got on my I did D in real estate for a while I receiv received some awards may I call the May 28th 2024 meeting of the High Point Regional High School Board of Education meeting to order please stand for flag PL alleg flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for all open public meetings act statement the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted at the Augusta Branchville and Sussex Post Offices and notice sent to New Jersey Herald the Sunday Herald and the clerk of the bureaus of Branchville and Sussex in the townships of Frankfurt Lavette and wage our mission statement High Point Regional High School in partnership with staff family and Community is dedicated to the Quest for individual Excellence by fostering high standards of achievement we prepare students to become responsible and productive members of a diverse Society so now we get to turn uh this over to Mr minkwitz to swear in uh our newest board M yes I will swear mrone require of office for New Jersey school board members uh Mr vanstone you can read that if you sure I Tom vanstone you saw me swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the state under the authority of the people I do solemly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to RS 1944 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in MJS 18a 12-1 and that I faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my abenity great thank you keep that copy I have a sign copy and welcome to the board with that if I may ask for a roll call Mr confor here Mr dun here M ory here miss palace here miss Schuman is not here Mr donut here Mr vanstone here M wise here Dr riy here we have a okay a motion will now be made at the High Point Regional High School Board of Education enter executive session to provide an update on legal personnel and negotiation items which are exempt from public participation pursuant to New Jersey Public Law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act any discussions held by the board which need not remain confidential will be made public when appropriate minutes of the executive session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session in person and virtually at the conclusion of the executive session it is not anticipated that any action will be taken and for uh the members of the public uh we expect that to be approximately 700 p.m. so I'll make that motion may have second second all in favor I any opposed executive session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] hey may please have a motion to return to public session motion and second second all in favor I any opposes okay we are back in public session uh we have no unfinished business so we'll move on to approval of minutes the regular meeting minutes of April 30th 2024 and executive session minutes of April perod 2024 I'll make that motion may I have a second second any comments or Corrections on minutes okay see none Miss Tona yes Mr confor yes M wise yes Mr van stone m pal yes M ory yes Mr dun yes so uh we have our first public comments on agenda items only in accordance with the open public meetings act we open for public comments at this time each speaker should State his or her name and address you will have three minutes to address the board which will be timed by myself we will limit this section to no longer than 45 minutes please be respectful and mindful that your comments are being recorded and as typical we have two methods to make uh comments to the board public comments either here uh at the lecturn or uh virtually to our um email address that is displayed on the virtual platform don't think I see anybody in the room from the public comment any comments none may I have a motion to close public comments motion second all in favor I the oppos okay moving on to presentations uh we do not have uh Miss emo whitel speaker of the house so uh no student council report HPA Miss Caruso hello welcome can you hear me do I need this no you don't need welcome back from a nice needed break I'd like to thank the board and a new member Mr Stone welcome um like to start the comments were I think negotiations are going very well as far as we have dates set and we we've been meeting and seems to be moving along um HPA had uh um say uh election so I've been reelected again and despite what everybody thinks in our bylaws which we changed two elections ago I can run consecutively or anybody else can run consecutively and nobody ran against me I ran unopposed and we also had a new secretary Dr Zera will be our secretary starting in September um and then we have L SU asvp she didn't run she didn't have to run and Christina Deo is our Treasurer so I'll put that out in a formal uh writing to you folks um congratulations thank you thanks um would like to say being on the nja executive committee for representing the county of Sussex um I'm so proud that uh we have passed the sgos are gone from the uh 10e employees and our sick days can be utilized for Family Matters which is a long time coming so we're moving forward there's probably another four laws bills that we're trying to push we have a tier system for pension I'm in tier one cuz I'm old so I get a full pension which I put into but we have many members in this school right now that are in tier four and tier five which means they'll have to work past 65 and they'll make a quarter of what is put in so nja is working on that and hoping that we'll be able to collapse those tears it's just not fair and we know it's not fair um but we have a lot of young employees that are working here right now that are in that situation and we're trying to educate them as to what we're doing and that we we are supporting them it's very confusing and then we have esps there are in other situations so I won't get into U technicalities but we're working on all fronts and I'm I'm very pleased to be on the county level and on the state level to be supporting our members and I appreciate all your support for our members also um we regret that k amera one of our great science teachers has resigned and one of my very favorite people uh Patty Patt who is on the grievance is our grievance chair will be retiring this year it's a it's a loss to high pointment and um we're moving on um and that's all I have at this point and like to say HPA puts out to uh Mr Talon a our sincere condolences for his loss and his family and thank you for your support thank you than you yes we uh will not have a report from Mr Talam due to very unfortunate situation in his family so we'll move on to Mr K great thank you evening welcome Mr van thank you for your service uh State Testing is done we are pleased uh we believe in a good high quality assessment we believe there are too many of them um so we're not anti- test we just struggle sometimes with the burden of the number of Assessments that we must give we're very pleased that that stretch of the year is done last week the NJ SLA assessment um it really turns the school schedule upside down for two days but our students our St staff our Administration everyone really came together and it was very manageable very pleased that that's St uh an assessment that we I think have greater support for our AP assessments and uh this is really staggering when you think about where we were 8 10 12 years ago um Miss Jacqueline McCarthy did a phenomenal job organizing three weeks of testing um we administered 356 exams representing 24 courses 20 teachers and nearly 200 students so nearly a quarter of our students a quarter of our staff were involved in those um rigorous relevant uh assessments that the students and the staff truly buy into we want to thank them for really working so hard for um towards that achievement so congrats to them um Miz Teresa ricardi just a few hours ago stood on the de at Princeton University and was um the recipient of Applause from thousands and thousands of guests um as she was on the stage of one of the most um prestigious academic institutions in the world honored as one of four amazing outstanding High School teachers from the state of New Jersey so really a special honor for her she's just incredible and all the um the 1 and 1/2 minute speech about M ricardi was merely the words of her students and one that that really stuck with me was um a young woman who's going into uh be a performing arts teacher and she said my career goal is to be um the m ricardi to other people so she said it better than I did but uh you get the idea she's really had a profound impact on our students um I'd like to thank M Janet bremel and M leam Morocco for or organizing one of the best nights of the year last Wednesday um thousands and thousands of dollars were donated by this incredibly generous community and um we want to publicly thank them once again it's moving to see how much sacrifice and time and money is given to our seniors as they prepare to move on to college it was at the red tail Lodge it was just outstanding um so thank you to our community congrats to our students uh and it was a great great night speaking of Banquets a week from Thursday our annual scholar um scholar athlete po of Fame banquet will be at laet house and we're looking forward to that event uh Mr Dexter um organizes that event and it brings our current seniors and our Hall of Fame members together really bridging past and present in a very nice way so we look forward to to that event and uh lastly little Athletics update earlier this afternoon softball was down 3 to2 they rallied and they defeated um defeated Glen Rock and they now play Thursday in the sectional semi-finals against Ramsey baseball plays tomorrow um against Passat Hills um and it is a great day to be a wild at any questions on just wanted M Mr Campbell's very humble Mr Campbell and Mr Dr uh thank you both for taking over presentation duties at the awards thank with Mr pal got to spend it with his family and his daughter who was a recipient so and we had two wonderful presenters here as well so thank you for your participation it was a great night and not and not to correct to make things the Hall of Fame is next Wednesday oh wday I apologize sorry thank you thank you so that was uh the end of presentations um just under other business business an announcement that the retirement and service recognition awards are scheduled for Friday June 14th 2024 at 12:30 in the auditorium I believe board members usually are invited to that M certainly always invited should be so ined so moving then on to action items curriculum instruction and Technology on going to have Miss ory to uh run through those with M AB first I'd like to note The Faculty attendance rate for April at 95.2% student attendance rate for April at 93.5% and the sub suspension report for April as attached um then I'd like to move items 4 through eight together number four a recommendation by the superintendent superintendent that the Board of Education approves the harassment intimidation and bullying report amend number five to approve the field trips listed number six to approve the professional development activities as listed number seven to approve the voter registration law annual statement of assurance and number eight to approve the 2025 2026 school calendar making a motion seeking a second second any discussion World Mr Conor yes m w yes Mr van Stone yes m b yes M ory yes M Tona yes Mr Don yes next we have Personnel um Mr okay I'm going to move items 1 through 10 the first is a recommendation to accept the resignation notification of Kate DEA um teacher of science effect of July 1st U number two is a recommendation to accept with regret the retirement notification of Patricia fat teacher of English effective July 1st number three is the recommendation to approve following substitutes for the remainder of the 23 24 school year as listed uh number four is to the recommendation to approve the individuals for the 2024 summer custodial workers as listed number five is the recommendation to accept the resignation notification from Julie Scott care professional Aid effect of July 1 number six recommendation to accept the resignation notification of Shera um teacher of social studies in Spanish print of July 1st recommendation to approve April number seven is to approve April fck Melissa Hensley and Deborah suder as job coaches for The 2425 school year as listed number eight is to approve the individuals listed below to work during the extended school year program as listed number nine is the recommendation to approve Jessica Bowski as a special education teacher for the 2424 school year as listed and there's an addend number number 10 to recommend uh the approval of James BU as a subtitute teacher for the remainder of the 2324 school year um making a motion seeking a second second any discussion I'd like to congratulate Miss payatt on her uh her career and her uh ending retirement she has done uh some some great things as an English teacher and we wish her nothing Lu for the best in her future Enders okay anything else and although we have this vaccinations it sounds like they're um looking forward to some different changes yeah they have some exciting life opportunities that uh that they made a decision and we wish them nothing but the best they leave well and can always come back if they're so in great roll call Miss wi yes Mr vanstone yes Miss pal yes M ory yes Mr donut yes Mr conord yes Mr Don yes uh what do we have extracurricular I'll I'll move uh like to move items 1 through seven together under extracurricular item one is a resignation accept the resignation uh notification from William Percy as assistant voice basketball coach eff imately item two is a recommendation to accept resignation of Kate Mera as head volleyball coach affected them immediately and three is recommendation to approve an overnight trip for the competing members of the boys girls track team to attend the njsiaa group finals held at delc high school on June 7th and 8 if they qualify as listed item four is a recommendation to approve the extracurricular appointments for 2024 2025 school year as listed in attachment c one item five is a recommendation to approve the TSA National trip to Orlando Florida from June 26 20 to June 30th with Jill schaer schaer as chaperon uh as listed item six is a recommendation to accept the resignation notification due to retirement uh Joy Carter as as head girl's cross coach and assistant Cross Country Coach and item s is a recommendation accept the resignation of Mark Russell as mock trial advisor of fact so I will make that motion on 1 through 7 I have a second second any discussions um thank you to all of those coaches and uh advisers who have served in their roles for many years and impacted students I know some of them are my own [Music] any other discussion okay roll call please M pal SEC yes M orc yes Mr Dona yes Mr conforth yes M wise yes Mr van Stone yes Mr dun yes we Have No policy items nice and no negotiations items to be acted on and no buildings and grounds items to be acted on so I guess I get to go again under Finance uh I would like to move [Music] um ah I'll move all 11 uh item one is a recommendation to accept the report of the board secretary dis administrator for the month of April 2024 M2 is a recommendation to accept the report of the treasur for the month of April 2024 M3 is a recommendation to approve the report of transfers a minimum expense transfer report for the month of April 2024 item four is a recommendation approve for payment pach schedule AED bills dated May 28th 2024 and five is a recommendation to accept the adult education agency account athletic account cafeteria account principles petty cash account scholarship account school store and Student Activities reconciliations for the month of April 2024 item six is a recommendation uh to acknowledge and gratefully accept a donation of $250 from the quanis club of Sussex to help replenish our food pantry item seven is a recommendation to acknowledging grateful accept a donation of an arcade console machine from the Tor Hilson family uh to the special education department as listed item eight is a recommendation to approve and authorized execution of the school Food Authority vendor contract SFA to SFA with monteu Township School effective July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 as listed uh item nine is recommendation approve and authorized execution of an agreement between TC andj in High Point Regional High School to offer comp enrollment for 2024 2025 school year item 10 is a recommendation to authorize uh the exe proven authorized execution of the following tuition contracts between High Point uh as descending and the following districts as receiving as listed and that was 10 did I say 11 you said 11 oh there are only 10 so I will make that motion uh under Finance for 1 through 10 may I have any seconds second any comments discussion i' just like to thank the um Kanas club for donating and to the um tson family thank you very much for your donations thank you very much any other comments see no M ory yes M Tona yes M confor yes M wise yes yes Mr vanstone yes M pal yes Mr dun yes and last set of action items I believe under transportation uh we're going to move 127 uh they are all recommended that the board upon recommendation of the superintendent approves and authorizes and awards The Roots the lowest bidder or only B for 2023 24 which was held on May 14th 24 the execution of the following contract awarded to the only high bidder 2023 24 school year approves and authorizes the execution of the following parental contract and parent with the parent of student ID for a special Transportation program execution of the following renewal contracts for transportation of students 2024 extended school year execution of the following renewal contracts for transportation of students for the 2024 school year authorizes to award the roots to the lowest bidder and only bidder for 2425 which was held on May 14th 24 extended school year extended year authorizes the execution of fing contracts awarded to the lowest bidder 2425 Etsy 24 exended school year and that is it making a motion seeking a second second any discussion roll call please M toon yes Mr confor yes M wives yes Mr van Stone yes Miss pal yes Miss ory yes Mr D yes uh that concludes our action items I don't believe we have any Cor respondence uh under miscellaneous our standing item of us School Board mandated training uh Mr vanstone um will be set up by MTZ for that I believe right uh yes you will receive an email from Jamie knowah who's in our office tomorrow on how to do the ethics disclosure you might be familiar with it from I know if not it's uh self-explanatory we can we can help you all right great it's all it's all and it's it's true uh that brings us to our second public comments section of the evening same rules fly as the first please state your name and address although these are no longer limited to agenda items um anyone on our virtual platform I don't see anybody in our room so I will entertain a motion to close public comments motion second second second all in favor I any opposed couple comments any uh non commmittee board member reports or comments just want to recognize this is Mr Minkin is next to last board meeting provided we have one in J thank you uh under other business uh we have the standing item but there's been no um open request made so um may I have a motion to adjourn second all in favor I any oppos a good luck Char wow