##VIDEO ID:PD3CCpbBfyU## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yes sir please rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag United States America and the repblic it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the annual schedule of regular meetings here for adopted and posted on the public bulletin board at the municipal building emailed to The Herald News the record and The Gazette set and all persons who've requested the mailing of such since December 7th 2023 approval of minutes we have none this evening public comment for agenda items now open a meeting to the public anyone desires to be heard on agenda items come forward to the microphone state your name seeing no one entertain a motion to close the public portion moved motion by skier second by Sasso second by Sasso all in favor I I motion carries adoption of ordinances we have none this evening old business Joe we'll start your way today I have nothing nice Reena uh not tonight thank you Mike yes I do uh before the council meeting tonight there was a candle light visual from the Hawthorne domestic violence Response Team uh we're very appreciative of all the hard work that they do and in volunteerism few years back uh many you might remember I was shooting videos to bring awareness to the volunteer groups in Hawthorne and I met with the diver team and I received a tour of the facility they use here in in the burough Hall and an explanation of what they do when someone comes in and it was very impressive I promise I would read aloud what I wrote in the video and just to bring more awareness when spouses intimate Partners or dates use physical violence threats emotional abuse or harassment or stalking to control the behavior of their Partners they are committing domestic violence very few people identify themselves as abusers or victims victims may be silent embarrassed or feel shamed they fear that the batterers will harm them or their children some even blame themselves for their abuse study have shown that it may take seven to 10 incidents before victim leaves their abuser and some children raised in an abusive home have grown up to become abusers themselves to the victims You Are Not Alone there is help to protect you and your loved ones if you have an emergency situation please contact B County Williams uh woman's Center 24 hours a day 7 days a week and the phone number is 973 8811 1450 you also can contact the hathon police department um and speak to a domestic violence team member the team members go through extensive training and it can provide a a safe environment the information and resources they need to complete the is completely confidential please don't don't wait till it's too late your life may depend on it now the second thing I have is unrelated to domestic violence but I like to uh wish our Jew Jewish residents a happy Russia sha a happy New Year and that's all I have Bruce no sir an Marie I'm good thank you Dominic mayor does the police have teddy bears yet because I was on Lions Club remember Michael they we bought him for the cops to bring to the house if there was a problem years ago we I don't I don't know Dominic but I'll I'll brought him many years ago right Michael and I don't just that's all thank you you still have yours yeah I still have mine yeah I'm okay no business and Marie I'm okay thank you Bruce Mike uh yes I'd like to extend my thoughts and prayers for the families that are affected by the hurricane uh when you're not affected uh by the storm you take for granted how fragile life your home and your belongings are so wish him thought impr press Rea not tonight Joe oh for two wow wow right this deep down I'll pass it along time for the administrative agenda presented by mayor Lane thank you Mr President first I would like to thank all the residents that came out to support the vendors Crafters food vendors and musical acts at the hathorne day last Saturday the weather proved to be a challenge and yet so many of you came out and came back to see the fireworks whenever you were up on the grounds or in your cars in Nicole's parking lot which you which were terrific the chairs coordinator horor Day committee volunteers and DPW who made it happen thank you despite the rain and we were update we were updated hourly that the rain was only going to stop every hour but it never did it was a great time next year's hathorne day is set for Saturday September 27th rashahana the beginning of the Jewish New Year began at sundown Happy New Year to all our residents who celebrate our DPW superintendent Ronnie Gonzalez gave us notice of his retirement and he will be retiring on November 1st Ronnie began working with the DPW on October 1st 1990 and worked in both the road department and the water department before before becoming superintendent of Public Works on April 17 2014 Dave mayor a current DPW employee applied for the position and has ass assumed the responsibilities this will be official on November 1st we wish we wish Ronnie good health and happiness in his retirement and we thank him for his many years of service with the burrow of hathorne October is domestic violence awareness month and earlier this evening on the on our domestic violence Response Team held its annual Candlelight vigil in front of the municipal building I encourage everyone to support and honor Crime Victims and those who serve them th this month and throughout the year this Saturday October 5th is Hispanic Heritage Month will be celebrated behind barel Hall from 1:00 to 4 p.m. please stop by and enjoy the food and entertainment I spoke with the owner of the vacant gas station on the on on the four corners of GFA Road and Wago Road and the trucks will be removed or summonses I told them summonses would be issued also for a note construction will begin on the new storm drain and sanitary line from 68 to 84 golf Road extending North on G road to the intersection of Mohawk Avenue road closures and detours will be in place on goel road Southbound at goel Road and Mohawk Avenue as well as goel Road North Northbound at Westervelt Avenue detour signs will be in place this work will commence on Monday October 7th between the hours of 700 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. the work will most likely Take 6 to S nights tickets are still available for Taste of hathorne tickets are available online and limited amount of tickets are available at Diamond liquers this this Rotary Club event is October 8th at Macaluso there are many special senior citizens I'm sorry there are many special senior services offered by the county and I will be passing on this information as soon as I receive it from the county on my Friday letters on November 10th the horor exempt Firemen's Association and the fire department will hold its annual memorial service at 8:30 a.m. mass at St Anthony's church if you see something that doesn't seem quite right please call our police department at at at that time so that they can check it out as we all know the southern part of the state in North Carolina South Carolina Georgia and Tennessee really had a horrific uh weather that basically destroyed so many homes so many people passed away and the bless you the hor Thorne fire department H is starting a a a drive in partnering with Operation Kindness New Jersey to collect donations for our communities affected by the hurricane Helen in a Asheville North Carolina there's an entire list of many items uh that they would they would be looking for mostly is is uh toiletries and uh plastic containers the drop off for donations is at 828 Lafayette Avenue in hathorne that's the rescue building on the corner of Lafayette and and goel Road it'll be Friday this coming Friday Saturday and Sunday Friday will be uh 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday will be 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Sunday will be 9:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. M if you can if you can have if you have some extra items that you could uh nonp perishable items also that you can uh donate it would be greatly appreciated to help the poor people down there and this will be in my Friday letter so I wish that everyone would try to get it and there'll also be nixel going out uh with this also that concludes my report Mr President and I'll turn it over to our attorney Michael Pasqua thank you mayor uh Echo sentiments with regard to our divert team I speak of this every time we have this vigil um I do a lot of work in the county of bake and I do a lot of work in this area of the law um our divert team has recognized throughout the county as the gold standard by which all other units operate um domestic violence is a terribly under reported crime and it doesn't happen at convenient hours so our divert members are are called upon all times of day to deal with people who are in crisis in real crisis who many times have been victimized repeatedly and finally decide to come forward so the work they do is in a community of volunteers they stand out and uh what they do is something we should all recognize so kudos to our divert team um on more mundane matters Mr spoila has filed torque claim notice is against the B of hathorne as has his partner or whatever co-tenant whatever role that she has but the other person named in all of uh the lawsuits so he has filed what's called torque claim notices saying that the buau improperly took refug or we should actually qu it what it is junk from his front lawn even with a court order um somehow we deprived him of his property so he wants to continue to make a mockery of the community and we're going to continue to write him summonses because uh he can't be tolerated but we deal with it um on your agenda tonight is a late edition I apologize to the council president I apologize to burough clerk um but unfortunately I report at the last meeting we had reached a tentative settlement with BASF I'd be looking for approval at this meeting of that settlement and then I forgot to do the resolution until this morning so uh on your agenda with all do apology is a late starting resolution uh seeking approval of our fourth major player in the pasos litigation this one being BASF not as big as any of the others but still a major player and at least uh the ability to recoup some of the funds we've outlaid so I'll ask for your approval on that I do want to speak to the two ordinances that are on the agenda the first is the storm water management ordinance it's mandated by DP the DP has now mandated that developments need to comply not just with the 210 and 100-year storm but the 21 and 100e storm as projected for 20 uh 20 2100 so the developers now need to show that they can meet a storm 76 years from now and not just today's um the got this Crystal Ball yeah it's very smart Tron they they are tracking Trends and have determined what it's going to be like 76 years from now um the main aspects of it are the same ones we always have which are water quantity water quality and recharge and the D is looking for all of those things control the amount of water leaving the site so that it leaves at rates that don't overflow the neighborhood the quad quality is to remove pollutants so at least 80% of that which enters the water needs to be exited from the Water by way of pollutants and the third thing is recharge recharge is of course trying to get some of that water That's Falling On Pavement back into the Earth so um the EP changes its rules frequently we need to change them to meet the rule changes and I can only say thank God I have Raina who can read through all this stuff and make edits as it goes along uh to point out the little miscues that I had even today so thank you Raina and I do recommend this to you because we don't have much choice but adopt it uh the other thing on the agenda is a r lead based paint removal ordinance it's an inspection ordinance it is mandated Again by the state this time the DCA not removal it's inspection inspection thank you it is an inspection ordinance and it is required for all rental properties unless otherwise exempt properties built after 1978 are exempt properties that are subject to DCA regulation and have had a clean bill of health on their Green Card inspections are also exempt otherwise every two years properties need to be certified to be free of lead and when we say free of lead it means flaking lead lead paint that is possibly going to make somebody ill it can be done because of our community does not have widespread um indication of lead poisoning as a result we can do swipe testing dust testing and visual test even before we get to that so you can start with visual then Dust and then if there is a detection there has to be some form of remediation ultimately we issue a certification but we're going to Outsource all of that and we're going to do that with a contractor that will pass the cost on to the homeowner so that we're not taking a middleman charge um so that will be coming I recommend the ordinance to you because once again we don't have a choice but to adopt it finally I do want to mention hawthor day because I am for whatever reason the co-chair but I don't do any of the real work um the real work is done by Ellen the real work is done by Michelle hams it's done by Joe Carr it's done um we have so many good volunteers Alex clo does so much work for that day we have so many people who work here in burrow Hall who show up and volunteer their time which is wonderful we have others who are burough employees who get paid to be there but we have a lot of volunteers right from this building who do work for it it works because of the volunteers and uh so I want to thank everybody who showed up and uh next year let's root for better weather so my voice holds out a little better when I report next that mayor concludes my report thank you Michael now turn it over to our engineer P1 Kate it's good to see everybody again um and that was an excellent summary of the storm order rules Michael thank you Peter um are we have a brief report our gavana water service line replacement project phase two um sugar Property Services completed the last service replacement uh we're currently finishing up site restoration and punch items and uh we're working on the final closeout documents in Billing the Gavin water service line replacement phase three uh We've addressed all comments um for the uh New Jersey infrastructure U bank and uh we're waiting on them for a final approval for bidding the 2024 Road Improvement program which includes our local program and local Aid um we held a pre-construction meeting with for the 2024 uh Community Development Ada curb ramp Improvement portion of the program on Friday the 20th of September Cino and Suns is completing the paperwork for Community Development and the requirements and then the contracts will be executed and we are submitting the 2024 2025 Road program to the ibank and that will be uh com be a combined project in and out the bid somewhere around February of next year and that's the extent of my report thank you Peter and now turn it over to our administrator Eric Mau thank you mayor um just a late breaking uh news to add to Pete's report um the njde and NGB did approve us to advertise for bids for phase three of the service light replacement project we are advertising on Monday for bids to be received and opened on November 7th uh uh work on the NGB funding application for phase 4 has begun uh we have been awarded a $70,000 local Recreation Improvement Grant uh from the Department of Community Affairs for wag 2 and three bleacher upgrade project and the county has tentatively allocated 125,000 in open space funds for the same project the two grants would fund about 75% of the engineer Engineers estimated cost for the project the administration will be recommending a bond ordinance to incorporate local funds with the two grants with the expectation of constructing the project in 2025 uh um just uh an additional information on the uh on the lead ordinance uh working on an RFP for the company Michael referenced that would perform the work to uh for the lead inspection process um and so we'll have something in place once the ordinance is in place um bids for fall tree planting and for laboratory services for the water utility will be received next week and tended we will be awarded at the next council meeting um bids for disposal of solid waste are due on October 30th um an N an RFP for marketing of recyclable materials from our curbside collection and our Cycling Center will be is being prepared for a 5-year contract beginning 11225 um I'm also preparing an RFP for selection of an architect for renovations of the police department and the old uh Board of Education space um here in the municipal building um been a lot of work on the on this uh purchasing front with these rfps um Jen Scully who's going taking the courses to become a a qualified purchasing agent has been a big assist for on these um um we thought I thought it important to send Jen for these courses so that uh when I ultimately retire we have at least one option for um someone to serve as our uh qualified purchasing agent doesn't go you can't retire what she doesn't go you get retired oh yeah we'll see about that take away yeah um uh Finance director Lori Foley and I have begun work on the 2025 budget budget preparation packages will be distributed to the various departments within the next week or so um I'll on Tuesday I'll be attending a webinar of um sponsored by the municipal excess liability fund regarding the in uh 2025 Insurance renewal through the GIF um hopefully get some good news on in terms of where the friends are looking on the cost I'm not too hopeful for that but uh um we shall see uh the state health benefits uh fund has posted a 16.5% rate increase for 2025 that's it's uh it's it's just basically a heavy Hammer coming down on us I requested claims experience from the um state health benefits program as a first step to considering Alternatives um I again until we get that information and and do that exploration of Alternatives I you know we won't know what opportunities we'll have to save money versus that 16 a. half% increase um speaking to a couple resolutions on the agenda for tonight um resolution 139 um the fire department occasionally receives Don for their fire training center the dedication by Ryder for from in that resolution is a mechanism that allows These funds to be spent for this purpose when received um or reserved until there is a need um it's this is an alternative to going through the budgetary process and it makes sense when you have um variable and uncertain uh Revenue uh for a particular purpose uh resolution r140 um a res resolution uh authorizing a portion of this work was adopted last December using funds budget in 2023 this resolution authorizes the rest of the work using 2024 funds so that we can complete this project which is the cleanup of the uh old oil recycling facility at the recycling center and that concludes my report thank you Eric and now I'll turn it over to Lori Fernandez our clerk thank you mayor um I wanted to um just go over some important deadlines that are coming up um pertaining to the general election which is taking place on Tuesday November 5th um the first important deadline is Tuesday October 15th which is the deadline for voter registration this is if you are a new voter or you need to change your address or your name uh applications can be found on the county clerk's website which is www.pay count t nj.org or they are on the Burrow's website which is www. hawthor nj.org there's also paper applications in my office um in addition my office will remain open until 900 p.m. on October 15th to receive your applications uh once you get an application and you fill it out you can bring it um to my office I will be hand delivering them the next morning to Patterson um the next important um deadlines or dates uh pertain to early voting as you know we started early voting in June for the primary election that will continue for the general election uh this takes place at our library which is at 3:45 lafette Avenue it will begin on Saturday October 26th for 9 days straight yes over the week weekends Saturday and Sundays until November 3rd the hours are Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. um any and all POS pic County voters are welcome to vote here at the library and vice versa Hawthorne um any pic County voter is welcome to vote at any paic County early voting polling site um so that's the beauty of that you could be visiting Mom or Grandma in Ringwood and you could stop there and vote um I encourage you um to take advantage of this early voting period uh very convenient it's in the usual community room a at the library um parking is right in front um we anticipate uh November 5th to be a busy day so um you do have the luxury of nine other days in October to vote it is in person and at the machine um voting by mail vote by mail ballot the application deadline to receive uh your ballot by mail is October 29th that's a Tuesday uh once you receive the the ballot through the mail um follow the instructions they're very detailed and self-explanatory for marking your ballot sealing it up putting it in an of the other provided envelope um three ways to return that ballot the Dropbox which is in behind burrow Hall uh the back entry doors the drop box is um under surveillance cameras monitor 247 it is emptied out um twice a week by the prosecutor's office I happened to see them there tonight when I was leaving the building and there were quite a few quite a lot of uh ballots in that um bin so um it's a fail safe way I believe uh that your uh ballot is going to get downtown and in the right hands and counted otherwise you can put it in the US mail but just make sure it is received that it's postmarked on the edge no later than November 5th and as well it must be received in the county elections office by November 11th so the um ballots begin um being mailed out by the county clerk the week of September 23rd so um again people have been receiving them and using the Dropbox you cannot return it at a polling place must be the Dropbox there's a list of those Dropbox if you need on both of the websites I mentioned um previously County Clerk or uh burrow clerk um I think that's it that is it and I'll answer any questions if anybody has any um also feel free to call my office if you have any questions 973 427 11167 myself or my Deputy Nancy um can answer your questions thank you Lori Mr President that concludes the report from the administration will answer any questions that the council may have any questions for the administration joke all right no two easy ones in May I put in a request to have a tree trimmed at 89 May Street May 2024 89 May Street I put in a request again in September September 3rd and the tree still hasn't been trimmed I I'm doing the Frank Matthews weeks or I'll trim it myself we'll check tomorrow Joe want to borrow my saw nope I got one of my own okay thank you though all right Pete last week last meeting I put in a request to Joe to have the lights and timing at Lafayette and wag and Lincoln and wag to have them looked at uh do Boswell's brother was here and said he was going to call Dr Boswell to see where we were with that in Arizona and it's the light's worse than ever now okay um I've scheduled uh Frank davasi our traffic engineer he'll be out there with it early next week to look at it thank you that is all um mayor you mentioned that um goel road is uh to Mohawk you said storm water is that the sanitary too both yes so it's a combined sewer no two separate two separate Count's doing this project they're putting new line the contractor for the uh three Ronson this is for the developer yeah that this is for the Dunkin Donuts down at at the at at wag uh I'm sorry on go Road oh think 7 7 79 I was trying to picture where this was so you're over by 7 yeah next door to 7-Eleven where they doing ni conu now construction yeah SC so they're putting in so that contractor is putting in a new storm in sanitary they're hooking up okay I was just trying to figure out so it's not cond do this okay so will be sewer drainage uh storm drain when the other development does go up so I was thinking the same thing you mean what was three R R I don't know what they are now Patriot I don't know was free really they're nothing CU they haven't they haven't showed up at all P something or other okay all right that was my first question my second question um Eric for the uh change order for the uh recycling center investigation uh the work that will be complete does that include a remal action outcome like will be totally done and clean like no further action I believe when we get we will be done but I I guess when we do this work we could discover the problem is uh is more extensive and okay can you share that proposal from Boswell because it wasn't part of the package so the change order for the remaining work so is the the original basically what happened the original proposal included everything right I thought it was in phases when and and since we didn't have enough money last year we have approved three of the four tasks okay but but it really isn't phases it all has to be done together so really isn't a change in the origin scope this is just that my misinterpretation of of the proposal and the lack of sufficient funds last year to do the whole project so we haven't really started any of okay I think that's the better answer like we' been talking about it for five years well I know we've been talking about it and I know I've raised like where are we what's going on so all right now now we get this done then they can uh they can proceed with the whole thing as a unit because it can't be done in the phases P it can't the doesn't really like it that way okay yeah and the proposal absolutely ends with an Rao that thank you Mike yes thank you uh may I think we got to coordinate better because we kind of report on the same thing many times but I I did want to acknowledge I thought this was an excellent idea whoever came up with it about the donation drive so I want to just it Chief spenza I think yeah he he deserves some acknowledgement for a great job thank you that's all I have thought you came up with it no use pain yet Bruce uh yeah hypothetical question for Michael on this uh lead pain ordinance two family house occupied by one family the whole thing technically there's no renters how does that fit into this regul you're renting it two family house is not the right not the because you could have a single family house that's rented so it's only if it's a rental property not a seasonal rental either it's got to be a rental as in if you rent the second unit then yes you're responsible if you rent the whole house you have to have it so yes and hypothetically the house so hypothetically hypthetically so you're Goodway right if it's all family living there and there's no actual exchange of rents it's not a rental property okay that clears it up you should actually contact the assessor's office to get your taxes lowered for that yeah no you don't want to do that because the value in the houses as a two family on resale all right let trying Bruce just looking for an update on the Lial on wager Road I spoke with uh the owner of the property um he is very um upset uh Lidle still hasn't gotten back to him uh he notified his attorney to have his attorney notify Lyle's attorney because he they may be pulling the plug so to speak uh because it's been so long uh the last time I spoke with him uh which was probably a month or so uh he had said that the uh paperwork Developers agreement went over to Germany uh for their review I guess that's their their corporate office um and then he hasn't heard another thing from him so he contacted his attorney to say either let's go or there's no deal he's about ready to say that's it he's done so they didn't need so for The public's information they didn't need to go for the plan the zoning board there was board planning board so there was no we didn't accommodate them with a zone change it was properly zoned correct correct so this uh property owner may be uh well he's actually he's actually looking for another uh tenant okay Aldi's is looking same well yeah I think Aldi's is a I say Walmart doesn't look so bad well don't say okay I appreciate the update thank you mayor welcome anything Dominic nope I'm off that okay I'm good too anything else that concludes a report from ad Administration can I have a motion record the administrative motion by Bennett second by wki all in favor I motion carries introduction of ordinances we have zoning ordinance 2349 d24 an ordinance to repeal and replace chapter 540 zoning and Land Development part three storm water management and article uh 11 storm water management for major development be resol this ordinance has now passed a first reading and that said ordinance be considered for final passage at the governing body of Municipal Building 445 Lafayette Avenue Thor New Jersey on November 6th 2024 and at said time in place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and a clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the set ordinance in the record once at least one week prior to set hearing with the notice of its introduction time and place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage you have a motion some move second motion by skir second by leosa discussion I think this is um a little bit arbitrary it makes uh assumptions about future into beyond our lifetimes maybe uh and it's going to have costs that are going to be passed along to homeowners based on elevations of properties new construction insurance premiums and if you had complied with the records today of the base flood elevations they're raising it by five feet soon the people who already did it are compliant they're still in the flood area according to this but they don't have to do anything so I said last meeting the next state regulation or imposed I would be voting no and this qualifies for my no vote based on the reasons why I just said being in this industry I don't think you're arbitrary I think I it it's based on assumptions um that are really not based on science but you can have houses that are going to be next to each other and your rates are going to go up 30 40% for your flood insurance and you don't have to qualify to elevate because you just did it the idea that we can look 74 76 years down the road and understand what the weather will be like is insane but that's what it does that's my point Trenton can't figure out what's going to happen next week let alone 76 years from now well they'll be telling you what they're going to do mandated we mandated to do this so they say we are mandated we're actually late to the party but it's all right I took my time roll call wki yes skara yes saso yes mey yes leosa yes Bennett no Matthews no motion carries on to the next disaster ordinance 2350 24 is an ordinance to amend chapter 280 of the code of the burre of hathorne housing standards creating there under Article 2 lead base paint inspections speed resolved this ordinance is now pass the first reading it said ordinance be further considered for final passage at the meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on November 6 2024 and at said time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the ordinance in the record once at least one week prior to said hearing with the notice of its introduction time and place when a where said ordinance would be considered for final passage have a motion so Move Motion by skier second second by with techie there's another poorly written ordinance or yep ordinance uh fully written or mandated and written by the state because we we're adopting their requirements it's only for rental prop it's only for rental properties it's not for upon sale of property so the little kid that they're afraid of chewing on the window sill if he rents we have to protect him but if you sell the house and the little kid's family who buys it and chews on the window sill he doesn't need to be protected no so I mean it makes no sense what they're doing I I applaud them trying to do something but they're not being consistent with what they're trying to from the we found out from the water ordinance they don't even know what lead is so well that too and in 100 years I think the level's going to be a lot higher just like the water sure it's coming place any other discussion Michael this doesn't affect selling a house and right just a rental no it's it's renting of houses so it's got to be every two years or on new tency and it's going to cost a homeowner about $250 to $300 yeah every I don't understand the every two years part if it passes what's going to change two years from now St flaking your paint could alligator so basically if if your trim is in good condition and you've painted over you know 50 layers below his lead paint you go you're okay it's when it starts to flake off or somebody can chew on the chips like some children do uh so basically if you got an inspection coming paint your trim and you're fine could also galvanized paint yeah you could get certified lead free um so there is a certification also of lead free uh that's basically immunity for life versus the every twoyear one but you have to pay for that on your own right that's done with an x-ray of your paint and same report will get issued but it's another cost they're passing along to a homeowner right and we know that this is just the beginning right this is for rentals and they just make it for everything it is coming down the pipe for sales as well yeah I'm sure we check for smoke detectors on on sales but not necessarily on rentals I don't believe let's just talk about government overreach right yep so r no in all caps okay you got it leosa yes mey yes saso begrudgingly yes skara also begrudgingly yes wki yes Matthews no capitalized and understuck resolutions we have consent agenda r138 d24 to r141 d24 r138 d24 is chapter 159 pedestrian safety enforcement Grant r139 d24 is dedication by Ryder for the hfd training center r140 d24 is a Bosell Engineering Services for the recycling center remedial investigation and R1 14124 is authorized settlement with BS BASF of the suit pertaining to posos products have a motion Mo motion by Mee Sasso second second by Sasso any discussion roll call W abstain on 139 d24 yes on the rest bisara yes saso yes mey yes leosa abstain on R 14124 and yes on all others thanks Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries report to special Council committees Joe start your way thank you a list of uh we had a Board of Health meeting earlier in September and a list of questions were submitted to the mayor um I did meet with him earlier today and asked that he review him and reply to all of the questions some of them have actually employees names so I didn't want to bring them up at the meeting second I would just like to make a comment about the fishing derby Frank and your committee do an amazing job you made so many young boys and girls extremely happy so thank you very much that's my goal that is all um just want to announce uh the um horth environmental commission and green team will be um doing a celebration expanding our community garden this Sunday at 3:00 all is welcome if it rains it's moved to Sunday October 20th so I haven't even looked at the weather so it's good well hopefully we'll do it so we're going to um I'm going to do a ribbon cutting I think CU I have ribbon um but this is um an expansion that we started last year and we're finishing up this year and we did get a grant from City Green so they've been invited as well so everyone is welcome to come thanks and also we issued a kids newsletter on the horth community garden and that was sent to the schools and I posted that on Facebook and stuff so it just really tells a little bit more about the community garden thanks Mike yes I first want to apologize for my lenty report but I'll be as quick as possible to get through with it last week the ordinance uh the ordinance committee met because that's what we do uh we discussed several ordinances um some of that are on agenda tonight that uh our attorney Michael Pasquel discussed and some uh such as the mandated lead uh paint inspections and also the stone water was also mandated and some will be coming through this Council in the near future uh next the Hispanic heritage celebration will take place on Saturday as the mayor said I'm just going to repeat it to make sure everybody hits home with it this Saturday at 1:00 starting at 1 ending at 4: in the park and lot Municipal Building food trucks live live music and DJ music not at the same time now uh dancing and much more um everyone is invited to come and taste uh taste the Hispanic culture and borrow from the New York Mets bring your kitties bring your wife you're guaranteed to have the time of your life to believe that was for you Frank okay and at the last Board of Education meeting there were several items that reported that I thought would interest the public um they have a final referendum update and since uh since the referendum referendum started in September 2019 they've completed 21 classroom Renovations seven science labs five media centers five art rooms two music band rooms and a stem lab and a culinary room at the high school they installed new windows at the high school a new interior doors and hardware at all schools upgraded the elevators at the high school added air conditioning to the high school auditorium replaced numerous hallway ceiling uh ceilings in haon high school installed new fire alarm systems and new generators at all schools uh new boils were installed at Roosevelt and Lincoln uh new wall graphics at all schools expanded security Camas and completed roof Replacements at Washington Jefferson Lincoln Roosevelt and the high school implemented one inone Chrome books Initiative for for all students and laptops initiatives for the staff um so I just I want to say that because that was the $24 million referendum that the public approved for and it's just some of the things that they did with it uh secondly they also announced that they received a 2024 cops Grant to replace the public address system and and handheld radios in all schools and school buses this $500 Grant will be the benefit the school district 500,000 thank you you're reading my line you want to finish it that's what I'm here for all right thank you buddy um this $500,000 Grant will benefit the school district as it will enhance the Safety and Security districtwide uh they hope to partner with the hon Police Department to allow them to connect within new radios and emergency situations the next Board of Ed Education meeting will be 700 p.m. Tuesday October 15th at the Hawthorne High School auditorium and this concludes my long long report you apologize for the other one what you apologize for the other one report what about this one I did I said it in the very beginning Bruce no I can't top that yes uh just a a note that our horor ambulance uh Corp is having their beef sake on November 2nd at the Boys and Girls Club if you would like tickets Please contact any volunteer ambulance member I would like to give a really nice shout out to the NPP our downtown area our pocket park looks fabulous um they're putting our uh grant money and any donations to really good uh work it it looks wonderful so I certainly notice I'm sure our uh residents do so thank you very much and I really want to um just give a shout out I'm very honored to say that the 911 flag that we have been flying at our Memorial since 2021 has been submitted into legislation by our Senator curado and supported by um Joseph Lano Lano so it has both partis in support to become the state flag for 911 um all proceeds go to both survivors family and also any veteran in addition we have the assembly support of um CHR Phillips and I will also have it presented to Al baras so the flag that we have been flying I think we're the only municipality since 2021 is on its way to becoming the state flag and hopefully the entire United States recognized flag for 911 and uh all of its survivors I'm honored that they have stepped up to do this and uh it's an almsgiving function that our town has been doing already so just a thank you to uh our representatives and uh a nod to our buau that's already been doing this so thank you and uh proud to be a part of it that's all Dominic we had a mpal Alliance meeting last week and we had discussions on the future I'll let's I'll report on next meeting what we just what we decided on okay thank you all right last night's planning board meeting was cancelled again Chamber of Commerce as Joe mentioned we had a great day for the fishing derby we had over 75 Kids come out prizes were awarded to the three age groups for the longest heaviest and most fish caught I want to thank everyone who donated Time products or even the tables and chairs from the boys and girls club and ice from Scully ice and that's all I have to report correspondents we have none but we have bills have a motion to approve the bills and forward them to the treasur for payment second motion by Mee second by skier any questions on any of the bills roll call Bennett yes leosa um estain on the horth environmental commission and yes on all others thank you mey yes Sasso yes skara yes bki stay on the fire department yes on all others Matthews yes motion carries public comment now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard please raise your hand and be recognized come forward to the microphone state your name for the record Mr yes uh just uh councilman skara you had made mention that the school board got a $500,000 it's called a cops Grant cops Grant right does that have anything to do with the SRO in Lincoln School I I don't in what I asked the superintendent to do is to because I I watched the meeting and then I asked him to send me a report so I made sure I got on the information so what I did is just copy and paste exactly what he reported at his his Board of Ed meeting so it did not say specifically about the SRO it it had information related to the public address system handheld radios uh in all schools and buses and it was a $500,000 Grant and they're looking to enhance the Safety and Security uh districtwide and they're looking to partner up with the police department so that's all I have you may want to you know I'll check with the superintendent okay thank you okay thank wel Ronald vogle 16 rizon Terrace orto New Jersey uh just want to go back about three or four weeks ago uh when uh Jeff Boswell was here I asked the committee and the administration if I could show him plants and you guys said okay and he read the plants unacceptable do you you know what what I'm talking about well I go and it's it's on tape and everything so with that last week I asked the administration if I could show Kevin Boswell these plans you jumped and said no you're suing us you can't do this on a fly can I ask you counselor how do you know I'm suing the town do you have a tour claim I didn't say you were suing the town I said you were threatening to sue the town I would say you have threatened litigation I will tell you you threatened litigation is what I said and on top of it I do not feel that a public comment section session is the time to present a plan to the engineer so he can give an off-the-cuff opinion on something if you want a plan reviewed by our engineer it's submitted to the administ rtion who then determines whether or not that should happen people from the public are here to make public comment not to say hey took a take a look at these plans well you know that this is an issue I did put in for the Oprah act to get the reports from the engineering departments none of them in exist so that tells me something a right somewhere now Peter happened to be the engineer at the time when Mr di agustino asked him uh are you going to sign off on this uh this this job and he tells them no because he has no plans so I being somewhat knowledgeable about the courts my family's inv involved in law enforcement all their life so I shut my mouth and my wife is sick dying in a chair and I'm she's watching her property get decimated where else do you want me to go I did I have an attorney I got rid of him because somebody's holding hands with him too I got rid of him I got another attorney but I'm not suing the town and I never said I never threaten the town because if I would have threaten the town you would have said something then why would you if I did you let me show them the plans that one time even even if you were not suing the town or threatening to sue the town the proper way to present plans to our professional is not to hand it to him at the meeting and say give me your opinion I wouldn't allow that to happen period so professional but that that's not how things are done listen when they when your home when my the homeowner presid gave the plants to the building department and said it was okay to do that now he's got to oversee that because he's the engineer when you get a zoning permit and you change the Contour of the property in the state you need an engineer and he had no engineer that came from this town whoever he had outside that's his business and it didn't it reflects on the competency of the professionalism of the engineering department that you have in this town I don't know what that means all I know is this I know this Ron if the municipal doctor was here at a meeting do you think you could go up to him and say it hurts when I go like this and you would get an examination that wouldn't happen either that's essentially what you're asking our engineer to do you're asking our engineer to take a look at your situation and give an opinion that's not how it works just because he's a professional I'm a professional too and if you said hey take a look at this will that I drafted what do you think do you think I'm going to do that while I'm sitting here of course not but if you want to pay me to review it I do that off listen I knew when I came tonight that I was going to get lawyer lawyer mumble jumble okay and listen I got a lot of friends that are attorneys and judges and this is this is unheard of every time I come here to get answers I get a dance I I need the I need the answers because my property I got another picture that I found in my archives that shows my property in pristine condition after this operation with this wall there's a gully I'm missing dirt on my property sooner or later water is a terrible thing takes time there's going to be a SE cold my trees might fall down on my house then what do we do if I don't take care of this now later down the road I'm gonna have more issues and we're all GNA have more issues and you have been taking care you've hired an attorney now you've hired a second attorney you should have hired an engineer to take a look at the situation I assume you've done that money to protect me when you have a duty you have a f obligation in this town you take my taxes you got to protect me okay is that true Ron you you want the answer you want you want us to tell you that your analysis of the situation is the right one and it's not going to happen at a public meeting we have looked at this situation we'll continue to look at it we've done that looking and doing are two different things if you don't do nothing nothing's going to happen what's going to happen is it's going to get worse every time it rains it's an event so the statue limitations doesn't res dissolve every time it rains I get killed again Ron you want us to tell you that the reason you're getting this problem is because that wall went up that's correct there's not any person not any who's said that except you when you hire a professional who tells us that that's the problem then we'll know it's the problem up to this point not any person other than you has said that's the cause of it has the board of construction appeals made a ruling on the uh request to dismiss the building permit the board of appeals denied the appeal I mean I'm sorry accepted the appeal denied the imposition by our building department of a um requirement that there be a permit taken out so the board of appeals information was ever told at a meeting that's what I was told I was not at that meeting but I was told that the construction board of appeals has denied um Hawthorne's imposition of a requirement that a building permit be taken out that's what I was told I guess that's new info are we going to get a confirmation from them I will work on getting that I was told that but I don't know you want but at least it's it's a direction that got back Frank let me tell you right from the Geto when they got their zoning permit that's one entity you need a building permit to get that job done and you could ask the engineer he will tell you that and he needs an engineer for seepage and drainage none of them exist so the building department is uh complicit too but but the State Board of I'm suing the homeowner I'll tell you that right now in the public Arena here I am suing the homeowner and when Aaron sge comes and comes looking for you then then we'll we'll have a different dance okay okay thank you so much enjoy my taxes anyone else wish to be heard I'm sorry that's okay no you're fine seeing no one I attend a motion to close the public portion of the meeting no Move Motion by withi second by skara all in favor I at this point we're going to go into close session we have pursuant to njsa 10 col 4-13 and the Attorney General's formal opinion 29 1976 Iain a motion to adopt resolution CS4 d24 that the public be excluded from this portion of the meeting in order so that the council may discuss contract negotiations items discussed in closed session can be disclosed to the public when a course of action is determined or decisions been made can I have a motion so move by all in favor motion carries yeah yeah