e e e e e uh mayor Moore present vice mayor Stern present commissioner David present commissioner Peters present commissioner Goldberg present Town attorney Ruben present Town manager lebid is here we have a meeting in a quorum excellent thank you can we all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all are there any changes to the agenda if there are no changes may we have a motion I move that we accept the agenda as presented second all in favor say I I anyone opposed motion carries unanimously moving on to presentations and proclamations item a resolution number 2024-the Florida ratifying the selection appointments and term of office of members of the financial Advisory Board and providing for an effective date and I'd like to call to the podium Maggie chapelier as she is uh volunteering for this position could state your name and where you live my name is Maggie legal name Margarita like the drink chapelier and uh where you live and if you could tell us a few things about yourself all right I'm ready for this my husband and I moved to Highland Beach in 1986 while we were building some projects up here we drove up from Miami and I said this is it this is where I'm living I raised my family here and I've served on boards the natural resources board I also ran for commissioner and that was such a great education for me I think we have the best commission since I've lived here we've ever had best town manager best Fire Chief and chief Harman so I'm familiar with everyone here and I just love it here so John and I we've been involved in different things in Highland Beach including the Marine Patrol boat trying to get that boater safety I worked on the manate project with uh your last mayor Hillman I also worked on uh Dune restoration I put on a seminar or two I have a PowerPoint on the town's website on how homeowners can do their own Dune restoration because we're not allowed because it's private beaches I've worked on the Milani Park project and I presented to the Palm Beach commission my idea for a pocket park that would have a less uh parking and concrete parking lot impact on um what's going to happen at Milani Park and they were receptive to my idea of 20 to 30 spaces so I'm hoping that I can help the town since we are getting the park I'm going to try to work on that on our behalf also um for this i' I've been a natural resources board member and co-chair my goal now is to be on your financial Advisory Board I have a strong accounting background I worked on my MBA a lot of accounting classes I started off in Miami after I graduated from Florida State as a property manager and then eventually became the controller for the company that's where I studied my MBA then I uh well we ran our own business recently we're running our own business and I am the controller I'm also the one that assesses new deals I analyzed uh deals for our business uh I am presently the condo association president of my Association I was the uh overseer of new when we build a new condo project I'm the overseer of turning it over to the association serving as like almost like their first President I have property management experience and I also have for formal training in research and Analysis when I studied my doctorate in curriculum and instruction I also have computer skills that are very important that for this job that include Excel I do AutoCAD and PowerPoint I'm my communication skills are second to none whenever I was asked to do a project for mayor Hill I would come through with a PowerPoint which he presented to people here so as I said before I'm co-partner with my husband John we name of our company is Eastland realy Partners LLC we have a website called Eastland properties if you want to look us up.com I'm Curr currently Consulting for a $400 million project luxury project on the beach in Palm Beach County and what we do is whatever needs to be done uh I do performas I write my own Excel income and express expense performas and I also am the author of our own uh Prof foras to analyze deals I also do market analysis and all these skills are transferable for whatever the town needs to meet their financial goals I sat down with David your financial director and he said I can say this I have a micro and macro under understanding of the budget and to me that's the qualification that's needed for this job okay well thank you very much um I guess we'll go through each of the Commissioners commissioner Goldberg if you have any questions go ahead well I I just want to applaud you for and thank you for for coming forward um to apply for The Advisory Board um the um the background it's very important working on understanding the budget that right the strong financial uh background that you have um your education is it a business degrees are they educ I have an undergraduate business degree from Florida State I have MBA studies in accounting uh one of the courses I took was uh quantitative it's called q&b quantitative methods of business analysis and so on I have a master's and specialist degree in curriculum and instruction and I also was a doctoral candidate at Fu I got down to doing my thesis and unfortunately we moved to Washington DC for a brief period of time and at that point I decided oh I think I'll study interior design at the local school and I got my degree in interior design so I have an understanding of architecture Cad and and value engineering and all that good stuff for commercial jobs I specialize in commercial jobs well you you certainly also have the experience here in the town familiarity with the board what we look at what we analyze and I support your candidacy for this position thank you Judith and that's a real good compliment I appreciate that Maggie I wish I had your energy I uh I you know a senior work in a natural res Resource Board and I probably agree with our financial that you have the micro and macro management uh thing there and I see Ron complimented it and said you'd be a good asset and I think you'll be a great access on the board thank you I want to work hard for the town I do like all of us right thank you uh I don't have any questions for Maggie I'm familiar with Maggie and her background speaks for itself so thank you thank you for volunteering you're extremely well qualified and be a great addition to the board thank you thank you I will bring diversity yes thank you for volunteering and for all that you've done for the town so far all the things that you've mentioned have really had impact on our uh community and um I I value that highly just the involvement and and you're very knowledgeable of what's going on in the town and so I think that's really important I love Highland Beach two miles of paradise let's keep it that way guys three three okay that's it thank you very much we can have a motion please I move that we I move we approve resolution number 2024 d013 second I'll second that do we want a roll call or do you roll call I can do this okay uh commissioner David yes vice mayor Stern yes commissioner gold yes commissioner Peters yes mayor Moore yes motion passes congratulations he thank you moving on to item 5B I'll call Chief Hartman to the podium please mayor Commissioners good afternoon uh thank you for this uh Proclamation before you today to recognize the work and the efforts of the Town manager who really is that one person that was integral to the uh to the successful successful creation of the Highland Beach fire rescue uh Department uh for those of us the the staff the department heads uh that saw firsthand all the work the time uh and effort that it took the town manager into this project of of leading and managing every aspect of it uh from really from conception uh to completion was was quite a bit uh the hurdles that the challenges uh some of the roadblocks uh that he had to deal deal with all of the funding managing construction project that came in on time under budget procurement of of all of the assets vehicles uh certainly in in the selection process uh hiring uh and selecting personnel and and certainly the right Personnel how important that was uh for this project and and creating that fire department that we all knew we we could have and and should have and uh and one that we're excited to be a public safety partner with now uh for the town I know mayor that you you publicly uh thanked and acknowledged a town manager at at the ceremony but I think this this Proclamation is so important for our residents to know that that all of us uh understand and and appreciate and and value the contribution that the town manager made to get this project uh to where it is and certainly this this Proclamation uh puts forth uh that for us what would we say for the town so thank you for doing that absolutely thank you Chief Harman and I'm going to give everyone on the dis an opportunity to say something so start with uh commissioner Goldberg there's anything you'd like to say well Marshall you know I I think that um from all aspects of working uh with the commission and every member of our team here as well as the public um it your service has been outstanding it's outstanding and it's also in the way you are it's not just the work that you do and you do both so very well I thank you I thank you uh for myself personally on behalf of the commission and the community we're very very proud yeah i' just like to say a few words the uh I think Marshall bleeds Highland Beach I don't know what color the blood would be maybe the light blue I think or um he wakes up he's thinking about I mean he keeps us I mean he he runs a town and uh what a great job he does he all this time he had do the fire department with the chief just said they're handling that uh we we're one big family here and we all are cohesive and we all get along and he's a part of that and thank you Marshall you're part of our family I've worked with Marshall for almost six years now shortly after he came aboard which was to be fair the only good thing the board before me did just stop the cuff but there are as far as I'm concerned there aren't enough accolades to thank him for what he does for this town he truly makes working here a pleasure and he keeps tight rain on everyone and I am beyond grateful for all that he does so thank you great job nobody can go to you and say it can't be done it couldn't be done you did it in outstanding fashion and I thank you on behalf of thank you yeah Marshall I mean it's really an incredible accomplishment um what you did um you know I just remember starting out with the study uh that we had um just just from the very beginnings of this all and all that it took all the groundwork you know before even you know all the stuff that we see the construction of the building the hiring of the people there was so much that was done prior to all that um going getting all the licensing that we needed just laying all the groundwork it just so impressive the the um skill that that required such a a long project and um really just is so impressive for a town of our size to to do something like this that hasn't been done for 30 years in in this County um so yes from my family from the community thank you very much we very much appreciate you and um you know we are just so grateful for all that you you do for us and and this fire rescue is a is you know something very visible and tangible that is proof of of your accomplishment so and I know you didn't do it alone but IU have a um excellent ability to appoint the right people in the right places and retain them I think that's another you know it's one thing you know to hire them hire good people and put them in in in good positions and leveraging their strengths but then also to retain them is also another uh reflects you know the skill that you have so thank you very much and uh so I'm going to read the entire Proclamation because you know um you know it's just such a a wonderful thing so uh I'd like to read this Proclamation recognizing and commending town manager Marshall labid whereas the members of the town of Highland Beach gather today to commemorate the significant Milestone of the implementation of the town's first fire rescue department and whereas in 2021 the town commission authorized a comprehensive study of Fire Rescue services for the town and determine the feasibility of creating its own fire rescue department and whereas a referendum was passed with the town residents voting overwhelmingly over 90% to start their own fire rescue department and whereas the town manager Marshall labid was charged with the responsibility of all aspects of creating a fire rescue department for the town which involved the decision-making for research and development of of costs securing funds identifying fire rescue service requirements and expectations seeking out and obtaining County and state certifications and requirements selecting a fire chief and Command Staff Personnel navigating Mutual Aid obligations and building a firehouse and all under budget which is another outstanding result whereas in April of 2024 the new Highland Beach Firehouse was built and finished on schedule and under budget and whereas on May 1st 2024 Highland Beach fire rescue started providing Fire Rescue Services to the town residents and whereas the town of Highland Beach Florida recognizes the exceptional work of the Town manager Marshall labid whose leadership perseverance oversight and management were responsible for the successful creation of our Highland Beach fire rescue department now I therefore Natasha Moore mayor of the town of Beach Florida and along with all my Commissioners my esteemed Commissioners and vice mayor um on behalf of the Town commission I do hereby recognize Marshall labid for his tenacity and unwavering commitment to the town of Highland Beach Community I think that's it so thank you very much well thank you um means a lot to me I love this place and I appreciate and uh yeah that my work would drive you enough to want to do this and and pass this Proclamation so thank you again um I do bleed Highland Beach I I love this place um worked a lot in my career that there's no better place than right here with the team I've assembled those that stayed on board when I got here the new ones that have come aboard uh thank you to our residents thank you commission thank you thank you yeah congratul okay excellent no right moving on to public comments and just as a reminder public comments will be limited to five minutes per speaker if you could please state your name and where you live thank you good afternoon town of Highland Beach public servants my name's Mickey isacon I am a Palm Beach County resident and live in Buon I like many others believe the 2020 election was stolen I've been observing our local elections at the supervisor of elections for the last two years this is not about Democrats or Republicans or any party affiliation this is about stealing elections you shouldn't have given your power away this year to Wendy link the Palm Beach County Supervisor Reserve elections it leaves your ballots vulnerable have you ever hosted a workshop on Election Integrity with your residents do you know that the S soe Wendy Link's tabulation Center was moved from Rivier Beach to West Palm Beach in the middle of a presidential election year and she refuses we the people a tour when we have made numerous requests Highland Beach had their own canvasing board at the supervisor of elections in 2023 municipalities did Wendy link help you with training and statutes you needed to follow a canvasing board member needed to be present when votes were duplicated was at least one of your canvasing board members or Miss link present at all times during the municipal 2023 election duplications did Wendy Supply you with proper training statue 102.1 166 the duplication of ballots must happen in the presence of at least one chasing board member while Wendy link says she is not scheduling tours at the new ulation Center I would urge your city council leadership and residents to insist on a tour so that you can see how the vote by mail ballots are tabulated without ID in the past our C our counties cities and towns have had clear path to fair and honest elections through their municipalities in the past people were elected not selected that's one letter off today's cities and counties are tapping the officials into place while holding a token election and tapping the rest of the officials hence they're selecting in the past City Clerks had to certify their own voter roles and certify the election results and secure the results in their own municipalities that is a very different process than municipalities have today today all elections are put through a centralized tabulation Center and verified by the supervisor of elections do you know our s soe was appointed tapped in by our governor then she changed her party AFF iation before running in the following election she has a $22 million budget and is asking for another 14 million additional to fund a new tabulation center these tabulation centers are where uncertified machines are used and connected to the internet and are subject to corruption and are hackable that's all over the news the S soe employs temporary staff who have not taken an oath to the Constitution and yet they are they touch and count our ballots and vote the S soe is certifying our elections with dirty voter roles no chain of custody for her ballots and allows the US Postal Service to tamper with the US mail which is a federal offense by using postal bins to transport the ballots and I say her uh ballots because she doesn't let the public in to view um all her tabulations we the people are awake and we are watching we are watching all 39 municipalities in Palm Beach County and the illegal organizations and agencies that everybody all the municipalities pay into the Palm Beach Charter the Florida League of cities the national league of cities and the ethics and commissions everybody pays into to all of those organizations the Florida League of cities lost 33 people who are once members do you know why these people are stepping down could it be those members are realizing that we the people are awake and these are corrupt organizations all of these agencies are illegal they are tied to the crown that is a one- party rule from the top down to the States the US Constitution chooses officials in elections and does not select them that is why that is not what is happening in our country today our state legislators are getting away with changing the 1838 organic Florida state constitution in 1969 to enforce a maritime laws on the people your city council should do the right thing and hold Fair elections in your city count your own votes on paper ballots in your local precincts and certify your own elections there is no reason to Outsource elections a typical Precinct accommodates 1500 to 2,000 people per Precinct and can easily count the paper ballots and hand certify them without machines um the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are all the rules that we the people need for government our current government is 90% too large I urge you to reach out to any one of the Grassroots people speaking here today myself and a fellow thank you for your comment any other public comments state your name and where you live greetings public servants my name is Candace roas and I reside in Boon Beach Florida at Quick Glance Highland Beach appears to be a lovely and luxurious Community I believe there are good leaders here here who have not committed treason but regardless I must speak boldly to intercede for those without a voice to defend the Constitution and restore the Republic whenever any government becomes destructive it is the duty of the people to abolish it I am here to put you on notice as a sovereign American and request your Oaths and bonds which is a preep to activate our military I believe the military is the only way because the entire political system is broken our elections are not secure our leaders at the local level have ignored evidence of election vulnerability here in this County boxes are guarding the hen house the Constitution states that all of the Power not some of the power belongs to We the People not the employees which are each of you it also states that fraud vitiates everything AB ano if you have not already heard there's a systematic destruction of the Old Guard a paradigm shift that's taking place across our nation be prepared for 1776 Global peace and prosperity happening very soon no more generational political nepotism no more secret societies controlling the masses no more appointed board members via the tap of the secret society handshake the fake facade of power and control from fake leaders is over did you know that the Palm Beach county is an illegal foreign corporation called the palmach County Charter and Highland Beach is part of that Charter applying the home R Charter is an attempt to Shield yourself from liability and pass rules that would not need you to need the state legislator state legislator why did you create a fire rescue Department in a threemile town how many fires do you have here does this seem to be a wise spend of the taxpayers money also Highland Beach is a member of League of cities which is a complete conflict of interest as it is a global organization you use taxpayer dollars to pay dues to the league of cities and other organizations that are globalist with connections to the United Nations and World economic Forum criminal cartel whose primary mission is population control this tells me that you all need retrained H and Beach is not following the Constitution or common law you are using maritime law you're using fake statutes to penalize the people when statutes are used to control the elected officials you charge illegal taxes fines citations traffic tickets and fees you use restrictive boards and code enforcement to keep your constituents in compliance that is not your job during the march 2020 covid plandemic scand demic some of you may have even committed a crime against humanity by loocking down people closing down your space closing down businesses and promoting death vaccines and restricting those who oppose such vaccines we have not forgotten the Tyranny and treason that was committed in 2020 we the American Sovereign do not trust the current election process and we believe the 2020 election was stolen we need you to take back your power from Wendy link supervisor of elections by holding your own elections here at the local Precinct hand Counting your own ballots cleaning your own voter roles and certifying your own elections here true leaders must demand paper ballots with a valid ID one day voting not early or mailin votes which are prone to cheating hand counting votes at precinct level of approximately 1,500 voters per Precinct removing the digital voting machines or just use them as a backup report results from the precincts do not move your physical ballots after they are counted and keep them as proof and provide overseas military the handicapped and the elderly a secure way to vote I recommend that you pray to God resign or expect to be duly peacefully and rightfully removed from our military beond the right side of History government employees who did not commit treason may be called back based upon need common law grand juries are coming thank you these your letters any other public comments I am a resident of Highland Beach unlike the two guest speakers before me we have a strategic priority plan and I want to address SP 17 the temporary side ordinance ordinances I sent you all an email comparing our city to Palm Beach Coral Gables similar towns as ours or even Del could be Gulf Stream and I think that we have visual pollution on our streets especially the side streets I live on ba Air Drive and I sent you all pictures of just one random weak there they were there was like five or six of them and they're huge and sometimes they don't move uh We've complained about it so I'm hoping that using your strategic sp17 temporary sign ordinance review we might consider making the signs smaller so they don't overwhelm the beauty of our town and our nice wonderful community and we do follow all of the laws of the United States any other public comments okay thank you very much for your uh comments um maybe could we just make a note of that the next time we talk about strategic plan what goes on the um y so the sign ordinance is on there so when we come back to it I'll I'll remind us if we want to bit up the priority skip but it's on the prior yes okay great thank you yeah we do no ordinances today moving on to consent agenda any discussion on the consent agenda no okay um okay if U I move we approve the consent agenda second all in favor say I I anyone opposed motion carries unanimously moving on to item nine unfinished business we have our final fire rescue implementation update wow mayor vice mayor Commissioners this is the last one which is a good thing that means we're done right we're up and running as of uh April 30th at 7:30 a.m. we began operating at the fire department uh We've R about 39 calls so far uh that's averaging about 1.8 calls per day which is what we anticipated around two calls per shift of those 23 were medical uh medical incidents and we transported 12 so it's about half of our EMS C we transport and fire alarms we had about 16 of those total of 39 so everything's operating still configuring software and platforms uh internally because when you buy a software uh package you basically a blank L and you have to kind of configurate yourself so we're doing all this stuff building surveys the next step is to configuring our public facing part of that the community outreach and that that's probably going to be done hopefully in the next uh 30 to 60 days we'll have a port portal so you can actually add information and be able to communicate with us directly construction wise we're about right for cough is anti anticipating close out at the end of this week and we have a few outstanding items that we're looking at but for the most part all the documents are being prepared right now for a close out either Thursday or Friday so have all the documents and everything's done final payments made and reimbursements sent any questions hooray I know fantastic news last time fantastic news hoay part hoay part is we did it yes and we all did it no you're welcome to come back and give us updates only when requested I have a question how how did to work out with the budget the budget uh we're actually working uh we're drafting the budget right now for next year are you talking about the current budget well how did we do on the building projected just under $500,000 and the positive so it's like 4 489 49 just under 500 half a million and and then so everything is done when that's done will'll get a check returned to us for that amount um I think yes it's about that amount right just about so uh we're under budget uh we're on time with the construction again we got a TCO on time all construction the other um punch list stuff just that you know just things that we missed or somebody missed and we got a punch listed out and so those things are just about done there's only one significant thing was the front railing we got to put a uh Ada uh railing in the front that was uh so that's been designed and fabricated right now we should have that done by the end of the week before close out and some of the minor stuff that's of no consequence well the building just looks G glorious especially at night yes yes especially night if you haven't seen it at night you should drive by at night it looks really good with the yellow lights yeah I love the sea turtle lights and the red lights behind yes abely the lettering comes out really nicely yes yes that's great yes congratulations question as far as money I would imagine you didn't start on the budget and I would um anticipate asking you in look in looking forward to the first budget yes of the the new Firehouse um where do you think it's going to be as compared to what we projected um my uh I like let Marshall take that one we have the numb to him already so he so it should be uh holding to our projections uh we're working uh David uh and Glenn are working on the fine details with all the Personnel the pay the pay structure that we put in place getting that um set up so everything is where we think it is we're still tracking slightly less than six years to for complete probably down to five years now that we're $500,000 under on construction so we did make up some time on our cost benefit analysis to recover all investment costs um so we're doing well there so we're we're going to be uh tracking uh where we thought less than uh Del R uh based on our projections that's a pretty significant um figure like a seven figure you know like a million million bucks a little over a million million two something like that less than what we're projecting um so everything's working out everything's right on point we're how many calls have we gotten did you say that 39 39 so you know we're we're responding we're there um and we definitely feel their presence I mean you see them like I've never seen our firefighters before you see them walking around and um at buildings and um being part of the community so it's a community service regardless of what was said earlier it is a community service desired and embraced by the community with its willingness to pay for this service I think it's terrific that they come through the buildings with an iPad and they Mark where everything is so if they're called for an emergency they know where to go I to me that's incredible so that was one of the plans we talked about earlier on about a year ago is but we wanted a community- based response team that actually knows the community and are actually visible um you'll not see the truck running a call in Dell right unless they have a major emergency we assisting they're G stay here uh they have the B doors open and if you knock on the door there's going to be somebody to answer either from upstairs or downstairs and you're having a call you'll know it because the trust are not going to be there you can see through that but until that we have we have a small team seven people on shift which means that we have to get there quickly we got to get there and be aggressive in the way we address any emergency involving fire combustibles Etc and so on so knowing that ahead of time is absolutely critical to our operation so we have to be there we have to know it we can't be just trying to decide which elevator to go up on we can't decide which stairwell is the best stairwell we have to know all that stuff ahead of time so we have a small community which means we could probably learn all that stuff in memory and have it backed up for electronic use we're working on our connectivity I mean there's some issues that still working through but for the most part uh we have a plan and the plan is being executed as we designed it I know especially where I am people don't often know where the tow houses are that are located behind the parking structure and now they do they do you have a team that's yours you could direct them and you could give them goals objectives give the missions tell we want that accomplished and then you can make that happen because you don't have to go through a hierarchy of bureaucracy to get to the person's actually responding to your home there's only one stop Marshall or myself and then with the old station uh Pat EST they secured it we're getting it cleaned uh left in a little bit of a rough shape but at least we're going to clean it up to keep it while we go through this process we keep it clean secure um and whatnot so we're moving through that process uh with peal we kind of added that to their contract to do some space planning and design related to the old fire station uh so we should have those very shortly for you guys take a look at and how we want to tackle that next project and now it looks like we've as the documents I signed excuse me we have about $500,000 to address that project so um that gives us a good good running start on fixing the old station demo conversing it over to that community space yeah I'm looking forward to that mhm that if we have food truck event at least we have someplace where they can go where it's covered yeah that's what we'd like to do is have um that Flex space if you will so we can have some shade and then to have some BFS which are big fans um if you do look up there that's what it says but I won't say it on record but put some fans in there so we have some cooler space when we do have those earlier in the season it's a little bit warm at least we can get residents in and out and the idea is to have some restrooms have a little kitchen service area something that you would see where you could you know serve things through put a refrigerator something like that to help with Community event so um I think the space will look great with your final touches uh so we'll be getting that draft a partially design palette or so you guys could put the final touches on it so will we have that for mingle jingle oh yeah but I we might probably move it over to the church because it's so popular or we could do we could do a multiple stop event um where we can open the community up and uh do something that way and then Chief can block off A1A that'll be fun no no okay um but yeah we should have it open again uh you know our 75th Anniversary so folks out there start thinking about ideas um for our 75th Anniversary which we'll hope to have to address here this um this summer so for a fall event so whatever you guys want to do we'll start putting some ideas together go from there doesn't he look more rested now that fire station's over I do I feel [Laughter] great sleeping well great anything else thank you very much thank you oh any public comments go ahead thank you Rick Greenwall Tranquility Drive um obviously congratulations to everybody who is involved with the uh fire department so extremely exciting and well-deserved congratulations for the people who put in all the work however it's not all it's not over and for all of you who have been involved in birthing projects in the past you know that the hard work now is really just beginning and for those of us who were involved since the beginning there were a fair number of promises made in terms of value added Services Community Services quality of services and I'm separating out the financial side now which I think we have pretty good controls over and with the finance department and with uh Financial Advisory board and the budgets and everything people are going to be looking at that component we have mechanisms in place so the rest of my time now I wanted really to talk about what are we doing to ensure I think we have the right the right folks are in place um that we meet our promises in terms of uh quality and and delivery of services and for that in my experience what you really need even though it's sort of a pain in the butt but what you need is you need well- defined objectives goals and you need plans and you need metrics and then you need performance Improvement plans and what the metrics that we should be looking at should be you need subject matter experts we have those so I'm not qualified to comment on whether we should be looking specifically at response times or certain segments of response times or how many first aid classes we put on or how many aeds we make sure are distributed or whatever it is but the chief knows these things Matt well half knows these things and Terry con knows this stuff and we should be sure that we have appropriate metrics in place so that we know because again from my experience it's not good enough in the long run to say oh yeah no worries great job everything's terrific all this kind of thing we really should get set up we really should have metrics we really should have objectives we may have them already I wouldn't be surprised with the chief's experience I don't know what they are they're not on the website or anything uh but that's what we should be looking at and increasingly with our local government we should be doing that really uh within every department so that we really have a dashboard how are we doing on all these things what are we looking at how do we continue to get better and make the town the the best that it can be but again I congratulate everybody on the great success to date with the fire rescue Department I think it's phenomenally exciting so thank you all so I um I don't know if you have any comments because I think you do have some metrics on response times that we can uh discuss if you had had an opportunity to go to our website in our budget David put a interactive budget we got away from the budget book remember that old thing you put on the end of your table and got dust on it some coffee stains so now we have this metric so you can go in and adjust and look for the measurements you want Department by Department townwide overtime um so that's something we can build on too to then start adding in you know Department performance measurements uh which we do keep track of I I would agree that are not clearly reported back out but uh we do look at all this stuff I see the water team the water plan operator behind you superintendent he does all that to water loss how much we produce you know chemical use I mean we do look at all of those things we just now probably need to transform that into that interactive setting that you see with your budget too so one of the things we did uh by buying a a a a package platform everything was included remember we talked about that earlier we didn't want different vendors with that did want to talk to one another that will allow us to do exactly this it's just to uh on the month quarterly based or however you prefer is to provide you statistics on what was done and what the benchmarks for the county are and so we're working through building all those out right now and so when we get all the data inputed then we could we're tracking them right now that's why it's able to get you the numbers of call of ran how many transport and all that stuff but we got to decide what we want to present to you as a body what do we want to present to the public and uh how we're going to present it whether it's going to be on the website but the data is already being collected it's already already being established the benchmarks are already essentially made up except for what you want us to to to uh track a monitor so the hardest part of all this is collecting the data we have it it's just a matter of deciding how you want it presented who gets the information and how how often you want it done on a whatever metric you you'd like to put and that is why we had this one big package which is kind of unwielding because you got to build each individual module of it but we going through that right now to able to make that happen so when we have a meeting again or get with the manager whatever you want to see tracked let me know and put it into a uh a a a dashboard or a physical document that is uh provided on a monthly quarterly basis whatever you prefer annual or or maybe if you don't mind putting a draft together because I don't even know that you know like what maybe from your experience at bokeh or Boon what would typically be tracked and then we could at least it be a starting point for us yeah typically in Booker joone I that was one of my jobs as a deputy fire chief has to put that that document together we did a monthly report we broke the town the city into different zones and we could track each call by Zone and we track what our response times wor to those different areas so how long do it take us to get there from the Inception of the call until we arrive at the scene then we decid you know what each of those in what type of calls were in there is so say if we have lot of Falls the particular building then we want to Target that for public education if there were a lot of fire alarms then we would send the fire marshal to figure out what's going on with those alarms and maybe we could fix them or upgrade whatever needs doing so it was done on a monthly basis and at the end of the year we did a cumulative for the entire year and year to year he kept a cumulative from year to year so I could track from 2004 to 2006 did go up down Etc and so on so that's all things that done and the collected uh we could put together a uh a draft document for you probably by next meeting hopefully yeah and then you could actually add to it or take away and then we make that a running tally be a good starting point for us and then like you said it would might highlight what community needs are for classes or Focus areas we've done since this year we've done about uh almost 100 CPR classes wow um we Toscana we did 30 there another building that we did another 70 plus classes and we provided equipment and in some cases provided instructor and so we're always reaching out if you need I met with the home oos presidents presidents of the hom Association last month towards the end of April met all them introduced myself and said these are the subs we provide if you need any CPR glasses fire prevention fire safety let us know we have some classes at the next meeting we'll talk a bit about hurricanes like you know we have hurricane Seasons coming up and the El n versus Lino elino was L and how that may affect our vulnerability uh we're anticipating more Atlantic storms this year which means that we probably more affected and it's already hot which means what drives storm so we expect our storms maybe be a more frequent a little more intense so we need to talk about planning and how we're going to address it the residents so a lot of moving Parts yes excellent thank you thank you thanks for the comment any other public comments no okay moving on to uh resolution number 202 24-8 um a resolution of the Town Commission of the town of Highland Beach Florida dedicating the Highland Beach fire rescue Department Station number 120 in honor of former mayor Douglas Hillman and providing for an effective date I imagine you'll present this yeah I'm trying to find it my packet n okay page 82 there it is um so again we just tweaked it because it sounded like we wanted section one of the therefore be it resolved section so now it's town of Highland Beach fire station 120 named in honor of former mayor hman for a service from March 2020 through March 2023 will be permanently moralized with memorialized within the station and then we talk about the brown statue so we basically went from dedication to naming and honor a little bit stronger or in the direction I don't know if stronger is the right word in the direction that was provided so uh we kind of moved into that direction so if you want to see it tweaked a little bit more just let me know otherwise we um we're good with this resolution uh what accompanies this is that section two statement um I did send you guys kind of the sample of the plaque uh got everyone's feedback um and that's in production now and we're hoping maybe as one of the events for the 75th Anniversary there's a sequence of events that we kind of um you know that could be an unveiling event um where we do that into the lobby space any comments on the uh yes I I think that it was a it's it's well written goes to the point um and um I think it's how you symb I'm looking for the symbol of safety and unity the plaque you said a permanent bronze Memorial plaque um have you thought with it doesn't talk about size or anything what what uh are you so that's the uh it's the 16 by 24 um again I I'm pretty sure I emailed you guys uh but it's it's email plaque it's bronze it's got the slightly raised letters it has a statement to mirroring these uh statements on it it'll be what they call a uh a relief statue on the bottom of it so his face kind of sounds kind of creepy comes out of it you know it's like a three-dimensional uh bronze face facial representation on the bottom of the plaque just a a a short portrait rather yeah it's kind of they base it on a portrait but it kind of takes the picture and puts it into a bronze so the sculptor is working with it now and then it comes out and um goes on there and then we'll hang it and then we put the get a copy of this resolution in a frame um we have a series of pictures and areos so maybe we can Jazz up that area from the the grand opening to the event party like put a little more of a a history of photo history of everything um so kind of and then pictures of the building being constructed over time and we've raised it and everything so commiss Peters anything no I think it's deserving and and I think it's well well done yeah looks good to me yeah good to me yeah I I liked the plaque that you sent around I thought that was uh appropriate and uh I liked the wording that you had and I liked uh his um his 3D uh you know face and stuff I thought that was pretty cool I think that'll be nice and yes and I like the wording here too I think that um does what we want it uh to say so where will it be placed uh in the lobby so when you go in through the front door you'll see like there's a like a area for like a TV cable there's like a couple of wall spaces but in there probably when you open the door to have that with some pictures around it and then kind of other again photo uh documentation of the process sounds good okay if we are all in agreement if we could have a motion please I move we approve resolution number 20 24-8 second do you need a roll call yeah I'll do I'll do roll call uh commissioner David yes commissioner Goldberg yes commissioner Peters yes vice mayor Stern yes mayor Moore yes resolution passes moving on to new business approve and authorize Town staff to proceed with a purchase order for the rehabilitation and media replacement for two scrubbers and one degasifier at Water Treatment Plant in accordance with the town standard procurement hello David I Am David Richards the water plant superintendent and I have been here for 10 years at is so we have a deas fire scrubber system so after the membranes take everything physical out of the water the scrubber system takes the gases out that's the only thing the membranes can't do and there's uh this media inside these um balls and now as you can see you're supposed to be able to see through this so they have built up a little they're a little and they're supposed to be lighter and heavier and uh you could see it's hard as the rocket doesn't come off on my hand so they are working but not not as efficient as they once were you know a uh in 2024 I mean 20 2004 so there you know one has been replaced but the rest are about 18 years old so we um put it in the budget so it's already been placed in the budget now we just need to approv and so real quick how it works is that we lower the ph and then the gas comes out of the water then it gets trapped up in the air with the balls and the water is circulating in there and then goes to the scrubber system and then we raise the ph high and it brings it back into the water and then we put it to waste so that's as simple as I can make that process and so we just need New Media basically inside the structure everything else is good and we found the original installer that is willing to do all three all three scrubber Tower media so that is it if you have any questions or based on what that looks like it obviously is that they're working so they're will need new ones yes they did their job and it's already like you said it's already been budgeted for and planned for and all that questions how long will that take they said about a week so one to two weeks you know depending on how hard it is for them to get them the old ones out I don't think there's any other options no have good now I move that we approve the procurement for rehabilitation and media replacement with two scrubbers and one degasifier at the water treatment plant second do you want a r call or can we we do a Voice vote I think it's fine okay all in favor say I anyone oppose motion carries unanimously thank you David thank you thank you very much thank you thank you very much moving on Town commission comments commissioner Goldberg well just reflecting on uh what we've done today in the fire department the police uh you know living in he Highland Beach is H is such a joy I mean it's a beautiful place our homes are lovely uh uh but what is taking part now with all the restoration everyone painting everyone beautifying and uh anticipating the road coming in um but I saw today sitting and having my coffee watching the boats in the water how beautiful it is um just I saw a troop of fire from the fire department I wasn't sure is that the police or fire but there had to be a half a dozen just walking there right and I'm not in a gated community but there is such a feeling of safety here and of integrity and integration between the town and the residents that I have not experienced wherever I've lived in big bigger urban areas and rural areas this is such a special place and um um and the things that have been in place here having all the services that we do that we have and and uh the performance is really outstanding we're going through my community um um a lot of restoration it's an old old buildings so we need a lot of work and there's been lot of conversation with Fire Marshall and fire department and great pressure Financial pressure put Upon Our Community but um I personally appreciate it not the finances not the outlay uh but that I know that I'm going to be safe and uh and for my community I'm on the board as well um and it's it's really a joy to be here there's no you know guessing it what what would happen if I know that if it's older to 55 and over what kind of response we going to have in the community I know that fire and police are right there and it's greatly greatly appreciated so I just wanted to um verbalize that night thank you again and it's a great place to live thank you commission I agree with uh Judy there uh it's nice I saw some of the firemen I know except if they're walking or just running they're all sweating maybe we should have a contest between the police and the in better shape uh but I but uh I I stopped the doors are open the firehouse and every time I pass by you stop everybody is nice it seems like you picked the best Personnel for us um response time the building they were right there it was amazing to see them in action and everything in there and I'm just glad that uh Highland Beach did it and it's a great place to live in here with the fire department and the police department they do a great job and we all feel safer thank you well I agree with both of them and I agree that this is a very safe place to live we live in a tumultuous times in our world where there are a lot of places that are not safe to live and I never have an issue going to my car at night or coming home at night I I just don't worry about it I mean you have to be foolish not to watch what's going on around you and I get that but overall I feel safer here than I have any place else and I've lived in nice places so but this is a wonderful town to live in we are special in a good way special and we have everything we need here without a bunch of things that we don't need and that's to thanks to all the people who work for this town because you make it a safe enjoyable place to live so I thank you all I would agree I have one concern and I know what's being worked on I know Matt is working on it and that's the whole issue of batteries trickle chargers uh bicycle batteries the safety and that aspect of it and having some uniform guidelines for the different uh units and buildings to look at before they spend money on the wrong things on how to handle them what's really safety I know the bikes are a different issue than the cars I know that in in our condo we've taken some proactive measures relative to things like trickle charges to make sure that the uh maintenance person PS the plug on them every couple of days and that type of thing so we're looking for the town in my opinion to have some uniform guidelines to make sure proactive that we're not in for a problem mayor you're absolutely correct we were just looking talking about that this morning uh the NFPA National Fire Protection Association it's the standard body in the fiber protection industry is just coming up with some new guidelines so here's just the one major thing that we don't want the associations to do is put charging stations for electric cars in an underground parking or anywhere that's under a structure where people reside we don't want it under any kind of structure and the reason why is this if the for some reason the car carau on fire which does happen I mean it's not very frequent and certainly it's not a risk that we need to worry about but certainly we need to take in consideration of the Long Haul we want those charting stations in an open area and not under the building or not too close to the building because they burn extremely hot around 3,500 degrees so if you have it under concrete parking structure it will actually undermine the structural Integrity of that construction and you'll have to replace it that's the one thing we don't want to happen the next thing is that the State Fire Marshals office and the State of Florida is actually right now propagating propagating some rules I didn't want to jump the gun and give you some honorous restriction on way you can put it or make too liberal and you put it somewhere and they say well you can't have it there now you got to invest money to replace it or remove it so we kind of shading water right now there's only one absolute thing we don't want to happen is under a a covered structure but other than that we're waiting to see where the rules making bodies are going because we really don't want to tell you something that it's too liberal that you have to change or too conservative where we could have made it easier for you and less expensive to do it a certain way so that's where we are right now it's been a year I know it's been a year a year and a half but the rules making is very you know very slow methodic process to make sure that we don't we're not onerous in our restrictions or recommendations so that's where we are rather than drawing a broad brush there were different issues within that the car versus the bicycle with the batteries now one of the things that we were looking into uh there uh is on the market secure safes if you will that could go outside with the battery can be removed and put and stored in the safe in a compartment Department that is correct one issue we're looking at so a couple of things with the with the bicycles and the little scooters do not charge them in the means of erress so if you have an exit to your home or your apartment or on the stairwell don't put them anywhere where they will actually if they onire to block your exit to the erress you don't want to use any offbrand Chargers okay if you bought a whatever scooter get that same charger and be careful anybody thinks of Amazon because sometimes they're marked one way but actually come from a different place so again charges are a big deal if there's damage to the battery don't charge it get it looked at um again the State Fire Marshall's office is coming up with rules but the one thing that we cannot or should not do is plug them anywhere in in the means of eress stairwells exit doors uh it's better to plug them outside now if you have them outside in a locked area where they're not going to be stolen that's the best thing if they burn they burn they go away nothing's hurt we just wanted to you just don't want that event impede your ability to exit or Escape if that occurs so that is the only recommendation we have right now as these rules are propagated we're keeping an eye on them we keep an eye on the literature and the journals and as soon as we have something concrete preferably from the State Fire off's office because that's going to make give it the rule of law we'll propagate that to the communities and make sure that they're in the right place I know in my building we don't want people to bring those bikes upstairs you should not that don't put them on the elevator don't bring them on the don't put them in your unit just there's been in of them Catching Fire in the elevator and whoever's in there is going to heaven uh or so you don't want them in an elevator so they need to be to your point they need to be outside parked in an enclosed area that's protected so they're not stolen certainly not in your exits or in your elevators can we recommend that any building or community that wants to put them in after they've done their research to contact the fire department to make sure that they're putting it in an appropriate location and that the electrical voltage and everything is accurate absolutely we we'd rather you talk to us before you actually spend any money when you're in the design phase we'll give some recommendations but right now we don't have the rule of law to stand behind and I hate to make again make the recommendations too restrictive or too liberal and then we have to make changes so we're in a process but we're actively looking at it and we're actively looking at the literature we thank you produced right now okay thank you thank you uh no comments from me town attorney um yes mayor thank you can you take one and pass it Town Marshall so this is that legislative update I've been promising you legitimate or not it's this is what the Florida legislature has uh come up with during the last session it's a lot of don'ts or can'ts but that's sort of been the theme the last couple years um the first one is if the town was thinking about authorizing um public camping or sleeping can't do it so uh just in case you had that in your in your head on the second page there's this resiliency and safe structures act which limits the ability of um municipalities to deny demolition permits for historical structures or those this is one of those bills that came out of a specific situation where they want to demolish an an historical structure it limits the ability it has to be for a valid Public Safety reason um to deny someone a demolition permit for a historical building um you can't regulate vehicles for hire if they've been issued a permit by another County municipality you can't regulate food delivery Platforms in case you wanted to uh you can't ISS identification documents some cities um West Palm Beach did this where people who didn't have access to a driver's licens mostly immigrants um Etc they would issue these Community IDs and they would be able to use them for various Services the legislature said you can't do that anymore um one fun thing we have a fire rescue department is the chief can put blue lights in the back of his vehicle now which is kind of a fun uh fun fact um the uh the one on page two local government actions um I we you've seen them before these business impact estimates you have to do for ordinances and it used to be if it had to do with a comprehensive plan or a zoning ordinance you didn't have to do one but now we do um another requirement um from our friends up in Tallahassee uh employment regulations we can't do our own uh regulations for heat exposure for employees I don't know why we would um let me see something else that might be relevant on page three building regulations um the legislator has imposed all these timing requirements on the issuance of permits depending on the size and type of the structure um thankfully it doesn't go into effect until January 1 2025 so it'll give uh Jeff a chance to get things in order but they become very strict about how much time you have to issue the permit provide your comments those types of things also on page five um the live local Act doesn't much affect Highland Beach because you only really have one commercial property other cities just uh ring their hands over this thing but um really I don't think it's going to be an issue here they made it a little better than it was before and what that is in case you don't know if you have industrial commercial property somebody can come in and put in residential affordable housing and use the highest height that you have within a mile and the highest density um they there was a lot of interpretation issues with that um and they clarified that that doesn't apply to height that you've received a density bonus through the Pud process or special exception process or something like that and they also curb the height a little bit if it's surrounded on two Side by single family home made it a little better still problematic for a lot of cities there's going to be a constitutional amendment um adjusting the homestead exemption value to with if the CPI goes up then the the homestead exemption will go up which will have a financial impact if it passes um alternate Mobility funding systems this was a war we had in Northern Palm Beach County between city of Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County about charging Mobility fees and the countywide concurrency it says that if you're going to charge a Mobility fee you have to coordinate between the county and the municipality so the mitigation efforts are coordinated and developers aren't paying twice another expedite approval residential building permits doesn't apply to Highland Beach because we don't have 10,000 people um on page nine also more time frames uh it gives you a time frame you have to adopt your if you have a comprehensive plan Amendment and you receive comments you only have a certain amount of time to adopt it vacation rentals which does impact the town and I believe was discussed when we had uh Senator Burman and uh representative gos Simon here so they've they're not saying we can't regulate it they're just limiting what you could regulate they're saying you can make sure the leans are paid you can make sure they have a contact person and they prescribed an occupancy limit which is interesting coming you know from Tallahasse but and you still can find if they don't um comply and we will go through the town's um vacation rental ordinance to make sure that we comply by July 1st um there's a cyber security Bill the these haven't been signed yet assuming they will be I every time I do this I check to see what's been signed by the governor there's only a few left um cyber security it's if you follow what the statute says then you're essentially shielded from liability and the last thing is if you're going to have a public works project that you're going to use uh iron or steel has to be manufacturer in the United States so that's basically it you could read through it when you have some time if you have any questions give me a call there's nothing too crazy in here the most impactful will probably be the vacation rentals and and the impacts on the building department with those time frames and that's all I have thank you so much mayor thank you very much thank you for the update Town manager uh yes um as you know the signs are up for f dot uh they haven't contacted us kind of met with us talked about it so we're going to presume that they're going to still start on the north end of town in delr um work their way out from Linton um they'll probably be doing some other TI of sight prep Road RightWay work was also in there but again uh radio Silence from fot we reach out to their team and they just they don't respond so I I will make some some calls uh from our friend uh G Sidman and get them to reach out and give us some details because that's kind of unacceptable um that's it by 29th they're going to start construction signs are up um Here We Go Again 75th anniversary is coming up so we'll start doing some planning for that um otherwise thank you so much for the proclamation that means a lot to me it really does so thank you um I appreciate that my partners are crime in the back corner thank you um and uh that's it uh announcements uh meeting and events May 27th 2024 town hall is closed in observance of Memorial Day June 4th at 1:30 we have our next town commission meeting June 11th at 1 we have a code enforcement board regular meeting and then June 14th at 9:30 in the morning we have our planning board regular meeting and it is 2:46 and with that I think we can adjourn thank you very much everyone