##VIDEO ID:vrMWyDp0c-M## all right we're going to uh open our public hearing case 2023b um just everybody knows this is being recorded um introduction of the planning board members Madison Pixley chair Christina bror Pat coin David Demers and John Matthews read statement of authority the planning board is established under chapter 48 of the general laws of Massachusetts and acts in compliance with chapter 48 under the zoning bylaws of the town of hen chapter 41 governing the submission and approval of plots and proposed subdivisions and the rules and regulations governing the subdivision of land and hamon massach or legal notice the hamon planning board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday June 14 2023 at 6:15 p.m. in the townhouse 625 Main Street Hampton Mass on the application of Bedrock Financial LLC s trustee Cumberland Blues realy trust for special permit approval for substandard Frontage lots for Parcels 153 350 Lot C and 15035 lot D under section 7.2.4 of the handon zoning bylaw and special appartment approval for a common driveway under Section 7.54 2 of the hampen zoning bylaw to access parcel 15350 lot a parcel 15350 Lot B parcel 15350 Lot C and parcel 15350 lot all Parcels are located on thresher Road and owned by Bedrock Financial LLC information related to this application is on file in the town clerk's office and is available for review by the public during normal business hours for the board Madison Pixley chair of the hon planning board published in the wilham hon times on May 25th and June 1st 2023 so we've received the letter from the applicant Bedrock Financial LLC s truste Cumberland Blues realy trust dated October 4th 2024 requesting his application for a special permit be withdrawn without pre Prejudice so now I'll be looking for a motion to accept this withdrawal without prejudice I move that we accept the withdrawal without prejudice second all in favor i i y i i can't vote yet can I I have to sign that I'm sorry I have it right here yes you better announce that John sorry I have this you certification so John Matthews is going to sign the certification mgl chapter 39 section 23d to take part in our motion okay we better take the vote again okay we'll hear a new motion New Motion I move that we approve the accept accept the all without prejudice second all in favor okay to close move we close the public hearing I second favor I I okay now we're going to open our regular board meeting um October 9th 2024 6:34 p.m. our order of business is case 2021b Self Storage to Summers road so tonight we'll be reviewing the judge's decision on the planning board and possibly vote to issue the special permit um we're going to review the planning board decision dated December 22nd 2022 which contains the 21 conditions and we have to review the court decision dated July 9th 2024 so basically we're try to discuss these documents on the 21 conditions if we feel that no additional information is required from the applicant we'll vote to issue the special permit up to the 21 conditions if the board feels that we need more information from the applicant only we'll have to have another public hearing to accept the additional information requested close the hearing and then make the decision to issue the special permit with the 21 conditions when we reference 21 conditions this means that we can remove some of them if we want to oh yeah should we just run through the conditions or you guys want to do this all right condition one hours of operation 7: am. to 9M Monday through Friday and 9:00 am. to 7:00 P p.m. on Saturday and Sunday including federal and state holidays condition two prior to the start in construction the applicant will shall submit a storm water permit and storm water pollution prevention plan to the designated agent for review and approval three the site requires provision for a knockbox or similar means of entrance for all emergency services at any time four All Landscape dead trees must be replaced within one growing season five annual reports of Maintenance performed at the facility to be provided to the enforcement officer building inspector six any damage to the fence will be replaced within one month's notice of the defect seven any application of pesticides herbicides to be conducted by a certified licensed agent in accordance with local state and fed federal regulations eight a weekly inspection is to be performed of the site for removal of trash three litter Etc so on eight who's going to do that the owner the owner responsible for that nine the facility is to be maintained in a manner as of its initial approval 10 no business shall be allowed to operation directly or indirectly on the premises that is not consistent with the prescribed use of the property 11 the facility shall not allow for the storage of hazardous material in quantities greater than the reportable quantities identified in 310 CMR 40 12 a rental contract shall prohibit the storage of materials listed in 310 CMR 40 in quantities greater than the associate associated with the normal household use 13 the storage of flammables INF flammables combustibles or hazardous material will be in accordance with chapter 148 and CMR 527 of the mass General law 14 the special permit is granted to the applicant and will run with the land and shall be transferable 15 the proposed 8ot fence as noted on the site plan dated 11:30 2021 will be a solid vinyl fence in a dark green gray color 16 the proposed entrance gate is to be a solid vinyl fence in dark green gray to match the surrounding fence 17 any signage installed under Section 7.6 221a shall not not exceed 24 ft and shall remain unlit 18 the facility shall not permit the storage of motorized vehicles including but not limited to automobiles boats recreational vehicles landscaping equipment Etc 19 applicant must provide 24-hour notice of any cancellation or change in insurance and within 5 days of cancellation provide proof of new Certificate of Insurance the Certificate of Insurance shall be provided to the town annually and every 5 years the policy will be reviewed by the planning board where adequacy of coverage minimum coverage of 1 million per occurrence and a 3 million aggregate applicant must maintain continued occurrence based environmental pollution liability insurance coverage 20 new photometric plan to be submitted based on revised site plan to show no light trustpass on adjacent properties with dark sky compliance and 21 any changes to the site plan approved under the special permit shall require the applicant to file for an amendment to this special permit you have any issues with any of those any of them we want to get rid of me any we want to get rid of I don't I don't think so so now if anybody wants to make a motion to issue the special permit I make a motion to um issue the special permit with the attached 21 conditions as stated I'll second that all in favor all is it everyone y okay zero I think our only other order of business tonight is um talking about the accessory dwelling unit Don did you have stuff do you want to talk about do you want to uh go through the minutes are there minutes to be approved Joan two steps two steps yeah yeah we can do that quick and then I'm sorry I didn't it's okay I've got a husband under the weather so I'm trying to that's okay it along um I don't know if everybody read them or not e e back yeah any of talk to hi never mind motion to approve the meeting excuse me minutes of the uh regular meeting for September 25th 2024 second all in favor um it's okay give me he's looking for mistakes those tyos don't catch spell my name no that was Heather tyos okay some like reading for me P set okay almost set um motion to approve the public hearing minutes for case 20248 um Wednesday September 25th 2024 I'll second that thanks all right Mr M Adu okay the questions I have um and these are which way how do you want to proceed um this board proceeding on coming up with the language for the Adu um for the town so I have a question and these are different ways which we could use or you ize I'm saying one of them would be view other towns bylaws such as mson Wilber hams and other towns that are our size Y and um kind of adopt theirs see how we see how they fit um and we may have to change some of theirs to accommodate some of our needs that we may see yeah mson is actually in the process of changing theirs right now yes yeah and I think wilam has so we could investigate those um and like I said or we can come up with a blank slate and go through that we can adapt to the what we have now modify that um we could invite the building inspector to get his slant on things um and run some of the what we would like to do past him and see what uh his input is and the last would be uh you could always take the state's template and just drop that in also it may cause some confusion using the states because it's not really clear yeah uh and concise so what I'm asking is you know no answer now but to think about it and maybe come back for the next meeting and decide which way we want to go yeah I think maybe we start with looking at what wiam and mson have done to update it to reflect the state's requirements and then go from there sure in combination with what we have in our own yeah I mean I think we took Ours from wolverham right okay does anybody else have feeling on that yeah yeah with no I'm poting him I'm just G to I just want to get the board's sense first first yeah if that's okay John you John sure I would obviously go to other towns first okay and then after we do that then I would invite the building inspector in yeah yeah yeah okay yeah I don't think we need to drag him through the process of us reviewing and I think if we get something set then is there talking to Jesse today about this town attorney he alluded to a February time frame he is correct so it goes into effect if we don't have something in place prior to that it's an open door and then is there makeup work after say you bring something to the Spring Town Meeting yes so there will then be a period where anything is allowed and you can't force them to come back in compliance with your zoning it's like zoning before 1942 you are correct you're correct John potential there so the it's it's imperative to get something yeah ahead of it and get something in place right um and I'm I'm thinking that that something in place would be for the annual town meeting yeah and roll the dice on the three months basically yeah I mean you it it it's going to be like the wild west you can do whatever you want type of thing well he did make the point you still have the Board of Health still has control over step right stepb backs are still in place the envelope it's fair game correct and our bylaw um Town Council uh what's her name Rose rose um did indicate that our bylaw would be in place until February 2nd I believe and the square footage would still be by the state she she went through the whole thing and told me what we would mandate until February 2 but our law doesn't allow for right now um detached and that's that's you okay so that's why I said the wild west and it would still have to uh somebody could come in and put a unattached Adu in but they would still have to comply with there's still a lot of stuff that they have to comply with yes yes y so what we would need to do is do you want to keep those setbacks the same for an Adu or do you want to change them or whatever those are some of the questions that you yeah we should think about y agreed so then if it's denied our annual town meeting we'd be in the same predicament that we are before yeah we'd have to go by the state's guidelines as OPP to having our own clear yes yes yes and as John said there is the uh the requirement for um Board of Health Board of Health to oversee yeah and build I mean they still and the building because don't like certain septic systems like that were put in like only hold so many people or square footage or or bed they calculate it based off of bedrooms so if hypothetically they we don't do that or we do Board of Health the Board of Health would do that part right and the same thing for a well but that's not clear right now well is I'm not sure about the well right that's not clear that's one of the things we need to really Define so in other words if um if I had an unattached I tap into the existing owner well you know I'm say and run to that other person um then does it become a public water supply I don't know those are questions I don't know it would be a well but if you're renting a house an Adu um do you have to have the water monitored I don't know so those are questions that need to I think it but we can confirm that I don't I'm pretty sure it's not I don't know that's all I have okay so maybe for the next meeting you can bring maybe Joanne copies of Wilbraham and mson bylaw would that be possible yep yeah huh do you want do you want me to reach out to invite wend to to it I don't think no not want to invite wend until we have something right a draft yeah and I want to give it to him before so he can actually like read it if you find it could you email it out Jo I will do it okay it's hunting season I got lots of time sitting in the woods some quiet reading all right everybody good motion motion to close no this is a public meeting but madis Madison you started saying it was a public hearing and John you also said it was a public that was for our first that was for the public hearing we started the meeting as a public hearing for closing out that uh special permit application and then we opened our regular board meeting so it's a board meeting just a regular board meeting so can you take questions or comments at painting to Self Storage what are you pertaining the question to yes Noor cannot you can canot you cannot any question for Self Storage no but you can take can you take comments nope no it's not a public law somewhere that says that you can't I mean in a public meeting if the board allows you to the judge's decision this was ordered by the it was a judge's decision to no public all right the meeting is over I would like it if you could hear something I think it's important for you to hear it as planning board members when the meeting is over and it's I see what you're saying would you close a motion to aurn I'll second that all in favor all can I speak