##VIDEO ID:Ig4xxor5uF4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah that TV's yeah my wife said she can't even get it God was it a gel or stick on yeah this this figure I see that yeah she didn't just hold that one finger are we good Lisa yeah okay she emergency it's 7:08 I call tonight's meeting to order for August 14 2024 roll call Bennett here leosa here mey here Sasso skara here wki here Matthews here please rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Al to the flag of the United States of and to the rep for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the annual schedule regular meetings here for adopted and posted on the public bulletin board at the municipal building emailed to The Herald News the record The Gazette and all persons who've requested the mailing as such since December 7th 2023 approval of the minutes give approval of the minutes for the regular meeting of July 24th 2024 so moved second uh motion by wki second by SK any discussion roll call wki yes skara yes mey yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries public comment now open the meeting to the public anyone desires to be heard please raise your hand to be recognized come forward to the microphone state your name seeing no one I attain a motion to close public portion of the meeting so move by with techie second by skir all in favor motion carries adoption of ordinances we have none this evening old business Joe all right let's start with uh the tree growing out of the pump house so it's been a year now that I said there was a tree growing out of the pump house it was removed then there was barricades put up and now there's a new tree ground out of the pump house seeing we have a ordinance for removal of trees it's histor is it a noxious weed or yeah it's a noxious weed growing right out of the building who keeps planting that it's birds bird they figured it out Frank you want me to just give you this one I know yours work Bor do yours enj work you do a little first tonight want me to sing he said Joe I didn't know anything about the uh another tree growing out but it will be checked uh tomorrow and uh also while you're on that the uh I believe we did get a price with regard to repairing the brick uh on the uh on the edge of the building and on by the parit thank you all right next one well you have the mic um in May I sent a request because I did not receive and I don't think anyone on the council has received a report for restaurant inspections for the Board of Health we don't have we didn't get one either so and I saw your memo that you sent out uh I actually talked to Carol before she left uh and she said she was going to check with um with Jean I don't have an answer for you I'll get an answer for you though so it begs the question have we not inspected a restaurant since May or is there no report I can't answer that I don't know but we'll find well we we'll put it we'll we'll put a stop to what's going on uh this week with her and also with her attending the meetings the meetings thank you well they had to they had to get an approval for a license right the liquor licenses she has to get approval of the Board of Health right Lor word of Health inspections in order to get their liquor license at has corre Jean submitted any restaurant inspections since May I sent an email requesting because we have not in the board of received an outline of any of the inspections so I said hasn't been respond I don't want to pick the employee I want to pick what has not been done we have not as a council received a report since May um uh she did inspect for liquor licenses which was probably in May and those reports were attached to the resolution I can look um on the website to see if we have posted any other reports that she would have done okay is does that answer your question it does I checked with Carol before she left and to that date she still had not received any reports from our health inspector your face says everything no news is not good news that's right all right that's all I have for old R now not tonight Mike nope brce no nope I'm old business I'm I think uh DPW for cutting down my tree um I guess fall planting okay thank you Dominic new business okay Bruce Mike nope no nothing tonight go so while we're still on the trees new business wager all Road underpass the weeds are now the size of trees they didn't come from the building did they not from the building that's County I did see some of our guys out there on the sides but in the middle you know the our guys I guess went where the county hasn't or state but in the Middle where it's the island it's really tall Joe is that like by the train trestle yep right under the train I've seen it too yeah pretty bad that's it okay uh I have no new business so we'll turn to the administrative agenda presented by mayor Lan oh yours oh thank you Mr President the tax bills will be mailed out on August 28th and the grace period has been extended without penal penalty of Interest until September 18th the board of educ will be completely moved out of the municipal building by tomorrow August 15th and they will be closed also tomorrow there will they will be reopen on Friday August 16th at their new location across the street at4 walberton avenue as Eric reported at our July 24th council meeting the EPA and the njde were in town this week to inspect horth Thorne's water system this joint inspection was in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act the inspection team visited all components of the water system and reviewed regulatory documents there were a few housekeeping items noted and those are already being addressed overall the inspectors were pleased with the overall condition operation and maintenance of our water system we should all be proud of our DPW for operating our water system in such competent Manner and confident in the quality of water when we drink it and it is availability whenever we turn on the Taps on behalf of the burrow I want to once again congratulate olymp Olympian Ethan Ramos who wrestled at the Paris Olympic Games last week although Ethan did not bring home a medal his competing was glory in itself you have made you have made us all proud Ethan this morning I visited the leadership camp this is a terrific program run by our police department and spearheaded by Sergeant Anthony Dalo today the New Jersey State Police visited leadership camp and the state police helicopter came many residents and young children were also around Lincoln Middle School to see the helicopters arrive state troopers Andrew garer and Brian C kleet I answered the questions from the sixth graders it was a great morning and I want to thank our Police Department the New Jersey State Police the aviation Bureau for putting this together also a special thanks to our ambulance Corps and the fire department while it is customary for the ambulance Corps to be at the leadership camp and it's a mandatory during a helicopter landing for our fire department to be there I just wanted to nonetheless thank our Ambulance Corp and fire department on Tuesday Kennedy and Lincoln major students at Roosevelt School visited me at Burrow Hall as mayor for the day they had a great time touring the municipal building and spending time in Burl Hall and I want to thank the staff for welcoming them with a with with warm arms I want to thank barl bansel uh Council hold on I want to thank Burl vanel chairman Michael Pasqual this year's programming has been terrific the committee has brought in great entertainment all summer long and there is still more to come which our chairman I'm sure will speak about tonight think just a reminder that the hathorne day is September 28th if you are interested in being part of the day as a vendor please send your form into Ellen or give her a call at 9734 27168 just a reminder that the horth on Ambulance Corp will be having a fishing chip takeout dinner on September 4th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Ambulance Corp at 970 Goa Road the tickets are $20 per person and you can also have chicken if you need tickets you can contact me in my office at 973 42711 68 that concludes my report I'll turn it over to our attorney Michael Pasqual thank you mayor uh one piece of not as great news and then lots of good news tonight the not is great news being uh Mr spoila and his co-plaintiff have filed an amended complaint in the Superior Court uh seeking damages for the from the burrow for removing debris from his property pursuant to a court order we will file an amended counter claim indicating that he has created a public nuisance that he needs to clean up the mess he has and that we will not keep tolerating his nonsense as they say no good deed goes unpunished yeah that's okay because you would think he'd appreciate our efforts to make space so he can go out and collect more stuff you know I I don't know what to tell you Bru some people just have no gratitude uh here's some good news uh first of all good news one uh bur cler Lori and I will be on a conference called tomorrow morning I believe to discuss a potential contract vendor for our outsourced uh abandoned foreclosure properties uh that we are looking to remember we did the ordinance and that we are going to hire an outside entity to do the registration process which is great because uh we don't really have the Manpower for it so uh we have a conference called I believe 10:00 tomorrow and an initial meeting or Zoom conference whatever it is and uh getting that ball rolling which is great uh that's Lori not me I just I'm just showing up good job can add on um at the moment there's 165 properties just on the foreclosure list so they'll be required now to be registered and we can collect registration fees I think they start at $500 yeah it's it's yeah it's significant and uh so again we want to make sure for closed properties tend to often fall into disrepair um and so it's something we need to keep an eye on so this has been good and I thank Lori for setting up the uh meeting for tomorrow we should have some good news for you at the next meeting just just on that point we got a notice back from on one of our um sidewalk assessment you know from that we sent out a month ago went to a bank that's clearly is a foreclosed foreclosure owner of of property and we obviously don't have a good address to get this for having this uh um registration and this manage will give us somebody to reach out to to make sure we get bills like that paid so it's another tool in the tool box very good so and one piece of good new second piece of good news um we received notice Eric and I a couple days ago from our California Council who's representing Us in the posos litigation another of the vendors Tao which is a manufacturer of fire foam has reached settlement with the plaintiff class it's a much smaller settlement because obviously the big guys were 3M and Dupont but Tao's pretty big and the settlement is fairly significant uh the estimate the estimate prepared is another $180,000 for us which is good it's it's not going to make us whole but at least it will help offset some of the cost that we've incurred so I will be sending a memo to the council for the between now and the end of the week if members of the council have questions about the settlement um feel free to reach out to me directly council president if there is no need for private session we can put it on the agenda for approval and if you feel that we need to discuss items then we'll schedule private at your option so uh please let me know uh similarly I received from the Board of Education a draft agreement with regard to use of the roller rink on the uh high school property I fortunately was away last week I didn't get a chance to review it I'll be reviewing it tomorrow I'll be getting a memo with the agreement to the council and the same thing holds um questions can be directed to me uh council president up to you whether you want this through a committee or to me directly um I have no issue however you wish to do it and then again uh whether we need to schedule private session or put it on agenda I leave to your discretion so we'll work on that together um which brings us to the best of the news Bandshell uh the mayor did report that uh we're we're winding down what has been a phenomenal season the weather has cooperated thankfully we did have to cancel National night out not a Bandshell event but an event nonetheless at the Bandshell grounds and one of the two nights that we were going to have a play was canceled but the play went forward on August 10th all who attended reported was remarkable they are just Estelle Barbieri is a a super talented young woman she's a recent High School grad of warn High School all the kids who starred in the play are either current or recently graduated orn High school students they practice every night down at the Band Shell they they are just putting great effort into and this is such a great use of the Bandshell different from what we anticipated but it's really very Community oriented so that's been a good thing um we had a legitimate and I know people think my counts are a little generous but we had a legitimate thousand plus crowd to see uh Christian makio and Captain Jack Christian lives Hawthorne he put on a phenomenal show as a Billy Joel tribute band uh it was a great night well attended everything went off uh without a hitch so that was great we had a much smaller crowd to see Harper lovey in the weit list she's a 19-year-old performer has her first album out she's extremely talented I'm sorry more people didn't make it but it was right on the tail end of a lot of rain and so it kept our numbers down but Frank Riley has been been setting this up for us and if you ever get the chance to see her she's going to be a star one day she really will she's 19 and uh really doing great and this past Sunday we had a great performance by Sean arbell people who were there know Raina was there with us it's a beautiful Jazz vocalist uh her voice is just fantastic her backup players are exceedingly talented musicians uh the we probably had 100 people there but the people who were there loved the show so uh this is brought to his SP friend Richard Schneider who's a member of the committee since its reception uh good news is that we've booked the Captain Jack B and Joan hervey is on the committee still and she booked them for same time next year so as we wind down this coming Sunday is Big Hicks country but good country not the kind of country we hate but the good kind of country I don't like country I'm sorry um but they do some great stuff uh they're good and then a week after that on the 25th with our Municipal Alliance we're going to be presenting The Lego Movie 2 best of the Lego movies I might add and we're going to put on a some kind of uh interactive with the children beforehand where they'll be able to actually build some Legos not anything too exotic we have a young crowd but we're going to be uh doing some Lego building so thanks to the municipal Alliance thanks to all of our sponsors thanks to the committee and thanks to all of you uh who have been coming out so mayor that concludes my report thank you Michael now turn it over to our engineer Joe burn thank you mayor uh the galvanized water service line replacement Phase 2 uh shoger Property Services is nearing completion and approxim imely 25 Services remain uh change order for the installation of water main along uh Florence Avenue between Ethel Avenue and forth Avenue is on the agenda tonight under resolution 11 14-24 uh the recreational field and facility upgrades uh coordination with the contractor regarding adjustments and repair to the uh fence and the gates to address gaps underneath the same is currently in Pro in process uh the contractor recently provided additional pay documentation that was previously missing uh the Hawthorne downtown revitalization phase 3 project uh the project is currently under pmrs review and we've reached out to the NJ doot to get that uh review expedited so we can get that out to bid uh the 2024 roadway Improvement uh Road program and local Aid project uh the specs for the cdbg portion of the project are out forb bid to address the handicap ramps um this is to get the project hopefully out for construction this fall and uh bid opening is set for August 29th uh the Franklin Field bleacher improvements uh precon was uh held on August 2nd and construction is set to begin mid late November and uh the fifth and Central Avenue improvements uh Milling of Fifth and Central Avenue took place on Monday and Tuesday with Paving set to begin uh tomorrow and going to Friday and mayor that concludes my report thank you thank you Joe now I'll turn it over to my administrator Eric Mau thank you very much uh I just like to add my thanks to bill and his team for how well we came through the joint inspection of the water system by the DP and the EPA it can be a little nerve-wracking when enforcement agencies start poking their noses into things um we're fortunate in how well our system is operated so it ended up not being a a problem uh speaking of water our updated 2024 water service line inventory has been submitted to the D it is also posted on our website uh letters to Residents whose service lines are deemed to be of unknown material type will go out within the next week uh the NJ uh D has given preliminary approval for njib funding for our phase three service line Pro project uh a notice announcing a public comment period will be published within a week we hope to get final approval from the D and be put and have it out to bid by early fall um bid specs for disposal of solid waste for the mid Bic County Collective for the years 2025 through 2029 have been prepared um and as lead Agency for this Co-op we're ready to go out to bid after 5 years at a fixed price under the old contract we'll need to be holding our breath a bit so that we don't in hopes that we don't see too big of an increase for next year uh due to a combination of cash needs and Technical technical requirements under uh Bond Law we will be issuing Bond anticipation notes for a portion of the not yet issued debt authorized by Bond ordinances um in order to save interest costs we will forestall issuing some of the remaining debt that has been authorized uh Lori Foley and I viewed this in detail with Bond Council to ensure We are following a proper course of action uh just notes on a few of the resolutions um resolution 115 authorizes Boswell's inspection services for the Franklin Field bleacher project which we awarded at the last council meeting R 117 authorizes the co-op purchase of equipment funded in the 2024 budget this is a large capacity bucket for our front end loader to be used used for leaf collections um resolution r117 authorizes Boswell to train our DPW staff to perform storm water system inspections that are required by state law um resolutions r118 and 119 authorize the leasing of vehicles for the uh um hawor Police Department um as a longtime skeptic of the benefits of leasing I was finally convinced by a detailed cost benefit analysis that this was a preferable way to go um this is an analysis that I shared with an equally skeptical finance committee but I think we're all ready to move forward in in this direction um resolution r121 authorizes another revision to a 2021 sidewalk assessment to correct a mistake um resolution 122 um is a required resolution that has to go to the state health benefits program uh when we change benefits for retirees we did as part of our 2024 to 2027 contract with our Blue Collar employees um resolution r123 um authorizes a change order for an additional year of storage for the hockey boards we purchased for roller hockey last year um as we work out final deal details and agreement with the board of education so that construction can take place next summer and that's what Michael was uh addressing in his report and finally um we have at least one application in for um uh neighborhood um preservation program facade program um and and a lot of interest from other uh store um owners and so we hope that project gets off the ground very soon and and helps make a a great Improvement to our downtown and that concludes my report thank you Eric Mr President we'll turn uh the meeting over to you as far as any questions that the council may have Joe I have none Rea I have a question mayor when you're talking about horth day is the form on the website to fill out the application for 2024 do we is that form up there I believe it is yes okay because I know when I looked like probably about a month or so ago it wasn't there so did it just go back up that could be I I'll check tomorrow but I I believe it is okay that's cool because we have to fill it out and I'm sure there's other people that I know that would be interested in attending thanks um that's the only question I had thanks uh yes like to wish our borrow attorney happy birthday doesn't look a day older now I can't top that Eric the downtown street is that going to be done this year the downtown with the facade on building with that we're hoping to have um agreements with uh with store owners in the next uh uh couple months and then they will be able so they will be able to do work this year we need we need to spend this year's money um either this year or by the latest in the first quarter next year um given the expressed interest even though we don't necessarily have all the applications in based on the expressed interest we will probably run out of money that we have this year and we'll have people on a waiting list for U for next year's money so if if if people are hesitating or or dithering around rather than submitting their applications they should get them in so so they can move earlier rather than later right can they work in winter but the Mad in the winter time will it affect it at all it can but I think the biggest thing is getting the commitment from them and then obviously starting it Eric are you able to share who the one uh okay I was just curious okay thanks we do we do have a number of uh people uh businesses there that are very interested and Nancy's working with them and we had one uh property owner uh who already signed one of their uh tenants up so uh he already signed the papers I know Nancy put a a list together for planings ready I'm going to take her to the wholesaler and they're going to have a schedule so it'll be planted up all year round correct she's on top of it yeah she's doing a very good job is good anything else oh I'm fine I have nothing else mayor unless you do that concludes the report from Administration thank you can I have a motion to record the administrative agenda so Move Motion by Bennett second by all in favor I motion carries uh yeah I guess there's no report from our finance and revenue tonight introduction of ordinances we have ordinance 2347 d24 an ordinance to repeal and replace in its entirety chapter 488 of the code of the bur of hathorne free removal be resolved this ordinance has now passed first reading and said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on September 4th 2024 and at said time in place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same the clerk is authorized and directed to publish said ordinance in the record at least once one week prior to the hearing with the notice of his introduction of time and place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage have a motion so Move Motion by SK second by leosa any discussion okay roll call benett yes leosa yes M yes skara yes wki yes Matthew yes motion carries ordinance 2348 d24 an ordinance to fix the 2024 salaries wages and compensation of the employees of the B of horor C Pake state of New Jersey be resolve this ordinance to now pass first reading and said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on September 4th 2024 and at said time in place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the set ordinance in the record once at least one week that prior to the set hearing with the notice of its introduction time in place when a where side ordinance will be considered for final passage have a motion no motion by Mee anybody any seconds there second by SK uh anyone have questions why this is required I can explain the pension people down in uh Trenton feel that when you have more than one title they're only going to give you a pension based on one but only for new people with new titles whereas other people that have multiple titles who have had them for a while get them all you can't make this stuff up so this is to cover the employee who had multiple titles that did not qualify to receive that and going forward this is the way it'll be did I explain that good enough Michael you didor you did okay there we go roll call bki yes skiar yes yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries resolutions cassette agenda m324 r113 d24 through r124 d24 m324 is install of cap parking space at block 23.0 lot 5 R 11324 is to extend the grace period for the quarter uh third quarter taxes R14 d24 is a change order one for the water service line replacement phase two shoger R1 15-24 is Professional Services for Boswell for the Franklin Field leachers R 116-24 is purchase order for the great uh Leaf grapple Bucket from Jasco R 11724 is Professional Services by for the storm order management uh mandate compliance R11 18-24 is authorized execution of a Master Lease for Enterprise police vehicles R11 19-24 is the lease order for the first five police vehicles from Enterprise R1 120-24 is Band Shell artists for 2024 part three R 12124 is revised assessments of costs for the 2021 Road program for 126 10th Avenue are 122-2 24 is chapter 48 for state health benefits R1 23-24 is change order 2 for athletica for the storage of the hockey boards and hopefully that's the last one and r124 d24 is chapter 159 Labor Day Crackdown Grant have a motion motion second by leosa I know there's got to be a question out there one of these Michael Yes uh thank you um I have some question questions on uh resolution 118-24 and18 11 19-24 I am also very skeptical of the burrow looking to lease instead of purchase um and since I'm not sitting in the finance meeting I have some questions to feel comfortable moving forward okay he can answer them for you but he can also share that lengthly email with people who are not on the finance committee now so it won't be a meeting but so if you're not 100% sure he'll give you that as well all right so typically when someone's going to wants to lease a vehicle uh there's usually a few a few reasons they want to lower their monthly payments uh they're looking to maybe get a new vehicle every three four years um and they don't drive a lot of miles that's typically somebody that falls into the typical lease um I'm imagining that not all those fit into what we would look for so that that especially the mileage thing so that makes me a little suspicious of it okay um you know fitting into the budget and stuff like that so what prompted us to look into at lease first opposed to purchase would be my first question I have a few of them too you what what prompted it is is is basically our Police Department talked to other police departments and they've they heard of the success of this program it's more than just the leasing it's it's a fleet it's Fleet and management um the big um one of the things that there's various benefits um that they have first of all they look at the number of miles we do drive and the length of time we do keep the vehicles and when there is the best point for turning it in to get the best value from the used vehicle and spend the least money on maintenance and because they do a lot of this they have a lot of data in terms of you know what that point is so they can they can the Enterprise can advise us on that so we maximize the amount of money we get from the um sale or turning in and and paying on on the old vehicles and minimize what we pay on on vehicle maintenance all so let me just interject and ask a few questions about that um so when you say a maintenance plan all right you know so I'm trying to understand what we're doing here okay and the fact that you're saying they're using data based on what our mileage is now and the best time so it's not you you're having a lease for so many years well there is a it's an open-ended lease they've looked at at what our experience has been okay and they've made the recommendation and and as they and and it may change the vehicles we are leasing now the the recommendation is to lease for 5 years and to turn in after five years we tend to keep vehicles for eight or nine years and we've found and they've confirmed with their data that the high maintenance costs start kicking in at the late latter part of that and you also then the see that the value that you we get like $2,000 for the sale of a vehicle when it's 8 n 10 years old as opposed to they're able to get something closer to $122,000 a vehicle if they sell after um after uh 5 years so and so when you look at those numbers and aggregate them for the police department again I don't have absolute I can't analyze all their data but looking at what they have in ter does seem to uh corroborate at in terms of when we look at our um maintenance costs and what what we can sell vehicles for you know what what they're what they're telling us seems to make sense in you know in in that uh in that regard because um they they sell they sell on and we turn them over on that cycle we can live with fewer Vehicles we because we we we've historically kept extra Vehicles because the old vehicles are unreliable and so they'll be down waiting for um Regular maintenance or they need a new engine or need a um or you know or need a transmission and so we're we're we're holding on to these old Vehicles you know and paying Insurance paying uh routine maintenance on them rather than getting rid of them and and and having the newer Vehicles when we go out and turn it on we can expect it to start we can expect it to you know run we don't have to keep extra vehicles in the fleet and so you we can reduce the costs associated with by having extra vehicles in the fleet um the avoid the high maintenance costs for vehicles kept Beyond uh the five years and receive a better um sale price um by having them um sold early and we get the value when they sell the vehicles they've leased to us we get the value that they apply to the next basically the next round of of of leases to to reduce the amount of of money that uh we we would have to pay on the lease so we get the value so well well if we just took that same premise and we left a life expectancy for a police vehicle that we purchased wouldn't that thing apply to us yes we would have we wouldn't have as much maintenance we would have more value for a resale correct with two caveats go ahead one is we would have to be disciplined enough to stick with that second of all we'd have to find a way to buy into it to be able to get get rid of the vehicles when they're 5 years old and early we we have to we'd have to start out buying five vehicles a year now we usually have like two or three vehicles in the budget and so we'd have to upfront yeah enough money make the first time to to buy into it and and give given cap considerations we simply aren't able to do that as much as we might like to and say let's do it and let's be uh disciplined and do it ourselves we just can't do it Michael asked about the maximum number of miles you didn't touch on that yeah miles and wearing excess wearing tear because a lease company usually charge you for what they deem excess wear and tear and that's very vague this is is different than you um um it's a different program than you leasing a car when you as an individual purchase it this is Enterprise coming in and saying we're with our Fleet Management and again when I say Fleet Management doesn't mean they are performing the maintenance they they do have a network of garages that we can use if we choose to but they aren't saying you have to take it over to this place specific place in Wayne to get your work done we can go where we're going now and they they also will offer participation in that Network to anybody so if we have local someone local who wants to who and who's willing to abide by their terms and and whatever they someone local could would sign into that and if and if we choose to go local and there's advantage to us to do that because it's easy to when you're drive you know to stop down and drop off a car and pick it up later rather than having to drive it out of town someplace and have t Tye two officers to deliver a vehicle and then all right so so just addressing the mileage and the excess wear and tear there there are no extra charges for the mileage and ex it will just be it will reduce the amount you if if it go if if they plan on us having 880,000 miles and we end up having 100,000 miles in that car and that reduces the value that just reduces the amount that is they receive from sale of the vehicle through their Network that then gets applied to our next round of leases there is no charge they say okay you have to pay an extra uh fee because you drove more than certain amount of miles or there's certain or there's more wear and tear is there an end of lease cost that's something else that's very popular no well if we choose to buy out the vehicle at the end there is a charge to us if if for some reason we as we've done in other cases we want to use one of the old vehicles for another department or whatever yeah we can buy it out um but there's no surrender charge in fact we have the value of that vehicle applied to our next round of leases in fact even the vehicles we have now they will we would normally trade in and sell at auction they will tell take and sell through their Network um which you know they have something like couple hundred Lots throughout the the country and where they say sell sell Mega amounts of vehicles that can get better prices than we have when we we send sell them individually on gov deals so um so the vehicles that we're we're we're getting rid of they will take they will sell them and then they will use that to buy down our lease costs uh for the vehicles we are buying okay and the cost of I mean the police vehicles are equipped with you know a lot of things that the police need that we're going to need to remove from there's cost you know assess to that yeah you know this is this is what they do for fleets for you know for police vehicles also for other municipalities and other entities when when they manage the fleet you know they they give us the vehicle equipped as we want you know that we we get and one of the advantage is we'd get a vehicle now particularly when it was in Co we get it and by the time we got it outfitted we sent it out to somebody it would sit here for a couple months before it's actually put in Services service because we were waiting and you know even though we paid for the vehicle because we haven't been able to get it um um you know wrapped with the you know the marking without having the lights without having the interior changes done they will have all that and we won't our lease payments won't start until we get the completed V vehicle okay well one last question I want you to clarify for me because I'm I'm I'm still trying to understand this you're saying that when we bring the car the vehic vle back and they resell it the the the the value I'm trying to understand how we get a portion of that to to to put towards a new vehicle they take it they sell it they get the money they put it in our account they use it to pay off a portion of the new vehicle that you're Leasing and and it will and to to reduce the lease it's it's like if you have a trade in so meaning the car itself's been paid off in that 5 years and and and what they made their their profits been paid off in that five years already also right so if there was $10,000 we just for the sake of this conversation that goes to the next vehicle we're going to do yes we don't know you don't really know if there's a hidden sales charge it's not spelled out anywhere make a lot of sense I trust me I'm skeptical too Mike but the the memo he put together and the fact that we're doing five right if you do a cycle and I see our maintenance cost go down I mean we're all just basing this on referrals from other towns and what they're saying but when Eric did the value we should come out ahead but but there's some variables might break even also checking a little bit when they say that the average maintenance cost for five years of a police vehicle getting basically our type of mileage is X we can look at our experience and see in the first five years does it does that seem to make sense I you know we don't have a big enough sample size that I can absolutely say yeah what they're telling me is right on the nose but we can get a sense that it's accurate and see that our costs tend to be for the the vehicles in the tail end and that makes a lot of sense but you're also going to have a vehicle that's an outlier you know that that that with a lemon or if it got into an accident and it just is always going back in for repair yeah we understand that versally you could have one that just for whatever reason doesn't have problems it was assign to a driver takes you would think more more of that would happen right yeah I mean you yeah it's I I don't think that they try to sell there's a big cost sa I don't because I'm cautious some of the things they're claiming are cost savings unless I can see something that makes sense I don't necessarily accept the things that they're saying our cost savings it comes out to maybe Break Even or a little better Break Even except we get the added benefit of the reliability we get the added benefit we have fewer cars that we are insuring there is an extra cost per and they don't even figure that into their costs but when we give our inventory to the Joint Insurance Fund there's essentially a cost per vehicle that gets applied to the number of vehicles we have in our Fleet and so that there's a small additional savings there that they aren't even counting but we will realize when we reduce the size of our Fleet all right on your word there Eric so Eric we're getting five new cars and we're making our Fleet smaller so Insurance should be less yes right and that's not the make or break it whatever that's a small additional Sav I think there's some of the additional savings you have is you in increase in efficiency of the police department that if you if you're not relying on Old vehicles that have to be shuttled to and from uh um maintenance facilities and you know what happens when uh okay my car doesn't start this morning um you know those are small things but they are they are posit they are real and they're positive even if they're hard to quantify should be less heavy uh big charges for large items because if it getting in three four year whatever the term is instead of keeping them for nine hopefully that transmission is not coming that you know yeah blown head gasket or whatever they do to it okay Mike also or in Council um they have a plan that if the car gets totaled in an accident or whatever they have Outlets throughout the entire country where they can you they can get a car probably within a week or two um they just had that happen in Newark uh maybe about three or four months ago where they the New York police smashed up a couple of the cars and they did get cars in about two weeks um to replenish their their uh their stock okay that's good that's that's a good point one one other benefit um that's not so obvious and takes a bit of an explanation is right now almost all the vehicles that we buy have to be able to be Patrol Vehicles because we have sooner or later we will use them as Patrol Vehicles because they're uh um you know when when they're the spares that have to fill in those are more expensive than the vehicles that are still police rated but not they don't have to be fully um you know equipped to meet the full standards so you can buy when we know that there's some of the vehicles will be used as the administrative Vehicles you can buy a less expensive vehicle um and that ultimately fact you know factors in savings for us that's hard to quantify because they're they're looking at you basically everything being the same they're not looking at the we we can find a vehicle okay these these three will be used for detective Bureau and the and the chief and the captains or whatever so they they can be a a cheaper vehicle than the ones that are going to have to go on the road and I see that the admin Vehicles will be hybrids that's what we're looking at which is another you know Advantage down the road so you said that Arena I did you're sucking up yeah well it won't really matter because after 20135 we won't have uh fossil fuel cars so we're going to have to move to electric and hybrids are still fossil so so we we're moving in the right direction anyway I will I will distribute that that uh that lengthy uh memo that uh Eric just a little advice about the memo to sleep just just reread the memo because it really does ramble on that I talked to you it just really just goes on so just fora to say no it like I read it a couple times so we talk so just oh I I think you made the sale Eric on any other question questions on any of the other resolutions I just have one fora we did look on the website the reforms the are on awesome thank on the website yeah Lor sent me a text that was great thank you quick roll call I'm sorry that's okay um Bennett yes leosa m yes skara yes mki yes Matthews yes motion carries reports of special committees Dominic will start your way first of all I want to thank the police department on Monday they had their leadership camp and I was very impressed with our local police officers and how they react to the children in hathorne it's a great program how long's been going on 23 years they said I think it's 23 anyway it's a great program really is it it's it's at least 20 years old it's a great program yeah and it's run by S right um also our Public Safety Committee met with the fire department on Monday to discuss a new Rescue five piece of equipment it's in the works it's the it's two years down the road but we'd have to you know look into it so we're doing it thank you Bruce yeah I also went to the the leadership camp on Monday and uh today and uh they're doing a great job hel toop to arrive today which is always a high point for the kids and the best the best moment of the day had to be when they were given the kids a tour of the helicopter and one kid goes to the pilot can I drive it sure you know but uh no it's they do a a heck of a job Mike yes uh the Board of Education had their final meeting on the second floor as the mayor reported they will be moving out um across the street at 195 Burton we wish them the best of luck um it also was mentioned Leadership Camp it started this week over 140 students participated which is much better than last year was a little over 100 I believe uh graduation ceremony will be this Friday at 1:00 at Lincoln Middle School um also starting this next school year uh officer Tim Vega will be the new school resource officer the board acknowledged and shared their appreciation of the additional position and the ca of the resource officer being on the total borrow side they were thankful the next Board of Education meeting will be on September 17th location to be decided this concludes my report uh just want to announce that the uh green fair at the farmers market will be on September 8th and the rain date is September 15th so it's our 13th year so come on down in uh September thanks Jo Board of Health next meeting September 19th shade tree Commission meeting held a zoom meeting due to the weather as they also cancelled the uh National Night Out so we opted for a zoom meeting uh there was a discussion of the tree inventory and fall planting that concludes my report okay plan planning board did not meet this week uh next meeting is regular second Tuesday of September uh Chamber of Commerce is having their classic car show this Sunday I was asked to hold up the zoom in Lisa come on down I'll be directing traffic at 8 a. parking everybody's car it was about 200 Vehicles there last year so hopefully we'll have another big crowd the next thing I have to advertise is the fishing derby it'll be on September 21st 8 30 to 11 bring your rod and some bait and come on down I'll weigh and measure every fish you catch and prizes will be given down to the heaviest longest and most fish quau for three different age groups and that's all I have um yeah that's all I have to report we have no correspondence but we have bills including the one that was on the day is tonight for postage of the tax bills have a motion to send them to the treasurer for payment don't move motion by Mee second second by Bennett any discussion R call what tech key abstain on the fire department yes on all can you pass down the uh postage because I never got a copy of that oh you can pick it up if you want yeah I was gonna say we're what it's a mailing of the um no where do we mail it out of haor no no no this is from Edmond okay they print and and do all the mailing for that thank you right that's what I was told but Eric why otherwise why would we have to give them ack you're not paying attention are you yeah yeah that's what we're doing and and and it'll probably get here faster from South Jersey than it will from s and here back and forth and and and out to our people so all right I the only reason I asked because it says mail to you postmaster and then this page two it says mail to Edmund's govtech that's where the check's going thank you yes stain on everything else uh fire department long night but I've already voted that's my point stain on Ridgewood press yes on all others mey yes on all of them leosa stay on the Lincoln landscape and horth environment and all rest on the others sorry okay thank you Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries public comment and I open the meeting to the public if you'd like to be heard come forward to the microphone and state your name there is yes there will be uh my name is Bruna capalo I reside at 24 Hutchinson Avenue in Hawthorne New Jersey some of you may know me from my board of education days or my run for city council many years ago um so I'm here tonight uh to tell you about a situation that occurred at the Hawthorn pool with myself and my grandchildren um over the weekend I spoke with mayor lane today was very gracious to talk to me I was a little frustrated as you can see uh but you know talked and it was a very good conversation but I wanted to make you aware of it because I really believe that you seriously need to have the pool committee take a look at this issue in the coming year so uh I did not know that senior citizens were able and I am now a senior citizen unfortunately well fortunately that's a good thing uh were able to go to the hawthor pool for free I happen to walk in the park almost every day of the week and I ran into um some the hazes I don't know if you know this couple she was the teacher in in Hawthorne and she told me oh yeah they have you know it's free for senior citizens to go to the pool I'm oh that's really wonderful that's a nice thing so I had a babysit my grandchildren our grandchildren over the weekend and uh you know look our son lives in Montvale and has a uh a membership a Lifetime Fitness I don't know if ever been in Lifetime Fitness it's like a resort they have two pools Outside Inside Olympic pools but I don't want to they're in hathorne with me I don't want to drive to Mont fail to take them and I want them to see the Hawthorne pool because I grew up I'm lived here all my life I have fond memories of the horor pool we used to hang out there all the time so I take them first I call and I I ask about this free thing for senior citizens yes you know we have free free for senior citizens fine um can I bring a guest he says well you canot you're only allowed to bring one guest I said well I have two grandchildren what am I can't bring one in there not the other so he says well it's a young young man it's okay all right so I go down there obviously I've bring my proof of residency and uh fill out a document and then he says and you need to fill out something for the guests so naturally as children are apt to do I have to go to the Nona okay I've got to take you in can I just go in and then I'll fill out the rest of the paperwork yes we go inside he does his business I come out you know they're in the I'm forgetting all about the fact that I have to go back and fill out the guest form some young woman comes out and says says to me uh are you a Bruna capalo I said yes oh you need to fill out you know the I said oh that's right I completely forgot and she says and it's $50 when I tell you a Gog I kind of went what she said yes it's it's $50 I said for two children yes so now fortunately for me I had the cash but I'm like Blown Away 50 okay I give the $50 my grandchild spend maybe an hour there and I leave and now I'm like this is insane I mean I want you to think about $50 now for seven and four-year-old now I'm not a wealthy woman but I can afford the $50 it isn't the $50 it's you're talking about two little children I I said to Meen $50 hell I could have had one hell of a lunch with my girlfriend for $50 I said you know and by the way after I made that phone call I looked again at why he charged me the 25 because my grandchild are not residents of Hawthorne but if you have a fee schedule in town for the pool right here's the family membership here's the single person here's the senior here's the members of the whatever you know services that work for the community Etc and here's for you know children under this age and children under that age well then perhaps you might want to consider doing the same thing for guest maybe make a cut off as mayor Lane suggested make a cut off children you know under seven pay this or because people are you know it's not just an adult that's going to go there as a guest it's not just an adult okay so you know while I am offended of the $50 I think that's something that you really need to look at it's really the fairness issue that's really not right that you I should have to pay or I should have to I already did $50 for two small children to go in the pool be not you've got six and as a former school teacher it makes me crazy six kids in that office all checking their Facebook pages and their cell phones doing nothing I don't know what they're doing except checking their cell phones and their Facebook pages I go inside the pool there's leaves in the pool there's I was telling me was the weirdest thing like look like hey don't ask me where it came from like you know the little r that you go into the two and a half pool there's all this hay like Julian that's our you know youngest grandson don't go over there I don't know what that is I mean you got six kids sitting in the office I don't know about you but as a former businesswoman I don't want six kids sitting in an office doing nothing I mean you know if I'm to go out there and clean up the pool I don't know I it left by the time I got home it left such a bad taste in my mouth about the memories that I had of the pool and then what I experienced I and this the only time I've been at the pool all year I don't go I mean I could because I know they have like swim thing but you know I do my own form of exercise so I don't go but I I just think it's something you need to address as I spoke with the mayor I mean I'm sure if you Bruce do you have grandchildren I'm sure you do actually it's it's funny you bring this up I probably should have known about this charge but I didn't and we had my two grandchildren who live in Bloomingdale last week with us and I was planning to take them to the pool I would have been just as shocked as you when they charged me $50 so thank God it rained and I couldn't bring them but no I I agree with you I think we need to look into this because if if grandparents that's not right I me that's an exorbitant amount of money and I'm telling you and as I said to the mayor they were inside the pool so I couldn't say oh no we're leaving little kids it was almost like coercion by that point you know I I agree I think we need to relook at this yeah we need to that's all good idea I to the mayor I'm not someone who comes here most of the time to you've never seen me here I'm not that type but that really just she said $50 Lally my mouth just like I'm doing what unlike when you're on the school board you're a very reasonable person oh yeah now but I'm glad you brought that to our attention because I'd have been shocked like you were if i' had had done that last week and yeah but even if he did was going to say you know it's funny because I was thinking that today I said I should have lied inste they live with me on yeah you know what I mean and then what would have been $40 that's what you get for being honest even that's a little bit much yeah coup we should have a special line for kids I since it's extra revenue for the for the community obviously if you're bringing a guest you should pay for the guest to come there and I know why it was done many years ago as now you have people coming to the pool that shouldn't they don't live in the town whatever they do and understand that but you know even if I had said they live with me it would have been $40 yeah we should break it down for separate subsection children under or something kids under 10 there's something I looked at the at the website there's a fee schedule there you make a fee schedule thanks for bringing that to our attention if you would just indulge me your father meant so much to me because our son our youngest son went to Stevens Institute of Technology one of the very first cyber security classes ever at Stevens there only five students graduating in that major my son was one of them our son was one of them now works for Google for many years and your father was instrumental in helping our son to receive a scholarship there and you know he received other scholarships but you know he was a wonderful man just as you are and I'm really proud that your you know your service and your father's service this community should be recognized yeah okay okay thank you Bruna you look great and uh tell Joe tell Joe I said hi his former classmate yeah see no one else Joe I see uh can I have an Entertainer motion to close the Pu of some motion by ska anybody want to second that yeah brute B yep all in favor I the next council meeting is Wednesday September 4th 2024 have a motion jackets and ties motion by skira second second by Wy all in favor we're adjourned