##VIDEO ID:8Bt7Zeby0zU## e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we're all set President we are um okay it's September 18 2024 702 roll call what time it is Bennett I'm here leosa here mey here Sasso here skara here wki here Matthew please rise and join us in the pledge of allegiance of Al flag of the States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the annual schedule of regular meetings here adopted and posted on the public bulletin board at the municipal building emailed to The Herald News the record The Gazette and all persons who requested the mailing of such since December 7th 2023 approval of the minutes can have approval of the minutes for the meeting of August 14th 2024 and September 4th 2024 so go ahead second by Bennett second by Michela okay SK yeah I'm the only one why you let you go he pointed to me I was gonna yeah oh sorry roll call what Tei yes skara yes saso yes M yes leosa yes on August 14th abstain on September 4th Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries public comment I'll open the public meeting to the public for agenda items anyone wish to be heard on agenda items seeing now one I recognize a a motion to come forward u a motion to close is SEC public Mo motion by wki second second by SK all in favor hi Proclamation we have a proclamation for our engineer basle engineering celebrated their 100th year anniversary this year mayor thank you Mr President the good bosw came tuned in so you yeah Steve's watching it on TV it's okay yeah but remember it's like three hours earlier yeah I didn't realize Steve was 100 years old oh yeah yeah can you join me please Mr President and Kevin Kevin why you stand in the middle of us camera's over there Frank right there we're very happy uh tonight to uh have this Proclamation for bosal engineering bosal engineering has been uh our engineer for over 30 years years in the burough for Thorne uh we we can't say enough about them on how they perform what they do uh their prices are a little high but that's okay but uh you know uh other than that it it is uh it is our honor to have you here tonight Kevin uh and uh present this Proclamation on behalf of myself the council president and the full Council uh for the engineering work that you do in the burough of for Thorne um it's my uh uh I have a resolution here I think uh maybe one or two of the names I won't be able to pronounce too well cuz it's in in Italian but I'll try my best whereas bosel engineering the burrow engineer in the burrow of hathorne since 1994 is celebrating its 100th year in business and whereas Boswell engineering was founded in 1924 with David C Boswell in Richfield Park New Jersey and has served as Municipal engineer in that Community for over over a 100 Years of Boswell's existence a testament to the Loyalty that has come to exist between Boswell engineering and its clients and whereas David's son Howard El Boswell senior and David J Boswell continue the growth the business eventually pass passing the torch to the third generation of Boswell's Howard Boswell Jr Dr Steven T Boswell Kevin J Boswell and Bruce Boswell and whereas under the leadership of Steven Boswell The Firm grew to become a nationally recognized leader in governmental Engineering Services power and Energy residential commercial and institutional development transportation and Water Systems operation with over 300 employees operating in mun in multiple States and whereas the work of Basil engineering continues now under the direction of its newest partner in salta with with Professor Antonio Baka s serving as chair and Kevin Boswell as president and CEO and continues to deliver a level of Excellence to its private and public clients whereas no matter the change over the past 100 years Boswell's success has always been the result not just of the ex expertise but as a result of operation as a family business with many of its employees being career employees working 30 and even 40 years with the Boswell family and now and nowhere else whereas Boswell the bur sorry whereas the burrow of hathorne has been the personal client and home away from home of Steven Boswell for the past 30 years and is grateful to Steve and the many members of the Boswell family who were have worked on behalf of the citizens of hathorne now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and the municipal Council of the bur of horor does by this Proclamation join in the celebration of a 100 Years of Excellence by bosel engineering and thanks The Firm for their many years of dedicated service to this community in witness whereof I have unto set my hand and cause the Seal of the burrow of hathorne to be affixed this 18th day of September 2024 signed by me as mayor and signed by Frank Matthews as the council president and the full Council Kevin is our honor to present this to you on behalf of the burough of for Thorne and and all of its residents and thank you for the wonderful work that you do here for us mayor thank you so much I would just uh point out that my a microphone no no you stay here Lor the microphone please St okay uh I would just um like to say uh first of all thank you from from our family uh it is a family affair uh for us at Boswell uh they uh Steve became the CEO in 1990 and you had the benefit of or or Misfortune either way you look at it of having him since 1994 uh and he uh he would assumed that role in 1990s so uh effectively it really was his home away from home uh here in the golf course a lot of time uh but uh we're we're entirely committed uh to serving the residents of Hawthorne and it's elected officials uh for all of your infrastructure needs uh we're always here uh and it's not any anytime of day or night you know my number you know where I live I'm right the street uh like Steve was as a matter of fact and uh we look at it as an extension of our family we love what we do uh and you're right we have a lot of people uh that have spent their entire careers at Boswell uh Steve was talking about that last Thursday during our uh our celebration and we have uh six employees over 40 years and we have 12 employees over 30 years so we're very very fortunate that we consider them part of our family and I would like to just say we consider all part of our family and uh it's it's truly our privilege uh and it's humbling to be able to serve uh a client like Hawthorne people like your elves and we tried as Steve would always say do your best every day and he meant it and he lived it and uh I hope to follow in his footsteps I've got big shoes to fill but uh Steve is still on the board too so uh if there's a problem hopefully he doesn't get a phone call and say there's a problem but I I hope to be able to try to fill the shoes as best I can thank you so thank you thank you Kevin thank you got it Joe thanks okay adoption of ordinances we have none this evening introduction of ordinances we have none of those either or business Joe we'll start your way all right thank you so I'd like to start with the trucks that are parking at the pool lot overnight I called the police department they did move them along but I did ask either the ordinance or Administration to look into a place they keep doing it and maybe we can find a location where they can park overnight because they are continuing to do it and nobody I I feel if there's not a fire alarm at 2:00 in the morning I'm not going to drive by the pool lot to see if there's trucks there last night we had a fire alarm the trucks were there but many two the police did come in do what they had to do but they just moved to the Dollar Dollar Tree and parked in their lot and that's private private property okay we'll look into it Joe thank you are they clients of Coler I wasn't going to say I think they're showing up early to drop off their product they get there they don't want to stay up in Mawa at that rest stop because that's the closest rest stop is in Ma so they Park in our lot our pool lot okay all right same same topic the trucks are returned to the Mohawk and goel Road what is was the shop Meer gas station I actually got a picture for it so what's the plan there what truck Joe what it's the it's the construction company that is the building adjacent so if you look at the 7-Eleven they're direct the construction companies it looks like an m and a t is the landlord giv him permission to do that the landlord gave him permission to do that commercial property no they didn't come for planning board and without an office it's against our zoning regulations regardless of whether he proves it or not that's it on Old business Rea um just a couple things um just want to thank the police for the traffic control on the green fair this two Sundays ago um second is um mayor is there any update on the L Leal like Supermarket cuz last time we spoke about that that was in June Michael any update where we are they brought the myars to the county which is one step and from what I'm told they were they were getting ready to bring the developers agreement in that's what I was told okay yeah any hold up at this point is with not the property owner but with the company uh Leal and we don't know where it stands I did speak with their attorney uh about two weeks ago and uh she said that it's just been slow getting everything through corporate but that's where it is with corporate at LI or Le okay that's my last question thank you Mike uh any update on poll's Motors property and the status on that Redevelopment I I can report on that um there was a draft created of a proposed U modification to zoning which would include that property it was really the entire B3 b3a Zone um and it has been reviewed by the proposed occupant with comment and I'm waiting to hear back now from our own planner uh John Zabo I sent it to him a couple weeks ago put a call in to today so as soon as I hear from John uh we'll probably be looking to move on some modification to our existing ordinance right thought they didn't require one I'm sorry I thought there was no requirement that's why we did other things there was some concern about whether or not the use was permitted or not permitted based particularly on some recent uh decision by The appell Division coming out of Central Jersey so as a result um in order to move most cautiously we're going to look at a consider at least a change to the zoning because we really don't want things going to the zoning board as use variances nor do we want to have challenges if we make that I thought we addressed it with the clarification of convenience gas station in that zone we did but we also sent some bulk requirements uh which were reviewed by the proposed property purchaser and there was some feedback received so that's where it stands right now it's really dimensional right now more than wording um the dimensional requirements in terms of setbacks things like that is there anything else related to that property that's been new or any concerns that have come up I don't have anything specifically anecdotally I hear what you hear okay they they did put in test Wells um or they're going to put in test Wells um and also there was a uh sketch of a park of a uh plan as they exit the uh the station on lafat Avenue uh to possibly have a second uh Lane uh there to make a left turn going north on gole and the other the other lane going going straight or making a right where would they take the property from cuz I know it's it's a little bit wider but I don't know if it's wide enough for two two lanes well that's that's what I said it's only a sketch okay they were they were reviewing that and the engineers were re reviewing that okay thank you that's all I have boo uh nothing sir in a Marie nothing on Old right now thank you Dominic I'm okay I'm okay I have one on Old the state imposed a requirement that we regulate tree removal and put restrictions on our residents for how many trees we can cut down they clearcut Route 20 today they cut down over got to be 150 trees yet they're telling us our residents can't cut down two trees without paying a penalty the next time a state mandate comes through I will be voting no I I don't know that that was a question so much as a statement and I couldn't agree more um that is a statement but do as I say not as I uh do always I'm that's it's so obvious they clear-cut it so those affordable housing units now have a nice view of the bake River what view uh question on that could it have been that the uh the City that we're discussing did not pass the audience yet so there were therefore it's aate proper State oh State Property 20 the state it's DPW or or whatever do facilities so so the city of P have nothing to do with it no so was there any utilities in that area nope well no they clear well there's after they fixed all the utility and the sewer and the water lines then they went and then they cut the trees down it's was there overhead electrical not not on that side okay but I bet the trees are in the floodway they're in the bank well everything's in theway over there yeah it's yeah I 100% it's it's normally they cut back in tree like ash PL will come and they'll cut a tree and kind of murder it okay I get that you want to make sure you're doing it once every three four years but they just cut them all down it's a joke it's frustrating new business Dominic I'm okay and Marie I just have a a question clarification on something that um mayor had rolled out probably about a year ago is streamlining of business cosos like for like meaning if a business is currently active in the town already had has been operating and moving locations or opening up an additional location can you just refresh my memory mayor council president um whomever is uh mandating that or or commanding that what is the process um does it not go to the planning board anymore does it just stay within the building department that application I that there was never anything in the ordinance that we adopted the revised zoning ordinance that said a business existing at one location could simply move to a different location the like for like was that if a bakery existed at a particular address and a different Bakery wanted to come in that's like for like if a bakery was there and a you know a similar food stuffs place called it a deli wanted to go there the office had the ability to consider it like for like but it would go to a Review Committee of the planning board to say yes that is like for like or no it's not so that's really where it came to um it was never the idea that a business could have portability no no not circumventing any review at all that's not what I I'm just trying to understand the process so that uh and I spoke with Daryl CIS last planning board meeting that we met we all agree that the requirement to make everything a minor site plan application may be the legal way to do things whereas our old certificate of occupancy uh review tenant review really wasn't complying with the land use regulations what we're going to be doing is there's waivers that are part of the whole land use uh book for minor subdivisions like say you're moving your office why should you have to have a site plan and talk about fixing drainage and and all existing conditions a lot of that's part of your waiver system so you're going to see a simple form come out for you want to open up a florist across from Dominic you can now but you're not going to have to there was one application that they repa the parking lot and we were insisting it so happened it had drainage but we were going to make them put it in I was like why they didn't modify anything uh whereas if it was a new site plan then yeah so this trying to do the right thing with the land use law made it so complicated and expensive for our businesses and residents who want to open up a business in town we haven't met a lot because people are now having to hire engineers and do all that it's got to go back to the way it was but go through the minor subdivision process so that's in part why I'm asking the question so if we have a business that is opening up another location and it's properly zoned um and let's just say they're a tenant within a building of other tenants but they don't have a survey of the property the landlord is not providing them with such that's a big ticket item to put on the the fact that somebody exists in town already has nothing to do with zoning at all forget that part just talk about the procedure so now like I know that mayor was you know his intentions are terrific and trying to streamline certain things so I'm trying to understand where we are now because um not only as a where I'm sitting here but also where I sit professionally it's something that I would like to have Clarity on this what the what the zoning officer does does if if somebody comes in with like that he'll want some type of survey with regard to parking and and possibly if the if the area is not striped he would and and the client came before the planning board they would ask for it to be striped so people know exactly where to park and how many stalls they would have the the zoning ordinance as it was drafted was meant to simplify this process if it's being interpreted in a way that it's making it more complicated then that's not really how it's set up the ordinance is designed so that like for like goes to a Review Committee which can say yeah that's like for like call it a day but if it's not like for like there's nothing to say as the council president correctly stated say fine we we're going to wave you don't need a topographic survey you don't need perhaps a survey at all in many cases a sketch is sufficient to work is you'd mark up your survey hopefully to scale yeah show the six or seven parking spaces whatever was there they were okay but it turned into more of an official survey and and that's where not to give any Engineers less work but right and that's a matter of interpretation of the ordinance as it was drafted it was not meant to be that strict so again if you have a um I moved my office into a location that was a former hair salon so so it should have been a very simple process where I could mark up and say hair salon is clearly a more intense use than a law office even my busy office um so you know again it should have been a very simple walkthrough process where you take a a handdrawn sketch and say we're just restriping the parking lot or something like that so the board has the ability to Grant waivers and it is the right way to do it so handra on is still acceptable and it still has to go to the planning board it depends it depends on the circumstance if it was the other way around and the law office is going to become a hair salon well now you may run into a parking concern in which case you may need a more you know detailed drawing so every circumstance is going to be different and uh we did try to make it simpler and if somebody's complaining that the process is too hard then we have to figure out why sometimes people complain For No Good Reason sometimes for good reason I don't know the answer to that no no no complaining I'm just trying to if for me to explain it any business application's got to go through the planning board for review for review so it'll get submitted to the zoning officer whether it's a like for like then the subcommittee gets together and says n this is a business for business use then it it basically it'ss stamped and approved by the committee and the zoning officer issues The Next Step um change of use that's usually what makes it come to that clears it up thank you that's all I have Bo any new no sir Mike no no Raina yes no um just following up on an email that we received yesterday um Michael it's informing us that nine towns have filed a law suit against the state of New Jersey and uh housing authority and um this is affordable housing and this is for the fourth round um just like to get your opinion I know we just got it yesterday the paperwork but it just something to look into for us is it something that we would want to pass a resolution in support of or actually uh join the lawsuit all right um the lawsuit was filed by nine communities milville a few other places in that area U my recommendation to the mayor and the council president in the email that we had was not to join in the lawsuit at this point time to keep an eye on it to monitor it okay um the last time we joined the Consortium as you remember uh on the affordable housing round three uh when we hired and consult and spent a lot of money um there was over 200 communities participating so we split the bill 200 ways this is going to be nine communities that have elected to do this um it's not my recommendation we become the 10th we would be picking up a significant cost and frankly there's no indication that the lawsuit is one that has a great deal of chance of success okay so the merits are not the merits are not so great that I would recommend you join at this time if they fight the good fight and the thing is gaining momentum and a lot of other towns are joining we could revisit it but I don't recommend we join at this time okay great thank you for that I would have filed in federal court and said it's a civil rights issue because you're demanding more out of me as a suburban community whereas all the urban centers those land owners are not being asked to do anything like this yeah so you're treating different classes of people or different uh sections of people differently and arbitrarily and so corre there well no it's specific it is it's it's I'd say it's more definitive right heck with the suburbs let these cities off the hook right what I'm saying though is that laws that are arbitrary meaning that distinction is not really based on a difference um you're saying well these groups are treated differently from those groups by definition it becomes an arbitrary law so The Challenge on its face makes some sense the political power behind affordable housing has not diminished not saying but every town in the state should have it that's what what I'm saying and it's just Urban cities that need more yeah listen RCA is very good thing yeah um and we saw housing it built in Patterson with our money that's still there right along Route 2 right along Route 20 where they cut down all the trees they have a beautiful view now see perfectly yeah well the strip wall next to it it's called riverv viiew at least and now it is I'm serious yeah no I I I believe listen the R2 thing has been a disaster from but there just the longest project Joe all right Joe or Kevin whoever wants to take this one um when Dr Boswell was still here and they were finishing up uh 204 wag they were going to take a look at the timing of the lights at Lafayette and wag and Lincoln and wag it took me this week three days Monday when Tuesday and Wednesday 18 minutes to get from Lincoln and wag Lafia and wag to make the turn to get towards 20 on Lincoln Go a different way yeah I tried today I went North Main through Patterson I do not recommend it that was all being coordinated through the County engineer and I I believe no Kevin um Dr Boswell said when he was here that once it gets going they're going to take a look at the timing of the lights to see if there's anything they could tweak because I remember the um planning board when they were talking to the Lial they said it is a f rating and they're going to improve it to a c and that we should be happy and uh Dr Boswell said he said we could see what we can do once 204 is up and running and they're up and running and I'm just asking if you guys could do that Joe is it is it the backup really on on on Lincoln and wag yeah cuz that's what I'm finding yes that's where it is I I try to avoid that at all cost cuz I know wag is the big backup I tried Diamond Bridge St Anthony has the crossing guard there I tried going up to war Burton they got the crossing guard for central for the middle school I tried taking 208 that's a nightmare today I tried North Main holy cow that I do not recommend that at all so why don't I take this one um I'll I'll follow up tomorrow I'll reach out to my brother and I'll discuss it with him and get his insight and then it sounds like it would be a pay County matter and we'll follow up with the administrator and Jonathan Pera the County engineer all right that's your brother would say remember Lincoln is Bergen Pake Hawthorne faon and Su Patterson okay that's Steve's problem that's why I'm starting with Steve so we I'll follow up with Steve tomorrow morning thank you very well we'll Circle back with Joe as well thank you so much thank you anything else Joe sir okay mayor we'll turn to the administrative agenda presented by Mary Lane thank you Mr President uh the Hispanic Heritage Month began on Sunday September 15th and will end on October 15 the Hispanic heritage flag has been raised and we hope to see all you at the celebration on Saturday October 5th in the back of burrow Hall in the parking lot from 1 1: p.m. to 400 p.m. we are completing plans for the food trucks and some entertainment with respect to Horizon terce and the noise complaints Captain Carr reported that for the calendar year 2024 as of today's date there have been five complaints all on all of the occasions the noise complaints were due to loud music upon speaking with the patrol officers and per and as for the Department reports the occupant at the location was very respectful and complied with the officer's request to turn the music off on the side note the department has had currently 23,44 calls for service so far this year this Saturday retrofitness will be hosting a free wellness fitness program on the ground rounds of burrow Bandshell from noon to 1:30 p.m. please come out and join us as we continue the ongoing partnership with them as part of the mayor's wellness program our domestic violence response team will hold its annual candalite vigil on Wednesday October 2nd at 6: p.m. in front of the municipal building this will be held before our next council meeting so please all join us the roofs at the library in Barrow Hall will be clean in October and again in November the blue wall at the municipal pool by the kitty pool was painted with the blue paint that the main pool walls are painted the main pool walls was painted in in a special paint to for the chlorine the garbage company and the recycling company are now going to DPW garage to be checked to make sure that the truck is empty and that the plug is in the hopper DPW inspects the truck at 7:00 a.m. our DPW director has reported that he is in the process of getting numbers to demolish the old sewer building and replace it with the new a new metal shed and that is down by the pool by the tennis courts the geese company does sign in at the recycling center each day I'm sorry each time that they are in town they do come to the Burrel twice a day and sign in each time our director of Public Works had a meeting with and discussed the geese he is looking into a goose deterrent that is solar powered they will they would like to start the Band Shell as a trial and then go from there our director has noted that there are other towns that highly recommend this particular light the pool in the bansel complex grounds will be ready for hathorne day DPW is working on on that now getting ready some some disease trees have been removed and stumps will be grabed prior to the day the Board of Ed signs have been removed at Burrow Hall on Friday night September 27th the horth Thorne High School will hold a gold out Bears football game in honor of pediatric Cancer Month all proceeds will go to tackle kids cancer an organization that raises money for Pediatric cancer research and patient care programs HHS sophomore Ella Alberta is an ambassador for this program please attend the game and support the Bears and this great cause just a reminder that hathorne day is Saturday September 28th if you are planning to be a vendor I encourage you to reach out to Ellen this week to secure a spot there are only a couple of tenant spaces available please call her at 973 42711 68 the Rotary Club will announce that the tast of hathorne tickets are now on sale online and a limited amount of tickets are available at Diamond liquor the event is October 8th at maloos if you see something that doesn't seem quite right please call our police department at the time so that they can check it out and see what what the problem is and now I will turn it over to our batony Michael pasal for his report thank you mayor I want to congratulate Kevin I want to congratulate the whole Boswell family uh on a 100 years in business it was mentioned and Kevin mentioned that at the beautiful EV that they had the number of businesses that last 100 years is is less than 1% um it's an amazing accomplishment that a family business for three generations has uh continued the way they have so good luck on the next 100 and uh couple of very minor things to report tonight there has been no progress through the courts on the spoiler matter um that's not surprising since progress in the courts does tend to be a little slow um there was a settlement that was approved at our last meeting with regard to Tao Tao was probably the third largest defendant in the posos litigation uh the approved settlement would likely net the burrow about $180,000 from the settlement obviously that's much smaller than the settlements we've already had uh with other major players which would include 3M and of course Dupont and the DuPont spin-offs uh I have another one for you though our Council reports and we were sending you if you didn't see it already a recommendation to accept a settlement with uh in this case it would be I wrote 3M but it's already done 3M let's try BASF so BASF also known as badish uh if you know the German on it is a uh minor player in this they are strictly in the Aquis firefighting foam side of things the settlement with BASF if approved uh would result in the burrow receiving another $75,000 and like the Tao settlement comes all at once so that's good news so the numbers keep growing uh BASF again is one of the larger of the remaining defendants but they're going to continue to trickle in as the big players have settled so at the next meeting um if unless there's questions that the council has for the chair uh the president if the president tells me we have questions we'll do private session and if not I'll have a resolution to approve um you said you sent us a memo on that already no it's it's on its way I sent it the Lorry like for 5:00 today so I might have missed something no no you didn't miss anything anything yet it's coming uh other than that Hawthorne day is very exciting you know I'm also the co-chair of that and uh we have 12 vendors signed up for the craft Lane this year which is really nice we have 14 different food vendors so and some new ones couple of new things we always like to have something new uh we're going to have an astrologer again we're going to have face painters we're going to have a lot of really great things in addition to a lot of our usual um events that we're going to have the rides the games uh bands are going to be a little different this year we did lose another Muller Brother since we last convened so the flying Muller Brothers will not be closing out the show but we do have a great lineup of bands Joe car does a great job putting that part together uh join us it's going to be a great day and that mayor concludes my report thank you Michael and now I'll turn it over to Joe and Kevin thank you mayor uh the galvanized water service line replacement project Phase 2 uh shoger Property Services is uh nearing completion and the uh last service replacement was addressed on Monday uh site restoration and closeout is uh set to take place and uh the project will close out shortly thereafter uh the 2024 roadway Improvement projects uh for the local Road program and the local Aid project uh a preconstruction instruction meeting for the cdbg portion of the project covering Ada curb ramps uh is set to take place this Friday September 20th a submission has been made to ibank and comments have been received um comments are being addressed and resubmission to ibank will be made before the end of the week and uh Franklin Field bleacher improvements uh construction is set to begin uh mid late November uh Zenith Construction ction uh began submitting shop drawings for review as of Monday September 16th and that concludes my report mayor thank you and now turn it over to my administrator Eric Mau uh thank you very much um bids for tree planting and for laboratory services for the water utility have been advertised to be received on my sister's birthday and for those of you who don't know what that date is it's October 9th um our CFO Lori Foley sold uh Bond anticip ation note for um mil10 th000 at three and a 3/4% interest rate um part of this is for water part of is for General Capital um as previously reported um because interest rates have risen um higher once again the note amount was minimized to the amount actually needed immediately rather than the full amount authorized by the bond ordinances to save on the interest costs um and for Resolutions on the agenda tonight are 134 um is next part of the Fleet Management with Enterprise for HPD Vehicles this authorize agreements for disposition of vehicles uh when that comes um proceeds will buy down monthly lease payments on on new vehicles we're requiring um and just an r136 um there this was a change order in phase two for shoger um it was approved in August um unfortunately uh D and njib rules require full-time inspection during EXT during the extended term of the contract which would add 73,000 in inspection costs and so um we'll incorporate these service lines in a futural phase and the section of uh water M that was going to be included we'll either do ourselves or we'll include that in a future phase as well and that concludes my report thank you Eric and now Council will answer any questions that the I'm sorry the administration will answer any questions that the council may have questions for the administration Dominic we'll start your way what's the 73,000 for inspection yes because they require somebody there full-time while they're working and and it's beyond the original term of the contract and so um we'd have to have an inspector from Boswell there full-time on the job to do the for the the I think it's like seven weeks or something and that costs you know it doesn't come free so uh um on top of what we paid already yeah because because it's additional it is an amount of the amount of based on the amount of work it's based on the amount of time and the rules require that you have somebody there full-time even if there's only a minimal amount of work so um it just didn't make sense to do it and and and and BOS was an agreement as much as theyd like to take her money um they think it just doesn't make sense to um to uh to spend that much money for for something that's really no addition otherwise no additional cost thank you um okay thank you Bruce Mike uh yeah I have a few questions uh first uh in reference to the geese removal um is that done by Tao also okay it's a different company geese removal is done by us or the or the the geese droppings dropping deterrent we'll call it that is part of Tao that is right scare away the deterrent right the deterr part the flashing light is something they have the dogs all right that I misspoke the geese deterrent that is Tao by Tao they're coming every day now twice a day right the one thing that we were asking last council meeting was are we confirming that they're bringing the dogs yeah yes okay I have clarification I have never seen a dog in 22 years show me a picture next time okay they they come in the morning and they come in the afternoon I'm just all I'm asking is I know we were there was questions about whether they actually are bringing the dogs and I appreciate you you letting us know yes they are coming twice a day just confirmation that we see the dogs in doing that and what is this new system that they're proposing it's a bill was at a conference and it's some type of light that other communities are using and he said that the the geese this for whatever it is I don't know what type of light it is whatever it is the the geese don't come when that light is on it's solar powered solar powered so it will be a onetime purchase not something that's ongoing solar powered okay so we want to try it there at the bell and uh see if it works okay I have then my second point of question um I was a little surprised when I heard your um report on Hispanic heritage being the liaison and founder of that you know group I knew nothing about this I knew nothing about the flag raising I don't know if anybody else got notification that we're having a flag raising nor did I know that we've now moved the next event to to the parking lot now I didn't miss the last meeting I asked for an update I've never received it uh I had a conflict I don't know if they had another meeting ever since cuz I haven't got notified of that so I'm going to ask to find out am I offer an email list have changes I have no idea I'm not on the committee I'm just reporting with the committee if you would do me the favor would you do would you do me uh the favor of finding out the the details because I don't know if anybody else received any email about the flag raising or flag raising was done yesterday it was just something that we was it a ceremony or did they there was no ceremony Mike Nelson took the America the American flag down and put the Hispanic flag up okay that was it okay well that that's disappointing too that's all I have senior Mike S Vinos I'm just calling him as I say nothing tonight thank you y so if I could piggyback one of the residents says that yes Tao shows up they get out of the car if they don't see any geese they get back in the car and drive away but I thought the whole point point was that the dog's presence running around on the field is the deterrent because if the geese from up above see or smell the scent of the dog they don't go Joe if if the if Tao if Tao shows up and there's nobody there then what right but if the dog urinates in the area and scare there the scent of the dog is present these dogs are are supposed to be the deterrent and if they're not getting out of the car because the guy doesn't see any birds my understanding and I'll check it's not that it's the smeller or whatever it's if they're there and the dogs chase them n that's not true because we hired I want to say not hired we purchased about 10 years ago these wooden cutouts of of the dogs and then we put them there and they just spun around it's the same philosophy if the dog is there and the birds from above see the bird see the dogs they don't come yeah but but the dogs are not going to stay there for hours you know I'm not looking for hours I'm looking for it to urinate do whatever it has to do to be a deterrent the the cut out of the dog was there permanently the a dog that gets it chases it if it's there they're not going to but if there's geese if I will talk to Tao if there's geese seen they don't have to be on the ground but we're not going to sit and wait that I mean just understand the chasing service is is Attack on to the Animal Control it's not the their primary thing it's you know oh I've been asking for geese police for years I know and it C and and the geese police costs two or three times as much how much do we pay by by sending up DPW workers every week or every other week to clean up the goose poop okay that's why our Public Works director has researched and come up with this this other alternative that that is has worked elsewhere and and keeping geese away and so and that's cheaper than than spend having somebody come in at it seems like I recall a number of years ago it was like 25 or $30,000 a year just to have people come in and and chase you know as that is the primary service that's more than we pay Tao for animal control services okay for 25 Grand I'll go sit at the field every day and run around chase them a dog I don't need a dog I'll Chas them so can I make a suggestion as an alternative to the location where we're going to put the solar light could we put it by the community garden in a 911 because there's a lot of geese in that area wait a minute no no no because it's 24-hour facility the ambulance and dpws there talk about seeing if it's going to work and be effective at least it's at a facility that is man 24 hours 7 days a week and see if it actually works with the light then you putting it up by the Bandshell there's nobody really up there they go up there and check the the treatment system but not people up there I'll talk to Bill about that so I'm just a suggestion talk to Bill yeah I mean if it was if it was towards the beginning of the summer it's different but but right now we're it's all over we're at the end of the the use of of the Bano so maybe we can we can yeah because what's going on here the geese is by the 9911 and all through the other side of that Swale it's because I'm a d what it's terrible use of that initial too you know that's really insulting because I'm picking a location that's 247 man but no it's you don't need to put that on the table it's a facility that's man it's not man 24 hours yes is volunteers have department they are there every day I have a and you also have the gardens there the the Community Gardens figure out the best place to it's just a suggestion it's just a location that there's people there all the time Eric how much was that I want to say grape it was a grape but they they did something on the surface that lasted for a month remember we did that about five years ago and they said it like yeah yeah right well everything seems like 5 years ago to be right but I don't know how much that was I don't know like if we were to do that a month before the soccer season if that deters them for for a period of time okay and are the cameras operational that we approve yeah so we could easily check a camera when there's wherever it is right wherever there's a camera we can check the camera correct I would love I would love to see a picture of this dog on the field okay I I I want to ask a question if you don't mind um maybe the engineers who who both handle both multiple towns I don't know how much Kevin's doing that today but um have you have you had any experience with other municipalities having a geese issue and how have they solved it pardon me it runs the full gamut of exactly the the headaches that you're uh running into to certain towns don't do anything anything about it uh certain towns uh hire companies that actually hun them uh yeah they they bring in trucks and they her them into the trucks and uh I can tell you a couple of towns just south of you do that uh and then other towns use lasers and I don't know if the these lights are some version of that but uh uh there's different types of laser systems that uh and and I don't know the distinction of what you're allowed to do in New Jersey and not allowed to do because I know in an agricultural industry they have more powerful lasers than you're allowed to have here but uh it seems like green lights or lasers have been very effective and so I defer to to uh Eric and mayor on different systems but we've seen a lot of different uh uh Solutions employed then it is a green a green light if I remember correctly it was some type of green light well if if you were to go on Google and Google green laser and geese you will see some amazing videos of like entire Lakes being cleared of geese in a matter of 30 seconds with a with a green laser but those are lasers that are in rural areas so I don't know what type of lasers they may have adapted for you in New Jersey okay but I know of a couple of towns that are have some version of that I know Edgewater on Memorial Field has uses some system yeah so maybe builds up to something great thank you thank you thank anything else sir have a motion to approve the administrative agenda Bennett second by with techi all in favor I motion carries resolutions cassette agenda r 13324 through r137 d24 r133 d24 is refund due to a water billing error R134 d24 is authorized contracts with Enterprise for sale of burrow police vehicles R 135-24 is approved change order two for pack 2 posos remediation r136 d24 is to be send R14 d24 change order one for Sher line uh service line replacement R 13724 is to proove a a tax settlement appeal uh for O'Brien properties at block 259 lot 7 have a motion motion by mey second by Sasso any discussion roll call Ben it okay Bennett yes leosa yes on everything abstain on R 13524 please meye yes okay sorry didn't hear you saso yes skara yes wki yes Matthews yes motion carries report to special Council committees Dominic will start your way on the 23rd is with next Monday we have a finance meeting and on Tuesday at uh 24th I have a Miss Alliance meeting and that's it Anda Marie no reports I just want to give a thanks to everyone who participated in the beautiful 9911 ceremony again this year it was uh just lovely as it always is but thank you to everyone okay Bruce uh yes sir two things as a member of the um Public Safety Committee uh the citizens Police Academy has begun I attended the first two sessions and you know the number of years I've been doing this every time I attend a session I learned something new um it's amazing how the business of law enforcement changes and they do a great job of informing the residents uh Tuesday night they did uh traffic stops and covered it from A to Z and most of us well most people who have been stopped at some point have seen the stop through their eyes it's very very interesting to see it Through The Eyes of a police officer who's making that stop the the safety considerations not just for their safety but for the uh the car the people in the car and and that so uh kudos to our Police Department for taking the time to do these things to uh their Community engagement program is probably Second To None the second thing I want to mention is a lot of people by now have probably heard about the shooting at pay County Tech after the football game uh several weeks ago what a lot of people don't know is that it was one of Hawthorne's own that prevented a tragic incident from turning into a bigger tragedy Chris cudr was a uh 2009 graduate of Hawthorne High School who pursued his dream of a career in law enforcement he became a sheriff's officer and a member of their uh Elite SWAT team fortunately he was on duty that night he apprehended the suspect and recovered the weapon which you know was the whole game over for the the shooting incident uh a lot of people could have been injured if he hadn't stepped in so Chris uh on behalf of of all of us I think in town thank you for your service your dedication and your courage and uh you made us proud son thank you Mike well I don't know if I can beat that but at Le give my report uh the next Board of Education meeting will be on September 23rd at 7:00 p.m. at the high school auditorium also I want to mention uh that we like to set up a ordinance meeting the mayor reached out to me and I had some committee members that want to do that so please look at your calendars and we'll try to schedule in the next week or so that concludes my report Rea I just want to make an announcement um we are having a celebration for the expanding of the community garden everyone is welcome to attend it is at Sunday October 6 at 300 p.m. at the community garden and if it rains it's going to be moved to Sunday October 20th um so everything has been uh communicated and we'll be getting the word out so um we've added um six garden beds in April and uh we just added two more uh this month so we will have a total of 24 garden beds there so um as of right now Joe I've got three that are going to go up for auction in January and that's assuming everyone's going to return um from the garden um existing but I will have three that will be up for auction and we'll be reaching out to the people who uh applied last year and did not get a garden bed so stay tuned on that thanks Jo all right next Board of Health meeting is tomorrow at 700 pm and um for the it ands committee did everyone receive the email that Eric sent yesterday yes and do we need to have a meeting I did not in depth read it but I I can handle it virtually I pretty much agreed with with your response Joe I I agreed with Eric's response as well so I'll take a look tomorrow and reply and if Frank likes it can you just send the update to the rest of the council sure actually have a followup it's I have a followup that I'll send where I found out late today there's a way we can proceed for a little bit less money um on on the on the larger item for the G pilot thing I think all three are no-brainers okay but I'll wait for Frank's answer before Mr President just one thing Mike uh i' prefer if you send the committee some dates instead of everybody uh giving you dates and they may not they may not coincide with anything as far as the ordinance committee oh okay I could do that that's no problem you know I think that would be yeah I could throw out a couple of dates and to see what's available that's no problem okay any no okay uh the planning board last night meeting was cancelled but the Chamber of Commerce their Farmers Market continues for next month and about two months and Sundays come down between 10 and 1 support the local farmers and the fishing durby it's going to be bigger and better you've never seen the size of the crowds it's going to be Saturday 8:30 to 11: there'll be prizes for the most fish caught the heaviest fish CAU and the longest fish caught and I will be measuring and weighing every fish so keep me busy so the weather looks like it's going to be a little cloudy and cool but come on down correspondence we have C1 new firefighter applicant Ariel quisp Aela and John Mankey to Company Five rescue I have a motion move Bennett second by Sasso any discussion roll call wki abstain skara yes saso yes mey yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries bills have a motion to approve the bills and send them to the treasurer for payment so move U motion by m second by skier any discussion on the bills roll want to talk about that Boswell one we that yeah I'm going to make a comment when I about the Boswell one yeah roll call Bennett yes leosa yes Mee yes Sasso yes skara in Li of it being Boswell's 100th anniversary Galla I will gladly approve the bills it's gonna hurt though W Tei abstain on the fire department yes on all others Matthews yes motion carries comment now open a meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard please raise your hand to be recognized come forward to to the microphone state your name for the record and reminder have a five minute roll Mr President may I just add one thing to the report please yes um yesterday we had a it meeting uh with Lori with Nora um pasak and also the uh computer company for the court system because we're having problems with the court system uh during court sessions when the it uh basically freezes and the judge has to stop and and so the IT people went through everything and then they they they basically said there may be something in the spiking so what I did today was I notified Public Service they're going to come in they're going to put meters on the on our electric electric system uh and for that to check it for at least a week or two uh to see if there's any spikes coming in because we did burn out some also some equipment and we don't have apcs or any uh we we have we we have uh we have that it burnt them out too oh okay so uh electrical surge that uh that that's something that we're working on because you know our our our television and our our system here um as the last couple of meetings were really wasn't working properly uh but it had it's happening more with the Court than it is with with our meetings here so and it can't happen with the court so if I could ask a clarifying question the center for Latino Health Organization committee had a meeting without that chairman and then itns had a meeting without that chairman there was no chairman there I know I'm the chairman I wasn't invited oh for the it I get what you're saying that was this was n the it committee this you just said it was an IT committee meeting no no the it the IT people from pasak the IT people from the court system Lori Nora and myself that's who was there no there wasn't they were meeting to solve the the technical issue with the the um with the system okay it was not an IT committee we're gonna take this offline because you're really not doing it right we're in the wrong section to be having this conversation right so after meeting Corner okay public congatulations on your longevity uh I want to address to to the mayor last two weeks ago I asked you did you send anybody from the building department to inspect the property on Horizon Terrace yes you did yes with the fire department did you know about that incident on uh the other day the fire department was at the the house of Jason the mine no you don't know about that no so I was standing there talking to the police officer that was involved with this situation with the fire department and my ground was actually like and I can verify that with the police officer there must have been a water problem or something or because the water table being so high any influx of water from anywhere affects my property so you said you sent what was the result of uh your conversation with whoever you sent there I I um to answer your question first of all from two weeks ago I did speak to our uh construction official who went to the board of appeals meeting in Patterson for pay County and he got actually he got there late and the board at that time had adjourned the uh the meeting so he's waiting for another uh meeting uh date from the from the board do you understand what I'm I'm talking about my property on 16 Horizon Terrace I don't think that had anything to do with what you're talking about right now well it had to do with the wall that you were you've been complaining about right and you last meeting you asked me did anything ever happen anything ever go any further at the time I didn't know but no let me finish okay at the time I didn't know but I found out and I just that's what I just told you okay four months ago I gave everybody in this room here a portfolio with all the codes all the state and all the municipal uh codes pertaining to the up to putting this wall up and I highlighted all of the uh and the things that were discarded completely and I could prove it in paperwork and I'd like to show Mr Boswell this here and see what he thinks about how you expedited this with his neighbor might is that possible we didn't expedite anything yeah I'm not going to permit why not I'm not going to permit Mr Boswell well to review on the Fly documents that you have in hand when the last time you were here you did tell us that you were going to bring legal action so I'm not going to subject the Boswell you you've told me that you will and as a result of that I'm not going to let him give an offthe cuff on the Fly engineering opinion you could submit documents we'll look at it what happened here so you know our building department issued a notice of violation for the wall you're aware of that the homeowner filed a notice of appeal with the construction board of appeals saying that that was not a valid notice that's what's pending right now before the construction board of appeals until that matter is resolved we're not going to be able to enforce the violation notice but we did Issue the violation notice so counselor so meanwhile this is a 4 Adventure in 2 years my property might disappear I showed you pictures the last time I was here of a wall that was construct and it's completely it disintegrated okay and again we took the steps we were able to take which was a notice of violation there's an appeal pending before the construction board of appeals in the county and that's where it stands right now we have done what we're supposed to do I can see where I'm still standing in the same spot thank you for your time and I'm not Su to town yet I have other aspirations so okay thank you does anyone else wish to be heard ma'am okay so well wait gota give you name I know so first I want to tell you that I'm retired now my name is Kathy sarapin 148 North Watchung Drive and I have a lot of time and so I'm home a lot more than I was and uh I know that some of you know that I've been complaining about my corner for years however now it's gotten much worse because now we have speeding cars going up and down RAV extension every day it even happened yesterday at 5:00 and it was six times and it had to be the same car but it's it's out of control we need to put something I wish we could put a police officer there just to see it but something needs to be done because someone's going to get killed so it's on yeah there it seems that see most times it's at night so it's dark I can't really see when I look out the window at first I thought they were coming up pray extension but now I think they're even coming up north Wong and making the turn the right turn to go up Rath from there that's what it seemed like the car was doing yesterday I I hear I live you hear it too right right on the curve on you hear it yesterday uh it it it's it's very loud and it seems like motorcycles or a car is going up there without without a muffler basically yeah yeah I mean it is loud you know it sounds like they are going fast which I I kind of believe they are because it it I can see a little bit through the trees and you know it's like boom they're gone um I will talk with the police tomorrow and um I will make sure that there's uh some type of uh radar and um and being able to uh to uh ticket whoever whoever it is uh we we are uh we are uh in in uh getting our traffic uh uh some more uh Personnel so we will be able to uh even enforce even throughout the whole town uh more than we are right now that's like music to my ears um so also on that same subject we're still having these big semi trucks driving up North Wong and trying to make the right to go onto RAV extension and it's typically Sunday mornings for some reason and I stand at the window and pray to God that they don't go backwards and roll down my Hill because it's going to happen too that's going to happen one of these days and there's a sign yeah at at the beginning of the street yeah you know that yeah four tons they their GPS takes them that way that's the way they're going to go so it's got to be something more than just you know the sign okay and they come they come probably up watchong to and then make the curve on North watchong right thank God that if they made the left they'd be better off that way but they're making the right May didn't you have a sign here a while ago a flashing that got that check the speed yeah we can put them back too because Mark had them there for a while yeah that be great we had them on on watchong down by by by wat and me uh I'm not sure if he had them on North watchong though but I can make sure they do rayen they've been on Ray Avenue and I know that we have installed additional signs coming down Ray AV on to North Wang for the tonnage um there's more signs than previous but it's a challenge we hear you we understand uh this is our neighborhood too um yeah but the signs sadly don't stop these trucks yeah because that's what the GPS tells them to do so they're doing it right yeah okay thank you very much anyone else wish to be heard make Mo close he's a slow [Music] Walker Bend Over Barry Houston 235 Washington Avenue uh where do I start I would I would start by not leaning too heavily on that because the bottom piece fall easier if I just relax better you're better just for clarification I was at the board of ed couple months ago and I was called adversarial hard to believe right um the town okay Board of Ed ures it when they're on it when I'm on it my insurance covers it when the public is on it it's the town's Insurance the Board of Education owns the property the you as the Hockey Association have insurance for when you're using it um in terms of any other use there is no specific agreement between Hawthorne and the Board of Education as to who's got the obligation to Ure it is one of the things that they I feel correctly pointed out to us in this process that we need better clarification as to who's got the insurance coverage so the varying drafts or competing drafts I'll call it of uh what a shared service agreement agement looks like both address that more clearly okay I mean the original document says the bro ures it but that's I know it's I know H say let me ask you another question am I allowed to put a um a camera on top of my scoreboard so I can keep an eye on the rink or would that be illegal I don't know that it's illegal the problem is that it is Schoolboard property and the fact that there is installed down there improvements it's not clear that those improvements necessarily don't become part and parcel of the property so as a result um putting individual cameras down there I don't think is something you're going to be able to do the other object or objective you objection you would have is by putting cameras on school property you'd be filming kids okay not probably a good idea but just just to uh elaborate on that uh part of our agreement uh we we have cameras uh that we once the agreement is going to be finalized we do have in the in the agreement we will be putting cameras there just on the rink all right but I was asked a couple months ago as part of my agreement or whatever it is with them they keep the ring clocked I have my phone number down there I have my phone number down there so people can text me and I I have a hide or not a hide key I have a key on the shed you know one those lock keys so people are still able to access the um access the rink okay I've kept the ring clean I mean I'm doing my part to not upset the Board of Ed people so good job we are uh look we we're trying to get an agreement with the Board of Education um it's I did not report on tonight but we have not yet heard back from the board on the draft agreement that we sent them in response to that which they sent us uh it's been over a month and there's not been a word back yeah I remember them saying that um about your trees that's part of the ongoing project there that's why they had to take them down on Route 20 what are they doing there wait and see all right it's this this is phase two the completion date is not till next year so the take is not hour to get it's brutal North or east or North Maine that's a beautifulest neighborhood so I cut through there a lot it's the road Smith Sandi needs to do the roads I only have a little Hyundai I I was my tires were completely in some of those holes we well that's because of the utilities we paved that about 10 years ago but it's a lovely neighborhood can you do river your dck River Street River Street's way worse than that's actually that project I'll speak for the mayor patter all right that that project has started I know it was it was being contested on in the law of well the low the second low bidder was late getting to the bid for whatever reasons yeah so he sued and then neither one of those guys got the job some other outfit got the job even better who's never done this kind of work before so he's done Paving and concrete work whatever perfect but uh no it should be interesting but he has start I was hoping they start down by Duffy gas pipe they were up by the other end down by uh Memorial whatever done that that Nega of wits but hopefully that's I don't know maybe sometime next June that might be done oh my God takes time man you know so thank you very much other than that thank you very much thank you thank you we'll let you know as soon as the school board sends their rejection anyone else wish to be heard seeing none have a motion to close motion by skier second second by wki all in favor I the next council meeting is Wednesday October 2nd 2024 at 700m have a motion to adjourn so moved motion by skara second by with Tei all in favor I motion carries you're adjourned never ask if there's anyone for