##VIDEO ID:yKudBrazkq8## e e e e e me is call to order the time is 7 p.m. the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the business administrator board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building communicated to the Herold news the record and filed with the clerk of the buau of Hawthorne roll call please Mr car here Mr clil here Mr Doyle here M Aaron trout here m m Colson here Mr Poo here Mr shortway here Mrs Toro here Mrs go here please stand and join me in the I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all during each regular meeting two opportunities are provided for citizens to ask questions and to make comments during the first opportunity early on the agenda the meeting is open to the public for the purpose of addressing items listed for approval on this agenda only the second opportunity occurs just prior to adjournment when citizens may ask May address any subject matter that is pertinent to and or directly related to the operation of the school district persons wishing to speak must upon being recognized rise State their name address and subject matter comments and questions shall be addressed to the board president or the presiding officer and shall be limited to five minutes in length the person the board may or may not respond to issues raised by members of the public at the time they are raised but will provide a response if and when appropriate the board asks that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking please note that the board will not respond to comments regarding students or board employees in light of the Privacy rights held by those individuals moreover the board discourages comments about such individuals and will not be responsible for such comments members of the public who choose to speak during the public session should carefully consider their comments comments since they could be held personally liable for any comments they make finally not please note that in accordance with the district policy the board will not officially comment or respond to any matter mentioned unless it can confirm that the matter has first been brought to the attention of the appropriate personnel in an attempt to resolve the issue at this time publicly heard agenda items only okay approval of the minutes we believe that it's only public right Miss Mar um public meeting held on October 15 2024 motion second motion by Miss Aaron trout seconded by Mr totaro any discussion roll call please Mr car yes Mr clil yes Mr Doyle yes M Aaron trout yes Miss Moi Colton yes Mr Poo yes Mr Mr shortway yes Mr Taro yes Mrs go yes correspondence I don't have any at this time and we will turn it over to Mr gof for the student council representative report good evening everyone I hope you're all having an amazing November so far without further Ado I will begin this month's report HHS has officially wrapped up its fall Sports Seasons I'll will now provide the outcome for each for each sport our girls volleyball team had a very successful season 13-7 and making it to the first round of the njs IIA tournament our boy soccer team went 6 and 10 with almost all of his loss losses being extremely close our girls soccer team had a successful season going 108 and one and making it to the second round of the NJ s IA tournament our girls test team went 2 and4 our football team finished off the year winning their last two games making the record three and six our student athletes are excited for upcoming winter season Sports include ice hockey winter track girls and boys basketball wrestling bowling and cheerleading School ongoing as fall comes to an end and we enter winter the school has many exciting events taking place last week the PTO hosted a bake sale the day of the election and the next day during lunch the HHS PTO membership is now open the school's annual Holiday Dance is upon us tickets are $90 and the dance will be held at maaloa signups begin Monday the 11th for seniors and open up for the rest of the school on the 12th and Clos on the 15th the senior class went Spirit Week and for the third year in a row hallway decoration for the first time in ha High School history The Freshman Class cabinet tied for the second place with the junior class and the sophomore class took place took last place in hallway decoration congratulations to the November students of the month senior William garstein Junior Amelia D sophomore Emma R and freshman Sophia solar zaro the junior parent postsecondary planning night took place yesterday band parent meeting night takes place November 13th November 15th is marking period one cards being posted hawor High School fall sports awards take place the 25th of November December 5th is the hawor high school PTO meeting at 730 December 6th through 8th is the fall production njms share the key safe driving program takes place December 18 clubs The Italian Club has a donation cup at Angelina's Deli if you stop by be sure to make a donation and AAL machine is open to students and faculty in Miss barbetta's room on R2 and R4 days during lunch additionally The Italian Club goes on its annual trip tomorrow this year the destination is Little Italy the art Club will meet this Thursday and will focus on Fall themed art the Shar Club will assist with the food pantry Drive although dates are not yet established the class of 2028 is having an apparel fundraiser through November 25th and the senior class is having a give back night fundraiser at Habit Burger in Fon tomorrow from 400 P p.m. to 9:00 p.m Library Spotlight November Library events include the following highlighting the diversity of the high school library collection this month the library books displays announcements and social media highlight National Italian American month and Native American heritage month to honor active duty military and veterans in November the library is highlighting military appreciation month with a wall of Honor that shines a spotlight on the photo and military background of HHS families thank you thank you Dr spro superintendent report okay thank you very much uh so a number of things to share tonight uh first of all I also as will mentioned I want to congratulate all of our full sports teams on another great fall season uh you know I I always say our kids not only compete extremely hard uh but they always represent us extremely well they represent our school district extremely well so I just I'm just real proud of of all their hard work uh not only our athletes but of course our coaches I thank them for their leadership and their mentorship of our student athletes throughout the season and again as will mentioned our fall sports awards is Monday November 25th um and of course then we look forward to the start of our winter season so congratulations to all of our fall sports teams I also want to thank everyone who submitted nominations for our governor educator of the year and our Educational Services Professionals of the year so this year we received uh 36 nominations actually more than we received uh over the last couple of years uh last year we were around 30 so we received a few more this year um and uh you know it's just so nice to be able to read all those nominations and hear all the great things uh you know the great things about all of our wonderful teachers and Ed Services professionals so uh that process has begun with nominations what'll happen now is there'll be voting that will take place uh there will be board members who are participating in that voting thank you to the board members who agreed to participate this year uh but there'll also be people in our schools our administrators and our previous year's winners who will be uh voting as well and then we look forward to celebrating our governor educators of the year at our May board meeting as we do every year um some some things happening at the high school that I want to just mention first of all I just want to uh again highlight Our Heroes and Cool Kids program that's a program we've started I guess we're in our third year of Heroes and Cool Kids now right our third year of Heroes and Cool Kids so basically the Heroes and Cool Kids program is centered around the belief that high school students have the potential to be positive role models for our younger students here at the Middle School uh it focuses on things like social media awareness anti-bullying initiatives resilience building and drug and alcohol prevention and our high school students go to training as part of Heroes and Cool Kids and then they come and meet with our middle school students and serve as mentors and role models to our middle school students and then of course we have the companion program the sidekicks program where our middle school students go down to the elementary schools and work with our elementary students and Mentor those students so it's a great program we're excited to continue to be part of that program I believe the Will's part of that program as well um been for couple years right uh yeah my second year second year right so so it's a great program and we're really excited to to have it continue with the high school um another program that is is growing at the high school is our Esports program so I just want to share an update so we started it started as a club it is probably our largest Club right now our orts club at the high school um as part of referendum we built an eorts area in the back of our media center at the high school and thanks to our tech department uh they built some beautiful uh gaming computers for our students to use and I just want to share that Mr Miller who was our one of our teachers and our Esports Club coordinator uh he shared in an email I just want to read this he says it's want to share an update with all of you about our competitive Esports teams because they are competing now not just within the building but outside of the building um and he says last Monday night was announced that both rocket league and Smash Brothers teams made it to the state playoffs and we'll be chasing a State title on 1123 at Georg and Court University November 23rd at Georg and Court University he says I'm very proud of them being our first time in League uh in a large competition and I'll keep everyone updated and send information to the live stream so that we can watch and obviously when we get that information we'll share it out but just really excited about the growth of that program and the fact that they're now competing outside of the school I can also share that we're looking to expand uh the Esports program at the high school and at when I was actually down at the New Jersey school boards convention in October they had one of the uh sessions that I went to was about um Esports and how it can become a course or actually a CTE class right so uh Mr Fister and I are now going to be meeting uh with this uh company um uh it's called Esports integration we're meeting with them virtually on Monday to talk about how they can help us implement the curriculum and and incorporate Esports not just as a club but in our classes with things like content creation News broadcasting Film Production game design all those kinds of things so this is a great opportunity to possibly expand this Esports program at the high school because it is a growing uh a growing thing not just in high schools but in colleges right there's scholarships for orts in colleges now and so it's really a growing growing are so we're excited to to look at ways that we can expand that for our kids at horth high school um another thing I want to mention about horor high school is a new partnership possibly with Hackensack University Medical Center so as part of uh something that I do every year is I meet with our student council executive board will was actually part of that meeting we have a nice lunch together um and we talk about things that are happening at the high school uh we talk about the students experiences at horor High School over the last four years because most of them are seniors and then uh we talk about how we can improve things or what areas they' like to see improved or or new things that they'd like to see implemented at the high school and one of the things that came up um uh in this meeting uh by one of our our seniors was they were looking to start some kind of a club or Organization for future um health professionals and I can tell you that we have uh a lot of students that go into the health field whether it's nursing OT PT Premed whatever it may be right there's a lot of things that our students pursue in the health field uh at the high school so in having this conversation Carly iino is the one who brought it up I I you know kind of sat with Carly a little bit we talked a little bit more about what she was looking to do um and I said let me reach out to uh someone who I know who happens to work both at hackensac and at St Peters University St Peters University uh in the nursing department so I reached out to Dr Quinn uh who again works at HCK University Medical Center and at St Peters she's actually the person who helped us coordinate our student nursing program that we have right now with St Peters she set up a meeting with Dr pascarelli and herself with hackin so um on Monday Miss Russo and I as well as Cari aino uh Zaya jackar and Olivia pizaro met with two people from hackensac and they are excited about the opportunity of creating some kind of an internship where our kids can now be part of uh you know this program at hakak University so we're going to start small and we're going to just do some uh the goal right now is to try to coordinate some visits to the hospital for some of these students so we're going to open it up to any of our Juniors and seniors who are interested in the health health field and uh we're going to uh try to create some kind of visits to the hospital for this year and then look to expand that year two a possible internship opportunity for kids uh who are interested in the health field so it's a it's another great opportunity for our kids I'm excited about it's it's come together very quickly um and uh but you know we're looking forward to where that can go uh you know in the future so again another great opportunity for our kids uh the other thing I wanted to talk about was standards based report cards um as the board is aware Dr Jon and some of our other administrators uh and some of our teachers as well held three separate meetings uh on October 2nd at Washington School October 8th at Roosevelt and October 10th at Jefferson to discuss the transition to standards based report cards um this week Dr jabona added some information to our web page uh all the presentations and the information that she shared is now available on her web page for any parents to view um parents are encouraged to ask questions at their conferences which are happening this week parent conferences are tomorrow Thursday tomorrow and Thursday of this this week so please if you have questions about this transition to the new report cards please don't hesitate to ask your teacher questions um and of course visit our website Dr tron's website specifically our director of Education where there's more information and the actual presentation that she shared at those parent meetings I thought the meetings were well attended I attended the Washington meeting it was a nice group of parents uh had some great questions we had some great interaction at the meeting but I want to thank Dr Jona the administrators and the teachers who participated in that in those parent nights so they were very like I said very productive and helpful for parents who did attend um and then the last thing and I'll repeat some of the things that we'll share just some events you know November and December are very busy months we have a lot going on uh with different events especially in December but as I mentioned Elementary parent conferences are tomorrow and Thursday uh our fall sports awards is November 25th at 6:30 p.m. at the high school our fall production in the star catcher December 6th through 8th so please come out and support our our students at horor High School winter concerts Jefferson's is December 4th Roosevelt's is December 5th Washington December 11th Lincoln's Winter concert is December 16th and the high school is December 17th we also have our high school holiday dance on December 12th and our treps Marketplace on December 17th at rosille school so a lot going on uh in the next couple of months um so stay tuned to oursite we it all this information is on our website as well as you know make sure you're reading those weekly announcements from the school principles where has all these dates and information and finally I can't believe I'm going to say this but I want to just wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving um and I say this every year it's one of my favorite holidays uh family food and football you know what could be what could be worth be nothing better than that for sure but um but I just want to wish everybody Happy Thanksgiving you know it's a great time for all of us to kind of just reflect on all that we're thankful for so I hope you have a great uh Thanksgiving and um and that my report thank you Dr spro I I just want to Echo um the Esports um thing is a really big deal you know William and I did a lot of College touring over the past year and several of the colleges that's part of their tour they take regardless of why there now they take you in Arcadia showed us the brand new Esports room and they talk about their record they have CLS up on the wall and so it's really cool to see that that we were sort of ahead of the curve there a little bit and that that is another way for our students to to gain skills and opportunities um in other areas that that aren't outside Sports I know athletic sports or or it's just a really cool Niche thing that we we personally saw um on our on our College have you something that I heard this week that's kind of relevant was uh the correlation between G Gamers and successful the more proficient surgeons CU like 26% of them are more proficient if they're Gamers so wow you know there's different correlations that that you don't necessar correlate to profession well was looking at me because he he surgeon was one of the things on his list I was like no no way that's too that's too stressful but that that's really awesome to hear and awesome to hear about the the partnership with Hackensack and how quickly that can get off the ground because I do know I mean he's interested in the healthare field and something that they can you know get experience in right now were working to get something established right away like they were great the people from Haack Dr paselli and Dr Quinn were 100% on boards uh they're excited to get something started right like right away so that's really cool start something as soon as we can we're sent out I don't know if you sent the survey that went out already so miss Russo was putting together a quick survey for our Juniors and seniors to see who was interested in what Fields because part of the the visits was they're going to they're going to also try to coordinate some uh presentations from respiratory therapists OTS pts nurses doctor you know just so that they can hear from different people in the hospital so we're just trying to again this is we're at the very early stages of this but it's exciting where I think it's going to it's going to grow quickly and and I I think they're they're they're excited about the possibility of becoming a true internship in in the Comm that's amazing I mean not to bring up pcti so early in the evening but that you know that that is we normally do that later on at the end but that is a reason that people go there the nursing program which in my opinion really isn't a vot tech program um but if we could bring something to to our high school that could give them exposure and and get them and and partnership or just you know dip their toe in the water I think that that's absolutely awesome and I thank Mr Fister at the PTO meeting this past month saying you know the listening to the students it pays off every time you know he met with the student council which is huge so those of you who don't have high schoolers it's not just a handful of people that have to run for positions everybody can be on the student council so there are there literally were over a hundred students at the student council meeting at the high school and so he listens to them and they were the driving force in bringing back the homecoming dance they wanted to see it come back they would rather do that than it was supposed to be the food truck thing so and it was awesome they had an awesome time it had been over a decade since the homecoming dance had but listening to the students I think is something that will it will benefit us in the long run and it we have the we can do that in a community school like offw or and high school you can listen to them we can pivot um we want to hear what they have to say so I think that that's amazing that you met with them and that that we're taking that to heart and that it's able to get off the ground so quickly I love all of that that we're hearing about so thank you um Miss Aaron trout curriculum and instruction I don't know which side you're on oh hi down here thank you pres pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on curriculum and instruction recommends the following resolutions ci1 and ci2 on page three ci3 through ci5 on page four and that's it on behalf of the committee I still move second move by Miss Aaron trout seconded by Mr shortway any discussion roll call Please Mr CIO yes Mr Doyle yes M Aaron trout yes Miss M Colton yes Mr Poo yes Mr shortway yes Mrs atoro yes Mr cor yes Mrs go yes Personnel back to you Miss Aon TR thank you president go the following resolutions are pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools P1 through P6 on page five p7 through 13 on page six P4 through P 18 on page seven and P9 on page eight on behalf of the committee I so move second moveed by Miss Aaron TR seconded by Mr totaro any discussion yeah go ahead I always just like to welcome all the new members to the ha Community I know that there are a few people retiring we also have a few new substitute teachers joining us for everyone who's new we had an intern um welcome welcome to the H District I would like to Echo those sentiments I'm always pleasantly surprised to see interns on here um not that there's anything wrong with hawor I just knowing that education is as Dr SPO puts it the wild west currently um you know it's very refreshing to see people still coming to depression at a lesser rate than they usually do but still um happy to see that are bringing in interns and new teachers in substitute as well call please Mr Doyle yes Mr Aron TR yes Miss M Colson yes Mr Poo yes Mr shortway yes mrso yes Mr car yes Mr CIO yes Mrs G yes Mr CIO finance and administration thank you madam president uh we have a donation a acceptance of a donation of Nikon cameras and one panas Panasonic camera with backpacks from William William nickol photography with an estimated value of $500 to the Hof and high school broadcasting class thank you to him I did try to Google him was not able to pull him up just to give him a plug but thank you uh at any rate uh we have action items on page eight pursu to the recommendation of superintendent of schools the committee on finance and administration recommends the following resolutions F1 to F4 on behalf of the committee I still move second move by Mr clo seconded by Mr Poo any discussion I just have a quick question sure go ahead for remember um F3 is that for Roosevelt like is that upcoming or is that work be done it says payment sorry Oh I thought you need I can't hear you I was asking I think it was for the Lincoln it's like a very long Thanksgiving table and I can't hear anyone the Dan Ro thing yeah that's um l l the one that was done this room this this that was done already right yes top for the Roosevelt Ro because we're going out to we we already accepted bids for the rose about roof um so we're that'll be done this summer next okay that's this coming summer thank you you're welcome can I just comment on one item F4 I just wanted to know so that's for the cops Grant obviously the the the grant writer who wrote the grant is he do all that work as you see in the the resolution he'll do all the performance reports Financial reports everything that the auditor needs and the beauty of that is although the cost is $1900 75% of that is is included in the grant so it's only going to cost the district $475 so 75% is covered by the grant so it's it's truly not 1900 for the district it's only $475 for us is it what's running past him there's any any other grants that they can work on I mean because at some point finding that grant writer was the challenge that we came across yeah I don't know if he's specific to this particular cops Grant I'm not sure I have to ask him but I can ask him please yeah because when we had the ad hoc that's that's as far as we got right we weren't able to identify somebody yes maybe yeah I'll ask him I he might be specific to this but let me let me check him I don't know answer thank you no problem any other discussion roll call please Miss AR yes Miss Moi Colson yes Mr Poo yes Mr shortle yes Mr zaro yes Mr Carr yes Mr clo yes Mr Doyle yes Mrs do yes Mr shortway claims thank you madam president um I had the honor to do the November bills um in accordance with njac 6 a colon 23-2 colon 11b C3 C4 um cl1 on page nine on behalf of the committee I saw move second move by Mr shortway seconded by Mr Carr any discussion will call please miss m Colson yes Mr loose yes Mr shortway yes Mrs ataro yes Mr car yes Mr CIO yes Mr Doyle yes m d trout yes but with reservations to anything relating to pctvs I know I sound like Mr tur you're keeping it alive for us Mrs go yes Mr Taro building and grounds thank you madam president purum the recognition of the superintendent of schools commit on buildings and grounds recommends the following resolution bg1 on page nine continued on to page 10 on behalf of the committee I so move second move by Mr Taro seconded by Mr quo any discussion roll call please Mr Poo yes Mr shortway yes Mr Zoro yes Mr Carr yes Mr Cale yes Mr Doyle yes M Aaron trout yes Miss M Colton yes Mrs go yes committee and Le on reports we'll start with you Mr Carr anything new for legislative nothing to seeing okay uh Mr clo finance and administration thank you while the committee did not meet there's an update on the referendum the balances are staying the same uh the high school had 359,000 left over nothing for the middle school and each Elementary School had about $155,000 the update is that the funds can be used between the buildings so then that would give us $44,000 to be able to use in accordance to um the referendum uh parameters in any other the schools uh other than that the audit is uh ongoing and um that's it that's all I got thank you Mr Miss Aaron trout both Council leison and curriculum in instruction oh I'm sorry Mr Jo I skipped over you I'm so sorry all right anything for policy not a thing okay you knew that I I didn't know if maybe he wanted to schedule a meeting I'll take I didn't intentionally do it that's why I put check marks but my bum hands got me all messed up Miss Aaron trout Council I have nothing to report for the coun um but for C and we did meet prior to this meeting Dr spro mentioned a bit about the finalized standard based report cards and we did get to preview them with Dr Chona they look great um we also discussed their there will be five districtwide data days built into the Monday meeting schedule basically we're using these to dig deeper into the areas that we're struggling with and how to best support our students an exciting one for our teams program there was a symposium at Ruckers and we picked our group which which this is the Latin American studies course which is a dual enrollment course uh with fdu I believe and what was the other the Spanish cultural Club our Spanish cultural club we will be working with a group in Peru focusing on economic sustainability for women in the aaki I hope I pronounced it right in group um basically helping them to start and run their own textile and art businesses so really interesting program for our students and a great opportunity to work internationally and lastly we um received some in information and went over their the connect for Freedom program which is a a New Jersey Department of Education based mandate um there's guidin for K 12 that go over personal and Online safety that will be implemented in the district so that concludes my report thank you Miss Aaron trout for New Jersey school boards Association I just would like to remind my newly elected self and Miss Aaron trout that we will have to conduct the mandated training we have one calendar year from when we sworn in uh from January so we will have to do it next year for everyone else if you haven't conducted your trainings if your in years 1 two three four seven 10 I think I'm the only not that goes past that um you still have time there run on the calendar year so you could get it in before January if you were at all questioning what mandated trainings that you are required to do Karen SK is the keeper of that information she's really good about keeping track of it she usually hounds you but but she is here okay thank you she's still here she's on vacation right now but she's here till the end of January okay end of January okay so thank you um and it it does negatively sanction the board if you don't keep up with the Mandate training so just just make sure that you really try and keep up with what you need to keep up with um additionally I will be reaching out to our board representative um and and asking her to come to probably I would like to say the January meeting that we're having two right yes so the second January meeting um I know that we had wanted to set board goals but we had wanted to wait until the d settled and I think it makes most sense to do it with the new board I know it is one person um Jay we won't miss you we will take your sentiments forward we know how you feel about a lot of things so we we will use that and carry on in your honor um but when Miss Vega joins the board we can have our representative come help us walk through some board goals um as we move forward as as a somewhat new board um at that time so I'll be reaching out to her on our behalf to see what she has available and if she can come to that second January meeting um um as far as that that's that U miss m Coulson P County School Board Association um so I don't have much to report on them because we did not meet in November just that they will have a meeting the next one will be December 9th uh it's as always a hybrid option so you can do virtual at 6:45 or you can go to Lakeland Regional High School at 6: p.m. uh for the meeting I don't have the topic um uh on me right now and then I just wanted to say even though this is njsba but um I was able to attend the workshop this year the October 21st to the 24th and it was very informative um I got to meet a lot of great people um and see some familiar faces um and attend some great um professional development um I have to say Esports was probably orts and AI was probably the most popular topics there this year it was standing room only and then at one point they just shut the doors and was like it's a fire hazard because so many people are interested in these topics um and want to get involved so I think we are ahead of that Trend which is great um I was able to go to uh best practices and current trends uh threat assessment and management safety for schools as well as um from conflict to cooperation handling ethics issues on your board so was a great um experience I'm glad I got to go I'm happy that you were able to go it's definitely a wonderful experience I it is difficult for working to get there I had to take use my days to go but was good I'm glad I got represent thank you uh the topic for this week this month's well next month's County meeting is harnessing the power of the public relations social media and technology in schools um and it is being run by Dr Janine sdut who is the superintendent of the North Warren Regional School District thanks president sure I had it pulled up in my email so I just pulled it back up uh buildings and grounds Mr toar oh my goodness I did it again M I mean I'll go I was going to say that I have nothing I'm just I'm clant maybe I'm CL no I actually have some okay go ahead I always have something to say you should know that um I'll start with uh with CPAC um this information is on their Facebook page hathor NJ CPAC which is s Pac um there's a couple webinars coming up the first one I'm going to jump around a little bit but this one is Friday for anyone who can join during the day it's 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. um it's for aging and ual disabilities addressing current and future challenges U that's with the developmental disabilities lecture series again the link would be on the CAC page that's for Friday but then I have four other ones um which were shared by CAC from Family Resource Network November 13th at 12:00 p.m. DDD budget and available Services learning about DVD budget and services that are available to um eligible families on November 14th at 12:00 p.m. there's a transition Made Easy um it's a step-by-step guidance on how to become eligible for DDD Services when transitioning out of high school and um that's either when you're out of high school or out of the secondary program when you age hit 21 um then on November 19th there's another one at 12:00 p.m. uh to get to work and uh explore employment opportunities um supports and services design to empower Empower adults with disabilities and then on the 21st it's preparing for the NJ cat also at 12:00 p.m. again all these will be on the uh Facebook page for hathor NJ CPAC then move on to Roosevelt School um holiday spirit wear they are selling naughty nice or solid effort shirts you do not have a choice it just is solid effort I'm sure a lot of you would want to get the naughty ones but what sound oh I'm sorry Lincoln I wrote that in the wrong spot I apologize that's for Lincoln School again all this can be found at the um Facebook pages right you post that on the Facebook page okay um and then lincol is also starting a candy and cookie sale America's favorite sweets and treats will be starting this week look for a student LMS student if you have one um that sale will be going on until December 1st and the profits will go to the eighth grade t-shirts which makes sense why it would be at Lincoln School you you have to make fun of yourself then I'm going to jump over Jefferson PTO also this Friday there is a um a give back and it's no cook fundraiser for um and I apologize I can't even read here tonight I should have made it the bigger the font bigger um there is a at the Parkwood Deli um Parkwood Deli you can have one loaf of um a bread a quarter tray of pen vodka four pieces of chicken parm uh four of Mom's meatballs or Caesar salad uh $10 will be donated per order uh to Jefferson Elementary School and I believe the cost on that is $49.95 but again it's a it's a big meal for family of 4 and you have to place your orders on Friday by 10:00 a.m. and pick up your orders between 3 800 p.m. and 600 p.m. and again that's at Parkwood Deli 201 689 855 if you have any questions you can email b o s t l l e at gmail.com if you have any questions and I will finish my report with um he right here we have some graffle tickets we're going to be selling uh it's an ongoing event $1,500 worth of various gift cards will be uh raffled off uh it's one prize you win the $1,500 one one winner um you can reach out to Jennifer Doyle or look for my U my Facebook page over the next few days I usually post them and let you hit me up with uh venmo or PayPal um and then I'll send you back a copy they're they're $10 a piece the drawing will be um December 5th and again it's $1,500 worth of various gift cards and that concludes my report thank you Mr Poo Mr totaro buildings and grounds thank you president Goin uh and is it true that all board members have to buy a minimum of two tickets um we it was four but we reduced it to two thanks for much all right the buildings grounds committing met today in the following are updates on various items taking place throughout the district uh the architect is still working on the High School Athletic Facility assessment requested by the Board of Ed uh this assessment only includes the area along banford Avenue not the entire complex and once re we will forward it uh to all the trustees uh hoping to get that sooner than later uh overall General updates uh we reported last month that we were uh installing the dispensers for uh the feminine products in the girls bathrooms uh which has been completed and installed um we also spoke about VAP detectors um and awaiting the second quote from Eastern Datacom who is the company who's doing the PA work throughout the uh District once we get that we can do the evaluation make the determination on what uh vendor we're going to go with um also we're currently reviewing the uh plans from the brick assessment I think I shared that was pretty robust and and all the information that was a part of that assessment and uh we're accounting for which projects will be able to be budgeted for this coming summer and also at this time we are currently working on obtaining quotes on various projects at uh Jefferson School which include the retaining wall drainage of the main stairs and possible stair treads or replacement of the main stairs uh entering Jefferson as well as the dreams and last but not least we're continue to evaluate the funds which Mr clo shared about that are left over from the referendum and how those costs will be allocated for future projects under consideration this is ongoing and will continue to be reported as the information is provided and that concludes my report thank you Mr Taro at this time public be heard members of the public may ask questions or make comments on educational issues or matters we can still see okay if you don't then I will turn it over to the board for their comments questions old business new business I just ask that you please let Janine know which of them three topics that you are wishing to address um I'll start with Miss wton thank you I guess it would be new new new business new business thank you that's a long thing sorry um I just wanted to say congratulations to link and middle school we ra we all worked really hard to raise $ 17,4 70 during laps for Lincoln that's crazy thanks to these ladies sitting here and we actually got few more so the new number 18,5 really and honestly if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have got anywhere near here because we started and we didn't have that many kids involved they you know for incoming six they didn't really understand it and that you had to you know to to participate that day and I think it was like 85 90% of right Miss quot overall were involved and had donated people will have fun that day and that's really hard to do in a middle school you know um and and I know that you would share but remind me what is that money going towards this was for the new uh projector and screen for the uh gymnasium where I think I mentioned that uh we were here for back to school night that's where the gym teachers are giving their presentations to let parents know what what's going to happen this year in Jim and fette and uh health and you couldn't see the screen so we it's definitely needed um that one's pretty old so the goal was 20,000 and we are almost right there just from one event so and the kids had a great time I got to I happened to be off that day so I got to be here to volunteer I was in charge of cotton candy uh it was a big job you know but I did it I I I was able to walk away SC free but anyway they did these L did a great job job all the PTO parents do a great job and I'm very appreciative and this is going to be something that you know years from now these kids are going to and teachers and staff will get to use and enjoy so thank you amazing anything else Miss Colton oh no thank you Mr car I'm good thank you Mr shortway uh yeah congratulations to uh all the uh fall Sports good luck to uh the winter sports calling out and to the uh Esports that you just told me about that I never knew we had that um and I think that's great that Hack and Sack Meridian and Hawthorn teamed up together I think that's fantastic and uh Happy Thanksgiving to all thank you Mr shortway Mr Doyle uh I just want to acknowledge uh since yesterday was Veterans Day very special thanks to all of our veterans here in the haon community as well as all across all America all over the world and their families as well thank you to our veterans uh and wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving as well thank you Mr D Mr clo General comments uh kudos to middle school for fundraiser the weather was fantastic too so that culminated perfectly also congratulations to the soccer team right the boy soccer team undefeated BRS back that good memories of uh Mr Co coach my son way back when so great to hear about that also congratulations to our newly elected uh Board of EV members our incumbents miss scof and miss arant trout and our newcomer um jel Vega thank you for your willingness to serve and same thank you Jay for uh the three years that you've dedicated to the Board of Education here in town have two more meetings to come to that's on thday true at least one more thday that's all I have thank you thank you Mr Mr toar uh yes thank you just general comments um echoing all the sentiments from everybody else uh but I I just want to share two and I think uh I shared it one maybe you have that you know I think there's been so many great things as of recent you know and and uh hopefully we can continue to highlight those things uh at each meeting and and maybe that's something that we could Target more uh to develop a way to to kind of bring to light some of those things each each meeting in a different way because I just as of late it just seems like there's not enough time to even get all those different people and and and programs uh out there to the public but I sure know that uh it it just makes me feel good that we're moving in and even better direction as of recent and uh and how we can continue to highlight that U because there are some things that not everybody knows about right Esports or you know I mean you know some of the other different things that are going around LMS I mean you guys are just doing such a phenomenal job this year and and being a new parent in LMS it's just been a pleasure to be a part of so thank you guys specifically um and then overall I think uh Dro shared it you know this is definitely my favorite time of the year as well and let's us reflect back and give thanks and appreciation uh so I'm thankful to be a member of this board a part of it with all of you guys and the community um because I think we truly uh do need that uh team effort and it does take a village um to to to bring up our kids and so I'm I'm thankful to all of you guys uh and I wish the community and everyone here a Happy Thanksgiving thank you Mr Miss AR TR thank you president cop echoing the comments that have come before me and especially that were're here in Lincoln Middle School how exciting for an undefeated season like like Alex mentioned for the boy soccer team congratulations U General comments by the way sorry um also want to congratulate aor resident Zoe Mogan who um worked towards her silver award for the Girl Scouts um and if you've been in hawor for a few years she's done a lot of really interesting projects and this was with the um environmental commission and the Green Team and she built a butterfly garden at the 8 Acre Woods so it's nice I know it's not school related but it is something great that um a member of our community a young member of our community is doing and then last comment and it's just um following up I guess to be added to the email list for the newsletters for the school I think I got off of it or I don't receive the emails or if I could get back on those I know it's it's a simple thing and I could have just told you before the meeting but thank you for that yeah yeah yeah just I love the updates and I think I was getting Point thank you again and grateful to be elected again to serve three more years on this board so thank you thank you Mr thank you president gof um just general comments about tonight's meeting uh the opportunities that were brought up tonight as everybody's reiterating Esports hack attch medical um but I'm really impressed and hopefully it continues that the fact that you're you're interacting with the students um it's just a wealth of of understanding of what they're going through and what they they want um I I just I love that I just hope it you know continues um you said Mr fiser was involved that so well he had he had a separate meeting uh I met with the exective board of the student council I I do that every year we sit and have lunch together and just talk for an hour hour and a half we talked for a while about everything everything related to the scho so it's great it's it listen it's as you said it's it's they provide Insight that I don't have I have a different perspective as students right that I don't have as a superintendent or as a community member or whatever right so so that the information and we talk about how every year there's least one thing that comes out of that meeting that we're able to change which is wonderful um I am starting to feel old because Bailey Hansen who now one of our teachers was in one of those meetings when I first started as a student and is now one of our teachers for three years but but every there is so many positive things that have come out of those meetings and just hack ATT attack is just one of the things that will come out of the meeting that we had uh you know last couple weeks ago so great opportunity it's a great opportunity and I I love it I enjoy it I also want to just say that I negle to say that the he raffle um all the money raised will go towards scholarships each year they give a few scholarships out to um graduating high school seniors so again if you can participate but I did want to let everyone know where those funds will go and then I would just like to wish everybody on the board and everybody that's uh you know in the community Happy Thanksgiving um enjoy time with your family thank you Mr BL I have a quick uh few things just general comments first um I wanted to say that similar to what Miss Aon trout said about Zoe that um we do have a recent graduate of the hawor high school public school system who happens to be Mr Carr's nephew I believe who has put more little free libraries throughout the park there now are a total of five I believe little free libraries that are scattered throughout goel Brook Park is an absolutely amazing initiative and I love all of them um the I believe the five locations were shared on the Haw uh Community page family community page but they are near Arnold's pond near the art center uh near the playground by the parking lot on diamond bridge near the parking lot uh on the path as you walk towards the turf field and um off of mland a uh to the right of the path where you enter go book Park so absolutely amazing and our students are doing wonderful things um I also want to let everybody know that our next meeting will be here um again uh on December 10th at 7 p.m. um I did have a request from the CPAC committee when we met with them the candidates met with them if we could post them on Facebook page um I I don't know the meeting dates and locations I I did explain how to get to them uh post a link to the web page they're all virtual too they are all virtual but I guess now that we're changing locations people are finding I I don't know if they're finding it difficult to find the location um and I actually had told them at that meeting it was going to be at the high school and I reached back out to them last week and said actually it's at the middle school um so I thought you metant their meetings no CP was asking if we poost our meeting dates and locations on our page um just something that they had brought up CPAC had brought up to us at the meeting um okay I I mean and I we said we would do it but I don't know where we if we would do it on the family page then that has to be approved um I know it is one more step I I did bump into a Community member over the weekends who is very active and was asking questions about the board and I said now I feel like we've done so many things to get the meeting two people we I mean I remember when digitizing it was just a dream and now you know we only have how many people do we have on six right now six my only hope is that hundreds of people watch it after it airs they just can't be here watching it live they watch it on Saturday mornings I mean that that's my only hope at this point but we are trying to get it into the hands of anybody who wants to be here but in any event um I do have some new business that I would like to discuss at this point uh sort of piggybacking off of both what Miss Aaron TR and what Mr totaro had mentioned uh the candidates were here at the PTO meeting in the month of October and we were uh asked to come speak as candidates but we were also uh witnesses to a celebration of the um students who achieved either a 30 point increase on the njsla test or the five students who achieved perfect scores on the njsla and I would not have known that had had I not I don't have a middle school child anymore had I not been here at that meeting um and and Miss Aaron miss aarona miss deor and U Mr bird were celebrating the successes of those students which I just thought was absolutely amazing room was packed parents came to watch that celebration um which sort of brought to mind that you know I do think that a goal of the board in the past has been to celebrate our community members both the faculty and our students and our families as much as we can we try to talk about them but inviting them in is definitely been a goal of of of ours for a long while so I would really like to start formalizing that as we move forward I know I will be bringing that up as we formalize our board goals to celebrate the community their successes and show our appreciation it's something that is so small but it goes such a long way um I was honored in my own district for receiving tenure at a board meeting um and I happily went back to my district at night to to stand there just because being appreciated really means a lot so I'd ask Dr spro if we could do that for our teachers who received tenure and we will be doing that at the May celebration when we also honor our teachers of the year um showing teachers that you appreciate them is is really something that I think is essential we say it but we need to show them and I think we need to do the same thing for our students so what I'm tasking my fellow board members with is just keeping your ears and eyes open we all know different facets of the community we have different students in different School different sports we have different friend groups if you see something you think that we should celebrate please let us know because we would love to do that we can invite people to meetings I would love to invite people to meetings um for example the meeting that I was at they were celebrating tenure recipients as well as Eagle Scout uh recipients and they were selling AP celebrating AP Scholars so it was a nice well-rounded um different facets of the community so as we move forward please let us know Dr spro myself we can invite people I know that the Burl also invites students our students often they will invite the poster winners and they will celebrate I I would love to see us doing those things as well so I know Miss Aaron TR I know that you're very involved in in different things as well so please just keep an open mind and let us know if you know of anybody that we can celebrate because I do think it's something that would go a very very long way um and we can formalize it as we move forward what that looks like if that's a committee who that runs through but I just want to put it on everybody's radar um in the same vein I I would like to to say that I'm very um thankful for the First Responders I know we have one in the audience and I know that we have one up here with us on this this Diaz and and it was first responder day on October 28th we have students that are volunteer EMTs and volunteer firemen and and you know just taking their time to do that we have community members and faculty members who are doing the same so I'm very appreciative of those people um but please just let me know if there's anything sports teams academics uh you know anything that we can think of again faculty members student body members family members money I know share does a wonderful job of raising money and they will donate that money bringing them in and just saying we thank you I don't want to make anybody feel that they have to come to the meeting but even just acknowledging that we don't have to give them anything or just saying please come and be recognized for the six people who are watching it on the TV and for the board we really appreciate you and for the hundreds that are going to watch it the hundreds that are going to watch it on Saturday morning that we're going to be here next month right yes maybe the soccer team and the uh and the fundraiser that was just brought up that could be a great start they're already here and if the Administration has any suggestions if we know that we're going to be at a particular building I know in years past when we used to go on the road we tried to highlight a club or the roller coaster when Mrs pasal used to do if we could just highlight a I love to draw people in um and then we'll let you go I know you guys would stay but we can have a brief recess after the first 10 minutes we don't have to to hijack everyone's whole evening but I really deeply feel that the the beauty of Hawthorne that Community feel the family feel we that that's what makes us special and I know that even more now that I have a son who is on the end of this journey um and what you give is what you get out and I think that we really need to just celebrate the people that continually give and continually do wonderful things so I'm committed to it I know many of us here are committed and I just wanted to share that with everybody um Happy Thanksgiving to everybody I am eternally grateful for being on this board I've been on this board for a very long time this is a very cohesive board does not mean that we always agree but we were always respectful to one another and I do think that everyone thinks uses their best judgment and always has the best interest of the children in mind and it is it is a pleasure to sit beside you and it will be a pleasure to sit beside you for three mon War years um so with that in mind I would like to end this meeting um there will be no private session so at this time I will enter a motion to adjourn motion second motion by Mr totaro seconded by Mr any any discussion roll call please Mr car yes Mr CIO yes Mr Doyle yes M Aaron trout yes m m Colton yes Mr Mr BL yes Mr shortway yes Mr Taro yes Mrs doc yes do not run away board members you are taking the board photo over by