##VIDEO ID:KduDBRDMzLw## motion open seven all in favor hi if anyone from the public would like to address the governing body please go to the podium state your name address and you have four minutes thank you and this is this is this is part of the last meeting yes sir Qui question can you um can you verify which case 1901 is that the one about Park Avenue which one is that that's for the board of adjustment one iene Court it has nothing to do with the sober living facility thank [Music] you yes wait uh Joe where's Fred or Robert I don't know Robert's in the backroom cuz Fred is going to be prepared to speak on this one sign it well just give your your full name and address for the record 27 dri okay just speak really loud if you don't mind for us thanks Paul okay um have some pictures here about signage it and to be able to do that just put some pictures any kind of comments on what do you think it's now well though you're friends with all of us I got to remind you the four minute timer is running Paul so I'll hand out the the documents for you you know your comments on it and I question and there's a couple of yeah withs and so that's they pay taxes on on E your property if it's if it's within your property line yes yeah the not if it's in the street right away and I think that's important to distinguish because the picture I saw was within the street right basically you can't put any private signs in the street so I live F so Dr I couldn't put anything not between the property line and Street So currently there's 0 foot uh typically there's a 10 foot typically sometimes it varies but typically there's like 10 ft from the street curve to the FR line sometimes there's a sidewalk there and the picture you showed me had a sign in the grass strip between the sidewalk and the street curve that would be in the street R different the only signs that are allowed on the street are usually traffic signs like stop signs no parking signs uh that sort of thing um they're doing that too so that people can see speed stop clearly right and they miss and they have the same rights well the problem I won't I'm not going to try to answer all those things but the the difficulty with doing that is that everybody has the same rights and if everybody did that we'd have we'd have chaos it' be difficult for people to maintain that grass strip cuz now cut the grass they got all these signs they got to go around they can block sight lines and driveways and intersections uh it can interfere with snow removal it can it can be sometimes these signs are just like these Sandwich Board signs in this in windy situations those signs can get blown over uh in into the road um there's a lot of reasons why towns don't allow those types of signs in the right way on private property yes okay that's mostly what I'm talking about to bring that up also so political signs uh the politics you should be able to put that in way you're still saying that we maintain the property we have to cut the grass sh the sidewalk uh make sure it's softed we're we're maintaining all that and you you have no say doing the EAS way and I mean and uh it's I don't have to sign all year now on my property like right now it's uh political season my neighbor down the street two my neighbors they have the black of the old songs for to slow down for the children right next to the curb to try to get young people to slow down so that's a what about again it's like if if it were allowed it would have to be allowed for everybody so now I can put my sign in front of your sign and um I can put a sign up and I may not I may do it innocently but I may by putting that sign up I may interfere with sight distance I may create a hazard I may create other issues that and since everybody can do it but currently there's no problem like that right now well I know because it's not allowed but if we had if we opened it up to everybody you can imagine well I don't like your political sign I'm going to put my political sign in front of yours okay hold on a second guys the the four minutes went however it was back back and forth with you and Blaze but Ron did a very very nice presentation about our sign ordinance about a week and a half ago and from that presentation I put together a few questions for Fred and just for the remainder of the time Paul I would like our attorney to read into public minutes an answer to the questions that I put forth and here they are please describe the difference in in ordinance with commercial and political science we have three different types of roads in h Municipal State and County I asked about the enforcement whose responsible to enforce and if the laws are consistent can signs be placed right up to the road and if not why and does the law change for nonprofit organizations cuz we learned a long time ago going out of business signs at one point Fred were protected in a different area and then we discuss enforcement so Fred out of respect for time if you could take a minute or two and just clear up the record at least as it pertains to hanban Township sure thank you mayor you can hear me okay thank you for talking to the microphone all right and and look I agree with everything Blaze had said just a few minutes ago very consistent uh in the application of the ordinance so uh with respect to the difference between commercial and political signs you know contractors per the the code can put up signs on S where they're working in zones with a permit non-residential zones they're size restricted but they must be removed within 7 days after the work residential zones one sign must be removed when the work is completed not displayed more than 30 days uh the signs shall not be located closer than 10 ft to the property line real estate signs are permitted in all zones but only on the lot it pertains to and they have to be removed within 7 Days of the sale political and election signs they they the way the code reads is they shall not be put up more than 15 days prior to the election and they must be removed 4 days after the election so that's the way it's written in the in the code County and local mayor it ask because he gets a lot of questions about this what about the state and and the county roads well the township can only really enforce uh and control the township rways as far as the the state and the county don't have that Authority but nonetheless it's it's our opinion that the state prohibits signage in the states right away and signs can be can they be placed as the mayor asked up to the road and the public right away is is about 10 ft from the road up onto private property so there as blae indicated you know would depend on the extent of the right away and the area in question but if it's if your property line is uh you know straddles into the RightWay it's still 10 ft from the road up into the private property and nonprofits you know it's nonprofits they're really special event type signs uh on on public property and it's supposed to be sponsored by a nonprofit for a general interest in the community it could be placed on the property where the events to be held within the public right away uh but not other public property and for those type of nonprofit events you're allowed to have signs for seven consecutive days they cannot be placed on areas or walkways that encroach on airspace and there must be 40 ft away from signs for other type of similar events so that's that's just a quick overview YW and it's it's always very difficult mayor is you know a lot of towns struggle with this but that's in a in a synopsis as to what well thank you very much Paul we have to move on if you have any further questions we're always available to you we have to move on now just thought mom is talking about maybe because the early voting that uh that would change for 15 days Bic extend it out because voting starts earlier 15 days okay well so perhaps we should look at that that's a very good point that's a good point Thank You Paul and we're always available to you anyone else like to address the governing body hello thank you for your time my name is luy Hollin and I'm a homeless resident in your town at the red um you guys already know about the hotel there's no need to sit here and reiterate it my complaint is the county and the state are setting this up for failure with extremely low fmrs there is a TR program through the county um that is almost like a Section 8 program it's the same concept I'll get right to point they expect my family to find a four-bedroom home for $3,065 a month with all utilities included this is why there is so many people living for years and years and years at the Red Carpet in looking for a place the state and the county legislators are not being realistic they're giving us unrealistic and unattainable goals and then when you go to the county they're they don't care they really don't care I even said to them you're our voice you're our homeless voice you're the ones that can make it go up on the food chain to get to be laws to get it to be legislators to change these rules and it's not working out it's not working out they don't care um so I'm coming to Handover um because I think that if the town would pressure the county to help families get a home then a good chunk of the issues at the hotel and within your town wouldn't be wouldn't be so prevalent you know like all the police there and this there and that there and it's it's like maybe if there was a Le on that worked for Handover town that would come by the hotel and be like hey all right so we have this OTA people here on vouchers what is it that you guys need and then go to the county because they don't take us seriously they do not take me seriously I am going to morrist toown tomorrow in front of the courthouse right out in front of mar jordy's window and I'm going to hold signs until I get his attention I help signs earlier today outside for 2 hours I have a son that is very disabled that needs a home that needs a home and as grateful as I am for the red carpet for having a roof over my head personally me if inmates don't live like that we shouldn't have to live like that either you know i' I've I've Heard County officials tell nyak I've heard it with my own ears saying do the bare minimum and we'll work with you what's the point in6 fines if they only total $300 what is the point in that that's nothing to these people and it it's I need help finding a home to get out of this hotel affordable housing it's a great idea but you still have to make a minimum amount and I don't make that minimum amount I could do with a three-bedroom I've even looked for three bedrooms at it's it's it's I'm asking for help to find me affordable and for help with just in general navigating the county everybody tells me that it's never going to change well it's never going to change because everybody sits around and does nothing and it's turning into a thing where I feel that the police don't care the city don't care the municipality don't care and the county definitely don't care and Morris County you guys are within Morris County I can't even get a phone call into Gary Den I had a whole meeting with a supervisor an administrator and an OTA worker that was horrible you would be a shame shamed to be part of Morris County if you heard some of the things in the way I was talking to you I really appreciate you sharing this with us uh Fred we we will talk about this in a little more detail but thank you very much and we're always here for you okay okay thank you anyone else hello um my name is Susanna rreo and I live on blood drive in Cedar noes and um first of all let me say happy Community planning month um thank you Mr breno for all of your work as the community planner and um secondly I wanted to know more information uh mayor Gallagher on the complete streets meeting that was held in I think Morris Township that um other Mayors want to um I'd like to hear the takeaways that that you heard and if you thought that a complete streets policy was right for the town um a second thing I wanted to mention is whether we could get some kind of traffic or World safety study on bridale app um people Speed on brid uh last night I saw someone run the red on bridgedale and and Elm Street or Eden Lane um and I mean I've even seen like like Benders um on the side of the road yesterday would have a picture of like a like a tire trim on the road and I just think speeding is a big issue and um some kind of speed management should be done for that area um trying to cross wiell on Cedar NOS road is pretty difficult there is a crosswalk and there is like a a sign for one to cross that never gives a pedestrian the right way to cross and then when you're that's going from one end of rvi to another on CED no and then the other Crossing you have there has two has two CL walk lights that sometimes say different things it's really hard to navigate so I just asked whether some kind of road safety study could be done um and yeah um okay so Jerry the last part if I so you're taking notes thank you we can discuss that and take a look at that uh we did attend that meeting and I'm going to respond for about a minute and then ask Ron for a minute because Ron and I attended the meeting together what's nice is um there were quite a few people at that meeting and it was very healthy because the county has also been working on something very similar so just so we're not working parallel we had the documents from the county at that meeting Ron and I mhm and uh we all basically want the same thing and we are working together and the one thing that Ron mayor Taylor and I made very clear is we don't want to work parallel we want to work together so we're looking at several initiatives that'll make it much safer for all of us we discussed in detail bicycling we even discussed Harding and we all kind of asked each other about the outfits that a lot of people wear when they're riding their bicycles and Harding and we had quite a chuckle on it cuz but um the the county asked us officially for our input and we are giving them our input so the document is fluid and if anybody has any recommendations we would like to hear from them and uh we have a pretty good system in place compared to other municipalities but we're all going to learn and borrow from one another and what's good about us all working together with the county is funding because the county can get a lot more money than we can and then they can distribute it up to the municipalities so Ron that being said if you want to just add to that and no I think uh you did a pretty uh good job of explaining our meeting uh both uh mayor Gallagher mayor of Mount Arlington uh Mike and Dallas uh as well as myself and mayor Taylor from Floren Park attended this meeting with various members of uh moris Township's Council as well and we heard from some Advocates that they had at this meeting as well for Highway Safety um as a member of the uh Morris County uh Transportation advisory committee have brought the to the Detention of uh commissioner Shaw uh and to the engineering department uh who are also working on some policies along with the state of New Jersey um they did deliver me some information which we're going to be taking up we have a meeting coming up on the transportation committee uh coming up next week and that would be on the 15th of October I'm going to try and get this on the agenda for them as well uh but going back to Mayor Ker's comments um there was a prepared documents that these Mayors want to send to the county regarding highway safety Etc and um sort of vetoed that in one regard because why send a letter when you could pick up a telephone and expedite matters and I think that's what we're trying to encourage uh is contact with them but before we do that uh we want to be very confident in what we want to say to the county about it but in the meantime um I will be happy to give to our clerk um several contact points for you if you'd like uh on the uh New Jersey Department of Transportation has a complete streets guide sign um guide out I don't know if you're Avail if that's something you Avail yourself of at this point you have that uh I don't currently have it okay and uh there are some other sites which which I'll give to the clerk that she can forward on to you um NJ do there's a new mutc all these wonderful numbers incorporating reference for improving intersections for pedestrians and bicycles information guide this is done by the state of New Jersey as well I'll pass that information and that site on to you along with several others and hopefully that's a help to you personally but meanwhile we'll continue to pursue it on our end the only other thing they came up to was um we talked about bicycling and how much we we love it and encourage it and and some of my friends have those really bright suits that my um my wife and daughter wouldn't let me out of the house in personally but that's that's our issue but what we are going to look at and other towns have and we haven't yet is a lot of the motor motorized bicycle almost look like motorcycles now and not only could it be a public safety issue but it could be dangerous for some of our youngsters driving them because there is a law at a certain age you have to wear a helmet so we have a lot to look at when it comes to Public Safety and our bicycling and our RightWay so we're on it so I'm glad you asked us cuz we were prepared for this by the way I still run my canondale 300 so uh it's a pretty good bite but it's a good B thank you and we'll we'll talk to you soon thank you okay anyone else Dina can you just talk aloud can you talk louder please um a couple meetings ago um somebody had said about um you know Dr going without your car for a day or a couple of days um and I was thinking you don't actually have to do that but you could um figure out if I didn't have a car tomorrow what would it take to for me to get around how much would it plus what would I have to do and you could do the same with her um situation like figure out if you had a full-time job at minimum wage how would you be able to survive in this community like you don't have to actually do it but you could you know figure it out without doing it that's just my comment thank you very much there's also an incredible organization in head of the township that we all work with on different levels Homeless Solutions mhm there's there's beautiful people working very hard trying to be as helpful as possible nope I'm very sorry I speak with Homeless Solutions every week and no they don't help take it from someone it it it's wonderful It's a Wonderful thought process it's a wonderful idea I don't need to be roted interrup but a lot of these programs are made so people can sleep at night but until they have to physically use the program and be within the system you really don't know okay thank you for sharing that too also I I I if you would like to speak sir please take the podium and state your name and address and you have four minutes my name is j Gordon and I'm stand at the Red Carpet and I stay at the solutions also they treat you like you're 10 years old there very disrespectful and uh some of the people that they do have there some of them wouldn't do certain chores which we had to do little chores take turns of and stuff like that and they had catism towards different people in there it it's it's a it's a mess and then one of the staffs had called a police on me one one particular time where they allowed me to go outside and smoke a cigarette she called the police on a false pretenses and lucky I was smart enough to take a picture of the clock which they only supposed to be out there at a certain time to be back in and I took a picture of it and when I showed that to the police the police realized that she lied I don't know if they got rid of her for that but uh at first the cops was a low hostile towards me you know it's a lot of playing games just like the it's a place up there in marown uh Mar Street M that place was terrible also there's people that sneaks out get high come back in you don't kick them out and one of my friends have kicked out of there a of being stealing a shirt at of the shop never showed no evidence whatsoever that he stole the shirt he only had two more weeks to graduate from there and they kicked them out these are the things that when they see someone that's straight in there they'll get rid of you before they get rid of the people that's doing the wrong and I I hope that someone start looking at that bu this Motel over here I have to leave there six the 16th of next week because I was calling the state about roaches and bed bugs and everything now I have cancer I'm 71 years old after I made those calls and my case worker from the welfare house called them and made him give me another mattress but did not give me another box spring that goes underneath it so the bed bugs were still into the box spr this is what this guy that owns this place keeps getting over and over again getting away with stuff and like she said only $300 fine that's ridiculous I just recently CAU them had washing machines months back they were rigged where they were cheating the people of putting money in and the machines where you had to put more quarters in I used to do electronic technician work so I'm very familiar with the the system and I said something to the owner now he knows I'm I'm familiar what he's doing he takes all the washing machines and dryers out so here you have families that have kids that need their clothes wash for school he keep telling the welfare people he's getting new washing machines but it's been months and months and months so he's starting to kick people out because these mothers take their kids clothes and wash them into the tub and hang him on the banisters of the motel and he gets mad and making excuses and tell the welfare I'm not accepting their their their their stay here anymore and that's what he's going to me right now so they're trying to find another place for me to to move to and what I was explained by the welfare uh caseworker if I tell them take me to court to remove me then apartment sir thank you very much blackma thank you very much for sharing that with us Sir Mr Mayor if I can just yes a brief c um in regard to um the gentleman's a comment on the fines that this Motel got uh the Board of Health in Hanover Township is not as benevolent as the state and we find them $1,000 more Fred I think we were in court several times already uh they got significant fines from hannaha Township for just what you're saying the conditions that Board of Health saw in there whether it was uh uh Burman insects Etc ET ET the state of New Jersey turned us around and inad they're unexpected find them 300 bucks so indifference to Handover we understand your plight uh we understand the conditions over there despicable and we're going to continue to do the best we can either through our Board of Health and and or through Administration thank you for your comments thank you and maybe we can all R it together because this is not right this this is not right I know everybody's thinking to just leave the hotel well every other hotel around here have to leave every 21 days 21 days seual daughter has to start a new school Miss if we have more time at the end you can take the podium again but thank you uh yes be RO with me section um I've been going over to the hotel since October of last year I'm here three four five times a week I've observed a lot of what these people are saying and you know yes there is some Riff Raff there I call Riff Raff no term but the um can you imagine you're you have a your daughter's in elementary school and the teacher is expecting you to have your child clean and ready for school and you go to give your child a a shower or a bath and cockroaches just pile out of the tub and the other areas in the bathroom where we trying or they crawl on her while you're trying to bathe her so that she can go to school that morning and you wonder why the children that are going to the school which I'm sure they there problems in the district to some degree come to school in a mood pry that way or washing your dishes in the bathroom with with all these bres and the fact that when you're trying to sleep at night and you turn the lights off and they're falling from the ceiling on to you this is a nightly daily occurrence for the people that are living at this hotel like she said people living in the county jail aren't living like that but yet we have a hotel here where this is every day every single day and did you know cockroach is bite my and so then the child goes to school with bite marks on them and then the teacher sees this and says it's should like the parents fault and possibly could call dius or DCP and pay on the parent because of the living conditions that they're in there has to be something that can be done to clean this place up it's just is unbelievably filthy unbelievably filth it's unsafe in so many areas it's just unsafe from the fact of the the people and the Dynamics of the people that are there it's it's really I just can believe this is allowed in town I just cannot believe it's allowed in any town let the town I grew grew up and lived in all my you know it's just disheartening to see this every day that I go there Ian like I said I'm there 3 four five times a week the reason why they have to I have to keep finding them closed is because the cockroaches get all embedded in all even if they go to a laund m washer clothes and bring them have the lry of being able to pay for the LA to or be able to get to the about to get their clothes done and they come back and then everything is all all the pugs are into it where they conely get into Bang into school what do you think the teachers going to do this is a daily thing that they have to to deal with every single day doesn't go away you can't walk away you have no other place to go and Counting is failing like you were would not believe if anybody wants to talk to me I more than happy to talk to you and give you a lot of information it'll make your head spin Terry you know all of us pretty well by now and you know Fred Samurai and I'm not going to say it cuz he's sitting 12 feet away from me Fred is one of the sharpest guys I know an incredible attorney and you know after this meeting we're going to say Fred what could we do so thank you for sharing this and Fred thank you for listening and I know you're getting ready for your comments to make to the governing body but we appreciate this input thank you anyone else motion to close second all in favor I okay thank you everybody read that now here's the public meeting adequate notice the o October 10th 2024 meeting of the township committee has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by posting written notice and agenda of the meeting on a bulletin board in a municipal building 1 re1 Township of Hanover and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice to the following newspapers Mars County's Daily Record The Star Ledger Hann eagle and by far the scene with the Township Clerk committee Mill here committe farasa committe man francoli here committee man Mahalo had a prior event and he is excused this evening mayor Gallagher here four members in attendance if you would please stand and join us for the pledge allegiance and please remain standing for our prayer which will be handled by rank K I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all almighty God please watch over and guide this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding to help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and Township volunteers who help to keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly let us pray for the men and women of the US Armed Forces who stand vigil over us always amen thank you Brian CHR okay good evening the first item on the agenda is a letter from Shelby snow resign from her position as assistant business administrator for the township effective date of her resignation will be October 18th 2024 Shelby will be dearly missed may please have a motion to accept her resignation so move have a second all in favor regrettably regrettably all in favor I next is the approval of the township committee meeting minutes of August 8 2024 and September 12th uh 20 1924 2024 may I have a motion to approve so move second all in favor I except by Will to abstain from September 12th yeah and I will abstain from August 8th perfect thank you so approved next on the agenda we have the public hearing and Adoption of two ordinances ordinance numbers 25- 2024 and 26 2024 proof of publication that the two ordinances and their notice of introduction appeared in full in the September 18th issue of the Daily Record and also the September 26 issue reflecting a time change for tonight's public hearing and the Daily Record in accordance with law at this time may I have a motion to convene the public hearing on ordinances 25 and 26 move second is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning any of these ordinances if so please state your name and address for the record and which or you would like to address close second now may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 25 and 26 move second on roll call commit kill hi commean farasa hi committee man France Yoli hi and mayor Gallagher hi so adopted we have no introduction of ordinances this evening move right on to our resolutions next word of business is the approval of resolutions 16522 4 through 1 77- 2024 as a consent agenda does any member of the committee have any questions regarding any of these items move they be adopted second all in favor I resolutions are so approved next we have to pay our bills in the amount of 5,778 $179 188 may have a motion to pay the bills motion to pay the bills John always pays the bills second all in favor bills will be paid lastly we have two raffle applications for approval RL 3454 Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter on premise 5050 and RL 3455 harmonious chal I'm sorry Society 50/50 off premise may have a motion to approve these two raffle applications so move second so approved mayor Gallagher and the members of the committee that clears the agenda and I thank you very much go Yankees thank you good job I have a motion open to the public move second all in favor hi if anyone from the public would like to be heard please step up to the podium state your name address and you have four minutes lindsy Hollin red carpet in I'd like to adress um I earlier the reason why so many residents stay here and we don't want to be here is apparently this is the only hotel that doesn't make you move after 21 days because after 21 days you are a resident then it's landlord head for in case the OTA voucher fails so that means because I have R my child in school and was homeless I didn't enroll them in school with a resident and then become homeless so that means every 21 days my 6-year-old daughter has to start school that means every 21 days my 15-year-old son loves whne park has to switch a high school and he's in nth grade I also have a son who's turning three that is Down syndrome and he a feeding tube in a coloss back so moving around isn't really an option for us because he receives early intervention um where social workers and teachers Come Out 3 days a week you know he's getting ready to do his evaluations for be met of school for their Early Intervention Program there and that's and and it's like they pray on us they pray on us and then so apparently the state takes it back down to you guys and that's and that's and that's not okay it's not okay at all um but that's why a lot of the residents stay because that is our only home it's you know it's it's just our temporary home it's like being a Purgatory I guess just playing the waiting game for the cheap house to come up maybe within the town of Handover to um give an incentive to landlords that rent maybe if they accept a TR voucher they get a discount on the property taxes which could be passed on to the tenant to lower the rent to make it so the fmr it's within the fmr if that makes sense you know just some something to help us get out there's people that live there that are okay with living here and that's great but we are and I think that there should be something here within the town um to help res pres that are serious about getting out of this situation um getting out I do want to mention real quick that Handover police are amazing my fiance Robert rousa who's not here he um has a lot of mental health issues and he has multiple personality disorders and he is deteriorating beautifully day by day by day and he's had a big Mental Health crisis across the street and the police officers were amazing and I would just like to commend that with me and the police officers working together it it was able to deescalate and get him to a hospital and a facility to get him treated and I just have to commend on the police in the words in in the ways of that that's my personal experience thank you guys if you could share that with G PD that be great thank you thank [Music] you need to speak up speak up please you can barely hear some of well you have to speak into that microphone work it's not equipment we some of these legisl especially you know the governor you know he's he's sympathetic about certain things you know he would extend himself on other things that people I'm getting ready to drive to Tron but Governor Murphy is not sympathetic but I'm going to oh sure not to you not to you to other things he is but he needs to spread the wealth there I mean can you call him up Mikey Cheryl she told me to know got to be somebody to do something thank you Paul anyone else 17724 that he found a bit for mountain m have any time frame on when that's going to be started yes I do Joe would you like to take it or you want to give it to Jerry no the um if I recall correctly the specification says that within 30 days from the execution of a contract they must start work on the installation of the speed humps and Jerry I think we're talking about 11 speed humps on two streets yep so we're talking about beginning within 30 days following the execution of a contract which still has to be done okay and you have any time frame meeting with the residents no not yet no we again we just awarded this we accepted the bids on Tuesday awarding it tonight so we haven't had Communications yet with our team with colier have a need of location and also um I saw on the conet that um you were discussing the consolidation of District 2 and what are your um feelings on that so I was just providing the rest of the committee an update as to the uh happenings and what occurred at the district 2 meeting as well as last District 3 meeting as well as there was also a joint meeting of both districts where they discuss consolidation so I was simply explaining what occurred at each of those meetings I'm sorry I couldn't hear oh so I was basically since on the days on the public safety I I try to attend those district meetings as much as I can so I basically wanted to provide an update to the rest of the committee as to where both the districts were with regard to uh consolidation okay so uh you know as you know basically District 3 put forth a resolution that District 2 did not necessarily agree with um during a uh a meeting a joint commission meeting they discussed the resolutions at length uh and also discussed consolidation to to some extent um and that's basically where they're at okay are you going to be able to attend the district uh two meeting on my I am planning on it yes to the best of my ability I'll be there thank you and the only thing I'll tell you too about the speed the speed bumps is um we are going to already begin phase two because it came in under what we appropriated so we we will be putting two more in the initial area and then we are going to also begin on the other side of Ridell Avenue which is malap partis and Boulevard so we're we're headed the game okay I know she was worried about that the last meeting in theard thank you thank you anyone else motion close second all favor I motion to adjourn move second all in favor I thank almost talk to you for minute before we go very good I need to talk to you too before you go yeah me too you take the mayor first and then you can take Christ me m