mayor would you like to proceed yes please good evening this is the meeting of B of Highland mayor and Council regular meeting on Wednesday June 19th 20124 the notice requirements provided for in the open public meeting ACT public meetings act have been satisfied notice of this meeting was properly given by transmission to the asite park press and the two River times and by posting at the bough of Highlands municipal building and filing with the burough clerk all on J uh January 1st 2024 items listed on the agenda are subject to change please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I will now do roll call council member santes here Council CH here Council M here council president sheski mayor bran here first we have approval of minutes June 1st 2024 meeting minutes all offer all second council member santes Council yes Council M yes council president cheski mayor brine yes motion carries to approve May 15 2024 meeting minutes next we have public hearing on proposed ordinance 02410 authorizing the sales lot 101 lot 3.02 in the Burl Highlands County of Mammoth state of New Jersey at auction purum to njsa 4A col 12-1 at and I'll just note for the record before we do get into the public hearing there was a minor uh typo in one of the subsections in section two there were multiple subsection e so that has been corrected in this version It's a non-substantive change so the governing body can proceed with the ordinance uh potential adoption this evening okay before we proceed with ordinances uh Charlie would you like to get sworn in oh I know we don't have I mean I've gotten a Cofe cofy okay I don't want to force you if you don't want to I wasn't short no [Music] hi Charles Wells hi Charles Wells you swear you swear that I support the Constitution of the United States that I support the Constitution of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersy and the constition of the state of New Jersey and how true faith and ALG and true Faith andion to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in the stat and under the authority of people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and I will Faithfully partially and partially and justly and justly perform all of the duties of the office of fire all of the office of you're welcome thank absolutely thank you for your service [Music] okay now back to the meeting H the matter at hand um does anyone at From the Bench have anything that they'd like to speak about this before I open up to the public no seeing none I will open this to the public see if there are any comments on this ordinance sir if you to come to the mic just state your name and address for the record yeah hi my name is Robert mon U my address a 338 Shore Drive in Highlands um I have a qu couple questions and concerns I'm not sure really why the the property was being sold um I know it's going to go to one of the adjoining owners there but why do we need to sell it now when we have the larger piece that I'm assuming that there's no plan for that as of as of now because I haven't seen anything so why what's the urgency of hacking up the property when I understood the other one was to make it conform to the lot size but this this lot does not need to be there's no there's no over thing except for the garages on the other side of the street there but or the the property I don't understand the need for it and it says there was there was you determined that there was a need to sell it it's no longer of a of a value to the I would have to disagree that there is a value as of now because there's you're you're just taking away from a a valuable Waterfront piece of property that's and I know it's a small part of it but we don't know what's going to happen with that property so why do it when there's no urgency to do it Andy could you please explain the meats and Bounds and absolutely so and I do recall I know you had some questions when we were for planning board on the subdivision sure the intent of this applic of the subdivision in the first place was to kind of update that property boundary for and split off the three lcks that were you know 3.02 3.03 and 3.04 3.03 has sold a while back and cleared up those uh property boundary discrepancies that you referred to 3.02 and 3.04 that we haven't determined there's a need to sell it we've determined that there was not a public purpose in maintaining those lots as burrow property and would open it up to the sale to the contiguous Property Owners under the local lands and buildings law so I think that's just what I just said what why is there need to mentioned there isn't a need to sell it say in the in the in the in the in the thing there it says there was a determination that it's no longer needed it's not necessary right there's no need no it's not necessary for public purp I'm going to disagree with you and say that at this time how do you know it's unless you can tell me it's no longer needed because I don't know well I don't see a reason why it's needed this and I just want to clarify again it's not that the sale is needed it's that the property is not necessary for borrow purposes and how do you know it's not needed when larger piece that's connected to it just like the other two the other two property owners that may be bidding on this property have some kind of need for it as well or else they wouldn't be bidding on it so how do we determine that we just so okay we'll just sell it we don't even know what's going on with the larger piece of property there nothing is going on with the larger piece of property so what's the urgency why you know you ask a question and then when I try to answer your question you immediately talk over both me and the very rude okay okay I apologize for that it is registered open space with the county nothing is happening with the larger property right and again I'm just going to say one more time and then I'm going to then I'm going to leave um I just don't see why you would want to sell it at this point when it may be of value when we do determine what's going to go on with the property it just you wouldn't do it if it was your own property why would you do it if it's if it's not your own if it's you're supposed to be entrusted for it it makes no sense to sell it at this point thank you okay Michael Cannon uh 10 Central lab um you said that I I hadn't thought about this but you said that the adjacent property is on the Ruster of open space correct so semi frequently large the large the ACT Miller not Miller Street beach so it's not infrequent that we need to provide comp compensatory mitigation for use of Green Acres or other property wouldn't it make sense to hold that property as potential mitigation for uh future Green Acres um uses I mean if it's adjacent to open space registered open space space would be actually become a good addition to the rosi as mitigation I I didn't realize that it was adjacent to a open space registered open space it does provide a good opportunity for future mitigation of any you know open space or Green Acres diversion Andy do you have the exact I know it's a 10 foot strip going this way but it coming out are we talking about a 10 20 piece of land I don't have the exact dimension in front of me certainly um it is it's not big enough to be to make such a difference a 200 foot square piece of property is going to make a gigantic impact if it's if we're having that impact on a on something that's you know on the Rosy or Green Acres it's it's it would be available to mitigate you know I just the it's always nice to have that in your pocket no no argument it would make a potential mitigation but as far as the sale itself there's no impediment to the access to the larger property that isy so there's still public access to the water which is you know I think the most important piece is down there so yeah said it's but it it would be additive to to the in the event that we needed to make that trade right so there is an incentive to withhold to hold on to it for use's future mitigation I just wanted to I didn't realize that was you know potential use for that property thank you you're welcome any other comments regarding this ordinance I will close public portion and do I have an offer oh I'll second council member sponsor yes Council M yes Council M yes mayor bran yes motion carries 02410 pass on second and final reading next we have 02 2411 fond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and the acquisition of various Capital Equipment appropriating $2,640 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,543 677 bonds and notes to finance a portion of the costs thereof authorized in and by the burough islands in the county of Mammoth New Jersey uh before I open this up to the public as want to run through some of the um projects that will be included in this and that will be uh a portion for uh drainage improvements to Portland Road uh for the Shore Drive pedestrian uh Crossings which is inclusive of uh sidewalks where there are none onshore drive going from water witch Park all the way to Willow on both sides of the street it's very sporadic where the sidewalks are and it's uh it's frankly dangerous to be walking in the street when the cars are coming back and forth from the ferry um we have uh something in place with the county where they're going to dredge Jones Creek from all of the uh MTH Hills runoff uh also we are doing a large scale document Imaging Pro uh project so that's getting all of the paper um storage that we have for uh old building department and old um land use files and getting them all scanned and then we can get rid of all that paper and we don't have to pay for storage um next up we have an acquisition of a garbage truck because the one that we have now uh that is the burrow owned truck is uh way outside of its useful uh time also the same for um purchase of a new um police vehicle a new fire vehicle uh for the fire marshal and then some uh improvements to Marine place um which will be mimicking what we did on the south side of marine place to do on the North side so we'll have the raised platform with the uh guide rails there and uh all of that is going into that sum of $2.5 million so with that does I'll open up does anyone have any comments on that okay then I'll open up the public portion does anyone have any comment on this ordinance okay seeing none I'll close the public motion okay um and I will offer this ordinance Council santes yes counc yes Council yes mayor bruan yes motion carries o 2411 passed on second final reading next we have introduction of proposed ordinance L 2412 Capital ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and appropriating $400,000 therefore authorized in and by the burrow Highlands in the county of MTH New Jersey Mike could you just run through what this uh $400,000 is going to be inclusive of because um what we're doing is we're self-funding so it's not a bond ordinance we're not incurring any debt every year we put a certain amount of money away in in a capital account so that we can pay for smaller projects on our own without having to incur any more debt yeah this is for um sidewalk and curving on Lon Avenue um it's not part of the um the sewer Rehabilitation or the county Paving and the sidewalks and curbing is in very bad shape yeah if anyone has ever walked lynon uh it it almost crumbles Beneath Your Feet as uh as you walk on it so uh the county has promised that they're going to be well they promised they've said that they will be uh into pave um uh Lyon Bay Avenue water witch and uh and then parts of Bay Avenue where there's not sewer uh water main complex in July so we're just getting this money in place so that we can go out to bid and uh as soon as we get those returns uh from the contractors that we could start do because you always want to do sidewalks first and then you want to do the asphalt um so that's why this is getting put into place all offer second Council M santes yes Council M schack yes Council melck yes May ban yes motion carries to pass 02412 on first reading with the public hearing to be held on July 17th 2024 next we have 0 2413 amending 7 chapter 7A traffic schedule schedule I no parking of the code of the burrow of Highlands related to the areas of No Parking On rightous Road uh traditionally uh for this one there's never been parking on Lighthouse Road however it's not listed in our ordinances so it's uh hard for the police department to enforce it as many of you know it's a very narrow road and is is quite dangerous as someone has parked on the road and there's no way for any emergency service vehicles to get through if someone is parked on both sides uh even Stager um so I've been in contact with the chief of police who agrees I've also been in contact with the superintendent who runs um the twin lights Lighthouse and uh she's very appreciative that we're moving forward with this ordinance um so uh once we get this approved we can uh get some more signs up there and uh take care of an unsafe situation and with that I'll offer it I'll second council member spes yes counc chac yes counc Mel yes mayor brine yes motion carries to pass 0 2413 on first reading with this public hearing to be held on July 17 2024 next we have resolutions r241 127 approving renewal of liquor license 1317 32- 9-8 for the 2024 2025 ter uh this is on because they hadn't um cleared a couple of hurdles with fees and uh tax clearance from the last meeting so now that those have all been taken care of um I'm happy to uh offer this resolution second Council member santes Council mellac yes counc melck yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolution R2 24127 next we have R2 24128 approving renewal of liquor license 131 17- 33-8 d006 for the 24 2024 2025 term um this one is for SE Street they were in sort of a similar position where they're cleaning up some um some compliance issues so um they've uh done uh quite a bit of them and are actually looking to go for some zoning over at the land use board so because they have been working diligently we are uh looking to approve their legal license as well and uh I won't offer that one I'll second council member santes council member CH yes Council M yes mayor buan yes motion carries to adopt resolution R 24128 next we have R 24129 authorizing placement of a non-binding ballot question on the November 5th 2024 general election ballot regarding acceptance by the burough of Highlands of a federal flood wall project um does anyone have any comment regarding the language of the uh the ballot question feel this is the best we can do with the existing proposals yes well I I concur um Karen Leo any comment okay then what that all offer it second council member swes council member yes counc yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolution R 24129 we have consent agenda mayor would you like me to read the resolutions by title yes please R 24130 approving change order number four for phase one sanitary sewer Improvement Project R 24131 approve appointing Fire official and housing inspector r4132 appointing tax assessor R 24133 authorizing payment of bills R 24134 authorizing the award of a contract to Otis Elevator company for elevator maintenance service and support R 24135 authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for professional engineering Serv Design Services in connection with improvements to Overland par Overlook Park R 24136 authorizing the preparation submitt and execution of a municipal Open Space Program act for Frank Hall Park I have one question um to Mr rley uh did um did CME ever send you what they did for that project you got something that's also I wasn't on the title BL I don't know who came from came from vend the original design the structure they were but yes we have the original now and we're going to have more internal discussions we're not just going to go with what was previously wasn't that supposed to be done though I thought they had to uh check it for any environmental concerns that was that was okay but not the full-blown environmental wasn't time and we're going to sit together and come up with a uh what we want to see there because what they presented was not anything that we had spoken about good any other questions regarding the consent agenda then I will offer that second council member santes yes Council M yes counc melck yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolutions r130 through r124 136 next we have reports I have no report if you sure so um starting with uh tomorrow 6:20 our summer concert series kicks off down at veterans uh from 6:30 to 8:30 bring your chair stay hydrated we're going to keep our fingers crossed to avoid some of those late day thunderstorms that we saw last year uh but it's a series that goes throughout the summer uh tomorrow ukulele playing so enjoy the summer kickoff uh 71 uh as mentioned in our 24th 136 the Frank Hall improvements will be discussed and this is a concern for open space the Lions Club others as we continue to improve those Open Spaces which we do have on the roazzi and we look to uh investing over time uh additionally like we just mention in 135 um the open space committee is definitely going to be discussing both Frank Hall as well as the Overlook Park as we are both uh eager and waiting for those uh surveys and assessments to get wrapped up so we can see the action uh begin on that construction Tom's committee it's going to focus we uh did in our previous meeting we will again uh coming up at the beginning of July on the communications surrounding the Army Corps as mentioned um we're doing the best we can with the language that we can work with uh based on what the Army Core proposal is right now but still as I mentioned before there are good arguments on both sides of this for for and against we just want to make sure that if we can get it on ballot uh that everybody's got the as much information as possible to make an informed decision in support of or against um summer WS in full swing um but also along with the summer W during the daytime we have teen nights during the uh summer down at the rec center next one's coming up on 628 register in advance on the website and then last thing uh summer brings tons of exciting weather heat storms keep yourself up to date with the nixel advisories stay up to date with the information that's coming out from the burrow as well as the office of Emer Emergency Management that's about it for me I also just wanted to add that July 1 is going to be the public meeting um for uh the Frank Hall Park uh so if you haven't yet take the survey it's uh the link is on our website and July 1 will be uh a public meeting where uh we'll get to uh get some more interaction and public engagement regarding what's going to happen at that reboot um did you have uh some from um EC uh not from EC but um I wanted to ask uh Michael I'm not quite sure about the status of the sound wall for the skate park the skate board park what's this what's going on well it wasn't a sound wall that we doing um we put the the slats in in the new fencing to uh to have some privacy for that we were going to put arbores in but we found out that apparently they won't grow with the sandy soil there um Joe did you have somebody checked it out last week for different yeah so I think there's a list of suggestions that going to DPW some sound reducing established vegetation right so okay so we're looking at some amongst other Leland Cyprus and skip laurel they're both uh very they're fast growing and they're dense and they're very skinny so they'll be able to grow in that little space uh that's the buffer area between the residence and uh the skate park okay and one other thing I just wanted to mention on June 27th there's a workshop here back the burrow Hall regarding uh flood mitigation it's open to all residents uh to explain how to go and use a forerunner which is a program to help you figure out if you're home if you're in the flood zone uh how to uh better get better uh flood insurance rates so that's at 6:30 here on June 27 and that's it Mr Leo report well um this Saturday is the taste of Highlands you know what yeah and there's also a chance to buy 50/50 tickets that drawing will be on Sunday and it's going to be hot and beautiful it's going to be hot and beautiful absolutely so I look forward to seeing people around town if no one has anything else then that will be the end of report reports Thurs um Joe is there anything that you would like to add or Michael we're going back and forth with locally on that road we responded to their comments so once we have authorization for on that um maybe just trying to get ahead of the county make it so that they have ni easy Cur pay against right kind of trome so I think right did the C uh did kaf ever sign off on our permit for judging for Jones freak they for comments ACR sign on someone's desk and they're just like yeah to make sure doesn't have problem with it's one of the things I think my per gr sure it's been there we it's June 11 gotcha okay we appreciate your diligence that take based on what county estimated when that's days of four days of work here removing that was based off that was done last year so one huge operation right few days of getting stuff out of there okay excellent thank you anything further no okay um then I will we'll go to the public portion statement individuals wishing to address the council shall be recognized by the presiding officer and shall give their name address and group if any they represent although the council and enes public participation it reserves the right through his presiding officer to terminate remarks to in or by any individual not in keeping with the conduct of a proper and efficient meeting if any individual refuses to conduct themselves in a proper manner they will be removed from the meeting the council will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or discipline of any specific or perspective or current there's a 3 minute time limit for your comments are there any comments from the [Applause] public um first question is um Jones you know the limits of the direction is on the area from short to day or from day down to the okay um secondly with regard to resolution r241 129 um the word of the B initiative to me is pretty pror and also the fact that it's asked to accept the Army Corp plan to me it's um not taking advantage of or it's sort of advocating the town's responsibility to engage and come up with its plan and make that work with the Army for to get a mutually agreeable it's you're making a sort of a take it or leave it it's that plan which we know is not implementable or acceptable but there's whatever between the state and federal money it's about $160 million I think and that would potentially solve what could be the most important problem in this town 11 which is plotting from storm sech and to miss this opportunity it's going to be my gu three decades before we ever had another chance to solve this problem problem so I think it's really your responsibility as the administration of this town to take advantage of this opportunity roll your sleeves up and do the hard work on the mutually acceptable plan and not just point the finger at your Army core and say we don't like it it's very easy to say no it's very hard to get to yes but it's something we need to do we need as a town to come to some agreement of some solution to I I can tell you that uh the tetina Colliers is working very closely with the Army Corps of Engineers with the uh brick uh the fena brick grant that Sol the flooding from and that is the one thing rinkle the only death a foot deep storm surge could kill us it could destroy this town 3 ft of water at the corner of and Miller and see how many businesses come back in in months or years it's going to it has the potential to really make this town financially ins insol um but I I think it's really important that we work hard to find some compromise solution and I understand it's very very hard and people are going to be angry no one's going to get everything they want and we just have to accept that but you know if we walk away now no one's coming back for Dees with this month you know they will not want to engage again so I just I think it's really important and if she get those initiative in I would also suggest that could be a set initiative that would say do people support continuing to work with your to find a mutually acceptable plan to solve the longterm risk of storm surge and the increasing frequency of title nuisance flood cuz it's really a problem I don't see any other I mean you talk about these brick TR and these other things they're not solving the fact that we get title water salt water in the streets we do an Army Corps is the first to say that their plan will not solve our everyday title flooding they are the first people to say that and they said it on videotape not reir to Sol exactly it is but but you can't look to that Pro to say that's going to solve all of our everyday issues because it won't but it will solve the title it will create a barrier against tile FL but it's in the Army Corps is authorized to Pro that specific authorization for that project is to prevent storm surge so they can't say it's going to solve title flooding because it's not an authorized purpose of the project so I understand the difference it's what can say according to their regulations and the reality of what that project will do are not necessarily and and I think we're committed like I just mentioned in my report to give as many facts that we can offer out ahead of this election or ahead of that ballot initiative we we want and have committed to making this a public choice in whether or not to support the plan this is our best opportunity to get large turnout in order to say whether or not we want to go forward I agree with you Mr Canon like not everybody's going to get what they want exactly have we have to make a decision and choose it as accept people saw that plan it's not acceptable it's also not complete right would you would agree that that their plan is as you went to the meeting yourself there's there's lacking of so many details that will help people neighborhood by neighborhood go through what is acceptable how do people use the interface with the water how to best incorporate some sort of a barrier against flood I I I appreciate that and I know K you've been working on this more than anybody you know as far as their willingness to take that particular approach of carving up the plan and breaking it down I haven't seen any willingness to to take that to take those steps from the Army Court sure and that's why we looked at the wording and it said yes should we accept we didn't say should we reject because you don't want to start off with a negative um and it says as present Ed at the May 14th meeting because it's taken them four years well longer than that it's taken them since 19990 right right so it's but it's taken them since they got their they got 100% authorized in 2020 but their plan is only at 30% so yes could there be another dip in the water as as it gets more as they show us more don't see why not I think that you could leverage the relationship with state of New Jersey to come in and because they are the official s is the partner to the Army courp and that they would support working at the community level and they have the leverage to the core and if there are betters or changes to the core plan that they cannot pay for maybe you can get the state to come up and put the money on or at least a good portion of it and I I would suggest reaching out to the state for their engagement in doing this and if you can't get the Army Core the state is the official sponsor they have to they're the ones with any leverage with the Joe if you'd like to speak more about what your work with um both Army Corps and the state their project our project I agree with that D is more in line what saying is that they they want to have that Community input and they understand who's on the ground what the problems with a large scale project like this are because they being within other are so there are some people to it forun 75 25 split and at the end of the day our conversations have been more not that we're say take Pro take they're only authorized to do by sen the line that we saw that meeting on and there we had conversations what're about doing this what about fing this are what about changing this type of gate what about all this no no no and unfor that's like conversations that we've had because we understand you don't want to take over 25 and go through a RightWay acquisition for 3 four years but some of their plan is very quick to De C for is going to be problematic and then real estate's involved whole so we've had these comos over the last 8 n months and again it continues to be the M of February what you saw on May 14th the same right that what you saw it was very similar but I had asked to give us concrete examples of what it's going to look like because it was always different hashed lines on a flat piece of paper and people don't understand that exactly exactly U Community Center and venance and what you know we've been at least I've been talking about with them since you know 2016 is you know how do we afford the growing number that was under 10 million before now it's up to 13 million by the time it gets enacted it's probably going to be 15 million when that's one time one and a half times what we raise in taxes in any given year um and we did try we tried with a whole host of different ways to go about getting getting for the that Waterfront access know they're they're very I'm not bashing on the Army Corps but I'm just saying what they can do what what is in their perusal what they're allowed to do so they're allowed to take apart your deck that goes to your dock that goes to the water but they're not allowed to put it back so that's on the property owner and they don't say that in the public meetings but they say it in our private meetings and so it's unfortunate that people are thinking oh I might get a new you know dock out of this or at least they're going to put back what they took away but they don't say that at the meetings and that's that's why I try to say all of the things that are happening [Music] meeting and really get around at the in is at some point in time I was I done there was a better cost analysis yes that number allowed for that money to be allocated to this time if we change the design we are changing the cost and that is directly going to impact the Ben so they would have to go all the way back and Poss the BCA which they all us don't do that right I I say if they exceed the authorized costs plus inflation by more than 20% it breaks what they call 92 C and they have to go to a validation report the new cost year so there are limits but if there are betterments that would be um excluded from that they're not part of the benefit cost ratio but if you do the issue about um sort of what they call relocations and Replacements Sly the bridge they can tear it down but it's the non Federal sponsors responsibility to put it back um and same utilities but the non-federal sponsor gets credit for that cost as their 35% share so it's not a flat out it doesn't it it doesn't really change but their Shar is not 35% that's a misnomer because their share is 75% of the 35% and our share is 25% FAL State share yeah 35% but anything on these Replacements land eement rights away relocations and disposal is a offset to the non-federal share so it's not like this number that doesn't you know I mean it's it's credited it's 35% cash less lands chars away in disos areas and their cost calculations and the other thing I wanted to bring up is on the OM a lot of that is for home stations that we pay for already or will pay for with the new pump station well we are it's only one new pump station we already have two one more new pum station I think they're plan call for C that would be in MO of the P station that's in the ver and then a second P station that they would would replace what the town house or the town sort of credit for cost of put a new compation in you know there are ways there are ways to maneuver and there ways there are changes that follow within their commanders um Authority versus things that have to go back to Congress and you have a real advocate in Congress oh we are well aware he's truly been you know in the corner of the for a long time I'd like to point something out though um the uh the issue of eminent domain and there are people that live um in the various homeowners associations that don't want the wall and if um the government or decides that they're going to issue ENT domain the town Highlands will be responsible for all the legal cours that that will entail and I'm just thinking in terms of taxpayers of Highlands can we afford that we've got to factor that into the whole equation as well too becomes part of the right 25% of the 75% of the 35% we can go on and on yeah I just you know done a lot of these projects over the years a lot of different town so very familiar with both the state working with the state and federal government on these projects but I think it's I think the need is clear the need is never mentioned in the resolution I the word in the resolution throws all the nees out there and not the and the positives and it makes it a wife we're accepting it we're not trying to make it our own and I I just found it to be sort of pror in the language that's being used and that I mean there's no way I couldn't V for it that you know I think there's a need so you know just wanted to bring that up thank you yes yes you do I just language yeah yeah okay would you like to hear right now it's just sitting right in front of me what are you going to do to educate the public oh there's going to be meetings all over the place meetings cont content on the website for certain and we tried to make it really easy to understand why and I am going to read it it says should the burough of Highlands accept the large scale Federal flood wall project as presented at the May 14th 2024 public meeting which includes the possible exercise of emminent domain to take private property with an initial estimate cost estimated cost to the taxpayers of at least $13 million in addition to the annual funding paid by taxpayers for maintenance estimated to be at least $500,000 per year um I'm using all of these estimated dollars because you have to factor in for inflation um I think just from 2020 till now um for every dollar a $ 2020 it's now uh $140 but when you're looking at that those types of numbers the if this happens in 10 years I don't know what that number is going to be because I have no idea what inflation is going to be by then it is only 30% complete by definition all Municipal questions are non-binding okay so what we're putting this out here right now is is that this is the first time the Army Corp has been back here since 2017 so it's been it's been a while as many of you know our res a lot of residents have turned over you know some have left some have come some have grown um so people need to know what's out there and how it may or may not affect their not just their property this is not an uptown downtown versus downtown people this is um it's the whole town it's the whole character of the town it's how are you going to get to the beach what certain beaches are you now not going to be able to get to because they're enclosed um or the only way to get to them is by water say so um and Jason Shay from the core said it best he goes you either have to adapt to the flooding or you have to adapt to the plan or you have to come up with something else is when that's what we did with brick it's something different is it going to you know Sandy Hook saves us from a lot of storm surge because it takes that it it takes the hit for us of of the tsunami wall is not going to come for us Lord help you know Lord willing I had to say that out loud but um we're working on it and we need to make sure that you know five people sitting up here are making a decision for over 5,000 people and we're not making uh a budgetary decision of $10 million this is hundreds of millions of dollars and we need to know that the people are behind the decision because if the people aren't behind the decision we're not going to you know arbitrarily and capriciously say you don't know what you're talking about we're just going to do it anyway because that's not we're not here for that reason we're here to make it better not to so it's goes away no they're not going to go away they've been 100% funded to finish this plan and maybe uh this gets voted no and we have all of our public meetings and uh people give us more input and uh maybe as as Mike Canon said you know things that we can work towards having individual meetings by reach which is the areas that they carve up Highlands by and you know then also sort of like what we did with the master plan where you have various stakeholders groups because maybe a business owner that doesn't live here is going to have a completely different um thought process than a family that's been here for 200 years or somebody Uptown versus downtown or you know any combination of these people and you really have to get a cross-section and I mean the more ideas the better and as as we go about this process um we are learn you know we're learning more about what works what doesn't work um some of we're looking at a lot of our valves now cuz our duck don't work here because it's most of our outfalls are below um the waterline and uh as you can tell from Jones Creek the flat valve just does not work because there's too much debris um in animals and all sorts of things that happen there um so we have to play with the different process there's new things getting invented all the time and we need to remain cognizant of what those things are and how we can best apply them to What's Happening Here in Highlands because like I said Sandy Hook saves us from a lot so we're not dealing like our title action is not velocity it's not wave action um because most of us are in the a the AE Zone not in a vzone there are certain sections that are in a vzone but not not many here in town we were degraded from that which I didn't understand even why but that's fine that's another fena issue but and we're talking with everybody we're talking with FEMA we're talking with the core we're talking with the EP we're talking with our Engineers but um yes that doesn't necessarily mean the will be built we just continuing with the process we have to just every once in a while and I'm a firm maybe it's my background in research but I'm a firm believer and you put stuff out there you let people become engaged and you let them give you an answer to a question or two because you can't get to everybody absolutely yes and I promised it at the um uh at the community meeting on May 14th and I'll I'll I made myself another note I'm going to make you know as Mike and I were going back and forth about the whole 20% of 35% and blah blah blah it's all very confusing but I will lay it out in a way that it is much more easy eily digestible the rules are yeah they they really are they really are but you know the math is not that easy when I mean the math is very easy Once you understand it and once it's broken down properly and Don will help with graphics and and we're here every other Wednesday yeah um one of the things when you look at their plan like they show this plan through refence part it' be very easy to take that plan relocate Through The High Ground build a area behind it for walking they they can't put it next to the marina because there's a a sewer sanary sewer underneath and it won't take the weight of it right they they showed a different variants about going through the basketball court going through The Monuments I mean it's really could be done wayes into that creat someing in stage off so the G doesn't have to be operated as often there are a lot of things that could the area platform you gr access right I mean there's they they don't and they've been we've been through all of these meetings with all the different variations of of where to put them it's hard okay all right just to let you know though we keep on talking to them even though they say no we come back and we come back with more things exactly plan to the community and if they I know the calls the and the answer will change what does that mean I don't understand he he's speaking in politics yeah go toone andone okay we're like wildly out of where we should be at this point in time does anybody else have any other um public comments regarding this or anything else okay then if no one else has any further comments I'm going to end the public portion executive session yes please executive session will be held following the regular council meeting prior to each executive session the burough Council will convene an open session at which time a resolution will be adopted in accordance with njsa 104-113 no formal action will be taken during the executive session resolution to enter executive session be it resolved that the following portion of this meeting shall not be open to the public be further resolved that private consideration is deemed required and is permitted because of the following note exception set forth in the ACT potential litigation litigation be it further resolve that it is anticipate that the matters to be considered in private may be disclosed to the public at a later date when the need for privacy no longer exists I will make that offer I'll second all in favor I I thank you thank you for coming out everyone motion carries to enter executive session at 758 motion to thank you second off second all in favor thank you meeting adour at 8:42 thank you everyone