[Music] this meeting is called to order in accordance with the open public meeting act a notice of this meeting was produced to the home News Tribune Star Leisure and the Highland Park planet on January 5th 2024 and was posted on the ball website at www.h B bor.com and on the bulletin board of borrow Hall 221 South 5th Avenue Highland par New Jersey and has remained continuously posted as required by law fire exits are to my right and left of council chambers Chief can you lead us in the pleasure Allegiance yes Ali of the United States of America to the Republic for stands one nation God indivisible andice for all we just have a little housekeeping to do I'm GNA make a motion to appoint Terry J as acting clerk for January 16 2004 for this particular council meeting second Ro excuse me I guess I will can we do it all in favor on this uh mayor Foster doesn't vote uh councilwoman canava yes council president HH yes uh council person possible mck and M Foster says yes because it's oh we need you sorry hold on let me just Jen Jen's watching this tomorrow she's gonna get a kick and now can I show you no it's bad oh that was roll call yeah that was real Oh I thought that was the motion to make me the acting clerk motion to make you acting clerk yeah that's done okay and and we did the roll okay I got it sorry okay then makes it easy yes she does okay sorry mayor back on approval of minutes motion to approve minutes as distributed November 21st 2023 regular meeting November 28th 2023 Redevelopment and a regular executive meeting and December 5th 2023 regular meeting cler could you please note that council member H has joined us 702 roll call motion I mean a motion motion second okay roll call okay uh councilwoman Cana yes councilman hail yes council president H yes councilman yes and now we're going to move on to Council report and I'll start off with council member po thank you mayor um so I'll start off this uh report as usually do uh with a brief reminder that grocery Transportation online food truing assistance is still available through the community Department of Community Services contact the community center for more details um then seeing in the world of the Department of Community Services uh we're going to be featuring a park Swing Orchestra who going to be performing this Sunday January 21st at 2m at the community center concert is free open to all um and then on next Tuesday January 23rd at 12 pm uh we will have a winter lunch in with musical entertainment by DJ Johnny Ray for members of the community center um looking a little further ahead we're going to have a special Dragon dance performance on Tuesday February 6 also at 12 noon in celebration of the Chinese New Year and uh the last Community Services note please visit our website Facebook page and the myre website to be register of all of our current winter and upcoming spring programming including our new indoor table tennis program which sounds like a lot of fun um and so I cover Community Services Recreation and arts in the Arts World um uh the Guerilla Arts Club kid uh uh has kicked off the new year um as part of the Arts commission full just full seam head of a bunch of activities already just this past weekend um host an event at the Edison animal shelter where kids are able to interact with the animals and take F grass um and they're going be making art with those phot grass which will eventually become a fundraiser for the uh pic animal shelter and then a little later this month um the grill Arts Club uh group will be hosting a yoga and art series which of classes the first of which will be on Wednesday January 24th from 6 p.m. 7:15 p.m. at Community Center ight we're going to do a mixture of yoga and projects which are large eventually culminate large project and may that is my entire report for tonight okay thank you council member H I want sure mayor I apologize for being late I forgot how to scrape my windows kind done that in a while took longer than I thought it was but do apologize um uh just one thing uh two things I guess uh this is a incredibly tough time of the year for our local businesses um uh you know a lot of people are away and a lot of people are um uh you know sort of hunkered down especially in weather like this um so if there is ever a time to shop local this is the time of year that um that our local businesses really need as much help as they they possibly can get so please um uh get out and and do that um I also wanted to to point out that one of the items on our agenda tonight um is an agreement uh for us uh with the um with the the Board of Education and schools um on sharing um pilot money from 31 River Road this is a commitment that we made quite some time ago um that uh this pilot agreement um we would share the the normal amount with uh the schools um uh it took a little while um to get the legalities together and figure out how best to do it but uh we'll be doing that tonight and so it's a it's a promise kept and I think it's an important one for us to to make sure that we are um always contributing uh what schools need um for for their support so that's on the agenda tonight um and the consent agenda I just wanted to point out that's all I have mayor thank you uh councilwoman J yes thank you the Board of Health wants to remind everybody that RSV covid flu and the stomach virus are high right now we're at a medium level for the state please make sure that all your vaccines are up to date and wear a mask if you are immune compromised in any way or feel you need to um the community commission for universal access would like to remind people to please keep your sidewalks clear especially in this kind of weather so that people with any kind of disability will be able to safely walk around tyland Park the Mental Health commission is rebooting and are looking for new members and anybody who's interested could email me at TC n a v r a HP bar.com and I will put you in touch with who you need to speak to thank you thank you C president thank you mayor um happy snow day everybody uh I mean we were joking before that it's you we we've forgotten how to clear our car off we we've forgotten we're like in the South now where you get an inch of snow and everything shuts down so um but it is it is a nice uh it's a nice reprieve and I hope everybody enjoyed a much needed uh day of rest and uh and also that school students were able to get out in the snow and be active and do the all the things that uh I don't even know what my kids did today they were out they were running around and it was great uh just a few things uh just on this on on snow I just wanted to thank um DPW director Mike Mike Borowitz and his team at the Department of Public Works for efficiently and and effectively clearing our 31 miles of roadways while also handling North Side recycling collection today it's not magic it requires a lot of work and they do a lot with a lip and so uh I was say you know I I I think I wrote something online about uh waving to your Public Works uh uh employee as they go by please do uh anything helps with uh with folks doing appreciated especially when we're at uh you know in freezing cold temperatures uh and an clim plan uh and uh the burrow was on notice for several days about the impending storm uh and the first significant snowfall we've had in quite some time and Crews were out treating the roads as soon as snow began to fall yesterday evening uh many thanks to all the residents and retailers who responsibly removed snow from their walkways it's one of the few less than joyful tasks required on snow days but having walkways free of snow and ice ensures that we were able to be as mobile as possible as Council just pointed to particularly when we need to stay off the roads as much as possible uh do you if you want to know more about our snow removal processes uh take a look at the 2022 snow removal plan uh that was developed uh by councilman Phil George DPW and the Public Public Works committee that's available at www.hpb.com you can click on departments in the drop- down menu then click on public work and then snow removal if you need assistance clearing your private walkways uh the buau has provided a snow removal referrals list please keep in mind that some of the individuals on the list will charge a small fee high school students Etc uh and you can find that list by going to www HPB o.com and then in the search bar you can just type in snow removal referrals 2023 2024 uh and um I can post I'm post that on my Council Facebook page as well and then just a reminder because the week did get off to you know a non-traditional start with Monday being uh Martin Luther King day and and a Federal holiday uh and today being a snow day tomorrow and I say this to remind myself too tomorrow is Wednesday it is not Tuesday and uh so um the garbage collection schedule uh was amended this week to to to equ the holiday but just a reminder as follows tomorrow uh January 17th Wednesday uh garbage collection will be in business district North side and triangle and and and triangle on Thursday as usual Southside recycling collection and then Friday January 19th as usual business district and Southside garbage collection uh so please make sure that you get your uh uh recycling bins and uh garbage TOS out there um on uh tonight uh Tuesday January 16th Highland Park's overnight shelter will be open for anyone need in need of a warm place to sleep due to limited space individuals in need should call the Highland Park Police Department's non-emergency line at 732 572 3800 to reserve a spot please stay inside if you can you do not have to be at the cold there are resources uh and and shelter available to you um please check on your neighbors and please please do not leave your pets outside uh sustainable Highland par I'm I I forgot to mention I the Public Works committee so uh sustainable Highland Park is within that portfolio uh sustainable Highland Park continues to ramp up for the new year and actually right now are um are are are discussing how to better leverage their their uh their advocacy and kind of what they want to work on in uh in 2024 um you can learn more about them at sustainable Highland park.org you can sign up for Community cleanups you can uh enter their adopted drain program which is really cool where you can be responsible for taking care of that storm drain on your street if it once it fills it with degree and leaves um and also legislative advocacy there are some important uh uh proposed bills that are facing the legislature that directly improve our environmental outlooks Outlook not only part but the whole state uh sustainable Highland Park's next meeting is Wednesday January 24th at 7 pm and that is on Zoom uh as the second chair of Finance uh in councilwoman Kim Shan's absence uh while she's on leave um it is uh uh um I just want to report that there will be a rent control board meeting on January 25th 2024 at 5:30 right here in Burl Hall in this room uh 221 South 5th Avenue uh right here and then I just wanted to you know thank the mayor uh and uh the H Park team Center and Ashton for an amazing day event um mayor you continue to bring out the allar I was in the Highland Park and yesterday was no exception and know you have more to say about that so it was really it's you know it's really been great kind of getting back together in the room with our community for a purpose um and obviously uh you know what what what we're working toward um for Martin Luther King day and every day that purpose is Justice uh it's not just a day of service even though that that is something that we should all be doing every day but it really is making sure that we have a fair just and Equitable Society uh and a fair just par and then because uh I just wanted to give a special shout out of um uh our reorganization meeting that occurred on January 2nd again a real celebration of Highland Park and it was just amazing um you know still kind of Basking in the you know the in the glow of that but I again I wanted to thank mayor Foster congratulate councilman pelic on your swearing it's been an honor you know campaigning with you and getting and getting those ideas out uh there and a lot to build on so folks watching at home hold us to it and we are and we're and we're working hard um I also wanted to just uh you know give a special thanks to my family who was in attendance that night U Christine Ruben and philli um you put up with a lot uh and I think all of us you know all of us you know really have to carve out a significant time away from our families in order to do this work that we love uh and and and the most important thing is to have a family that is supportive of that so uh you know really thank you and then just our obviously my Council colleagues um for for your for for your continued support and um assembly members sty Stanley Bob carab binek senator Pat Dagan Sheriff Millie Scott uh County Commissioner Shantel mcallum East Brunswick mayor Brad Cohen assembly woman Angela mcnight uh and then finally and thanks to the mayor um for for for uh reaching out to representative Bonnie Watson Coleman uh for to to conduct this wearing she is uh you know she's in the neighboring congressional district but she is fighting every day uh from New Jersey um that is my rep thank you thank [Music] you administr my title I'm battling between titles tonight administrator Joker I did have one thing mayor thank you I just wanted to thank uh residents for hearing the call to to get your meter replaced um you would have gotten a letter from me kind of CH language saying second and final notice we really need you to follow through on the replacement we as of the end of the year we had about 800 to go out of more than 3,000 so we're really we're really close and we have been booking a lot of appointments so I really thank everybody for following through the information on how to schedule your appointments up on our website and you should have a letter if this applies to you uh so I just want to keep the pressure on keep making those appointments and we will hopefully have this wrapped up in the first quarter of the year thanks thanks uh B attorney uh no report Madame mayor okay I have a very brief report and it's good to be here and it's good that the team is here to serve the borrow and thank you all for having faith and confident in US for us to come back and to do the work that we need to do I want to start off by saying that yesterday we had a most successful MLK Dr Martin Luther King celebration at the high school I especially want to thank Ashton Burell from zone 6 and all the work that he did to uh organize that event he was um fortunate enough to get the Attorney General to come Matt F to come and speak and he ALS also gave him an award and he didn't he didn't come in at the beginning and dashed he came in almost in the middle of the program and I said Ashen why is why is the attorney general at the end of the program he said the Attorney General told him that he did not not want to just come in say a few words and leave he wanted us to stay and enjoy the program and believe me he stayed and he enjoyed the program he took lots of pictures he answered questions he talked about how um policing has has changed and and it was really refreshing to see um the new direction that they're they're working on and that they're going in for an example the attorney um attorney the deputy attorney general was accompanying him as well and they talked about some of the work that they have been doing here in Highland Park and which I was surprised to know and one of the new direction that they're uh looking at is how does food's insecurity affect poverty and affect crime crime and violence and with that in mind their new track is to address the situations of poverty which is a lot of times food insecurity and they started doing a Food Distribution Drive here in Highland Park along with Ashton theone 16 Center and just that's just one remarkable way of how community policing can be done and not just at the local level but also coming down from the top and I I really Embrace and I really like that idea and um he reached out to Ashton today to say that he wants to have a meeting to talk about more initiatives that we can do and I'm really looking forward to that so I will keep you posted I also want to talk about the speakers and the singers they were remarkable but there was one particular person that came and sang and after he sang I said um he came to me and he said I did this for you and I said said thank you so much I appreciate it later on Ashton that even Ashton called me that night he said when he said he did this for you he was in the hospital and he took his IV out and he came to Highland Park and he did this and I was just boiled over I just could not believe that you know one of our local residents who who's receiving treatment left the hospital just to honor his promise to be at the Martin day Martin Luther Day King event and that just shows the extent of the extraordinary the super extraordinary residence that we have here in hland park and I'm going to keep in in my prayers that all will go well with his treatment and I just a million thanks a million thanks okay that was kind of heavy but um the snowstorm is here and I too want to thank DPW um for clearing our roads as council member as council president said and also remind each and every one of you to clear your sidewalks keep the road from being slippery make sure that our friends and family as they walk and Traverse the sidewalk that this it's safe for everyone as they move around and if you clean your car do not dump the snow in the street because somehow it's going to come back again and just creates a problem so be considerate of the the DPW workers as you try to clean your walkways and clean your cars and another note I want to talk about the supermarket and um earlier in this month I spoke about uh that we wanted was to have a supermarket advisory committee group we're still working on it and we have a date I have a number of names of persons who want to volunteer and want to come in and give their advice and input and we're going our first meeting is going to be on January 24th and um it's going to be set up to discuss the offerings what Super Fresh they would like to see in in the new Super Fresh Supermarket see that voice and um we planned this meeting and I I would love to have members of the public to come in and to talk about it and to talk about what they would like to see and so we can go back to the owners of Super Fresh and say these are some of the ideas that are residents or some of the things that are residents are interested in if you if you would like to become a part of this group please reach shout to Harry Glazer our public information officer and it's h Glazer HP bor.com H par advisory mayor's te advisory is very very active they met they met and they asked a bunch of questions they met with me our B administrator J and hland Park Police Department Lieutenant David S then so far and they're going to be meeting with a lot of other leaders in our community to ask questions and to see how they can help various Charities or various groups and organization that they see that are in need this year they're going to be raising funds for the Highland Park fire department also for the cancer treatment and Education Center at rutar University and a program for SE to connect seniors that they want to put together and they're going to be working hard at it their group of dedicated individuals and whenever they say they're going to do something I have seen that they have lived up to it and often times supersede what their goals are and also we I would like to connect more or we would like to connect more with our residents so we were asking everyone to sign up for nixel so you can get alerts from the borrow and so you can be in touch and in tune with what's going on in the burrow so if you would like to get in touch again reach out to Harry Glazer at HB at H Glazer HB bor.com and he'll be happy to connect with connect you to our nixel messages and also to our take five and that's my report and now we're going to move into our first public discussion total time allotted is 21 minutes 3 minutes maximum per speaker comments are limited to items on the agenda if you want to speak to an item that's not listed please do so at the second public comment session later this meeting the borrow clerk will monitor the time and indicate when 3 minutes has lapsed she will give you a warning when there is 30 minutes remaining I may interrupt warn or terminate a participate statement if it does not adhere to the 3 minutes provided or if the statement is abusive obscene or irrelevant comments from the member of public attended in person will be heard first followed by those on Zoom if you're interested in speaking please take to the microphone and do so those who on Zoom press the raise hand button or Star nine on your phone keypad or raise your hands raise your hand button from anybody in the public if who wish to speak we don't have time uh I see that we have no public members tonight so um clerk I'm going to turn it over to if there's anyone on Zoom uh yes we have just for the record 13 attendees on zoom and I see one hand raised Mary forsberg could you please confirm your name and address hi um my name is Mary forsberg uh 317 Denison Street um I see that you have an ordin to appropriate the um pilot money to the um school and I'd like to know um how much the pilot is from 31 River Road and how much is actually going to the schools and I'd also like to know if that if uh the town had not um set up a pilot for that how much the town would be collecting in property taxes for that brand new nice building I'm sorry Mary for what you said for some new nice building but I didn't hear for theart building at 31 River Road oh okay administrator um I can answer the first part I don't have the second part handy so Mary follow up with me uh on email and I'll get you that information um we and it's by resolution just to clarify our this um the the resolution sets uh aside 60% of the burrow share of the pilot payment there's a portion that has to go to the county by Statute um and then what this resolution does is this is the the 2023 collection this is the share from 23 is paid in the first quarter of 2024 that's how the agreements set up so the 2023 burrow share was 9 according to the schedule I'm looking at so 60% of that is approximately $55,500 on that okay I see another hand mayor hold on one second uh Colleen Tyler you're up next please state your name and address for the record H you might have to unmute yourself for us to hear you oh sorry my name's Colleen Tyler 42 North 6th Avenue Highland Park okay um yes I'm concerned about the uh potential for as I understand it six marijuana dispensaries um coming into town I don't see the need for that many in the town of our size size of our town it seems to be excessive and also I know there are some questions being raised about uh the approval of these um dispensaries so I guess that's the question I'm wondering is how is the public uh able to input um opinions about I think this excessive amount of marijuana dispensaries um Colleen this this was approved I believe about three years ago uh council member Hill do you want to speak a little bit about this um sure um I mean the the the process for deciding on the number of of dispensaries and the the distribution of licenses um happened about two years ago um and and so there were a number of of public meetings a number of of hearings a number of of of um discussions about um the the appropriate amount of of dispensaries in Highland Park um so we we had a have a a process that um uh where applicants came in to to apply for for cannabis licenses um the we had a that that that we went through again my recollection is it was about two years ago um uh they've been waiting for the state licenses um uh and many of them who are uh have conditional approval from Highland Park are still waiting for state licenses um so we we had this discussion quite some time ago and and certainly there was a debate on on the number of uh the the correct number um and um so that's happened quite a while ago I guess is what I'm saying kie this was a well as of 2024 it was three years ago that it that this was approved and it was also one of the valid questions in 7% of the people voted to have um the legalization and then we went through an entire process and a vetting process that these folks went through and the it was settled and I think we had about 20 people that wanted it was to come in and we it was narrowed down to um five licenses that was issued okay and as of today one shop has been open I still think it's an excessive amount for a small town like this and I think it sends wrong message especially to the Youth of our town to have these shops so many of them I understand that it's legalized um and that the town voted to to you know to allow dispensaries but I think six is excessive amount and I I am concerned of the um effect of these shops on our our youth especially teenagers thank you for your comments oh we have one in person please give us your name and address sure Mary just put the microphone closer thank you I'm Mary Bon 709 Madison I'd like to get on the record my objection to tonight's resolution 12444 issuing retroactive permission for a Highland Park marijuana license to begin with an ordinance is a law that a town adopts for its own operations there are also federal and state laws council members are not expected to pick and choose which of these three types of laws they they will abide by and which they will ignore seven months after your first marijuana law which was ordinance 21227 you identified procedures for how exactly you would authorize a marijuana license after the state issued a pop shop uh its own version of a license to do so you enacted your second marijuana law ordinance 22244 section 1367 f that only appears in ordinance 22244 reads the local business license will not be issued from the buau until the state issued license is presented to The Bu clerk's office for presentment to the council to authorize the clerk's office to issue the license by way of resolution simply put there was no resolution presented until tonight to issue a license but a license was issued on January 9th this this is January 16th the concern is that Highland Park has violated its own local law because it issued a license to a pot shop without any Council resolution being publicly introduced and voted on before issuing that license you claim to have your reasons for bypassing this stipulation but I hope you appreciate how objectionable it is if council members sidestep their own local law ordinance and with none of the penalties specified in the local law which mentions revocation of a license for and I quote any violations of the terms of this chapter so my first question is to you by a show of hands how many of you recognize what I've described is a valid concern uh here you want to address that question uh yes Madam mayor the ordinance was put together before the final uh CRC regulations that were promulgated and adopted by the state and when the state adopted those 20 220 Pages worth of regulations they gave very little direction to the municipality about how and when it should or shouldn't act on a business license in fact it's silent on that whole issue so when this operator came to the clerk the cler called me and said what do we have to do in order to license them and allow them to open and the steps were that the code enforcement officer had to make sure that all of the code enforcement issues were addressed the co was in place there was an inspection done by his office to make sure that was in order and the other items that had to be cleared in order to allow that property to open uh were were cleared here in the buau we took a look at the CRC regulations to see what the issuance of estate license for retail cannabis said and it simply said that once the license was issued and in this case it was issued on I believe it is December 20th of last year then the retailer is authorized and allowed to open so we took the position that the retailer who had waited for this final approval from the state was allowed to open as long as they were in compliance with all the regulations of the burrow and that we also took the position that we could basically adopt that business license which is normally issued by the clerk's office without any involvement of the governing body anyway if you go take a look at our chapter 247 all the business licenses are just administratively handled in this case we had put it in in to the ordinance to say that the council would issue a resolution but we determined that they should be allowed to open under the state law and that we would bring the resolution to the council this evening retroactive to the 9th when the issue when the local license was issued so I I think whatever steps we took we tried to take it taking a look at the state law which probably trumps our local law and we issued the license when they were ready to receive it so did any of you actually review the language in ordinance 2 22044 regarding issuance of a license as I specifically read what you put into place I believe that the entire mayor and Council read exactly what the attorney put into place what we have in place and what we were advised by the attorney so you issued the license regardless of the fact that your local law says you have to issue it the license by way of resolution that's the local law you put in place uh attorney schmear I I believe that as you said we um that the state law trumps right are local laws so we were we were in lock up with what the state law says am I clear on that that's correct Madam with the local law do you understand that but the state law supersedes what we do so based on what we were advised by our attorney we followed the appropriate steps federal law also supersedes state law just so you have it on the record my second question for you Elsie as our mayor and have gone over we've gone over three minutes up to you how you want to handle I'm sorry I'd like to ask my second question circumstances and most of that time was at answering thank you for you Elsie my second question uh as our mayor and our longest serving member of council you've participated in literally hundreds of ordinances and resolutions in Highland Park so can you please tell us do you intend to issue all Highland Park Marijuana licenses without publicly introducing and voting on a resolution first and if so why and if not why not I will be following the ad of our Council Ed can you comment then to my question well I mean the answer might be that that section of the ordinance could be repealed because these business licenses as opposed to aaro w a license okay are different and normally the business licenses are handled administratively by the clerk's office right you put that language into this ordinance this local law it's in it's in the ordin we didn't break the law because we interpreted the state law as indicating that once once an operator got their license from the state and they were told they could open a retail shop we had the obligation to move forward and allow them to do that they've been waiting for two years to get to this point and they were to the point where we believe that they are entitled to get their o operations open and that's why the business license was issued and it'll be ratified tonight regardless of the specific language in 22244 right as I said before we believe that language has probably been trumped or superseded by the CRC state regulations thank you so much anyone I do see it looks like Miss Tyler's hands back up again uh Miss Tyler please unmute yourself and that was mistake that was mistake sorry oh no worries okay oops hold on I think I just I did okay no more hands raised now okay now we're going to we're going to move on to uh ordinance requiring a first reading by resolution uh cler can you please report and introduction of ordinance number 23-20 181 sure Capital ordinance providing for improvements to North Fourth Avenue Dennison Street and Harper Street project in the county of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating 69,90 from the Department of Transportation and Municipal aid program therefore to pay the cost thereof has been duly introduced by the finance committee for consideration of passage on first reading by title may I have a motion motion to adopt or reject ordinance number 23281 motion to adopt second roll call oh our mayor I'm supposed to say and the public hearing is set for February 6 20124 Jen told me not to let you go past that okay um R things okay roll call okay oh sorry that's call councilwoman Cana yes councilman H yes council president hirs just yes and I just wanted to point out that uh it's Harper Street not Harper place not to be confused uh Harper street is much needed much need of repairs uh as is Denis and of nor so this is a much welcome project thank you ter Council impost yes okay on the consent agenda may I have a motion to adopt or reject the following consent agenda items 813 through 13A through 138 motion to adopt second roll call councilwoman can yes councilman ha yes council president H yes councilman pan yes resolution requiring a separate reading uh 1-24 d47 resolution to approve budget transfer may I have a motion to adopt or reject I'll move it second councilwoman Cana yes councilman H yes council president H yes council person P yes and now it's time for the second public discussion total time alloted is 21 minutes 3 minutes maximum per speaker the clerk May monitor the time and indicate when 3 minutes has lefts she may give you a warning when there is 30 seconds remaining I may interrupt one or terminated participant statement or if it does not ad to the three minutes provided or the statement is abusive obscene or irrelevant comments from members of the public attending the meeting in person will be heard first followed by those attending on Zoom Zoom to those on Zoom who wish to speak please press star l or the raise hand button on your keypad or I'm sorry or ra the raiseed hand button uh please press star six to unmute yourself when you wish to speak please Begin by telling us your name and address and the B administrator will announce when we on I think I do have one hand up in Zoom uh we have 16 attendees Mary forsberg please confirm it's you hi um Mary forsberg 317 Dennison Street um I noticed that in uh the paperwork for this meeting there are a lot of uh rental agreements that you are um uh uh setting up for the various buildings that the owns Which include things like $10 a year for a couple buildings and things like that I am um concerned about the amount of uh uh property that the buau has taken off the the tax rols and I'm wondering um where uh will be money from these um five uh marijuana shops I gather you are anticipating thinking that you're going to get a lot of money from that where that will show up in the budget I guess it would just be under revenue and I'm also curious about the um very generous uh money that was given by the former policeman in Highland Park for that has been set up as 501 c3s how how does that how will that be incorporated how does um how do the new uh vehicles and how does the money for the library show up in the budget or doesn't it how how will that money be administered I'll start off with the the kushna grant none of that money one of the requirements of the grant was that each group that received funding had to be a 501c3 Standalone separate and apart from the borrow the borrow could not be involved in any of the is issuance or controlling of the money so each entity that received money they they had to have their 501c3 what we have been what we will do for these groups that were a part of the borrow and are now part of a 501c3 organization because they are supporting armor of the borrow we will provide them with space so we will continue to provide them with space but we will not be in charge of any of the money we will not see any of the money at all it will be handled under a separate 501c3 separate and apart from the borrow so are you going to have a separate group of people who are going to make be making decisions about some of those things or how how how will people be selected to be uh the uh um arbitrators of how the money is going to be used for example if you were if you're a member of Island Park food pantry they now have a 501c3 organization and as 5013 C's go they have to set up a board they have to um do their accounting measures and everything else like that so they have their own 501c3 that is in place Highland Park gibes a hoot has the same thing the fire department has your 501c3 the the PBA has a 501c3 so they are separate and apart and the funds is being administered through a the money is being administered through a fund so to these groups are you plan so we have in other words the the B of Highland Park has no um over we do not oversee any of the funds it's a SE it's totally separated from us so are we going to see budget reductions as a result of this money being made available I'm not sure about that Mary we'll wait and see but I don't see well if we didn't plan to buy a fire engine and we're getting one for free they would you would not see a budget reduction what about the library we've we're investing a lot of money in the library and and I'm so happy that the Krishna gr came in and they they they very much needed all the upgrades in the library we could only go but so much but with the kushna grant with the upgrades that the borrow has put has money has allocated to put in such as the roof and other areas there were other areas of the library that was not going to be completed the kushna grant will help with those things such as the bathroom and a garden outside and uh I think a study area in the library which is something that we could not have done this year or the or year because we just don't have that the money to do it but with the kushna grant we were able to get a lot more upgrades in a shorter amount of time the library was able to do that let me not say we because the Bor has nothing to do with that part of the kusher grant so the trust is that the library will be making those decisions I am not sure who the who was named to be a part of that 501c3 organization that they had to put together I'm not sure about that but I'm quite sure um Mr barage would be able to answer your questions how how would one get information how would one uh be able to look at the uh the um information on on the various 501 c3s I would suggest that you reach out to them because they they're not an arm of they're not a part of the borrow as I said we provide them space but if you wanted was to see their operating budget how they're set up as an organization I believe that you have to reach out to these organizations and uh request that information if you're asking if who are these groups that are receiving the funds we can provide you a list of the organizations that will be will be receiving the Krishna Grant fund but if you're asking what your daily operation is I can't answer that question and I I noticed in the um in your um ordinances resolutions um uh for tonight that one of the things is uh something about the FL flat roof on the library um I guess I expected that the flat roof would have been the first thing that the town would be fixing rather than doing any kind of internal things with the library and you're so correct Mary that process has started since last year that's why we had um satellite locations for the library I believe council member Hill had wanted us to add to this discussion we just add that that nonprofit organizations file something called 1090 that is a a a a a form with the state then all of the nonprofit organizations that are set up as a result of the kusher G will eventually um uh file at 1090 and that's a public document that is available to anybody who wants to see how they're operating where their funds are going so and also they have to file with the fence as well federal government I'm sorry 990 90 they have to file with the federal government as well that's sorry okay all righty um anyone else um no hands raised online and I see no one in public um in our public spare so at this time I'm going to make a motion to adjourn to and there's no executive session yes oh motion to adjourn to Executive session sorry move second all in favor I I good night ladies and gentlemen have a good night and stay thank you weird