e e e e e e e e e e e e we will call this meeting to May the 2024 of the Henry County School Board to order you would please rise as we do the indication pledge Our Father who are in kingom will be on Earth as it in us our daily and for our trespasses we forgive those who Tres against us us temp [Music] to the FL of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible andice for all thank superintendent looks like we have a few recognitions this evening we do have a couple of recognitions this evening um these are potential retirees but they're not official until we sign the paperwork so depending on how next year's availability goes mayor may not sign them yet they don't know that but so we may not sign all of them yet we'll see um to get us started this evening I'm going to ask director of es and student services Miss Lynette white to come forward and uh and get us started thank you okay ladies you know who you are fette KCK and line pory if you'll both come forward so these ladies they are a tremendous asset to our district and all the services they provide for our students and have um Miss fore over here has been with the district for over 40 years so let's give her a yeah 43 43 and she is currently serving as our gifted teacher and how long have you been in the gifted 25 in the gifted program so um we've moved her here moved her there she's had lots of different spaces and had to be flexible and we worked through some of that change over the years I'm sure you've seen lots of change but we we're we're going to miss you and thank you so much for your service to the district this is a certificate in recog of all your work over the years and this goes with that and then this is from our department as well one more go very okay we're verette hick um they say you're n paid teacher in here so I might reprint that so just she's not an inclusion prepaid teacher but she serves our County on both sides of the district as a a prek i ten her teacher she goes in to support some of the private schools with students she does some our assessments um for bringing students into the district for uh those students who need services at three and four years of age and so we are so sad as well that we're going to miss you Miss Bernette thank you for all you've done okay um this is a certificate of recognition her years now listen she's only been with us for three years but she's been in the field for many many years she started in Lee County in '97 and so she has 28 years of service students and education 27 years and I never go that big hand for Miss Bern I'm give you a hug we take a picture okay already of [Music] trying to make sure you see the people behind [Music] you awesome thank what was a good and for the next yeah please ahead I know I'm sorry I just want to ously thank Rich Shear for giving me this opportunity suppored me for so many years he's been such an influence in my life he taught me that relationships and family was the most important and you needed to really think about M's hierarchy of me because he said that you need to understand the culture where the students are coming for in order to help with their academic achievement and I just want to say that and I thank so much for that our next presenter this evening Miss Kelly Miss Kelly CL the middle school you want to come all up she's going to give a [Music] hey you to wait for our social butterfly over here social butterfly so yes so I have the amazing opportunity to honor these two incredible ladies and I also want to honor uh Lori who has served at at CLA middle school as well it's just been absolutely amazing um Miss Mamont has been our ESC collab teacher she's been our self-contained she's been guidance counselor uh she's probably was a principal at some point and um so we are um sad to see her go but we're also very happy for this next season of her life and so um this is [Music] for one thing that you know I jokingly said social butterfly for Miss Mamon but our students love Miss Mamont Miss Mamon loves our students and she loves them so very well and um that's really the heart of a teacher and she has been willing to do anything that we've asked her to do try new things um step into new things and um so we just want to honor you m melon so we got this for you have for you you're very welcome okay and then I have this Hughes beside me um Miss Hughes has been teaching for actually she's been in education for over 37 years most of her career we're 37 years we're finishing give up and so um she was a science teacher for many many years and most recently she served as as our guidance counselor and so she is taking the leap into retirement as well and so we're excited for her we're happy for her she will be missed um she took on the challenge of being a guidance counselor and had no clue what she stepped into um but she has been on a huge Whirlwind of a learning curve and she has served us so well as well so want to thank you for everything and we Mr Shear I'll say too you know Mr Shear you had the nail on the head didn't it's about relationships and caring for kids and all these folks you know that we recognize tonight you know we're just so honored and blessed to have them parts that if you we should have done some math on the combined years there was a couple of hundred years worth of love that got poured out in h County and bunch of students tonight and I'm just grateful that I had the chance to be a part of you know part of that that you created for our students so thank you for everything you do and I hope you all enjoy [Music] retirement good you see you good see everybody [Music] there at jaie at [Music] I love you Doats you said yeah [Music] hi one more quick one if you don't mind so how many of you I know some of the board members uh made it over to see the the debate at LEL High School a couple of weeks ago or last week was it and um the incubate debate program has been started uh for a couple of years now in Hendry County schools and uh what we know about education is those that are doing the talking or doing the learning and so it's one thing for a teacher to be able to stand in front of a group and teach and teach a said subject but when students get up and they talk about it and debate it and ask questions and challenge each other we know that deep understanding and deep knowledge is happening there um we are very honored to have um Mr James Fishback he's the founder and president of incubate and debate and nonprofit work working to bring uh the power of debate to Young Americans uh teachers in Henry County Schools where the first Florida uh to integrate incubate debate into their classrooms last month 500 Henrick County students participated uh in engaging in educational debates with their classmates on debate topics tied directly to State Standards mind you like whether it was necessary to drop the atomic bombs in Japan in 1945 I sat and listened to it I learned you know by listening to the students and what and the questions that they brought out um we wanted to take just a minute and and know that this is a trend that's happening and a phenomenal way for us to teach our students and give them a way to expand their minds and knowledge base and uh Mr Fishback has some staff with him that's here that's and I'll allow him to introduce him but at least a couple of his staff members are graduates of Clon High School Lael high school and uh and they go all around the state and and Nation really um fostering the incubate debate and so we would like to recognize Mr Fishback ask him to come up I think he wants to say a few words about the program and and what it means and how Hendrick County catapult the program into a huge existence Mr James Fishback well thank you very much superintendent Swindle members of this distinguished board members of the community thank you thank you for giving incubate debate this opportunity to partner with the students the teachers and staff of this great County last month we had 500 young men and women who never had formal debating experience never been up on a dice had never thought about debate versus 2 on two but through our incubate debate format call roundt they were able to engage in an educational enriching debate right in the classroom and this for us has always been our mission it we've been for the past 5 years hosting in-person debate competitions for students not just here in hendri County but all over the State of Florida and a couple other states nearby and we love doing that we love kids coming to us and debating we love that coming out debating economic issues Healthcare immigration the economy there's no shortage of issues to be debating right now superintendent we can have a debate about whether we should be debating some of these issues but what we realize through this partnership with Hendry is that we can't just be the platform for students to come and debate with us we have to bring debate directly to the students why well think about it it's one thing to sit and listen to a lecture on whether it was necessary to drop the atomic bombs on Japan in 45 another thing to write an essay on whether we should have dropped the atomic bombs on 45 but it is an entirely different level to then engage in a civil respectful debate on whether we should have dropped the bombs in 1945 and that's what 500 students did in this County you look at that civility Pledge on the way in and the ability to disagree agreeably that skill has never been in more demand in this country right now and so what the students were able to do here with the help of their teachers with the staff of hry County with the incredible support of Roberto Sanchez is they were able to engage with the material they were learning in class at a higher level they were able to build communication skills skills that are valuable when they're applying for a job or when they're coming to a school board meeting and petitioning their government and the third thing is they were learning the art of civil discourse and so these 500 students superintendent Swindle what they were doing last month was they weren't just setting history for Henry County or for Florida our hope is that this Movement we are working on together something we call make debate great again something we can all get behind we actually have a hat it's blue not red and I get looks in the airport and then they look at it again and they say I'm okay but it's a movement of teachers of elected officials of students of parents of Americans distinct and diverse in every single way who recognize the enriching educational power of open debate and I am honored our team is honored to have done this with Henry it would not have been the success that it was had we not did it with you all so again thank you so much we look forward to bringing this to more schools and more students here in Henry across Florida and across this great country thank you so much thank you I thought [Music] it now we've got about 3 hours worth of Meeting those of you who want to stay you're welcome to this is where you want to if you want to slip out at this point in time you're welcome to do that as well I'm fired up and ready to everything tonight [Music] get the time and I want to debate the time [Music] too superintendent do we have any citizen comments I have none at this time no citizen comments we'll move on to the consent agenda uh so do we have any board members that would like to move anything from the consent agenda to an action I um Mr chair I have one question and possibly a a movement um my question is well actually it's more of a a state or a question and a statement on Personnel recommendations um I loved the updated uh job descriptions and the fact that folks are going to have to sign acknowledging that they've like read it and understand that these are this is the performance expectation aside from that um were there any like I didn't there was wasn't Redline so I didn't know if there was significant changes from previous no mo mostly it was template type formats the emblem and stuff like that or the uh the seal okay but I do like the signature acknowledgement of that so and then on presence or item L presence contractual agreement for SLP teletherapy Services that's a a big chunk um I know that's for online speech is there are we still struggling to uh get providers in-person providers for that uh yes we are Miss White just stepped out of the room with her group that that uh that she she had here recognizing not I believe the president learning actual contract was actually cheaper uh this was one that they that we who was the company we with last year so we've done with sance um throughout the years and they've just really out priced us um as far as our our hourly is about 7880 this salon right now and presence is coming in at 73 and this is all an hour by the way for for slps so we are trying to do some other things to get more people in the district I think she's been able to hire two and we're going to keep one out there so as we hire in we can slowly taper off presence already knows we have a 30-day in that contract so we can taper off their services but until then it's just what we have to so it was in an effort to save money it's about it's only about right now an $80,000 I think $70,000 $880,000 saving between the two but it will it will increase so so it's a high number but it's still way cheaper than what weact 70 is it's nothing to sneeze at um are we seeing an increase in the the students who are requiring this or the services or we are seeing an increase in services period but this just presence learning is about 300 and she can correct me if I'm wrong but it was about 360 37 that need students that need speech just with the the need for speech and there's some kids who are getting face to face like human contact right okay yep the ones that absolutely need it are getting that okay but the ones that we can maintain on that other level are are getting and we have the option as if we can bring more inhouse to taper off from this contct and that's what we're doing we're bringing them in and tapering the other off it's just a matter of trying to entice them and okay understood thank you district and the state and the people F it's true I mean it's hard to get private providers so I understand [Music] that that concludes well Mr superintendent with that we have your recommendation for the consent agenda yes sir Mr chairman I recommend your consideration and favorable uh approval of the consent agenda as presented second motion by Miss second by Reverend Brown yes we have any discussion no discussion all in favor I oppos motion carries move on to action items Mr superintendent we have your recommendation for new Personnel allocation request yes sir I recommend your favorable approval of action item 5A new Al new personel allocation request as presented motion so Mo motion by R Brown second by Nelson do we have any discussion no discussion all in favor opposed motion carries action item B Mr superintendent we have your recommendation yes sir but before I give the recommendation I'm going to ask M Jordan um director of HR to come forward and kind of give you some content and some background on on this item and introduce some folks that are here with you this evening to uh answer some further questions if you have those so no further ado M Jordan director of HR good evening everybody I have to tell you that this experience while most people would think I'm totally weird um this experience with insurance has been fabulous I am so excited about the company that we are bringing before you tonight and what we really feel like is going to change profoundly change our employees insurance how they look at Insurance how they feel about insurance and ultimately what it's going to do to help us to move been to raring which is the whole reason that we really all came together and so I'm going to actually turn it over to Darren who is going to explain a little bit he's our consultant with a veil and then we also have Glenn little as well as Mike carway who are our reps with a centria and so they also can share if you have any questions for them as far as scope of services or anything really it's going to be past the button I think but um Mr um chair members of the board good to see you again and um as as M Jordan said remember I'm Darren Brian from Avail benefits my job remember was part of our contract was helping you all find a contract effectuated and moving from fully insured to self-funded with FIP one of our one of f ship's requirements in the next two years will be contract effectuation and it's it's kind of um ironic a little bit that we had such a great presentation earlier about just about learning and engagement and that's really what these guys are here to talk to you about um f believes that for members to sit and listen to an agent talk about their insurance talk about their health insurance is one thing but to truly engage in it is something different and when they engage lots of times it's too late for them to make the right decision Mr Jordan was just sharing with me an experience she had just the other day um when which she went to go find some Imaging um and thought that G I didn't do that right I didn't go through maybe the process I should have to make that could have come to the same decision but the engagement piece her knowing how to handle that ahead of time was just isn't something that we've been able to do in the district and this is what these guys are charged to do we went through a very very long process as in running an i in procurement your insurance committee did a phenomenal job worked really really hard um for quite a bit of time time it took it was about a 45-day process where about about a week was very intense where members of the committee sat and listened to presentations from six different companies that came in worldwide companies um and and some with and just like a century with very good reputations in the industry we went through a a grueling scoring process we negotiated with them the committee was able to ask lots and lots and lots of questions we narrowed it down to two century and one other candidate and your committee scored and and and awarded these guys so they're here tonight to answer any questions you might have about really what contract effectuation is from their perspective what they're going to be doing for you um I'm I think you probably had a chance to review some of the the the public work that they submitted um I'm here to answer any questions you may have about that he's perspective but without stealing any Thunder I'll let I'll let the guys from the Cent public risk answer on their behalf and uh and and we we'll go from there thank you for again for letting us be part of that process y youall have something do y'all have something prepared y'all want to say we can absolutely yes so what I would recommend maybe give a broad overview specifically what the contract effectator specifically does and how you're going to you know in in raid and intertwine with the self-insured model I think that would be great just kind of bring everyone's knowledge level to the equal plane field okay [Music] 30 seconds 30 seconds well um good afternoon everyone um superintendent s great to meet you chairman board members we're thrilled to be here um we did we did Drive in from Northwest Florida so it's was about 7 and 1 half hours so forgive us if we look a little you know exhausted from windshield time Glenn little and I are Partners uh on this account and we are also Partners on other school districts throughout the State of Florida um municipality is is we like to call ourselves generalist but we certainly focus more on public sector and primarily school districts throughout the state uh we represent uh Swan we represent Okaloosa County Schools Jackson Walton um a lot of them are our clients and we've earned their trust their business because the things I'm going to talk to you about today and I think how we won the account and and the votes with working through ail working through Kim and Francis um which again was a was a a very thorough process the decision was not made lightly U but some of the things that we believe in that we want to bring to um to your county is that we believe that communication to the employees U making sure that they have a clear understanding of how their not just their health insurance but all of their insurance products across the board work so they make informed decisions during over enrolling so how do we do that um we we have a program and a platform that we're going to deploy to your District uh called uh benefits VIP and it's a member advocacy platform that all of your employees and all of your dependents will have access to uh which is a single point of contact one number that they call in addition to our team being an extension of Kim's team but when your employees are out there during the day instead of calling Kim and saying hey I have a life insurance question or a disability question or a health question by calling one number and that person knows your package entirely now they go beyond just telling them what their deductible is and how they get an ID card and that they're talking about where's the best place to go have an MRI down best outcome lowest cost we all are self-funded now through FIP so the ultimate goal is make sure they have the best outcome best care but also keeping their out of pocket expenses low as well as the district's uh service us cuz that's how we all at the end of the year keep a sustainable plan um we're also going to uh roll out a program called uh our benefits mobile app so employees on their smartphone are going to be able to download all of their benefits onto their um uh smartphone and they're going to have it at their fingertips from their ID card for their dental plan their Vision plan their medical plan uh if they're on their way to get a prescription filled they can hit that mobile app and they can tell them what's the best place to get this specific script fill at the best cost best outcome and so forth so very um very sophisticated um however very easy to use uh the other thing that we would love to do and this is going to require your approval because this is a top down um approval for us to to make this work is we have a a hybrid approach to how your employees enroll right they're going to be using a benefit administrative system through employee Navigator right that's what we we want to uh install from there we want the employees when they make their elections to know how the plans work and how they function so they choose the best plan for them themselves and their family so we we certainly going to do group meetings we're also going to give them the opportunity to have one-on-one face Toof face meetings and that's going to be from Top management leadership here as well as the leadership of the individual School sites in the administrative bu and I know that Darren and his team are on board I know Kim um was uh was very happy that we could deploy those type of resources to the to the district um we're also big On Wellness we're going to have a wellness platform that you will have available to all of your employees and their dependents as well as an RN Wellness coordinator that will work with your Wellness Champions within the school district right and we're going to support that in the community we're going to work in collaboration and we're also going to invest in uh competitions I think you all do two 5K races a year here for wellness to promote that we're going to be involved in that we believe that the wellness is going to be a big driver in longterm cost control um we're going to be here participating in board meetings we want you all to know how the plans are running in addition to complimenting what a bale does um so that's high level that was a lot condensed to what we did in 45 days but that's that's what we are that's what we do as the agent actuator for your plan Mr chairman if I might um just add two things to to what centry is saying part of our job at Avail will be once if and when you all approve them um and a contract is settled our job at aail is to audit that contract that's part of our duties that we that we in our contract for you we'll bring the a written report of their performance inside their submitt they offer performance guarantees um and you might as I don't know if you guys this is part of your packet but there's five different domains that they offer the 10% penalty of the $296,000 I think so roughly $30,000 for each one that they do not perform on that we will audit them and give to you and you can go forth with um but I I asked Miss Kim I don't I don't know that you have this but I just want to give you a glimpse of in their B their best and final offer a veil presented to them with the day in the life of injur County scenario and so I want to just read these questions to you I won't give you the answers we happy to share with this with you if if you don't already have it but item one said daily membership [Music] Billings finance department has received bills from three carriers that require monthly reconciliation suspicion is that Weekly EDI Fe that's the electronic data interface feed from the benefit enrollment software is causing this issue however the Reconciliation Report must be completed as soon as possible what members of your team of your servicing will be helping the finance department with billing reconciliation issues with carriers and or F and what members of your service team will be looking into to the software suspicion that's a real life scenario that that um your finance department has said and I mean we've talked about and worked through some of those things item number two eight members of the Hendrick County School Board have called into HR and told them several issues ranging from prior authorization issues incorrect billing member ID cards cards and where to have Advanced Imaging sounds like one we just heard a little bit who of your team is going to be assigned to do this they were talking about if it's VIP um they gave answers to all of these as the calls come into HR what is what is the suggested procedure for HR staff to redirect the members to your firm so again how are they engaging how are they working with your employees the insurance committee has asked your firm to host pre-enrollment open enrollment meetings at each School site a minimum of two times before opening day of open enrollment these meetings are in group setting there are 14 work sites in the district open and roll begins October 1st how are you going to do it and so they had to answer that question specifically to them how are they going to do that 14 work sites maybe one or two you know plus or minus one um and they had answered the question to the committee of how effectively and efficiently they were going to do that and what service members of your team will be assigned to this project and finally we ask two more questions 2025 membership packets are a key tool that can be used to help members with open and on questions how are you going to build these when will they be presented to the to the members and a local provider is consistently not following Network protocols by changing members charging members for services when benefits clearly State they should not how are you going to engage in this how are you going to fix that so they went through these questions and answered them to your Committee just wanted you to know it wasn't just and and so it wasn't just hey you guys look good they stood before your committee and was ruled pretty good in front of just want you to know that thank [Music] you a question so a year ago when we went with f ship and and then Avail we talked about the reasons we were doing that and self-funding and so forth was we're going to save money that was obviously our that's our job as the school board is to try to keep our finances in order that's the main function how much money are we saving and how much more will it cost us for the benefits of VIP the benefits VIP and the mobile app are inclusive of our Fe so we we absorb that cost as part of the veil no as a part as a part of our $296,000 okay annual fee we cover benefits VIP and we cover the mobile app can I clarify that just a little bit as well because I want to make sure that everyone understands that if y'all remember in Fall of last year when we were getting into the weeds of self-insured Mr Brian was at a meeting I believe in this room and he put on the board and we went through this long algorithmic formula of how the self-insured work and was you know uh and in that formula it was different pieces of that you know expenses went to different places and in that formula that we agreed upon then um was already the contract effectator was in there so this is a lot of money but it's already built into the formula that we've already approved as a matter of fact if I'm not mistaken um the bid that was submitted was actually lower than what we had allocated the money for so so to your question uh it's going to come through the services that they're doing but the money that we're already paid is we're they're already it's already part of that formula we're already collecting the money so it's not going to cost us another di more we're just now onboarding this company to start doing the services that we had already planned on doing that we're already allocating money for throughout that long algorithmic form correct me if I'm wrong on that de you're exactly right and Mr part of that too was that you were already paying another agent and it was in in Alexander company and their contract ends May 30th theirs will begin June 1st for your life your um dental vision being what we caller products they were your agent so part of that 296,000 was not is not the contract contract effectuation of the medical but it was for the effectuation of your ancillary or your voluntary program they're getting paid that part the piece that we pulled out in epia is the 22% that we budgeted for for the medical effectuation which they came in lower lowered it I think 2.2% so and and what was it.2 2.25 and so and the district has been paying funding that amount into your savings account at FIA since January so there is a surplus there as well because there we've been we've been getting ready as a district for that but but it's the 296 is composed of dollars that have to by Statute go to Commission to agents on those voluntary programs so it's not that's not new expense that's just going to a different agency we been in it for 4 and a half months now correct yes sir in yes sir and any projections and how we're doing oh so I can I know you I can address that so so far we've been watching it month by month and and you're you're right to say that it's very early and so to get a true mathematical formulation we we have to have a lot of data in there having said that in those first four months it has been very good better than what we had projected with regards to the money that we're putting in versus the money that's going out now again month by month one issue you know what I mean somebody with a serious medical condition you know can can really upend that but that's we're in it for the long haul right we're so we we although we're happy with what we're seeing we know that we have to be an average of years in that and if you'll remember saving money is great I'm always about that but if you remember we really went to this program to stop the hemorrhaging of these insurance companies from showing up on their horses masking gun Like Jesse James and his gang and making us give them more money for really no more you know premium expenses that they could show for us right and so if we could just break even you know I'd be happy with that the fact that if we can save money through this Pro I I'll drive to North Florida and shake their hands if we can make that happen so just as long as we're talking the dental we've been losing money on every year you know we we support our retired employees we families and so forth and since you mentioned Dental it made me think about that what are we projecting there for dental and dental con our and stuff so I don't know how far along Miss Jordan is but we know that we're going to have to readdress that there was a fund balance that we know is getting deleted and we will have to read that and reassess fees and and what that's going to cost going forward I don't know if that's going to be at this year or next year but I know that we're getting close to that is that correct Mr it's included yes the the new fees are yes okay okay all the ancillary fees um again as as Darren mentioned everything's the standard commissions that being paid out currently we just took we would be taking that over June 1st well value we certainly would evaluate all the products that you have in place right now to make sure that they are the best for Hendry County schools and we're paying the appropriate premium and it's funded properly because on your dental plan is self funded and I believe specifically what Mr samik is referring to is the expense is out outpacing the income and so we know that we have to address that we do yes Y and we will absolutely do that for you yes sir thank you you want to add anything just one thing on the benefit VIP uh those employees are our employees they're within our company it's not a third party vendor so there'll be six or seven employees dedicated to hendri County so when the employees call U it's not a customer service get in trouble if we say customer service is truly a member Advocate tool and so those employees are trained on every benefit so it's one call they don't have to call multiple carriers and the same person will help follow to give them through those to solution whatever is six different people to answer answer and if you think about it um you know we shop for everything in life we Google we shop on Amazon and that sort of thing but we don't shop for health care and there is a way to do that and that's what those Advocates do uh just like I think we mentioned MRI the way I explain it to employees the bigger building you you go to the bigger Bill you're going to get smaller building you're going to get a smaller bill so my doctor he works far hospital if I have an MRI order he wants me to go to the hospital I'm like you know I'm not going to the hospital I'll go to a freestanding facility save a tremendous amount of money so a lot of it is education which I'm sure everybody would be open to so and we enjoy that and we enjoy employees save money and all that in your app that you were talking about yes absolutely the mobile app absolutely all those services will be at their fingertips or they can pick up the phone and call them 8 to 8:30 on Eastern Time Monday through Friday how quick would that app be rolled out to to us once this contract is is done we will take over the contract June first if it's approved and then um I will 60 days it'll be up and running for us to be able to deploy that and have it set up properly and all the benefits loaded accurately that would be that outside dat having that yes sir any other questions [Music] for recommendation Mr chairman thank you everybody yes Mr do we have a recommendation on action item B yes sir Mr chairman uh at this time I recommend your approval of action item 5B ITN number 24227 insurance contract effectuation selection of asentria so Move Motion by by any discussion no discussion all in favor oppos motion carries thank you team Mr superintendent action it C yes sir those of you who opened uh and looked through there you notice there's another wad of um proposed policy changes and it's time to get those advertised so I recommend your approval of action on 5c permission to advertise proposed policy revision St 24 number 2 November [Music] 2023 nson have any discussion discussion all in favor I [Music] oppos next action item Mr superintendent yes sir action item 5D non-instructional reappointments I recommend your approval as presented so move second Mo by is seconded by Reverend Brown we have any discussion no discussion all in favor post motion carries okay like move on have no old business no attorney updates I actually do just want to put on record for the board that the next board meeting is May 21st I'll be attending by zo because I will have new baby but but I still hopefully by the 21st I will um but I will be available to you but it'll be through zoom and if you have any questions throughout my maternity leave continue to email call me and I'll get back to you whenever I can the best way to reach me is probably okay very good that all that's it all right very good to business so M attorney you have anything for board member business for us I don't have anything no but I do see do have an item right here though U board member business a the RFQ [Music] 24 Mr we have a recomendation on this so I don't um I don't believe that this is only kind of an FYI this is no action item for you to take it this time and um we on Thursday we will be working working um with a selection committee to determine who the contract management team will be that will build the new Lael High School um we have four four now four five yeah no it was six but I think two four we done I thought you people right right now we have we have four contract management firms that are vying um to build that and so we will be sifting those and Le presentations in there written packets on Thursday and we hope to have a determination then we'll bring back to you at your next regular schedule board meeting a recommendation um for that that is a that is an advertised meeting um if for public board members if they wish to sit in and um and be and observe through that process do we have a floor plan on all this so far I've not seen a floor plan so once so once this happens what we have is a concept plan which is that one there and then once we get through this next step then we will start doing floor plans actual plans blueprints editing working with our contract management teams Engineers to make that happen about 200 we know that it's about a 217,000 ft facility only because it has to go with student stations and numbers and stuff like that we have seen some samples obviously through our architect but nothing specific to hours thank you yes sir um so that was kind of what that was is okay I have I have a handful of other ones you got a handful of other ones all right if y board please be please be patient with me tonight I got a couple that we need to talk about um I was approached uh a week and a half ago by a representative of a nationwide franchise that would like to purchase some property um and the property they're specifically interested in is uh on the cor on the southwest corner of the Clon middle school facility where the bus where we had the bus that advertises the for sale sign not for the bus drivers need it would be a good place to sell buses I guess but it's not what we're doing Christmas tree lock Christmas tree lock exactly and so the Christmas tree lot is specifically where this um uh said entity would like to purchase from us um I I let them know that it couldn't be an outright sale it was government property if we were going to do what it Happ have to go through some sort of RFP or or so that we could be you know legal and fair and do it in a manner to give everyone equal opportunity I didn't want to go down that road if it's if not selling property there that specific piece is something that this board didn't deem appropriate or if it is something you wanted to do then we're happy to go down that road but um if you have any questions of me feel free to ask them but I would ask for an official vote tonight on if you would would see would allow would like see the RFP process move forward only because it's it's quite cumbersome it's a little arduous for t for staff to do I don't want to ask them to go through that if the gentl of the board is by no means we want to sell that property if that's the case you have the right to do that so I just kind of would like to test the orders with you first before I even went down that road I'd like to know like who's the um franchise well I I'm on a I'm on a non non don't what's yes not allowed to tell the specific yeah right I can't tell but it's is a nationwide chain that that depends on like what want as a as a president of cliston um that you know what you want to put there really depends on what whether I can support it or not well so having said that that would be what the RFP would look like and then I mean you don't have to approve any of them right but if it was one that you didn't like you could always say not going to happen no matter what you're willing to pay right but if it was one that would be beneficial to the community then y'all would have the ability to approve that and so that's if that helps you understand um and it wouldn't be fair for me to say who it was on on the DI and in this situation so does the irfp put it up for anybody and it's advertised that anybody could buy it that's correct and that's the whole purpose of that as a government enti I think it would be wrong of us to offer it to or negotiate with just one company I believe that either people in our community could off if they felt like they wanted to you know make a proposal for it or any anyone that you know would have a fair and equal opportunity to purchase government property if you will at that point in time best and highest uh so off the top of my head uh it it's maybe an acre or maybe a click less but it wouldn't be the entire piece I think it would just be the piece that basically is not in retention there used for retention that's going to ask you is that whole strip not the whole strip no but then uh permitting land use changes and all that would be obviously their responsibility I don't I don't want to be involved in that and I don't want to get us involved in that said won't be the whole STP so how far yes sir about if you'll notice on there there is a flat piece where the the Christmas tree sails and where the bus is sitting now and it goes for maybe a couple hundred feet before the retention area starts and so it would be just the flat part there um big enough to put a said you know bus yeah establish mer with parking so would access to that piece of property be off the the the highway or to be off the side street because then you have all that traffic for the middle school now we got a th cars coming in because it's like a McDonald's where you're going to have cars lined up down through the middle school we need service traic was one of the first things I thought about obviously um and it's atrocious there yeah um so well I'm not trying we shouldn't sell but I need to to happen and and obviously that would be a do you know have would have to sort that out and do y Lanes or or deceleration Lanes or turn Lanes or whatever they would have to do you know to accommodate for that so that is that is a consideration we have to S it I'm sorry was that we have to sell it if we don't want to sell it you don't have to sell it at all that's this is your this a Schoolboard property you own it and you don't have to sell it you do not this is nothing that we have to do this is something that was brought before me and I feel compelled to bring it before you for you to make the decision and tonight the only decision is is do you even want to see proposals on it you know and if the answer is we're not we don't want to deal with traffic or we don't want to you know entertain it then then that's fine with me but if you want to see what it is and I just need how much you say I don't want might people have to do this so it takes staff we might do it say I still don't want to do it because well we shouldn't have sent our people to do all this work now we're kind of obligated I don't want to put in a position now I'm obligated because we said okay I'm sure I think it takes Miss Willis probably a day to day and a half to research what the parameters of set RP for a purchase or a sale of property would look like and then you know so I think under one to two days time we have a procurement specialist that does that for us and she could give a rough draft typically what we do is then we let Mr buus went take a shot of editing I would edit it we always allow the attorney a chance to edit to make sure we're not missing something legal in there and so it's it's 3 to 4 days worth of work and a little bit of of time so it it's not undoable we don't mind doing it but it didn't matter if it's 15 minutes if it's something yall don't want to do then that's why I said we'll stop but if you want to see it we're happy to to put it out there it it could be uh again the pros the pros would be it would allow an injection of some funds back in capital allow some things to happen in the district um it would add some income Revenue um tax-wise back to the community and ultimately back to the to the district um negatives obviously the the um and provide maybe another source of a business for for us to use and citizens to use negative would be probably the biggest I would say would be traffic you know and how and making sure do in the city work with them to mitigate U traffic for that area would the money that the sale um be restricted the funds be restricted yeah I suspect that when you sell now our chief financial offic is not here I don't know if Miss Tanner can addresses my my hunch would be that it would need to be since you're selling Capital Property it would need to be a capital type project of some type which we have plenty of capital projects going on at this point in time that would be a good investment of the [Music] funds I don't know what see what it would be worth really almost useless to us as small of a piece as it is I can that's right as long as we're not obligated because like Mr bu's got a lot of free time I know oh yeah every day every na time you can do it I'm going tell you what that man answers the phone yeah all or calls back doesn't matter regardless do always respond he does thank you it's on video so it so if you don't mind I would like to have a vote just just to give me the clear direction of what as a board you would like to see happen from this point forward your recommendation get appr okay and having said that I I recommend that we produce an RFP for the set pieace of property under discussion and put it out to see what type of response we get by Mr am seconded by Miss Nelson do we have any other discussion no discussion all in favor opposed motion carries thank you board put those scint next to [Music] the now you're on now you're on it people put anything well noted we'll make sure we putos there second one is is uh an an FYI we've talked about this one in the past um we've got multiple pieces of property um between here and leel and um you all know that one of the things that we struggle with is housing for our teachers uh and and the further um to the Clon side you come the more difficult it gets and so does hiring and retaining folks because of that alone um we have developed um Miss Willis Mr myself Miss Tanner we have developed a an RF um P um so that we could allow uh either local or not uh folks to take a look at what the properties are and to put in potentially put in teacher housing on each side of the district on our property but then leverage some of the other properties that we have um to buy down the cost of that um the the cost of doing that alone if if even if we gave someone the property that the the the price you have to charge and rent is still um well above what a beginning teacher can can pay for an apartment um if we can take the other pieces of property that we have and use them as some sort of payment um and leverage that to buy down the expenses with ours so that we can get it to an affordable rate um I think that they are absolutely we're poised at a time when we're right to do that and in a very needed time within our uh uh where we are today in in our community and in our County um again this is an RFP this is not something we have to do um but uh this is an opportunity for us to think outside of the box leverage property that the sizes of the property we can't do anything with anyway we can't build a school we can't put no structures or anything on them um so they've just been kind of sitting for you know 40 50 plus years and I think now is the time for us to leverage them and try to do something that would be highly impactful back to our community so I'm really letting you know that we're releasing that one probably within the next week and um and so hopefully in June July we were able to come back with some type of um uh proposals that companies are willing to come and work with us uh as a true partnership to be able to provide some housing what properties um do we have that are significant enough for like Housing Development so we have properties uh mostly in the Bell we only have one in the Clon area which that one I would love to see stay in the PO area for housing for our our employees we have about five other ones um in and I think that y'all have seen this document and I can share it with you if you have not but there is roughly five other ones in Lael that range in size between 10 and 15 acres and so that's a pretty significant piece of property that can be used for either single family housing apartment com apartment complexes condos or something like that and so we believe that it's going to be fairly sign ific amount of of U of builders that will want to look at this again build one for us and we'll give you property you know to yours on in know sometime let them propose to us what would work for them and buy down the cost of ours and theirs so that we can both get what we need as a result and so we believe that we're going to have uh very significant pieces of property that would be usable um there's a in in Banyan Village there a 52 acre piece that we're not going to consider we're going to hold on to that one so that our you know whoever comes behind us will have that as an opportunity to build as a community continues to grow and build there so that one could be a School site but really that's the only one out of the entire list who would maintain these properties so all in the proposal right and so I don't have all those answers today if you ask me my perfect world I would allow I would want that company who built them to also maintain them and Lease them but under our guidance and under contractual amounts so you built it in and you can keep and even let them have the money off of it for them maintaining it and to and to pay down the mortgage that they mortgaged it with but at a specified rate so we don't want them to do that and still charge $1,800 a month because then that just puts it out of touch for our for our folks so so the again the overarching theory is leverage leverage the properties we have allow someone to build it collect rent at a specified and agreed upon rate that is doable for our employees have we have this model occurred in any other District that we're aware of there's a actually at this point in time there is a lot of these happening throughout the state monoo county has got a developer that's putting an entire Block in in downtown Key West um Miami day they're they are building three story schools now and the one story one and two are schools Story Three is housing for the teachers um there are other there are other community or other school districts that are um ising Y and so every District I think has one up and running started this year they build it so sound like counties with big old tax bases yes yeah yeah lots of sandy beaches and stuff the beauty of it is is I'm looking to do this with zero investment from Henry County schools and so we need to think outside the box what we suffer from is being able to recruit and retain talent and if we can use property that we are not currently using we invest $0 into this but yet wound up with somewhere where we can hire teachers to come here at a very affordable rate in a very nice fairly brand new complex I think that that gives us a Competitive Edge over a lot of other companies even at that rate especially with the salary that we pay so we see this as an opportunity for us to do something Monumental you know and outside of the box and trendy you know in in the education World where's the closer property located um if you go over the railroad just before you get to the Kirch property on the right where that mobile home sales is we own um about 12 total 12 to 15 Acres total in that area so it's less than a mile outside of town decent quiet part of town There's a nice fishing pond right there that's been annexed into the city cor it has it has yep correct so again and and I'm happy to keep talking share what I've got share you know this pieces of information if you have more questions now I want it I want y'all to be comfortable with it and I want you know I'm hoping and praying that we see some really good responses back from uh from companies that want to engage it any rural districts or similar districts or Heartland Inland districts with this yet so they are all talking about it I don't know that any of them have done them even in Glades they even identified property they're identifying places to put them two one to two to three years ago um and every District every Super superintendent that I've talked to we all sit around and talk about opportunities how we can do it everything from mobile homes to trailers to RVs and so we we just brainstorm every way possible because we're all suffering from the same you know uh um illness there of the housing and then what people have to pay is access to these going to be something that like has to be bargained cuz I know I would be mad if I was like say established teach here here how to place new person comes in we already we already feel and hear the rub about having um these you know these midterm teachers are are barely making what the the new teachers are coming in and you recruit a new teacher in and then they get this subsidized housing as a part of their package does that require us to up you know the investment to the the teachers or the people who already have there yeah that's a good question and who are also paying property taxes into this County right yeah that's a good question and we are we have had multiple conversations with un about it and at the end of the day I believe they're in full understanding and in agreement that you have to do this to get teachers here how that looks with regard to uh that package that can be fleshed out I don't believe it'll have to be bargained necessarily because this is not part of a salary if you will but uh but we want to do the goal would be to build enough in label and enough in C to satisfy in both sides of the district with what we have available we could negotiate that though with the bill right that you'll have to have so many new teachers or so many you know yes yes correct we could always put our stipulations in there if we wanted that's right on anything think you would would it be possible would it be possible like just what Mr Bas one said red flag [Music] um would it be used for anything other than teacher housing my goal is for it to be give us in other words here's here's a a said amount of properties I won't want a teacher housing inclus and teacher housing LEL dedicated to us right only us and now you take your property and you build what you want to build on yours if you want to build houses you want to build Apartments whatever that's your business what you mle in like so so we have to maintain some type of control of who's there right and there are ways to do that there's legal ways to do that and if we don't and that the questions come up what if you don't fill all the doors you know well then you can do maybe law enforce EMTs other Public Service you know folks that that are also struggling but yet in the public service sectors and that's to we would like to see our contracts to be with and house them before anything got outside of that so is it is what's the difference between Workforce housing and affordable housing because if it's affordable housing like I don't know maybe I'm wrong here but we've talked about this before and looked at it I like this is several several several years ago um but if it's a affable housing is based on income and it doesn't matter like what your job is yeah or if you have a job that's right this is so this is going to be affordable housing is it going to like yeah make everybody up you know te our our staff with you know income based qualifications or can you specifically carve it out for Workforce and Define the workforce that you're looking for your First Responders and that's why we want to maintain some ownership and so we own it in other words we own our property you're going to build on it to give you property go do what you want to want but we're going to own ours and that would give us a lot more leverage and what who's there and who's not and this would be in my mind transitional type housing this is not going to be meant for a teacher to come and live in for 20 years while they work for us but to be with us for that 2 to three year period till they're here they're establish they can afford now a down payment or a home or whatever they want to live in and that way we kind of have a Contin continual turnover of somewhere to where we can attract new people year in and year out and and over a said period of time so a question I have too is and our governor has no tolerance for squatters but our our state law is very protective it's of uh like with renters and so you have somebody you come in you have to um terminate them they're in this property how do you get them out especially if you got somebody like Oh I'm a single mom with two kids like I just think that that's going to be challenging I had a friend who had a rental Ral homes and he and the law the courts told him he couldn't throw them out he said fine but I said on the property right they said yes you want it so he went and took all the exterior doors off and they left the next day are you going to do that to the single mom and two kids no we have a we have a main restrictor that does that I'm going tell you I think that that would be a situation if I if I could add in because Miss Houston that is a concern that I have and me and Mr s talked about that of a situation if teacher is terminated from the district then you have to go through the eviction process as well and it can get very hairy so I think that this is something that's going to be heavily governed by contract between us and the contractor as well as the the Le and the leas or so we're going to have to have some stipulations in the agreement that if there's termination and they have a set amount of days to remain there and we have to provide them adequate notice and an opportunity to find Alterna housing because otherwise that's getting into a a whole other legal scenario that would not be good for us but it again would be something that would have to be covered by the contract of the eventual agreement that we enter into there's a lot of considerations and like in my former real estate life like when you see people who are evicted from a property or properties for a closed where they're like they're being forced out of a property they don't want to leave like they can Trash the place like very damaging and then who does that that responsibility to fix that and me so there's I mean like fix that property is it at us is it our District Maintenance staff is it the contractor like the leasing company um there's aot hopefully get fleshed out through the RFP again my goal would be you know let them build it let them own it and but rent it and then keep it up and maintain it and fix the AC units and fix the roofs and go back and paint the walls after they need to be so all we want is a teacher be able to live there for a set amount of money that they can afford where when we call them and recruit them we can say we got a nice place at an affordable rate we want you here and they take it so be like a property mainten or property manager that's right that's right property management and then they can get their investment back allow them to do that and get their investment back and does property management work for the person the company were Contracting or is property management work for the district I'm okay with them working for them I don't want one more burden on our folks that we don't have to have and again and again I don't want to get the car these are these are conversations that we know we need to decide on but until we get RPS in front of us and we have you know legal advice and counsel then we can come back with more clearly to find the answers I'm not asking to decide on any of that tonight I'm just saying I would love to see what those proposals look like from said companies and is it doable for us and what would it look like for our employees and if we could make that work or not I agree good question those please write them down you know if you think of cuz there are things that you know we do need to address and answer oh Ms are turning now good good good okay and I'm happy to discuss it further if anybody would want to or afterwards or in a call or meeting whatever you would like so um just wanted youall to know because if anybody said anything or ask yall about this you would know that that was out there and we're moving forward with it um the next two County Commission meetings next Tuesday a week of the night and then there theirs are opposites of ours theirs is a second and fourth they're going to holding the impact fee hearings at their meetings if any of you care to go and listen here um how those go um I just want to make sure you were aware of that reminded of that and so if you wanted to go to those um that you have the option to go and you know that they're happening so is that the 14th uh May yes sir the 14th and 28th that is correct and 5:30 um no I don't I think I think there's yeah and the 14th yes sir Clon there it will be the 14th and Clon 28th and [Music] LEL um the Lael High School cowgirls are District softball Champions go LHS cowgirls tomorrow night is their yes yes they they are doing phenomenal tomorrow night is their Regional quarterfinals at 7:00 in Lael if anybody has the opportunity to come out and support the cowg girls so that that would be good I plan to be there myself and rooting them on so just making sure you guys are aware of that as well Mr s are you going to bring up the plus property oh yes so I I won't so I'll I'll just wait and support you on that if there's no more questions of me then I will turn it over to who's next thank you uh want to say that um the ones that that did not make the uh the the parade uh we had a good time in the parade and I was absolutely blown away at the people that wanted to get on the reading bus during the parade I mean we did we had we had people getting on the bus in the middle of the parade get a b and getting books taking books absolutely amazing so I I think that was that was just well worth the time I'm glad Mr Swindle U hurried up and asked us to uh to participate in that that was that was awesome so other than that that's all I had for the evening just something quick right Al on the forell services for and they have expressed interest in a piece of property we have it's on uh Northwest rain tree if you know where the water pump system is it's right on 0 this is about maybe 1,500 ft behind and over because of the demand now by Fort leel for water they're going to have to put in more Wells they can't just put one well next to what they have to geographically separate them so they identifi this piece of a property that the school board owns it's 14 acres at first they sort of said you know we're only going to need uh maybe a 20 by 20 building on that piece of property right on the corner right near the RightWay and then the more they look at it they said well you know what we're going to need more weals than there so then they looked at possibly putting more weals on this piece of property then the idea came up they're going to need a new fire station the county is and well here's 14 acres they can do their new fire station in this area they could also make it aart so a lot of ideas are being floated on the properties that the school board currently owns this one in particular because it's so close to their water plant and there's a meeting next in two weeks on Thursday we this will come up at our our utility board meeting and see in what direction you're going but right now I'm just giving you a heads up then in that I could be coming back in 2 weeks or so and say well you know they're really interested the county is interested do we want to purchase do they want to buy it do we want to donate part of it for their water system and then use it for something and then sell it off but a lot of things are happening now where for 30 years nothing was happening out in corporate Bell and it's now exploding with houses and Domin so that's what's going on and now we have the impact fees coming in here in the next few weeks then you got a timeline on the impact fees it's like 60 or 90 days before the they they have to go public and then they and so but things are changing for us and I just want to give you a head up on that piece of property so in case you hear about it again it's not too far from the water PL that's what I know any questions about that you and I kind of spoken briefly I don't think there's any conflict of interest but my husband's company is doing design work for these projects should the situation I'll just myself we'll uh we'll make sure we get with Miss Tanner and find out close enough or you need to you know I don't know anything about it except I saw four squares on [Music] Pi so just putting that out there but I don't have anything else to lieen how is the project going here without online yes sir and uh and if anyone wants to walk after I'd be happy to walk over with them and take a take a look around before the meeting Miss Nelson wanted to tour um if uh it's getting to the point where if you don't recognize the old parts of the building that are there you would think this is a brand new construction uh Mr bu and his team and maintenance and the contractors are just doing an absolute wonderful job um it looks very good I mean it it's going to be a very nice um new facility if you will um we're very excited about it um Miss rymes I think was here today and she's coming back Friday I know she's doing a radio interview Friday to talk about it with the community and so we're very very excited about it um it's getting a new roof so we'll have a a new roof on it uh the the walls are all new it's going to have a new playground out on the West Side um they're right now in the process of Designing where the parent drop off Bus drop off parking the foyer and stuff like that going to be so it's going to be a really nice facility and at this point in time we believe we're perfectly well on Pace to open up when school opens up all right last thing I have is do you have any feedback on the school being year round so what we are doing we are in the midst right now of going through all of the schools and I think we are at eight of the schools so far we've done eight of the 10 schools where we're bringing the entire uh uh employees of that school together not just teachers and just held an open conver ation about it tell them what the theory is behind it give them the over and under and talk about issues they see and then we're allowing them to vote on whether they like the idea or don't like the idea okay okay thank you yes sir I thought you were going to say how's the vote going I'm glad you did and and not that it's bad and what we're and they're asking that well where's the votes and I don't want to reveal we've got the tallies on it but I don't want to sway anybody one way or the other I want everyone to weigh in I want all of our employees to talk about it and have an option hear before we release what that is so we'll wait both yes and so have we right Y and so have we there's there's there's there's um a lot of folks that like it there's a lot of folks who are not in favor of it there's a lot of folks who are indifferent it don't matter if you go to school 8 days a week they'll be there thank you m thank you um Mr chair so piggy back off what ref saying about the balance calendar updates what um percentage of approval do you have to have is this it going to be like a 2/3 so you know if if uh it'll ultimately be a board vote right and so that's up to you guys to so it will be you passing it or not if we um the way I'm thinking the way I've been thinking about it is this you know to to pass a said motion you have to have a 51% plus uh you have to have a 51% vote you know to pass the said motion Accord parlamentary law and I'm know law year but I did study parlamentary law one time um when you do things that takes away high level rights on a board like your speaking rights or something like that um you have to have what's known as a super majority or 75% I really can't think of much more change we could do that would be any higher level than changing the entire Paradigm of what a school year and structure would look like and so I'm letting all the folks know that if we don't have a 75% employee V that they think that this would absolutely benefit teaching learning employees their mental health and and their and how we surround them as a culture and a community then I'm not willing to go forward with it at that point in time and so if that helps you at all okay so if we get the 75 there is it going to like public in the community that's right if if it if we get to that point then we we're already planning to do some community outreach holding some forums you know during the day and the evening times allowing parents the opportunity to come in and and talk to us about what they see and what they like and what we've heard and stuff like that but if we only get to a 60% or whatever vote you know or or a 40% vote with our employees there's no need to hold any any Community forms at that point and so we're probably within a couple maybe within a week of being able to to talk about you know do we want to take the next steps or not okay all right um exit surveys I know you know every year about this time you start seeing the changes in employment here and resignations um are we doing any kind of form of exit survey so I'll let Miss Jordan Speak to that I know that um different positions you know if you're a said School versus District you know and and who they report to and how they how they let us know they're going you know or how how they let us know they're leaving and so it's a little bit of a mixbag but I'll let Miss Jordan being an chart address that yeah or Dr I'm answer that so it's on their paf um so when it's being filled out it comes to us at the questions that were asked for the exit survey so yes we are doing them yes okay so is it are these Ser are they tied to the per is it there any any like can you do it anonymously no have an anous anonymous on it it comes on and some refuse to answer so we have that too we have that as a little butt but we don't we have not offered it I just think that you know you hear things on this and I think that a lot of people are not going to because they they they're planning on a next chapter in their life or what their next move is and they're not going to give feedback that may not be perceived as positive because because they don't want to even though I would hope that it their future recommendations and endorsements would not be jeopardized but to be able to allow them U some kind of platform just to to you mean I think maybe even help the district to know what's really going on um I think they're important I think we absolutely so but now but out of fairness though we do that though um every school gets the opportunity to give um evaluations every single year and it is an open form where it's not traceable we don't know who it is and as a team uh it helps us with this and we sit down as a team and we look at those questions and it's about culture it's about expectations it's about the different things that we have identified um that that's important to run in a school and we get an enormous amount of feedback off of that and based on those feedbacks we do sit down with said principles and we go over what's been said on said campus as District team we look at what they're being what what their feedback is to us specifically what's good bad ugly or indifferent um and and we do address those things in some cases um the uh huddle up hindry event that we have at the beginning of the school year that's one of the ways we drive some of the classes if you will that we hold for our folks if they're struggling with something or don't like something or we see they need we need more help with mtss or we need more help with insurance or whatever it may be that's how we know what to offer them and that's probably I suspect what you're talking about although it may not need to dis you know I think that there's different than like providing feedback during the year like these are fixable but when somebody resigns that's like it's over we're breaking up and so why because you know I it's great to be able to recruit it's better to be able to retain if there's somebody they're employees you want to retain and so to be able to glean that feedback and I think you know if it's they can provide it without it being traced back then you're going to be more likely to get a level of like a candid level of this is what's really going on and maybe it would be an enlightening to the organization to to to have that because you know it's it's different when you're willing to still work on it and you you know it's frustrating or but when it's finite like that and you're done and you're over with I think that there's information there that you can that that's worthy of of understanding I think it would make the organization better to hear that and to understand that and give those people those protections to be able to say that freely I I don't I don't know what that would look like but I don't know why we couldn't look into it and see what it would be I don't know that they need to be anonymous I don't know about you but I get the calls and they call me and these principles everything but a child of God sometimes so they don't they don't no one has been called something other than the child of God more than I um you know it's true and so like I get that but I think like you know the there there's people who are timid and who are more timid than that and would I just think we make going valuable information to improve that organization through that process okay and so I have one last thing I hope I haven't going over my 10 minutes I'm trying to behave um okay so um today I I have Google alerts on my phone so anything that like Hendry pops on Hendry County or anything um there was an article that came out in Newsweek and it was it was misleading but it was talking about the highest Dropout rates so when I saw that I was like Hendry County was on I went and looked at it and it said that we're leading the state in uh we're number one in dropouts but I'm like the math wasn't mathing for me um so I went back and looked I'm like where you getting your information it was from the 2022 census and it was talking about um 25 and younger we like the largest population percentage wi 25 and younger for um people who don't either have a GED or a high school diploma and so it got me thinking about future makers and how so I I get like really spicy about hendri County because I think a lot of these larger Regional organizations and stuff want to use our data because our data is very favorable in them getting fundraising and grants but at the end of the day to like use our data you've got to ser our community well um and I'm wondering like you know future makers like what some of the stuff that we were doing with them their goals were to improve graduation rates of postsecondary outcomes and attainment and stuff and so kind of how that is all playing together and how effective is that organization and being and helping and moving those needles for us and because I just don't want to like be a part of something and give them up you know here take our data and then not there so the future makers I don't know if you've heard the presentation that that that I the the challenge that I took as a superintendent um for the African-American male graduation rates I know I don't know if you've heard that Miss beon or not but um fug makers was a huge part of the research for that and and the action steps that we took I do know that um and that upended African-American graduation rate you know for H County in Pon high school and I do know that as Workforce Development director they put about 130 Grand in my hand over about a 3 and a half year period to help put programs in place and they still engage with them today um paying tuition they provide a navigator to make you know to provide unemployed or underemployed folks Avenues to get our trainings that we offer so they're very engaged in in what they offers and I'm kind of a little bit removed from all the specific day-to-day things so I'm sure there's others that I'm just not coming to talk my mind I would just you know kind of love to see like the measurable outcomes on that and like I know that they've made the investment but how has it really moved the needle bar County because it was it was shocking like they put the whole map of Florida and all the counties outlined and it came out today I've seen that before though we've seen that a while back a couple months back we seen that we were like we we questioned the math and exactly cuz I was like I know where did they get that from because it really never specifically said yeah I believe that we seen exactly that and and and just I struggle with believing all the well was BAS well it wasn't doe information it that was like the math wasn't Ma so I went I was like 22 censes so it's a a broader scope than what you know our true graduation rates are but that's the way they were framing it in this article but it does bring to light the um that age group that is still struggling with you know geds High School diplomas and ultimately like Workforce that could be trans to I thought about that like m workers like doesn't have that we read that's what it was just very [Music] unclear but I mean I would definitely like to evaluate the um you know or get a report from them as to like what the measurable outcomes have been from our participation in those programs okay and then I think my 10 minutes is up don't want to get the gabble wrapped on me so that concludes my comments give you 30 seconds I appreciate your generosity and Grace all right all all done this meting is a jour [Music]