##VIDEO ID:_8IhgFWgvkI## oh oh my god oh [Music] y we're all here Angela you tell me when you're ready okay um I'd like to call to order the Highland Park Board of Education hybrid reorganization meeting today Thursday January 2nd 2025 the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in compliance with the open public meetings act the Highland Park Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting setting forth the time date and location to be submitted for publication to the home News Tribune and Star Ledger and post on the board's website at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting members of the public who wish to address the board will be given the opportunity to do so before the board adjourns for the evening Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all tonight um we will be um addressing the final election results for the school board members in November uh we'd like to welcome Allison Cassel Dunn uh she received a total of 1,199 votes uh Dr Coleman 1,226 votes and Miss Marilyn puce 1,136 votes so now we'll swear in our our new and reoccurring board members in front of you you have your oath of office my mind if you'd like to repeat after me everybody has their copy y yes okay I do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I do affirm that I will support the unit States state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under authority of the people I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States this state under authority of the people and I do affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability icri by for the office of the member of the Board of Education that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all of the duties office according to the best of my ability congratulations and welcome to the Highland Park Board of Education we'll now take roll call Dr batty here Miss Allison calun here Dr Coleman here Dr Pixley here miss puce here Dr scholman here miss staniel here miss vman here miss Mor here so before all of our board members in front of you is um the signing of the code of ethics and conflict of interest so this uh paper I suggest that you read through it um you're sworn as a board member to uphold the code of ethics and ensure that you don't have any conf conflicts of interest um briefly this just states that you will enforce all the laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education uh you will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools um and that you or no uh immediate member of your family has an interest in any business organization uh transaction or professional activity um and that you won't use your official position to secure unwarranted privileges advantages or Employments for yourself for members of your immediate family or others so that's just a brief synopsis so if You' read through it um sign it and then return it to me in the business office that would be great our next item on the agenda is to uh nominate and elect our president oh uh I nominate Allison Cassel dun second second are there any other nominations for board president okay sorry it's hard to write and talk at the same time so now we'll take a roll call on voting for uh Miss Allison Cassell done for board president Dr batty yes Miss cassal D yes pleas said no Dr Coleman yes and thank you Dr Pixley yes and second that thank you Miss pruce yes Dr scholman absolutely Miss stano yes Miss vman yes Miss vhe yes congratulations thank you so now I will turn over the uh the board meeting to the board president okay um are you sure okay um all right so we are now going to um nominate and elect a vice president are there any nominations for for vice president I nominate an vman for vice president second second are there any other nominations for vice president okay we will do a roll call Dr batty yes Miss cassal D yes and thank you Dr Coleman yes some best wishes why that sound like a threat laugh a little right your pix yes Miss cruce yes and thank you very much well I you Dr scholman yes Miss Nicole sto yes Miss vman yeah Miss pories yes would you uh please swap pleases oh it's uh just a thank you to Marilyn for many years in leadership this yours there few years okay um the next is the approval of the annual board meeting calendar do I do these one by one or I go through them all and then move them all remember um you can do them all go through them all and then we'll move them all right okay so there we'll be approving the um annual board meeting calendar um the delegate and Alternate for the New Jersey school boards Association uh will be myself and uh Miss vman and then um the same the delegate and Alternate for the middle sex County School boards Association will also be myself and um an um um there will be uh a lot of resolutions these resolutions occur every year um with the exception of some changes in terms of personnel or um committees so these um we uh resolve that the rules regulations and policies are adopted from the previous year um that we use Robert's Rules of Order as the official parliamentary procedure um that we are using the official newspapers um the home News Tribune and we are switching to The Courier news of Somerville um and that is because our the other newspaper is no longer in print so we um have moved to career news because they are also in print um that we are designating the depository of school monies as TD Bank and the NJ asset and rebate Management program um that the general operating account and payroll agency account will bear the signatures of the treasuries of treasurer of school monies and board secretary with the president of the Board of Education and the net payroll account should contain only the signature of the treasury treasurer of school monies um that the following checking account shall bear the signatures as listed below so you can see the signatures for Irving burle Irving students funds Bartle student fund Middle School student funds high school student funds the business office Food Service fund the business office sui trust account and the High School athletics activities account um that we um authorize Mr Rosa as the district purchasing agent to make purchases of goods and services um entered into on behalf of the state by the division of purchase and property utilizing various vendors that have state contracts um that we acknowledge that uh Mr Rosa our business administrator and board secretary is the qualified purchasing agent and that she is authorized to sign board contracts throughout the 2024 2025 and 2025 2026 school year for goods and services required for the operation of the school system the Board of Education authorizes the school business administrator to pay obligations throughout the year with the review of the board of education at the next regular public meeting in the event that payment of such bills is required for the district to meet its essential financial obligation s um the board of the Board of Ed authorizes the superintendent of schools to hire new staff in the absence of the board with formal approval being taken by the board of education at the next regular public meeting uh that the Board of Education authorizes the use of uniform minimum chart of accounts uh the next are board appointments um be it resolve that Dana kessle supervisor of funded programs District initiatives and Human Resources will be appointed as the District staff 504 compliance officer um be it resolved that Elizabeth asamoa supervisor of counseling health and wellness be appointed as a district student 504 compliance officer um and be it resolved that Amy Copa supervisor of Educational Services be appointed as English as second language program officer um for number 16 we will be appointing um the Committees for the 2025 board year on a curriculum and instruction uh Dan will be chair and then it will be myself and Ethan for the committee on equity and Excellence Monique will be chair and then there will be Sarah and for the committee on finance and Facilities Marilyn will be chair and we will have Jen and an as members and negotiations um we are appointing a committee on negotiations right now even though it is ad hoc but we are currently starting negotiations so that's why you see it here um so that would be Marilyn's chair and then um my myself and Monique and then uh for five we are appointing a committee of the whole on personnel and Communications so that will be everyone the liaison to the municipal drug and alcohol Alliance is Elizabeth asamoa the liaison for the Bureau of public information um is Maryland the liais on to the HP e f um Ethan I would love you for to take that um universal access would be Dan continue that uh the public library is Michelle Rodriguez um cpeg would be Sarah uh Monique here on to the parents of students of color um human relations Is it that Nikki Board of Health will be Jen and then Marilyn um for boosters okay I'd like to oh we don't actually have to vote for 16 I'm sorry I went too far we should have voted that's okay sorry um so I would like to move numbers 11 through 15 second Dr batty yes Miss cassal D yes Dr Coleman yes Miss P Dr Pixley yes Miss Bruce yes Dr schoolman yes Miss stanel yes Miss bman yes Miss Bor yes okay um does anyone have any old business I would just say how great you all are as Allard okay second um I just wanted to let everybody know there's another draft of the calendar out so just take a look at that and send me any questions or feedback um and we'll try to get that on the next board meeting for approval um any new business okay we're going to move on to public comment the Highland Park Board of Education welcomes public participation and has reserved this time for your comments board policy number 0164 and 0167 establish and regulate the right of the public to participate in public meetings um how many do we have online Okay um is there anybody for public comment online raise your hand and with no hand raised we'll um close public comment and with that I move to adjourn second second um happy year happy New Year all in favor hi