thank you yeah just the just the wireless one we turned off to save battery sitting down yes right here exactly [Music] Adventures [Music] bye [Music] you got our new tech team um you were our GMC swim team coach yes yes yes yep yes yes thank you thank you fun students at Florida and Angelo this envelope hello and he's also been doing amazing work with the tech department he helped him and did the video streaming for the high school graduation so he was there and God bless the soul for helping with all those Chromebooks that in the tech department right now so we actually appreciate it we owe you a charging cable yeah oh boy test test okay we're good can you hear me over here in the horrible thing right now we're so cool right here there's three of us here uh Maryland we only need a quorum of four now that we are reduced yet so um just curious thank you yeah yeah we'll start at seven o'clock on this out too um today let's talk at all are you ready for us over there ready to go I know I know okay okay all right um I pulled the order this uh August 7th meeting I read regular meeting in the Highland Park Board of Education this is also available meeting the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right Republic to have advanced notice of as you attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is as fast for active time in compliance with the Oakland Public meetings act the Highland Park Board of Education has forced notice of this meeting stepping forth the time date of location to be submitted to publication to the home news tribunal Star Ledger and post on the board's website at least 48 hours in advance for this meeting members of the public who wish to address the Border will be given the opportunity to do so before the board Returns the beginning and Welcome to our new business administrators we're happy to have you here thank you here Ms Coleman here Miss Cowan earrings Miss McFadden to Nicola here Mr Rosalyn Miss Morgan here okay we're moving to the approval of the minutes of our virtual regular public executive session meetings on July 17th so actually I move that we approved the three it's do I have a second second okay yes Miss Coleman yes Miss gallon yes Miss mcaden to Nicola yes Mr Rogers he's actually gone um yes oh thank you okay we moved to the superintendence report and uh oh sorry I was jumping ahead yes I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all right I really sticks ahead so we did roll call pledge of allegiance to have there were no Communications this month I think everybody in general practice went on vacation are taking a break so it's been provided on Communications we approved our minutes so now we can go super hand supported by Dr poisson Pennsylvania good evening everyone I do have a presentation to give tonight on the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment our test results as required by the state but first I'd like to say something um that really touched my heart over over the weekend it is with profound sadness and a heavy heart that I share in the news which we often probably heard of the loss of one of our own estate former board members Darcy simulasti is an incredibly difficult time for our school district as we come to terms with the loss of a dedicated individual who played a vital role in shaping the education of our students Darcy was more than just a board member she was a pillar of our community a passionate advocate for education and a compassionate supporter of our students teachers and staff her commitment to supporting a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for all was evident in every decision she made we remember Darcy for her tireless efforts in advancing our schools championing public education initiatives and striving to ensure that each student had the opportunity to succeed her contributions to her District were invaluable as she will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing and working with her in times like these it's essential that we come together as a closing Community to support one another through the grieving process as we've won the loss of Darcy let us also celebrate the Legacy to these behind the positive impact she made on the lives of countless students the inspiration she provided to fellow board members and educators the inspiration she provided to fellow board members and Educators and the lasting Mark she left on our educational landscape to the family and friends of Darcy please accept our heartfelt condolences during this time of bereavement we share in your sorrow and stand ready to offer any support and assistance you may need let us honor the memory of our departed colleague by continuing the work she was so passionate about providing the best education for all students and ensuring a bright future for generations to come May the memories of Darcy Comfort US during this difficult time and may we find strength in the unity as we move forward thank you for my name of what Darcy would have had a lot to say I was just going to say it's kind of apropos that I have to now talk about state test scores which is I know something that she championed against because as she always said and I truly believe and I know we all do that our students are more than a test score so it's unfortunate that I have to present on this but the state requires me too so I will work with the business and I know Marilyn will probably have more to say about our speed colleague champion and friend Darcy lever okay okay all right so tonight I'd like to share the njppa test results the New Jersey graduation performance assessment I was adopted on May 3rd of 2023. the proficiency level cut scores for English language arts and Mathematics as well as the menu of alternative assessments and align cut scores so on May 3rd if you recall the New Jersey Board of Education changed the cut levels sorry time now I'm sorry for the video footage so that if people can watch it back here right hold on foreign sorry every time some technical difficulties in-house here should the we would try putting the flood in the UDA one one I don't know I guess okay cool yeah if not does it work too if one of if Jen turns her computer around can you zoom into her computer screen or was that too funky um Maybe um yeah we can yeah if you can like minimize the zoom people where you can just see like the screen yeah there we go yeah okay okay all right take two results um [Music] so the state requires um the statute for the njbpa requires that all students take this test in grade 11 so it's similar to those if anybody recalls from the hspa's the graduation requirements for 11th graders so there is statute that requires all students take the NJ GPA test it's designed to measure the extent to which students are graduation ready in ela and Mathematics and The Graduate graduation of Readiness is reported separately from each content component the ELA component is aligned to grade 10 standards and the mathematics component is aligned to Algebra 1 and geometry on May 3rd of 2023 the state did change the cut scores so they actually lowered the cut scores a little bit for all students around the state for students who take but don't meet the minimum required score on each component of the assessment have the opportunity to receive additional support in one of the following steps so they can retake the ELA or math components in the fall or the summer they can meet a designated cut score from the menu of substitute competency tests or complete a portfolio deal so there are some alternate Pathways to graduation as well including sap scores psap scores ACT scores and a couple other options the njsls is another one as well so if students pass the algebra and jsls test then they also meet their requirements so if they took algebra 9th grade but 11th grade didn't pass this test but they passed the njsls but they still need that requirement so there are more other alternates for graduation and the other option is a portfolio appeal so how did our students fare against students across the state so as you can see our students 89.2 percent of our students in 11th grade for the ELA were graduation ready as compared to the state average which was 80.5 so that left about 10.8 percent of our students what theyad does not get graduation ready versus the 19.5 estimated across the state our mathematics scores our students in Highland Park are 11th graders about 69.2 percent of them are graduation ready for mathematics as compared to the state average which was about 55 percent of the students overall not yet graduation ready for Highland Park is 38 30.8 percent as compared to this not yet graduation ready for mathematics across the state which was 45 and sometimes the percentages might not total 100 surrounding so we can break this down by our subgroups in terms of graduation ready so the ELA is in red and math is in the Gray colored um and so you can see the bar graph comparing the two versus our comparison on this side it's important to note that there is a minimum reporting of 10 you have to have at least 10 students in that subcategory for there to be a report so if you don't see the category here that means we don't meet that requirement for example our Pacific Islander group we don't have 10 students I think we have two so unfortunately they're not we don't have that data set available since we don't need that minimum so up in our 11th grade you can see we have 30 Hispanic students 32 Asian 10 black students 45 white 11 that are two or more races so that makes up our racial subgroups and then for economically disadvantaged we have um 35 students special ed 13 in the 11th grade graduating 11th grade class 13 with 504s and then it's broken down that's 69 are female and 60 are so you can see that that breakdown again if we have students that are non-binary or on designated um gender they're not graphics we wouldn't have 10 or more of those so as you can see from the breakdown of our subgroups overall our students look to be a little bit in some categories more so ready Ela proficient than not proficient in terms of our percentage some areas of weakness obviously you are a special ed Ela 38.5 of them are Ela ready and 15 are math ready but overall our Ela students if you look at some of our notable achievements our students really did score very very well in our Ela Readiness but I will complement our students overall that scored above average in the state for math Readiness and Ela Readiness so although our Ela scores were much better than math overall our students did score above average than the state and there are the disparities between Ela and math are very interesting to our team what we have found so far is that that's very common in New Jersey school districts so miss Saka our math Supervisor has reached out and started a data chart with schools across the state so far the summer it's been slow to collect that data from supervisors on vacation but so far we've heard back from 22 North Jersey schools that indicate approximately 27 percent of students are not graduation ready for math while approximately 10 are not graduation ready for ELA so we're finding this disparity that's very common amongst other school districts which has us curious so what we're doing is continuing the conversations between the math supervisors to figure out what that disparity is was it an issue with the test is it an issue with the administration of it um you know the way the content this traditional way of thinking about math is that Algebra 1 geometry Algebra 2. I can't imagine the students forgot Algebra 1 in Geometry by the time they're 11th grade but you never know so we're trying to figure out why why those disparities exist around the state as well with District leaders and the conversation is happening at the New Jersey Department of Education so hopefully we'll have more information about about why that's happening we do have some concerns why our you know students might not even need more graduation ready than we're displaying so we do have some intervention strategies that we started last year anticipating that our students were struggling coming back from covet already and needed some support based on our local data from assessments so what we will continue to do for our intervention strategies we have after school mentoring programs to increase academic success as well as social skills and peer relationships we have teacher to teacher which we started last year into professional development first teachers in grade 6 to 12 on data-driven instructional practices so we have a coach coming into both Middle School and High School teachers that go in the classroom get take notes about what they're seeing and provide the teachers feedback and then targeted professional development based on that in terms of using data to drive instructional practices for differentiated instruction we have peer connect professional development we talked about that at the end of last year we hired Tyler Brewster to do that work and that's on cult School climate and culture to support peer relationships and increase School attendance in grade 6 to 12 what's not noted on this obviously because this is 11th grade data but we still have a significant issue with chronic absenteeism across the district so so we're hoping that at the high school level that we can increase the culture of the school that students want to be there and engaged and that will increase our our scores as well we're working on the use of common language on assessments across all grade levels that reflect items on the New Jersey student learning assessments including the NBA GPA so looking at not specifically teaching toward the test but using common language that would be used as good mathematicians and good readers and writers so our students are more prepared and Sample assessments assessment type of questions that are higher level thinking you'll see throughout the grade levels and we're currently reviewing and expanding our multi-tiered system of supports our support systems mtss to best identify and support varying learning needs of our students so last year remember we hired Commando Institute to come in and do an audit of our mtss and we found some disparities between all four buildings some inconsistencies and the need for more rigorous inrs data collection and use for the tiered interventions to support our students so we're still reviewing that information we're putting together our design teams for mtss and then using a data we're using Frontline actually which we use for iup direct and 504 for inrs to collect data put together the intervention strategies and really collect information on how our students are doing with those interventions not only in academics but behavioral that was another disparity that we've got in our mtss data collection of where our audit made was some of our schools weren't seeing behaviors as a need for an intervention from TSS and IRS so we want to make sure that we couple the academic with the social emotional and behavioral needs to best support our students in addition we are implementing common benchmarks for all high school English students to track their skill progress and there are high school Support classes added in geometry in Algebra 2 for students identified as at-risk so we have an algebra one support class that already exists for our student service to get to support them that's been really successful so we're expanding that to geometry and Algebra 2 to support our students as well and that concludes my presentation so I'll stop sharing a second okay so I'll open it up to board members for any questions yeah so a couple questions I had just following them on some of the interventions planned and I'm wondering what administration's thinking about our students and disabilities addressing um provide you know she has great question so we actually had a meeting today with Dr Linda Edwards who is an expert in co-teaching models um and so she will be she developed a plan with Miss Coppola and the teacher actually today we finalized the plan for next year for professional development with our special ed teachers on co-teaching models because we found discrepancies there as well inconsistencies and discrepancies in our co-teaching models so we want to make sure that we have sound teaching Partnerships and ways to address our students needs so that they're being supported in classes as well so we are going to be doing professional development for our special and teachers well then for the support classes that are being offered those are optional right yes and then I'm just wondering how the participation for Algebra 1 class it's been wildly successful when we want to expanded to geometry and Algebra 2 as well a place another course they say yes well it would but there's a little bit more flexibility in the high school just because of the a period and the way you can structure your different courses and some of our students sometimes only need it for a semester so they're finding success and getting you know their more comfortable and things like that then they can you know move on you know into another class you know semester class so they are finding success there it's a little bit easier for scheduling at the high school because there's more options versus the middle school where the schedule is pretty packed so if you're in intervention in Middle School the option is you can't have a World Language so that's been a very big struggle at the middle school since I've started here as a staff supervisor is the way this because we have we don't have enough staff or physical classrooms if students place it sometimes our students actually place it to both be a light intervention and math intervention so they have to in that case also too all intervention that is a tier three where it's a pullout you have to get hair permission you can't just pull a student out of their class board intervention you have to get parent permission K-12 in the Middle School the the trouble is is that they then can't have World Language and especially with our Spanish classes we the students love this Jade the street and and Spanish is a popular choice and we love what the students like to have that um diverse option in their schedule they love Spanish and we want them to be well-rounded and have that language it's unfortunate sometimes it comes at a price that they're you know significantly go low grade level in reading or math and or math and so sometimes it's a balance of parents refuse for the intervention because the child really would prefer to take um the Spanish class one of the things we're trying to do if they take the idea of intervention is that they place in but it's not a a life sentence so the idea is there should be a you test in but you can test out so there should be like an exit strategy for students leading intervention however sometimes with the scheduled constraints that's not always the case in the end of just staying there and then they're bored because they don't need it anymore the issues we found especially in the middle school is if they get pulled out of they don't take World Language and they take let's say math intervention and halfway through the year or even as one quarter of the year they close their gaps then they're behind in Spanish because Spanish is already a quarter of the way or half the way through the year so we're trying to work with the Spanish to just ride and World language teachers who provide professional development where maybe their classes are a little bit more self-paced and self-directed so the teacher's still the instructor but they could come in and pick up at a certain point in their level of understanding it's like pick up where they left off in their Spanish so that they don't feel like they're in a class where they're constantly drowning now so that's going to take some time as well so we're really trying to be creative with some of our options for the students we're hoping with the addition of the part-time dance theater and theater teacher that that'll be gave some of those issues because we have more options for students with scheduling so hopefully that will release some of the issues that we're finding is I don't think speaking about the middle school because our we have we I know these were 11th grade test results but we do have an issue obviously that steps all the way down to our local levels so that's what we may be preventable development before we just throw them into the fire for that right managing all the other reporting application classes sure speaking of uh TV the peer connect with Tyler Minister and you know obviously the climate culture however income are going to do that more part of the discussion so it has been I know that Brooke about the Zone has shared that information with Asylum Skalski was taking over in her seed and in her place so we will follow up our leadership team meetings in August are in two weeks from now and part of that conversation is the data that we will collect on on both the work of the teacher to teacher PD and the work with Tyler Brewster yes absolutely if kids aren't feeling connected they don't want to learn and they don't come to school students choose to use the LGs tours to so opt out unfortunately is not an option anymore the state said that they'd have to sit you have to sit for the test in order to even and take the test seriously in order to qualify for the ultimate assessments so unfortunately that is a state law not a local law opt out is not an option anymore unfortunately um so they have to do that and what if they sit for it and take it seriously because I guess they know by the rate of the clicks of the bounce ticket I don't know what they deem as he had Flags it as if they just go quickly and she's like and finishing a certain time they flag it so they have to actually try and if they're not successful then it it triggers we have Genesis set up that it triggers for the next um what they call it level two of graduation proficiency like option two okay does that make sense yep yep we've mentioned chronic absenteeism a few times over the last few months and I'm curious you have the ntss design teams looking at current s and things like that is there any sort of design team or um either district-wide or school-based team that's looking at how we support attendance yeah so that the three principles MS balbazone MR depayne and Mr Richardson are going to work collectively to um track that data and look for ways to support our students and chronic absenteeism the issue that Megan can support that at Irving however it's a little bit more shocking it's really just first grade because kindergarten is a required class of course God grade level so that David doesn't count for anything in either preschool so that data is is that as significant to us so the three assistant principals are tasked with doing that absolutely thank you their types of tests that's interesting I have no idea I don't know anybody in other states and I don't really look at that data um but it definitely was something that was alarming to us and then when we started reaching out to other people they were saying the same thing so that's when Lisa was like I'm going to start a spreadsheet and reach out and have people complete it because something seems to be odd right like and it's like if it's just you or just a couple but when we're seeing that like a lot of people are coming back with that that that's pretty alarming yeah that's a good question yeah I don't know this is the first time yes right no comparison data yes that completes my report thank you um the 22 process we're going to be doing board committee reports and review the agenda but this then we'll go to a couple of comments and then we will back come back and vote so comment will come after our commitment reports and review the gem guidance Construction all right um so curriculum and instruction back on August 1st it was myself Miss Rodriguez and Dr um we continue to look at Benchmark data this time we looked at Irvings phonics skill set or phonics screener I should say which showed students progressing from when they first come in like they give them a pre-skill set so something that isn't uh you know what they would call skill set one up to skill set four which is what you would want them to be at the end of the year and they have about 49 of students that are at level four or higher there is a significant group of students at that level three at that level there are a lot of CBC word skills which is consonant Bell consonant so teachers will really focus in on this area of this coming school year grade one responding screener shows similar progression with about 50 percent of students being within levels 9 to 13 which is what those you would want the children more by level 13 by Spring we also discussed the franciscanal reading assessments for Caden one these assessments like you said last meeting they're not closely aligned with the phonics approach to instruction so what the Benchmark showed was that they're worth lower performance or some of the skills that we're not taught because the teachers were taking a more phonetic approach um the committee also looked at math benchmark data about 68 of kindergartners and 87 percent of grade 1 were proficient at the time of the spring assessment it was noted that the first grade experienced an increase of 24 students throughout the year and that's approximately the size of an entire class so some of the state of maybe have influenced by this influx of students at different Readiness levels the data was used from these assessments to identify students who would benefit from Summer instruction the same concept was used for middle school and Bartle as well unfortunately we do see smaller turnouts for students who accept summer instruction we requested and received the exact number so it was about a third of the students accepted shift which is our summer instruction in Irving a little bit more than a third at Bartle and one quarter of students at the middle school so we are going to continue discussing how we can encourage attentives in those programs the middle school math data had approximately 70 percent of sixth graders passing this friendship the spring Benchmark and 45 passing seven however the seventh grade data did not include the algebra students the committee asked for clarification on how the scores differed between Matthew 7 students and our pre-algebra students and how these results will be used to adjust instruction and support students in math this year the committee also reviewed AP test scores which had had results scores three and above returned to the levels that they were at before covid which is great we also saw an increase in the number of students that took AP tests this year which is also wonderful about 124 exams scored of three and about 202 exams scored either a four or a five now remember that's exams not students many times these students will take multiple exams next year in order to like Miss uh Dr Nicosia just said the high school will be using benchmark assessments from common with that will help them kind of keep track of ela skills throughout the year we also discussed Dr Nicosia and Miss Rodriguez's first meeting with Middlesex College to discuss programs that would expose our students to coursework and programs available at Middlesex Middlesex discussed hybrid and remote options for coursework and as those conversations continue we will bring you more details we Revisited parent concerns regarding Burger within Ela with the upcoming adoption of the New Jersey learning standards for 2024 implementation curriculum will be revised throughout this coming year to reflect those new standards and to reflect all of the work that the design teams with mtss is doing in order to plan for supports and interventions this includes like our Ela honors curriculum and other coursework that parents have voiced concerns about over the past few years one concern that arises is the balance of reading at school versus homes so we will discuss as at the district we will continue to discuss this as the teachers work to revise curriculum and finally we discussed summer work the committee requester clarification on summer reading and math resources as there was parent feedback that it wasn't given and or visible some parents reported receiving work while others did not it was suggested to create a quick link on the website and app for their summer resources so parents not have to comb through the webpage to find them there were no policies for review on our agenda we have approval of our field trips for the blue Junior and ABA class Middle School we have the approval of the Highland Park Public Schools district 2023-2024 plan that's something we have to approve since covid every few months it is not changing everything Remains the Same and the approval of some University graduates and students teaching internships and Junior practicums and observations for some of our social emotional running land interns and school counselors that's all for my report any questions positive reaction on the uh possibility of the Department of American forces we did first of all the tour of the campus was amazing there we went to see the new where they have the dental hygienists and classes whoa what a state of New York let me go there and get my dental clinics you know stay with the artwork there it was it was very very impressive we also saw some of the other logs that they had from the new buildings it was fantastic the president was very warm and welcoming to the three of us that went myself Lisa and Michelle and originally they had pushed a lot of the a dual enrollment with us which means that essentially our teachers become approved to be Middlesex College professors right and for a very nominal fee our students could take something like pre-calc and dual enroll and if they meet the requirements essentially get Middlesex college credits for that that's different from an AP class and that's nice because it's a cheap way to get college credits especially for basic classes in math and Ela especially going into college unfortunately when we decided the past only a couple of teachers expressed interest and the ones that did didn't meet the requirements at the time because you'll know the Master's level in the content area and it was very specific they've since adjusted some of those options for teachers in addition we do have some new staff on board that we have a new chemistry teacher who has a PHD in chemistry who has taught at the college level so she might be interested in doing dual enrollment one of the options that we really liked best was dual enrollment hybrid where they bring the professor to us so they bring the professor and it's a hybrid course so the students would take like the online portion or the the in-class portion of the professor one or two days a week and then the rest of the week or when they have class would be self-paced self-study like you would in a college class so that might be a good option especially for AP comp side our computer science classes some of the courses we can't offer but they had a plethora of of courses available a lot of stuff I'm in so gaming design they had some really cool stuff out there that was uh really fascinating that I didn't know so we have a list we're going to share with Elizabeth and the school counselors we're going to find out what students are interested in it and see what professors are available because it has to work with their schedule too for the high school due to the road trade rotating drop schedule it might have to be an a period situation we're not really sure we have to work on that they do have another option which is a fully remote option which might also work for some of our students that do well in that so they would essentially be signed the teacher in this class they would go to their remote class while they were in high school but instead of the you know be as a teacher teaching class they would be in a college class essentially you know with a they do have professors at Middlesex that are former High School teachers that love teaching these classes because they love going back to the roots of teaching high school students so they understand the needs of high school students but also the rigor of a sort of college level entry level curriculum so they did propose a couple of those options in addition they propose several certificated programs that are non-degree bearing that might be available of interest for our students same thing like we did with the alpha Aviation and the Drone that students might want to take just to get some expertise like phlebotomy things like that so like you can't do your practicum until I think you're 17 or 18 but the students could take classes leading to being a phlebotomist or something like that just think of students that may be interested in the healthcare field or looking for more career Readiness than college readiness or maybe trying a college level class in a low risk environment May encourage them to take classes at Middlesex College in the future one of the things I also appreciated about Middlesex College was that they were really about the whole student they offer through their eof funding so many opportunities for our students especially students that are first um first first generation thank you students for opportunities like housing and food if they have food insecurity or housing insecurity they have lot of options for students that I didn't even realize existed out there so I really want to make sure that we get the administration especially the middle school and high school and middle school too because sometimes by the time the students get this in high school you know I don't want to say it's too late but they may have had other paths or ideas in mind but maybe encourage them to start thinking about these things in middle school so the administration and the school counselors in both buildings too to know about the opportunities because I think that's really important so it was a really great meeting and I'm excited to partner with them for a lot of robust opportunities so yes we can so we did ask about that so we have like our pre-calc or chemistry or an Ela teacher that is interested in doing it they said they can get the process started in the fall for in January term for the students yeah and and yeah so we know a couple of people that especially Lisa definitely thought of a math teacher and um and our new chemistry teacher that might be interested I know we don't currently have an honors chemistry it's just you know seeking chemistry or VP so the fact that they can potentially do something with chronologists yes yeah thank you anything else there's something to me there's so many options now here we're going to move on to equity and Excellence Community yes yes met on July 20th it's ourselves on our agenda the careers first item on our agenda was a discussion that previously board meeting by secret committee around the two uh postal prepositions with Marvel and VP clubs which we've been to the club has been in business for almost 11 years but currently the the West tasks online life choices and the curriculum construction it is reviewing the proposals uh questions around marvelous means of things we've also discussed briefly apiators AP and offers cohort and accessibility issue which is the ongoing social effects of the classes the state of the points to be pulled together we also looked at is it from data reports and discussed a program model and Place ISS because of the instructional Day by provides program is it as far as the state's concern treated as on we talked about the choices that students may be given during the time advise of Dr publisher doing before that the students are receiving our instruction as well as required support during their time advise but it has been difficult to provide services of activities due to not just lack of Staff coverage also a document was shared recently being offices of school rights resource sharing the committee on this particular resources and talk look at this resource together and um take a look at it and do what we can in terms of using this open source to support our work in addressing information useful varieties not available majority of which are at the park I believe artists have been participating responsible and we were happy with that there will a staff will also be attending in the classroom sessions I'm sorry ninth and 10th grade ninth and 10th grade with the piloting of responsive advisory that and that is it thank you questions we moved to finance and facilities and I am giving back a nugget report so help me out my area expertise that I'm learning um so we've had our office first and with Dr Nicosia John Flanagan that's Denise from Rosa and uba myself and Jen Voorhees been met Aubrey took over the topic to be talked about and what I'll do the agenda items so we first talked about the status of the 2223 financials for the district at April Bay and June financials have been outsourced through reconciliation and these are starting with the July financials I'm going to be sharing with us in front the status of the art are broad grants these were submitted in the spring for a correct flooring work at Irving and Roofing work at Garden Denise has met with the Architects and update on the status of Wisconsin from these grants we should be [Music] okay by the wind here um we talked about the sr2 and the RF Esser Brands so the sr2 funding and September 30th of this year and the arpeg stands for one more year to September 24th Denise is working on reconciling our numbers with those in the state um to see you know where the money is what and if there's money left um so she is working on that for us for us we have a status update on the bottle playground and John reported the workers proceeding I am on the playgrounds A lot's been done there if anybody in the activities walking by the completion is likely by the end of August so certainly go out and check out the new playground we talked about the modular classrooms John reported that the companies in the process of refurbishing them and everybody from the district and John and Dr kosher Denise are all working with the company to try to get them to deliver those by August 14th they're working hard to make that happen I don't know where that is yet they're probably wronging over here we'll go back to you awnings and ramps ramping on back order so hopefully we get the module we set them up we may not have some of those finishing touches in place but we have to try some workarounds when they are finally delivered they're have to get ready for a CO which is a electrical hookups and so forth so it feels like a stretch it's happened on time but I know there's a plan B and they will get done so uh that's what we got on the other day that's where we are unless you want to add anything good morning okay now we'll figure it out okay um everybody's working hard to make it happen but it's not an easy process I think everybody in the state is looking to get these modular setup we're not the only ones in the situation are wanting to get our Pre-K kids on on campus and in school and not having the space for them so we are competing with everybody else out there to make things happen the last item we talked about was the referendum that we have been discussing and that a lot of work has been done to prepare for this is the referendum to build additional classrooms so that we can expand our Pre-K so more of our three and four-year-olds into the district for full-time education as mandated by the state and also we've been discussing the options of building onto Bartle we have architects pictures I have been shared possibility that's looking not so likely of adding lot to Urban and then a building on a piece of property that we sort of made the decision the other day and again you couldn't make sure that I'm saying this all right so we're going to go ahead and try to present these options to the board because we have to figure out how do we move forward somebody's got to decide so that we can then decide what this restaurant is going to look like and when and so forth so the proposal is that Dr cosia and with the help of The Architects I believe will present to the board at our early September meeting um we only have one meeting in September which I just really watch I realized the other day which means that we would vote against our first week in October um whenever we do vote it still is a six-month lead time to prepare for a referendum so at this point we're looking at a referendum March 2024 and then I guess two years after that potentially actually happened space built that's why I understand about it um and then policies we had not so let me go over the agenda items and then if there's questions or recluse about some more so the agenda has the approval of Bill list for June and for July or the first half of July the cafeteria list for July budget the treasurer's report up through March 31st we have actually then we're going to be we're going to be voting on travel and related expense reimbursement reports number six talks about the uh our District's doctor and that's who we get from St Peters and they're going to be assigning as a doctor where that's the person who does physicals and follows up on issues as they come up number seven is a long list of outages Replacements that we approve so that they will be available should the job when the child support attorney needs them for students it's a long list a related to tuition where these actually students I'm sorry so we are approving Anna's replacements for students who do our industry um it's listed we have proposals for flooring at Barlow in the high school and why don't we accepted distributor luxury floors we are approving or voting on revised submission of the school-based youth contract which interestingly enough has increased their funding by almost twenty thousand dollars ironic because right now this is the last approved Year by the state that they're going to fund our program hopefully they're going to change that but for the one one year they've increased their funding um 12 and 13 is just a change of where the money is coming from for our canopy and putting for these modular classrooms so I think we approved them last time that these changes funding source then we're moving the recommendation to approve lots of reverse but for non-public school transportation costs and we're approving um appropriate Reserve fund balance for them also religion Public School transportation class um we are accepting from the state an increased amount of extraordinary special education aides we are grateful to receive the amount that we have this consuming last year we have plenty of need for it the goal is out of District placements and other special ed needs they are you know you know what our community needs so we're going to have that money and the last one number 17 is um appropriation of the reserve fund balance for this extraordinary Aid um yeah okay any questions is it I mean should I ask what is the plan B um So the plan will be that Cesar we haven't approved the preschool monies yet so we're not starting preschool until October we're going to have to unpack the kindergarten supplies to reset up kindergarten classrooms in their classrooms in Irving in the building and then when the modulars come Shuffle the stuff through the modulars and set up the preschool classrooms so the that's the plan so it's unfortunate that it's not that we can't start probably looking like we're not going to be able to start the year with the kindergarten students out in the modular setup ready to go so they'll they'll be might be some ship so their classrooms might not be fully decorated as usual or fully you know they might just have their stuff for the first month of the year but I mean we're hopeful because the students don't really come back till September 8th it's a half day so we're really hopeful that they can um they can get them them here and we even talked about if we need to hire movers over a weekend or something like that to help if the facilities and the maintenance crew isn't available like we're all on the Hands-On deck to figure out how we can do it so it's not an absolute no better plan B we do have a backup just in case but we are working around the clock and I want to thank both Denise and John especially John who has been calling nonstop we've escalated our grievances to the highest level at box modular we have been it's three of us have been on phone calls with them uh endlessly to to show because they've we're on our third project manager now um it seems to be they're dropping the ball in a lot of things the last was um that they said if you once you have the permit well this was right before the beginning of July right before I left for vacation they said we'll have them ready once you get the permit you'll have it within two weeks I said perfect so I contacted the mayor said hey we're having this long I'd be grateful if you could help us out here we just need the permits we'll make sure we do everything by code and everything right if you can help us out no problem the the borough was tremendous John walked over the documents himself to get them all signed for the permit turns out they weren't starting construction on the interior of these until we had the permits but the project manager said they would deliver them once we had the permits well apparently the uh used modulars were not left in good shape so now they're going to do all these construction from sheetrock now it's well they need new windows and the windows are delayed and you know how many people want a bunch of their things and it's just it's one thing after another and it's incredibly infuriating and it's unfortunate that we don't have any leverage because any other companies and everyone else that everyone's in the same boat schools across New Jersey and around the world essentially or at least you know the nation right now or an untrice that area are chomping at the bit for these things so unfortunately we don't have much leverage other than try to play nice and sandbox and hope hope for the best here so we are working around the clock and thank you to John Flanagan and Anthony sirosa for um you know taking all my stress and helping me with you and there's trust too so they so thank you so much for all their hard work and dedication but we are all hands on deck and we'll have updates as we get them right but honestly I was thinking too about just the importance we talked about is the importance of really documenting right what we're doing and you know it's increased funding do just to show how essential this is in the grant process but of course that kind of crossed my mind to show how impactful this additional funding and everybody involved in one of the playground um almost every night and for my kids at least it was like this video so that's okay I'm going to add to it so what they did is they're just waiting for the concrete to settle today with the rain and all that they couldn't do my progress but if you look if you go over there now before they lay the new padding they actually did um so not only were they activated and they leveled it but they put drainage in and it leads towards the drainage there so there's that until and I don't know if you noticed but the big former mud Clay Pit they took all the clay off and because all of that from Excavating that area was really rich great dirt so they put that down where the mud pit was next to it and they're growing grass so if you walk by there now you actually see Blades of grass it is amazing grass doesn't grow clay growth in Rich organic beautiful soil I will give a shout out to anybody who's listening there is a rich beautiful dirt over there that we're trying to find a home for so if there's any landscapers or people in town that want to come over and get some really great dirt that at least grows grass I'm not sure what it also grows but it's growing crafts for us come and come and get it if John is working on trying to figure out if you know somebody who would for you want to come in collect this big mound of dirt that's sitting next to the playground but it's a great great dirt any other there's no other questions on the finance we're gonna move it to you and her personnel okay Personnel we have not met since the last meeting about which I and try to support the Republic so I'll go right to the agenda uh the first item is our traditional approval of substitutes I believe ESS Northeast is the new name first source for teachers um so that's pretty standard um most of our other items here are self-explanator we have number two lead of absence number three a resignation of a paraprofessional number four uh our youth safety specialist at the Middle School Mr jablonski has resigned and I saw today that the district has listed the position it's up on Apple track um so presumably we are looking for someone else um uh have you had any progress on that Dr Nicosia I know it's it's true it's no not not mine no one's come to my attention yet so they're probably still the interview process okay so I've uh you know shared my uh feelings about the position before and I wonder if if it doesn't come to fruition soon we might uh brainstorm about other possibilities um number five approval of a technician for the District Welcome Mr golion Golian number six a new kindergarten teacher which is wonderful to see we have seven a new lunch Aid eight a new media specialist in portal which is fantastic it's very hard to hire Librarians so welcome Ms McGreevy uh number nine we have a new paraprofessional number 10 our new part-time theater teacher is confalon or confaloni we're very glad to have her joining us number 11 is a new para not new to us Ms Maloney has been here before we welcome her back number 12 obviously Miss luxa will be going to be the links support teacher in the middle school that sounds like a fantastic fit uh number 13 a transfer uh from Urban to Bartle number 14 extra hours for secretaries number 15. I'm sorry that was in Bartle 15 Teresa turving 16 additional extra hours for secretaries who are hard at work over the summer I'm guessing with registration in particular number 17 thank you to our volunteer coaches at the high school Mr brzezowski will be volunteer coaching basketball Mr Paula Castro as always we'll be volunteer coaching baseball and many thanks to the Ruben family it looks like three million numbers are going to be helping out the baseball team as they always do and I'm not sure this if this means they'll be there more frequently but it's fantastic Mark was a star player a couple of years ago and I I did not coincide with Stephen Rubin but he may well also have been a star baseball player um oh Scott I'm sorry excuse me answer the wrong information Mr Stephen father Scott women is the older son um 18 appointment of extra duties uh for various staff members number 19 change of hours for child study team testing slash IEP meetings for two staff members number 20 additional days for some of our Summer Staff one additional hours for summer teaching and reinforcement for that program which is an esy program that is for a paraprofessional test Powell number 22 approval of professional development presenters preparation hours uh sorry for that's kind of a tech tester professional development presenters preparation hours so we have five staff members there who will be preparing to give give prisoner colleagues 23 curriculum writing 24 to rescheduled B positions [Music] and I'm not sure if the public agenda indicates is a correction on the winter weight room position to John Lee the corrected amount is 1156.69 which may already be on the public agent that I'm sure approval of advisory writing program at the high school sorry advisory program writing at the high school so this is I I would assume to sort of set out what's going to happen during the advisory period what the curriculum will be is that the correct term for something that's not not a substantive yes it's not it's not really curriculum writing but program writing so essentially that's what's happening so we're piloting with 9th and 10th graders advisory to build culture and climate and so they're writing the essentially the lessons for what would happen during that time you know the secondary version of responsive classroom these are often to fill in positions when someone was on leave or someone someone was available for some reason or we we're not able to fill our position number 27 we're approving uh these funding of the Sprint statute salary uh from state general grants and number 28 is an addition let me read it number 28 I'm recommending if we accept the recommendation of the superintendent to approve a speech therapist in the ed services department specifically to approve the employment of Victoria Powers as the speech therapist for Educational Services step 8 master's degree 17th at salary is 72 000 543. 72 543 pending criminal history background check effective September 1st 2023. um how many OTS do we I'm sorry STS do we have is that a lower school speech therapist or the Google District so it looks like we're covering that for Irving and maybe some of Bartle so it's for our lower students we were finding that a lot more students the the rate that we have now by mid-august we were at about um three quarters of a full-time person for speech therapy and we haven't even started the beginning of the year with the influx of preschool and things like that so there's definitely a need for it we're definitely finding a lot more students that's a very common theme I'm not sure if it's you know a math thing and you know I'm not really sure what the what the cause of it is but we've had to increase our speech therapies stop so we're actually kind of getting out of the front of the gate a little bit knowing that it'll probably by September or October be full time okay so this is a part-time position well it's full-time right but it's I mean but we have a she doesn't have enough students for full-time but we have enough we have enough testing for her to be full-time so she'll be testing for part of the time and then the rest of the time seeing actual students and giving the therapy and then she'll be full-time as the therapy um when we have enough students so there's plenty of testing to be done as well so thank you very much oh yeah uh questions on a personnel and okay thank you um the last committee report would be on policy policy did not meet because at this point there aren't any but they're coming just uh from my just kind of skimming the emails that are coming through there is a new genre speaking it up there's a new gender identity guidelines approved by the state that we will come to us as uh as policy at some point soon there was a music League uh policy coming to us from the state because they just passed something related to that public employees and something related to school threat assessment I know those policies are on their sometime soon those are the ones I know that sometimes if I can share the gender identity one will probably be a little logistical difficult one logistically difficult one because we wrote Our Own uh initially so we'll be comparing what we wrote with stress estimate's current policy which is different from this earlier policy so we'll see how that how that goes yes [Music] but you know hopefully the state has uh has joined a party now I'm sorry but you said our policy was very much online right right it was very different from the state policy it did not in other words it was more protective of trans students rights and privacy and so forth but again there's been a lot of Education since then so hopefully the state is now on board with some of the concerns we had with their with their earlier policy oh sorry can you hear me now yes yeah based on some of the reporting on scene I think that the uh the state policy is not trying to get my words right um I think that state policy I think we're gonna find some of the things there that we actually do uh agree with that it didn't seem like it was it could be something that you would have to rewrite our words it's just that our words will be very different just because we created the nautical thought right so usually when we do policies we compare the two documents and we make the changes that are you know new according to assessment here everything they say is going to be new because we are taxes completely different layer sure we will figure it out absolutely thank you okay we're moving to public comments um Highland Park Board of Education welcomes public participation and has reserved this time for your comments board policies 0164 and 0167 establish and regulate the right Republic participate in public meetings um this first public comment session is three minutes per speaker um and uh you're obviously able to speak on your topic so um yeah hello uh Mickey's Daniel 280 North Florida I just want to comment on two items one of them was uh you know I would like to ask me and consider putting kindergarteners in the modular classrooms um basically they are still at ages where change and transitions are difficult to many are in school for the first time ever and the legal introduced the PK last year struggled a lot with the Civil transition of going into the building every day just a problem moving this trust for anyone and this kind of drastic change we not just once when they start school but then twice when they move from there and finally adjusted from cancer to another Facebook and detrimental to their a little louder sure I expressed her over continues okay so maybe considering first grade and maybe because they've had enough time to acclimate over the years and they would probably adjust a lot better than the five-year-olds who are still struggling um the other thing I wanted to comment on was that for the ship program for summer I just had a little bit of insight on why some parents might not be putting their kids and it was also a great program but a lot of them have to put their kids in summer camp uh for child care reasons and some of our campaigns to be paid for a deposited by February a lot of the time otherwise you miss out so if they're hearing about it at the last minute in June they really cannot just pull their kid from that summer camp um that gives them a full day of child care as well um so the ship program is only about half a day which doesn't really provide the kind of care that the kids need um so I what just an idea would be to possibly either move it to an August session where there's a summer camp or they're back from Vacations or having a second session to make an opportunity a little bit easier for kids who parents or parents who did want to put their kids in the program but just aren't able to because of those statistical and that's it thank you thank you very much for the suggestions any other members of the public that would like to speak um okay seeing that we're going to move on to board action items and curriculum and instruction if you can move your your items yes I'd like to move items one through three times yes Miss gallon yes Miss Bruce yes moment yes sorry I guess I apologize Miss worthy yes uh all right we'll move on to finance and facilities and I moved items one through 17. second yes Miss Coleman yes Miss gallon yes Miss Bruce yes Mr president yes it's working yes okay and um Personnel yeah I'd like to move items one through 21 27 on the agenda plus the new number 28 that I read in second Miss casaldo yes Ms Coleman yes Miss Gallant yes Miss Bruce yes Mr roslavic yes Miss Morgan yes um we move on to the president report and we actually have some things that I do want to you need to add I want to add um so a few different items but first of all the board has received resignations from Chris Woodward and Mark Krieger these representations are already effective and obviously they're not here tonight we thank them both for their years of service to our school Community Chris was appointed to the board in 2019 and has served since then his term ends on December 2025. Mark has been on the board for more than 15 years serving for a number of years as president of the board as well his term also ends December 2025. both are leaving us for family personal reasons they will be greatly missed that is an understatement at a meeting in the future we will celebrate their contributions to our schools um weekend thank you for their service and we'll hopefully have an opportunity to congratulate them on their contributions at a later date we do need to move on to the Practical side of how we replace them here on the board or how we build their positions we have to replace them um the we have a process so we are looking for applications from people who are willing to take a position on the board um we're going to be posting on the board's website and on social media these two positions on our board the selection process will be as follows interested individuals should email the letter of interest and a resume to Mrs Rosa the deadline for that is August 21st so that's the two weeks from today in about two weeks once you've sent us your letter of interest and you've emailed us a letter of interest in a resume you will receive an email back to say you're eligible to speak to the board of after candidacy which will take place at the next public meeting which is August 28th um at that public meeting we're going to ask applicants to make a short maybe five minutes introductory speech to address their qualifications and why they're suited to uh to join the board we'll also send you an advance um a set of prompts that you could that would like you to include in your prepared remarks some questions or topics we would like to work like to hear about once we've heard from each of the candidates that the board will excuse itself to Executive session and then we will come back to public session to vote on the candidates to fill those spots uh at that very meeting the candidate will be sworn into office and will immediately begin to serve so and join us for the remainder of the meeting um so we hope that there are candidates out there that are willing to join us we certainly um our community needs you we need the interest of the community in order to keep doing the work that we're doing so we look forward to hearing your email editing your emails expressing interest in these positions and the other young piece that I want to talk about was our other so that's our another former board member as Dr mcclosier spoke earlier um I also can't let the evening go without without saying how heartbroken we are to um to have learned with passing with Darcy um and I don't want to go over all the things that Dr Cozy said but I only knew Darcy during the time of film award which is three very short years and they will cover the years um and Mike I just was thinking about if you think about today my first year as a board member I didn't know anybody right I was just a you were all like faces on on the screen and voices and I had no idea what was going on um we will do much better for our new candidates in terms of mentoring them and then getting them ready to serve but um I just listened and it was Darcy's voice that resonated with me so once I had you know gone through one meeting or two and I heard all these voices I said okay Darcy's the one I've got a call and I reached out to her and I said I got a lot of questions and we had a great conversation that day and many many after number that I wish I had known her longer is what I keep thinking about it I wish I'd gotten to know her Gathering longer but I did learn a great deal for her at the time that um I did I didn't know her um I guess the other thing I wrote down was I Jonathan bush had put some words on it's on Facebook but you know he shared some thoughts and I really loved what he had to say the team for her very well um and she said that Darcy's passion stemmed from her role as a dedicated Community activist and her extraordinary Professional Knowledge came from her experience as a policy Advocate on behalf of public schools and I love that he said Dorothy never gave up on behalf of public schools just like she never gave up on fighting for herself she was one of the most genuine and decent people you could ever meet and her passion was infectious to everyone around her we're all very much going to miss her I'd like something that Christina had said in an email that we need to carry on to a paraphrasing a little bit we need to carry on dorsey's Legacy of advocacy I feel like as a board we that we it would be great if we could commit ourselves to that to to working on the advocacy that you've worked so hard on and take out where she when she and of course our hearts go after our students daughters and we're hoping and you'll hear more in the future of some kind of any living Legacy within our district to carry on her name unless just in the starting conversations on what that would look like but we'll hear about that sometime in the future yeah I I guess at first I just want to start with a question about the candidate process for interviews so when they present themselves to us because there's a change in the process okay I just want to make sure yes yeah the last the last uh well when I when I was in I think Alton Iowa came on that way we were interviewed we were put in a waiting room and one person was public and we interviewed um and Jonathan's recommendation he says best practice now is not to go through this interview process publicly but to give the candidates an opportunity themselves so what about the podium and so we thought we'd act that by giving them some sort of leading questions to include in the presentation so that's sort of where we are here I guess in a sense they're still interviewed questions they're just being presented in advance of a form of um right right so they can prepare so these candidates to prepare rather than try to be surprised by the questions it was a change in how we did it last year was based on uh drug practice just got out of the same questions and I just kind of wanted to say to speak on you know the loss of Darcy and how difficult it's been for the whole certain vehicles of Starsky School Board and because she was always her presence was always here writing when she was supposed to be present and I remember um very well I I don't wanna yeah I don't want to say too much here just because I know a lot has been said and we're all typical just lost I wanted to just share some of Darcy's homeworks wrote extensively as we all know most of us know issue issue policy and our advocacy work and I just kind of put or perhaps one of her last Friday to an article uh in her consent and it just Darcy's work here we're passion and what she stood for so when we talk about carrying on the legacy of Darth Anthony is right so that you know really clear about where she stood and and what she valued what she championed for this school district s with all of us here I think it's important we Define that so here in the evening in just two article art bloggers my District's unlike many is racially ethnically and socio-economically diverse the 31 languages spoken in the halls of our students educating such a diversity of the body presents many challenges and inquires and who wants to approach to policy and practice that ensures all students have a couple of opportunities to learn Broad and grow while it's easy for school leaders to say they Embrace diversity equity it's far too challenging to implement policies promoting these principles those principles and yes I will just add to that and Darcy the firm in those principles and values and organizations and collaboratively to ensure that the district is always prioritizing the importance of meeting addressing the needs of marginalized liquidity and then she goes on to say I spent my time on the school board helping to develop systems and ensure decisions aren't made collaboratively and with as many as many decision-making table as this means making space not only for administrators teachers parents and students but also ensuring that historically marginalized Provisions that affect students should never be based on some of those with the most privilege or power and indeed not on who has the loudest voice symptoms or thank you anybody else on that or you can move on to Old business I'm kind of curious what you're talking about I'm kind of curious about the Aftercare and where we are and if there's anything um I know um I saw Colin um the end of last week working out of my conference room previously on posting things on the website so I could ask Mr dotto to get me an update on that so I'll follow up tomorrow and get that information out as soon as possible so my guess is that I know there's been some stuff posted on the website but he's been working feverishly to get all of that done any other old business I also have a piece of new business I want to bring up so I'm taking this time tonight um but I I um I participated in the Redevelopment world for the borough one of the Redevelopment books to the Vera did I was in one last uh this was last week at night um and personally I have been so clued into Redevelopment work um as planned on the Tuesday before events to really focus on what the bar was doing although I know we've been working very hard but I thought I went on the walk because I thought I kind of needed to know and I actually learned a lot it was really excellent we thank them for doing it I did want to share with the board that I think we need to keep an eye on the impact and Redevelopment on our schools what I learned was the projects planned or bigger than I had understood previously a cancer that I thought of that and I've heard numbers like 100 140 units more than one set of apartment complex has gone around Avenue I'm not bringing it up to say anything about pros and cons of Redevelopment I just want us to keep an eye on the impact on our schools there were a number of community members there I was quiet but there's never too many members that were there that asked the question can our schools handle the increased potential increase in enrollment as they add new apartments or condos and I think the impression was given that we can but in fact we are almost at capacity in much of our district and aside from referendum which is about Pre-K um you know Dr Cozier has shared that there are places where there really struggled to find special education classrooms a lab for SEL another so we are at capacity in many places and I uh I suggested and maybe it goes back to finance where it comes from that we do a study on capacity in the district I suggested that composer so we have some formal data to share with the borough as to actually where we are in space with each one Studios ity development will be helpful for them to have the information for us um Mark um obviously never goes away here he shared with us a capacity study that was done I think in 2016 which he felt was not accurate at the time it was not accurate and it didn't it wasn't particularly helpful because it didn't predict well and in fact we didn't get a large increase in enrollment according to more from like the River Road that so I was predicted in the study that there would be a large increase in the fact that wasn't the case again this is more analysis I still think it might be worth doing anyway because hopefully we get a better firm and maybe we get better than yourself um I think there's interest in the community to know whether in fact we can handle um so I think that would be helpful for us to be going forward the other thing that came up on the walk was the question this was again coming from community members um questions about whether the district is receiving its share of pilot money at that's a payment in rule of taxes um the developers negotiate with the borough so I just want to clarify that we have not yet received any private money and that's with the arrangement from the Walter Street project but I am happy to say that we've been assured by the mayor and the murder and members of our consulate the district will receive its share of private money on this project on the current project in Orchestra and I'm refer to Future projects to negotiation near future so those are things I just wanted to put on your radar because they came up online um and the different comments on that I'll link to public comments I was just going to say that there's really no question if you said that the fact that we can't answer that the questions really what's the projected impact right right which is I guess it's hard to tell and right in on the walk he said we don't know if they're going to be any two bedroom apartments or somebody said well they're 55 and over of course that won't impact the school is going to be very lovely but they don't know any of that we're here against not yet decided or a release or whatever so obviously the type of departments will impact but we know they even have two bedroom apartments people um price economy even number one so it's certainly a potential concern yeah I agree with this money I'm sure yeah we have space and whatever and then you know that happens um okay we're at our last public comment uh the Highland Park Board vacation welcomes public information and has reserved this time to Performance for policies are going to 64.167 established established evaluate the right Republic to participate in public meetings so if anybody would like to speak uh let's see Rebecca Hersh are you ready to start maybe we should start thank you all right thank you Rebecca Hurst 331 Belton Avenue I just want to thank you guys for um all the work on the portal playground it's like so great that I just wanted to say thank you for that and um I have a question about the high school um classes possibly with Middlesex County also thank you for looking into that really appreciated my high schooler was really disappointed that there was no a community computer science she was going to take that this year or honors physics or anything like that so thank you for looking into Ultra current events with the Middlesex private college um I just was confused by something that you said so we would some of these Middlesex County classes potentially be able to be taken during a period is that what you said I think that was one of the possibilities and I think IBC said so yeah it might be a possibility but we're not sure yet I love that idea great idea because there's not enough a-period options right now and it would be really great if they had that so I just want to thank you for looking into that too that's all thank you any other public comment uh Abby hi Abby Stern Cardinal I live on Harper Street um I just wanted to say thank you for going through the full process for the appointments that's really helpful for the public just to kind of know what the timeline is I did want to just bring up that you said that there will after the um interviews or I guess not interviews but the statements that the deal it will go into executive session to deliberate and I am a big proponent of open public meetings I just wanted to make sure that that is really permitted because I believe all deliberations are supposed to be public and not that you can't obviously you know talk separately in appropriate ways but I just want to make sure that if you are having deliberations there's a specific purpose that you know that needs to happen and that it can't happen publicly because you know we really do need everything to be public so just wanted to point that out thank you yeah so that is for the legal advice so that is the requirement that we have for board policy and for legal advice to move into executive session for discussion so it's all legitimate um as per policy and for and for legal guidance any other public comment thank you let's see Nani then I wouldn't return second second all in favor thank you very much thank everybody from public for joining us good night everyone good night everyone thank you I'm gonna just hang out for a while okay yeah okay I'm getting now maybe since the year of here we are thunderstorm yeah she can find