##VIDEO ID:-zyEDuNRMQY## adequate notice of the September 12th 2024 meeting of the township committee has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by posting written notice and agenda of the meeting on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building 1000 Route 10 Township of Hanover and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice to the following newspapers Morris County daily record The Star Ledger of eagle and by following the scene with the Township Clerk roll call committee man kahill is excused this evening committee man perasa here commit froli here commit Mahal here mayor Gallagher here four members in attendance okay tonight is a very special night in Haner Township and it's a very special night for Han Township PD and some new officers we bringing on board so for the Pledge of Allegiance I would like to ask our chief Mike lock to lead us in pledge allegiance and then please remain standing for Deputy Mayor Mike Mahalo to lead us in our prayer Chief you can rise please face the flag Pledge of Allegiance thank I pledge of Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all almighty God please watch over guide this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding to help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and Township volunteers who help keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly please let us pray for the men and women of the US Armed Forces to stand vigil over us always amen please remain standing for a moment of silence for the 23rd anniversary of all those that parished in September 11th 2001 their families and all those that were Ed and it's aftermath thank you line come on up so while our clerk is getting everything ready I'm just going to read a little something about Steven so Steven graduated from walkill Valley Regional High School where he played football hockey and track he then attended the College of New Jersey where he played football and was a member of the national criminal justice Honor Society after graduating with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice Stephen had several jobs while also completing the hiring process for our department depart Steven was hired on January 1st and then attended the Morse County Public Safety Training Academy upon his graduation from the academy Steven completed the Department's build training program that has been approved for solo Patrol since then when not working Steven enjoy spending time exploring different parts of the Jersey Shore you want to come on up hold the Bible for you that I will support the Constitution that I will support the cons of the United States of the United States and the state of New Jersey and that I will true fath and faith and to the the and the government's established the government EST in the united states in the United States and in the state the stat under the authority of the people under the authority of and I Faithfully partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of police officer the office of police officer ofing to the of of Patrick you're next so again while we're getting ready here I'm just going to read a little something about Patrick so Patrick gr graduated from whiy Park High School and later enrolled at Sean Hall University before joining the United States Army while serving Patrick completed the Army School of infantry Ranger assessment selection program and airboard school before being discharged Patrick served with the first Battalion 75th Rader regiment Patrick was hired on January 1st and then attended the Morse County Public Safety Training Academy upon his graduation from Academy Patrick completed the Department's field training program and has been approved for solo control since then so Patrick is a lifelong Handover resident and has also served in the Cedar's first aid Squad so for him I think learning the town has been a little bit easier uh than Stephen and Michael but it's uh it's a good coming home for him so congratulations United States and aliance to the to the government establish in the United States and in the state under theity of the people and Fa partially and justly perform all the duties of the office police officer according to the best of my ability conratulations congratulations congratulations welcome aboard congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations all right one more tonight Michael so Michael Kaiser graduated from mors high school where he participated in football wrestling and baseball after that Michael attended Penn State University and earned a bachelor's degree in criminology with a minor in Psychology during his time there Michael served as a president of his fraternity and also participated as a student volunteer for the United States Department of Homeland Security Michael was hired on January 1st and attended the moris County Public Safety Training Academy on his graduation from the academy Michael completed the Department's field training program and has been approved for solo Patrol ever since even though Michael has not grown up in Handover there's been a little part of him working in Handover for many years now so I think for him a lot of people know his name and it's somewhat coming home because he he's had the presence at at the high school with his dad so Michael congratulations support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and of their true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people and I willfully and partially and justly performed all the duties of the office of police officer to the township with Handover ACC to theil conratulations congratulations hey congratulations thank you picture with all three of our guys let's do picture in the middle I did remember I got wide angles and stuff wires short tonight can't lose anybody good job chief I I turned oh my I no idea int ready y good intro okay no have with everyone in 36 that's it Jerry after the meeting we need to talk about the um the issue Crescent so nice but all I can here we go you we ready yes okay ladies and gentlemen we have a special uh presentation tonight which we believe is very very important and more so lately being involved in town there's a lot of questions that a lot of people ask us and more and more lately people ask us about the marown airport I can't tell you how many times I'm on a property and people say how wonderful it is how much they love it how much they love the PLS then two houses down the I mean these planes almost hit my trees what is going on with that flight pattern what's going on down at so we always call Ron Ron's a pilot Ron has been to Liaison to the marown airport for a very long time Ron probably knows more about the marown airport than anybody I've ever met in my life so we asked Ron over the summer to start to think about making a presentation to the public regarding everything that's going on in the airport in as short amount of time as possible and we look at about 15 minutes Ron if you go longer you go longer the benefit of this too is we record it so it's going to be available for every everybody to watch in their homes and we will make a specific clip called the hanb township airport Ronald franol because this is important it's going to get a lot of views and if you go to that in a month or two and you look at the amount of views it's going to be quite a few people are very interested in the airport and they love the airport but there's a lot we have to learn and understand so Ron if you can take the floor well thank you I'm ask I'm going to ask uh who Our Guest who's with us today from marown airport uh to join us Chris why don't you come up and take a seat here by this microphone and uh as we go through this and as I explain much about the airport and its relationship to uh Municipal uh you'll keep me honest okay uh marown airport you're going to see on these slides as we go through uh we have the uh show we just got the uh I'm sorry you got it all right we're going to we're going to we're going to go through that oh that's all right we're going to read from this all right marown airport uh is a national reliever airport and uh marown airport is probably one of the largest property owners here in Han Township um the airport has over 625 Acres within Hanover Township but it's Unique it's Unique in that the airport is owned by marown but it has its base in uh the meets and Bounds of hanur Township but then it's run by DM airport developers who manage the airport and done by the way a successful job over the years uh marown airport um is a uh began in 1943 to train Army Air Flyers uh and uh opened to the public in 1945 high from what we what we understand the uh the airport is a business airport uh unlike nor airport or Kennedy or LaGuardia Etc which is a passenger type of airport this is a business airport and uh like Teterboro is a business airport but it's the second largest airport next to Toro in Flight operations and flight service all right if we can say that uh marown airport has within its meats and Bounds an international US Customs and Border Patrol facility so aircraft Landing in Hanover and landing at the airport must clear that Customs when they come in they have to make reservations at appointments I think when we do come in corre um on that uh it is supported by what's known as fbos flight based operations light based operations on the field provide fuel provide maintenance and provide other amenities Foods Etc uh to support all the airport operations uh Signature Flight Support is one of the largest down there right now along with Atlantic Aviation and they are the fbos for that airport area right now uh marown airport ranks in the top 200 of 3,310 identified airports which is impressive in itself um okay statistically let's okay see if we can right here the statistics that we have here now uh total flight operations uh from January to June of this year have been 7,000 uh 583 57,58 through what does that mean that means every time an aircraft touches its wheels down that is known as a complete flight operation and that's what we're that's what we're recording there um in uh in that regard average annual flight operations in 2023 were 9,637 flight operations now everybody's going to raise their eyebrows and say wow what the hell is happening that's like uh that's a heck of a lot of activity but I'm going to tell you about how the airport manages that and how it manages uh noise abatement and how it controls aircare flights in the area um we we have 181 aircraft based at hover at martown airport uh that's general aviation aircraft is that inclusive of general aviation or is that just your corporates we have general aviation and corporates so the 181 is the total amount of of aircraft there um what is the economic benefit of mortown airports of Hanover and the county and uh uh when we look at it it's estimated that 187 million dollar of total output spending into the community and into the county which is an impressive amount of money certainly from that standpoint uh it employs 60 jobs 60 plus jobs from air traffic controllers to uh ground uh management uh Administration Etc it serves Mars County's Commerce as well as the state uh Municipal Taxes paid to us here in Hanover Township in 2020 3 amounts to $376,000 and no cense right so uh that that number represents all of the hanger properties that are within the airport that individually pay their taxes as well as Administration pays its taxes so that's the honey Wells and everyone else that we have as a corporate airport and by the way it's it's we should know that many of the large corporates do have their headquarters or their aircraft at at marown airport which is a great amenity for Mars County and certainly we're proud of it here in hanur Township um they have Flight Training we know that um flight training schools there are several of them there uh and as well as corporate tenants and general aviation pilots and operations um let's go to general aviation activities for next SL we past economic let's go past that that there you go all right under general aviation uh activities what are the what does marst toown uh what does marown municipal airport provide uh Medical Health Care Logistics daily flights in and out uh of the airport humanitarian flights in and out of the airport shelter animal relocations in and out of the airport military at State Police support natural disaster release flights and educational initiatives okay uh they've been doing a lot of improvements out the airport by the way since uh uh since I began flying with Morristown Airport I don't want to tell you how long ago that was but uh uh both uh Ken schlier who was a member of our Township committee and myself flew actively out of the airport continue to fly actively out of the airport Ken owned a handle an instrument license I have an instrument license and I'm uh rated uh for um twin and uh multiple gear the uh not anymore uh the um airport approvement as we as we looked at them um let's see General isue Medical y let's let's change that slide okay let's go to the next no here we go very Improvement there's been a lot going on and you probably are aware of it because of the phone calls we get about flights over your houses and what's going on down at the airport um the largest runways down at that airport are runways 5 and 23 uh they have been part of a rehabilitation project uh and part of that project is new drainage lighting improvements safety area and guidance systems we're going are you going to Micro Systems there or are we still on uh conventional ILS approach yes correct yeah conventional ILS yeah and they're all it's all just upgrades to the to the car are you moving toward that end uh not that I'm aware of right now not as part of this phase of construction and this is all just like you mentioned the uh the guidance systems coming into the airport for Pilots is in my opinion Absolut topnotch it's absolutely phenomenal the way it is um the drainage covert that was done most recently over there uh was a replacement of a drainage culprit that goes back to the 30s yeah as far as we could tell the the original drainage culprit that was put in yeah so and when that happen uh when these runways are are uh are affected by that they're closed and if they're closed the benefit of marown airport is they have runways for four directional approaches to the airport and uh so that uh airport management can change the direction of flight for the safety of pilot safety of the community to get the work done um 900 ft of 72in box concrete covert uh were installed in five of two may this past May uh last year was in the July time frame medium intensity Runway approach light systems and Runway and identifier lights have all been part of that Improvement um let's let's talk about let's let's get the guys a little bit of uh Flight Training 101 okay let's go to the next slide all right how's that look for you guys that's like Tic Tac to right yeah sure is all right let's look at marown airport for a second they have approaches for 523 which is a 6,000 ft Runway they have approaches for 1331 which is a 4,000 ft Runway and U how does that all work and many people think aircraft come in and finally they look at an airport and they just land an airplane see isn't that simple well there's a pattern to coming into marown airport as there's a pattern coming into any airport so if I wanted you to understand how aircraft works and why some of these aircraft uh are flying over our residential areas Etc uh an an air a pilot approaching an airport announces his intentions uh before he gets into the airport area usually he's using the boot and Reservoir as a point of of departure from there from the Bo and Reservoir in he announces his intention and he gets clearance into the airport he doesn't just come to the runway and land the airplane doesn't happen that way has to enter into what's called a downwind so if you look at the at the pattern that you see there those are the airports that are crossing each other each side of those long lines right has a downwind pattern and an upwind pattern so if you hold your hand up and you say that's the runway and I draw a box around that that's the pattern left if I draw a box to the other side that's the pattern right so you're going to hear the tower say d that you're cleared to enter the downwing pattern left downwind for for the runway they announce the runway they fly the downwind to a safe altitude usually it's 1200 ft and normally a house in our area uh sits at the airport sits at 197 is the usually house around our area probably sits around 300 ft so you could figure the clearance between you and that airplane is about 1,000 ft feet all right then you fly the downwind then you fly what's known as a base which is a left turn into the runway then you fly a final if you let you have a final and then you land your airplane okay that's how a pattern works now you may give you the left side of the Box you may give you the right side of the Box depending on how much traffic airport is controlled by a tower that's there uh what are we closing down now at what time at night uh air traffic control is from 6:45 in the morning until 10:30 at night all 10 :30 at night so everybody says well what happens everybody goes home and the airport closes airports don't close all right what happens when a pilot lands after 10:30 at martown airport he's getoun just his intentions in the blind for the safety of all the folks around him in the neighborhoods and the safety of the airport announcing your atttention in the blind says hey this is Ron FR this is my aircraft 17142 I'm approaching at 5 miles out I'm coming in for a downwind on left downwind a final on 23 okay and then uh he may not get his clearance but what he's doing is by opening His Radio and making this announcement in the blind is he's telling every airplane in the area who he is where he is and what he's going to do that's called intentions in the blind so it's a safe way for the aircraft to come in and that's what they're using right now the U the diagram I'm showing you here now I think I have one if we go further do we have is there a residential okay here's here's one that we should all be aware of okay this is residential flight residential patterns over our over our homes okay um we do try to control this with noise abatement procedures on Hanah Township and marown Airport over the years have worked cooperatively together to work with the uh FAA and with airport direct uh the department of uh airports right is the other if you're on the ground I'm Who I'm Depart of airports if I'm in the air on FAA uh it's there's a a in off the ground I'm F correct okay soon as you leave the P that being said we have successfully as Handover gotten uh many changes in the traffic pattern over the years with helicopters Etc in order to afford our neighbors more of a quiet and uh uh less Disturbed uh situation of you know living living with an airport uh in our meets bound and we've been very successful about that but there's been some other changes that affect us here in Hanover and here at the airport and that is over the years and we go back to when Hanover used to have toe-to-toe fights at the airport they had Jets on a stage three Jets stage three jets flying over your house will take the roof off your house in their noise uh over the years that transitioned over to stage two Jets which are quite a bit different now stage three Jets I think you only allow 10% of them in I don't believe any anything outside of stage CL down all together all right and now we're working with stage one stage one I'm going to describe as a whisper jet all right it's the most quiet jet you have down there uh occasionally we've had issues down at the airport and people want think it's part of the Al G pipeline blowing up uh what airports do what aircraft do before taking off is known as a runup why would you do a runup or you want to make sure that the prop is turning the right way and you better have all your gauges working and you better hope your magnetic direction is right so they do a run up at a certain area of a blast pad at the airport now for those that are that are non-urban which are regular reciprocal engines it's not it's a quiet thing uh for jets they do have to do a run up a run up against the blast pads which are there has been doing a sucessful of keeping the noise down before they then get clearance to depart runways and that's it and finally on runways let me give you an idea how this works if I'm approaching a Runway and somebody clears me for Runway 23 what did they just do I look at my compass my heading and my heading when I finally land at that airport is going to be 230 on the compass heading Compass is right up in front of me every airport has a number to the runway number could be 13 at is zero number could be six add a zero number could be third uh 23 add a zero to the pilot that means one thing that's my compass heading to land this aircraft and that's what I'm cleared for so when we do that if you see the red lines that I'm showing you here and then you see the black lines which are the runway you get an understanding of how the traffic pattern is flying over our residential areas you see Long View you see areas of whippy Road and that's the downwind to certain uh runways as you see them coming into to 13 there every one of those entries to any one of those runways you'll see a red pattern which says that's the way the aircraft was come in before it lands uh I think uh we're working with marown trying to do our best uh to control noise in the area uh I think one of the main things is that we do get um immediate notification from marst toown that we put on our own website every time there's a change at the airport that will affect the residential areas whether it's a Runway repair whether it's a uh an incident on the airport anything at all that's going to have airport management change the direction of that pattern that affects neighbors you're going to hear about it we're going to hear about it it's going to be on our website so you'll learn more about it but in the meantime I say Mr Mayor the collaboration between Mars toown airport and Hanover Township has has never been better they're doing a fantastic job down there I invite every single one of us matter of fact I think we're trying to get together for a little tour uh down there yes uh where our our fellow Council people here can can see the airport see what's going on uh and get a better understanding of it there so it's great well thanks Cory for all you do thank you thank you that was fantastic thank you does anyone have any questions from the days does anyone from the public have any questions for Ron or cord well you all get your plastic Wings Rob Rob before we move on I would like you to take this piece of the airport explanation and make it independent in addition to part of the meeting thank you very much sir thank you job well done Course fly course on flying planes you got you got flying for that thank God you were here tonight you tell me oh you might have to present this I couldn't have done that no way no way you guys good y oh yeah waiting on you okay come on CH hello okay the first item on this portion of the agenda is a letter from David White retiring from the Handover Police Department after serving Handover Township for 28 years the effective date of his retirement will be January 31st 20125 May I please have a motion to accept his retirement so move I have a second all in favor I so approved next is the approval of the township committee meeting minutes of August 1st 2024 may I please have a motion to approve so moved second all all in favor I so approved next on the agenda we have the public hearing and Adoption of four ordinances ordinance numbers 21 2024 22 2024 23 2024 and 20424 proof of publication that all four ordinances and the notice of introductions appeared in full in the August 14 2024 issue of the Daily Record in accordance with law at this time may I have a motion to convene the public hearing on ordinances numbers 21 22 23 and 24 so move second is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning any of these ordinances if so please state your name and address for the record and which ordinance you'd like to speak regarding motion close second next may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 21 2024 22 2024 23 2024 and 24 2024 move may have a second second on roll call committee farasa hi committee man fenoli hi committe Melco yes and mayor Gallagher hi so adopted next we have two ordinances for introduction I'd like to read each title into the record but please note there was a change in ordinance 26 2024 in the title and a portion of the body of the ordinance it stated the sum of the project would be $50,000 however it should read $60,000 60000 this change is reflected in the original document so ordinance 25224 is an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Handover the county of M state of New Jersey authorizing the purchase and installation of partitions and privacy screens and creating dressing compartments for the men's and women's shower stalls at the B meow swimming pool facility and further appropriating the sum of 35,000 from the swimming pool Enterprise fund Capital account for 2024 and all years prior for financing of that project ordinance number 26- 2024 ordance of the township committee Township of Hanover authorizing the resurfacing of a portion of Crescent Drive from hand drive to its Terminus in the whippy section of Township and appropriating the sum of $660,000 from the unallocated portion of the Township's 2024 Capital Improvement fund and all prior years for the financing of the project I'd like to State for the record that the ordinances and their notice of introduction will be published in full in the Daily Record in accordance with law the public hearing will be scheduled for October 10th at 8:00 p.m. if any member of the public would like to speak regarding those ordinances they will be given the opportunity to do so that evening may I please have a motion to introduce or ordinance number 25 2024 and 26 2024 make motion made a second on roll call commitment fa mosa Hi committe man francioli hi commit Mahalo yes mayor Gallagher hi so introduced it's so weird to hear you all on oneide I'm used to our next order of business is the review of a proposed structural reorganization of the Township's engineering department including a reduction in force Joe would you have a com to say yes thank you Christa and thank you Township committee members and members of the public uh with regard to the following comments I would like to add into the record concerning the proposed structural reorganization of the engineering department and also it includes a reduction in force there's no question that perhaps the engineering department is the single most important department in the Township in that a great deal of responsibility is placed on the department to prepare plans drawings and specifications in the implementation of capital projects involving infrastructure improvements Public Works and Recreation projects as well as the maintenance and repair of Municipal facili ities such as the municipal building and Community Center just to name two the operational performance of the department is key I'm not speaking about the JW performance of any single member of the department but rather the ability of the department to work as a unit in performing its tasks and responsibilities it comes as no surprise that the ability to initiate and Implement multiple projects at the same time has been an obstacle in delivering projects to meet the expectations of the township committee and the public in this regard committee man farasa as the Director of the engineering department requested that the township engineer and I conduct an assessment of how best to optimize the performance of the department in order to meet its goals and objectives and Expediting the completion of backlogged projects and new projects in view of the heavy workload placed on the members of the engineering department and the need for specific EXP expertise in unique areas of engineering specialization that vary from Project to project it became evident that a workable solution would be expanding the Outsourcing of projects through colar engineering and design which currently works with the Department on several key projects cers is a nation wide firm that employs a wide range of professionals with multiple disciplines covering civil and mechanical engineering architecture planning and surveying just to mention a few the expectation and intent of administration is to significantly reduce the lag time between planning and the actual implementation of a project thereby effectively saving the township time effort and taxpayer dollars all in the public interest therefore the township engineer and I make the following recommendations for consideration by the governing body one consistent with the township committee's intention that capital and other engineering projects are started and completed in timely fashion we recommend the Outsourcing of additional projects to colar engineers and design and other professional Consultants on a per on a per project basis subject to the availability of sufficient funds and two with the continued and increased Outsourcing of projects the township engineer and I recommend a structural reorganization of the engineering department by recommending for reasons of economy and efficiency a reduction in force with the permanent separation of the least senior Junior engineer from employment with the township we recommend the separation of the least senior Junior engineer because inverse seniority is the recognized standard in both the private and public sector because it is a neutral objective standard and because it is consistent with the procedure the township followed in Pre in previous reductions in force in order to effectuate these recommendation recommendations I am proposing that the governing body approve a resolution authorizing the structural reorganization of the engineering department including a reduction in force in the interest of full disclosure and transparency because this is an important matter for the township committee to consider I would like to read the following resolution into the record so that you as the decision makers and the public are fully aware of the of the actions recommended by the township engineer and myself and in this regard Mr Georgio would you please provide me with a resolution number for what I'm about to enter into the record sure 164 resolution number 164 2024 okay so members of the township committee this is the proposed resolution for your consideration it's a resolution of the township Committee of the township of Hanover approving the structural reorganization of the townships engineering department including a reduction in force whereas the business administrator and Township engineer have performed an assessment of the needs of the engineering Department in managing Capital Improvement projects including but not limited to projects involving Public Works and Recreation that require Personnel who have specializations in various Fields such as civil and mechanical engineering and architecture to name a few and who have demonstrated knowledge skills experience and expertise and whereas the operational needs of the engineering department to prepare project documents specifications and other related and relevant items have placed constraints on the Department's ability to react effectively and efficiently and respond to Growing Municipal de demands in a productive and expeditious fashion resulting in such projects being complete being completed behind schedule and taking an inordinate amount of time to complete and whereas in view of the heavy workload placed on the members of the engineering department and their limited capabilities in certain fields of engineering specialization the township committee seeks to optimize performance by Outsourcing various projects by retaining the services of professional Consultants who possess the acquired specialized knowledge and experience and whereas the township currently has an existing relationship with colar engineering and design here and after referred to as cers a company with multiple disciplines which firm the engineering department has utilized to assist in the review processing and completion of various engineering projects on an as needed per project basis and whereas cers possesses both the Staffing and specialized knowledge and experience to review process and complete multiple projects in a timely manner and whereas the expectation and intent of the township is to significantly reduce the lag time between planning and the actual imple impementation of a project thereby effectively saving the township time money and effort all in the public interest and whereas consistent with this intention the business administrator and Township engineer have recommended that the backlog and delay in the completion of required Municipal engineering projects can best be addressed by expanding the Township's utilization of cers and where as the township committee has considered the recommendation of the business administration business administrator and Township engineer and agrees that the Outsourcing of Municipal engineering projects to cers is in the public interest and will address the delay and backlog in the completion of necessary capital and other Municipal projects to the benefits of the residents and taxpayers of the township and whereas the business administ rator and Township engineer have advised the governing body that the increased Outsourcing of projects to cers requires that a structural reorganization of the engineering department resulting in the redundancy of one Junior engineer position and recommend that the township committee Institute a reduction in force for reasons of economy and efficiency of one Junior engineered position and further recommend that the reduction in force be implemented on the basis of inverse inverse seniority and whereas this reduction in force will help offset a portion of the cost to retain Consultants while at the same time maintaining internal control of strategic planning and management and whereas the Township committee has considered the recommendation of the business administrator and Township engineer and agree that a reduction in force is warranted for reasons of economy and efficiency and is therefore in the public interest and further agrees that implementing said reduction in force by way of inverse seniority is a fair objective method that is consistent with General business and governmental practice now therefore resolved by the township Committee of the township of Hanover in the county of mors and state of New Jersey as follows one in accordance with the Township's annual proposed Capital Improvement and infrastructure plan as well as other projects that are deemed essential and assigned to the engineering department including unforeseeable events requiring attention the township engineer and or the assistant Township engineer are the authorized and directed to Outsource and retain the services of colar engineering and design and any other professional Consultants to assist the engineering department in Expediting the management coordination and implementation of projects in timely fashion the Outsourcing of professional Consultants shall continue to be on a pro project BAS basis and be subject to the appropriation and availability of sufficient funds in any Township count the year budget two in keeping with the Township's fiscal and financial management practices the governing body further directs that the total authorized strength of the engineering department be reduced with the elimination of one Junior engineer project uh engineer position effective immediately and that in keeping with standard business and Personnel practices that this reduction in force be accomplished by the permanent separation of the least senior Junior engineer from employment this reduction in force is necessary for efficiency and economy and also in order to offset a portion of the cost to retain out outside professional Consultants three upon adoption and approval of this resolution the business administrator is authorized and directed to provide written notice to the least senior Junior engineer employee that the township is implementing a reduction in force with the elimination of that person's position effective immediately four the township engineer is directed to period I odically conduct performance assessments of outsourced projects to make certain that all elements of the Township's capital and other project activities are being in are being fulfilled in accordance with the Township's intent to complete projects without delay that ladies and gentlemen is the proposed resolution for the record and and I thank you for the time and consideration thank you Joe would anyone like to make a comment from the governing body yes um as director of engineering I'd like to recognize the work of Mr Georgio Mr masera uh to develop a go forward plan to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the engineering department a little bit of background for my fellow committee members is that engine engineering as you well know is an important critical function within the municipal building uh the engineering department supports a number of internal departments throughout the town and and they are critical component in terms of Designing roads supporting buildings Parks grounds uh throughout the campus the question I challenged Mr Georgio and Mr M with is how do you optimize has go forward you know the Engineering Group given the fact of an increasing number of projects given the fact that there's a challenge to the timeliness the delivery of projects given the fact that the nature of projects are changing and as a result of the nature of projects changing you know what recommendations are you going to come back with that's going to position Handover Township in a manner to be able to address these types of specialized Engineering Services I think a good example of this um committee members is you know the work that's gone on with the whiy river the whiy river flood mitigation is a huge undertaking it is it is very complicated in terms of all of the various elements to it uh this flood medication work mitigation work is involving and affecting not just our town but five to six other towns so we needed to bring in specialized resources to take that on as a result of bringing in the specialized resources that put Handover Township in a position for us to make huge positive changes to the whiy river and to address the flooding problems the situ ations that many people many businesses have been hurt for a number of years so go forward that's a huge project required specialized Services it's being done I think in addition to that as an illustration I know the the deputy mayor who has responsibility for recreation can talk about the nature of the projects that he's trying to move forward and and the challenge is to deliver them within a cycle that potentially right now is very problematic because he cannot provide lead time to his his group as to when things are going to get done yeah and with that thank you John um I'd like to make a point uh several years ago uh just in case anybody's not sure I'm director of recreation I was tasked with um really upgrading our Fields bringing them up to the to the 20th century at least um we have so many projects that were in the backlog I sat down with with one of the engineers and said listen what what kind of a time frame are we working on you know from start to finish to get projects done inhouse and I was told again a few years back at minimum 3 years which to me just sounded ridiculous but again most of it was again due to the backlog of projects that were coming on uh and and waiting to be done now uh through Recreation we we kind of take the back seat because a lot of other projects Leap Frog it due to importance um we kind of did a test this year uh we we had one project of turfing the infield for Black Brook um we went out we tried we went with cers um talked with them came up with a design and coincidentally we're actually and this was in February we were already going out to bid tomorrow uh completion should be within a year um so that's from start to finish uh we we can expedite this project get in and get it done um another prime example was we just completed the turf field at Brickyard which due to the delays cost us probably almost a million dollars every year we put it off now has been put off for several different reasons uh but a lot of the engineering delays just to get this project to the Finish Line every time we delayed getting a proposal together getting it out uh the price just kept going up exponentially um had we been able to get this project in and done quickly would have saved us a ton of money and we would been able to use this field years earlier um fortunately that field is now in progress and it's going uh we we that was a team work with interior and Suburban uh engineering but uh really just you know these types of projects uh we have another one coming up you talk about specialty um the splash pad is going out to bid probably next week but the aquatics that are required for that were were um again it's it's a lot of work and a lot of specialized work for that type of so I think again that's another one that's important to go out to an outside firm uh to bring this in in a timely time not that these not that we can't do it but the time to master that knowledge when you go to a firm that has thousands of employees and you can say well oh they specialize in pools okay they have that knowledge right there and can get it done quickly so I I think this is a good way to go Jo I'd like to make one comment and and thank you guys for all the time you put into this but when we talk about time and the amount of time these projects take it's not because we're impatient it's just because time is so valuable and our youngsters lives go so fast and I'll give you a prime example when I began on the township committee they talked about a rock wall at the pool it took three or four years to put that rock wall in what I said more than once was my children are going to be too old to enjoy this rock worldall rock wall at their we're going guess what my children never got to go to the rock wall because by the time it was installed they didn't want to go anymore cuz they thought they were too old and too cool to go to the pool so every Sports season every 6 months to a year our children's lives go very very fast all they want and all we want is to get the projects done and when I was younger when I got my first 10-speed bike the hardest part about getting a bike was getting the money to buy the bike sometimes we have the money and we can't get the product yeah so I I want to go back to thinking the hardest part of a project is getting the money then implementing the program to put in the Improvement so I think this is fantastic Joe I I think it's very very good business and I think our residents are going to benefit immensely and I want to just touch on what John said about the whiy Pake flood remediation task force because of the work and the relationships we have we've already received millions of dollars we're working hand inand with the USDA I mean this is Big Time and the improvements are going to benefit our residents and our businesses so that's all I'm going to say for today I think the business model is very very healthy and I think it's uh it's about time so if the township committee um if the township committee is in favor of this resolution then we need a motion in a second I'll make a motion to support the resolution excuse me on the floor open for comments does it get open for comments no okay I'll make a motion to support this resolution I think it's a good plan it'll improve the efficiency it improve the effectiv I second and and if I could just ask for the record Mr georgo you explain so clearly about Outsourcing would it be just one firm or could it be other firms no as I said in my my prepared remarks it's it could be more than one firm it's not just col your engineers we use Suburban Consulting for example and we've used other firms in the past so it would be up to the township engineer to make a determination what firm best suits the needs of the department what specializations they have and he would make the recommendation whether it's cers Suburban or any other engineering firm that he Fields uh has the experience knowledge and expertise so and just so I I make sure the record's clear and you made it very clear to that but so you're asking the recommendations for the governing body if they vote for this proposal it means that there would be you would be eliminating a position on staff that's correct and utilizing those funds to put that towards resources for outside Consultants yes to help offset a portion of the cost okay thanks okay so we had a motion can I have a second second on roll call commitment farasa commitment francioli commit Mahal yes mayor Gallagher so approved and added to the meeting minutes our next order of business is the approval of resolutions 152 d224 through 163 d224 as a consent agenda does any member of the township committee have any questions regarding any of these items on the agenda no questions but I'll have a comment about 163 2024 during my committee comment okay may I have a motion to approve the resolutions as a consent agenda move second all in favor I resolutions are so approved now we have to pay our bills in the amount of7 m7011 And1 Cent may I please have a motion to pay our bills CFO pays the bills make Silvio pay the bills may have a second all in favor bills will be paid Sylvio lastly we have raffle applications for approval RL 3450 American Legion Post 155 pull tab inant raffle RL 3451 whiy Park High School PTO calendar raffle RL 3452 rotary casino night and RL 3453 rotary Tricky Tray may I have a motion to approve motion M all in favor Raffles are so approved mayor Gallagher and members of the committee that clears the agenda and I thank you very much thank you very much CH the great job okay would anyone like to make any additional comments to our public St John well should we first um okay yes mayor I I have a few comments here uh begin with engineering and an update on the questions anybody's asking us Paving plan what's going on with the with the roads well good news is the seed upper City olds roads will be done week of 9916 uh assuming that we do not incur any weather difficulty so we'll get that done in addition to the upper CA olds roads um Gulick and Ridge and the whing section of town they will be done and lastly very importantly update on Bal Parkway Bal Parkway the concrete the drainage paven and drainage are done and we plan to get the paving done by the end of the month of September so good news as to where we are on the paving projects uh from a planning standpoint I want all to think food and I'm getting hungry now so this is this is good the planning board reviewed and approved two cases this week one case is called David Allen's Marketplace David Allen's a premier um uh food Marketplace and they will be coming to the old Powerhouse Fitness Center uh providing us with a new restaurant opportunity uh for families as well as a catering facility for those special events the second one will be Innovation we will be soon the planning board reviewed and approved uh Chipotle America's favorite Quick Serve Mexican operation will be coming soon to the old Molly Malone's location on on Route 10 in addition what's going on with Chimney Rock Chimney Rock has been approved by planning it's gone through all of the various meetings with buildings and we look forward to construction at Chimney Rock real soon and I look forward to making a reservation there as well from an environmental standpoint Green Team um there's a big shred day event coming up on 9:21 it's from 9: to 12 so please get all those old files that are clogging up the drawers in your house and your file cabinets and for no cost bring them out to um the recreation parking area on 921 from 9 to 12 and that will be disposed of in a confidential Manner and as you're bringing that along to have your shredding items done for free please consider donating some food products to the food p pantry and supporting our Police Department's sneaker recycling program um in addition from an environmental standpoint and this is a good one to write down make sure you have it the County hazardous race day is 9:14 on 9:14 this Saturday from 9 to 2:00 at 500 West Hanover Avenue you can dispose of properly many things that you wonder of what am I going to do with it I've got old gasoline what am I going to do with it I've got old batteries that powered my power tools what am I going to do with it bring it there it'll cost you nothing that's Saturday is Saturday 9:14 from 9: to 2 and lastly a bit of recognition goes out to our sew Authority our sewage Authority won an award called naqua nacwa the National Association of water uh for what they call the the Platinum award for 100% compliance of the Clean Water Act uh this is for the 35th year this is significant uh this is the the lead in terms of the United States in terms of the their uh production and their performance so hats off to them mayor that concludes my commentary thank you very much John Ron uh very few comments Mr Mayor um we're very very pleased to announce that our senior citizens Club is growing in weaks and Bounds uh under the new uh direction that we have for it which is municipalization uh it has grown to some 287 members and going up from there as well uh we want to thank Sierra and certainly Denise Brennan for just the wonderful job that they're doing as far as adding to the programs uh for the seniors themselves all the seniors of our Township uh they're undertaking a survey shortly uh that will be mailed out or put on website for all of our seniors to take advantage of as far as their interests and what uh activities they would like to be involved with so we invite you to uh watch our website wwwh hanovertown tocom in the senior's area uh if you're interested and uh take part of the survey and hopefully join the club as well so thank you for that thank you Mike uh actually let me just keep going on the seniors yeah like you said I I just got in the update we had 100 new members wow new members EXC me I'm going to join new members as of today that have joined so that probably close to 300 if not we were around 200 um but while we're talking about seniors and they have a really neat program coming up it's called U seniors talk to seniors and hover Recreation is partnering with whiy Park High School to match whipy Park High School seniors with Hanover Township resident seniors to document the resident seniors history their stories that's cute yeah the collective stories will be reflection and will be published and available to the public so I thought was a really great idea idea um our Recreation Department is coming up with so many different I could go on and you guys would kill me on all the stuff they have coming up and a lot of them do have to involve seniors bus trips they went to uh Windam Creek they went they just went down to um uh Point Pleasant Pleasant Delicious Orchards yeah they had they had a bus trip down to Point Pleasant where they T it on the boardwalk and had lunch and then came back um every Wednesday there's something going on and um if if you're interested got a day off feeling like getting out of the house uh and you're a senior if you're not come on down uh go to the rec center uh around midday there's always something going on even if they're just playing games or watching a movie there's a always stuff going on um so uh h of a Township day you guys made it big success great success huge success this year unfortunately I couldn't make it again I apologize I got one more year I'm going to have to miss it I bring my C my daughter back to college that weekend uh but it was U recrating attendance again we also wanted to thank Mr dick kitchell for bringing his horse and uh his wagon out to give horse rides he does a Fant uh you know carriage rides he does a fantastic job unfortunately couldn't do it last year because of the weather uh but it was great to have him back this year but uh again a fantastic turnout uh beautiful day they made the right call by postponing it which was inconvenient but that's life that's the weather in New Jersey uh was a record turnill yeah exactly and so I want to thank everybody for coming out and pitching in DPW did a terrific job Recreation has always did a did an awesome job um and everybody Works hand inand together and uh you know with the police department organizing getting the cross walks um again it was a uh a really great event um there was also a game that they had played and they submitted their name so if you went to each table got a stamp they submitted it and at the end they pulled the winners winners got two tickets to the White Christmas Papermill Playhouse um because there's a bus trip that we are having on December so if you're interested you can sign up for that bus trip uh going to paper milk Playhouse um just a couple dates again I can I can go on and on Jersey Mo they're going back to paper playhouse on October 3rd uh that bus trip is already sold out so sorry about that um mark your calendars guys though uh M grade at malap partis Park is on October 26th all right Mark that down we're already into the uh into the fall um 2 to 4 p.m. at again Mal partis Park Memorial Junior school if it rains out um we also have our volunteer recognition reception y Mark again that's November 21st 6:30 to 9:30 uh and then Winter Wonderland already we're just we're talking about uh December 19th so again keep those uh keep those dates in mind um I just want to point out real quick one more thing we had mentioned quickly before we're going out to bid for the turfing of the ball field uh down at Black Black Brook large um again something that really needs to be done every time it rains we do have other ball fields they get washed out we we we're stuck on the sidelines uh Stuck In The Dugout um for days sometimes and this is another project that's coming to fruition um we have another project also the splash P at B Meadow hopefully going out to bid next week uh I was just talking to Dave Leo down in engineering and and waiting on a couple more things within next week or two that should be going out the bit zo so again couple good projects and I also want to commend engineering also for getting the Black Brook excuse me the Brickyard field complete uh we had our ribbon cutting last month and it was terrific it's been a huge success uh so again thank you all for for helping facilitate that all right thank you m that was a quick oh I can go on I got two pages here the time you're on no but again thank you you know before I read a comment into the record regarding one of our resolutions I'd like to talk also about time with the engineering department with our turf fields although many people are applauding them many people were not that enthusiastic about getting tur Fields however we do a lot of work in Han Township with the Mental Health Association and a lot of programs for mental health mental wellness and well-being in Han Township if we get rain for a day or two it's typically 3 or four days you can't be on the fields when you can't be on the fields those youngsters were in their houses playing video games watching TV playing on the computer and eating food that we'd rather not have them eat if they can get right out on the field and run around with their friends you can't even put a dollar value on that so that's another reason why I mean these guys are starting to do a really good job all hands on deck and it's benefiting our families right and the Newfield the Brickyard is it's a multi-purpose y so that's soccer it's football across um and we can also line it for other sports in the future if we need to so again we're trying to get the most banged for our buck um and that can play up the fullsize soccer men's soccer can play on that so I it's I thank you Mike for Champion that I have a lot to update the public on but I'm going to focus on one issue tonight because it's very important to us here in h Township and it was resolution 163 2024 I'll read it into the minutes and then I will give it to you and we will we it to the mediate tomorrow because this is very important the township of H steadfastly supports affordable housing opportunities in this Township the township has however been dramatically impacted by the third round of affordable housing rules and we were able to absolutely become compliant the recent legislation was adopted without any information studies or cross acceptance of our municipalities we wanted the opportunity to make sure all our V voices were heard and they were not so there are issues and questions that were simply not answered by our legislators Hanover is responsible for satisfying its portion of our regional obligation that is divided up between municipalities we are concerned that under the new law various municipalities including large cities are exempt from contributing to the regional obligation increasing the total for our towns such as Han Township which are not exempt while the township supports affordable housing we do not support high density development and the five additional Market residential units that are inevitably accompany each one of these affordable units the purpose of joining this recent litigation is to ensure that every municipality throughout the state of New Jersey contributes its fair share to this Regional obligation just as Handover has and will continue to do so the litigation represents a small issue from the Township's perspective it's about making sure everyone contributes in a fair and proportionate manner over the past 3 years the township has preserved 137 affordable units that have already been built funded a program for rehabilitation of units in need of repair and created additional affordable housing opportunities for the construction of low and moderate income households amongst other actions the township has provided for affordable housing opportunities while at the same time avoiding additional Market units for residential development we also have commitments for the construction of 60 more age restricted senior affordable housing units which does not include any Market units in such a plan it is critical that our voice in Haner Township is heard just as it is critical that we maintain compliance in work in good faith with fair share housing to provide realistic affordable housing opportunities however we do not want the new rules and regulations to place a disproportionate responsibility on the township of Hanover this case is not about putting one town or group against another it is about fairness and inclusion of all municipalities therefore we support this litigation and ensure that we will hopefully avoid unfair impact on our infrastructure our population and our school systems that is an explanation on that resolution why it is so important to us and we are here for you and we will fight to make can Township as good as it could be and as Fair as it could be for everyone that's my comment guys so with that being said motion to ajour no open the public would anyone from the public open can have motion to open to the public so moved second second all all right would anyone from the public like to address the governing body on any issue if so please take the uh Podium state your name your address and you have four minutes thank you hello my name is Susanna rreo and um I have several questions for the governing governing body um a lot of them having to do with the um Road Safety in town so um like I said several questions one of them being um there is the I think Morris Township mayor invited local Mayors and elected officials to talk about complete streets on September 19th and I was wondering if any of you were going to be going to that meeting I am going to be going to that meeting and I have a little more information about that initiative when you're done with your questions yes okay that's good um and if you're also interested or curious I believe it is njtpa that is doing a webinar a free webinar on how to craft a an effective complete streets policy which I might have sent over by email but I'm not sure if the township committee um is forwarded the emails so um something else that I forwarded by email is an invitation for the national week without challenge this challenge is an Initiative for elected officials and other decision makers to get a sense of what 30% of the population experiences when they're trying to get around without a car um the the week without driving will be September 30th to October 6th where we um or where the decision makers that are committed to it will try to get to their regular routines without a car um if this is too hard um we suggest maybe even committing to one day getting you know around town without without a car just to see how I guess eye opening it is for people who are Too Young Too Old um cannot drive due to dis abilities can't afford a car how they can get around so I was wondering if any of you would like to make the commitment it is a national initiative last year there were 300 elected officials and um decision makers committed to it who provide who were able to gain valuable insights so I was also wondering if that email got forwarded to you or if this is your first time hearing about this yeah I didn't I didn't see it's first time hearing about okay um I sent it to Mr georgo miss the georgo and Shelby snow I'm not sure if the emails I send them get forwarded to you I remember saying it to be honest with you do you want to Res yeah it came from um the email for walk by canover which is the advocacy organization that I'm a founder of what was the name of that group I didn't hear you I'm sorry walk by canover okay if you can forward it to us we'll make sure the township committee gets it okay yeah um but yes that was all and I am curious to hear more about the complete streets policy from mayor yeah well first of all Han Township 11 years ago created the Han Township school and park Traffic Safety advisory committee this governing body made 61 improvements in 3 years and was recognized by New Jersey do our work is continuous and with our work I was approached by the county to see if I would want to participate in a straight A Safe Streets program and that was on the county level our dear friend from Mars Township who works with us in a lot of initiatives now great lady um she asked me to be in a round table discussion next Thursday night I asked her if this was part of what the county is doing or in addition to what the county was doing they said that they were working to put together independent recommendations to make to the county so not only will I be sitting in on that meeting next Thursday night bringing together bringing to the round table discussion everything we've been doing in h Township that meeting is to prepare recommendations to go to the county we're in Conant in touch with the county and Ron francioli serves on the transportation committee on the county so we are very very active and involved and they are utilizing our work as resources for a lot of our work and we did we have made quite a few improvements we always need to do more and we're always listening Ronald Reagan once said if you're the smartest person in the room you have the wrong people in the room we want to learn we want to hear on everything that we may be able to make work in Hand of Township to make our residents safer that's great thank you thank you thank you anyone else in the public would like to be heard hi Victoria Benson 125 malow ptis Road um I brought to the committee months and months and months ago going on close to two years ago um with uh Mr Merina about the uh issues on malap partisan Boulevard and uh request for Road improvements where are we at with planning Road improvements what has been approved cuz we have seen nothing but digital smiley faces on our roads Cherry do you want me to handle the speed bump one and you can handle Mal partisan Boulevard uh sure or you want me to handle everything no I'll we went out and again Mr Georgio we had an incredible engineering firm go out and look at the area behind Mount View Road school we appropriated uh $125,000 for our first leg of speed humps bumps or tables whatever one is going to be I know there's three different there's three variations of that mechanism uh when it comes to Boulevard and when it comes to malap partis we put the digital signs in Jerry we talked about the condition of the road and why it might or might not be a good idea to put the humps in right away can you take it from here sure I think the um the installation of the speed humps is going to be in a phased approach and uh just because availability of funds um it was identified that we were we were going to address the Mountain Avenue and the summit initially and that is going out to bid or went out to bid it's going going out to rebid um and then speed humps that was going to be a consideration then the next phase on Alaris and boulard so that is still is it option that is still open uh we would hire the same Consultants to review those streets which are who are the Consultants uh we we use kers Eng okay and so that that is something that will be looked at at the next budget cycle and the re isn't this the budget cycle now well typically that starts at the end of this year budgets are you know typically um reviewed towards the end of the year beginning of the year and then our budget work sessions are held in February typically budgets are then approved the following month so we've been actively discussing this for almost two years right and we took the first step this year to install speed HPS um as I said Mountain we took our first big step behind manew Road School in the last several months and you are 1A so this is going to be addressed in 2025 and it's going to come up in that budget cycle the only reason we were able to make a move now behind our schools and to be consistent with school and park Traffic Safety is Joe Georgio went through years and years and years and was able to get come up with enough money to make this Improvement in this budget year typically we can't find money to make improve improvements like this and the request for the traffic light at ridel malapardis to be um retimed yes that's being looked at with the county also but that's been going on for Years also and we're still not years not years that's not well my initial complaints were years ago but I finally started getting the ear your ear um a year and a half ago um we're having issues huge issues um you know we're taking our life in our hands trying to make a leftand turn on to malapardis from uh rdale when you're coming from Route 10 um it's bad it it really is bad there is no sight distance whatsoever um for us to make that turn safely um I've sat through five Cycles because I refuse to try to cut across traffic that I can't see coming from the right lane um the complaints to our entire neighborhood is identical um they are still pressing that leftand turn signal be implemented um last year around this time I was told that that light was going to be put back to the original um timing cycle prior to some storm that we hypo um hypothesize had knocked it out and set it to a preset that is completely inappropriate for the area um and then I was told that they were going to wait CU they just didn't feel like doing it again again cuz they knew they were going to have to do it again so that's not really it doesn't go down very well when you're told last year that it was going to at least be put back to the one that was studied tested many years ago was working until something knocked it out um that should really be implemented we really shouldn't you know someone's time being wasted shouldn't take precedent to the safety of the public um and if you have to go back out and re time it after all the studies and everything else then so be it that's what you have to do um in the meantime um our entire neighborhood is being flooded um because the cemetery keeps raising their property and they've been doing it for decades um and I've been working with Jerry trying to uh Rectify um the devaluing of our property because we have liter river running through our yard now um and I have footage if you would like to see what I'm talking about because people think I'm exaggerated but there is a literal River every single time we have a rainstorm um Everybody in the neighborhood is inundated water many have spent a lot of money out of their pockets to try to put in different um devices to try to keep the water from their basement from flooding their yards to keep their yards so that they can use them uh last year we could not go in our backyard from August to March we had a tree company come in August to try to finish the work they couldn't come back to March um the engineering department came up with the way for me to divert the water to the road between our properties because not only did um the cemetery raise up multiple times and is continuing um the neighbor on the corner of the cemetery raised up because they were tired of their backyard so then the next person decided that they were going to raise up and my 85-year-old parents were caught unaware of what everybody was doing and took the of it so we've done many Renovations we've paid for everything we're doing everything the engineering department has asked us but now I was so successful diverting the water towards malapart it's overrunning the road and going into a very litigious neighbor across the street who started screaming at Jerry the other day or a couple weeks ago to the point where it was very uncomfortable just standing there because they were screaming through my speaker on my phone and um I can't really control you know the the yelling but I would expect that Jerry would call me back after six messages are left to tell me how um it was going with the cemetery being asked to put back in the creek that they filled in many years ago the natural Creek that ran from Ridgedale to the boulevard well that's what I was going to say to you I want to learn more about your flooding because Han Township and I can say this with confidence is an absolute leader in flooding we a chief agency with a six town shared services agreement we put together tell you three things about our waterways they do not run they are loaded with trees the banks the embankments have collapsed and they don't dredge Rivers used to be 4 to 6 ft deep now they're 9 in deep therefore they overflow the banks the trees fall in the rivers and they create dams all over the place with the first $1.5 million we got from the federal government and we're going out to bid we are going to dnap which means they're going to pull the trees out of the river and the rivers are going to flow the water has nowhere to go now the storm we had 2 weeks ago was 5 Ines in 90 minutes there's nothing that can prepare any of us for that we my front lawn was a lake my front loan has never been a lake however I want to learn about your specific area and if a ditch was filled in I want to look at that myself with our engineering firm because what we have to do is create the opportunity for water to run and if you go to any Bridge in New Jersey you look on either side there's probably a Tree Lane in the water New Jersey has neglected their Rivers for 60 years and shame on some of the Big Wigs to turn the Blind Eye to it but we're not turning a blind eye to it anymore I want to learn more about your water as far as the traffic your front and center with us and the last point about your traffic signal is former Chief Mark Rody Hanover Township PD Mark R I complained about the light on Woodfield and wony road which is is my street so many times he went and sat there himself he said after 7 minutes he said how would it and he ran the red light so these lights do have to be adjusted unfortunately mine's on a county road so that was another layer of waiting so that's very frustrating to me too but I want to get the specifics on that water and if a brook or a creek was filled in I want to know where it is I want to see it myself well the the water runs from um Ridgedale across to the boulevard um so much so that anytime the business was put in um industrial siiz stord drains were put in and huge swells all over those areas because they knew that the water was running towards uh that way um the cemetery is filled in so much cuz they brought up 4 feet and and filled that Creek in um and it ran out to a specific area in the boulevard where um there was a gigantic uh pipe that was installed and a whole bunch of store drains for our you know uh water drains basins um were installed because an anticipation of that's where the water was going but when they did that they redirected all the water towards all the homes on malapardis the backs of our properties flowing towards our homes so it's coming from the mountain coming down um it never ran over Ridgedale so it must have been an underground stream that popped up in the cemetery when the cemetery was all Woods in the back um and then when I went back there recently um I found uh the top of a 5-ft fence chain link fence buried and I was standing on the top of the level of the cemetery property where they just keep filling in they just keep filling in and filling in and pushing towards the boulevard um and I was looking down at the top of a 5ft chaining fence that's how high so they'd come up 7 ft um no I don't want to be to heavy here yeah but that beep over there was your four minutes but I will give you my personal cell phone number yeah and I we will take a field trip to your house and look at this flood the flood issue you're having I have it on a video if you would like to see it if you don't want to make that personal trip I would like to see it and we are currently making a documentary which we which we're advised not to do but guess what I want people to see the conditions of waterways and I want to understand why they were allowed to get to be in this terrible position and if water can't flow it's going to back up and Destroy property but we're going to I'm going to have to cut you short but I'll give you my personal cell phone number before I leave and are you good with that that's fine thank you very much thank you does anyone else like to be would would anyone else like to be heard um so I'm Maran I'm the junior engineer here for the township of Handover name so I can hear Maran Shams I'm the junior engineer here for the township of Handover Maran yes what your last name sham um so I understand the township administr Administration has recommended Outsourcing the engineering work for the specialized knowledge and experience um however I would like to raise um some important concerns about this decision which I believe affects not just me the township and Community as a whole um having Engineers who work directly for the township ensures accountability quicker response times and a deeper understanding of the community needs um local Engineers like myself we have a vested interest in the well-being of the township and residents um by the by keeping uh jobs um local in the township we are supporting local families and uring our local government has staff who are directly invested in the future of the community uh Outsourcing room moves these local ties and we lose a chance to create more local jobs and economic growth um Outsourcing also I believe involves hidden costs such as coordination um additional oversight and potential revisions um or delays due to the misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about the local infrastructure uh when the township outsources work I believe it requires uh legal reviews contract amendments and ongoing monitoring to make sure um that the terms in the township standards are met which will require more time as you guys were saying um you want less time but it defin it will require more time in administrative resources um but with in-house Engineers the township can avoid these inefficiencies um ensuring that the projects are done more effectively um another important point I wanted to raise is as a dedicated engineer for the township I am on approved Prim leave under my legal rights and this recommendation to Outsource was made during my leave um I'm a mother of three who had just have twins um and I work very hard to provide for my kids and now I feel like I'm losing my job because I decided to take my legal rights I don't think this recommendation happened as a coincidence when I decided to take my family leave and I feel like it's important uh that all Township employees feel secure in exercising their legal rights without fear of repercussions um furthermore I was told that the last um Junior engineer would be the one separated which is me um but um I was hired at the same time as another Junior engineer and it was only a month apart um and it was because of delays from like human resources um so I question the fairness of determining the seniority in this case and that's why um I want to ask about that um and I feel like instead of Outsourcing the township could invest in specialized training for the current Engineers uh this would ensure the the township retains its engineering team while still addressing the need for specialized knowledge um I respectfully ask the com the members of the township and the community to carefully reconsider this recommendation and explore solutions that keep our engineering work within the township um Outsourcing may seem like an answer but it risks sacrificing quality local accountability and jobs um I also invite the residents and the stakeholders present here today to voice their concerns and supports um in keeping our engineering work local uh with people who truly understand and care about this Township um and I just believe we can find a better way uh forward that can benefit the township its residents and its workers that's it okay well thank you very much for your comments we appreciate it and Joe do you have anything to add we nothing okay thank you hi I'm Dina ainson Cal um the first thing I want to say is that um I was happy to see that we are joining in the affordable housing um litigation because while affordable housing is obviously important um overbuilding is um as you're aware not a good idea so thank you for that um and by um question also is do you know what the timeline is for the speed humps on mountain on on um mountain behind Mount View well what's interesting is we went out to bid and no one responded to the B they picked up the bid packages but didn't bring back their quotes for us to choose a vendor so Jerry was it today or tomorrow you're putting it out again no it's already been advertised it's already been well it's been sent to the papers it takes a couple days for it to actually hit the newspaper it'll probably hit the newspaper advertised on Monday so the idea is to have the bid opening for the next T committee meeting have be able to make an award at the next in worst case scenario if if once again we don't have a vendor then our professionals can negotiate with a vendor in good faith and we can get the speed bumps put in but the money's ready to go we're ready to go we have the areas um marked out and selected uh we wanted to have them in by the end of September uh so this is probably going to push it back what Jerry another 3 weeks month yeah hopefully by the end of October uh really the time frame that I I anticipate but we're just we're just waiting for a vendor to bid and then we can hire that vendor and do you have to wait for the vendor to meet with with the people about the locations of the speed bumps or is that prior no that it would be I would be after that would be typically like what we detered is like a preconstruction me so we'll go over every speed bump location with them and I know that we've invited the residents to also provide some comment because some of the speed bumps location can be moved not far but can be slightly moved to they feel that's um impacting their property in way that we we would U entertain that conversation with everyone okay and like I said before about Finance this Township committee en lightning speed appropriated the money we're we're just Dy spend it now we want to get the speed pumps in am I right Mike so we're moving as fast and as hard as we can and we're very disappointed that we couldn't award that tonight well I don't care how fast you move cuz I don't want the speed bumps anyway um and my other question was with the um reduction of the engineering the um person that's losing their job is that I know they said it effective immediately but um do they get time to find a new job or they're just done that day I I don't want to comment on that to be honest with you it's very sensitive it's I would rather not comment on that right now okay thank you thank you very much anyone else see n wait hang on yes sir let me brief just really it's more just Andrew Dutton editor H over Eagle just a couple clarification points on some things that were read quickly set the timer for this guy chrisy say what I said set the timer for this guy chis okay one second I'm over um can you confirm that the uh resolution 16322 for which you read your statement Mr Mayor the um the litigation that you're joining is it can you just confirm that's the the one that I heard that Mont Veil is leading in put yes it is that one yes all right regarding I'm just curious is a someone who writes for the taxpayers of the Town one of these that was part of the consent resolution was the authorizing authorization of a chief of police to issue a purchase order for Chevrolet uh Silverado 1500 four-wheel drive short crew vehicle in the amount not to exceed 5951 is this vehicle going to replace an existing vehicle or is it or do you know Joe it's an additional vehicle to help the police department especially when we have unforeseeable situations like we did with the storm on the 18th of U August in order to move barricades and other equipment so the police need need the capability of moving quickly when when you have flooding for example and they do need a second vehicle to help them out okay uh uh you said a second veh they already have a pickup truck of some type okay so this is just another type okay um can you explain just in layman's terms for maybe just a few moments uh I looked at the MSRP for this car it's a little high 59 well the MSR your price is a little higher than the MSRP I'm seeing online does it get tricked out with how does this thing work this is under a co-op okay can you explain that a little bit so a Cooperative is a um an organization which is formed by a county with several municipalities and they have a lead agency which goes out to bid on different items such as police vehicles and then they award the bid to the lowest the lowest responsible responsive bid okay and you're bound to go through that champ that if we want to purchase through a co-op we can do that or we can go out to bid ourselves okay great and then uh commun farasa you uh mentioned um you said the paving plan for upper Cedar NS is going to be done uh September 16th um you just I can you just list those streets for me because the week of it's the week of September 16th so they'll do plan is to do million Paving on Monday Tuesday all right Monday Tuesday milling and then Paving the latter part of the week and can you just review specifically which streets that was works you know popper yeah I think what may best assist you is if I can contact you I'll give you my card that's fine yeah I'll give you my card if you could just tell which streets will be done that week that's it thank you and something there's one more Road that's pretty important that made it to the agenda tonight if you look at 26 -224 26- yes I see that in the last storm which was 5 in of rain in 90 minutes a very very um already compromised Street Crescent Drive Right was basically destroyed okay and this is in reaction to that that is in reaction to that because it's it's in such bad shape we had to Pivot and do something almost as an emergency remind the date of that storm was what August guys you remember the date of that storm uh was 18th was August 18th August 18th okay all right thank you thank you sir anyone else hey did he still have more time no I I put the clock away okay time to go seeing none hearing none motion to close second oh second thank you motion remov second favor hi thank you very much everybody all right all right thank you for the education yeah never knew box on the right my legs are stiff you just they I just thought they Land Park just park it's like fighting for a parking spot right whoever gets there first me