##VIDEO ID:zsWf2TKD1FM## all right good evening everyone uh call the meeting to order for the September 4th 2024 planning board meeting at six o'clock U my name is Stephanie slish I'm chair of the planning board um I have to my right Doug Finn and to my left John jeffris and then Lee Bell oh hello everyone thanks for joining us we just did we'll read do this intro here um I called the meeting to order uh the September 4th meeting at 6 o' um my name is Stephanie slish I'm the chair uh chair of the planning board to my right I have Doug Finn to my immediate left I have John jeffris and at the end I have Lee Bell I also have our assistant planner Isabella joerger and I have Lori peard our Administrative Assistant as well um the first item on the agenda as always is public forum this is an opportunity for anyone who's here that's not on the agenda to bring forward new items something to our attention to planning board so now is the time for those who are not on the agenda but here for a meeting to speak at public forum I I think everyone who is here virtually or in person is on the agenda so um we will close public forum and move to the first item on our agenda for formal discussion is related to Zephyr Behavioral Healthcare uh they have questions regarding um a possible application at 74 North Hatfield Road partiel ID 21-42 um the I will ask them to unmute and introduce themselves in a moment um but it's we're basically here today to talk about what they what their business um how to define their business and what they plan to use the parcel for and that will determine what and if any sort of steps they have to take whether it's a site plan review whether it's a special permit um this parcel is across the street from the old food bank which is now Myers's produce it's a house that's kind of sit back in the woods um it's a residence it's zoned rural residential and so I will turn it over to uh the folks from Zephyr Behavioral Healthcare to introduce themselves where they're from and um a little bit about what they're asking tonight hello thank you for having us on my actually I'm the founder and CEO of and I'm director so I guess I'll go ahead and start with um the parcel itself and um some of the thought process behind why we thought it might make sense to include the planning board discussion um so that specific parcel was previously used by the state of Massachusetts and those Le for the purposes of of um adults with disabilities um and it sounds like they actually stayed there um overnight so there was a sort of like a long-term approach to the care and so we wanted to um jump in and instead of assuming that it's a loud use we want to make sure that we asked for permission first instead of you know asking for forgiveness um and so um we have a lot of families and the kids well-beings in mind so want to make sure they approach it um properly so our business is primarily focused on kids with disabilities who have been diagnosed with autism ages 2 to six and it is a onetoone care which means that um every child has a professional who works with them um and our program runs from 9 to 4:00 p.m and most of the kids are there with us full day none of them stay overnight um so the services themselves are um they might fall under different categories we wanted to get some guidance on it because the funders that we work with are insurances um insurance companies so from one hand it might be categorized as Healthcare the other one because we work slowly with kids with autism um not sure if it falls under child um care and also because it involves the educational component of creating programming for their own um development we want to make sure that it doesn't um get misinterpreted as education ational component because we're not um operated or regulated by the um educational system in the state of Massachusetts right so thank you for that introdu for for that um because just for some clarity around how that then applies to our zoning is that a child care center is allowed by right in a rural residential Zone and would not you would not need to come before the planning board at all just need to follow um that is there any regulation from the state for this facility because I know that child care centers do are regulated by the state have questions on that we don't have state regulation okay um the next so that's with child care centers if you were to call it a healthare healthare education if you were call it Healthcare education then that would be or if we were call it education then that would be considered a site plan review and if you called it medical that would be a special permit I believe right approval yeah although I was trying to look at what which part of the table of use were you looking at for the medical just so I can Healthcare I think was the category under if that pops up they're saying they don't want understanding Healthcare and professional um a professional medical business service that is not allowed in a r res he said they don't employ any medical don't employ medical professionals okay that's good right noal to education or child care right because it seems like it would based and also based on its previous use which I don't believe anyone came was there any sort of thing on file for that beforehand yeah and nobody came before us before when it was like conceivably an adult I think I think it was was it Riverside in there I'm not I'm not sure what the name it was LE indries someone from the state it was the state was it was like an adult yeah kind of daycare type of program y um I think the other thing to consider is it's uh 2 to six year olds he said so I mean is that is that sub the level where it would be education you know I guess would be my question um I was well I was just going to ask the question because the um the the folks here have already said that they're not under any kind of regulatory Authority by the state department education and it's two to six year olds um so nothing that you do within your programs I'm speaking directly to you folks now nothing you do within your programs um takes the place of a formal educational process is that correct that's correct okay y um I would suggest this could very well fall under simply Child Care Center y specialized Child Care Center Specialized Child Care Center certainly the child care center allow by right yeah I yeah I agree with that and appreciate strongly agree with that yeah there we are move to move to anr keep on going about it not really anr but it's more they can just go ahead um making sure that any sort they register the business and that kind of thing with the town um but they would not need to go forward with the planning board at least at this time just one clarifying question it it's not really doesn't Factor one way or the other um when you have your facility up and running when things are working do you have any kind of inspections or reviews is there any kind of uh folks who come in to make sure that the programs you're doing are safe and and that sort of thing um we don't have folks that come physically on site but we have um reviews from the insurance companies every six months where we present um data on the child's progress um and they make sure that what we're offering is still considered medically necessary okay good luck yep thank you for coming I appreciate you being proactive in this um and yeah thank you thank you great thank you easy all right um moving along to the second item on our agenda is something that came in yesterday right Lori um so we apologize for the last minute uh but we are compelled to act within 21 days and so this is why we are talking about this now tonight um this is related to 224 and 228 Straits road map ID 206- 91 2- and 206- 84-0 and we have uh fol applicants for this an anr um here tonight if you don't mind just coming and sitting in front these where the microphone is and introducing yourself um and just sharing yep what the proposed uh proposal is between uh the lot lines for 224 and 228 and yeah thank you you want me to explain what I want can just introduce yourself yes James fusic and this is my wife Betsy fusic we live at 224 straight road and uh I want to build a garage extension on the north side of the house and everything is on my property but I don't have the 15 foot leeway so the neighbor has uh offered to sell me a jog keep his Frontage but selling me the jog around my proposed building I had uh surveyor from Hadley uh eaten lay it all out and that's what it's in front of you now I got a lawyer agreement here that Phil hasn't signed but you know me and him have a verbal agreement but I tried to pay him the other day and he says well you don't need to pay me until the town says okay therefore that's just a waste of time so and then the carpenter gave you the small papers of the uh proposed mudroom Dash garage extension from JD Ross and uh that's the plan of attack just waiting on the permission to buy the property and before I buy it you got to make sure the plan's going to fly yeah and uh that's all yeah this is nothing to a fancy yeah so it's essentially you're just buying enough to have allow for the 15ot setback requirements I'm buying uh I have a foot and a half from the plan I'm buying 16 feet therefore you got a one foot overhang that everybody forgets about and therefore you got your 15 feet right because it goes by the overhang not the concrete yeah this seems pretty cut and dry to to us right I mean at least to me I don't want to speak to the leave in the lot that's perfectly conformant well it's the lot 228 is not performing because it doesn't have uh the frontage but the the fact that they're not touching the frontage just doing that it doesn't make it any less yes so right if they were to take it from the frontage and go all the way then that wouldn't be and this lot line adjustment does not create any new non-conformities correct right that being said an anr is doesn't even have to get down to that level do both Lots continue to have access across their own Frontage yes do both Lots continue to have appropriate area yes it's requires an endorsement you're perfectly good with with us yeah the only thing to acknowledge also with this is that 228 is Zone business while the other part is Zone residential but I don't think that there'll be a business operating on 16 feet of undeveloped or undeveloped um you're uh we sign this and this becomes a plan that you can record yeah then I have to bring it to my lawyer and the uh registry of deeds yeah exactly yeah that's the plan do not record it until you actually transact the sale of the land do it simult if you do you will have committed fraud don't do that okay uh yeah you have to buy the land then they'll record the plan do that yeah now it's a matter of getting a hole of Phil because he's hard to chase down I'll make a motion that we endorse the plan is uh not requiring approval under the subdivision control law second that second third y uh any discussion all in favor I all right we can sign this right now and give you your documents now pick the mask the good one that's the good one you got a Sharpie you need a Sharpie for the for that we're signing both okay y thank you thank you for providing with a easy to approved plan I know this has been the most straightforward anr in a while bring something tricky next time this is easy this one was easy no problem very easy that's what I'm trying to aim for good relations with the neighbors huh yeah oh yeah that help oh yeah help you put a roof on my highway garage and a roof on my mother's house he's a super nice guy Peri regard I saw him up on the roof of the long-term care facility there on the end of Hatfield Street where is that used to be a h i don't know is it on the end of Hatfield Street there oh here in town no nor Northampton oh yeah yeah he's he's uh he's all over the place this here's make sure you sign he's doing a church over I think it was on Holly Street took the off the church it was from the 1800s all rotted and they the church paid him to rebuild the whole thing lead face it and copper and Tin work and I don't even want to know what that is just for the and it's back it's back on H Street it's back on that church in Hol street now as far as I know it was there the original is in the back on blocks and his was made and shipped this beautiful work there all the architectural stuff I think it was on Holly Street to [Applause] you're official all right yeah you can come grab these much yep yeah thank you pick good to see you both how many do you need find just three we keep the Top Copy okay's one more in here I'll the small you need all those right I think we yeah yeah thank you you need want another Lo copy unless you want another loose copy no no no all right thank you thank you very much um all right next item on the agenda is uh related to the compehensive plan remember last month I was like oh we're gonna get a presentation tonight turns out we are not um it's getting delayed one more month because um we the reason being because of basically in short the select board schedule they've been jam-packed it looks like there's going to be a special town meeting so they preparing for that and so they've asked to push this till October so they're going to get presented at it looks like the octob their October 1 meeting right correct me if I'm wrong Lori and so then we'll be presented at October 2nd and so then we can vote to approve it then if we want more time to read it or think about it we could do it in November but the presentation will officially be October 2nd so you all can breathe a side relief if you didn't get a chance to read all 300 plus Pages who is maybe who is presenting is it pppc um no it's actually going to be members of the Pioneer Valley or of comprehensive plan committee I think our co-chairs and then we're there's going to be an invitation to the rest of the committee to present cool there it's going to be mo basically about like how this came to be to explain like the number of people who participated in this and then top line so we're not going to get like the full scope of everything it's going to be like very top line because how can you present on 300 pages in like 20 minutes it's only handfuls of changes though it's not you know change on all three of um kind of okay there's a lot of recom I think that the action plan I forget how many pages the action plan is like 80 maybe 120 120 those are the ones you should actually probably read if you want more context read all 300 graphs back to school back to school your highlighters up oh what I want to ask about is the 40b law that's now in effect in January right the anti snob law that looks like it write overwrites a lot of our Adu language oh perfect timing that's on the next item on the agenda which is related um if we're done talking about the comprehensive plan basically I will reup that email to make make sure you have all the resources you need at your fingertips yeah apparently I'm GNA have to get a Google account up okay yeah my kids will help me you also could maybe Lori could print the action plan out for you I started printing at work it was like got to about 15 seems like a lot it's a lot a lot broadly speaking isn't it it's usually the first chapter that's sort of the uh the nuts and bolts of it in the action plan I mean and that'll have the the chart of what's going to be done and when action plan so yeah stick that graphs and charts and everything else that's the supporting information the process speaking to how they came came up with the information the action plan is like about like it has it's divided into seven themes that help like organize what it's supposed to mean and how to understand it more yeah and all almost all the themes really over kind all intersect with planning board stuff right because all stuff we should be thinking about and i' imagine the presentation is probably going to be structured by via theme that way too yeah that makes sense and they're going to present the same thing to the select board as they as they present to us or very similar so the idea is the public has an opportunity to hear it whether they watch a select board meeting or our meeting yeah gotcha I do wanted to talk about the like prioritizing these deliverables today or we're just thinking about that so the other pieces in of all the resources I shared with you there's also some deliverables that the pioner valley Planning Commission the ones that we priori said that we wanted them to prioritize they came back with some more refinements on that and they came back with a lot of with all of them um that we have to review and from that we could prioritize bringing some or any of those to town meeting if we want or pursuing them further so yeah C what did you want to talk about oh I was just CU it's like so I have something printed out your two deliverables is that like some of these have been done already and then the remaining ones I can tell just by certain dates like oh this was due February of 202 for but so then the remaining ones are for pbpc to do with their remaining hours is that right and we're supposed to choose what our priorities are and they already did that and those are the ones that are the deliverables in that folder in that folder okay great yep cool so this way and thinking about that and what we want to prioritize as a board is Al also because there's some they also prioritize them by there's a there's a helpful table that I don't know if it's in the action plan or not I don't remember where they placed it but there's like a table that shows you if it's a long-term thing how long it'll take if it's like this is a high priority and it's going to take a long time this is a medium priority it'll take a long time you know type of it helps you kind of think like oh if it's a high priority it's gonna take a long time we should probably start this now versus maybe a and then look at low hanging fruit also like there's a we have to think about like the strategy around what we can conceivably do and yeah timing it and timing it out so thankful that we have an assistant planner to help with some of this just in time right thank you like I said I'll re up the email to y'all um and if there's a possibility Lori I don't know like could is it could we ask for cop like would it be hard to have a hard copy for I will get them I will get them through the creating a Google account hurdle yeah thanks I recommend that they're printed in color annoyingly because so many of these things are color Reliant of course maps and charts that don't make any sense yeah and and the track changes to the red Tex track changes help so much exactly if you if you need a copy just let me know maybe that's something the pvpc can do with their remaining time is print some copies for us we actually have item I think it's like 1100 bucks that we were going to be using for printing to have some bound copies that will end up you know probably go to the library here you know Frank count and there's also uh deliverable is also like a poster and so we want to print ver copies of that poster that will hopefully like might hang on the wall here to remind us and bring us all back to our key themes and there's little check boxes so like when we get things done we can like check them off with the the poster so that's where big thermometer on the front of Hall yeah there it is you just cut the corner off when that part's done every year till 2040 um so there's some conversations about getting some of them printed and there's a little some budget budget left to do that but it's also like surprisingly very expensive to do that but not if you just want plain old copy or paper no from the town hall okay um so be prepared for a presentation next month and I better not say the same thing again next month there better actually be we are really geared up for it I mean now they're doing select board and then we're the next day so they will have refined their act and it will be perfect there should be no h love it perhaps we could pregame the S we we should probably go to the first night to together the opening night feel for yeah yeah yeah it's the energy exactly better performance exactly all right um moving on to uh The Other Board discussion item so related to our accessory dwelling unit bylaw that we passed at town meeting all this work we did all all this work we did um to update it uh the big difference that we added was to uh allow for detached dwelling units because our previous bylaw only allowed for attached um and then uh Governor moraly came through I don't know month ago month and a half ago month and a half ago and with her updated housing Law act whatever and piece of that um allowed accessory dwelling units by wri up to 900 just like us right um yeah and so it ends up there's pieces of our updated Adu bylaw that are now well will be January right yeah it's it comes effect on February 5th the state law which will then Trump for lack of a better worded um supersede suede a better word I can't say that word anymore thinking that um it will supersede what we passed this past May so in order for us to stay on top of things we will need to update the Adu bylaw at our next town meeting Without Really substantial changes it's basically just going to say to bring it up to code with the state law that was implemented in February and so Doug has graciously uh dug in is it necessary that we revise because this trumps us do do we have to revise it or can we just remove or can we remove it all together if you remove it all together then or just change it to a ctisle refer to well let me ask a question is the Hatfield zoning bylaw exclusionary or inclusionary in other words if something is not actively permitted is it denied if you don't mention bowling alleys in your zoning bylaw as being a permitted thing can somebody Building B build a bowling bylaw at all what's that no bowling is no bing up till this point okay you know bowling alleys cause yeah rock and roll that CA trouble with a t that rhymes with B that for bowling yeah um that's a good question the thing is I think we want some sort of regulation in place because somebody is going to want to put an Adu on a non-conforming lot or a substandard lot or they're going to propose it where there's already an existing non-conformity on the lot whether the house is too close to the driveway or the road or something you want to have some bumpers in does the update change the size of a lot I think it does the smaller than ours uh we say ours because we have we have non-conforming lots no no I'm saying what we said we saying 0.56 of an acre or something you got to be 056 or something of an acre 30,000 whatever the uh we we listed I think a 60,000 Which is higher than minimum conforming size it says in your most recent changes you sh a lot the on a lot of Less on a lot of less than 60,000 square feet and 30,000 square feet and now it just says an Adu uh shall be permitted if the planning board determines that and then there's all these that's on a conforming lot that the lot is conforming that there's no other non-conformities that there's water and wastewater available that there's room for at least one more parking space access without walking up proper and you have and and you B and we're retaining some control by saying the Adu can't ex extend closer to the road than the existing dwelling in other words you can't put it in your front yard okay it has to be clearly subservient the main dwelling there's a difference between the new state law lot size and our lot size yeah so we got to reasonable conditions provided that we're not outright Banning it right yeah okay so it's best to revise rather than just see see above um the one thing it's frustrating for a lot of folks is the fact that um the state law removes ownership requirements um I personally have a problem with a corporation owning a residential house I don't care if it's an Adu or a main dwelling I have a real problem with that and I think that's a source of a lot of the housing problem in the crash that's going on right now exactly so but that's another argument unfortunately that's another conversation well yeah and the issue with if it doesn't if one of the a one of the either the Adu or the main parcel doesn't have to be owner occupied that then also creates more options whether it's a corporation or not more for rent more rentals and we have we're trying we're trying to create more opportunities for home ownership because we've kind of according to the comprehensive plan we're about a 6040 split 60% home ownership 40% rentals with rentals going up Y and once you hit a certain point really you're really gonna like end up it's it's not good for you know for people getting involved in community for a lot of reasons for um get whether that means getting involved in in town boards whether it's sending kids to schools and essentially the roots of the community correct corre and you know we want to create opportunities where people can build their equity and stuff and through a home ownership I mean that's something from that I would like to see us try to help with the plan as we can do with planning with the planning board and through zoning so um so yeah I'm not a huge fan of that removing that either but we must do what the Commonwealth tells us work within the parameters so yeah Doug I took a first stab at this it's something that we're gonna inevitably have to bring to town meeting so I think um something that maybe we could talk through the proposed changes things at the next meeting does that make sense for folks to take a look at that if you need any help Doug you know what I mean it's not like it's too much of a not much of a heavy lift it's like hey this is what we have to do here the argument of town meeting is gonna be simple right we made this change it's been superseded and now we have to come up to code yep y just voted through because they help helped us on the last one and I think this is there a Zone in Hatfield where the minimum lot size is higher than 60,000 square feet no I think I'll I think no it's she's got the table right here she's got a bookmark or resident I should say a residential Zone somewhere here I don't believe so okay I'll have to find out where it is actually in this okay it's a table again somewhere here it is oh business Zone if we're looking at residential oh 45,000 Square F feet minimum lot size Y acris 44560 no I just did this it's I'm all off here an acre is 44560 sare feet I don't know we'll get there you're the guy I would ask that question Doug so cuz yeah I was I've always in told that it's the minimum lot size is around an acre yeah so that is and scans yeah 43560 43560 so if it's 45,000 slightly over yeah that's fine but our Adu is 30k right um the way the bylaw is written right now if you have 60,000 square feet or more an Adu could be built by right less than 60 but more than 30 it would require a special permit or at least a site plan review less than 30 not allowed the revision says that if your lot is conforming an Adu is allowed by right which complies with the state law if your lot is not conforming it requires a special permit and I think we I think so conforming with us is 4 45,000 feet and2 front it winds up being reduced that's mean stand you got have to have more than an acre to build a house in half these days okay so I'm not so I'm not conform me Bridge nobody in Bridge Street's conform me my side of Bridge Street well part of your side is Bridge Street yes and basically any houses built I think that was implemented I was trying to figure out the history of when that was implemented and it was sometime in the 80s so basically most of the hous honestly at least in downtown Hatfield proper do not meet are not conforming right so new houses are T tougher to build than my house well and yeah if a lot is too small and somebody's saying oh I want to build a whole new dwelling here there's a lot of things to look at but I'll use my property as an example I have nearly three acres but I only have 100 70 ft of Frontage the way the lot's been for you know 100 years my lot technically would not qualify for an Adu without special permit or S review yeah because of that even though I have plenty of room and I have Town water and sewer and plenty of space to put the the structure you know I would still need a special per which has been a continual problem in this town the frontage versus the backland versus the back right right flag whatever and I think it's appropriate you know if I wanted to do something it would be appropriate for me to make sure my neighbors were okay with it um because it's a long narrow lot and fair enough no problem but um you know if you got somebody with a smaller squarish lot in the downtown and they were trying to stuff a a whole structure on the their tiny little Back Porch or something that doesn't make sense right and you say downtown and I don't want to like alarm people because people love the Charming historic beautiful downtown but like you know you live on Bridge Street I live on Straits Road you know places where there was a bunch of ranches put in in the 7s on 3/4 acre lots or whatever happens to be exactly could be some where no big deal you want to put a little you know 600 foot granny in-law Cottage out back great no problem or it's attached and it's just like an addition that would be convert the garage to a second dwelling you know like yeah sure yeah so those would be allowed no matter your lot size but if it's not conforming you have to come to get a special permit it would have to come to us and and butters would then be notified when they wouldn't necessarily have to be notified if it's a larger structure right yeah and that's is something we we we want to make sure the abuts are get notified that the neighborhood is aware no no surprises wrong with that yeah especially on smaller Lots right y so that's those are the main changes that would be happening and we there's not really any debate it just has to be there it is right it's there nothing and so Doug put some red marked up the copy of what we already what we just asked and so if everyone can take a look at that please please look I may have made mistakes there were a couple thing changes that I recommended that where it was it was literally you know number J said the same thing that number B said uh you know it's just restated or different so I said oh forget it we don't need it we cover this we covered this already right yeah I've just seen the uh like the synopsis of the changes to the 40b whatever I haven't read TMR so I gotta get yep so that's also homework we'll have a lot of homework between this one and the next one schol is in session September 4th um with that is there any further discussion on the Adu bylaw change we'll table that till our next meeting yep great um last piece of our agenda is approving our minutes from the August 7th meeting which those are right here have we had had an update or heard anything else from zigma no they uhop information yep we followed up with them gave them everything that they needed and we should probably just check back in with them in a month or two have posted about it you were way more flexible than hey can you expand this road type of question that is a difficult problem yeah um can I make a motion to approve the minutes as presented L folks want time to read it I read them and they looked fine now second that any further discussion all in favor the minutes from August 7th are approved as is um our next scheduled meeting uh is Wednesday October 2nd we always meet the first Wednesday of the month um and so we will see you all then for a presentation from the comprehensive plan and a continued conversation about changes to our Adu bylaw which hopefully we can check that off and then move on to the next thing that we'll probably bring to town meeting which will be related to comprehensive plan stuff before we close things out a quick question I don't know who might have information on this regarding the comprehensive plan um for anybody who's read through it do you believe that the proposals the recommendations the strategies the you know the goals and sort of thing outlined by the plan uh align with public input public comments things that people in town have said and that it's not a planner gon to muck at the pvpc um um I yeah let me how do I answer that we had I think like we had really good survey response when we had the U townwide survey like 300 I think responses and then we had an inperson a black Birch Vineyard which I forget how many people were there that to that somewhere a lot between 50 and 100 people came through um and gave feedback into to that um I will say that there's definitely a climate heavy focus and I that's definitely because it's funded by the the MVP act the MVP Grant and so I'd say that might be a little bit more of a focus um than what was stated by the public but I ALS and I also think that they are helpful to have for us to think to have that thinking in the back of our minds when we are making decisions and recommendations because we you know they had part of the Grant had you know these Engineers come and say like there's updated water flows and this is what the connectic river for breaches for example this is what it's going to look like it's not going to be this high like it's been it's going to be this high and so we do have to anticipate and think about that those types of things um related to our zoning maps for example so I think does that answer your I think that answers your question and that it's probably a little more climate focused than it would have been if it wasn't um MVP and and that's fine so long as the again the recommendations that are being presented or proposed align with what local folks expect and encourage or have advocated for yep fair enough thanks y That's well thought yep and the committee was made up of you know folks from all different committees in town and some at large members that have gotten involved you know this is their maybe their first time volunteering at something like this which was helpful I haven't gotten deep into the recommendations yet but I I did see that in the action plan they talk about how farmers at least are expressing concerns about flooding so it's like at least the front end like the concerns are expressed by people in town I don't know whether the solutions that they offer yep yeah that was a big thing is that and a lot of the re not a lot but some of the recommendations are pulled from previous uh the previous master plan and then there was like a follow-up to the master plan maybe like less than 10 years later that things that didn't get done that they pulled some of those and brought them continued them on because it made sense so there's that too um and a you know the big thing is everyone loves our rural character and our farms and so there's also a big Focus thanks for bringing that up on the farms and and how we how a municipality can help support farms and Farmers um which is going to be one of the first this the second in the Commonwealth to have its own chapter dedicated to farming which is you know I think exciting but yeah good surprising honestly y yeah um yeah more more next month that was a nice nice teaser um so yes uh October 2nd um and for the most part it's you know we're not going to be like redlining and marking up this comprehensive plan it's you know should have gone through its many you know it's Bond through revisions and things like that maybe there'll be little things here or there but for the it's you know we shouldn't be saying we disagree with this because we should be respectful of the process that happened in order for it to get to us fair enough uh but the plan doesn't uh establish or create a priority priority for the various actions that it does prioritize stuff the what you know there's a lot of high priority things so it's everything is high priority nothing is high priority right and so it's kind of us sussing out what we want to prioritize and do um yeah there's easy achievable moving on to more difficult harder to achieve and leave the oh my God we can't get that done to the very end yeah there's some that are like it's not going to be us we're going to need like the whole town Administration on board for some of these things [Music] which no one's going to want to touch but arguably those are the ones that are have the most impact yeah on the town for better you know or for worse but it's supposed to be for better Tech so um can I get a motion to adjourn you can no I move to ajour Z any further discussion all right uh all favor right right meeting of the September 4th planning board meeting is adjourned at 6:43