##VIDEO ID:3## e e e e everyone and welcome to the town of Highland Beach Town Commission meeting today is Tuesday August 6th and it is now 1:30 and I'd like to call the meeting to may we have the roll call please commissioner Goldberg here commissioner Peters pres commissioner David pres vice mayor Stern present mayor Moore present Town manager labid present and town attorney Ruben present we could all rise for the pledge the United States of Amica and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy jice for any changes to the agenda no if no changes if we could have a motion I move that we accept the agenda as presented second all in favor say I I motion carries unanimously uh we have no presentations or proclamations um any public comments seeing no public comments moving on to ordinances uh we have ordinance number 2024 d002 it's a second reading and this is a public hearing an ordinance of the Town Commission of the town of Highland Beach Florida amending Article 4 flood plane management of chapter 20 planning and development of the town code of ordinances to update the date of the flood insurance study and flood insurance Maps adopt a requirement for the accumulation of the cost of improvements over a 5year period and provide for General updates for the town's continued participation in the National flood insurance program providing for a fiscal impact statement providing for applicability providing for severability providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective de date and we had our first reading at our last meeting on July 23rd 2024 so do we have any discussion I think the only change was a change to that look back period period Chang from three to three to five years Mr remiss you're right in time do you wantan is there anything you want to say about the um the flood you almost missed it I know I have nothing unless you have questions it's been changed to uh the fiveyear look back period and uh everything else looks good that's it any discussion I'm curious I think we had um questioned it but I didn't know if there was any further um update on it uh at what period of time when will we know whether or not what impact it will have uh on our uh on our tax base on our res ta so so so the Discount beur Insurance not taxes correct yes so um participating in a CRS gives a rating from basically 1 to 10 and for every one point that you go down from 10 nine is a 5% discount eight is a 10% discount and it just goes in increments okay up to 45% okay um we'll know once we are back into the CRS the first step is I have to submit uh regardless of participation in a CRS I have to submit this ordinance back to FEMA for them to do a final review and accept it or deny it which they're the ones who put this together so I'm sure they're going to accept it uh but once we are participa it's going to be at least a year because once we start participation and then we go through the iso and we have to do reporting then so it's probably won't pay dividends actually for about two years all right thank you years so I'll open it up as a public hearing any public comments on this seeing no comments I close the hearing um I guess we're ready for a motion yes okay I move we accept ordinance number 2024-25 Vice May Stern yes and mayor Moore yes motion carries okay thank you very much uh moving on to the consent agenda any discussion or concerns over the consent agenda if none if we could have a motion please I move we accept the consent agenda second it all in favor say I I motion carries unanimously moving on to unfinished business uh sanit sanitary sewer lining rehabilitation project update yes uh So speaking uh with Pat and Sergio they basically met with uh a contractor that's going to uh give us Options under the Omni group which is a national uh Federal procurement agency that we they'll basically give us pricing for multiple contractors that are pre-selected by the federal government and the state so it makes it uh possible for us to continue piggybacking and then we're also contacting a vendor that does Plantation and seeing if they're willing to extend Plantation prices and once we get that we'll see what the pricing is and then we'll meet with our engineers and kind of finalize what our next steps are to bring to you on a strategy for completing the project uh uh speaking with Pat he seems uh liking the idea of getting the side streets first because fdot's probably gonna drag its feet getting us anything or approvals in the right away so at least we could handle a big portion of the project now and then as we work through fot see what that next part could look like so um i' say over the next uh three to four weeks we'll have a little more idea on pricing U most of it's done per linear foot based on the pipe size so you as you imagine larger pipes cost increase per linear foot uh so we're going to see what that looks like what that budget is so we can start sharing the budget numbers with you that the project we got authorization for three and a half million I think we'll be well within that number but we'll see where that really uh pencils out and and um what the contractor's recommendations and our Engineers recommendations on how to tackle the project so full steam ahead hopefully we'll have we're going to move through the what we call the piggybacking or cooperative purchasing option under our purchasing policy and state statute that'll allow us to basically work on somebody else's bid so we're gonna hopefully get those locked down here next week Marshall and some of the the lines that go underneath A1A East and West wouldn't that be the priority maybe to go under before they build the road because I think they would be upset if we start digging up their new road so check Pat's talking with the company that's doing testing aligning on we had a little bit of a problem or break here by Regency um where they can line it so we're going to see how that works there we hired them to fix that problem for us now we have a a lateral problem uh so Pat's kind of put them on a little bit of a trial to see how that would work with in an existing lateral across and see across the streets to see how that would look and work because then we're doing without digging that's ideal um otherwise you do bore and jack it could be difficult because of depths but if we can line existing that would be marvelous so we're testing it right now that work should be done over the next few days we'll see what it looks like how it went um I didn't we didn't know if they could line smaller laterals we thought we had to dig them out so this is good news they can line those so we'll find out and that would would be the idea but you're right laterals could be the biggest problem to the road infrastructure but if we can line them we're going to really minimize that and mostly be in RightWay impacts which are fine you know Landscaping grass areas um so that's what we're looking at but you're right we want to do all of it it's just um Pat believes there's a big reluctance for fot into the RightWay um because somebody like I think one of the utility companies was doing some boring and fot kicked them out of the right away not that they would kick us out but I think they're holding a strong position they don't want a lot of RightWay work while they're coming through because they might get blamed for the damage while they're working so but we'll have more each meeting incrementally we'll have a lot more but you know I think we'll have a budget and then a plan of attack for you all to react to to say like it don't like it moving this direction uh so our next meeting we'll have a little more productive talk on cost and Direction you can give some more guidance to us to how you want how you want to do it okay and I think we've talked about it before but the line has like a 50-year life expectancy right I mean it's like it's like new P yeah so it's it's just as good whatever um any public comments on this item no okay if there are no additional comments we can move on to the uh Florida Department of Transportation trip R update I haven't heard much Chief I don't know if you've gotten anything I mean they've uh hit a couple gas lines along the way so we've B some specialized equipment to assist um that's be because uh when the gas lines were put in they're not consistently on a grade and they don't know how deep so they basically the contractor said we're going to be hitting it a few more times so we're prepared to handle that otherwise they're moving quite slowly I I have a qu I have a question um some comments people really are trying to understand how they're moving along where they're going next they seem to be jumping around they start at one spot then they go a quarter of a mile down and they go into another spot so there's no it doesn't appear I'm sure there is Rhyme or Reason but uh as far as what the game plan is can we get some kind of an understanding of you know well we'll reach out to them and see if they have a more of a written scope or plan because you're right it does look pretty halfhazard at times they'll be working in the right away in one location and up in another um working with their irrigation folks too so let me uh I'll reach out to them see if I can get more of a a game what their game plan is what they plan their their work methodology if you will a sequence of of task and maybe that'll give us a little more insights but you're right it looks a little bit more haphazard at the moment on the on the positive side they seem to have it well under control the stoppage of traffic and moving I'm not aware of any major delays at all they they seem to be have that doing that extremely well yeah just when they hit a gas man it does back up bit um out side of that though you're right it it seems to to be moving uh we'll see when everyone comes home uh come November we'll see what that looks like but um hopefully they'll be practiced by then and uh you you all can guide your neighbors uh what do you expect when they get here well one of the concerns is around Linton Boulevard uh because especially as it gets busier and they haven't seem to have touched that area that's going to be a real area of traffic con congestion so it' be interesting to know what the game plan is there I would guess they're you know do you have something Pat on F dot okay okay the way they're jumping around yeah what they're doing is they're going several hundred feet on the east side and then they're jumping back on the west side and going back that way so they're gonna constantly go couple 100 feet on this side jump across the road and come back to where they started and they're going to strategically do this plan just the right away just just it sounds right it doesn't appear that way but it sounds right but they are doing what they said they were gonna do just so they indicate um the vice mayor made a good point when are they gonna start tackling that intersection right at season High season maybe going yeah you know they want to get all the drainage out of the way before they start any other work so however long Tak we get down here through the end of town you're probably right it's going to be proba the worst time how it works it'll be it'll be worth the way okay thank you P any public comments okay seeing no further discussion we can move on to new business resolution number 20248 resolution of the Town Commission of the town of Highland Beach Florida adopting a merit increase policy for non union employees and amending the town of Highland Beach salary table and providing for an effective date so this mirrors um last year's um resolution sometimes I call it a salary warrant but it's the resolution for the Merit increase the second part is the CPI uh seems to be uh what we've liked to done in the direction you've given me is to tie it to CPI so that's the salary table itself kind of the the bands the low salary for each band to the midpoint to the high we'll adjust at CPI and that's very similar to what we did with the PBA contract um in for the for the police officers is we kind of do that uh on a year-to-year basis you adjust the tables at inflation uh so this again last year that number was like 7% because it was I'm guessing we're back into the threes could be high twos based on the CP as we're seeing it track a little bit and some of the noise with the recession you're probably going to see inflation kind of push down a bit here over the next you know three to eight months so um but again it's consistent we can afford I work with David the numbers we can make it work no no substantive change to anything in the budget um it's consistent with uh adjacent communities they're all within different ranges and different solutions to uh for non union employees so this is embedded within the the budget that was presented to it's all in there you don't there's no budget amendment no changes I don't have to tweak any numbers it all it all fits in there any discussion this is pretty standard we do this every year so I mean it's budget season and this is what we do in budget season and it's important to compensate employees um to keep the valued staff here so we have to keep up with um appropriate salaries so and these this uh it's those people over there in the corner mostly that's who you're talking about department heads uh police and fire chief supervisors confidential employees clerk that's uh this this group so everybody in the room you see here that's an employee um is this is related to and we thank you for your service your excellent service absolutely thank you yes and this is is this is consistent with the Union increases the union contracts uh somewhat it's a little bit higher than the union but uh they select they choose to go through three years so you know some years we're less than Union other years we're a little bit more uh your uh leadership staff your executive staff goes with the budget so when I when I say that by is if it's a tougher year they they buckle down first um kind of lead the way um when better times they do a little bit better than the running average and that's consistent with the numbers are playing out a little bit better so it's it is a little bit higher than the the union I wouldn't say the police are fire uh but the other uh employee unions a little bit better okay but the other but again that employee union is getting the table their uh salaries are in the salary tables are tied to this as well so it does affect the nonpublic safety Union does get the adjustment in the salary table so they get half of this kind of change wait explain that again so uh folks that are I'll use the water plant operators uh their salaries for water operator a B and C are listed in our salary tables this will adjust all of the salary positions the only ones that are not mentioned in our salary table are firefighter paramedics and you know captains the the Line crew and then uh police officers because they're covered by their own independent right contracts or salary tables the salary tables that we established for the fire but everybody else in the union not in the union this adjusts this kind of keeps our pay bans and pay ranges for all classifications of employee on Pace with the area now we've been doing a really good job uh over the last five years of getting that it was kind of ignored for like 12 years 13 years we started bringing it back up so we're not the lowest paid agency or municipality around so we're trying to get ourselves at least into that first core tile I've heard some Commissioners over the years say it should be closer to average so we're kind of in that range depending on the position if you will and this is just how you keep good employees right right you want to make sure that you're you know you're not paying them 30% what they could get in a a similarly situated Community right um so that we wanted to be the preferred employer I can still hear Doug always mentioning that you know to be the preferred if you have an option and you want to work in municipalities we should be on the table and in consideration when we need you know an a building official or a finance director or Public Works we should be in that we could draw similar quality individuals so um this allows us to do that and stay on par with the rate of inflation we're not going Beyond it but we're at least keeping up instead of falling which we had for a long time falling way behind so good so where do we stand now would you say are you think we're still in the first cortile are we approaching the first Corti approaching uh there's a few positions that are a little bit better off uh just how they ever got initially uh banded or graded in civil service we call it grading of positions right so you look at skill sets background necessary responsibilities and you grade that position out um so in that Civil Service environment we will compare ourselves to you know again I always say you can't really compare yourself to bokeh bokeh really pushes the needle right so we could look at uh Del Rays Hillsboro Beach Palm Beach manalan we should be in the game with those uh smaller cities or Coastal communities so everybody will have a police officer and that's how we did for the PBA are we in the are we in the range for so long we were chasing it right we'd always be like of all the U agencies of similarly sized communities we would be like 8 n10 we're at the bottom of the pay and we all made that commitment or at least you gave me the direction to move that so we've moved ourselves to kind of be competitive in the top three or four agencies of similar size communities we should be in there so every year I go through and look at uh the state has a HR agency and they do a salary survey or anytime uh the managers group here in the county are pretty good at when somebody commissions a salary study they will provide it to each of us and you know it kind of pushes the needle right right that's kind of tough but but at the same time make sure that we're in the right range when we pay folks right we have a couple positions that are will fall out of the first quartile I believe shortly some are a little bit above some are closer to average so we're kind of in that range we're slowly working I try to keep everybody in that first quartile right not the second quartile third or the highest paid we're still at the bottom but at least we're in the bottom State and and it's mostly South Florida think Tampa to West Palm South we kind of stay in that comparative uh analysis for positions right want to make sure we're in that range and we're we're in the first quartile good and so after the six and a half it doesn't move the needle we're still six and a half well this is what this is so gives David something to do every year so what happens is when uh you know some of our uh people in positions have topped what they call the top out right because of the banding you can only get paid up to the band so we pay beyond the band but each year it gets reset right before you get your Merit increase on it so if you you know we we we adjust this so say this is a a 3% salary adjustment you're a topped out employee while your salary moves half of it the other three and a half% you'll be over your top out so next year when David starts the budget he brings your salary back to whatever the max of the salary table and then you repeat so so what what function does this additional amount that you have you have the 6 and a half percent and a half a percent for a merit increase that's six and a half it's six and a half that's the half right yeah so six and a half is the Merit increase for S that's just you written it up you wrote it out the salary table no one gets paid that amount it just makes sure the banding of the position is growing with the rate of inflation so we're not losing that first quartile we got everybody there if we stop doing the CPI adjustment we start falling quickly right because everybody's going to start moving at three to 5% on their bands and then we're chasing again so we got ourselves there now we just want to keep on point with everybody occasionally we'll lose or a position uh certain types of positions grow faster than others and then those are where we have to uh make other alternate adjustments if we find ourselves in a in a bad spot where we're grossly under paying a position we might lose Talent or the right person we shouldn't do that at least get them into that first cortile right so when we do that or movement it's not exotic we're not like you know splashing the pot or putting you guys in any type of potential public um scrutiny you're just staying the first quartile we're not saying the second cour out of the first like the bottom tier of pay is where we're is our Mark at this point there'll be some in the community that believe well there's probably some that say you should just depress it but I don't know if I believe in that the otherwise you know we should be paying in that average range versus the first quartile and that's usually about six to eight% higher for the salary bands not what the person makes at this point but that position in the area you know where should we be paying those yeah so to put it another way 75% of the other people are making more so out of 100 people 75 are making more so I mean I just you know um I don't think anybody's arguing you know I think we're all I don't know you know I'm used to when I was in corporate you know there was no inflation we were getting 3% increases so I don't know someone might say oh six and a half is a lot but it's really not a lot because you're already you're at the the TW the first percentile which means you're you're you know only 25% or less are getting paid as much or more comp compar compared to your counterpart other municipalities 75 out of 100 are getting paid more so we you know we are not overly generous at all I guess is what we are very modest correct and so you know three hugs after yeah yeah I mean I just um yeah I mean I I want to make sure we keep with increases for sure where you know we're warranted I guess my other question is how do how does the six and a half compare to some is this better than some of the others do you know like what are some of the other we're going to be uh on point or just to touch higher than the county the county was a little bit higher last year they I think they did seven we did six and a half this year I think the countyy is going to be at six there's some municipalities that are seven maybe eight you know but there's some that are also at five kind of that standard five that you hear a lot about so like what and then there's other places uh not to uh you know sit Manalapan prefers cash payments versus sometimes a percentage increase so they'll do you get 5% and five grand so how how you it's hard the math probably moves that into the six and a half s% but they do I think for budgetary cash flow purposes they do a cash payment sometimes you but in the State of Florida you can't do bonuses retroactively so you have to do it as a a forward like we did remember with the covid bonuses it's kind of awkward in the State of Florida so you can only do it you know in a structured forward way um conversations we'll have you know as it relates to to you know public safety especially police we have another hurdle that we'll we'll start talking about in our one-on-one meetings annual meetings that we have some a big push there a little bit where we're falling off the mark for our Police Department compared to others there's a a movement that either we're going to either be on point with or we're gonna follow find ourselves well behind that would be when we see these again our sweet spot is second career officers I don't know if Chief would agree but that tends to be our sweet spot with that though they do retire so we got to find the next group and if we're markedly behind these other police agencies if you could work here I mean chief Harman everybody wants to work for him but you could go to a balapan once they start moving forward with some of this or golf stream and next thing you know we're not the preferred Police Department which is not something we want that's why Jason's sitting in the front because he's gonna help here so um and get the foundation involved in the Comm greater community outreach so you know we don't want to fall behind so there's there's a there's a bigger lift forward looking that we're GNA have to talk about off budget we can afford it it's nothing that you don't have to raise taxes you don't have to but it's a commitment and those are things that we'll have on our 101's you know what that commitment look like that way you can go one-on-one with me and say that's crazy that's too much not enough whatever that is we can have those in one-on ones and then when we come back our our discussions will be a little bit more structured and and see if it can happen so so separate and apart from the level the six and a half percent is um to be competitive right yeah in a category so that's very important so whether it's six and a half or seven we we have to remain competitive corre we do and again it's the whole range it doesn't mean everybody comes in at the top of that range but that range has to be so if you're out and I'll just pick on Pat today so if you're out looking for a public works director even though ours our next in line is already here you you can't you know know we can't go recruit a public works director that's paid 30 40% less than public works with another town that requires the same skill sets and talents well we're never GNA find anybody right right so we got to make sure we're close you know and then we we lure them in with Highland Beach and our residents our beautiful environment and great work environment when you're here but we got to be before they even come to see it you got to be close so they can get in the door and then we can lure them the rest of the way in so atmosphere a big Ro yes yeah okay which is probably why we're able to keep positions filled even though you know so I I guess well I mean if you ask any of them they'll probably say they're underpaid but right everybody yeah sure but the work environment look how the smiles on their face having a good time they like it here yeah well I'm was here with Foundation you know it's the 75th anniversary and 75th work [Laughter] anniversary right right so I just want to make sure when we do this it keeps us on Keeps Us on point Keeps Us competitive with other communities and our salaries from falling behind but again I'm only marking that first P tile on this study I know that a couple other communities are going to commission some bigger studies which will be good for us and we can kind of see you know where we're at you know because again you can't you can go somewhere in North Central Florida yeah we can't pay that and live in South Florida this is good that we've now indexed it to the Miami Fort Lauderdale West Palm inflation rat so people that are living here were on the same same scale of how things change and the cost that sounds good and is there any like going forward um could you include documentation on where we fall in the Corti give back I will do that for you um I will at first blush I will send you something for select positions because if you go through every single one sometimes we'll call a position X and another Community calls it y right and I'll I'll pick on Madison for the moment right the new uncomfortable I can make her so we hired an executive assistant right while some communities call it assistant to the town manager or executive secretary it's the same position right you know so I kind of do my best to kind of Mark what that kind of grouping is and go from there so I'll pick a handful of positions just so you can see um I'll pick ones that are you know on point and I can show you ones that are a little bit off and then we could see uh where we fall but I followed the study every year every time something comes through you know I you know I I sense that we underpay a few positions but then we have to then look at our other part of our benefit packages right and I wouldn't underestimate the value and the cost of healthare we made that commitment to our employees a lot of places make you pay premiums or at least not for the employee then it's for the whole family we don't and that's a great um and you guys have allowed us to continue moving forward with a good product from the Blue Cross Blue Shield so we have a really reputable option with acceptable co-pays and deductibles um so that is very attractive too so when I say first courti I mean if you started packing all the other things maybe we move up a touch because other communities don't do that right um so it's the it's the it's the it's kind of that Balancing Act a bit so I'm good with the six and a half this year and all that um going forward could you provide more of that documentation because I think that would help us because like the six and a half you know I kind of rationalize it with you know what inflation's been you know it makes sense to me but you know going forward it might help us you know get comfortable with that percentage increase if we knew what percentile we fit in or you know how we compare sure and I'll s you some more articles as they come available too see where everybody else at and we we started this conversation I'm seeing it come more to fruition outside of it but I said once we bring in Fire and become a full service Community we're gonna have an upward pressure on positions right um just because there's more people looking and the more growth and you know we go from you know 50 employees you whatever was 62 to 95 we've grown we' made a big substantial St and everybody's like the pressure is going to come up a little bit but what you also see is the cost of living metric sometimes not always measured cleanly in CPI rent cost or Insurance groceries uh going to take your family out to dinner things have gone up and it's markedly so more in Miami but it just it hasn't you know it's we're a little bit better than Miami and cost but not that much better so that whole pressure and I see a lot of town managers and other you know councils um are kind of wrestling with that like the cost of living in South Florida continues to move upward we can't do we can't hope and pray that it doesn't it's going up um you know again a recession does it cool it I just know how much it cools it here right um it's a different environment for us here so uh but a lot of municipalities are going through that this year salary studies where do they mark on different things uh police agencies are getting really competitive with amongst themselves uh makes Chief Hartman very nervous so and I mean it's it's true I mean we had what a hundred over a hundred applicants we found two right so and we have more in the future vacancies as people like I said the second career folks they're going to work here for 10 15 years but then they they too leave at some point and the next wave how do we attract and keep them if all these other agencies either offer the same or more on certain levels so we we're going to be spending a little bit more time working on that and I think you know getting you guys some more information maybe we have quarterly conversations on that and when those become available to share those um I could share the pepy study with you it's this huge spreadsheet you can poke around through it and see what you think um and again I kind of you know look at South Florida people and see where that is but yeah I think those just those summaries that just kind of shows how we rank it's is anyway so I'll communicate well I'll pick a handful of you know communities some here some maybe other side and you can kind of see where they're paying the same position you can kind of get an idea right yeah that helps I think that helps any other no I I'm fine with the six and a half percent yeah me too in that case I move that we adopt resolution number 2024 d018 seconded commissioner David yes commissioner Goldberg yes commissioner Peters yes Vice May shern yes and mayor Moore yes motion carries okay moving on to Item B resolution number 2024 d019 a resolution of the Town Commission of the town of Highland Beach Florida designating procedures for code enforcement actions initiated by the town providing for assignment of the Code Enforcement cases between the code and enforcement board and the special magistrate designating the role of the Town attorney providing for the appointment and training of the C uh code enforcement board and providing for an effective date so this is uh followup from the commission's discussion at the last meeting regarding how we were going to handle having both a board and a magistrate so I'll just I'll walk you through the resolution um section two basically divides them in the manner that we discussed before that class one class two will go to um the board and class three will go to the magistrate all the violations are delineated in the resolution I I can go through them but um you know basically the ones that are going to that are going to go to the magistrate um work without a permit construction site standards code zoning regulations um business tax receipts prohibited or unsafe signs uh cease and assist or stop work orders um fire code violations and repeat violations so essentially your more serious or egregious violations will go to the magistrate and the others will go to the board um we did talk about last time you know scheduling might get a little difficult you know uh make sure we have a quum with the board make sure the Magistrate's available so while we will attempt to assign them the way they're assigned in the resolution if we're unable to get a quorum or the magistrate has a conflict or something else doesn't work it can go to one or the other so we're covered that way um I did add we didn't really talk about this but um requests to foreclose code enforcement leans I had them go to the magistrate so if a code enforcement lean remains unpaid for three months the town can seek authorization of foreclose we'll have those go to the magistrate um I I just figuring we're doing procedures so generally now the the town attorney would is the legal adviser of the board at the code enforcement board meetings but once you have a magistrate the magistrate ostensively has that legal knowledge so the town attorney can assist in presenting the cases um and which will help when you have a little more serious cases than than we've had uh before um and also the I know the the commission was was concerned about training so I delineated all the things well on an annual basis we'll go through training you know go through all the procedures the statutes all you know they are quad judicial proceedings so there's some evidentiary standards and you know they're supposed to be impartial decision makers and disclose any exp party Communications um and a little ethics training even though I know everyone has to do the county ethics training it never help it never hurts to have a little refresher on that kind of stuff and then public records and government the sunshine which always fun and then we did the last thing we did or the commission talked about was we do have in the code that the persons on the board should be from various um disciplines or or occupation so they're just they're listed out in the resolution again though if you know all you can do is make your best efforts because you might not get somebody who's applying from all those different occupations so you know if you don't receive them it's okay to appoint somebody else and you know made sure to include that it didn't invalidate any decisions by the board so if there's anything else that you think should be included or you think I missed or there's any questions I'd be happy to address them a a question yes sir did did you get any feedback I I noticed no one is here from the chair of the board or the board have we got any feedback from the board itself no I I did not discuss it with the board the boards I believe Vice chair sent out uh sent a an email to me and I said the commission's having these conversation at these point in times there'll be more than glad to listen or hear from you I don't know if you heard from them um but that we've let them know that it's happening just haven't heard anything you I mention that only because I think it's important to get feedback if there is any on on how they feel about this and look it it's a resolution so if something's not working or something needs to be tweaked or changed one meeting easy to do it's the story oh this looks pretty comprehensive to me and what I really like is it gives us options so so you're not stuck with one thing if it turns out it doesn't work quite so well you can maneuver around it so I like that well well no once we start it we'll see how it works hopefully it all work exactly as planned so uh just two um uh two questions uh number six on page three of the training on an annual basis yes so um if some one um comes on the committee um a new hire and it's out of San on the annual how would that should we add that uh on annual or upon higher that is well we'll do it at least on annual basis what I do personally generally boards that I represent is when somebody new comes on I'll do a little orientation session and and so I it's not spelled out in the resolution I could change it to spell that out but I think that's an excellent point the other one is just a miscellaneous um observation under Section um of the code 2-12 it applies that's the general applicability uh it indicates a code enforcement officer can refer violations to the court now that now even though the code had mentioned of the special Masters that language was omitted do you think it's important to put that in that you always have the option to take it to court if if you want to file a you can always file a Code Enforcement Act in the in in the court system it's not very cost effective nobody really does it but um you always can and and if you have and there are some cases where you'll have a serious violation where you might want to seek an injunction or something like that this does in no way preclude the town from pursuing that Avenue yes no I realize I just meant as you know just as meant as as the language oh I I mean that's I don't think it's necessary but I think okay but I I do uh support this I think it um it's uh we've heard um it it it's an effective way of dealing with code enforcement and it covers Us that uh although we do have training mentioned in the code already um this is um uh it's the more specificity I'm an annual basis we're more aware of it on the commission and um hopefully we'll have more input into that right and I assume we're gonna have new members shortly so we'll definitely schedule after that and and also I think I heard you say if there's not a quum the Lesser that the magistrate can handle them so we don't have the people have enough to come back right we we need the flexibility yes the town definitely needs flexibility because things happen and sometimes the magistrate will have a conflict it happens I'm a magistrate in another jurisdiction so there are some cases where conflicts arise so those could always we could always switch back and forth as need be good gr yeah I I I think it's good I think it it covers all the bases I like commissioner Goldman Goldberg's suggestion about you know as people come on board there would be some um orientation to fill the Gap in between the annual changes but yeah I I really like the flexibility of being able to do one or the other as the need arises I like the the training um so I I'm in favor with the way that it is and and like you said if we have to make we'll see how it goes and if if we need to make changes we can we can make the changes so any public comments on this item no okay well if there are no public comments have a motion I move we approve resolution number 2024 d019 I second commissioner David yes commissioner Peters yes commissioner Goldberg yes vice mayor Stern yes and mayor Moore yes motion carries excellent moving on to to town commission comments commissioner Goldberg you have anything uh well I think that it's um very important what we did with the uh the non-union employees today so I'm really very happy that we did that that was staying competitive even if it's in the in the first quarter it Compares with uh our surrounding comparable towns and cities so that's uh that's terrific and um and I and I like very much what we've uh done with regard to um to the code enforcement having uh the magistrate here and that that protects everyone in the town because if there's a code violation and we can't make a quorum it's not the way we want to do business so um we're operating A+ and I certainly appreciate that yeah I agree I'm I'm glad with the nonunion employees we uh take care of our employees uh to keep them I I know I come from New York and people change constantly they see this paying more money they go and benefits is very important too um also I just hope everybody's enjoying our summer and I'm looking forward for the 75th I can't wait um other than to Echo what's already been said um I have nothing specific thank you I also Echo however I just like to add that the uh whole question of the electric vehicles and batteries and it's all very hot topic and I know that the uh U fire department is working on that uh Mike condo put in a some rules that we thought was right for us and we' working with Matt and so hopefully they'll come out with some Official Guidelines and rules uh for for everyone quick question I understand there may have been a story coming up on that in the next edition of the newspaper is that going to happen thank you um I had a question that that training do we have training for the board of adjustment and appeals is it necessary like should we Implement something like that probably not a bad idea at least you know an annual basis and because that also is a quad judicial board so you have the issue of expar communications you have Sunshine Law all that kind of stuff so um we can start doing it it's probably a good idea on an annual basis to do it for for all the boards but especially the quasa judicial board right so and planning board as well that's a recommendation I have is to implement well I do yeah that's true I have I have done it on a couple of them um as we've been going along but we could be a little more formalized with could we formalize it um maybe put it in a in language sure I'll work with we'll come up with a schedule just protects us too right if we have it as part of our policies that we do training you know so and then even maybe mark back there in the it room can film it and then we can air it so you don't how about that even better we're so technologically advanced here I like that that's a very good idea it is an excellent idea yeah so M mayor what you're suggesting which I would greatly appreciate would be uh every every uh board that we have well at least definitely the code enforcement board and the board of adjustment appeals I mean for sure those two I mean and planning board and planning board yeah I mean does does the natural preservation board need that I did do one at natural preservation probably about I don't know six to eight months ago to kind of go over Sunshine Law on that kind of stuff I mean all the boards is fine I mean I'm fine with all the other boards just definitely the no I agree maybe I would add plenty board to that you know for the you know those two additional boards I think we should formalize it in a resolution or whatever the right way is so that it's part of our um policies and procedures or whatever yeah so and that's all comments I had town to turn no ma'am nothing else thank you okay Town manager I guess I'll pick up on the 75th Anniversary so we've reached out to the group um so we're going to hopefully get a meeting here in the next couple of weeks to kind of kick off the group um just so those that are watching that are participating we'll do a lot of the leg work don't feel you're you're coming into this from you know without any support So staff will be here to bring options vet things out keep it all moving uh again the committee is really to give us guidance in some Direction so we're not missing the Mark or uh making sure we're we're hitting all the topics so once we get that going we'll move now we've looked into some of the more High expense items which are uh for your fiscally conservative manager kind of expensive uh that being fireworks and uh drone shows are quite extensive and expensive but we'll present it to the committee so they could see the numbers on that um but again we we're to get the group together and have uh you know all those events going um and get them planned and again we could stagger them it might be something we we consider so it's a season long celebration and because originally we were like you know how compressed do we want to have three or four events or do we want to have them spread out a little bit through season give other people more opportunity to engage the community those are conversations we're looking to have um do we want to you know compress it to a long weekend or do we want to make it a seasonal celebration where we go from you know mingle jingle to Something in February you know March time frame so those are things we'll have to take a look at and report back and what the costs are and but it's it's going to be exciting it be a good time it's we have a lot of opportunity now um with the fire department here uh the partnership that we have with St Lucy church I mean that that's fabulous that that's that's strong so we have venues we have all the Community Partners not that we have a lot of community but the Community Partners are engaged this is good so uh we should be able to do some uh really marvelous things here on our 75th Anniversary do we have it in the budget do we have some number okay we have room in the budget I have room in the budget in my mind um probably I know thanks Harman so but I'm sure the number will the group will push my number and we'll go from there you know um so we'll see see what it looks like and well that's part of the group too is to start scoping what that's going to look like because our success in our previous events is grow is public participation is growing so I would expect on 75th Anniversary those numbers are going to be uh really significant so are we looking at sponsorships yes foundations that is not my strong suit so on my self evaluation development is not my strength so hopefully I'm learning from the one of the best so uh we'll learn how to you know procure sponsorships and development within the community or jent areas what that looks like how to do that um I spent a long time with my previous community that never wanted to do that because they didn't want potential conflict but for a 75th Anniversary it does make sense on some of these bigger events to have uh potential partners and sponsors I would think the Sans might want to be one of the sponsors plus you know that is a community partner we haven't engaged and how we engage them to be part of it um want to figure that out what you know maybe we do something there a smaller event there you know and have a m multitude of events for different types of Community member maybe some don't like the big crowded mingle jingle want something a little more intimate and smaller or don't like to do things in the evening want to do things in the morning you know you know pancake breakfast or you know mimosas with the fire chief you know you could do these things we could be very creative and go beyond the typical you know pancakes right you could do something be a little more creative and engage a a different type of crowd and maybe I'll learn what raising or development looks like and how we can put that structure in place moving forward too so one tidbit of feedback I did get from more than one residents is concern over the um firework if we do do fireworks this the impact on pets and stuff so just to make sure the committee discusses the pros scales right the Drone was really cool but what is what I don't even I'm not even the Drone shows oh they're cool what is a drone show their bare minimum is like 40 Grand what is that I don't even know what that is they can go and take drones that light up in all these different colors and they can make they they can put our logo up and color over the crow they could do a lot of really but they need there's some cool stuff on50 is what they said or 40 or something like but how many I mean so you can talk that it grows like I said the conversation starts at 40 so I mean based on knowing many of the people in the community our taste are probably double that we want to see um so we have to take a look at all those options and what's out there maybe somebody's got something else like oh you should do X or Y or you know um there's a whole bunch of different we just need to come together as a group and say do we like this or this and then we'll hit the ground running and do all the leg work get it all in place um especially if we're using the hard Sport's always getting a venue uh father Horan's been beautiful he's giving the facilities are available so we've got a big facility in center of town uh fire station we have available as needed so I mean we've got space to do some neat stuff and hopefully we can you know get that going for our diamond anniversary and handouts for the community things to be memorialized I think it'd be cool we could do some really neat stuff very well it be very exciting to be at that meeting yeah very exciting to share ideas yeah yeah and then as after the meeting gets done uh commissioner Peters will report back to the group and go from there can't wait I think fireworks are just as much or even more than that I mean it is I think that's what uh I know skender is's not here today but he was looking into it he guess he moonlights for a fireworks company and he says you know it's you know 90 seconds is like 25 30 grand and I was like yeah I was like wow that's numbers I did not expect uh but he's looking at you know is there something smaller in scale that could be beautiful but smaller for the space you know things like that so you can get a decent one for about it's about 50 Grand though North Palm Beach does it every year for July 4th they budget about 50 they do it at the golf course yeah the golf course yeah so they have space like an open space here we'd have to either get barges or I don't know where you you know well people like it's shooting at condos and stuff building do do it here because I see them every year at July 4th and I see them on New Year's Eve I just look out the window and they're all over coming from right here so and I don't think all of these houses are spending $40,000 right so we'll get the idea that's what we're trying to get more information so we had the first meeting we could say here's your like scale of options you know is it really and they do set them off in the ocean yeah yeah yeah pompino and Deerfield they set barges by their peers they don't even do them on their peers they don't want to do damage and do it on a barge so well look all that's gonna be on the table talk about and what we want to do with it and you guys give me the thumbs up thumbs down or the group The thumbs up thumbs down and we'll make it happen that's all I got okay uh we have a few announcements board some board vacancies Board of adjustment and appeals we have one vacancy and the natural resources preservation Advisory Board we have a vacancy some upcoming meetings and events um so we do have a code enforcement meeting so August 13th so the changes that we made are effective immediately right but the resolution is effective immediately it's going to take a little while to implement but okay so that'll be just a regular code enforcement I believe we have four four the seven available yes four so it could be close but I think we'll be okay okay September gets really TI I think there are only two things on the agenda yep was really really small okay uh we have uh on August 20th we have the primary election day so town hall is closed uh we have canceled the meeting for August 22nd for the town commission meeting and uh we resume September 3rd we will have a meeting of the Town Commission at 1:30 and we actually have two that day because of the budget hearing so we would have a second meeting on September 3rd at 5:01 PM which will probably last until 5:02 PM um that's usually a pretty quick meeting but there are two meetings that day um and there are no board action reports and if that's it we can adjourn okay everyone thank you 227 we're adjourned