##VIDEO ID:wgb2aAlLEtQ## e your hello Michael hello person holda about you ready for the big day your money said I don't had a last last yeah yeah I mean I can't say enough about the level of I don't know I wanted to wait I I I how we doing you spe oh don't hey down down get myself up we're good okay 7:01 I call tonight's council meeting to order roll call Bennett here leosa mey here Sasso here skara here wki here Matthews please rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance FL of the United States of America the for it stands Nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the annual schedule of regular meetings here adopted and posted on the public bulletin board at the municipal building emailed to Herald News the record The Gazette and all persons whove requested the mailing of such since December 7th 2023 approval of the minutes approval of the bid minutes for 2024 various adaa curb ramp improvements no move second motion by wki second by skier any discussion roll call wki skara Sasso yes mey Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries public comment now open the meeting to the public for agenda item if anyone desires to be heard please raise your hand to be recognized come forward to the microphone state your name for the record seeing no one antain motion to close the public portion of the meeting so move second motion by skara second by wki all in favor I motion carries mayor's appointments we have appointment of Cameron v bruffy as a police officer of the Bor of horor for a one-year probationary period effective upon completion of his Police Academy have a motion to record make a motion second uh motion by Sasso second by Bennett any discussion call Bennett yes Mee yes Sasso yes skara yes wki yes Matthews yes motion carries thank you Mr President I'd like to call up Cameron Buffy to the Das come on guys come on you crying TV right repeat after me I Cameron Dy do solemnly swear do that I will support the Constitution support of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance to the same to the and to the governments established in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people and will perform the duties of police officer police officer of the police department of police department and the B foror congratulations face this way face that straight in stab him by accident yeah cuz now we can arrest you he doesn't have his gun yet welcome aboard good luck conratulations congratulations I live with thank congratulations next we have an appointment of Adam zandi as a police officer Bor of horor for oneyear probationary period effective September 4th 2024 have a motion motion by Bennett second by skara any discussion roll call wki yes skara yes Sasso yes mey yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries thank you Mr President Adam please come forward with your family you got okay great sorry raise your right hand repeat after me I Adams zosi II do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution support the constition of the United States United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance I bear true faith and aliance to the same to the same and to the governments established in United States United States and in the state under the authority of the people and will perform the duties of perform the duties of police officer police offic of the hathorne police department the burough of horor faithfully and partially and justly to the best of my ability so help me God so congratulations make it official it might have got the wrong size put a hole conratulations congratulations there a little police rivalry there now okay anyone who's not here for a police presentation if you'd like to leave now was a perfect opportunity if not you're more than welcome to stick around really can always stay for the mayor's report if you need to go to sleep you need a nap Frank said it no I didn't you didn't hear that you heard Joe's I enjoy your reports all right what are you bucking for you owe him money even Marco doesn't enjoy his she doesn't come anymore she's serving fish and chips [Music] that was tonight that was last week but she's still there you can get chicken too chicken yeah CH okay we have ordinance 23 47-24 an ordinance to repeal and replace it in its entirety chapter 488 of the code of the B Thorn Tree Removal on now opening meeting to the public anyone desires to be heard regarding this ordinance please raise your hand come to the microphone state your name seeing none I entertain a motion that the public hearing on this ordinance be closed and that it be resolved that this ordinance was posted on the bolon board which Public Notices are customarily posted published in the record and made available on the B website and available to the public now therefore be it resolved that this ordinance be adopted and the clerk is authorized to advertise the same according to law have a motion so moved motion by skiera second by that's a second wow reluctantly discussion yeah this uh this basically waves the death penalty for cutting down a tree right you can kill one at a year okay and anyone that is a deceased tree does not count towards your Coda oh okay so if you have a dead tree and you cut it down that's okay in that Cas I'm in or disease and who's going to be the total enforcement shade tree and our Arbor yeah it depends on it depends on if where the tree is if it's in someone's yard it's with code enforcement if it's with on in the right of way it's shade tree Michael is that is there a certain size tree yes so there's the ordinance speaks to sizes of trees replacement values so for instance you can take down some scrubby little choot that's an inch in diameter without any permit whatever but if you're taking down larger trees yes sir not in the right away though no not in the right of way um if you're taking down trees on your own property not in the right of way not shade trees but private property trees there are limitations based upon size and based upon the number of trees the goals here are to prevent people from clear cutting their properties um which is a problem because we get water runoff on neighboring properties it does become a problem it does seek to preserve the canopy as well because there is an interest in having trees uh for for holding soil in place and for providing for shade so that's important um and so there are Replacements where you take down certain trees you have to replace with trees we actually as a council based upon the uh ordinance committee increase the calipers of the trees from State recommendation to slightly larger so we don't have to wait 40 years for the tree to grow shade trees are different the shade trees remain the same as it's always been if it's a shade tree it's subject to the jurisdiction of the shade tree commission if it's dead or diseased it has to come down shaer will take that down if it's a perfectly good tree and someone wants to take it down they have to go to the shade tree commission to get an approval for it so sometimes people want to take down a sha tree because they're relocating their driveway and they need to remove the tree Shay tree can grant an approval but they'll also require a replacement so that's the process it's um you know it it's it's not as bad as it at first seemed that the state was getting heavily into to the business of what I can do in my backyard um but there's some good sense to a lot of it and the roll of shade tree remains exactly as it's always been which is shade trees are their jurisdiction backyard trees are not my concern though is we're putting another onus on Code Enforcement they're a team of two or they are staffed in two hundreds of trees a week go into the dumpsters that are down that recycling center we're going to make and like who's putting out the public service announcement that hey no longer can you cut down the tree in your backyard if it's this requirements I I think that I'd like to see more put in place more education and then require the code enforcement we honest I the three big things I have are code enforcement items that are still not getting done and and and that troubles me that we're going to give them a huge job you know let's hire two more people in Code Enforcement not that I'm saying hire more people I'm just saying if you're going to add this large of a job a task I urge you go down to the recycling center and see how many trees go in those dumpsters yeah keep in mind it's not just code enforcement code enforcement will be the uh boots on the ground but it's really the Construction office that's going to do cuz you need a permit now how many people are in the Construction office I understand listen Staffing is an to the police department there's 38 of them I don't know that the police are really the proper Authority because it's a building permit that's required so therefore it falls under building jurisdiction we have building items that get done that don't go the correct path now we're going to add one more thing be all I'm saying is let's educate people that this is going to be something coming down the pipe let's not just put it out there now without this reminds me of the marijuana rules well the the part of the problem with this Joe is that this ordinance was mandated by the D we didn't have a choice but to adopt this and frankly we're late we are months late because we went through an exercise of sending it to the shade Tre commission as they requested they took a while getting back to us but they got back to us with comments so we don't have a choice we have to adopt the ordinance as it is written I said the last time when we brought introduced this that I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water but there weren't a lot of things added to it so this baby's going out but Joe as far as letting the public know that this is an ordinance now it will be out there it'll be on our website it'll be on it'll be on our website it says you can't put recyclables in a plastic bag yet every week what do I see recyclables and plastic bags it says that you can't put your leaves out until a 7 days before your your leaf pickup and yet I see that happening I just would hate to see us introducing another rule that I don't think we're going to have enough Staffing to educate and enforce but this was as as our attorney said this was not something that all right so tell me how many more people are you going to hire this was not something that the administration dreamt up with regard to M cutting down trees this is something that and this was supposed to be done as Michael said months ago I get it it's another R that's coming from the state that's not getting financial support and yet we're going to once again put a rule out there a law that you can't cut a tree down in your property and not have the the correct amount of enforcement or education it's an unfunded mandate we get lots of unfunded mandates the D has required us to replace G galvanized pipe I mean you talk about a waste of our taxpayer dollars um the D rules um and this is one of them are well-intentioned but the side effect is an impact on our tax pack yeah but you we Finance the galvanized pipe replacement we're not financing we have to pay for it right we're still pay we're paying interest on it can I just add something I just just to piggy back on what we're saying here the audiance committee uh mic snap go here the audence committee um had a conversation actually before this became a state mandate and we tabled this because we were very concerned about overreach if you remember yeah and then the state mandate it came up like a year later you know a months later and we we've tried to navigate the best way to do this without having you know feeling that the burrow is overreaching to someone's property it's very very difficult and I understand your point about at no point did I say anything no no let me clear up let me clear up so so I want to at least understand that it is a mandate that we have to do now the point about who's gon to who's going to now police this issue we don't know how big of an issue this is going to be we don't know all right right now with our code enforcements we have well technically down to one but it's it's staffed at two they're non-revenue generating I mean this is not going to be a a big Fine's not going to be a big Revenue gener generator so we have to see how it goes but I'm sure if this becomes a bigger issue the mayor and administration will evaluate it and say hey we may need to have to take on somebody else I can't I can't say this right now that I think we need to do that all right maybe those those uh Big Trees you're seeing in there maybe they're all hawthor uh trees maybe they're not I'm not sure other people dump back there I don't know but I'm I'm willing to say let's we got to do it anyway let's do it and if we think it's a big problem then then we count on the mayor and his administration to make adjustments because it's another salary and that's you know I'm not promoting that that's for sure thank you Michael the only question I have is for Michael with regard to taking a tree down if you don't have if you're not if you don't have to get a building permit could the arborist assist code enforcement with regard to expertise the code enforcement um in the building department can always fall upon the arborist for for instance go out and determine is a tree in fact diseased dying um in need of coming down so we can use the arborist but the arborist is not going to be issuing the permits or finding people who fail to do what there're because that's just not within the arborist perview but the arbor can be a resource um at all points so when somebody says this tree is is dying in my backyard we do have the right to send someone back there and verify that okay thank you that helps to your point I can't say that was wrong what's Kevin's salary but he's hourly he's hourly yeah so we're going to keep adding to the salary now Joe I I I understand the problem I don't have a solution you know you're talking about a problem that it's going to cost the taxpayers money we agree have we advertised this on that this is coming not the ordinance have we advertised that hey nixel this is coming down the road hey Hawthorne website this is coming down the road hey posted at the library educate the kids at the school have we done of I don't see any maybe I'm wrong but I didn't see that we should advertise anything until the council passes the ordinance you you could have rejected it tonight even though you passed the first reading no you could say this is what the New Jersey D is saying yeah we TW we can and will do public information we can include it in the calendar we'll put it on our website we'll send that a nixel the mayor will include it in his letters um use every means at our disposal to to advertise it will some people still not get the message yes will some people get the message and still choose to ignore the uh the requirements probably you know and and we'll have to do as good a job as we can in enforcing the things the state doesn't give us money to uh to enforce the the things it's requiring us to to to mandate and enforce you know um that's the reality and and if in budget in budget times we can find see fit to appropriate more money for enforcement of this and or anything else we can do that but we have a limited budget too and we will be running up into cap issues in the next couple years and and so that's something that it's a reality we have to live with and and there's no easy answer discussion yes Michael would you um just refresh my memory and clarify for our residents who are paying attention and listening to us tonight in this ordinance is there not a piece of it that if a resident absolutely does not want to have a replacement Tree on their property that we could accommodate a tree elsewhere within the burrow it that's not really in this this is on the tree removal ordinance um there is already on our tree plantings okay a situ you know where where shade tree wants to plant trees it's a different issue but where in this ordinance what there is is if say you're taking down a bunch of trees in your yard because you're putting in a swimming pool and you're required to replace with five trees but you can demonstrate I don't have any place to put five trees then in that case and maybe this is what you're speaking of you can plant a tree somewhere else instead so we are allowing that kind of and again the state allows it the D does allow it it will happen there will be somebody who you know is require to put in trees where they really just don't have the ability to put in that many trees so there are the size if if a resident is taking down a tree that's 18 in and they have to put up a 6-in tree and you know to your uh example if they're putting back five or six trees and they just don't have the room so the this ordinance does have that you know um piece in there to at least work with the residents to the degree that we can nobody likes these State mandated scenario um but but the ordinance committee I remind you of Beverly Road last year he took down every tree in his yard and then took down the trees in the street well that can't happen anymore it happened but it couldn't happen then either Jo what happened then but what happened then was wrong and that person should have been fined back then shade tree actually has jurisdiction over its trees back in the day cha Tre actually issued summonses to violators we've had asplund the State Contractor in court you may recall back during and so you know there there are still mechanisms in place this doesn't change anything about removal of shade trees what this does is deal with the removal of trees on private property backyards front yard side yards but not in the right of way that stays the same sha tre's role is no different now Shay Tre wants to partner with the burrow in getting the message out that'd be wonderful because shry can do that we can get the message out that when you want to take down trees you're going to need to make sure you have permits uh there are issues with people clear cutting properties and we looked at this before this was mandated because the idea that somebody would go in and clear clut their property with no plan for how they're going to control the soil erosion was just wrong for the neighborhood so there are benefits to this and there are people who are going to get caught when they do something like that but unfortunately is it some going to fall through the cracks I'm sure they will okay anyway I don't have an answer Joe for your because we don't have a choice but to adopt the ordinance it's mandated by the state and the state's not going to give us the money to pay for a code enfor this is a non this is a voluntary organization you're giving additional responsibilities to when they say no you're going to get a tree and then a mayor sends the DPW and digs the tree out we're not giving any new responsibility to sha tree not any shade trees you just said you were no no no I said if you want a partner and send out the emails and put on website and whatever go I already know how I'm voting so if you want to call the let's call the rooll then right roll Bennett yes mey yes T yes skara yes Wy no Matthews yes motion carries ordinance 23 48-24 an ordinance to fix the 2024 salaries wages and compensation of the employees of the bur of hathorne County of Pake and state of New Jersey now open the meeting to the public anyone desires to be heard regarding this ordinance please raise your hand be recognized come forward to the microphone state your name seeing no one I entertain a motion that the public hearing on this ordinance be closed and that it be resolved this ordinance was posted on the bulletin board in which Public Notices are customarily posted published in the record and made available on the B website and available to the public now therefore be it resolved this ordinance be adopted and the clerk is authorized and advertised the same according to law c a motion some Move Motion by Scar second by mey any discussion none of these employees are working on the sh tree this is this is what we're gon combine people's salaries right yeah State's got some new rule if you bracketed uh a long time ago with multiple titles you're pensionable but if you're a newer person with multiple titles they're only going to give you a pension based on one right so this basically combines any uh multiple titles into one title as to not uh hurt our employees Ral and if I could first comment and just say thank you everybody appreciate it you're welcome employee somebody that has multiple titles they didn't vote yet thank you preemptively she's say thank you before she was not in a good mood so you you know wki yes skiar yes saso yes mey yes Ben uh yeah right yes and Matthews yes if you plant a tree and not cut any down okay old business Joe will start your way sure you want to do that sure why not you're on a roll okay garbage trucks still leaking the sewage all over the place I was told that every morning they were going to go and somebody from code enforcement was going to go to make sure that the plugs were in can you please tell me the employees title that is doing that you said it in a meeting I could ask the clerk to pull the minutes it was said so who is the title not the person the title DPW worker it's not being done I think we should bring that DPW up how do you expect it they're leaking they're old no they're not in we know they're not in and because they can't hold all the water that's collected so they just let it ooze down the road Joe when you when you see this do you call the police right away and I send an email did you call the police right away and I send an email you still didn't answer my question yes you called the police and did they come no we got new people now maybe they'll come it's the point I'd like to know who's who is watching what title goes to ensure that the the task we hire somebody to do is being completed appropriately I'm saying there's an ooze going down the road and I've been complaining about it for two years since BNB since BNB I just want to know I was told there's going to be somebody to do it I want to know the person's responsibility hell if you want to just send the street sweeper directly behind do that if you don't want to see if the plugs are in okay next okay and I thank you for voling this up for me but in April I complained about the quantity of goose poop on the park on the on the Bandshell and I was told don't worry we go out there and we police it which I'm grateful cuz they do come and clean it but where's Tao who goes and yes they sign in but who goes to follow that the job they're saying they're going to do they do for all I know they drive down they sign in and they go home because God knows there's plenty of goose poop 22 years I've never seen the dog 22 years I've never seen the dog I've never seen the dead deer they list I've never seen any of that there's nobody that goes behind to ensure Health we have people we have supervisors lieutenants sergeants that oversee the patrolman who's overseeing Tao every day twice a day twice a day and I've never seen them and I'm off on Saturdays and Sundays and I walk the dog through the Band Shell almost every day and all I see is Bo no you didn't hear me say there was poop I said there's goose poop mayor couldn't we have them report to let's say Bill and just say hey I'm here I want to let you know yeah we could do that they have to do sign in they sign in no they have to rep someone actually has to sign I want somebody to go watch the dog cuz I've never seen the dog in 22 years I voted no every single time on Tao's contract your dog want a job too old we can do that Michael it's it's at least a start clean up scare him away really just just scare him away police it we pick it up our DPW go goes out and picks it up you know and listen it's very easy we it's an outside agency but if we're not having any oversight at all at all I understand the frustration you know but maybe one way having report Bill say all right was a dog what okay well we also have as it was brought up at a meeting months ago we also have the uh Recycling and the garbage check in at DPW to make sure that their trucks are empty and and uh at that time we can check to see if the plugs are in because there wouldn't be any any waste in the in the trucks themselves right so we might want to confirm that they are doing that time out the trucks come over the Lincoln Avenue Bridge they go to the park the ball field park the smaller of the two the employees Park their cars there they get on the truck and they start picking up there's nobody inspecting that truck go see where B&B meets they meet in our Park they're employees Park in our parking lot then they get on the truck and go pick up the garbage with the turf fielda that that parking lot no no we're uh where what's her name has uh over the Overflow parking down at w oh but a canoe those are all their employees Park their cars got it a small parking lot so maybe we could find out if if are checking in we will take care of it Jo okay all right the rest I have is Municipal no more old no more old and I got no new M new old no old new no old no still no I got older Bruce old um yeah have the Super Mario Brothers returned to Hawthorne recently because those ugly orange poles are springing up all over town again make it look like a video game I think I figured out why the police aren't going after the garbage trucks or Tao cuz they're busy putting out orange poles with the sign that says no parking temporary and it's been there for 30 days that's temporary yeah can we get a new sign that says no parking period not temporary welcome to Hawthorne the the problem is that orange poles are not traffic controlled devices that that are approved like stop signs or yellow paint on curbs where it's enforcable the orange poles are a suggest why are we putting yeah they're not I listen I but they put I have no answer for that but Michael they put in specifically where yellow line curbs are yeah it's that's where so it is illegal to park there yes and they also see like I hate to jump on this issue because I know it's Bruce's puppy but um you know what I hate to see is that these delineators are now moved into the curb so they can still park there and and the deline are still there they're just not out you know side that's all I'm sorry I'm sorry for even saying at least one motorist I saw had the decency to stop the car get out move the orange poles so they could illegally Park and left did you put them back let me left no that's why R do you have any old business I just have one thing um the I had a report that the library roof is still leaking no sorry what room C the C the uh conference room C Joe yeah the little one mentioned to me uh yeah pretty much conference room C it's brand new that new one just a few months old so um we'll follow up on that sir who inspected it on Joe's list who inspected the roof um it's actually funny you mention that because actually um when we had that uh period of rain for over a week about uh two months back I think it was actually had one of my inspectors go down to the library to check on uh conference room C I think it is and they didn't see any water and it was actively raining heavily at the time um I'll look through my emails and see what the ex date was but as far as I know when the roof was installed they did effectively like a flood test where basically they just sprayed water all on top of the roof to make sure that there weren't any leaks so um next time it's leaking I'll have the library employees call me directly and I'll try to get someone down there ASAP just because I I took a look up in above the tiles and I didn't see any water damage or from where it's coming from so just if if I could if we could at least see where it's actively leaking from then we get a better idea of what the cause is and everything but um I'll get in touch with the library to have them call me directly next time it's leaking and I'll get someone down there does it have gutters that side of the building yeah yeah I believe so and even windows I we have window another in the fall right I think I think it's the interior of the room it's away from from the outside walls which is why I'm eliminated that option then exactly so I'll I'll be in touch with the library and next time it's actively leaking I'll get someone over their ASAP to see exactly where the leak is coming from so we can get a better idea of what's actually happening thank you CH mayor was it a significant amount of no it was very little could it be condensation on uninsulated HV Supply one it was probably actually was a the tile was removed there was a chair there basically where where you would sit in the chair there was a small pile like this it was it wasn't wasn't significant it was very small okay maybe there but it you know that's not the point the point is it's maybe it's not the roof maybe it's the sweating of the duct I don't think so no Mr President no okay domic how about new business do I'm fine anamarie I'm okay with new thank you Bruce no sir Mike nope Joe no sir wow wow we will turn to the administrative agenda presented by mayor Lane thank you Mr President our burrow family lost one of its own this past week Pete vandervell passed away at the age of 77 Pete proudly served his country in Vietnam with the United States Army and Captain Pete served for over 36 years on the horor police department achieving the rank of Captain and he served as a traffic officer Emergency Man management coordinator and was active on a Statewide level throughout his career after retiring from the police force Pete worked at hathorne high school as a resource officer and since 2016 worked for the burough of hathorne in the capacity of code enforcement officer Pete T Pete touched many lives not only here at the burrow but throughout the town he will be missed by all of us on behalf of the burrow I extend my sincere condolences to his wife Lorraine and his entire family our condolence condolences as well are put on DPW superintendent Ronnie Gonzalez as his family on the loss of his mother Ida Gloria Gonzalez last week Ida has been a resident of hathorne since 1970 and many of you will remember her as a sales associate at the rag shop again our sympathies to Ronnie and his family as I mentioned at the last council meeting the tax bills have been mailed out you have until Wednesday September 18th to pay your bill without penalty of of the interest I can express how important it is to subscribe to nixel for notifications from the burrow also information can always be found on our website we have had another successful pool season and I want to specifically thank our pool manager Rob berer and his assistant Maria the Board of Education moved out of the municipal building complex two weeks ago they are now located at the corner of warber Burton AV in Grand AV last week I had the pleasure of hosting neam and I am platel students at St Anthony School the boys were Mayors for the day and were an absolute Delight to host they asked many questions and had some great suggestions for some things that we would like to see happen in the burrow they had a great time touring the municipal building and spending time in burrow Hall and I want to thank them and thank the staff for welcoming welcoming them this Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. the hathorne soccer association will kick off their 2024 season with a celebration there will be games and give ways food trucks and ice cream trucks as part of the celebration next Wednesday the barrel will hold its annual 9/11 service at the memorial at the corner of gfel Road in Lafayette please join us at 6:30 this key this year's keynote speaker is assemblyman Christa Phillips from New Jersey the Rotary Club has announced the taste of hathorne tickets are now on sale online and a limited amount of tickets can be available at Diamond liquers the event is October 8th the flyer will be included in my Friday letter with more details the citizens Police Academy will begin next Tuesday September 10th if you are interested in this great program please contact detective djo at 973 4278 300 on Wednesday September 18th bake County Clerk will be here at 5:00 p.m. to 7: p.m. for passports not notary Oaths and Vietnam I'm sorry veteran photo ID cards retrofitness will be hosting a free wellness fitness program on the grounds of the burrow bansel on Saturday September 21st from noon to 1:30 please come out and join us as we continue our ongoing partnership with them as part of the mayor's wellness program just a reminder that the hathorne day is Saturday September 28th if you are planning on being a vendor I encourage you to reach out to Ellen this week to secure a spot space is very limited and please call her at 973 427 11168 if you see something that doesn't seem quite right please call our police department at the time so that they can check it out to make sure everything is okay or if it's not okay they can do what the police have to do and now I'll call on my attorney Mr Michael Pasqual thank you mayor I actually I have a longer report than you I want to First first congratulate the two young men who were sworn in tonight I know one of them because his family goes way back in hathorne uh the bruffy and the razos are fixtures in the town so it's nice to see uh someone moving up the ranks um condolences also in the passing of our Congressman Bill pascrell Bill was Patterson through and through he 87 years lived nowhere else um but he was here all the time and he was a person no matter what station in life he achieved you'd walk up to him and say hey Bill how are you go how's it going and he was just that warm welcoming person who never forgot where he came from uh so bill was uh bill will be missing of course there's Captain Pete um everybody could imitate Captain Pete he was like Christopher walin or or Macho Man Savage where people just felt the need to imitate uh and Pete was was like typ cast from Hollywood handsome uh rugged Gruff voice the whole thing you know Army police captain code enforcement officer he was and beneath all that was a very warm and Generous Heart uh Pete was wonderful we'll all miss him and regards to line and the family uh onto more mundane matters the uh we filed an answer in counter claim against Phil spoiled in his latest amended complaint he is seeking damage is from the burrow for removing uh debris from his front yard that the court allowed us to do the court absolutely allowed to happen and and we paid the quest of that up to this point we're trying to recoup it uh so our counter claim against him is to actually you know make him move all of it because it's a ongoing public nuisance so we are going to continue to fight against a light that he's committed against our town and keeps committing and uh we'll keep doing what we have to on your agenda tonight for approval is a settlement with Tao Tao is not the people who failed to chase dog geese off our Fields this is a different Tao this Tao is and by the way the the Sunday night we had a Bandshell movie grounds were perfect Tuesday for the concert it was goose poop everywhere it was crazy over two days so uh there are no dogs out in the fields just I have to I don't agree with you on everything Joe but on this one I agree um that that said the Tao settlement is one it's really probably the third largest defendant in the P litigation they're manufacturers of Aquas firefighting foam affff and so the basically the B will receive what looks like to be about $180,000 which is a pittance in compared to what we're spending overall but uh the settlements with the two larger players 3M and um the DuPont entities is obviously could be much more significant but still I recommend this to you and uh it's something that I think will'll just keep moving along and trying to grab off smaller settlements as they come in um I sent a draft agreement to the hawthor Board of Education with regard to a proposed shared services agreement for the roller hockey rink uh we received a draft from the board that we didn't find acceptable on our end so we drafted something consistent with what was discussed in meetings we had with the board we've not heard back from the board uh but would hope to hear from them shortly uh also on your agenda tonight is a proposed contract with Hera AG um this is a company that will administer our foreclosure registration program uh kudos delori for finding them and bringing them to the buau they've successfully operated a program in Wayne and that's how they come to us um they come to us basically with the proposition that they will administer our whole program meaning they will register Pro properties that are in foreclosure we have anywhere from 150 to 200 properties at times and so uh the registration fee is $500 they get a 100 we get 400 if there is a vacant or abandoned property that is also in foreclosure those fees go up to 2,000 and more uh the purpose is not to make money for the burrow the purpose is to make sure that people who are foreclosing on properties take care of those properties keep up the maintenance keep up the yard work and things that would be Property Maintenance violations get the properties resold and back occupied because unoccupied properties do not help our values here in town so this is uh a something I strongly recommend and again I can thank Lori for for doing all the hard work in searching this out and bringing it to the burough Michael did they pay our taxes too they pay the taxes the companies that are doing the foreclosures to typically will pay the property tax as they're going along so um that is normally the route uh finally I do want to mention Bandshell season because it has come to an end the good news for all of you is this is my last report on the Bandshell uh but we had a fantastic season we showed The Lego Movie too um two weeks ago on Sunday and what was great about it was I found two giant tubs of Legos in my basement that my kids said these were the spare parts and uh we dumped them out on tables and 75 kids were there building Legos and putting things together for an hour before the movie it was great the the municipal Alliance gave them frisbees beach balls and things like that so they're busy playing so we had a fantastic pregame unfortunately uh rain came about uh 45 minutes into or half an hour into the movie and we had to cancel but the parents who were there were very grateful that we put the show on they enjoyed it um so I the Lego pieces are in my basement we'll do it again if anybody by the way any parents are watching they want the movie to watch all of it I have it in my office Lego Movie too then we had big Hicks and they're fantastic they do country but they do everything that's good in country and there's not that much good in country they somehow find it all I hate country but no they do great stuff and they're great guys and uh they were wonderful so we had a really good closing show um I want to thank the committee I want to name them Nancy ello Jean Milly Joan hervey Lisa slop Maker two time reigning MVP I might add Lori Foley Ellen brogno Joe Carr John Pasqual Frank Riley who is in the running for this year's MVP I'm not going to lie Le and uh also we have Richard Schneider who's fantastic and of course Wally miac I want to thank our sponsors we have people who give us money um you know I always mentioned one guy in particular because it kind of blows me why Fisk alloy Eric Fisk who has sells no products in Hawthorne gives us $2,500 to the band showell uh because he's just a good corporate Citizen and nothing else um so we have people like that in our town gives us hope that we'll keep doing good things in the future uh next year it'll be bigger and better I can't wait and uh it'll be our 10th anniversary so we're going to try to top everything and yeah it's a lofty but we'll get there and that mayor concludes my report thank you Michael and now turn over to our engineer Joe burn thank you mayor it's a relatively short report tonight uh the galvanized water service line replacement Phase 2 sugar Property Services is uh nearing completion and approximately seven service line Replacements remain um adding additional addresses from along Hawthorne Avenue between Diamond Bridge Avenue and Division Street uh to phase two of this project uh is being considered to get ahead of the planned road paving next year the additional addresses can be absorbed into the existing contract without additional costs we're currently awaiting D approval on change or order number three in relation to the water main on Florence Avenue that was previously passed um Hawthorn downtown revitalization phase three uh project has received njdot approval advertisement for bidding uh is being considered for December 2024 with construction planned in Spring of 2025 and uh fifth in Central Avenue uh project is substantially complete and we're running through a punch list items um and that concludes my report mayor thank you Joe and now turn it over to our administrator Eric Mau uh thank you mayor um I'd also like to welcome our new police officers and congratulate them on their appointments and offer my condolences to the Vander and Gonzalez families um a bid for the uh disposal of solid waste for the midate county Collective for the years 2025 2029 has been advertised uh Bond anticipation note sale is being by our finance department is being scheduled for later this month on the agenda t night are a couple resolution um r129 um is for to replace our bran storage tank at DPW this is as a result of new DP D regulations and how um brine needs to be stored we spray it on the ground right now we have to worry about how we store Salt Water D is is one of our favorite government agencies double insulated we can't cut up trees and put saw down below it to absorb it probably not you're thinking I'm not saying we like the idea but it's what is it an insulated tank though wall take of something that we putting on the ground we have to store it right well guess the issue may be because it's close to the uh depi Vol Brook and they're concerned about that much salt again I the rules are the rules and we need if we're going to continue to use our Brine and and store we're going to have to comply rules and without any state money paying for the things that they're requiring um and and that's r129 r132 is a second change order for our radio consultant Allegiant um there have been delays with Verizon uh and and now which won't hook up it to uh um Washington school until the beginning of next month and it keeps and and work through those issues and dealing some with some issues actually some improvement for the uh um fire um department and the radio frequency to use for their fire ground frequency required uh some licensing work and and and all of this is is being funded by this change order um and finally um I'm working with uh um our staff to look at new software solutions for our building department and inspections and also for the pool hopefully with all this we'll be able to do um online um um applications and so we will come to the it committee hopefully in the next uh um um few weeks to a month to to go over what we're proposing um there may be some budgetary impact too so we will have to involve the uh uh finance committee and that concludes my report thank you Eric Mr President will answer any questions that the council may have any questions make itead of time actually we make it ahead of time and and and so we can fill up um I mean if if we had to wait and and a as each batch was being filled up we could have delays in terms of getting our trucks out to uh deliver it so we we make it and and so we we don't we don't make it months ahead of time because it will settle out but we will make enough so we can efficiently load the uh the tanks both for what we do and what we sell to the county and what we sell to other municipalities has to get involved we're g to start putting pickles in it so we can sell them and fun the tank can't make you up I'm okay thank you no sir thank you so I'll start with 135 May Street no cedar there's a new house construction who actually goes out to ensure that the property that they're working on because they just leaving the debris all over so who goes out to ensure that would be Property Maintenance or four guys there's one guy there or or if we get a a a a report from one of the inspectors when they go out there to inspect whatever construction they're they're challenged with they'll report to Property Maintenance so shouldn't they have a dumpster or somewhere to store the garbage as opposed to piling it next to the ouse that they have there yeah that's yeah Joe that that that's usually the the the the way it's it it goes that you know you have a dumpster so they keep the the property clean well I urge you to go by tonight 135 Cedar big pile of garbage okay the mill the gates are open now and basically down and now they're just storing a ton of cars in there what what's the plan for the mill and who is the Idol that ensures that they're following the rules you're talking about the uh Congress Mills what across some B's higher that little ex y that would be zoning officer I'm sorry that would be a zoning office be the zoning proper I know that I I've brought this up multiple times that they just do whatever they want well I can say Joe they don't do whatever they want because every time there's cars parked on the sidewalk the the traffic department goes down there and tickets every single car so but they can't they can't maintain they can't stay there and maintain a a presence because they have many other functions that they have to do during the course of a day got one new putting up polls parking spaces the parking spaces on the back the board board of education is gone why does their sign still exist where outside the for the superintendent they'll come down we'll we'll take them down I just wanted to know if they're renting space from us they're not actually there was there was employees parked there we got a notice I spoke to the superintendent and he made sure that the employees and nobody parks there at all because I know I made a suggestion in the June or July meeting that I think the council president should have his own parking space there wow do you remember that I'm buying you a drink next Friday all right and I'm gonna end on a positive D wait hey you know what D when they bring up old business it's mostly all right the blue wall at the pool looks Sensational whoever put that blue wall up really really looks good where the M was yep the mural came down the blue wall was painted up have we done anything though to seal it so that the same thing doesn't happen I know that it was talk about sealing it I don't know if you they have to wait on on on a certain time because of the the construction the chemicals or or whatever in in the water cuz that some of the what we were told by the artist who did it was some of the chemicals from the water went down the wall and bled a lot of the M mural off the wall so but we we my concern is we have about 60 days before Hawthorne day and I would hate for the same thing to happen like a week before I think we will take care of that Joe thank you for bringing it to our attention no September no September 20 two weeks it's today's the fourth you'll be late Joe you're right I had October open 28th 28th you can go October 28th that's okay hey hey hey I'll be selling sausage and I expect all of you to be buying I'm there I have nothing else oh my gosh U I'll let it slide anything else mayor that's all Mr President quick can I have a motion to record the administrative agenda by Mee second by Uhn all in favor motion carries introduction of ordinances we have none tonight resolutions we have consent agenda mr4 and 0524 and r125 d24 through r132 d24 Mr M 4-24 is install of a handicap parking space at block 161 Lot 25 mro 5-24 is removal of the handicap parking space at block 6 1 lot one R 12624 I'm sorry 12524 is chapter 159 American Rescue plan for firefighters Grant r126 d24 2024 horor day bands R1 12724 is authorized contract with h foreclosure registration program r128 d24 is approve assessments for the 2022 Road program R1 12924 is purchase order to read systems for the storage tank that we don't need R 130-24 is approved settlement with Tao for the posos litigation R1 13124 is the award contract for poino and Suns Ava curbs ramps and improvements R1 13224 is change order number two for Allegient Communications motion by Bennett second by Sasso any discussion yes please Joseph all the grunts down there really should get that checked out got a hernia RTD Productions who are they now that the brothers have mostly passed away it's in the band list $4,000 RTD RTD I Googled it I can't figure it out it's not the Muller Brothers I know they're a little no we don't have the Muller brothers because that's why I'm trying to figure out who it is RTD I don't know it's a new band uh that Joe Carr was able to get I just don't know who RTD is okay could somebody let me know who RTD is I'm just curious yeah I mean be voting four grand on them we can text Jo thank you we'll follow up with your answer in the meantime any other questions R call Bennett yes Mee yes saso yes skara no on R 129 24 on principle yes or no others well te I'm going to abstain on resolution what happen I don't know I'm GNA start grunting watch it Joe I know that tonight the uh our Ambulance Corp is hosting their fish and chips dinner I don't know if it's still running but I encourage our residents to uh get their dinner uh if they still can and also I am always always so amazed by the libraries calendar of events that covers just about everything from uh age three to well over seniors um from maang to uh reading to uh Steam and stem and uh dragons and dungeons so don't walk past our library it really offers such a host of um events that um it suits everybody so visit our library it's free that's all Bruce no I'm good Mike nope not tonight Joe I just just like to say the opinion of the shade tree and the trees are strictly mine the shade tree commission meeting did meet last night and the next Board of Health meeting is September 19th that is all okay the planning board meeting for last night was canceled the Chamber of Commerce wants to thank everyone for attending the car show for a rescheduled event we had 180 cars which was more than last year we actually ran out of room and had to turn some people away the farmers market continues on Sundays please go down and visit our marketers the green fair is this Sunday in cooperation with the Green Team and the fishing derby is coming up on September 21st on Saturday from 8:30 to 11: and I will weigh and measure anything that's caught in the water be careful what you wish for except for snapping turtles okay Frank loves it right Frank I love that event and that concludes my report correspondence we have new firefighter applicants Lauren Healey to company two and Alberto Santana to company four have a motion mov motion by Bennett second by skier roll call wki I'm going to abstain skara yes Sasso yes mey yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries bills we have a motion to approve the bills and forward them to the treasur meas for payment motion by Mee oh well second second by Sasso Dess any discussions roll call Bennett yes mey yes Sasso yes skara abstain on Ridgewood press yes on all others wki abstain on the fire department yes on all others Matthews yes motion carries public comment I now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard please raise your hand to be recognized come for to the microphone and state your name for the record and a reminder that there is a 5 minute maximum time frame thank you right do right here my timer there 30 cars it looks like they have bir some INF with this there tremendous amount of on two or three months ago continues every day at off we're cooking we're smoking I don't know what's the SE of that house I have no idea but there is a lot of people in here I don't know how you been addressed that but there's concerns of other neighbors sides me did you say 94 Horizon 9494 the rising terrorist I'm sorry Rising Mr voger did you report any of these incidents for the police when they were happening I think some the neighbors that are have done that only if they're conducting it a business that's when it becomes legal think it's in Amusement they got P they got kinds of someone could have a party on their property I'm just just sharing you sharing with that where becomes illegal and where there is right for the fleet I seven eight cars this is 30 cars so people backing out their driveways we'll have we'll have the police the last two and a half months I do not know engineering I don't believe so no officials I don't think so no to show this picture to the town engineer and ask him his opinion because this is a 's house with the same application and we went to this for five years mayor and down the road this is what my property look like I know when you bought your house you bought it for an investment I'm going in a different direction if this is not corrected you know this is I'll show it to you guys too well that's what's going to happen in about 10 years eight years I want see you know at this opion this is the neity of with that application womanized wood in a way was construction I honestly couldn't say offand it's not good right it's something that'll need to be addressed in the future yes neighbor get this wall built what it's zoning from it's over 3 feet the the state law the Lo uh the uh county law is playing is there anything over 3 feet you need engineering there's an engineering report from a guy that doesn't work for the town so apparently he had somebody you know expedite uh him signing off on that when in fact your code official asked the previous uh engineer are you going to sign off on it and I'm standing there listening to that conversation you know what he says the engineer says to the code official I have no plans I'm not signing on this he should have shut the job down then he breed his duty by doing that he's got to take care of me I'm a taxpayer I'm a veteran uh my wife was sitting in her chair in the living room watching them destroy our property now I've had it up to here I have hired attorneys I have to have to go in another One Direction first this direction ain't done so figure out what you just want to do because what goes on in the dark there's a lot of Darkness here I'm sad to say that I came to this town because it was a good town when I came here my Street was there's like two cars parked on that street now there's like 30 cars up and down the street that people fly up the street it's no good with that I'll let you make your own decisions enough you understand that I'm not I'm not thrilled that's your right I am not true he heard you okay have a nice everybody you too thank you ma'am hi my name's Ellen Hine I have a question for the council I've looked through all the ordinances I can't find any ordinances that allow the town to take motor vehicles that are licensed out of a driveway I thought that was code 39 and I've always been told well you have to wait till the car goes out onto the road and then you could give it tickets um is there an ordinance let me address the council first Miss Hine is a plaintiff in the lawsuit Mr spoiler has filed against the burrow she is his um tenant of sorts because she stores stuff at the property so the buau is actively engaged in litigation with M Hine so I would caution the Council on what it might say um as to any ordinance says you filed a lawsuit Mr spoiler and you against the buau challenging the very action you're speaking of will'll address that in court not here sorry thank you I'll pile an Oprah thank you and what else wish to be heard seeing no one I entertain a motion to close the public portion of the meeting some motion by melee Sasso second second by Sasso all in favor at this point we're going to go to close session pursuant to njs 10 col 4-13 and the Attorney General's formal opinion 291 1976 I entertain a motion to adopt resolution CSO 3-24 that the public be excluded from the portion of this meeting in order so that the council may discuss contract negotiations items to be discussed in closed session can be disclosed at a public when a course of actions determined or decisions been made have a motion so Move Motion by second by with techy all in favor I you have to leave ma'am that's okay diesel