e e e afternoon and welcome welcome to the town of Highland Beach Town Commission meeting today is Tuesday June 18th and it is 1:30 and I'd like to call the meeting to order if we could have the roll call please commissioner Goldberg present commissioner Peters present commissioner David present vice mayor Stern present mayor Moore present Town manager labid present and town attorney Rubin present thank you we could all rise for the pledge iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all are there any changes to the agenda no no changes here if no changes I have one change I'm sorry that's okay we're going to add a resolution to the agenda it's a resolution 202 2416 regarding the community um Aesthetics feature agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation and I will make copies for you prior to that but we're adding that to the agenda that's so we can build the town entry signs oh so fot finally responded and now we got to sign this basically saying we'll be responsible for it but for what I didn't hear the beginning of it Mar uh it's for the town entry signs the new signs that we approved geez a long time ago 15 months ago yeah so we're finally getting all the approvals as to add it as 10 B okay I move we approve the agenda as amended I second that all in favor say I I I motion carries unanimously okay moving on to presentations proclamations uh we have a resolution number and term of office of members of the natural resources preservation Advisory Board and providing for an effective date and I believe we have the candidate here miss Miss Jones okay if you wouldn't mind coming to the podium stating your name where you live and just a few things uh about yourself hi my name is Karen Jones into the microphone pull the microphone towards me I should know this um I've lived my name is Taran Jones in case you didn't hear me I've lived in Highland Beach for 27 years I live at 4307 South Ocean which is directly across from Bello Isle um I am into a lot of Charity worked I worked for a company called Boston Proper for 15 years I left there when my husband got sick with cancer um approximately seven years ago my husband passed away four years ago so um we did a lot of char charitable events for um Del re achievement Center um in Del re and Al also put on a lot of those events I'm very interested in the beach because I live on the beach um I've seen a lot of things happen in 27 years some good some bad um so I'm would be thrilled to be a part of this and be I live here year round um I do go on vacation once in a while but I do live here year round and I be happy you know I'm the eye on the beach we just redid our Dune um I think Barbara presented it to everyone and then they had their Dune done it's probably the sixth time I've had to do my Dune since I've lived here um so we had a rebuild and very into nature and not putting a major concrete seaw wall like a lot of my neighbors have and keeping it beautiful the beach so I'm really interested in in the beach and keeping it beautiful and the community as well so that's a little bit about me um if you have any questions I will gladly answer them yes we go through each commissioner okay commissioner goldber thank you thank you for putting your name out there and and coming forward to fill this uh appointment um well you've certainly been cognizant of all the town's needs in your personal home what what um uh what motivated you now to come forward well I wanted to do it years ago but I just really couldn't I didn't have the time I had a full-time job and then my husband got ill so um but Barbara really motivated me because I was she was very motivated about what I did I was very Hands-On on redoing the Dune and our our stairs and everything else and we live right next door to the Bell Leo entrance so I'm very aware of what's going on there and keeping the plants and everything natural um so it really motivated me because it's my home and it's my forever home and I want it to be beautiful and a lot of things are going on like with the park up there it's a little scary um so I really want to be Hands-On and help to do whatever I can to preserve the beach and our property have you um attended any of the meetings yes I have yeah yes okay over what period of time oh I only I have only been to two Okay that I was invited to and you you don't have any problem with the time commitments no okay no no no unless I'm you know I'm a vacation at some point but that's it I mean I'm not working so okay well I thank I thank you again for coming forward um donating your time like this I welcome have a lot of time on my hand that needs to be all right well we need you okay we need all of our community to be very involved that's wonderful thank you yeah thank you Karen thank you for applying for this looks like you're um going to be an expert at this there you did your doing over six times with 27 years BR did you bring sand in or um when we had Sandy when nobody realized ironic Sandy sand um nobody realized how much it affected the our beach I mean it the Northeast got you know damaged terrifically but we lost our entire Dune and um I was working at that time and my husband was in India at a Formula One race so that's a whole another story but I was videotaping the Dune saying the Dune is gone the walkway is gone I don't know what to do you know so like no that's not it didn't hit you guys well it did because the water churned and affected us tremendously I could see the um pilings on my deck because I right on the on the top of the Dune level um so we I got together we came down to town hall Hall and Alia kedy um who's a big Builder here um Jag design his son took over has been my friend from New York when I was a teenager um we got together and he got someone to bring in sand and we petitioned to get immediate you know relief and not wait so we did get sand in for about a quarter of a mile there on the beach so um we did that so that was a big and then we we found Dan balante I don't know if you guys know him he um he did a whole presentation here a while ago um and he's been with me ever since helping me renourish the Dune and putting the proper plants in and doing all all that good stuff okay thank you Karen I think you'd be a good asset to the board thank you thank you I I'm not surprised you've had to replace the Dune multiple times all it takes is one good hurricane yes even if it doesn't quite hit here yes it's true and I'm praying ours looks really good now that we don't have any bad storms yeah actually Sandy which didn't hit Fort Lauderdale either wiped out part of the road on A1A yeah so it did it had a significant amount of damage here that people don't realize because it didn't hit here exactly yes thank you for volunteering we love new faces thank and to have new people get involved in what's going on in our town and I am sure you will be an asset I appreciate that thank you thank you I well well qualified thank you very much for replying and uh thanks very much I appreciate that thank you yes I wanted to extend a welcome a warm welcome um thank you for getting involved I really appreciate it and uh the dunes are really important Initiative for this board and for the town nourishing um uh the dunes there and I think you guys did a great job it's really beautiful and it's really amazing how it's really filled in very nicely is thank yeah it looks great hopefully it'll withstands now I got to get my neighbor to do something yeah yeah and then that's an initiative of the town I got one neighbor The Neighbor Next Door to them and The Neighbor Next Door to them but the one right next door to Bello he's not you know he's not a full-time so yeah some pretty bad yeah yeah for sure so yeah we would really love your your help in in spreading the word um with all the other residents so yeah I'm definitely in favor so if we could have a motion please I move we approve resolution number 2024-the Jones to the preservation natural resources preservation Advisory Board seconded thank you all in favor say I I motion carries unanimously thank you very much and welcome thank you thank you I'll just hang in okay as long as you like stay as long as you like moving on to the proposed operating budget presentation for fiscal year 2024 d225 and yes my favorite time of year has come once more uh as we kick off um our 2425 budget season and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to state yet again uh our financial position remains strong um again and putting in positioning us uh to move forward to complete a uh as David will go through all the details uh be able to tackle a lot of capital projects and um you know really uh Mark another great year moving forward and allowing us as um once we get through that David one more slide real quick for me sure um kind of the theme that we put out is safeguarding uh the future of our three miles of paradise and that's really what we're doing because one the budget um that we this is preliminary so we've got time to work through that and we'll go through the process uh the statutory process um but we're remaining consistent with our fiveyear forecast model and it's proving itself um moving forward in that we are going to be able to put some funds back into reserves and address all capital and what you will see is our decision to implement our own fire rescue Department we're going to start seeing you're going to start seeing that difference that savings has freed up our ability to um you know uh pay off our debt for covis replenish the reserves a bit and then uh put in uh police and fire um so again some of the things that we saw or experienced was an 88.8% increase in property values um we did better than many communities um can you go back one David um many other communities in this uh the state uh David will walk through uh Debt Service we finally accomplished our goal as all all entirely uh taken care of with the water and sewer rates so that debt is no longer on the general fund um you know we've added the uh we'll explain a little bit in Greater detail the fire department Debt Service uh so basically uh that debt we still have to capture and pay off so we're what water is now gone there is a little bit and we show it as a millage um increment 1.1875 covers that covis debt uh so that's in there and again we another $370,000 fell off of our total debt package for the water plant one of our notes uh closed next um again we made some assumptions based on uh little conservative projections um health care and insurance costs we're trying to hold around 7% is what we think it'll be um you'll see the police uh PBA Union contracts and then the non uh police uh Union employees so everything is uh projected through that um are covered all the steps and things of that nature are covered General Insurance crease that's like our property insurance workers comp things of that nature 7 to 10% uh maintained uh uh in fund transfer so the water and sewer and the building fund have to pay their fair share of uh General administrative fees but we did not increase it we kept it uh consistent and uh the Water and Sewer rates uh 8% and that's the five that's the last year of that original original five years if you can believe that we've gone through all five years of that rate structure plan so this would be the fifth year so and we're seeing the debt fall off so our plan you know staying focused on your plan and executing is actually working and that we're also going to see how the five-year forecast model is also working so everything we put our minds to and remain committed to uh we are succeeding at some of our accomplishments of course we're going to know uh fire rescue Department completing their fire station now our fire station uh originally was supposed to be about 8.6 8.5 million it finished out about 7.7 so um maybe they'll bring us a big papercheck for the $478,000 return and savings that would be great and that was through some of our value engineering and uh improvements in the supply chain um we had three Charter uh amendments approved or approved bot questions so we approved the sewer lining project uh we got the CH uh the charter funding limitation I put a million dollars we'll get close to that it's 900,000 adjusted for the rate of inflation I just put a million dollars in uh a little bit easier to to to remember we have the ability to designate canvasing to the county we secured uh another appropriation um for Lift Station 2 so we got another 275 that did not get vetoed by the governor our sewer lining project did um but we're working through alternate Avenues through the State um uh revolving fund program or through the D there are other programs available to help with that so we're we're jumping right into that as we as we speak we approved Turtle lighting ordinance um beach erosion doe management that study was completed so the natural resource Advisory Board uh we'll be rolling that out to the public through a series of events and letters to kind of get people to engage in that activity next so that um uh lift station that second yeah that's a done deal that's a I got all the paperwork uh it's with Madison my new assistant she's working on filling out that paperwork now uh with Sergio uh in public works so we got those dollars so this is the second second year in a row we got two Appropriations this is I don't know we should wonderful the state legislator Governor I mean they just love our lift station projects that's the big deal which is our biggest vulnerability for climate change for the sea level rises to get those uh those vaults and pits and motors and Electric Systems out of the water or out of that low elevation so uh we did get uh secur that appropriation so that was really good news uh and it's in the amount of 275,000 so last year was our first ever Highland Beach receiving an appropriation and that was for 250,000 that was 275,000 well um and now this is our second so I mean that's really incredible um that's never not getting anything in the first 73 years of our existence but on the 75th Anniversary to be able to deliver our second appropriation uh a lot of great success a lot of teamwork a lot of support from the commission uh Peggy goset Sidman on the legislator doing some heavy pushing for us uh Jared our lobbyists doing a good job and uh generally reaching out to as many folks as we can during Palm Beach days and um it worked out for us so we got a a second appropriation I just recognize that that's huge that's this is the F obvious first I've been hearing of that I mean I guess we heard it was going to go before the governor and I and I've heard that before and then it gets vetoed so it didn't get vetoed so that our sewer lining for 850 did but we kind of kind of anticipated that was kind of a big ask when you know these other communities were asking uh as much or larger sums and we knew that uh the governor was kind of targeting that 750 million to a billion dollars with veto pen so we just didn't know how that was going to drop out but the sewer lining came up but it's okay um because the residents gave us the flexibility to execute that project uh we're going to look at um uh commissioner gset or representative gset Sidman did identify D has other Grant programs for similar projects so we'll uncover all those stones turn them over see what see what comes up if not we have the state revolving fund which is a federally subsidized loan program so you can get loans to do the project for one 2% which are always great interest rates and then we can tackle it as a whole project if we decide or maybe we do it a different way and do it in smaller lifts during the off season and do it in smaller projects but at least we have the options the residents gave us authorization uh whatever which way you guys saw fit to execute that project uh so we'll be able to tackle it the only trick with getting the appropriation is Dave had to do some um some Finance changes for the uh arpa dollars um that we had that we had allocated to this so we've uh through accounting had to move some of those Dollars around for other capital projects but we had Capital needs so it just drops down and picks us up on the list so it's a really good move for US Marshall how is the road revamping going to affect lining the sewers I don't think will let us do it at the same time I don't think they're gonna let us mobilize so I I think that's kind of maybe a kind of a good thing I guess that we didn't get it if there is a way is that we have a little bit of time so you figure you're not going to be able to do anything till 26 if you go through the state revolving Pro this is a perfect State revolving fund project it usually takes them 12 to 18 months to get you through their Grant approval process and uh what that is is they'll wave soft costs and then you get the hard cost they sell bonds you could do sum are all however we wanted to do that if that is the option we choose or we just wait and then just do a third of the town at a time again it's not as invasive as a total removal and replacement so we're just going from manhole to manhole so um we can look at those options too in future meetings we could kind of see how we want to do that if we want after I think there might be some fatigue in the community after the fot project uh to to occupy the right away after it's been totally restored again uh to maybe we look at doing smaller lifts it'll cost a little bit more for the total project but some of the material costs are coming down so uh it's getting a little bit better out there uh for the resins and the benefit of the revolving fund is it super low interest rates right super low interest rates y so that's that's the good thing so it it's so low that the earnings right now and we'll have this conversation a little bit later is that what we're earning on our savings is Will far exceed what the cost is to borrow the money so that's a good position to be in similar to our fire you know four and it's 3.26% over 10 years and we're earning five five and a half% conservatively on our Investment Portfolio so it was better to borrow than to spend cash because we're making more on the cash side of things um but you know we're again our budget's good you can see all the capital projects we were able to complete this year so I mean uh some of these are still forthcoming the entry signs are coming I promise that's why you got that resolution in there um but you see all the other uh major infrastructure projects uh that we're doing for those folks in Belo I know that they've reached out to me uh we're in the engineering phase for the bridge and then we're going to fix it next year so we'll do it now then maybe we do the work in the fall but it's going to be broken between uh the two fiscal years so we have our Structural Engineers out there evaluating it next um some of our priorities coming up is the 75th Anniversary festivities what we're going to do and I I I think it warrants uh something a little bit bigger than our normal activity so we'll begin to have those conversations for the next fiscal that will be in the fall Marine accessory structures I know ingred has been working on that for a while so she's tackling the the final pieces of that Rehabilitation of the old fire station um that's a a pretty sizable Capital project we've budgeted for it um in the general fund um pgal is still doing the final look at the structural elements to that so we hope to have something soon uh to look at uh resurfacing of town hall um after all the work we've done we've kind of beaten up our pavement so we're just going to go and do a Mill and overlay on the town complex just to get our road surfaces up here uh we'll do the Balo Bridge repairs Milani Park compliance we'll see where that takes us um we're also working through the design and grants for the uh Marine uh docking facility here behind the library um water uh so our water treatment we we've been in those tours we have three trains it's a series of seals and ports that have to be redone so we're going to do all of them next year David next um again we'll see the three are project and the speed of which they're executing they're going to hit us hard during season so it's going to be a rough season next year for construction on A1A uh sanitary sewer lining we put this in there this may be one that moves based on the guidance um but we may start uh some of the financing and applications for Grant type process uh degasification system uh Beach vehicles AC repairs new entry doors for Town Hall they're kind of getting old and separated by an inch Gap so time to get some new doors so those are some of the bigger things um that we're going to be tackling um it's in the budget we'll get into more detail as we move forward but again our financial position is quite strong you'll see that in the bottom line numbers that we'll be able to you know put a half a million dollars back into reserves if not a little bit more it's just it's hard to tell in a budgeting phase um but at first blush I haven't even taken my red pen much to the budget yet so I mean um as we do that with your guidance we'll determine what that final number looks like but that was part of our fiveyear program is on good years is to start putting back that four million we borrowed from the reserves so when our property values don't increase as much we'll have the ability to use the reserves versus raising taxes which we never want to do so um and now that we have two Public Safety entities I always do this that their costs regardless always go up doesn't matter what your revenues their costs continue to go up year over-year so planning for that in the future for those softer years when we have good years makes a lot of fiscal sense uh to to push through over that fiveyear uh forecast period again uh David's going to jump into the next phases but again the biggest thing that we saw here is the 8.8% I mean last year was 13 so it is trending downward which David will get to but again still a very positive year um I think we projected we needed two and a half 3% to to to break even so we exceeded that and that's why you see some of these dollars being available uh to move back to the Reserve I have a question yes um you mentioned I believe the rehab of the fire department building you mentioned an amount was that a million dollars did you mention an amount that projected for the rehab of the oh yeah it's about a million a little bit less depends on what we want to do so we just took a very conservative estimate because we could do something as simple as just demo and pave and call it a day if we feel a little bit that as creative if we did a few of the other things it adds some dollars we want to do roll up doors is a two do we put in a couple public bathrooms it's kind of a good idea when we have events there those things would really start to to to move the cost around uh but that's why Pall Architects are looking at you know structurally what are we taking out what's left behind if we because basically we got to cut off the old station we need the bay to stay and we got to rehab The Bays because they was left in pretty rough shape so we're going to have to do some rehab in the old Bays that we little more extensive than we initially anticipated but not you know I'm talking you know 50 to 100 Grand worth of rehab to the Bay areas repaving cleaning stuff like that uh redoing some wall space that were damaged but um you know it's a good shape so we have basically a million bucks as a holder so like I said you know when we get to what's the final project more could shake out because it's seems a pretty bit ambitious project because we can only go to 9 38,7 152 based on the CPI multiplier to the 900,000 so no matter what we're kind of at the cap you know whatever our Charter limit cap is is all because we didn't get authorization to fix that right so that has to stay in that that cap range well uh yeah so uh we're going to go through we got about uh 30 or so slot I think probably less now but uh a quick question time for a restroom break at what point does the Fab the financial Advisory Board get involved with this or have they or what point do they get it's a good question so we planned it based on their feedback and comments earlier in the process traditionally they hadn't got to it till August and they felt a little taken out of the loop so that's you make a great point so they're going to next week Thursday they're going to hear the same presentation so if there's something you want them to look at thank you for bringing this up uh vice mayor so if there is something you want them to look at you know you could give us that direction today so the Fab can focus on something if something that doesn't make sense or what should we do in this scenario or you just want their General feedback that'll be next Thursday so they'll be earlier because the next meeting for us is July 23rd where we'll set the tenative maximum millage rate is our first move under the state statute we got to do that on the July 23rd which is the 35875 which we've had now for four years is to to keep that same rate or lower so you can always adjust it later we can never go higher so all right so uh this is uh right here is is an interesting chart right these the the blue uh columns are your property values right we're almost approaching $4 billion doll and the line here is the percentage change between the two so you'll see that our property values between 19 and 20 fy19 and fy20 Rose by about a little bit less than 5% 20 to 21 it was down to the 2.3% uh same thing for 21 to 22 3.3% and then 22 to 23 we shoot up 133% 23 to 24 we shoot up again another over 133% and now what we're seeing is we're seeing it start to come down a little bit which uh staff and management obviously uh trying to be conservative uh saw this coming the other interesting thing too right this right here is inflation uh for our our uh our MSA area Miami Fort lauderer West Palm Beach right you'll see that that curve there adjust as well and so when we look we said okay right now uh all of our Revenue 76% of of of the general funds revenue is ADV alarm tax dollars okay and so uh we see that right now we got notice it it will probably be around the 8% it they'll be a little bit the next phase which the property tax of phaser will come out will be the July 1 numbers those are the the the final numbers that we go forth and so but on average you know we're we're you know over the last five years about when you take all those numbers into consideration we're at about seven and a half percent you know Rising inflation thank God has has come down a little bit but property values obviously won't be going down they'll just probably grow at a lesser rate and so we're that's what we're preparing for and so what we talked about now there's going to be a lot of moving Parts here because we we came off of balancing two fire departments right we were holding Delray right Meanwhile we're building our own fire department right and so we construction costs right so we had to bring that in we had to bring that money the money that we borrowed from the bank a little less than $5 million we had to bring that in to our Revenue as other sources of of funds well now we we're looking at is we're saying okay now that we're at kind of a uh uh the the the sediment is settling down what's normaly and so what we're looking at is we're saying okay look we have our operating millage here grew proposed we're it's going to grow at about 5.75% that's that's typical for uh salaries General increase Insurance all those General increases we have the the fire department's Debt Service millage that we put in there but that was substantially less than the water millage that we had and this year what we're proposing is we're not going to have a water millage the reason why is one of the goals that we that we established was that we want our Enterprise funds our water and our sewer funds to stand on their own okay and that was the goal and I think that we've achieved that the other goal that we wanted to achieve through our five-year forecast was to maintain 35875 so now let's look at what that does so taking these into consideration we roll through the budget process again this right here just visualizes it this right here is your total millage okay you can see here this right here in 2023 that's when we started our 35875 that's what we're holding that's the line we're holding and you can see that's how what what was it made up of well a general operating and the water millage right then we switched last year we switched to hey we're going to have a general operating cost we're going to have the new Fire Department millage a and we're still going to have the water well now as we look forward to 2025 getting rid of the water because that's going to stay the same right we're we're shifting now the general fund uh the fire department Debt Service will go there still less than the water and our operating millage but our goal is to still will maintain that that that that millage rate all right now we're going to get into some of the the numbers first thing we're going to look at is the general fund and so when you look at as we previously discussed uh these right here are all the sources of revenue for your general fund and so you can see there that property taxes obviously is the line share if you remember in 2024 if we take out Le let's just remove the five Department uh managing to fire departments the construction All That Jazz that that went into that budget let's just take that out we were at about a $16.1 million general fund budget okay then what happens when you add kind of back all of the Dual fire departments the construction cost and whatnot we that that 16.1 went up to about 22.9 now so now what I want to try to compare is I want to try to compare normal 2024 16.1 to what we're proposing here so we're at about a 17.5 million budget okay these right here are the specific line items you'll see here see the bottom here other financing sources that there is is the money we had to bring in for the fire department but you see now it's zero okay you see here that if you recall we took $4 million from our excess reserves and we dedicated that to this Monumental task and you were successful at doing that and you can also see here what's the main main driver of our of our Revenue obviously is property taxes right here and so this right here is kind of the change in it so the other change too that you'll notice remember last year we got hit with uh Solid Waste remember Solid Waste increased as well right so that inrease and there you'll see that Solid Waste uh charges for services that that's what that is that that's the garbage collection and so we saw that so those were kind of the bigger shifts right now we're still being very very conservative but overall we're down about 23% the reason why is because the thing that's driving that decrease in needing that much revenue is the fire department okay but again no additional uh reserves uh that that we need to pull in and no increase in the millage rate so let's let's move forward these right here are your expenditures okay and so big picture so what we have is we uh we have look at here look at these two lines see your Personnel Services see how much that grew but look at your operating expenses look how much that went down you know what that is the operating expenses were your Del contract oh okay so we're really what we're doing is we're switching operating expense through delway providing our fire service to our own staff providing our fire service with the concierge type of fire rescue Department that that you expect and so again you also see the other thing too that we added we added we added an line item here reserve for contingencies I added that this year the reason why is I wanted to make sure that we had a good full year under our belt with the fire department right I know everything's new and I know that that it's going to it's it's running perfectly right now I just wanted to have a little bit of of cushion there for my own sanity uh and so the other thing too that we're that this budget anticipates is bringing in over five I think that's $642,000 we start to replenish our reserves if you remember last year at this time you had a decision to make you put $250,000 back into the reserves that was more of a let's get ready for future years we're gonna have to re be replacing fire trucks fire engines and and whatnot equipment so let's get ready for that let's start replenishing our reserves and so that's what we did here and so you can uh you can see that the other thing too is that we have a Debt Service uh that loan is 3.26% it's uh it's a great loan you you structured it perfectly perfect timing everything was good about that uh again no transfer if you recall we used to get money into the general fund and we then would have to transfer it over to the water fund so that they can pay their Debt Service no no more of that for for now unless you have a different direction and we're according to plan we're according to plan on that right was it this year that or we a year early doing that water well when you get to the water you'll see that we last or this year we reduced our uh our debt service on the Water by 370,000 this this year we do it another 375,000 and then for I think 2032 or something like that something crazy uh it's it's level Debt Service payments and then we see it but yeah we'll go through that so these right here are again general fund expenditures now alls I'm doing in the next slide is I'm breaking this number down here the 17 million I'm breaking that down by departments so you can see remember we're still in the general fund we haven't we haven't gotten out of that so now this is what your departments look like you see one major thing that we did is the town manager we took out legal here see it's zero and we move that cost over to the town manager he he it probably should be there we don't have any staff in legal and so you know what we'll we'll move it into there he has better control over that the other thing too that you'll notice here is our post office right you see our post office there if you recall we we closed that in June not at our doing but more we were forced to to close it down but you'll also see too that fire rescue right here right we we see fire rescue remember this uh uh our estimate for 2024 that includes the construction you know that includes a lot of the construction cost and things like that but at the end of the day that that $17 million that's how it breaks down so questions I know that the Fab will get so I'll get it in case if it's not crossing your mind you'll see our operating conservative operating for fire is $5.7 million uh Del R's cost to us this current year if you took the seven month over the year is 6.2 so right there we're $500,000 less um than we would a year bout so if you take their number and you add 7% which is their General increase year-over-year we've seen that takes them to 7even million so about a million two less than Del holding that model and projections that we did collectively to make this decision is holding yeah uh as we anticipated so that it's it's moving as we we guessed it would so um it really worked I mean it's a really great decision oh it's working well it's it's Phenom it's a phenomenal I I at any conventions that I go to that's what I tout I mean do you do you see what my town did you know and so and and so it's a it's an it's an amazing feat but and and I think we're being conservative I I just learned that our everyone else is switching to that new model where uh they added the other shift uh things like that except Del R hasn't shifted to that yet they they were going to be in there but you know we're able to control cost we're able to uh direct what our towns firemen and women do uh we're going to be offering the inspections to the um uh condos associations where in the past they used to Del would charge you for that so now you know we're not doing that and so uh all around it's great news I think you should point out that we are saving money over that and we have an extra shift so it's even a bigger savings than it originally seemed to be and that model is going that way um and I think Del ra Union has a tenative deal with Administration there that they're going to it so their cost is only going to be accelerated to that and I'm sure I know the Count's negotiating with the County Fire rescued I I can only imagine what that conversation entails which is 2472 and I I think that's really the model that's going to be deployed across the county in time yep absolutely absolutely I have a quick question so that 5,7 84,000 is that our Baseline annual cost or is there any extra in there from the build that's from uh salaries to health care to Insurance to diesel fuel to subcontractors uniform that's our our starting annual cost Y and okay that's our Baseline okay so again that just breaks it down uh you have the line item detail there you can go go to that section there uh next is well let's look at our fund balance okay let's now what is our fund balance our fund balance is is almost our uh our our our pile of cash that uh hasn't been budgeted yet it's our reserve and so we're back to healthy look at here these right here are the buckets that we have we have you have a portion of your $7 million so let's start out so right now this right here is your beginning balance that's from the audit right we're going to put $250,000 in it from your direction that you wanted to replenish the fire so that brings it up to 7.3 million Okay now what's what's it going to to be based on this budget well what we're going to do is we're anticipated to put another $642,000 back in to replenish the reserves from the $4 million and so therefore what would our fund balance look like well we have a budget stabilization per resolution of 2.8 a disaster recovery of 2.8 there's the fire rescue that we put in there to start replenishing it and here I have un assigned $2.05 five million unassigned that we can move that we can put a portion of it back in there leave it in there for for a remodeling costs that we need for the former fire uh uh a place and so at the end of the day your fund balance your reserves for the long term were starting to build that up and they look very healthy so what I would correct David slightly not that I want to but um he used the old fire station that's budgeted so you're still doing this and tackling the old fire station at the same time thank you yeah uh yeah I I apologize you're absolutely right see this this is where we put it this is where that old fire department will be see public works this is public works right here do you see we bumped that up we added a million dollars right there into public works that was our placeholder that's typically where it would go it's a public facility belongs in public works and so uh thank you for for for bringing that to my attention so the general fund looks extremely healthy we're working our plan we have excess surpluses we're able to uh put money aside in the budget for re redoing the former fire department we able to replenish our reserves without raising the millage um and so it's it's going going exceedingly well a quick question um so for 2024 the Appropriations to reserves is at 250,000 are we on track for the 250,000 absolutely um so I guess uh an observation um I really like how like in the past I felt like the appropriation to reserves um was a little uh the actual what went to reserves was a little different than what was planned so I kind of I like that since you've taken it over it is it has been and I know you can't always guarantee that but my observation is that when you estimate an appropriation to reserves that is what comes to fruition so yeah I like I like that about the budget process is that it is you know um coming out to what you are estimating to be because then we can kind of count on right on that so and remember this one here uh for those that are watching on TV this right here is look at we got three I got a $300,000 contingency in there so it might be nine 900,000 depending on if we have to use that contingency plus I've got a million dollar right you already counted for the uh fire right right so you know when I look back uh what this commission has been able to do to build their own fire department to save money from our former uh contract that off that provided fire services to have the ability to control costs and to start to replenish reserves for that next generation of people that will be enjoying Highland Beach uh it's just a phenomenal job another observation I'd say is I really like how you all the team really thinks about what you um anticipate spending will need to be um I I feel like you've really Quantified what we expect to have to spend in the near future as opposed to perhaps putting those things in into a broader bucket and having to tap into it like I I do really it sounds like to me that 642 especially the 642 maybe the 942 you've already accounted for everything so there hopefully won't be any reason to raid that um so I that's just another observation I would I would like to make it uh yeah we uh management and I we went through it uh we're trying to and again as you know I like to be conservative on my revenues and uh uh you know uh aggressive on my expenditure because you know if I'm going to have a bad day I'd rather it that more cash drops to the bottom line than than not so uh so that's our that that's the overall general fund uh full service Town providing coner Service uh we should be on every magazine in in the world at this point anyway uh so uh so now now so now what we're doing is we're going into a separate fund okay so we're out of the general fund and we're going to go into a separate fund fund still under our control and that's the discretionary sales tax fund now what is the discretionary sales tax fund I I wanted to just give you a little brief story here right and so it's it applies to the first $5,000 of any single taxable item motor home or mobile home vehicle boats aircrafts and apparently there's a lot of those purchases in Palm Beach County so uh so but anyway but but here's the other thing too that that we should notice about this this one expires 2026 okay so now so what what do we do with that fund right it's it's an extra it's that one it's that one extra percent that when something is bought in Palm Beach County they give the town of Highland Beach their proportionate share based on the population and so so historically you know it's been around if we look here actuals in 2023 is about 422,000 in change already year-to date through April I'm at $241,000 that we've accumulated we still got many many months to go so I'm anticipating you know we'll get about $413,000 this year so I I I was a little bit conservative there I said all right you know what we'll we'll get $415,000 and and change in uh uh got some investment uh earnings there uh and so what what do we do with that well that's when replenish a lot of our Capital assets vehicles uh ATVs whatever whatever Long Live we don't use it to pay the electric bill you know we don't use it to to pay salaries we we don't use it that we use it for more tangible uh uh Capital your your major Capital costs uh boats we we bought I think one year we we we bought your marine marine boat with it and so it is good but keep in mind in the future you and your staff we try to plan out five years you know we have this on our Horizon that in 2026 that that $400 is gone so we're anticipating that so anyway so up here is your revenues again our budget we match revenues and expenditures okay and so we think that we're gonna we're going to spend about $711,000 and I'm sorry that's how much revenue we're going to have come in and we're going to we're budgeted right now to spend it all and here's what we're going to spend it on a lot of public work stuff right so you see as as we talked about an earlier slides a our AC unit in town hall some some PLC switches the front entry sign entrance right the front entrance doors and things like that you know that we're going to do uh we got some Road and Bridge work a lot of that engineering things like that we got the Bel Bello bridge that we are responsible for so again the on you remember the police department you remember they came in and and they they needed the body cameras and things like that that's like a fiveyear commitment so we're we're we're gonna we we included that so out of all of those so so back here let's go back this right here is what we're planning on spending $711,000 and this these are the capital things that we're going to uh invest in we got we need uh a a Beach utility vehicle uh to ride up and down the Beach the salt water really damages our existing stuff some of our other stuff is belt driven which uh doesn't seem to be too reliable in this atmosphere uh but let's say we spend all that let's say we spend all that so here's our fund balance so here here's going to be our fund balance so we're going to go from $671,000 right and we're going to spend we're anticipating that let me back up if I'm only bringing in 415,000 I need to pull the rest $273,000 I need to pull that from our for this fund's Reserve so that's what that shows right there that that's what that 270 279 is so not only am I going to use the money that we're going to get in from the state of Florida but I'm also going to use up some of our excess reserves here that we have $600,000 but that still leaves us $392,000 left so that's what we do with that fund that's it it's an and out and and that's what we would do with that fund are they the discretionary fund is that applicable to all the things we have to spend or is it limited to certain things it's usually limited to capital capital Rel longstanding assets it has to have of Life generally over three years if you can it's generally kind of our Benchmark uh to to use those dollars um we tend not to spend them every year so that number you know kind of like how the reserves kind of what drops out it depends on what we get to how much the actual costs um are but it's usually heavy ass I don't we don't do water and sewer assets uh out of that because Water and Sewer through the the fee structure covers its own Capital uh building department Capital doesn't so basically you're thinking your Public Safety library is basically what you're using um that for yeah those those items there yep yep but you know keep in mind that it does end you know it does end in December and so when it ends do you close out this fund at some point yeah so what'll happen is as you'll see as you'll see just like anything else that ends it stops trickling in and uh you spend out the the remaining balance of it and that'll go away and then you just close it out yep you just close it out and so what happens is in the future when you need these items you get it that's that's the general fund these right here are general fund dep departments okay public works right police fire safety whatever maybe I need a new 10 key calculator you know where you throw it in so but anyway you know so but yeah these right here are kind of the things that that that we look at so so now what we're going is so we left the general fund we talked about your discretionary sales tax fund okay now we're going into uh the building department excuse me one quick question yes sir the discretionary fund that that's ending is that by legislation that it ends at that point yep so something may happen may happen in its place well the County elected not to move forward with that right they would rather do something else for themselves in their Road program I believe is what they decided with the TPA is to do roads versus this universal one and the schools uh ventured out on their own as well so the local communities are not going to have this fund available uh for them so yeah it it truly is coming to an end unless something happens but I just don't see it in the the political Horizons that the county wants to do this so are we forced to spend it all by that date no I I I don't believe we're forced to spend it all that that's just when the uh the the water valve that trickles in gets shut off right and so we're still committed it is still what we would call a restricted fund it's restricted and so yeah we would just would just spend out the the remainder balance my strategy is we spend those dollars first though before we spend ours so don't worry they'll be spent before we spend our Reserve dollars right yeah is the idea um to set up another Reserve uh to keep funding this or some under some other name no after that no you know this right here comes this is that extra Penny right for for those major purchase uh the State of Florida even sends it to us separately than your Ed Ed taxes and things like that so it is very separated once it's gone then yeah then we'll we'll we'll just spend this down you know so we we'll average you know we might have it might carry us forward so let's see so if we if we uh if this ends in 2026 you know we we might it might take us uh 2027 2028 right to say Hey listen guys this is the it's almost like the arpa funds right the government gave the money we said all right and yep we're scheduled to to be done with that so yeah okay yep so now we're in the building department your building department is like everything else in Highland Beach phenomenal uh and uh and at the end of the day uh so uh no so again and as you're aware you know charges for services permits things like that uh that makes up the The Lion Share of it this this fund is obviously still benefiting from that great decision that this board made to enter into an interlocal agreement with uh Gulf Stream to continue uh and so what we have is you have uh so again we're we're we're not we're not we have the revenues we're being very very conservative with you know uh how much that's going to increase were our our investment earnings again I was just trying to be conservative and what I think we're going to earn on interest but it's just very very conservative so this one here you know we're anticipating that it'll go up by $345,000 now the biggest driver of that is you'll see here we're going to pull some money out of the building Department's excess reserves okay so the building department just like the discretionary sales tax fund has its own Kitty of reserves just like the general fund has its own Kitty of reserves well so does the building department right and so we're anticipating that uh that that they're going to pull some of that out and so right now but here are the costs this is the cost to run your your building department so you have your personnel cost you have your operating expenditures which the operating expenditures is that hybrid model that we use with cap gov where Inspection Services we don't have to carry the full labor burden of having an inspector inh house we offshoot that to a third party contractor they do it on our behalf obviously under the building department supervision and so but we what we are going to do is oh we kept the transfers the same right we kept the transfers the same at at 500,000 what's that transfer well that's a transfer from the building fund into the general fund right it it covers overhead okay that's the idea and what I have to do every year as part of the audit I've got to uh uh defend that dollar amount so what I do is I take a certain percentage of all of our salaries labor pension health insurance costs and I allocate that and I show the Auditors the allocation to justify that as far as that goes and so what what are they going to be doing let's look back here so what I have here is I have that uh they're going to do about $412,000 they're going to use up some of their excess reserves for some capital for some Capital that that need to be done over there in the building department so what are they going to do well they're going to uh office improvements over there they're gonna that department there since a lot of the wear and tear on this side of our complex is more trucks and heavier Vehicles things like that uh the the building official graciously said that he would contribute uh that amount of money to uh to help repave uh our roads here they got some software and some other equipment but look at up here they have 485 days of operating cash so if we don't get another building dep if we don't get another building permit if we don't get another call over there for over a year right this fund can survive and so uh again very healthy healthy fund balance we're going to use the excess uh funds that are in their uh fund balance we're going to use that to do some of these Capital Improvements that they will benefit from but also the town will benefit from now let's go into the water so again water revenues uh water revenues you know uh have have increased we're we're anticipating as part of our fiveyear program and we'll see where Debt Service falls off and and so on and so forth but uh we'll see where where we have our our 8% water rate uh baked into these numbers here right we I I'm just being conservative with our investment earnings uh see this in fund transfer right that that there see how it's down so the general fund is not going to be sending the water fund money anymore preliminary obviously you get to make those decisions I just provide you with the data but at the end of the day that's why that one there went down and so what they're going to do is historically we've always balanced the budget by pulling from excess reserves so let's let's see what that looks like but before we do that let's just look at some history of our water right and so and so here the top line here this is gallons we measure water in thousands of gallons and so you can see here the reason why we do this it takes out the effects of any rate increases right so I'll I'll show you where our Revenue looks like with the rate increases but just let's look at the raw gallons that we're using now keep in mind we have six billing Cycles one through six for this fiscal year one through six for this fiscal year right now we're right here I estimated what we're going to do here a conservative estimate that way I can kind of get at where do I think we're going to be at the end of the year so this right here is water again compared to the prior year in 2003 uh usage is is anticipated to be up by almost 8% through the first three Cycles I know that we have seasonality typically we have have one one month or one cycle where seasonality obviously everyone goes back up north water doesn't start to use we don't see so much seasonality here with irrigation matter of fact that's when irrigation starts to pick up right the the hot summer months things like that so we are seeing irrigation irrigation is up about 1.3% so this is gallons used we're we're estimating this these these last three quarters because we're not there yet uh and so now let's look at the dollars well what did that do now what we're looking at is we're looking at Water Revenue up here in dollars and we're looking at irrigation Revenue in dollars here so overall with uh with usage as usage increases as well as as rates increase that translates into here that overall we're anticipated to be up almost 11% through the first three cycles of 24 and we're looking like we're going to be up by almost 11% for irrigation through the first three cycles of 24 now a lot of that has been achieved with making sure that we change out our meters we have older meters meters don't slow down as they get meters don't speed up as they get older they slow down so we tend to watch this very carefully overall here are expenditures so we anticipated a five increase a 5% increase uh in uh staff salaries and and related uh we uh we we did the same thing with our operating expenditures we're we're anticipating chlorine things like that we tried to be very very uh conent or or focus on what those costs for operating expenses were going to be capital outlay you know Capital outlay we estimated about $500,000 here look at The Debt Service and we'll get to that next but look at The Debt Service Debt Service drops off we were in the our mortgage payment was in the millions of dollars right now it drops off to $810,000 you know and so that that's a good thing uh we have reserve for contingencies and again we have transfers there so everything here is working according to plan this right here is your debt service that's where we're at right now these right here are your notes uh I'm hoping in my lifetime that we get to see these interest rates again but I'm not gonna hold my breath so but anyway uh so yeah these right here are are all the different types of loans that we have that that that are in the water department uh this is when they they mature this is the interest rates that we have and so when we get to uh this right here is the balance $ 5.17 million at the end of fy2 that's what we'll still have have to do but the good news is we uh we reduce another $370,000 this year just like we did uh this year and next year let's look at fund balance let's look at how many days cash does this fund have if we never sell another thousand gallons of water right and so that that's what this is if you recall we had to transfer funds for the for the fire department rightfully so we transferred the arpa funds from the water and sewer departments we transferred that about $1.5 million we transferred that from the water and sewer fund to get the fire department up and running and and ready but at the end of the day uh we'll have 131 days of unrestricted fund balance available to us question yes so um the subtitles they both say fiscal year 2025 oh yeah I'm so sorry 2024 I'm so sorry yes this right here this right here should be 2024 okay this right here is from our audit okay from 2023 or beginning balance a good catch I'll I'll correct oh I just and then um so I'll just uh an observation um the minimum that the water consultant recommended was I think 120 days um of cash operating cash on hand so you know we're there and I think the other thing I remember is this is like the low point I think from here the projections show that the days of cash grow grow right so we are at the bottom point Y and hopefully going forward at um in previous in next year yeah uh that days of cash will only go up ab yeah and this right here is what we're anticipating to spend you know that that see that 560 right there that 560 is let me go back is right there the five uh the five I'm sorry Capital out life 560 right there right so so these right here other than your operate your your your operating Personnel your oper in expenses here's your Capital outlay here's your debt service here's your transfers we have a little bit of $25,000 which we typically put in in for the water water fund uh but this is how it's allocated you know it it is a nice P when you look at the $100 bill graphic there right it is it is a well-balanced water fund you know where we have the appropriate amount here for for labor pensions Insurance workman's compensation and then you have your operating expenditures here you have your Capital outlay here and you have your debt service here and so it it it it is very very well balanced and so again I think what's helping is obviously uh The Debt Service dropping off uh and these right here are this uh for fy2 these right here are the capital dollars that we these are the things that we plan on replacing and still after we replace that we'll still have about 131 what I call operating days cash what operating days cash is that's just operating expenditures that's not any Capital but and then I added another one here fund including capex just to give us a a ballpark of of where we think we'll be but again these come into to play what these come into to play with is if we have to go out for uh bonding or or we have to raise additional money right all these things are what the rating agency looks like before uh this fund wasn't able to stand on its own in order to get its own financing that's why it had to rely on the general fund as a back stop not saying that's ever going to go away but at the end of the day the more healthier you can show your water and sewer fund of the ability to sell Bonds on the open market can easy do we anticipate a point where we're going to have have to uh have more debt where things get worn out and need to be replaced I don't think so I think we can manage it with cash on hand and the rate structure um we do a good job as you've been through there the guys take a really good care of that water plant it's still figuring you know it's what 12 years old and it's spotless you know um and they take care of the trains they do all these capital projects like the the the port seals and uh Rings right if you don't do that like you what what is that if you don't do that those treatment trains basically explode and fall apart you then you got to spend you know $500,000 to get a whole new but if you keep maintaining them back flush rotate yeah um so our our maintenance schedule is pretty good so I think we'll be okay but there'll be some years where you might have just your Capital project might be a like the whole treatment section one whole strand so I think right now we're good the structure is in good shape um yeah we're taking care of the acid tanks those will last a while the degasifier I mean we're taking care of some of those bigger rusting items you see out there so yeah wa water and sewer is predicate it here's another I'll jump in so what we did uh so Sergio and Pat looked into this instead of you know waiting anticipating repainting of the elevated storage tank and the maintenance of the storage tank we entered into an annual contract act so they're obligated under that period of time to undertake all the internal improvements the painting the exterior but we take care of it over time by paying an annual premium to them to do it they take care of everything and if something breaks earlier it's they're obligated under contract to move forward that in the capital period so that's the risk they take um with their planning for us but we do that every year so you don't have a big you know $600,000 tank painting project or something of that nature yeah absolutely and with water and sewer it's it's a it's like owning a boat right constant M and so and so you want to make sure uh you want to make sure that your staff is appropriately investing in capital capital outlay otherwise it becomes deferred and what happens when it becomes deferred is it just cost more money in the future and then it's it's just exacerbating you know and so uh so we're we're doing a good job there um again 131 days a cash on hand which is good uh it's healthy uh we we would have we would have had more but it would have just been sitting there and so remember we we transferred the funds that we received from the federal government uh to the fire department to finish that now let's look at the sewer so let's look at the other side right sewer is a little bit different here's why we we we don't we don't have Staffing there we have lift stations right which but I will tell you that sewer is a lot more corrosive uh a lot more uh uh Capital intensive when something breaks it's it's a big problem you know and so and so that's the focus there so again where we've added the grant Revenue here now you see 400 you see I can't see that far anymore $430,000 or whatever for for Grant well that's a combination of the arpa funds plus uh I I was conservative I I I'll adjust that I think it's 275 or or right now right now my preliminary budget had 250 in there uh but at at the end of the day and we also anticipated uh a rate increase uh and so um and so we're we're we're going to achieve that here here's what the uh here's what's happening on uh the Wastewater side just like you should see a correlation between the amount of water that people use right versus the amount of water that gets treated now we uh in the water and sewer industry we we don't build you the same because we understand that you're Watering your garden you're you're uh cleaning the cars so so usually the rates reflect that so much and that here what we do is we don't charge you anything above a certain gallon you know what I mean and so and so let's say you use 30,000 gallons of water uh you know you'll only be buil on the sewer side I think by 10,000 gallons because we understand that not all of that is going down the pipe and being treated so it is fair uh and so we can see here right we saw that water was it about 11% increase right all right so was about almost a little bit a 10% increase right the reason why is because uh it's not all going it's not all being treated keep in mind uh Delray also treats our sewers so we're responsible for the collection and and the pumping between I think we have six lift stations right those are critical we have to keep dual pumps in them because they start with one fails we need to back up okay you always need to redundancy especially on water and sewer and so and so we can see here you see okay you remember I have through three Cycles so this right here is actual okay and this is what I'm forcasting now uh this is use uh this is treatment okay because we don't use sewer uh and uh this right here is is this this what this represents is this usage multiplied by the the the rate per thousand so this right here is the rate Revenue but we're we're still seeing that seeing that um increase which is good and so on the expenditure side what are we looking at well we're looking at operating expenditures going up a little bit less than 5% our Capital outlay right we're we're we're looking at about $450,000 and and I'll show you what what we're going to be replacing in our capital outlay we have a transfer so what does this fund do this fund here transfers funds over to the water department the reason why is because the water department and Sewer Department they they work hand inand the water department has all your labor and and and uh retirement savings and and health insurance and all that cost so it makes sense to transfer a little bit over but notice we we might have to we look at that because it looks like for the last three years we've kept the transfers the same 220 220 220 so we may look at kind of possibly rebalancing that let's look at what some of the new numbers are okay but but we'll look at that and you can see this right here is your operating expenditures you remember there's no labor cost in there okay D direct labor cost and so uh we had a slight increase uh remember that the increase in our operating expenditures is based on our contract for sewage treatment with with Del re so that that's what happens in that fund there but now let's look at their fund balance let's look at how much EX excess they have for future repairs so remember we transferred funds from this from this fund over to the the uh the fire department we have almost 400 Days this right here are the major projects that we're going to be looking at uh for 2025 to redo uh so that's why back here when I was looking at how healthy this system was here that's why here I was looking at oh maybe you know what maybe we need to rebalance that a little bit you know may just to be fair you know uh so so we'll we'll look at that on on kind of our next rendition of this but right now I I didn't want to muddy up the water with with a bunch of changes because we just came off of a big change fire department's done fire person no more water being trans rate the the general fund transferring money over so there was just a lot of moving Parts I wanted to keep certain things the same in this first round but again healthy it's got a healthy fund balance there to tackle these things what are the next steps well this is today I'll be meeting with the Fab kind of to walk them through see what they want to do uh see if they they they like what they're seeing see if they like the moves get their feedback from them we'll meet again in July what July what we'll have to do is we'll have to set the maximum millage yeah we'll have to set the maximum which doesn't mean it's going to be the millage it's just the max we can't go above it but right now your staff are confident that we don't have to raise that uh and then we keep having meetings and we keep on looking at this until our September uh deadline when we have to pull the trigger on this but I know that's a lot you have the detail in front of you staff will be continuing to look at water sewer looking at other types of expenditures rebalancing some things the next rendition we'll look at we'll look at where we're at in 2025 versus our original you know that was in 2023 when we did that original five-year forecast we'll look at what we had anticipated uh we have to account for obviously inflation we saw where inflation is starting to come down but in 2023 we were all scared about where inflation was going to go so but it's it's all good it's all good news in my opinion so will we get a print out of all these pretty slides you abut whatever you want do do we get any franchise fee from the cable or that or is the county get that or is that necess yeah no no that is in our general fund all right so it's in our general fund back here I'll show you let's go to the general fund good question let me see okay so this is general fund uh this is your let me oh let's go to revenues so revenues you see franchise fees oh right there right there it's about 3% if you go over to the next one here you can see it here franchise fees right tell you y yeah I I was watching the meeting with the county with that ctax when they voted not to do that anymore and they had all the small towns complaining because that's what they used to fix their roads and everything but they still voted to get rid of it yeah do you see any yellow flags yeah yellow flags yeah no as I said before you know uh this is how I believe our forefathers envisioned a town running itself you know even though other towns are scrambling because their discretionary sales taxs are running out to us it's just a little minor speed bump and we'll figure it out as we go along you know uh it's it's just an example of of of how things should be run and and again we thank the staff thank the board for uh for your support and and your direction your long-term thinking uh this is great now we have to hedge on these increases right on this increase remember over 76 78% of our Revenue comes from the general fund so so we've got to be careful we we gotta we gotta hedge on that that's why your staff is looking at all right this is GNA continue to go down right the the rate of infl is going to continue to go down so where does that where does that put us that's why decisions today to to to keep certain rates the same squirrel away in the good times in in the good season is is always is just smart your your debt levels are low your interest rates are phenomenal um and in the future we we'll be fine I think that was the thought process behind the decision originally which was don't lower it even though we can because it's going to come a day when we're going to need that little backup because instead of increasing it's going to drop yeah right there and so we need to prepare for that day yes yes you do we need to be the squirrels so I would agree with increasing the allocation um of the transfer for the sewer fund to the water um I yeah I I think should definitely do that um and then I also agree with uh keeping the tax rate steady and the comments that were just made um with respect to you know putting it into the reserves I think we all like the stability and um you know making sure we have the minimum amounts that we need and then now you know building up the reserves again you know even to the point where you know might be excessive because we know we're not going to have those increases um every year and we don't know when they're going to stop and so it's good to um to save those I guess in general I um am very pleased with The Debt Service rolling off I personally prefer that we don't borrow I I like to have a strong cash you know like a I don't want like to be leveraged you know so I guess I like I personally like the idea of letting these things roll off and that the town not be leveraged so I I really like um the direction we're heading there where all of that is is rolling off I'm very pleased with what you presented today thank you very much and uh thank you very much for um anticipating as much as possible the expenses you know that we have and then I also very much appreciate your long-term planning I know a lot of the result here is because of that five-year forecasting that you implemented um a couple of years ago so I think that is uh really excellent so yeah I thought this is a really good news excellent news thank you thank you yeah thank you d next item is public comments any we figured out how to thin the crowd Jack to 4511 ocean bulvard and proud this month of June 2024 to be a 28-year resident ofland Beach I'm getting to be an Oldtimer old um great presentation thank you very much thank you very much excellent and the numbers look great and I think we're moving along I just got two questions concerning the building Po and I Happ to see a gentleman back there knows Al a lot about it I it's I think I got my answer from your financial presentation over the last year and a half Jeff we've gotten hit with the whole recertification which has really meant a lot of Permitting when we get through this bubble is that going to affect our permanent staff here or we've just been using outside consultants and will not affect our permanent staff when we get through this bubble Jeffrey M of Highland beachs building U official so Jack the answer to your question is [Music] um it's not going to affect the staff right the the we we're bringing in plenty of uh revenue and the uh really good decision to work with Gulfstream has been very helpful and the percentage of fees I don't have the exact number on me but the percentage of fees that we're actually taking for the restoration projects is is uh relatively low in comparison to the regular uh meat potatoes of what we get done if that answers your question thank you Jeff I do have to admit I was wrong a long time ago when I was me and others were against the Gulf Stream I think it's turned out to be a very valuable thing for this town and helping us and generates extra revenue and kind of keep some of our people busy when this low time's here so I think it's been a great idea thank you the other one's a real quick question that beach report that was done is that available to be seen could it be put on the website I thought skinder put it out there but I will double check an email to you yeah just let me know if it's on that and thank you very much as usual everybody very much appreciate your efforts thank you thank you very muched uh next item ordinances we have none consent agenda any discussion on the consent agenda if no we could have a mo motion I move we approve the consent agenda second all in favor say I I motion carries unanimously no unfinished business uh moving on to new business item a consideration of a Professional Services agreement with Wagner legal services pllc for special magistrate services yes um I we had a little bit of a foreshadowing at the last meeting uh this would be not this we talk not this one the next one okay this is okay so uh I put this on here a little bit sooner than I wanted just we're anticipating uh we're not going to have a physical Quorum here quite shortly for the code enforcement board and we don't want to put our staff in a situation where code issues aren't properly addressed so uh the idea is to bring uh Mr Wagner on uh the process is stipulated in the ordinance thanks for reminding me Lena yesterday so it's the exact same process but instead of the board you're going to have a special magistrate up here so um Len's looked at the contract everything seems good so everything's good and I know Mr Wagner he'll do a good job so he does a lot of big cities here too uh so he understands the residents um Del re bokeh Palm Beach Gardens Desta so um vast amount of experience ready to go again it's the same process um but this at least gives us a back stop to when we don't have enough code enforcement members to call a physical Quorum the risk to that too is that you may be able to hit a Corum with four but that looks terrible for due process when somebody has a right to seven people to vote on their case and only four show up so this gives us ability to keep continuity of operations as we deci decide what if anything we want to do uh with that his resume is outstanding he obviously knows what he's doing in this area and yeah also sometimes personalities get involved and he has no dog in this fight yeah so his personality would not be in conflict with anyone appearing in front of him so I think this is a great idea we don't pay him unless he does something it's all good I support it as well I think it's a wonderful idea um I'm wondering um is there are we going to have discussion now about the how it's actually going to work if you want I just put this on just because I I'm anticipating here in the next six weeks we're going to be down to like three code members and no one's applying to be on the Cod so we're going to have a shortage um we knew we wanted to do this at least at a minimum for the very technical review points with fire and stuff uh which I'll get to you in the manager's update you know some of these buildings are really behind on fire systems and there's going to be some push backs and uh you know that's where you need a special magistrate really to handle these technical things and the the risk that goes around it so um but yeah what how are we you know the idea is you could use either one you could bifurcate the process based on the type of case or you just roll with a special magistrate until you get enough people and then you make that decision then I think it's particularly important to have that uh another level professional level um and take it out of the realm that it's not your neighbor making some of these very important decisions some very very high price tags um um and to apply the law strictly I think it's a great idea there this is the only resume that's coming before us is that right uh there was another uh gentleman that um what was that firm Jones Foster Jones Foster but it was like three times the cost and uh the gentleman was really kind of on the way out with work rather than still in it didn't seem overly excited about it or could be as a backup if we needed uh Mr Wagner was really good and appreciative and still in the game still going get it um active in this a lot more than the other gentleman so um just Len gave me the recommendation these are the two uh that do a really good job Wagner seems to do a lot Len does it too but he can't do both so both or we would have Len do it but um we gotta you know break it up a little bit he has the time for to allocate for us yep it's an interesting conversation as a professor too he you know yeah he an interesting uh conversation really is just just one I support it I just one one question uh I'm watching the code enforement meeting if someone is on the agenda and they come up in a presentation and it said it's been satisfied this I would assume comes off the docket and is not considered part of his duties yeah if it's resolved it's over correct there no judgment necessary right and we'll kind of make sure going forward that if all the cases get resolved that we we'll just cancel the meeting So to avoid incurring any costs great are decisions appealable they absolutely are so uh it's the same as for the board uh you can appeal a magistrate or board's decision to circuit court within 30 days will we have a transcriber will be recording or transcri we will record um I believe we record anyway so and that's all public record generally if it's a contentious case the respondent will bring a court reporter if they think there might be a likelihood of appeal that's how you can tell if it's going to be a contentious case right off the I do Jupiter and if I come in there's a court reporter I know I'm in for in for some fun for that day but yeah so generally we'll treat it the same way we've been treating it okay so I'm in favor as well I also um similar to Judy should we talk about how this is actually going to get implemented can we talk about that today or do you want to save that for another day I'm very curious and it could take multiple meetings too because I'm not really sure how if there's a um lawfully our ordinance spells out how the meeting is to occur whether it's the code Board of the special magistrate the ordinance says how you're going to conduct that meeting what the process is and it gives the option uh to us either one now the what some communities do is they kind of bifurcate that process where they take you know think of it like a class one violation they keep it at a code board level think like always leaving your garbage cans out well maybe neighbors would be fine uh you know working together on those or it could be something that's like a class three where it would be you know we've got a really a violation of the fire code system repairs of the fire code system is going to be you know $600,000 and they're all broken and Fire Marshal is like you got to fix this then you bring in a special magistrate that can come up with an order that matches the party's willingness to address it takes neighbors out of forcing condos to incur these large costs we've seen how this recertification program's gone people have really pushed back on the legislator for doing this so having a special Magistrate on those kind of trickier cases is good so either we can decide how we want to do that if you want to do that or do you just roll with the special magistrate for a while until you get a code board in um we I've noticed here when we do get code we've had a good code board you know um there's not a lot of training that goes into it so we're taking lay folks and sitting them in that quasi judicial role where they're basically binding legal orders and we don't really train our residents so maybe we got to do something in between too but I'm open I don't have any particular special magistrate for staff is easier uh it takes all the risk that scares me every day that somebody says something they shouldn't um or they you know get overzealous and maybe say passive fine that isn't appropriate or entertain a a a presentation from a a defendant that's a little bit beyond the scope of the case and it opens things up uh special magistrate kind of keeps it on on point but you know a code board tends to be a little more resident friendly opens it up unless people talk too maybe too much at times and too many issues you know it really how many people on the code enforcement seven current that's how many we have seven members right now yeah four are up in August and then one in September and then I think we have one resignation two recently resign so we have five plus four coming off in August that are term limited three are term limited so I mean we that's what I saw I saw someone is not on it anymore because they missed too many meetings so that's six and then there's a resignation we had well yes one person moved earlier this year moved out of the town of Highland Beach the other person uh you all got the email he's on vacation but he missed three consecutive and that deems him resign so right now there's just five and then we got right now four up in August three are term limited so they can't do it again so we're we're yeah not we want to rush people on the coding board I I know you guys do a good job at vetting it but like planning Co make sure uh case in point somebody wanted to be on it a few years ago and this commission was like you seem to have an ax to grind maybe that isn't the board for you um so we want to make sure we get the right people so we don't want to just throw people on to just to have a quorum you know want to make sure we get quality residents that really want to contribute on this board let risk and you how many are um tering out four total of two that's turning out completely when and what is the date of it September September yeah September we Tech technically have five five members their appointment in September so all the remaining members all the remaining five I think a couple can be reappointed Jane and Miles they're done they're term they hit the the two threeyear terms there's three for real only three so that take us to like that would four yeah you won't have a quarum and even the point of five or four isn't really fair because need you need you need a unanimous decision in order or just only one um so um so do we have uh Mr Wagner on so he's on backup now as I've say he's on backup so if for some reason ready to go and then he if the next meeting there's only three people then it automatically wag um does it but in the meantime um I guess do we want to discuss we just leave it as the five until until we get to or or maybe do we want to discuss once we get to four that's when you know this is a tricky this is really this is where you guys get paid the big bucks this where it comes in um I would say you go with the special magistrate for period of time just let the board sun set for a while see how the special magistrate goes if you're inclined to do it again we do a big push to see if we can't get seven folks that want to be on the code enforcement board it's harder to get code no one really this the first click I know I have two former code people in here um Jack you're on code where you years yeah see so I mean like it's you know people usually don't check that box it's usually like item four on their sele behind planning fab appeals and adjustment so it's just harder to get folks because they have to be here all the time and the same thing we're running with the Fab where we change the rules that you could have seasonal residents well the Fab's got to do budget work in the the summer and then we struggle to get a quorum because they're all gone for the summer and that's when we do all the budget work so code boards you need standing residents that are always here and that's hard at times it really is especially when you have a quick turnover like this to build that energy to get people back and to get good people back that really know what they're about to participate in yeah that's the that's the harder of at least with the Fab they can go to the meeting via zoom and still be they can't view it they can't vote but they could be there so that they because everybody would if you offer Zoom nobody shows up and and not so we're trying to get people to start getting the habit of coming back and then you could do one off onesie twosies on Zoom but when all of a sudden everyone's like I'll just do Zoom we have an empty Das under statute even technically for non quasa judicial you should have a physical quum that's four not just technically you should have thank you coun you need four always here but it's hard to get four and then sometimes technology there's glitch with technology if phone's looking at a ceiling fan I just don't know I'd like to hear public comments go ahead uh term limited so if someone if of these people who are dropping off I heard three or four term limited is there some point a year later can they reapply yeah is what's the attorney what's the what's that time period in between one year one year I can't remember what war said one year one year one year one year one year so if there were former code enforcement people out there like myself that was term limited after six years but that was 10 years ago or whatever uh we can reapply and other people who are also term limited can also reapply after one year correct I would be happy to get some publicity out on this I and this and any other openings that are out I would like to get something out because nothing against this gentleman who's the magistrate I think we're better off with a Citizens code enforcement board based on six years on it I think it you know people are involved and I think it's good so if that would be helpful I'd be happy to do something in the next day or two and get a a a email out about any open positions uh is the information on the agenda correct in terms of all the openings is we're GNA do will do it for everything yes they are correct but then we know there are some coming up in September so can I get a full list of what's coming up sure the the yes the list is always put in the manager monthly also but you yeah we'll get you one yeah okay if you could and so I can parot that back and let's see what we can do working together and try and see if we can get something out and get publicized because I really think people care about this town I think there just it's just hitting them in bugging them and letting them realize it so let's see what happens I guess I'd also like to hear people's so we I hear your opinion is that what most people think about this code enforce whether we want to do professionally or do we want am talk about well I guess it's public information about the magistrate yeah talk and and I'm going put in my own opinion that I really don't think we want to be going to a magistrate but you're being forced to go to a magistrate because of the lack of participation by people in this town I have a question for Jack um why what is your why is that your preference uh why is actually why are you negative you seem negative uh towards magistrate yeah well after being six years on the board as I said um I think it's best that if people are involved neighbors are involved they understand the situation they live here they know the nuances of living here and I I think that's it you know I have I don't know this gentleman from anywhere uh and I think if we need to use a magistrate we use a magistrate if we don't get people okay we do it but I think it's best that we can get our citizens to get involved thanks D you're welcome so my my comments are this um uh I'm concerned when I hear that they're not trained that our uh Community people serving do not get requisite training whatever that training um is determined to be to just come on and make an assumption that they know the code they know how to um just all the all the things that uh could happen might happen and the understanding about the code and how they could move off a bit or uh there's a lot going on when there's not training and when it's community so for that reason I like having and I think we should have the special magistrate immediately be there for the backup and uh and wait and see just what happens uh because I think it we could should have more of a discussion I could see it if we're going to have the community members still involved heavily trained properly trained that there's I I like the idea of a bifurcation of the more serious um code violations go to a higher authority such as a magistrate um but I'd like to look at the ordinance the code enforcement ordinance as a whole really I think review it this is an opportunity for us it's um the procedures are essentially statutory they're uniform throughout every municipality so basically our code reflects what it's in chapter 162 which is the statutory Authority and as Marshall said it's it's the same exact process with the magistrate and with the board they years ago when they when the legislature authorized use of magistrates they just said the magistrate could just be substituted for the board so it's the exact same process well with respect to the Quorum ex how many uh the terms of off office maybe there's a way that we can um increase the viability the attractiveness maybe the training portion would be of interest and supportive by the community uh I agree basically with Judy um first off I think we should approve this contract today that I think it needs to be put into place I think we need to operate with the magistrate at least for a little while and then we can see how it works and I also think that there may be a point where we want to bifurcate it where something that is really serious gets handled by the magistrate as opposed to something that somebody didn't take their garbage cans back in which there's a little more leeway with that with the magistrate everything's going to be cut and dried and I understand where Jack is coming from that everything would be cut and dried but when you get up to some of these more serious infractions then I want it to be cut and dried on a lower level I would like to see a little bit more give and take with the community but I think we need to see how it works before we can make any real decision as to how it's going to play out in the future does ingred go there those meetings who goes anybody superv Jeff and the code enforcement officer do do go to those um Adam predominantly you know if we if if the decision is to go code I think we do need to really amp up our training program we found I don't want to get into any details but there's been a couple of situations that are very unsettling to me some of you have heard them we can't have them right just can't can't do it so we have to do a better job training if we're going to go with it it's fine I just we're GNA have to really be intense on training how to conduct it in a semi judicial setting you know it's staying focused on the case not giving open plat forms for people to go off or trying to be too friendly and loose when you're going to be making a judgment so uh I think we got a little bit of work in both sides here to to to whatever that direction is I can just comment on my six years and what would happen is when something came up we were not trained that is correct but when something came up we did a site visit we had somebody from the building department came in they explained what's going on they told us what we were at they told us what we needed to know to make a decision so we were informed on that particular issue because there were different issues coming up all the time on the code enforcement and you can't really unless you go back to school for a long time you're really not going to know but the help of the building department when you're doing those site visits allows you to do that and yes I think you do need to sign this contract because if we don't get anybody we need to be covered vice mayor I'd like to hear from you yeah um I kind of lean towards the combination and I've watched all of the code enforcement board meetings this year and most of the things that comes up whether the fine should be reduced or cut out or that type of thing rather than what the violation whether it truly was a violation or not and I think as Marshall said earlier there's some more complicated higher violations I think we need the expertise on a majority of the cases I've seen the board can handle will fine with a little more training so as and I'm in favor of putting this person signing a contract now and determine how we move forward as we go go forward me it's the difference between trying a case in front of a judge and trying there in front of a jury a jury doesn't have training either but they get all the information they need but there are times that you don't want to go in front of a jury you'd rather go in front of a judge who has the training good point so I'm in favor of the contract I guess I'm just a little unclear on where do we move forward do we put this on a future agenda for more discussion on how do we implement it so maybe the next meeting let's let's formally put it on the agenda so that we get more I got some notes here I'll come up with some options what that could look like um and then you know what would a a formal training program I don't know that it's as much as content as much as it is process training to make sure you're keeping the meeting structured it's a very sober event and I don't know what a better word but it's very dry to the point no side com it's it's not the easiest board to be on too you know I always say doing code enforcement on a local community can be kind of the ugliest job too you have to go into people's private toage and tell them they can't do something it gets a little awkward so um you know just the process training it and it sounds like you guys kind of like kind of a bifurcated process I just got to Define that a bit and then come up with a more formal training when we get folks vet them train them whoever becomes the chair spend maybe a little bit more time so they could control the meeting okay so we're gonna probably approve this contract today not make any changes yet to the code enforcement board talk about it at the next meeting but if for some reason everybody resigns you don't have you don't have four then that we have the backup of the magistrate okay correct like that we can have a motion I move that we formally accept the Professional Services agreement with Wagner legal services for special magistrate Services I second that do you want a roll call yes commissioner David yes commissioner Goldberg yes commissioner Peters yes vice mayor Stern yes and mayor Moore yes motion carries excellent okay next item 10 B 202 24-16 and I believe it's a resolution with our entry signs or something like that I'm gonna let Len walked through this one he's done the legal review a little more closely than I have you got review that yesterday yeah yesterday it's a St I've seen this agreement a million times it's it's just a standard agreement with fdot anytime you want to install anything in there right away essentially they're saying you know it's at your apparel your cost your maintenance your risk um I believe it's this one's for a 20-year term so because you know it technically it says at the end you have to remove it but it could always be renewed after that but essentially anytime you put any and you know this from the Landscaping anytime you put anything in fds right away it's your responsibility not theirs so that's all the agreement is is allowing us to replace those signs okay this is the final step so you're saying after this we get our signs well after we sign it we send it back to them and then they take two weeks probably to do some processing three weeks of processing and then the sign company will show up and start working so before the end of the fiscal year we should see signs in the right away that's F time okay okay excuse me uh when they install it is gonna be any intrusion based upon the work that they're doing does it pay to wait a little while or if it's going to be fixed and not have to be moved we have to make sure of that so we coordinated this with uh Brad and his team with the fop project we're outside of the fot right away we'll make sure they're not you know doing work right at that location and then it's secured in place and then we'll follow up after installation we'll Gussy up the landscaping and fix the lights and things of that nature okay I think it's going to be more of a problem potential problem at this North End of town than at the south end of town because that's kind of out of the way anyway uh I don't I don't need to discuss this I think we just approve it I'm good with definitely we can have a motion I move that we approve resolution number 2024 d016 second that all in favor say I motion carries unanimously moving on to town commission comments commissioner Goldberg well I want to thank um the the entire Finance team um certainly the you know the conservative and financially uh stable uh budget that we have um is so very important that's that's what this community wants uh to be able to be so effective in submitting such comprehensive uh report to us for review that we'll be doing in the uing weeks um I thank you it's wonderful for us as a board to um have this presentation to work from um and um it's it's very gratifying that everything that we had down our strategic plan it seems that we have met it we we're sitting very financially comfortable better than comfortable and we may be looking at a few little few years that'll be a little more strident in in our views and it's consistent with everything that we've done and everything that we're looking forward to so um I thank the town everyone that works here it's it's wonderful thank you yeah thank you David that was a good presentation and I I agree with the mayor I love reserves and money for that rainy day and more money we can put in that you never know what's going to happen in the future and i' just like to wish everybody a happy summer and keep our fingers crossed for no storms thank you David it is a pleasure doing budget work with you as opposed to when I first got on this commission where it was a very different process and it was painful this is not painful this is logical cohesive we get pretty pie charts that we can see where everything is working and it works and we make fiveyear plans and amazing three and a half years in they actually work to me that's great so thank you really to you and your team because this is terrific I Echo that thank you David and just a comment for those uh units and condos who have not had the inspection yet from the fire department it's wonderful that there 's no permit charge for it however you're probably going to find it's going to be extremely expensive to come up to Cod uh that's been lacking in the past it's necessary but from what I've seen so far very detailed inspection an example is fire fireproof cabinets where paint would have to go in rather than being stored in a you in a uh uh in an open storage area in a garage or something they're pretty complete and then what they're asking for and probably in the long run it's a good thing um yes thank you David for an excellent uh budget presentation um you really synthesize it for us in a very understandable actionable way and so we really appreciate that um and I also want to say thank you to representative uh goset Sidman I think uh she is the one behind these Appropriations um and I mean that's a huge benefit to us I mean you know if you think of the 642 th000 that we're being able to send to reserves I mean we got the 275 last year and the 27 that's 550,000 right there I mean you can almost attribute her efforts to the amount that we're putting towards the reserves I mean that's it's really excellent um and really is an incredible accomplishment considering in 75 years we haven't received anything like that so uh a big huge thank you to representative go Sidman and everyone else um who is a part of that um Town attorney anything else no May thank you Town Manager David David so we have a joke uh skender bought in this book and it was no David no you know so uh he's great to have in the office Good Financial mind thank you David for keeping us on course um keeping me from wandering so thank you uh great work um also kind of going to what the uh vice mayor it's our fire rescue Department they're going to work with you those in the condos we're finding things that should have been fixed 30 years ago mmhm or should have been inspected annually that aren't that just haven't I don't know how we got here I mean we can all kind of gas but um so now you know with Matt and uh Chief Joseph working the case you should have a a fire alarm that works you should have a sprinkler system that sends out water those are you know the the little stuff we're not going to beat everybody up is it paint stored in the right you know we'll work with you guys on that and that's not the thing it's just some of these systems are just not working like fire pumps that just aren't working I'm scared you know when I hear these reports so that's you know we're we're going to work and come up with a process to help because we know that the recertification program was painful um but again you know these are Life Safety Systems so those that's going to be the priority but there are some some condos that I I don't know how we got here but they just nothing works so we're going to have to get things to work um but you know Matt and Chief Joseph have made the commitment they'll work with the condos come up with a a Cooperative plan to phase it in because we understand some of the pain that's involved at a cost um uh but yeah we're finding uh you know Fire Systems just not in operable conditions and that's their priority uh the storage of materials this and that which will be a pain in the butt for all the condo presidents in the room yeah I know I know your maintenance guy puts that there this there we'll have to clean that up a bit but that that's not the big issue the big issue is I want to you know if somebody pulls an alarm it goes off tells you to leave you know if the the suppression system goes on water comes out you know right those things were probably going to be a little bit heavier on getting you to fix those things sooner rather than later but the other stuff we'll get to in time and uh make sure that works but we will be be working with you all again the budget season is here we're in great shape um proud to you know again report our our financial strength is impeccable uh Second To None we're maintaining our you know low tax structure and still doing all these capital projects so again thank you for your support David thank you um also uh new assistant in the manager's Office Madison nun is gonna be our new executive assistant she'll be helping myself David Leno the F management team uh with the projects and tasks so if you need anything you can't find me just find her and uh we we'll we'll get things for you as soon as we can I think we made copies of the presentation before you leave so you can take those home if you have any questions for those to me any changes you'd like to see or discuss offline uh let me know uh otherwise thank you thank you thank you very much announcements uh board vacancies Board of adjustment and appeals board we have one vacancy for a three-year term so do we um Miss Jones does she fill this vacancy or there's still a vacancy on that natural resources there's still one vacancy after um so there's a vacancy on the natural resources preservation Advisory Board upcoming meetings and events the town hall Hall is closed in observance of June juneth June 19th um July 4th town hall is closed in observance of Independence Day July 9th at 9:30 we have a board of adjustment and appeals regular meeting so what's not on here when's our next town Commission meeting July 23rd so this is the purposed break and it times to the day to which we have to pass the um truth and millage resolution for the maximum uh so uh this is your summer break period if you will from regular meetings until July 23rd then we'll be back into August sept then we'll be back into the double double months three times a month maybe if we need a work session but I'm not seeing a work work session on the horizon everything seems to be working out well and David's kind of explained it clearly enough for each of you should you have any detailed questions we could be able to address it and anything from the Fab so um July 23d answer okay so normally our meeting would have been July 16th but it is July 23rd instead correct that's correct and not the earlier one either not the first week correct the July 2nd we struck when we talked about the um right listed meetings um because it's too close to July 4th and all that um so instead of the so July 23rd is our next town commission meeting at 1:30 correct and then sorry after that is uh July 27th at 10: am is the financial Advisory board meeting which is when they hear the budget umid they hear the budget next week June 27th I think this is like their this their quarter meetings July so they're going to meet SEC month to month so they could pick up anything if they miss it on July that's that's really a June okay okay okay okay so next Thursday the Fab meets at 10 am to go over the budget in here okay so that should be June 27th at 10: am not July for the financial Advisory board meeting okay that that makes sense I'm sure they don't want to meet so frequently um board action uh report we have that one that we already discussed about the um inadequate attendance which puts us in Peril for the um number of people on the code enforcement board okay well with that it's 3:37 we can adjourn thank you very much everyone thank you