Mar would you like to proceed yes please good evening this is the meeting of the burrow Highlands mayor and Council regular meeting on Wednesday March 20th 2024 the notice requirements provided for in the open public meetings act have been satisfied notice that this meeting was properly given by transmission to the asay park press and the two River times and by posting at the B of Island municipal building and in with the burough clerk all on January 1st 2024 items listed on the agenda are subject to change please stand for the pledge of [Music] allegiance to the of the United States of America to the repblic for stands one nation god indiv with liberty and justice for all and will now do a roll call council member SES here council member CH here Council melck council president sheski here mayor bran here first we have the approval of minutes March 6 2024 meeting minutes second council member santes yes Council M yes council president sh yes mayor bran yes motion carries to approve March 6 2024 meeting minutes next we have March 6 2024 executive session minutes Al second council member santes yes council member CH yes council president meski yes mayor Bulan yes motion carries to approve March 6 2024 executive session minutes next we have public hearing on proposed ordinance 0243 amending chapter 21 zoning and land use regulations part 7 flood damage prevention article 24 flood damage prevention section 21-12 permits does anyone before I open this to public does anyone have any comment on this ordinance this was if you recall changing some of the um the uh feeds right for reviewing flip point no questions I'll open it to the public there any questions seeing no questions I will close it public portion and I'll offer this ordinance I'll second council member santes yes member chac yes council president sheski yes mayor bran yes motion carries 0243 passed on second and final reading next we have introduction of proposed ordinance 0244 amending chapter 22 Environmental Protection sections 22- 1.2 purpose comma 22- 1.3 definitions and word word usage adding new section 22 -1.8 tree replacement requirements and appendix a burrow of Highland suggested trees and shrubs and reing the remaining sections uh this ordinance is um is both uh coming from uh D guidance and also to make sure uh the clear cutting of the Hill never happens again right wish Joe was here yes I wish you was I think you probably read it and said you could stay home uh so I will uh offer that I will second it that was council member CH seconding yes yes yes council member santes yes council member Chach yes council president shy I just have one question sure why would they and this is just thr out because I'm reallying you're trying to figure out instead of measuring the circumference of the tree why the diameter which is only half and how do you get the diameter do the circumference and then div just a just a why would you measure trees by D chest I understand that but why why not measure the circumference instead of diam well and the the whole chest highe is kind of ridiculous because what's chest High to Chief Burton is completely different than what's just ey to me or to Ariana completely different measurement yeah calculations I had to have a tree taken down last year it was dead2 I that was like I guess I would have said 36 but definitely yes I was just curious mayor bran yes motion carries to pass 0244 on first reading but the public hearing to be held on April 17th 2024 next we have consent agenda mayor would you like me to read the resolutions by title yes please R 24085 authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for a grinder replacement at the shore sewer pump station R 24086 authorizing the release of community a rental security deposit R 24087 authorizing refund of tax overpayment um R 24088 authorizing the purchase of a 2024 Ford Superduty F450 truck through sourcewell R 2489 authorizing payment of bills R 24090 accepting donation by the highlands Garden Club for the installation of the sprinkler system at the Doughboy Monument I have a question about the purchase of the 2024 Ford Super Duty F450 truck what is that for exactly what what is it area uh it's actually replacing one of the older pickup trucks that's all rusted out it's going to be used for plowing and general ppw maintenance we bonded the money for this last year in the capital ordinance okay great thank you all right I will offer the consent agenda I'll second council member santes yes council member tat yes council president meski yes mayor buan yes motion carries to adopt resolutions R 24085 through r4090 next we have other business hang on hang on before we get to other business I have a question for Andy as this just happened recently um our tree commissioner has decided to resign uh do we have to appoint someone as an interim tree commissioner because then nobody will be looking at the Trees of Our Fair lands ideally we should have someone appointed I don't think it's necessarily something that needs to be immediate so we could take until the next meeting to Appo of formal position by res resolution if that's possible if there's still no candidates by that point we should consider doing an interim appointment until someone is finalized okay I've V on to reach out to the people on the tree commission first and then we'll volun told someone okay yes absolutely okay I'm sorry we can now go to other business well that could have been other business too um state cross acceptance what is that that is the letters attached to your packet um it's something out of the division of planning where the state Planning Commission uh wants to update the state development and Redevelopment plan and as part of the process we have to by April 8th we have to create a committee of five or fewer people to assist the municipality through the cross uh acceptance process and we have to send uh those they do not need to be appointed by a resolution and we just need to give those uh names and details over to the state planning forward uh then collects digital zoning and land use maps and GIS and all those things that Kathy Shaw has been working on um all of those those need to be given over to the uh state plant update as well as um also the maps that cers did for us I want to say two years ago for both the uh storm sewer and the sanitary sewer uh so that's something that I guess unless I have a volunteer I'll work on with Mike just get some people together for this um so that we are compliant so we should have that together before next meeting even though we don't need to do it at a meeting maybe we'll find the true commission so so these five people will or less or less okay we'll work with all these different they'll work with the state to update uh to gather all of this information and get it over to the state so that the state could update their planning okay I'm just wondering if maybe there might be something on the environmental commission that might be M absolutely I was thinking Joe very much like a volunteer be te very good and I'm thinking Mark s would be a good tip for this that's exactly who I perfect okay okay on to reports you want to get started you have okay all right School updates um went to the HS um meeting the other night and um some as reporting out um the PT the HS PTO had a breakfast for all staff a book fair uh was in place and the school was planning on the a short a country school hours later on um the off the month for each grade were noted and awarded uh two teachers are winners of the teacher of the year both were ill and this will be awarded at the next meeting uh the principal's report has um cited a very successful reading Across America activities including a themed Spirit character dress up for a stop and read event in which students spent one half an hour reading the book that they enjoyed gr's case with three celebrated by reading Dr Seuss with their teachers kids books for a Big Book Exchange um $3,600 was raised in some event or another in which AAL got tied yes that was the uh the the hard challenge a pie in the face yes not only that he also got Silly String when I think of some of the principles I knew yes in face uh this is administrators report New Stage curtains were put up and they're really lovely um windows with internal blinds um will be ordered and installed the boiler issues have been fixed the HVAC work will be going on over the spring break the roofing work awaits a state sign up off on grant money that's already obtained and the work will be done this summer and successful summer programs will be in effect again this summer uh the superintendent was there and spoke to the fact that there is a state regulation in which if you have more than 20 students in a district who speak a different language at home then the district has to look into bilingual education which would in effect have two class periods a day for these students it was unclear whether those 20 students have to be within one building I don't know if that was made clear but uh Atlantic Highlands has 17 Henry Hudson has 10 and Highlands has 14 students uh preliminary budgets will be submitted March 20th um um they'll be somewhat incomplete as the state still hasn't set up the means to project grants for the new regionalized budgeting software um they are working uh to achieve virtual integration across the three former districts teachers unions are working with the superintendent to address different contract aspects such as salary uh time and calendar situations that existed in each building if not resolved until such can be resolve the elementary salary guide and calendar which functions at Atlantic Highland will apply because they are the larger of the two elementes Henry Hudson reg will continue on with what exists until a uniform plane across all three facilities becomes one um I was just at the transitional meeting at the high school and um tremendous number of camps theater fand steam strength and conditioning stem MASS Soccer drama creative arts and language arts uh will be offered this summer I did ask how they're funded and in the past they have been funded big grants um going forward that may not be so and if that is the case then they will attempt to try and budget for it um Henry Hudson Regional PTO hosted their annual gift auction and race an incredible $322,000 um Highland Lions Club was there tonight they had donated $88,000 to use to buy ice cream um uh for each school that's okay yeah I have a few things um I met with Kathy Shaw who uh worked with the building department to uh implement the community rating system to uh work on uh flood mitigation and and lowering insurance rates and she's very impressive boy she knows a lot of stuff um so I'm starting to learn all about this and I think this is going to be great for Highlands uh for especially for the people of course that live in the the flood prone areas I live in that area as well mayor does too and um once we this is put through with this Forerunner program uh I think it's going to be a savings for a lot of residents and that's that's businesses yeah in the flood zone yeah yeah for residences and businesses um environmental Commission um we were to meet with mayor Burton but um he couldn't make it at our last meeting we will probably in May he'll be at the main meeting because I believe next month it's on the Monday the second Monday and that's meet and GRE here so um we'll be asking the um the chief to come to the next meeting um but there's nothing really new uh to report there they're um the thing with the lights over on Sandy Hook if you recall which is not even part of Highlands um dateway uh fully agreed with them and are changing it and it was one letter and they I told them I said you know uh put palone CC palone yeah Congressman colone on it and um it happened like that wow there you go so yeah yeah yeah sometimes all you need to do is speak up exactly and they and now they're working on a noise noise pollution in town and spefic specifically with um cars that have their exhaust systems altered and then with the summer months and also the loud motorcycles that come through to see if we can uh or the police department can mitigate that somewhat that's why they're going to meet with the the chief and uh that's about it for me Leo very short report parade rain rain rain is it the Satur right okay and the parade is on yeah and the parade is on rain or shine and is its own eological system you never well you don't know like and I was I was saying before the meeting High uh low tide rather is at uh right when the parade steps off so even if it's raining it's low tide so drainage should be uh not a problem um anyone have anything else they like to add you know one thing I would add I'm sorry Les we got the opportunity to go the county had a a meeting um to talk about for 250th anniversary and it was great there were like historians and historical clubs from all over the county and there was so much energy in that room um and there's a lot of good things um that I'll get together and get out there but one of the things they have we known earlier about it is they have this big truck that's just an advertising vehicle for to stuff on it that moves and whatever and it will come to any anything we're doing here oh yeah we'll need that number to get it down here definitely be fun um and there's grant money I'm going to dig into that and just everybody was excited about all these towns you know well we have to have Captain huie very much absolutely celebration yeah and I I'm sure that the HBP could do things also too to promote it absolutely yeah be red white and blue all over the place that' be nice right okay um I'll open up Qui portion individuals wishing to address the council shall be recognized by presiding officer and shall give their name address and group of any they represent although the council encourages public participation and Reserves the right through his presiding officer to terminate remarks to and or by any individual not in keeping with the conduct of a proper and efficient meeting if any individual refuses to conduct themselves in a proper manner they will be removed from the meeting the council will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointments termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or discipline of any specific or perspective or current employee there's a three minute time limit for your comments good evening uh good evening all thank you for the opportunity to speak uh my name is Matt ' Conor and my address is one senic Drive Unit 311 of the uh East Point Condos uh I have owned my residence since 2012 I am representing myself only um a as a concerned taxpayer I am asking for this council's help uh the East Point Board of Governors Corner property management and DMD care planned and performed Plumbing work from March 1st to March 3rd of 2024 and related work continued on the 4th and 5th notice is announcing the planned Plumbing work were delivered on February 23rd with arrangements with local restaurants and stated in in a letter and email provided by Chris gance the property manager from corner property it said the Board of Governors the highlands Building Department officials Highlands Fire Department officials and I meaning Chris gance have all worked on this program there were issues with the work performed including backups in my laundry room that I am now experiencing since the repairs um and and significant I have videos of them there was unexplained discolored water uh that Victor Diaz of the MD care said he would not touch or drink but there was no prior warning of such concerns regarding the condition of the water once turned back on um there was also inconsistent information for example Vic bear from DMD stated that they were flushing the system which was not previously disclosed and does not make sense um due to my concerns and questions from other owners asking for proof of license Plumbing licenses that remain unanswered by the East Point Board of Governors and Chris Gans from corner property um I did a couple things I spoke with Alicia Jones of the building and zoning office on the afternoon of March 8th Alicia informed me while the work required permits none were filed wow I called both the new New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs and the State Board of examiners of master plumbers and I I I don't know if there was a licensed plumber on this job the board will not answer direct questions from other owners but based on conversations I've had other people have told me again the s heite that it's Victor Diaz of DMD care it was an email from L lawyer stating that DMD care did the work but when I called the both the division of Consumer Affairs and the State Board of examiners of mass with plumbers I was told there were no Plumbing licenses for Victor Diaz and no license associated with DMD care so as a person that has an undivided interest in the property being worked on I fear work without permits and licenses if that did indeed happen I don't know I'm asking the question not making any accusations but if that did happen I fear that it could put me in a position exposing me to financial liability and decreased property value so my statements here are to the best of my knowledge based on information available to me and I am making them in good faith therefore as a taxpayer I'm asking for this Council help to investigate the apparent concerns over permits and licenses and take all measures to enforce all penalties for any possible violations that may exist thank you very much for your time do I'm sorry do you have that written that you could furnish to Mr Melo uh what I have written is the um notifications that went out on uh February 23rd there was sent by regular mail email and then this was attached to my door which um I believe was attached to everyone else's door but but I but I don't know but in here you'll see a packet where I don't know how much of this you need but there is along with this email that was sent out there was an acknowledgement form here um where it talks about a proactive plumbing repairs from March 1st to the 3rd and down here see where I'm I just think any documentation that you have if you could um give it to m or mik make a copy of it okay then you could just forward it to to Mike because uh what Mike's going to do uh tomorrow is he's going to contact the building department and we're going to get some inspectors up there and uh see it's and talk to Chris because Chris should know a lot better I've met him on many of the occasions uh that he should not be doing any work without permit and and your your money that you pay for your permit pays for your inspection and it's it's like your guarantee that your work is getting if you choose an unscrupulous contractor that these the inspectors will come and make sure that they're licensed and make sure that the work that they've done is correct um great and mayor thank you so much for for having understanding that because um I'm certainly not trying to point fingers or or place any blame I understand people are busy and there's a lot of things so maybe someone just hasn't been able to get back to me but before coming here as I mentioned I went I went to the building and zoning office I called um Mr brunt the code enforcer he assured me he was going to pass that information along I when I went to the office I left my phone number email um and and my name um for for for them to get back to me and I haven't heard there was uh when you say you went to the office you mean the Construction office or you me building and zoning office when I spoke with um Alicia Jones gotcha so and um I part of the reason why I came here is because there was an open meeting um last Wednesday for the East Point HOA and um without warning and and without reason I it was a zoom meeting I was removed from the reading I was not allowed to block I was blocked to get back in I was removed um which was truly upsetting as someone who's paid Association fear since 2012 we're talking about 12 years now um so I was not allowed to ask these questions um so I in the past I'm sorry no whoever was running the meeting the I have screenshots of it the host are there other residents that have had the same problems as yes another Resident yeah I mean there are a number of concerns there um I've asked for financial records now um those have not been provided um there's a number of ongoing issues but I didn't come here to get into all that right I came in here to to ask for your help because as a as a taxpayer I I I feel I'm hoping that that that this Council and the department here can can can provide some help here because absolutely and this is just one more reason that we are so incredibly grateful that we have our building department back because um having the building department right here is you're not sending someone over to Middletown and the Lord only knows when they're going to get to it our people are our people we pay them and they're here great okay great thank you so much so I I will send an email with with informations and attach some emails for just have thank you so much appreciate the time to speak I appreciate your concern okay Gabriel do you have any questions no Ariana no she's sleeping okay then I will close the public portion executive session executive session will be held following the regular council meeting prior to each executive session the on borrow Council will convene an open session at which time a resolution will be adopted in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-13 no formal action will be taken during executive session resolution to enter executive session be it resolved that the following portion of this meeting shall not be open to the public be further resolved that the private consideration is deemed required and is permitted because of the following noted exception set forth in the ACT PPA contract be it further resolve that is anticipated that the matter to be considered in private May be disclosed to the public at a later date when the need for privacy no longer exists I'll for that resolution a second council member svantes yes Council M yes council president meski yes mayor bran yes motion carries to enter executive session at 7:29 okay I make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I thank you meeting and at 736 beautiful