##VIDEO ID:LtbCJEqRmPQ## [Music] [Music] you're coaching the coaching yeah discussion and I think you're correct on that I think you're correct on that because I went straight to like with the doors being open because I think the I think the corrector discussion is longed on the doors being open and I wasn't I wasn't thinking about that so if you want to we send that letter and do a just of email that you like you did right now that email would be fine um that I can use that email that it's okay disapp they CHL super Super Bowl thing I need next have to [Music] go yes to 16 that be the next one I Lord hope you the day because I be trying to do [Music] sobody I will use yourapp thank you so much be all right though okay all right thank you [Music] okay awesome big deal like something going might guys okay awesome all right no words I agree that's hard for you guys because you think and I get all the time you think that you put EMS out for reason you didn't follow it you know they just don't so all right [Music] no worries let me know if you need anything else from me but other than that you guys did great and I appreciate you thank you [Music] [Music] I hope you can help me what is it I said I hope you can help me I got to get my words right wait a minute [Music] I have put it on this D I guess I just just want to do it um I want to learn how to cook biscuits biscuit biscuit not one Divine thing and pop another I want to be able to you know put my flour and what else I put in there and you know make dumplins but I don't well dumpl B kind of it's the same yeah so what I can GA um is the flow a little oil some people little oil some people put in buttermilk but they don't put a egg I know how you can start biscuit Dixie get the Red Lobster biscuits cuz you put it all well those are biscuits yeah those are biscuits boy they're so good you can buy them and make them you got to put it all together mix it up just okay I might I might cut a little corner down I got to go by there tomorrow good I most the biscuit in put down right here [Music] got you [Music] there he [Music] isal do that my 70 lb running by right there it was on the ground see that that's why you didn't come to see me this week I see I a anywhere except for the doctors and you got a little cck in your G yeah but it's getting better was you got we got a brace on him yeah you fall hard you fell my dog ran into me your who my dog your your dog ran over ran yeah ran over me is what he did he's a big dog it's about 70 lb me just right oh boy you look look at I feel little s for you man you look a you look a little beautiful there I do well I feel look a lot better than that now if he would have came in here with a right on wheelchair [Music] heing yeah I'd be m I need wheelchair you how did you get l or what no I I decided to come had to I had a u mix up in my schedule and I have what they call a a supern Super Bowl on there bowl and the family came to get Chris a child on the same day so I remember I chis a child with do so I I got to change we change the things so I wor about TR to change that's it trying toare the AC in the ball so some [Music] right would you agree that we won be here Lord I'm okay [Music] all [Music] right do in your lovely wife is she's doing well going here and going there doing this and doing that she had a a wellness class or something that she me to the senior Citi about and everything e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e like a little bit and I in the backg [Music] but and I cut that into e e e e e e e e me the order if you would rise and do the invocation of the Pledge Our Father be name Kingdom th will be on Earth as it is in US da bre forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us not Temptation Us from Evil the kingom and Glory forever amen Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all if you could please remain standing for a moment of silence for Phyllis Wilkinson and Carla Pat Miss Phyllis Wilkinson worked with the district for six years as a par professional at Central Elementary School she enjoyed being a parah and she showed so much care and compassion every day to the students she passed away January 22nd 2025 and also for Miss Carla Pat she started with the district in April 1986 and served the district 30 years and re tired with the district she was a par professional also at C Central Elementary School her students were her passion and always wore a smile on her face she passed away January 29th 2025 if we could just do a moment of [Music] silence thank you all right thank you madam depy superintendent we move on looks like we have one presentation this evening we do have one presentation we have Mr Curtis Clay with our fsat quarterly [Music] update 3 minutes no it all be up to you guys with your questions um so basically by State Statute fsat now which is our school safety program that we use with the state where we go and we confirm that the school is in compliance with all safety guidelines requires um the state to come around and do audits on our schools to make sure we're in compliance and then they require us to do quarterly updates they send us the quarterly updates let us know how many of our schools bu visited and if we received any infractions um or any compliance issues well at the first quarter um we had three schools visited and we were 100% zero infractions and for the second quarter we've had zero schools visited and we are 100% negative fractions and I have to report that to you so that you understand that we are at the moment in time we have no infractions or if we did have infractions I would have to explain to you what those infractions were and what we did to correct them and that that's pretty much all I have to present to you and if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer sounds like a good job yeah what you pay me for sir right Mr F you know I have some questions for you I'll try no so do we have a like a a monitoring or a system in place that we're doing these like self- monitoring okay that's a whole yes so also this year what the state put in place is that I am required to do spot inspections at every one of our schools at least once during the school year unannounced and I am to act like I'm a state inspector and locate and identify any infractions and then we as a school are required to our district are required to address those infractions with Progressive discipline and then on top of that we have obviously you guys know because you approved it we have U Guardians at our schools and every day our Guardians walk around and look for these same similar infractions and then they would reporting infractions to me and we would communicate with the principles of that campus and they would follow follow Progressive discipline policies all right that's it thank you awesome thank you good move on to Citizen comment do we have any citizen comments chairman we sure do um St am I saying that right Dixon Miss Dixon Darla I am so sorry Miss Dixon would you like to [Music] this Dixon we uh we we do ask that you limit it to 3 minutes and our Madam attorney will U give you a 30 second warning when we get there to so I have 3 minutes 3 minutes to speak yes ma'am well no way I have like 10 concerns uh-oh yeah okay 10 concerns all righty so I don't know I'm going to discuss some of it and then maybe we can have a meeting because it's like every time I address stuff to the principal it's like she brushed me off and I don't like it all right so so you've addressed with the principal of the school and and have you addressed it with anybody else in the district besides us at this I called leel and address it with them but like I say it's being brushed under the road okay I I would uh ask you to contact the superintendent's office and set up a meeting with him and allow him to do his due diligence on all of your your concerns we'll we'll hear as many as you can get through this evening um I don't want you to think that they're not important to us but the superintendent will be the one that would be the next step in line just so you know um because he's he's the man that that can go in the school and get things address the superintendent is who Mr Swindle I I can I'm the deputy superintendent we can meet so whenever you don't get through I will schedule meeting okay okay and just so you know I'll start the time now so that way um one of the issues was yesterday my daughter called me to the school because I guess she messed up something on her pants so the pants I grabbed to bring to the school for her I didn't realize the Zipper was broke so I asked them can they give her a pair of but they said they didn't have her size but I thought it was like Social Service you supposed to have one or something for every child but basically she was saying we don't have nothing to fit her size and I just felt like that was out of I don't know then a teacher called my child jerk and I reported that to the principal but again she don't want to hear nothing I say when I did went up there to try to talk to her basically the officer escorted me off the campus it's like every time I go there is that one officer just like the 29th he went and took my daughter out of class because he said she was being disruptive but I thought when something happens they notify the parent like I don't know maybe I'm just you know I do have mental issues I do and if you need to see the paperwork I can show it but me reporting things is messing with my mentor if you understand what I'm saying so I don't even want to talk because all it's going to do is make me cry because I've been having a lot of issues so I'm just going to give her my name and we'll just talk and I'll bring everything in paper please yes ma'am I'm get emotional thinking about what school is this at Clon um Middle School Clon middle school and another issue I've been with the school board for a long time myself I got called at the middle school to work the principal called me out of class I was in I walked into class at 10:05 she came and got me out at 10:22 and say she didn't need me but y'all called me at 6: something that morning I could have went to job went and work somewhere else so it's not only that you're not taking my CS in consideration what I'm telling you now you also stopping me from trying to take care of my kids and that's not right that's not right okay just let let me know what day you said with and I'll meet you there okay okay so um my number should be on there and I just call you I can give you a call in the morning if you don't mind thank you you got it problem thank you thank you thank you all right we will move on to our consent agenda we have any board member that would like to pull anything from the consent agenda and move it to an action item hearing nothing mam Deputy superintendent do we have a recommendation on our consent agenda I recommend your favorable approval of the consent agenda as presented so move second we have a motion by Mr samik and seconded by miss buus any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries we'll move on to action items action item 5A is 20 2425 late hire out of field teachers Deputy superintendent do we have a recommendation I recommend your favorable approval for the action item as presented so move second motion by Mr shik seconded by Reverend Brown do we have any discussion Mr chairman yes um I I do have questions I know that we have out of field frequently I me I don't think it's anything that's unusual in education at this point are how are we working with these teachers to get them in field and certified much of the out field you will see is um he's a Esa and so we have classes on C on in District that Miss Rosa Perez is presenting and doing um one or two semester as well as there's online classes so we are offering every opportunity we can online and over the summer statutorily how long do they have to come in compliance technically 3 years I believe is what it [Music] is and are we doing anything to inspire sense of urgency particularly we have such a um profound uh a number of students we are putting out the sense of urgency sometimes the teeth to back it or not what do you need to back it what would be helpful too I don't know I think that's a conversation we're all having try to figure out how and what especially with HR what we can do um Madam attorney yes if board put policy in place could we shorten the amount of time or does State Statute would Trump board policy correct that's what I'm trying to look at right now the relevant statute because I believe Dr state is correct on the time frame sometimes you can shorten the time frame that's within the statute depends on the language of the statute so I would need to review the specific statute order to give you an accurate opinion on that and that's something that I could do to subate that information to okay thank you that's it that's it okay have no more discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries I all right so we have no old business we have any update from I do and I'm sure you all have heard this buzzing around because it's a Hot Topic especially what I do and that's the new Administration and all the effects that it's taking on immigration I understand that um just through a great mind I've heard that there's been a number of students that have not going to school be with this so I wanted the board to be informed as to what this entails um so in the past schools were historically deemed sanctuaries or safe places to where immigration agents could not commit to them and make any kind of arrests or deportations now schools are removed from that status so they are no longer a we we are no longer able to Harbor individuals underneath the school and say you cannot inter our process we do not have a legal authority to do that now so the school district personnel has been advised on how to handle situations with agents if they have come to the school come to the school with two certain types of warrants they've been educated on how to handle those processes and I just wanted to make the board aware of that that we are F in the guidelines and we sure that we are legally compliant because if you are not compliant then you risk losing funding and other things benefits of the schs so um if you have any questions or want to have conversations about that I'd be happy to do so with you just wanted to give you that overarching foot view of what's going on in case you were asked Those Questions by members of the community who are concerned very good thank you ma'am appreciate that [Music] okay you have anything else for [Music] us thank you thank you we will move on to board member business Madam Deputy superintendent do you have any um the only thing that I can sort of piggyback on that was our attendance was pretty low yesterday um with the I don't know if it was due to the protest or due to the other issues but we had many um students out yesterday attendance has bounced back a little bit today um or quite a bit but we are still a little bit of a difference in attendance with with especially student does that count these absences count towards treny reporting it it could but it it has to be an extended amount of time so and the other the other concern this week is that it is FTE week oh yes so we're looking at [Music] some possibilities but FTE week is technically 11 days so you know we we may very well be okay um and I can I can talk to you guys about that if you want to talk about that individually but um but it is FTE week so not it's the average of the 11 days is the average of the 11 days not necessarily they let there's a whole process and I talked to Kevin reyolds today to make sure that I was understanding it so there is a there's a process of six days before at least they have to be in a and then during FTE week they have to be on a roster so there's a there's a process that should be all right with but it is and then the other thing that I just need to bring up and I think that this is the right time um we need to have an executive session next board meeting so I would like to start the executive session at 445 for personel I know we said 5:00 but I think we're going to have to do some some other things with that so we're adding about 15 minutes okay that's it for me all right thank you very much I do not have anything Mr amik do you have any Board member Miss just a couple of quick things I want to remind everybody swamp cage is coming up in Lael the end of this month and uh like a lot of good showing from our schools from our trainings and so forth in the parade I know the band will be there the school board will be there and have some other people representing our district here and board and always like as much publicity as we can get here in the county about our schools the other thing that I just want to mention at this time is I've been working with our superintendent on teacher housing it's a much more complex issue than we ever imagined we've been talking to uh the port the Bell utilities they have some property of ours that they would like to purchase at the same time there's some property there we're looking at possibly doing some housing in I have talked to some Builders about it I'm hoping pretty soon at least have enough idea or have a presentation here where you could hear some of the ideas we wouldn't be asking for a motion at that time but I'd like the school board to stay informed on what's going on there and the activities and how complex that actually is and how the funding would work and so but that's it for me thank you all right Brown I would love to but I don't have dat so [Music] but I don't have all right very good well with Elm so Mr bat's got jokes with the jokes on him because I am ready to make a presentation tonight um I'm just kidding no I wanted to say that how pleased I was to find out that our district applied for um being a provider for Step Up For Students which would enable our district to provide um tutoring and different uh classes uh tutoring to anybody any kid like new world tutoring that that's a source of income for stuff that we're already providing kids would be able to recoup some of those costs through this this you know these voucher programs or these their education scholarships that typically get very vilified and um you know when there's a lot of people are either for them or against them so I'm really glad that we are one of the 10 uh districts in the states who have gotten in line and um to to participate and help like move this alart learning and it'll be a opportunity for our district to also to kind of help The Homeschool Community which has has exploded and um I'm not bragging but I'm very proud that my son was the first kid in Florida to um to do this model and so I think that's awesome that we are you know getting on board and going to help provide that and help meet these academic needs of kids um within this community because it I just believe it doesn't have to be either or like we should just all be trying to pitch in to um to meet the academic needs of kids and that's going to be awesome that we can get um you know recoup some of that and and that from those education savings accounts so super pleased to find that out and I love like being a leader in areas like that in Florida because Florida leads the nation in education so we're like hyper leaders on that so super excited and the second thing is um I wanted to make you guys aware that I came across an issue here within the city limits of Clon and I'm going to be spearheading um a change of ordinances with our city commission and I found out that you know in the State of Florida sex offenders can't live within aund or 1,000 ft of a school or a daycare or a park or place where kids are known to congregate well bus stops like areas where kids gather and um the county you have the opportunity counties and municipalities have the opportunity to increase that to 25 200 ft in a a particular situation within kiston I got asked about it and I went and started research in the laws and Mr Clay helped me out with a bunch of information but Clon on the books right now is at 1,000 ft and I'm going to be petitioning the uh the city commission to change that to 2500 to try to keep our kids as safe as possible and give them the biggest buffer possible and so I just wanted you guys to know that I'm going to be out there beating the drum to get that done and to uh you know Anda that that buffer around kids have you done your research to see how many people would live that would affect I haven't have you yes can you uh share the number with us that it would affect well they're looking at around like there's five um that you see like within the city limits that would be problematic we're going to have to put it before and this this is a this is a city issue that'll be the city um attorney determining whether this would be like a retroactive or this is like from this point if the ordinance gets passed they can't do it after the ordinance is passed but um I don't care if there is one I don't care if there's 50 stay away from this kids you know that's not aopr oh I don't have a problem at all trying to keep sex boy and children I was just curious if if you you know had a number on how many affecting are they long time lifetime residents in the area well there there there is one that is shocking like it you and we can talk about this like where it's at offline but it's so shockingly close to our elementary schools that um I mean just right there and um right right after the and and so I mean I just think that's prudent and pertinent to to get get it on the books um you know I've talked to all the Commissioners and there's no push back on it you know I think everybody um and leadership in the county and the city want to see this protection for kids and and so you know that that's going to be on them all I'm asking them to do is I mean not even as a Schoolboard member as a mom as advocate for kids is let's make sure that we're at least in line with what the county and the City of LEL are doing very that's what I got for tonight and that's it thank you very good thank you well we will uh call this me