything that's not what this board is for this board has to do something okay like you said we can always just push it down the road that's not what we do okay and to ask the applicant what's he's going to do with the 292 Acres or the 330 or whatever okay that comes at a later date where the criteria then will be set alls again I keep going back to this alls he's asking for is a change in the zone you are now wait a minute wait a minute I let you speak apologize John we're all here and we're friends so my bottom line is that you're asking for something that we don't have any knowledge of now and will we have knowledge of it when he comes forward with a plan yes at that point in time we will and that's when again it gets down to the nitty gritty and that's when you're talking to me about where this is going to be placed where this is I have it right in front of me here's where it's going to be how the traffic is going to go from here to there to address the concern about coming across Raymond Drive how's this going to I can't pontificate I can't I I will not okay I will not go and explore that right now because I don't know until you have a definitive plan in front of you then you can make decisions what you said about this gentleman here before us Rory Walker he came before this board and I was not on the board but he came up in front of conservation with a plan and that definitive plan was rejected basically by conservation and it probably and I don't know because I don't have a crystal ball it might have been rejected by the planning board but if they come to us with a plan meaning great horse and we look at it and we say we don't agree with that one it doesn't meet bylaw or two this is what we want to see as a community alls they're asking for is a change 200 major change in zoning it's it's a change in zoning and they have that right as a land owner and I welcome you to help me out it is my understanding stand correct you have three options as the plan you can take a vote to vote favorable on the request you can take a vote to vote not favorable and you also can elect his vote and take no action which basically is all we're asking you to do this this feeling that you have this responsibility to without with against an awful lot of people here that are saying we're confused we don't understand we want to get it and you say and that's why I use it I don't mean to come te well you got to understand you got to pass the bill to know what's in the bill so now we we rezone and all of a sudden the next thing we know they make an application for another 18 holes of golf you know and I understand that and then we'll have to fight that battle but right now all we're asking you as a board is take no action that's all let decide that if and well the thing is is that if we move it forward to town meeting a bigger cross-section of the town now has an ability I'm more comfortable with that than what's about to go down no problem with that whatso so then so then we would vote favorably no we would vote favorably and move it to town meeting vote favorable or unfavorable if you vote favorable there are people saying well the planning board thinks it's okay so I guess I'm going to be no no no no no we're saying it's favorable that to go to town meeting we're not excuse that's not what chapter 48 Section 5 says chapter 48 Section 5 says the planning board must make a recommendation to the town meeting right the recommendation can be favorable or unfavorable or they can take no action after 21 days and it would still go that's correct and I I just want to clarify I don't think there's such a thing as taking a vote to take the El action do nothing you just wait the 21 days correct but the or you have to make a recommendation to the town meeting and your recommendation is me this recommend aable zone change or we recommend an unable you don't you don't take a vote to move to the to Mee but a favorable recommendation to move it move it to the meeting favorable recommendation then then the selectman would still have the have to put it on the warrant or you can get your 100 signatures or your 200 signatures your only job is to say we favorably this Z is a favorable recommendation We Believe fa for available for the town or it's unavailable for the town or do nothing for 21 days and let the Black start the I think that's right start the public hearing has Clos you have 21 days agree with Mr dport those are the choices favorable recommendation and unfavorable or no action after the close of the public hearing it goes to it goes the town meeting with one of those three results and we're asking obviously for a favorable recommendation we're asking that you close the meeting the hearing and you make favorable recommendation but it's your choice on what recommendation you make or make an unfavorable recognition will it still go to the town meeting they would have to get 100 signatures right no theel right sorry anyone could correct me they misunder or think I'm misstating it but if you make an unfavorable recommendation will be on town meeting with an unfavorable recommendation from the planning so I'm a little confused that U the definition of favorable so my understanding a little while ago was all I'm voting is favorable to put it to the select board of the Zone on the zone change itself yeah [Music] okay I have a question do you have to Res the whole 290 Acres you can't do just that's what that's what they came forward with I know but you as the board you cannot change that the whole 200 something so in the history of hamen has there ever been a parcel of land that large that's been rezoned well if we go back if you go back you want to go way way back let's let's I mean let's talk way way back a lot of this land was Farmland so how did it get zoned as residential so so again um Mr K's original property okay um was farmland and he proposed to have a I'm going to say a 200 lot subdivision am I I'm looking at you counselor um I don't yes yeah so his proposal was many many Lots residential are four I don't I don't remember how many but again Mr KY came in front of the town and had to have that zoned whether we did it this way okay because I don't know again I'm going back that was probably in the 60s maybe in the 50s okay but there's always been some type of zoning um if you go up the road to Springhouse Lane that you know all of these areas were made subdivisions so they would have had to been Zone not interrupt you but he made a statement where he said maybe there was some kind of quote that he said P the storage shed or maybe something else so I think that's where for me as a resident that may be affected that's where my concern is have they barely being honest with us because they say they don't have a plan please please they're professional people they they have a plan and I think that's where we're uneasy with is because they're not saying really what's going on so if I may um and I I don't know the inner workings of great horse or the anachis but any business that you have okay has I'm going to say a group of people that will make decisions as to what you're going to do um whether it be Big Y whether they're going to build a uh another building for a bigger store or it happens to be some place else or some some other type of business somebody makes those decisions those decisions may not be made because of the fact that if they don't get approved then maybe they go spend their money elsewhere okay meaning the antonacci family or however great horse works I don't know the inner workings of of of the business so there may be other things that they may want to do and they say well this is a priority for us is to at least get the maintenance building moved and then we'll see about what other monies can come across I don't know and I am I am going out on a limb understand something I am not speaking for the antonacci and how they run their business I'm not speaking for greator I'm not speaking for anybody I'm just trying to justify it in my mind why they're saying I want will you stop he I let you talk and you won't you won't let me talk you want to carry the water for them or do you want to listen I'm not carrying the water for them John okay I'm carrying the water for the antonacci family a lot of us look at my bank account how big it's grown don't give a rat's ass I think a lot of us here because it was a summer and now you're changing the whole development of our area just like solar panels changes things this will change why we move to Hampton it will I mean just like great horse I live on I can hear the music coming from greator you know and and I don't need to be disrespectful I thank you all for board but how many on the board are being affected by their Zing we we all will be no you're not no that's why it goes to town meetings I know but are you all are you all AB buding that land they they clearly have the right to request this yeah and um if go to me could be [Music] denied if it was denied they would could come back with with a proposal on a more specific on a smaller parcel I think that's the concern a lot of the butters is that once once the resoning has occurred Simply Be setback requirements so they can literally take and put multiple maintenance buildings or other things that could aesthetically affect the town because once it's Zone they'll simply just need to be have to meet the codes building codes and Zoning setbacks and I think there is very appropriate Parts on that parcel of land and I know it like the back of my hand uh to to have reson for their their specified purpose if it's beyond that then they can always come forward to the town and say Here's why we need 292 Acres but right where the farm is and I'm not sure the acreage there for that parcel is probably the most appropriate place to put a structure like this they already have access off Lam Road they go right down through there there's a barn there I think that's the concern for most of bars is uh you know once it's once the zoning changes occur then they can destruct whatever's appropriate in gol and so and again I like a lot of things quite candly that they do I'm not I'm not opposed to Great horse myself personally I think that they've done some very very good things quite honestly uh however uh you know if you've had their Farm behind your home and you experience what most the butters on wam Road have experienced and it's not like they haven't even been voal many people on wam Road permitted use of the farm totally okay permitted use if you can imagine 400 yards by five or six rows of horse manure about 8 ft tall and flies coming into your home a permitted use that's the concern they already have Zoning for permitted use perfectly fine this is new GRE zoning the permitted use may not be beneficial to the town of Hamp certainly probably not to the butters it seems appropriate to me that if that's their intent that they can come that hopefully this won't pass the town meeting that they'll present something that's a more appropriate resoning for that Maintenance building because it would be better for the town to remove the maintenance buildings on road quite honestly but it is better be on 292 Acres all right thank you thank you de um state your name and where friendly correction I don't think there's any setback applicable to a golf course to the district to District you got that 100 foot tree buffer but only only attaching to the precise gol course itself not for the restaurant not for the retail establishment not for whatever else I didn't see any um and further what John was saying they can lie out on whatever they plan and if the resoning is approved the only limitations are what's in the The Zone South recreational District it doesn't matter what we're told on our way to getting it approved down we to hear H hear to vot on how do you take no recomend recommend it no you can take no actually I'm I'm going to address one more thing since I'm carrying I've been accused of carrying the water for the antonacci let me explain one thing I do my research I've been through this before okay I've been on the planning board when the antonacci first came into town and started to redevelop the golf course IGN okay I sat through all of the meetings IGN and I took all the flak and I'm still to getting flak I don't carry anybody's water what concerns me more than anything is when they will start to propose what they want to do with this property if I'm still on the planning board which I'm sure there's a faction out there would like to see me removed and I'm sure I probably will be but the bottom line kind being is that's when the real control occurs okay you follow the bylaw and you condition the property you can you make conditions what surprises me is everybody is complaining about the horse Manu okay there's did anybody report it to the zoning enforcement officer was the noise reported to the zoning wait a minute and what wait a minute now wait a minute what was the result of the zoning enforcement officer finding so I'm not that's an am it's a question that doesn't need to be answered this board does not put the bylaws um is not in charge of enforcing the bylaws that's not this board's decision we look at the bylaws that are written and if the if it fits then we would be able to approve it to bring everybody up to speed I tried very hard to within the parameters of what John I go back to the recreational overlay I go back to us as a town purging ourselves applying for millions of dollars of Massachusetts state money and was in writing saying that we had favorable reaction for water and sewer from Springfield in East Long Meadow and it was not true okay I talk about the starting game when our own health commissioner and Building Commissioner and it was funny because it sounds very similar to what I just heard here oh this going to put storage in there only afterwards did we discover and it went the people on Raymond Drive I think they're still paying pursuing so my point is their actions to the relationship they do a lot of good things and I and I support them and I thank them for that but when the owner Mr anonui goes up to my wife and and my wife says hey is there any way you cannot start at 6 o'clock in the morning and he turns to her and says I'll do what I want you all should just be happy then I'm not putting condos there that's true okay okay okay okay all right thank you and I didn't want to go down this road but if we're going to go over and over and over again what your responsibility is your responsibility is not and I apologize for saying you were carrying their water I get emotional ex I in my name in the B too for let go go all right we're gonna close our comments Excuse me yes sorry have you closed the public no we're our board's going to make a recommendation I vote yeah no not a motion it's a recommendation it's a recommendation recommendation or yeah I recommend excuse me in the crowd can we just John I recommend to um approve the reone I recommend no decision no action no action no action any others I recommend no action thank you I recommend no action three no action what is it Joanne um when I was three no action no action two I'm assuming favorable okay so read it fa no action no favorable recation no favorable recommendation 3 to well no it said no action 21 that brings in the 21 Day thing with no action right John right don't I don't believe chap 48 allows for vote no action I believe allows for vote in favor oros take I like actual procedural grounds would be just close the public hearing and say We'll issue a recommendation or won't or just we keep under advisement but hearings closes and that starts the CL public I make a motion to close the public hearing I'll second that favor all