##VIDEO ID:C2Wigl-X7kw## adequate notice of the January 9th 2025 meeting of the township committee has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act hosting written notice and agenda of the meeting on the Bolton board the municipal building 1310 Township of hover and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice to the following newspapers Mars County daily record The Star Ledger H eagle and by far the same with the Township Clerk roll call commandment Hill here committee man farasa committee man francoli commit committee man Mahal and mayor Gallagher here five members in attendance please stand and join us for the Pledge of Allegiance and please remain standing for our prayer led by Deputy Mayor Mike Mahal I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all almighty God as we start this New Year please watch over and guide this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding to help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and Township volunteers who help keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly please let us pray for the men and women of the US Armed Forces who stay and vigil over us always amen amen thank you Mike okay good evening ladies and gentlemen the first item on the agenda is the approval of resolutions 28 2025 through 35 2025 I'd also like to stay for the record that we had a last minute Edition and I will read that title into the record it is resolution 36-225 title is the resolution of the township Committee of the township of Handover consenting to the application of hont urban renewal entity LLC for the extension of water service outside the District of the South Mars County Municipal Utilities Authority for the construction of a new multifam housing development at 679 Mount Kimble Avenue and designated as lot two in Block 27 on the map of the township of Harding does any member of the township committee have any questions about any of these items move they be approved second thank you all in favor I resolutions are so approved including 36-225 next on the agenda we have to pay our bills in the amount of 5,1 17524 71 John can we pay our bill for the CFO to pay the bills Silvio we're going to pay our bills may I have a second all in favor all and finally we have three raffle applications for approval RL 3460 Salem Drive School PTA tricky treay grand prizes RL 3461 Salem Drive PTA tricky Dre and Salem Drive 3462 5050 may I have a motion to approve move all in favor raffle applications are approved mayor gallager and the members that concludes my agenda and I thank you thank you very much Christa no worries and do you want to hear our comments from the I'm really good I'm pretty good okay I'd like a motion open to the public move second all in favor I I if anyone from the public would like to address the governing body please step up to the podium state your name address and you have four [Music] minutes good evening Terry here working is that on just click the she can tell Bill McCabe's a musician and he knows how the mic's work the bottom of the button the bottom of it there you go otherwise I'd use my outdoor Voice kids could hear me down the pond um good evening Terry beard and whipp section of an Township as always um I'm here to uh do my uh do diligence on my infomercial on the uh homeless or red carpet or Scottish Inn or now we can add the Extended Stay uh to that information mix um I was I did have a question for uh the town in general is if there was anything that they were doing for the point in time count uh that will be happening on January or after January 28th does anybody know what the point in time count is okay the point in time count is is a count of all it's HUD mandated for every state in the United States to to uh Count Their homeless population and there is uh a series of two pages of questions they're very thorough questions and each homeless individual needs to be interviewed in order to gather the information and you say well why should we gather this information well the information is gathered by Monarch Associates is a nonprofit and they um gather all the information for HUD the information is used for funding sources that can come back to the towns for housing for for homeless individuals and affordable housing and such so for example um if a person's living at the hotel and otaa office of temporary assistance is paying for that they are considered homeless if they're self-paying at the hotel they're not so it follows the HUD guidelines as to what uh their definition of homeless is and this account is done the fourth or the last Tuesday of January every year it's been done for many years and what happens is it's done over a 10-day period so it's based on where that person was at that point in time on the night of January 28th which is a Tuesday where did they sleep how long have they been homeless how how you know do they have do they want assistance have they ever received any kind of assistance and it's it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to interview the homeless person in order to do this last year when I looked at the uh report when it came out in October I noticed that the there were some areas that were not counted for this point in time uh count and um I estimate that there is 10 to 20 individuals at least that are living outside in town that were not counted um so on Tuesday I I went to training and they're they're holding training uh on how to interview and stuff like that so um I was just wondering if how the town is involved because there are some municipalities do help with this count um and or volunteers go in or teams of volunteers if you can find them uh to actually count these individuals and interview them so that you can get the information for future your funding Terry I will talk to Joe about that tomorrow uh and I also want to say thank you very much advocating and helping us understand this problem more so and uh I don't know if the public knows but we were together uh with Senator pinacho uh with the family that is in in serious need and I want you to know too that just this week Ron reached out to all of us and the county I'm going back and forth with the senator office and we are going to have a face to face and we're going to start to really try to understand and make this problem better I usually say in our simplest for our job is to be problem solvers and to lean on one another and get all the resources we can did you put that on for me sorry Joe did that to me one time but I want you to know that we really appreciate your work because you're you're helping us hopefully help the people that need it so thank you ter and also as far as like um you know usually I I I go to the red carpet in uh in a Scottish in actually today was a food distribution day so um I picked up for 10 families I'm a proxy for table of Hope and um but now I've extended that to um some families down at the extended stay and there are a lot more families down there a lot more families they might not be there by OTA but they're there by Family Promise or um DCP and P so I just I sat there for about an hour watching the hotel and it's very similar to the other one so I just thought you should know but if uh let Joe know and if he um has any information for me that could help me because I do want to try to count as many as possible if they're already in the system through Family Promise or dcpm or OTA they're already counted it's the ones that are sleeping in their cars the hallway outside sleeping in the laundry room of the hotel I mean wherever those are the ones that need to be added to that count especially you know in C olis area so thank you right thank you Terry anyone [Applause] else hi Lindsay richardi um 38 Summit AV or Summit AV in Cedar nolles um I just wanted to come and say thank you you we have been in contact UM gosh I actually was just pulling up my email my first email over speed bombs on Summit Avenue was 6 and A2 years ago and my oldest who's in second grade was like a baby um and I noticed when we were walking that it was really dangerous and I know mayor Gallagher we've been in contact a bunch and I'm sad that Mr Georgio is not here but I just wanted to come and say thank you Mr kahill I know we talked a ton um the speed bumps are in and it makes all the difference it really does like you have to come see because I know you just heard our complaints but you have to just come see and hear how happy everyone is and there are definitely a few people who are not but there's like 98% of people who really are and there have been like a few Amazon or FedEx trucks who really didn't take it seriously the first one or two times but now for the first time like since living on Summit Avenue there are brake lights like going down the hill which I have never seen and then also thank you I know we had so many police officers like sitting there and chatting with our kids and things so you really made a difference I'm more than confident that someone's life was saved so just very heartfelt thank you and I know that not all of my emails were always um so like kind and loving but it was just very important that the need be addressed and we're just so grateful so thank you thank you very much and I want to just all also announced that I will share your unofficial nickname with the public right now our ambassador to that entire area so you did an incredible job and I appreciate the the way the entire team handled this because it is much much safer and that's very very important to us yeah thank you anyone else see Mr MCC back there do you think Mr mcab came to say something Mr mcab want to take the floor Bill Bill's taking it all in he's going to play the piano for us where's your piano Mr MC um we're having a problem in the Black Brook area with lack of sunshine and I was wondering if there's anything the committee could do to bring in more sunlight in that area thank you thank you Mr mcab give us six and a half years we'll have something prayer okay anyone else seeing none hearing none motion to close second por favor go back okay we are going to uh close this portion out and we are going to go into conference zo a we have one more item so this portion of the meeting is going to adjourn correct Christa correct so should I ask for a motion to adjourn dis portion can I have a motion to this portion motion all in favor thank you everybody thank you everybody Eric thank you very much did a great J God bless you we feel very safe we have a little bit of swagger up here cuz of you I'll bring these back and I'll sign them Kristen okay that's and you left me choking when I came in here the other sry that was very thoughtful Oh see it was very thoughtful I'm mean always mean what I'm mean now you you are a shining star in this building no I'm not to me you are