##VIDEO ID:9GbojFv0sto## [Music] this meeting is called to order in accordance with the open public meeting act notice of this meeting was provided to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and the Highland Park planet on April 18 2024 and was posted on ball website at www.hp bor.com and on the bulletin board of borrow Hall at 221 South fth Avenue in Highland Park New Jersey and has remained continuously posted as required by law for exit are to my right and left of council chambers Carol can you please Le Us in the Pledge of Allegiance Caren [Music] to United States of America na indivisible and justice for all call Mayor Foster yes Council woman Cana here councilman George here councilman H here council president here counc here counc here attorney sha here administrator here and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so for anyone who have not visited their doctor please go and check there's lots of free clinics especially at Robert with Johnson and their Vans going around that will provide this service and tonight we members of the Bor Council Administration we went outside and we took a picture to support breast cancer awareness so you'll be seeing our little picture as we support those who may be facing this horrible horrible disease so please get yourself checked we have one recognition tonight and that's for Carol's aasgard from stack and she was she's been a member she was a member forever I remember um back in the early 2000 when I had in the environmental commission and we did a plant rescue over at Rutgers and she served us well and you're laughing cuz you're we did the whole plant rescue and it was awesome and you know we had some of our native plants that we replanted at the Environmental Center and other the places around town and she has been a wonderful member tonight we have a proclamation in honor of her service uh council member council president H because you are on the environmental can you please read the proclamation gladly mayor um and thank you to Karen and Harvey thank you for being here here tonight from sh Tre advisory committee um uh for uh and and also for advocating for this Proclamation it's really important that we recognize our volunteers particular those who a longl lasting impact on the town uh so Office of the mayor Proclamation uh whereas after years of volunteering on the Highland Park Shader advisory committee Carol azgard recently moved back to her hometown Northern Minnesota whereas during the years she lived here Carol was a valued member of the of the community contributing much to the growth of our Suburban Forest our street trees and whereas car car's interest respect and love for the natural world and especially for trees proved to be a valuable resource to the burough and whereas Carol was chair of the shade tree advisory committee for 13 years during which time other members came and went but she was not deterred and whereas Carol organized and arranged the planting of hundreds of Street trees which now provide Beauty fresh air and shade to all residents he had resolved the mayor of bur Council and the Highland Park Community wish to recognize and thank Carol apples Scot for her long-term sustained efforts to improve our local environment to provide shade where there was none and for being an environmental champion and Steward and being further resolved we thank Carol for her years of volunteer work for the burrow of Highland Park now therefore be it resolved that the burrow Council and Shader advisory committee of the the burrow of Highland Park middlex County state of New Jersey does hereby recognize Carol apples guard for her 13 years years of outstanding volunteer services thank you Carol thank you [Applause] sta is there any member of Stack that would like to accept this on behalf of Carol we can mail it to her okay all right yeah can we get a picture with um the team that's here sure I do want to recognize Ken Swain uh member of the Shad Tre advisory committee uh also for your title this advocacy as well Karen's Karen is working on our oh sorry Karen is actually um um leading uh uh our Improvement efforts to our rain Gardens here in town working with the Department of Public Works to make sure that uh we have the right plantings in there to make sure that they're graded to the street properly so you'll see improvements uh more to come but this is the kind of work that comes out of our boards and commissions and obviously it's really um do you [Music] do all right I'll come down all right I'll take one more anybody's I'll s to thank you I have to get the okay next on our agenda is the approval of minutes uh motion to approve minutes for September 3rd SE September 3rd regular meeting and September 7 17th regular meeting okay roll call yes councilman George abstain on the third yes councilman Hill yes council president H um yes sorry counc woman kiman yes counc yes um now it's time for Council report council member Kim Chan good evening everyone I'm Stephanie Kohan chair of Finance the rent control board met last week and approved a 3.55% increase for the period of January 1st 2025 to December 31st 2025 uh this was part of the their actually their numbers and percentage from the CPI data sheets from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for New York Metro and Philadelphia Metro are we used for this C [Music] calculation um that they certified for the upcoming year and along with the rent control board I did when that we still have a vacancy on the board as well um for attendant this is a non-homeowner or landlord I me uh just a straight tenant uh seat that we have open on the board so if you interacted um please fill out the volunteer a sheet that's on the B website and tonight we are appointing a new tax assessor our longtime tax tant Thomas manuso has retired after 17 years and welcome Logan and I look forward to working with you and tax vano may you enjoy your retirement do not disturb um and I attended the brand opening and ribbon cutting of Super Fresh along with all of my colleagues like many of you I was impressed um by the store stunning makeover and I the store is uh just becoming a vibrant new hub for our community I stopped in there last night to grab uh ice cream on the way going home and it was still packing and late at night um and I also attended the um Woodbridge mayor mayor mccormic annual breakfast the theme this year was middle sex County and Municipal connection and while networking with neighboring Town Council Members um you realize well I just want to back up because middle sex County did give a shout out to Highland Park for their grand opening for Super Fresh uh um was a was a kind of picture to as neighboring towns um like scway and Midtown has recently lost their supermarket as well so so you start oh and you start to realize that um we're not alone alone in these hurdles that Highland heart has overcome in such a small period of time so um kudos to High Park and everyone here on the days for making that happen we're being looked at as a model town and lastly happy Hispanic Heritage Month it is observed from September 15 to October 15 I encourage you to attend an event locally or virtually visit a museum or culture center listen to some his Hispanic music try traditional Hispanic food or even support a Hispanic own business like ours in our downtown and that's my report made thank you council member Hill thank you madam mayor um reate um some of the things that my colleagues that I'm so excited about super um uh you know the other day in my refrigerator I had some smoked trout with nothing to do with it and I ran out and got auga salad with really cool great dressing anybody who wants the recipe let me know but the even cooler thing is that from thought to finish it was 20 minutes so how cool is that um idea to execution so that's a a wonderful part of of Super Fresh um I did want to let make sure everybody knows that they have a great senior program um if you're over 60 you register for them on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday from 700 a.m. to 3 pm you get 5% off your total bill so um that's a pretty good uh uh discount um also point out that there is one of several new Facebook groups about Superfresh that are starting up um one called kosher at Super Fresh Island Park which helps identify great kosher deals uh at Superfresh um and I think there's others that are going to follow so it really is an exciting part of our town I'm very very excited about that um as councilwoman um Kim Johan said she she went to the Woodbridge Metro Chamber of Commerce we really appreciate her her doing that and and she as a great opportunity also said um uh last week about council president hirs and Council Cana who went to the governor's conference on housing and economic development in Atlantic City um next week I'm going to be going to the Main Street uh along with Main Street hland park the 2024 middle sex County Business Summit all of these are opportunities for us to reach out to uh the larger Community outside of H Park and that the fact that all of us are going I think is a real testimony to how important economic development business development is to this Council and to this mayor um and so we're really doing everything we can to get out there and as Stephanie said The more connections that we make the more people that we see um the more that we can help our economic development director Terry who is very much overwhelmed with all the the great things that are going on so much so that um very soon we're going to have an economic development assistant coordinator that's going to come with her we're very excited about uh about this new hire towards the end of the month won't say more about that but um we got some great candidates and so um uh so it's it's exciting to see all of the the uh the council come together the Town come together about really wonderful Economic Development stuff because that's uh really a big thing that we need um so uh uh I I'll end tonight um just by saying that that October is is filled with Jewish holidays and and this year rashash Shana this week is is rash sh is coming and yapor and then later on my favorite is co um the year that is ending um with rashish on a Wednesday night is 5784 and it's been a rough one um from start to finish even today we're hearing about significant missile attacks on Tel so to paraphrase I a Great Sage Sherman T Potter here is the 5785 we hope and pray that she's a damn site better than the last one sh everyone and I hope it's a happy and healthy New Year um uh in in the next year so um thank you very much Happy New Year to you too uh Council M thank you Board of Health wants you to know about two important things that are happening this month domestic violence awareness month is held throughout October it brings Advocates Across the Nation together to end domestic violence communities and advocacy organizations across the country connect with one another in a true sense of unity to end domestic violence for good domestic violence awareness month is a chance for everyone and anyone victims survivors Advocates supporters and political leaders to unite in our work to end domestic violence this is a time of solidarity and support is also a time for victims and survivors to share their stories only through true collaboration will it be possible to end domestic violence if you or someone you know needs help please call 1800 799 7233 which SPC or text start to 88788 the Board of Health would also like you to know it's breast cancer awareness month which is an annual campaign held every October to raise awareness about breast cancer and promote early detection prevention and treatment it encourages individuals to educate themselves about the disease support those effective participate in fundraising activities for research and support services I can tell you myself that early DET detection is very important the human relations commission wants to remind you that we are in the second half of Hispanic Heritage Month as Stephanie has told us um which is September 15th to October 15 it's an annual celebration in the United States to honor the history culture and contributions of America whose ancestry can be traced back to 20 countries in one territory it's also lgbtq plus History Month which is an annual observation dedicated to honoring the history and contributions of the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender Community as well as the broader gay rights and civil rights movements this month's long celebration serves to highlight Role Models Foster community and affirm the Civil Rights contributions of the L lgbtq plus Community the commission for universal access wants to know that world site day is an annual Global event observed on the second Thursday of October which is October 10th this year it is aimed to raise awareness about Vision impairment and blindness the um overreaching goal is to encourage individuals governments and organizations to take actions to improve eye health and prevent avoidable blindness the community food pantry is open the 2 and 4th Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and again from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday following that Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. the Highland Park gives a food pantry is open every Tuesday and Wednesday at the stone 6 Community Center from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and the Mental Health commission would like to remind you once again that if you or someone you know is in crisis please reach out for help call the L line at 988 or text home to 71 I'm sorry 741741 both are 247 free and confidential thank you mayor thank you ow that's a very extensive report I'm just going to ask you a council member can you please repeat the domestic violence hotline number again 18007997233 or if they can text start S A T to 88788 thank you thank you for your report um council member George thank you man I'm pH George and we on to the Public Safety Committee uh of the council just a few comments first um it is breast cancer awareness I'm wearing my pink it's my mother's pin she's a double mess eony Survivor from the cruel days in the early 1980s and wore it every day and then passed it on to my wife a and every month um also before just before our next meeting will be commemoration Native American people's day um my our family greetings to all of our Jewish families as my holidays approach and Pray for Peace uh with regard to the police department uh they had the gun safy the program last week unfortunately um it was not well attended I think it conflicted with too many events however turned out to be even more of a benefit because certain of the speakers brought other speakers in who actually expanded the ability uh to reach into both preg gun safety and um uh the consequences of lack of gun safety for the next program which will be run very soon um our annual trunk Retreat event is Tuesday October 29th from 6: p.m. to 8:00 P.M at the community center tunal tree is an event with the Department um and our families for children that go from trunk to trunk and trick or treat uh in in safely style have fun their fun events this year there is a car decorating competition that you can join anybody can join in and decorate their car um if you want to contact officer Fitzgerald at D Fitzgerald at High hpb.com that's B Fitzgerald that's fit TZ g r l d hpb.com to enter your vehicle and decorated for Halloween uh the library the news keeps getting better and better um I met with staff and the executive director today at the library and then afterwards uh the buildings and grounds committee is meeting tonight to discuss uh the current status and opening uh right now the temporary facility has been closed so that the staff can Shi the Holdings over to the main building get the new facilities up and running uh since they're substantially uh new facilities there in Computing incl including the computer Banks uh an operating system that coincides with the new uh inter Library Polaris eing system so they're be reorganizing after a long time out of the facilities for the roofing contractors at work removing the old D work the fabricating at their made plant the new Duck workor um and hopefully buildings and grounds will have more news tonight uh their meeting at 7 o'clock um other than that it's a tough night for entertainment Liberty meeting the aces in Brooklyn in round two uh the debate at 9 o' uh and trivia penos at 8 o' so it's a tough night but a great night for everybody's choices and thank you thank you thank you may my name is Jason stck I chair the recreation and arts committee before we get into Recreation Arts matter just want to Echo some of the my fellow colleagues up here just say that the opening of Super Fresh is tremendous um I want to commend the mayor and administrator and staff and my fellow council members for all the work they did to make this finally come to fruition um I've been several times since they first open every single time I go it is always busy and I for see that to stay that way and be successful so very excited about that um going launch into some of the Department of recreation um announcements I had so first off is there's a blue shop clinic on Wednesday October 9th from 10: a.m. to 11: a.m at the community center the clinic is open to all residents please call 732 819 0052 just stop by the community sector for more details um a little later this month there'll be a PL drive on Tuesday October 15th from 12: to 6:00 at the community center uh to make an appointment uh go to nybc.org drive again that's nybc.org drive and use sponsor code 6531 um and uh last the recreation announcements I uh very pleased to announce the the annual Halloween festival and costume grade will be back on Sunday October 2 7 from 1:30 to 3:30 uh in the afternoon uh in the parking lot by the community center um that's always a really good time lots of kids lots of activities lot of music events candy and of course the costume parade know I will be there hope to see you all there too um and then lastly I have an exciting Arts commission announcement so I think I mentioned this last time that there's a poetry Festival that the Arts commission is putting on um they'll be on Sunday October 6 from 4: to 9:00 p.m. at penos one seller at 1 North 4th Avenue although I think everyone knows where penis is come seeing poets from from town and around the state there will be future performers any poetry competition and uh they pick me to be a judge at this for whatever reason I'm not really that well but I promise to do my best and I'm sure it will be a good time um and then last to Echo so I colle just want to wish Happy New Year to um members of the community be celebrating sh really hope and wish that this new year there was peace for that Community that's all I have for thank you um um council member just repeat the date of the blood drive again date and time call that is an important one uh that is Tuesday October 15th from 12: to 6: pm at the community center thank you you council president H thank you mayor uh hi hi everybody my name is Matthew p i chair the Public Works committee uh and within that committee is to sustainable Highland Park so I have a few things to report uh from from them uh so happy October 1st uh we have a lot of exciting events planned and hope you can join us and just like how I said with the shade tree advisory committee sustain Highland Park is another very active organization that really works hard to um uh inform us on policy and Advocate and also post events in the community uh so among those that you should keep a lookout for our community cleanups a guided tour of the native plant Sanctuary middlex county is hosting a paper shredding event in Donaldson Park I get to dat uh free native plant giveaway uh and um of course our next meeting uh is October 23rd that's a Wednesday at 7:30 now now you have some work to do uh you can go to Highland to sustainable Highland park.org that's sustainable Highland park.org for a link to the meeting on October 23rd but also for links and more information on everything I just mentioned if you go there you can find the dates and times of the meetups you can find more details and you can also get on sustainable High pars manist which is which is really important uh so check them out uh very active and uh looking for members so if you're if you're interested in volunteering and being a steward of the environment the state of Highland Park wants you uh it is fall outside and I sound like a broken record but the shrubs continue to grow please remember to maintain your shrubs if they run along a sidewalk and particularly if you have a corner property why is this important as a Walkin Community it's essential our walkways are free of obstructions and have room for two people to pass each other comfortably but it's also important to create a function room on the sidewalk as possible for those using a wheel chair a stroller or anything else that might require additional space more as we embark on our townwide safe roots to school program and improve crosswalks sidewalks and sidewalk ramps it's essential that sight lines at Corners are clear for automobile fs and pedestrians and cyclists if you have a corner property congratulations you have a beautiful Vista View of your of your corner but you also have additional responsibilities to keep shrubs clear of sidewalks for maximum visibility again it is fall so five sustainable tips for the fall courtesy of sustainable Highland Park buring your reusable mug for your seasonal drink or ask for a for here cup uh that includes pumpkin spice options uh leave the leaves uh Karen Bain would appreciate this uh or even better compost your leaves Thrift or repurpose your old clothes sustainable Highland Park uh we we work together to put together a comprehensive resource list ahead of the townwide garage sale on options that you can have to um to to Free Yourself of of of of your extra garage sale Goods instead of you know leaving them by the side of the uh by the side of the road for garbage pick up which is essential sometimes but there are some other options are you carving a pumpkin cook with nutritious pumpkin seeds and compost the unused parts and inflame your tires for better fuel efficiency particularly in the cold weather all it takes is that one cold morning where your tire life goes on and say tires uh did you know that uh on September 21st it was zero emissions day uh this is all about taking mean meaningful steps to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute contribute to a healthier Planet a couple things that you can do to prepare and make a difference today and every day is uh um by Saving energy turn off the lights when you in your room unplug electronics when they're not in use opt for air drying your clothes and dishes uh instead of using energy intensive dryers every bit of energy saved helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions choose zero emissions Transportation the way we move around matters we just talk about walking at zero emissions ditch the car today if you can I am I am a commuter I drive a lot so I look for every opportunity not to to to get out of the car uh and not drive um choose to walk bike or take public transportation not only will you reduce your car and footprint but you also enjoy the fresh air and exercise that really makes a difference too getting out and walking for an hour a day makes a big difference let's make our streets a little Greener uh and and our air a little cleaner um fight for lower emissions you know we talked about uh advocacy that that our boards and commissions do including the environmental commission uh your voice is powerful advocate for policies and practices that prioritize environment come to some of our meetings um and and learn learn about Statewide legislation or other Advocate or other multi- toown advocacy efforts U for example sustainable Island Park and the environmental commission work uh with a Consortium of of of of regional environmental commissions uh and join the movement uh so you can share your uh haszero emissions day actions uh and you can share them with sustainable Highland Park if you if you email sustainable at um I'm sorry um oh I apologize let just Highland Park sustainable gmail.com uh so if you take a picture uh send it our way um Public Works on uh tonight's consent agenda we will vote on authorizing a professional service agreement for engineering related to improvements on North Highland Avenue gram Street and South 8th Avenue some more of our investment in roads along with the um uh uh previously reported uh pending improvements to Fourth Avenue Dennis and Harper Street uh thank you also to the public works department uh Mike Bor WIS and his team for their tireless tireless work throughout the townwide garage sales and arts and park uh and then also managing two both pickups the following week as well as garbage collection and recycling collection um it's a lot of work uh and so we really appreciate the residents and your your involvement placing items by meatly um and uh and it all works together um thank you councilman ha for mentioning the uh the governor's um housing conference hosted by the New Jersey housing mortgage Finance Agency as mentioned Council can and I were were were both there uh and it was just a really good opportunity to learn about the needs of the you know the needs of communi Statewide and and also our Statewide need for more housing um you know we talked about rent control and rent control really is a symptom of of of of a housing market that is uh you know that is unchecked and and out of whack you know and that's why it TS in act controls but in order to counterbalance that um production is is really important so what what we learned and what we're hearing from presidential candidates as well uh is that housing production is going to be very very important for all our community forward in order to drive down prices create more hous create more housing options and really truly uh integrate our our our our communities financially thank you mayor that's my report thank you council president I just have a quick question are they doing the bags the bags are available the leaf bags leaf bags are yes we talked about that um I may have to defer to Terry though um we do have leaf bags for pickup uh at the Public Works uh Department um but I would want to just that Terry just noded yet we do are they are they in are they uh I I believe so but why don't we we'll make sure we communicate that more definitively yes so so we'll put something on the website when they're ready typically leaf bags are available for free leaf bags are available for pickup at the Public Works Garage on Valentine Street uh we believe they're in we we had been planning for this and just waiting [Music] C mayor I just wanted to thank than you Terry H bro administrator economic development director um I did want to point out one other resolution on for tonight regarding the security systems upgrades at the rec complex uh that refers to the new track and turf field area that we uh partnered with the schools on renovating fairly recently um we have a little money left over from our collaboration and we mutually agreed it would make sense to install additional cameras uh to be able to keep track of things back there in the evening hours we do get quite a bit of litter and use in Left Behind after evening use and so we hope this helps deter some of that and also helps us follow follow up on any issues that may happen uh back there so uh we're looking forward to implementing that over the next few months thanks thank you attorne is report thank you just quickly through the uh the rules for the council meeting that's okay may yes um good evening everyone please be advised that we've implemented a new set of procedures on how we conduct Council meetings mayor runs the meetings and the public will have three times in today's agenda to participate first opportunity if you have a chance to look at your agenda of for public participation is after the mayor's report this time is limited to questions only about the resolutions and orenes that are up to a vote on today's agenda any questions or comments will be first placed on the record that will be from individuals that are sitting um in the room with us and then via zoom and the public portion will be closed once the public portion is closed the mayor will respond to the question or direct a member from the governing body directors or directors to respond to the public in public cannot speak once the public portion is closed second opportunity to tonight for the for public to speak uh will be for the each of the second hearings with ordinances that we have on the agenda at this time a member of the public may have a question or a comment regarding that specific ordinance that is being introduced for a second hearing once the comments are heard or any questions that that are asked portion will be closed and the mayil will respond or direct a member from the governing body or directors to respons then finally after a vote for the set agenda is passed there shall be a third opportunity for public participation the public at this time may ask a question or make a comment on any topic once all the members of the public are heard in person and VI Zoom the public portion will be closed once the public portion is closed no one from the public will be able to comment the mayor then will respond or direct anyone else from the D to respond thank you very much my thank you and now it's time for my report I also have a very brief report and um on October October 8th we're going to be bringing local government to the community so we're going to be meeting at 6:30 p.m. outside of Irving School in Maryland Avenue and it will be about from 6:30 to about 7:30 p.m. and we want to hear members that live in the 13th District any questions comments that you may have that you can address us there so we want to make it easy for those who don't who can't attend a council meeting we want to bring government to you so we can hear what you have on your mind and what concerns you may have so stay tuned look out for that um you should be seeing that via nixel and in our take five so we we really want to hear from you so hope to see you there also speaking of communication and how better we can communicate we are doing a survey the bur of Highland Park is doing a survey their communication team and we need to hear from you we want to find out how can we better communicate with each and every one of our residents so we're looking for different ways in which to do so and you can participate in that by visiting www.surveymonkey.com so you can go to www.s surveymonkey.com on our Bor website and the information should be there on how you can participate in the survey it's about 10 questions it won't take long for you to answer the questions and to encourage you we're giving away a gift certificates or we're giv a few gift certificates away so we really want to hear from you so please go to our site get that information and let us know how we can better uh we can communicate with you much more effectively also I do want to say um that I attended a breakfast that we had for one of our longstanding employees of over 17 years and that was our tax assessor Taman cuso we thank him for his many years of service and we're looking forward to having Logan as council member Kim Johan reported on so Tom thanks for all you did for Highland Park and last but not least just want to say Happy New Year to the members of the Jewish community and everyone please continue to enjoy Super Fresh public participation 21 minutes total 3 minutes per speaker limited to item on this agenda comments from Members attending in the in person will be heard first followed by those attending on Zoom so the comments that it's only for what's on the agenda at this moment okay please P your name and address even ladies and gentlemen middle County Association of the BL 242 South 6th Avenue art I fell on a piece of sidewalk on Mansfield Avenue went to the Housing Authority they're telling me it's the burrow can we get this fixed it's a 4x5 pieces side walk that's very hazardous my second thing is you mentioned about the blind I would like to be in contact with you about that uh Mr Blazer has t to us about universal access uh the woman from universal access send us an email I asked in the telephone we are blind we need to communicate other than email um and that's all I have to say so want to talk to me thank you anyone else from the member of the public please state your name and address beond 239 southy um I just heard a comment about nixel I requested it three times and I still on and I don't know why uh that's one of the few ways I have getting information because you can't signs sometimes you can go on the website can look uh but if it's something that's needs to be you need to get information quickly on you may or may not see it right away uh I've had experience with I first got Sandy and even though was it wasy [Music] and streets might be closed or if there's some kind of weather situation or some other things that are going on town that you know about and especially be walking around sometimes be construction everything's going on may or may not know get there um and I requested it and for some reason that I don't understand this is third turn I've asked for and done so thank you sing nor Second Avenue yeah Super Fresh is beautiful and crowded with people and crowded with merch but I question the five foot aisles speaking of accessibility I think a path of Trail has to be 5T and then they have these little shelves here and there producing it to less than four feet where the shelves are if you have two wheelchairs coming maybe somebody should look into that um recycling yeah right out I'm gonna say it again I don't think two days of driving around except for lunch and a few stops I don't think did five miles so I think you really should consider that without a map you look at them and as I said last time you just stop and you drive around and you walk around and you find things I guess I'll have a public at time for public speaking during the accessible parking oftion to speak and um yes happy New Year everyone I'll come back thank you anyone on yes ma'am I see six attendees on zoom and it looks like Felman your hand is up please St your name for the record please Diane fman North fors Avenue I wanted to comment on the ordinance uh 2094 which is adding stop signs at the intersection of Cleveland and Madison so that all traffic has it stops and I bought this sound good I would like to understand have the plan how the town plans to enforce this stop sign and the reason I'm asking the question is because several years ago you know left turn was introduced from North forth onto riton and I go through that intersection multiple times a day and there's anything from one to three cars going left from North forth onto RAR I have never seen anybody in enforcing the no left turn as a side question I believe I saw from representative palone that we are getting funding for three additional police officers and I would like to understand what additional traffic enforcement there will be now that we will have additional police on staff thank thank you anybody else no other hands up see that there's no one in public um seeing that there's no further may I have a motion to close public participation RC yes Council George yes councilman Hill yes council president H yes Council pan yes yes first I would just like to address Mr Bondi Mr bnd's um concern about nixel um we just need to just take your information again and if you did not receive any information from us maybe you can check your spam to see if it went into spam so just um we'll take it again and if you have not received it next few days just check spam and see if it went into your spam account it would be an email right yes so check your spam account see if you went into a spam email account and then um we'll we'll talk about that Terry you could just just follow with that location and I can follow on that and I'm sure council member canava will reach out to you and provide information regarding the support that's there for the BL um the volunteers they don't like giving their phone numbers out but I will at the end of the meeting give you my personal cell number so we can discuss universal access and how you can be a part of the meetings thank you and as it pertains to the the grant that we received from Congressman Fone for three police officers we're still working through the details of that we don't know at this time we we we're going to be accepting the grant but we don't know at this time how what specific are it's going to be we did receive the grant for um anti-Semitism um anti- Asian violence and you know General violence against people of color and to keep our town safe so all of that safety and community policing so all of that will be considered as we look to hire and get new Staffing on board but we don't know all the details of it as yet so keep stay posted we'll provide that as soon as we have it ordance requiring a second reading uh clerk can you please report on ordinance ordinance number 24294 ordinance amending and supplementing part one administrative legislation chapter 7 traffic schedule 10 stop intersections within the bur of High Park Cleveland Avenue at medicon Avenue has been duly advertised for consideration of passage on Final reading by title and affidavits of publication are on file and now it's time for public hearing on this ordinance if anyone would like to speak on this ordinance please come to the microphone and if there's anyone on Zoom please raise your hands comeing to the microphone please state your name and address see there's no one in the audience anyone un zo yes ma'am looks like Diane Felman has her hand up please St your name again for the record please yes hear me yes okay good um well I gave my comments earlier and I'd like to understand what kind of traffic enforcement there will be at this intersection because we just don't have a good track record with increasing um traffic changes the traffic patterns and ensuring that they will be observed I would like to understand how this fits with the safe walking and cycling work that's been going on in town thanks thank you as I said earlier with this new grant that we we have received that we're going to be receiving um we have to look at all the Dynamics and how the chief will decide how the police department will be serving the community in these areas we don't have that information at this time but please stay tuned we'll provide it as soon as we have it anyone else no more hands raised seeing there's no further may have a motion to close this public hearing on ordinance number 24 that's [Music] 294 yes Council George yes counc yesc yes yes counc yes may have a motion to adopt or reject ordinance number 24294 second roll call Council yes councilman councilman H yes council president yes Council kiman yesc the St yes please reported ordinance number 24295 ordinance amending and supplementing part two general legislation chapter 27817 parking on street accessible parking spaces within the burough of p park has been duly advertised for consideration of passage on Final reading by title and Affidavit of publication are on file public hearing it's now time for public hearing on this ordinance if you would like to speak please come up to the microphone if you're on uh Zoom please do the raise hand button um anyone speaking at this time at the microphone please give your name and address Loth Second Avenue I'm going to bet those electronic tickets are being given out on the turns on nor 4th instead of meting an officer but that's just my guess okay on street parking is this strictly for residential homes and are or or like the restaurant and apartments on 139 Avenue that had accessible parking for the accessible apartment and H Parks planner forced the Builder Anon to remove it and also how many spaces on Ron Avenue as Joy Norsworthy councilwoman in the 90s requested on both sides block have a handic parking space is that I didn't get a chance to read okay I think that's it I'd like to know where and how many and my suggestion is um well up north Second Avenue three seniors begged for one handicap face on 20 on on North because the apartment parking is small this is years ago they wouldn't allow it so they were turned down by Highland Park and even the universal access I'm told but if you simply paint um the last four digits of the pler then you can cover it over and put new digits assuming there's another person going to park that you can enforce it that way so neighbors will park in the handicap whether it's here at the restaurant just put the number there thank you thanks for your comment um council member George would you like to comment on this than out of public safy I I can briefly on behalf of the members of the Public Safety Committee and the chief what we deal with um a number of times during our meetings or requests for accessible parking on on the residential streets this ordinance does not designate or take away it it allows us a little more flexibility the ordinance AED two two accessible spaces uh per each one of our 13 districts what we found um we would get a request for one one in one District whereas people would come and say the family who used that access accessible space have moved can we get parking back so um the suggestion which was brought to council by Public Safety was to then the ordinance to allow us to flex those zones um if a space is no longer needed here but a space is needed there to to allocate it a little more fairly I should also note these are not reserved accessible spaces they're available to everyone we try to locate them in an area and everybody's familiar with their own neighborhoods where you know everybody knows that Phil Sun Parks as mini right at the corner of on Johnson Street and that's his space but in reality it's still a public space but you grant the courtesy but it is publicly accessible at all times we just try to locate it conveniently this ordinance does not give or take away any spaces it allows us to allocate spaces in the future when we get these requests without having to you know take the time it'll take us sometimes two or three months to get a space reallocated this way it would move a lot faster um and and allow people in the neighborhood to kind decide their own flexing problems thank you m thank you anyone on Zoom administrator okay see that there's no further may I have a motion to close public session on ordinance number 24209 so move second roll call Council can yes councilman George yes councilman H yes council president H yes yes counc M yes may I have a motion to adopt or reject ordinance number 24- 2095 motion to adopt second Ro Council yes so I'd like to thank the police department for all their hard work on and the research they did and the commission's universal access for their input on this thank you councilman George Council C of cor with a lot of Partners in this and um going into to making the decision and B Council for writing it up the way that everyone suggested yes counc yes Council pres yes Council kiman yes Council yes ordinance requiring first Reading Please report the introduction of ordinance number 24209 an ordinance amending and mening chapter 230-240 map and 230-4 attachment 4 in order to update the zoning map within the burough FAL par has been introduced by the economic development and planning committee for consideration of passage on first reading by title may I have a motion to adopt or reject ordinance number 242-2963 second roll call councilwoman can yes councilman George yes councilman H yes counc president H yes and to be clear this is a clean up of this just cleans up language yes councilwoman Kim Chan yes councilman pman yes now we move to the consent consent agenda resolutions may I ask the council members if they would like any of the following consent agenda items we vote from consent for a separate vote no May no May me I have a motion to adopt or reject the following consent agenda items 13 a through 13e Council yes Council yes Council H yes yes yes yes now it's time for the second public participation 3 minutes per speaker on any topic subject to conclude by 900 p.m. comments from members of the public attending in person will be heard first followed by members attending on Zoom Angela 242 sou6 Avenue uh I have spoken to the mayor about this and Mr Blazer what if any progress has been done about getting anyone else any me member of the public who wish to comment you save what second you'll save some emissions and energy if you turn this freezing or turn up move up the air conditioning although I see someone is suffering under the Hot Lights it's so cold in here when you walk in the whole during the day and half the employees are more are bundled in sweaters it's too cold T right now it's too cold for most of us and Survey this is pretty funny there's no questions on the back for those of us without electronic gadgets okay I appreciate coming back and you invited me back for more digging you have two people outspoken perhaps who have more bills M back three qus ended in two Z two Z two Z impossible and you have someone speaking out to saying pedestrians who has warville has drup from less than 200 to 800 this is too fishy this is too impossible and and I I wonder let's see H Park employee handman manual page 21 falsifying documents is that going on here and the reason I asked that and I'm asking back 10 years ago 2014 and earlier auditor outside auditor outside this building different whole different Administration whole different Council for the most part payment on climans Clans examined and you there were exceptions noted relating to missing authorizing signatures missing approval signatures missing receiving signatures and missing claiming signatures so you know it's very interesting I thought things had calm down but now with this water meter stuff I question what's happening the next year or six months later January 2015 minutes from an adjourned meeting page 326 you like this tax certificates were sold for the following premises tax means held in December 2014 2014 the tax collected determined an error because the lead was for 24 cents cents not dollars 24 cents and the property does not exist this is what we've been seeing here Amateur hour and then you had another one okay $115 in change property does not exist same page so that's why I appreciate staying in High Park and and I'll be visiting because this is fra anyone on Zoom yes we do have someone on zo with her hand up S Baptist Baptist please state your name for the record uh hi hello can you hear me yes okay uh s Baptist I live on ritton Avenue uh last meeting last council meeting um there was a comment made in reference to the many marijuana shops um that uh 70 % of Highland Park voted to legalize the sale of marijuana um and I did vote to legalize the sale of marijuana I did not at any point vote to have a pot shop on every block of Raritan Avenue which is what it's becoming and I think it's dishonest to conflate voting to legalize the sale of marijuana with with voting to have more you know pot shops in town than there are places to uh buy alcohol uh I believe this is the case um and a uh second comment I would like to make um I see that you are discussing the appointment of the new uh tax assessor um um however there is also a new crossing guard who should have been appointed I believe she finished training already um and I don't see her mentioned anywhere uh given everything going on with the privatization of the crossing guards and um some you know discussion that part of the reason for it might be that uh we're not attracting enough crossing guards one would think that uh you would appoint her promptly Upon finishing training thank you anyone else no mayor I see no other seeing that there's no no one else may I have a motion to close public participation second roll call Council yes councilman George yes councilman Hill yes council president yes Council yes counc yes uh B cler can you please um respond to the the community service bus sure uh we appreciate the inconvenience and we share your urgency to get it repaired well we're not getting it repaired it's unrepairable so we determine that um we're looking into options want of the check we have to we don't have money in this budget so I'll have to come to council either for special allocation of capital funds to purchase a new bus we're also looking into options potentially at buying a used bus which has an advantage of being quicker potentially and maybe a cost savings but there's some procurement issues with that so we are taking it seriously I'm working with Kim uh our director of community services it's a regular part of our conversation as well as Public Works director M Wertz to to try to sort this out but it was an unexpected um uh problem and we're we're moving as quickly as we can to try and address and as I've also shared with you Angela when we met that I have reached out to the county our surrounding communities and other places to try to see if they had a bus that they could loan no one has a loaner because there is a shortage of vehicles in general so we are as Terry said she's doing her best to address this issue um as it pertain to toying of documents I really don't appreciate that be taking with any staff member they are here to serve the community they are not here to be bullied or harassed so I really don't appreciate that tone uh water bill if you have a water bill question please go to the water department and have those addressed um that's it for my comments we don't need a five minute recess do we council members great no okay may I move for an German of this meeting second all in favor thank you our next council meeting will be on October 15 good night everyone