##VIDEO ID:74uIWvr2HVk## e e e e e e e like backs her and I know they let them out off leash so I would just feel bad half the time they get under the fence anyway but still at least try to make it difficult for them you guys uh ready because we're going to start one minute I have one minute still right what was it all right we'll wait till it finishes in the regular meeting of the his Park Board of Education to order on this January 6 2025 at 5:00 pm um we will we are now going to conduct our acceptance and oath of office for our newly elected and reelected Board of Education trustees if I can get the three of you up yes let's go to the front so we can get a good picture yeah come yeah and do I need the mic sorry let's let's get you guys all here so it'll be a good picture I'll Stand Out to the side hold on making this as hard as it all right if you could all raise your right hand please and repeat after me I do solemnly swear I do swear that I will support I will support the Constitution of the United States consti of the United States and the constitution of the State theti of the State and that I will Faithfully discharge I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of member of the Board of Education of of the school district of the city of Hazel Park scho District of the city of ha Park according to the best of my ability congratulations and I look forward to a great four years okay um so I believe it says can I have a roll call please now doing that let's roll call this meeting we open here here present here here here here now I'd like ask everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all and can I get a motion to approve the agenda please I make a motion to approve the agenda with item C 2025 business organization items for each of the 14 items to the individual action items for discussion what did you say again I'm sorry to move item C the 25 business organization items each of the 14 items to be individual items as action items and then to um change item 13 to designate designation of general contractors and then add what currently is for 13 add added as 14 to coincide with so 13 you want is General as designation of general contractors as it is in the package okay and then 14 would be what 13 is currently the POS uh position titles got it up is there any other changes you like to see that's it for right now can we get a second all in favor motion passes so we now have a special order of business to begin our meeting starting with the election of officers first up president do we have a nomination for president I nominate uh Beth Hinton to be president second do we have any other motions for president I'd like to nominate April beaten do we have a second a second okay um I remember how we did this last time uh what did you say right so all in favor of fa hitting first isn't that how we did last time well first I accept the nomination did you accept it sorry yes do you accept it sure yes okay so did we went around last time didn't we and did the Motions for that all right I'm going to let you take it over there this is the vote nomination uh you need water no I have coffee it just once I start I don't stop for a minute I'm so sorry um I can't I don't know the process can I vote oh vo okay ahead can we have discussion first sure yes let's have discussion go ahead I just would like the nomination somebody to speak that I've been here for 10 years and worked in the district for 30 that I'm very very qualified and may be possibly overqualified to fill the position any more discussions for B are we discussing both well I believe that you do one motion than the other if I remember correctly yeah I haven't had to do it for a while okay let's do a vote on the first motion for B for president no beer no foress yes box yes yes yes re no motion passes we're going to switch over you want would sit here or do you want to just hand us to you just do it here okay congratulations be congratul what's up congratul thank you we're on vice president sorry I'm catching up here all right thank you so much next we have nomination for vice president I'd like to nominate um deby le frano as vice president I'd like to nominate ail Beaton do you accept the nomination yes yes was it April April did you accept the nomination I have it thank you so much she said yes yes collecting so we will vote on um nominations are closed nobody no other nominations so go ahead Jamie with oh it's Debbie first oh sorry right yes she was nominated first thank you Brad I think she was calling April's vote Yes Yes April it's on you for Debbie I'm so sorry I didn't even hear what we're Debbie as vice president oh um you're going to say no no foress yes Fox yes yes yes no congratulations debie congratulations thank you do you want to take a five minute recess it's not going to you're good once it stops it'll stop okay once I get into a fit it just it lasts a couple minutes and then it'll be tomorrow before it happens again okay nominations are open for the office of uh treasure I nominate Heidi Fortress for Treasure any other nominations I will nominate you for we any other nominations nominations are closed okay we'll take vote I have to accept it yes I accept oh yes accept it for for Treasure I'm sorry but I will not I don't think I'm capable of I think Heidi's more qualified with an accounting background so I I don't think we have to vote and there's one person all right congratulations Heidi thank you um floor is open for secretary position of secretary I make a motion to um appoint Darren Fox as secretary you accept I accept are there any other nominations for I nominate Monica R please um was that Monica you accept Monica okay we can vote oh are there any other nominations okay closing nominations we can vote this is the vote for Fox Eon no Becker no foress yes fo yes H yes Bo yes no right Mr Fox is our new secretary four to next is Board of Education committee appointments I make a motion to table this until next meet next to discuss at Committee of the whole meeting um there's a lot of committees on here that aren't listed such as the community engagement special education discipline hearing committee sex education committee youth assistant Lee aison Coalition liaison an enrollment committee and wellness committee um if we can get a brief desp description of each of those and if anybody's interested to reach out to the board president to discuss placement for those can I clarify because those are not board committees listed those are superintendent committees and some of them are not committees at all like the Coalition is not a a committee so we be looking at changing but I thought we've always had a Lia on for them no you had a liais on for the library well I think I think the President should appoint anything that's a superintendent committee the superintendent committee is the Ruth Ruth gesley fund and the honoring HP committee those are superintendent committees the engagement committee is used to be a superintending committee I ran it I pulled it off because it's being run by um it is being being run by a community schools director no I not part of that I'm a part of it but I'm not running can we have a second so we can have the discussion because I have something I want to a second okay we used to have the lay assign committees on here so I think that we should just table it because we used to have one for youth assistant we have one for the museum so when you speaking Le time we did have those um positions but those were outside committees but we will so I I just think we should table it add possibly lay us on positions plus the description would be nice so you know what you're getting into when you when you so alls could you please that you want descriptions for we'll have to the the museum is definitely it's in the contract and we haven't had one in the last couple years so Museum so can we do that when we bring it back I thought you guys were asking me to bring I was motion to bring it so I have a conversation with the at the committee Theo to see if anybody's interested at at that point once we have the descriptions yeah you ask me to bring it so so can we just vote on tabling it and then tell you afterwards absolutely you guys will send me that list that'll be great will you send a list I will okay all right all right then let vote and tbling the committee appointments until the committee of the H next week um including the description of what's the requirement the involvement is so all in favor table in i i any opposed okay motion carries um I'm sorry did that include the designation of the people to go Oakland County yes okay cuz it's a b also all right we're under business organizational action items the first one is designation of District legal council representation so we have a motion I make motion to approve the designation of legal council representatives to to include also true and law and Johnson Miller johnon laer second I support just o can we just have a brief brief description on what these law firms for that are listed here do for us sure can you give them to me because unfortunately I can't log in handles um you know pretty much everything other than um when it comes to bond or Bond payments that is the other one that ticks up and underneath that Crowley correct and then uh the other one is that ORS lawsuit mc mc C okay what about um Miller Canfield that's the Miller cani is the one that does the bond work the finance work for us and I'm going to I'm G to mess up this in last name monco m they they handle our workman's comp for us okay thank you so what about adding what was it truan truan laer and Miller Johnson and you had a second any other discussion on the attorneys are the additions of the two educational those discussion will that discussion be listed in the minutes so we know who are associated with what normally we can but we certainly can this board can make a decision committee at whole um what kind of minutes this board wants to have in the future I I just want to see what they what they do because I won't remember what you said I'm I'm old retired you're Wise Old than me older than me okay all in favor I I um any oppose okay second one is establishment of bank accounts and authorized signers I make a motion to approve the establishment establishment of banking fs and authorized signers as presed support okay motion was made to accept the uh bank account and authorized signers if there's any discussion I have a question I have a question also go ahead the MF AF a common credit common debit and syncing fund what exactly is that my laugh is where all of our stuff is invested remember we approved that this last year stuff is stuff we have money put into my life so it's an investment account yes do you think we can get balances and reconciliations on all of those accounts um as of 12312 24 um if not the January meeting maybe February if we can get up earlier we will try thank you my question was about the signers it has assistant superintendent business and operations and we don't have that person currently so who is signing and do we add that later we don't truly sign uh at this point in time your the names will be put on the check so we'll add Monica when she arrives okay so all in favor of accepting these uh authorized signers and bank accounts a hi hi hi any post martion carries persons authorized to make investments I make a motion to approve the persons authorized to make an investment as presented rep okay motion to accept the authorizers to make investments any discussion okay all in favor I any opposed motion carries people authorized to make wire transfers I make a motion to approve persons authorized to make wire wire transactions or wire transfers as presented support discussion no discussion he no discussion all in favor of authorizing those people well the names aren't there superintendent of schools assistant superintendent of business and operations and Director of Business to um make the wire transfers all favor I opposed motion carries people authorized to enter into agreements with financial institutions or for commercial I make a motion to approve person's authorized to enter into an agreement with financial inst institutions for commercial card agreements custodian agreements and other Financial transactions as presented motion is there any discussion um I was kind of curious on why this doesn't have to be do they need board approval before they enter into these agreements will you authorize them to do that I don't know that we've entered into any agreements without talking they may have changed Banks uh over the last 10 years from Harris to Huntington without approval I just they were brought to finance committee this is this is the standing format that has been in place well before I yeah any other discussion okay hearing no further discussion motion uh uh all in favor I all right any opposed right motion carries we on six people authorized to sign in the name of Hazel Park schools I make a motion to approve persons authorized to sign in in the name of Hazel Park schools any discussions yeah I'm kind of curious like the master employee contract it says board president superintendent of schools is it and superintendent of schools schools or is it or or or I would like to I would like to change all a b and c to be and and the board president all those so do any amend my motion who second they have to agree to amend I did so you want be I would like it to say master employee contracts board president and superintendent of schools Item B individual employee contracts superintendent of school and board president third party contracts the superintendent of schools and assistant superintendent did you say individual employee contracts as well yes do you know what that means every single staff member you hire that you're going to be reviewing and signing their contract like teachers everybody the board president would be signing I understand the union contracts um because that's kind of ceremonial because youve has already been negotiated but if you're saying individual that you would be signing all teachers contracts and um administrator contracts I think I'm okay with that I'm going say no I think that's a lot wouldn't the teachers contracts not is there a hierarchy would they fall under since they were already signed as a group no there's individual contracts that are done for administrators we bring them here you guys approve them then we sign them and send them to the staff members so I would think that at least anybody that isn't in a a a union so like the administrators I would say in and the board can make that decision with this group historically your one employee is me the rest of them I sign for after you've approved them we bring them to you to approve that we put them out you approve positions and salaries we extend that to the individual that we hire and then we bring them to you for for approval but it's not historical I I don't believe in my 26 years I've ever had a word sign an individual contract because the only person who you really oversee is me if I may can't we just include uh like the individual employee contracts couldn't we include uh after approval of the board then the superintendent signs that would eliminate because I mean we're going to approve it anyways well here's the question here's the impact of what you're saying the impact of what you're saying is that no teacher would start their job until you've signed that contract meaning that historically when a teacher is hired they start the job and then a contract is done for them an individual contract if you're a waiting for your signature what you're potentially doing is setting a whole month before a person can start the position as well as an administrator or you have to have special and I can tell you we are hiring individuals on a weekly basis that again I would say you may want to consider and table that for some further conversations because you are now directing every employee certified employee versus just the superintendent you are stepping way into the dance board well that's what I meant by you that you approve Staffing every year right you've approved positions so as long as we approve the staff if we could were that in there and then you sign the contract we're good that's what I'm saying what okay what I heard from you before I just want to clarify is that what what they're saying is that have the president signed too what I'm saying is that as long as it's approved by the board the positions are approved yearly by the board yes there is no position that's hired without approval by the board the person is approved by I there's a difference right so you the board approves the allocation of the position the administration hires the people your one contract is mine are the contracts signed previous to the board approval because you approve positions every year right so for example in April you approve six administrators a central office person or whatever if you don't approve those we don't have them so that's kind of that budget that's worked in then then after we hire we bring those to you and it's be a blessing of those positions the opposite of what you're saying is that everybody would have to come to you before they could begin working which would be a serious stop of process in your school I and being the new guy been reading a lot of the bylaws and everything and I think it spells out specific might not be the bylaws but somewhere it says that we as a board you know hire the superintendent and we trust the superintendent of the hierarchy you know so we may have to change our bylaws or whatever if we were to go that route also and that and that is the best practices a board practice as well you'll get that in your additional one and it's in your book your one person is me you approve whether or not we can have those positions and then we hire I just agree I think think that individual employee contracts is an person I think it's an insurmountable amount of work every individual person but I can see the benefit of adding the and to a might the union ones yeah the master employee contracts but individual seems there's been times when the president has signed far too deep into the woods yeah then why does the individual employee contracts not include the HR Director as like the third party contractors and sub contractors the only person that s well first of all probably originally was was because the HR Director was not in place there was not one for in this District we've always had an HR Director excuse me I thought we've always had one no we have not I did HR all the way up until a few years ago I did it on top of that but the only person that signs for the district is myself and the assistant superintendent of business and operations and then for special ed Dr pazi in because there's so many legal pieces in and out for special ed round about way the HR Director was the assistant superintendent of schools back then what about Nick that was um still after her time because she was hired in 2015 we didn't get an HR Director until like 16 this board asked for an HR not this one but a previous board as and before that it was Mr minger who did all the hiring and interviews and stuff like that it's a little different than it was even 10 years ago with the amount of people that coming outut so do you want to amend your motion well she already said no she already said no but to to a new amendment to only include some of those letters abnc not all of those letters I think the employee Master contract should be and so amend the motion to um make a add the word an to a yeah I just I think when you're signing contracts it's always good to have two people sign them that's I mean that certainly is a piece of the board again that is not something that happens in schools it's really perfunctory so I guess that we're going to we vote on the original a motion or weet table it you would have the motion to table it right she's already motioned to vote it she has to age to withdraw to the table really might want to just move the motion see if it fails if it fails then you can then table it motion I mean vote and then T after I Can Am amend my motion to include the word and on a c and d what's C and D third party contractors and contractors and administrators so do you want the board to sign no it's a super superintendent of schools and assistant superintendent of business operations assistant superintendent per superintendent is there one contract right for the so normally what happens now in signing of contracts is that now docy sign comes forth and they will send it to you to sign through that through that piece so for example third party like a nursing agreement myself or Jason would sign a nursing agreement after we review um if you were doing that I would you know I I don't know that I would encourage two pieces if that's what you want to do again I would encourage just just one on those contracts and then they usually come to you as well so I don't know where we're at on the motion are we on the original motion no I an amendment to include the word and on the master contracts I'll remove the C and D that's all I'm doing so yes so just just it I will support okay all in favor the motion is to add the word an to a and the others remain the same oh there's a whole list is that right are you good Heidi yeah I'm good okay all in favor of adding the word a and to a and leaving the the REM the remainder the same say I I all right any oppos M president May motion carry what I might suggest is if the feeling is that you want to see the contracts minus all the employee contracts that we do like we're doing with the grants where they're uploaded in the system and or we bring them to the committee the whole so you could see what's whenever I try to go into them it says that I need authorization to the BR underneath your this under the yeah the I try to go in says yes authorization I authorized everyone but you you sign so I had yeah you got it's got to be in your school to get into the drive I'm that's all I go into okay let's take a look at it able to get to plus we bring them to every board meeting every Committee of the whole now and we can do that with any contracts as well it's easy when they're signed I can forward them to Jamie and we can put them on to the committee the whole so if you have questions you can ask about them okay okay the next one is newspaper for official Publications I make a motion to approve um the use of CNG newspaper and Oakland Press for our official Publications any discussion on the newspapers uh cngg news and Oakland Press M no discussion okay all in favor of those being our two newspapers for advertisement say I hi hi any opposed no thank you motion carries authorize summer and winter tax collections for each municipality I authorize the approv of summer and winter tax collections for each municipality support any discussion when does this usually happen because Jason used to present to us and ask board to approve him to oh that's a different that's your that's um approving the amount of taxes that you're going for that happens in June I believe on our calendar okay okay all in favor to authorize a summer winner tax collection I I take it this Hazel Park in Ferndale yes the municipality say hi any post no designation of person responsible for implementing public notice requirement of the OPA meetings act I make a motion to approve the designation designation of the person responsible for implementing the public notice requirements of the open meeting act work and who is that it is the executive assistant to the superintendent that would be Jamie Buco so all in favor of Jamie doing that responsibility say I I I any opposed NOP motion carries designation of property liability and workman comp work workers compensation insurance carriers I I make a motion to designate the prop property liability and workers compensation carriers as as presented work any discussion on the insurance carriers it's set seg who's been forever not hear enough okay all in favor any post no uh designation of Auditors I make a motion um to approve the authorization of uh5 LLP as our designated Auditors report any discussion on who our new Auditors are no thank you I would encourage us to go with them another year they're doing a pretty deep dive right now and um that'll should make it easier for this upcoming year and then I would recommend that we go out for bid and make a determination of what works best for the board anybody else okay all in favor of keeping uhy uh for the current year and following year say I any opposed motion carries designation of architect record that the motion wasn't for the following year it was just for the current year okay sorry sorry so I just I would like to see the audit before we make that decision because you didn't say the F here I did not so is it this what happens do do we need to redo it I think so well this year is this year I hate to tell you this year is this summer that's the auditor so you guys have approved the audit for this upcoming summer you just did and vote it on this group here you I I believe you certainly if you don't like the audit the board could use to search another audit firm um after the point in time and put it out for bid but for right now that makes the auditor that you you just voted and approved auditor for this year which is the 24 25 school year which is this year you've already approved the 23 month you certainly can bring that back at another time if you find the audit not to be favorable of the board okay so we're good y so we just approved the 24 25s oh yes you already it yeah now this is where uh designation of architect of record but there was one wasn't there one missing is that the next one um designation of general contractor was number 13 but we're number 12 we kept as architect of record right and we have three different ones working on projects we have them currently working on projects we do all three of them yes okay is there a motion to accept I make a motion to approve the TMP architect Partners in Architects and king Scott as our designated Architects on record okay motions made to accept U the designation of architect of record all in favor any opposed I have a quick question sorry not opposed but so is everything we're approving for the 2425 school year okay well really 2425 the beginning 25 26 right because it's it's you already did 24 now it's 25 to so this goes by the calendar year as opposed to you approve it every year in January gotta but truly at any point in time the Board of Education could say hey has projects roll off um we don't want to work with Amy KY architectural firm anymore we would like to work with April's architectural firm you could and you also could you could ask for rfps if you wanted to get to that point for underqualified and you could change change that at any time right you're just designating these are the people so I'm designating these people for actually what you 25 2025 I'm only for 2025 right because you're going to do it again next January I was just wondering the timeline okay sorry we need to vote did I carry are we good yeah yeah you had the question afterwards I thought we oh sorry okay uh designation of general contractor of record I constru I make a motion to designate Clark Construction as a general contract contractor of of record any discussion architect of record designate no contractor general contractor I'm one one above good okay no discussion all in favor I I I all right motion carries uh we have um position titles authorized to use District credit and debit cards I make a motion to approve the titles authorized to use District credit cards as presented with removal of other than designated by the superintendent is there a second second any discussion and removing other than as by the superintendent uh may I uh discuss uh that would remove like holiday baskets or other things that we utilize that thus making them to use cheop request which is fine if you so choose to do do that well I mean if you come to us and come to the board and say I need to can we authorize this credit card then yeah but I just think for you to authorize a credit card without board approval and then not yeah I just don't how many others are there besides holiday basket um I believe it's just holiday baskets now Junior Vikings is at the city um that's it I don't think the holiday baskets is only used for two months it's turned off after and then turned back on again so that they can purchase the items okay so then we can include just I make a motion to amend mine to remove the other than designated by the superintendent and to include the use of holiday baskets for the month of October November and December only thing I'm going to say about that is because I I do see what Darcy does and she like finds a great deal and she like grabs it because we need so much stuff for all baskets so there's times in like March she's like oh my gosh this is $4 and she grabs it but the credit cards already shut off but it's easy to turn it right back on and then turn it off again so that's really at the Le of the board may I make a friendly amendment in the discussion sure that perhaps you could say if you're worried about them being approved without you you could say or others design at by the superintendent after approval of the board so that you come to the committee of the whole and say Hey you know um the bowling team wants their own credit card they've not asked for their own credit card um then that would be done at the committee of the whole and you guys would say yeah I agree with that so we can vote right now I suppose or at the committee of the whole to approve the holiday baskets and then not worry about it and just make our motion for after board approval so the baskets ones are already there but instead of eliminating it during that time we turn it off unless they need it we only turn it on if they need it and again that's what you need to trust your business office to do to facilitate effective purchasing of items and you do not want to get into approving every single thing that's happening inside that business trust me I've been doing it for several months and it takes a tremendous amount of time for me uh that would be a lot for you I would agree with Mr RTI I uh I was on the holiday basket committee and a lot of times like she might find some deals tomorrow and so she'll be rushing up here to get the credit card or or Nei will Mr Nei will find deals for hats you know $2 a piece because they're you know it's the end of the season so I I think that we should authorize the credit card for the holiday baskets because we still is able are able to see the the invoices or the credit card statement you know just that individual bills you've asked to get all the credit cards and so you would see holiday baskets and the pieces that are on that credit card you asked at the last meeting yeah I think we'll have to start seeing that if we see that then I think we'll be we'll be okay for for the holiday baskets I I amend my emotion to include holiday baskets credit card with still the removal of the other as designated by the superintendent do you want to remove that or do what I want to remove it I mean she if there needs to be another credit card assigned other than the people that are here she can we can get board approval right but that's what she said if we didn't remove input with board approval that's covering yours too that's also covering me so it would stay there just with board approval yeah after after the approval of the board is that what you're saying that I don't understand the difference approve it you because they we acknowledging that we're doing other ones and that we the direction of this group is to bring it to the board before you add another one because then nobody could add them if you don't leave who could add them besides you were done it okay for the third time I amend my motion to approve the superintendent administrator principal supervisor coordinator assistant superintendent building and administ ation secretaries management maintenance staff business office staff holiday baskets and anybody other than that needs approval by the board second did everybody get that I think that's a good motion so all in favor of accepting Heidi's amendment to the credit card statement or issuance say I hi hi any opposed okay motion carries our energy Bond presentation uh Madam president may I do an interu absolutely fantastic so I believe that uh three of you that were able to go to conferences has already met these individuals and this is a group that um train that Jason was working with before and we're ring this back out to be presented to you as a board for understanding we're not really asking you to do anything else tonight we really want to let your appetite kind of understand um this was one of the ways that if the bond had passed that we thought we would be reducing some of the bond is through an energy bond in the midst of that and so we want to do this and then we'll come back and talk with you uh after this with some more information so without further ado I'm going to let you guys take it away so my name is um I am a former educator myself and school I'm used to being a teacher so I just used to yell um uh I uh what Dean and I do across the state is we work with uh both k12 and higher ed uh finding funding so we find funds for schools whether you pass the bond fail the bond never have enough money so um that is uh where we come into play and I'll let him introduce himself so so my name is Dean Weber and I've been with train for 22 years so right after college train hired me and I started as a service technician then moved into project management roles of running large projects and been doing a account management sales for the last 12 years so appreciate the time I we met some of you like she mentioned at the conference as she's talking I'm going to hand out some information our cards are in here too so many of you probably know train the big red ball um you might have it at home uh as the hbac you might have our air conditioning or um a furnace at home um but what Dean and I do for school districts besides the finance piece um in finding money is we have a train itself is an energy company so we have um a solar division a lighting division an electrification division so that's where we we come into play so essentially um if you kind of attribute this to what you have at home is we go into if you um uh like your home if you put a new roof um on your house or new windows uh you save money so um if you you have to spend a money to save money and so as we go through the presentation um I'm not going to read every Parts in piece but essentially that's what we do when we're when we look at holistic U the holistic view of a of a school district so what we're going to explain to you is the legislation behind this and then the finance piece as well as you mentioned um TR law so our partnership um as well with TR and then your financial advisor um and your construction manager that you mentioned today and some of your Architects that um as well that we work with um that you mentioned today so the legislation behind this is called Energy savings performance contracts so essentially what that is is leveraging your existing energy and operational spending for Capital Improvements so um if you think about some of the wasteful things that you're doing and and if you think about at home so at home if you have bad Windows you see that money kind of floating out the window you know in your bad windows or your roof you might need new roof things aren't popped the same thing happens in your building here what you're used to or what you what you've done in the past is voted bonds we call these non- voted bonds and this this uh slide comes from uh your financial adviser these are called non voted bonds um that's their terminology they're not voted on by the community they're voted on by the board so um some of you may have sat through our presentation at your Board conference in the past um these projects run very quickly meaning um uh typically when we build projects or when they're built by a company like ours um they typically are built within a two to six month period um the boots hit the ground uh in installation within 60 30 to 60 days of the uh process of development um they can be built on reallocating the funds that we find that you're wasting so for instance when we say energy um if you're paying money to the utility companies that you're wasting that money that's floating out we're taking that money and we're reallocating and leveraging that money for those upgrades um you can use bond funds you can use syncing funds um as well as just rebates um that's all tied into that so if you take a look at the blue and the yellow boxes up there depending on where your SE where you fall on your seev depends on how your F when we work with your financial advisor depends on what kind of um energy Bond and I say that in quotations which kind of energy Bond we leverage now these bonds when we call them bonds and I and I keep using that term light lightly because they're really like an energy loan they're guaranteed and those energy loans that are guaranteed means that a company like train um which is an Esco and we'll get into that in a second guarantees that when we say you're going to save that money that's floating out let's say $100,000 we say okay every year you're wasting $100,000 we guarantee you're going to save that $100,000 over a 20-year period year after year if you don't save that money we have to pay you that money the difference of that money so to have a guaranteed Energy savings performance contract um you have to have the financial backing to do that type of project and so when we build these projects we show you in that cash flow after we do the whole ISC View and do the Hol holistic deep dive into these projects up here on the screen you see this um my pointer is not working here but you see that legislation down there the MCL 38012 7 that's the legislation that uh dictates in Michigan what allows us and what um dictates how we build these project and and what you have to do to be able to um to be an a a a contractor to do these types of design buil projects up here on the right where it says the US Department of energy um in 2022 the department of energy um essentially if you've heard about the inflation reduction act and all the money that the federal government has pushed down since 22 um what they've said is they've they built a campaign saying hey all this money that we're giving you we want you to do and use this money in a um in an in this type of energy Contracting performance contract fashion we want you to have this guarantee and have this financial backing with these companies because we want you to use it smart and and essentially have this uh Financial backing Behind these projects so again not everybody can do these types of projects you have to have you have to be an Energy Services Company and up on the screen right now you can see where it says nasco.com that website there um you have to have a special accreditation to be a a an energy servfaces company train has been in Esco since 1991 um and there is a there is other companies that do this for a living um that have this financial this financial accreditation but every three years we have to go and jump through our hoops and say okay do we have any lawsuits what do we bring to the table do we just do a solar project or can we do a holistic view so in Michigan Alone um for us we have a lot of um and we've shared with some of you that have been to the conferences you've kind of you've probably seen our our banners but we have to be able to bring other things to the table do we do wastewater treatment if we're municipalities do we do um lighting solar uh building controls equipment um all different types of of different uh projects within a within a whole project and then can we back back it financially and guarantee it and not have lawsuits that's the big thing so how does it work so leveraging energy and operational savings to upgrade your infrastructure so essentially this is an example right now you're paying your DTE consumers your utility companies you're paying them 250 this is an example $250 or 250,000 a month okay what we do is we take that $250,000 and we can decrease what you're paying them but we can leverage that money per legislation to upgrade your building through that energy loan Bond we call it a bond That's What legislation calls it that energy loan but we're also guaranteeing that you're going to save that money by doing those upgrades so we stand behind it now DTE consumers um is still going to get their piece because they still want their piece but you're just paying them a lot less and we leverage that what we don't take into consideration is uh your maintenance people because you still need them but now you're not running they're not running around always putting out fires we know predictively what what their job is going to be your doors now a lot of our projects start with heat um because we're in Michigan in Florida we start with cooling um but here in Michigan we start with heat um and we we're able to leverage those wasteful dollars into building up upgrades so for instance um around here Presswood schools we did a lot of boilers we did lighting we did uh rooftop units we did controls um water conservation things like that um I Lanny schools was my um our first job that we did years ago every year year after year um they have a syncing fund as well where we just keep leveraging more and more savings with their syncing fund money and I think we're on year five that they um on top of um their energy loan that they did um and we have lots of examples that we can go through there now when you're done paying for the project the initial project um you have you still DTE consumers whoever it is they still have their main they still get their piece of the pie but now you have more savings to pay for whatever it may be your um secure entryways or your programs that you want to that you want to add um whatever it may be um things like that but now you're more energy efficient um and one thing I'll will add is these programs typically when we when we build them out um with your financial adviser um and I think you mentioned pfm is who it was so we work with them uh to build these out we typically look at a 20-year a long-term 20-year payback um sometimes 21 um so when we build these out uh we look that long term as far as being that far out for Energy Efficiency and the guarantee that we that we have um goes for 20 years as well you can see up here uh I have a quote up here from Dr John vanwagner um from Traver City um I actually did my first project with him in Alpena and we just signed a$ 31 A5 million project with him um just before Christmas on the second School District that he's with um with his bond project as well so we've worked with him on two different districts um so there's another reference that you can you can tap into so here some things I've kind of mentioned some some different things that we look through and I'm not going to kind of go through everything but so when you modernize your your HVAC thing uh HVAC equipment so if you think about your house so if you have a furnace if you get a new furnace that's more efficient here in school districts we know boilers is a big thing so if you have old boilers they're really you know they're not running very efficient um rooftop units uh vfds things like that uh water conservation so lowf flow toilets um when you buy your own new faucets and things like that at home they're going to be low flow um and when we have city water here typically you're paying a lot and I know that because I I'm from the area uh renewable energy so inflation reduction I kind of touched on that and we can talk a little bit more about that um so as I mentioned if solar is a a thing that we need to evaluate um we can do that but um depending on what area we're looking at charging stations um and that there's more to that depending on the area we're at in the state much less the country building envelope would be roofs Windows insulation cocking uh maintenance programs so our goal uh isn't necessarily for us to hold the keys to your car we want to train you so that your maintenance crew can um can take care of your buildings so what do we need to do to make you more self self-sufficient um what do we have to do to make you more reliable um your people more reliable and um more confident in taking care of the buildings energy management system that's just part of your HVAC program so you know what what kind of programing programming can we put in place uh fuel conversions and rate optimization um and just real quick a lot of you uh at home when you get your uh your utility bills and and hopefully nobody works for DTE or consumers here but um you take you get your bill and you just pay it well what we we find majority of the time is uh most school districts are on the wrong rate or we can decrease the meters but we find a lot of money just by looking you know are you paying for sewer costs when you shouldn't be when you're irrigating you shouldn't be paying for sewer cost so we found some big savings just in in that kind of stuff um but we're trained to do that LED lighting is self you know that kind of talks to itself everybody kind of has no choice but to do that now but putting LED lighting um intelligent Services that's kind of like the AI right so what can we do so that you know you can be more predictive um in your in your buildings and then again ongoing staff development recycling you know what can we do with your staff your teaching staff to kind of help them move along and be more self-sufficient and in more development so this is an example of the cash flow positive so when we build these projects what we we kind didn't or I didn't touch on this really you can build these projects where um we're just reallocating money you don't have to add any money we just build it to the savings that we find so meaning no money comes no more money comes out of your pocket we just find the money that we can save and we reallocate it to the as big of the project as we can find so if you're wasting let's say you know up to you know where we can leverage a $5 million project we back into that $5 million project now what we find is most school districts you know need more than $5 million so we can leverage a little bit more um you know maybe you have syncing fund maybe you have general fund in the past there's been so much Esser funds but we back into those numbers and say okay what can we do and for every dollar that you use we typically get $ four to eight dollars out of that dollar um because we're doing it all upfront so here in year one this is an example of uh H Public Schools you can see this is Baker Tilly is another financial adviser um dfm's competitor um but in year one that's a construction year because boots hit the ground so we start seeing a savings right off the bat but right off the bat when we do uh year uh right off sorry right off the bat we see $125,000 um in our construction year as we're installing and the difference there is we see 28,000 on the right side 28,000 cash flow positive and that just compounds year two when we're done with the project and now we're in measure and verification stage you can see we're guaranteeing $250,000 a year and we're leveraging that so in year two the savings is 250 the principal is 135 the interest is 97 the total is 232 the difference is $18,000 positive so we build these very conservatively so that at the end of every year most school districts is like okay take me to the 50 Cent cash positive because we need so much and that's how we build them all districts that we work with always save more than that but we want to be very conservative because because we don't want to pay you we don't lawsuits so typically we build them to get as much out of the cash flow as we can we don't want to be a revenue for the district avens was 3.6 they put $316,000 in their pocket they also got all this new stuff you know new boilers new controls maybe adding air condition so those are some other things that we can look so operation and just a more clarification would be tnm so that's third party calls so you know how many times do you have to call somebody which might entail you know closing down the school because you don't have heat so some of the benefits of the guaranteed projects is very collaborative so we work with you to drive you know what what is the scope that you need to get done uh you don't have to come out of pocket we're just we can just reallocate uh it's guaranteed it's single Source accountability and warranty so everything so it's you know if you if you walk through us it's our two faces that you see um IT addresses utility and wasteful spending for the long term modernizes equipment IT addresses the Deferred maintenance that's a huge one um it avoids labor and material cost escalation which is kind of different from when you do a voted Bond because um in a non voted Bond we order everything in year one within six weeks eight weeks we have ordered everything for that project in the voted Bond side when you do that you're voting for every summer or you're ordering for every summer right so you're ordering for this three schools and then the next summer you're ordering for this three schools and however you you know you have it stage what we do is we avoid all that we order everything up front so for instance we're doing Travers that Traver City job and we have um 12 boiler plants in that project and 17 schools of Lights um and a whole slew of other things we are ordering everything up front so that we don't hit all that escalation and we have all that boiler plants going in in uh majority is going in in one summer and I think we're doing three schools in the next summer but um it's so you don't see that escalation which in a bond project that would have taken multiple Summers of work so economy is a scale and bundle solution that kind of goes in hand inand with that enhanced learning environment obviously uh we take into consideration not only lights um in Monroe ISD we're working in the autistic uh side of the or Autistic Program in the school district so we take into all the Acoustics and the lighting and uh the sound and the smell and all that um another project that is going to be starting right at the same time as Trevor City so the whole environment you know what does that look like uh stamin skill trade program so train started as an HVAC program so we are very much vested in apprenticeships and skilled trade so we have Partnerships um and that's something you know as a former teacher something that I um also that's a piece of 20% of our job is to also incentivized to get school districts to work we have programs and there's a little piece of that in here but that's a whole another presentation that we dive into and then of course uh we are a service company and we are local so partner for life I mean that's what you want is you know how do we how do we stay a partner and what else can we do for you um and and help you through this process so these are some of the steps um the introduction so performance Contracting legislation you know what what allows you to do this type of work uh utility bill analysis so one thing I didn't mention is that this is no cost so we we don't charge you we haven't made you sign anything it's this is a free process so one of the things that we do is follow the legislation some of the companies out there do not um we haven't asked the district to um not even sign a piece of paper so we do this utility bill analysis that says what are you paying per square foot for the district and then we do this preliminary study we go back we present to the board because that's a milestone um you know just so you understand and can ask questions you know because this isn't your standard type of project that you're used to and then from there we do a detailed energy study um and what that means is boots on the ground we bring a whole lot of Engineers and we start crawling and climbing ladders and looking okay what is going to save more money because we have our initial dollar amount now where else can we find money on top of that initial dollar amount and so that's through a lot of investigation and then we start collaborating on the scope of work what comes first and then of course if updating the board where are we at you know do you understand the process uh per legislation we have to release an RFP that's an Energy Services Company RFP um we would have to bid on the RFP um there is a bond resolution just like you would if you had um uh that we would work with trun and uh uh pfm just like you would if you had a voted Bond the difference is the board would vote on it you would know the project you would know the dollar amount um the contract would be executed with trun as I mentioned um then you would sell the bond project execution would be within the day that the bond sells is the day the project starts um and then off we go so that's that's the process Bond resolution all that there is no commitment to the contract in the beginning of the presentation we talked about a non voted Bond oh that non voed means it's just a school board votes on this on this Bond or loan so to clarify that this is just a uh the educational return on your investment a little bit more so again we have a stem um energy educational that we have we have uh retired uh educators on staff that once we get going we have stem we find out where you're at a lot of national um competitions things like that and then of course we have the virtual learning lab we have a in um there's lot we have an analytic certification commcial there's a lot of different and then of course the skill trade partnership we have again that's a whole that's a whole hour long here is um uh just some of our uh things that we do this is whole public schools uh they were one of our department of energy winners um as well as they've gotten over a million doll in rebates for our project that we've done to go to New Orleans so we like to put out I know you talked about media um if you look up Holt or Trevor City um Trevor City Public Schools you'll find a lot on the project that is going to hit the ground here Trevor City um any of those schoolwood has a a lot of here are some of the projects that we've done small sampling over the last years summer Public Schools um they just got a grant they were just awarded so we're there them Public Schools again I'll probably retire with that job again uh boilers you know a lot of it's a lot of recurring things um we we have graduated a bathroom in our last two projects we are you know we do energy stuff we also have graduated what does the district need and we'll do it public schools fining up um again one of the things we found in thre Public Schools we evaluated their service contract that they had and found that they were over spending cont they don't have to work with us we just told them you need to was using said no you need you need to go back and negotiate uh this reduction act we're very much on well aware of the money that came down from the uh federal government this is just a quick I'm not to go through this essentially um if you can produce energy or store energy um we look at that can we find you more money even though you don't pay taxes um if there's some way that we can get you some of that federal tax money um we will look at that br try to keep questions questions questions my question is will you be including all of our schools yes what about Roosevelt Longfellow and um the Ericson library that we have Ericson library is not ours really anymore it's rented out by the city for town okay well I I know that but I was just thinking because that boiler there is terrible it's very old so we so even if so we will include anything you own that you pay for we own it it's certainly something we can evaluate and we can include it or not if it makes sense um mendale schools there was a building that they been close so we didn't evaluate it we get towards the end of the job they said we need to open up the school so we went to evaluated it so it's we're we're open we'll look at sometimes we get to the point where they're like we don't know if we're going to close this school we said let's evaluate it anyway and maybe we can help you make that you know we're working in another District right now that says we we don't know if we're going to close this or not but let us know what we're paying so that can help make the decision so we were in Alpena that were debating whether they're going to sell the transportation building so we had it in the contract and then um what happened was they still were unsure and we said well let's hit that building last and then we ended up taking it out of the contract and just reallocating that money somewhere else so we're very flexible in that respect um but we wanted to have all the information up front right so that it's part of it so we don't have to you know nothing's left out and then you you know the kids need it so you want to leverage everything up front for that loan because every dollar that we find helps support something else so every low M you know like lighting um one of the issues that we find in a lot of school districts is they self-installed lighting well then you don't get to leverage that lighting for boilers when you're doing one-offs you want to build it as a project because there's no Financial Jason's not here so we always tease the business managers so when you one off like lighting well now you can't leverage lighting for the big projects because that money just goes back in a general fund and now the boiler ising down you're talking replace that probably so it's nice to have those fiveyear paybacks average everything out my last question is we had a energy Bond at one time where they went through the district do you know anything about that have you been informed that we did have a bond and my question is is it paid off is that Bond paid off because you mentioned 20 years it takes to pay it off and I don't remember when we had that I don't think we're aware but not every energy bond is 20 years we've done a 12 year before 14 okay so um I was just curious I don't know if dry knows I don't I don't think there was anything out there these lights are right right right yeah it would just curious that's all it's not a big deal but these are these are not new lights so these these would have been it would have been prior to this yeah so I can't imagine that it's it's got to be paid off by now I would think so too yeah yeah for sure thank you you're welcome any more questions anybody else so you get no money unless we we contract you correct this is why we like to do the milestones we have these Milestones to make sure like you have we want to we want to come and make sure like you understand it right so and and we would only bond out or loan or whatever terminology you want to use the amount of savings so let's say we save we can save $300,000 a month or whatever that so we wouldn't we would not borrow more than 300,000 time 20 yeah you once we build out once we build out the project we'll see what it backs into so that's would be the number we would you would see what that project is so we need to put boots on the ground and see what it is because we haven't even got the operational side of it that TNN side that we talked about so what are you paying for all these light bulbs to be replaced and how many times are you calling in your contractors your Mechanicals to come keep the doors open so we need that and then we need to put boots on the ground so we're we're not there we're not there yet we're just starting um this is one of the Milestones to say are you good with us to go forward to the next stage of putting Bo on ground and for what you're saying so $300,000 a year in savings over 20 years is $6 million right right $6 million project and we can base it off just that but what we're seeing I mean how many more have we done that we show the owner if you have somebody to contribute um example would be a district they had $2 million to contribute out of a capital Improvement fund some s we're taking that $2 million replacing their old steam boiler that steam boiler replacement is a long payback but they're funding that with the project there's another $40,000 a year in savings by doing that steam project so that actually gives you another $800,000 more 400,000 over 20 another $800,000 more of an energy Bond you could take so we just picked up another 40,000 because District contributed money right so we can go through all that too once we go through that what Trailer City did um and the reason that project is so big is they took all their hvbc as well as all the energy stuff out of their bond and put it in our lab they put all the additions um like if they did an addition that's on the construction manager side and they gave us all the HVAC stuff so if they're putting new equipment in or any any type of equipment they gave it to us because number one they get the performance guarantee which they don't have on the bond side number two we get all the savings number three to get it done in two years as opposed to six or eight or whatever so we're leveraging that and what the other thing that he's doing and um is that uh a little bit than and we're presenting on this next week at the conference so Dr Van Wagner is presenting as well as uh doc um Doug mener from Trenton at the superintendent conference is he is um he's paying Bond UPF front using Bond money up front and then going to leverage his if we still need a non- voted Bond going to leverage that about halfway through our project to see if they still need more money because he wants to build something else secret secret project so uh we'll see how that turns out but so there's other other ways to do we'll be talking about that next week in the conference so anyway but thank you for listening um I just have a comment that I see big benefits for our district with our older buildings so could could be to our advantage so thank you yeah and if you all have our card um and I think I shared I might have shared with all the references um and we have a lot of local references as well as all across the state so you can share them you know we don't or TR or uh pfm as well um we don't have a b reference all so feel free to share those okay thank you thanks thank you okay we have the mtss presentation if I may I want to start off to say and I wanted to bring uh them up to speak with you today as mtss sits at the center of almost everything that we do um and there's been some conversation about uh a title one audit uh where they come in and and look at what's doing that's all centered around the obligation that we have to provide mtss within our school district District so I want to make sure that you knew the things that we were doing and the things we were approving upon how we're implementing and folding in power school as well as navigate 360 all the mental health services that are happening within the school district are huge which are Partnerships as well we just have a lot to share we want to make sure we get that off to you if you remember correctly two years ago we had our 31a audit which um also T you know 31a and tital one folded into each other and and that's how we ended up with the mandate of the high school making sure we had some of those high school programs in place and and for the betterment of that so without further Ado want to turn it over to uh Megan and Kevin and and Dr Dage as well um because we've got some pretty wonderful things happening and it should answer some of those questions that you might have around this kind of support that we uh we're going to talk a little bit tonight about our student support systems in mtss and really our components of it are so graded in uh with the teaching and learning Department uh student services is working hand inand because there's two sides of mtss and that's that behavioral mental health part and the academic and this is Mr noblock I'm not sure if all of you know him uh but he's the um supervisor student services so I work hand in hand with Dr this isn't work no okay so do you want to you want to start or you want me to do okay well I got to put my glasses on for this all right so what is mtss so mtss is a multi-tiered system of support and it touches all of our students across the district from our babies all the way up to our adult Learners and we're basically looking at tier three four three to four tiers um that we work with the tier one is universal support so that's for everybody it's the bottom layer of the cake uh tier two is more targeted interventions and like I said this has to do with academic and behavioral mental health components tier three is where we go into a more intensive individualized um intervention roughly about 5% of students and if you think of it as the cake that's your third layer and tier four is our most intensive support typically our students with special needs are in the tier 4 component and that's about 1 to 2% of students one thing we worked really hard with with our staff this year our mtss teachers our administrators is the component of child find and child find is a federal law and it requires us as a district to really look at all of our students and determine if they need need special education services so that doesn't mean they have to be in a special reading group or have a behavior plan it really means that we're looking at each individual child and asking ourselves as a school team or an administrative team what does this student need to be the most successful in their academic journey I was just going to state that we're really fortunate in our district that we are able to support students all the way from birth to 26 so it's a really special thing that Hazel Park is able to provide to the community and oftentimes when we think child find um that may be synonymous well um it's a child that's you know maybe at Birth or one or two years old where a parent is suspecting possibly a disability um you know we work with teams across the district where it could be a student you know in their eighth grade year or ninth grade year where their team has come to the table to say you know we're really seeing some struggling issues for this student and we've tried AB C and D um and you know how are we able to move forward with that how are we able to maybe determine that that that student is qualified for special education programming so um that child find procedure really um encompasses all of our students at all levels you know one thing we like to tell our our folks that we work with is don't rush but don't wait if you see something that's concerning let's bring it to the table let's have a conversation and let's see how we can help every learner okay so this kind of goes through um more specifically each of the tiers like I said we're thinking about this like a cake um tier one is the bottom then tier two then tier three and child find is when we're having some um thought that this student might be a student with a disability or may need a 504 plan in place so so that their uh medical or disabilities um are we can support them in whatever way is would best suit them and actually our federal government just came out with uh quite a few regulations that broaden the scope of 504 plans to things like um Eating Disorders anxiety disorders asmatics irit irritable bowel syndrome so we're really navigating that with our staff too that those are students that we need to care for and support them in the school environment and what does that look like and usually those teams can get pretty big everything from a district nurse teachers um otpt social work etc okay you want sure um child find is at Federal requirement as Dr papazian spoke about established by our idea act so individuals with disabilities Education Act to truly identify locate and evaluate all children with disabilities from bir who are in need or be need special education services so Michigan's kind of an outstanding state in that way we serve students to age 26 and most if not all other states only go to 21 so um that's why you'll see here that it is a federal law and it says 21 but in Michigan we work till the age of 26 so what are some triggers that we might ask our teams to look at if we think that things are happening um for a student so academic concerns may include but aren't limited to uh failing or declining grades po declining progress on standardized testing maybe the student has a 504 plan and the benefits are very little to their success in school behavioral social emotional concerns um include things like signs of depression are they withdrawn um do they have in attention or distraction are they suicidal um do they have some mental illnesses and many times we find out about these things because a parent brings in a note from a hospitalization for a student that has a mental health uh disorder or illness and that's where child find is triggered and we have to work with our team to provide supports um um discipline referral suspensions expulsions uh treny as another thing major traumatic events that are happening in student Lives May trigger child find um and outside behavioral diagnosis like we said irritable bowel syndrome things like that anxiety depression uh Eating Disorders there's a there's a large scope of other disorders that that we look at and try to truly sure that everyone is trained to see these things notice them really keep your ear their ears open listen to students and parents so that we know what's happening and how we can help I'm really excited about sure oh yes uh so this is our child find find uh brochure that we have had the opportunity to really provide to our community um much of this system from our early on team that has helped kind of drive this process uh because we were seeing um in our district um really that need to help inform our families out there especially with very young children um at that birth you know two four six months um to let them know that we're here for them we're here to support if you suspect that your child has a disability that we can help you through that process um our early on team worked very hard with um partnering with um the library here in the community I believe uh Ferndale as well um they've Al also reached out to local pediatricians to make sure this information is posted and available in their offices because we want to make sure that our families have those resources and a variety of settings that they would be at um so that they can have that team helping support them um if they suspected their child so these Jazzy Flyers um are taken all around to different Child Care Centers libraries trampoline parks um play areas all of those places and our team is actually went and talked to local pediatricians about child find and what to do if they see a child that maybe they think um has autism or hearing loss and what services our schools can give uh our birth the three program here in haet park I'm not sure if you're all aware but those teachers and ancillary staff actually go to homes and they work directly with families on how to best help their students um so we we have that service available and and it's growing and growing and growing it's not so much just uh babies and students little ones with uh maybe physical impairments it's also um little ones that are having speech issues or true behavioral issues that that parents struggle with day in and day out and our teams are in their homes working with them directly and putting together plans for them we had the opportunity to go out with our teams in the homes and uh know we can speak to that that we truly have the best team out there working with our families the passion that they have um the excitement they have is is truly astounding uh to just see them interact with these families um you know I'll use an example I was able to um work with one of our teachers supporting a student with some speech needs so that that teacher was able to work with an a device so um that was provided through open school as the child had a iPad that Sy and so that that teacher was able to work with a parent and and it was really able to kind of step back and and see that wonderful interaction that's helping to bridge um that child having a meaningful communication with that parent and also letting that family know that we're here for them the team here for them uh so child find components our first and foremost job is public awareness where our teams go out and make sure that everyone knows these services are available in Hazel Park to our students um we actually have lots of students come from neighboring communities that want to be in our programs for early on and for preschool because our people are out there they're talking they're presenting and truly it's learning through play our people are going into homes and working on sleeping and eating and all of those things from from the very youngest students um to the services they get with as adults we do referrals so that's a age birth through three there's like a hotline that they call um a pediatrician Mayall it to make a referral it could be a child care provider uh could be a parent themselves and they're directed and sent through Oakland schools to us so it's it's not like we can take Ferndale and Royal Oak children uh our Hazel Park kids stay in Hazel park at the at the very youngest of Ages when we do have a concern maybe it's a teacher concern for an elementary student or a social worker concern for a Junior High student we do go through a referral process and we need our our parents to consent to evaluate their students so they are very involved from day one on how we go about evaluating and moving through that process right um right now we have six School psychologists I believe six um there is a there is a major um shortage of school psychologists and they're the evaluators in this process but I have to say that our school psychologists are really taking it on as a team and helping one another out to make sure that all of our kids are taking care of and this is on our website uh just a little picture with a tab that um if a parent or Guardian is concerned they can click on fill it out and it goes directly to our child find coordinator and they'll they get back within 24 hours so we're trying to make everything as accessible as possible so that um students are getting the help and support that they need or that parents are feeling more comforted in that maybe their their child doesn't need quite as much or maybe they need a little bit more but uh you let the professionals really and Dr do think gonna the lad Okay so so um as you can see at you know what dran and Kevin explained this is a really comprehensive system of student support and that is accomplished through some of the socials so we have a flow chart that um helps our teachers and our staff and our administrators understand how to go through this process and that flow of what we need to do to support students is Guided by five essential practices the first one is team bed so as you can see we just talked about a number of different professionals just involved in one component of it there are a number of different levels in this process it starts with building teams and there's also a district team the district team really serve to support the organization the processes procedures and all the crossing of the te's and the dting of the eyes to make sure are place the building based team is the boots on the ground team thats with the staff that works with students that works with teachers to ensure that all of our students needs are met and that's always driven by databased decision so the next one is really the tier delivery system I think Dr really spoke to that that we have a number of different tiers that students are supported by one of the key components that I think important to remember is that as Dr said tier one is our it's our core instruction tier two is a little bit more intensive we could potentially have student that has tier two supports and maybe they're not necessarily responding to all those students so we would add another one on it does not mean that you take the tier two supports away and which you add supp time so this is a really fluid process that we need to make sure it's really monitored very closely and very tightly and that's done through those team based leadership regular me another really key uh component of this is selection and implementation decision of the interventions so uh we have some very specific tools that we use that are research based and evidence-based to support our students at TI two three and in special ucation uh obviously all the strategies that we are putting in place in our curriculum and our instruction on a daily basis our research and evidence-based we also have specific interventions that are aligned to specific student needs areas of and uh the last two components are one the comprehensive screening and assessment system so we utilize a number of sources of information about our students and that starts with things such as high read assessment that's one of the first assessments we do every year in the fall and that is used as a benchmarking for the diagnos so in the fall all of our students take that tool that assessment and based on the data there's decisions about which students may need some additional support beyond the support that a classroom teacher can we also have formative assessments some assessments that areed in our curriculum that a teacher would use on a regular basis to gather information and then we have a number of tools PR one of the key components of this is that once we get our data and we may determine that a student or students need additional support in Reading in math and put those interventions in place we need to monitor their prefs and we have specific tools and specific timelines for running mon PRS because the goal is to the best of our ability to find out what a student needs provide intervention and as soon as we can move that student back into just a regular classroom instruction because we want to build a high quality and have our students in the classroom at all times receiving those interventions we do really support model but at sometimes we do need to pull students out depending on need and support the intervention that they require then the very last thing I think you've talked about a couple of times is really the continuous database decision so when we assess in the fall that's not the only time we assess we assess all students who I ready three times a year our teachers on a regular basis are assessing students in all areas in a regular basis and then if a student has an intervention as I mentioned we do progress monitor at a more shorter time frame usually about to 10 weeks to make sure that one the intervention that's align and two the student that all of this work is gued by like I said two different teams talked about this but I really wanted to let you see on those important you think about an mtss system of support it is comprehensive everybody so the district level team would be mo much of our central office team um superintendent myself kazian uh Mr nabl the psychologists that we would have on there our school resource officer our nurse director schools all of these people really have a pieace in that POS because it's not just the academics it it's the academics it's the behavior it could be a student that maybe we see is presenting with some academic struggles but what we really find out when we analyze the information we have in that student is that they have that's a different piece that we have to solve to ensure that they're in the school so in that way you might have direct schols is doing a lot of really um strong work in making sure that students are getting school and we monitoring those processes stents and then the building level building administrator obviously is key on that along with our school social worker and PES should be up there I don't know why that's missing but our social worker and pych should be up there our general education special education mtss teachers and also instructional coaches with Consultants they're not always part of instructional coaches are always part of those teams as they are monitoring um making decisions about students but our coaches would be there we were talking about some interventions or strategies that we might place to supp and a very exciting piece that we have this year um that we are really for to take off is a new tool through our this a tool that's called analytics and insights Ori insight and this will allow us to really streamline and organize the work to support all of our students in tier one instruction as well as tier two and tier this system number one has a data dashb in that data dashboard essentially every bit of information that we have in the district on a student can be accessed we have information about all the information ping from the student information system we upload a number of sources of assessment data I's in there M's in there K will be in there any types of Assessments like that that we have ability to upload in terms of a spreadsheet will be in there it will also capture any behavioral data any attendance data in a nice dashboard on every in addition to that this also has two other components really help us this is something that we have really look forward to and needed for a long time because what it does is it systematizes where all the information is currently our schools do this anyways they're tracking and they're organizing what that's done food shared with folders and spreadsheets sometimes that can get blot lot of spreadsheets with a lot of information in it and you're pulling for multiple different sources data it becomes tree this system is going to allow us to have all the information about student the help us make decisions it will also allow us to do two different things one is called student and this student plan portal allows us to essentially develop or track plans that are supporting a specific stud in addition to that we'll have things such as attendance I think um maybe maybe there's an awareness that as we get to a certain level of attendance when it's days we send letters to families those letters can now be housed in this system so if a student has a five day letter or a 10 day letter and let's say they had that in third grade and now it's fourth grade your teacher logs in or the building administrator logs in they're going to see that maybe in third grade those so it's going to track all that information the final about this is intervention what this allows us to do is every bit of tracking that our mtfs teachers are currently doing because they are they track everything that they do in multiple spreadsheets will now be housed in one system so essentially principal um special education teacher a psychologist logs in to this system you're going to have a plethora of data sources of data on every student and individual students because there's a student they will be able to access any sort of plan to detect the student whether it was an attendance plan uh Behavior plan they will be able to access that in addition to that they will also see student involved in any interventions and how they respond to so we really are excited about this tool because they help us make those decisions faster in a way that really gives access to everybody so we are pretty excited about that tool and that's really going to again systematize and help that so our goal here tonight was really to just give you an overview this is a really intensive um process we have a pretty significant our goal was to give you the big components and obviously all the things we're doing support students tier assist support I'm GNA say it wrong papazian papazian thank you um you said there was a form to fill out online and it goes to the child find coordinator who is that in our district uh that goes right to Jennifer deri um she's our early on teacher that then she sends it out to whoever else needs it so we oversee it we are watching that spreadsheet watching those come in but that teacher the one that will say h this is for a psychologist this is a speech concern this is a physical therapy okay and then can we get this presentation emailed to us because our TV went out over here sure it's actually on my list of things that I just wrote down over here making sure we upload it and get it to you appreciate it thank you good job I have a quick question um understanding it used to be that the special ed student um you could only service them if they were in Oakland county is that still true yeah that's a great question so when we're talking about birth to three we keep them in the community so we don't we do not take yeah we don't take um students from our neighboring neighboring districts good to know um anything think three and above once they go into that special lead um Continuum then we have to have a 105c sign that's a that's the agreement with the outside of the County District that they will pay for those Services I have you can't question excuse me Ian you have to wait you can't question from the audience I'm sorry anybody else I I do have a a question about the power school aspect of it um maybe not to the same degree but is there any mechanism in that specific Power School application that would allow families or caregivers to also have some of that information um you know access to attendance letters um any interventions that are taking place I know one of the main benefits of power school was that there was going to be sort of this like at your fingertips um repository of children's information and things like that and I don't know that we're seeing that to the extent that it was maybe hyped to begin with um and I'm just thinking if you know there are parents at the Beyond three-year-old level um that may not have a lot of constant communication with the school or really understand what's happening in the classroom or like whether or not their their children are struggling until conferences you know this may give them sort of a heads up or guide some of those discussions um you know ask the right questions to know if they may need to look for eligibility or evaluation or anything like that it is there a plan to get some of that power school data out as well as in I'll take that um I think that's a really good conversation to have I'm not sure that I've seen that side of it as far as the testing data and stuff my guess would be that we should never say no right so I know that we're working on a nursing component and that should be live too so that you could log in and see the visits down to the office and see all the other things that are in there as well so there's a a module we're doing with that this side of it I don't know but I can't imagine that it would not do that because they're adding pieces on it all the time and so that's a really good question for us to Circle back with our team on WE me Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 o' I I'm sorry I was going to say Miss beat and I think it would be really valuable for parents because we get a lot of requests for data and information to provide therapists and pediatricians and that would certainly need parents just getting that quickly sending it you know online that might make things easier so I I hope that does um come to fruition well I think it might be helpful for it to go outwards as well you know I'm thinking specifically of some of those tier two and three interventions that may be taking place seamlessly um and you know if you if there's a parent that does doesn't know that there's been sort of this you know ping for a tier two um you know it may not be to the point of evaluation or where they're they're needing that intensive level um but especially for some of the younger children that that may seem like a seamless part of their day um but they're not able to communicate that outward themselves and and there's a lot of there's not a lot of ability to communicate sort of one-on-one if you don't even know to ask the question and that may just prompt some the questions is sort of what my thought is this time I want to Circle back around one piece though is that they are not supposed to be in tier 2 and tier three without parent permission and formed so that's all part of the piece that we have is that that parents are to be invited to initial meetings that are taking place before you're even in the mtss process the problem solving meetings um that has been our process for 10 years to make sure that the people are in there and that each building has their own weekly meeting that they're supposed to be talking about students um and it rotates through special ed 504 behavior and then others that it rotates on a weekly basis that they're having those conversations sometimes Staffing limits us um especially given the loss of psychologists you know everywhere um but you know I have to say uh it's it continues to improve year after year all coordinators instruction everyone data and I have to tell you are many that and that's really a test all the people in the system and how much they're working a strong coordination between services and teaching learning all the support students anybody else any other questions hi thank you very much so moving on uh it's public comment anybody wishing to speak um we need you to state your name and address and you have three minutes I'm not going to read the big thing I'm just going to ask to not direct comments to specific people and to be respectful and to do your three minutes oh yes and if you there is one I didn't know I had one sorry you can give it to me after East Park Michigan um happy New Year happy New Year uh this board is here to create policy and I'm just kind of moral policy person so I don't know if Sim policies might be something you might want to look at we have administrators that work long days and then we see them a lot in the after school events and I don't know if there's anything in policy but I think that if we pay an administrator we should pay all administrators to work the after school events because they do put a lot of time in and we have a lot of great staff and uh it's basically what I have I want to say congratulations to the ones that were just elected and reelected and I look forward to seeing you work together as a board thank you and we have uh Ian Lloyd Mr Lloyd you know I'm hearing feedback from a lot of the faculty I was a former faculty um we're just so excited to that we got new energy on the board new ideas I wanted to just let you know as a behavior expert and social worker I went to work and worked here for about five years in the union and I knew it needed the district needed for the teachers and the children they needed Social Work intervention there are some things that we've seen in Hazel Park that got brought here never before we we we didn't encounter this type of rough abrasive experiences at the podium no little to no parent support your teachers are saturated with special ed kids that are not identified prior to your their arrival and then you put them through the mtss you delay their identification teachers are giving feedback because I was in the district on RTI teams look at you we spent all that time on train in the presentation none of you guys will give me four minutes I would like one more minute may I have it okay I think there's some softening up for this board to interact with each other because Zig Zig zler said the staff and the children cannot overcome the constraints of leadership poor leadership is going to your teaching faculty students I'd like to see more Michigan grads Wolverines you can't do that when 3ars of the district is receiving mtss it's not a healthy District it's disproportionate in the number of disabilities that you have in our populace that our teachers are trying to use Behavior plans on and run different things without the adequate support of school psychology or social work and do not there's plenty of workers available there's plenty of ones that actually have the degree titles when they get in and they're seasoned and they know what they're doing I find that the constraints of leadership has actually gotten in the way of that family getting the support they need one of my one of my private practice kids hit their head because he didn't have enough support and they put him right back with no more support and that parent called me up and I I was an intermediary between this district and that parent and I got him back into I was the one who got that child back into the school district and he's attending school with accommodations and what I found was the district was abrasive and they took care of they knew what to say and what not to say to give more resources and they aired on the side of no more resources I believe that needs a change for your teachers to have morale yes to have morale and I think this this board now is the best board that we've ever collected in here each of you have been given the opportunity to change it none of you attended school with an open border I bet these teachers cannot continue to do that you need to focus those resources on residents of Hazel Park perform the minimal committees that you have available like the open border one or the sex Ian thank you thank you I don't see anyone else so we'll move on to new business which is our calendar dates and times this is for information able to discuss um that for approval yeah I'm glad you mentioned that because I didn't want to approve it tonight yeah so we wanted to make sure that we got draft dates out to you um we couldn't ask you to approve it tonight because we really don't know the times that you would like to meet so we want to make sure that you give us some guidance on that and um these remember board workshops are always suggested um those will happen if we have the topics to go along with that but we've got we don't even know if this board wants to continue with the committee of the whole so if you can take it back and we can put this on conversation for committee of the whole but think about what times you want the meetings um so that we make sure that we can get this out to everybody for the February time frame all right great thank you uh next is Michigan Association of school board School Board recognition month resolution I make a motion to approve the Michigan Association of school board School resolution as presented sub word may may I comment thank you um so just it's really important right that uh we know we could wait to the end of the month but we wanted to get that message out there about celebrating our school board and our school board members uh it is very key as you heard one of our speakers talk leadership is at the top and having a good uh school board that has good relations and works together is a key leadership that funnels on down from the superintendent to the cabinet to the teachers and so collaboration and working together is is key and so we celebrate school board members you put a lot of uh time and effort uh into a job that can be very contentious and very stressful so thank you for all you do and we look forward to a little more of celebration at the at the regular meeting but we wanted to get this resolution uh through and out there now so that we can communicate this month would you like me to read it anybody else want to read it we all got a copy is it necessary for us to read it well when you do a resolution you should read the resolution to the record would you like me to read it anyone want to read it secretary who's I'll read it okay Mr secretary local school board recognition month for January 2025 whereas providing for the education of the Michigan school aged children is a fundamental duty of state government as stated in the article 8 section two of the Michigan constitution of 1963 and whereas the education of our youth is the found Foundation upon which the economic social and intellectual capital of our state is built and whereas Hazel Park School Board plays an important and vital role in a representative democracy and decisions made by local Boards of Education directly influence instruction in the Michigan school public schools and whereas the Hazel Park board members contribute hundreds of hours each year lending their districts leading their District excuse me whether it is by deliberating important decisions about curriculum adopting policies hiring top-notch personnel and administrators listening to staff parent and student concerns or recognizing outstanding programs board members always keep their eyes on the goal of the student achievement and whereas these decisions affect the present and future lives of children and also set direction to prepare all students to be competitive in local State national and Global Knowledge economic and whereas economy excuse me and whereas local board members are exceptional people who tackle the enormous job of governing school districts and demonstrate to the students they serve the High character of the civic duty and responsibility that all citizens should engage and whereas Hazel Park School board member recognition month provides an opportunity to build stronger relationships between the thousands of women and men who Champion the cause of public education as board members their schools in the communities they serve now therefore be it resolved that the Hazel Park Community recognizes contributes contributions of the Hazel Park of educ Hazel Park Board of Education to the academic behavior and mental health health of public students and express its sincerest appreciation to our board members for their focus on well-being and achievement of children throughout our district and be it finally resolved that the Hazel Park School Board of Education declares January 25th or January 2025 as Local School Board member recognition month and encourages the Hazel Park staff to appropriately recognize the our dedicated school board members it's an action item yep somebody motion to accept the resolution I did already did I supported pardon me already okay all in favor any opposed motion carries thank you it's getting cold in here I'm like uh let's see review article 1 c section 4 board ethics and operating principles this would be your board of operating principles uh book that uh you guys have done every year and made adjustments to as appropriate I make a motion to table item C review article section four board ethics and protocols um for board members to review for Community Committee of the whole and vote on at a regular meeting second support any discussion about tabling so you can look it over and bring questions uh no discussion all right all in favor I any opposed we'll table it until the next uh meeting uh review article 6 Finance Section 8 credit cards I make a motion to approve article 6 Finance Section 8 District Credit Card Bo any discussion I do I was just kind of curious why um there's the wording the balance including applicable interest shall be paid within no more than 60 days of the initial invoice St statement statement date why is it 60 days why aren't we paying that on why do we have 60 days to pay it that's what's in the policies that were adopted and uh certainly that's something that we can look at um I don't know that we do 60 days I think they've all been paid promptly I've been reviewing bills now for the last several months on everyone that comes in and they appear to be paid off on a timely manner okay can we change the wording well it's a policy so you'd have to do it in yep and then M the whole and then bring it for two readings okay okay I'll that's all the discussion any other discussion all in favor um um we're in favor of wait I'm like this is I made the motion to prove it the attachments confuse me because there's two the attachments say something different than d d is credit card finances okay right that I confus because underneath it says right underneath Finance section credit cards it says board memo Board of Education Article 1 c section 4 board ethics but it's finances that we're voting on you made the motion correct do I have everybody confused now yes yes we're making they voted the credit card for the action item on the policy that we have to approve every year okay so all in favor see it say they vote they don't vote you said this is in our bylaws right it's in our policy policies yes the bylaws the section one for board is in the finance policy yes okay it's in section six uh Finance section of that so the motion's been made by Heidi seconded by mon for voting and we're ready for voting voting okay all in favor I any opposed sorry I messed that one up board training is next I make a motion to approve board training as presented any discussion discussion yeah I have something sorry it's really pertaining to me though did I sign up for all the Oakland schools things I thought we signed up everybody for the whole year that was for the whole last year wasn't it oh the thing is I can't register anybody until I get the email that says it's the registration has been open okay so I just double check if everybody to make sure you're also able to attend before I okay perfect thank you okay all in favor of approving the board training I'll say I I I you oppose say no second public comment anybody wishing to speak second public comment see nobody okay then we go to is it board member comments yes board member comments and administration comments so going to start with Debbie uh welcome to all the new board members I'm looking forward to an exciting year um hope everybody had a happy New Year and merry Christmas and I'm that's it this is I'm not used to having the meeting right off the bad so finished oh okay go ahead what the heck um I just want to say thank you to everybody on the board it's such a warm feeling that I got from everyone from uh having dinner uh last month to now I mean it seems like I've been on the board for years already um I do want to say thank you to the public for uh their support and my family for their support I hope they're watching and for other people out there that they know who they are that have supported me and um uh my close friends also I want to make mention that you know it's wonderful that we have a lot of great disc discussion and tonight I thought was a really good meeting to have that discussion we're not all going to agree we're not going to all but if you I was told by somebody dear to me who was a principal at the junior high uh he said as long as you vote by your heart and what's in your heart and what is right for kids you're doing the right thing and I think that all of us has that in us and I think that's what we all want we might have different opinions and I no way ever want to try because of my years here and you know the the knowledge that I do have it it's going to be a hindrance at times because it seems like I'm throwing people under the bus and I'm not I don't ever mean to do that you know it's just because I know that we had an energy Bond or I know that you know uh what the what uh the Hazel Park holiday baskets has done in the past cuz I was on the committee for 10 15 years um so please don't ever be offended by what I say it's not it's not personal I'm just trying to let everybody know the history of what Hazel Park is and I guess that's the burden of being here since what 1982 you know I'm an old guy I guess but uh I do appreciate everyone here and thank you so much and thank you for the public for being here thank you for TR truste Fox I get to say the word truste the Darren yay um April want to go next I won't say much because I'll start coughing again and it's going to get weird uh but welcome back um to all of the staff and students and um specifically welcome to Darren and Nate and I look forward to a wonderful year thank you K I hope everybody had a restful holiday and happy New Year um there is some there's an oh I got something in the mail today from masb for the winter institution it looks like it's all online I encourage people to take classes they can be very informative um and that's it I'll see you next Monday Dayan yeah thanks for the warm welcome everybody I'm looking forward to working together for the years to come and for the kids you know I I started getting the the blast the emails and the phone calls from all the schools now and I'm not used to that but it's it's exciting I like it it's it's fun to read what's going on around the district and I I appreciate that and it it helps help me get me in the mindset like that you know this is you know this is everybody it's the whole District that's what that's what we're here for so looking forward to working with everybody Monica I feel like everybody mostly said what I had to say but um happy New Year um I do want to acknowledge that our varsity girls to play at Little Caesar State they unfortunately lost but I think it's really cool that they get to go there and play so congratulations to them for going out there um and welcome to you both and I look forward to seeing how this year goes Dr kiry yes uh so welcome back it was a really good day a busy day I think for all of us we have a lot of new families and uh we should take a little moment to remember which maybe Community Schools is the next good presentation for here to hear about uh so many families in need we saw many families come in today with significant needs um coming into our community where other community members are loving them and caring for them uh because of what they've lost we also recently lost a family member in the community lost their home uh she's a high school student to fire um and so we have a lot of situations going on like that so reach out to your neighbors uh give when you can um and remember somebody right next door might need some of that support it was a nice meeting welcome congratulations to your new offices and congratulation on the board I'm excited for uh another year of moving Hazel Park forward and I look forward to some fantastic leadership and collaboration okay that's me uh I you know I want to just uh assure the community uh of my ability to be their uh president um we represent the people up here and I represent them and um it wasn't a 7-0 vote I would like people to know uh a little of my background that I was a homebased teacher I've been in many many houses in Hazel Park I was the head of the Student Success committee at the high school when they were doing uh national accreditation I was a community school representative helping people with nonacademic uh needs served on Hazel Park youth assistance for 25 years start at the senior all night party um it goes on and on and on I think that if I don't stand up for myself if you don't stand up for yourself nobody you don't have any that will stand up for you and I think the community needs to know my background that I am very um dedicated to the kids in Hazel Park I'm very dedicated to this community I've been a brownie leader I've done the senior all night parade um do it goes on and on um I have a passion for children I have a passion for education and I will do my best job that I can do up here to serve the children of Hazel Park always have always will um I wrote this that I'm going to read uh new year brings a fresh start tonight we welcome three new board members Darren Fox Nathan Becker and April Beaton even though April has been serving since May due to being appointed I count her as being a new officially elected by the citizens and welcome Heidi uh back in the reelection uh to serve another four years unifying the board of seven is not an easy feat it certainly cannot be accomplished by requesting the governor to remove board members communicating very little or not at all with some board members or by outright refusing to appoint fellow board members to officer positions I would be greatly appreciative of your thoughts and ideas in regards to being a board supportive of each other my first thought in building a respectful collaborative team to keep us functioning positively for our students staff and Community is to be a good communicator this is one of the attributes of a good leader poor communication creates rumors mistrust conflict ineffective collaboration and favoritism I would appreciate having your address and phone number on paper I'm passing to help me in communicating with you at the end of our meeting on December 16th I explained my reasons for voting no for not spending money I will probably continue uh with that um I'm just repeating it here for those who didn't hear um our current Financial situ status is still in limbo our Auditors after 9 years quit our assistant superintendent of business operations resigned in September and today we still do not have an audit or current budget we missed the November 1 deadline to file the audit with the state so they withheld funds resulting in the board having to borrow $12 million plus interest I'm sharing this as new board members may not be aware of this policy the board policy reads the board hold holds a position of public trust and accountability requiring it to be good stewards of funds received by the district and to manage and operate the district in an efficient and effective manner the superintendent shall oversee Financial processes procedures and internal controls to ensure the proper accounting of all district funds received and expended Judiciary oversight was inadequate as the board we cannot and we should not ignore the budgetary concern facing the district we should not be fiscally irresponsible I know some people right now are not liking what I said however I'm an advocate for procedures following bylaws and policy by doing so it builds trust and it keeps order we have a jam-packed rest of the year we have the promis Zone dinner the fall um resource Fair the uh not the fall it's the resource Fair Fair uh coming up this spring we have concerts we have youth assistance recognition we have sporting events we have our drama James and the Giant Peach graduation and so much more there's many many things to be positive about with our schools the the presentation on mtss tonight the details was um fantastic absolutely fantastic to know that we're reaching out and and looking for those children that need special help um the presentation was was good and um I thank you for electing me for as president I thank everybody for coming out tonight and welcome back and happy New Year so motion to adjourn oops can I add something to uh the next agenda I'd like a follow up on Camp's award the maintenance is um is that position still vacant is the house empty are we going to hire somebody and if so when put it on the agenda for now motion toour motion toour second for