e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e see the problem what did they okay 7 o'clock May 15th I call tonight's council meeting to order roll call Bennett here leosa here mey here Sasso here skara here wki here m Matthews here please rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the annual schedule of regular meetings here for it adopted and posted on the public Bolton board and at the municipal building emailed to The Herald News the record in the Gazette and all persons who requested the mailing of such since December 7th 2023 approval of the minutes can approval of the minutes for the regular meeting of May 1st mot so Move Motion by leosa second by wki any discussion roll call wki yes skara yes Sasso yes muy yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes public comment I'll now open the meeting to the public anyone to be heard on agenda items come forward the microphone state your name seeing no one I entertain a motion to close public portion so Move Motion by skiera second by anybody second second by leosa all in favor I motion carries adoption of ordinances ordinance 2342 d24 in ordinance to fix the salaries for 2024 wages and compensation of the employees of the bur of hathorne County of Pake state of New Jersey and now open the meeting to the public anyone desires to be heard regarding this ordinance please raise your hand come forward to the microphone seeing none I entertain a motion that the public hearing on this ordinance be closed that it be posted or resolved that this ordinance was posted on the bolon board in which Public Notices are customarily posted published in the record and made available on the bough website and available to the public now therefore be resolved this ordinance be adopted and the clerk is authorized to advertise the same according to law have a motion by wki second by skira any discussion I think we only have one group still open yeah I was being vague but okay yeah otherwise than that pretty good they have a decertification petition pending before perk with a vote actually uh two weeks from no a week from today and so we'll know then whether we go back into negotiations or whether we take action ourselves to uh um adopt salaries for this year got it okay roll call Bennett yes leosa yes mey yes Sasso yes skara yes botki yes Matthews yes motion carries old business Dominic will'll start your way Anna Marie I'm good Bruce no sir Michael nope Arena just a followup mayor um do you have any update on the uh traffic study that you were going to ask the police for the 1 hour parking on Lincoln Avenue just following up on that yes they're still working on it the traffic department is still working on it and I'll check with them tomorrow and see what the what the progress is okay great thank you welcome Jo nothing how about new how about okay Rea well it's official today May 15th poly permanent container is at the recycling center so you guys can go down to your heart's desire when you get fre projects so it's all there um the tap net I just want to give a shout out to them because um they issued our press release last week and then today they issued again with our flyer with the rules and regulations about the polystyrene permanent container that we're collecting so thank you were you able to sleep last night knowing today was the day oh yeah today was the day it was great there will be no colle in October just want to make that announcement here however I did see Raina with her clicker at shred day that's right or was that shred day learned from the best Anthony dellaa the uh Lieutenant the sergeant um about traffic in two lanes so I saw him this morning and Carlos thanked him for it I just want to say at the rabies clinic last night the police said get your shot I helped the Board of Health I didn't see you there though he got his I got m in off so the guy goes you're good but you're not as good as Raina I was like [Laughter] goodbye Michael uh yes I want to acknowledge uh a little shout out to the mayor great job on the power washing of uh of the building it looks really really good and also thank Down's uh tree service for uh you know replacing our tree and donating the new one so that was nice that's it Bruce rabies poish styr and power washing I can't top that no well this is not going to you know hold up to that but um just a quick question so we have a resident that's on lafad DAV extension and um strangely enough their curbs were asphalted over I don't know by who and then the curbs were taken out maybe by snowplow just want to give them some direction as to who to speak to on that they were told it's County Road I I'd like for us hopefully to be able to direct them and help them and help in what's the what's the street number 948 I'll email you mayor okay but I just want to also educate myself on who to direct that uh yeah County roads will always be the county I we can reach out on behalf of the resident to the county but uh but they will it will is the county that would handle County Road issue is that a lengthy process Cur right I know it depends on how fast the the county responds often they're they're pretty good but if I could just add to it I know that psng was doing work up there and if they put temporary patch where the curb should be it is ps's responsibility to replace it it's it's pretty so there are the the the handicap ramp was put in and then it's quite you know I would say good I don't know 75 plus feet of curbing that's asphalted over and then I guess the snow plow took it out so it's the house may transfer ownership at some point in the next six months and I just would um they reached out to me and I'm thinking common sense says we should hopefully help them before transfer of ownership because it looks like a it's a problem that should be solved right I think they did reach out to our DPW Ronnie Gonzalez was very helpful he did say it was a county thing um and I just was hoping that we could help it not slip through the cracks if okay we'll reach out to the Cy what we won't do is do something El because once we start doing work on County Roads and we res assume responsibility for County Roads something we found out in in a lawsuit years ago on North 8th Street and so and and ended up having to pay money because you know we assumed County responsibilities and so that we were held held liable for certainly I understand I'm just talking about like directing and you know we we'll reach out on behalf of the resident thank you so much and then mayor I had um emailed you about two other property maintenance items any follow up on those Property Maintenance was out there uh they they first send them a notice the sidewalk slab is really my first because that property will transfer soon okay what's the street address again um it was tuxedo okay where somebody had used asphalt instead of yeah they I gave them that as soon as you gave it to me okay um I don't know if it's fixed yet but I'll check with them tomorrow thank you so much that's it Dominic I'm okay and I have none either so turn to the administrative agenda presented by mayor Lane thank you Mr President at this time um we have a proclamation for uh our EMS our ambulance Corps uh this week is C Ms week and I'd like to ask the Chief to come forward and uh please and Anna Marie would you come down as a liaison [Music] please camera's there okay doesn't matter this Proclamation is for EMS uh they do such a terrific job in our community every every day day and night uh and I'm just so proud that uh I can do this for uh for our Emergency Services whereas as Emergency Medical Services is a vital public service and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Service teams are ready to provide life-saving care to those in need 24 hours a day 7 days a week and whereas access to Quality Emergency Care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury and whereas the members of the Emergency Medical Service teams whether career or volunteer engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life-saving skills and whereas it is appropriate to recognize and appreciate the value and the accomplishments of the Willam B mwini Memorial ambulance Corps members that serve our community and keep us safe now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council the bar foror do hereby Proclaim it the week of May 19th through 25th of 2024 as Emergency Medical Service week in the burrow of hathorne in recognition of the hathorne volunteer ambulance Corps and all those engaged in Emergency Medical Services activities and encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs ceremonies and activities in witness whereof I pr place my hand unto the Seal of the burrow of hathorne and affix this this 15th day of May 2024 my signed by myself as mayor and the rest of the council congratulations thank you for your service thank you guys for all your service it's greatly appreciated and we we just uh don't know how to honor you but we we we are going to make sure that uh that you hang us uh in your meeting room uh with with pleasure thank you hold on thank you very much thank you this Sunday we will be doing a walk for wellness under the mayor's Wellness campaign beginning at 2 p.m. we will meet at the high school track at 2 p.m. and do a warm-up with retrofitness and walk up and around the pond returning to the high school where we we will have some vendors with food this event will end at approximately 4:30 5:00 please come out and join us to our horor seniors the dress rehearsal of Lincoln Middle School's production mam Mia M I'm sorry Matilda is tomorrow Thursday May 16th at 6 p.m in the hor at the high school auditorium doors open at 5:30 snacks and water will be available if you haven't rsvpd please call my office by noon tomorrow 973 42711 68 on Tuesday the new Chiller was installed for the municipal building which replaced the old one which was installed in 1980 when the building was built the cost of the chiller was $235,700 65 and we received a grant from public service so our Co our our our cost was only $47,500 which will be paid monthly over the next 60 months shred day last Saturday was a huge success I want to thank all of our recycling coordinators Moren cook Linda Boonstra and Brian bero for the DPW student inter intern Jewel banana and environmental commission chair R Rea leosa for putting this together we are working on all of our back charges for Quality Electric for the field at Franklin for the installation of the new lights regarding Ridgewood Avenue an electronic speed sign is in place and an additional one will be installed shortly in order to monitor the traffic on this street tonight's council is approving the 2024 budget and in the budget is new netting and post for our tennis courts and pickle ball courts we will be installing these shortly please be patient with us also I have been asked about the possibility of holding pickle ball clinics and I am working on that project right now New Jersey New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission mobile unit will be here at Burrow Hall on Monday May 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. the flyer with details on how to sign up for an appointment is on our website and attached to my letter on Friday in Facebook and nixel last weekend the municipal building was power washed the contractor will be back when the weather clears up and the Sun comes out to finish the power washing and painting inperson early voting begins Wednesday May 29th at 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the hathorne library room a and runs through Sunday June 2nd also for those of you dropping off your ballots in the mail in the box outside Barrow Hall please note that they are picked up daily by the prosecutor's office the DPW is completing the work at the pool in order to get it ready for opening day which will be which will be Memorial Day Weekend sign up weekend signups this Friday May 17th from 5: to 7:30 p.m. at Burl Hall plans are underway for our Memorial Day service at noon in the parade which will start at 1:30 stepping off at the corner of Lafayette and Ray and Will Follow by the Trad additional route as documented in my last letter regarding nixel I ask you to sign up for nixel in order to receive important news and notifications from the buau there are different subject groups and depending on what your interest is please sign up accordingly and now I'll turn it over to my attorney Michael Pasqual thank you mayor congratulations EMS you had to stay for the mayor you don't have to stay for me way clear room Michael that's listen I never know when I might need them so I got to be good to them and congratulations to you mayor and your wife Margot who are longstanding tremendous Volunteers in that organization uh been at calls at our house actually a few times for my grandfather so uh work you guys do is fantastic thank you the hours that we get out of these volunteers is immeasurable we would be spending probably around two to $3 million a year to replace those hours if we were to hire so uh what they do in our community is just amazing uh couple of things to report on first of all uh I was in court with Mr Spa the other day um didn't even realize I had court until the judge said hey you need to respond to this order to show cause it seems Phil filed in order to show cause with the court uh trying to restrain the burrow from dis disposing of the garbage we took from his front lawn um it was too late it was already in a landfill by the time it was filed so there's really nothing we can do the judge said can't really bring it back and and Phil to his credit said no I understand that uh judge Boro Stan had already stayed the burrow from doing any further removal until she decided the underlying case but judge lanti said okay you can sue the burough for damages if you wish which Phil will be doing um trying to demonstrate the value of items that sat on his lawn for the last four years how it goes have you seen the new tent oh it's full it's just got to be considered outside storage within the setbacks it's it's you know we we good news is have a court date and the underlying matter the appeal from Prospect Park of June 5th so hopefully we will get some clarity I don't know if that'll be the final hearing date but it is at least a hearing date to move that matter forward um on your agenda tonight is a resolution that I I I strongly urge your support of and that's r85 Oprah was you know adopted as law over 20 years ago Loretta Weinberg was the main sponsor of the bill she was a fervent supporter of openness in government government and none of us in this room nobody up on the day nobody down here has any issue with the idea of open government but the unintended consequences of Oprah have been dramatic and they have cost hours and hours of Lor's time nany's time the time of our Police Department our building department uh countless employees in countless municipalities fishing takes place where a company that for instance wants to sell um dog fences Invisible Fences will ask for a list of every dog owner in a community and we have to give that to them and we have to provide everybody with lists of dog owners uh companies that do termite in Services ter water contractors they ask in they Oprah massive lists of information and they use it for commercial gain the intended purpose of Oprah was to make sure that government happens in open sessions not smoke filed back rooms we applaud that but the unintended consequences need to be dialed back this bill which is wholeheartedly supported by municipalities in opposed by newspapers um such that they are um who knew there was newspapers but um you know it's it's a bill that really should have our support because again nobody here is saying there should not be Oprah that that government officials should be held accountable for everything they do absolutely but private Enterprises that are making money at the expense of our taxpayers and at the time of our clerks and our officials is wrong so hopefully this bill remedies some of that um it's got widespread support and I ask your for support of that resolution finally most importantly Bandshell season five weeks um joose and Friends kicks us off on the Sunday after Father's Day and the Friday that follows because joses and friends are not old enough we have the 100th anniversary of the fire department band at the Bandshell that's actually a great um event the fire department band has in in been in place for a hundred years I don't know that any of the original members will be there but uh there's 25 to 30 members that will be showing up and Performing and it's it's a great thing it's free to the community I thank the committee for all its hard work I thank our Prime uh Council sponsor Dominic mey for tirelessly working for this project um he has been front and center with it I thank Frank was um because Frank was instrumental in the construction of it U with the architectural side of it and of course all of you because pretty much every one of you in fact every one of you makes it to our Bell Events uh and I thank our sponsors of course because we do this at no cost to the taxpayers but we could always use more money so just a hint to those of you who are watching any amounts are appreciated that mayor concludes my report thank you Michael and now turn it over to our engineer Joe burn thank you mayor uh the galvanized water service Le uh line replacement Phase 2 uh today suar propert sugar Property Services has completed 35 service Replacements as of last week uh The Replacements on Florence Avenue are scheduled to be completed this week with restoration taking place next week uh the contractor has started Replacements on Second Street and there are a handful of test pits required for war burden but the police department requested that we wait until school is out before investigating those uh for phase three of the uh galvanized water service line replacement project uh the submission for phase 3 is currently under review by the NGB and we're waiting to hear back from them uh the recreational field facility upgrades uh the project is complete and final payment will be requested once maintenance bond is provided uh the Franklin Field lighting project um the field is substantially complete um and is currently being used for recreation uh we're awaiting uh the lighting report and brackets uh brackets approval for musco lighting and and once provided the final installation items can be performed uh for the water department PFC treatment system the posa systems um all these systems are currently operational and the uh sprinkler system repairs at North Station took place on Saturday May 11th uh revised Landscaping plans were prepared for all the sites and pack to is scheduled to complete the installation of landscaping at the end of next week uh scatter communication extras were requested by the DPW and the contractors currently trenching for the same uh the sorry the Hawthorne Kitty pool enhancements uh Premier Pool Renovations has completed the plumbing work and has poured the concrete uh contractors said that they'll have a bonding certification by the end of the week uh they're currently awaiting uh delivery of the spray features and we'll install the same upon delivery uh dely is scheduled for sometime in the next week uh Hawthorne downtown revitalization phase three uh we're currently waiting for comments if any from NJ doot and our offices are currently coordinating with the arborist on the proposed Planters and Street tree plantings uh rehea Avenue and the gole road traffic study the report was previously prepared and provided to the mayor um that same report has been submitted to the county and we're currently waiting to hear back back from the same uh the Franklin Field bleacher improvements the final design drawings specifications have been provided to the mayor the lead Tama materials will push construction to the winter so as not to interfere with the football season uh the Hawthorne Library roof uh the work has been completed and a change order is currently being considered to close out the project and uh that concludes my report mayor thank you Joe and now turn it over to our administrator Eric M thank thank you I'd like to start out with some good news even though it's not really news to us uh following their protracted biocratic process the njde today has finally acknowledged what we've known locally for two months now that our recently completed posos treatment equipment at all points of entry into the system is working as expected taking posos levels of all types down to nondetect and has authorized the bureau to send out a closeout notice to all customers this notice should be in the mail by the end of this month or early June just to be clear to everyone for the past 10 weeks there has been no detectable level of pfoa or pfos or any of three dozen other posos chemicals in Hawthorne water none notada zil Z this brings us into compliance not only with current njde regs but also recently adopted and much stricter Federal regs from the EPA all All That Remains now is to pay for construction of this mandated project and the future cost to periodically replace the P removal resin we had the 133% increases in 2023 and 2024 were just the start there will be another large increase in 2025 the size of that increase is yet unknown and will be dependent on various factors that are still not resolved how much if any principal forgiveness we receive on the njib loan being used to finance the project how much we receive in settlement dollars for our lawsuit against posos manufacturers and how much of our now pasos free water we can sell to other utilities on this last Point resolution R 8424 authorizes a one-year agreement with Ridgewood water to sell them some of our excess capacity uh we are still working with Ridgewood on a longer term agreement and have had initial conversations with another municipality interested in buying water these negotiations must proceed with due care and caution to ensure we get the best possible result for our residents and rate payers and that concludes oh one other thing I'd like to uh thank the council in advance for their consideration tonight uh for adoption of the 2024 budget the process wasn't easy this year and and so I appreciate all the work everyone's done and the consideration you're giving it thank you thank you Eric Mr President will answer any questions that the council may have any questions for administration Frank yes John who's going to do the letter to the people could it be our letter or have to be the federal has to be the state they've given us a form letter right it's just long we will be adding some additional information uh that we think that people need to know okay thank you put in your letter who's costing you money to do that oh yeah that that will be one of the topics anyone else I do Michael you want to go go ahead no no no go in order all right sure uh Michael uh the Oprah request what what does this change actually do because I understand the abuse and that's not something that I'm I'm attracted to hearing somebody abused the you know the law but this change with it now I'm talking about the general public they still have the ability to over could you clarify that for me yeah I mean with the with the bill intends to do is to start to differentiate a little bit between Oprah requests you know we were never as municipalities allowed to consider the subject matter so for there was no difference between a public um a citizen requesting a police report or records from the building department which everybody should have access to versus the company that wants to sell dog fencing so what this does is allows us some latitude in determining the purpose of the Oprah and allowing us to get away from spending tons of taxpayer dollars in that regard so that that the primary purpose is to allow some differentiation so but the residents will lose no right whatsoever everything that a resident enjoys they will continue to enjoy it's the abuses in the the system that we are trying to get removed from the system okay and there are some abuses we have had people most recently somebody requested you know a a list of every property ever assessed for every sidewalk project we ever did and for for purpose of Simply um weaponization causing causing abuse but you know the good new is Oprah does allow us to impose a service charge which we calculated to be over $113,000 um they have yet to pay the 13,000 but you know that is one safeguard that's in there but the abuses in the system um the courts have so widely and broadly interpreted in favor of the legislation that they've sanctioned things like I said fishing Expeditions yeah no and I understand that and people have a right I mean one of the rights one of the the other problems that we have is people's rights to privacy of their information are at Jeopardy so um people have dogs that they really don't care to let everyone know I have a dog and yet we have to so it's become a marketing tool for a lot of it does it does and and the and the right of a person to have some privacy is being lost in this so when you apply for a dog license why why does somebody need to know that I have a dog but we also offer uh what people's salaries are I think that if we yeah it's a part of open public record and I think that we should continue with it I totally disagree that they're trying to turn us back 20 years and hide the information that should be there for the public if so they chose to have it now I understand what you're saying about companies that abuse that power and maybe that should be looked at but not by the way Murphy's trying to intend this to go through well again Murphy is actually you know somebody who is very much in favor of open government and there's nothing in the legislation that I see that you know turns it back to the point where free information is not out there but again I I do believe that this is a tailored Bill and that it really is looking at the abuses that have come to rise I have a question I'm a big proponent of Daniel's laws you know we should have some privacy uh uh but so just piggybacking on that but I my only question I'm a I'm a pro for this right who makes the decision so the clerks have a tremendous task that is now being abused as we understand is the onus on them to decide that somebody's using it for uh an abusive manner let's say I'm going to use that heavy word it's a commercial use versus a private citizen who is being abusive of the information it's onus on the clerk it'll that's a lot that's a lot putting on our clerks right or no it already is on the clerk's so the clerk the clerk is the front line on this the clerk I mean in R case always will consult with me okay on these things the government records Council weighs in on things they're not always helpful but they do weigh in and uh ultimately it comes to courts and one of the worst things we see is people municipalities getting smacked with large legal Awards because of judgment that was used which in many cases was not poor judgment it was actually seemingly sound judgment that the court said no was it was not sound judgment and the law says you have to pay a lot of money well you know the Oprah in itself was a great thing and now it needs to be tailored that's that's all that any of us want is not to eliminate but to to eliminate some of the abuses that's well so well hopefully it'll roll out some of the tailoring to the onus being not just on our Municipal clerks but you know I'm I'm grateful that they have a good um bu attorney to help them with that those decisions because that's a lot it is that's a lot on them so thank you Reena joh I just piggyback on that is that we're allowing who we have in the state legis legisl who is forcing us to replace every single water line in the burough of Hawthorne when there is no lead there to make the determination on whether or not and what will be chosen for Oprah think about that yeah is that Federal coming out can't disagree I I I all right I still have another question you had your turn no I asked one I had two okay thank you um Eric all right so now that we are going to begin selling water because our water is deemed safe and you know non detectable it is safe but it's not it steem safe it's safe yeah it's not detectable um have we included the additional cost of the useful life of the resin that we're going to need to replace in the sale price of the water sure I mean because that's going to be the res is going to go through a lot faster yeah sure sure I mean the there is a marginal cost to producing water everything from additional electricity additional chemicals just for normal treatment um um and but the biggest the biggest cost was always electricity because you because for pumping the water out of the ground and up to the tanks and so forth now the biggest cost will be replacement of the resin so yes we have to make sure that that any negotiated um sale more than covers the cost of producing that water and produces extra money that helps us pay off the treatment system and other Capital things for the for so with that being said do we know the cost not only we probably can figure out the cost of replacement resid but not a disposal of the resid it's all it's all it's all included it's all included when you buy it it's included okay I just want to make sure right and so yeah so we will we need we need we need to come out ahead on this we can't say okay we're we're going to sell water for um X when it costs us X+ one to produce the water no we want to make sure I like these neighboring towns but I don't like them that much no yeah it it's the the sale needs to work for both parties it needs to work for us and it needs to work for them and and and what we're really doing in some cases is selling capacity and and now that we have a couple people interested I don't want to sell capacity without ensuring that we're it includes actual water sold enough to justify um committing our capacity to one municipality or another so do we know when when we engineered this initially uh uh the capacity was based on you know the usage of hathorne you know the the the treatment the treatment systems are designed to to handle the amount of water we permitted through our permits to take out of the ground we haven't used that so they're big enough okay for to handle the amount of water we're allowed to pump out of the ground even though we don't use anywhere near all of the water we pump out of the ground so the systems are big enough it and obviously the more water goes through the resin the sooner it'll have to be replaced and so we have to figure out what the with the impact of of replacing um resin sooner by by producing more water and that cost we passed on to any of our any any of our wholesale customers okay I just wanted to make sure we we thought of all that thank you that's all I have Rea just a followup mayor you mentioned the wait uh Street monitoring traffic study you said it right after the Franklin Field what street are we doing traff traffic study additional is it for York briwood briwood yeah it's the electronic signs that that that are on Ray Avenue extend Ray Avenue yeah okay that picks you up when you're going the from goel road down and it tells you how fast you're going those are the signs okay so you're doing an on bridge with app okay there's one there already from what I'm told and we have another one that we're going to be putting up okay thank thanks yes please all right so first I did send an email to Eric and if we could get that one item where the tree hit by lightning at the pool between the parking lot and the pool sooner than later I'd appreciate that I know I I left all the other stuff I sent in an email not when the pool opens before the pool opens no like tomorrow just paint it brown I think we should assess the tree to ensure saf we have to assess it next to to the whatever needs to be if if it's immediate we will take care of it immediately if if if it's well I'm just asking you to assess it tomorrow I'm not saying take care of it tomorrow oh yeah Joe is that the pine tree no no it's a tree it's a maple map r and i assessed it on Saturday okay it probably needs to come down but it's not an emergency yeah the whole thing is so we can we can do it on Friday yeah no problem works thank you and uh was that from a recent storm Joe because I was there doing the clicker with the with the vehicles and I was like I see lightning four five no I just so the pick up the lightning now I was like she holding the metal like this click click click click click six clicks yeah that was a really big lightning a huge lightning Mark yeah y pretty serious okay then why didn't you report it why wasn't she because she knew you would Joe that's thank we discussed it we left it for no no no I got a good one next okay now that we'll be S um charging the surrounding communities including one will we and charging them for the water is it possible and I'm going to tiptoe around this one before you Mike since that one of the surrounding Community is getting our water and we're charging them will we be charging them for any apparatus they might be using from a surrounding Community different community no it's the same community no it's not it's a company it's not water it's a company though damn it Village of we sell a we sell a Ridgewood rid sells to customers in Glenrock it's like a shell game and I thought nothing could top the poly stym you mean styrofoam said it yeah that that's one of the types of of the that's all I have anything else no all right anything else mayor that concludes the report from Administration oh I did have one thing for the engineer uh for the attorney congratulations on gaining a sonin-law oh thank Frank yes it was a beautiful day beautiful wedding it rained every day before and every day since and that day it didn't rain there you go and he made a very handsome Father of the Bride well thank you Bruce well the bride looked pretty good too but oh right didn't look so bad either no no you look great coming down the aisle Mike thank you very much can I have a motion to record the administrative me second by skier all in favor I motion carries introduction of ordinances we have none this evening public hearing of the 2024 Municipal budget I'll now open a meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard on the 2024 Municipal budget of the Bure of hathorne please come forward to the microphone state your name for the record does anyone wish to be heard seeing no one I entertain a motion to close the public hearing on 2024 motion by wki second by skier all in favor I hi motion carries guess they did a good job budget resolutions b124 is authorization to read the 2024 missal budget by title have a motion some motion by skara second by Sasso roll call sorry rki yes skara yes Sasso yes mey yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries BR 2-24 is adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget of the B of foror County of B have a motion Move Motion by Bennett second by mey any discussion roll call Bennett yes Lea yes mey yes Sasso yes skara yes oteki yes Matthews yes motion carries cassette agenda r80 d24 to r 86-24 r 8-24 is refund of taxes overpayment r81 d24 is a pool change fund r82 d24 is Memorial Day Parade participants R 8324 is assignment of a tax sales certificate to 117 Ethel Avenue R 8424 is renew shared services agreement with Ridgewood for the sale of water R 8524 is to support bills to modernize the open public records act R 86-24 is a Professional Services to bosal engineering for the peach tree tank Rehabilitation have a motion motion by Mee second by Bennett any discussion I think we talked about the Oprah one a while roll call oi no on 8524 yes on all others skara yes Sasso yes M yes leosa no on r 8524 and the rest is yes Bennett yes especially on 8524 Matthews yes on only 85 no yes on all of them motion carries reports of special councel committees Joe will start your way all right I next shat Tre commission meeting is June 4th Board of Health was last night we had our rabes Clinic it was extremely successful um they actually put up the Drone took a lot of pictures so that they're going to mimic the way that the the um cones and everything was laid out last night so maybe they'll send around those pictures it was really really busy for the first hour and then after that it's it's really I would say it's not well known because when I was talking about it today everyone was like when is it and I said well it was last night so maybe we can come up with a way that we could better advertise it because people are interested in almost as much as the pi Pye styrene but not the same that completes my report sure you can get a shot there if you want that' be great honestly what I had suggested and I'm just putting it out there for 2025 the board of health is going to be there why don't we do the the rabies shots and sell Pool passes at the same time do flu shots too no flu Seasons flu season over but it's just an idea they're already there they're set up with the cash box they could sell pool passes I don't know the dogs need pool passes no they get it for free but Board of Health sells both that's my point so we can look at that all right thank you good suggestion um just want to make announcement so this Saturday is help the hathorne be defeat litter it's a four-way uh sponsored by The Bu of hathorne hathorne environmental commission Green Team and hathorne rotary this is our second year with them the Hawthorne Rotary Club has a service uh day Nationwide um so they have chosen to help us out they did it last year and then this year so we're going to be at the 8 Acre Woods between 10 and 12 so come on down you'll get gloves you get plastic um bags and um for the first 25 families uh one person from the family will get a hand Grabber as well so you don't have to pick up the trash with your hands so come on down um it's 10 to 12 at the 8 Acre Woods and you may see a guess appearance of the be yes just yeah is there any way of rescheduling it because the same day same time as the Sake County Vietnam memorial no that's a tough one I'm sorry I know I all right just putting it out there I just saw the conflict now maybe when you're there you could pick up some garbage there my heart belongs in hawor well well unless it rains then it will be on Sunday is is the vents um rain or shine on Saturday yes no see I have a rain date for Sunday follow that Mike the audience committee held their meeting uh on May 13th and the following items will discuss the new state mandated tree removal process the vacant and abandoned properties and the state mandated le pay inspections our attorney working through the final drafts of these ordinances before they are brought to the council to vote on this concludes my report Bruce no sir an Marie committees are quiet but I just would like to once again congratulate our EMS services on their Proclamation tonight but as always what would we do without them not every town has them so please every chance you get donate to them hug an EMS raise an emergency response person and uh you'll be quiet you know thank you that concludes my report it's not easy over here Dominic up honestly I have nothing to report but I just want to thank Eric for a super job with the budget and thank you for negotiating a great water uh contract with Bridgewood I know you thought of all these things beforehand thank you Eric that me nope uh to you Chamber of Commerce would like everybody to participate in our shop local local program the Spring Fling and don't forget to drop off a copy of your local receipt at the chamber office for a chance to win a prize at the opening of the farmers market correspondence we have and the planning board meeting was canceled this last meeting correspondents we have none but we have bills have a motion to approve the bills and forward them to the treasure for payment motion by sker second by leosa any discussion on any of them roll call Bennett yes leosa yes mey yes Sasso yes skara yes oteki abstain on the fire department yes on all others Matthews yes motion carries public comment now open a meeting to the public anyone desires to be heard come forward to the microphone state your name I vote for Margo I second that seeing no one a motion to close the public portion of the meeting motion by mey second by SK all in favor I I motion carries our next council meeting is Wednesday June 5th 2024 um just want to remind you that the primary election is June 4th and we have early voting starting on May 29th through June 2nd have a motion to adjourn no Move Motion by wki second by skira all in favor I motion carries vered for