e e e e e e e meeting is called to order the time is 700 p.m. public portion of the meeting begins the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the business administrator board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted on the bulton board of the municipal building communicated to The Herald News the record the record and filed with the clerk of the Bureau of Hawthorne roll call please Mr cor here Mr CIO here Mr Doyle here miss Aron tro here M Moy Colton here Mr Poo here Mr shortway here Mr Taro president Mrs do here please rise and join me in the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all at this time I'll turn it over to Mr clo the administration thank you madam president pursu to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee and administration recom F resolutions page page committee move by Mr guo seconded by Mr any discussion roll call please yes m m Colton yes Mr BL yes Mr shortle yes Mr Toro yes Mr CL yes Mr fio yes Mr Doyle yes Mrs do yes meeting regulations during each regular meeting two opportunities are provided for citizens to ask questions and to make comments during the first opportunity early on the agenda the meeting is to open is is open to the public for the purpose of addressing items listed for approval on this agenda only the second opportunity occurs just prior to adjournment when citizens May address any subject matter that is pertinent to and or directly related to the operation of the school district persons wishing to speak must upon be recognized rise State their name address and subject matter comments and questions shall be addressed to the board president or the presiding officer and shall be limited to five minutes per person the board may or may not respond to issues raised by members of the public at the time they are raised will provide a response if and when they appropriate the board asks that members of the public be courageous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking please note that the board will not respond to comments regarding students or board employees in light of the Privacy rights held by the those individuals moreover the board discourages comments about such individuals and will not be responsible for such comments members of the public who choose to speak during this public session should carefully consider their comments since they can be held personally liable for any statements they make finally please note that in accordance with District policy the board will not officially comment or respond to any matter mentioned unless I can conf can confirm that the matter has first been brought to the attention of the appropriate School Personnel in an attempt to resolve the issue public be heard agenda items only approval of minutes I'll entertain a motion motion motion by basso second seconded by Miss Nash and any discussion roll call please Nicholas Sasso yes Thomas gellis yes Joseph lone yes Natalie wolf yes rash yes Max Matos yes atillo yes Jake binski yes William Gul yes there's no correspondence at this time student council representative support we got C okay good evening everyone thank you for welcoming to me tonight as always this will be my last meeting here on the board with you guys and I'd just like to thank everyone here for this opportunity to be involved um I truly appreciate all of you in this invaluable experience as for school updates recently the school Val Victorian and salutatorian have been announced for the 2024 graduating class congratulations to my fellow students Sandy SLE Val Victorian and Leah shell salutatorian for all of your hard work and dedication ation last Thursday National Honor Society members were honored at the tides of State for the gold tassel dinner it was a successful night of fun celebration and of course amazing food thank you Mr McMahon and all others involved in organizing this annual event this week AP testing Begins for all students who have been signed up for an AP course at the beginning of this year for those who may not know AP tests are college level exams for specific subjects in order to earn discounted college credits that can be used in place of a college course and looking forward poetry day will be Monday May 20th here at the high school it includes all sorts of activities as a way for students to express themselves through poetry including live original slam poetry performed by students and opportunities for all students to try writing their own this month the high school library media center will highlight three important National events this month Jewish American Heritage Month asian-pacific Islander American heritage month and mental health awareness month for each theme the library offers faculty instructional materials and resources that engage students with library book displays and bulletin boards informational materials daily morning announcements posted Flyers social media postings and relevant books also the art show will take place in the high school Courtyard during the day on Thursday May 23rd it's open for all members of the public to celebrate student artistic talent and all of their hard work throughout the year from all levels of art classes also that day will be the spring concert in the auditorium later at 7:00 p.m. the day after on the 24th will be the rock band concert at 1:50 p.m. in the auditorium on May 30th the dance and theater department will present when you wish in the High School auditorium at 700 p.m. it's a Disney inspired performance with donation based tickets this is a very artistic and creative month for all of haor high school and at the Lincoln Middle School they'll be having their play production on Friday May 17th more information can be found on the school website some important senior dates this month include the senior athletic brunch on June 2nd spring sports awards June 3rd prom June 6th yearbook signing and breakfast Friday June 7th senior trip to Dorney Park Monday June 10th and band Awards and Senior Superstars June 11th senior scholarship night June 13th and finally senior graduation June 18th at 6:30 p.m. um hopefully I was able to cover everything because there's a lot these next few weeks but thank you again for welcoming me and have an amazing summer [Applause] we would like to start with recognition of the student representative to the board ban counselor banana counselor has served as a student representative to the board during the 2023 2024 school year it is recommended that the board approve the following resolution of appreciation and honor of Banna whereas Banna counselor has served as a student representative to the Board of Education during the 2023 2024 school year and whereas it has been her responsibility to voice the student perspective to the board at their public meetings and whereas she has been diligent and conscientious in attending the Board of Education meetings and where she has conducted herself with Po and courtesy while listening attentively to many lengthy discussions pertaining to the governs of the school district and where she has presented thoughtful and informative reports to the board of education on issues and events at the high school and where she has volunteered as a face painter at the food truck festival and for haor high school PTO and where she is in the a member of the National Honor Society and Spanish Honors Society and has participated in student council Heroes and Cool Kids and Spanish club and where she's acted as the boys lacrosse manager in grade 12 and was a member of the Spring Track Varsity indoor track varsity and soccer varsity teams and now therefore be it resolved that the members of the Hawthorne Board of Education Express their gratitude and appreciation to bana counselor for her service to the student body and the Board of Education and send her her best wishes for success in all future endeavors [Applause] now this is a certificate for the board Rihanna counselor is hereby awarded this certificate of appreciation and recognition of the valuable contribution made towards the cause of forwarding education in hawthor community as the hawthor high school student council representative to the board of education for the 2023 2024 school year presented on this 7th day of May 2024 thank [Applause] you now just a few items to share here are some end of the year events we've already held numerous end of the year events including our HHS spring production of Mama Mia which was fantastic we have many more exciting events ahead please check the calendar on the school and District websites for more details regarding these and other end of the year events thank you and congratulations thank you to everyone who supported the CPAC color on this past Sunday morning fortunately the weather cooperated and there was no rain during this event we appreciate the co-presidents and the members of the C for their efforts putting this event together and for their ongoing support for our schools congratulations stem cap Capstone class the NJ SBA te steam tank challenge High School Division finalist team down spite Dynamo the students names that were involved in this team were madri valoo Ryan carella Nathan Garing Jacob Hernandez and Joshua Duran this is a letter that we got from the NJ SBA congratulations your team is selected to compete in the finals round of the 2024 njsba virtual steam tank design Challenge on May 28th to the 31st the steam tank challenge continues to grow in popularity thanks to our enterprising students their innov innovative ideas incredible presentations and the support of their Educators and Board of Education throughout the state we will hold a virtual ceremony June 3rd where we will announce their winning high school teams in addition we will announce the top three final teams in the elementary and middle schools divisions who will compete at the New Jersey School Board of boards Association workshop at the Atlantic City Comm vention Center on October 22nd and 2023 of 2024 the top three teams in each division will receive $155,000 in prize money sponsored by the ellf andj you will be notified on the specific details and the time slots for the final competition in the following correspondence Bears decisions 2024 I encourage all members of our community to view the Bears decisions 2024 Instagram page to see all of our amazing schools our HHS seniors have been accepted to we have shared the link to this page on all of our soci social media accounts I will also like to ask my fellow seniors here tonight to share their post high school plans for the fall so I'm going to start first with Max just share where you're going to school in the fall Max from [Applause] [Music] college next I'll pass it to Jake uh ber Community College next Brian um I'm going to see Hall [Applause] myself I'm going to Penn State to major in [Applause] biology next to Joey I'm also going to seall University AA University n of the University of South Carolina some of the other school students at HHS are attending this fall include rmao monair State Sean Hall Penn State University of South Carolina William Patterson Albright UNCC Wilmington Bard College NJIT Kain Quinnipiac Western Connecticut Bergen Community College Mammoth Yukon College of New Jersey University of California Berkeley Messiah University Indiana University stiner university University of Kentucky University of New Haven Binghamton University Stony Brook University Stevens Institute of Technology Florida Atlantic University Drexel University university of colado Ruckers Ohio State Palm Beach Atlantic University fdu and Codwell [Applause] [Music] and now we're going to start with our teacher recognition so as you may know this week we celebrate teacher appreciation week as a part of that celebration we would like to spend a few minutes recognizing and celebrating our governor educators of the year in Educational Services Professionals of the year can we have Miss parus actually from the HDA join our first honory is Miss Pamela faden HHS math teacher Mrs F's impact on Hawthorne School Community is profound and multifaced as president of the Hawthorne Teachers Association she has fostered a culture of trust and respect among staff students and families her commitment to professionalism demonstrated through her own behavior en encouragement of others set a high standard for our school Community Mrs fen's dedication extends to serving on the school Improvement panel where she actively contributes to our professional learning community at hawth high school her compassion and Care are evident in her daily interactions as she prioritizes assist assistance to staff Administration and students alike in the classroom Mrs baten sets high expectations for all students and employe employees various teaching strategies to ensure every learner has the opportunity to succeed Mrs faden's commitment to Student Success is further exemplified by her planning and alignment of lesson objectives to curriculum standards and individual learning needs she continuously refines her teaching methods incorporating real life examples and ENC engaging activities to demonstrate the value of learning in summary Mrs faden's contributions to our school Community are invaluable and she's truly deserving of the recognition of educator of the year [Applause] our next Governor educator of the year is Mrs Teresa dejano HHS media speci [Music] [Applause] Mrs djano is an invaluable assess asset to our school Community continually enhancing The Learning Experience for students and teachers alike through the Innovation programs in the media center Library she has created programs such as C reading themed book displays and student Le initiatives she Fosters a love for reading and a sense of belonging at HHS Mrs drono dedication extends to assisting students with research papers and collaborating with colleagues to De develop re re skills across grade levels moreover her contributions extend beyond the media center as she provides valuable resources and supports a teachers through her monthly newsletter and ongoing collaboration overall Mrs djo's professionalism dedication and commitment to growth make her a deserving candidate for an educational service professional of the year she sets a high standard for our community and continuously seeks opportunities to improve an inovate please join me in congratulating Mrs djony [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our next Governor educator of the year is Miss Barbara mby par professional at LMS [Applause] Miss Barbara movy is a highly dedicated PA professional at Lincoln middle school she comes to work every day with the idea in mind of making LMS a fun place to work and to support students to the fullest extent possible Miss muli greets staff with a chipper hello and morning hug as her routine Miss Barbara movi is dedicated to supporting her students and all the students in the building both academically and emotionally she finds ways to help students understand content makes them feel accepted and able in the school setting as a pair professional she works with the teachers to best understand the content and to become a true asset in each of the classrooms Miss movy serves on the CPI team and is also a contributing member of the community through her work as an EMT Miss movi coordinates the LMS staff Olympic teams and competitions that allow staff to enjoy each other's company and have fun outside of work hours after each competition she Awards the top players with medals and photo recognition Miss mby is truly a great person to have as a colleague and always one that sees the brighter side of situations we are thankful that Miss mby continues to work at LMS and is a better place to be because she is here to do her job have fun and always willing to help whatever the situation is please join me in con congratulating Miss [Applause] muli next we are happy to recognize Miss Aaron mcken preschool teacher at Jefferson Elementary School [Applause] Miss Aaron mcken is the teacher for our integrated preschool program in hbor she works with colleagues in the child study team and overall preschool program to Contin continually develop strategies and programs to help our students grow at their own pace this past year Miss mcken helped beerhead a daily routine in which students from our other special education programs would visit her classrooms for Interactive and integrated play centers additionally Miss mcken worked closely with her colleagues to develop regular events that allowed parents to come to the school and be a part of activities with their children these are just two examples of how Miss mcken helps our program Thrive for all preschool students in the community Beyond her professional skills Miss mcken is a trusted colleague always willing to be creative and collaborative to help our students we are so lucky to have her on our team congratulations on this well-deserved honor Mrs mck [Applause] our next Governor educator of the year is Mrs Carrie Casey special education teacher at Roosevelt [Applause] School Mrs Casey's exceptional approach to teaching sets her apart as an educator who goes above and beyond to create a positive and nurturing learning environment for for her students her unique combination of structure and accountability coupled with kindness and encouragement has proven instrumental in addressing the diverse needs of students with their severe disabilities many of whom exhibit challenges behaviors one of the Mrs Casey's out one of M Casey's outstanding qualities is her ex excellent Report with students and families she not only supports her students within the school setting but also extends her existence to help family navigate the extreme behaviors the parents often deal with at home this level commitment and understanding is truly commendable and highlights her dedication to the holistic development of her students moreover Mrs Casey has earned immense respect from all her colleagues due to her willingness to provide guidance support and effective strategies for handling students with their disabilities her collaborative spear enhances the overall educational experience for all students within our school Community Mrs Casey's advocacy for the inclusion of her students and typical educational settings is a testament to her commitment to fostering tolerance and understanding among classmates the positive positive impact of her efforts is reflected in in the increased ability of her students to assimilate the participation in typical classroom experiences furthermore Mrs Casey's in initiative in creating a k to5 program for supporting students with multiple disabilities has result in remarkable academic achievements for these students her Visionary leadership and tireless efforts have created a program that not only supports academic growth but also promotes social and emotional development Mrs Casey is an exceptional educator who embodies the qualities and values that the governor's educator of the Year award seeks to honors congratulations Mrs [Applause] Casey next we are happy to honor Miss Tanya Barnes special education teacher at Washington [Applause] School Miss Barnes is an exemplary educator who exhibits strong Knowledge and Skills in the area of special education Miss Barnes maintains a positive classroom climate in which there is respect and acceptance for students with special needs Miss Barnes Works effectively with her pair of professional staff to support the learning capabilities of her students Miss bares encouraged an ongoing collaboration with col colleagues child study teams members administrative and parents as as the students Pro progress as wellbeing every PA profession decision made by Miss Barnes has has had its purpose of doing what it's best for children thank you for your outstanding performance every day we are truly fortunate to have you at Washington school and congratulate you on receiving this award please join me in congratulating Miss [Applause] bar next we are happy to recognize Miss Renee snuten special education teacher LMS [Applause] Mrs snuten is a 27-year veteran teacher at Lincoln Middle School Mrs snuten Works powerlessly to stay up to date on all new categories she is often tasked with helping the most challenging students each year she handles each challenge with ease and Grace Mrs SN also tasks with supporting new staff and often serves as a mentor to new teachers Mrs snen is prayer is professional and comes to work each day to better the building the students and those around her for several years Mrs Sten has chaired the sunshine club which focuses on celebrating Milestones of all staff members in addition Mrs Snowden is versatile she has taught most subjects and has taught them with various settings Mrs snen is a committed PA is a committed professional and demonstrates the qualities of Highly Effective Teacher she's also willing to help in all capacities and provide countless insights into teaching she's willing to lend her support to all colleagues and is someone the newer staff should look up to while Mrs SN is one of the best teachers she is never settling and always striving to be become better her colleagues describe her as someone who is always willing to go above and beyond for everyone she encounters and makes them better makes the building a better place every day Mrs snut is truly a fantastic educator that all staff should Inspire to accum humiliate we are thankful for the work and passion that Mrs ston displays that Lincoln Middle School congratulations Mrs [Applause] snon our final honor tonight is Mrs Jackie pizero academic [Applause] at the Roosevelt School as Roosevelt School academic coordinator in person in charge of discipline Mrs pizero creates opportunities to help students navigate peer relationships manage confli conflict resolution and Foster positive relationships between school our students and their families her guidance and mentorship have pivotal have been pivotal in creating a conductive and harmonous learning en enironment additional Mrs pizero Works in close partnership with Roosevelt school's counseling department to support the social and emotional development of our students her dedication to nurturing not only academic but also emotional growth showcases her highly effective approach to education a perfect example is Mrs pizaro's own special initiative known as project smile this initiative is a unique program involving a phone messaging service encouraging people to call and listen to positive messages recorded by Roosevelt School kinder Garners spreading joy and positivity throughout the community it should also be noted that Mrs pizer's commitment to the community extends Beyond her professional life she is an active member of Haw high school PTO Haw Education Foundation and a dedicated supporter of our school's athletic teams always present in the crowd cheering on our football baseball girls soccer and track teams this level involvement highlights her genuine commitment to fostering a positive educational environment congratulations Mrs B [Applause] Fant so like take a picture with everybody are we blocking see congratul [Applause] we're going to take a five minute recess so guests can leave way to that's one way to put it yeah e e e e e e [Music] okay Miss wolf curriculum and instruction please thank you Mr President pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on curriculum and instruction recommends the following resolutions ci1 through ci4 ci5 through CI 12 CI 13 to CI 15 and on page eight C C 16 to ci8 on the on behalf yeah which can continues onto page nine on behalf of the committee is so move second motion by Miss Wolf seconded by Mr brazinski any discussion roll call please Thomas Galis yes Joseph lone yes Natalie wolf yes Kine n rashell yes Max Matos yes Ava tantillo yes Jake binski yes nikolette Sasso yes William G yes Miss wolf first down the following resolutions are pursuant to the recommendations of the superintendent of schools P1 to p7 continues on to 10 p8 to p19 P20 to p25 p26 to p28 p29 to P35 and following onto page 13 P36 to p37 on behalf of the committee I still moved second second motion motion motion by Miss Wolf seconded by Mr Matos any discussion we would like to welcome the new hires to the district and wish those who are retiring well in their retirement any other discussion roll call please Joseph lone yes Natalie wolf yes cine n rash yes Max Matos yes Ava tantillo yes Jake binski yes nicholette Sasso yes Thomas gellis yes William G yes Mr Galis finance and administration pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on finance and and administration recommends the following resolutions F1 through f4 on page 13 F5 to 88 on page 14 on behalf of the committee ISO moved second motion by Mr gas seconded by miss tantilla any discussion roll call please Natalie wolf yes Kine nashil yes Max natos yes Ava tintillo yes Jake brazinski yes nikolette Sasso yes Thomas gellis yes Joseph lone yes William G yes Mr Lon Mr lone claims in accordance with njac 6A clone 23-2 11 B C3 and C4 it is recommended that the board approve the bill list for the month of May 2024 second motion by Mr Alone seconded by any discussion roll call please cine nashil yes Max Matos yes Ava tantillo yes Jake binski yes nikolette Sasso yes Thomas canellis yes Joseph lone yes Natalie wolf yes William GF yes Mr binski buildings and grounds pursuing to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on buildings and grounds recommends the following resolutions bg1 on page 15 on behalf of committee IO move second motion by Mr binski seconded by Miss wolf any discussion roll call please Max Matos yes Ava tantillo yes Jake binski yes Nicholas Sasso yes Thomas gellis yes Joseph lone yes Natalie wolf yes acad rash yes William G yes committee andaz on reports Miss Sasso legislative Mr G Talis May 7 Miss Sasso legislative legislation that would Pro provide relief to school districts that have experienced painful state aid reductions is scheduled for a hearing before the Senate budget and appropri Appropriations Committee on Thursday May 9th this would restore a portion of the aid cut Cuts districts would experience under the fiscal year of 201 25 state budget proposal the bill would also provide property tax cap relief to these districts as well as those that experienced a cumulative reduction in state aid in recent years the bill passed the full general assembly last month and if it receives committee approval on Thursday it could be scheduled for a vote by the full Senate as early as Monday May 13th the following summarizes the key provisions of the bill as passed by the general assembly however please note that the Amendments could be made to the bill in Committee in committee on Thursday Aid grants the legislation establishes the stabilized state school budget aid grant program funded with a state appropriation of over $71 million this program would allow any District experiencing Aid loss in fiscal year 2025 to apply to the state for an aid grant equal to 2third of the amount of the district's proposed school aid reduction these districts would also be able to recoup the remaining onethird of their state aid losses by exceeding the maximum amount permitted under the statutory tax levy cap law without the need to obtain voter approval however such an increase would be limited to no more than 99.9% of the prior year Levy tax cap flexibility the bill also provides tax cap relief around the so-called 2% cap that limits the ability of districts to raise funds at the local level to support their schools this relief would be able available to school to districts that experience an overall reduction in state aid between the 2020 to 2021 school year and now it does so in the following two ways one District receiving aid grants if the district receive an aid grant under the stabilized school budget aid grant program the permitted increase would be CT at the Mount of the school district's net reduction from 2020 to 2021 through 2023 to 2024 the current and three prior fiscal years two the district's not receiving aid grants districts not receiving a an aid grant would similarly be eligible for tax cap flexibility however these districts would be able to increase their Levy beyond the maximum permissible amount to the overall reduction between fiscal year 2021 and fiscal year 2025 the prior for four fiscal years and the fiscal year beginning July J 1st the full bill number a 4161 can be viewed on the New Jersey legislature website this concludes my report thank you missa Mr Galis finance and administration May 7th 2024 finance committee update we will be opening RFP submissions for the Food Service management company on May 14th 2024 at 10:00 a.m. we will be opening bids for the roof repl placement retrofit at Lincoln Middle School on June 4th 2024 at 2 p.m. the roof for placement for Roosevelt Elementary will be advertised for bids in the fall and the work will take place next summer new payroll and benefits clerk started on May 1st 2024 we will be implementing a new human resource payroll employee portal to become functional beginning July 2024 employees will then have access to their payroll tax documents at any time that concludes my report thank you Mr Gales Mr lone policy nothing to report Miss wolf Council liaison we would like to share a few things that are going on in town the first thing being the voter registration deadline is Tuesday May 14th second hawor Board of Health is holding a free rabies clinic for dogs and cats on Tuesday May 14th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Hawthorne pool parking lot on Sunday May 19th the football field in track the the mayor is hosting his annual Wellness event and walk the Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday May 27th at noon the next council meeting is Wednesday May 15th Miss wolf curriculum and instruction for curriculum and instruction we're excited to bring back this three-day seminar for Rising seniors to begin the college process with the assistance of our guidance counselors and language arts teachers the college boot camp registration will be sent out within the coming weeks College boot camp will run during the summer and the dates are to be determined it will be at Lincoln Middle School the topics include finding your best fit college application Workshop college essay writing workshop and student priority work session that concludes my report thank you Miss wolf njsba all board members received an email today from njsba urging them to contact their legislators to support the fun the the refunding they provide contact info and email Miss n um PC SBA the next pcba meeting will be May 29th that's all thank you Mr Matos HF cpacp LMS please reach a LMS PTO and buy a ger hot chocolate bar that they are $2 a bar and the only flavors that remain are milk chocolate crispy and caramel um all sales will help help us provide Starships towards two Hawthorne High School seniors Project Graduation and next year's LMS 8ighth grade students Hawthorne Project Graduation the drawing for the 13in MacBook Air will be May 15th winner need not be present Roosevelt school PTO project smile call now may is National Mental Health Awareness Month Miss Mrs pasero and the worlds about kindergarten classes with the help of paor School District's technology department has created project file project file is a hotline for any anyone to call when when they are in need of an encouraging message please feel free to call for as many Smiles as you may need and please feel free to to share with any of your family or friends let's spread our kindness with as many people as we can project smile hotline 844 985 2502 also go go to the Roosevelt School of age for the virtual fundraiser May 13th to May 17th to try all 12 flavors and support the school Thor NJ CPAC six annual U 5K Color Run walk was a success congratulations to the Color Run winners of 2024 in the men's division Anthony nativo for first place second place was Kevin Fister and third place was Finn Craven in the woman's division was first place Rosie Centron second place were Petra Vance slute v slot sorry and third place was Stephanie kining the t-shirts once again were made by students of the be Cave of the seventh annual CAC 5K Color Run walk for 2025 be announced shortly but you can typically expect it to be on the first Sunday of may we want to uh say a few special thank yous to Mayor John V Lane the burrow of hawthor Hawthorne Police Department the state county sheriff's department Hawthorne volunteer ambulance Corps the bear cave members of the Hawthorne CAC HHS National Honor Society student volunteers St Anthony's confirmation candidate volunteers and also we want to thank the supporters uh sponsors friends of Lewis Bay second Library councilman Mike and Chrissy skiar Mo guar Bagel Express Christian healthc Care Center Justin's Restaurant and the brown sponsors were Alex and oo the exit solar realy Vanguard Medical Group Jeff Frankle photography DJ Frank and our silver sponsor was anera supermarkets that concludes our report thank you Mr Matos and Mr Palo Mr binski buildings and grounds thank you president golf the building and grounds committee did not meet this month but the following are updates on various items taking place throughout the district as discussed in our budget presentation this summer we will be replacing the carpets in the barricade we have already already received quotes which we will receive review with Mr Higgins also over the summer we are planning to add some fencing in front of the Lincoln School playground and place a new fence around the newly installed generator at the back of the high school we will be replacing the railings this will include railings near the waight room entrance and in the back of the high school by the stem room entrance finally we are in the process of bidding for the LMS partial roof replacement should the bids be should the bids come in favorable this work will begin at the end of the J of the July this concludes the building and grounds committee report thank you Mr rinsky publicly heard General comments and questions from the board related School District new business or old business Miss darely please start if you have if you have anything you want to say um we want to congratulate Mrs sh on her retirement this year and all the teacher Specialist of this year thank you Miss Miss Sasso congratulations to all the recipients of the governor's teacher award this year thank you Miss we want to thank all the award recipients and a special thank uh congratulations to Briana and all of our um fellow what student student Representatives thank thank you Mr lone we should like to say good luck to the rest of the the athletes for the spring season of the 2024 season uh yeah good luck thank you Miss s miss tler Mr Gales I want to plug in the coming presentation by William Patterson University's sales Club one of the presenters will be Hawthorne High School alumni class of 2023 Xavier clo Rihanna best wishes in seene Hall next year congratulations on representing yourself and the high school as well as you have congratulations to the students and staff for putting on mam Mia it was fun and we enjoyed it very much congratulations to Mr Fister for his second place finish at Sunday's color run with a time of 20 minutes congratulations to the teachers for their well-deserved recognition the students our district produc say is a testament of our dedication last but not least congratulations to all the student reps of tonight's Youth Night continue continue doing great things and good luck next year go Bears go Bears thank you Mr binsky uh congratulations Briana counselor for being a 2024 student rep and congratulations uh recipients of the governor educator of the Year thank you Miss wolf um I'd like to say Well done to Briana for the student rep to the board and on behalf of everybody who participated in the spring musical of mam Mia um thank you for coming and supporting if you can or if you did thank you Mr BOS thank you so much for allowing me to be here tonight and and best of luck to all students on their college Endeavors too thank [Applause] you congratulations to all the educators of the Year also thank you to all the students who volunteered to come this evening this is one of our favorite meetings of the year a huge thank you to Brianna there is no private session this evening so I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion second motion by Miss Telo second by misso any discussion roll call please aao yes Jake binski yes Nikolas Sasso yes Thomas gellis yes Joseph lone yes Natalie wolf yes CN n rash yes Max metos yes Will William Gul yes that's it stick around we want to take a picture of everybody we're just trying to figure out how what kind of wide Zoom Panorama we're GNA need put that it's the auditorium sometimes