right for for [Music] Ral Bennett I'm here leosa here mey saso here skara here wui president Matthews here please rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the annual schedule of regular meetings here adopted and posted on the public bulon board at the municipal building emailed to The Herald News the record The Gazette and all persons who requested the mailing of such since December 7 2023 approval of the minutes approval of minutes for the regular meeting of January 17 2024 Sasso will make a motion second motion by Sasso second by skier any discussion roll call wki abstain skara yes Sasso yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries public comment I'll now open the meeting to the public anyone desires to be heard please raise your hand to be recognized come forward to the microphone stage your name for the record seeing no one I a motion to close public portion of the meeting so moved motion by wki second by skira all in favor motion carries close session pursuant to njsa 10 col 4-13 and the Attorney General's formal opinion 29-1 1976 I entertain a motion to adopt resolution CSO 1-24 that the public be excluded from this portion of the meeting in order so that the council may discuss upsu contract negotiations items to be discussed in closed session can be disclosed to the public when a course of action is determined or decision has been reached have a motion so Move Motion by Scar second by withi all in favor I I you have to excuse us for a moment no oh we got handouts I figured that who's getting the coffee one second hold on from the Boy Scout thinking Scout that's what I'm thinking or a serial killer we don't we don't use our metal detector B you never know we have Teflon in front of us so you don't Kevlar you have Teflon I don't it's like right here what about the rest of us why do you think why do you think scar moved over there he's afraid the body armor is it's just for the judge no one cares about Council people are we on L yep we're back okay we have a public hearing for 2024 open space Grant application on now open a meeting to the public V anyone uh on the proposed project to replace DET deteriorated bleachers at wag 2 and three ball fields and at Ry way at wagger Road Block 14 Lot one and the new bleachers compliance if you desire to be heard please raise your hand to be recognized seeing no one have a motion what were you raising your hand okay you need new glasses he make motion to close public hearing so move second motion Tech second by Bennett roll call Bennett yes leosa yes saso yes skara yes wki yes Matthews yes motion carries adoption of ordinances we have ordinance number 2330 d24 in ordinance to fix of 2024 salaries wages and compensation for the State uh for the employees of the B of horor County of Pake and the state of New Jersey and now open a meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding this ordinance please raise your hand to be recognized come forward to the microphone and state your name seeing none I entertain a motion at the public hearing on this ordinance be closed that it be resolved that this ordinance was posted on the bulletin board on which Public Notices are customarily posted published in the record and made available on the burough website and is available to the public now therefore be it resolved this ordinance be adopted and the clerk is authorized to advertise the same according to law can I have a motion so Move Motion by siar second by Sasso question questions all right Eric this is for you so if we do the compensation and the salaries now and then we ratify the collective unit do we have to then ratify the ordinance again the only thing in this ordinance is for one position and that's for the neighborhood preservation program for any of these going down that's the only one there's only one for that okay the two that we did is this the other ones will come at a next it's going to get amended three or four times quite honestly de this for you don't really have you don't really have to approve by salary ordinance contractually negotiated salaries we do it as a matter of course but it's debatable whether you even have to do it but we do it the way we've done it in the salary ordinance is is just say for the union contracts you get what you what your Union contract says and so we don't we we don't list the union titles and and the rates in the uh in the salary ordinance we just say blue collar Union gets what's in the cont got it white color get we used to yeah we used to we stopped that about years ago eight years ago that's it roll call yes thank you skara yes Sasso yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries ordinance 23 31-24 an ordinance to further amend the supplement code of the B of hathorne to revise various rates set forth in chapter 220 fees section 9 construction code uniform and section 21 water now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding this ordinance please raise your hand to be recognized come forward to the microphone and state your name seeing no one I entertain a motion at the public Hearing in this ordinance be closed and that be resolved that this ordinance was posted on the bulletin board of which Public Notices are customarily posted published in the record and made available through the burough website and are available to the public now therefore be resolved this ordinance be adopted and a clerk is authorized advertise the same according to law can I have a motion so move second motion by Wiki second by skier any discussion just buttoning down some building department fees that were a little dated roll call Bennett yes leosa yes Sasso yes skara yes wki yes Matthews yes motion carries all business anarie we'll start your way I'm good right now thank you Bruce nothing sir Mike nope not tonight Reena I'm good Joe all right so multiple years ago way before you were mayor I brought up that there's a trench open in 8 Acre Woods and at the time I was told Bob Scully was working on something the DPW director at the time was working on something two years ago I brought that the open trench is still there and it's a hazard and I was told they know about it and they're going to be working on it I went walking my dog back there that open trench is still there do you know what street it's on or what in the 8 Acre Woods yeah what there it's like what what path are you talking about the fence area it's an orange fence and it's got con County County nope I was told it's ours no that's County on that with the line it's on that side it's on the left the county has now surveyed their property versus ours throughout the entire hold on I got the picture no I I know what you're talking about it's off of uh cat bird oh catb bird lane lane well even if it is the county can we ask the county to put great on the yes we will that's all yeah doesn't matter where it is I know what you're talking this is the picture it's off C it's really catb and then it goes into LEL and Lane I I'll call the depart director tomorrow because I was told it's ours they know about it it's a repair that needs to happen in our sewer line and that they're going to do it okay thank you that's it on Old I got new if you're ready nope oh oh yeah yeah I was trying to scare you oh you got me all right I'd like to request a meeting with the administration to discuss my concerns of property maintenance that I keep sending emails and they're still not being addressed okay that's a request it I'm asking right now please you said you would like to request I would like and may I please you sure can there you go I you know because I senta I'm going to show you another picture the emails that you sent to me were passed on to this is 85 wag proper I can't see it from there Joe how you take it yeah you you notified Property Maintenance p and I follow your entire email to them that that was on your last uh it is yeah still there okay that's it and this is what it looks like oh the yes okay no that's their dumpster you just can't make it to the dumpster I I think Joe I think that dumpster belongs to a tenant I don't care who it belongs to it's Property Maintenance it's not fenced in there's garbage all around it I will if you really cared you'd go down with a hefty back oh been you got to see when you come around the corner there's just cars parked on dirt that's sliding into the water that's I've ripped out trees at least you can do is pick up some garbage all right that is all any new business Raina yes um just want to announce that um our 2024 community garden we will be expanding um we are adding six garden beds and tonight we are um approving the resolution of a grant that we filed last year for City Green dig in for $1,000 so that will be contributed to um our project but the fence was installed last year and the six garden beds are stored in a nice facility at DPW garage and so we'll be um building that sometime in April in the spring but I will be making an announcement that we have garden beds available for 20124 and I really want to thank um mayor Randy George for the partnership that we had with North Halen's community garden I had three families from hathorne up there and two out of the three are going to come join us in hathorne so they're very excited so I'll have four beds available that will be going up for auction stay tuned we'll be in the um emails out shortly but all 16 gardeners are coming back so I'll have four so it's all good and I want to thank the mayor and Bill Hoffner and Chris timora um for really helping and Moren cook with the purchase orders but we're moving forward I'm very excited we're expanding the garden and um I got very positive feedback from our gardeners they're all excited so stay tuned thank you Michael no I have nothing to tonight thanks Bruce no sir Anna Marie I have nothing I'm good thank you I'll keep it rolling that's right now we'll turn to the administrative agenda presented by mayor Lan thank you Mr President I am pleased to report that yesterday morning Judge Barbara Bruno Stanton of the pay County Superior Court dismissed the appeal filed by Mr spula following his conviction in the Prospect Park Municipal Court for multiple property maintenance violations at 363 diamondb Bridge Avenue this good news for our community and the Administration has moved quickly to make sure that this deplorable situation is finally addressed I thank our assistant prosecutor hasham masserie I thank him for representing our interest before the judge and re reassure the citizens of this burrow that we are as outraged as you are about the way this individual has treated his neighbors and fellow residents we will continue to do all that we can do to write this wrong as you know two Sundays ago we had an emergency at the hathorne Gardens at 100 Rock Road I couldn't be any prouder than our for our emergency service Personnel I would like to thank our fire department Police Department ambulance Corps and office of emergency management who went above and beyond to help our residents as well as a New Jersey State Police office of emergency management and the American Red Cross who were all on the scene all day and a special thank you to our fire department Ladies Auxiliary for the outstanding job that they did all day Sunday in the rain to support all of the emergency service workers that were there on the scene a special thanks to to our neighbors Glenn Rock woff North Halen Prospect Park and fr lawn whose fire departments were on standby and Glenn Rock who also stayed through the night with their light towers to provide light at the complex last Thursday I received a report back from the New Jersey State Police office office of emergency management commending our office of emergency management Deputy coordinator Matt fart for the outstanding report he sent to them detailing what had transpired over the last 48 to 72 hours time that he was on the scene again I can't be any prouder than all the men and women who serve this town I am happy to report that this morning temporary heat was turned on through portable trailers for the residents of three of the buildings at the complex I want to remind everyone that should it snow public sidewalks must be removed public sidewalks must be removed of all ice and snow within eight hours of daylight following the event the purpose of this ordinance is to make safe pedestrian passage especially around the schools for our school children also if you park your vehicle in the street and this applies all year long it must be moved every 24 hours please be mindful of these two ordinances so that you do not get a ticket the new New Jersey state League of municipalities is offering a scholarship opportunity for high school juniors and seniors who are planning to continue their education After High School Statewide competition is named in honor of our former mayor LS J Bay II I am hopeful that many of our students will enter this competition information is on our website and copies of the application can be found at hathorne high school and hathorne Christian Academy are two high schools in the burrow AARP announces tax Aid preparation for hathorne senior residents at the hathorne Lewis Bay Library please call them and not the library at 973 9491 1745 or email them for an appointment at horor tax a gmail.com this Friday February 9th the hope one van will be here in the parking lot from of barl Hall from 9:00 a.m. to noon this mobile recovery unit supports individuals on their path to recovery offering resources to individuals with challenges of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness that concludes my report and I'll turn it over to our attorney Michael Pasqua thank you mayor uh add my own comments to the spoiled the matter we're very fortunate Judge Barbara Borno Stanton was the judge now assigned to our matter she was a US attorney she grew up in br Brooklyn she's No Nonsense she gave Mr spoiled an order these are the things you will do by these dates when he failed to comply on the day she said she would she dismissed his complaint and uh did the people of Hawthorne a good service by doing so Shan Massy represented us very capably as he always does and that was good work too and to Mr spoil to continue to thumb his noses nose at his neighbors our community we don't stand for it there's always there's an old saying um my right it's in Oliver Wendell Holmes my right to wave my fist ends where your nose begins and somebody's certainly allowed to maintain their property in such a way as they wish but not to the point where he impacts his neighbors the values of the neighborhood uh and the community and that's what he has done and we will continue to prosecute him and to clean up his property as need be because we can't have this in our town and uh he needs to finally start taking responsibility for himself I don't think that'll happen so we will um on a more mundane topic I was texting earlier today with um our attorneys from California Ashley and um oh my God I'm Trin to blank the other one Stephanie so Stephanie and Ashley had the pleasure of going to Charleston South Carolina last week and attending the trial of the settlement of the 3M settlement it was a non-event they said it was boring as anything but everything went through smoothly and they expect to have some good email correspondence to us within the next few weeks so very hopeful on the 3M front and finally I filed an answer to the complaint on Nexus Plastics I have a meeting with uh John Sabo tomorrow we were unable to meet sooner so we have scheduled a lengthy meeting John and I will will be going over the developers agreement I'm sorry the developers agreement we dealt with we're going to be going over the uh report that is going to issue for Lafayette uh hon Chevy the report that will be issuing for pan chemical we will be going over the zoning change the Frank that you brought to our attention um really an oversight in the recodification we will be going over another request that came out of the ordinance committee we'll go over that one with dealing with another property in town so we have a full agenda and I will report back uh by the next meeting on everything also add to your discussion there's a conflict or two different Siz parking spaces that we have that came up last night at the planning board in our code in B3 yes yeah versus everywhere one spells out PR specific square footage and the other spells out a specific size and they don't driive really um yeah because we used to have by square footage a 200 foot parking store down to then we went by 9 by 18s everywhere yes so the B3 has square footage that's what it was right I know the square footage didn't match the size when we did the math on the on the plan okay it it was conflicting so okay if you're in there anyway yeah we're going to clean that up too and that concludes my report mayor thank you Michael and now I'll turn over P10 Kate our burrow engineer thank you mayor uh I would like to report on the projects that were involved with in town the uh pre construction meeting was held this morning for the gavana I service line replacement phase two and phase three uh with regard to phase three we submitted the environmental documents to the New Jersey infrastructure bank and uh getting getting ready for that the recreation of fields facilities upgrades wro Fields one and four complete uh field Franklin Field and wer Fields two and three are under construction by Fox fence and Cruiser at both locations this week the remaining work at wag field includes installation of back stops and fence gates all work is expected to be completed by the March 88 deadline Franklin Field lighting um the contractor Quality Electric mobilized in January light poles were found in conflict with existing utilities and a revised plan was developed at a field meeting on February 2 and we're drafting that and once completed we will get it reviewed by the DPW and then send it to the lighting designer to get an updated plan okay the uh water treatment PFC uh uh treatment system uh this is an uh update on the various uh locations uh South Station all tanks and tie-ins and are pressure tested in is infected tanks and pipes are heat traced tanks insulate are insulated and the contractor is finishing insulation of the pipes heat hot boxes are complete the tank media delivery is scheduled for February 6 North Station heat tracing is completed for all tanks and pipes the installation of the pipes is 90% complete instulation of the tanks is scheduled to start uh on February 6 hot boxes are complete and the the immediate delivery is scheduled for the week of February 26 uter Avenue heat tracing is completed for all tanks installation of the tanks is scheduled to start this week hot boxes are complete chlorine injection chamber and contact piping is installed mediate deliveries is scheduled for the week of February 26 GPA Hill heat tracing of the pipes and tanks is 40% complete installation to begin upon completion of the pass uh heat tracing the hot box is 90% complete the generator is installed tested and connected underground piping chlorine injected system installation uh still has to be completed and the immediate delivery is scheduled for the week of February 26 horor Kitty pool enhancements uh the basis for the spray features are readily available and uh once the PO is received that will be uh uh can be shipped upon receipt of the bases the required Plumbing work and concrete restoration can be performed and the above ground uh spray Fe features could be shipped as early as a we first week in May and they're uh pending receipt of the PO in the next few weeks we're working with the administration on that Norther and downtown revitalization project phase three the pr preliminary designs are near completion and we're working on the electrical plans Franklin uh field bleacher improvements the Project's under design and the 24 2024 Road Improvement program we're finalizing the scope of the work uh is with the bureau and we'll be providing the with the estimates and proposals for each project and finalizing the resident assessment sheets for inclusion in the upcoming ordinances that concludes my report thank you Pete now I'll turn it over to our administrator Eric maer uh thank you very much um as discussed in close session we have tenative agreements with both the upsu blue collar and white collar unions with resolutions R 3924 and R uh 4024 I'm being on the agenda for approving them uh the negotiations were not easy but I applaud the negotiating committees for both unions for their willingness to work through our differences to reach an agreement um the major item in the 2023 budget transfer resolution R 2623 is reallocating the money necessary to fund the additional work on the library roof referenced in R 3624 um where initiation of the original scope of work on covered a bigger issue that needed to be corrected as explained in the engineers memo uh there are two items of note being funded by resolution r27 24 which adds Appropriations to our 2024 temporary budget the first is money um in the code enforcement line to take care of the cleanup at uh 363 Diamond Bridge Avenue which the mayor mentioned in his report the second is additional funds to help us finish off the public safety communications project um with one item being the money for a change order for a consultant whose scope of work expanded over the life of the project as explained in the memo accompanying R uh 3524 um resolution r282 24 authorizes a Grant application to the county open space program for new bleachers at wag 2 and three ballfields which is was the subject of our earlier public hearing even though no there was no real public here um resolutions r29 and R30 authorize our grant writer to apply for additional funds for the same project from the New Jersey local Recreation Improvement program both appli will be completed and submitted this month um at our next meeting I'll ask for a resolution authorizing a a county um um cdbg Grant uh for construction uh of the few remaining 88 lamps that we need to install um the various Bond ordinances on the agenda will fund VAR different aspects of our road program for 2024 um and after lapse of a few months totally my fault we will get back on track with our sidewalk assessments by holding hearings on those from 2020 2021 and 2022 on the meetings of February 2st March 20th and April 17th respectively getting us caught up in this process um next week the administration will be ready to begin reviewing the 2024 budget with the finance committee in preparation for an April 3 uh presentation and introduction um sometime before the end of this month I'd like meeting uh sometime toward the end of this month they like a meeting of the it committee to review new security measures and other it related issues so I'll get together with Joe on a date for that and that concludes my report thank you thank you Eric just a couple extra minor things here uh the crossing lights on Lincoln Avenue started today uh so that Lincoln and and Kingston and Vin Winkle and Lincoln um also the 40 foot shipping container that's on Cheryl Hills has been removed um and the uh if if you'd notice there's uh starting on vand to Ray Avenue there's new LED street lights and they will be continuing with Public Service uh the entire length of lafat Avenue and uh at this time we answer any questions Mr President that you may have uh before I open up Eric I want to clarify something on uh Bond or [Music] 2335 if you go to the monetary amount the monetary amount I think is a typo for 228,000 I think it should be 152,000 which ordinance again I see that there 23 35 24 right that we we'll fire the typist we go the lower number well yeah that's what it is it is the lower number it is the lower number because if you go back to 23 34 that's where the 228 came from it just cut and pasted and oops I don't know who would have done that but yes you're I think we had a temp that day but it's the 152,000 is what I'm trying to it's the 152 that's what I thought okay I I am the typist that's auto correct all right no problem I found the wall though it's correctly uh the numbers are right Lord the the writing is wrong right we all agree okay thanks Frankie okay any other questions for the administration yes okay Joe all right when will the sewer pump house on wag be demolished um we will not be demolishing it we will be uh uh repairing it where we have a report from Boswell as to what is needed and we're going to be getting quotes to get that worked done this the one that had the tree in it yep okay should have left the tree in it we're a tree City we can't cut it down it was coming down I still see that the Yellow Tape is around the building yes and I was curious It's not down and now it's not going down well yeah well we got a report from Bosell that it didn't have to come down and since it is used for storage we figured it's better rather than spending money for demolishing that and then constructing something else we'll we will do the repairs that the engineer has recommended yeah all right uh the next question um you would mention the repairs to Cubs fi AKA upper Franklin Field Peak they put down tarp on the on the on the field I guess to protect it for when they're putting in the lighting no that they're blankets Joe for the grass all right so what's end up happening now all the geese are in lower Franklin I've never seen so much boof in my life is you mean little Franklin little Franklin in front of theand we still own a goose po pick effort we did at one point the dogs run around all the time or or maybe call that Gees company that they claim comes every day that's what I was talking about because I haven't seen them there either I've never seen a dog in 20 years that's why I always vote for that contract no but we really need to do something especially with the nicer weather coming along and the van shell that's a lot of to okay okay well they're not on they're not on Co field so they're going somewhere else Alla okay um just want to thank the mayor and Mike for a great job with uh Diamond Bridge Avenue um the neighbors will be very pleased and happy um and we get that taken care of so thank you I've got a question for you Pete you mentioned about the pool and the water fountains are you ordering them something about a purchase was order had that P purchase order been the purchase order has been issued I I have it it was issued in December I don't know why people are talking about not having a purchase order I will follow up on that okay so okay because I know didn't get somebody didn't get something we'll make sure they got it but the purchase order was issued in December okay I'll follow up okay because I know the hope and our goal was to get those water fountains in before this pool season in May yes okay yes all right just confirm that's the last it thank you Michael Yes uh thank you uh mayor uh question the LED lighting is they were doing some work it's either might this morning or yesterday on lafay is that yesterday okay so that started it okay so that was thank you I know that was something we had a conversation about an out a light that was out that we were looking at the timing on that so way that got started no problem um one second mik on that we pay a set fee per per pole don't we yes per per fixture per fixture is that fee coming down now they're switching yes because we're going from yeah obviously sodium down to LEDs yeah okay that's it okay all right um I know we had this discussion probably once or twice in the past um what is the expectations of doing some barriers around these P tanks that we have well Eric and I spoke we will be doing that uh but we have to wait until basically they're all obviously yes wa till they're done Eric and I have been talking about it and we talked about aovid around so that this way there's Greenery and it kind of hides the uh the tanks and everything because they will grow and eventually they'll hopefully be higher than than than the Hop tip the highest point of the tank right no no okay so let me clarify because I know that was a whole another subject related to visual that was a visual thing I'm talking about security because now um you know I mean I passed the one on utter Avenue almost every day and it's like you know if someone wanted to be nefarious can just go over there and do something and it's quite expensive that we have would we consider some type of fencing or something like that I believe there may be fencing in the contract I I will check there will be yeah would you get back to me on that I I believe there is but if I'm wrong then we certainly put some in well how is that getting done in two weeks the system has to be operational in two weeks the fencing is part of their program it's part of their contract and I'm still waiting for the piles of gravel and the piles of dirt that have about 10 inch weeds that grew on them on utter ra to be moved which I asked about in May Frank I I asked about the ones by the pump house here when Steve was here he told us that they still had to do some pipe work it's all done mayor it's it's it's all hooked up they're insulating the pipes so we've been getting a load of uh baloney from our engineer we will take care of it I mean do I have to bring my wheelbarrow over and grade the dirt too that's fine uh I just I just well the reason I'm asking is no well I'm not I never got I'm not being fous but I've been asking since May the way I look at it is I'd rather get the mechanical portion of the of the project flowing and let the water be good and then we can worry about the the sediment around the around the tanks after they put the fence in and and and but we can walk and chew gum at the same time it it doesn't have to be neither or and our contractor asking for more time and now we're talking about fencing that he should be putting in I mean I asked about liquidated damages and Eric doesn't want to hear anything about that that we will I didn't even get a reply until yesterday when the date was that came back let and I talk about it and we'll come to we'll we'll talk to the contractor and see what we can do two weeks if it's not done in two weeks I will be doing it okay and I'll help it that two of you it's right in my neighborhood my the neighbors keep asking me what the heck's going on well Frank it's all the sites the only the only site that I could only obviously I don't visit all the other ones unfortunately I'm only protecting my neighborhood because that's who's yelling at me okay yeah I just I just wanted to in regards to the fencing um just like you consider doing the aides to for a visual uh could we also look at doing something that's more visually appealing when we look at the fencing so we don't have to look this well we'll see what's in the contract and then if not then something we might want to consider the fencing is going to be in the spec there there was fencing in this there's no way that this did not include I'm quite sure there was fencing and whatever the spec calls for is what will be there and and there there is there are plantings I'm not sure exactly what degree and how much but if it's not sufficient to uh to screen it we can always supplement that perfect that's what I was looking for thank you is there a bill on this Bill list for that company don't know what's the name I don't know the name of it that's why I couldn't find it that's why I couldn't find it noac no okay pack two pack two not on here well if they want any bills paid they gotta put up we granted a two-e extension we believe that was in the Burrow's interest we and you and I did discuss that we do feel that that was appropriate but we also let them know and know in certain terms don't ask for two more so that's where we're going to be um I don't believe fencing quite honestly was going to be within the same scope because we clear want to make sure the system's operational and be able to get to it freely before the fence goes up I I get that but so but we need a the the most important thing Frank I understand the Aesthetics but our goal right here is to make our water where it needs to be and that's number one priority no reason why piles of dirt couldn't have been moved and piles of gravel couldn't have been moved like John said other sites other couldn't agree more couldn't agree more so so anyway we uh we gave two weeks but we told them no two more any other questions yes I have a couple um with reference to the bleachers going down at wag two and wag three I didn't get a chance to drive down there so if you'll just entertain me for a second do we have the additional netting um that goes above the fence to prevent the fly balls from going and hitting any of the people sitting on the Ben bench yes that's up around there are we going to put that standardly around all the fields it goes there and it goes around the baseball field it goes there on wag wag uh wag wag one with regard to not going into the recycling center and then wag two and three not going into the river or the the brush concern people sitting in the bleachers sitting you know it's always a lot of people down there so I know we've had some people get hit I just think it's a good thing to have since we're doing the work a lot of work on our Fields much needed I think it's there anory because I remember it's been therein two and I mean three and four but I just wanted to make sure that it was I don't know that it's I don't know that it's on the bleacher side Frank I think it's on protect the roadside because it's an eight it's an 8ot fence and the bleacher height is below be on two and three yeah but I I think now other side of two where you're putting the 8 bleachers I think it should be wherever people are sitting on Ryerson side yeah it's on the first base side of first base on three right first base first first base on no third third B oh no first base on three F first base line oh Third Base Line right and again it it's an 8 foot fence so the bleacher height is below fence foul line drive foul balls we'll never get there is new one the little light we'll live with what's that is a new one the same height if it's Ada accessible is there a ramp we didn't I see I don't know people capacity on each one I just we'd have to look we have the drawings I'll we'll check it tomorrow okay um thank you my other uh question was with reference we haven't talked about the roller rink in a couple of uh meetings I wanted to make sure that the quotes for install were still moving along because any minute the end of the school year is going to be here and then it'll be season again and I want to make sure that we get that stuff uh taken care of for the kids I don't have the information so we we have a meeting scheduled with the Board of Ed okay aren't we getting the quotes was yeah we we will be bidding it but they have asked demanded or whatever that we that we meet with them on uh um some of their concerns about the project and so we are we've scheduled a meeting took a while because people weren't available but we have a meeting meeting um next Tuesday and and hopefully that will we will be able to resolve things at that point and go out to bid because I think we're the specs are ready to bid we we're just waiting to have this resolution with the U Board of Education so we didn't get any bids uh for the revised scope of work no we we are prepared to go out to bid for that but we're waiting to after this meeting with the uh Board of Education okay thank thank you and my last comment is the tables that are uh installed by the library whoever idea uh not very nice I think it looks great nice that was the MPP that's very nice it's a nice addition um I think it looks great just want to compliment thank you you're welcome we could talk about the roof a little bit I know that um I I spoke with Monica and um she said that uh they still still had to finish the sopit and the fascia and then of course we know that the interior I don't know how that gets handled but they had to uh address that um was the last communication I had with her you're correct just giving everybody an update thank you okay so any other questions anything else there concludes our report Mr President have a motion to record the administrative agenda so move second Mo by T uh withi second by skar all in favor I I motion carries introduction of ordinances we have Bond ordinance 23 32-24 Bond ordinance providing for the road reconstruction including Milling Paving and resurfacing as well as curbing handicap ramps and related improvements on various streets and properties described herein Hereafter identified all in the burrow of hathorne in the county of Pake New Jersey appropriating $1,505 therefore and authorizing the issuance of bonds or notes of the burrow in the sum of $94,500 for the financing of the same be resolve this ordinance is now passed first reading and said ordinance would be considered for final passage at a meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on March 6th 2024 at set time in place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the ordinance in the record once at least one week prior to said here in of its introduction and time and place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage c a motion Move Motion by Bennett Sasso second second by Sasso obviously this is next year's Road program hopefully it goes as far as we can with all the alternates roll call wki yes skara yes Sasso yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries Bond ordinance 23 33-24 Bond ordinance providing for the Reconstruction and replacement of sidewalks driveway aprons on various streets identified by the schedule made a part thereof and described specifically herein in by the bur of horor in the county of Pake New Jersey appropriating $240,000 therefore authorizing issuance of bonds or notes in the amount of $228,000 for the financing part of the cost there and directing special assessment of the cost thereof B result this has now pass the first reading at said ordinance be further considered for final passage at the meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on March 6th 2024 and at said time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the set ordinance in the record once at least one week prior to set hearing with notice of its introduction and time and place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage have a motion more motion motion by Ben second by leosa this is for the curbs and sidewalks or not the curbs the aprons roll call Bennett yes leosa yes saso yes skara yes withi yes Matthews yes motion carries Bond ordinance 23 34-24 Bond ordinance provided for Road reconstruction resurfacing drainage curb sidewalk and handicap ramp improvements on P Thorne Avenue as described spe specifically in in the burough of horor in the county of Pake New Jersey appropriating $645,000 therefore in authorizing the issuance of bonds or notes in the amount of $14,500 there of the burrow of hathorne for financing of the same be resolve this ordinance has now passed first reading and said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on March 6 2024 at said time and place all persons interested will we get an opportunity to be heard concerning the same the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the ordinance in the record at least one week prior to set hearing with the notice of its introduction and time in place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage this is for a do project motion by Bennett second second by SK any discussion roll call bki yiara yes saso yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries Bond ordinance 23 35-24 Bond ordinance providing for the Reconstruction or replacement of sidewalks and driveway aprons in about horor naav as identified in the schedule made a part hereof and described specifically herein in by the bur of hathorne in the county of bake New Jersey author appropriating $160,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of bonds or notes in the amount of $152,000 for financing part of the cost and therefore directing special assessment of the cost thereof be resolved this Ordinance do now passed the first reading and the ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on March 6 2024 and at said time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same the clerk is hereby authorized to publish the ordinance in the record at least one week prior to said hearing with the notice of its introduction and time in place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage have a motion motion by wki second second by ska roll call Bennett yes leosa yes tasso yes skara yes wki yes Matthews yes motion carries I think I'm going to repeat that paragraph in my streams tonight resolutions off consent agenda we have R 26-24 budget transfers R 27-24 is emergency temporary Appropriations have a motion motion motion by leosa second second by wki any discussion roll call wki yes skara yes Sasso yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries consent we have R 28-24 authorized application for the 2024 open space Grant wag Fields 2 and three R 29- 24s authorized application for the New Jersey uh local Recreation Improvement Grants for Wags field 2 and three our 30-24 is authorized Capital alternatives to prepare NJ local Recreation Improvement grant for Wags Fields 2 and three R 31-24 is authorized Grant application for the municipal Alliance for the 2024 d225 year our 32-24 is shared services agreement with dor taen for tax collector R 33-24 is to join the north Jersey Watershed Cooperative pricing system R 34-25 is to release the maintenance bond for 53 brain AV development R 35-24 is change order one for Allegiant Wireless Public Communication System R 36-24 is a change order one for Library roof repair for First Rate Roofing and chimney R 34-24 2024 Pro Professional Services contract for Alberta tree services R 38-24 is accept City dig Grant R 39-24 is ratify the upsu white collar contract R 40-24 is ratify the U PSU Blue Collar contract have a motion motion motion by leosa second second by wki discussion have discussion sir as uh far as um resolution r36 624 um I'm going to be voting no tonight but I wanted to mention that it's not related to the work I know it's necessary uh my concerns are more related to uh the quotes um from the contractors so that would be my reason for no and I don't want to get into any more than that any other questions Rea um Eric for the um authorization for the new New Jersey local Recreation Improvement Grant is those uh competitive do we have a chance of getting any of those uh grants um simp because they've limited simp because they've limited this to one application for municipality and they say there's a $100,000 cap one it there is at least a chance I mean if if they if if they were bigger dollar amounts then I would have guessed that most of the money would would be sucked up into very few um municipalities there is a chance I don't I have no idea um how good the chance is but I I I think there's a chance so what's the agency is this Department of Community Affairs DCA so and can we also oh they're not part of the NPP District because the NPP is under Department of Community Affairs they're adjacent yeah that one can we try I'm stretching man yeah yeah I'll talk to the grant Rider we can put yeah I would also with this I mean I would pitch the whole gateway to the pic River and the improvements we did over there we did the bridge with the Eagle Scout project I mean okay we should take credit for these efforts that we've done over the years so whatever you need Eric just let me know I'll work just thinking out loud of kind of broader about this whole area how we're redeveloping and bringing back to open space and Rec we'll certainly put in the the money we've put into that facility the the fencing upgrades and we need to stress that this isn't an overburdened community area that lower part of um the ball fields okay so whatever you need just let me know okay thank you there we got a question for you on the the library change order was there any visible rot in the plywood when they took off the roofing I don't know cuz the change order is substantial and it's unusual to take a rigid insulation panel off just to see what's underneath it and most of your rot would be at the sofit line where you'd get your ice damning and anything that would trickle down I I mean I saw the proposal it says to rip it all off and I'll I'll go for the for the cost in case they need it but I'd like our I don't know anything really about construction methods what I was was told was that uh that the what they discovered the way it was insulated was not according to standards and and that's why it was it was oh no that's not unusual It's Not Unusual to it's basically it's rigid insulation with plywood that's attached to it I know nothing you have the plywood put your Roofing on go by what what my engineer tells me well I would like you to be there and have them rip off the lower four feet of it if there's no rot there you're not going to have ra up the whole roof did you get Ed covich's report because it does yeah and it just says we recommend doing it to make sure but it also I thought that there was indication that the under uh planking was actually the way that roof is constructed you have the interior tongue and groove right so there really is no room for a lot of insulation so then you put it above the roof line above your framing not unusual but any water that's coming through the roof should be cleared and fixed because it's no longer going to be a leaky roof and all your damage ends up in the sof and lower areas anyway so the thing that's touching where water might come through is polyisocyanurate it doesn't rot so unless they see rot on the plywood there's no reason to rip it all off I thought the tongue and groove itself was impacted and had to all come out well that's from the inside so but okay then that's it I'm beyond my pay grade Frank that's I only was hold he said to the memo said to make sure that there's no other areas that are damaged well you should be able to see that okay from the inside that's I just want the our engineer to be there I'll authorize the amount but I don't think we need it I'll hold the lad if you want to go up I have no problem doing that um he do you know who what inspector was there from your company and and how far along did they get please let us know as soon as possible I wouldn't be surprised if the lower four feet has rotten it because that's where your water ends up that's why the maybe they never even put an ice shield on it well and this the memo said to make sure that there is no more well experience would tell me you're not going to have it up high okay correct if it was only a couple thousand bucks I'd say go ahead but the change order is more than the original amount that's why it's like oh red flag right okay any other questions roll call Bennett yes leosa yes Sasso yes skara no on R 36-24 yes and all all others wki yes Matthews yes motion carries report to special Council committees Joe will start your way all right I attended the shade tree committee meeting last night work orders are being processed for 2024 it tree inventory is a possible Grant we're looking forward to and lastly congratulations to Kevin Alberta as he will continue to be our arborist for 2024 that is alla not tonight Michael uh the next Board of Education meeting will be on February 20th at 7 pm um and I know councilman Bennett's going to speak about this in his report um so I'll wait to share before I don't want to share too much of too early that's it anticipation pretty cool I get an introduction yeah the uh Public Works committee on Friday we went uh to the garage to see a demo of a new sewer vac truck that uh the DPW is looking at um the current truck that they've been using is a 1995 Vector 2100 series it's been operating for 29 years and uh it it's old the technology is not where it should be and it has some definite um areas that we should have concern for they believe that the tank is delaminating and just to replace the tank would cost $100,000 the truck also has a safety issue in that it it it does not incorporate an engine brake this means that on streets like McFarland and other steep grades when they're coming down they have to put the truck into the lowest gear first gear and rely on that and the brakes which are all drum brakes on the rear to keep the truck under control going down steep grades hoping that the brakes don't burn up or they over rev the engine uh the current truck also does not have a remote control function so when they're operating the truck one man has to be at physically at the site that they're digging while the oper and directing the operator through hand signals voice the new truck with a remote control would allow the operator to stand right at the site they're working on and operate it remotely as well as the two men could do the new truck also gives our water department the Hydro Excavation feature what that means is when they have a water main break and they've got flooding in the in the pit right now without a Hydro Excavation feature they have to shut down the system the whole water system in that area and lose water pressure so that the guys can get into the hole and repair the main this truck would give them the option of putting a vacuum device down into the hole sucking the water out so they don't have to shut the system down lose water pressure and they can perform the repairs um safely without worrying about anyone drowning anyway we met further met the committee further met with uh mayor Eric and three members of the DPW bill hler um Ken from the sewer department and uh Dave from the water department and we got into more detail about the due diligence they did looking at the different models of trucks why they picked this one um what the cost will be how long a lead time when we place the order anyway it's a big investment um that we're looking at but I believe it's necessary and uh it's sort of like fire apparatus you know you can question the need for it until it's your house and then then it makes sense um in addition to that the committee was talking Eric and we think it would be wise when you get time going for forward if you would review all of the equipment that the DPW has and lay out a plan going forward like you did for the fire apparatus so that these things don't suddenly Rush up at us and we have to figure out budging we can sort of plan five 10 years out on based on the the life of the vehicles that we have in inventory and kind of make a better plan going forward to finance them um we had actually done that several years ago and was this on our capital budget for this for next year it was it was in the capital budget right yeah this has this has been anticipated yeah um it's been pushed back a little bit but it's like we've done with other things on the radar whatever but but it it's it's reaching it's reaching a critical point but as your point Bruce yeah we had a we had a schedule we'll need to we we've we've we've uh replaced some things so we'll need to update that schedule and we've you know and we've traded things out already so we can uh you know we can come up with a a longer term an updated longer term plan I think that would be wise because the DPW does not have any cheap toys the equipment cost big bucks so I think it it would be fiscally responsible if we went ahead we have a couple departments like that don't we yeah well yeah you know the fire apparatus the the sewer and and water equipment yeah yeah and that's the one thing that uh you they mentioned also is when they're down in the pit the uh neut truck the the suction hose will go right down into the water yep the hose right now has to stay out a little bit to draw oxygen into it in order for it to suck the water out and whatever else is in the water however what they have to do now is if they have to shut it down that means that the people who's affected by it also have to boil their water once it's turned back on and that's a very big inconvenience right for uh for our residents so anyway we're uh we're performing due diligence the committee will be meeting going forward and coming up with a plan with with Eric and the finance committee and anyone that wants more details on it we can get that to them as if I could just comment on this a little bit um um I want thank uh councilman Bennett for letting me know about the the demo I went I went there and I saw it and I I got to talk to Bill Hafner quite a bit about um a little you know I'm getting to learn a Lun machine but you know I'm not working with it like they are so uh but I asked them a lot about our current machine and what are some of the drawbacks we had to it and so I had a lot of this information um and then Bruce phille did in a lot of the banks for me uh today about the meeting that you guys had on yesterday um that's why I mentioned him I said we need to do an overall evaluation of all our equipment and I'm going to suggest if we can just update that not only after we do it maybe beginning of every year we say okay here's the status this is this is where you know our current situation is we think we may need to replace this this year or over the next two years obviously something breaks down it's irreparable that that goes out the window but if you have some plan you can budget for it much better you know and then just all right we need it it's you know $500,000 you know I can I can tell tell you this uh what bill has performed uh this past year 23 uh some of the trucks he had him refurbished and the reason being is because the chassis were good but the Box on the back or the tank on the back or whatever was was was not good at all so what he did was was he we bought we bought a a new I'll just say something for the back of it hook a hook lift uh a hot a hot box uh different different pieces like that on our existing chassis which saves us a tremendous amount of money um and he's he's actually evaluating that as as he as we go uh and I think that'll help you know Bill and Eric uh putting things together so that this way you know our equipment will be you know right up there uh he did the same thing with the recycling vehicle uh the chassis was good but the body was terrible so we got a new a new rack for it or whatever he got for it so it uh he is working with that and you know bringing up the equipment up to standards that it's safe for our employees I think he has an idea like in his mind so what we need to do is put it down on paper and and and uh and then sort of massage a little bit and then we'll have something to present to the good Public Works committee when you guys share that the capital Improvement projection that we always have for different because you've kind of been doing this but obviously they should update their list we get the right stuff on it but right like like the sewer jet was on there probably three years ago we kind of been pushing it pushing it but the stuff is showing up there but you guys who are not on the finance committee aren't seeing that right I mean I got a call what was it last Thursday when did we go see the the demo Friday Friday morning Thursday afternoon I got a call there's a demo like what's wrong with the old one you know I mean that's how you know that's yeah oh we need a new one and then I found 29 years old and you know wow so it's just preparing us you know uh not only in the you know the DPW committee but Finance also wants to make sure that you know you guys are budgeting for it we preparing for yeah we we don't have a final number we were promised an estimate that we haven't received yet but but our what we're thinking is to get bring the truck to make it to solve the immediate problems will probably be close to 200,000 and it's a $550,000 vehicle and to put 200,000 into a a 29y old vehicle that it's still 29 years old with 29y old Hydraulics that's a lot of D whatever that that isn't gas Joe it gets unlimited because it's been here that long oh my God and Marie oh I as well would like to commend all of our First Responders on working together and getting a hathorne through a very scary day in our town with that building collapse um and uh a special shout out to Matt fenart who uh uh I've known for a very long time and what an exemplary young man he uh has become and a a big part of our town so he does deserve that recognition um moving on our library has a couple of things happening um they are running a non-monetary in any way Bingo um with some small prizes just to uh let everyone know and I encourage everyone to go on to the website it will give you all that information I did mention last meeting that the AARP uh tax Aid um con consult they're running a little consultation and it's by appointment only not through the library please I do have a little flyer here with the information Frank you want to hold that up maybe Lisa can zoom in um for as a way for the residents that are interested Lisa zoom in Lisa zoom in residents can contact the people who are running this uh really nice informational class for anyone who's uh interested and uh that would conclude my report than she's asleep and Marie just so you know both those are on my Friday letter oh great thank you mayor appreciate it now she zoomed in okay uh Chamber of Commerce wishes to thank everyone who attended their company year dinner uh D's lunchette and bagel Express were the companies of the year they had close to 200 people to attend so thank you everyone who came supported and keep supporting our local businesses planning board met last night and they only had one discussion for a proposed kennel pet daycare on Valley Road and they'll be on the next meeting's agenda there was some waivers that we were looking for so that was the discussion last night and then obviously the concern about a kennel next to a residential neighborhood could be an issue so if you're interested come to the meeting that concludes my reports correspondence we have C1 Zoning Board of adjustments 2023 annual report can I give a motion to record it motion s second motion by leosa second by Sasso any discussion roll call wki yes skara yes Sasso yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries bills have a motion to approve the bills and forward them to the treasur for payment so Move Motion by second by leosa any questions on any of the bills roll call Bennett yes leosa yes saso yes skara abstain and Richwood press yes I no all this W yes no abstain abstain for our department and thank you very much because I kept looking not one of the um not not one of the consent agendas did I have to for months I've had to abstain so I was like wow I got a good and then thank you very much Matthews should have let it go yes public comment an open to me to the public anyone desires to be heard come forward to the microphone state your [Music] name seeing no one I a motion to close the public portion of the meeting so moved motion by wki second by skier all in favor I motion carries the next council meeting is Wednesday February 21st 2024 at 7M have a motion to adjourn motion by second by bet all in favor I I motion carries and we adjourned for