listen I finally e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Tuesday June 18th regular school board meeting to order for Henry County if you please stand for invocation and pledge Our Father who are in heaven will Earth us our Tres as we for those Tres against us us not in Temptation us the kingdom the Power Glory forever amen [Music] amen I to the flag of the United States of America and to the stand One Nation God indivisible withy andice for all I would like to please remain standing um we're going to do a moment of silence for Miss Peggy Baldwin Miss Baldwin was a beloved teacher passionate piano player and devoted family woman she dedicated 47 years to the Florida education system touching the lives of countless students and colleagues with her warmth and wisdom Miss baldw worked for the district between July 1987 and June 2008 Miss Baldwin affectionately known to everyone as Peggy passed away on June 8th 2024 please pause with me for a moment of silence thank you chair we have any recognitions this evening we too we have one recognition and let me tell you there are people that come into your life and they become one of the most memorable favorite people that you will ever want to meet and that for me is Miss Melanie t you will come on up please let's talk about miss m oh I had to get another second everybody knows I take notes of my cards I had to get on stack that notes for Mel um she's been with us for 34 years before that 3 years of being a sub um she was our route man for the past 14 years she has done everything she has done everybody else's job when somebody else doesn't want to do a job you don't have to tell her she just steps up and does it you know just in the last month or so we were able to hire another gentleman to take or be and melan SE possibly fill her shoes but I had to delegate about to five other different people of job responsibilities that she could carry um she has been a blessing for all our students for 37 years I heard stories about and I've seen him when I came here I don't know 29 years ago melie was like leave out of the bus hey who are you where you from and that's how that's how I met her one of the first days of school and she used to hand out food she used to hand out clothes she went her pocketbook and handed out money to kids appropriate I mean but she she took care of her kids the whole time and then we were blessed to have as a r manager she just takes care of business uh she always says you know I tell her I go in there and I learn my job and she's like we got this F we got this houon I'm like what about this we we're missing eight drivers today I got you houon don't worry about it am I [Music] blind I mean it's just the relationships she did with her kids uh how she deals with her bus drivers how she works with her bus drivers she just makes it happy she pulls a rabbit out of hat every day and we're going to be really sad and lose her she's already talked about when can I come back you said and I said tomorrow well I think we're losing her next Thursday um but you know we're P back in she promised me she not going to change her cell phone number I have you know even if I Los my phone I know by heart um but Melanie is one of those people that you want on your team every day you want your fossil she'll do she'll do the job every day and the most important thing she remembers our kids that's why we're here that's why we're all paid for for our kids and that's what she has her heart is for our kids count so now thank we are going to miss you so very much um in sincere appreciation and gratitude for 31 years of dedicated service your wisdom and commitment to the Excellence have inspired many and will be remembered for years to come we wish you good health happiness and continuing success in your retirement there is probably not another person in this world that I would say is irreplaceable but Melanie Tim is replaceable she just whispered to me I'll be back in here you P that let's get can we move over a little bit to get in front of the board as I'm you know C [Music] tears thank you it was great I thought you also help with a lot of bus drivers of get the how old is right now 33 I remember when he was yeah and I was I remember when these two were dating I said I'm getting married I said to who he said Stephanie gon I said or Stephanie SN I said oh Lord I say miss you now I remember when you and any were D I'm still a little [Music] girl all right moving on Madam assistant superintendent do we have any presentations we do our first presentation is pexo we're going to welcome and crew [Music] [Music] ready to go with you [Music] [Music] [Music] so good evening Mr chairman M superintendent MERS of board K County Community my name is I'm witho this is my boss Kevin n my goal tonight is to stand before you and just kind of give you a a state of our program as it is uh here in h County um it's been 9 years that that we've been here so just kind of a rund down let's give a couple of snapshots and not take up too much of your time but just want to share some information with you so like I said we came here in 2015 we're honored to have been a part of the H County for 9 years um our commitment continues to elevate your school dining experience uh through proven efficiencies fresh visually appealing food presentation and and exciting promotion we'll always work in collaboration with you to bring Innovative and relevant Child Nutrition [Music] Services we said that the value we bring to H County uh schools will focus on three Central themes people processes and Community these pillars uphold an accomplish the district's goal for the Food Service program we understand that HRI County Schools food service is about much more than just food it's about nutrition and effects its effects on student behavior and achievement so our first uh Piller is people our team in HRI county is HRI County all of your schools were staff for citizens of HRI County we acquired a team of 74 people with an average wage of $149 and we grew it to 90 employees with an average wage of 1557 per hour at present the state of Florida's minimum wage is at $12 an hour scheduled to increase at 13 as of September 30th new employees to sedexo Hendrick County schools start at $15 an hour new employees start with 25 hours per week and an opportunity to grow into more hours and wages just a couple examples of some team members who have grown with the sedexo HRI County Schools partnership this is lon Roberts Lon was a food service at Lael middle school today she's our senior area manager and she's responsible for operations in all the hry County Schools Lon does a fantastic job with the exception of my operations manager Mike Engles Lon is my right-hand person this is Maria Vicki qu formerly of LEL Middle School she is also an area manager and she's our training manager for All hry County School Vicki is very detail oriented um she she's very process oriented and and she's been my uh a teacher trying to help me learn learn Spanish so and she does a fantastic job couple of other folks who have uh who have grown with the program Patty Gomez who was once a casier at LEL Elementary she's been a cafeteria manager at up to gr Elementary and is presently too's Administrative Assistant Ricardo Pago was a food service worker at Central Elementary she's not a cafeteria manager at Central Elementary Carla Haring was a food service worker at Clon middle now she's the cafeteria manager at Clon High School we'll always continue to work uh diligently to develop retain and reward employees uh that's going to help move HRI County's Food Service to the uh excuse me Hendrick County School school service program to the next level processes that's second on this uh presentation our goal for the district has always been to achieve uh new levels of financial returns create purchasing power and increase efficiency this partnership with sedexa allows HRI County School District to concentrate on a prime objective and that is educating your students for future successes and our our program is growing and so just to kind of give you a couple snapshots of where where we've been and where we were um I'm sorry um we've increased variety and diversity in the menu mix uh we moved students from alart choices to reimbursable meals uh we provideed quick and easy access to meals in alart offerings with a redesign product placement and and we've done this with our our marketing concepts of of Clubhouse which is at the elementary level foodie that's at the middle school level and taste for which of course is at the high school level and so just a couple snapshot just kind of show you where we were where we are now uh here's here's breakfast your numbers on the left represents uh the 2024 2015 school year that was the the year before sedexo came and on the right is where we are as of as of uh uh April 30th this year same thing with lunches next up is alart sales the alart sales shows a a a decrease in sales however like I explained before we've move we've uh uh managed to get kids from from the alart sales and having them to purchase excuse me uh consume reimbursable meals something that's much uh more it's better for the kids it's also better for the the district from a financial standpoint teacher meals something that that's had a huge increase it's a big big jump from 20145 to to uh 23 24 revenues we've gone from uh 3.1 million in 2014 2015 to 4.9 million as of 23 24 a fund balance your your fund balance as of uh the 2014 2015 school year was uh 1.5 million now it's uh sits at about 3.9 million and and this this is that's a figure from the 22 23 year we I I I didn't have uh access to 23 24 year but you can see it's grown so Community the last part of this uh this this pillar supporting hendri County Community is very important to us we understand how hendri County hendri County Community plays an active role in student achievement and wellbeing and we've demonstrated that philosophy through some [Music] feeding local celebrations student engagement Community emergencies and and P services so uh and also employee recognition and so that that is the the end of our our presentation and again this is just kind of want just excuse me just kind of wanted to give you guys a snapshot of theate of program as to where we are and and coming for you uh and I I should have done this a month ago if you notice I'm wearing glasses so my old age I had the experience of dealing with a detached retina so as I become 60 years old I'm on the path of making my wife very well off cuz I'm work more money away from her damn with her so she she's going to good to go so that's it so any any questions comments any Mr um Evans yes ma'am so I wanted to say I had my notes here and I had my my three questions that I wanted to know L just served annually ol ofart sales and the teacher meals so thank you for providing that data there um when I first saw the narrative I was like I did not come here with the I numbers so I appreciate that somebody told me they love that show me the numbers so my next question is so when we made the the choice to go to S so um in 2014 2015 one of the things I did was I showed up to see what the current level of food and service was to the kids I I wrote a whole piece on it in my blog made a whole lot of people mad but I don't regret doing it but I went and stood in line for the reimbursable lunch time how long it was went through took a picture of what I got out of the line and sat there and tried everything on PL if it wasn't M and if I did that in the beginning of next year year would I have a good experience absolutely that's that's our commitment sedo that's that's my commitment I'm just that's my nice way of saying it's going to happen amen and so I want you to uh I just want to ensure that something good to put on the on the blog absolutely AB all right I appreciate it thank you I have a couple questions I I'm glad to see the decrease in H I think that kids come in with their money and they buy ice cream and and so forth that you moveed that to the reimbursables I think they're eating better because of that so I think that's good I also like you know that was a big push for me was the teacher meals sir I hear almost no complaints about any more and people say positive things which is a change from a few years ago so you know I think there's some good things going on I'd like you to explain the summer feeding program and how that's going as long as we're here because we are the one of the poorest counties in this you know that You' heard me say that in every meeting you've ever been to so tell me I know we're doing it a little differently this year with satellite meals and so forth could you tell me how that's progressing we're actually off to a a very good start the the the buses have been a huge help I'm going grab my water have buses help us get meals to kids the the very rural areas that's been a big help to us um I sent Mr Swindle an email and and with some with some data and I compared it last year first week versus this year first week and and I don't remember the email but just off the top of my head I think we're up like 80% or something like that even even if you took the the the the number of days in the first week last year I think it was only like three days this year was uh four or five even if you took the average number of meals that serve per day it's still up about 60% so so we're off to a great start and as a when that that first week we hadn't even started the the the packout meals and and and what we're doing for the kids is that uh Monday Monday through Thursday excuse me Monday through Wednesday they can come they can get breakfast and they can get a lunch then on Thursdays they can get a breakfast and a lunch on Thursday but they also take home a breakfast and lunch for Friday as well so that has been a huge huge help to us and and I Echo what you're saiding Mr Sam you know I I did a presentation sometime back and I you know Kendrick county is like the third poorest county in the state of Florida so you know we want to do all we can to to to help that out again the the buses have been a a huge huge help to us thank you yes sir is the transportation for those summer Mill deliveries get charged to the Food Service program or it's the transportation dep any other questions that completes it thank you very much I appreciate your presentation anytime I'm I'm going let you take all this sorry I interrupted you ear no no no you're fine you're fine just don't charge it to the [Music] F all right Madam assistant chair do we have any other presentations we most certainly do I believe this might be the very last presentation from Miss Cox but we do have a u preliminary budget presentation once she gets set [Music] up do you want me to mirror this it's a do you wanted to show the same thing on here or do you want to just move it over okay [Music] you just [Music] Chang okay well good evening Dr Staley board members those joining online everybody in the room I'm excited to be here you know I always enjoy talking about the budget so today's presentation is just the kickart to the budget season that we've been in it'll give you a preliminary overview of our FTE projections where we're going with the budget and then as we get into the tenative and final budgets a lot more information will be coming forward so our budget the ffp budget specifically is always built on our FTE projection so this live shows our unweighted FTE from fiscal year 1920 to um our projection for 2425 you can see that 2425 we did build in a projection of about 200 FTE and you may be thinking you know why since we only had a growth of about 15 this year but in the forecast modeling we always want to project high and so we tried to make it as reasonable as possible but still project High because what happen if we don't is if the state doesn't appropriate enough money and the kids show up we don't get the money for them so we'd rather project High hold some money back in reserves in case they don't show up and that way if they do we know they're funded so you can see from like 2021 22 23 we were on this like steady increase of like 150 to 200 students per year and then this year it really slowed down we had a small bit of growth and this year we kind of saw that same thing last year or in this current year 23 24 we projected um like 7,390 or 7,360 kids or something like that um we didn't need that projection right we grew a little bit but we didn't need the projection and so we didn't get that funding from the state which we were prepared to do so a big picture general fund look is that in the ffp we saw the base student allocation increase by $191 .25 it went up to um almost $ 5331 but a reminder is that in this current year the state had repealed several categoricals like the reading instructional materials um etc etc and they lumped that into the BSA so whereas those were individual category of Al line items with their own specific funding they now got lumped into the BSA so that's important to remember because we still have to fund all these items just now out of the BSA so um this year the state also moved to the comparable wage Factor we had the district cost differential DCd that now became the comparable wage factor and that was a huge benefit to Hendry um when we operated under the DCd we had a value of less than one which essentially means um you would get less than 100% of the BSA do so we got moved to comparable wage factor and because we are fiscally constrained County we got the additional 2.77% so we went from let's say 9635 to 1.02 77 so it gives us a little bit more money on top of the BSA right the $191 increase becomes 19655 for us it'll be important in the years going forward to track our fiscally constraint status because once we hit the $5 billion Mark in our taxable value we will lose that status so we will go to a flat one comparable wage Factor we will no longer get the 1.02 77 so just something to keep an eye on because we have been getting pretty close to that $5 billion Mark and I'll show you where our tax value is at for next year in an upcoming slide another important thing to point out is that the classroom teacher and other instructional Personnel salary increase formerly known as tsia you'll probably hear me call it tsia I just don't know what other acronym to put for that long categorical name now um that is also funded through the BSA so that $191 increase that we saw $113 of that was specifically for teacher salary increases so that's a big piece of that and a piece that we need to point out because that's not money that we can just do whatever we want we have to put it towards instructional um salary increases um we saw an increase of almost 200,000 in the educational enrichment allocation and that's primarily due to our FTE projection increase um property tax went up 4% that is the current number that's built into the ffp we will have the certified values built into the second calculation of the ffp on July 19th um and then interest income remains High you guys have heard me say this we've been 10 times more interest income than what we've seen in Prior years you know for example in F year 22 um getting an income of 100,000 in the general fund to now over a million dollar so just another piece of information that we have to be cognizant about as we move forward and keep an eye on what the interest rates do um you know when the feds hit their target of combating inflation those will possibly start to come down um no indication of that happen happening soon but just something we have to keep in mind as we move forward in our budget so very high level View yes proceed um I want to ask you a question with our fiscally constrainted status we have to we hit that 5 billion on our um taxable value say we've got 5 B1 100,000 that's where we end up what we're going just go ahead and lose that fiscally strike money that that just goes away yeah from my understanding there's a year lag in it right because for planning purposes to let's say next year we went above 5 billion we'd still get the 1.02 77 comparable weight track the following year we would need to anticipate going down to one and that you know said it was just a mild increase over the 5 billion that would yes be pretty detrimental for us yes okay make sure I was clear yeah it equates to this year about $5 per student but multiply that by 7,300 students you know it can add up pretty quickly any other questions before I move on okay um so this is a very high level view of the general fund just simply comparing Revenue increases or decreases to expenditure increases or decreases um the negatives for expenditures mean um you know a decrease of the revenues right so our total increase in revenues is 5 almost 5.7 million and then our net increase um or decrease from that we have increase cost of 5 almost $5.4 million so most of our new revenue is already obligated left us a surplus of $34,000 and it's important because we talk about the unassigned budget a lot you know we have the unassigned restricted and those are two very different pots of money so this is combining both of those pots um so it's important to remember that when we look at this because um our restricted funds are really where we've seen a lot of surplus money here's a breakdown of the taxable values um you can see that in 2024 we were're at we're about $4.5 billion um we got the Ser or the preliminary taxable values from the property ofer at the very end of May it has a 4.2% increase right so in 2025 in that table that you see on the slide that's the number in the ffp and that's the number we budget at this time until we get that second C in July so we anticipate when we get that second C it'll be closer to that 4.2% increase um really the only benefit that we get out get out of that is through the discretionary millage and that's increased our revenues um almost $122,000 there here's our general fund ending unassigned fund balance this is the history of it um you know last year we had a significantly High fund balance and I've talked a lot about why that is with um indirect cost revenues from Esther the money we recouped out of Esther into the general fund High interest rate high property tax values you we've been in these very prosperous times we knew this year with sther funding ending we knew there would be a little bit of a fiscal cliff we're kind of seeing it you know as indicated with the property tax values you know whereas we were seeing 25 18 plus% increases in the past year things are slowing down our unassigned fun fun balance is going to reflect that so in the current year we're projecting about an $18 million ending unassigned fund balance and then when you add da into that because their funds will carry over as well it could increase that number so why do we have a reserve or fund balance um I throw this slide in all my presentations right so 3% is required by Florida statute um 6% is in our board policy but but aside from those requirements we we need funds in our Reserve right I'll use reserve and unassigned fund balance um interchangeably but we have to have it for FTE shortfalls right that happened this year where we lost over a million dollars due to not meeting our FTE projection but we were prepared for that right we had the money set aside in case that didn't happen um the ffp is lack so we won't get our final budget from the state our final this year's budget from the state until December January of next year so we have to kind of take into consideration what might come down when those final calculations come out um additional requests come out throughout the year changes in private school scholarships and really now it's just Universal scholarships H school um private school scholarships those numbers have been increasing significantly especially in the current year we can just anticipate that to continue to happen and I think even more so just Revenue sharing with the private schools needs needs to be on our radar whether it's sharing of general fund dollars sharing of capital dollars you can ensure those kind of things are going to be coming down the pipe in the next couple of years um and then of course any unanticipated unbudgeted items that we have emergencies inflation hopefully no natural disasters but you know we have to be prepared for those things and the minimum 6% you know board requirement is not a lot it's about $4 million you know so when you take into consideration easily losing a million dollar for getting an FTE projection those kind of things that money just can quickly be depleted never go I'm talking about our budget without talking about Digital Academy of Florida they're a large piece of our budget making up almost 50% of our FTE so here's just some information about them their um FTE projection is about um 38% of our total FTE the Hendry FPS number 8137 FTE so 38% of our FTE and 30% of our budget we do collect a 7.6% admin fee from them and we anticipate that will be an increase of about $123,000 from the current year assuming they meet their FTE projection as well right this current year they had projected like 6,000 students they're at 5200 right so um they have a huge impact on the general fund budget especially when they start losing kids it affects that admin that collecting and that's just another reason why we need to have money in our Reserve to push in those blows if they were to happen and that includes On Da that includes um kids that don't complete right yes the budget will include kids that do not complete and then it doesn't get shrewed up until we get the final calculation um we do only fund them at 95% of their budget so we do always hold money back for anticipating that will happen Capital fund so with that 4.2% increase in the property tax taxable value um it'll generate about 6.8 million almost 300,000 more in the current year you know we're going to have special facilities funding um in fiscal year 25 when you see the tenative and final budget books the special facilities funding will have its own fund within those books um and then we will have a repayment that is required from Capital millage Poss Sal tax right we're kind of waiting to see what that payback requirement is and how we will fund it but um it'll be important to protect our Capital dollars as much as possible going forward in anticipation of that multi-year repayment um and then we have our sales tax anticipated at almost $3.4 million next year when you guys get the tenative and final budget books you'll get the 5year capital plan so you can see how those dollars are specifically being allocated there's a plan specific to our Capital millage and then the specific to sales tax here is some information just on where we're at with the sr3 or American Rescue plan funds those are coming to an end in November officially so staff has been working hard to make sure they get spent we you know wrapped up all the positions that were funded out of those they've either um you know been eliminated not that staff were fired you know there's plenty of vacancies for staff to be absorbed and um or we did say we did sustain the mtss coordinators but this is just to give you some information on where we're at with r you can see some of the grants have a small percentage spent like 25 38% but we knew with summer school being as broad as it was in this final year that a lot of those will get spent out with summer school and once those expenditures hit the budget why are we only spending 38% of our high impact grade budget and if I regard math is 31% I believe those are ones that summer school will be coming out of this year okay yes yes um a large portion of summer school is is going to eat up all those remaining balances Sor away so our next steps and timelines just Finance continues to build a f year 25 budget we're anticipating the release of the ffp second C on July 29th so we get those certified taxable values finalize our general fund budget produce the tenative budget which by law is due to you all on July 24th so you can look forward to having the book in your hands prior to the tenative budget hearing on July 29th which is on a Monday um just due to the strict trim requirements of advertising um has to be held on that Monday and then we'll have the final budget and AFR approval on September 3rd do you have any questions maybe just a couple okay the uh we lost some funding due to our not meeting our projected goals for our students here in Henry County then we lost some money because the digital academy did not make its so that comes out of where does how do we make up that money it comes out of the reserve so the reserves yeah so for example like you know we're projecting $18 million um ending fund balance and if we don't use any of that money to cover next year's budget right that money literally sits in a reserve account in our system and so as these things happen like the state pulling back a million dollars from our ffp budget because we don't meet the FTE projection the budget gets reduced from that Reserve account same with the da admin fee when they when they have a decrease and we got to decrease our budget due to that we get that Reserve account do we get interest on that $18 million yes we do while we have it in our account we get the interest on it also about a week ago the governor said that oh he just put so much more money into teacher education teachers was that already in our budget is that new money that we're we've already did our contract with our teachers based on information we had at the time is this new information or what did we base our contracts on the information yeah so you know the governor's been appropriating for teacher salary increases I think this is the fourth or fifth year so I think in that article from what I saw he had quoted like 200 plus billion dollars or something right it was a large number so over the course of those five years yes that is accurate in the current year um or for next year's budget he had he had appropriated an additional like 202 million so Henry's portion of that was 835,000 and that is what was invested into the HCA contract that is coming to the board thank you you're welcome other questions you I mean just feel a little bit back standing here in front of us no when you're leaving I me technically I'm already gone so no but you know I do love talking about the budget so yeah you [Music] do and if you guys do not have any other questions for me I am going to excuse myself [Music] so on contract now thank you all right thank you very moving on any of you want to leave at you can stay but you certainly don't have you don't worry about us Sarah we'll be all right [Music] [Music] Oscar it was nice seeing you pleas my well you did a good presentation all right moving on moving on to the con consent agenda oops my bad citizens comments do not have any at this time moving on consent agenda [Music] got a through X any board members have [Music] any I me can I recomend first right is that yeah I'm sorry sorry listen I'm new to this so stop me I recommend your favorable approval of the consent agenda as presented so move second any discussion on any of the conate consent agenda [Music] items hearing none call the question and all in favor of accepting the consent agenda as recommended by our assistant superintendant say I I oppose hearing none Senate agenda [Music] approved moving on to action items item one new Personnel allocation request we have a recommendation I recommend your favorable approval for the new Personnel allocation requests as presented so move second all right we have our second any further discussion hearing none call the question all in favor of the new Personnel allocation request say I I oppose motion carries next item director and administrative reappointments I recommend your favorable approval of the director and administrative reappointments as presented second further discussion I do have some comments um it's challenging for me um you know I've been asking since April asking publicly since April 14th for some data I know that our District got data from Fast um about a week after school out so we we have it in hand but to provide some kind of datab backed reassurance that we're making the right decisions and approving these these positions so basically all I can really go on for you know I I like to have that information in hand so I feel like I am doing my job to make an informed decision you know I'm having to go on trust I'm natur naturally skeptical but um you know I just you know I was told at last meeting we were going to have a presentation this meeting with that data um to show our student outcomes and every person on this list has a job um and the ultimate goal of the district is to improve and move those student outcomes in a positive manner so I will support the recommendation tonight but I'm telling it's with hesitance because I feel like I'm and blind on this one and I have to trust and trust is not my strong point um I have a second concern and that is you know I'm I make enough rounds in the Statewide education Arena to know how challenging it is to find highly qualified Financial leaders for districts it is not something that is uncommon to um it's it's a struggle for a lot of districts particularly ours but we're paying up of $124,000 for a CFO I you know as a part of my approval I know he's t on the list for administration the the new uh Miss Fox's replacement I also understand there isn't a strong accounting background and or a finance no government finance and so I really want to keep a as a board an eye on how this is going we've had two previous CFOs um that you know one did have governmental experience and we got into some challenging Waters but you know not for the you know just for a not even for a punitive sake of being punitive but for the sake of providing support for this um person as they're learning this position so we for your first comment we are waiting until we have the final State data and we will compile that and will be presented as soon as possible for your second we do have Miss Cox on um retainer but a contract for help and support to support Mr Adams and his learning process of the entire thing so I know that at least the past few weeks she's been here a day or two um each week to help and I'm not scking on him we just just had some like professional trauma with past to it was rough and Miss Cox has spoke at length about digging out of the holes over there and I don't want him to fall into a hole I you know I want to have that catch mechanism before he gets to that if you know that want to have support to prevent that but then have a mechanism to evaluate how well it's going and I have to agree with that because before Miss Cox came we had so many audit exceptions in our budget yes it was awful and with M Cox come our last audit review was perfect and now I I appreciate her staying on as a contract person to assist us with that but it it still Bears the question as the person we're hiring for that position their backl you know are we going to be are we going to be able to do that are we going to continue with Miss Cox for for years to come not for years because I have complete faith that Mr Adams is um very capable of of the the detail oriented person that he is will do this and and so we but we will keep you apprised along the process we need statuto yes deep attention to detail you know we that last one was a for a big government entity yes understood [Music] my and it's a great blueprint for Mr Adams to jump off up and really hope y all right well we have a motion in a second to for the motion on director and administrator reappointments so I call a question all in favor say I oppos motion carries all right the next one is item C I think we'll table that until our next meeting see if we won't have a for to vote on that and we'll go on to HCA collective bargaining agreement I recommend your pable approval of the hcea bargaining agreement as presented so move second further questions discussion well don't know have no one here from accea always like to hear from them and hear their position on it but since they are not here so what happened they need guess what happened to again so they yeah well then there like a 97% approval rate it 97% that's right yes I was the lead negotiator on that and I believe that we um we came to a a fantastic you know agreement supervised oh good yes M hou was participating in the back ground listening very intently um we work very well with our Union and our um our our great relationship with them it enables us to to really come to Great agreement on what we need and what we need to do so I I I know it was well received good all right here we have a motion in a second no further discussion call the question all in favor of item d hce a collective bargain agreement for the 24th through 27th year say I I I motion carries moving on to item e hesa collective bargaining agreements for 2425 I recommend your favorable approval for the hesa bargaining agreement as presented some move second further [Music] discussion hearing none no representative here call the question all in favor of the h by collective bargaining agreement for fiscal year 2425 say I I I motion carries item F execution of the final order regarding an expulsion hearing held on 5m CM I recommend your favorable approval of the execution of the final order regarding the expulsion hearing held on 57 regarding CM Mo second you further discussion hearing none call the question all in favor of uh the execution of final order expulsion hearing for on 57 for CM say I hi I all right item G execution of final order regarding expulsion hearing held on 57 for J I recommend your favorable approval of the execution of the final order regarding the expulsion hearing held on 57 for J so Mo second have a motion Is there further discussion hearing none I'll call the question all in favor of the execution of final order regarding expulsion hearing 57 for J say I I I oppose hearing none motion [Music] carries item H hearing adoption of Middle School social studies curriculum I recommend your favorable approval of the adoption of the Middle School social social studies curriculum as presented you have to open the heing first oh I okay oh it's a hearing the chair the chair opening up the hearing for the adoption of the Middle School social studies [Music] curriculum anybody in the community want to speak to the uh adoption of the Middle School social studies curriculum hearing none hearing we'll close the hearing sorry for being aggressive no that's you've done this that's great all right now we make the mo you made the she made the motion okay now I recommend your favorable approval of the adoption of the Middle School social studies curriculum as presented so Mo all right further discussion hearing none we'll call the question all in favor of the adoption of the Middle School social studies curriculum say I I I opposed hearing none motion carries all right I hearing proposed rule development volume 24 number two November 2023 through June 18th 2024 well that's there another hearing so opening it up to the community anyone want to speak on the hearing for the proposed development volume 25 four number two hearing none I'll close the hearing I recommend your favorable approval of the adoption of the proposed policy revisions as presented move second further discussion hearing none call the question all in favor of the proposed rural development volume 24 number two through November 20 or 23 through June 4th 18 of the 24 say I I oppose hearing none motion carries or the year all right moving on to Old business we have old [Music] business all right how about attorney up D oh there's no I thought she was on the phone and me all right she is on the phone she is on the phone she is I coming at all I apologize Madison Madison we have any updates from [Music] you I was say [Music] prob with the baby all right well hearing none from our attorney we'll move on to board member [Music] business oh wait [Music] thank you um she has no updates she was trying to unmute herself and it seems like all right well go on board member business I guess what's on Miss muss okay um Mr [Applause] Sanchez so um did you have my email today I sent you I sent you an email today following up on the question I had from last meeting we had $45,100 51 in uh payments to Florida Southwestern State College for our Collegiate dual enrollment and the question I asked last time and I sent you an email today queuing you up for to answer um is how many credits did that pay for and how many of those credits were [Music] passed please so we had over 400 credits earned and the school the successful completion rate um was 94 95% at clest in high school for this past school year and about 91% about high school so when you look at the combined rade it was well over 9% okay thank you and [Music] then I don't know about you guys but I getting asked a lot of questions the balanced school calendar that failed to proceed correct so we're not even looking at that we are still going to have discussions around it but as far as pushing forward for 25 26 it it will probably not there there was enough favorable to have discussion around it coming up in the future months but it is not something that we are do it on a larger scale than they have some schools that kind of reflect our our socio economic situation here and so I'd like to you know before you go and disrupt an ad community's life um I would like to see how it's playing out in a different area what about delayed school start times is that I know it's not necessary for this year but is are we going to go ahead and make that jump for the secondary Delay school start times or not for not for this year okay that's another one I was getting and um and my Circle back folder just um and to and to speak to what you said about a presentation the state's going to release that information before we have our next school board meeting so that all of that information on student outcomes will be available on the doe website on praying it comes out like in the next week they they sort of said that but it is the state so you know we're waiting patiently but they did say by the end of June and that would be next Friday yeah so I know that they're going to be looking at grades which I don't I think grades school grades are wildly misleading but um those should be coming out in July so look forward to see how they uh the state raids us but with that concludes my board member [Music] comment suay school school yes yes and next week is the last week [Music] for all right moving on so maybe Mr bu give us an update on how the PRK Pro building is coming we moving right along on schedule um we'll be open for uh our kids come in August 12 um we uh we're moving along like turtles in some areas but we're doing very good in bunch of different other areas I mean I walk through it I try to it it looks like it's moving along so we have ATS and every classroom I mean there's speed bumps here but we're going to overcome those speed bumps and be ready to roing home uh Miss ryes are principal um has been walking through she walked through with her parents today uh Dr stav and myself and Miss ryes walked through today um I said oh there probably be too many things that you see differently from the last time you walked through and then you're just throwing stuff oh this one was like this well this wasn't like that so it's it'll be open by August 12th and we'll be have I think we're moving uh teachers things in after the J the July 4th weekend I believe that July 8th we're going to start mve everybody in Cai with ceiling tow I mean I can go down the exact list of whatever I know but it's moving along great Mr B is being humble but the transformation over there is yes it is I'm impressed yeah me too thank you great place to thank you Mr M so and I get a a lot of my stuff from the news and one of the the governor vetoed something that I was sort of surprised to even hear on it was feminine hygiene products in the schools the the mo the motion was that schools would provide them and that was vetto do we I mean obviously you know we're in a a poor Community do we have that product available for girls in our schools in our high school or Elementary School I mean sometimes there's a sudden change in their life and those things are necessary do we provide it who tells me yes sir we do at every school every school everyone who needs it every nurse has Liv capability and availability well that's what I was hoping regardless what the governor thought yes yeah we have been for for many years well that's what I thought but then I heard that I thought I didn't realize it was a budget item I thought we just did that yes all right that's it for me and I have nothing all right we are good then I'm going to end the meeting I got hit meeting